Trousers fell down on the assault course

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Trousers fell down on the assault course

Post by RickD137 »

This happened in year 9 so we would have been 13 to 14 years old.
We went on a school trip to an army base and they had an big inflatable assault course two people could race against each other at a time
We were also allowed to wear our own clothes rather than school uniform.
I was waiting in line for the assault course, you had to remove shoes or jewelry and belts anything that could potentially pierce the inflatable.

...there was a girl ahead of me, we will call her Sam. It was fair to say she was a bit on the fat side in the past but had recently lost a lot of weight, she had to remove her belt to participate on the assault course
one of he first parts of the assault course had a big hole about 4/5ft up in the air you had to jump/dive through.
So when it was sams turn she jumped onto the assault course ran up to the hole as she jumped through the hole her jeans just dropped straight down to her ankles exposing her yellow knickers to like 100 people all laughing at her.
She made it through the hole but landed on her stomach with her trousers stuck round her ankles so it probably took her about 10 seconds or so to get her trousers back on. surprisingly, she didn't complete the rest of the assault course.
She received a lot of teasing until the end of school over the whole yellow knickers thing I think it was to do with the fact they were yellow. I guess it would have been the equivalent of me going to school wearing some bright yellow Thomas the tank engine pants or something very childish.
I know some girls had switched to girl boxers or thong the plenty of girls still wore normal knickers I'm guessing yellow was a no no
The more I think on it, I don't think I've ever seen a girl's yellow underwear since that day.
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Robert Brooks
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Re: Trousers fell down on the assault course

Post by Robert Brooks »

Great story, Rick. I can tell that would have been massively embarrassing and very funny to watch!
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