Dare Me (new 7/29)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/11)

Post by Patronus »

Whew! Another great chapter. I’m definitely curious along the same lines as student.

My guess is one of them has ruined their friend’s suit in one way or another and Miley will have to make it fair one way or another. I do wonder if something Mikey/Hanna does will make it so Lucy snaps out of her diamond trance and into friend preservation mode.

Looking forward to the next chapter to learn a little more about what’s going on.
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/11)

Post by neverdoubted »

Freesub wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 11:52 pm You must really enjoy cliffhangers neverdoubted!
Clearly, you have never read Thornwood :lol:
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Dare Me (new 4/11)

Post by Freesub »

I binge read 15 chapters then decided to put it away for a while because all the chapters starting merging together in my head! :D
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Dare Me - Chapter 17 - Little Sister, Big Sister (Part 16)

Post by neverdoubted »

I heard the sliding back door slam closed and two pairs of bare feet come slapping angrily down the hall. Finding me in the living room, my sister charged in to rudely stand right between me and the tv. Crossing my arms, I had no choice but to give her my attention.

"Hanna called me a witch," she sneered.

"I did not call you a witch," Hanna piped in, "I said, 'stop acting like such a witch'. That's not the same thing."

"No name calling. We already went over this," I growled, no longer bothering to temper my frustration. But, as usual, they ignored my words and went right back to bickering.

"It might as well be the same thing," Lucy shot back, "and besides, I know what you really wanted to say. So, why don't you stop acting like...such a bitch!"

Woah! A real curse word? This was getting out of hand. I opened my mouth to chastise my sister, but Hanna cut me off.

"I'm not acting like a b-b-... You're the bitch!" she yelled. Her whole body tensed as if she might leap on her friend and try to claw her eyes out. Lucy did the same. The girls weren't even pretending to respect the rules anymore. How could all those spanks have only led to worse behavior? I couldn’t figure it out.

I spoke a little louder, giving them one last chance to listen to me. When that didn’t work, I had no other choice. No more mister nice Mikey.

"ENOUGH!" I roared, jumping to my feet, and raising up to my full height. I'm not known as a particularly intimidating person. But because I was clearly angry - not to mention quite a bit bigger than them - both girls shrank back in response to this new threat.

Seeing they had pushed me past my breaking point, Lucy started to open her mouth, probably to argue or plead for mercy. But by then it was too late. I was sick of being disrespected by these girls and just wanted them to be quiet and really start following the house rules. Maybe I was starting to turn into a real disciplinarian.

If spanking didn't work, what else could I do to get their attention and show I meant business? Other than grounding them, which wouldn't work for obvious reasons, I really only knew of one other form of punishment.

"That's it, you two are getting a timeout!" I declared, grabbing them both by their upper arms and dragging them down the hall into the entryway.

Pointing to a specific spot on the wall, I ordered my sister to press her nose against it. Seeing I was seriously angry, she meekly obeyed. When I showed Hanna to another spot on the same wall, a few feet over - hers was down a bit because she was a little shorter than Lucy - she obeyed as well.

I was surprised how effective it was to have them face the wall like that. I guess it helped that they couldn't feed off each other’s glares anymore.

Finally able speak in a normal tone and be heard, I calmly said, "I already warned you about name-calling. But you wouldn't listen. For that, and for cursing, congratulations! You've both earned yourself an extra-long spanking when I get back. But until then, you're both going to stand here and not say a peep. And if you don't stay completely silent and in this exact same spot while I'm gone, you'll earn double. You understand?"

When they nodded as best they could with their noses pressed to a wall, I stepped back to study the scene. It's kind of a long story, but Lucy had actually served a timeout in this exact spot when she was younger. But last time she wasn't wearing...

"Hmm," I scowled, "Something's not right".

Lucy visibly flinched when she heard those words and figured out what was coming. As I walked up close behind her, Hanna strained to see what was going on while still barely keeping her nose on the designated spot.

"Hold still," I ordered coldly, "I just need to get you ready for your spanking."

Lucy obeyed, holding still while I started to lower her bikini bottoms. She sucked in a strained breath as I worked them down over her tender, freshly spanked bottom, then relaxed once the pain had passed. She gasped in surprise when I didn't stop there but kept lowering them down her hips and past her knees. When I had reached the ground, I ordered her to step out of them, and she did.

Stepping back again, I felt much better about the scene. Without her bottoms, she looked much more like a naughty little girl who deserved to be sent to timeout against the wall. Seeing that I had just half-stripped her friend, Hanna had to know what was coming when my shadow loomed over her.

"I'm sorry, Hanna," I explained, "but you have to get ready, too."

Her whole body started trembling. But to her credit, she nodded her head in understanding. Just like at camp, if Lucy could endure it, she could too. Unfortunately, because she was wearing a one-piece, I couldn't remove just her bottoms. Her entire suit would have to go.

Plucking the straps off her neck, I slipped them off her rounded shoulders – even her shoulders were cute - and started peeling the suit down her body. Because she was facing the wall and I was standing directly behind her, I couldn't see any of her front side being revealed. But as soon as the suit got low enough to free her arms, she immediately moved them up to hug her chest protectively and cover her boobies anyway.

Just like Lucy had done, she obediently stepped out of the suit when I got down to her feet. Bringing their suits with me so they wouldn't have access even if they wanted them back, I left Lucy bottomless and Hanna trembling completely naked up against the wall and went into the living room to watch the game.

With the tv still on mute, I sat and seethed until halftime. With no rude interruptions or meaningless squabbles, it was rather relaxing. Putting her in timeout and taking her clothes away really seems to take the fight out of a girl. Honestly, I wish I had thought to do it sooner. My day would have gone so much better.

Though they had stopped quarreling, any thoughts I had about showing leniency went right out the door when, at halftime, I crept back down the hall intending to peek in and make sure they were still in their spots. I didn't even reach the doorway when I heard a voice.

"-if you hadn't called me fat...and I didn't cheat either. You were going to win anyway, so I thought it would be funny."

Even in her softest whisper, I recognized Lucy's voice. She was trying to stay quiet to avoid detection. But the acoustics of that foyer amplify any sound ten-fold. It made me even angrier because I had told them to stay completely silent. I don't know if both girls were engaging in an illegal conversation or if Lucy was just speaking her mind alone. Since I hadn't heard Hanna say anything, I couldn't justify adding to her punishment. But Lucy would pay a price for her disobedience.

Her mouth snapped shut as soon as I stepped through the doorway, but she knew she had been caught breaking the rules. Stepping into the middle of the room, I had an excellent view of their predicament. The girls stood squirming against the wall; their spectacular, pink bottoms on display like two exhibits in the world's sexiest art museum. Intent on brokering a lasting peace between them once and for all, I stepped behind my sister - the main instigator of their conflict.

Showing no mercy, I began an endless string of firm, steady spanks, like I had been tasked with keeping the beat on a bass drum in a marching band. While I spanked her bare bottom, I began to lecture her on all the things she had done wrong that day, starting with talking during timeout. Lucy yipped in pain every time my hand landed, like I was drawing blood with each blow. But she was a notoriously unreliable source on the subject of how hard people were really spanking her.

I assure you, none of her spanks were anywhere near as hard as the ones Mr. Nickson had given her. Still, the accumulation of my relentless slaps against her unprotected bottom, with no break in between to recover, couldn't have been pleasant. Too bad for her, I was long past trying to be pleasant.

Lucy was yipping at every strike like she always did. But when they just kept endlessly coming, she grew increasingly frantic. She resorted to lifting each foot off the ground in a futile pain dance. She pressed her body firmly against the wall, trying to get as far aways from my hand as possible while still keeping her nose on the spot. But no matter how she squirmed or how far she twisted her body, her plump, bare bottom always made an easy target to hit.

Knowing she was next in line, the naked redhead stared uncomfortably at the wall and flinched every time another spank and yip echoed around the room. To Lucy, it probably felt like an hour. But in reality, it was probably just a minute or two. Her yips morphed into cries of despair, and she began pleading for me to stop. Though my lecture was winding down, the steady sound of my hand smacking repeatedly against her unprotected flesh continued to drive my points home.

It would have benefitted her to hold on a couple more seconds. But just as I was stopping, she made a terrible mistake. Unable to endure even one more blow, she reached her hands back and placed them protectively in front of her stinging bottom. She just couldn’t bear even a single more. Just for that, I resolved to keep going. Grabbing her hands roughly, I moved them to the top of her head and warned her against moving them. Then I proceeded to keep spanking her for at least another minute. By the time I stopped, Lucy was a blubbering mess. But I think she had learned her lesson.

When I ordered her to go straight to her room, she obeyed in a flash. Darting through the doorway, she scrambled up the stairs, not even bothering to lower her hands. It took me a moment to recompose myself before turning to the naked redhead. She still faced the wall, trying her hardest to keep her nose on the timeout spot, but had also started trembling like a leaf.

Despite the unfortunate task hanging over my head, I couldn't help but pause to appreciate her exceptional, nude form. The new curves sprouting all over her young body added the perfect dimension to her trim, athletic frame. The pale expanse of porcelain skin that covered her head to toe was only ruined by the rosy blush I had unfortunately been forced to put on her bottom over the course of the afternoon. Seeing her entire naked body on display like that took my breath away.

I stood right beside her, close enough to hear her silent, stuttering breaths. She was trying so hard to be brave. Even as I raised my arm, I didn't know how I was going to do this. I could summon enough ire to discipline my sister. But this beautiful, vulnerable, innocent girl didn't deserve this.

At the last possible moment, just as my hand was starting to swing down, her soft, trembling voice broke through the tension.

"Mikey? Will you p-p-please be gentle?"

It broke me. I just couldn't do it. Like a skateboard rolling to a stop, as it was making its first arc toward her naked body, my hand gradually slowed. Just as it reached her bottom, it came to a complete stop.

"I'm not going to spank you, Hanna," I admitted.

"Y-you're not?" she asked, turning her head as far as she could with her nose still touching the wall and looking up to me for confirmation.

Her shoulders relaxed and she let out a gasp of relief when she saw me shake my head. But then, feeling strong muscles flex anxiously under my hand, I realized that I was currently cradling a cute girl's naked bottom and quickly let go of her.

Feeling a blush forming on my cheeks, I said, "you can go. Just please stop fighting. And don't tell Lucy, ok?"

Hanna's eyes started to well up with tears. Given her nude state, I expected her to beat a hasty exit. She did step back from the wall, but to my surprise, she turned towards me. Rushing forward and closing the gap between us, she moved to give me a big hug. When she opened her arms, for a brief moment, her naked chest was uncovered! I kinda forgot to hug her back because I was too stunned by the sight of the little, round nipples sitting proudly on her perky, teenage boobs. They were bright red, the same color as her naturally plump lips, and made two delicate cherries just begging to be explored and adored.

Sadly, they disappeared in a flash, leaving me desperate to see more even as she spun and ran out of the room. It took me some time to pick my jaw off the floor and recompose myself. I had never seen nipples that shade of candy red before. Contrasting with her pale complexion, the sight sent my fantasies into overdrive.

In the crazy, erotic stories Lucy had told me about cheer camp, Hanna had been right there in the middle of it all. But I always had trouble imagining her in the various scenes as anything more than a naked tagalong - Lucy's little sister, along for the ride.

But now, I had a vivid visual to fill in the formerly dull areas of my fantasies and could better imagine how truly humiliating those experiences must have been for poor Hanna.

She had been paraded naked through the middle of a busy mall with only Lucy's ribbon acting as a blindfold. With her jiggling red pokeys leading the way on her young but growing chest, she must have attracted the attention of every boy she passed.

She had been handcuffed to one of Rooster's younger grandsons for the rest of the evening. When he saw her standing there with her private, candied treasures on full display, was he really able to appreciate what a special treat she was showing him?

The next day, even without clothes, she had volunteered without hesitating and stepped up to be the flock's naked shepherd girl. How many times had her cherry-red gumdrops pointed the way for frightened, freshly shaved lambs up the hill to Rooster's delousing shack?

As my mind became crowded with updated, erotic fantasies, I groaned and started a slow walk to my room. The stiff appendage filling my shorts made walking so difficult that I had to resort to bending over as I climbed the stairs. Once inside, I walked straight over to my homework desk and pulled my Big Board of Babes out from the secret file I kept in the back of the drawer. After what I had just experienced, my rankings were overdue for some major reshuffling.
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Dare Me (new 4/12)

Post by Freesub »

So Mikey gets to finally see all of Hanna.
Maybe Hanna will be grateful enough for the avoided spanking that she will want to thank Mikey for it the way he wants?
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/12)

Post by student »

Consider yourself encouraged, Perseus.

How will Lucy lose her top, too? Will she volunteer to "make things right" with Hanna? :D

I hope to find out in a week or so.
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/12)

Post by jojo12026 »

Encouraged. Curious to see if the girls end up and stay naked for the rest of the sleepover
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/12)

Post by perseus »

Another chapter so quickly! Incredible! I'm absolutely loving where this story is going!
Feedback or suggestions are always welcome

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Re: Dare Me (new 4/12)

Post by Rjun17 »

Hmm... Little sister.. Sounds familiar doesn't it?
Loved the chapter and Hannah warming up. Can't wait to see where this goes
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/12)

Post by fuwafuwataimu »

Brilliant chapter. There's little better than getting a naked hug from a lovely younger girl. I'm rooting for a Mikey/Hanna ship now!
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