HNY 24 The Pool Contests By DJ (Constructive C & C Welcome).

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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HNY 24 The Pool Contests By DJ (Constructive C & C Welcome).

Post by dublinjohn »

Finally Posting this, starting with a bit of background first

There were 4 friends, Jack, Paul, Tom, and the only girl, Sam (short for Samantha), they grew up together, Sam was a tomboy growing up, but in her teens, got a bit of modelling work, nothing major, but enough that she had a bit of savings together with a bit of body confidence aswell as the knowledge of how to stand, sit and do her make -up to maximise her appearance. She had worked a few of the travel agents annual bikini’s walking down Grafton Street in Dublin City in January to advertise the coming years Sun Holidays and some Fashion Shows.

While still a good person at hear she had started to become a bit full of her self and wasn’t shy about telling the boys how good she was at the girlie things while still matching them (more or less) at the sports they played together.

They were in the Summer between doing the Leaving Certificate (school leavers state examination, done mainly to decide college places (7 subjects back when I did it, a long long time ago)) and starting college, so had noting really to do and all summer to do it, it was the early July, the exams finished on 27th June (different subjects on different days, they weren’t all taking the same subjects, not relevant, but additional information, so some had finished for over a week before the end, some only 2 days before the end) and the results would arrive on 25th August.

They were all 18 (Paul had his birthday the previous week), they lived fairly close together and had a lot of shared hobbies and interests, they had actually taken an Art Class a couple of days earlier for a laugh (not a lot to do living outside of a village up the mountains in Rural Ireland) and found that they had enjoyed it, they drew fruit in the first class. They then tried to draw each other (fully dressed) and showed the results to the teacher in the second class, who explained that the reason they weren’t as good as the fruit drawings was that the fruit didn’t have wrinkles in their clothes, as the didn’t have any which was why most life drawing classes were of nude models. Of course they had spent a bit of time teasing each other about being a model for the group, all good natured, but, sometimes a bit serious too.

They teased Sam that as a model, perhaps she should model nude for them, she laughed and said that, she didn’t model nude and even as a clothed model they couldn’t afforded her day rate, she said this innocently and as a joke, but it stung a bit because, well it was true and it was another (albeit unintended) dig, at, how she was wealthier than them, she laughed at said, that as they had all been swimming together many times in the pool at Jack’s house, she would take a turn modelling for them in her one piece Speedo, if they would all take turns modelling for the group in a Speedo, the guys got a bit shy at that, she said that’s the cost.
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Re: HNY 24 The Pool Contests By DJ (Constructive C & C Welcome).

Post by dublinjohn »

Anyway, our story begins on the Wednesday evening, leaving their third Art Class, they had a bit of time before their bus was due to take them back to the village they lived near, so they went into the Burger Place in that town, for a Coffee and to pass the time, as they were chatting Jack, asked a question of Sam, about her suggestion, about modelling in her Speedo, if the guys would do likewise, she confirmed that she was and asked why, Jack replied that he had a rough idea in his head and he wanted to sound it out, with everyone, to see what they thought, he started out stating that in the past they had many times had contests against each other with silly bets attached and his idea was like that, he suggested that one of the days that they were going to go swimming in his house, that they all turn up in Runners, Socks, Full Tracksuit and a T-Shirt each, over their Speedo, and they play Doubles Pool, with rotating partners, so game 1, Jack & Paul Vs Tom & Sam, game 2 Jack & Tom Vs Paul & Sam and game 3 Jack & Sam Vs Paul & Tom and if we play 2,3 or 4 sets of that rotation and every time a team losses that game, they take something off, before the start of the next game and at the end, we pose for 15 or 20 minutes each, in a least dressed to most dressed order.

The other two guys, said interesting, but what happens if you lose all 6 games, Jack laughed and said, if you play that piss poor you deserve to be a nude life model, but, come on guys, we are all fairly equally matched, anyway I’m throwing this out there for you to think about or see if you have any tweaks, we’ve played rotating teams before, its never been that one sided, that I can remember anyway. Sam wasn’t certain, she stated, I’m not sure, I’m not sure about risking being nude in front of you all. Jack pointed out, that this is just a discussion, I’m not saying we are doing this tonight or even ever, I just was thinking about how to make the posing order more fun, because we all know that none of use are going to volunteer to go first and I thought that this would be a fair way to decide the other and I do think its highly unlikely that someone will lose all 6 games, look at it this way, if you win one game, you are just posing in your Speedo, which was the deal anyway, if you win 2 or 3, you are covered by the trackie bottoms and the T-Shirt. The other two guys, chimed in and said, yeah, just think about it, Paul added, that I’m not sure I want to risk being nude in front of you guys either, but I know for certain if you aren't in, its not happening as I’m not playing a strip game with only guys. They left it at that and caught the bus back to their village and they walked the half mile to the lane their houses were on.

That night Sam had a sleepless night, she had never thought about the boys as anything other than her buddies, but the seed had been planted, while they were not models, they are all slim, naturally muscled (not Gym monsters) who had played on the Hurling or Gaelic Football School teams, she had convinced herself that she was a better player than them at Pool, when she woke up in the morning, she sent a group text message asking when they were going to have their Doubles Pool Tournament.

They finally agreed to do it on Friday morning (the next day), as the games could take some time and then they would need a couple of hours for the drawings, after some back and forth, they decided that for the drawings every person that beat you could give you a 5 minute pose, so the person that lost most games would have 3 poses to do, second last would have 2 and last would have 1, so 6 poses in total lasting 30 minutes, then they could swim, that caused a bit of a row, then as it was decided that the winner would have no poses, after a while it was decided that was their prize for winning and secondly if everybody agreed to do this for the next 6 weeks (to 18th of August, the Friday before they got their results), the odds were that everybody would win and lose at least once, the only thing to be decided was the order of posing, which would be decided by the skills of the 4. There was one additional change, they decided to wear a pair of running shorts underneath the tracksuit bottoms, so that nobody would be naked after the second round.

So after another tiring night for Sam Friday morning came and they all met at Jack’s for the big game, there was a lot of nerves evident as they were all uneasy at the start, they agreed to play 2 rounds of games, tossing a coin to see which team would break and on the reverse game the other team would break, they also agreed that they would decide on a 3rd round at the end of the second round.
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Re: HNY 24 The Pool Contests By DJ (Constructive C & C Welcome).

Post by dublinjohn »

The first 3 games were very close

Jack & Paul won the first game on the Black, Tom and Sam removed the tracksuit tops
Paul & Sam won the second game, also on the Black Jack removed his tracksuit top and Tom his Runners
The third game was won by Paul & Tom, with a ball to spare so Jack and Sam Removed their runners
at the end of round 1
Jack 5 Items
Paul 7 Items
Tom 5 Items
Sam 5 Items

Game 4 Tom & Sam won another very close game making it 4-6-5-5
Game 5 Jack & Tom won making it now 4-5-5-4
Game 6 Jack & Sam won again making it now 4-4-4-4 Paul & Tom both decided to take their T-Shirt off, leaving his Speedo’s covered again a lot of teasing

So after the first 2 rounds, everybody was wearing Socks, Tracksuit Bottoms, T-Shirt and Speedo’s, everybody was excited and also nervous, they discussed it and decided to play one more round, as nobody was in danger of full nudity, but, they game also hadn’t gone far enough for any of them to be really happy either.

Game 7 Jack & Paul won (making them 2-1 in their sub game) making it 4-4-3-3
Game 8 Paul & Sam won (making them 2-1 in their sub game) making it 3-4-2-3
Game 9 Paul & Tom won (making them 2-1 in their sub game) making it 2-4-2-2

Jack & Tom were both in their shorts and Speedo’s while Sam was in her T-Shirt and one Piece Speedo, having decided that it would offer her more protection, as she was aware that due to her excitement her nipples were like bullets and while not looking directly, she was aware of the boys shorts looking a bit tighter when she took off her shorts.

Paul was very happy, he was the most dressed and was on the winning team on all 3 match ups and was enjoying teasing the others about his skills. He then asked, there is no clear loser, how do we decide who is posing the most or are you all posing for me, or, are you all willing to risk it all and do another round of games.

The other 3 said no, but, were willing to start again, Paul was a bit upset at that and said that starting again was unfair on him as he had been so dominant the first time, he should start ahead of everyone, there was a lot of arguing, eventually they came to an agreement, they would all start in their socks (6 items) while Paul would stay on 7, however they also agreed that they would play out 3 rounds, even if someone was extremely unlucky, they would pay in dares for any additional losses after their clothes were gone and then take a vote on the 4th round at the time.

So they started again at 6-7-6-6

Game 2-1 Jack & Paul won making it 3-1 to them in the sub game and 6-7-5-5 overall
Game 2-2 Paul & Sam won making it 3-1 to them in the sub game and 5-7-4-5 overall
Game 2-3 Jack & Sam won making it 2-2 and 5-6-3-5 overall

Sam was looking at Tom thinking that this could get very interesting now, he was down to 3 items ( Speedos, shorts and T-Shirt) with 6 to play, again she was getting excited thinking about what poses to get him to do, but after a quick drinks break they started round 2

Game 2- 4 Tom & Sam won making it 3-2 against them in the sub game and 4-5-3-5 overall
Game 2- 5 Jack & Tom won making it 3-2 against them in the sub game and 4-4-3-4 overall
Game 2- 6 Paul & Tom won making them 3-2 in their sub game making it 3-4-3-3 overall

With 3 people in their Shorts, T-shirts and Speedo’s and 1 wearing the tracksuit bottoms over that, there was a lot of tension in the air and not a not of room in the boys, Speedos, a lot less than usual.

Anyway they started round 3
Game 2- 7 Jack & Paul won making it 4-2 for them in the sub game and 3-4-2-2 overall, as Tom took off his T-shirt and Sam took off her Shorts making the boys even more excited
Game 2- 8 Paul & Sam won making it 4-2 for them in the sub game and 2-4-1-2 overall as Jack took off his T-Shirt and Tom slowly dropped his shorts trying to hide his Semi, which had gone down a little with the nerves and teasing
Game 2- 9 Paul & Tom won making them 4-2 in their sub game making it 1-4-1-1 overall as Jack dropped his shorts from and sat down staight away to hide his near full stiffy as all eyes turned to Sam, this is where her modelling experience came in as she just grabbed the hem of the T-Shirt and lifted it over her head, with her nipples ready to cut glass, she was self conscious about it but, it, had happened to her last January at the Grafton Street shoot in the cold and she blocked it out then without having the boys speedos in her sight-line so she knew that she could do it here.

Nobody was willing to play a third round with sudden nudity for either Jack on his own or both Tom & Sam at the end of the next game, so they decided to do one more set of 3 rounds, but, this time, Jack, Tom and Sam were to start barefoot and it was finally agreed that as there was still more of a chance of one of the boys to be naked, the boys tried to get Sam to agree to play in an older pair of Jack’s Speedos from a few years ago (as a 15 year old) instead of her one piece, so that, as she was enjoying the game too and it would offer something for the boys to keep playing out the 9 games, even if they were already nude, at this stage she was really into the game, but she said she would only if Jack and Tom both stood up for 2 minutes facing her with their hands behind their heads and their feet a shoulder distance apart, they both moaned and finally agreed if she would too, so they did, she was surprised and very happy with both bulges grew a bit more.

They agreed again, regardless of what happened that they would complete the 3 rounds and there was no covering, in fact when you we down to 3 items or less and you weren’t taking a shot you had to stand with your hands behind your head facing the table, with your feet apart.

Jack found his old Speedo’s and gave them to Sam who went into the bathroom to change, she came out barefoot in the tracksuit holding her one piece in her hand waving it over her head saying, lets get started boy’s I want to get this show and I do mean show on the road.
Last edited by dublinjohn on Sun Jan 28, 2024 11:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HNY 24 The Pool Contests By DJ (Constructive C & C Welcome).

Post by dublinjohn »

So they started round 3 with 5-7-5-5, knowing that this was game that was going to change everything

Game 3-1 Jack & Paul won making it 5-2 to them in the sub game and 5-7-4-4 overall as both Tom & Sam lost the tracksuit tops
Game 3-2 Jack & Tom won making it 4-3 against them and 5-6-4-3 overall as Sam took off the Tracksuit pants, she went to break on game 3 and realised that the boys could see down the T-Shirt, but not far enough, but she used that distraction
Game 3-3 Jack & Sam won making it 4-3 against them and 5-5-3-3 overall as Tom peeled down his tracksuit bottoms and stood beside Sam in the 3 items pose

There was a lot of focus as they got ready to start the next round

Game 3-4 Tom & Sam won making it 5-3 against them in that sub game and 4-4-3-3 overall
Game 3-5 Jack & Tom won tying the subgame 4-4 and making it 4-3-3-2 overall as Sam pulled down her shorts and assumed the position Jack looked up while breaking and said whoo cameltoe alert, Sam smiled nervously as her plan had been to keep the T-Shirt as her last item thinking it would cover everything, but, this pose had killed that plan, she now knew that she had to win every game to avoid being topless (at a minimum) in front of her best friends
Game 3-6 Jack & Sam won tying it at 4-4 and making it 4-2-2-2 overall Paul & Tom both opted to take their T-Shirts off to keep the extra coverage of the shorts over the Speedo’s

In the break before the final round, they started teasing Paul, telling him if he hadn’t of had the 2 item start, he would be swinging in the breeze, the tension was thick in the air as they knew that in a matter of minutes either Paul or both Tom & Sam would be just wearing Speedo’s with their hands behind their heads

Game 3-7 Tom & Sam won making it 5-4 against them in that sub game and 3-1-2-2 overall, very slowly and very very carefully Paul took down his shorts and assumed the position, trying not to look at his friends, he was confused, he didn’t want to be naked, but was enjoying being looked at, until Tom realised that there was a slight wet spot on the speedos, when he commented on that, Paul’s bulge got bigger (as did the wet spot) and he enjoyed the embarrassment he was feeling.

Game 3-8 Jack & Tom kept their focus (at least better than the other team) to win and give themselves the 5-4 win in that subgame, however it meant that it was time to pay interesting clothes, neither was willing to go first until they pointed out that if Sam went first she would still be wearing something and would have no interruption when viewing the grand unveiling, she gave in to that logic and taking a deep breath, lifted the T-Shirt up and over and trying to act confident assumed the position, the boys were in shock and stared at her B cups with the nipples pointed slightly upwards for a while until she told them to close their mouths or they would be gathering flies. Paul then took off his Speedo’s and stood facing Sam, he really was enjoying being embarrassed being naked in front of his female friend, especially when he realised that she was staring, he decided to enjoy himself and shook his hips mildly and repeated her line about catching flies. Sam was also confused, she was embarrassed being only in a pair of too tight Speedo’s showing her tits and Camel Toe to the boys, hoping that's all that they would see, trying to act confident, whereas he looked embarrassed, but also was enjoying it, his joke broke the spell and they started the final game
Last edited by dublinjohn on Mon Jan 29, 2024 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HNY 24 The Pool Contests By DJ (Constructive C & C Welcome).

Post by dublinjohn »

Game 3- 9 Paul & Tom won making them 5-4 winners overall and it meant that Jack was taking off his T-Shirt, leaving him like Tom in Shorts and Speedo’s while Sam was about to lose her Speedo’s and be naked in front of people he saw every day of her life, she started to cry, running to the toilet, she asked the guys to give her a minute.

She got into the toilet and locked the and cried in front of the sink and mirror for a couple of minutes getting herself together, she knew she had to do it, she had let Paul get naked in front of her, she could not life with her self if she let a friend do something like that and she chickened out, she laughed subconsciously at telling herself to put on her big girl pants while taking off the Speedo’s and cried a bit more, then having got that out of her system, washed her face, opened the door and stepped back into the room handing the borrowed Speedo’s back to Jack, telling him, thanks for the lend, but I don’t need them any more and went an assumed the position.

After a few minutes, she asked about the turns modelling for the group, the boys took some pity on her and said, lets just get dressed and hit the pool for a while, they had seen the effort she had gone to in order to pay her debt and they appreciated what she would do to keep the friendship (almost) as much as they appreciated the most stunning sight they had ever seen.
Last edited by dublinjohn on Mon Jan 29, 2024 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HNY 24 The Pool Contests By DJ (Constructive C & C Welcome).

Post by dublinjohn »

Thats it, it could use another couple of edits, but, I wouldn't post it, if I didn't just bite the bullet and do it now.

More than likely I'll re-write in the future, but as stated in the title, constructive C & C is welcome, if you don't want to post it here, pm me
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