. . . .
Part I
“Wendi! Thank you sooo much!” My friend Mandy was really sounding so grateful. “I really owe you”!
“Sure, Mand,” I said. “Glad to do it. You and Josh go have a good time! I’ll cover the babysitting.”
Mandy had just been invited by her boyfriend Josh to spend the weekend with him and her parents at Rockwood Resort, up in the mountains. They were leaving Friday afternoon. She had wanted to go, but she had already accepted a babysitting job for Friday and Saturday for Mrs. Goodwin, who had two boys. I agreed to fill in for her and watch the Goodwin kids so she could go. It was a Friday night, and I didn’t have school the next day. And, after all, there aren’t a lot of places a sixteen-year-old girl in school can earn money, besides the occasional weekend babysitting stint.
When I told my mom that I would be babysitting Friday night, she had sounded glad. “Mrs. Goodwin is a good lady,” she said. “Since her husband left, she has had a rough time, working full-time and raising the two twin boys. And they’re coming to an age where they can be a handful.”
“Oh, I’ll keep them in line,” I said with a grin.
. . . . .
“Thank you so much for filling in for Mandi,” Mrs. Goodwin was effusive. “I don’t know how I’d manage without your help. My boss needs me to go to this seminar tonight and tomorrow, and he’d be so upset with me if I didn’t go. And of course, I can’t leave Danny and Denny alone here.”
“Glad to help, Mrs. Goodwin,” I said.
Mrs. Goodwin was dressed for a business trip. She was wearing a white blouse and dark blue skirt, and a blazer to match, and had a briefcase alongside her overnight bag. I almost felt out of place, in my tee shirt and jean shorts and sandals.
“Let me show you around a little,” she offered. She took me into the kitchen and showed me where she’d already prepared supper and lunch for the boys and me, and where a box of sweet rolls was stored for tomorrow’s breakfast. As she finished the tour, two eleven-year-old boys walked in.
“These are my two sons, my twins, Dennis and Daniel.”
The two boys looked at me, checking me out, up and down. They were both about half a foot taller than me (I’m kind of short.) and slim and wiry.
“Hi,” I smiled. They grinned back at me.
“Boys, this is Wendi. She’ll be staying with you while I’m gone. I want you to do what she tells you, and I know you’ll help her find anything she needs. Won’t you?”
“Sure, Mom,” nodded one of them. The other nodded.
Mrs. Goodwin looked at me amusedly. “Just so you can keep them straight, the one with the ‘I’m Cool’ tee shirt on is Denny. Danny is the one in the blue.”
“Thanks,” I grinned. “I’ll get it right. Danny, right?” I pointed to the one in the blue tee shirt.
He grinned at me. “Right!”
“And I’m Denny,” grinned the “Cool” one.
“Got it,” I said. “And if I get it wrong, you guys be sure to correct me if you need to. Okay?”
“Sure, Wendi.” Danny nodded.
Mrs. Goodwin picked up her overnight bag and briefcase. “Now,” she said, “I’ve got to get going, or I’ll be late for the opening of the conference. You guys got a kiss for your Mom?”
“Sure Mom!” Danny smiled. He gave Mrs. Goodwin a peck on the cheek. Denny did the same.
“’Bye, you guys,” she said. “’Bye, Wendi! I’ll see you all tomorrow afternoon.” And she walked out the front door.
. . . . .
The evening went by pretty smoothly. We had supper. Mrs. Goodwin had left everything ready, so it was pretty easy to pull it out of the fridge, warm it up, and serve it. As we ate, we talked. I found out that they were both on the basketball and track teams at their school, and that they had a couple of friends, mostly guys, that they hung out with, although Danny did admit to thinking that one of the girls in his class was ‘really hot.”
With supper over, we cleared the table and washed and dried the dishes. I didn’t know where any of the dishware went, so the boys were very helpful in putting the dishes and things away.
When things had all been put away, Denny said that he and Danny would be upstairs in their room playing video games. Then the two boys left.
Well, I thought, this leaves me down here to watch television. So I turned on the TV and got comfy on the couch.
After about a half hour of TV, I discovered that I had to make a trip to the bathroom, which was upstairs. As I reached the top of the steps I could hear all the electronic beeps and burps coming from the boys’ room. I thought, they’re really into whatever game they’re playing, I’ll have to check in on them.
I went into the bathroom. As I came out, I headed for the boys’ bedroom. The beeping had stopped. I stood at the doorway and peered in. Only Danny was there.
“Just checking,” I smiled.
Danny nodded. “Everything’s good up here,” he grinned.
I looked around. “Where’s Denny?”
“Right here,” said a voice behind me. I suddenly felt two hands grab my arms and pull them behind me. Then I felt a cord tying my two hands together behind my back.
“Hey!” I yelped.
Denny’s voice came from behind me, “Hey. Danny! Help me get her into the bedroom!”
“Untie me right now!” I demanded. Denny kept pushing me into the room. I kicked as hard as I could, but it didn’t seem to help.
“Get her up on the bed,” Denny commanded.
Danny lifted me by my legs, as Denny clutched my arm. Together, the boys lifted me up onto the bed and laid me down on my stomach. I was still kicking.
Suddenly Denny’s strong hands grabbed my ankles and held them together. “Quick! Tie her feet up!” he ordered.
Danny quickly wrapped a cord around my ankles. It was a soft nylon cord, probably the kind that wouldn’t leave any marks. Then Denny bent my calves back behind me. I could feel them tying another cord around the cord binding my ankles, then looping it around to the cord around my hands.
“Shouldn’t we take off her sandals?” Danny asked.
“You better not,” I gasped, although I was in no position to demand anything at that moment. Denny chuckled and I felt my sandals coming off, leaving me barefooted.
“Let’s roll her over,” he ordered.
The two boys turned me over so I was facing the ceiling, with my bound hands and ankles under me. They hovered over me, grinning.
“We’ve got her right where we want her,” Denny chortled. He turned to Danny, and the two of them fist-bumped. Then they started looking at me again.
“You two will be in big trouble when your Mom hears about this,” I warned them, in as stern a voice as I could manage.
Danny looked at Denny. “She bothers me when she talks like that,” he said.
“Me too, Denny nodded.
“I have an idea, “Danny grinned suddenly. He went over to the corner of the room and came back with a piece of white cloth.
I started to shout “You better . . .” when suddenly he stuffed the white cloth into my mouth. It had a foul salty taste. I started to spit it out, but Denny was putting a big piece of tape over my mouth.
“Where did you get that thing,” he asked Danny.
Danny grinned maliciously. “From the laundry hamper. Those were the underpants I had on yesterday.”
Denny laughed. “Excellent!” he chortled. “They must be, ah, pretty well seasoned by now.”
I was now feeling sick and humiliated at being tied up and now having those underpants in my mouth, being forced to taste all the sweat from Danny’s crotch.
“Let me go!” I shouted. But, of course, it came out, “Lmmmph Mmmmmph Gmmph!” The boys laughed at me.
Danny went over to the dresser, and came back with his cellphone. He held it up and aimed it at me. I heard a “click,” sound, like an old-fashioned camera. Then he came around to the side of the bed, and held up the phone again. Once more, “click.”
“Good,” he said. “Now I have her picture.”
Denny leaned over, his face right in front of mine. “Here’s the deal,” he said to me. “These pictures are just for us. We’re never going to let anyone else see them. Unless, of course. . .” he paused, “unless you say anything to anyone about what we’re doing to you.” He chuckled evilly. “If you do, everyone at your school will get to see these.”
Danny commented, “That would sure be humiliating for you.”
“So, remember,” Denny patted my cheek with his fingers, “no telling on us. Understand?”
I nodded. What else could I do? I didn’t want my friends to see how I’d been hogtied and gagged on the bed in the boys’ bedroom. I’d never hear the end of it!
He stood up. Then he and Danny started looking me over again.
“She’s pretty,” Danny remarked.
“Yeah, she is”, said Denny. “She has pretty legs.”
He reached down and put his hand on the inside of my knee. Then he slowly slid his hand up the inside of my bare thigh, moving up and down, up and down. I shuddered, feeling his fingers caressing my bare skin. It seemed that each time his hand was getting a little closer to my shorts.
“Grmmmmmmph!” I protested.
Danny reached down and pushed up the bottom of my tee shirt. I felt his fingers stroking my bare stomach. I moaned. Then he reached down and unbuttoned the button on my shorts.
“Nmmmmmph!” I yelled.
Danny unzipped me, and pushed the top of my shorts aside, exposing my bare belly. His hand started petting my belly around and around.
I cried out again. “Nmmmmmph!”
Danny touched my bellybutton with his finger.
I’ve always been self-conscious about my bellybutton. I try to keep people from seeing it. It has a little “outie” thing in it that makes it look sort of like a little-girl bellybutton. My ex-boyfriend used to make fun of my bellybutton, and I hated it. It always embarrassed me, so I tried to keep my bellybutton covered up.
Now Danny licked his finger with his tongue. I could see the little spit bubbles on his finger. Then he touched my bellybutton with his moist fingertip, and rubbed it around and around. It made me shiver.
Denny chuckled. “I don’t think she likes it when we play with her belly button,” he chortled.
He grabbed the cellphone and held it up. “I wanna make sure I get that cute little belly button in the picture,” he snickered. I heard “snap,” and a few seconds later another “snap.”
“Make sure you get her face in the picture,” Danny advised.
“Oh, I am. If we have to send this to her school friends, I want them all to see that this is Wendi in the picture.” Then another “snap.”
Oh, my God! I could just imagine what some of the kids at school would say seeing me like this! Hogtied on some boy’s bed, gagged, with my shorts unzipped and my bare belly sticking obscenely up. I’d never hear the end of it! I’d want to die!
Danny ran his fingers down my belly to where my zipper ended. I could feel his finger playing with the edge of my panties.
“I like these cute little blue panties,” he purred. He ran his fingers along the elastic. It tickled my lower belly. “They have this lacy stuff on the edge.”
Denny suddenly straightened up. “Hey, let’s get her settled in for the night,” he advised. “We still have to adjust a few things here.”
Wendi Babysits the Twins
- Datom
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Re: Wendi Babystist the Twins
Part II
Denny suddenly straightened up. “Hey, let’s get her settled in for the night,” he advised. “We still have to adjust a few things here.”
He and Danny rolled me over and unfastened the cord holding my hands to my ankles. They stretched me out and rolled me over onto my back again. Then Denny sat down next to me and put his hands on my bare waist, and slid them under my tee shirt. He pushed my tee shirt up over my head and all the way up my arms to my bound wrists.
He looked at my bra. “This is gonna be fun,” he said under his breath. Then he reached around to my back and felt for my bra. His hands slid along my bare back. I felt my bra being unfastened. Denny pushed my bra up under my head and up along my arms to where my tee shirt was on my wrists, leaving my breasts bare for the boys to see.
“My goodness!” Denny exclaimed.
“She’s pretty!” Danny breathed. “She has pretty breasts.”
“She sure does,” agreed Denny, admiring my bare breasts. He cupped his hand under my left breast and held it there for a minute.
“They’re not real big,” Danny observed.
“No, they aren’t. That’s okay. I don’t really like girls with big boobs. These are the perfect size.” Denny’s hands had slid up my breast and his fingers were now playing along my bare nipple. It made me shiver.
“Look!” Danny observed. “Her little titty is getting all perky!”
Denny’s fingers tweaked my nipple playfully. It hurt. It made me flinch. “I think she likes it,” he chuckled.
“Well, let’s finish getting her ready for beddy-bye,” Danny said. He came around to the other side of the bed and put his hands on my sides. Then he pushed down, lowering my shorts along my legs until they were down by my feet. Now I had nothing on but my panties.
The boys were now admiring my panty-covered crotch.
“She’s nice!” Danny said.
“She sure is,” agreed Denny. “Look at that little crotch! You can see the shape of her lips inside her panties.”
“Camel-toe,” chuckled Danny. He reached down and touched my crotch and wiggled his finger. I gasped.
“See?” Denny grinned. “She likes it.”
“Angh gnuuuuu nmmmmpht!” I protested. They laughed at me.
Danny touched me with his finger, a little harder. “She’s getting damp down here,” he observed.
“She is? Let me feel.” Denny’s finger was now touching my crotch. I actually was getting damp.
“That means she likes it,” observed Danny. They both laughed at me.
“Well, let’s finish getting her ready for bed,” Denny suggested.
They reached up to where my wrists were bound. I felt something cold on my right wrist, and heard a “click” sound. They were handcuffing me. I felt the same cold feeling hand heard the same click again, on my other wrist. Then the cords were taken off my wrists and my tee shirt and bra were removed. Then Denny got on one side and Danny the other, and I felt the handcuffs pulling my arms outward. My arms were now fastened to the posts of the headboard. I tried moving them. I could bend them a little, but not enough to do me much good.
“Good,” Denny directed. “We’ll keep them a little loose so she can wiggle for us.”
I pulled a couple of times with my arms. Of course it was hopeless. The boys laughed at me.
“She thinks she can get away!” Snickered Denny. “Isn’t that cute!”
“Now her legs,” Danny announced.
His fingers took the elastic of my panties around the sides, and pulled down, gently slipping off my panties and revealing my naked crotch to the boys.
“Ooooh! Nice!” Denny purred, admiring my naked vagina.
Danny slipped my panties all the way down my legs to where my ankles were bound. Then the boys fastened more cuffs around my ankles, above the cord. They undid the cord and removed my panties from my bare feet.
Then Denny and Danny each went to a corner of the bed and began to pull on the ropes tied to the handcuffs. As they pulled, they spread my legs wider and wider apart. When I could no longer close my legs, they stopped and fastened the ropes to the footboard.
“Mmmmmmmmph!” I tried to protest.
And there I was—tied to the bed, naked as a baby, spread wide open, so these two adolescents could admire me. I couldn’t kick, I couldn’t shout out. All I could do was squirm, as these two hungry little boys ogled my breasts, my belly, and my vagina.
Denny reached down and took hold of my bare foot.
“I like the way she kicks her little feet,” he said, fingering my toes.
“Yeah, I like looking at those legs kicking up and down.” Then, “That was a good idea, not tying her too tight.”
“Yup. This way we can watch her struggle.”
“Oh, what about that window? When cars drive by?”
“What about it?”
“Won’t the light from the headlights flash in here and wake her up in the middle of the night?”
“Oooh, yeah, you’re right.” Denny went over to the dresser and picked up a small piece of blue cloth with an elastic band on it. “Let’s put this on her.”
“Good idea.”
Denny held it up so I could see it. It was a light blue mask, with white trim around the edges. On it were cartoons of a couple of big comical eyes with big silly eyelashes. Denny reached down and slipped the elastic over my head, adjusting the mask over my eyes. He stood back and he and Danny both laughed.
I was getting more helpless by the minute. Now I was tied up, naked, spread-eagle, gagged so I couldn’t talk, and now blindfolded so I couldn’t see anything. I could hear the boys chuckling.
“That blindfold looks so sweet on her!”
“She sure is pretty!”
“I like this part down here.” I felt a finger touching my vaginal lips. The finger ran down one side and up the other, then around again. I shivered.
“Look at her wiggle!”
“I think she likes when you do that.”
“Hold her down for me.”
I felt the finger make one more circle around my lips, then stop right on my clitoris. They were stimulating me, and I didn’t like it. The finger rubbed up and down gently on my clitoris, over and over. I started breathing heavily. I cried “Don’t!” Only it came out, “Dmmmph!”
They laughed. Then the finger suddenly went away.
I heard the two boys walking around in the room. Then, from the end of the bed, I heard a “click,” then a few seconds later another “click.” Another few seconds and another “click,” this one from one side.
These two little perverts were taking pictures of me in the nude!
“You know, if she squeals on us, we have to send these to her school friends.”
“Well, I hope she doesn’t.”
“Naw. We don’t want to embarrass her.” Chuckling. Another “click, closer to my breasts. Then several more “clicks,” from various directions. I was sure being thoroughly photographed!
After what seemed like an infinite number of “clicks,” the boys finally stopped. I felt a hand rubbing up and down my thigh. “I think we got enough for now,” said one of them.
“We better get her ready for bed.”
“Yeah. She’s gonna have a busy morning tomorrow.” They laughed.
Busy morning? I wonder what they meant.
“Hey, what if she pees all over the sheet?”
"Oh, yeah.” Pause “I know! I’ll be right back.”
I heard footsteps leaving the room. Then I felt a hand stroking my belly, around and around. Then I heard footsteps from the other one returning. The hand went away.
“We’ll just slide this under her ass and wrap it up around her.
“That’s not one of Mom’s good towels, is it?”
“Naw. This is that one that mom used to put on the floor of Daisy’s dog kennel.”
“Good. Then it’s probably full of old dried pee already.”
I felt a hand on each of my hips, lifting my middle up off the bed. Then I felt the towel being slid under my butt. Finally, I felt it being wrapped up over my crotch and up onto my belly.
“There! Now if she needs to pee, she can just do it into the towel.”
“We can clean her up tomorrow morning.”
I felt a squeeze on my toes, then heard footsteps leaving the room.
What would happen tomorrow? What was this “busy morning?”
I cried myself to sleep.
. . . . . . . . . .
“Wake up, Wendi,” a voice was saying. I opened my eyes but could still see only darkness. Then I remembered I had that mask on my eyes. And I felt the gag in my mouth. And I felt the cuffs on my hands and feet, holding me spread out naked on the bed.
“Come on, wake up!” It was the voice of a young teen boy. Then I remembered. Denny and Danny, and where I was.
“Time to wake up!” I felt a hand stroking the inside of my leg, sliding up to my crotch. Then I felt the towel being lifted off my belly and out from around my crotch.
“Oh, good. You peed for us.” The towel was pulled out from under my butt. “It’s fine. I’ll get you cleaned up.”
I couldn’t figure out whether this was Denny or Danny. They both sounded so similar. I felt a wet washcloth being rubbed around on my vaginal lips. The cloth was slightly warm, and it actually felt good. Then another washcloth, then a towel, gently patting me dry.
“We want you nice and clean,” he told me. “We’re going to show you to a couple of our friends this morning.”
Oh, no! My nude body was going to be displayed to at least two more horny adolescent boys! I was feeling totally degraded!
I felt his hand start to pet my bare belly. “Don’t worry,” he said. “You look adorable. They’re going to like you.” He chuckled.
The hand went away, and his footsteps left the room.
Denny suddenly straightened up. “Hey, let’s get her settled in for the night,” he advised. “We still have to adjust a few things here.”
He and Danny rolled me over and unfastened the cord holding my hands to my ankles. They stretched me out and rolled me over onto my back again. Then Denny sat down next to me and put his hands on my bare waist, and slid them under my tee shirt. He pushed my tee shirt up over my head and all the way up my arms to my bound wrists.
He looked at my bra. “This is gonna be fun,” he said under his breath. Then he reached around to my back and felt for my bra. His hands slid along my bare back. I felt my bra being unfastened. Denny pushed my bra up under my head and up along my arms to where my tee shirt was on my wrists, leaving my breasts bare for the boys to see.
“My goodness!” Denny exclaimed.
“She’s pretty!” Danny breathed. “She has pretty breasts.”
“She sure does,” agreed Denny, admiring my bare breasts. He cupped his hand under my left breast and held it there for a minute.
“They’re not real big,” Danny observed.
“No, they aren’t. That’s okay. I don’t really like girls with big boobs. These are the perfect size.” Denny’s hands had slid up my breast and his fingers were now playing along my bare nipple. It made me shiver.
“Look!” Danny observed. “Her little titty is getting all perky!”
Denny’s fingers tweaked my nipple playfully. It hurt. It made me flinch. “I think she likes it,” he chuckled.
“Well, let’s finish getting her ready for beddy-bye,” Danny said. He came around to the other side of the bed and put his hands on my sides. Then he pushed down, lowering my shorts along my legs until they were down by my feet. Now I had nothing on but my panties.
The boys were now admiring my panty-covered crotch.
“She’s nice!” Danny said.
“She sure is,” agreed Denny. “Look at that little crotch! You can see the shape of her lips inside her panties.”
“Camel-toe,” chuckled Danny. He reached down and touched my crotch and wiggled his finger. I gasped.
“See?” Denny grinned. “She likes it.”
“Angh gnuuuuu nmmmmpht!” I protested. They laughed at me.
Danny touched me with his finger, a little harder. “She’s getting damp down here,” he observed.
“She is? Let me feel.” Denny’s finger was now touching my crotch. I actually was getting damp.
“That means she likes it,” observed Danny. They both laughed at me.
“Well, let’s finish getting her ready for bed,” Denny suggested.
They reached up to where my wrists were bound. I felt something cold on my right wrist, and heard a “click” sound. They were handcuffing me. I felt the same cold feeling hand heard the same click again, on my other wrist. Then the cords were taken off my wrists and my tee shirt and bra were removed. Then Denny got on one side and Danny the other, and I felt the handcuffs pulling my arms outward. My arms were now fastened to the posts of the headboard. I tried moving them. I could bend them a little, but not enough to do me much good.
“Good,” Denny directed. “We’ll keep them a little loose so she can wiggle for us.”
I pulled a couple of times with my arms. Of course it was hopeless. The boys laughed at me.
“She thinks she can get away!” Snickered Denny. “Isn’t that cute!”
“Now her legs,” Danny announced.
His fingers took the elastic of my panties around the sides, and pulled down, gently slipping off my panties and revealing my naked crotch to the boys.
“Ooooh! Nice!” Denny purred, admiring my naked vagina.
Danny slipped my panties all the way down my legs to where my ankles were bound. Then the boys fastened more cuffs around my ankles, above the cord. They undid the cord and removed my panties from my bare feet.
Then Denny and Danny each went to a corner of the bed and began to pull on the ropes tied to the handcuffs. As they pulled, they spread my legs wider and wider apart. When I could no longer close my legs, they stopped and fastened the ropes to the footboard.
“Mmmmmmmmph!” I tried to protest.
And there I was—tied to the bed, naked as a baby, spread wide open, so these two adolescents could admire me. I couldn’t kick, I couldn’t shout out. All I could do was squirm, as these two hungry little boys ogled my breasts, my belly, and my vagina.
Denny reached down and took hold of my bare foot.
“I like the way she kicks her little feet,” he said, fingering my toes.
“Yeah, I like looking at those legs kicking up and down.” Then, “That was a good idea, not tying her too tight.”
“Yup. This way we can watch her struggle.”
“Oh, what about that window? When cars drive by?”
“What about it?”
“Won’t the light from the headlights flash in here and wake her up in the middle of the night?”
“Oooh, yeah, you’re right.” Denny went over to the dresser and picked up a small piece of blue cloth with an elastic band on it. “Let’s put this on her.”
“Good idea.”
Denny held it up so I could see it. It was a light blue mask, with white trim around the edges. On it were cartoons of a couple of big comical eyes with big silly eyelashes. Denny reached down and slipped the elastic over my head, adjusting the mask over my eyes. He stood back and he and Danny both laughed.
I was getting more helpless by the minute. Now I was tied up, naked, spread-eagle, gagged so I couldn’t talk, and now blindfolded so I couldn’t see anything. I could hear the boys chuckling.
“That blindfold looks so sweet on her!”
“She sure is pretty!”
“I like this part down here.” I felt a finger touching my vaginal lips. The finger ran down one side and up the other, then around again. I shivered.
“Look at her wiggle!”
“I think she likes when you do that.”
“Hold her down for me.”
I felt the finger make one more circle around my lips, then stop right on my clitoris. They were stimulating me, and I didn’t like it. The finger rubbed up and down gently on my clitoris, over and over. I started breathing heavily. I cried “Don’t!” Only it came out, “Dmmmph!”
They laughed. Then the finger suddenly went away.
I heard the two boys walking around in the room. Then, from the end of the bed, I heard a “click,” then a few seconds later another “click.” Another few seconds and another “click,” this one from one side.
These two little perverts were taking pictures of me in the nude!
“You know, if she squeals on us, we have to send these to her school friends.”
“Well, I hope she doesn’t.”
“Naw. We don’t want to embarrass her.” Chuckling. Another “click, closer to my breasts. Then several more “clicks,” from various directions. I was sure being thoroughly photographed!
After what seemed like an infinite number of “clicks,” the boys finally stopped. I felt a hand rubbing up and down my thigh. “I think we got enough for now,” said one of them.
“We better get her ready for bed.”
“Yeah. She’s gonna have a busy morning tomorrow.” They laughed.
Busy morning? I wonder what they meant.
“Hey, what if she pees all over the sheet?”
"Oh, yeah.” Pause “I know! I’ll be right back.”
I heard footsteps leaving the room. Then I felt a hand stroking my belly, around and around. Then I heard footsteps from the other one returning. The hand went away.
“We’ll just slide this under her ass and wrap it up around her.
“That’s not one of Mom’s good towels, is it?”
“Naw. This is that one that mom used to put on the floor of Daisy’s dog kennel.”
“Good. Then it’s probably full of old dried pee already.”
I felt a hand on each of my hips, lifting my middle up off the bed. Then I felt the towel being slid under my butt. Finally, I felt it being wrapped up over my crotch and up onto my belly.
“There! Now if she needs to pee, she can just do it into the towel.”
“We can clean her up tomorrow morning.”
I felt a squeeze on my toes, then heard footsteps leaving the room.
What would happen tomorrow? What was this “busy morning?”
I cried myself to sleep.
. . . . . . . . . .
“Wake up, Wendi,” a voice was saying. I opened my eyes but could still see only darkness. Then I remembered I had that mask on my eyes. And I felt the gag in my mouth. And I felt the cuffs on my hands and feet, holding me spread out naked on the bed.
“Come on, wake up!” It was the voice of a young teen boy. Then I remembered. Denny and Danny, and where I was.
“Time to wake up!” I felt a hand stroking the inside of my leg, sliding up to my crotch. Then I felt the towel being lifted off my belly and out from around my crotch.
“Oh, good. You peed for us.” The towel was pulled out from under my butt. “It’s fine. I’ll get you cleaned up.”
I couldn’t figure out whether this was Denny or Danny. They both sounded so similar. I felt a wet washcloth being rubbed around on my vaginal lips. The cloth was slightly warm, and it actually felt good. Then another washcloth, then a towel, gently patting me dry.
“We want you nice and clean,” he told me. “We’re going to show you to a couple of our friends this morning.”
Oh, no! My nude body was going to be displayed to at least two more horny adolescent boys! I was feeling totally degraded!
I felt his hand start to pet my bare belly. “Don’t worry,” he said. “You look adorable. They’re going to like you.” He chuckled.
The hand went away, and his footsteps left the room.
Last edited by Datom on Sun Apr 21, 2024 11:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Datom
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Re: Wendi Babystist the Twins
Part III
After the twins had left me, I lay there, cuffed, muzzled, and blindfolded. I was trembling, and crying tears of terror into the blindfold. I was horrified at what I thought was about to happen to me.
About twenty minutes later, I heard footsteps in the hall, and voices.
“So you had her here all night?”
“Sure did.”
“All tied up? What’d ya use? Rope?”
“Naw. Rope would have left marks on her. We have some old handcuffs, from when Dad still lived with us.”
“Where’d you get her?”
“Mom hired her. Our usual babysitter Mandy couldn’t come so she sent this one instead.” Pause. “Her name is Wendy.”
The footsteps came into the room. All at once, I could feel four pairs of eyes, hungrily ogling my naked helpless body. I struggled, my arms and legs pulling at the handcuffs, to no avail.
“Damn! She’s pretty!”
“Look at that!”
“She looks yummy!”
I felt a hand on my ankle. It ran up the inside of my calf to my knee, then started stroking me up and down on my thigh. I shivered.
Another hand slipped onto my belly, and slipped up to my breasts. I felt fingers caressing my left breast.
“Cute little boobies!”
Meanwhile the first hand had slid up to my waist, and was gripping my side. Another hand held my opposite waist. I felt a face come down on my stomach and start kissing my belly. A wet tongue tickled my bellybutton.
The fingers of the hand slid up and started playing with my nipples.
“Look at these little titties!” Chuckle. “They’re getting all perky.”
My nipples were getting erect from all the touching.
“I think she likes me playing with her little nippies.” Another chuckle.
Now a third hand began caressing me on my belly. It went around in a slow circular motion. Every so often a finger would touch my bellybutton, giving me a little tickle.
“Hey. We gotta get her ready.” That sounded like Denny’s voice.
“What are you gonna do?”
I heard footsteps going toward the direction of the dresser, then coming back.
“What’s that thing?”
“It’s a vibrator! Watch this!”
I felt something cold and hard being shoved up in between my vagina lips. It penetrated deep inside me.
“Now I just push this little button . . .”
All at once the shaft of the vibrator started wiggling inside me. I could feel it stimulating me all the way up through my body. I shivered.
“Unnnnngh!” Laughter from the boys.
“Now, watch this!”
I heard the “click” of a switch. Suddenly the vibrator was pulsing vigorously. I felt my entire body squirming and writhing. I could hear the boys laughing. “Look at her wiggle!” “Look at her boobies wiggle when she squirms!”
I tried to cry out, “Stmmmph! Stmmmmph!” I just made them laugh harder.
I could feel the vibrator being pulled out of me, then pushed back in, then pulled out again, then in again. I could tell that these brats were having the time of their life watching my naked body squirm and twist. I could also tell that my sex area was being aroused, and was tingling furiously.
The boys could tell that too.
“Ooh! Look at her little pussy lips!”
“They’re opening up!”
“Cool! That means she wants us!”
The vibrator was making me moan, “UNGH!-ungh-UNGH!-ungh-UNGH!-ungh-UNGH!-ungh!” The boys were laughing at me.
After about 20 minutes of this torture, the vibrator was removed from my body.
“So,” one of the new voices asked, “have you guys, uh, . . . you know, ah, done . . . what we were talking about?”
Either Denny or Danny answered, “No, not yet. We were waiting for you guys.”
“Well, we’re here. Let’s do it!”
Do what? I wondered. A shiver ran down my back.
“I read someplace where you’re supposed to put a couple pillows under her ass.”
“Sure. Good idea.”
I felt two pairs of hands slip under my grabbing me under my butt cheeks, and lifting me up. I felt pillows being slid under me. Uh-oh! I thought—I don’t like where this is going!
The boys kept chattering:
“Who’s first?”
“I think you two should be first. You caught her.”
“Oh okay, I guess.”
All the hands that were touching me and caressing me suddenly lifted. I heard a metal “snap” and then the sound of a zipper. Then I felt a boy climb up and straddle me, just below my crotch. I felt a finger touching my tingling vagina lips, then stroke my clitoris. Obviously, I was being primed for action.
Then the finger slid in between my vagina lips and up inside me. I could feel the fingertip wiggling around in me. Then it slid out.
One of the other boys spoke:
“Hey! Aren’t you going to use protection?”
The boy on me said:
“Protection? Why? Does she have a disease?”
“No, Stupid! Protection from her getting pregnant!”
“Aw! I don’t care about that stuff,” he snickered. “Besides, she’s probably on the pill. All the girls in high school are.”
I shuddered. In fact, I was not on the pill. I’d quit taking it after my boyfriend and I broke up, three months ago. And, come to think of it, my last period had been about a week and a half ago. So, I was coming into my dangerous time of month, pregnancy-wise.
“Anyway, if she gets knocked up, it’s her problem, not mine!”
“Hey! Wouldn’t it be funny if we fucked her so hard that we made her have a baby?” They all laughed.
Yeah, sure, I thought. Hilarious. Turn me into a single mom so you kids can have a few minutes of fun raping me. Big joke!
I felt a finger touch my tingling vagina lips again. Only this time it wasn’t a finger. It slid around on my lips, then with some help from a hand, it slid through my lips and inside me. Okay, I thought, let’s see what a great lover you are, kid.
The penis slid into me, then partway out. Then it slid in again and partway out again. Then it slid completely in. Then I felt it throb, and I felt slurp-slurp-slurp. He was already squirting his semen into me. He squirted a lot, then backed completely out.
That was it? Sheesh, I thought. World’s Greatest Lover you ain’t!
The other boys thought it was great. “Yay!” “Way to go!” “You really fucked her good!” He was climbing off me now, probably feeling real good about himself.
"Hey, wait a minute!" one of the boys said, "won't we get in trouble for thus?"
"Not if it's consensual," said one of the twins. I felt a hand grab the top of my head, and pull it back slightly. One of the twins said to me: "Is it okay if we fuck you?"
The hand started forcing my head to bob up and down, while a boy's voice said, in squeaky falsetto: "Yes, please fuck me. I like being fucked. Please fuck my brains out."
They all laughed at me. The hand went away, and one of the boys said, "Well, you heard her. She consents. So who's next?"
“I’m next!”
Again, I heard pants unsnap and a zipper go down. Again, I felt a boy climb up on me. This time, as he leaned over me, he slipped his penis inside me, and then grabbed my breasts with his hands. Again, he pulled partway out, then in, then out, then in again, squeezing my breasts as he did. Then, before I knew it, slurp-slurp-slurp—he was squirting his slimy adolescent boy-juice into my body. Again, he had a lot of it to empty into me. He finally pulled out, to the cheers of the other boys.
“Way to go, man!” “Yay!” “Nice goin’!” “You nailed her good!”
So, that’s what they think of as good, huh? I felt like a big nothing, like just a worthless sump, a place for them to dump their slimy dirty little-boy fantasy-juice.
“Who’s next?
“I am”
Once again, a boy got on top of me. I could feel his hand feeling around my vagina, looking for the place to insert his penis into me. He finally found it. This kid was heavier than the other two, and his weight hurt me. He pumped up and down a couple times, squooshing me each time, then slurp-slurp-slurp, out came his greasy sperm into my body. I was feeling dirtier and dirtier each time one of these kids did this to me.
Then another kid mounted me. He got his penis inside me right away, and started working me up and down, hard. I thought he was going to break my back. His penis felt long and fat inside me. Fortunately, he didn’t last more than thirty seconds before he too was slurping his sperm into my body, his penis throbbing in me each time. I was glad to feel him get out of me.
Well, I hope that’s it, I thought. These kids have been inside me for about 20 seconds each. That’s less than two minutes total. And my body is absolutely full of their hot, greasy, filthy, little-boy sperm.
“Hey, can I have another turn?”
Oh, no! I thought. Please don’t!
“Sure, go ahead.”
It was one of the twins. He had already regenerated and was ready to go. And it was more of the same. Penis in, a couple of bounces, then slurp-slurp-slurp into my already over-filled body, and he’s done.
“That was fun!”
“Damn, she’s pretty!” I felt fingers stroking my cheek. Another set of fingers began fondling my breast, tickling my nipple.
From farther down on the bed, “Wow! We really loaded her up!”
“Yeah! We fucked her good!”
As I lay there, I felt hands touching my thighs, my breasts, and my belly. The kids were congratulating themselves. Hah! They couldn’t even hold onto their hard-ons for more than twenty seconds! Some great lovers! But they got one thing right—they had fucked me good! They had raped me thoroughly! My belly was full of their warm, slimy, greasy, filthy adolescent sperm! My imagination started running away—I thought I could feel their little sperms wiggling around inside me, looking for that egg. I shuddered. Then I realized I was crying.
“Why is she making that noise?”
“That’s because she liked it.”
“That was fun!”
“Yeah. Hey, I wanna show you guys something on the computer!”
“I bet I know . . .” and off they went, with their little-boy attention spans. And I was left alone, crying and exhausted. They were done using me as a sump for their little-boy sperm, and were going off to the next thing, as though I was just another one of their toys. I think I was trying to escape in my mind, which is why I fell asleep.
. . . . . . . . .
When I woke up it was afternoon. I could see. The mask was off my eyes. The clock on the bedside table said 3:30. The house seemed quiet. I was still laying on the bed, but the shackles around my wrists and ankles had been removed. Then I looked and realized that someone had dressed me. I had on my bra and tee shirt, and my shorts, and panties underneath. I even had my sandals on my feet.
I got up off the bed. There on the floor was my overnight bag. I know I hadn’t brought it into the boys’ room, but here it was. On it was a note.
I picked up the note and read it:
“Dear Wendy,
Thank you for watching the boys for me. It looks like you’re pretty exhausted, so I’ll let you sleep. The boys and I have gone to get ice-cream, and won’t be back until later. Feel free to go home when you read this. I wrote you a check. I know it’s more than we agreed, but I also know that the boys can be a handful sometimes.
Donna Goodwin
I looked at the check. It was for a thousand dollars.
I felt like I’d just been paid for being raped. Used and paid for. I felt like a whore.
I walked out of the room and out of the house.
. . . . . . . . .
Since that time, Mandy hasn’t asked me to fill in for her as a babysitter. I’ve wondered if they had done that to her when she was there. And she never asked my how my night at the Goodwin’s house was.
I’ve never said anything about that night to anyone, before this. And the two boys have kept their end of the deal—there hasn’t been a whisper of anything at my school.
Just one thing bothers me, though. It’s been about a month since this happened, and since then I’ve missed my period. Worried, I tried a home pregnancy test.
And I was terrified when I saw the results.
After the twins had left me, I lay there, cuffed, muzzled, and blindfolded. I was trembling, and crying tears of terror into the blindfold. I was horrified at what I thought was about to happen to me.
About twenty minutes later, I heard footsteps in the hall, and voices.
“So you had her here all night?”
“Sure did.”
“All tied up? What’d ya use? Rope?”
“Naw. Rope would have left marks on her. We have some old handcuffs, from when Dad still lived with us.”
“Where’d you get her?”
“Mom hired her. Our usual babysitter Mandy couldn’t come so she sent this one instead.” Pause. “Her name is Wendy.”
The footsteps came into the room. All at once, I could feel four pairs of eyes, hungrily ogling my naked helpless body. I struggled, my arms and legs pulling at the handcuffs, to no avail.
“Damn! She’s pretty!”
“Look at that!”
“She looks yummy!”
I felt a hand on my ankle. It ran up the inside of my calf to my knee, then started stroking me up and down on my thigh. I shivered.
Another hand slipped onto my belly, and slipped up to my breasts. I felt fingers caressing my left breast.
“Cute little boobies!”
Meanwhile the first hand had slid up to my waist, and was gripping my side. Another hand held my opposite waist. I felt a face come down on my stomach and start kissing my belly. A wet tongue tickled my bellybutton.
The fingers of the hand slid up and started playing with my nipples.
“Look at these little titties!” Chuckle. “They’re getting all perky.”
My nipples were getting erect from all the touching.
“I think she likes me playing with her little nippies.” Another chuckle.
Now a third hand began caressing me on my belly. It went around in a slow circular motion. Every so often a finger would touch my bellybutton, giving me a little tickle.
“Hey. We gotta get her ready.” That sounded like Denny’s voice.
“What are you gonna do?”
I heard footsteps going toward the direction of the dresser, then coming back.
“What’s that thing?”
“It’s a vibrator! Watch this!”
I felt something cold and hard being shoved up in between my vagina lips. It penetrated deep inside me.
“Now I just push this little button . . .”
All at once the shaft of the vibrator started wiggling inside me. I could feel it stimulating me all the way up through my body. I shivered.
“Unnnnngh!” Laughter from the boys.
“Now, watch this!”
I heard the “click” of a switch. Suddenly the vibrator was pulsing vigorously. I felt my entire body squirming and writhing. I could hear the boys laughing. “Look at her wiggle!” “Look at her boobies wiggle when she squirms!”
I tried to cry out, “Stmmmph! Stmmmmph!” I just made them laugh harder.
I could feel the vibrator being pulled out of me, then pushed back in, then pulled out again, then in again. I could tell that these brats were having the time of their life watching my naked body squirm and twist. I could also tell that my sex area was being aroused, and was tingling furiously.
The boys could tell that too.
“Ooh! Look at her little pussy lips!”
“They’re opening up!”
“Cool! That means she wants us!”
The vibrator was making me moan, “UNGH!-ungh-UNGH!-ungh-UNGH!-ungh-UNGH!-ungh!” The boys were laughing at me.
After about 20 minutes of this torture, the vibrator was removed from my body.
“So,” one of the new voices asked, “have you guys, uh, . . . you know, ah, done . . . what we were talking about?”
Either Denny or Danny answered, “No, not yet. We were waiting for you guys.”
“Well, we’re here. Let’s do it!”
Do what? I wondered. A shiver ran down my back.
“I read someplace where you’re supposed to put a couple pillows under her ass.”
“Sure. Good idea.”
I felt two pairs of hands slip under my grabbing me under my butt cheeks, and lifting me up. I felt pillows being slid under me. Uh-oh! I thought—I don’t like where this is going!
The boys kept chattering:
“Who’s first?”
“I think you two should be first. You caught her.”
“Oh okay, I guess.”
All the hands that were touching me and caressing me suddenly lifted. I heard a metal “snap” and then the sound of a zipper. Then I felt a boy climb up and straddle me, just below my crotch. I felt a finger touching my tingling vagina lips, then stroke my clitoris. Obviously, I was being primed for action.
Then the finger slid in between my vagina lips and up inside me. I could feel the fingertip wiggling around in me. Then it slid out.
One of the other boys spoke:
“Hey! Aren’t you going to use protection?”
The boy on me said:
“Protection? Why? Does she have a disease?”
“No, Stupid! Protection from her getting pregnant!”
“Aw! I don’t care about that stuff,” he snickered. “Besides, she’s probably on the pill. All the girls in high school are.”
I shuddered. In fact, I was not on the pill. I’d quit taking it after my boyfriend and I broke up, three months ago. And, come to think of it, my last period had been about a week and a half ago. So, I was coming into my dangerous time of month, pregnancy-wise.
“Anyway, if she gets knocked up, it’s her problem, not mine!”
“Hey! Wouldn’t it be funny if we fucked her so hard that we made her have a baby?” They all laughed.
Yeah, sure, I thought. Hilarious. Turn me into a single mom so you kids can have a few minutes of fun raping me. Big joke!
I felt a finger touch my tingling vagina lips again. Only this time it wasn’t a finger. It slid around on my lips, then with some help from a hand, it slid through my lips and inside me. Okay, I thought, let’s see what a great lover you are, kid.
The penis slid into me, then partway out. Then it slid in again and partway out again. Then it slid completely in. Then I felt it throb, and I felt slurp-slurp-slurp. He was already squirting his semen into me. He squirted a lot, then backed completely out.
That was it? Sheesh, I thought. World’s Greatest Lover you ain’t!
The other boys thought it was great. “Yay!” “Way to go!” “You really fucked her good!” He was climbing off me now, probably feeling real good about himself.
"Hey, wait a minute!" one of the boys said, "won't we get in trouble for thus?"
"Not if it's consensual," said one of the twins. I felt a hand grab the top of my head, and pull it back slightly. One of the twins said to me: "Is it okay if we fuck you?"
The hand started forcing my head to bob up and down, while a boy's voice said, in squeaky falsetto: "Yes, please fuck me. I like being fucked. Please fuck my brains out."
They all laughed at me. The hand went away, and one of the boys said, "Well, you heard her. She consents. So who's next?"
“I’m next!”
Again, I heard pants unsnap and a zipper go down. Again, I felt a boy climb up on me. This time, as he leaned over me, he slipped his penis inside me, and then grabbed my breasts with his hands. Again, he pulled partway out, then in, then out, then in again, squeezing my breasts as he did. Then, before I knew it, slurp-slurp-slurp—he was squirting his slimy adolescent boy-juice into my body. Again, he had a lot of it to empty into me. He finally pulled out, to the cheers of the other boys.
“Way to go, man!” “Yay!” “Nice goin’!” “You nailed her good!”
So, that’s what they think of as good, huh? I felt like a big nothing, like just a worthless sump, a place for them to dump their slimy dirty little-boy fantasy-juice.
“Who’s next?
“I am”
Once again, a boy got on top of me. I could feel his hand feeling around my vagina, looking for the place to insert his penis into me. He finally found it. This kid was heavier than the other two, and his weight hurt me. He pumped up and down a couple times, squooshing me each time, then slurp-slurp-slurp, out came his greasy sperm into my body. I was feeling dirtier and dirtier each time one of these kids did this to me.
Then another kid mounted me. He got his penis inside me right away, and started working me up and down, hard. I thought he was going to break my back. His penis felt long and fat inside me. Fortunately, he didn’t last more than thirty seconds before he too was slurping his sperm into my body, his penis throbbing in me each time. I was glad to feel him get out of me.
Well, I hope that’s it, I thought. These kids have been inside me for about 20 seconds each. That’s less than two minutes total. And my body is absolutely full of their hot, greasy, filthy, little-boy sperm.
“Hey, can I have another turn?”
Oh, no! I thought. Please don’t!
“Sure, go ahead.”
It was one of the twins. He had already regenerated and was ready to go. And it was more of the same. Penis in, a couple of bounces, then slurp-slurp-slurp into my already over-filled body, and he’s done.
“That was fun!”
“Damn, she’s pretty!” I felt fingers stroking my cheek. Another set of fingers began fondling my breast, tickling my nipple.
From farther down on the bed, “Wow! We really loaded her up!”
“Yeah! We fucked her good!”
As I lay there, I felt hands touching my thighs, my breasts, and my belly. The kids were congratulating themselves. Hah! They couldn’t even hold onto their hard-ons for more than twenty seconds! Some great lovers! But they got one thing right—they had fucked me good! They had raped me thoroughly! My belly was full of their warm, slimy, greasy, filthy adolescent sperm! My imagination started running away—I thought I could feel their little sperms wiggling around inside me, looking for that egg. I shuddered. Then I realized I was crying.
“Why is she making that noise?”
“That’s because she liked it.”
“That was fun!”
“Yeah. Hey, I wanna show you guys something on the computer!”
“I bet I know . . .” and off they went, with their little-boy attention spans. And I was left alone, crying and exhausted. They were done using me as a sump for their little-boy sperm, and were going off to the next thing, as though I was just another one of their toys. I think I was trying to escape in my mind, which is why I fell asleep.
. . . . . . . . .
When I woke up it was afternoon. I could see. The mask was off my eyes. The clock on the bedside table said 3:30. The house seemed quiet. I was still laying on the bed, but the shackles around my wrists and ankles had been removed. Then I looked and realized that someone had dressed me. I had on my bra and tee shirt, and my shorts, and panties underneath. I even had my sandals on my feet.
I got up off the bed. There on the floor was my overnight bag. I know I hadn’t brought it into the boys’ room, but here it was. On it was a note.
I picked up the note and read it:
“Dear Wendy,
Thank you for watching the boys for me. It looks like you’re pretty exhausted, so I’ll let you sleep. The boys and I have gone to get ice-cream, and won’t be back until later. Feel free to go home when you read this. I wrote you a check. I know it’s more than we agreed, but I also know that the boys can be a handful sometimes.
Donna Goodwin
I looked at the check. It was for a thousand dollars.
I felt like I’d just been paid for being raped. Used and paid for. I felt like a whore.
I walked out of the room and out of the house.
. . . . . . . . .
Since that time, Mandy hasn’t asked me to fill in for her as a babysitter. I’ve wondered if they had done that to her when she was there. And she never asked my how my night at the Goodwin’s house was.
I’ve never said anything about that night to anyone, before this. And the two boys have kept their end of the deal—there hasn’t been a whisper of anything at my school.
Just one thing bothers me, though. It’s been about a month since this happened, and since then I’ve missed my period. Worried, I tried a home pregnancy test.
And I was terrified when I saw the results.
Last edited by Datom on Wed Feb 12, 2025 9:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wendi Babysits the Twins
Not against stories where the protagonist gets tied up (or just held down) and stripped, but the dirty underwear in her mouth (nasty), the tape, the blindfold, and especially the rape, a gang rape at that and with the possibility of her being pregnant… all on top of her being blackmailed too… This is just too much. Those little bastards aren’t just perverts, they’re straight up evil.
Also, she’s forced to pee herself… while wearing a towel that’s already covered in dry pee… Just disgusting.
Also, she’s forced to pee herself… while wearing a towel that’s already covered in dry pee… Just disgusting.
Last edited by Horn-eman000 on Tue Apr 23, 2024 8:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
- litrob2000
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Re: Wendi Babysits the Twins
I'd really prefer NOT to read any more stories involving rape, with any number of rapists and at any age. Full Stop.
- edithdick
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Re: Wendi Babysits the Twins
I think that ‘rape’ definitely falls into the “Extreme content “ category and should be clearly labeled as such, per the site guidelines.litrob2000 wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 1:48 am I'd really prefer NOT to read any more stories involving rape, with any number of rapists and at any age. Full Stop.
- Datom
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Re: Wendi Babysits the Twins
I am still learning how to tag. I'll tag the story appropriately when I do.
Meanwhile, I have beefed up the caveat at the beginning of the story. I hope that helps.
I'm not going to change the story itself. It is intended to be dark and cruel. Not all writing makes people laugh or giggle--some of it drives home a theme. In this case the theme is about the mindless cruelty of some younger children, especially boys. As Horn-eman put it, "theyre straight-up evil."
Meanwhile, I have beefed up the caveat at the beginning of the story. I hope that helps.
I'm not going to change the story itself. It is intended to be dark and cruel. Not all writing makes people laugh or giggle--some of it drives home a theme. In this case the theme is about the mindless cruelty of some younger children, especially boys. As Horn-eman put it, "theyre straight-up evil."
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