Oh man, few things a teenage boy is more worried about than parental figures finding out they masturbate or have wet dreams. For it to be pointed out in the open like this, poor Steven
Can't wait to find out what a Mikveh entails, i hope it's as embarrassing as possible.
I hope you'll continue this story sometime. The trans idea is unique and interesting and I don't think I've ever seen it in this kind of story before. It will be fascinating to see where you take it, if you do.
I do have plans to continue.
This story was on pause for a short while. I left a message at Gen. Discussion for information concerning the traditional Jewish ways of
raising kids. I was hoping to get a message from someone who is familiar with the conservative or Orthodox groups of the Jewish community.
I'm at the point of continuing the story, basically making up what I was not able to find in my short time of researching the subject.
Basically I wanted to know up to what age is it common for a boy to be seen naked by mom or female relative.
I think traditional Jewish society has strong rules concerning the separation of genders for bathing and getting dressed, just as there is
in most Muslim communities around the world.