Tabatha's Torment

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Tabatha's Torment

Post by Blondie »

The following is applicable to all chapters of “Tabatha's Torment:”

© February 2024 by Blondie.

This is a work of fiction and is fantasy only. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

For ages 18 and older only.

Author's Note: I started writing this with the intention of participating in the contest. Realistically, it is highly unlikely that I will find the time to conclude this story by the deadline. To further complicate things, there is a decent chance that this could turn into an extended story with several chapters. I'm not sure about that yet—I have a vague plan, and I tend to make things up as I go along—but if that is the case, it would likely be months before coming to conclusion.

In any case, in the likely event that I don't finish this in time, I will edit out the "HNY24" after the 29th.


Chapter 1: The Locker Room

Katy Remington eyed the freshman girl who was changing out of her P.E. clothes in the Roosevelt High School locker room. She took notice that the girl seemed ill at ease while doing so. Katy watched closely as the girl kept her back turned while standing unusually close to her locker while she pulled the regulation Roosevelt tee shirt off over her head. Her back, which was bare but for a white bra strap, was promptly covered by a long-sleeved green blouse that she had at the ready. The transition from being adorned in a tee shirt to a long-sleeved blouse was remarkably swift.

At the moment, Katy was wearing nothing but her black bra and a pair of matching panties. She seemed considerably more comfortable in her own skin than the girl she was watching. Katy nudged her friend, who was changing her clothes right next to her. “Get a load of this, Chloe,” said Katy while pointing at the girl at the other end of the row of lockers. Her friend followed Katy’s gaze and observed a girl who was hastily slipping out of her P.E. shorts. Chloe’s first observation was that the girl was wearing a pair of black tights underneath the shorts. Chloe found that unusual, being that it was a warm, early September day.

The two girls continued to regard the girl as she hurriedly slipped into a pair of jeans, followed by a pair of shoes. She then grabbed her backpack and without delay she disappeared behind the lockers on her way out the door.

Chloe looked back at her friend. They made eye contact and smiled at each other. They were both thinking the same thing. “We’re going to have some fun with that girl,” said Katy.

“Indeed,” answered her friend.

* * * * *

Tabatha Cooper was very self-conscious about her body. She had been that way for as long as she could remember. Her earliest memory of her profound sense of modesty was way back when she was six years old. She was in the play yard at her school, and a strong gust of wind blew her skirt straight up in the air, exposing her light blue cotton panties. Much to her embarrassment, it was witnessed by two boys from her first-grade class. The two boys got a good laugh out of it and teased her mercilessly. Tabatha was very impressionable, and it bothered her to no end. She never completely overcame that experience. Indeed, eight years later, she still had not worn a skirt to school since that fateful day, extreme as that may seem.

It was a bit of a paradox, because Tabatha had no reason to be self-conscious about her body. Now at the age of fourteen, her body had developed as one would expect for a young teenager. Though slightly small in stature, she had a slim, curvaceous physique. Her breasts were probably a little smaller than average, but they were well-formed—certainly nothing for her to be ashamed of. She didn’t have what one would consider a beautiful face, but she was somewhat pretty. If she smiled more, and had she not always worn loose-fitting clothes that covered everything but her face and hands, she would have been turning more than a few heads of the boys at Roosevelt High.

Tabatha was not at all excited about entering high school. Her biggest fear was the potentiality of having to change clothes for P.E. She was fortunate that P.E. was an elective at her middle school. Of course, she elected not to take P.E. the whole time she was there. But she knew it was mandatory at the high school, and the coming days before school started, her stress level was very high. She even considered asking her mother to sign a medical deferral, but she disregarded that notion, knowing her mother would never falsify a document.

To compound her anxiety, she had heard rumors that bullying was rampant at Roosevelt High, and that the teachers tended to look the other way. Tabatha shuddered as she contemplated her future in high school.

Her first two days at school did nothing to alleviate her fears. On her first day in third period P.E., they handed out the compulsory tee shirt and shorts at the end of the class. Tabatha was appalled at how short the shorts were. She made a mental note to wear her tights to school, lest she have to expose a considerable amount of her bare legs.

As she expected, changing out of her clothes for P.E. the next day was a very unpleasant experience. She did the deed as quickly as possible while keeping her head down.

It was worse when she came back after the activities and had to change back into her clothes. Much to her consternation, all the girls stripped down in preparation for taking a shower. She hadn’t even considered that this would occur, and she was horrified. She couldn’t in her wildest dreams—make that her wildest nightmares—imagine anyone seeing her naked. So while dozens of girls cavorted naked around her, Tabatha fiddled around with her shoelaces, then acted like she was looking for something in her locker—anything she could do to keep from undressing while naked girls were coming and going around her.

When it appeared all the girls were back at their lockers and seemingly preoccupied, Tabatha changed into her clothes with expeditious rhythm. She thought she was going about her business unnoticed until she took a furtive glance to her right and had the strong sense that two girls from one of the upper classes—juniors and seniors took P.E. at the same time as the freshmen—were staring at her from the other end of the row of lockers. Feeling very uncomfortable, Tabatha quickened her pace even more. She feverishly pulled on her jeans, slipped on her shoes, grabbed her backpack and exited the locker room posthaste. When she entered the hallway, she stopped momentarily, then closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She was already dreading the next day’s third period P.E.

* * * * *

Katy Remington was a bully. Her penchant for bullying dated back to her time in elementary school, when she first realized that she had the ability to dominate weaker individuals, and that she really enjoyed doing so. She undeniably had a sadistic side to her, and it was a side that she exhibited on more than one occasion on her humiliated victims. Nothing excited her more than to have a cowering victim at her beck and call.

Katy was now in her third year at Roosevelt High School. Two years before, like most of the entering students, she was aware of the school’s reputation for bullying, which played right into her hands. During her freshman year she heard many stories of unfortunate students who had some or all of their clothes forcibly removed by mischief-making students.

Her favorite stories involved a girl named Felicity, who years before had a reign of terror at the high school, leaving many a victim in her wake. In many circles—including Katy’s—Felicity was a legend. Katy aspired to be just like her. When all was said and done, Katy couldn’t match Felicity’s prowess in doling out humiliation—truth be told, nobody could—but she did manage to attain her own reputation as a person to be feared.

During her first two years she—with the help of a few “associates”—enjoyed tyrannizing a few victims. They were all boys—weaker boys, whom she knew she could dominate without any repercussions. She wanted to branch out, so to speak, so during the summer she set a personal goal to seek out a female victim or two to have her fun with. So imagine her glee when, on just the second day of school, she eyeballed Tabatha Cooper self-consciously changing clothes in the locker room.

* * * * *

It was the third day of school, and Tabatha Cooper had just suffered through her third period P.E. class. As she did the day before, she was sitting on the bench, fidgeting around at her locker while the other girls were showering.

“Aren’t you going to shower?” came a voice from above. Startled, Tabatha's whole body flinched. She looked up, and standing over her was a tall, athletically built fellow student. Tabatha recognized her as one of the girls she thought was staring at her the day before. At the moment she looked quite imposing to Tabatha, either because of or in spite of the fact that the girl was naked—Tabatha wasn’t sure.

“I….I….um,” stammered Tabatha. “I was just looking for something,” she said as she buried her head in her locker. She dearly wished the girl would just disappear. Instead, the girl extended her hand.

“My name’s Katy,” she said.

“Ta….Tabatha,” she answered while accepting the handshake. She didn’t make eye contact; she felt very awkward shaking hands with a naked girl. Tabatha was also thrown off by the fact that the girl was so comfortable standing there naked while Tabatha was fully clothed. Tabatha wished that she could possess even a trace of that characteristic.

Katy chuckled. “What a cute name.” She looked down at Tabatha’s legs. “Why are you wearing those tights?” asked Katy. “It’s pretty warm outside.”

Tabatha was not at all enjoying the line of questioning. “I…please, I….I just like them.”

Just then another girl joined Katy. She was also naked but for a towel draped over one shoulder. “Hi, I'm Chloe,” she said while extending her hand out to Tabatha in the same fashion as did Katy.

Tabatha’s state of discomfiture continued to rise. She shook the girl’s hand, again without looking up. She refrained from saying her name.

“This is Tabatha,” said Katy. “Isn’t that a cute name?”

“Very,” smiled Chloe.

I was just asking Tabatha about the tights,” said Katy.

“Yeah, what’s up with the tights? It’s not cold outside,” remarked Chloe.

“She says she just likes them,” responded Katy. It was silent for a moment, then Katy continued. “I don’t really like them. Do you like them, Chloe?”

“Not really,” said Chloe. “I wonder why she wants to cover up her legs.”

“I don’t know,” replied Katy. “Let’s ask her. Tabatha, why do you want to cover up your legs?”

“Please, I just….I like how they look.”

Chloe looked at Katy and said, “She just likes how they look.”

“Apparently,” said Katy. “But we’ve both already said that we don’t like how they look. That does create a problem.” She looked at Tabatha. “Tabatha, you say you like how your tights look. But Chloe and I don’t like how they look. How do you think we should deal with that?”

Tabatha was now fully aware that she was on the receiving end of a bullying session that Roosevelt was renowned for. Her breathing had quickened considerably. She was desperate to find a way out of her predicament.

But her next words were probably not the ideal approach to remedy her situation. She took a quick glance at her two tormentors before looking back down. “Please, can you just leave me alone and go get dressed?”

Katy looked at Chloe and said, “She wants us to get dressed.”

“I wonder why? Does she not think we look good naked?” asked Chloe.

Katy moved a bit closer and more in front of the harried Tabatha. If Tabatha were to turn her head to the left, her nose would come menacingly close to Katy’s neatly trimmed bush. “Do you think I don’t look good naked, Tabatha?”

Tabatha scooted a few inches away from what for her was a very offensive intrusion. “No.…I mean yes….I mean….I just want you to leave me alone.” She felt herself blushing.

“Oh, I think she’s embarrassed,” said Chloe.

“Are you embarrassed, Tabatha?” asked Katy. “Are we embarrassing you by being naked?” Tabatha didn’t answer, but blushed brighter. “Yes, I do believe you’re embarrassed to be around naked people. In fact, I think just hearing the word ‘naked’ embarrasses you. Doesn’t it, Tabatha?”

Indeed, Tabatha blushed another shade of red. “Please, can you just….just leave me alone?” she implored.

“Okay,” said Katy. “We’ll leave you alone, but not until you do two things for us. First, I’d like you to use the word ‘naked’ in a sentence. Do you think you can do that?”

“Please, why….why do I have….why do you want me to do that?”

Instead of answering her right away, Katy sat down on the bench, pressing close to Tabatha. Chloe, following her friend’s lead, sat down and pressed against Tabatha’s other side. Tabatha now had two naked girls snuggling against her. Unnerved, Tabatha tried to jump up but was thwarted by two firm hands pushing down on her shoulders.

“Just relax, sweetie,” said Katy. The words did nothing to ameliorate Tabatha’s state of high anxiety.
Last edited by Blondie on Thu Oct 10, 2024 7:09 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: HNY24: Tabatha's Torment

Post by SDS »

Oooh a wonderful start! Even if you don't finish it in time the fact the content encouraged younto start is a wonderful treat indeed!
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Re: HNY24: Tabatha's Torment

Post by TeenFan »

Blondie wrote:
Tabatha now had two naked girls snuggling up against her.

I'd be happy to be the creamy white filling in the middle of a naked High School Girl Sandwich.
If the Girl Scouts sold such cookies there would be no lack of buyers.
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Re: HNY24: Tabatha's Torment

Post by Blondie »

SDS wrote: Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:46 pm Oooh a wonderful start! Even if you don't finish it in time the fact the content encouraged younto start is a wonderful treat indeed!
Yes, I have to give you credit (or blame :lol:), SDS, for motivating me. Now I'll have another unfinished (or I prefer "ongoing") story to work on.
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Re: HNY24: Tabatha's Torment

Post by Blondie »

TeenFan wrote: Wed Feb 21, 2024 11:48 pm Blondie wrote:
Tabatha now had two naked girls snuggling up against her.

I'd be happy to be the creamy white filling in the middle of a naked High School Girl Sandwich.
If the Girl Scouts sold such cookies there would be no lack of buyers.
Yes, I suspect you would be much more comfortable with that than poor Tabatha is.
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Tabatha's Torment, Chapter 2

Post by Blondie »


Chapter 2: Submission

“Just relax, sweetie,” said Katy. “We’re not going to do anything to you today. We just want to chat, so we can get to know you a little better.” Tabatha shifted nervously on the locker room bench. She was too rattled to consider how ironic it was that she was the one embarrassed, even though she was fully clothed and the two girls she was wedged between were naked.

“I’m not going to make you say the word ‘naked’,” said Katy. “I know that would be embarrassing for you. But I do want to discuss something you said.” She put her hand on Tabatha’s knee, and Tabatha immediately pushed it aside with her elbow. Chloe mimicked Katy’s gesture from the other side, and the troubled Tabatha again pushed the hand away. “You’re not being very friendly, Tabatha,” said Katy. “We’re just trying to be sociable.”

“Please,” implored Tabatha. “Please, I’d….I’d like to go.”

“Of course, dear,” replied Katy. “We’ll let you go. But first I’d like to talk. You told us to go get dressed. That hurt my feelings, and I think it hurt Chloe’s feelings, too. Chloe, did Tabatha hurt your feelings?”

“She did,” responded Chloe. “I think Tabatha doesn’t like how we look when we’re naked.”

“Exactly,” said Katy. “See what I mean, Tabatha? You hurt both of our feelings. By telling us to get dressed, you insinuated that our bodies are ugly. And that wasn’t very nice.”

“No, I…I didn’t mean that,” said Tabatha, while continuing to stare straight down to the floor. “Please…”

“I hope that’s true, Tabatha,” said Katy. “Maybe you can prove it to me.” Tabatha had no idea where she was going with that, but she didn’t have a good feeling about it. “Put your hand on my leg,” directed Katy. The horrified Tabatha remained deadly still as if she was in a paralysis state. “Come on, Tabatha,” urged Katy. “You said you didn’t mean that you didn’t like my naked body. You can start proving that by putting your hand on my naked thigh.” Tabatha made a half-hearted effort to get up—it was half-hearted because she knew it wouldn’t be allowed—but she wasn’t going anywhere until her two aggressors decided they were done with her. Resignedly, she set her hand on top of the middle of Katy’s thigh. Tabatha winced at the contact, and at the sound of Chloe’s tittering emanating from her right. “That’s a good girl, Tabatha,” said Katy. “Now caress it with your fingers.” There was a long, silent pause. Katy and Chloe stared at Tabatha’s hand, waiting for movement, while Tabatha’s eyes were shut tight in anguish. At some point Tabatha must have determined that her options were limited at best, because while the grinning Katy and Chloe looked on, the fingers they were focusing on began stroking the thigh before them in tender fashion. Then, after a few seconds, the fingers abruptly abandoned their compulsory task and disappeared from view.

At that point the school bell sounded, and the delighted recipient of the gentle touches rose from the bench and addressed the embattled Tabatha. “Maybe we can pick this up where we left off sometime, sweetie,” said Katy. “It’s a shame we had to stop; I was starting to get a little worked up.” Before walking away, she added one more instruction. “Before I go, there is one more thing: no more tights. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll show off your legs during P.E., starting tomorrow.” She paused and looked at Tabatha, whose mouth was open with a dumbfounded look on her face. “Call it a good faith gesture on your part. When your legs are bare, we’ll both know that you’ve submitted to me. That will make me very happy, and, more importantly for you, you won’t have to be punished for disobeying me.”

With that, Kayla and Chloe left Tabatha alone, to ponder her sorry fate.

* * * * *

Tabatha Cooper was beside herself that evening. The course of events during her P.E. class that day had shaken her to her core. She shivered in disgust as she relived in her mind the moment when she was forced to caress the naked girl’s thigh. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut as she considered Katy’s directive to forgo her tights and bare her legs. While contemplating that over the previous few hours, she went back and forth several times on whether to succumb to the bully’s demand. She struggled to make up her mind, but she was leaning against it, mainly because her considerable modesty just wouldn’t allow it.

Ultimately she decided it might be best to enlist the advice of her elder sister Annika. Annika was away at college and was just one summer removed from her four-year stint at Roosevelt High. Tabatha was hopeful that Annika could help steer her in the right direction, and hopefully help ease her anguish. She tapped her phone a couple of times and within a second or two she heard her sister’s friendly voice.

“Hey, how’s it going?”

“Hi, Annika. Well, to tell you the truth, I’ve been better.”

“Uh-oh. Tell me about it.”

“Well, there’s this girl at school—two girls, actually—who have been….harassing me.”

Annika, well aware that such things occur at Roosevelt, didn’t seem surprised. “Go on,” she said.

“She….it’s during P.E. They’ve been at my locker when I’m trying to get dressed. And they’re both naked. It’s awful!”

“I’m sorry, sis. That must be terrible for you. What exactly are they doing to you?”

“They….she made me put my hand on her bare leg. Then I had to….to caress it with my fingers. It was horrible. And she told me….I’ve been wearing tights to school, and she told me not to wear them anymore.”

Whaaaat? Screw that. You can wear whatever you want.”

“I’m not sure what to do, Annika. She said I’d be punished if I disobeyed her.”

‘Oh, jeez. Who are these assholes? Are they freshmen?”

“No, they’re older. I think they’re juniors.”

“Do you know their names?”

“Just their first names. Katy and….”

“Chloe,” interrupted Annika.

“Yes! You know them?”

“Not personally, but I know of them. They have a reputation.”

Tabatha felt a shiver run up and down her spine. “What….what kind of reputation?” she asked with considerable trepidation.

“Well, they’re bullies, plain and simple. I’ve heard they’ve always preyed on boys, so I’m surprised they are picking on you.” That piece of information did nothing to ease Tabatha’s mind.

“What kinds of things did they do to the boys?” asked Tabatha anxiously.

Annika paused before answering. She considered whether to tell her sister of the deeds performed that garnered Katy’s reputation. She knew that many a young lad had suffered ignominious humiliations at the hands of Katy and her cohorts. She knew that more often than not, those humiliations involved the forced disrobing of her victims, and that her cruelty sometimes did not stop there. There was one story that she was renowned for. Annika figured it was just urban legend when she first heard it, but it was subsequently corroborated by a friend of hers who witnessed the affair. As the story goes, Katy and a group of her friends had two terrified freshmen boys stripped completely naked in the end zone of the football field during the lunch hour. Not satisfied with that, she made them fondle each other’s penises until they were both erect. She wanted them to orgasm, but that wasn’t happening, so she decided to take matters (literally) into her own hands. She pulled a tube of lubricant from her backpack, squirted some on her hands and began jerking both boys off. She told them that the first one to cum would have to run a lap naked around the track before he’d get his clothes back. Both boys were fighting like mad internally not to lose it, but she knew what she was doing, and it didn’t take long for the first one to lose his stuff. She made the other guy finish himself off while the first guy streaked around the track at breakneck speed to the sounds of merriment and laughter.

After careful thought, Annika decided that the details of the humiliations would only exacerbate her sister’s already fragile state of mind. “Just stuff like they did to you,” she finally replied.

“Oh, gosh, Annika. I don’t know what to do!”

After a short pause, Annika said, “I know this isn’t what you want to hear, Tabby, but my advice would be to do what she says.”

“Oh!” exclaimed Tabatha. “Can’t I just….what if I tell someone, like a teacher, or the principal?”

“Under normal conditions that would be the way to go. But Roosevelt is anything but normal. Kids have tried that in the past, and it only made things worse for them. She has other friends besides Chloe that she can call upon if needed.”

Again, Annika spared her sister the details of another incident that she was aware of. One day during the previous spring Katy and Chloe accosted a boy during P.E.. They pulled his gym shorts down to his knees, then gave him a wedgie. All in all, fairly tame stuff relative to what Katy was capable of. But the boy was obviously unaware of the ways of the world at Roosevelt High—and, more consequential for him, of Katy Remington’s notoriety. He reported the incident to a teacher. Not only did Katy receive nothing more than what amounted to a slap on the wrist for her behavior, but the next day during the lunch hour the poor boy was stripped naked, and his wrists were tied to the outstretched arm of the Roosevelt statue. His pubic hair had been shorn for good measure. Many students witnessed his misfortune, and of course no one came to his aid for fear of being victimized in the same fashion. It was well into the next period before he was rescued by a custodian.

Annika knew of her sister’s extreme sense of self-consciousness, and she sympathized. “I know how you are,” continued Annika, “and this will be hard for you. But you have to bite the bullet and leave the tights at home.” There was silence on the other end, so she continued. “You know, for what it's worth, you have really nice legs. I'm jealous; I wish I had your legs." Annika realized that wasn't much, if any consolation, so she tried another approach. "You can still wear your pants to school,” she said. “So at least your legs will be exposed for only one period.” Annika again held back what was on her mind—that Katy is liable not to stop there.

Tabatha was no dullard. “But….if I give in and do what she says…” She paused while formulating her thoughts. “Then she’ll know I’m compliant, and controllable. I’ll be like putty in her hands. What’s to stop her from asking me to do other things.” For the second time during the conversation Tabatha shivered as she momentarily dared to consider what might constitute “other things.”

“I know, sis. You’re between a rock and a hard place. I really wish I had better advice. If I were in your shoes I’m afraid I would go along with it and not wear the tights. Maybe she won’t enjoy bullying a girl and go back to picking on boys.” Unfortunately, under the circumstances that was the best Annika had for her distraught sister.

“Maybe,” answered Tabatha before they ended their conversation. But there was very little conviction in her voice.
Last edited by Blondie on Thu Feb 29, 2024 8:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HNY24: Tabatha's Torment

Post by SDS »

Oooh another wonderful chapter! Can't wait for more! The build up and suspense is killing me...
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Re: HNY24: Tabatha's Torment

Post by BC101010 »

I like where this is going! Great start!
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Re: HNY24: Tabatha's Torment, Chapter 2

Post by TeenFan »

Blondie wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2024 6:55 pm
As the story goes, Katy and a group of her friends had two terrified freshmen boys stripped completely naked in the end zone of the football field during the lunch hour. Not satisfied with that, she made them fondle each other’s penises until they were both erect. She wanted them to orgasm, but that wasn’t happening, so she decided to take matters (literally) into her own hands. She pulled a tube of lubricant from her backpack, squirted some on her hands and began jerking both boys off. She told them that the first one to cum would have to run a lap naked around the track before he’d get his clothes back. Both boys were fighting like mad internally not to lose it, but she knew what she was doing, and it didn’t take long for the first one to lose his stuff. She made the other guy finish himself off while the first guy streaked around the track at breakneck speed to the sounds of merriment and laughter.
I'm hoping to read the full version of this sometime soon.
The other story is nice too about the boy left at the statue.

Real good stuff here.
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Re: Tabatha's Torment

Post by litrob2000 »

Fabulous story, Blondie. Great contrast between young Tabatha and her tormentors Katy and Chloe. I'd love to see you continue this story. I wonder if Katy will force Tabatha to interact with one of her embarrassed young boys . . .
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