what happened during Lunch?

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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what happened during Lunch?

Post by MC_cheese »

it was a normal day at school i 19 female had been dealing with a loose tooth i played with it all day trying to get rid of it it was my last baby tooth and i just wanted it out

my friends were just chilling outside in our school parking lot now it was freezing outside so we were just talking when my friend go an idea

she talked to us about my loose tooth and we could get it out with jake's truck we all looked at each other and started to tie me up to a pole we got a string on my tooth and as i was preparing to get rid of this damn tooth

i looked around at everyone they had there phones out ready for this i yelled "are you ready jake" "yeah" and it started i was being pulled really hard i yellled at jake to stop he slowed down i said that my neck was being pulled so now my head was being tied and i told my friend to tell jake to floor it

as the car engine purred i was getting pulled i felt my tooth loosening when it stopped i didn't feel my tooth moving anymore and i was being dragged out my winter clothes as my head left my hood my entire body got dragged out i

i lied in the snow and as i got up i felt cold and looked down

my body had been dragged out off not my snow gear but my snow gear and normal clothes i was in my hot pink underwear stuck outside my friends laughing at me while i crawled up embarassed and ashamed forever
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Re: what happened during Lunch?

Post by imanewb »

OK, it's a good start... and I can easily picture someone doing something so 'hold my beer' worthy with scope for development and/or continuation... assuming she doesn't win a Darwin Award :lol:
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