Mouthy Miley

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Mouthy Miley

Post by SensoryOverlord »

Hopefully most here know of the tallented and prolific erotica artist known as Kamitora - Paper Tiger.
Sadly went offline sometime in 2022-2023, but a few sites with collections can be found.
One of the last illustrations posted on shortly before the shutdown was titled 'Mouthy Miley'. It doesn't seem to have been archived anywhere else on the Net (or at least is not known to tineye), so I'm glad I saved a copy. What happened to Kamitora is a mystery; if anyone knows, please post.

The picture is inspiring, and here's a short story I wrote based around Mouthy Miley.

In the original Kamitora image Miley had a tiny pair of delicate black lace panties pulled down to near the bottom of the frame. Here I've edited them out, to suit the story. The original is 643x900px; here I've used an external image server thumbnail. And I get no say in the thumbnail size.
Don't know how to insert a bigger version yet. Advice welcome.


Mouthy Miley
A Vignette by SensoryOverlord 20220310, edited 20240309
Sexual content: Cons, CMNF, CFNM, teens, exhib, org-denial, med-fet, SF.


Am I going to have to spank you again?

Seriously Miley that kind of uncooperative language is not acceptable, and neither is saying the same thing silently with a pouty expression. In fact I don't care how you say 'No I don't want to go'; mouthing off at me or just big teary puppydog eyes, we're still walking over there and having a lovely picnic on a blanket in the public park. It's a glorious day, Sun is shining and grass is green, there'll be lots of other picnic parties, kids playing ball and cute dogs playing fetch.

You're going to do it with good grace and a cheerful smile, or you'll be getting another spanking right here.

No? Still think it's not fair? Sigh. OK lets review. Three years ago when we'd been lovers for a while, you voted for the God's Will party same as me. You completely agreed that Feminism had gone way too far and was ruining everything. Radical communist psycho-fems in politics, the insane marriage laws and complete destruction of traditional gender roles, child rearing, education...

It was obvious to everyone still posessing any shred of common sense that all had to be set right, or civilization was doomed. The traditional family and all its strength and stability had to be fully restored. People's lives had to be freed from the massively intrusive government and corporate over-reach and tentacles of Satanic red tape worming into everything. The genocidal psychopathic Elites dealt with most sternly. The currency, banking and taxation systems had to be restored to Constitutional soundness, and the Constitution itself strengthened to enshrine the principles of personal rights, Liberty and ultimate self defense, as well as responsibility and the structure of marriage as crucial to a functional and civil society.

You read the God's Will party platform, you followed the debates, you knew what they meant. When they won government in a nation-wide social tectonic shift you were as happy about it as me. You watched them sweep away all the vast deadwood of corrupt and perverted old laws and hostile agencies, and enact their very minimalist and simple to understand 'new old order' legal framework. You watched people wed in the 'new marriage' system, and saw the effects of vows to 'love, honor and obey' for women, and 'love, honor and protect' for men being enshrined very literally in fundamental law. You saw how the laws on public behavior were rationalized and simplified to focus on 'leave well alone and do no harm' and an acceptance of natural human instincts, right to personal defense of self and property, biological reality and enjoyment of sexuality. One effect being that public consensual sex and nudity were deregulated, while the definition of consent was brought into conformity with the heirarchy of authority within the family unit. You rejoiced, and you still should even though you now have a bare red bottom as a result.

Even before I proposed to you, we had talked all that through. Role played it often and enjoyably. We're perfect for each other in life and in bed. I love that you are such an adventurous, horny and skillful home maker with a submissive side, and you love that I'm creative, kinky, sensitively dominant and hung like, well not quite a horse. You knew well that I like to play teasing and denial games, and particularly love to see you getting even more horny. You always said that you adored doing this too, to show your love for me by letting me tease your passions to extremity. And before I proposed, I warned you that under the new marriage vows, I'd probably do that a lot more. Because as your husband your body would be literally mine. 'No lasting physical harm' is the precise limitation, and obey means obey. Protecting you is an absolute too, and remember this is the first time I've ever spanked you. But if you keep that up it definitely won't be the last.

I made it perfectly clear that the idea of forbidding you orgasms, just for the pleasure of watching you become more and more horny, really turned me on. I asked you if you were OK with that and you said it made you burn just to think about it. It also made you burn spectacularly when I did actually deny you orgasms for intervals of days or a week or two. You would get soooo frantic and hot!

Well I proposed, and you accepted. By that time it had become not uncommon for husbands to display their wives naked in public if they wished. Nudity was no longer illegal, a husband's command held the power of law, and the wowsers, Karens and feminazis were all laughed at, shunned and sometimes stripped and locked in the town stocks for a while to contemplate being less annoying. They should think themselves lucky they don't get the same public spectacle protracted televised termination as Sorros, Gates, Fauci, Rothschilds, Central Bankers, Media CEOs, voting fraudsters and everyone involved in the engineered pandemics and forced gene-poison shots.

We'd seen such stories together, and you'd blushed delightfully, knowing that 'naked wife' could be you once we married. I know for a wet fact the thought turned you on. It is now too, don't try to deny it. Put any thoughts of 'that kind of girl' out of your head. What's happening here is I'm 'that kind of husband', and also I am certain you'll enjoy today. Just stop digging your heels in and go with the flow.

You've been my wife for two years now. It's wonderful, I am still overjoyed every morning I wake beside you. No man could ask for a more beautiful, sexy, enthusiastic and excitable lover and companion of the heart. Nor for a lover more accepting, when I choose to tease you to the edge for days and weeks on end, with just my fingers and toys.

There was the slight problem, that when you became so desperately horny, I would want to enjoy you fully. I'd order you not to cum while we made love, but it often was simply impossible for you to hold back, and all the days or weeks of buildup would be undone. Spectacular to see you cum then, but not what I wanted. You would always apologize for letting me down, but nonetheless, you had failed.

Then there were the two times that I surprised you at home when you thought I wouldn't be back for a while. A few days apart, while you'd supposedly gone without orgasm for about a month. You were masturbating with one of our toys, that were supposed to be only for me to use on you. Both times I had interrupted before you achieved orgasm, and this was when I decided (and you agreed) that some other measures were required since you were becoming unable to control yourself.

This wasn't a situation unique to our marriage. Others had sought solutions to the need to regulate orgasm, both in wives, and in teenage children of both sexes. Means had been developed. For females there was the IUFAR - Intra Uterine Fertility and Arousal Regulator. A small sphere medically inserted in the uterus, and only removable by a similar medical proceedure. Able to stimulate and arouse, also to sense approach of orgasm and either cease stimulation or actively and completely block orgasm even in the presense of other erotic stimuli. Like all modern smart devices, it was managed remotely via a phone App.

For males there was the ProsReg. A small sausage shaped flexible device, inserted in the urethra within the prostate and expanded then tissue-bonded to firmly fix it in place. A passage through it allows normal urination and shortly after insertion the whole thing becomes almost imperceptible to the wearer. While it's idle that is. When active, it has similar capabilities to the IUFAR. It can stimulate arousal and proceed to orgasm or it can totally block orgasm. If it allows orgasm it has the ability to control the disposition of ejaculate. It can permit normal ejection, or completely block outflow of seminal fluid from the ducts and prostate outlets into the urethra.

In the now famous 'reflow' mode it captures each pulse of fluids from the ejaculatory ducts and prostate gland outlets, retaining it all within the ProsReg during each prostate muscle sheath contraction. The mixed fluids are then forcefully 'reflowed back' up into the seminal ducts during each following relaxation of the muscles. This rapid expansion of the ducts stimulates the next contraction strongly, so male orgasm cycling is maintained rather than trailing off as fluid availability diminishes.

The ProsReg also comes with a clipon attachment, insertable via the urethra at any time, which allows artificial seminal substitue fluid to be introduced in measured volumes into the seminal reservoirs. Either to replace fluids recently ejaculated, or to boost existing stored volume. Additives are available, with an intriguing variety of advertised effects.

We researched both the IUFAR and ProsReg thoroughly. Of course the final decision was mine, but you agreed that the IUFAR would solve the problem of your slipping self control. I decided we would each get one; an IUFAR for you and a ProsReg for me. Both are medically removable if they didn't work out as expected.

That was nearly six months ago. Both devices have proven their remarkable potential, but I think we both find the ProsReg most phenomenal! Retaining or volume boosting semen results in massive libido and virtually zero refractory period. Usually an erection won't even go down after orgasm, but retains the full sense of urgent need to go again immediately. Which as you know, we often do.

But 'reflowed' orgasm is something else again! I know you love seeing and feeling me pulse inside you, rendered barely sentient by the overpowering ecstasy of an orgasm that just goes on and on, till the muscles involved simply tire out and cannot continue the self-perpetuating cycle of contraction and reflow in relaxation. The fluid surge sensation, out then in with each pulse never decreases, in fact it increases in intensity as prostatic fluid volume is added to seminal volume.

Experimentation with the ProsReg and your IUFAR, there are so many fucking choices aren't there! I'm not swearing, that is a propper sentence. So many combinations and choices of how fucking goes. Just with 'reflowed' it's a revolution! Now male performance can include protracted orgasms that last for hours. A fit man like me can enjoy pounding away while continuously cumming for as long as he likes. Or just holding still, enjoying the Zen of his erection spasming in his woman in unending pleasure.

Or topping his fluid pressure up till he feels a desperate urgency as if he hadn't cum for months, turning up the stimulation but locking out orgasm, then employing the resulting throbbing, rock hard and virtually permanent erection and brink of orgasm urgent arousal with his woman however they like.

For women, being able to block or stimulate orgasms adds a whole new dimension on top of having partners with virtually unlimited staying power. So does the IUFAR scheduled scripting feature, and being able to time-lock the scripts so they can't be stopped or altered for some set interval — days or months...

Eventually, I decided it was time to embark you on a true denial odyssey. Almost every wife wearing an IUFAR will eventually be taken on that journey by her husband. It is the primary purpose of the device after all.

So now it has been two months for you, without a single orgasm. Our love life becomes ever more intense and rewarding for both of us, as your desire grows. I love seeing you become more and more obsessed with sex, almost constantly dripping with arousal even when I don't have your IUFAR set to continual low level stimulation. When I have it set to stimulate you rapidly to near orgasm then quit until you are composed again, repeatedly, it is a miraculous sight to behold. An eigth wonder of the world, a sight too super-erotic to want to hide away in private. Whether you are permitted to masturbate or not, your two-month-denied desperate arousal of such a sexy, beautiful body should be a public national monument to erotica. A permanent display at the Sexsonian Museum. You completely lose control, of your actions and voice when near the peak. Your sexual despairing frustration as the stimulation stops each time, is utterly poignant. Your horny eagerness, mixed with resigned submission to the inevitable as the stimulation begins again, would give the entire world an erection, if you were televised.

We have gone outdoors with the IUFAR active before. Clothed, but often people still did notice the beautiful wife being IUFAR-goosed by her husband. Hiking, shopping, restaurants, walks around the neighborhood, visiting friends and family... and I must say I'm glad your parents are strong God's Will supporters, and do appreciate seeing you enjoying the benefits of a traditional marriage. They'd never personally seen an IUFAR in action before that time we visited soon after fitting. They were so curious about your panting and squirming all the way through dinner. They loved the detailed demonstration I had you put on after dinner, don't you think? They've been fascinated to see your frustration level rising over the last two months at our weekly visits. I think for our next visit I will take you there naked.

Anyway... back to today. This is your first time naked outdoors. We're going to the local park just over there. I have a blanket and a picnic hamper with food, champaigne, a cake and some other surprises. I know you are having an emotional reaction to the nakedness, and knowing you're so horny that you will totally lose control if I bump the IUFAR stimulation up much. And you know I am going to. This is the first time you've ever really tried to object to anything I've decided we will do, and you've been quite out of line, even rude. Hence the spanking.

I get it, you're a shy and modest woman and this is a challenge for you. But you will quit your stalling now. Put on a smile, and walk towards those trees. We'll be in the park, with strangers and neighbors around, kids and teenagers... We're going to have a nice lunch that I made, and as we eat you are going to ramp up into complete gasping panting arousal. By the meal end you'll lie back on the blanket pretty much out of control. I've already told you I will let you masturbate today. You know you aren't going to be able to resist, even knowing you won't be able to cum. I'm going to cycle you up and down, all afternoon, as people pass by. Everyone will know what's happening. People will smile and wave, or wander over to admire you up close.

They'll chat, asking you about it, how it feels, whether you think they should get an IUFAR for their wives or daughters. Asking me whether it's as much fun having a wife fitted with an IUFAR as they guess it must be, and why your bottom is red from a spanking. I'll explain about the benefits of extended orgasm denial and what a demon in bed it makes you. How this is your first time naked in public and you actually tried to disobey your husband. That you were even rude about it.

Probably most people will say that is deeply shocking and I should spank you more. I suppose I will, just so they know I'm thankful for their good advice and take my legal responsibilities as your husband seriously. I'll make sure to mention that due to your rudness I definitely won't be allowing you any orgasm for a long while yet. Maybe they'll have suggestions for how much longer your denial should be extended, and any other measures I should take. I'll listen carfully and thank them for their thoughts.

Everyone will have a lovely day, and then tonight you will be a demon in bed.

Heck, I might even have you in the park. I can if I want, it's perfectly legal in public now.

So is putting you over my lap on the blanket and spending the rest of the day spanking you, if you don't start behaving respectfully, right now.


Good. I knew you could do this. Here, take my hand and let's get going.

(A few moments later, walking hand in hand towards the park.)

Why the champaigne? Well, in the last few days you've been distracted, worried because I said I was going to take you out in public naked soon. Putting all your cute scheming into trying to convince me to change my mind. I guess you didn't look at the calendar. What is today?

Ha ha, the look on your face! Yes, it's our second wedding anniversary. Also exactly two months since I set your IUFAR to block orgasm. I was going to let you cum today, in the park. But not anymore, since you were really very rude. I haven't decided how much longer you'll wait due to that.

Oh and by the way, I've invited all our friends and families to this picnic. Your sisters included. Marie says she and Frank will be bringing their two teen sons. You recall the troubles she was having with their habits? She didn't tell you yet, but about three weeks ago they had the boys fitted with ProsRegs. It was an amusing coincidence that I told her about my aniversary plan, the day she had intended to allow her boys their first weekly supervised release.

Her idea, and she discussed it with Frank and they agreed, was to hold their boys off till today. Have their first managed release be part of the show, after you were allowed to cum. Entertainment for you especially and Marie says that's why she's made them wait much longer than the original plan. Over three weeks. Teenagers, ha ha. Very rapid buildup she says.

It seems the poor boys had never experienced going even a couple of days without ever since puberty, and they are at their wit's end by now. I hear they've been um, 'stiffly anticipating' today since about the second week. Apparently the ProsReg wet dream suppression system is very entertaining to watch in operation at night. Doesn't wake them up, just distracts the dreamer away from orgasm at the very last moment then allows the dream to resume. With a little gentle stimulation if necessary to ensure it does. Talk about morning wood! After being effectively edged all night their erections are most insistent and enduring. She says she had to get a note for their school from the family doctor, explaining their condition is "an expected consequence of parental decisions." That's the wording specified in the New Old Order laws for such cases.

Today she intends to bring them nude so you're not the only naked one. She joked about keeping them edged all morning too, for maximum spectacle. If I know her she'll do it, and they will arrive utterly desperate to cum. But I expect since you're not cumming after all, neither will they be allowed. I think the boys will find today even more frustrating than you will.

Will they be polite about it when told, I wonder? You know Marie is a stickler for manners and won't stand for backtalk.

It was just last week she heard of that recent medical study proving long duration retention has no harmful effects in teenage boys. That it's actually remarkably beneficial over time for seminal volume and erection size. Contrary to every teenage boy insisting they absolutely must be allowed to spurt regularly.

I heard about it from her. That news about 'no harm and big gains in volume and size' is totally going viral at the moment among parents. Funny that it's such a surprise. In hindsight you'd think it should be obvious there'd be some gains, but no one imagined the benefits would be so... impressive. I guess it was never discovered due to the deeply entrenched belief that boys do actually need regular relief, and the only argument being over how often is best. Something between their preference of multiple times a day, and weekly or perhaps monthly. Longer durations never really being explored because how do you prevent wet dreams and furtive masturbation anyway?

But now we have the ProsReg, which absolutely solves those problems. Making that medical study possible. It's amazing how rapidly the God's Will party responded to the results. They were apparently discussing the study while it was in progress, and had a decision ready for immediately after it published. They had announded they'd consider changing the regulations about frequency of relief for teen males. Yesterday they completely removed the upper limit on allowed retention duration, and it's hitting the news today. They also added some recommendations about discipline, regular medical review and counselling regarding the social effects of high male libido while in prolonged abstinence. Plus an online guide for parents on applying the new rules, and affirming that the God's Will government fully supports parental rights to decide what is best for their children and their sexual development.

The whole topic is totally exploding. I'm sure it will be discussed a lot at our picnic today. Especially given Marie's sons being there, and their condition. I wonder if they've heard the news yet? They certainly will today. Wait till you see how excited Marie is about all this. She hasn't decided what to do yet. But she's seriously considering the long duration abstinence option.

She's also been intrigued for months by the allowance for parents to send their teens to school naked, but hadn't done anything about that yet. Did you know that regulation change was brought in shortly after the ProsReg became widely available, specifically and only for boys fitted with a ProsReg since it could be guaranteed they'd have no accidental seminal discharges in the school environs. It's a safety and property damage matter, since with nude ejaculation you can never be sure where the semen will end up.

School ProsReg nudity has become very popular... I bet you didn't know the schools recently set aside a half hour slot in their timetable, immediately before lunch break, for 'programmed exercise'? Parents can script their son's ProsReg for a midday session then. In any mode they wish. Of course so long as it complies with the general school rule of absolutely no seminal emissions while on school grounds.

Quite an entertaining spectacle for the girls I hear. Imagine, so many naked teenage boys, most of them on weekly or longer relief schedules and so you can imagine how horny they are. They gather in the school lunch quad, or indoors in poor weather. All of them knowing their ProsReg script will start on the stroke of 12. Knowing there's nothing they can do about it, it will be a whole half hour of whatever sexual exercise their parents chose for them that day.

Some will get a routine, always the same exercise. Some will get something random or a special exercise just for that day. Many will get a full half hour of intense edging, ending precisely at half past without any orgasm. The commonest though, is the 'full half hour' of powerful reflowed orgasm, every internal spasm of ejacuate forced back into the seminal ducts in the cyclic relaxation phases, stimulating an intense new contraction every time.

That one is popular with parents because it really is a great workout of the ejaculatory muscles. Plus it's most dramatic to watch and hear, as the maximally engorged erection jerks futilely with each contraction, the boy moaning and thrusting in pleasure, then moaning again in pleasure and intense frustration as his fluid is forced back into the super sensitive seminal ducts by the ProsReg as his muscles unavoidably relax in the automatic cycling of ejaculation.

It's much more intense than a natural orgasm, and it goes on and on since there is no pressure decline. You love watching that in me, don't you? Knowing that instead of a sense of relief of sexual urge due to declining pressure, the urge actually increases since with each pulse out then back in with some more prostatic fluid added to the mix, increasing the total dilation of the seminal ducts. Which results in a significantly increased sense of sexual need as the orgasm finally ends for whatever reason.

It's a fascinating contrast, cumming like this. It's so intensely pleasurable, and yet there's no relief but rather a steadily growing sense of fullness and the knowlege that at the end there will be a mix of post orgasmic bliss combined with an even more urgent fullness and desire for relief. With a teenage boy, being denied pressure relief for perhaps weeks on end, plus the significant pressure increase due to their highly productive prostate gland's output being added to their seminal volume, that contrast will be intense. Great pleasure ending in severe frustration and a near permanently throbbing erection.

Now, as of today, many of those boys will be going on permanent retention. With ProsReg exercising their only sexual pleasure, but never any actual pressure relief. Those school sessions... will be quite something.

The boys know they are not allowed to touch themselves, not even to wipe the inevitable copious clear pre-cum dripping from their erections. The girls observing the whole thing will make sure there's no male hands on erections, as well as reporting any boy who even tries to cover up.

Some boys will get no stimulation script at all, just the ever-present ejaculation block. Maybe with orgasm blocked too, or perhaps reflowed orgasm allowed, and no way to know unless some girl decides to stroke the 'left out boy.'

You should talk to Marie about her sons' schedule; I know very well you are an evil genius with ProsReg scripting. Perhaps you might be able to help her out with that?

Heh. There, that cheered you up didn't it. I love it when you smile.
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Re: Mouthy Miley

Post by mars357 »

I love those devices as described! These are excellent ideas for an alternative reality story and the mechanics are clever and sexy. A hot, captivating read all the way through!

One question, though! The early part of the story makes it seems rather male-dominated, it feels like a twist or a potential inconsistency with the nephews/teenage boys in a femdom scenario where not only their mum but girls around get to handle them/tease them. It's still very very hot, just makes it harder to imagine what exactly the God's Will party tenets are. What do you imagine the rules are for teenage girls?
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Re: Mouthy Miley

Post by SensoryOverlord »

Hi, Thanks for the praise. I was starting to wonder if I'd offended everyone by mixing in the politics-based kink.

This story is set in something like the 'Department of Homeland Morality' (DHM) universe I've based a number of stories around. Aka the dept of Homeland Sexuality DHS. This is a future world, kind of SF dystopia, in which there was a conservative Christian type backlash sometime in our future. But with added bio-tech and kink. The general theme is that the 'ills of the world' got blamed on 'sexual degeneracy' but that was specifically narrowed down to individuals feeling they had a right to gratify themselves any way they liked, anytime. Which was felt to cause a breakdown in social cooperation at all levels. To restore a spirit of positive social cooperation, the DHM (huge kinky bureaucracy set up by whatever the political party is called in that world, usually something like God's Will) mandates that no one, and they mean NO ONE is allowed to masturbate themselves to orgasm, ever.

(Except if they are ordered to, by whoever is their 'sexual administrator.' There's a lot of technicalities. Of course, it's an Orwellian kink nightmare world, so there are a LOT of bureaucratic fuckups related to actual fucking regulations... err regulations about fucking.)

In DHM world, masturbation is a serious criminal offense. And you may guess what the punishments can involve.
Apart from that rule they tend to be more libertarian and practical (medical realists) about sexuality in general. So public nudity, erections and sexual acts are generally OK. It's 100 to 200 years in future, there's a LOT of social mores drift.
In fact, young males being seen to follow DHM guidelines (hence nudity with almost permanent maximum erection) are seen as patriotic. Bit like flying the flag on your pickup truck today.

The masturbation block is enforced by various kinds of high-tech inserts/implants that are not removable by the wearer. They have various names, one is MPA (moral purity assistant, and yes it's meant to sound Orwellian) Other names- Seminal Regulator, Prosreg, etc. They have remote controls, or control Apps that run on cell phones. In general the ONLY way anyone gets any sexual relief, is via the choice of some other entity or authority. That can be their marriage partner, parent, friend, someone authorized by the DHM, or fully automated under State control.

Maybe the MPA security protocols are not so great, allowing Hacker scenarios. Geek kid gets control of MPA of hot neighbor girl/mother/widow/single woman, etc situations. Or gender reversed.

Various DHM worlds can be male or female dominated, or generally equal. The main constant is that everyone depends on someone else for relief. And the relationships may be consensual or involve outright control, all within the DHM legal framework. You do NOT want to piss off the DHM.

Since males (and some outlier physiology females) have that perpetual seminal fluids accumulation/urgency issue, the implants (which tend to be smart devices) deal with that in various ways. Typically, prolonged seminal retention is viewed as a virtue or positive benefit to sexual development. The belief (supposedly backed by numerous formal studies in that world) is that prolonged very rigid erection aids erection size development, particularly in the early teen years. And that maintaining seminal pressure above a quite high threshold results in remarkable capacity increases in the seminal glands. So DHM worlds tend to have a lot of adult and teen males in states of near permanent maximum erection. Ha ha, might even be true, who knows!

Then there's relief vs exercising. The problem with simply locking in seminal fluid, is that the relevant sexual muscles and nerves could atrophy due to disuse. So the implants are able to exercise the entire system, while preventing any seminal fluid loss. Or even topping up fluid levels - a process prone to 'accidental' abuse sometimes. Exercising can be a pleasant or painful experience, depending on the intent. The DHM issues guidelines (or commands) regarding relief/exercising schedules. For instance parents generally are required to ensure their teen kids are given schedules within the government guidelines. Or vice versa! But in general 'extended parental authority' laws place dependent teen children's sexuality totally under parental control. Note that 'dependent' might mean 'still lives at home, economically relying on parents' with no upper age limit.

Typically the implants are installed at puberty. so there may be some content that is a bit iffy in age sense. The DHM tends to be 'kind but strict, practical and creative', and their inspectors have legal authority to make pretty much any rules they like in special cases. So it's not uncommon for sensible minors to be placed in positions of authority over the sexual relief/exercising of adults or older siblings. One I particularly enjoy is (quite) young teen girls having total authority over older teen boys and early 20s males via their MPAs.

Due to some major porn hosting sites going down in recent years, most of my stories are no longer online. (and I'm slack) A few others write DHM-world stories, which I enjoy. I'd post mine here, but they generally are not a good fit to this site's theme. Also some of them are in html, not plain text, for formatting and image inclusion. Plus some are quite long, and I hate breaking them up into small chunks.

Oh, and I'd like to mention that I'm highly anti-authoritarian irl. These are _dystopias_. But still really hot sexual fantasies for some. Kind of 'worst fears' thing, perhaps.
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Re: Mouthy Miley

Post by TeenFan »

The closest I came to this level of control, in a story, is when I put a governess in charge of making a masturbation schedule for a teenager,
after he "messed up" the bed sheets.

Are you open to the idea of spinoff stories using your future dystopian concepts?

I think these ideas lend themselves easily to ENM situations.
I can see a similar world where such devices and regulations are only used to punish criminals, the more common "Forced Nudity" type of
stories, used on a segment of the population.
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Re: Mouthy Miley

Post by mars357 »

Thank you for the detailed response, SensoryOverlord, that's ... intense, and quite well thought-through!

Brilliant idea, TeenFan. I was pondering along similar lines.

I also think this would be easier to fetishise/expand on if these harsh rules were applied only to a limited group of people, such as a very specific demographic (13-18 y.o.s, only females of childbearing age, only... X)
A kinky, pervy dreamer who occasionally feels creative. I love and appreciate comments and encouragement and I'm also open to suggestions!
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Re: Mouthy Miley

Post by SensoryOverlord »

>The closest I came to this level of control, in a story, is when I put a governess in charge of making a masturbation schedule
> for a teenager, after he "messed up" the bed sheets.

Link? :)

>Are you open to the idea of spinoff stories using your future dystopian concepts?

Sure, go ahead, other writers do. I enjoy it. I'm hardly likely to try and copyright a porn scenaria, ha ha.
I guess I should just post all my old stories here (text-ified) and see what happens. I will beat all previous records for 'tendency to not finish stories'

>I think these ideas lend themselves easily to ENM situations.

ENM/ENF. It's built-in.

>I can see a similar world where such devices and regulations are only used to punish criminals, the more common "Forced Nudity" type of
stories, used on a segment of the population.

For example the 'Bear Valley Community Forum' cooperative story thread. On ... f=9&t=3123 Sadly the site is member only, and sometimes difficult to join. And that thread can't be just copied to here, due to multiple contributors. I have some stories in that, but they'd need some kind of wrapper text to stand alone.

>I also think this would be easier to fetishise/expand on if these harsh rules were applied only to a limited group of people, such as a very specific demographic (13-18 y.o.s, only females of childbearing age, only... X)

I guess my Sci-Fi preferences show here, in that I like to attempt to construct some kind of conceivably believable socio-tech background. It's harder to think of justifications for 'harsh rules application' to specific demographics. Or at least I find that. Male or female dominated societies... well that happens historically. But divisions on a finer scale? Your "13-18 yo" if boys, fits well in a matriarchal society. And how many hot 'teen boys raised by Nuns' stories are there? Just add modern sex-tech... 'Fems of childbearing age', in a patriarchal society, maybe after some form of population collapse, or swing-back revolution against feminism etc. And OF COURSE the sex-biotech for added hotness, since we have that now.

I'm just waiting for the inevitable wave of porn with a 'rogue kinky AI' theme. Illustrated by AI, written by AI, maybe as actual AI life journals.
I have one of those in progress. You might like an old novel: Demon Seed, by Dean Koontz

Open Source AI produces STUNNING Images | NSFW, Stable Diffusion 3, DashToon, Magnific & more.

(I prefer to avoid all the rainbow gender delusions. Not denying there are some weird people around. Just don't like to step in that dogpoop myself.)
Nice quote I saw yesterday, re Trans... "You demand I accept you as you are now. But YOU weren't able to accept YOURSELF as you WERE."
SensoryOverlord Stories Master Index: viewtopic.php?p=25047#p25047
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Re: Mouthy Miley

Post by TeenFan »

SensoryOverlord wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2024 1:09 am Teenfan:
>The closest I came to this level of control, in a story, is when I put a governess in charge of making a masturbation schedule
> for a teenager, after he "messed up" the bed sheets.

Link? :)

(I prefer to avoid all the rainbow gender delusions. Not denying there are some weird people around. Just don't like to step in that dogpoop myself.)
Nice quote I saw yesterday, re Trans... "You demand I accept you as you are now. But YOU weren't able to accept YOURSELF as you WERE."
"The Attitude Adjustment Expert"
A governess who specializes in fixing boy's bad behaviors. The use of a masturbation schedule is at Part Five.
This is one of my earliest stories I started, right after I joined this site.


Thanks for being open to spinoff stories. I will definitely be considering doing one. I think others might as well.
Several years ago I had an idea about a future world where "Feminization" has won the battle of the sexes. Males are turned into docile
sheep and masculinity is culturally unacceptable. A teenage boy who was raised outside the system, then thrown into it, joins the
resistance movement. I have been thinking about societal changes for some time, but the story is in the early stages of development.

About the "Rainbow Gender Delusions"...I am about to make use of that in one of my much longer current stories (for the first time).
There is to be a "Big Reveal" that turns a teen's life upside down, will make him question what are the limits on what type of person can be
considered sexually attractive. Unabashedly self-promotional shameless story plug follows... "The Strange Girl in Apartment 469"


I'm doing this ending knowing it may come as a shock to long time readers, but it's a new way for me to explore all aspects of developing
sexuality during the coming of age years.
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Re: Mouthy Miley

Post by Bongo »

Definitely would like to see a part 2
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Re: Mouthy Miley

Post by Hooked6 »

SensoryOverlord wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2024 1:09 am

For example the 'Bear Valley Community Forum' cooperative story thread. On ... f=9&t=3123 Sadly the site is member only, and sometimes difficult to join.

Even sadder than that is the fact that is closing permanently the end of this year (SIGH, another great site bites the dust. :( ) If anyone wishes to save the story SensoryOverlord referenced in his post best save it soon.

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Re: Mouthy Miley

Post by randomlygenerated »

Regarding the image you could just host it somewhere like and link to it. At least then you could share it.

I don't know how to make it bigger in the forum.
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