Senior Prank Day (Short Story)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Senior Prank Day (Short Story)

Post by mastergepetto »

Paige sat in her car in the school parking lot, nervous sweat beading down her back. Every year, the Seniors class at Bluffview High School was responsible for coming up with a creative and hilarious Senior Prank. Each year, the new Senior class would try to one-up the previous year's prank. Three years ago, the seniors covered every surface of the school in post-it notes and the entire school grounds with thousands of plastic forks. Two years ago, the seniors turned the amphitheater into an aquarium, filled with hundreds of endangered fish that the school had to hire a team of marine biologists to remove. Last year, the senior class had listed the school for sale and had actually secured a buyer. The school district had to hire a team of attorneys to figure out how to nullify the sale.

Paige had not been on the planning committee for this year's Senior Prank, but she thought that the idea her class came up with for their Senior Prank was horrible.

"Okay, so Monday, April 1, the ENTIRE Senior Class is going to show up to school wearing ONLY a towel," read the text Paige had received last week.

Paige told the Senior Prank planning committee that she thought the idea was completely idiotic. Paige normally dressed very conservatively and the idea of walking around school in just a towel was stuff of nightmares. What if the towel slipped and her breasts were exposed to her classmates? Even worse... what if... Paige could not even bring herself to consider it. No one could see that.... Unfortunately, the rest of her classmates were all excited and thought the prank would be hilarious.

"Come-on, Paige, it's going to be sooo funny when everyone shows up to school in just a towel!" explained Isabel, the plank coordinator, "You know how strict the administration is about the dress code! Principal Murphy is going to shit a brick!!"

"But can't we wear shorts and a bra underneath the towel?" Paige asked, terrified her towel might fall during the school day, exposing her naked body to all her peers.

"Absolutely NOT, Paige!" scolded Jessica, the vice-chair of the prank planning committee, "That would defeat the entire purpose of the prank! The entire idea is to make the prank as scandalous as possible without being illegal! Sure, some guy miiiiight accidentally open his towel a little too far, but that's kinda the point-- it's technically not indecent exposure if you're in a towel. It's a big F-U to the strict dress code they imposed this year!"

Paige contemplated all weekend about how dumb this prank was. All we are doing is potentially embarrassing ourselves, she thought. Maybe some of the more flirty girls were OK with this, but Paige was proud that she had kept her body untouched and unseen through high school. She could not think of a worse idea for a prank.

She heavily considered not joining in on the prank, but could she really be the only Senior to not wear a towel? She would end her high school career like a pariah. She also thought about wearing her normal clothes and bringing a towel in her backpack to change into after seeing everyone else. But the instructions were clear-- for the prank to be effective, everyone had to wear ONLY a towel and not bring any change of clothes.

Paige had been so nervous this morning that she had lost track of time and was now running late. Her first class started in just a few minutes. Still, she could not get herself to get out of her car. She had spent so long sitting there that her towel was now damp from her sweat. There were sooo many ways this prank could go wrong. What were Isabel, Jessica, and the rest of the planning team thinking?

She opened her snapchat one more time, checking to see if she had received any new snaps from her classmates. Several of her classmates had sent out snaps of themselves this morning, sporting their towels before leaving for school. Paige didn't mind the couple snaps she had received from boys in her class. Jacob, the quarterback, had sent a really hot snap of himself standing in his room shirtless with a crisp white towel around his waist. Maybe this won't be so bad, Paige thought. At least there were some silver linings to this idiot prank.

Summoning all the courage she could muster, Paige exited her car and strode into school, clinging desperately to the flimsy towel that offered the only protection between her naked body and the rest of the world. Her legs felt like Jell-O. She did not know how she could make it through the day without exposing more than she wanted. "Lets just get this Senior Prank over with", she lamented.


Isabel and Jessica huddled together before class, giggling and whispering. Time would tell if they had just pulled off the greatest April Fools Day prank of all time.

All the students in their first period social studies class sat oblivious. To them it was just a normal Monday.

"There's no way Paige fell for it. Senior Prank on April Fools Day? I mean come on... she must have seen right through it..." Jessica whispered to Isabel.

"I guess we will see shortly," Isabel answered her friend, "I think the snaps of us in our towels this morning made it more realistic. Plus, I got Jacob and a couple of the football players to send her snaps of them shirtless in their towels. Hopefully that made her excited."

Jessica's eyes widened. "You got Jacob to send a towel snap to Paige!? Lucky Paige! I've gotta see this pic!" she said excitedly.

"Yeah, a bunch of guys are in on it. I promised them that if they could convince Paige about the prank, I would pull her towel off in the hallway in front of everyone! They all sent her towel snaps this morning and have a betting pool going for if Paige actually shows up to school in just a towel. Some guys think she will completely chicken out while others think she will still wear shorts and a bra under the towel. Only a couple guys actually think she will fall for it." Isabel explained.

"No way Paige is this gullible... especially on April Fools Day." Jessica argued, shaking her head.

"Wait... I think that's her now... OH MY GOD! SHE ACTUALLY DID IT!!” Isabel exclaimed.

“Paige! What are you wearing?!?” Yelled yelled a girl.

“Wow, Paige!!! Nice Towel!! It barely covers your ass!!” Shouted a boy.

“Can’t wait to see what’s underneath!!” Shouted another.

“APRIL FOOOOLS, PAIGE!!!" Isabel and Jessica screamed in unison.
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Re: Senior Prank Day (Short Story)

Post by Brightsun »

Brilliant story
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Re: Senior Prank Day (Short Story)

Post by Datom »

Woah! I did NOT see that coming! Nice work!
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