Embarrassed for life (by enfauthor())
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Hi all. sorry, havent been on the site in a while, but i didnt expect this story to gain as much traction as it did in the last few months.
I am working on the next (probably final? not sure yet) part. should hopefully be out within a week or two, depending on how the writing mood strikes me
I am working on the next (probably final? not sure yet) part. should hopefully be out within a week or two, depending on how the writing mood strikes me
- Posts: 55
- Joined: Fri Feb 12, 2021 12:44 am
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Embarrassed for life finale
After the prom fiasco, Joey's life was full of new humiliations. Josh and Jessica's plan to utterly humiliate Joana was a complete success, reducing the once shy and timid girl to becoming a desperate slut. Every night since prom, Joey's would dream about being fucked over and over again and loving every single moment of it, only to wake up in her bed, having soaked it in her own cum, with the camera catching every moment. She couldn't even start the day without the most embarrassing moments happening to her. Yet she couldnt deny how horny she was feeling with every passing day being forced to go to school in only her panties or diaper.
Jessica loved every second of it. Her plan was working perfectly. There was one more milestone Jessica could use to make Joey the ultimate disgrace: graduation. While joey wasn't graduating yet, Jessica and josh were already scheming on how to ruin this and deprive joey of any future graduation or success in life. Not that it would be difficult with Joey already acting as a crazed horny slave half the time.
On graduation day, Joey awoke as usual, legs spread, her diaper soaked with her cum and urine from the erotic dreams she had. she looked up with a slutty expression to the camera that broadcast her humiliating night's sleep to the entire school, both embarrassed beyond belief, but too horny to do anything more than moan. Josh walked over, smirking at his captive audience, knowing what he planned for today was going to destroy Joey completely. With a single word "Let's go, baby joey" Josh commanded. Without thinking twice, Joey stood up and started following him, the leash attached to her collar leading her like a dog through the halls of the very place she used to study diligently just months ago. "Yes master" she said, still in a horny daze.
Josh lead her to the school where the entire graduating class and their families were already arriving. Her face turned red when people stared at her, wondering why a teenage girl was wearing nothing but a wet diaper and a collar. But they didn’t know that beneath that meek façade hid a naughty slut who wanted nothing more than to serve her masters and be humiliated utterly. She had already been stripped naked and begged to be fucked by the entire school at prom. They had all seen her cum and wet herself, or be stripped naked on nearly a daily basis. Still, everyone pointed and laughed at baby joey, knowing all of her most humiliating secrets.
She knew there was no way back, no escape from her fate. Everywhere she went, every step she took made a sound against the wooden floor echoing throughout the hallways, alerting the world that their former classmate was nothing more than a public display of degradation. Her feet moved automatically towards the stage where countless students awaited the start of their commencement ceremony, while the sunlight streamed into the auditorium. She felt exposed, vulnerable, and horribly aroused - an insatiable lust coursing through her veins, driving her deeper into submission. She was pulled out her her introspection by josh pulling her leash, dragging her onto the massive stage. The entire school and their families were all their, each one with cameras pointed right at the diapered girl, with multiple large jumbo screens showing her off in all of her glory.
Jessica leaned close to whisper something into her ear, causing Joey to blush furiously. "You think I brought you all this way just to see you walk across a stage? No, little slut."
Joey nodded meekly, acknowledging the fact that everything she did these days was purely for the pleasure of her tormentors, not because of any accomplishments of her own. Her face reddened with embarrassment as she realized that she was standing on stage, wearing nothing but a dirty diaper and a collar, in front of hundreds of spectators. As if that wasn't mortifying enough, the torrential rain added to her discomfort, turning her skin cold and clammy.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" Jessica snapped impatiently. "Get up there and show them what you really are!"
As Josh led Joey by her collar, her eyes went wide as she saw that on the graduation stage was a medieval stockade, the kind that sluts were left in back in the dark ages for public humiliation. The crowd's laughter grew louder as they realized that poor Joey's role tonight would be played out in this fashion. There was only one thing worse than having your worst fear become reality — and that was having it happen in public view, for all to witness and enjoy. Jessica handed Joey the keychain remote to unlock the mechanism holding the stockades open. Joey obeyed, and soon found herself locked inside the device. Its metal bars encircled her, pinning her arms to her sides and exposing her nude form to all those around.
The gradual lowering of the top bar completed the act, ensuring total visibility of Joey's humiliated state. Her large breasts pressed firmly against the cold steel, making small indentations where they rested. Her nipples ached with excitement and anticipation, standing proud despite the chill of the air. Below her waist, her tight ass clenched sporadically, giving hints of her arousal, her thighs trembling slightly from nervousness and desire.
Feeling incredibly ashamed, Joey fought tears threatening to spill forth. The cruel irony struck deep within her soul: this once vibrant teenager was now destined to live out the rest of her existence, debased and subjugated to her brother and his girlfriend. She wondered if anyone else ever understood how far she fell since high school. It almost seemed surreal to think of the many opportunities lost due to her enslavement to this wicked couple. Even in these dire circumstances, however, Joey couldn't help but feel immense arousal as she was displayed like a piece of meat. she felt her pussy begin to get super wet in her diaper as she tried to subtly wiggle her ass while trapped in the stockade. Her head filled with thoughts of how she was put on this stage solely for the entertainment of her peers, forced to striptease her own life away. The thought alone sent waves of intense shame cascading through her core, leaving her trembling, wishing that none of this were happening. But it wasn't just her physical self that felt violated—it was also her sense of self, the personality she had crafted meticulously throughout the years. Now, reduced to nothing more than a pawn in someone else's sick game, her pride lay broken at her feet. Shame engulfed her, her body burning hot with need. Despite her situation, Jessica smiled triumphantly, knowing that they'd won. This was victory for them. A visual lesson for everyone in attendance: power comes in strange forms sometimes, and this time, it came wrapped in a humiliated whore.
Josh, never one to miss an opportunity to revel in someone's misery, snapped a photo of the humiliated girl in her diaper and then shared it on social media, tagging everyone from teachers to fellow classmates. Feelings of betrayal swelled within her heart, knowing that her friends, family, and neighbors would watch this display of her utter humiliation without offering any support or compassion. This once confident young lady was now subjected to the perverse fantasies of two sadists intent on breaking her spirit. Yet amidst the agonizing torment of the present moment, she continued to experience intense waves of shame mixed with unwanted arousal.
as they all took great pleasure in looking up her gown to see her diaper, joey didnt notice her sister bringing in the special guest behind her...the same dog that has licked joey's pussy at that one party all those weeks ago. the dog seemed to remember joey and the site of her shaking her diapered ass made the dog horny and excited. It approached her hesitantly at first, testing the waters, perhaps aware of its prior indiscretions, but unable to resist the temptation. As it got closer, it let out a low growl, signaling its intentions, which quickly caused Joey's body to flush with arousal. "oh not again" she moaned as the dog's tongue slipped into her diaper and began to lick at her pussy again, getting joey instantly wet and desperately horny. Tears formed in her eyes again as she remembered the last time this happened.
She screamed in ecstasy, drawing everyone's attention back to her in the stocks. Trying desperately to cover her shame while the dog eagerly sucked her cunt dry, she could do nothing but grind her ass against the dog's intrusive tongue. unable to move, she was forced to listen to everyone's mocking laughs and comments.
"hahaha looks like she really is a bitch in heat"
"wow looks like she cant forget the best she ever had"
"i can't believe joey would do this again. and she's about to cum too"
Joey was so humiliated. they all thought this was her idea. Nobody guessed that Jessica and Josh planned this all along, taking advantage of Joey's trust. They exploited her insecurities and her love for them, turning her into a sex slave. And now, they had taken things to new heights. Joey, bound helplessly in the humiliating stockade, writhed in frustration, struggling fruitlessly against the cold metal bars restricting her movements. She glanced anxiously at the audience below, hearing the gasps and laughter filling the room.
Humiliation painted her features as people pointed fingers and murmured about what was unfolding right before their very eyes. Unable to escape, Joey could only submit herself fully to whatever depravity Jessica desired. Her pussy throbbed harder beneath the rough fabric of her diaper, desperate for release as she endured yet another round of degradation at the hands of her tormentors. She let out one final moan as the dog made her cum in her diaper again.
The dog eagerly sucked her cunt dry, its tongue thrusting into her vagina relentlessly as it lap up her juices. "Oh fuck! Oh God yes!" Joey cried out, bucking wildly against the metal bars imprisoning her. Josh chuckled evilly, capturing the spectacle on film. Everyone was enjoying seeing her like this, and he couldn't wait to share it online. "I told you, Joe-Joe—you belong to us now. Isn't this fun?" He held up the phone with a lecherous grin, taunting her.
As the video footage rolled, it showed her humping the ground, covered in mud, begging for the dog to taste her dirty, sweaty pussy. "Look at yourself," Joshua gloated, "so filthy and degraded. You truly deserve to be shamed and fucked by everyone. Am I right?" His question echoed throughout the theater, reaching Joey's ears and striking her conscience like a hammer. She shook her head violently, trying to reject the vile truth lurking beneath the surface.
"Don't record me like this. im going to cum this dog is making me cum oh god im going to be humiliated again!" However, the pleading tone failed to convince her captors, whose wicked smiles persisted unabated. Jessica snickered, her green eyes gleaming with mischief. "Hahaha lets show the world how pathetic you really are. Remember your friends? Let's tell them all the sordid details of our arrangement. What would they say if they knew the real 'Baby Joey'? Hmm?"
Jessica coyly teased while waving her phone playfully in front of Joey's face. Sensing the overwhelming urge creeping up her spine, Joey struggled but could only manage a pornstar moan as her eyes rolled back into her head and a slutty smile spread across her face.
As she moaned, her next orgasm mounting, Josh started projecting images onto the stage of Joey in various states of undress for all to see. Images of joey standing only in her panties were shown to the entire audience, who all pointed and laughed at the humiliated girl. They saw her in her see through red panties that first night jessica stripped her, they saw her running through school in her princess panties after josh took control of her life. They even saw her in dorky panties that josh made her model, bending over and spreading her legs or wedging them up her ass, each pair of panties looking ridiculous or having some embarrassing pattern or design on them.
Every image served as a painful reminder of past embarrassments, reinforcing Joey's status as the village joke and humiliated exhibitionist. Unbidden, memories flashed through her consciousness, her mind racing frantically to disengage itself from the mortifying parade before her. Time slowed, and every second dragged on, magnified tenfold. An eternity seemed to pass as the world watched on, enthralled and amused by the site of joey in blue polka dot panties or oversized pink granny panties with rainbows on them. Between seeing herself humiliated on screen again and the present humiliation of being in a diaper on stage and having a dog lick her pussy, it all sent joey over the edge as she finally came again, the hardest she ever came.
The crowd could hear her loud screams as she squirted in her diaper uncontrollably, soaking through it and creating a puddle underneath her. "Fuck fuck fuck i'm cumming again oh god im cummmiiiiiiiiingggggg!" she yelled out, as josh kept filming and showing the world joey's most embarrassing moments.
Jessica simply stood there, watching her younger sister squirm and writhe in pleasure and pain. "This is my favorite part," she whispered softly, her voice barely above a whisper. Under the bright lights of the graduation stage, Jessica watched intently as her plan proceeded smoothly, every step calculated to ensure maximum embarrassment for her pathetic younger sister. To make matters worse, there were cameras rolling, capturing everything for all to see later. Joey’s mortification escalated tenfold as she struggled vainly against the confines of the brutally unforgiving bondage equipment. Each snap of the leather straps cutting into her flesh served to remind her that she no longer possessed free will over her body. The sound of joey moaning louder and louder as the dog continued to lick her pussy echoed throughout the graduation hall.
"oh god yes dont stop dont stop doggy dont stop im gonna....im gonna...oh god im going to cum in front of everyone nooooooo!"
Joey cried as another climax washed over her, her hips bucking wildly in the cruel constraints of the stockade. With each jerk of her pelvis, the dog's eager tongue lapped hungrily at her exposed vulva, sending waves of delicious sensation coursing through her body. Unbeknownst to her, Jessica stood nearby, recording the whole event on her phone, smirking fiendishly. The camera captured every expression of horror and shame flashing across Joey's face as her orgasm consumed her.
In the background, laughter erupted among her former classmates, amused by her degradation. Embarrassment radiated off her like steam from a boiling kettle. No amount of shame could mask the undeniable fact that, beneath her humiliation, she relished in the animalistic thrills provided by the sinful actions inflicted upon her. Joana smirked as she nodded to josh to move to the next part of the plan. josh could already see that joey's diaper was beginning to sag from how much she had cum in it. now all it was time for the finale. Jessica and Joey stood atop the stage, illuminated by spotlights directed at them from above. They freed joey from the stock, making her stumble on her shaky legs as she walked in a daze to the front of the stage, her diaper slipping further and further down with each step, weighed down by all of her cum until, with a gasp from the audience, her diaper fell down to her ankles, leaving her forever bald pussy and noticeably engorged clit on full display. her pussy continue to quiver as more cum leaked from it, forming a puddle around her diaper. she took one more step forward and ended up slipping in her own cum, landing face first into her own diaper. As in on instinct she began to lick her cum off of the diaper and the floor while everyone laughed hysterically at the broken girl.
it was time. Jessica looked at josh and though tabout how this all started because her stupid sister had a crush on him. Now it was time to show the world what happened when you crossed jessica. "you know what to say next, slut" jessica said to joey.
"Yes, mistress," Joey finally stammered, a shaky voice escaping her lips. "Joey understands. i am utterly defeated and humiliated and I will be a good little slut for you now."
Lying flat on her belly, Joey spread her legs wide open, inviting the entire world to witness her complete surrender. As if in a trance, she allowed Josh's coarse touch to explore her quivering form, feeling each caress penetrate deep inside her soul. The crowd's whispers carried forth, fueling her need for more punishment. Their jeering laughter echoed through the air, igniting a fire within her chest. She looked up at the cruel forms of josh and jessica, their mocking smiles only serving to remind joey of her place. Without thinking, she opened her mouth, ready to fully surrender to her sister and her boyfriend, publicly with everyone watching. She felt her cheeks redden as she spoke the words Jessica instructed her to say, accepting her role as a submissive slut willing to please anyone who wanted her. with a dumb smile on her face and a high pitched voice, she said "hello everyone! i am baby joey myers and i am such a stupid whore!"
Jessica smiled triumphantly, seeing the satisfaction reflected in Josh's eyes as well. It was time to bring their revenge to its peak. Joey couldn't help but feel trapped, knowing she'd succumbed to the despair her sister so skillfully crafted. She bit her lip, fighting back tears as the reality of her situation struck her once more. Yet still, the public adamission to the entire school made it all so much worse. Despite her trepidation, she knew that she couldn't refuse Jessica and Josh anymore. She could do nothing but slip into the persona of a dumb cum slut forever, abandoning her previous life and personality. Joey could now only serve her masters in whatever way they wanted to humiliate her. Each humiliation, from fingering her at the football game to getting her pussy licked by dogs only served to make her into someone who got super horny and wet whenever she was humiliated. And now here she was, hands bound behind her back, naked in front of the entire school at graduation, and about to swear her life to her new masters. And the worst part was...she found herself eager to do it all. Every humiliation just drove her deeper into a state of submission, hungrier than ever for more.
"Thats right...i am nothing more than a naked cum slut for the school to use! Baby joey will do anything to be allowed to cum. oh please masters do whatever you want to me. My body is yours to use for any purpose no matter how embarrassing. i will never wear clothes again except for embarrassing panties when you let me wear them. If you ever see me wearing clothes again, strip them off of me and force me to cum. All i am is a bad naughty little cum dumpster" joey said with the biggest smile on her face.
Jessica and Josh laughed maniacally, basking in the victory of reducing Joey to such an object. They walked towards Joey confidently, taking turns whispering into her ear while she tried not to burst with arousal due to their filthy talk. Smirking, Josh set the tube containing her diploma on the ground pointing up while jessica tied joey's arms behind her back. Joey thought it was weird that it had a rounded top until jessica said "You're keeping everyone waiting. Go and pick up your graduation diploma"
"yes mistress, but how? i cant use my hands." joey whined
"Well, im sure you can find another way to carry it" jessica said, rubbing a finger along joey's throbbing bare pussy, eliciting a gasp from her as she realized what she had to do in front of all of these people. Joey drug herself over to the diploma standing perfectly straight on the stage and spread her legs wide as she lowered herself onto the diploma, letting it slide a couple of inches into her pussy as she lubed it up. The snickering crowd almost made her squirt right there as she lowered herself again onto the diploma as another moan escaped her lips. Before long, she was practically riding the thing, trying to get enough of it into her pussy for her to carry it off the stage. but it didnt take much for the sensation to overwhelm her.
Her tight walls clenched greedily around the thick paper, milking pleasure from it like a living cock. Involuntary gasps erupted from her lips as wave after wave of ecstasy crashed against her, threatening to send her spiraling into an abyss of rapturous bliss. But her mind remained sharp, alert to the perverse demands of her captors. With every thrust of her hips, the sound of tearing fabric filled the hall, signifying yet another piece of her shredding identity left behind. Her mind flooded with memories—memories of innocence lost and humiliation gained. A few months ago she was a quiet and shy girl. Now here she was, riding her diploma like a dildo in front of the entire school, moaning and screaming obscenities like a natural pornstar. Now, exposed before all, she could feel her next orgasm building more and more.
Her head thrashed wildly from side to side, a trail of saliva stretching from her lips. With each passing moment, she grew increasingly desperate, unable to escape the growing intensity surging through her veins. Soon, she wouldn’t care what happened to her. She simply needed release, however degrading the circumstances might prove. The room fell silent save for her pornographic moans, her body bucked violently. She begged and moaned , a dumb smile plastered on her face as she finally began to squirt.
Her inner walls spasmed hard around her diploma, sending intense waves of euphoria throughout her body. As she squirted all over the stage, the audience all continued to point and laugh at her, some started recording everything on their cellphones. The noise amplified as the crowd swelled, filling the room with energy.
"oh god im cumming! im cumming im cumming im cumming! look at this fucking slut squirt oh god im so humiliated aaaaah!" she screamed as she continued to cum. She came so hard she started to wet herself, her pee mixing with her cum on the stage into a massive puddle that, when she was finally spent, she fell face first into.
The entire audience howled with laughter at seeing the pathetic display, and within seconds videos of joey's orgasm were being posted online to every social media and porn site available.
Josh then quickly stepped in and pulled the diploma out of joey's pussy so fast that it left her pussy wide open and gaping towards the audience. His fingers dipped deeply into the rancid fluid, withdrawing triumphantly holding the damp certificate, glistening wet and slippery from head to toe.He waved it gleefully above his head, laughing boisterously and throwing it at Joey. Catching it deftly between her trembling breasts, she clutched it tightly in her arms, staring at it, expecting to see a graduation certificate. Instead it read "Joey Miller has been demoted from student to slut mascot. She will now attend school naked until she shows signs of maturity and must obey the commands of every student. Additionally, Joanna and josh will have full control of her life outside of school forever."
Reeling from utter embarrassment, Joey accepted her fate without reservation. This twisted saga seemed destined to last a lifetime. And thus, she would endure endless suffering. Broken as her mind had become, she just looked up with wide eyes and a big slutty smile on her face. She stared blankly at Josh, eagerly awaiting further instruction from him, a humble cumslut hoping to receive more humiliating tasks to perform. Her insatiable appetite for degradation had transformed her into a mere pawn, easily manipulated by those seeking to exploit her vulnerability.
"What's next, Master?" Joey eagerly pleaded, her voice brimming with lustful anticipation.
Drenched in the shameful mixture pooling at her feet, Joey gazed up at the two figures standing beside her. Her eyes shifted from one to the other in rapid succession, searching for mercy in their cruel expressions. Jessica stared unflinchingly back, relishing in the power she held over her defenseless victim. Meanwhile, Josh grinned maliciously, reveling in his ability to manipulate the weak-willed girl into carrying out his sadistic fantasies.
Joey been reduced to nothing more than a mindless slut, craving humiliation and submission at every turn. She looked up, cum dripping from her face and hair, her tongues hanging out of her mouth. "please humiliate me more masters. i need it ive been a bad girl. i am your little cum slave please humiliate me" she repeated over and over. Seeing Joey completely subdued and utterly compliant, Jessica gave a devilish smirk and stepped closer. Leaning down, she ran her fingers slowly across Joey's forehead, chin, collarbone, and then stopping to trace a line down the valley between her large, heavy breasts. This simple touch sent shockwaves of arousal coursing through Joey's entire body. Seeing Joey completely subdued and utterly compliant, Jessica gave a devilish smirk and stepped closer. Leaning down, she ran her fingers slowly across Joey's forehead, chin, collarbone, and then stopping to trace a line down the valley between her large, heavy breasts. This simple touch sent shockwaves of arousal coursing through Joey's entire body. This simple touch sent shockwaves of arousal coursing through Joey's entire body. As the entire school was still laughing and taking pictures of the laughingstock, baby joey finally resigned herself fully to being the best cum slut to jessica and josh she could be.
Now that she was stripped of her dignity and pride, Joey found solace in submitting entirely to the whims of her manipulative sibling. As if sensing the change in Joey's disposition, Jessica eagerly seized control, moving deftly to dictate every aspect of her enslavement.
"Now since we know youll never leave us and follow our orders without question, lets see how we can humiliate you next, slut"
The auditorium became hushed as the rest of the graduating class strained to catch word of what atrocities were still possible to heap upon poor Joey.
"We are all done with our games today, Slut" said Josh, smiling wickedly. He paused dramatically before continuing. "But tomorrow night, you wont be able to resist doing anything I tell you to do! And Ill bet you cant imagine how far Im willing to go with you!"
This declaration met with roars of approval from those gathered to watch the spectacle.
Slowly Joey got up on all fours and looked up at her new masters and smiled. "whatever you want masters. I am yours to humiliate as you please"
From that day on, Joey's status as a naked slave was cemented. She would be sent to the school every year entirely nude and with her arms tied behind her back every day. The weeks and months went by, and Joey's reputation as a worthless slut grew exponentially. Though she initially resisted the label, she eventually embraced it wholeheartedly.
When she arrived, her fellow students would taunt her relentlessly, calling her names - "cum slut," "whore," "slop bucket." She endured these verbal assaults stoically, though the barrage of insults often led to self-induced orgasms. The humiliation thrilled her; she craved it, yearned for it. She would masturbate furiously in public, sometimes even allowing others to participate, eager to fulfill her role as a vessel for everyone else's desires. She would let the entire school finger and fuck her until she squirted, or would be bent over and spanked in the middle of the hallway. Either way, countless photos and videos of her humiliations would always make their way to social media and porn sites daily. It didn't matter if it was a video of her getting gangbanged by her classmates, sucking cocks in the locker rooms, or even being dressed up in humiliating outfits and panties just to be stripped naked, the world would soon learn of Joey's depravity. To many, she was a disgrace to womankind. However, to countless men and women alike, she was the embodiment of a fantasy come true.
A day wouldnt go by that didnt see her covered in cum, usually her own. She took great pride in earning the title of 'School Pussy Whore'. Her bragging rights included a vast array of humiliating deeds performed to appease her newfound master, Josh. She craved the feeling of surrender, the complete absence of resistance. She welcomed the stares and catcalls of her peers, finding joy in their repugnance. No longer did she fear judgment; instead, she thrived on it. She danced provocatively, flaunting her lithe form to entice lewd propositions. She brazenly declared her availability, openly soliciting offers for unspeakable acts. The girl joana was now gone, forcibly replaced with the new persona of baby joey.
She had finally become the perfect slut. And more perfectly...she would be always embarrassed for life.
Jessica loved every second of it. Her plan was working perfectly. There was one more milestone Jessica could use to make Joey the ultimate disgrace: graduation. While joey wasn't graduating yet, Jessica and josh were already scheming on how to ruin this and deprive joey of any future graduation or success in life. Not that it would be difficult with Joey already acting as a crazed horny slave half the time.
On graduation day, Joey awoke as usual, legs spread, her diaper soaked with her cum and urine from the erotic dreams she had. she looked up with a slutty expression to the camera that broadcast her humiliating night's sleep to the entire school, both embarrassed beyond belief, but too horny to do anything more than moan. Josh walked over, smirking at his captive audience, knowing what he planned for today was going to destroy Joey completely. With a single word "Let's go, baby joey" Josh commanded. Without thinking twice, Joey stood up and started following him, the leash attached to her collar leading her like a dog through the halls of the very place she used to study diligently just months ago. "Yes master" she said, still in a horny daze.
Josh lead her to the school where the entire graduating class and their families were already arriving. Her face turned red when people stared at her, wondering why a teenage girl was wearing nothing but a wet diaper and a collar. But they didn’t know that beneath that meek façade hid a naughty slut who wanted nothing more than to serve her masters and be humiliated utterly. She had already been stripped naked and begged to be fucked by the entire school at prom. They had all seen her cum and wet herself, or be stripped naked on nearly a daily basis. Still, everyone pointed and laughed at baby joey, knowing all of her most humiliating secrets.
She knew there was no way back, no escape from her fate. Everywhere she went, every step she took made a sound against the wooden floor echoing throughout the hallways, alerting the world that their former classmate was nothing more than a public display of degradation. Her feet moved automatically towards the stage where countless students awaited the start of their commencement ceremony, while the sunlight streamed into the auditorium. She felt exposed, vulnerable, and horribly aroused - an insatiable lust coursing through her veins, driving her deeper into submission. She was pulled out her her introspection by josh pulling her leash, dragging her onto the massive stage. The entire school and their families were all their, each one with cameras pointed right at the diapered girl, with multiple large jumbo screens showing her off in all of her glory.
Jessica leaned close to whisper something into her ear, causing Joey to blush furiously. "You think I brought you all this way just to see you walk across a stage? No, little slut."
Joey nodded meekly, acknowledging the fact that everything she did these days was purely for the pleasure of her tormentors, not because of any accomplishments of her own. Her face reddened with embarrassment as she realized that she was standing on stage, wearing nothing but a dirty diaper and a collar, in front of hundreds of spectators. As if that wasn't mortifying enough, the torrential rain added to her discomfort, turning her skin cold and clammy.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" Jessica snapped impatiently. "Get up there and show them what you really are!"
As Josh led Joey by her collar, her eyes went wide as she saw that on the graduation stage was a medieval stockade, the kind that sluts were left in back in the dark ages for public humiliation. The crowd's laughter grew louder as they realized that poor Joey's role tonight would be played out in this fashion. There was only one thing worse than having your worst fear become reality — and that was having it happen in public view, for all to witness and enjoy. Jessica handed Joey the keychain remote to unlock the mechanism holding the stockades open. Joey obeyed, and soon found herself locked inside the device. Its metal bars encircled her, pinning her arms to her sides and exposing her nude form to all those around.
The gradual lowering of the top bar completed the act, ensuring total visibility of Joey's humiliated state. Her large breasts pressed firmly against the cold steel, making small indentations where they rested. Her nipples ached with excitement and anticipation, standing proud despite the chill of the air. Below her waist, her tight ass clenched sporadically, giving hints of her arousal, her thighs trembling slightly from nervousness and desire.
Feeling incredibly ashamed, Joey fought tears threatening to spill forth. The cruel irony struck deep within her soul: this once vibrant teenager was now destined to live out the rest of her existence, debased and subjugated to her brother and his girlfriend. She wondered if anyone else ever understood how far she fell since high school. It almost seemed surreal to think of the many opportunities lost due to her enslavement to this wicked couple. Even in these dire circumstances, however, Joey couldn't help but feel immense arousal as she was displayed like a piece of meat. she felt her pussy begin to get super wet in her diaper as she tried to subtly wiggle her ass while trapped in the stockade. Her head filled with thoughts of how she was put on this stage solely for the entertainment of her peers, forced to striptease her own life away. The thought alone sent waves of intense shame cascading through her core, leaving her trembling, wishing that none of this were happening. But it wasn't just her physical self that felt violated—it was also her sense of self, the personality she had crafted meticulously throughout the years. Now, reduced to nothing more than a pawn in someone else's sick game, her pride lay broken at her feet. Shame engulfed her, her body burning hot with need. Despite her situation, Jessica smiled triumphantly, knowing that they'd won. This was victory for them. A visual lesson for everyone in attendance: power comes in strange forms sometimes, and this time, it came wrapped in a humiliated whore.
Josh, never one to miss an opportunity to revel in someone's misery, snapped a photo of the humiliated girl in her diaper and then shared it on social media, tagging everyone from teachers to fellow classmates. Feelings of betrayal swelled within her heart, knowing that her friends, family, and neighbors would watch this display of her utter humiliation without offering any support or compassion. This once confident young lady was now subjected to the perverse fantasies of two sadists intent on breaking her spirit. Yet amidst the agonizing torment of the present moment, she continued to experience intense waves of shame mixed with unwanted arousal.
as they all took great pleasure in looking up her gown to see her diaper, joey didnt notice her sister bringing in the special guest behind her...the same dog that has licked joey's pussy at that one party all those weeks ago. the dog seemed to remember joey and the site of her shaking her diapered ass made the dog horny and excited. It approached her hesitantly at first, testing the waters, perhaps aware of its prior indiscretions, but unable to resist the temptation. As it got closer, it let out a low growl, signaling its intentions, which quickly caused Joey's body to flush with arousal. "oh not again" she moaned as the dog's tongue slipped into her diaper and began to lick at her pussy again, getting joey instantly wet and desperately horny. Tears formed in her eyes again as she remembered the last time this happened.
She screamed in ecstasy, drawing everyone's attention back to her in the stocks. Trying desperately to cover her shame while the dog eagerly sucked her cunt dry, she could do nothing but grind her ass against the dog's intrusive tongue. unable to move, she was forced to listen to everyone's mocking laughs and comments.
"hahaha looks like she really is a bitch in heat"
"wow looks like she cant forget the best she ever had"
"i can't believe joey would do this again. and she's about to cum too"
Joey was so humiliated. they all thought this was her idea. Nobody guessed that Jessica and Josh planned this all along, taking advantage of Joey's trust. They exploited her insecurities and her love for them, turning her into a sex slave. And now, they had taken things to new heights. Joey, bound helplessly in the humiliating stockade, writhed in frustration, struggling fruitlessly against the cold metal bars restricting her movements. She glanced anxiously at the audience below, hearing the gasps and laughter filling the room.
Humiliation painted her features as people pointed fingers and murmured about what was unfolding right before their very eyes. Unable to escape, Joey could only submit herself fully to whatever depravity Jessica desired. Her pussy throbbed harder beneath the rough fabric of her diaper, desperate for release as she endured yet another round of degradation at the hands of her tormentors. She let out one final moan as the dog made her cum in her diaper again.
The dog eagerly sucked her cunt dry, its tongue thrusting into her vagina relentlessly as it lap up her juices. "Oh fuck! Oh God yes!" Joey cried out, bucking wildly against the metal bars imprisoning her. Josh chuckled evilly, capturing the spectacle on film. Everyone was enjoying seeing her like this, and he couldn't wait to share it online. "I told you, Joe-Joe—you belong to us now. Isn't this fun?" He held up the phone with a lecherous grin, taunting her.
As the video footage rolled, it showed her humping the ground, covered in mud, begging for the dog to taste her dirty, sweaty pussy. "Look at yourself," Joshua gloated, "so filthy and degraded. You truly deserve to be shamed and fucked by everyone. Am I right?" His question echoed throughout the theater, reaching Joey's ears and striking her conscience like a hammer. She shook her head violently, trying to reject the vile truth lurking beneath the surface.
"Don't record me like this. im going to cum this dog is making me cum oh god im going to be humiliated again!" However, the pleading tone failed to convince her captors, whose wicked smiles persisted unabated. Jessica snickered, her green eyes gleaming with mischief. "Hahaha lets show the world how pathetic you really are. Remember your friends? Let's tell them all the sordid details of our arrangement. What would they say if they knew the real 'Baby Joey'? Hmm?"
Jessica coyly teased while waving her phone playfully in front of Joey's face. Sensing the overwhelming urge creeping up her spine, Joey struggled but could only manage a pornstar moan as her eyes rolled back into her head and a slutty smile spread across her face.
As she moaned, her next orgasm mounting, Josh started projecting images onto the stage of Joey in various states of undress for all to see. Images of joey standing only in her panties were shown to the entire audience, who all pointed and laughed at the humiliated girl. They saw her in her see through red panties that first night jessica stripped her, they saw her running through school in her princess panties after josh took control of her life. They even saw her in dorky panties that josh made her model, bending over and spreading her legs or wedging them up her ass, each pair of panties looking ridiculous or having some embarrassing pattern or design on them.
Every image served as a painful reminder of past embarrassments, reinforcing Joey's status as the village joke and humiliated exhibitionist. Unbidden, memories flashed through her consciousness, her mind racing frantically to disengage itself from the mortifying parade before her. Time slowed, and every second dragged on, magnified tenfold. An eternity seemed to pass as the world watched on, enthralled and amused by the site of joey in blue polka dot panties or oversized pink granny panties with rainbows on them. Between seeing herself humiliated on screen again and the present humiliation of being in a diaper on stage and having a dog lick her pussy, it all sent joey over the edge as she finally came again, the hardest she ever came.
The crowd could hear her loud screams as she squirted in her diaper uncontrollably, soaking through it and creating a puddle underneath her. "Fuck fuck fuck i'm cumming again oh god im cummmiiiiiiiiingggggg!" she yelled out, as josh kept filming and showing the world joey's most embarrassing moments.
Jessica simply stood there, watching her younger sister squirm and writhe in pleasure and pain. "This is my favorite part," she whispered softly, her voice barely above a whisper. Under the bright lights of the graduation stage, Jessica watched intently as her plan proceeded smoothly, every step calculated to ensure maximum embarrassment for her pathetic younger sister. To make matters worse, there were cameras rolling, capturing everything for all to see later. Joey’s mortification escalated tenfold as she struggled vainly against the confines of the brutally unforgiving bondage equipment. Each snap of the leather straps cutting into her flesh served to remind her that she no longer possessed free will over her body. The sound of joey moaning louder and louder as the dog continued to lick her pussy echoed throughout the graduation hall.
"oh god yes dont stop dont stop doggy dont stop im gonna....im gonna...oh god im going to cum in front of everyone nooooooo!"
Joey cried as another climax washed over her, her hips bucking wildly in the cruel constraints of the stockade. With each jerk of her pelvis, the dog's eager tongue lapped hungrily at her exposed vulva, sending waves of delicious sensation coursing through her body. Unbeknownst to her, Jessica stood nearby, recording the whole event on her phone, smirking fiendishly. The camera captured every expression of horror and shame flashing across Joey's face as her orgasm consumed her.
In the background, laughter erupted among her former classmates, amused by her degradation. Embarrassment radiated off her like steam from a boiling kettle. No amount of shame could mask the undeniable fact that, beneath her humiliation, she relished in the animalistic thrills provided by the sinful actions inflicted upon her. Joana smirked as she nodded to josh to move to the next part of the plan. josh could already see that joey's diaper was beginning to sag from how much she had cum in it. now all it was time for the finale. Jessica and Joey stood atop the stage, illuminated by spotlights directed at them from above. They freed joey from the stock, making her stumble on her shaky legs as she walked in a daze to the front of the stage, her diaper slipping further and further down with each step, weighed down by all of her cum until, with a gasp from the audience, her diaper fell down to her ankles, leaving her forever bald pussy and noticeably engorged clit on full display. her pussy continue to quiver as more cum leaked from it, forming a puddle around her diaper. she took one more step forward and ended up slipping in her own cum, landing face first into her own diaper. As in on instinct she began to lick her cum off of the diaper and the floor while everyone laughed hysterically at the broken girl.
it was time. Jessica looked at josh and though tabout how this all started because her stupid sister had a crush on him. Now it was time to show the world what happened when you crossed jessica. "you know what to say next, slut" jessica said to joey.
"Yes, mistress," Joey finally stammered, a shaky voice escaping her lips. "Joey understands. i am utterly defeated and humiliated and I will be a good little slut for you now."
Lying flat on her belly, Joey spread her legs wide open, inviting the entire world to witness her complete surrender. As if in a trance, she allowed Josh's coarse touch to explore her quivering form, feeling each caress penetrate deep inside her soul. The crowd's whispers carried forth, fueling her need for more punishment. Their jeering laughter echoed through the air, igniting a fire within her chest. She looked up at the cruel forms of josh and jessica, their mocking smiles only serving to remind joey of her place. Without thinking, she opened her mouth, ready to fully surrender to her sister and her boyfriend, publicly with everyone watching. She felt her cheeks redden as she spoke the words Jessica instructed her to say, accepting her role as a submissive slut willing to please anyone who wanted her. with a dumb smile on her face and a high pitched voice, she said "hello everyone! i am baby joey myers and i am such a stupid whore!"
Jessica smiled triumphantly, seeing the satisfaction reflected in Josh's eyes as well. It was time to bring their revenge to its peak. Joey couldn't help but feel trapped, knowing she'd succumbed to the despair her sister so skillfully crafted. She bit her lip, fighting back tears as the reality of her situation struck her once more. Yet still, the public adamission to the entire school made it all so much worse. Despite her trepidation, she knew that she couldn't refuse Jessica and Josh anymore. She could do nothing but slip into the persona of a dumb cum slut forever, abandoning her previous life and personality. Joey could now only serve her masters in whatever way they wanted to humiliate her. Each humiliation, from fingering her at the football game to getting her pussy licked by dogs only served to make her into someone who got super horny and wet whenever she was humiliated. And now here she was, hands bound behind her back, naked in front of the entire school at graduation, and about to swear her life to her new masters. And the worst part was...she found herself eager to do it all. Every humiliation just drove her deeper into a state of submission, hungrier than ever for more.
"Thats right...i am nothing more than a naked cum slut for the school to use! Baby joey will do anything to be allowed to cum. oh please masters do whatever you want to me. My body is yours to use for any purpose no matter how embarrassing. i will never wear clothes again except for embarrassing panties when you let me wear them. If you ever see me wearing clothes again, strip them off of me and force me to cum. All i am is a bad naughty little cum dumpster" joey said with the biggest smile on her face.
Jessica and Josh laughed maniacally, basking in the victory of reducing Joey to such an object. They walked towards Joey confidently, taking turns whispering into her ear while she tried not to burst with arousal due to their filthy talk. Smirking, Josh set the tube containing her diploma on the ground pointing up while jessica tied joey's arms behind her back. Joey thought it was weird that it had a rounded top until jessica said "You're keeping everyone waiting. Go and pick up your graduation diploma"
"yes mistress, but how? i cant use my hands." joey whined
"Well, im sure you can find another way to carry it" jessica said, rubbing a finger along joey's throbbing bare pussy, eliciting a gasp from her as she realized what she had to do in front of all of these people. Joey drug herself over to the diploma standing perfectly straight on the stage and spread her legs wide as she lowered herself onto the diploma, letting it slide a couple of inches into her pussy as she lubed it up. The snickering crowd almost made her squirt right there as she lowered herself again onto the diploma as another moan escaped her lips. Before long, she was practically riding the thing, trying to get enough of it into her pussy for her to carry it off the stage. but it didnt take much for the sensation to overwhelm her.
Her tight walls clenched greedily around the thick paper, milking pleasure from it like a living cock. Involuntary gasps erupted from her lips as wave after wave of ecstasy crashed against her, threatening to send her spiraling into an abyss of rapturous bliss. But her mind remained sharp, alert to the perverse demands of her captors. With every thrust of her hips, the sound of tearing fabric filled the hall, signifying yet another piece of her shredding identity left behind. Her mind flooded with memories—memories of innocence lost and humiliation gained. A few months ago she was a quiet and shy girl. Now here she was, riding her diploma like a dildo in front of the entire school, moaning and screaming obscenities like a natural pornstar. Now, exposed before all, she could feel her next orgasm building more and more.
Her head thrashed wildly from side to side, a trail of saliva stretching from her lips. With each passing moment, she grew increasingly desperate, unable to escape the growing intensity surging through her veins. Soon, she wouldn’t care what happened to her. She simply needed release, however degrading the circumstances might prove. The room fell silent save for her pornographic moans, her body bucked violently. She begged and moaned , a dumb smile plastered on her face as she finally began to squirt.
Her inner walls spasmed hard around her diploma, sending intense waves of euphoria throughout her body. As she squirted all over the stage, the audience all continued to point and laugh at her, some started recording everything on their cellphones. The noise amplified as the crowd swelled, filling the room with energy.
"oh god im cumming! im cumming im cumming im cumming! look at this fucking slut squirt oh god im so humiliated aaaaah!" she screamed as she continued to cum. She came so hard she started to wet herself, her pee mixing with her cum on the stage into a massive puddle that, when she was finally spent, she fell face first into.
The entire audience howled with laughter at seeing the pathetic display, and within seconds videos of joey's orgasm were being posted online to every social media and porn site available.
Josh then quickly stepped in and pulled the diploma out of joey's pussy so fast that it left her pussy wide open and gaping towards the audience. His fingers dipped deeply into the rancid fluid, withdrawing triumphantly holding the damp certificate, glistening wet and slippery from head to toe.He waved it gleefully above his head, laughing boisterously and throwing it at Joey. Catching it deftly between her trembling breasts, she clutched it tightly in her arms, staring at it, expecting to see a graduation certificate. Instead it read "Joey Miller has been demoted from student to slut mascot. She will now attend school naked until she shows signs of maturity and must obey the commands of every student. Additionally, Joanna and josh will have full control of her life outside of school forever."
Reeling from utter embarrassment, Joey accepted her fate without reservation. This twisted saga seemed destined to last a lifetime. And thus, she would endure endless suffering. Broken as her mind had become, she just looked up with wide eyes and a big slutty smile on her face. She stared blankly at Josh, eagerly awaiting further instruction from him, a humble cumslut hoping to receive more humiliating tasks to perform. Her insatiable appetite for degradation had transformed her into a mere pawn, easily manipulated by those seeking to exploit her vulnerability.
"What's next, Master?" Joey eagerly pleaded, her voice brimming with lustful anticipation.
Drenched in the shameful mixture pooling at her feet, Joey gazed up at the two figures standing beside her. Her eyes shifted from one to the other in rapid succession, searching for mercy in their cruel expressions. Jessica stared unflinchingly back, relishing in the power she held over her defenseless victim. Meanwhile, Josh grinned maliciously, reveling in his ability to manipulate the weak-willed girl into carrying out his sadistic fantasies.
Joey been reduced to nothing more than a mindless slut, craving humiliation and submission at every turn. She looked up, cum dripping from her face and hair, her tongues hanging out of her mouth. "please humiliate me more masters. i need it ive been a bad girl. i am your little cum slave please humiliate me" she repeated over and over. Seeing Joey completely subdued and utterly compliant, Jessica gave a devilish smirk and stepped closer. Leaning down, she ran her fingers slowly across Joey's forehead, chin, collarbone, and then stopping to trace a line down the valley between her large, heavy breasts. This simple touch sent shockwaves of arousal coursing through Joey's entire body. Seeing Joey completely subdued and utterly compliant, Jessica gave a devilish smirk and stepped closer. Leaning down, she ran her fingers slowly across Joey's forehead, chin, collarbone, and then stopping to trace a line down the valley between her large, heavy breasts. This simple touch sent shockwaves of arousal coursing through Joey's entire body. This simple touch sent shockwaves of arousal coursing through Joey's entire body. As the entire school was still laughing and taking pictures of the laughingstock, baby joey finally resigned herself fully to being the best cum slut to jessica and josh she could be.
Now that she was stripped of her dignity and pride, Joey found solace in submitting entirely to the whims of her manipulative sibling. As if sensing the change in Joey's disposition, Jessica eagerly seized control, moving deftly to dictate every aspect of her enslavement.
"Now since we know youll never leave us and follow our orders without question, lets see how we can humiliate you next, slut"
The auditorium became hushed as the rest of the graduating class strained to catch word of what atrocities were still possible to heap upon poor Joey.
"We are all done with our games today, Slut" said Josh, smiling wickedly. He paused dramatically before continuing. "But tomorrow night, you wont be able to resist doing anything I tell you to do! And Ill bet you cant imagine how far Im willing to go with you!"
This declaration met with roars of approval from those gathered to watch the spectacle.
Slowly Joey got up on all fours and looked up at her new masters and smiled. "whatever you want masters. I am yours to humiliate as you please"
From that day on, Joey's status as a naked slave was cemented. She would be sent to the school every year entirely nude and with her arms tied behind her back every day. The weeks and months went by, and Joey's reputation as a worthless slut grew exponentially. Though she initially resisted the label, she eventually embraced it wholeheartedly.
When she arrived, her fellow students would taunt her relentlessly, calling her names - "cum slut," "whore," "slop bucket." She endured these verbal assaults stoically, though the barrage of insults often led to self-induced orgasms. The humiliation thrilled her; she craved it, yearned for it. She would masturbate furiously in public, sometimes even allowing others to participate, eager to fulfill her role as a vessel for everyone else's desires. She would let the entire school finger and fuck her until she squirted, or would be bent over and spanked in the middle of the hallway. Either way, countless photos and videos of her humiliations would always make their way to social media and porn sites daily. It didn't matter if it was a video of her getting gangbanged by her classmates, sucking cocks in the locker rooms, or even being dressed up in humiliating outfits and panties just to be stripped naked, the world would soon learn of Joey's depravity. To many, she was a disgrace to womankind. However, to countless men and women alike, she was the embodiment of a fantasy come true.
A day wouldnt go by that didnt see her covered in cum, usually her own. She took great pride in earning the title of 'School Pussy Whore'. Her bragging rights included a vast array of humiliating deeds performed to appease her newfound master, Josh. She craved the feeling of surrender, the complete absence of resistance. She welcomed the stares and catcalls of her peers, finding joy in their repugnance. No longer did she fear judgment; instead, she thrived on it. She danced provocatively, flaunting her lithe form to entice lewd propositions. She brazenly declared her availability, openly soliciting offers for unspeakable acts. The girl joana was now gone, forcibly replaced with the new persona of baby joey.
She had finally become the perfect slut. And more perfectly...she would be always embarrassed for life.
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