Vignettes of Californium, Part VI -- University of Californium

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Vignettes of Californium, Part VI -- University of Californium

Post by ogden_edsl »

The following takes place five years after parts I-III. This is section 1; section 2 will be added later.

Vanessa Langford awoke in her dorm room bed at the main campus of the University. Looking over, she saw that her roommate was still asleep.

Her originally assigned roommate had fallen head over heels for a guy she had met in a class, and had moved out earlier in the year to join him. Not long afterward, she had gotten a call. I hear you’re alone in your room now, should we get back together?

The caller was Clayton Townsend.

“Sure”, Vanessa had responded. “Like old times, only now it will be full-time, not just when your family was visiting.”

The college wasn’t automatically creating opposite-sex roommate arrangements, but you could register one if you made the arrangement on your own. They hadn’t originally because Clayton was a year behind Vanessa, so in her freshman year she had let the college pick her roommate.

Contrary to what some people thought, they weren’t sleeping together, nor had they. Not yet, anyway. In fact, to this point there had really been nothing romantic about their relationship. One reason, no doubt, was that after all those years of being like one big family, the two of them had come to consider themselves almost as brother and sister. The times that the two of them had gone out together at night by themselves had really just been “friendship dates”. And for all of the (one-way) touching between them, it really wasn’t intimacy. Making their relationship romantic would clearly require a change in mindset. But then, Alana and Adam had done it. The same sort of thought could be part of the reason that neither she nor Clayton was dating anyone else, and if he did ask her to try adding romance to their relationship, even now, she probably would say yes.

Looking at the time, she saw that it was about time for Clayton to get up to get ready for his first class of the day. So she went over and threw back his bed covers, exposing his naked body.

“Wake up sleepyhead! Time to get ready for class.” She gave him a couple of smacks on his bare butt.

Grudgingly, he stirred. Vanessa went over to collect what she needed for the shower area, along with the little that Clayton would need.

A short time later, the door opened and the two of them emerged into the corridor, both still wearing what they wore to bed – Vanessa her pajamas, and Clayton nothing. They caught up to another naked man headed to the bathroom. “Hey, George”, said Vanessa.

The three of them reached the bathroom door, headed in, and walked over to the shower area.

The bathroom had been coed for many years, but had recently been remodeled to accommodate CFNM. The shower area consisted of a combination of a communal shower and several private shower stalls on each side of it.

One issue for Vanessa with having a male roommate was keeping her modesty intact. When she needed to change, she would use the changing areas in the private shower stalls. This time she had put on multiple layers the night before in anticipation of what she would be doing in the morning. So she sat down on a bench and took off her pajamas, revealing one of her one-piece bathing suits. After hanging the towels they had brought, she and Clayton then stepped into the communal shower.

After CFNM was introduced into the Townsend-Langford households, whenever the two of them were together Vanessa would sit in the bathroom and watch Clayton shower. In fact, if she was late getting there then Clayton would wait to start his shower until she showed up in the bathroom, ready to watch him. Eventually, however, as CFNM became more entrenched and “unequal nudity” more “unequal” and more widespread, it became seemingly tacitly understood between them that just watching him was no longer good enough. So one day, after about a year after it had first begun, as he was about to step into the shower, she stopped him.

“Wait”, she said, “I need to change into a bathing suit.”

Clayton silently nodded, as if he had been expecting it.

She went and changed (in private, of course) into one of her modest one-piece bathing suits, and came back. Then the two stepped into the shower together, and he stood passively and followed her orders as she soaped, then rinsed, his entire body, including his genitals. Then after they got out of the shower, it was she who toweled him dry. And from that day forward, he never bathed himself again when the two of them were staying under the same roof. That they were now both in college was not seen by either of them as a reason to do things any differently. Indeed, now that they were sharing living quarters full-time for the first time, it became a daily practice. And that the practice continued in college did not attract comment as they were far from the only ones there to do so, although George, who stepped in with them, did shower on his own.

Stepping into the communal shower, Vanessa told Clayton to stand with his back to her as she soaped him up. Starting down around his ankles, up his legs, but saving the best for last (at least to her way of thinking) as she then worked on his back before returning back down to his butt. Asking him to crouch down a bit, she then worked shampoo into his hair. Allowing him to rinse down, she then told him to turn around and repeated the process in front, again starting around the ankles, working up his legs and thighs, then again saving the best for last she moved to his belly and chest, then carefully on his face before returning to wash (more slowly than the rest of him) his genital area, whereupon his penis, which had slowly moved upward in response to her touching, broke out into a full erection. Neither of them was embarrassed or bothered by it. After he rinsed down, they stepped out together and he stood outside the shower while she toweled him down. Still not done with him, he grabbed a stool and sat down in front of a mirror – still in an erect state -- while she moussed and combed his hair.

Then it was her turn. Taking her toiletries and change of clothes, she went into one of the girls’ private shower / change rooms to the side of the communal shower where she showered, as she had always done, by herself. (Those rooms were not labeled as strictly for the girls’ use, but it was not necessary; everyone knew they were.)

She was fully changed into her clothes for the day when she stepped out. Going back to her room and grabbing the books she would need for her first class, she and Clayton headed out the dorm together: her in short-sleeved shirt and pants, and him naked.

In fact, in the entire dorm, there wasn’t a male student who didn’t spend most of the time in the dorm naked. The younger generation of males had taken overall to nudity more quickly and more thoroughly than their older counterparts. Consequently, college dorms were among the first mass housing units to go all-CFNM.
Last edited by ogden_edsl on Wed Oct 02, 2024 6:41 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, Part VI -- University of Californium

Post by ogden_edsl »

Clayton Townsend held the door open to Lecture Hall 150 in the Strom Building on the University of Californium campus for Vanessa Langford to enter ahead of him for their 1 PM class. By no means did they have all classes in common, but this one was.

Vanessa was wearing what was pretty much the standard female outfit there, long-sleeve (except on summerlike days) shirt with pants or full-length skirt (again, except on summerlike days). On this day, the temperature was comfortably mild but not warm.

For Clayton, it had been a steady progression. As a freshman in high school, he had swum naked in swim class, and worn only shorts in the gym – most of the other boys had done likewise. As a sophomore, when boys’ and girls’ classes had been merged or at least co-located, he was naked just about all the time in P.E. class. Then in the final month of that school year, after temperatures had become summer-like, he started showing up naked outside of P.E. In his junior year, the other boys were doing likewise – as was the male swim teacher -- and in senior year most of the other male teachers as well.

Like nearly all of the other male students at the University of Californium, Clayton came to class that day unclothed. It was mild enough, especially by that time of day, that he was able to walk from his dorm to the lecture building naked. When it was colder, they would put on clothing to go outside but remove it upon entering a building except when staying inside for just a brief period.

Among the male professors, the older, more conservative ones preferred to remain clothed during their classes. Younger ones were much more likely to join their male students and go naked.

Especially for a class on CFNM.

This was, said thirtysomething Professor Engel at the start of the quarter, one of the first such classes for college credit anywhere. The previous year a CFNM course had been offered as part of the special non-matriculate, short-term curriculum. It had been one of the most popular offerings, so the university decided to expand the course to a full quarter and offer it for credit. It proved to be popular enough to have too many students for a regular classroom and so was assigned a small lecture hall. There were some jokes about “CFNM lab”, but the course was actually under the sociology department. The subject for the day was on the history of CFNM.

“Good afternoon”, began Professor Engel. “Last time, we went over historical societies with CFNM slants. Today, we’ll be covering how it developed here in Californium.”

“As I have talked about before, the wearing (or not wearing) of clothing is, to a substantial extent, an overlaying of personal inclinations with social constraints; that is, protocols, customs, and social approval when in public. Repeated surveys in times from years ago showed that at bedtime, when societal constraints were at a minimum, males would, on average, wear far less than females, often even then going to bed naked or in just underpants while females wore pajamas or nightgowns; this was especially true from puberty onwards. This indicated a stronger personal inclination in males to go naked, or nearly so, than in females. If you read that paper I assigned you by Dr. Friedman, she argues that CFNM is actually the true nature of humanity.

What we saw beginning in 20XY was a breakdown in these social constraints as applied to males. Initially, there was an increase in male nudity in private situations, where social constraints were few. The first sort of places where a breakdown occurred was in places where clothing in public was minimal to begin with – beaches, for example.

One sort of social constraint, of course, is in the form of legal constraints, in particular “indecent exposure” laws that banned complete nudity as well as body parts that society in general considered distasteful to show in public – genitals, especially. However, enforcement of such statutes was never uniform. Isolated individuals going naked were always at much greater risk. The higher the participation, the lower the rate of enforcement. Thus, for example, back in the 1970s there was a short-lived period during which public nudity became essentially a fad – streaking, it was called. During that period, when that were a large number of people of both sexes going naked in public, enforcement was rare. This time, too, there was a sudden surge in number of people going naked at beaches.

One difference, of course, was that the surge was entirely in the male population. And actually, at the same time, not only was there no increase in nudity among the female population at that time, but the exact opposite happened – a sudden surge in the size of female bathing suits. This sort of thing had actually happened before, again in the 1970s, when two-piece bathing suits – bikinis – went into a decline in popularity. But this time was different. Back then, the decline started more on the supply side, and occurred first in the fashion industry, with the public at large following along somewhat later. This time, the change was entirely on the demand side from the public in general, with no impetus whatsoever from the fashion industry, which was caught unawares. But compared with that time, the Internet opened up opportunities for women to bypass the supply side – what was available in stores.

Another big difference from the “streaking” era was that it was not simply a matter of going naked. What we had was a seeming alteration of the male-female dynamic, as feminism altered it. A belief became established that men would accept – and indeed, welcome -- being openly “ogled” by women in a way that would never be true in the reverse, and that females should have unfettered access to the naked male body while at the same time hiding their own from view. Furthermore, we have seen that “access” in many cases has not been limited to simply visual access, but that for example males being bathed by females became much more common, with the growth not in boys being bathed by their mothers or other adults, but between peer groups.

Having firmly established itself in the home and on beaches and the like, this pattern began to spread, about a year later, to other situations. Once it did so, it was like a wall coming down, and we saw a mushrooming in the sort of places where CFNM became practiced – including beginning a year ago, into the classrooms of this university.

Until now, the trend in differences between male and female was constantly in the direction of greater equality. But as described in the news article that I assigned, we are now seeing, for the first time in at least recent history, a trend towards greater inequality between the sexes. It is not the same sort of inequality as in the past, when it was in the form of different professional and financial opportunities – those remain unchanged. The inequality is mainly in what can be called social aspects. Differences in clothing standards (even major ones) are not usually considered inequality in this sense. Plus, to this point it has been confined to behavioral norms generally without official status. However, as the story states, we are now seeing calls to encode at least some of these differences into law, such as school corporal punishment for boys only, or judicial corporal punishment for males only, or making it a civil offense for a male to not surrender his seat on a bus or train to a female when in a standing-room only situation.”

“Where are you headed now?” Vanessa asked Clayton after the class session ended.

“I think that I will head to the athletic center.”

“I wouldn’t mind going there now too. But it would probably be more appropriate to say ‘gymnasium’ instead.”

“Gymnasium” comes from the ancient Greek word “gymnos”, meaning “naked”.

Clayton headed straight to the athletic center, being already undressed for it, but Vanessa had to detour to the dorm to pick up her clothing, which she had laundered since last going there.

One topic of discussion was the upcoming debut (some said “revival”) of the Greek-style Olympic games and the chances for athletes from Californium. In the Greek-style games, all male athletes, like in the ancient Greek games, competed naked (except for a protective cup in some team sports). Unlike in the ancient games, these games included women, who of course were fully clothed for all events. Not included in the games were events where clothing was necessary for safety, such as fencing. In lieu of eastern martial arts, there were various forms of eastern wrestling where even in pre-CFNM times, male competitors wore much less than women, such as sumo.

In the main gym, several basketball games and practices were going on. One was “ultimate shirts vs. skins” – that is, women versus men. To give the women at least an equal chance, they were given a number of rules advantages: no blocking of their shot attempts, double-dribbling and limited travelling allowed, play stoppage whenever men got possession so no fast-breaks, three-to-make-two foul shooting, etc. A couple of others had men and women playing together, but those were mixed teams; colored sashes tied around the waist identified who was on which team, if they were not already familiar with each other enough to know. The women were mostly wearing t-shirts, about half with sweat pants and the other half roughly equally divided between leggings and shorts.

Clayton headed for the workout room, a combination of exercise machines, weight machines, and free weights. Most popular among the exercise machines were the treadmills, which was what he selected to start with for some aerobic work and build up a sweat a little. He didn’t like staying on it too long, because being naked but with workout shoes on seemed a little weird to him. After the treadmill, he could take the shoes off.

After he was done, he started on the weight machines, spreading a towel on the benches – as all of the other men did – to keep them clean. Two sets of ten reps each per machine. By the time he completed several of those, his naked body was glistening with sweat.

The women were wearing much the same as on the basketball court, except that some who had used the pool first kept their suit on and added sweat pants or shorts to use the exercise room. They were concentrated on the exercise machines rather than the weights. One of them was Vanessa, who had come in while Clayton was on the weight machines.

Upon completing his workout, Clayton went to shower down, in the general (formerly men's) locker and shower room. Three or four women (in bathing suits, of course) joined the men in using the showers there, to be able to enjoy views of naked men while showering.
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