Maid Service by Mandraek

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Maid Service by Mandraek

Post by Girlspns »

I can’t stand my job. Not the job itself, but the actual working of it. It drives me bonkers. You see I work for a company that is outsourced by other companies to sell their product to potential investors. Typically we invite around 50 people from around the companies hometown, and we give an hour-long presentation selling the product. Simple enough. What annoys me is that I’m obviously the best saleswoman of our team. My numbers always eclipse everyone else. But for some reason, Jared Yoke is always considered the best salesman on the team. I’ve always played second fiddle. On every paper that lists the salesmen, it goes Jared as number one, and then Lindsey Walker as number two. It makes no sense. But I finally had a plan to get back at Jared and humiliate him enough to get him out of my spotlight.

Last week, our boss told us we have a major presentation in Indiana coming up. It was double our normal numbers. We rented the Marriott Ballroom and were planning on inviting over 150 people. Obviously, our boss gave the presentation to Jared. But I was able to convince our boss to let me tag along to assist in the presentation, after all, it was one of the biggest jobs we’ve ever had. So Jared and I flew into Indiana and checked into the Marriott Ballroom. The presentation was going to begin the next morning, and our company got us two separate bedrooms to sleep in for the night.

Just as I had hoped, our rooms were connected. You know how they will put two rooms next to each other with a door separating them? They did that with our rooms. We checked in and headed towards our rooms.

“You have any plans for tonight?” I asked Jared.

“Hell yeah,” Jared responded in a cocky way. “I have a huge networking dinner I’m going to tonight. Gonna get some tight connections.”

“That sounds so much fun.” I lied. “But can you keep the connecting door unlocked? I want to compare notes on the presentation that way I can prepare better.”

Jared chuckled.

“Yeah. You’ll need it.”

Jared eventually left his room for his dinner and left the connecting door unlocked. This was when I struck. I entered Jared’s room and made a B-Line to the bathroom. I started working at the shower and eventually was able to remove the shower valve making it so you couldn’t turn it on. Then I waited.

Jared eventually returned back to the hotel. Not only was he a little drunk, but he was also sweaty. Jared is a little bit of a thick guy. Not fat, but not thin either. Chunky is a word I would use to describe him. He barged into his room, where I was sitting on his bed reading his notes.

“What are you doing here?” Jared slurred his words as he began removing his suit jacket and tie.

“I told you.” I started. “I’m going over our notes. You smell like shit. Hop in the shower.”

Jared, already being tipsy, was not hard to convince. But with his cockiness, it was a little more fun.

“Obviously.” Jared touted back. “What does it look like I’m doing?”

Jared said as he unbuckled his belt and began unzipping his pants. I threw a hand over my eyes in defense before standing up an throwing a towel at him. Jared took the towel, and I turned my body away from him. I honestly couldn’t believe how easy this was. I had planned all of these backup plans to get him naked, I didn’t think he would be a mixture of cocky and drunk enough to do it on his own. I eventually turn around and see him with a towel wrapped around his torso and his clothes in a pile on the floor. Jared then made his way into the bathroom. I began walking into my room, taking his computer with me, when I hear him stagger.

“Woah!” Jared called out before stumbling toward my room, closing the door to his room behind him. “I can’t turn my shower on!”

I rolled my eyes at Jared to seem annoyed. I was, but it was primarily because I am always annoyed with Jared.

“Just use my shower then,” I said with a bitter tongue.

“Fine. But no peeking.” Jared teased as he made his way into my bathroom. I internally gagged but let it slide for the time being.

The moment I heard the shower turn on, I pounced. I immediately called up the front desk of the office.

“Hi, my name is Jared Yoke.” I began. “I work for Golden Peak Marketing, my company booked two rooms for us. I won’t be able to make it, unfortunately, and I don’t think we will need the other room, can you send someone up to clean it?”

I waited patiently for Jared to finish his shower. Eventually, the shower turned off and Jared, with the towel wrapped around his waist, walked out. It was clear that Jared sobered up in the shower and whatever playful drunkenness was now faded. He made his way over to the connecting door and tried to budge the handle. I, without acknowledging him too much, just sat on the bed reading over my notes for the presentation. Jared’s face began to scrunch up in confusion as the door wouldn’t open. He tried a few more times before looking over at me.

“Did you lock my door?” Jared asked.

“That’s impossible,” I explained. “You can only lock the door from inside the room. I’m sitting right here.”

Jared looked back to the connecting door in confusion.

“I can’t get it open.” He said dumbstruck.

I put my notes down and walked over to him. I pushed him out of the way a little and tried opening the door. I didn’t work very hard because I knew exactly what I was doing.

“Did anything happen while I was in the shower?” Jared asked.

“I don’t know.” I lied. “I heard the maid come by. But that was it. Maybe she locked the door.”

“Why would she do that?” Jared said as his face switched to horror. “How am I going to get back into my room?”

“Use your key card, dumbass,” I responded sassily.

Jared looked down at his towel only state and shook his head.

“I left my key card in my suit pocket. Which is in there.” Jared said frustrated.

“Looks like your drunk ass is a dumbass too.” I mocked Jared, something he deeply didn’t appreciate. “What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know!” Jared said frustrated. “I have no way of getting into my room, and I’m wearing only a towel. Why don’t you go downstairs and ask for another key?”

“Can’t do that champ,” I said. “First of all you made this mess, you can clean it yourself. Secondly, even if I went down there, the room is in your name. They won’t give you a room key if the room isn’t in your name. You’re going to have to go down there yourself.”

Jared looked to me in disgust as to what I was suggesting. He stood next to me, whom he thought was his inferior, wearing nothing but a towel and I had just suggested he go to the lobby wearing only such. Now I can tell that Jared isn’t super proud of his chunkier form. So walking down to the lobby shirtless would be a challenge. But to do it in only a towel would be a nightmare. But honestly, Jared didn’t have much of a choice.

“Fine.” Jared conceded. “But you are coming with me.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” I said back to him. I bet he thought that he still somehow had the advantage over me. Silly boy.

The two of us made our way out of my room and toward the elevator. Jared clung onto his towel like it was his dear life. Luckily it was relatively late at this point in the night, and no one got on the elevator, so there wasn’t much risk of being seen just yet. We made our way to the lobby and I took the lead towards the front desk as Jared followed sheepishly behind me. At the desk there were a few hotel employees that saw us and giggled at Jared’s lack of clothes. We made our way to the front desk who looked up at us and gasped at the sight, she had a little playful smirk before going into her professional stance.

“Hello. Welcome to the Marriott, how can I help you?” She asked.

“Hi.” Jared said quickly and nervously. “I think there was a mix-up and I was locked out of my room. Can I get a new key card?”

“Of course.” The front desk girl said. “What room number?”

“415.” Jared responded while trying to remain as professional and serious as possible despite his embarrassing state. The front desk girl entered the information into the computer before looking back to the two of us.

“I’m sorry.” She started. “But it appears that room is vacant.”

“No shit.” Jared said breaking his professionalism. “I’m here. I need a key to get inside to make it non-vacant.”

“No, I mean, we have no guests staying in that room.” The front desk girl explained. “We had someone earlier, but they already checked out.”

Jared looked equal parts confused as he did annoyed.

“That’s impossible,” Jared said. “What was checked out?”

The girl looked to the computer before looking back to Jared.

“Normally, we don’t give out this information. But I can see you are desperate.” She said. “The room was checked out by Jared Yoke, and he checked out just around 30 minutes ago.”

“That’s impossible!” Jared almost yelled at the girl. This caused all of the eyes in the lobby to turn to him, something he immediately regretted. “I’m Jared Yoke.”

“Well do you have any form of ID on you?” The girl asked beginning to no longer feeling sorry for him.

This was when I started to chuckle.

“Obviously I don’t have any ID on me! I’m wearing only a towel.” Jared responded in a smartass fashion.

“Yes. I can see that.” The girl stated. I could tell that her patience was also wearing thin. “Speaking of which, if you can’t prove that you are staying with us tonight. You are going to have to return the towel.”

Jared’s eyebrows rose greatly. As did mine, honestly this wasn’t part of the plan, but Jared was stupid enough to make the front desk girl angry when she was the only person that could honestly help him at this point.

“I’m sorry?” Jared asked insulted.

“If you can’t prove you are staying with us, you must return the towel.” The front desk girl repeated herself. “It’s theft otherwise.”

“But it’s her towel!” Jared countered. The front desk girl looked at me, and I gave her a sympathetic look saying that I understand she was frustrated with him.

“She can have the towel.” The front desk girl said. “But you aren’t allowed to wear it.”

Jared’s eyes widened.

“Would you like it if I called the police instead?” The front desk girl asked. Jared began to worry.

“No!” Jared shouted out in a panic. “We are going to go back to my colleague room. And she and I will sort it out there.”

“Unfortunately I can’t allow that.” The front desk girl said as she began to put her foot down. She could see the fear growing in Jared’s eyes, and she loved it. “You must remove the towel here and now.”

Jared looked to me in fear. I looked back at him and pursed my lips.

“Doesn’t look like you have a choice,” I told him.

Jared swallowed and looked back to the front desk girl.

“I’m counting the five, then I’m calling the cops.” The girl warned.

“Fine! Fine.” Jared said terrified. He looked over to me then shamefully lowered his head. He let the towel slip off his nude body and held it cowardly in his left hand. Suddenly his slightly below average sized penis came into view. This was not helped by the fact that he was both embarrassed and still fairly fresh from the shower, making his dick the side of a cork.

“Hey! Check out the bubblebutt!” The bellhop from the front door yelled out as he soaked up Jared’s nude body. Jared spun around to look at bellhop, almost instinctually to yell at him, but quickly realized his state. As soon as the teenage bellhop took a look at Jared’s nude form, he immediately began to laugh at his tiny penis. I, too, was enjoying the humiliation of my colleague.

“Sir,” The front desk girl attempted to get Jared’s attention. “Return the towel please.”

Jared, cupping his penis with his right hand, handed me the towel with his left. I took the towel from him and looked at my nude rival up and down, enjoying every moment of his embarrassed state. I then decided to put the icing on top.

“Here you go,” I told the front desk girl as I handed her the towel. “We won’t be needing it anymore.”

Jared, now naked as the day he was born, and I made out way back toward my room. Jared cupped his balls with both his hands to hold any pathetic attempt at modesty he could. As we were in the elevator making our way up the elevator, I noticed Jared shifting his hands around quite a bit and his face getting flushed. I looked down at his manhood and saw that he was now sporting an erection. I always had my suspicions that Jared has the hots for me. Now I had my proof. But it wasn’t over yet. Humiliating Jared in front of me was fun enough. But my goal was to embarrass him to the whole company.

We got off the elevator and made out way toward my room. I even pretended to have trouble finding my key card in my pocket to prolong Jared’s public nudity. Eventually, I got the door open, and we both got inside the room. Jared looked into the bathroom and grabbed the only thing he could to hide his nudity, a small three inch by three-inch washcloth, which embarrassingly covered his entire manhood. So I was in my hotel room standing with my work rival who stood naked as the day he was born except for a small washcloth that was barely big enough to cover his genitals. This was a dream come true. But it wasn’t over.

Jared sat on the bed and was clearly in a state of trauma as he had no idea where to go from here. He had a big presentation tomorrow and absolutely no clothes. That’s when I offered a solution.

“Listen Jared. I have a plan.” I started. “We are going to have to cancel the presentation.”

Jared started to object before I stopped him.

“Do you want to present the largest presentation we’ve ever had completely naked?” I asked. “Didn’t think so. So we are going to cancel the presentation, and instead, we are going to email all of the attendees the powerpoint we have been working on. It will give them all of the info they need. And it allows us to save face, and in your case save modesty. Then tomorrow morning, I’ll go out and buy you a new suit so you can get home like a man. Sound good.”

It wasn’t ideal. But Jared didn’t see much of another choice.

“I think we can make that work,” Jared said sulking.

“There is just one thing I need from you,” I said. Jared looked up at me curiously. “I’ve been taking your crap since day one. Every cocky insult. Every backhanded compliment. Every promotion you got that I deserved. I sat through all of it. And now I want my payment.”

Jared looked up at me.

“There is only one thing you need to do now,” I said. “You need to take care of that.”

I made a sharp point to his erection he was struggling to hide.

“You jerk off while I watch. And we call it even.” I demanded. “If you don’t. You can fly home naked for all I care.”

Jared began to put the pieces together. He began to realize that this was all my doing. He realized that all of this humiliation, in front of me, in front of the bellhop, in front of the front desk girl, that was all my work. And he knew I still had the upper hand. And he could do absolutely nothing.

“Fine.” He said defeated.

I went and sat in the hotel room chair as he stood up. Before he could stand up completely, I snatched the washcloth right off his dick. His hands instinctually went to cover, but quickly lowered as he realized it made no difference. I sat down in the chair as my rival began to stroke his cock shamefully. I pulled out my phone and started filming him doing this act. He looked into the camera and winced at what I could possibly do with the footage. He grunted a few times as he masturbated, which only lead to me chuckling at his humiliation. His eyes closed and he gasped as he finally came all over himself. He collapsed onto the bed, and I stopped recording and tossed him the washcloth.

“Clean yourself up.”

Jared cleaned himself up as I plugged my phone into his computer to charge. I opened his laptop and pulled up the powerpoint and handed the laptop to him.

“Just send the powerpoint to everyone, and you can go to bed.” I softly spoke to him. “It’s all over now.”

Jared looked at the computer and began typing the email out to everyone, warning them that the presentation was canceled and he apologized for it being last minute and explained that all the info can be found in the powerpoint.

“You should probably CC the office,” I told him. “It will be better coming from you than if they found out on their own.”

Jared agreed and CC’d the office. He finished the email and attached the powerpoint before sending it.

The next day, Jared and I started our day. Jared, still naked as the day he was born, and me wearing my full business attire. I checked my email throughout the day and night, but Jared lost his phone in his other room and was unable to check without the computer. I returned to the hotel room with a suit for Jared to put on. He got dressed, and we made our way and flew back to the office.

As we entered the office, the office began to laugh hysterically at Jared. Jared was confused as to what could possibly be happening. Works shouted,

“Did you have a good time on the trip, Jared?”

“Pretty exciting stay, right Jared?”

“Looks like we have a new Office Little, am I right everyone?”

Jared turned back to me confused. Then I looked at him and remembered what I did.

“Oh! Jared!” I remembered. “I might have put that video as the last slide of the powerpoint. Oops.”
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