Growing up nudity-aware

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Growing up nudity-aware

Post by Freesub »

Hi, I'm Chris. Let me tell you about my escapades in school.
I'm fair, wear glasses, and look a bit like a :geek: .
But one thing I've always had going for me is a really intuitive understanding of how I should appear to adults. Always sweet talking my teachers, the perfect parent's angel. But in reality, even since I was 5, I always knew that for some reason, I enjoyed seeing others naked or in their underwear.

It wasn't sexual at first, but as I got older I realised why I enjoyed seeing everyone, but girls more than boys always. It was the sense of power when seeing boys, but it was both power and pleasure when I saw girls .

Most kids my age knew to cover up, but they were amateurish at it, till around 5th grade for the girls and 6th grade for the guys. I often took advantage of that fact and my advanced intelligence in the wrong areas to find ways to get peeks I wasn't supposed to, all while remaining an innocent child in the eyes of everyone.

Let me start at the beginning:
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GRADE 1: The first taste

Post by Freesub »

As a first grader , you are only just beginning to understand how boys and girls are different. I came to the realisation with two major incidents -

1) A classmate of mine, whom we called Ant for his small frame (although he grew up to be perfectly normally built) , one day pulled a girl's skirt down in class. He was give some punishments for it, but they were rather mediocre given his age, as the teachers assumed a lack of intent at seeing the girl naked, but rather just a childish tantrum.
On the contrary, there had been a few days prior a grade 8 boy punished severely for the same offence.

That Incident showed me two things though -
The first literally, the girl's yellow panties, so colourful and different from my own plain ones, and rather pleasurable to look at for some reason (which I learnt later)

The second though, was much more long lasting. It was that there was a cut off age at which boys were no longer presumed as innocent creatures, but as devil spawns who were out there to violate the modesty of every girl .

That is to say, after a certain point, the presumption of innocence turns into the presumption of guilt, at least for boys.
That told me that if I wanted to take advantage of my youth, I was on a timer, after which everything would become more difficult.
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