Disgraced for Cheating

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Disgraced for Cheating

Post by Cake »

I think I jumped out of my chair when I heard my teacher yell my name. We were taking a test and I'm not gonna lie, I'm not very smart, so I had wrote some of my notes on my arms to use in case I didn't remember. I was trying to hide them under a long sleeve shirt but while I was taking a look at them my teacher must have noticed. Everyone stopped writing and looked right at me as the teacher walked over and started lecturing me about how serious cheating on this test was. I felt like such an idiot for getting caught so easily, and I knew this meant I was likely going to fail the class. He told me to get up and that we were going to the principals office. I followed him into the hall where the principal was waiting along with some other teachers or secretary or whatever their job was. My teacher immediately told them what happened, and made me roll up my sleeves to show them what I had done. They all looked so disappointed in me for what I had done it was like a public shaming, but I never expected what would happen next.

They asked me to roll my sleeves up further so they could check my whole arm. I only had notes on my forearms so I did as they asked and told them that was all I had, but they didn't believe me. My teacher demanded I take my shirt off so they could check the rest of me. I was horrified and tried to tell them that there wasn't anything other than the couple lines on my arm but the principal himself interjected, reminding me that students had been expelled before for cheating. I knew I already fucked up bad, and didn't want to make this any worse for myself. I figured the best thing I could do was cooperate even though it was embarrassing. I took off my shirt and they all began examining my body. Of course they didn't find anything else, and I thought they'd let me put it back on soon enough but instead my teacher insisted that I could have written notes on my waist.. underneath my pants!

I said I wouldn't do something like that but they made me prove it and show them. I tried just pulling the sides of my pants down a little bit, enough for them to see my hips but they said it wasn't good enough. They thought I could have written something on my thighs as well so they told me to pull my pants down to my knees. I didn't see much of a choice so I slid them down as everyone watched, waiting for more evidence of me cheating that would never come. I thought for sure this would be enough but somehow they still weren't convinced, instead they just moved the goal post and wanted to see the inside of my pants to make sure there wasn't anything in there. Considering I was basically already in my bra and panties, it wasn't much worse to have to take my pants all the way off. It was humiliating enough standing in front of them with my pants around my ankles, so I took them off and let them inspect them. I tried to apologize and assure them that there wasn't anything else I was hiding but one of them shook their head and said that wouldn't do. He said I could easily be something in my bra because I wouldn't expect anyone to check there.

I was shook to my core, but the principal agreed that I'd have to let them check my bra as well. Every time I thought it couldn't get any worse they would find another way to degrade me, and before I could argue at all for some sympathy, the principal told me that they were gonna have to check my underwear too! As one last indignity they said that I may as well hand over my shoes and socks so they could check everything. I couldn't believe they wanted me to strip completely naked in front of them, and if I refused they may have me expelled. I tried reminding them that I had fully cooperated until this point, and that I really wasn't hiding anything else from them. They simply said that because I already tried to cheat, they had no reason to trust me, and ordered me to completely expose myself to them. My hands were shaking but I managed to unclip my bra, and gently let it fall into my hands. The moment my boobs were exposed it was like I could feel their eyes lock on to my chest. They were probably hoping to find anything else on me so they could blackmail into doing something even worse. I gave them my bra, and the lot of them began examining every crease of it before making me continue.

I swallowed whatever was left of my pride and slid my panties down as well. Instinctively, I covered my crotch with one hand, but they instantly reminded me not to try and hide anything from them. I stepped out of my underwear, and reluctantly handed them over for inspection. My naked body was completely on display, and they weren't shy about taking a look. They even made me turn around and show them my backside, as if I could have even written anything on there! They told me not to forget about my shoes and socks so I handed those over as well, leaving me totally nude from head to toe in front of them. I felt so ashamed, and they just treated me like I was worthless. It felt like I was naked in there for an eternity before the principal reached into his desk and gave me alcohol wipes to get the marker off my skin. They all lectured me about why cheating is bad, and how I was doing a disservice to myself by trying to cheat. Meanwhile I was still naked, wiping marker off my arms when my teacher then asked the principal to let him use me as an example to the other students for why you shouldn't cheat. He wanted to bring me in front of the class to show what happens if you cheat, and I was petrified to hear the principal agree!

I pleaded for them not to make me, I tried to tell them that I had learned my lesson but they clearly wanted to use humiliation as punishment. They dismissed my protests and my teacher told me to come back to class with him. I wanted to just disappear. I didn't think I could handle being turned into a spectacle for all my classmates but my teacher grabbed my arm and lead me out of the principals office. I couldn't believe it, I didn't want it to be true but I was already walking naked through the halls. I was shivering from the anxiety of what was going to happen and it felt like I was out of breath, but before I even realized it we were back at the classroom, and he was opening the door. He dragged me inside, instantly gathering the attention of everyone. I couldn't bare to look at them but I knew they were all staring at me as the teacher brought me to the front of the class. I was trying to cover myself with my free hand but it was of little use, most of the class couldn't stop themselves from giggling, and whispering to each other. The teacher began telling everyone why I was naked, and how it was my punishment for cheating. He said that I was getting off easy because they could have expelled me instead, but honestly I would have much rather been expelled at that point. Less than an hour ago I was sitting amongst them taking the test, and now I was being disgraced in front of them all.

The teacher grabbed the test that had been left on my desk and wrote an F on the front in red marker, as big as he could, and made me hold it up in front of them all with both hands. I could feel my arms shaking despite me holding nothing more than a few pieces of paper. I've never been so ashamed in my life, and even when I tried to use the paper to cover my boobs, the teacher would make me lower it. If I lowered it too much and covered my vagina then he'd make me lift it up higher. He wanted me to have to present my privates to them all, but I was still shocked when he deliberately made me turn around so everyone could see my butt. Class ended shortly, but the teacher told me I had to stay at the front of the room like that until the next class came in, so they could see what would happen if they cheated. I could tell everyone leaving tried to get one last glance before they exited, and everyone that was showing up could hardly believe what they were seeing. When the next class started, the teacher passed out the test, and then gave them the cautionary tale of what will happen to cheaters, of course using me as the example. I was mortified to see so many of my peers seemingly enjoying my forced exhibition. He even made me show them my ass, just to humiliate me one last time before letting me leave and get my clothes from the principals office. I practically ran as fast as I could, covering myself as much as I could, hoping no one else would see me.

When I got back to his office, the door was locked! He must have heard me frantically trying the handle, and yelled out that he'd be there in a second to open the door. I felt like I was just being toyed with at that point, and he took his time before letting me in. He gave me one final lecture about cheating whilst I stood before him in my birthday suit. The embarrassment of being naked was almost gone at that point. I was more worried about how everyone at school was going to know me for this, and this alone. I apologized for what I had done, and promised to never cheat again, and finally got my clothes back.
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Re: Disgraced for Cheating

Post by student »

Talk about a "makeup exam" -- you mean that was natural blushing and not paint? :lol:

Is this one-off or will there be repeats? What if the 'rents find out that their perfect little angel cheated on an exam because she failed to study? How will they enforce study time? Will there be any volunteer tutors?
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Re: Disgraced for Cheating

Post by Hooked6 »

What a novel reason for stripping a girl in a hallway. Nicely done! I would have loved for you to have included a few common noises coming from somewhere down the hall (like the sound of a door closing or unseen audible footsteps, or a hapless janitor walking by increasing the anxiety of the poor girl but the story was most enjoyable regardless.

Do you plan on continuing this story as I see potential for a second chapter (the girl getting a reputation for being a slut being mocked by other girls or perhaps taken advantage of by other teachers since she now has a reputation for cheating resulting in other embarrassing checks or punishments.

Great short story! Thanks for posting.

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Re: Disgraced for Cheating

Post by mars357 »

A well-written one off, a brilliant idea. Yes, a few more details and nuances would make it even more excellent but I enjoyed it very much as is.

I wonder if there could be a follow up, say she is offered a re-take and a chance not to fail the subject, but at the cost of accepting a public punishment in front of assembly/the whole school?
A kinky, pervy dreamer who occasionally feels creative. I love and appreciate comments and encouragement and I'm also open to suggestions!
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Re: Disgraced for Cheating

Post by Datom »

Good opening. I see you have her in the principal's office. I have to come back and read the rest of this soon.
Last edited by Datom on Sat Apr 06, 2024 8:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Disgraced for Cheating

Post by Datom »

Excellent story! Quite an unusual premise! And good pacing, making her show herself first to the office personnel, then to her classmates. That must have been mortifying for her! Nice job! (Too bad the teacher didn't write the big red F on her boobs.)
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