Dare Me (new 7/29)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/12)

Post by perseus »

Poor Lucy got the full brunt of Mikey's spanking and Hanna got off easy. But I'm loving how this is developing. I'm very interested to see if how Hanna handles her brief nudity in front of Mikey, or if Lucy finds out that Hanna didn't get the spanking she did. My theory is Lucy will eventually fulfill the requirements of the dare during this sleepover. Can't wait to read the next chapter!
Feedback or suggestions are always welcome

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Re: Dare Me (new 4/12)

Post by Patronus »

Wow! Was expecting the Hanna bare all about as much as Mikey was. I’m ready for the next chapter to see where things go from here!

My prediction for end of the story is Hanna will get close to accomplishing one of Mikey’s ways but either Mikey’s mom or Hanna’s will ruin it thus forcing Lucy to finish the job.
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/12)

Post by Asmodeum »

It finally happened. I caught up to modern day after reading all of this. Now I'm stuck waiting like all those messages I scrolled past.

Made an account to say this is probably the best ENF story I've ever seen. It's all been great, but the history presentation and the cheerleader camp stand out.
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/12)

Post by Freesub »

Asmodeum wrote: Tue Apr 16, 2024 6:01 am It finally happened. I caught up to modern day after reading all of this. Now I'm stuck waiting like all those messages I scrolled past.

Made an account to say this is probably the best ENF story I've ever seen. It's all been great, but the history presentation and the cheerleader camp stand out.
Join the club! I experienced much the same!
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/12)

Post by neverdoubted »

Asmodeum wrote: Tue Apr 16, 2024 6:01 am It finally happened. I caught up to modern day after reading all of this. Now I'm stuck waiting like all those messages I scrolled past.

Made an account to say this is probably the best ENF story I've ever seen. It's all been great, but the history presentation and the cheerleader camp stand out.
Wow! I love hearing from the "made an account just to say" folks!
~ NeverDoubted

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Dare Me - Chapter 17 - Little Sister, Big Sister (Part 17)

Post by neverdoubted »

The girls stayed in Lucy's room the rest of the night. It's no surprise why Lucy wanted to keep her distance from me after the painful afternoon she had just endured at my hand. And while I don't know Hanna's opinion on the decision, as Lucy's guest, it made sense for her to stay in as well.

The bottomless timeout convinced them to finally agree to put an end to their petty feud. I ordered some pizza, and when it arrived, I did see Lucy briefly. She came down and grabbed a box to take up to her room. She appeared to have mostly recovered from her final spanking session and was no longer weepy. But she was wearing loose-fitting pajama shorts, and I noticed her walking gingerly. The only thing she said to me was, "thanks for the pizza."

I hung around the living room all evening, holding out hope that the girls might decide to come down and grace me with their presence. With erotic fantasies about a certain redhead filling my brain, I would have loved to see the cute pajamas she had brought to sleep in. If she wanted to give me a few more teasing peaks at her body, I wouldn’t mind. But around midnight, with no sign of the girls, and finding myself yawning almost constantly, I gave up waiting and decided to pack it in.

Because the upstairs got even warmer throughout the day, I opened my window wide to let some night air into my stuffy bedroom. After being inside all day with no A/C, I also took a quick shower of mostly cold water to help me cool off before bed. Because my bedroom was right across the hall from the bathroom, I thought nothing of walking out in just a towel.

But when I stepped into the hall and heard giggling coming from Lucy's room, I got distracted from my destination. At this late hour, with no activity all evening, I had assumed the girls had long gone to bed and were fast asleep. But then I remembered that unsupervised sleepovers rarely involve much sleeping. Anyone who has ever been to one knows that!

Unable to resist the temptation, I crept down the hall to eavesdrop on their private conversation. Other than Hanna's occasional, trademark giggle, they were speaking in hushed, almost reverent tones - discussing something serious. It was hard to hear anything clearly, but based on the bits and pieces I was able to overhear through the door, and what I already knew, I figured out that they were talking about Lucy's dare!

To complete it, Lucy had to convince a cheerleader to have sex with me. But after four days of utter failure, she told me about her plans to bring in her closest friends at the sleepover and ask for advice on the matter. That was before Alice backed out. Whether Hanna could truly understand the situation was unclear. But at least she was someone with whom Lucy could share sensitive information in confidence and without judgement.

Hanna was also an extremely loyal friend. No matter what the reason or motivation, if Lucy said she needed to convince a cheerleader to sleep with her big brother as soon as possible, Hanna would do everything in her power to help her brainstorm.

It would have given me very sweet dreams to know which cheerleaders they might have decided to target and how. But since I was wearing nothing but a towel, I couldn't risk loitering in the hallway too long. When it became clear I wouldn't be hearing any major news or names, I retreated to my room to finish getting ready for bed.

It was too hot to sleep in anything more than boxer shorts. Because of the stifling heat, as I lay down, I thought I would have trouble falling asleep. But the night breeze wafting in through the open window made things just bearable enough to relax. And after the intense day of endless spanking duty, I was wiped out and sleep found me quickly.

That night, I dreamed I was a policeman on a high-speed car chase. The suspect I was chasing was in an exotic sports car. It was lightweight and incredibly fast. But my car had a powerful engine, too. I weaved in and out of traffic, my lights flashing and my sirens blaring for everyone else to get out of the way.

Several times, I thought I had lost the suspect. But each time, I would catch sight of them and resume the chase. Sometimes, I got close enough that I could even bump them with my bumper. But then they would shift into another gear and put distance between us again.

By evening, though I still couldn't catch them, I had begun to learn and anticipate their tactics of evasion. As night fell, I feared they would blend in with the other cars and disappear. But to my elation, the pursuit became even easier because their car's distinctively shaped headlights stood out and made it impossible for them to blend in with the traffic. They could not hide, but they were still too evasive for me to corner.

Eventually, on a long stretch of highway, their car unexpectedly began to slow. Had they run out of gas? Were they giving themselves up? Or was this just another stage in their little game of cat and mouse? Elated that I would find out the answer very soon, I parked behind them and turned off my siren. Exiting my car, I approached the sports car cautiously. My heart was racing. I wanted to know the identity of the mysterious suspect I had been chasing all day. I reached up to knock on the darkly tinted window. But before I could, another knock woke me up first.

It was a real knock, soft and tentative, but real enough to jar me from my slumber. Rolling over and blinking a few times, I saw my door swing open to reveal the outline of a slight figure in the dark hall. The sun was just starting to come up, but birds were already chirping outside the window I had left open all night.

Hearing Hanna's small, but hopeful voice made my heart flutter. "Mikey? Can I come in?"

"Uh, y-yeah," I stammered, sitting up to address her. I had no clue why she had woken me up or was coming to visit me so early in the morning. But I wasn't about to turn her away.

In my restlessness, I had thrown off my covers in the night. And the morning sunbeams were angled to point directly at my bed, casting me in a bit of a spotlight. As she slipped into my room and silently closed the door behind her, I reached for my sheet and pulled it over me before she could notice my morning erection.

She stood meekly all the way across the room, saying nothing, but bowing her head in contemplation. Although I couldn't see her face because her tight curls hung down and obscured it in shadow, I could read her body language. The modest, almost childish nightgown she was wearing reached to her knees, leaving only her lower legs bare. But her feet were turned slightly inward in a subtle sign of bashfulness and uncertainty. With both her hands, she held a box in front of her, like a small present.

After a few seconds of waiting for her to talk, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes to see better. That's when I realized it wasn't actually a box she was holding. It was a tub...of lotion!

My heart started pounding when she took a tentative step forward and summoned the courage to ask me a question.

"Um, Lucy said you were really good at giving...massages. And my b-, um, I mean. I was wondering...if you could...maybe...give me one?"

I'm pretty sure my heart stopped for the next few seconds as my brain whirred to process what she had said. There's only one type of massage I had ever given Lucy. And it wasn't a casual shoulder rub if you know what I mean.

When I didn't answer right away, she lifted her anxious face to look at me and gauge my reaction. She had sampled that lotion one night at camp. She knew all about its powerful aphrodisiac qualities. It was incredibly bold of her to ask if I wanted to rub some into her bare chest. No boy in his right mind would decline such an offer. If I was still dreaming, this was the best, most vivid dream of my life!

My mouth had gone completely dry, but I managed to croak out a pathetic, "sh-sh-ure".

Upon hearing me respond favorably to her request, she relaxed visibly, and a smile of relief appeared on her face. But as she approached me, her smile faded, and an uneasy look replaced it. If entering a boy's bedroom early in the morning represented an escalation of flirtatious behavior, taking off your nightgown so he can massage your boobs with his bare hands was infinitely more extreme.

When she reached the edge of my bed, she just stood there holding the tub of lotion. Even with her hands gripping the sides tightly, I could still see them trembling slightly. I didn’t want to move a muscle for fear of spooking her. But since she had no experience with breast massages and was obviously waiting for me to guide her, I turned in place, scooting over to the edge of the bed and lowered my feet to the floor.

As I moved my sheet out of the way, a twinge of self-consciousness washed over me about my state of dress. I didn't have a shirt on, or pajama shorts. I felt so exposed in just my boxers. It didn't help that my cock was standing fully erect and had embarrassingly pulled all the fabric into its pyramid of potency. I guess I shouldn't complain. After all, Hanna would have to take her nightgown off for her massage. And as soon as she did, she would be even more exposed than I was.

Taking the tub from her and setting it beside me, I spread my legs and patted the spot where I expected her to sit. When her eyes darted down to the gigantic tent in my boxers, she spun around with a gasp. I don't know why she would be shocked by its size. Hadn't she seen the poster?

While I was unscrewing the tub lid, she used the occasion of facing away from me to disrobe. Her jittery hands made the fabric of her nightgown tremble as she lifted it up and off her body. Now clad in nothing but the cutest pair of white, cotton panties with a frilly pink trim, she dropped her unneeded gown at her feet. Having apparently slept without it, she wasn't wearing her bra.

A faint scent of girly shampoo wafted over me as she sat down between my legs. It was my new favorite scent. I stared in disbelief at my good fortune. Against all odds, a pretty, teenage cheerleader had just sat down in my bed with both of us dressed in just our underwear and asked if I would massage lotion into her swelling boobs. If not for all my practice with Lucy, I would have been completely overwhelmed and unable to perform the massage. I still felt way more nervous than I ever had with Lucy. I just had to hope that, if I stuck to my routine to get me through the early parts, I would grow more confident as I went along.

Too shy to invade my personal space any further, she had sat on the very edge of the mattress. To do it right, I needed her much closer. Taking charge, I wrapped my hands around each side of her dainty waist and gently pulled. Understanding my unspoken command, she flexed her strong leg muscles and let herself be scooted backward.

The space between her back and my front narrowed, then disappeared altogether. I didn't let her stop until her bare shoulder blades were resting against my equally bare pectoral muscles. Fortunately, her good posture caused her back to curve slightly away from my stomach and left just enough room for my raging erection to fill in that space between us.

Her tightly stretched panties and my boxers were the only two scraps of fabric separating the underside of my cock where it met my balls from the roundest part of her perky, athletic bottom. With her knees pressed demurely together, her legs and bottom formed a heart-shaped outline on the bed and fit nicely into my open, triangular sitting position. With no cloth further down to keep our legs from touching, my leg hairs had to be tickling the sensitive, smooth skin of her bare hips. If it bothered her, she sat still anyway and did not react.

Because she was shorter than I, if I stretched, I could have placed my chin on the top of her head. But of course, my attention did not linger long on her head and was quickly drawn to lower, more interesting areas of her body. To achieve the access I would need, without a word, I placed my hands over hers and gently guided them to the top of her head, stretching her vulnerable torso and emphasizing her toplessness even further. Her delicate fingers obediently interlaced among her unruly red curls, leaving her entire bust accessible for my roaming hands to soon explore.

Looking down at her slender, bare back, poised but trembling while she waited for me to reach around and start her erotic massage, I had to literally pinch my leg to make sure this was really happening. She was the perfect partner - my flawless little, porcelain babydoll. If all dolls were more like this precious plaything, I guarantee boys would have been lining up to play with them!

Scooping out a dallop of lotion, I offered a silent thanks to Riviera Dave for gifting me his powerfully pleasurable, secret weapon as I distributed it between my fingers. The first swipe may be unexpectedly cold, but I knew it would warm quickly not long after I initiated skin-to-skin contact...SKIN-TO-SKIN CONTACT! Holy hell, even after the pinch, I still couldn't believe this was really happening!

Neither one of us made an audible sound as I slid my hands around her naked torso. I'm pretty sure I was holding my breath, but I could barely hear her making soft, ragged breaths while she anticipated my fingers landing upon her formerly untouched breasts.

Rather than go straight for the enticing, red bullseyes in the center, I intentionally chose a lower route. I traced across where the bottom hem of her training bra would normally sit, if she had been wearing one, and let my teasing fingers trail gaudy green lotion as they went.

With my arms now embracing her top half, I inched my hands upward. The relatively flat ridges of her small ribcage gave way to incredibly soft, sloping mounds. Exercising the extraordinary restraint of a Buddhist monk, I stopped there, my hands cupping the precious underside of her newly sprouted fruits.

Through my left palm, I could feel her heart fluttering in her chest. She was so vulnerable in this position. By now, a less disciplined boy probably would be mauling and mashing a teenage girl’s tender treasures like a mindless, hormone-crazed beast. But I wanted her to feel safe in my arms; like she had not made a mistake by putting her growing body in my skilled hands.

Reassuring myself that I would be back, I forced my hands to reluctantly let go of her lovely orbs and switch to an even lighter touch. Using just my fingertips, I spread more lotion up between her swells. This was the part of her body that she had been teasing me with earlier. I wonder if she could have guessed, when she was leaning over that board game and giving me tempting peeks down her shirt, that within a day, she would be sitting in my bed in nothing but her panties while I ran my fingers up the entire length of her tempting, naked breastbone.

Working meticulously to make sure I didn't miss any part of her upper chest, I traced slow, deliberate circles from the tops of her breasts all the way to her dainty collarbone and back. My massaging experience and discipline served me well during this phase. I was content to bide my time, taking comfort in knowing that Dave's effective lotion was already, rapidly soaking into Hanna's receptive pores.

The effects would not hit all at once - I knew this from personal experience. The first sign, which began within seconds of application, was a warm tingling felt on the surface of your skin. As the arousing tentacles began to spread, the tingling would gradually radiate in all directions, including deeper into your body. Once the stuff reached your bloodstream, the real escalation would start coming in waves –gentle and relaxing at first, but each one growing less and less subtle.

It did not worry me that she had not yet made a peep or moved a muscle. She was probably even more nervous than I was. I just kept up my lazy traces around the periphery of her bosom and let Dave's circulating stimulants gradually wake up every sexual system they encountered in her blossoming body.

Finally, I detected the first outward sign of what was happening on the inside. Though she was trying to remain still and silent, a barely audible gasp escaped. Because her lips were pursed tightly, it had to sneak out through her nostrils. It was so adorable! Upon hearing it, a sly smile crossed my lips. From now on, Hanna’s ability to remain silent would be tested more and more. Now that the various components of her sexual forge were being lit by my strong, skilled hands – and with a minor assist from Riviera Dave’s lotion - many more signs of arousal would be arriving soon!
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Dare Me (new 4/16)

Post by Freesub »

Mikey is really getting to touch her all over after all!

Maybe the potion's effects will convince her to drop the panties and let Mikey do her lower parts too?
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/16)

Post by student »

Mikey: "sh-sh-ure".

Hanna lets out a gasp through her nose as she fights to remain silent.

In a week, the other shoe will drop. "MIKEY! What are you doing to Hanna?" :lol:
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/16)

Post by fuwafuwataimu »

Very erotic chapter! Could there be anything better than giving a boob massage to your little sister's friend?

I'm going to bet Lucy is peeking through the door! Surely Lucy suggested this course of action, and it absolutely interested in 'seeing' it through!
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/16)

Post by Patronus »

Oh my goodness! It’s happening! So happy for Mikey!

I wonder if Lucy also told Hanna why she got spanked. Heavily anticipating the next chapter.
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