Dare Me (new 7/29)
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Re: Dare Me (new 2/8)
That 2nd part has me even more excited for the rest of the story. Hopefully we can get another installment soon!
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Dare Me - Chapter 17 - Little Sister, Big Sister (Part 3)
Dare Me - Chapter 17 - Little Sister, Big Sister (Part 3)
Retreating to my bedroom, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. It's not that I wasn't still mad about the drawing. I was furious. But seeing my sister standing in the kitchen without any clothes on reassured me in a strange way. It reminded me of the power I held over her when she started to get like this. I didn't have to confront her, yelling and screaming for an apology and restitution. I merely had to lay in wait for her to come to me and say the two most spectacular words in the English language.
Once that happened, why bother to ask, beg, or cajole? I could simply insist she give me whatever I desired. I did not feel like my demands were unreasonable. Her carelessness at camp had cost me a chance with every single cheerleader in the school - not to mention countless other girls who had heard about my false sexual inadequacies through the vicious, junior high rumor mill. By my reckoning, Lucy owed me nothing less than...a cheerleader!
What exactly was my ultimate goal? Well, sex, obviously. I desperately wanted to lose my virginity. But even that can mean a lot of things. With Lucy having just started sex ed., and me barely understanding such intimate matters myself, I didn't want there to be any confusion. I made a note to refresh myself from her health textbook so I could keep my instructions simple and direct.
With the confidence that comes from experience, I began to work out the shape of her dare. Like a skilled veteran, armed with a bag full of tricks, I knew the most effective tactics to employ and how to anticipate setbacks. I was Larry Bird surveying the court, evading traps, and breaking down the defense for a sweet finger roll without breaking a sweat.
I used valuable lessons I had learned from the time I had dared her to go without clothes until I had passed my driver's exam over the summer. At first, she had been the perfect little naked study buddy! But once she got distracted by her cheer tryouts, the project had lost all its momentum. For its own sake, my virgin sex organs insisted I make sure that didn't happen this time around.
Motivating her would be the easiest part. I just had to link my goal to the success or failure of her dare. And to keep her from wasting time or getting distracted, I would keep feeding her periodic tasks with each one being more embarrassing than the last. Caught between increasing levels of humiliation and what may seem like an impossible assignment, something would have to give. Either she would figure out a way and do everything in her power to complete it or she would give up. And you know that girl never gives up! With Lucy on the case, I had to assume my days as a virgin were numbered. That thought made Mikey Jr. very happy!
The only remaining question was deciding which embarrassing tasks I was going to feed her. When it comes to ways of making my sister blush, my bag of tricks was overflowing by now. I had numerous options to pick from, but I kept coming back to one approach.
After the unwarranted social setbacks her drawing had caused me, it rubbed me the wrong way to hear her go on and on about how easy everything was in her life lately. Well, since school was so easy, I'm sure little miss perfect would find it no trouble at all to mix a few naked chores into her school day. After all, her dare was part of her life, too! And if she got caught? Well, it would finally give the real Lucy Jenkins a chance to introduce her whole self to Woodrow Wilson Junior High.
With my plan in place, I settled in to wait patiently for her urge to overwhelm her resistance and for her to come knocking. Believe it or not, Lucy held out for three more days! I think it helped that it was the weekend and nothing much was going on.
At school the following Monday, I used my unexpected extra preparation time to walk around and gather valuable intel. Finding opportunities to embarrass Lucy at school would be trivial. Pretty much any activity that a naked girl performs has potential to be effective. But I had to be tactical about it. The trick, to ramp up the exposure by degrees day by day, was choosing her audience wisely.
I knew I had to start small. Instead of exposing her directly to her fellow students, I would start with teachers. There were plenty of male teachers to choose from, more than had been at our elementary school. And more than a few were less than upstanding. Team coaches in particular didn't care the least bit about molding young minds. They were just there to coach and cash a paycheck. They only entered a classroom because the district had a policy that all coaches had to teach at least one class.
It wasn't just the coaches. I had already noticed our school had more than a few male teachers of...questionable character. They wouldn't hesitate to look down a cute girl's blouse or up her skirt if the opportunity presented itself in their class. I'm sure none of them would complain about a beautiful blonde cheerleader making things even easier and straight up taking her clothes off for them.
By the end of the school day, I had identified my first target and had several more scenarios involving teachers lined up in contingency. And if Lucy failed to deliver me a cheerleader by the weekend, I would start using her fellow classmates to escalate the situation. I was sure she would do anything to avoid that!
She was fidgeting more than usual when I got home from school that evening. If I had to bet, tonight was the night. But she was fighting it with everything she had. Finally, she found me in my bedroom doing some homework.
"Hey, Mikey. Watcha doin?" she asked, casually, but with an edge in her voice and a gleam in her eye. This was it!
I had set the trap perfectly, but until she actually said the words, I would play it cool. No point in putting my plan at risk.
"Hey, Goosey, not much," I replied in a conversational, almost bored tone, "how was school? Didn't you have quiz today?"
Mentioning her sex ed. quiz was like dangling irresistible bait in front of a hungry bass. Her hands kept rubbing the tops of her thighs. She wanted to say it so badly! She opened her mouth but closed it again without saying anything. Then she opened it again as her eyes went glassy and unfocused. Now she really did look like a fish!
When she resisted speaking a second time, I helped her along, "wasn't it in health class? The one you were studying for?"
After a second, she snapped out of her trance and nodded, "oh...yeah, I'm pretty sure I aced it... Say, I don't suppose you would be interested...in...doing another dare, would you?"
When I didn't answer immediately, she added with a sly tone, "I'll make it worth your while."
Where had I heard that before? Oh yeah! Now I could see exactly what she was doing. She was trying to live vicariously through my dare and avoid doing anything embarrassing herself. There's no way in Hell she was going to get me to do another dare!
"Worth my while, psh," I scoffed, sullenly adding, "you said that last time and what did I get? Nothing! Nah, I think I'm good."
I turned back to my paper, but Lucy wasn't finished with the conversation. She wasn't good. She was in a state of distress. Her urge was back in full force. And she only knew one way to satisfy it. She squirmed in place for a moment, unwilling to say what she needed to, but also unable to leave.
Trying to make amends, she offered, "yeah, sorry about that. I guess I just forgot. She paused to judge my reaction. I wasn't impressed. "Anyway....well, I guess you could give me one...you know, if you want."
"That's not how it works, Goosey, and you know it," I bluffed. Even though my virginity hung in the balance, somehow, I was able to project a neutral emotional state. "If you want to say something, go ahead. But if not, leave me alone. You interrupted my homework, if you can't tell."
I held my breath and stared at my book. Would she do it? She didn't speak, but didn't leave, either. I can't say for sure what was going through her head. But I suspect she was replaying all the humiliating exposure her last dare had caused her. Visiting the mall in her birthday suit and escorting two of her equally nude teammates through the middle of the food court during dinner. Being handcuffed naked to a hulking senior and forced to demonstrate lewd wrestling holds for an appreciative audience. Being surrounded by the bleating cries of young, female arousal all night while being the only lamb forbidden from touching herself and finding release.
Why, a young lady would have to be in a really bad way to submit herself to another round of-
Retreating to my bedroom, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. It's not that I wasn't still mad about the drawing. I was furious. But seeing my sister standing in the kitchen without any clothes on reassured me in a strange way. It reminded me of the power I held over her when she started to get like this. I didn't have to confront her, yelling and screaming for an apology and restitution. I merely had to lay in wait for her to come to me and say the two most spectacular words in the English language.
Once that happened, why bother to ask, beg, or cajole? I could simply insist she give me whatever I desired. I did not feel like my demands were unreasonable. Her carelessness at camp had cost me a chance with every single cheerleader in the school - not to mention countless other girls who had heard about my false sexual inadequacies through the vicious, junior high rumor mill. By my reckoning, Lucy owed me nothing less than...a cheerleader!
What exactly was my ultimate goal? Well, sex, obviously. I desperately wanted to lose my virginity. But even that can mean a lot of things. With Lucy having just started sex ed., and me barely understanding such intimate matters myself, I didn't want there to be any confusion. I made a note to refresh myself from her health textbook so I could keep my instructions simple and direct.
With the confidence that comes from experience, I began to work out the shape of her dare. Like a skilled veteran, armed with a bag full of tricks, I knew the most effective tactics to employ and how to anticipate setbacks. I was Larry Bird surveying the court, evading traps, and breaking down the defense for a sweet finger roll without breaking a sweat.
I used valuable lessons I had learned from the time I had dared her to go without clothes until I had passed my driver's exam over the summer. At first, she had been the perfect little naked study buddy! But once she got distracted by her cheer tryouts, the project had lost all its momentum. For its own sake, my virgin sex organs insisted I make sure that didn't happen this time around.
Motivating her would be the easiest part. I just had to link my goal to the success or failure of her dare. And to keep her from wasting time or getting distracted, I would keep feeding her periodic tasks with each one being more embarrassing than the last. Caught between increasing levels of humiliation and what may seem like an impossible assignment, something would have to give. Either she would figure out a way and do everything in her power to complete it or she would give up. And you know that girl never gives up! With Lucy on the case, I had to assume my days as a virgin were numbered. That thought made Mikey Jr. very happy!
The only remaining question was deciding which embarrassing tasks I was going to feed her. When it comes to ways of making my sister blush, my bag of tricks was overflowing by now. I had numerous options to pick from, but I kept coming back to one approach.
After the unwarranted social setbacks her drawing had caused me, it rubbed me the wrong way to hear her go on and on about how easy everything was in her life lately. Well, since school was so easy, I'm sure little miss perfect would find it no trouble at all to mix a few naked chores into her school day. After all, her dare was part of her life, too! And if she got caught? Well, it would finally give the real Lucy Jenkins a chance to introduce her whole self to Woodrow Wilson Junior High.
With my plan in place, I settled in to wait patiently for her urge to overwhelm her resistance and for her to come knocking. Believe it or not, Lucy held out for three more days! I think it helped that it was the weekend and nothing much was going on.
At school the following Monday, I used my unexpected extra preparation time to walk around and gather valuable intel. Finding opportunities to embarrass Lucy at school would be trivial. Pretty much any activity that a naked girl performs has potential to be effective. But I had to be tactical about it. The trick, to ramp up the exposure by degrees day by day, was choosing her audience wisely.
I knew I had to start small. Instead of exposing her directly to her fellow students, I would start with teachers. There were plenty of male teachers to choose from, more than had been at our elementary school. And more than a few were less than upstanding. Team coaches in particular didn't care the least bit about molding young minds. They were just there to coach and cash a paycheck. They only entered a classroom because the district had a policy that all coaches had to teach at least one class.
It wasn't just the coaches. I had already noticed our school had more than a few male teachers of...questionable character. They wouldn't hesitate to look down a cute girl's blouse or up her skirt if the opportunity presented itself in their class. I'm sure none of them would complain about a beautiful blonde cheerleader making things even easier and straight up taking her clothes off for them.
By the end of the school day, I had identified my first target and had several more scenarios involving teachers lined up in contingency. And if Lucy failed to deliver me a cheerleader by the weekend, I would start using her fellow classmates to escalate the situation. I was sure she would do anything to avoid that!
She was fidgeting more than usual when I got home from school that evening. If I had to bet, tonight was the night. But she was fighting it with everything she had. Finally, she found me in my bedroom doing some homework.
"Hey, Mikey. Watcha doin?" she asked, casually, but with an edge in her voice and a gleam in her eye. This was it!
I had set the trap perfectly, but until she actually said the words, I would play it cool. No point in putting my plan at risk.
"Hey, Goosey, not much," I replied in a conversational, almost bored tone, "how was school? Didn't you have quiz today?"
Mentioning her sex ed. quiz was like dangling irresistible bait in front of a hungry bass. Her hands kept rubbing the tops of her thighs. She wanted to say it so badly! She opened her mouth but closed it again without saying anything. Then she opened it again as her eyes went glassy and unfocused. Now she really did look like a fish!
When she resisted speaking a second time, I helped her along, "wasn't it in health class? The one you were studying for?"
After a second, she snapped out of her trance and nodded, "oh...yeah, I'm pretty sure I aced it... Say, I don't suppose you would be interested...in...doing another dare, would you?"
When I didn't answer immediately, she added with a sly tone, "I'll make it worth your while."
Where had I heard that before? Oh yeah! Now I could see exactly what she was doing. She was trying to live vicariously through my dare and avoid doing anything embarrassing herself. There's no way in Hell she was going to get me to do another dare!
"Worth my while, psh," I scoffed, sullenly adding, "you said that last time and what did I get? Nothing! Nah, I think I'm good."
I turned back to my paper, but Lucy wasn't finished with the conversation. She wasn't good. She was in a state of distress. Her urge was back in full force. And she only knew one way to satisfy it. She squirmed in place for a moment, unwilling to say what she needed to, but also unable to leave.
Trying to make amends, she offered, "yeah, sorry about that. I guess I just forgot. She paused to judge my reaction. I wasn't impressed. "Anyway....well, I guess you could give me one...you know, if you want."
"That's not how it works, Goosey, and you know it," I bluffed. Even though my virginity hung in the balance, somehow, I was able to project a neutral emotional state. "If you want to say something, go ahead. But if not, leave me alone. You interrupted my homework, if you can't tell."
I held my breath and stared at my book. Would she do it? She didn't speak, but didn't leave, either. I can't say for sure what was going through her head. But I suspect she was replaying all the humiliating exposure her last dare had caused her. Visiting the mall in her birthday suit and escorting two of her equally nude teammates through the middle of the food court during dinner. Being handcuffed naked to a hulking senior and forced to demonstrate lewd wrestling holds for an appreciative audience. Being surrounded by the bleating cries of young, female arousal all night while being the only lamb forbidden from touching herself and finding release.
Why, a young lady would have to be in a really bad way to submit herself to another round of-
Last edited by neverdoubted on Wed Feb 14, 2024 4:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Dare Me (new 2/13)
The snap of the trap closing will echo around the world. What a cliff hanger. I'll have to stay tuned to find out what the dare is this time. Whatever it is, there will be a pen involved.
Re: Dare Me (new 2/13)
The snap of the trap closing will echo around the world. What a cliff hanger. I'll have to stay tuned to find out what the dare is this time. Whatever it is, there will be a pen involved.
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Re: Dare Me (new 2/13)
Can't wait to hear what devilish plans Mikey has devised this time! Though I hope he is going to be careful - making Lucy tempt her teachers is something of a dangerous proposition. I hope they don't get the wrong signals from her antics...
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Re: Dare Me (new 2/13)
Apologies, I must be slipping. I accidentally posted an earlier draft that left out a few critical lines. Part 3 has been updated.
Re: Dare Me (new 2/13)
Mikey has progressed a lot in the Dare Game. Now he's proactive--making plans in advance. Experience helped, but he managed to plan his dare before Lucy said the magic words.
I'll have to wait for The Lost Years to see if an adult Lucy asks her brother, "Dare me!" Lucy is having too much fun to give up the thrilling hobby she shares with Mikey.
I'll have to wait for The Lost Years to see if an adult Lucy asks her brother, "Dare me!" Lucy is having too much fun to give up the thrilling hobby she shares with Mikey.

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