Dare Me (new 7/29)
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Re: Dare Me (new 10/10)
You are correct that Retreat and/or To The Color would be the correct call here. Good catch!
Re: Dare Me (new 10/10)
I've been living with bugle calls since birth. I am close enough to a USAF base that I hear their morning colors and retreat ceremonies when freeway traffic noises don't drown it out. This Chip and Dale cartoon had me in stitches playing mess call while the cav soldiers charged. Most soldiers didn't have watches well into the 20th Century and bugle calls kept the time.
https://www.bing.com/videos/riverview/r ... ajaxhist=0
https://www.bing.com/videos/riverview/r ... ajaxhist=0
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Dare Me - Chapter 16 - Wait, What Happened at Camp? (Part 6)
Dare Me - Chapter 16 - Wait, What Happened at Camp? (Part 6)
She was jolted from her daze by the thump of an especially bad pothole. Her first impression, as her brain started working again and her senses slowly returned, was the distinct sound of rustling plastic.
The last thing she remembered was being so lightheaded she had nearly passed out. Next to her, she saw Hanna wearing a black trash bag over her camp clothes - that explained the rustling. Hanna faced the wind head-on, her wild, curly locks fluttering behind her like so many red pennants on a battlefield. Her ponytail had fallen out again, but she wasn't letting it bother her. Her face beamed with excitement, ready for this adventure.
Looking down, Lucy was initially surprised to find her own body encased in a bag. Through a fog, she recalled Alice and Hanna helping her into one of the makeshift ponchos before they all had climbed aboard the truck.
The smell of diesel exhaust filled her nose as the truck accelerated. The flatbed had no railings and nothing to hold onto and the girls braced as one to avoid getting thrown off. Each one was sitting cross-legged, facing outward, with her arms linked with her neighbor. Safety in numbers.
Shaking the last of the cobwebs from her head, the extent of her precarious situation came rushing back. They were on a truck, and she was wearing a trash bag with nothing underneath it. She must have only made it to the truck with support from her friends on each side.
She had no idea how long they had been traveling, but by blanking out, she had squandered precious minutes of preparation. They were snaking through unfamiliar neighborhoods somewhere between the armory and the mall. Fortunately, Rooster was driving slowly to protect his cargo which extended their trip and bought her more time.
After her encounter with Rooster's grandsons, she didn't think she could possibly survive a trip to the mall. She had won the head standing contest, but at what cost? Three boys had seen her completely naked! Suddenly, she felt an acute throbbing sensation between her legs and her train of thought was hijacked.
By then, she had developed sufficient willpower to resist the urge to touch herself. The terms of her dare forbid it, and since she had asked for it, she would never break that bond. But it was equally futile to try and wait out the sensation once it started and hope it would fade back to a manageable level. Once the tingling in her arousal forge had progressed to throbbing, it would not easily fade. The only thing that helped, other than making diamonds, was rest. In my experience, she usually had the greatest ability to manage her body's heat signals after a good night's sleep. But with night still a long way away, she would just have to bear the burden of arousal the rest of the evening along with everything else.
Concluding that her original plan was still the best chance of surviving the evening, she withdrew into herself, closing her eyes and shutting out the bizarre environment around her as best she could. Occasionally the truck, with its over-tuned suspension, would hit a bump wrong and lift the surprised girls into the air. She would wince every time she came down hard. There was nothing protecting her tender bottom from the rough wooden planks beneath her and the risk of getting a splinter loomed large. But she had bigger things to worry about.
With time dwindling, she concentrated hard on relocating her inner Nikki. She played back every clip from the video, channeling the ideal cheerleader's perky personality and mannerisms. She even began to bob her head back and forth as they drove. Nikki would never let a little thing like a lack of clothes hold her back. Lucy convinced herself, if she wanted to be considered a real cheerleader, she couldn't let it stop her either.
As they turned the last corner, the mall came into view. The girls squealed and started chattering excitedly with each other. Lucy's heart started pounding. But she forced her mouth into the biggest smile and added her own giggling comments to Alice and Hanna's conversation. That girl is so strong!
Believe it or not, Lucy had actually been naked inside a Westfield mall before. Only a few months earlier, just before our one and only vacation to the beach, I had taken her on a shopping trip for supplies. Because she just so happened to be performing a dare at the time, I was forced to sprinkle in a few embarrassing tasks along the way.
This time, however, they weren't going to the sprawling Westfield mall. Rather, they had arrived at the much smaller, original mall, named "Shipley's Shopping Center" after its late founder. The two big anchor stores had relocated to the new mall, but this one, referred to as "the old mall" or just "Shipleys mall" still had a fair share of smaller shops and a food court. More of a destination for locals, it still served the rundown areas around downtown. Most critically, it had a cinema twin and was only a short drive from the armory.
The truck pulled up and idled beside one of the smaller entrances to drop them off. The girls unloaded and assembled on the sidewalk while Coach Easterling confirmed their later pick-up and return schedule with Rooster. When she was done, she climbed out of the passenger's seat and addressed the team with final instructions. They could go anywhere inside the mall if they stayed in groups of two or more. And they had to be at the cinema in two hours to get seated.
Lucy noticed Tiffany had snuck off beside Rooster's truck and was exchanging words with him. She didn't make anything of it at the time. Only later did she realize she and her fellow sevies had been the topic of their hushed scheming.
Lucy's hand shot up when Coach Easterling asked for a volunteer. She couldn't waste an opportunity to be seen as helpful. Besides, it was what Nikki would do!
"Thank you Lucy," said Coach Easterling, "I would like you to collect the unwanted parkas and dispose of them once we get inside." To the group, she said, "anyone who is finished with their parka and wants to dispose of them, please give them to Lucy as you enter the mall."
She went on to suggest anyone who wanted to keep theirs just in case, should fold it up as best they could and put it in their purse for safe keeping. But the girls had already started to tune her out. Rooster's prediction about the rain had proven accurate. The clouds had fled, and everyone had stayed perfectly dry the whole trip. There had obviously been no need to waste all those trash bags and they were eager to be rid of them. Well, perhaps not every girl was eager...
Lucy stationed herself next to the door to receive the discarded bags. Coach Easterling hesitated before entering and gave Lucy a once-over. It was the only outward indication that she might be concerned about letting one of her campers loose inside the old mall wearing nothing but a trash bag - not even that, if Lucy decided to remove it like the other girls. But she must have reminded herself about my meeting with her and the threats against treating my sister any differently because of her disability. She probably also had the doctor's note attached to her trusty clipboard just in case any issue arose while they were shopping.
Lucy took the first bag and turned it into a receptacle, holding it open enthusiastically so each girl could discard her poncho as she walked past. She watched Rooster's truck roar away just as the last girl hurried inside. Then she looked around. Even Alice and Hanna were nowhere to be found.
She knew they hadn't truly abandoned her. After all, the sevies had agreed ahead of time to stay together. But she couldn't blame them for getting lured in by the siren song of the shopping mall and forgetting to wait for her. Knowing the longer she stalled the harder it would be to locate and catch up to them, Lucy sat the bag down. She glanced around to make sure she was alone before quickly stripping her own bag off over her head. With her hands trembling, she stuffed the final temporary poncho into the bulging sack and picked the whole thing up. Then, taking one last deep breath, the naked girl painted a perky, Nikki smile on her face and headed inside before she lost her nerve.
Modern malls are designed to maximize both natural and artificial light. Shipley's Shopping Center had none of that and it took her a moment for her eyes to adjust to the dim environment so she could get oriented. The mall layout was simple. A long, main corridor ran its length and connected the two big anchor stores on either end. Originally a fancy department store, one of the anchors now stood vacant. The other’s tenant had moved out and been replaced by a discount outlet.
Around thirty shops lined both sides of the corridor between the anchors. In the middle, the corridor tripled in width to make room for a communal dining area and several restaurant counters. Across the hall from the open food court sat the little, two-screen cinema.
The nondescript entrance the team had used led through a very short hall which opened into the food court. Just barely spotting the last cheerleader disappear around the corner of the main corridor, Nikki headed in that direction, walking with the usual bounce in her step despite the butterflies threatening to explode from her stomach.
Filled with nothing but more billowy plastic, the bag was nearly as light as air. She carried it in front of her with both arms wrapped protectively around it in a bear hug. This did effectively block the view of her front side, but she had to assume, as she headed deeper into the court, that people would start to notice that she didn't have any actual clothes on and there was nothing covering her ripe, naked bottom.
After a few more steps, spotting a trashcan positioned near one of the support pillars, she knew her moment of truth had arrived. She was desperate to catch up to the group, but she couldn't show up carrying everyone's ponchos after offering to dispose of them. No, she had to go through with it - and quickly. Hesitating now would give her body an excuse to revolt against her commands. She was already on the verge of a nervous breakdown and had to keep moving forward.
As she reached the pillar, Nikki casually stuffed the bag into the can as if she were disposing of a sack full of last season's styles. No longer burdened with that unseemly chore, the carefree cheerleader bounded forward, eager to catch up to her friends. At least, that's what she intended to do.
Even though the old mall was no longer the popular hangout it once was, there were still plenty of shoppers scattered around the tables. She had started turning heads as soon as she appeared in the food court carrying the unusual load. Now, it felt like every pair of eyes noticed the naked white girl and turned to stare in disbelief.
With her fists clenched on either side of her and her face burning with shame, the naked cheerleader stumbled drunkenly forward. She wanted to walk faster, but her legs felt like jelly and threatened to melt into a blob with every step she took. Taking step after agonizing step, she couldn't get out of the food court fast enough. Unfortunately, as soon as she rounded the corner a whole new group of people became witnesses to her nude parade.
She found it harder and harder to keep the perky smile painted on when each person she passed reacted the exact same way. Their eyes would bulge, and their mouths would drop open. Children would continue to stare openly while angry girls walking with their boyfriends would drag them away and the rest of the men's faces would morph into a smile like they had just hit the jackpot.
Lost and exposed, her only option was to just keep walking until she saw a familiar face. She could sense her bare breasts jiggling lewdly as she walked. Nikki's bouncy walk always did seem to cause extra jiggling. She made sure to peer intently into every store looking for Alice or Hanna. She would even settle for Tiffany at this point! As her anxiety grew, she started to question if she had even come the right way. Had she gotten turned around?
While she was passing one of the stores, she peered inside and made eye contact with the cashier behind the counter. As soon she saw the little blonde teenager strutting naked through the mall, the lady picked up the phone and started to dial. The fear of getting caught by someone in authority flashed through Lucy's mind and, with a surge of adrenaline, she took off at a near jog.
By now she had given up hope of finding the girls and was only looking for somewhere to hide until the coast was clear. The bathroom was the only place she could think of, but she couldn’t find it. Finally, a couple stores down, she happened to catch a pale blur and skidded to a halt outside a respectably sized clothing boutique. Even though they were free to explore the entire mall, the whole team had gravitated to this store as the only one they could find that stocked actual, trendy fashion.
With relief washing over her, Lucy bounded into the store. As she caught up to her friends, Alice greeted her giddily as if it was totally normal for a naked girl to come walking up to you in public like that. She asked Lucy her opinion on a top she had been looking at. She wanted to try it on, but the changing rooms were occupied, and several other girls were already waiting for their turn.
"Do you want to try something on?" she asked Lucy politely, not quite sure if her friend was even capable of doing that much, "that dress would look good on you."
"Sure, why not," Lucy giggled in reply. It must have made her so happy to be engaging in a normal shopping activity instead of parading around naked!
Several minutes later, a mall security guard came hustling by, overweight and out of breath. He must have received reports of a white girl streaking through the food court and beyond. Lucy happened to be modeling a dress for Alice and Hanna to appraise. So, while he did find an unusually large group of white girls for that mall, they all appeared to be wearing normal attire. Thinking someone was pulling a prank on him, he dismissed the case and returned to his rounds.
They spent the rest of their two hours in that boutique, looking at and trying on outfits. Alice ended up buying the blouse she had been looking at and Hanna got some hairbows. Lucy didn't have any spending money, but Alice and Hanna pooled theirs and bought three matching friendship bracelets for the three of them. It was by far the happiest moment of the entire weekend when she put that bracelet on and hugged her new, fast friends.
When it was time to leave for the movie, she was feeling so good about herself that she did not hesitate to remove the dress she had been trying on for at least the past hour. Slipping back into Nikki and surrounded by a cluster of teammates, she walked confidently down the corridor despite her nude state. Things sure were looking up just in time for a relaxing night at the movies. It's too bad their captain made sure none of the sevies got to stick around and watch it. Tiffany had a different activity planned for them.
She was jolted from her daze by the thump of an especially bad pothole. Her first impression, as her brain started working again and her senses slowly returned, was the distinct sound of rustling plastic.
The last thing she remembered was being so lightheaded she had nearly passed out. Next to her, she saw Hanna wearing a black trash bag over her camp clothes - that explained the rustling. Hanna faced the wind head-on, her wild, curly locks fluttering behind her like so many red pennants on a battlefield. Her ponytail had fallen out again, but she wasn't letting it bother her. Her face beamed with excitement, ready for this adventure.
Looking down, Lucy was initially surprised to find her own body encased in a bag. Through a fog, she recalled Alice and Hanna helping her into one of the makeshift ponchos before they all had climbed aboard the truck.
The smell of diesel exhaust filled her nose as the truck accelerated. The flatbed had no railings and nothing to hold onto and the girls braced as one to avoid getting thrown off. Each one was sitting cross-legged, facing outward, with her arms linked with her neighbor. Safety in numbers.
Shaking the last of the cobwebs from her head, the extent of her precarious situation came rushing back. They were on a truck, and she was wearing a trash bag with nothing underneath it. She must have only made it to the truck with support from her friends on each side.
She had no idea how long they had been traveling, but by blanking out, she had squandered precious minutes of preparation. They were snaking through unfamiliar neighborhoods somewhere between the armory and the mall. Fortunately, Rooster was driving slowly to protect his cargo which extended their trip and bought her more time.
After her encounter with Rooster's grandsons, she didn't think she could possibly survive a trip to the mall. She had won the head standing contest, but at what cost? Three boys had seen her completely naked! Suddenly, she felt an acute throbbing sensation between her legs and her train of thought was hijacked.
By then, she had developed sufficient willpower to resist the urge to touch herself. The terms of her dare forbid it, and since she had asked for it, she would never break that bond. But it was equally futile to try and wait out the sensation once it started and hope it would fade back to a manageable level. Once the tingling in her arousal forge had progressed to throbbing, it would not easily fade. The only thing that helped, other than making diamonds, was rest. In my experience, she usually had the greatest ability to manage her body's heat signals after a good night's sleep. But with night still a long way away, she would just have to bear the burden of arousal the rest of the evening along with everything else.
Concluding that her original plan was still the best chance of surviving the evening, she withdrew into herself, closing her eyes and shutting out the bizarre environment around her as best she could. Occasionally the truck, with its over-tuned suspension, would hit a bump wrong and lift the surprised girls into the air. She would wince every time she came down hard. There was nothing protecting her tender bottom from the rough wooden planks beneath her and the risk of getting a splinter loomed large. But she had bigger things to worry about.
With time dwindling, she concentrated hard on relocating her inner Nikki. She played back every clip from the video, channeling the ideal cheerleader's perky personality and mannerisms. She even began to bob her head back and forth as they drove. Nikki would never let a little thing like a lack of clothes hold her back. Lucy convinced herself, if she wanted to be considered a real cheerleader, she couldn't let it stop her either.
As they turned the last corner, the mall came into view. The girls squealed and started chattering excitedly with each other. Lucy's heart started pounding. But she forced her mouth into the biggest smile and added her own giggling comments to Alice and Hanna's conversation. That girl is so strong!
Believe it or not, Lucy had actually been naked inside a Westfield mall before. Only a few months earlier, just before our one and only vacation to the beach, I had taken her on a shopping trip for supplies. Because she just so happened to be performing a dare at the time, I was forced to sprinkle in a few embarrassing tasks along the way.
This time, however, they weren't going to the sprawling Westfield mall. Rather, they had arrived at the much smaller, original mall, named "Shipley's Shopping Center" after its late founder. The two big anchor stores had relocated to the new mall, but this one, referred to as "the old mall" or just "Shipleys mall" still had a fair share of smaller shops and a food court. More of a destination for locals, it still served the rundown areas around downtown. Most critically, it had a cinema twin and was only a short drive from the armory.
The truck pulled up and idled beside one of the smaller entrances to drop them off. The girls unloaded and assembled on the sidewalk while Coach Easterling confirmed their later pick-up and return schedule with Rooster. When she was done, she climbed out of the passenger's seat and addressed the team with final instructions. They could go anywhere inside the mall if they stayed in groups of two or more. And they had to be at the cinema in two hours to get seated.
Lucy noticed Tiffany had snuck off beside Rooster's truck and was exchanging words with him. She didn't make anything of it at the time. Only later did she realize she and her fellow sevies had been the topic of their hushed scheming.
Lucy's hand shot up when Coach Easterling asked for a volunteer. She couldn't waste an opportunity to be seen as helpful. Besides, it was what Nikki would do!
"Thank you Lucy," said Coach Easterling, "I would like you to collect the unwanted parkas and dispose of them once we get inside." To the group, she said, "anyone who is finished with their parka and wants to dispose of them, please give them to Lucy as you enter the mall."
She went on to suggest anyone who wanted to keep theirs just in case, should fold it up as best they could and put it in their purse for safe keeping. But the girls had already started to tune her out. Rooster's prediction about the rain had proven accurate. The clouds had fled, and everyone had stayed perfectly dry the whole trip. There had obviously been no need to waste all those trash bags and they were eager to be rid of them. Well, perhaps not every girl was eager...
Lucy stationed herself next to the door to receive the discarded bags. Coach Easterling hesitated before entering and gave Lucy a once-over. It was the only outward indication that she might be concerned about letting one of her campers loose inside the old mall wearing nothing but a trash bag - not even that, if Lucy decided to remove it like the other girls. But she must have reminded herself about my meeting with her and the threats against treating my sister any differently because of her disability. She probably also had the doctor's note attached to her trusty clipboard just in case any issue arose while they were shopping.
Lucy took the first bag and turned it into a receptacle, holding it open enthusiastically so each girl could discard her poncho as she walked past. She watched Rooster's truck roar away just as the last girl hurried inside. Then she looked around. Even Alice and Hanna were nowhere to be found.
She knew they hadn't truly abandoned her. After all, the sevies had agreed ahead of time to stay together. But she couldn't blame them for getting lured in by the siren song of the shopping mall and forgetting to wait for her. Knowing the longer she stalled the harder it would be to locate and catch up to them, Lucy sat the bag down. She glanced around to make sure she was alone before quickly stripping her own bag off over her head. With her hands trembling, she stuffed the final temporary poncho into the bulging sack and picked the whole thing up. Then, taking one last deep breath, the naked girl painted a perky, Nikki smile on her face and headed inside before she lost her nerve.
Modern malls are designed to maximize both natural and artificial light. Shipley's Shopping Center had none of that and it took her a moment for her eyes to adjust to the dim environment so she could get oriented. The mall layout was simple. A long, main corridor ran its length and connected the two big anchor stores on either end. Originally a fancy department store, one of the anchors now stood vacant. The other’s tenant had moved out and been replaced by a discount outlet.
Around thirty shops lined both sides of the corridor between the anchors. In the middle, the corridor tripled in width to make room for a communal dining area and several restaurant counters. Across the hall from the open food court sat the little, two-screen cinema.
The nondescript entrance the team had used led through a very short hall which opened into the food court. Just barely spotting the last cheerleader disappear around the corner of the main corridor, Nikki headed in that direction, walking with the usual bounce in her step despite the butterflies threatening to explode from her stomach.
Filled with nothing but more billowy plastic, the bag was nearly as light as air. She carried it in front of her with both arms wrapped protectively around it in a bear hug. This did effectively block the view of her front side, but she had to assume, as she headed deeper into the court, that people would start to notice that she didn't have any actual clothes on and there was nothing covering her ripe, naked bottom.
After a few more steps, spotting a trashcan positioned near one of the support pillars, she knew her moment of truth had arrived. She was desperate to catch up to the group, but she couldn't show up carrying everyone's ponchos after offering to dispose of them. No, she had to go through with it - and quickly. Hesitating now would give her body an excuse to revolt against her commands. She was already on the verge of a nervous breakdown and had to keep moving forward.
As she reached the pillar, Nikki casually stuffed the bag into the can as if she were disposing of a sack full of last season's styles. No longer burdened with that unseemly chore, the carefree cheerleader bounded forward, eager to catch up to her friends. At least, that's what she intended to do.
Even though the old mall was no longer the popular hangout it once was, there were still plenty of shoppers scattered around the tables. She had started turning heads as soon as she appeared in the food court carrying the unusual load. Now, it felt like every pair of eyes noticed the naked white girl and turned to stare in disbelief.
With her fists clenched on either side of her and her face burning with shame, the naked cheerleader stumbled drunkenly forward. She wanted to walk faster, but her legs felt like jelly and threatened to melt into a blob with every step she took. Taking step after agonizing step, she couldn't get out of the food court fast enough. Unfortunately, as soon as she rounded the corner a whole new group of people became witnesses to her nude parade.
She found it harder and harder to keep the perky smile painted on when each person she passed reacted the exact same way. Their eyes would bulge, and their mouths would drop open. Children would continue to stare openly while angry girls walking with their boyfriends would drag them away and the rest of the men's faces would morph into a smile like they had just hit the jackpot.
Lost and exposed, her only option was to just keep walking until she saw a familiar face. She could sense her bare breasts jiggling lewdly as she walked. Nikki's bouncy walk always did seem to cause extra jiggling. She made sure to peer intently into every store looking for Alice or Hanna. She would even settle for Tiffany at this point! As her anxiety grew, she started to question if she had even come the right way. Had she gotten turned around?
While she was passing one of the stores, she peered inside and made eye contact with the cashier behind the counter. As soon she saw the little blonde teenager strutting naked through the mall, the lady picked up the phone and started to dial. The fear of getting caught by someone in authority flashed through Lucy's mind and, with a surge of adrenaline, she took off at a near jog.
By now she had given up hope of finding the girls and was only looking for somewhere to hide until the coast was clear. The bathroom was the only place she could think of, but she couldn’t find it. Finally, a couple stores down, she happened to catch a pale blur and skidded to a halt outside a respectably sized clothing boutique. Even though they were free to explore the entire mall, the whole team had gravitated to this store as the only one they could find that stocked actual, trendy fashion.
With relief washing over her, Lucy bounded into the store. As she caught up to her friends, Alice greeted her giddily as if it was totally normal for a naked girl to come walking up to you in public like that. She asked Lucy her opinion on a top she had been looking at. She wanted to try it on, but the changing rooms were occupied, and several other girls were already waiting for their turn.
"Do you want to try something on?" she asked Lucy politely, not quite sure if her friend was even capable of doing that much, "that dress would look good on you."
"Sure, why not," Lucy giggled in reply. It must have made her so happy to be engaging in a normal shopping activity instead of parading around naked!
Several minutes later, a mall security guard came hustling by, overweight and out of breath. He must have received reports of a white girl streaking through the food court and beyond. Lucy happened to be modeling a dress for Alice and Hanna to appraise. So, while he did find an unusually large group of white girls for that mall, they all appeared to be wearing normal attire. Thinking someone was pulling a prank on him, he dismissed the case and returned to his rounds.
They spent the rest of their two hours in that boutique, looking at and trying on outfits. Alice ended up buying the blouse she had been looking at and Hanna got some hairbows. Lucy didn't have any spending money, but Alice and Hanna pooled theirs and bought three matching friendship bracelets for the three of them. It was by far the happiest moment of the entire weekend when she put that bracelet on and hugged her new, fast friends.
When it was time to leave for the movie, she was feeling so good about herself that she did not hesitate to remove the dress she had been trying on for at least the past hour. Slipping back into Nikki and surrounded by a cluster of teammates, she walked confidently down the corridor despite her nude state. Things sure were looking up just in time for a relaxing night at the movies. It's too bad their captain made sure none of the sevies got to stick around and watch it. Tiffany had a different activity planned for them.
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Re: Dare Me (new 10/13)
Thanks for the chapter! I loved feeling the heart-pounding sensation of being naked in public. Good on Lucy for honouring the terms of her dare! Well, mostly. I wonder if Mikey will be happy with the amount of time she was trying on clothes for?
Little question, is Lucy truly narrating all of this to Mikey? Even the stuff about her own fear, trepidation and arousal? Her struggles with avoiding masturbation? I didn't think Lucy was that comfortable with him.
Little question, is Lucy truly narrating all of this to Mikey? Even the stuff about her own fear, trepidation and arousal? Her struggles with avoiding masturbation? I didn't think Lucy was that comfortable with him.
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Re: Dare Me (new 10/13)
Lucy usually narrates the dare back to Mikey when it's over before she can go make diamonds.
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Re: Dare Me (new 10/13)
"her train of thought was hijacked." Lovely turn of phrase there. Excellent chapter.
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Re: Dare Me (new 10/13)
Mikey is the narrator. But he is retelling it based on Lucy's detailed account. It's funny you bring up the dress because apologizing for wearing it is the first thing out of her mouth when she sees him. He has to infer her thoughts and feelings but has gotten better at reading her. He does his best to fill in the gaps in her story based on what she tells him and his own knowledge. I'll give you an example of how that might go. Here is Lucy describing the trip to the mall to him.fuwafuwataimu wrote: Sat Oct 14, 2023 2:13 am Thanks for the chapter! I loved feeling the heart-pounding sensation of being naked in public. Good on Lucy for honouring the terms of her dare! Well, mostly. I wonder if Mikey will be happy with the amount of time she was trying on clothes for?
Little question, is Lucy truly narrating all of this to Mikey? Even the stuff about her own fear, trepidation and arousal? Her struggles with avoiding masturbation? I didn't think Lucy was that comfortable with him.
"I don't know what happened, Mikey. I just woke up and I was wearing a trash bag like everyone else. But I took it off as soon as I could, I promise! We were all sitting on these rough boards on the back of Rooster's truck. There were no rails and nothing to hold on to except each other. I don't even remember putting it on. I don't remember anything except...the boys, they saw me. And my, um, I felt this ache, this...throbbing...down there. But I didn't touch it, I SWEAR! Oh God, can we finish this later please? I can't wait any longer."
"No, Goosey. You told me you wore a dress for more than an hour. So you owe me at least that long. Keep going."
"Unnnnnh, ok...uh...well, I was SO SCARED and I didn't know what to do, so I asked myself "what would Nikki do" and just tried to do that. We made it to the mall, but it wasn't the regular mall. It was a different one-"
She considers masturbation a private exercise and isn't comfortable talking about it with Mikey. However, near the end of her dares when she is most turned on, her inhibitions tend to get compromised and she will share more intimate information about her body than she would normally. This is partly due to Mikey's rule about getting to watch the first diamond and partly due to her own desperation. She always honors the terms of the dare above everything else, even if it means compromised privacy.
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Re: Dare Me (new 10/13)
Great chapters! I love when a character is nude in such a public place! I love how Lucy is doing her best to deal with being naked too.
My prediction is somehow Rooster is involved. Maybe Tiffany makes the sevies practice cheers in the mall during the movie?
My prediction is somehow Rooster is involved. Maybe Tiffany makes the sevies practice cheers in the mall during the movie?
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Re: Dare Me (new 10/13)
Ooh, a good guess! I do remember an old story where a girl has to give a nude cheer demonstration at the mall. Maybe Cronenberg? As for your guess, you are half right. Tiffany has definitely convinced Rooster help her test their mettle. Unfortunately for the girls, he is a very busy man and has business elsewhere this evening. So what if they report for duty with fewer clothes than his normal work crew? Does he sound like the type who would turn down an offer for three extra free helpers? 

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