The Blinds - Short Story - Update 1-23-25
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Re: The Blinds - Update 3/9/24 - School Bus Strip
This is a very fun story to read! I'm looking forward to the next chapter!!
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Re: The Blinds - Update 3/9/24 - School Bus Strip
This was/is an absolute fantastic chapter! Loved it!
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Re: The Blinds - Update 3/9/24 - School Bus Strip
I appreciate that! This is my first time writing anything, so that means a lot to me!
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Re: The Blinds - Update 3/29/24 - School Bus Strip Continued
Chapter 7
It was a bright, sunny morning as Emma walked to the bus stop on her second day of school, but to her it felt as if a bleak, dark cloud was overhead. She spent most of the walk trying to guess what her tormentor, Claire, had in store for her while reliving the previous day’s activities. “I can’t believe I even considered running naked down the aisle of the school bus yesterday,” Emma thought to herself, “What if I didn’t wait and chased after Claire? Everyone on the bus would have seen me. Not to mention, it would have been recorded by every kid there and then anyone and everyone at school would have seen it by now. What then? My life as I know it would be over.”
Emma’s thoughts were interrupted as Claire rushed up to her. “Phew, you are not easy to catch up to!” Claire exclaimed, looping her arm in with Emma’s as if they were long time friends. Emma groaned. “Well, someone seems to be in a grumpy mood today.”
“I wonder why,” Emma replied, “How, may I ask, do you plan to torture me today?”
“Hmm, ‘torture’, I think is a strong word, we’re just having fun!”
“Oh yes, WE, are having loads of FUN,” Emma said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.
“See exactly! You get it! In fact, why wait until we get on the bus when we can start now,” Claire said cheerily, holding Emma back bringing them both to a stop, “You may as well give me your bra now, since you’re gonna have to take it off in a minute anyways.”
Emma looked around quickly, “We’re on the sidewalk of our street! People are walking and driving by. Come on, I’ll do it on the bus like yesterday.” Emma moved forward to start walking, but Claire held her back. They made eye contact and Emma knew she already lost the battle, she looked around again. “Okay, okay. But…” Emma stalled, “but I’ll do it while we walk so it isn’t as obvious.” Claire let her go and they began to slowly walk.
Emma took off her backpack and held it in front of her with her left hand, trying her best to look natural. Pulling her right arm through her dress sleeve, she attempted to use her bag, and even Claire, as cover while she struggled to unhook her bra. After a minute of fumbling around, she grabbed her bra and tried to subtly pull it back through the arm of her dress without being seen. Her subtlety turned out to be pointless when Claire took the bra from her and waved it around her head like a lasso, before putting it around Emma’s neck like a scarf. Emma scanned around everywhere wondering who was taking notice of this odd sight, but no one seemed to be paying her any attention. When they neared the end of their walk, Claire grabbed the bra and put in her bag, eliciting a sigh of relief from Emma, that she wasn’t walking up to the bus stop like this.
“New rule. For now on, the second you sit down I want to see you pull the dress all the way up to your chin for the whole ride. You can only let it drop if someone walks all the way back to our row, if you do it any earlier than I think necessary, well, let’s just say you don’t want to do that,” Claire smiled brightly. “Also. Don’t even bother wearing a bra in the mornings, every day you’re going to do this same routine, so just keep it in your bag. In fact, no wearing a bra on the bus period.”
Despite the circumstances, the bus ride was uneventful, to Emma’s relief no one came anywhere near them. When Claire gave the word, she let her dress fall over her naked body and walked off the bus to the bathroom to put her bra back on.
After school ended, Emma fortunately remembered to remove her bra in the bathroom a few minutes prior to getting on the bus. Once they left school, Emma sat completely naked again in the back of the bus, with Claire stuffing Emma’s dress into her bag. Even though it was less likely for someone to come all the way to the back than in the mornings, she was a nervous wreck knowing she couldn’t cover up if they did. It didn’t help with her emotions when a few minutes into the bus ride home, Claire told her to lean back in her seat, making her fully expose her breasts to open air. If anyone were to look back now, they would probably assume she was just wearing a tube top or a strapless dress, but to Emma it felt as if she were out in the open with everyone staring at her. Halfway through the bus ride, Claire startled Emma by suddenly jumping into her seat to sit next to her.
“Um what are you doing?” Asked Emma.
“Switch spots with me, I want the window seat,” Claire said.
Emma was dumbfounded. Without thinking, she stood up and let Claire pass, fully exposing herself to the entire bus. Anyone that happened to look back would have seen her topless without any shadow of a doubt. She shot back down, realizing too late what she had done. She hid behind the seat, waiting for someone to come running back to look at her. Every second of waiting was agonizing.
“No one is coming,” said Claire. “Man did you get lucky.”
“Oh thank god. I cannot believe I just did that,” Emma shrieked.
“Me neither. That was even more exposure than what I was going to have you do. But hey, no one saw you. Unless the bus driver was looking at his mirror,” laughed Claire.
“Oh he definitely saw me,” Emma said assuredly.
“How do you know that?”
“Because he told me yesterday that he saw what I was doing and I was much less exposed then!”
“When did he say that?”
“Before I got off the bus. He basically asked if I was doing this on purpose and I had to lie and say ‘Yes,’” Emma explained.
“Interesting, I was wondering if he would end up being a problem,” said Claire in deep thought. After a moment of silence she said, “Anyways I want this seat to myself, go to the other seat.”
Emma looked over at Claire’s now empty seat, “Anyone could see me if I do that!” she hissed.
“You’ll just be a blur, plus it's less exposure than what you just did on your own,” Claire reminded her.
“That was an accident.”
“Well I’m not moving and your dress is over there, so do what you want…”
Emma sat there contemplating her move when Claire suddenly tweaked her nipple, causing her to jump. “Sorry, you just look so cute! Like a little doll with its clothes ripped off,” she said condescendingly. “Oh look, the bus driver must have turned the wrong headlights on!” Emma blushed even further and covered up her now hardening tits.
Emma took a deep breath in, scanned the bus, and bolted to the other seat. She was breathing rapidly. She wasted no time and started unzipping Claire’s bag to get her dress when Claire said, “what are you doing?”
“Getting my dress like you said.”
“I didn’t say you could put it on, I just reminded you that it was over there,” Claire teased. “Now set the bag down, you can put it on at our stop.
“But I can be seen from the window on this side of the bus! The kids getting off the bus will see me if they look up, not to mention if there are people waiting for someone to get off the bus!” Emma pleaded.
“Well then don’t sit by the window, but don’t you dare try and hide between the seats on the ground”
“You know full well the further I move towards the aisle the more visible I am to the rest of the bus,” Emma said with a seething tone.
“Perhaps.” Claire said with a smile.
The bus began to slow for the next stop. Emma repositioned herself to lay down on the seat, with her feet flat and knees up. Her bare back was to the window and her naked body pointed right at Claire, leaving nothing to the imagination. She turned her head to the window to see if anyone was looking at her, but no one was. When they were out of sight, Emma breathed a sigh of relief, closed her eyes, and naturally put her hands behind her head to try and calm down.
Just as the bus started up again, Emma heard a weird clank sound under her seat followed by someone yelling back to them, “Do you guys see a water bottle back there?”
Emma’s body chilled with a feeling of dread. Her eyes now wide open, looking for the sound of the voice, when she saw a boy already walking towards her only about 5 rows away. “This can’t be happening! I’m about to get caught naked by a boy!” she whined to herself. She bolted forward to cover herself, exposing only the top of her face.
The boy looked at her confused, “Do you see it?” he asked, getting closer.
“Um. Let me look!” Emma yelled back in a panic. She ducked down to grab the water bottle as quickly as she could, desperately feeling around for it with her fingers. When the bottle was in hand, she shot her head up at rapid speed hoping she had time to save her dignity. When she looked up, the boy was only one row away.
Trying to stay calm, she launched her body to the seat in front of her for cover, setting her armpits on the top, exposing her bare arms and shoulders as well as the top of her chest. She tried to look casual with both arms crossed on top of the seat with her chin resting against them, his water bottle in her right hand. Before he came any closer, she underhand tossed the water bottle to him, causing him to stop moving to catch it. He was now standing directly in front of her, staring. She knew she must look ridiculous, hugging her body to the seat, exposing a lot of skin, holding herself up by her armpits, in this weird pose, “no one sits like this,” she thought.
“Uh, awesome, thank you,” he said and turned to walk away, to Emma’s relief. But as he took a step he turned back around and said, “You wanna hear something funny? The way you’re sitting, it looks like you’re not wearing clothes.”
Emma’s eyes bulged, but recovered in world record time when she faked a laugh and said, “Well, I can assure you I’m dressed.”
“Obviously,” he said, laughing too. “You’d be a nut job if you were naked on the school bus. It just looks that way because of the seat.” Then to Emma’s horror he said, “Here let me show you.” He grabbed his phone from his pocket, took a picture of her, then took a knee on the seat in front of her to show the photo. He was now only a few inches from her face. If he were to fully stand up from this spot and look down, there would be no mistaking that she was indeed, the crazy nut job naked girl he referred to.
Emma was trying her best not to shake from fear, as she was talking to a fully clothed boy, while not wearing a stitch herself. Making matters even more embarrassing was that her pussy wasn’t just wet, but dripping wet, she could feel it flowing down her legs, in her half squat position. Emma looked at the photo and faked a laugh again, “Yep! It does look like that, very funny!” she said hoping he’d leave and go back to his seat. The bus began to slow and Emma was doing her best to keep her cool as she had no choice but to keep her body completely exposed to anyone looking through her window. She was hopping from left foot to right foot to try and control her nerves when the boy said, “Well this is my stop, thanks for grabbing my water bottle,” and he left just like that.
Emma jumped down into her seat the second he was out of range. She was drenched in sweat, chest heaving, her whole body a deep shade of red. She laid down with her back to the window again, whole body facing Claire, legs spread open with her clit now poking out. She looked out the window to see the kid walk by staring up at her seeing her full bare back, he smiled and waved as he walked off. Emma couldn’t help but wonder if he put the connection together from the picture on his phone of her seemingly naked and seeing she had no clothing on her back.
With the near humiliation, her arousal was at a 10 as she tried to calm down. Her thighs were drenched in her own juice from when she was half squatting, and was now sitting in a pool of her own making. She was in such a state that she didn’t even notice when Claire was leaning over her, until she grabbed Emma’s hand. Emma looked at her confused, until Claire moved Emma’s hand to her vagina and she involuntarily bucked at the touch. “N-No I can’t do that here,” Emma mumbled, her hand not moving.
“You already are, whether you realize it or not, it’s happening.” Claire said.
Emma shook her head, not wanting to become consumed by her own arousal, but her hand remained fixed between her legs, fingers now wet and glistening. “What is happening to me?” she thought, looking down at her bare-naked body. It was hard to take in that she was surrounded by her classmates, naked, and nearing an orgasm just from the experience. It took everything she had to not succumb, her hips occasionally giving way to tiny thrusts, trying to reach her hand and satiate what her body wanted. But she couldn’t, she couldn’t give way to this depravity on her own volition.
“If it makes it easier for you,” Claire mused, “I could threaten you instead. How about… if you don’t masturbate right now, I’ll take your dress and leave you here on the bus, alone and naked.”
Emma didn’t hesitate, the threat was exactly what she needed to give herself permission that this wasn’t her own doing. She plunged her fingers into her pussy and helped herself to an explosive orgasm. It took every bit of energy left in her body to not scream out in ecstasy, however, not able to stifle moaning entirely. She continued laying there, with her eyes closed, for a few moments barely remembering where she was.
When she regained her surroundings, the fear came back like a wave crashing over her. Emma’s eyelids sprung open and she looked down at herself to see she was drenched in ariver of sweat and cum. The hand still between her legs was covered in it too. The whole area she was sitting in was soaking wet and sticky, her juices literally dripping down the seat.
When the bus slowed for the next stop Emma was still in shock, unmovable, she couldn’t even bring herself to think of what this must look like to Claire. She barely heard Claire say, “this is our stop, we should probably clean this…mess.” Emma didn’t move, leaving Claire to mop everything up. “Um, you might want to do this part yourself…” referring to Emma’s bottom half. “EMMA!” Claire yelled to snap her out of the daze.
“Wha-What? Oh yes, thank you.” Emma grabbed the now damp cloth and wiped down her hands, pussy, and the rest of her body as best she could as Claire stood up. “What are you doing?” Emma asked.
“Going home? I told you, this is our stop,” replied Claire.
“But I need my dress!”
“What do you mean? You already have your dress,” Claire smiled mischievously.
Emma looked down at her hands, where to her horror, the cloth they used to clean up everything was, in fact, her dress. She stared at it completely repulsed and not sure what to do when she heard the bus driver yell, “I don’t have all day, get off the bus!”
Emma squealed back, “Just one second!” She forced her damp dress over her head, forgetting about modesty. The feeling of her wet, sticky dress on her body made her feel worse than when she was naked. When she stood up, she couldn’t stop herself from looking out the window to see Claire looking up at the bus with her phone (as always) continuing to record.
She walked down the aisle awkwardly, similar to wearing a bathing suit that hasn't dried yet. Her dress had more wet spots than dry spots and the smell left nothing to the imagination. She looked like the world’s biggest slut. As she was leaving the bus, the driver stopped her once again and said, “I’m going to ask you one last time, do you need help? Or are you two just, well, I don’t know what you are.”
Emma blushed a deep red. “No, I don’t need help, like I said yesterday, just having…fun.”
“Okay, well, it’s your life. If you want to show yourself off to everybody who am I to stop you. At least it gives me some entertainment,” the bus driver laughed and motioned her to get off the bus.
The moment she stepped off the bus, Claire was right there to greet her saying, “That was A-MAZ-ING!” As they walked, Claire talked a mile a minute. “I mean, what a ride! I can’t believe how oblivious that boy was! And the bus driver! He’s on our side! Oh we’re going to have so much more fun now!” Emma didn’t say anything, she just let Claire talk the whole way home. Just as they were about to split off, Mrs. Shepherd walked out of the house. Emma tried to bolt away, but she called after her. Emma reluctantly turned around, subconsciously smoothing out her disgusting dress.
“It’s so good to see you two becoming fast friends,” Mrs. Shepherd said while Emma forced a smile. “Oh my dear, what happened to your dress? It looks awful!”
“She slipped in something on the bus,” Claire responded quickly, “Why don’t we let her get cleaned up.”
“Oh yes, absolutely,” Mrs. Shepherd said. “If I were you I would take a shower right away, whatever it was smells something foul!”
Emma walked straight into the shower without even taking off her dress, cleaning it and her body during the shower. After tossing the dress in the washing machine, she walked into her room and passed out on the bed.
It was a bright, sunny morning as Emma walked to the bus stop on her second day of school, but to her it felt as if a bleak, dark cloud was overhead. She spent most of the walk trying to guess what her tormentor, Claire, had in store for her while reliving the previous day’s activities. “I can’t believe I even considered running naked down the aisle of the school bus yesterday,” Emma thought to herself, “What if I didn’t wait and chased after Claire? Everyone on the bus would have seen me. Not to mention, it would have been recorded by every kid there and then anyone and everyone at school would have seen it by now. What then? My life as I know it would be over.”
Emma’s thoughts were interrupted as Claire rushed up to her. “Phew, you are not easy to catch up to!” Claire exclaimed, looping her arm in with Emma’s as if they were long time friends. Emma groaned. “Well, someone seems to be in a grumpy mood today.”
“I wonder why,” Emma replied, “How, may I ask, do you plan to torture me today?”
“Hmm, ‘torture’, I think is a strong word, we’re just having fun!”
“Oh yes, WE, are having loads of FUN,” Emma said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.
“See exactly! You get it! In fact, why wait until we get on the bus when we can start now,” Claire said cheerily, holding Emma back bringing them both to a stop, “You may as well give me your bra now, since you’re gonna have to take it off in a minute anyways.”
Emma looked around quickly, “We’re on the sidewalk of our street! People are walking and driving by. Come on, I’ll do it on the bus like yesterday.” Emma moved forward to start walking, but Claire held her back. They made eye contact and Emma knew she already lost the battle, she looked around again. “Okay, okay. But…” Emma stalled, “but I’ll do it while we walk so it isn’t as obvious.” Claire let her go and they began to slowly walk.
Emma took off her backpack and held it in front of her with her left hand, trying her best to look natural. Pulling her right arm through her dress sleeve, she attempted to use her bag, and even Claire, as cover while she struggled to unhook her bra. After a minute of fumbling around, she grabbed her bra and tried to subtly pull it back through the arm of her dress without being seen. Her subtlety turned out to be pointless when Claire took the bra from her and waved it around her head like a lasso, before putting it around Emma’s neck like a scarf. Emma scanned around everywhere wondering who was taking notice of this odd sight, but no one seemed to be paying her any attention. When they neared the end of their walk, Claire grabbed the bra and put in her bag, eliciting a sigh of relief from Emma, that she wasn’t walking up to the bus stop like this.
“New rule. For now on, the second you sit down I want to see you pull the dress all the way up to your chin for the whole ride. You can only let it drop if someone walks all the way back to our row, if you do it any earlier than I think necessary, well, let’s just say you don’t want to do that,” Claire smiled brightly. “Also. Don’t even bother wearing a bra in the mornings, every day you’re going to do this same routine, so just keep it in your bag. In fact, no wearing a bra on the bus period.”
Despite the circumstances, the bus ride was uneventful, to Emma’s relief no one came anywhere near them. When Claire gave the word, she let her dress fall over her naked body and walked off the bus to the bathroom to put her bra back on.
After school ended, Emma fortunately remembered to remove her bra in the bathroom a few minutes prior to getting on the bus. Once they left school, Emma sat completely naked again in the back of the bus, with Claire stuffing Emma’s dress into her bag. Even though it was less likely for someone to come all the way to the back than in the mornings, she was a nervous wreck knowing she couldn’t cover up if they did. It didn’t help with her emotions when a few minutes into the bus ride home, Claire told her to lean back in her seat, making her fully expose her breasts to open air. If anyone were to look back now, they would probably assume she was just wearing a tube top or a strapless dress, but to Emma it felt as if she were out in the open with everyone staring at her. Halfway through the bus ride, Claire startled Emma by suddenly jumping into her seat to sit next to her.
“Um what are you doing?” Asked Emma.
“Switch spots with me, I want the window seat,” Claire said.
Emma was dumbfounded. Without thinking, she stood up and let Claire pass, fully exposing herself to the entire bus. Anyone that happened to look back would have seen her topless without any shadow of a doubt. She shot back down, realizing too late what she had done. She hid behind the seat, waiting for someone to come running back to look at her. Every second of waiting was agonizing.
“No one is coming,” said Claire. “Man did you get lucky.”
“Oh thank god. I cannot believe I just did that,” Emma shrieked.
“Me neither. That was even more exposure than what I was going to have you do. But hey, no one saw you. Unless the bus driver was looking at his mirror,” laughed Claire.
“Oh he definitely saw me,” Emma said assuredly.
“How do you know that?”
“Because he told me yesterday that he saw what I was doing and I was much less exposed then!”
“When did he say that?”
“Before I got off the bus. He basically asked if I was doing this on purpose and I had to lie and say ‘Yes,’” Emma explained.
“Interesting, I was wondering if he would end up being a problem,” said Claire in deep thought. After a moment of silence she said, “Anyways I want this seat to myself, go to the other seat.”
Emma looked over at Claire’s now empty seat, “Anyone could see me if I do that!” she hissed.
“You’ll just be a blur, plus it's less exposure than what you just did on your own,” Claire reminded her.
“That was an accident.”
“Well I’m not moving and your dress is over there, so do what you want…”
Emma sat there contemplating her move when Claire suddenly tweaked her nipple, causing her to jump. “Sorry, you just look so cute! Like a little doll with its clothes ripped off,” she said condescendingly. “Oh look, the bus driver must have turned the wrong headlights on!” Emma blushed even further and covered up her now hardening tits.
Emma took a deep breath in, scanned the bus, and bolted to the other seat. She was breathing rapidly. She wasted no time and started unzipping Claire’s bag to get her dress when Claire said, “what are you doing?”
“Getting my dress like you said.”
“I didn’t say you could put it on, I just reminded you that it was over there,” Claire teased. “Now set the bag down, you can put it on at our stop.
“But I can be seen from the window on this side of the bus! The kids getting off the bus will see me if they look up, not to mention if there are people waiting for someone to get off the bus!” Emma pleaded.
“Well then don’t sit by the window, but don’t you dare try and hide between the seats on the ground”
“You know full well the further I move towards the aisle the more visible I am to the rest of the bus,” Emma said with a seething tone.
“Perhaps.” Claire said with a smile.
The bus began to slow for the next stop. Emma repositioned herself to lay down on the seat, with her feet flat and knees up. Her bare back was to the window and her naked body pointed right at Claire, leaving nothing to the imagination. She turned her head to the window to see if anyone was looking at her, but no one was. When they were out of sight, Emma breathed a sigh of relief, closed her eyes, and naturally put her hands behind her head to try and calm down.
Just as the bus started up again, Emma heard a weird clank sound under her seat followed by someone yelling back to them, “Do you guys see a water bottle back there?”
Emma’s body chilled with a feeling of dread. Her eyes now wide open, looking for the sound of the voice, when she saw a boy already walking towards her only about 5 rows away. “This can’t be happening! I’m about to get caught naked by a boy!” she whined to herself. She bolted forward to cover herself, exposing only the top of her face.
The boy looked at her confused, “Do you see it?” he asked, getting closer.
“Um. Let me look!” Emma yelled back in a panic. She ducked down to grab the water bottle as quickly as she could, desperately feeling around for it with her fingers. When the bottle was in hand, she shot her head up at rapid speed hoping she had time to save her dignity. When she looked up, the boy was only one row away.
Trying to stay calm, she launched her body to the seat in front of her for cover, setting her armpits on the top, exposing her bare arms and shoulders as well as the top of her chest. She tried to look casual with both arms crossed on top of the seat with her chin resting against them, his water bottle in her right hand. Before he came any closer, she underhand tossed the water bottle to him, causing him to stop moving to catch it. He was now standing directly in front of her, staring. She knew she must look ridiculous, hugging her body to the seat, exposing a lot of skin, holding herself up by her armpits, in this weird pose, “no one sits like this,” she thought.
“Uh, awesome, thank you,” he said and turned to walk away, to Emma’s relief. But as he took a step he turned back around and said, “You wanna hear something funny? The way you’re sitting, it looks like you’re not wearing clothes.”
Emma’s eyes bulged, but recovered in world record time when she faked a laugh and said, “Well, I can assure you I’m dressed.”
“Obviously,” he said, laughing too. “You’d be a nut job if you were naked on the school bus. It just looks that way because of the seat.” Then to Emma’s horror he said, “Here let me show you.” He grabbed his phone from his pocket, took a picture of her, then took a knee on the seat in front of her to show the photo. He was now only a few inches from her face. If he were to fully stand up from this spot and look down, there would be no mistaking that she was indeed, the crazy nut job naked girl he referred to.
Emma was trying her best not to shake from fear, as she was talking to a fully clothed boy, while not wearing a stitch herself. Making matters even more embarrassing was that her pussy wasn’t just wet, but dripping wet, she could feel it flowing down her legs, in her half squat position. Emma looked at the photo and faked a laugh again, “Yep! It does look like that, very funny!” she said hoping he’d leave and go back to his seat. The bus began to slow and Emma was doing her best to keep her cool as she had no choice but to keep her body completely exposed to anyone looking through her window. She was hopping from left foot to right foot to try and control her nerves when the boy said, “Well this is my stop, thanks for grabbing my water bottle,” and he left just like that.
Emma jumped down into her seat the second he was out of range. She was drenched in sweat, chest heaving, her whole body a deep shade of red. She laid down with her back to the window again, whole body facing Claire, legs spread open with her clit now poking out. She looked out the window to see the kid walk by staring up at her seeing her full bare back, he smiled and waved as he walked off. Emma couldn’t help but wonder if he put the connection together from the picture on his phone of her seemingly naked and seeing she had no clothing on her back.
With the near humiliation, her arousal was at a 10 as she tried to calm down. Her thighs were drenched in her own juice from when she was half squatting, and was now sitting in a pool of her own making. She was in such a state that she didn’t even notice when Claire was leaning over her, until she grabbed Emma’s hand. Emma looked at her confused, until Claire moved Emma’s hand to her vagina and she involuntarily bucked at the touch. “N-No I can’t do that here,” Emma mumbled, her hand not moving.
“You already are, whether you realize it or not, it’s happening.” Claire said.
Emma shook her head, not wanting to become consumed by her own arousal, but her hand remained fixed between her legs, fingers now wet and glistening. “What is happening to me?” she thought, looking down at her bare-naked body. It was hard to take in that she was surrounded by her classmates, naked, and nearing an orgasm just from the experience. It took everything she had to not succumb, her hips occasionally giving way to tiny thrusts, trying to reach her hand and satiate what her body wanted. But she couldn’t, she couldn’t give way to this depravity on her own volition.
“If it makes it easier for you,” Claire mused, “I could threaten you instead. How about… if you don’t masturbate right now, I’ll take your dress and leave you here on the bus, alone and naked.”
Emma didn’t hesitate, the threat was exactly what she needed to give herself permission that this wasn’t her own doing. She plunged her fingers into her pussy and helped herself to an explosive orgasm. It took every bit of energy left in her body to not scream out in ecstasy, however, not able to stifle moaning entirely. She continued laying there, with her eyes closed, for a few moments barely remembering where she was.
When she regained her surroundings, the fear came back like a wave crashing over her. Emma’s eyelids sprung open and she looked down at herself to see she was drenched in ariver of sweat and cum. The hand still between her legs was covered in it too. The whole area she was sitting in was soaking wet and sticky, her juices literally dripping down the seat.
When the bus slowed for the next stop Emma was still in shock, unmovable, she couldn’t even bring herself to think of what this must look like to Claire. She barely heard Claire say, “this is our stop, we should probably clean this…mess.” Emma didn’t move, leaving Claire to mop everything up. “Um, you might want to do this part yourself…” referring to Emma’s bottom half. “EMMA!” Claire yelled to snap her out of the daze.
“Wha-What? Oh yes, thank you.” Emma grabbed the now damp cloth and wiped down her hands, pussy, and the rest of her body as best she could as Claire stood up. “What are you doing?” Emma asked.
“Going home? I told you, this is our stop,” replied Claire.
“But I need my dress!”
“What do you mean? You already have your dress,” Claire smiled mischievously.
Emma looked down at her hands, where to her horror, the cloth they used to clean up everything was, in fact, her dress. She stared at it completely repulsed and not sure what to do when she heard the bus driver yell, “I don’t have all day, get off the bus!”
Emma squealed back, “Just one second!” She forced her damp dress over her head, forgetting about modesty. The feeling of her wet, sticky dress on her body made her feel worse than when she was naked. When she stood up, she couldn’t stop herself from looking out the window to see Claire looking up at the bus with her phone (as always) continuing to record.
She walked down the aisle awkwardly, similar to wearing a bathing suit that hasn't dried yet. Her dress had more wet spots than dry spots and the smell left nothing to the imagination. She looked like the world’s biggest slut. As she was leaving the bus, the driver stopped her once again and said, “I’m going to ask you one last time, do you need help? Or are you two just, well, I don’t know what you are.”
Emma blushed a deep red. “No, I don’t need help, like I said yesterday, just having…fun.”
“Okay, well, it’s your life. If you want to show yourself off to everybody who am I to stop you. At least it gives me some entertainment,” the bus driver laughed and motioned her to get off the bus.
The moment she stepped off the bus, Claire was right there to greet her saying, “That was A-MAZ-ING!” As they walked, Claire talked a mile a minute. “I mean, what a ride! I can’t believe how oblivious that boy was! And the bus driver! He’s on our side! Oh we’re going to have so much more fun now!” Emma didn’t say anything, she just let Claire talk the whole way home. Just as they were about to split off, Mrs. Shepherd walked out of the house. Emma tried to bolt away, but she called after her. Emma reluctantly turned around, subconsciously smoothing out her disgusting dress.
“It’s so good to see you two becoming fast friends,” Mrs. Shepherd said while Emma forced a smile. “Oh my dear, what happened to your dress? It looks awful!”
“She slipped in something on the bus,” Claire responded quickly, “Why don’t we let her get cleaned up.”
“Oh yes, absolutely,” Mrs. Shepherd said. “If I were you I would take a shower right away, whatever it was smells something foul!”
Emma walked straight into the shower without even taking off her dress, cleaning it and her body during the shower. After tossing the dress in the washing machine, she walked into her room and passed out on the bed.
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Re: The Blinds - Update 3/29/24 - School Bus Strip Continued
I can't believe I am just now getting around to reading this marvelous story! I love that her blackmailer turned out to be a female classmate. Your pacing is perfect and the descriptive visuals are most entertaining!
Well done! Looking forward to more soon.
Well done! Looking forward to more soon.
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Re: The Blinds - Update 3/29/24 - School Bus Strip Continued
This story keeps getting better and better. I would say though that the dares Claire is pushing on Emma are so risky that it's only a matter of time before it implodes causing Emma to get discovered and the fun to stop for Claire. So, I am curious to see how this progresses.
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Re: The Blinds - Update 3/29/24 - School Bus Strip Continued
Hooked6 wrote: Sat Mar 30, 2024 1:08 pm I can't believe I am just now getting around to reading this marvelous story! I love that her blackmailer turned out to be a female classmate. Your pacing is perfect and the descriptive visuals are most entertaining!
Well done! Looking forward to more soon.
Thank you! All feedback means a lot to me and keeps me writing this story. I appreciate all the comments/DMs whether they are positive or critical. But I am a Huge fan of your stories so this one means even more! “Midnight Run” is an all time favorite of mine that I’ve read over and over. The only problem I have with your stories is you set the bar too high for the rest of us

Thanks again for the kind feedback, made my day!
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Re: The Blinds - Update 3/29/24 - School Bus Strip Continued
Thank you!!! Unfortunately the close calls can’t go on forever like you said!Blondie2718 wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 7:24 pm This story keeps getting better and better. I would say though that the dares Claire is pushing on Emma are so risky that it's only a matter of time before it implodes causing Emma to get discovered and the fun to stop for Claire. So, I am curious to see how this progresses.
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