Caroline is Confused (Complete)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: Caroline is Confused (new 11/15)

Post by perseus »

Awesome! Thank you! I haven't read this yet but I will be very soon. Just wanted to say thanks for uploading! :D
Feedback or suggestions are always welcome
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Re: Caroline is Confused (new 11/15)

Post by fuwafuwataimu »

I really appreciate the character building. Your skill as a writer really makes the characters feel alive - and this dramatically increases the eroticism of Caroline's predicament! I'm looking forward to the next chapter! :)
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Re: Caroline is Confused (new 11/15)

Post by TeenFan »

That was a very in depth phycological analysis of the math teacher. This story reminded me of my days when I read a lot of
Stephen King novels, except the story focuses on lovely young maidens instead of monsters.

You made one mistake in school are afraid of catching cooties. They do want to catch one of the cuties, and it seems
Mr. Tharson caught one he never expected.

This reminds me of Lolita, the story of a grown man who is still stuck on the girl he met when he was around 14, and never got over it.
Forever he tried to find a girl just like that 14 year old beauty that got away from him.
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Re: Caroline is Confused (new 11/15)

Post by neverdoubted »

TeenFan wrote: Thu Nov 16, 2023 4:48 am That was a very in depth phycological analysis of the math teacher. This story reminded me of my days when I read a lot of
Stephen King novels, except the story focuses on lovely young maidens instead of monsters.

You made one mistake in school are afraid of catching cooties. They do want to catch one of the cuties, and it seems
Mr. Tharson caught one he never expected.

This reminds me of Lolita, the story of a grown man who is still stuck on the girl he met when he was around 14, and never got over it.
Forever he tried to find a girl just like that 14 year old beauty that got away from him.
You make some interesting comparisons. From Caroline's perspective, the way this is headed, she might start to feel like she's stuck in a horror story :oops:. I can also see how you found shades of Lolita. Although, I prefer to think of this more as a cautionary tale for youth. Be careful about using your influence to tear others down. They may be powerless to retaliate against you now. But you never know. They could grow up to be your daughter's math teacher someday! :lol: :lol: :lol:
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Caroline is Confused (new 11/15)

Post by fuwafuwataimu »

Any chance of a new chapter for this? :D
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Re: Caroline is Confused (new 11/15)

Post by neverdoubted »

perhaps, if there's enough interest
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Caroline is Confused (new 11/15)

Post by perseus »

I too would like to see an update. :D
Feedback or suggestions are always welcome
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Re: Caroline is Confused (new 11/15)

Post by Azrael »

I would also like an update.
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Re: Caroline is Confused (new 11/15)

Post by apolloman42 »

An update would be great!
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Caroline is Confused - Part 3

Post by neverdoubted »

Caroline is Confused - Part 3

Since he had to get back to teaching, Matthew left Caroline along with his handwritten note in Mr. Bolton's office. The Vice-Principal was away dealing with a graffiti situation. When he returned, Mr. Bolton found the nearly naked girl huddled in one of his chairs trying to make herself as small as possible and muttering things to herself over and over. As the school's designated disciplinarian, he was used to being sent the most extreme behavioral problems. And having played professional football in the eighties, he had the physical bulk and gruff, intimidating presence to subdue even the most belligerent student.

He took one look at the scantily clad young lady and rolled his eyes. Looking no more than ninety pounds, she presented no threat. Thinking she had perhaps found her way to the wrong office, he was about to send her to the school counselor when he spotted the note Mr. Tharson had left him. He snatched it off his desk and read it, then rolled his eyes again. A pretty girl showing up to class in her underwear certainly qualified as a behavioral issue, just not the type he usually had to deal with.

He sat down at his desk and began to write up a formal report. He already had Mr. Tharson's account of what happened and just needed to hear young Caroline's version. But his attempt at interviewing her was unfruitful and frustrating as she struggled to answer most of his questions.

She had started the day proudly wearing a dress and could even describe it to him; a tunic style, brown and beige checkered, with short, puffy sleeves and row of brightly colored, hand-sewn flowers scattered across the lower portion. But as soon as he asked why she had decided not to wear this pretty, new dress to her sixth period math class, her brow furrowed, and her face twisted into a look of total confusion. She could give no explanation for what had happened to it or where it had gone.

His first instinct was to check the lost and found table in the lobby. Junior high students were notorious for being absent-minded when it came to their possessions. You could find anything there, from a single, unpaired sock to a book about whales to a bedazzled pencil case. Loose articles of clothing were frequent additions to the table as students would start out bundled in jackets and sweaters only to shed them as the day warmed. But it would be rather odd to find an entire dress; especially one that sounded so fancy.

He sent a secretary to check the table. While she did not find Caroline's dress, she also didn't return empty-handed. She had grabbed a ratty pair of ill-fitting cut-off jeans and a tee shirt which, while it did stink of cigarette smoke, the desperate girl was more than happy to accept since it put an end to her embarrassing toplessness. Beggars can't be choosers.

When he learned Caroline had just come from P.E. class, Vice-Principal Bolton thought he had found a crucial break in the case of the missing dress. The girl even confidently recited her assigned cubby number, 38. Why she could remember that little fact but forget something as important as wearing clothes to class was beyond him. He sent the secretary to check the girl's locker room, but she returned to report cubby 38 only contained a P.E. uniform. There was no sign of a dress.

Out of leads, he ended the search for her lost clothes and closed her case. As for her punishment, he concluded that the girl had just made an innocent mistake and that no additional disciplinary action was necessary. He felt that accidentally exposing herself to a class full of her peers was punishment enough for any thirteen-year-old girl, and he had to assume the memory would stick with her and keep her from repeating such an embarrassing error.

She remained shaken by the ordeal and in a fragile state. So, with the day nearly over anyway, he kept her in his office through the rest of sixth and seventh periods. When the final dismissal bell rang, he gave her a stern warning not to do anything which would cause her to be sent back to his office again or he would be forced to start assigning detention. Then he let her go.

Mr. Tharson couldn't stop thinking about his encounter with Caroline throughout his final two periods. After his last class was dismissed, he headed straight to Mr. Bolton's office, curious what had become of the girl whose mere presence had bothered him so. The Vice-Principal had a few choice words for the teacher who had cost him an entire afternoon looking for some girl's missing dress.

"She's harmless," he grumbled, "a complete waste of my time. I don't know why you even sent her to me. Do you know how many real messes I had to clean up today?"

Vice-Principal Bolton had a keen talent for assessing a conflict to identify who the real threats and instigators were. His ability to read people and detect when a student was trying to mislead him is what really made him good at his job. Unlike Matthew, his opinion of Caroline was not clouded by his past. Matthew felt a need to justify his decision to get the administration involved.

"I sent her because her prank caused a disruption in my class. It is a clear violation of school behavior policy and should be subject to discipline," he argued.

"Oh, come on, it wasn't a prank," Vice-Principal Bolton waved his hand dismissively, "best I could tell the girl just got confused and forgot to get dressed again after P.E. She was pretty shaken up by the time she got to me. I'd say she's learned her lesson and won't be making that mistake again."

Ready to be done with work for the day, the beleaguered Vice-Principal closed his files and stood up. Only the final month when the kids were stir-crazy to start their summer did the chaos rival the first day of school. His thoughts had already turned to getting home and having a stiff drink. Reaching for his jacket, he escorted Mr. Tharson out of his office and got out his keys to lock his door. Clearly, he expected the unsatisfied math teacher to just let it go and move on.

But Matthew couldn't let it go. For him, Caroline bursting into class and throwing his ordered life into disarray was a continuation of something that had started many years ago and never really been resolved. Diana Faldi had never taken responsibility for her role in his teenage troubles. The school administration and teachers had turned a blind eye to his bullying when he was a student. The way Vice-Principal Bolton so casually forgave Caroline's disruptive actions bothered him. Why did the pretty girls always get away with everything?

With his concerns being swept under the rug once again and sensing his moment slipping away, he began to stutter, "b-b-but what if it does happen again? I know you're busy, but I can't just-"

"YES, YOU CAN JUST," the Vice-Principal growled, spinning in the hall to face Matthew and rising up to his full height. The teachers and other school employees all benefitted from his important contribution to maintaining order. But sometimes he felt like they took advantage of him, sending every little infraction for him to deal with instead of resolving disagreements and minor issues themselves.

"If more teachers would take control of their own classrooms and show a little spine, I swear..." Letting out a sigh, Vice-Principal Bolton straightened his jacket and spoke bluntly, making it clear that he wanted to put this matter to rest. "Listen, Matthew, it's not going to happen again. But if it does, we just gave her an outfit from the lost and found. Do you think you can handle that?"

Matthew nodded.

"Good! Because I've got bigger things to worry about than some confused kid old who can't keep her head on straight. If you're waiting for permission to straighten it out for her, fine, you hereby have it. But whatever you do, keep it in your classroom and leave me out of it.”

In a lower voice, he added, “I’m not sure she has much going on between her ears, if you know what I mean. That girl is lucky she has her looks to fall back on.”

Matthew walked away from the meeting with a lot to think about. And the more he thought, the better he felt. Despite dismissing the girl's unusual behavior out of hand, Vice-Principal Bolton had given him something even more valuable than a resolution to the Caroline problem. He had reminded Matthew that he was in charge of his own classroom and given him permission to handle this particular issue however he saw fit. When he was just a math nerd, he had no real influence or power, and no one ever stepped up to help him. But now, he was the one in charge. He could help himself.
~ NeverDoubted

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