Things really starting to heat up, felt like the first 3 chapters were great for setting things up but now we're really getting to the good stuff!
Once you heard the stipulations to the match you just knew Bucky would end up losing, perhaps if he was thinking normally he could argue why it had to be him to pay the forfeit but he's all hot and bothered and probably not thinking straight.
Cannot wait for the next update, Bucky having to peel his swimsuit off
Stacy and Her Super Hot Mom
Chapter 5. A Pale Moon Rising
"Take it off...take it off..." goes the chant as three very amused and eager teenage girls encourage Buck to remove his swimsuit. Stacy's mom
doesn't join in the chant, but she sits there looking at the nearly petrified fifteen year old the way a cat stares at a canary in a cage.
Buck knows it won't do any good to protest. He agreed to the rules of the Badminton game when he continued to play the game. What's done
is done, and maybe they will be lenient and give him his swimsuit back right away. At least that is what Buck hopes for as he places his hands
behind the white apron, grabs the waistband of the swim trunks. Are maid's waist aprons normally this small Buck wonders as the trunks slide
down to his ankles.
After Buck slips the swimsuit off and straightens back up, Stacy grabs it, and she tosses it to Honey Bear. "Take this, and grab his shirt and shoes
at the back door, lock them up in the trophy case in the living room. The key is in the lock."
Buck looks on in shock as his shorts are removed from his sight. So far he's been able to keep his frontside showing towards Doloris, Stacy,
and Auburn. But at some point they are going to see his butt. It's a mathematical certainty. Looking down, he can see a bulging out in the apron. Normally he would not want it fitting so tightly, so form fitting across his pelvic region. But to have looseness would be a disaster. He can't have
the front of the apron moving freely. Any strong gust of wind coming from the wrong direction could blow the apron outward, showing glimpses of
his dick if someone was looking from the right angle. Buck will have to be careful how he moves. And heaven forbid if he pops a boner. He's only partially erected and already too much is tenting outward.
With Buck now wearing the "official" uniform of the "Butler", it's only a matter of time till he gets commanded to fetch things for the girls, to
wait on their every whim and wish. So far the girls have been content to just look at him, and Buck feels naked, even though his crotch is
covered by the apron.
"I see Bucky has a very smooth body. So young looking. Is he really fifteen like he says he is," asks Auburn, which is a surprising thing. She hadn't
said a word about Buckner since he first showed up. She hardly said a word during the Badminton match, even though she and Buckner were
partners. "From the looks of his chest and legs...and I didn't see any armpit hair...I'd have guessed your little friend here hadn't reached puberty
The nerve that girl has, commenting on his physical development, hinting that it has deficiencies. Auburn is the one with the itty bitty titties...
she should not make disparaging remarks about other people. Did she just call him Stacy's "Little Friend?" For a girl of Japanese ancestry to
stand at Five Foot Eight is so unfair to any boy who is conscious of how tall he is...or isn't.
"He does indeed look so very young. But Bucky has got something going on behind that apron," Stacy says and she giggles with a snort.
Be careful what you ask for. Buck wanted attention from girls and now he's got it, but not in the way he imagined.
"I'm getting thirsty after that exciting game," Stacy's mom interrupts suddenly. "If Bucky could make us some cool lemonade that would be
so nice. I'd really appreciate that...and don't make it too sweet,"
Buck walks past the table and chairs, heads toward the back door to Stacy's house. His first instinct was to try to hold his hands behind him,
to hide his butt as best he could. But the opportunity to do that is taken away when Stacy calls him back to request that he pick up all the soda bottles from the area and return them to the kitchen for recycling. Honey Bear comes out and she joins in with the other teen girls as they
snicker and whisper to each other. Buck tries not to show his rear end directly when he bends over to pick bottles and cans off the pool deck and then off of the table.
Buck's hands are full with an armload and he can't cover his behind. All the girls at the table get a nice view of his backside as he carries the
bottles into the house, to the tune of whistles and sarcastic compliments about how wonderful his ass looks.
"I thought his chest was white, but look at that pale bottom," Auburn says, and she can get away with comments on skin tone, since she has a wonderful light creamy brown coloration to both her eyes and skin that comes from her Japanese genes, the hair on her head being pitch black,
an amazing contrast.
"We got a full moon out and it's not even dark yet," Stacy's mom says, and hearing a comment from Doloris is the one that sings the most, and
Buck can feel his cheeks warming up as he blushes.
In opening the door Buck drops two bottles. He carefully keeps his legs together as he bends down to pick them up. Showing a full moon he
can't prevent, but he'll do his darndest not to show off anything else.
Stacy and Her Super Hot Mom
Chapter 6. An energetic aura
The first thing Buck does, after stepping into the house, is he makes his way to the living room. Against one wall there is a trophy case.
In this case there are some silver cups that have the word soccer on them. There is an old looking metalic pistol that could have been used in
a gunfight back in the late 1800s, some kind of six shooter. There is a crown that must be Mrs. Staffordshire's for being Mrs. California.
And on display, spread out on the bottom shelf is Buck's swimsuit and shirt, as well as the shoes. There is no key sticking out of the lock.
Buck's clothes are in lockup and he's stuck wearing the apron till his clothes are returned to him.
Buck makes his way to the kitchen. Knowing where most of the important things are, he quickly finds a pitcher and the stuff to make the
lemonade. He finds where the nice glasses are, but when he sees the stack of plastic cups he opts for the plastic. It would not be a good thing
to accidentally break anything made of glass, and Buck is not sure how to hold a tray with drinks on it. He's has seen waiters in a restaurant
balance things on a tray and wondered how the hell they do it. After making the lemonade Buck tastes it and thinks it's okay, but he's really
a soda water person.
Buck goes back out to the backyard. He walks slowly, doing his best not to topple the tray with the five cups on it. As he stands there, drinking lemonade, watching the other's drink theirs, Buck is aware how different it is to have a breeze be felt directly on his butt. It's such a new sensation. The bottom of the apron flutters outwards with a gust of wind and Buck has to quickly place a hand down there to keep it from flipping up higher. After serving the drinks, a phone buzzes and Doloris answers it. She tells Stacy that her Aunt Donna is on the way over, in fact she's about to pull up in the driveway. What a surprise. Stacy gets sent to greet her at the front door, and she runs into the house.
Stacy's aunt is very excited to see a new little helper in the back yard, and pleased to see a nice gathering. Stacy's aunt is much older than her
sister, maybe fifteen years older than Doloris, and she dosn't have the super hot gorgeous genes her sister has...or if she had it it's long since
slipped away.
"I'm so glad to see my wonderful niece is making so many friends so quickly," the aunt says as she gives Stacy a kiss on the cheek.
Doloris tells a quick story of how her sister Donna, a real estate agent, helped to find this property after the divorce money rolled in.
The real estate story was boring. What Stacy said about her aunt is much more interesting. "Aunt Donna is a palm reader. In fact she is a clairvoyant, can see people's auras and do medical readings, you know...for holistic healing."
"How do you do that?" Auburn wants to know.
"It's a hands-on approach. I just need a volunteer," Donna says, and she immediately steps over to grab both of Buck's hands. "You just hold still
and I'll get a reading. It won't take long."
The three teen girls giggle as if they know something cool and stimulating is about to happen.
Buck wants to pull back, but doesn't want to come across as rude, or scared. Really he's scared.
Donna starts by reading the palms. "You have a fascinating lifeline here. You've made some interesting choices lately."
Donna describes the color of his aura. "You're aura is leaning toward orange. An orange color indicates in increased level of pleasure, enthusiasm
and creativity.
Donna uses a word he heard before but has no understanding of what it is. "The fourth Chakra concerns the heart." She says this and then she
steps behind Buck. She places her hand over his chest, on top of the heart. She presses her head up against the back of Buck's head and she
holds tight like giving a warm and friendly hug. To make things weirder, the older woman sniffs the hair at the back of Buck's head as if she
can also smell a person's aura. Buck is suddenly worried the clairvoyant aunt is going to taste the aura next by licking him on the neck.
Donna moves her hands downward, and she massages Bucks abdominal area. Two things happen, first Buck feels an instant reflexive response by
his penis as it starts to get hard. Almost at the same time he looks at the faces of the three girls and sure enough, their faces show they are
seeing something they find amusing.
Finally the hands slide down lower, a hand on each thigh. The hands rub up and down, making the apron slide up and down. Buck's boner gets harder, sticks out more and a full tent pokes out when Donna is finished. Part of the apron actually is resting on the top of the tip since it's
sticking up so much, the cloth is folded over the end. Having raised up and sitting on an erection, the front of the apron now barely covers any
of his legs. The girls all sit there in awe, watching this body reading take place. Even Mrs. Staffordshire looks on with rapt attention. No wonder she looked delighted when she found out her older sister was dropping by.
"Lots of energy I feel from you young man," Aunt Donna says, and she raises her hands again, wraps them across his chest, squeezes the area of
his left breast as if he had small man boobs. I can smell the adrenaline flowing through you."
"Oh he's excited, that's for sure," Stacy declares and the three teens all get a chuckle out of that.
Buck can't see the color of his Aura. He has no idea if it really is glowing orange like the clairvoyant said. But he can feel his face blushing,
the temperature on his skin just spiked, and Buck is sure his face has turned the color of pink.
" he healthy or what?" Honey Bear shouts out.
"Nothing wrong with his circulatory system, no ED that's for sure," Auburns chips in her observations, and again the girls laugh.
"He definitely looks warm to the touch," Stacy's mom says, and she smiles so seductively, and she looks so hot in her volleyball outfit and Buck
wants to reach out and touch her, feel the firmness of her body, and why are these thoughts flooding his mind like this? And not being able to
focus and concentrate. What is the color of confusion when it comes to auras? The words of a classc Foreigner song come into Buck's mind.
"I'm hot blooded. Check it and see. I got a fever of a hundred and three."
This is a picture I found of actor Noah Fleiss, from a movie in 2000 (which I have not seen)
I wanted to do a chapter where what I see in the photo happens in the story.
Love the idea that Buckys clothes are locked away and he doesn't even know where the key is. Even if he wanted it all to stop and run away now he can't, unless he wants to run home in just an apron.
Stacys Aunt may have been genuine in her palm reading ways but it seems she's got Buck overly excited and now he's even more embarrassed. At least he has the apron so it's a tiny bit of cover, but for how long will he have it?....
Stacy and Her Super Hot Mom
Chapter 7. After the Reading
The most embarrassing day of Buck's life came to a close shortly after Stacy's Aunt finished the clairvoyant full body health check. The last thing
Aunt Donna did was give his ass a good long squeeze. Then she sat down at the picnic table to "adjust and regulate" her energies as she called
it. The reading is over, but Buck's boner doesn't know it. Behind such a small and thin layer of cloth there is no place for a six inch erection to
Buck can't push it down. It will just pop up again, probably with a couple inches of cloth hanging down between the tip of the dick and the
tummy, making a small valley near the top of the apron. He can't hold it up against his tummy the way it can be done while wearing most types
of underwear or swimsuits. The girls have finished off the lemonade and it's time for cleanup. As Buck gathers up the empty glasses to carry them into the house, he is more than aware of the looks he's getting. All the girls openly stare at the tent pole behind the apron. Buck's boner points more upward than straight outward, which is fortunate. A forward pointing tent pole would push the apron out so far that easy visuals would be
accessible from any side view. Buck has to either face directly toward the group of girls or stand with his ass toward them. Standing sideways
is too risky.
Doloris must have some business to discuss with her older sister. She and Donna excuse themselves and go inside. With the adults gone, the
three teens openly talk about how they all enjoy having Buckner around to play butler for them. Most of their comments have something to do
with his current state of dress, or his current state of arousal.
"I should have thought to put Viagra in Buck's glass. I know what drawer my mom keeps it," says Stacy.
Honey Bear, who tends to plan things around snack foods, has a plan, "I got a better idea. We should invite a bunch of boys over. Then serve
them marijuana brownies with powdered sugar coated on them. I'd mix the Viagra with the sugar. Those boys would be both high and horny."
"That would be hilarious, all the boys looking at the front of each other's swimsuits poking out, wondering why they all got a hardon at the same
time that won't go down...but they'd be so happy they won't care about showing off their hardons...just like Bucky don't mind showing his off.
I bet he enjoys showing it off to us, the little exhibitionist," Auburn says and all of them laugh. "During swim meet season, I would sit in the front row and watch the athletic boys waking around in their speedos. I'd find the ones with the biggest bulges, try to guess how big they are when
they are hard. In Japan there is the Hadaka Matsuri, the naked festival. Throngs of young men run around in just their fundoshi loincloth. The weird thing is they do it when it's still winter, in late February."
"Now that is a tradition I'd like to import here. Don't you think so, Bucky. You'd look great in a little Japanese loincloth," Stacy says as her
new favorite little house helper places the drink glasses on the tray.
Buck had no idea until then that girls spent so much time talking about boy's bodies, that young ladies were as lustful as the lads. The lecherous
young ladies then went on to describe their "Perfect Man."
Auburn said she likes a tall guy with a medium sized dick and tight balls.
Honey Bear wants a boy with a monster cock, and she'll take a black guy if she has to.
Stacy says she wants a boy who looks like Ryan Gosling, a 19 year old version of Ryan Gosling.
"I can't believe how hot he is for an older guy. Maybe Bucky will grow up to be so hot. Right now he's only cute...adorable like a Teddy Bear."
Now Buck would not be happy about being compared to a stuffed animal, but since it's Stacy saying it, he'll just smile and act pleased. He can't believe the girls just ignore that he's standing there within close earshot when they discuss such things. Do rich people always say the darndest
and most intimate things around the staff as if they aren't even there?
"Hey Stacy...your butler either spilled lemonade on that apron, or something sprung a leak," Honey Bear points out, pointing at the apron.
Buck looks down to see a darker wet spot near the top of the apron, right where the head of his penis pushes outward. OH FREAKY DEEKY THE
DICK SPRUNG A LEEKY. Buck picks up the tray of empty glass and he hurries his walk toward the house.
"Bucky should enter the Best Butt contest. He'll have a chance if it's only compared to the other butts of the Freshman Class," Stacy shouts out.
"Only if he stays away from the swim team. No comparison to a six foot tall, big handed, flipper footed swimmer," Auburn says, staying on her
swimmer's body obsession.
"Yeah...his feet are kinda small," observes Honey Bear.
Buck finally gets out of range as he goes into the house. At least inside the kitchen Buck can get away from the body comparisons. What
happened to body acceptance? What's so wrong about being short and young looking? "I'm growing up...just give me some time," Buck says
to himself. "And about growing, I got plenty to offer," Buck says as he looks down at the boner behind the apron, and he laughs as he watches
the tent pole begin to shrink down, finally. Buck sets the tray down on a counter, begins placing the glasses into the sink for washing.
Stacy comes into the kitchen as the last glasses are getting washed.
"Thanks for helping out today. When you're done come into the living room. Your clothes are on the couch."
Buck steps into the living room a few minutes later. Not only are his swimsuit and shirt lying at the end of the couch, Stacy and her two friends
are also occupying the couch. Buck steps over to pick up his clothes. "You know, I don't remember where you said the bathroom is. I'll take
these and get dressed."
"I'm sorry. My mom is using the downstairs bathroom, and my Aunt Donna is taking a bath upstairs. But that's okay, you can change right here."
Under normal circumstances changing clothes in front of Stacy and the other teenage girls would be unthinkable. But these girls have been
scoping out his bare ass for the last hour, so baring his full backside to them really doesn't make that much difference. Buck turns around,
walks to the far side of the room. He can hear some comments being said, but the whispered words can't be understood, as he unties the
apron. Leaving it on the floor he slips his swimsuit on, wincing when he hears the whistles as he bends over to get his foot into the leg
hole of his suit.
As soon as he was dressed Buck was dismissed, sent on his way because the girls have some shopping to do.
* * * * *
That day at Stacy's house, meeting her friends and her wacky aunt was the most bizarre and embarrassing day of Buck's life. But as the days
went by the weirdness of it seemed to lessen. The craziness of that day lost its original impact, and Buck wanted to call Stacy and get back
together with her. Being new to this whole boyfriend/girlfriend concept, he has no idea how often he's supposed to contact a girl over the
phone. If he called back the next day he'd appear to be desperate. If he waited a week Stacy would probably get into his face in the hallway
and bawl him out for ignoring her.
Buck wants to go back to her house, but for several days the remembrance of how quirky and kinky those friends of hers were kept him from
dialing the phone. Finally, after five days of only minimal contact at school, having to focus on the end of year testing and having a hard time
focusing on that school crap, Buck's desperation for female companionship took hold of him. In between the two final classes of the day, Buck
took out his phone and he dialed the number.
"Stacy can I come know, right after school?"
So even though Buck found the whole experience pretty humiliating, his desperation to spend time with Stacy means he's the one to contact her and risk it happening again? Very interesting.
I bet Stacy knows now she's got him wrapped around her finger, I wonder this time will he even be allowed to wear an apron?...
Stacy and Her Super Hot Mom
Chapter 8. Another Day Another Job
Sometimes when Buckner gets out of the school building at the end of the day he'll hang around the flagpole with other kids waiting for their
rides. One afternoon was very memorable, as Stacy got picked up by her mom, rather than their usual driver. The other young boys standing
near the pickup and drop off zone froze in shocked silence when the hot red sports car drove up, a convertible with the top down.
"Oh, that's my ride," Stacy said and she briskly walked from the group of girls she was chatting with.
"OH WOW," said a Freshman boy, as his eyes zoom right in on the tall, blond haired woman exiting the driver's side of the car. This woman goes
around the car and she actually opens the door for Stacy. This woman is hot hot hot...but Buckner already knows this. He met Stacy's mom
the previous Saturday at Stacy's house, and he's very aware the effect Mrs. Staffordshire has on people. Stacy's mom even smiled at the gawking
group of guys, even winked at them. That woman really knows how to show off, having been trained for it as a former Miss California.
"Holy Cow," another young boy says when he sees Stacy's mom wearing a tennis outfit, the white skirt so short nearly all of the legs are showing.
The top of the outfit is sleeveless, showing off her well-toned and tanned arms.
"How was your day," Stacy's mom says, and her daughter replies, "Just another day."
The group of boys Buck stood next to all went "Oooooh" or "Ahhhh" all at the same time, as they watch Stacy get a kiss on the cheek from
her mother as they take their seats in the sports car.
"I'd do anything to get a kiss from either one of them," a dorky dude with retro eighties pop band hair says.
"I got kissed by both of them, a kiss on the lips by Stacy," Buck tells them, beaming with pride.
The guys all laugh and shake their heads. "No freaking way did you get a kiss from Stacy, you dipshit."
The other boys won't believe him. Stacy did kiss him, right on the lips. No use telling any of them that he went swimming in Stacy's pool, or
that he cleaned dishes for Stacy's mom while wearing no clothes and covered up only by a small white apron...but never mind that...they
would never believe it.
* * * * *
Buck wishes he could get a ride in that awesome sports car, but he'll have to ride his bike over to Stacy's house. Fortunately she said "Yes"
when he called her on the phone, but it was after some negotiation.
"Today is not the best day to come over," Stacy said. "We're behind on doing work at the house. We still haven't been able to hire a gardener
to do the yard."
"Yard work? I'll be happy to lend a hand with yardwork," Buck told her.
" that case, come on over right after school."
* * * * *
On the bike ride over to Stacy's house Buckner kept thinking about how hot Stacy looked in her light blue bikini. Her skin was so nice, no
freckles, no moles, just perfect, and the bikini small enough to show lots of that skin. Buck alternated in picturing Stacy with remembering
how stunning her mom looked in the tight-fitting volleyball suit. There were some other girls there but Stacy and her hot hot momma were
definitely the main attractions, actually the only attractions.
After the crazy day of being turned into a nearly naked drink server and dish washer, after the stunning aura reading by Stacy's aunt, Buck
had a wham bam of a jerk off that Saturday night. Getting off while dreaming of Stacy, while soaping his erection in the shower was becoming
a regular occurrence. Even now, pedaling his bike, Buck was feeling the tightness at the front of his jeans.
The last time Buck rode over to Stacy's house he was already wearing a swimsuit. This time he's heading directly from school, so he's in his
regular school clothes.
When Buck gets to Stacy's house the maid greets him at the door, first time Buck met the maid. The maid is a Chinese woman from the looks of it, around fifty years old and her English is not the best.
"Mrs. Staffordshire sees you in tool shed. I'll show you the way, okay."
Buckner is taken through the house, through the garage which is actually in the back of the house, then into a large room with a cement floor.
In this room is a wooden wall with tools attached to it. In the center of the room is a lawn mower. Next to the mower stands Stacy's mom.
"It's good of you to come over, Buck. Stacy told me you were willing to lend up a helping hand."
"Happy to be of help to you, um Doloris. This really is a fine tool shed here. You have just about everything."
The maid turns around and she departs. Mrs. Staffordshire yells at her to make some fresh Southern Peach tea, then she turns to Buckner and
she looks him over. First she chuckles and pinches him on the cheek.
"Could you handle a mower like this, Buck. We have a big back yard as you know. It takes a real man to handle this kind of machine."
The mowing machine is an older model, a push model. Not a sit down mechanized on wheels mower that a big yard really needs.
"Sure Doloris. I can handle this," Buck says and he looks the machine over. He unscrews the cap over the gas tank and looks inside. "It looks
like it is ready to go," and Buck moves his hands to the handle so he can push the mower through the door.
"Now wait just a moment. That is a big yard out there, and today is on the warm side. I don't want you to overexert yourself and get overheated.
Take those clothes off. You don't want to get them soaked through with sweat now. That would be unsightly and downright unhealthy. Now
take off that shirt and those jeans, though I do have to admit how nicely they fit you so snuggly. You dare not get them messed up while mowing.
Come on, off with it so we can get this job done. Do a good job and there will be a nice reward for you, a refreshing glass of Peach Tea."
At this point Bucky is so attracted to Deloris I'm sure he'd be willing to do anything she asked of him, even if it is taking his clothes off to mow her lawn.
I'm interested too though in what he's actually going to wear. Does she have an outfit lined up for him to wear? Does she expect him to do it in his underwear? Surely she doesn't expect him to do it totally naked? ....