Tommy's Retribution

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Tommy's Retribution

Post by Blondie »

The following is applicable to all chapters of “Tommy's Retribution:”

© February 2003 by Blondie.

This is a work of fiction, and is fantasy only. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

For ages 18 and older only.

Chapter 1: Tommy Meets His Mentor
Chapter 2: Stripped Topless by the Pool
Chapter 3: Sally Forced to Bare All
Chapter 4: Chaos in the Classroom
Chapter 5: Cindy's Classroom Humiliation
Chapter 6: Stripped Naked in a Movie Theater
Chapter 7: The Naked March
Chapter 8: The Humiliation of the Lexus Lady
Chapter 9: The Cheerleader's Comeuppance
Chapter 10: The Topless Twelve
Chapter 11: Carlene's Frenzied Flight
Chapter 12: Tormented Teachers on the Bus
Chapter 13: The Dog Ate My Panties
Chapter 14: Eight Blushing Hostesses
Chapter 15: Let the Party Begin!
Chapter 16: The Can-Can
Chapter 17: Sally and Cindy Unveiled
Chapter 18: Karen on Display
Chapter 19: The Denuded Danny
Chapter 20: Truth or Consequences
Chapter 21: The Climax


Chapter 1: Tommy Meets His Mentor

It had been a little over two years since that regrettable day when Tommy was debased to the extreme degree. It was a day he would never forget. For that matter, it was a day he didn’t want to forget, for to forget might be to forgive, and at this point in time the word “forgive” was not in Tommy’s vocabulary. Someday, somehow, his tormentors were going to get their payback.

Last year, a few days before his fifteenth birthday, Tommy took his first, and most important step towards getting even with Sister Ruth, Miss Richards, Karen, Sally, Cindy, Linda, Nancy, Carlene, and whomever else he decided was deserving of his punishment. He had heard rumor of a lad named Owen, who supposedly had mastered the use of telekinetic powers. Tommy was justifiably skeptical, but he didn’t have to dig too deeply into his creative mind to understand the ramifications involved if he could somehow learn how to use such a power. He had to seek out Owen and pick his brain.

With a little research, Tommy learned that Owen lived in the next county. One summer day he reached out to Owen by phone and set up a meeting. Tommy, with hopes aroused, hopped on a bus to meet with the blessed Owen.

It was a very fruitful meeting. It turned out he and Owen had quite a bit in common. Owen explained that his power came from within after a very humiliating experience that took place a few years before at his eighth-grade school picnic.

As the story went, he was ambushed by several of his classmates right next to where many of the girls were playing volleyball. They stripped off his tee shirt, shoes and socks and tied his wrists to a branch above his head. Of course, the commotion and the scene attracted the attention of the girls. Then one of his classmates told Owen that he was going to strip off his jeans, and that if he offered any resistance then his underpants would come off, too. Owen was in no position to call his bluff, so he watched helplessly while the sadistic boy unbuckled his jeans and slowly, methodically pulled them down his legs and slipped them off. Owen was left squirming, clad only in his white briefs while the girls, though continuing their game, seemed much more interested in the near-naked boy tied to the tree.

About ten minutes later one of the girls, a tallish blonde, whispered to some of the others. They looked over to Owen and giggled, and to his extreme apprehension the tallish blonde approached him as the others watched with keen interest.

“Sorry, Owen baby, but these are just begging to come down,” she said.

Before Owen could utter even a word of protest she grabbed the bottom of both sides of his briefs and yanked his underpants down to his knees in one swift motion. Owen’s genitals were on display. The mortified victim frantically but futilely alternated lifting each leg in a furious effort to maneuver his underpants upward. The spectacle had his audience in a state of hysterical laughter.

“To this day I can still hear the shrieks of laughter,” Owen told the empathetic Tommy.

Owen was forced to remain in his sorry condition for over an hour while the entertained girls half-heartedly continued their volleyball game. They dispersed when they saw a faculty member rushing over to rescue the wretched Owen.

Needless to say, he was thoroughly humiliated, and it was an experience that left a large impact. It was soon after that when he developed his special power, and he used it to the utmost to vindicate himself.

Tommy, now feeling a bond with Owen, opened up about his experience two years prior. He told the whole story of how Sister Ruth initially made him strip and throw his clothes out the window. After recounting the entire events of the day of his hideous debasement, Owen was full of compassion. Owen’s experience paled in comparison to what Tommy had to endure. After hearing Tommy’s account, he was quite certain that he would have no problem acquiring the special power of telekinesis.

Owen was a very good teacher, and Tommy was a bright, willing, (and motivated, of course!) student. Owen’s best advice to Tommy was to dig deeply and relive his humiliation on that ill-fated day, while at the same time using mind control to move whatever matter he willed. Whenever Tommy concentrated in this manner, he achieved a modicum of success. It wasn’t long before Tommy was able to tip over a bottle of coke from forty yards away just by willing it to happen. Owen assured him that with practice, the power would become second nature.

At the end of the session, Tommy and Owen embraced. Tommy thanked his mentor profusely and promised to keep him apprised of his retaliations on his adversaries. Tommy boarded the bus home, grinning freely in anticipation of utilizing his new ammunition.

Though a youngster, Tommy had the patience of a veteran. His plan was to perfect his newfound power before exacting his revenge. For the next few months, he practiced by himself with objects around the house. Slowly but surely, he gained confidence in his power of mind over matter. He used it to his advantage, carrying out mundane tasks such as making his bed or cleaning his room, all accomplished with his hands in his pockets. Yes, he was just about ready for his enemies, but first he would test his new ability out on a stranger.

His first opportunity to “go live” came one Saturday at the local mall. He was standing in line at a Burger King when an attractive young lady cut in front of him just as he was about to order.

“Excuse me, but I was here first,” said Tommy.

The rude young lady looked at Tommy briefly and dismissed him without a word before turning her attention back to the clerk and placing her order.

For Tommy, it brought back memories of his helpless feeling on his day of humiliation. Only now he had some recourse, and it was the perfect time to employ it.

“Time to teach this bitch a lesson,” he whispered aloud to himself.

He let the young lady purchase her burger and soda, then he followed suit. He took a seat across the aisle from her and watched her eat for awhile. She was wearing a white tank top and jeans, and Tommy could tell by the way her breasts jiggled when she walked that she was not wearing a bra. He watched as she picked up her coke to take a sip. As she brought the full cup to her lips, he concentrated very hard.

Much to his delight, the tilted cup pulled away from her lips, causing the liquid to spill. Most of it landed on her chest. Instantly her nipples and areola were visible through the soaked-through material.

The startled girl let out a yelp as she scrambled for a napkin in a futile attempt to dry herself off. She looked up to catch Tommy’s grinning gaze and blushed crimson. As she reached for her purse, obviously intent on exiting the premises as quickly as possible, Tommy wasted no time in focusing on her tank top. It was short enough so that an inch or so of skin was already exposed above her jeans. He was elated when it quickly began to rise up her torso. His glee increased as her shapely breasts became completely exposed while the gathering of her top came to rest under her armpits.

Again she let out a shriek, much louder than the first one, attracting the attention of the other patrons. She frantically grabbed the hem of her tank top and pulled downward, but to her utter distress and bewilderment she ran into an uncontrollable resistance and was unable to pull it down.

Tommy couldn't help but laugh out loud as the now near-hysterical girl grabbed her purse, covered her chest with crossed arms, and made a mad dash for the exit as her half-eaten hamburger splattered to the floor. As she disappeared from view into the mall, her shrieks of anguish could be heard over the laughter of the customers.

There was a buzz in the air as Tommy finished his lunch, feeling quite satisfied with himself. “Ah, yes, life is good—and it's about to get even better," he said aloud to himself while smiling in anticipation.
Last edited by Blondie on Thu Sep 19, 2024 6:49 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Tommy's Retribution

Post by TeenFan »

Instead of "Carrie" taking out her vengeful thoughts on the high schoolers, it will be "The Revenge of Tommy". It seems his revenge will be
cold and calculated to bring out the most humiliation possible. The people who picked on Tommy two years earlier are in for trouble.
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Tommy's Retribution, Chapter 2

Post by Blondie »


Chapter 2: Stripped Topless by the Pool

Even though over two years had gone by since that fateful day of humiliation, Tommy was still haunted by the memory. Plus, the people involved wouldn’t let him forget about it. The primary classmates involved (Karen, Sally, Cindy, Linda, Nancy, and a couple of the guys) attended the same high school as Tommy, and it seemed like at least once a day one of them would tease him about his forced nudity on that infamous day.

And, of course, he lived with his sister Sally, who was relentless with her teasing. Just the other morning, while they were eating their cereal before school, Sally said, “I’m having a couple of girlfriends over this weekend, Tommy. Maybe we’ll make you strip and dance naked for us so we can watch your tiny little dick bobbing around again.” She giggled at her little quip, and Tommy blushed noticeably, much to his sister's amusement.

Occasionally he’d be at school and notice some girls talking and pointing at him. They would look him up and down, figuratively undressing him, and then they would all giggle. Now and again one of them would hold up their hand and spread her thumb and forefinger an inch or two apart. Of course, Tommy recognized that they were making fun of his little penis that was on display for them that day.

Scenes like that embarrassed him to no end, making him feel like they were seeing him naked all over again.

But Tommy, with his knowledge that he had his newfound telekinetic power, was enjoying life now more than ever before.

They can tease me all they want. But we’ll see how much teasing they do after I have my fun with THEM. He smiled to himself at the prospect.

It was a lazy summer day when Tommy had another breakthrough that would go a long way toward exacting revenge on hie previous tormentors. He was relaxing by the swimming pool in his backyard when he fortuitously discovered that his powers went way beyond telekinesis. A couple of boys from school had come by to visit Sally, and she was flirting with them under one of the trees beyond the pool. She was wearing a pair of tight shorts and the top to her bathing suit. She was clinging onto a branch above her head with both hands as she talked to the boys.

Tommy was considering using TK to remove her top, and then whimsically considered how nice it would be to just freeze time right there and do anything he wanted to her. He realized it was a ludicrous notion, but he continued to fantasize nonetheless. He concentrated very hard, using Owen’s advice to key on his own past humiliations, and the damnedest thing happened. Everything stopped! Sally and the boys stood motionless and could no longer be heard.

Tommy, thinking he must be dreaming, got up and looked over the fence. Someone and their dog were frozen, as were cars that had been passing by. Tommy, after recovering from his initial shock, let out a loud, “HOLY SHIT!!”

After taking a few moments to adjust to the eerie silence, he was ready to test his sudden boon. He walked over to his sister and proceeded to untie her top from the back. He then walked around her and pulled the top from her breasts. She was fairly well developed, and Tommy hadn’t seen his sister without a top on since they bathed together when they were about four years old. He stood and enjoyed the sight for a moment.

He was about to throw the top on the ground when came up with a better idea. He wrapped it around Sally’s ankles and tied the ends together in a tight double knot. He considered lowering her shorts, but then decided just to toy with her. There would be plenty of time in the future to carry things out much further.

He then walked back to his chair, sat down and observed what he had wrought. He was grinning from ear to ear, and he considered himself the luckiest 15-year-old on the face of the earth. After taking in this wonderful scene for a few minutes, it was time to improve on it by starting time again. He concentrated very hard. In a short time, to Tommy’s relief and delight, time restarted.

* * * * *

Sally was enjoying her interaction with Paul and Stan, her two friends from school. She had a crush on Paul, and it seemed to her like he was building up the nerve to possibly ask her out. Then suddenly both boys’ jaws dropped, and they were gawking at her chest. Sally was slow to react. Her hands were still above her head holding on to the branch. She sensed something was awry, and the first thing she felt was some tightness around her ankles. She slowly looked down and was quite horrified to behold the sight of her naked breasts hanging out for all to see.

“AAAAGGHHH!” she screamed.

She immediately covered her breasts with her hands, then noticed her top wrapped tightly around her ankles. She frantically reached down to untie it, giving the two boys a pleasurable view of her breasts dangling downwards, bobbing about in their freedom.

In her panic, she was unable to untie the knot. Her only recourse was to run inside the house, a run that much more resembled a hop since her bonded ankles restricted her gait considerably. She was quite a sight as she hopped towards the house while desperately trying to cover her naked breasts.

“OH MY GOD!” she screamed more than once during her frantic attempt to reach cover as quickly as humanly possible.

Her route necessitated hopping right by her brother and she couldn’t help but notice through her tears that he had a very satisfied grin on his face.

Paul and Stan were still in their tracks, agape in disbelief of what they had just witnessed. When they recovered their sensibilities, they decided it might be best to leave. As they walked by Tommy, they were shaking their heads and grinning. One of them said, “Wow, that was unfucking-believable! Thank you, there is a God!”

“You’re welcome,” Tommy said without looking up.

They turned and looked at him quizzically as they departed.
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Tommy's Retribution, Chapter 3

Post by Blondie »


Chapter 3: Sally Forced to Bare All

Tommy was just getting started. After stripping the top off his sister using his recently discovered time-stop power, he knew he had the world wrapped around his fingers. He now had total control, which he would not hesitate to utilize in order to have his way with his tormentors from two years before. The term "sweet revenge" would take on a whole new meaning before all was said and done.

Two events would go a long way in convincing Sally that her younger brother had absolute control over her, and that she would be defenseless to alter that sorry state of affairs.

About two weeks after her involuntary poolside exposure, Sally and Tommy were sitting in the living room watching TV when there was a knock at the door. Sally answered, and it was Paul, one of her friends who witnessed her naked breasts in the aforementioned incident. She blushed when she saw him, and her first reaction was to close the door and run away. But she was interested in him, so she would do her best to pretend her unfortunate "accident" had never happened. She stood in the doorway and flirted with her visitor.

Tommy decided this might be a good time to take his sister's humiliation to the next level. He concentrated, and successfully stopped time. He walked over to his sister, who posed with one hand high on the door and the other high on the door jamb. She was barefoot, wearing a halter-top that stopped just above her navel, and a pair of cutoff shorts.

The shorts were about to come off. Tommy proceeded to unbutton them, pull them down, and lifted her legs one at a time to pull them off. He was surprised how effortless it was to manipulate her legs any way he wanted.

He took the shorts up to Sally’s room and laid them on her bed. He came back down, sat in his chair, looked at his sister and smiled. Her panties were a lacy, peach color, and he felt a stirring in his pants as he took in the sexy vision.

He was just about to start time, but then he had another whimsical notion. "What the hell," he said to himself. "Let's give her friend an extra thrill. He walked back over to the doorway and lifted Sally's halter top completely off, then repositioned her hands high on the door and doorjamb. He let out a soft whistle as he admired his sister, now posing sexily, clad only in her panties. Giddy with laughter, he ran upstairs and laid the halter top next to the shorts. Again he came downstairs, sat in his chair and appraised the scene he had created.

He was just about to restart time when again he hesitated. He stared at his panty-clad sister, and though it was a stimulating spectacle, there was something else he could do to add spice to the scenario. Up until now, Tommy had shown a lot of patience, preferring a gradual escalation to his sister's humiliation. But we are talking about a 15-year-old boy here.

The temptation was irresistible. Grinning, he jumped up and walked briskly to the doorway. He kneeled and lowered Sally's panties to her knees, pausing briefly to appreciate his close-up view of her dark-blond triangle of pubic hair. He stood up and took a slow walk around his victim, taking in the frontal and rear view of what he thought was a perfectly shaped figure. He unabashedly reached down and adjusted the growing protrusion in his pants (clearly, there was no concern of anyone noticing!) before taking his seat.

Tommy realized that there was one more thing he needed to take care of while the opportunity presented itself. He went into his bedroom and retrieved a towel and some lubricant. Again he plopped into the chair, but not before lowering his jeans and underpants to his ankles. He raised his shirt partially up his back and for the next few minutes, using the vision of his near-naked sister along with the knowledge of her impending humiliation as stimuli, he proceeded to avail himself of the pleasure of self-gratification.

Now a very satisfied young man, Tommy, who had cleaned himself up and repositioned his clothes, was ready for the next portion of his most enjoyable morning. He started time and watched with fascination as, like before, Sally didn’t immediately react. It was a good three or four seconds before she followed her friend’s wide-eyed gaze and made her most unnerving discovery.

"OMIGOD!“ she screamed as she reached down to frantically pull up her panties. "OH, NO!" she continued as she slammed the door in Paul's face. "Son of a BITCH!" she yelled as she passed her grinning brother during her mad dash up the stairs.

Sally slammed her door when she reached the safety of her bedroom. She was feeling many emotions: mortified, stunned, and bewildered, for starters. When she spotted her shorts and top on her bed, she was completely mystified. She hurriedly put them back on and, after taking a few minutes to gather herself, she came back downstairs to question her brother. She couldn’t help but notice the smile of satisfaction on his face.

“Do you know anything about this?” she asked with exasperation. Her cheeks were still a bright shade of red, much to Tommy's delight.

“Well, I know if I were in your shoes, I’d be awfully embarrassed. I think you’re coming on a little too strong with your new friend. You should think about easing into this relationship instead of tearing off your clothes every time he comes by for a visit,” Tommy teased. “And I have a pretty good feeling that he'll be back." He chuckled to himself. "But in case I do have anything to do with this, my advice to you would be to be very nice to me from here on in.”

“Fuck off, you little twerp,” was Sally’s response.

“Okay, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Let’s just say that I might make literature class veeeery interesting for you tomorrow afternoon.” With that, Tommy walked away, while Sally stared back at him, feeling more than a little ill at ease.

* * * * *

Literature class was the one class that Tommy and Sally shared. Sally sat in the row by the window, in the second seat from the back, while Tommy was a row to her right in the very back seat.

Sally, a bit nervous over Tommy's comment that he might make the class interesting for her, had taken a couple of furtive glances back at her brother. Though she had no idea what he might do or how he would go about doing it, the fact that on two separate occasions she had found herself suddenly and inexplicably minus a few articles of clothing—well, let's just say that her level of anxiety was as high as she could ever remember.

Sure enough, about ten minutes into the class Tommy decided to make his move. He froze time and approached his sister. He was about to unbutton her blouse when the thought occurred to him that it would be a much more effective humiliation if she could experience her own disrobing. He concentrated very hard on the idea of bringing his sister out of her “pause” mode, while keeping the rest of the world “frozen.” He was just about to give up on this concept when Sally suddenly looked around and said, “What the hell?” Tommy looked around and to his utter delight he saw that everyone was frozen except for Sally and him. He stood over her, beaming at his success.

Sally started to get up, but felt invisible hands push her back down by her shoulders. “That’s right, Sally, I was indeed responsible for your missing clothes. Right now, everybody but you and I are frozen in time. Pretty neat, huh?”

Sally was agape as she slowly took in what was transpiring. She was speechless, and she listened in horror as her brother continued.

“Here’s the gig, Sis. You’re going to take your blouse off for me right here and now. In fact, from now on, you’re to do everything I tell you. If you fail to obey me, I will freeze you as I have before and remove all of your clothes myself, then restart time and watch how you react to being naked in public." Tommy watched the countenance of his sister and smiled at her look of incredulity. Undeterred, he continued. "Now take your blouse off, please.”

For Sally, the reality and magnitude of her dire situation was slowly starting to sink in, but she couldn't quite believe that her brother was capable of performing such a supernatural feat, even as she sat amid the eerie stillness.

" can't really do that, can you?" she asked, with a hope that was rapidly deteriorating.

"Tell you what, Sis, why don't I give you a little example of what I'm capable of."

He approached the desk of a student directly to Sally's right, and one desk up. Tommy's reasons for choosing this soon-to-be unfortunate student were twofold. First, Tommy didn't particularly care for the guy. He was an arrogant sort, and he had always treated Tommy like he was a lesser human being. Second, his sister would have a prime seat to witness the unlucky student's indignity.

Under Sally's watchful eye, Tommy proceeded to remove every article of clothing from his body. He gathered the pile of clothes and laid them on the floor in the back of the classroom.

Under normal circumstances Sally, who had already exhibited her predilection for humiliation—so long as it is imposed on someone other than herself—would be salivating over the impending fate of the naked boy. But the horrified look on her face revealed her comprehension of the ramifications of what she was witnessing.

"So, what do you think, Sis?" asked Tommy. "He's got a pretty big dick, doesn't he?" Tommy had pulled the student's legs apart so Sally could get a full view of his nakedness, and indeed Sally was staring at the lad's rather large member. "But I'll bet he's not anxious to show it off to everyone here."

Sally, who could now foresee herself in the same ill-fated predicament, was at a loss for words.

"Okay," he continued. "You asked if I could really have you stark naked in the middle of the classroom. As you can see, the answer is, 'absolutely!' Are you ready? Now, as you watch his reaction, I want you to picture yourself in his place. You're sitting there minding your own business, then, in a split second you suddenly find yourself completely nude, with your clothes nowhere in sight. How do you think you would react?"

"Oh, Tommy, please, don't do....."

But she cut off her words when class suddenly resumed as normal. Well, normal save for one panic-stricken young student who was thrashing about in his seat as though he was possessed by a mad demon. He seemed to be looking around for something he was missing, as though his life depended on its recovery.

Almost as quickly as the bizarre scene started, it came to a halt. Tommy had stopped time again. He had let it play out only for a couple of seconds, which was long enough for the frantic lad to experience his nakedness, but not quite long enough for it to register for anyone else. Tommy was saving his best for his sister, who was sitting stunned at her desk. If Tommy didn't know better, he would have thought she was frozen in time with everyone else.

"Alrighty then," he said a little louder than normal.

Startled, Sally snapped her head to look at her brother. Tommy looked at the naked student, who was frozen with a wide-eyed look of panic. He chuckled to himself at the sight.

"Before we progress to your participation today, give me a hand getting this poor chump's clothes back on." Sally reluctantly slid out of her desk to help her brother. "He'll probably think it was some weird panic attack or something. Imagine how relieved he'll be when I start time and he'll have his clothes back on."

Tommy started to put the underwear on his victim when a thought occurred to him. He shoved the underwear into the desk of the student in front of him.

"I'll give him something to think about. When he realizes he's going commando he may have doubts about it being a panic attack," he said as he pulled the student's pants on with the help of his now very apprehensive sister. "Especially after he sees what happens to you."

Sally's breathing became faster as she considered her imminent fate. The two of them continued their task, and when Tommy tied the boy's shoes, he was ready to move on.

"So, my dear sister, what's it gonna be? Are you going to take your blouse off for me, or do I have to stop time and strip you completely nude?" he asked almost nonchalantly, as if he was asking her if she'd rather have pizza or a sandwich for lunch.

“Oh God, please don’t do this to me, Tommy. Please. I’ll do anything. I'll do your chores and your homework for you whenever you want! Anything!” she pleaded desperately.

"That's a very nice offer, thank you. And I'll probably take you up on that. But I'd still like you to take off your blouse."

"Tommy, pl...."

“Last warning,” Tommy interrupted.

Sally had no alternative. Sniveling softly, she slowly started unbuttoning her blouse. She slipped it over her shoulders and off her arms, revealing a beige, nondescript bra. About a C-cup, Tommy figured. Tommy pulled the blouse from Sally's grasp

“I’ll take the bra, too.”

Sally flinched, though she was anything but surprised by the command. She reached back and unhooked her bra. She watched in shock as Tommy took the blouse and bra and tossed them out the window, where they dropped to the ground two stories below. Tommy had no doubt that his sister had to remember how Tommy was forced to throw his own clothes out the window just over two years before.

Sally had her arms crossed tightly over her chest. “Please, Tommy, I’m begging you, please, PLEASE let me go get my clothes before you wake these people up.”

Tommy's response gave her momentary hope. “Okay, I’ll give you a chance. We’re going to play a little game. Stand up, please, and clasp your hands behind your head.”

Sally reluctantly complied, and Tommy, to Sally’s chagrin, produced from his desk two large feathers, similar to the one Sally used to tease Tommy two years before, contributing to the ultimate loss of his underpants.

“Here’s the deal. If you can withstand these feathers without moving for only three minutes, I’ll give you your clothes back. If you lose, you lose all your clothes. Pretty simple; it's all up to you." Sally didn't respond, but the look on her face was not one of confidence. "Okay, here we go," Tommy said. "Try to stay still now, Sis. Otherwise, you'll be naked."

With that, Tommy took one feather in each hand and proceeded to tease his sister, starting by softly stroking each of her ears. He continued down her face until reaching her chest, when he then started encircling the feathers around her breasts. Sally started grimacing. Already.

Tommy toyed with her, brushing the feathers back and forth across the tips of her nipples. Sally now had tears welling up in her eyes. Only a minute in, and it was starting to look pretty bleak for her. The feathers ran down her stomach, then started up her sides. When they reached her armpits, she could stand no more. She pushed the feathers away with both hands.

“Oh, bummer,” chortled Tommy. “I guess that means we all get to see you naked. You can take your jeans off now and toss them out the window.” Sally stood there, dumbstruck and motionless. Tommy was starting to lose patience. “Okay, here’s the deal. You do as I say right now, or you’re naked tonight at center court of the basketball game against Jefferson in front of both student bodies. Trust me, I have ways of getting you there and doing just that to you. Now make your choice. Do you want to be naked in this class for as long as it takes you to run outside and retrieve your clothes, or for a much longer period in front of a lot more people? Hey, either way, I can just freeze you right now and strip you naked myself. But you can make it easier on yourself by cooperating with me.”

“Please, To…” Sally started to plead, but realized it would be futile. Tommy watched as she reached down and deliberately removed her sandals. Tommy took them from her and promptly tossed them out the window. Sally, with tears starting to drip down her red cheeks, unzipped her jeans and slipped them off. She now was left wearing only a pair of hip-hugging, white nylon panties. She hugged the jeans against her chest and looked at Tommy pleadingly. But he wasn’t backing down. Without a word, he simply pointed to the open window. “Oh, God,” whimpered his sister as she dropped her jeans through the window and watched helplessly as they fluttered to the ground.

“That a girl. You can take off your panties now.”

The miserable Sally, reconciled to her fate, slipped out of her panties. She held her hands between her legs, while the last vestiges of her clothing dangled from her fingertips. She stared straight down to the ground. It felt to her like her face was on fire.

“I’ll take these,” said the smiling Tommy as he snatched the panties from his sister and stuffed them in his pocket. “We’ll find something creative to do with them.”

(Sally would not see her panties until the following day. After word had quickly spread throughout the school of the incredible scene in the previous day’s literature class, the panties could be seen in their glory, hanging from the top of the school flagpole, flapping in the wind. By that time just about everybody in the school knew whom they belonged to.)

“Take your seat now, Sally, it’s time to get things rolling.”

Sally was covering her sex as she walked back to her seat. She was extremely embarrassed for her brother to see her this way, but she knew this was like a walk in the park compared to what she was about to endure. She tried one last time to gain her brother’s compassion.

“Tommy, please don’t wake these people up! I’ll do anything, I’ll give you anything! You name it. Please!”

“Number one, you should have thought of that two years ago,” Tommy responded. “Number two, yes, you will do anything I want you to. From now on, you have no choice. I own you. And one of the things you’ll do is run out of here naked for all of us to see. Are you ready? Here we go…”

“NO!” screamed Sally as she crouched down at her desk.

But instead of restarting time right away, Tommy froze Sally. There was still a bit he needed to tend to first. He reached into his desk and pulled out some rope and a pair of scissors. "Time for Sally to bond with some of her classmates," he said out loud.

Giggling to himself, he took a few minutes (well, in real time it was a grand total of exactly zero minutes) to complete his task, then took his seat. He started time for everyone except the instructor.
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Re: Tommy's Retribution

Post by imanewb »

It's a winner - nice to see someone out for, and achieving revenge. OK, the whole 'powers' concept threw me for a bit of a loop initially but hey, it's a story (well written and hilarious) so I'll just sit back and enjoy the ride.
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Tommy's Retribution, Chapter 4

Post by Blondie »


Chapter 4: Chaos in the Classroom

When Sally had taken her seat, she was pretty sure she knew what was coming. Her main goal was to limit her exposure as much as possible. She had planned her exit strategy: Grab her books, slip out of her desk and make a beeline for the door, and do it as quickly and quietly as humanly possible. Heck, she tried to convince herself, with my athleticism I can be out of here in about three seconds. Maybe they'll hardly notice.

But when time started, Sally could tell right away that something was terribly wrong. Well, aside from the fact that she was completely naked amid three dozen or so of her fellow classmates. When she tried to reach for her books, she was unable to move either of her arms. She quickly discovered that her left arm was completely stretched out, a condition attributable to a piece of rope that was tied to her wrist. The other end of the rope was securely tied to a pole that was conveniently located next to the window through which Sally's clothes had disappeared.

But even more to her disconcertion, her right arm was also immobilized, and the desk to her right had been pushed flush against her own desk. Sally then made the horrifying discovery that her right wrist was handcuffed to the left wrist of the student occupying that desk. The chain of the handcuffs was draped around the backs of their desks, rendering their respective arms immobile.

For the reader's edification, while time was stopped Tommy was an industrious young man. Using the rope and scissors, after careful measurements he had cut five lengths of the rope so they would have just the right amount of slack for his purposes. There were five rows of desks, with Sally in the row by the windows on the far left. Tommy started with a student in the row on the far right, in the second desk from the back, equivalent to his sister’s. He took one of the lengths of rope and tied it to his left wrist, then tied the other end to the right wrist of the female student to his immediate left. Both of their arms were completely outstretched. He then tied her left wrist to the right wrist of the student next to her. He continued the process until reaching the student on Sally's right. After tying that student’s right wrist to the left wrist of the student to her right—using a length of rope about a foot longer than the others—he pushed her desk to the left until it was flush with Sally's before handcuffing their respective hands together behind their desks.

Tommy knew this girl a little bit—her name was Molly—and he just had an inkling that having her up close and personal with Sally would add a little spice to the whole experience—a perception that would prove to be even more spot on than he ever could have imagined.

He then tied Sally's left wrist to the fortuitously planted pole, which meant that of the five students that Tommy had selected, only the guy on the far right had a free hand. And only one of the five was naked, and it was not the one with the free hand.

For his finale, he placed the key to the handcuffs squarely on the middle of Sally's desk. Then he was done, knowing that all he had left to do was to start time, sit back and watch the scene unfold and watch the chaos begin.

* * * * *

While Sally struggled frantically and unsuccessfully against her bonds, her new neighbor, while initially taken aback by her restricted motion, saw something to completely turn her attention away from her own predicament. A grin broke out on her face. "You're naked!" Molly keenly observed, while looking Sally up and down.

"I know! Oh, shit!" cried Sally as she looked at both of her wrists in a desperate hope that she could find a way to free herself. She bent over and clenched her knees together while recklessly trying to pull her arms free. Her athletic three-second exit plan had gone out the window with her clothes.

"Why are you naked? asked Molly.

"It's not my choice, you stupid cow!"

It was a statement that did not aid in gaining any sympathy from her new seat mate, but it did contribute to her increasing enjoyment of Sally's dire situation.

Then Sally spotted the key on her desk. "The key! For the handcuffs! Get us loose!" Sally directed.

"I can't," said Molly, with a certain amount of pleasure. "Take a look," she said, while motioning with her head to her right.

Sally followed her gaze, and when she discovered what her brother had done, she nearly went ballistic. "What the...? Oh my God! This can't be happening!"

With all the attention on the bizarre sight of five students tethered together, up until that point only Tommy, Molly and Sally were aware that one of those five students was sitting naked at her desk. That was about to change.

"Look! She's naked!" shouted a male student as he stood up from the middle of the classroom and pointed at Sally. Suddenly over thirty sets of eyes were focused on the mortified, crimson-faced girl near the back corner of the classroom. This was followed by a loud uproar as several of the students stood to attain a better view of the naked girl.

Sally was near hysteria. She looked anxiously to her right and attained a modicum of relief to see that the guy in the fifth row had untied his wrist, and that the girl on his left was working on untying hers. Eventually, she figured, Molly's right hand would be freed, enabling her to reach the key to the handcuffs. But it wasn't moving nearly quickly enough, from Sally's perspective. And the girl on her right wasn't helping matters.

"You have really nice tits," she said. Sally didn't know how to respond. And she didn't appreciate that this girl was looking at and admiring her breasts. "Everybody can see them," she continued to tease. "They're just hanging out there, and you're unable to cover them up." Again, Sally had no response to the obvious but biting remarks. "You must be really embarrassed," she continued. Sally was fit to be tied (yes, pun intended) as Molly continued her relentless mocking. "I'm sure glad I have all my clothes on."

"Help me! Please, can somebody help me?" screamed Sally frantically.

She looked to her right. The girl in the fourth row had freed her wrist, and the guy in the middle row was working diligently on Tommy's tight knot. He seemed to be having trouble with it.

"I mean," continued Molly, "I can't even imagine. This must be like your worst nightmare. But it's really happening."

"Shut the fuck UP, would you? Please, somebody help!"

Most everyone was either too mesmerized to move or were enjoying the scene way too much to intervene. Most fell into the latter category. But there was one Good Samaritan in the bunch. A girl wearing horn-rimmed glasses had slipped from her desk and was walking briskly toward Sally. Tommy raised his hand to catch her eye. When she looked up at him, he waved his index finger back and forth and shook his head. The girl ignored this directive and reached for the knot on Sally's left wrist.

"Oh, God, thank you!" said a relieved and appreciative Sally.

But before she could continue, time suddenly stopped.

Tommy sighed. "Eventually these people will get the picture and start listening to me," he said out loud as he approached the girl. Tommy unsnapped her jeans and slid them down to her ankles, exposing her ice blue cotton panties and her pale, skinny legs. Figuring that should do the trick, he sat down and restarted time.

The Good Samaritan was just about to go to work on the knot when she felt a coolness on her legs. She looked down to see her pants bundled at her ankles.

"What the....!?" said the startled girl in the horn-rimmed glasses as she reached down and swiftly pulled up her pants. Red-faced, she looked around to see if anyone had noticed. All eyes were staring in her direction, but she couldn't determine if they were focused on her or the naked Sally. For her own peace of mind, she decided that it must be the latter.

Brushing off her embarrassment, she again approached Sally. She did catch Tommy's eye, and again saw him shaking his head. Again she ignored him. She seemed hell-bent on helping her poor fellow coed.

Tommy was starting to get annoyed. It was time to step up the humiliation. "Unbelievable!" he said out loud as he jumped from his seat and paused time once again.

He was starting to get into the habit of talking to himself out loud when time was stopped, probably for the purpose of breaking the unnatural silence.

"Well, if she really likes my sister so much," he said, "maybe I'll let her get up close and personal with her."

The Good Samaritan was about to find herself in a Bad Situation. Tommy again lowered her jeans to her ankles, but this time he stripped them all the way off, along with her sandals. He decided to leave her panties on—after all, Sally was to be the star of the show—but for good measure he pulled off her long-sleeved sweater. He was surprised to discover that she was not wearing a bra, though her breasts were small enough that Tommy figured she probably didn't really need one.

He was pretty sure that she would not be particularly thrilled to put them on display for her already raucous fellow students.

He dropped the discarded clothes on the floor by the window and lifted Good Samaritan up. She probably didn't weigh a hundred pounds. He set her on Sally's lap, so they were facing each other. There wasn't a lot of room between Sally and her desk, but there was just enough to wedge her in. It was a snug fit.

"Perfect," said Tommy. "It'll take a little effort for her to get out."

Before walking away, he wrapped Good Samaritan's arms around Sally's back, giving the appearance that she was giving her a lover's hug. He positioned her face so that she and Sally were mouth-to-mouth. Their breasts snuggled together. Tommy thought it was quite an erotic sight.

He sat back in his chair, smiled, and started time. He was very much looking forward to watching the scene unfold.

* * * * *

Sally's sense of pending relief had suddenly taken a drastic turn. It took a few seconds for the altered setting to sink in for her. Her Good Samaritan was no longer attempting to untie her wrist. In fact, she was sitting on her lap. Wearing only her panties. Their naked breasts were touching. Was she kissing her?! She pulled her mouth away in disgust.

"GET OFF! GET OFF! GET OFF ME!" she screamed. Her shrieks could barely be heard over the eruption from her shocked, but thoroughly entertained fellow students.

Meanwhile, it took even longer for Good Samaritan to comprehend her most awkward situation. Her first sensation was a draft on her backside, which was in complete contrast to the warmth she felt on the front of her torso. She could feel her lips in close contact with something, and could feel and smell the breath of another human being. A split second later she heard the screaming in her ear. She looked down and to her horror, discovered her state of undress, along with her extremely close proximity to someone even more naked than she.

"AAAGGH!" was as profound an utterance as she was capable of as she feverishly tried to extricate her arms from behind Sally's back. Sally was hindering this maneuver, as she was leaning back as far as she could to separate herself from her involuntarily intimate partner. It was now her turn to yell in Sally's ear. "Lean forward!" Sally accommodated as best she could and Good Samaritan managed to free her arms.

"Get off me, goddammit!" screamed Sally, but Good Samaritan's frenzied attempts to extricate herself went for naught, much to the amusement of her classmates.

"Oh, God! I'm trying! Oh! Lean back!" she implored. "I can't squeeze out of here! Ohhhh!"

"I am!" Sally answered. "You lean back!"

"I can't! This desk...ohhhh!" She tried to lean forward from the desk to free up some space, but there was interference on her other side, too. "And your big...oh!...your tits are in the way!"

To the delight of the witnesses, the two girls continued to wriggle and writhe against each other in a furious effort to separate each other from the humiliating entanglement.

"I don't know what the hell is going on here, but this just gets more entertaining by the second," remarked Molly, who had an approximal view of the proceedings, one that she was enjoying to the fullest degree.

At long last, Good Samaritan finagled a way to get her right foot on the ground, giving her enough leverage to squeeze her way out of Sally's lap. In the process, their nipples brushed each other’s lightly, and the two girls made eye contact, much to their mutual embarrassment.

"That was such a sweet moment for you two," observed the increasingly sarcastic Molly.

Much to Good Samaritan's relief, she spotted her clothes in a pile on the floor, and made a sprint toward them. Sally, whose own situation was not nearly resolved, saw that the key to the handcuffs had remained undisturbed on her desk. She called after her. "The key! Please, come get the key!" she cried out desperately.

But Good Samaritan, who wasn't about to hang around for a third try, was about to leave the party. As she hurriedly pulled on the last of her clothing, she took one look back at Sally and shook her head, realizing that her best bet would be to get as far away from her as possible. She grabbed her backpack and sped toward the door.

She had one last obstacle to negotiate. For some reason the teacher's desk was blocking the door. She climbed onto the desk and from her hands and knees she worked the doorknob, slid off the desk and scampered out the door.

It would be a full two weeks before she would find the nerve to return to school.

The enthralled and incredulous audience now turned their attention back toward the far corner of the room, where the tormented Sally still had a predicament on her hands (to go with the manacle on one of her wrists). She looked to her right, and to her relief the guy in the middle row was in the process of untying Molly's right wrist. When Sally saw it was freed, she saw a light at the end of the tunnel.

"Oh, thank God!" she said. "Quick! The key! Unlock the cuffs!"

But Molly seemed to be in no rush to do Sally's bidding. Instead, she used her free hand to reach into her desk for her cell phone, and after a couple of clicks she turned toward the anguished Sally. "I simply must get some pictures of this," she said as she held her phone out as far as she could and pointed it at Sally's face and chest. As she clicked several photos, Sally closed her eyes and turned her face away as best she could.

"NO! Please, stop! Stop it, you bitch! Get me out of here!"

Molly pulled the phone back and calmly inspected her most recent photographs. "Oh, these are nice," she said with a smile. "Very nice. Care to see for yourself?" She held up the phone for Sally's appraisal, but there didn't seem to be much interest.

"No! Please, I'm begging you, get the key!"

Molly proceeded to roll through the pictures one more time for her own entertainment. "Just lovely," she said. She turned to Sally. "Did I mention that you have really nice tits?"

Sally was beyond exasperation. "Just get this fucking key, would you?! PLEASE!"

"Oh, you mean this key?" she asked as she reached over and picked it up from Sally's desk.

"Yes! Please, now unlock the cuffs!"

"Hmm," said Molly as she held up the key and stared at it with a confused look on her face. "I'm not sure I'd know how to do that. After all, I'm just a stupid cow, remember?"

"Oh please, I'm sorry! I didn't mean that! Just get me loose!" she pleaded.

"So who's the stupid cow now?" asked Molly. Sally knew what she had to do, and she was willing to do whatever it took to escape from the room as quickly as possible. "I am," said Sally.

"Say it."

"I'm a stupid cow."

"Good girl. Actually, you're a stupid naked cow, aren't you?"

"Yes. Please...!"

"Say it."

"I'm a stupid naked cow! God, please!" screamed Sally as she eyed the key in Molly's fingers.

"That's not quite right. Your forgot to accentuate the word 'naked'."

"Oh, Jesus! I'm a stupid naked cow. Alright?"

Molly was enjoying her control over the anxious girl immensely and wasn't quite ready to relinquish her dominance. "I believe you also called me a bitch."

"Oh, shit. I'm SORRY! Please, just do it! I'm begging you!"

"Okay, if you get on your hands and knees and beg, I'll unlock the handcuffs."

Sally would absolutely have been willing to do just that, but of course they both knew that was impossible.

"I ca...please, you know I can't! Oh God, please just....please!"

"Did I mention that you have really nice tits?" Sally, on the verge of tears, had no response. "Can you say it?"

"Oh jeez...I have really nice tits!"

"And you're naked."

"Yes! Please!"

"Say it."

"I'm naked!" Sally yelled in exasperation.

"You forgot the really nice tits part."

"Oh, for Christ's sa...I'm naked and I have really nice tits!"

"Yes, you do! said Molly as she reached over with her free hand and tweaked one of Sally's nipples with her thumb and forefinger, causing Sally to jerk her body as much as her binds would allow. "Okay, let's see what we can do here," said Molly as she inserted the key into the keyhole.

Sally watched wide-eyed and expectantly as Molly turned the key, finally liberating Sally's right arm. She wasted no time sliding out of her chair.

"Hey where are you going?" asked Molly. "Is it something I said?"

Ignoring her antagonist, Sally started to work on the knot on her wrist, but had enough wherewithal to realize that it would be quicker to use both hands on the knot attaching her to the pole. With her naked backside to her captivated audience, she feverishly worked on the knot. It was not coming undone easily.

"Oh God, please! Oh God, please! Oh God, please!" she said to herself over and over as she worked the knot while anxiously dancing back and forth on each foot. Her jiggling buttocks only added to the amusement of her highly entertained fellow students.

Finally, the knot was undone and Sally, eschewing her books, ran up the aisle, both hands over her sex. She looked like a running back (albeit a naked one with bouncing breasts) when she made the turn toward the door.

She was slowed by the defense, though; namely, the teacher's desk. She would have to climb up there, as did Good Samaritan before her. Only this time around it proved to be much more entertaining for her fellow students. On all fours, as she reached down for the doorknob, she gave them an unguarded display of her secret charms. Then the doorknob turned, and Sally slithered off the desk and disappeared.

She could be heard blubbering freely as the splattering of her bare feet echoed down the hallway.

As she gathered her clothes in the bushes and began to get dressed, she heard an uproar emanating from above. She looked up to see Tommy, Molly and the rest of her class peering down at her from the second story window, cheering wildly in appreciation.

As the excited students retook their seats, Tommy focused on Molly, who seemed to really enjoy her role in Sally's humiliation. He made a mental note to potentially include her in some of his future plans. He thought she might make a great accomplice, and a pretty one at that. And who knows? They have a lot in common. Maybe it could lead to even more?

In the aftermath, Tommy sat back at his desk, hands clasped behind his head, basking in his latest triumph.

“One down, many more to go,” he said out loud, affording himself a wide smile of fulfillment.
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Tommy's Retribution, Chapter 5

Post by Blondie »


Chapter 5: Cindy's Classroom Humiliation

Tommy really didn’t have a master plan as to how he was to go about seeking revenge on all his tormentors. Much like Sister Ruth and her humiliation of Tommy, he enjoyed the fact that even he wasn’t quite sure what he would do next, or, for that matter, to whom he would do it. He knew with his special powers that he could take situations as they came along, and just go with whatever whim came upon him.

One thing was for sure—he was really enjoying himself since his most worthwhile meeting with Owen. The scars from his debasement were gradually becoming less painful as he continued settling his old scores.

* * * * *

It so happened that Cindy and Tommy were in the same geometry class. Cindy, as the reader may remember, was a major player in Tommy's humiliation two years before. Tommy had assured himself that she would be on the receiving end of a major humiliation somewhere down the line.

It was a Friday, and Tommy was in a jovial mood as he sat and listened to Mr. Dalton drone on about the angles of an isosceles triangle. It had been a little over a week since he had humiliated his sister Sally in literature class. He was still savoring the delicious scene of her sitting naked at her desk, pleading with him not to start time and have everybody witness her forced nudity. It felt good to be in total control, and he planned to ride this tide to the finish.

Word of Sally's complete humiliation had traveled around the school, though most of the students were still unaware of Tommy's involvement. Cindy was Sally’s best friend, though, and Tommy could sense that Sally had informed her of his newfound talents.

For the last two years she had been teasing him relentlessly about his ill-fated humiliation day. “Tommy, when are you going to walk around naked for us again?” was a common refrain. Just last month she looked down at his crotch and asked, "Do you still have a hairless little pee-pee?" She seemed to revel in Tommy's inevitable embarrassment and his blushing cheeks.

But during the last week she had made a complete turnaround. She would see Tommy in geometry class and would go out of her way to be nice to him, even offering to help him with his homework. Well, Tommy wasn’t buying into her insincere attempt at placation. If anything, it only reminded him of her betrayal. After a week of being subjected to Cindy’s patronization, Tommy was ready to claim his next victim.

And he was quite looking forward to this particular act of vengeance, for more than one reason. First, Cindy had taken quite a bit of pleasure in and had played a major role in his humiliation. Also, Tommy had always had a secret affection for Cindy, although since that day he had no intention or interest of pursuing that fancy—nor would he expect it to be reciprocal if he did. But, strictly from a prurient standpoint, he very much wanted to see her naked. He’d always been in awe of her body and was looking forward to seeing her lovely feminine curves in the flesh. The fact that it would be against her will would only add to his pleasure.

It was a warm spring day, and Cindy was wearing a yellow, flowery summer dress. Her white high heels set off her long, slender legs very nicely. She sat in the very front of the middle row, and Tommy was watching her from his seat by the window.

Tommy froze time and approached the pretty blonde. He unzipped the back of her dress and slowly peeled it down over her shoulders to her waist. He stepped in front of her and let out a low whistle as he admired her newly exposed smooth skin.

It was when he anxiously unhooked the front of her white bra that he became aware of an aberration. A major aberration, at that. Two foam pads spilled out of the cups and onto Cindy’s lap. Her bra was a C-cup, but upon close inspection, Tommy figured that her breasts would have trouble filling out an A-cup.

“Holy shit!” Tommy exclaimed to himself.

* * * * *

Cindy Goodwin had always had things her way. She grew up in a posh home, and her parents had seemingly always given her everything she had asked for. She was very popular in school, attained good grades, and had an active social life. But her one burden that she carried was the fact that her breasts hadn’t filled out anywhere close to what she desired. She was so obsessed with her small chest that she talked her mother into taking her to a doctor. The doctor assured her there was nothing wrong, that either she would be a late developer or that she would have to learn to live with her “deficiency.”

Cindy found this totally unacceptable. When she was thirteen, she started stuffing her bra, gradually increasing the size as she got older. Now, two months shy of her sixteenth birthday, she had everyone in her circle fooled into believing that she had a well-developed chest. It was her secret….until now.

Tommy decided to have some fun with this most surprising discovery. He replaced Cindy’s bra and zipped up her dress. He laid the two foam pads on Cindy’s desk and returned to his seat. He started time, and smiled when he heard a gasp coming from his victim as she quickly snatched the foam pads from the top of her desk. He watched Cindy shift uncomfortably in her seat and as surreptitiously as possible reach down the front of her dress and return the pads to her chest.

She nervously stole a glance around the room to make sure her unpleasant incident had gone unnoticed. It was when she made eye contact with Tommy that a wave of fear swept throughout her entire body. The grin on his face told her all she needed to know.

Cindy hastily gathered her books and stood up from her desk. Tommy again froze time. This time, he reached down the front of Cindy's dress and removed the pads. He looked in Mr. Dalton’s desk drawer, and fortuitously found a box of safety pins. He proceeded to pin the pads over Cindy’s breasts on the outside of her dress, using several pins for each cup. He stood back and chuckled to himself at this most humorous sight. He returned to his seat and started time.

* * * * *

Cindy realized when she saw her fake breasts on her desk that she was in serious trouble. She knew how much she had humiliated Tommy, and she had continued to tease him about it until she heard what had happened to Sally. Since then, she has had a feeling of foreboding, and it was beginning to look like that feeling was well founded.

She decided it would be in her best interests to get the hell out of the room before things got out of hand. She nervously replaced the pads, gathered her books and started to rise. But then, to her alarm, she noticed the pads hanging on the outside of her dress. She nearly dropped her books in her haste to sit back down. Her face was burning as she leaned over and tried to pull off the pads, but to her consternation she discovered they were fastened to her dress. She looked around anxiously and turned bright red when she saw the girl next to her staring at her chest. The girl was grinning, wide-eyed in disbelief.

She felt somewhat fortunate that the girl next to her and Tommy were the only two in the room who were aware of her embarrassing predicament. It took her almost two panicky minutes to unhook all the pins, remove the pads, and sneak them back under her bra. She was sweating now, as she again gathered her books to make a quick exit. Tommy waited until she stood up before he again stopped time.

Tommy was ready to take matters a step further now. He took the books from her hands and placed them on her chair. He unzipped Cindy’s dress and lifted her arms high in the air. He was amazed how cooperative her body was in this state. He lifted the dress over her head.

Leaving her arms raised in the air, he unhooked her bra. With the pads still inside the bra, he stashed the bra and pads inside the empty desk behind her. He then took the opportunity to appreciate the sight he had created. Cindy was standing there, arms to the sky, in a pair of skimpy white cotton panties and a pair of white high heels. Her long legs were golden tan, and she wore no nylons. Except for her small chest, she had a beautiful body—an hourglass figure, with a perfectly rounded ass. Tommy was becoming aroused at the sight.

He was just about to lower her panties when he decided that, at least for now, her humiliation would be quite extensive just having her tiny tits exposed for all to see. He found a coat hanger by the door. He put Cindy’s dress on the hanger and hung it on a hook just above the blackboard in the front of the room. He returned to his seat and restarted time for everyone except Mr. Dalton.

* * * * *

Cindy’s scream was music to Tommy's ears. He watched her immediately cover her breasts with her hands. For a moment she stood there, quite disoriented. Then she saw her dress and made a beeline toward it. Just before she got there Tommy again froze time. He chuckled to himself as he casually took the dress off the hook, walked to the very back of the room and hung it up against the wall. He sat down and again started time.

* * * * *

Cindy was hoping beyond hope when she successfully replaced her cups for the second time that she could leave the class unencumbered. She had her books in her hands and was out of her chair. Then the next thing she knew she didn't have her books. Not only that, she didn't have her dress. Or her bra. Or her fake breasts. She was standing there almost naked with her arms high in the air. She screamed out and instinctively covered her breasts, the breasts that only she and her doctor had seen for many years.

Momentarily befuddled, she stood there until she saw her beloved dress and ran to retrieve it. But just as she reached to grab it, it disappeared, seemingly into thin air. She cried out, “Oh no! Please, no!”

When she turned around, she saw it all the way in the back of the room. For one brief moment she entertained the thought of running out the door, but ruled that out. She could hear people in the hallway, and figured her best bet would be to recover her dress. She streaked toward the back of the room, her hands clenching her chest tightly. By then she could hear the commotion coming from the students and could feel all eyes on her. She was getting close to the dress when Tommy again stopped time and returned the dress to the front of the room. He returned to his seat and started time again.

“Oh, SHIT!” screamed Cindy when she grasped at nothing but air and saw her dress hanging from the front blackboard. Having no alternative, she again bolted up the aisle towards the front of the room. Again Tommy stopped time just before she got to the dress. He hung the dress in the back of the room and walked back towards Cindy. He concentrated, and brought her out of the time stop, leaving everybody else frozen. Cindy saw that her dress was again moved to the back. She looked at Tommy and noticed everything else was stopped. She was naturally astonished at the bizarre circumstances, but her state of undress was her primary concern.

“Please, Tommy, I’m begging you, please! I’ve suffered enough!” she said while continuing to cover her breasts.

“Are you kidding?” answered Tommy. “This is nothing compared to what you put me through. Besides, you’re putting on quite a show. Look at all the happy faces on your audience.” Cindy looked around, and indeed every face in the room had an expression of enjoyment and incredulity. Tommy noticed one young gentleman with his hand on his crotch. “Look at this guy, you’ve got him so excited he’s playing with himself. Maybe you should give him your panties and really make him happy.”

The thought of being completely naked appalled her. “Oh, please, Tommy, don’t do this to me!”

Cindy was mortified beyond belief. But Tommy wasn't done with her yet. He utilized a tactic he had learned from Sister Ruth on his own day of humiliation. “I’ll let you put your dress back on, Cindy, but only after you’ve been a little more attentive to your audience. You’re going down the aisle much too quickly. You’re almost a blur. I’d like you to walk much slower as you go to get your dress so everyone can appreciate you. And put your left hand behind your head with your elbow sticking straight out, and your right hand on your hip. Your tiny little titties will be on full display. And I want you to shake your pretty ass back and forth all the way down the aisle. If you do this to my liking, I’ll let you get your dress, put it on and walk out of here.” Tommy paused to let it all sink in for the horrified Cindy. “Now before I start time again, I’d like you to give me a sneak preview.”

Cindy pleaded again with Tommy, but to no avail. She knew what she had to do. With tears streaming down her face, she made the very seductive walk down the aisle, swaying her hips as Tommy requested. Tommy licked his lips in satisfaction. When Cindy got to the back she started to reach for her dress.

“Uh, uh, uh,” warned Tommy. “Now turn around and walk back toward me.”

Cindy had to muster up all her nerve to turn around and make the slow walk toward Tommy. With her hands not covering her breasts she could really feel her nudity. Her face was burning, and she was looking down at the floor as she walked. When she was halfway up the aisle, Tommy stopped her. “I’m sorry, but that just will not do. Go back and start over, only this time keep your head up and look me in the eye the whole time. And try to smile a little bit. Act like you’re enjoying yourself as much as we know your audience will.”

Cindy retreated, and again made the march to the front of the room. She looked at Tommy, who was staring at her lasciviously. She was at the peak of her mortification. Almost.

When she reached the front of the room, Tommy said, “Okay, now I’m going to go back to my seat and start time again. If you can perform like you just did, I’ll let you have your dress. If not, we'll keep trying until you get it right. I think you’ll agree that you probably only want to do this once.
"Oh and take off your panties.”

Cindy just stood there aghast, totally taken aback at this new turn of events. She thought that she would be able to maintain at least some semblance of modesty. “Please, Tommy, no!” She was now on her knees, in the classic begging pose with her hands folded in front of her. “I’m begging you, please let me keep my panties on.”

Tommy smiled at the delectable sight in front of him. He reflected on his own humiliation and had no compassion. “Remember when you told Sister Ruth that I wasn’t looking you in the eye and I had to sing to you while I was naked? Remember when I had to wear a skirt into the girls bathroom and you made me take it off? Remember when you and Sally pulled down my underpants and spanked me in from of everybody in the gym? Enough said. Now please remove your panties and put them on the lap of that happy guy holding his crotch.”

Tommy watched appreciatively as Cindy, now whimpering openly, lowered and slipped off her panties. She was now naked but for a pair of white high heels, which for Tommy only added to the sexiness of the scene. He watched her lay her panties down on the lap of the soon-to-be excited student. She returned to the front of the room, under Tommy’s watchful eye.

“Okay, Sweet Cindy, it’s show time. And remember how slow you were walking? I want you to walk just a wee bit slower, or we’ll have to do it all over again.” With that, Tommy walked back to his seat and sat down. He left Cindy standing there for a spell, prolonging her agony. “Okay, let’s see the pose.”

The distressed Cindy put her left hand behind her head and her right hand on her hip. Her face was bright red. To Tommy, she looked stunning.

Tommy momentarily stopped time for Cindy and retrieved her breast pads from inside the desk. He then pinned them to the back of Cindy’s dress in a strategic spot.

He returned to his seat and started time for the rest of the class, excluding the teacher.

Cindy started her slow pace down the aisle, being careful not to walk too fast. She was only going to do this once. The class was howling, absolutely incredulous at what they were witnessing. Cindy continued on, head held high and tears streaming down her face. She noticed the student rubbing his crotch with her panties, furthering her mortification. It seemed like the walk would go on forever as she swayed her hips seductively, enticing louder hooting and hollering. Finally, she reached for her dress, and this time, to Cindy’s immense relief, it didn’t disappear. She frantically unzipped the dress and was about to step into it when the zipper mysteriously zipped back up, all on its own.

“Oh, please, no more!” she pleaded while looking at Tommy's blissful countenance.

Again Cindy unzipped the dress, and this time she was allowed to step inside it. She zipped it up, totally unaware of the comical sight of her breast pads protruding from her rear end—she would make this unpleasant discovery a few minutes later when she would find refuge in the girls bathroom.

She headed up the aisle to make her exit, running as fast as her high heels would allow.

As the sobbing Cindy scurried down the hallway, she could still hear the uproar from her thoroughly entertained classmates radiating from the room behind her.
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Re: Tommy's Retribution

Post by ValerianXIII »

Cindy is definitely my favorite!!!
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Re: Tommy's Retribution

Post by Blondie »

ValerianXIII wrote: Tue Dec 26, 2023 7:19 pm Cindy is definitely my favorite!!!
Like those small-breasted women, do you? 8-)
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Re: Tommy's Retribution, Chapter 6

Post by Blondie »


Chapter 6: Stripped Naked in a Movie Theater

It had been a couple of weeks since Tommy had utterly humiliated Cindy in literature class. Since then, he hadn’t taken care of any new members of his tormentors from two years before, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t enjoying the benefits of his newfound powers.

He wasn't close to being done with Sally, for myriad reasons. She played no small part in her contribution to his thorough, well-documented humiliation. Plus, practicing his new skill was so convenient for him since they lived under the same roof. And, he had to admit, he did enjoy looking at her naked body nearly as much as he enjoyed inflicting the payback humiliation. Because she had already been a victim of Tommy’s time-stop revenge, she was completely under his control. On more than one occasion, if their parents weren’t home and the mood struck him, Tommy would exercise that control.

For example, one evening Tommy was sitting in the living room studying, while Sally was taking care of her dusting and vacuuming duties. Out of the blue, Tommy said to his sister, “I think I’d like to see you do that naked.” Sally blushed and flinched noticeably. She continued her dusting without acknowledging her brother, hoping he wouldn’t pursue his ghastly notion. But Tommy persisted. “In fact, I know I’d like to see you do that naked. Kindly take your clothes off for me, Sis.”

“Tommy, you’ve already gotten back at me. Please. Let’s just call it even,” pleaded Sally anxiously.

“Ah, but we’re not even, my dear, soon-to-be-naked sister. I had to strip and dance in the gymnasium in front of the seventh and eighth grade classes. You were naked in front of one class, and you didn't have to perform for them. Though it was certainly the most humiliating experience of your entire life, when you think about it, you got off easily. So, we’re not even.

"Now make your choice. It’s either get naked right here and now or find yourself naked when you least expect it. And look forward to a much bigger audience if that happens.”

Sally, ruing the day of Tommy’s debasement, took the lesser of the two evils. She turned towards the stairs.

“Where are you going?” asked Tommy.

“You win. I’m going upstairs to get undressed,” responded Sally. “I’ll be right back.”

“I don’t think so. There’s no need to be shy. I just saw you strip last week. You can do it right here.”

Sally’s shoulders slumped, and Tommy watched as she turned her back to him and lifted off her tee shirt, shorts, bra, and panties. She was barefoot to begin with, so now she was completely naked with her back turned to her brother.

“Carry on with your dusting, Sis. Don’t mind me.”

Sally did just that. Her face was beet red as she dusted the living room. She had been exposed to Tommy before, but she could really feel her shame, submitting to him this way. She had a helpless feeling and could really feel her nudity while performing her duties under her brother’s watchful eyes.

Tommy relished the position of total power he had over his sister. Because of his telekinetic and time-stop abilities all he had to do was threaten her to render her into a state of submission. With minimal effort he had persuaded her to surrender her clothes and carry out her chores in the buff while he sat and enjoyed the naked display. Sally had a beautiful body, and even though she was his sibling Tommy couldn’t help but to be stimulated. She looked most delightful while she vacuumed, particularly when she leaned over to clean under the furniture. Her face was blushing brightly, and he took extreme delight in her embarrassment, especially when he reflected on how he felt constantly shamed during his own day of humiliation.

* * * * *

On another occasion Tommy was eating a bowl of cereal at the kitchen table. Their parents had already left for the day. Sally was standing at the sink, and Tommy asked her to get him some milk. Sally was half-asleep, and not in a very good mood.

“Get it yourself,” was her response.

Tommy waited until she sat down to eat her eggs. Nothing creative here. He simply stopped time, removed all her clothes and tossed them into the living room. He then returned to his seat and started time.

Sally first felt the cold chair on her ass and instantly recognized that she was naked. She gasped and instinctively covered her breasts with her hands.

“Now would you please get me some milk?” asked Tommy.

“GOD DAMN YOU!” screamed Sally as she got up and retrieved the milk from the refrigerator.

Tommy made her finish her breakfast in her naked state, occasionally looking up from his sports section and smiling at his downcast, blushing sister.

* * * * *

On yet another occasion Tommy was upset with Sally for spending too much time in the bathroom one morning before school. This caused them to miss the bus and forced them to take a cab to school. Again, Tommy gained in pleasure what he lacked in creativity. He stopped time while they were in the back of the cab and again stripped off all of Sally’s clothes, laying them on the front seat next to the driver before starting time.

“OHMIGOD!” Sally cried out, startling the cab driver. He looked wide-eyed into his rear-view mirror and grinned lecherously. Sally turned her now-familiar shade of red and clutched Tommy’s bicep, shaking it vigorously.

“Please, Tommy, where are my clothes!?”

“Well, since you don’t see them back here you might want to take a look in the front seat.”

Since neither of her companions made any effort to assist her, Sally was forced to lean over the front seat to retrieve her clothes, giving Tommy an unobstructed view of her round buttocks and the serendipitous cab driver an eyeful of her well-endowed chest. She hastily redressed herself, well aware of her captivated audience.

When they reached their destination, the driver refused the tip, thanking the humiliated Sally for “the most entertaining fare I’ve ever had.”

As they were walking to the front of the building, Sally lost her temper and read Tommy the riot act, using every foul word in her vocabulary. Tommy just looked at her and calmly said, “Thanks, I’ll just file that one away for later.”

Sure enough, he got his chance that weekend. Tommy heard his sister tell their mother that she was going to walk down to the movie theater and take in a matinee by herself. He smiled to himself as he conceived his plan. He smiled even wider as it dawned on him that he had a friend that was manning the projector and the lights that day.

"Perfect," he said aloud to himself.

Tommy then came up with another idea, one that would serve him well in his personal life. The reader probably remembers Molly, the pretty girl who was handcuffed to Sally and took great pleasure in Sally's humiliation. Molly subsequently approached Tommy, and they gradually developed a friendship. Tommy confided in her about his supernatural powers, and eventually he opened up to her about his day of humiliation. He explained to her that he was utilizing his powers to seek revenge on all his tormentors. Molly, while quite sympathetic, was also quite excited about potential humiliations in the future. She offered her help if ever needed.

Tommy had taken a liking to Molly and thought this might be a good opportunity to further their relationship. He called her up and said, "Let's go to the movies!" Molly accepted, and when Tommy filled her in on his plans for Sally, Molly's interest shot up another notch.

The two of them met in front of the theater about five minutes after the movie had started. This was intentional, since they wanted to make sure Sally was situated inside before they entered. And, after all, the movie itself was the least of their interests. Sally would be the show.

Tommy stopped time (much to Molly's wonder) for everyone but the two of them, and they walked inside. They found Sally sitting in the middle of the theater, which was only about a quarter full. They sat down a few rows behind her. Tommy started time, then concentrated very hard.

* * * * *

Sally needed a break. Her humiliations at the hands of her brother were preying on her mind. A matinee would be a good diversion, and she figured that at least she’d be able to escape from her brother for awhile. She was just getting lost in the movie when a strange and disconcerting thing transpired. The shirttail of her tee shirt was working itself out of her jeans. She tried to reach down with her hands, but some unseen force was restraining her arms. She looked fretfully to either side and was somewhat relieved to see that no one else was sitting in her row. What a helpless feeling it was for her when her shirt lifted above her head, down her arms and onto the seat next to her. She tried to reach over to pick it up, but was rendered powerless. It was obvious to her that Tommy was somewhere in the theater.

Unnerved, she tried to get up, but was unable to extricate herself from her chair. She was also unable to prevent her jeans from being unbuttoned and the next thing she knew they were sliding down her shapely legs. She looked around nervously, and fortunately for her everyone seemed to be engrossed in the movie. She knew, however, that her brother was watching her from somewhere in the darkened theater. She felt her sandals loosening up and coming off, then experienced the sinking feeling of having both legs of her jeans pulling simultaneously until they were completely stripped off. The jeans and sandals joined her shirt in the seat next to her. She still was unable to move her arms to retrieve them, but there was the small consolation in the knowledge that they were close at hand. She sat in her seat in trepidation, clad only in her bra and panties.

It was at this point that Tommy temporarily stopped time. Molly got up and retrieved Sally’s jeans, shirt, and sandals and returned to her seat. He promptly restarted time.

When Sally looked over and discovered that her clothes were gone, she started to become panicky. But not as much as when the clasp in the front of her bra suddenly snapped open, followed immediately by the straps sliding down her arms. She watched helplessly as her bra came to a halt in the empty seat next to her. She tried desperately to cover herself but her arms remained fixed to the armrests as if they were tied down.

She braced herself for what she knew would ensue, but a full fifteen excruciating minutes elapsed before she felt the inevitable tug on her panties.

“Oh God, please, no,” she whispered into the darkness.

But her panties continued their inexorable path off her hips, past her thighs, down her calves and off her feet before coming to rest on top of her discarded bra.

Sally was now stark naked in the middle of a public movie theater.

Tommy watched from a distance while he methodically stripped his sister. When she was naked, he concentrated and released the restraints he had on her arms. When he saw her immediately reach for her underwear, he stopped time and Molly retrieved the bra and panties. She returned to her seat, smiling smugly.

The naked Sally was quite relieved to discover that she could finally move her arms. But much to her horror, just when she was about to grab her underwear, “poof!” they disappeared.

“Oh, God, no, this can’t be happening!” she whispered aloud, with a noticeable crack in her voice.

She leaned over slightly, her hands clasped between her legs, her knees clenched together and her elbows tucked tightly to her sides. She was shivering, partly from being exposed to the cool temperature of the large room, but more from the fear of the very real possibility that her fellow patrons would discover of her state of naked humiliation.

Sally was close to losing control of herself. She looked anxiously about the theater. On the one hand there was a sense of relief that (at least for the time being) it was dark, and the other patrons were too absorbed in the movie to be aware of her condition, but on the other hand there was a feeling of helplessness that she couldn’t see her brother, who was her only hope out of her dreadful predicament.

She nervously considered her options. She could run to the bathroom, but it was located all the way on the other side of the building, and there were far too many people milling about in the foyer. She could get up and search the theater for Tommy, but that would only bring attention to her nakedness, and even if she found him, she doubted he would show her any mercy. She squirmed fretfully in her seat, at a loss for what to do. She sat there, feeling a chill, definitely feeling her nudity and mostly feeling a sense of profound dread over the scenario of the movie ending and the lights coming on before she could recover her clothes. She felt her face burning at the prospect.

“Oh, God,” she whispered to no one, hoping the humiliation gods would have pity. “Please, please help me!”

But the humiliation gods would continue to have their fun, as at that moment Sally saw, to her horror, a figure in the dark entering her aisle and approaching her. At first, she thought it might be Tommy—actually, she was hoping it was Tommy, since only he could possibly get her out of this mess—but as the figure came closer she could sense it was a female. She clenched her elbows even tighter to her side in her panic. Then, much to her consternation the female sat in the seat right next to her and laid her hand on her upper thigh.

"Naked again? In a movie theater this time, no less? You really are quite the exhibitionist, aren't you?" whispered Molly into Sally's ear.

Sally looked up in fear and confusion and was able to barely make out the familiar face. "You!" she exclaimed in a loud whisper. "What the fuck? Do you have my clothes?" she asked desperately.

"I'm sorry, I don't. But I can get them for you. Do you want them?"

"Yes! Please!" implored Sally, as quietly but as forcefully as she could.

"Okay," whispered Molly. "I'll let you get dressed. But you have to earn it."

Sally's eyes widened, fearing what the devious girl next to her had in mind. "Please," begged Sally. "Oh God, tell me, what?"
"See those two guys right there?" asked Molly.

Indeed, there were two young teenage boys directly in front of them, two rows up. It seemed they were together, but an empty seat separated the two.

Sally nodded, with a look of terror on her face.

"Good," said Molly. "I'd like you to go over there and take the empty seat right between them."

The horrified Sally sat in stunned silence before speaking.

"Oh God, no. Please, I can't do that..."

"Well," said Molly, "I guess you'll be naked when the movie ends and the lights come on. Have fun with that." Molly rose as if to leave.

"No! Wait!" said Sally, a little louder than she intended. "I'll do it!"

"I thought you might see it my way," said Molly as she sat back down.

"Do you promise.....if I do it, how long before I get my clothes back?" asked Sally nervously.

"Don't you worry, sweetie," said Molly as she patted Sally's naked thigh, much too close to Sally's midsection for her liking. "I think the movie is almost over. You'll be able to get dressed before it ends. But you must do it now, or you'll be putting on a nudie show for everyone in here. Oh, and no covering up. You're to sit up straight with your arms on the armrests. I'm sure the boys will want to see your lovely tits."

With that Molly purposely stood up and left Sally alone. Molly was grinning freely as she rejoined Tommy. The two of them sat back and waited in anticipation.

Meanwhile, Sally sat in a cold sweat, trying to build up the courage to do what she knew she had to do. She had quickly gone over her options in her mind, and none of them had a pleasant outcome. Foremost in her mind was getting her clothes back, and it appeared that the only way to achieve that goal was to follow Molly's directive.

"Oh, shit!" Sally whispered to herself as she stood up and, bending at the waist she shuffled across her aisle, then back across the aisle two rows up before plopping her naked ass down between the two fortunate teens.

Tommy and Molly giggled freely as they watched the scene unfold. After Sally sat down a few seconds passed before they could perceive any reaction from Sally's new seatmates. When one of them realized there was a naked girl sitting next to them, Tommy and Molly heard one of them say, "Derek! She's naked! She's naked!" They were shushed by a couple of patrons, but it fell on deaf ears.

"Oh my God!" said the boy named Derek.

Over the next few moments there were flashes going off left and right on either side of Sally. The boys weren't about to let their good fortune pass by without saving their eye candy for posterity. Plus, they would have proof for their unbelieving friends when they tell them of their incredible experience.

Tommy smiled as he imagined the extreme mortification his sister was feeling. He let it play out for a couple of minutes, and then, showing just a wee bit of compassion, he decided to carry out the rest of his diabolical plan. He stopped time for all except Molly and himself, and the two of them approached the front of the theater. They climbed the stage and Tommy pulled from his pocket a long piece of string, tying one end to of it on the left of the screen, about eight feet high, while Molly tied the other end on the right side at the same height. Tommy then took two clothespins and hung a piece of Sally’s lingerie that he had taken from her drawer. It was a lacy, black teddy. Tommy centered it in the middle of the screen, and they returned to their seats. He started time.

Sally heard the commotion and looked up to see the outline of her teddy hanging in front of the screen. “Oh, Christ!” she screamed out loud.

Sally immediately knew what she had to do, and she recognized that she had to act quickly. She pulled her naked body out of her seat and darted out of her row and down the aisle toward the stage. She was whimpering as she ran as fast as she could, her left hand over her crotch and her right arm across her chest.

The noise increased, as there was just enough light to make out a naked, teen-aged girl—a well-put-together one, at that—climbing onto the stage.

The thunderstruck audience watched in amazement as a spotlight zeroed in on the hysterical girl just as she reached up and snatched the lingerie from the makeshift clothesline. The look of alarm on her face and her momentary hesitation when she turned around was quite reminiscent of a deer caught in the headlights of a car.

The enthralled audience roared as they watched the girl hop along the stage while frantically and clumsily stepping into her skimpy teddy and pulling the spaghetti straps over her shoulders. The spotlight followed her down the steps, up the aisle, to the side door, until she was gone, the door slamming shut behind her.

The noise gradually subsided, the spotlight dimmed, and the anticlimactic conclusion to the movie played out on the screen. By then a smiling fifteen-year-old boy with a bundle of clothes under his arm had left the theater with his new girlfriend and was following his beleaguered sister home.
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