Read it twice more and caught the girls being handcuffed to the boys. I missed it on the first read--time for my nap. A team building exercise of being handcuffed to another is very difficult when chores have to be done.
Forty years ago, I was a Marine Reservist and was appointed as a fire team leader. We were our own janitors and usually a squad would cough up two or three privates for the field day details. I recommended that my entire fire team be assigned a task or tasks so that I could practice leading, my fireteam could practice teamwork, and they could practice following me, all in the name of teambuilding and unit integrity. "Assign a fire team--that's how you would run your squad in battle."
The top NCO in that reserve unit was a professor of psychology at UNLV and he did a double take when my squad leader tried out what I suggested. My fire team had three tasks and by working together we managed to get our assignments completed ahead of the other Marines who had been tasked on a "hey you" instead of working as a team. The difficult part was the steel GI cans, large and heavy metal trash containers. My squad leader gave me credit for the idea and during the next drill weekend I was order to give a brief presentation to the squad leaders. After that, any chores were assigned to the squad leader and the squad leader passed on the orders to the fire team leaders.
Rooster's boys are going to have a very difficult time, dragging along mortified naked girls to empty trash cans and wash windows. Most humans are right handed and that means Rooster's boys are going to be using their weak hands or fighting the embarrassed naked female.
That's going to be quite the chapter! What will happen when someone dumps window washing fluid on one of Rooster's boys?