Fantastic chapter! I love to hear about girls who get through an episode of public nudity stronger and braver than before - the world doesn't end when people see your pretty pussy! Good on Lucy for keeping her fellow sevies naked, the way girls should always be.
I'm looking forward to hearing about the disaster happening on the next day!
Dare Me - Chapter 16 - Wait, What Happened at Camp? (Part 13)
Lucy woke after a fitful night of sleep. The rough green blanket and the even rougher stretched canvas of the ancient, army-issue cot had conspired to irritate her skin all night. It kept waking her up just as she was drifting off and demanding she scratch some other tender part of her body. A naked girl never stood a chance. She had finally found a relatively comfortable sleeping position when she felt a gentle shake on her shoulder.
"Lucy, wake up," someone said. It had been no louder than a whisper, but Lucy still detected trepidation in the small voice.
Begrudgingly rolling over, she looked up to see a figure standing over her wrapped in a blanket. Even through blurry eyes, Hanna's wild, shocking curls were unmistakable. The way the girl's blanket rippled, it looked at first glance almost like she was shivering in place. That was odd because the room had plenty of warmth. Her hair was sticking in every direction indicating that she had just woken up as well and had perhaps also had a hard night.
"Let me sleep, Hanna. I'm not ready to wake up," Lucy replied, closing her eyes, and starting to roll over. Today was community outreach day for the team and Lucy wanted to delay facing it as long as possible for obvious reasons.
"But you have to wake up," said Hanna, slightly louder and more insistently.
With a sigh, Lucy stretched and reached for a spot on her back that had been bothering her. She also rubbed her calves against each other to address two maddening itches at once. Forcing herself to wake up properly this time, she noticed voices in the room coming from other, already awake girls. They were standing in clumps and talking to each other in very animated and increasingly harried tones.
Wiping the sleepiness from her eyes, she finally saw the furrowed brow on the face of the typically bubbly redhead. If she wasn't mistaken, Hanna was genuinely worried about something. Like Lucy, she had also gone to sleep naked. Judging by the bare shoulders peeking out the top of her blanket, she didn't appear to have put on any clothes yet.
Seeing she wouldn't be getting any more sleep until she helped Hanna deal with whatever was bothering her, Lucy made a final yawn and sat up. Just as well. There was such a growing commotion in the room it would have been very difficult to fall back asleep.
"What's wrong?" she asked.
"This!" Hanna replied, unabashedly opening her blanket confirming Lucy's suspicion that she was naked underneath. But that wasn't the problem. Lucy blinked in surprise to find Hanna's pale, normally porcelain body covered in angry splotches which nearly matched her nipples in their redness. The sight made Lucy’s skin crawl - which prompted her to lift her blanket. Sure enough, her own body was also covered in splotches!
Lucy quickly stood up and scanned the room. It wasn't just them. Every single girl was waking up to discover itchy spots all over her body. Wrapping her blanket around herself like Hanna, she located her coach who also had not been spared. She joined the large group forming around their coach looking for answers. The girls were mostly making things worse for themselves, scratching with ever increasing vigor which only created an endless cycle of irritation. Perhaps, because of her experience with self-restraint, Lucy was able to resist the urge to scratch, which allowed her to remain calm and think more clearly than her teammates.
Coach Easterling rushed out of the assembly hall and returned shortly with Rooster. The team was lucky that he was even there that early. When Coach Easterling had first spoken to him on the phone prior to camp, she had mentioned wanting to take team pictures on the last day. Rooster informed her that it so happens he had recently begun a digital photography business and would be happy to offer her a generous package deal.
Team pictures were still a day away. Rooster was just getting a head start setting up and testing the equipment. Back then, digital photography was a much bigger undertaking than it is now. You couldn't just whip out your phone and snap a bunch of pictures and expect it to come out right. There were lots of fragile components, often requiring a full-blown computer to make it all work. That's why you usually went to a studio for pictures. To find someone willing to relocate their studio and set it up right there in the armory was rare. And at such a reasonable rate that it fit right into Coach Easterling's budget, it was almost too good to be true!
Mildly annoyed to be dragged away from his setup task, Rooster plodded into the room at his usual pace, unfazed by the group of antsy cheerleaders. Seeing how everyone was scratching themselves, he put on his glasses and offered his opinion.
"Looks like the work of some kind of mite or chigger," he said dryly, "wool louse, if I had to guess."
Without asking, he casually lifted the hem of Coach Easterling's pajama top to get a closer look at the red patches on her stomach, almost revealing the bottom of her breast in the process. "My sheep get them sometimes. A couple rounds of treatment usually takes care of it. I can run out to my ranch and be back with all the equipment in less than twenty."
The scandalized coach swatted his hand away and lowered her top. She wasn't one of his sheep and didn't like Rooster playing doctor with her body. Hearing his prognosis, she asked, "how can you be sure that's what it is? I don't see any sheep around here."
"If I had to guess, there must have been dormant eggs hiding in those old wool blankets you borrowed. It's been over thirty hours, plenty of time for the little critters to have hatched and get to crawling all over your stuff."
Several girls gasped when they heard that news. Hanna squealed and threw off her critter-infested blanket even though that left her whole body exposed in front of Rooster. Coach Easterling was not aware how much time the young lady had already spent naked around him. Last night, one of the team captains had asked permission to get Rooster to take the sevies back to the armory early. She had used the excuse that, being their first trip to camp, they were just too tired to stay and watch the movie. Tiffany had conveniently omitted the part where she had taken the three girls' clothes away and sent them off to clean offices naked.
Rooster had already seen every inch of Lucy's body. But that had been due to a special medical circumstance. But Coach Easterling felt obliged to preserve Hanna's modesty, if possible. In a humorous scene, she picked up the blanket and chased the naked girl around in circles. But Hanna wanted nothing to do with it if it really was infested with creepy bugs! Eventually, she gave up on the feisty girl who insisted on remaining naked and turned her attention back to Rooster.
"Why didn't you warn us this could happen?" she asked in exasperation.
"I must remind you about the disclaimer I made regarding those blankets, ma'am" he replied, evading all responsibility. "If you like, I can show you where in our contract it clearly states-"
"I don't give a damn what that stupid contract states," she interrupted, her emotional irritation growing to match the one on her skin, "you have to take us to the hospital...immediately!"
"I do apologize, he said casually, taking her emotion outburst in stride, "but we must preserve the quarantine. I doubt they would appreciate it if we brought an outbreak like this into the hospital. But you have nothing to worry about. As I said, I can treat it right here."
Then he started mumbling to himself, making a list of all the things that would need to happen to get rid of the infestation even though Coach Easterling had not yet agreed to his offer.
"I have some liquid compound leftover from the last time I treated my sheep. It should work fine as a detergent. We'll need to launder everything, of course, to make sure all the eggs are gone. Shouldn't be a problem. The laundry facility on site can handle the load."
"They also love to hide out in hair. But don't worry. I think we can get by without everyone having to shave their head. The compound makes a fine shampoo. Just don't let it get anywhere near your privies. Permethrin is a pretty stout chemical. I can mix a diluted amount with talc to make a gentler powder. It will be effective enough on bare skin as long as there's no hair around for the little critters to hide out in."
"We'll have to evacuate and fog the facility, too. Take everything outside, including the cots. It's a good thing they can't survive very long when exposed to direct sunlight. I’d say one more round of powder after twelve hours, just to be safe, and we'll be in the clear."
Coach Easterling couldn't dispute that Rooster's treatment plan sounded competent and effective. His claims about needing to maintain quarantine severely limited her options and the incessant itching made it hard to concentrate or to formulate any alternative plan. She reluctantly conceded to permit him to administer his first round of treatment just so she could get some immediate relief. Perhaps, once the itching had gone down a little bit, she could think more clearly and re-evaluate. When she said "ok", he raised his voice to address the whole group.
"This is serious business. We caught it early enough that, if we act quickly, this whole thing will be nothing more than a memory by morning. But anything that hinders my ability to administer treatment in a timely manner could result in permanent scarring. Do you understand?"
That got the girls' attention. They were all so protective of their bodies and didn't want to do anything to put their precious, flawless complexion at risk. Seeing them all nodding solemnly even as they continued scratching all over in earnest, he said, "Good, I'll be back in a few minutes. When I do, I expect to find the whole squad ready to listen to me and do exactly what I say without arguing."
Addressing Coach Easterling directly again, he said, "that goes for everyone, including you, ma'am." In a veiled reference to her clumsy attempt to protect little Hanna's modesty, he added, "this is no time for shyness. I can't have anyone playing games or dawdling. I'll also need two or three volunteers to help with logistics."
Coach nodded to indicate his directive would not be a problem. Then she looked around at her team, probably expecting her captains to step up and lead the effort. Tiffany saw her coach looking in her direction. The miserable captain did start to raise her hand, but only high enough to scratch a red spot on the back of her neck where her hair hung down.
Just then, a perky voice from the edge of the group called out "we can do it!". Everyone turned to see who had spoken. It was Lucy, the lowly seventh grader who had shown up to camp with no clothes, helped her group win the teambuilding prize with her lewd pin-up soldier boy drawing, and come out of nowhere to win the head-standing contest. Still naked, she had thrown off her blanket and put one hand on her hip and the other as high in the air as it would go. Wearing nothing but a perky smile that would have made Nikki proud, she showed incredible resilience in the face of adversity.
She nodded to her fellow sevies on whose behalf she had volunteered. Hanna trusted her leader and immediately came over to flank her. Alice also stepped forward, shedding her blanket in the process. The three naked sevies stood in a determined pose, ready to serve the team despite the irritating rash all over their bare bodies. Having seen their work ethic first-hand, Rooster smiled and simply said, "they'll do".
Before he left for his ranch, Rooster had a quick meeting with his volunteers. He told Lucy what would be needed and let her figure out assignments according to each girl's abilities and strengths. Alice was given charge of the laundry effort. She couldn't start the large, industrial machines until Rooster got back with the detergent. But she did order everyone to unpack their suitcases and bring their clothes to the laundry facility along with the infested army blankets.
Rooster planned it all to operate like an assembly line with the armory grounds clearly demarcated between "clean" and "dirty" zones. It was important that every girl perform every treatment step without skipping anything or getting lost and wandering back into a "dirty" area. Hanna, with her endless energy, was perfectly suited to such shepherding duties.
Lucy noticed the rashes on her skin fading the longer she spent away from the blanket. Luckily, by choosing to sleep with no clothes on, all the sevies had been spared the worst of the infestation. The other girls, still wearing their night clothes, continued to scratch constantly. But watching the naked sevies go about their assigned duties without worry or complaint had a calming effect on the rest of the squad. Perhaps, if they had understood Rooster's plan would require them to join the sevies in a state of nudity, the herd of anxious girls might not have been so eager for their turn at being treated.
I can't tell if Rooster unleashed that plague of wool lice intentionally or not, and it doesn't matter because now the entire cheer camp will endure no clothing until after the delousing process is complete. The girls are all going to have to shave their pubic hair because the anti-lice shampoo is too caustic--but not head hair? Since the process including fogging the "dorm" will take 12 hours, the entire naked cheer camp will be practicing out in the sunshine to get rid of lice. The three sevies seem to have already earned their place on the cheerleader squad.
There are long-term implications too good to pass up. Will this modify the cheerleader uniforms? If Lucy has permission to cheer while naked, will this become a permanent feature? What percentage of the cheerleader squad show up in just body paint and shoes?
Because I see the potential for another epic equipment fail. How good are Rooster's washers and dryers? Will the laundry catch fire with all of the cheer leader camp's clothing in the dryers, leaving them all naked for the rest of the camp?
Now this is a fun scenario. I love how the entire group - including the hazing perpetrators - are going to have to be not only naked, but seen by at least one man! And it's awesome how Lucy takes the whole thing in stride, along with hew newly-nude sevies. They're not out for revenge, or to try and make the bullies' lives miserable, they're just going to help where they can.
That really is the kind of nudity I love - not malicious, but positive. Excellent chapter as always, neverdoubted!
I wonder how the team photos are going to turn out...
It seems obvious that despite the efforts of the fearless little naked sevies, an operation this big will require even more assistance.
Rooster's three grandsons will likely be making another appearance at the armory, this time to see all the girls naked under the bright light
of the sun...oh how fun. The bad part for the boys is the girls are contaminated and can't be touched without using latex gloves.
student wrote: Mon Dec 04, 2023 8:10 pm
I can't tell if Rooster unleashed that plague of wool lice intentionally or not, and it doesn't matter because now the entire cheer camp will endure no clothing until after the delousing process is complete. The girls are all going to have to shave their pubic hair because the anti-lice shampoo is too caustic--but not head hair? Since the process including fogging the "dorm" will take 12 hours, the entire naked cheer camp will be practicing out in the sunshine to get rid of lice. The three sevies seem to have already earned their place on the cheerleader squad.
There are long-term implications too good to pass up. Will this modify the cheerleader uniforms? If Lucy has permission to cheer while naked, will this become a permanent feature? What percentage of the cheerleader squad show up in just body paint and shoes?
Because I see the potential for another epic equipment fail. How good are Rooster's washers and dryers? Will the laundry catch fire with all of the cheer leader camp's clothing in the dryers, leaving them all naked for the rest of the camp?
Your powers of speculation are quite impressive. About half of your predictions are right...but I'm not going to tell you which half.
Your powers of speculation are quite impressive. About half of your predictions are right...but I'm not going to tell you which half.
Your next chapter will probably tell everybody which half...
The comment about my powers of speculation reminded me of Darth Vader's comment to Luke Skywalker shortly before Luke was brutally disarmed and defeated in a duel on Cloud City in The Empire Strikes Back. I'm not going to be thrashed, am I?
Dare Me - Chapter 16 - Wait, What Happened at Camp? (Part 14)
Over the years, Rooster had developed a very effective method of treating wool lice. Attention to detail, meticulous records, and strict oversight were key to preventing a relapse. Upon his return, he walked his nude assistants through his assembly line vision.
He intended to establish two zones on the site. Since the Old Armory building was ground zero for the outbreak, it was and would remain a "dirty" zone until he could treat it properly with sterilizing fog like he used for his sheep pens and barns. Hanna would be responsible for shepherding the girls through their stations within the building, making sure they performed the necessary cleansing steps before moving on.
He stressed the importance of maintaining control over the herd and making sure the sheep - or rather, the girls - only went where they were allowed. Instead of fences and gates, they would have to use latching doors and locks to keep everyone moving in the right direction.
Believe it or not, the armory grounds actually had a delousing station! Little more than a small shack, it sat up on the hill near the barrack. It had been built to sanitize soldiers coming back from overseas but hadn't been used in decades. Only after visiting that final station would the treatment be considered complete, and the girls be permitted into the "clean" zone.
"I like to shear my sheep first to make applying the powder easier and treat the wool separately," he explained, "a freshly sheared lamb is usually more docile, too. I've never sheared a girl's privies before, though. Oh well, I'm sure I can figure it out along the way."
Of the three sevies, Alice had the most pubic hair. Upon hearing Rooster's plan to shave her pussy bald, her eyes went wide. Suddenly, she had very strong opinions on this treatment plan. And when he reached into his pack and pulled out a shaving kit, complete with razor, she backed away, shaking her head, and stammering in protest.
Fortunately for everyone involved, Lucy jumped in and offered to take over "shearing" duties. Having had plenty of experience around both a straight razor and a girl's "privies", she happened to be uniquely qualified for that task and assured both Alice and Rooster that she could handle it. Her own perfectly smooth, hairless mound was living proof of her expertise.
Already stretched too thin, Rooster accepted her offer. He left Lucy behind to prepare the shearing station then went about setting up the rest of the route. Perky Hanna followed him closely, listening intently as he issued instructions and advice for her escort duties. By the time she returned to the assembly hall, she had everything she needed to shepherd her anxious sheep and make sure they completed their treatment.
Rooster had described a technique called "segmenting and imprinting" which he found useful to deal with an unruly or stubborn flock. The itchy, afflicted girls were already aggravated and many of the shy teenagers would resist a request to strip and leave their clothes behind. But split up and kept apart, they could not form a unified opposition.
Hanna employed the first tactic by asking Coach Easterling to help her divide the squad into three smaller groups. Coach Easterling did what made the most sense, assigning the same groups as the teambuilding contest the day before with one captain in each group. Since the sevies were busy helping Rooster with the treatment, each group only had seven girls instead of the original eight. Coach Easterling needed to stay behind to tidy up the assembly hall but promised to eventually join one of the groups. After all, she needed treatment as much as everyone else.
With the herd properly segmented, it was time to move on to imprinting. Hanna brought each group to a different room in the armory. These rooms had been intentionally selected to be far apart. Rooster had said flocks were easier to manage if the sheep in each group couldn't see or hear the other ones. The tasks were relatively mundane at first. One group was instructed to remove all their jewelry and place them in little baggies Rooster had provided. They wrote their names on the baggies for safe return and laid them out on a folding table.
In a different room Hanna had the second group open their suitcases and unpack every pair of shoes they had brought and place them in neat, straight rows. She explained that Rooster would be coming by later to apply a more intense fogging to each room. The girls were also ordered to take off the shoes they were wearing. This was an ominous first step in completely stripping them. But bare feet were a relatively small concern to the nervous, itching cuties.
The third room was like the second. In here Hanna told the girls to dump out their suitcases and grab everything that could not be laundered, like make-up, hairbrushes, and blow dryers, and spread them out on the floor. Then they were told to repack their suitcases with only clothes.
Since that process took a little longer, Hanna returned to the first group, leading them back into the assembly hall to assist Coach Easterling with final evacuation. They hauled all the cots outside and hung them over a fence on the edge of the lawn to soak up the sun's UV rays. The girls took inspiration from their seventh-grade counterpart, working diligently even though they were still itching like crazy.
Hanna used this time to move the shoe group over to the jewelry room. Entering the room, the girls saw the baggies left behind by the previous group. This is why it's called imprinting. Moving sheep into a pen recently evacuated by another group has a calming effect on them. They see the hoof prints in the ground and smell the scent of other sheep and identify the pen as a safe space to linger. Seeing that another group of girls had already been safely processed through this room made the new group feel safe entering and more willing to comply without complaining or arguing.
Hanna repeated this imprinting process, shuffling groups around the facility but making sure none of the groups could ever cross paths or compare notes on their experience so far. Doing so would only drive them into a frenzy. Her own rash, already less severe than the other girls, was nearly gone by that point, and she was able to perform her duties without too much scratching. And her boundless energy served her well as she had to be in constant motion to keep the flocks separated and moving around.
The first group to complete all three rooms was rewarded with a one-way trip to the laundry facility. The seven compliant girls padded barefoot behind Hanna still carrying their blankets - at arm's length, if possible - and pulling their suitcases behind them. It took several turns to reach Alice's domain.
Here, their imprinting would be put to the ultimate test. Would they consent to stripping completely naked and leaving all their clothes behind? How many would balk at the embarrassing command? It turns out, ditzy teenage girls are not all that different from sheep. Having already slipped into a herd mentality, even the shyest cheerleader would ultimately follow the group. At the end of the day, a girl would rather submit herself to embarrassment than risk being left behind. Strength in numbers.
Originally equipped to handle enough uniforms for an entire battery of troops, the laundry facility had several giant washing machines still in operable condition. As designated laundry supervisor, it was Alice's job to show the girls which machine to dump their blankets into. They were happy to finally be rid of those troublesome things.
Next, she announced that every piece of clothing, including the pajamas they were wearing, had to be washed in the special detergent. It must have made her feel a little smug to see that the captain over that first group was none other than Crystal.
Of course, as a captain of the cheerleading team, Crystal was one of the hottest girls in my school. I would give the edge to the other two captains in a pure beauty contest, but Crystal would wipe the floor with Kerri if it came down to personality. I won't deny having concocted my fair share of fantasies involving both of those beautiful blondes up to that point.
At school, Crystal was a tactician when it came to showing off her body just enough to make boys drool but also avoid detention. On pep rally days when the cheerleaders got to wear their uniforms to school, a trail of boys would follow her down the halls just to watch her walk. She knew exactly how far to roll up the waistband of her cheer skirt to make it as short as possible without flashing too much of her bloomers or running afoul of the dress code. Sometimes, a female teacher would warn her to pull her skirt down and she would. But by the next period, her sexy legs all the way up to the lower crease of her bottom would be on display once again.
But there was no need for such shenanigans that morning because Crystal was forced to strip completely naked. Lowering her pajama shorts and panties, she revealed a well-manicured landing strip of blonde hair just above her puckered pussy. Her family lived on a golf course in town and some boys who worked summers as caddies claimed to have scaled a privacy fence and caught the pretty young teenager laying out in her backyard topless with only thong bikini bottoms on. The tiny triangle of pale skin around her puckered pussy as well as the complete lack of any tan line whatsoever on her healthy chest supported their claim.
With a glare, Crystal put her final articles into Alice's waiting hands - a fitting reversal of the previous evening when she had been the one forcing Alice to strip in the movie theater bathroom. She tried to pretend the degradation didn't bother her, keeping her nose in the air and standing stoically. But it's hard to maintain dignity when your bare flesh is mottled with angry, irregular splotches which make you look like some strange, sexy giraffe.
Alice was living proof that things would get better. She only had a couple of splotches left, mostly on the back of her neck where the nits could still hide out in her hair line. That's why the upcoming shower station was so highly anticipated. Scrubbing the powerful chemical directly into their hair would hopefully turn the battle against those tiny pests.
Stripped of their final covering, the flock of naked cheerleaders grew more anxious waiting for Hanna to return and lead them to the showers. The rash continued to agitate them, and many expressed unhappiness about their loss of covering. They began to pepper Alice with questions about the laundering regimen Rooster had prescribed. All they really wanted to know was when they would get their clothes back. But Alice would not give them an answer. Their anxious bleating grew continually louder until Hanna returned and took control of the flock. Growing more confident in her role as the world's cutest naked shepherd girl, she utilized the tactics Rooster had given her on managing unruly sheep.
Speaking calmly in almost a whisper so as not to spook the flock, she said, "we have to follow Rooster's treatment plan. If you don't want to keep going, that's fine by me. You can stay here and help Alice with the laundry. But he gave strict instructions. No one is allowed to leave the dirty zone without completing every station. So, stay here and keep itching if you like, but you will be better off coming with me."
As the girls pondered her words, a self-conscious eighth grader named Gabi Higgiston spoke up. Now that she had nothing left to wear and no real treatment to show for it, she wanted some assurances before she went any further.
"This is crazy. Don't we at least get a gown or something?" she asked, shyly covering as much of her body as she could with only her hands.
The youngest, and only girl, of a large Jamaican family, Gabi's six older brothers treated her like a princess. Like her brothers who had all been track stars in high school, Gabi was blessed with an athletic physique. The track coaches were always trying to recruit her - a smart ploy. With legs like a gazelle and a muscular bottom that stuck out like it had something to prove, Gabi would have made an excellent hurdler. But she was more interested in playing dress-up and shaking pom-poms.
I had known Gabi for years since we were always in the same grade. There weren’t many black girls in my school and only two on the cheer team. We had even been in a couple of classes together last year. That's when her body had really started to change in interesting ways. Raised in a conservative household, she always dressed modestly, keeping her developing assets hidden away under pretty dresses which made it hard to form a complete picture of her figure. I will admit to daydreaming more than once about her mysterious form, trying to picture what her bare body would look like without the hindrance of clothes. And let me tell you, it was every bit as spectacular as you're imagining.
She was covered in flawless, milk chocolate skin from head to toe. Her nails were unpainted, and her ears weren't even pierced. I'm pretty sure her strict, religious parents would not approve of her tarting herself up and mutilating her body like that. Her bottom had always been the greatest mystery. The mere act of standing caused it to flex taut across the beautiful black expanse of her backside. I swear, her booty had muscles that other girls simply do not possess!
If you ever managed to tear your gaze away from Gabi's incredible ass, you would notice her other assets. She had interesting curves all over her young body as well as the cutest pair of matching breasts. The dark curves stood out from her chest almost as much as her taut bottom in back. Each creamy breast was capped with a succulent, dark-chocolate kiss which would have been the perfect size and shape for a lover to latch onto should the opportunity arise.
Having been forced to remove all hair accessories, she couldn't prevent her tight, black curls from dangling down and obscuring her brown, almond-shaped eyes. She had to keep brushing them out of the way much like Hanna kept doing with her red curls.
You may be wondering at this point how I know so many intimate details of a girl who would never, in a million years, take her clothes off in front of me and willingly let me see her naked. Well, I can't tell you yet. I don't want to ruin the surprise!
Knowing it would only lead to another round of questions, Hanna asserted her authority by remaining calm and silent. Gabi's concerns did not warrant an explanation. Instead, she simply turned and walked away down the corridor before the question could grow into a confrontation.
The girls looked to their captain, hoping Crystal would speak up on behalf of the group and put a stop to this embarrassing ordeal. But she offered no better solutions. She was just as helpless and desperate for relief as the rest of them. Eventually, driven forward by their rashes, they all came running down the hall in search of their shepherdess. Once they caught up to Hanna, the obedient flock of adorably naked cheerleaders followed closely behind Hanna, huddled in a tight pack.
Reaching the more familiar confines of the latrine improved everyone's mood considerably. Their nudity did not feel so out of place since everyone had showered there the day before. Rooster had meant for one stall to be used to apply the special shampoo and the other two for regular showering. But everyone was too eager to wait. Exclamations filled the room as the impatient girls piled into all three stalls. In a sexy scene of naked camaraderie that put Nikki's locker room to shame, the bathing beauties jostled for position under the raining spigots and took turns soaping each other's itchy bodies all over and reveling in the relief it brought them.
Seeing she could not stop their sudsy frolic, Hanna threw her hands in the air and left the room. Echoes of sheer delight chased her down the hall as she went to check on another group. When she returned, the girls had all finished their showers. The warm, soapy water had soothed their rash, making them feel much better even though no medicine had been applied yet. Getting some relief from the itching put the girls in a docile and more compliant state, which is exactly what Hanna needed to get them through the rest of their treatment.
The impending shampoo application was a delicate process which required several assistants. Positioning the first three girls in front of the sinks, she opened a five-gallon bucket which contained Rooster's homebrew cure - a milky white substance with the consistency of pudding.
Ladling it over each of their heads, she said, "massage it all over your hair and into your scalp real good. You have to keep it on for at least ten minutes for the medicine to work”. Setting a timer Rooster had given her, she added, “this will tell you when it's safe to rinse out. Keep your eyes and mouth closed the whole time."
Since the girls with the shampoo on couldn't see anything, their teammates had to be on drip patrol. The other girls stood around the three being treated and quickly wiped away any errant blobs which fell onto their bare bodies. After ten minutes, they helped the girls bend over the sinks and rinse it all out.
Hanna had used the time to escort another group to the latrine for their showers. The captain over this group was Kerri, the platinum blonde airhead with the sorority girl body. Now naked, her huge rack made a spectacular debut. She had plump pink nipples and large mountains of breast meat which overshadowed the rest of her gorgeous body. I'm not exaggerating. Her tits were so large and perky that they literally cast a shadow over her hourglass torso! The aggrieved naked bimbo was making a clumsy attempt to intimidate Hanna into returning her clothes.
"My daddy is an actuary, so I know my rights! If you don't give us our clothes back...he'll audit you!" she demanded.
Hanna just rolled her eyes and went about her duties. She was growing more confident in her leadership role by the minute. See also smartly made the second group wait outside in the hallway and only come in a few at a time to avoid another stampede.
Back inside, three new girls stepped into place to receive their shampoo treatment. Hanna worked the ladle then started the timer again before inspecting the first three. She had to make sure they hadn't missed any spots before letting them pass through to the next station.
The first girl to pass the inspection was Crystal. As captain, she had muscled her way to the front of the line when it came time to administer the medicine. The second, Gabi, flashed her pretty smile when Hanna looked her over and gave her a thumbs-up. She was willing to endure a little exposure now that Rooster's treatment appeared to be working. And like the other girls, she grew more docile and compliant the more her rash faded.
The third girl happened to be Cindy, the eighth grader who had first spoken to Lucy at camp. Hanna led the excited trio out a separate door from the latrine. Since no towels had been provided, they had been forced to drip dry. Their bodies were coming along nicely, but their hair still had a ways to go. But each station they completed brought them one step closer to the clean zone. Having come this far, they were motivated to see it through despite their lack of clothes.