Seth's High School Humiliation
Part 24: The Pool
“You need to come with,” Rowan whined to Seth over the group Snapchat call. His friend was being stubborn and saying he wouldn’t come to the party the group was having the next day. It was a celebratory event for winning the semi-finals game. “I’ll even drive you.”
“My pool is finally ready,” Preston stressed. “It’s heated too, so if it’s a little cold outside it won’t even matter. And my parents will be out all day!”
“And there’ll be snacks," Collin shouted excitedly. "You know… cheerleaders!”
“I have a girlfriend,” Seth reminded. He wasn’t concerned with the temperature of the pool, or whether Preston’s parents would be home, or even if there would be girls in attendance. Seth was instead worried about the pills he would have to take, and the effects they would have on him in yet another public setting. Obviously the blue one would have him hard and throbbing in the pool. However, he still had no idea what the white one would do, or if he would even notice the effect. He had been told to take them in the evening, as they would activate the next day, and Seth had just reluctantly taken his very first one, prior to the group call.
“Look, we just can’t have the party without you,” Rowan pressed on. “You’re the star player. We wouldn’t have even qualified for the finals if you weren’t a part of our team!”
While what Rowan was saying was flattering, Seth knew that what he was really insinuating was 'Without you, half the girls probably won’t show up.' He smiled at this, knowing that most of the cheerleaders found him attractive. His smile turned into a blush, as Seth remembered that they’d seen him almost naked, covering up with only a shoe, at last week’s game.
“I’ll think about it,” Seth promised, knowing it was the only way the group would allow him to end the call. The guys were’t going to accept his decline without a fight, and, at the same time, he knew there was no way he’d be able to attend a pool party with a massive boner. Seth would simply have to find alternate plans that conflicted with the party. Maybe he’d message Sara for plans, or spend the day hanging out with his twerp brother.
Seth laid down, contemplating a massive jerk off session. He’d had so many things happen this week which were humiliating at the time, but in retrospect seemed a little bit hot. Okay, a lot hot. His hand navigated to the waistband of his shorts and he closed his eyes. But the boy was so exhausted from his big basketball game, and before he even had the chance to fish out his penis, he slipped into a long and dreamless sleep.
“Rowan’s here! He said I can come too. Uh… you’re not even awake.” Joseph said, shaking his brother by the shoulder. “Come on, get out of bed!”
Seth mumbled something as he opened his eyes. He felt groggy and like everything was moving in slow motion. “Are you okay?” Joseph asked, and Seth nodded as he pushed himself out of bed. He felt… fantastic, actually. Yeah, everything was moving sluggishly, but on the inside, Seth felt like getting out of bed was the best idea in the world. He had a whole day ahead of him. A whole adventure.
“Rowan’s waiting in the car,” Joseph said. “Grab your bathing suit and let’s get going.”
Seth pulled on a pair of blue swim trunks and a white tank, and quickly remembered to rub some deodorant under his arms.
“Wait,” Joseph said, as Seth rushed out of his room. Joseph had spotted the meds and pointed to the blue pills. “Don’t forget!”
Quickly swallowing one without objection, Seth looked back at the bottle of white pills for a second. Is that why he was feeling so good right now? If they all made him feel like this, he’d definitely have no qualms with taking them every day. As he followed his brother to the car, he remembered his argument with his friends on the Snapchat call from the night before, wondering vaguely why he hadn’t wanted to go to the pool party. It seemed like such a good idea now. What was his reason for objection last night? It just wouldn't come back to him, but whatever it was seemed silly.
“Is he good?” Rowan asked Joseph as they entered the car. He’d noticed the dream-like gaze and goofy grin on his friend’s face and wanted to make sure.
“I think it’s just his new meds,” Joseph suggested, “I’ll ask Clem’ when we get to Preston’s.”
“You invited her?” Rowan asked, sighing. “Wait, you didn’t invite the whole group of them, did you?” Joseph was quiet. Seth suddenly began chuckling, as if he remembered a funny experience that he’d been through.
“You said to invite whoever, as long as they were girls!”
“Yeah, but Joe, they’re always humiliating your brother at school, and it’s the weekend. Don’t you think he’d want a break from them?”
“The nurses…” Seth said suddenly, with what almost seemed to be a moment of clarity. Then he smiled again dreamily. “They’re hot as fuck.”
“Alright,” Rowan shrugged as he pulled onto the highway. “As long as you’re good with it then.”
By the time the three arrived at Preston’s handsome and expensive house, the temperature was rising to an unseasonably warm day, and Seth was sporting an impressive hard-on that was tenting his shorts. “Bro, you might want to waistband that,” Joseph suggested, as his brother seemed as if he might walk straight into the party with it leading the way.
“Right,” Seth smiled, and adjusted himself. Rowan and Joseph exchanged a glance and decided mutually to bring the boy inside the house first, rather than taking the gate directly to the pool.
“Is Clementine here?” Joseph asked Preston who was grabbing a case of soda from the fridge.
“Yeah, you want her?” He asked, then smirked and raised his eyebrows. A staring silence from Joseph was enough to realize he was serious. “Fine. One minute.”
Clementine came inside with Marcy. Both were dressed in sexy, revealing, two-piece bikinis. Joseph was stunned for a moment and began to stutter, when Rowan interrupted.
“What’s wrong with Seth?” He asked. “Joe said he took some pills from Masters, and now he’s acting all weird.”
“Hmm…” Marcy said, walking up to the boy. She placed her hand on his neck and gently felt her way down his chest and stomach. Seth giggled uncharacteristically. “Interesting,” she said, and she peeked down the boy’s shorts, then put a hand down them, groping at his erection. “Doesn’t seem to be MI or OS. Probably HS.”
“What does that mean?” Joseph asked.
“‘HS’… it’s the pill he took. At least, I think so.” She paused for a moment. “Seth, you’re in someone’s kitchen. You really should take your sandals off.”
Seth looked down at his feet shocked. How could he be so rude? He quickly followed direction and placed them neatly at the front door.
“You also shouldn’t be wearing any clothes in our presence,” Clementine teased, and all were surprised when Seth began stripping off. “Wait!” Clementine shouted. “I was only joking!” Seth began to chuckle again and put his shirt back on.
Rowan began to ask what HS stood for, but just then the door to the backyard opened and Collin came in. “My guys! What are you doing inside on a day like this!? The party is in the back. Let’s go.”
Seth followed behind Collin as the group entered the backyard. There were already several guys and girls in the pool. It appeared there was a good mix from all grades, with most of the attendees either from the basketball team or cheerleading team, although a couple outsiders were present too, including Joseph and the nurses. All in all, there seemed to be about 30 teens, either socializing in the pool, lounging on the sides, or sitting on the patio eating snacks and chatting. Music blasted loudly from near the door, blocking out the various conversations across the backyard.
The group cheered when they saw that Seth had arrived, and several of them made their way over to dab him up or give him a hug. Those that hugged him were fairly surprised to feel the boy's hard dick press against their body, and quickly realized that Seth was boned up. Even more shocking was the fact that he was apparently impervious to his state of arousal himself, as he laughed and made jokes with everyone with whom he interacted.
Joseph watched as Clementine approached the pool and whispered something to Lyndsey who was laying in an inflatable tube. Lyndsey began laughing and waved over Eva, and the two began chattering excitedly. Joseph knew that the two must be talking about Seth and his current condition.
“Okay, my guess is that ‘HS’ stands for ‘Haziness Syndrome,’ or maybe ‘Happy and Slow’,” Joseph guessed when Clementine returned to his side. She shook her head and smiled, encouraging the boy to guess again. Joseph tried a few more before he gave up, at which point Clementine excused herself to talk to Preston.
Seth had just been joking around with Preston himself when Clementine asked if he had a moment. Seth looked around and caught the eye of Jasmine, one of the cheerleaders. She was in the water, leaning against the side of the pool and suggested that Seth get his shirt off and come for a swim.
Seth wasted no time in throwing his white tank behind him, but he hadn’t thought through the fact that his hard dickhead was tucked up into his waistband. Without his shirt, it peeked slightly out of the top. No one had noticed yet, but Seth looked down and saw his cock trying to say hello. The boy stared back at his one-eyed wonder, and a perplexed look crossed his face. Even in his hazy state, he knew he shouldn’t be seeing his own dick with so many people around. The best course of action, of course, would be to get in the pool already! So that’s just what he did.
As soon as Seth hit the water, his dick fell out of the waistband and resumed the role of tenting his trunks. Thankfully, he was submerged by the water, and one could only tell he was erect if they actively looked, either by staring straight down at his swimwear, or diving underwater while wearing goggles. Seth enjoyed a few minutes of splashing with the cheerleaders and some of his fellow basketball players before Clementine stood up and paused the music.
“Good afternoon everyone!” She announced. “I just wanted to say thank you for the invite to this fantastic get-together and congratulate the boys’ basketball team for an incredible semi-final victory.”
Cheers went up across the backyard. Joseph and Rowan made nervous eye contact. Whatever Clementine was about to say was probably not going to be good for Seth. Both had figured that out instantly.
“As some of you know, Eva, Lyndsey, Marcy and I are part of the "Nurses’ Association of Knowledge, Education and Demonstration" at school. It’s an important club for young aspiring nurses to get the skills necessary to succeed in post-secondary clinical academics. One of our own basketball stars has been kind enough to help us out for the last few weeks, and will be helping us out for the rest of the year!”
Some heads were turning now, looking at the different potential basketball players. The partygoers wondered who would allow a bunch of ninth-grade girls to assess and treat them. Most thought it had to be a tenth-grade guy. That would be the least humiliating scenario.
“Seth Zinck,” Clementine continued, to a few gasps and a few giggles, “has been extremely generous in loaning us his body for… well, whatever needs have been required.”
Rowan tried to move toward Clementine to have her step down, but Preston stopped him. “She’s on orders from Mrs. Masters,” he said quietly. “She ran everything by me, and the choice was to let her do this to just Seth, or she promised to do something similar at school, only she would ask Mrs. Masters to include the entire basketball team, and she said Sara would see it. I didn't particularly like when we had to finger Seth, and I think he would prefer that his girlfriend didn't witness his humiliation.” Rowan didn’t like that even as Preston talked, he was smiling a little, as if he wanted to see what was going to happen. However, Rowan reasoned that if Preston was smiling, whatever Clementine had told him probably wasn’t that bad. Rowan decided to wait and see. He could always intervene later.
“Until this point, our club has mostly been education and knowledge, but there hasn’t been much... demonstration. If we want to recruit more young ladies interested in the nursing profession, I think we need to show a bit of what we’ve been doing with Seth. What do you all think?”
There was some murmuring of agreement, with louder confirmation coming from the other nurses in the pool. Joseph was curious to see what the girls would do to his brother in this public of a situation but didn’t want to let on his secret interest. For this reason, he remained quiet, studying the ingredients on the back of his soda with extra fascination.
Seth, meanwhile, wasn’t fully comprehending everything the girls were saying. He understood they had revealed his involvement in the club, but for some reason, he really didn’t care that much. So what if he was helping them out? In his own opinion, he was a good specimen to practice on. Demonstration? What did she mean by that? Maybe they wanted to show how to take a good pulse? He could help with that!
“Now, I don’t want any cell phones out during this, and there’ll be no discussing what happens here outside of the party. Mrs. Masters is fully aware of our club and anyone who is discovered to have shared what happens here will be referred to our club to deal with in an… equally embarrassing fashion. We've promised that Sara in particular won't find out about this, so don't go making us liars, and we'll make sure you're all treated again in the future.” Clementine then approached Seth at poolside. “Seth, why don’t you tell me what you normally wear to our meetings.”
Seth responded fairly quickly. “Whatever I’m wearing that day at school!”
A few people laughed at the boy’s wit, and Clementine smiled as well. “Alright, fair enough. But what are you usually wearing ten minutes into our meetings?”
Seth’s expression changed to one of discomfort. “Uh…” he started.
“Tell us,” Clementine encouraged.
“Well, I’m usually naked at that point.” His voice was quiet, and the few that heard it drowned the jock out with their gasps.
“Say it loud enough for everyone to hear.”
“I get naked!” Seth shouted louder, and a few more gasps were heard, but most laughed.
“We’re going to have a meeting right now, Seth. Just like our ones at lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Hand your swimsuit over, okay?”
Seth looked down in the pool. He was covered by the water. And he'd done this before. What was the big deal, really? “Okay,” he shrugged, and easily slid the shorts down and off. He handed his only article of clothing to the pretty girl in front of him.
“What in the actual fuck is he doing?” Rowan asked Preston, who was laughing with the other youth at this point.
“HS stands for Hypnotic Suggestibility,” Marcy said from behind Rowan. He hadn’t even seen her get out of the pool. “Seth’s medication has made him more easy-going. As long as a request doesn’t seem unreasonable to Seth, he is much more likely to do it than he normally would be. The sluggishness and happy demeanor are side-effects, but his willingness to comply with suggestions is the main purpose of that medication.”
“Wait, you mean Mrs. Masters essentially gave him a date-rape drug?”
“No,” Marcy said defiantly. “Absolutely not. Seth is in full control. If he doesn’t want to act on a suggestion, he won’t do it, plain and simple, and us girls would not force him.” After a hard stare from Rowan, Marcy corrected. "At least, not in a public setting like this."
Rowan turned his attention back to Seth as he watched the wet pair of shorts as they were folded and placed on a lounge chair next to his shirt. “He would never do this shit though! He’s not that confident of a guy.”
“He actually is pretty confident, believe it or not,” Marcy said thoughtfully. “But I do think the little blue pill increasing his horniness has lowered his inhibitions. The white pills and blue pills usually work together in really interesting ways. It’s going just as predicted. Sit back, enjoy the show, and know that Seth is enjoying everything he’s doing right now!”
Rowan sighed. “But what's he going to think after?”
“Around bedtime tonight, this medication will wear off, and he will remember everything, and also how he found it exciting enough to do at the time. There likely won’t even be regret at the memory, though if anyone makes fun of him about it after the fact, he may find some shame in it.”
Rowan considered the effect of the medication. If Seth was only doing what he wanted, and he could say no at any time, and he wouldn’t regret the situation, should he really prevent it from happening? Rowan wasn’t normally the type to ruin a good time, and he looked around as every face was plastered with anticipation. He supposed this could turn out to be a good time. He decided to let it go ahead, for now, again remembering that he could always intervene later.
“Seth…” Clementine teased. “Tell us all what you’re wearing right now.”
“I’m naked!” Seth shouted to a chorus of laughter. “Naked as a baby!”
“Yes you are,” Lyndsey said from behind the boy, giving his bottom a little pinch.
“Ouch,” he grimaced, rubbing his butt under the water. The boy couldn’t believe he was naked and hard right now. Sure, the water was hiding him, but what had he been so worried about over the past two weeks? He loved that everyone was laughing or smiling right now. And he was the cause!
“Seth, I’d like to check your motor skills. You know... for our records.” Clementine instructed, winking. “Could you swim from this end of the pool to the other end?”
“Sure!” Seth said without a second thought. He began to swim, his butt breaching the surface as he splashed along. There was a lot of hooting, from the cheerleaders especially, who had never seen the jock naked before. Some of the guys catcalled as a joke, and Seth relished in the attention. As he reached the other side, he decided to give the group something to really holler about and stuck his booty way up above the surface.
An alarmed collective gasp told them he had shown a little too much. Based on some of the comments he heard from those nearest him, he had inadvertently shown butthole and some ballsack, so Seth quickly dipped his bottom back below the surface. “Whoops,” he laughed, but when he turned around, he was happy to see that most of his friends were smiling or giggling again. Clementine had approached this side of the pool now.
“Seth, it’s time for the backstroke,” she smiled, and the boy suddenly felt uneasy. His dick was extra hard right now, and sticking straight out. Should he really do a backstroke when it would reveal his full-mast boner to thirty-or-so of his peers?
Clementine sensed the boy’s anxiety, so tried to ease it with a confidence booster. “Who wants to see Seth do a backstroke!?” Cheers went up across the backyard and her gaze returned to Seth who couldn’t resist a smile as it cracked across his face.
Without allowing himself another moment to hesitate, Seth flipped onto his back like a fish and revealed everything to everybody. His erect dick flipped upward onto his abs, giving the occasional twitch, as his full balls floated along between his legs. His arms spread out, revealing his armpits, dusted lightly with hair, as he paddled backwards. Seth closed his eyes, partially because he didn’t know whether he wanted to see the reactions of the crowd, and partially because the sun was bright and warm on his face.
Rowan and Joseph, like their many peers, didn’t know what to think right now. They were enjoying the show, but with a glad-it’s-not-me fervor. More than one cheerleader wished she was allowed to record, if only to re-watch the sexy stud in the privacy of her own bedroom.
As Seth was nearly finished his backstroke, his dick gave a lurch and stood straight up from his abs, now facing skyward. He folded his hands behind his head and smiled blissfully, allowing the sun to bathe his body as he floated the last few feet to the edge of the pool.

Seth floating along for the last few feet on his back. Image generated by AI.
When he finally reached the edge of the pool, the boy opened his eyes to a captivated audience, filled with looks of mesmerization and awe. “Do you like my dick?” He teased boldly and jokingly, reaching down and giving it a tug. There were a few nods and squeals from the girls while the guys shook their heads with vicarious embarrassment.
“Seems like they enjoyed your show!” Clementine encouraged, ignoring the basketball players. “In fact, why not get out of the pool and demonstrate some of those perfect-form jumping jacks you did with us last week!”
And so, the afternoon carried on. Seth complied with almost every request. What started with jumping jacks, soon turned to squats and push ups, and Seth even had Rowan and Joseph dying with laughter when he agreed to shake his naked butt to “Thot Shit”, a great twerking song selected by Collin. Seth finally drew hit his boundary when Clementine suggested he masturbate in front of the crowd, announcing to the group that he was required to do so at least once per day in the presence of someone else.
“I really… no, I can’t do that in front of everyone.” Seth said, looking around and blushing.
“It’s okay,” Clementine responded, surprising him. “Let's go inside to the bathroom for a bit, and then you can have your swimsuit back. I think you did more than enough for everyone for today. They're all really happy with what you showed them, right guys!?”
Everyone cheered, agreeing, though some were visibly disappointed to not get to watch Seth jerk off. They’d been curious about how he did it, and it was only when Clementine guided Seth inside, that Eva looked out over the crowd.
“Don’t worry,” Eva said grinning, “Make sure you attend every day of spirit week, and I'm sure you'll get to see it, at least once.”
Part 25 - The Livestream