Bra and Panties Wrestle
"I'm bored," Amy says, stretching out across her bed looking over at her two best friends.
"Me too," Chelsea replies, flopping down onto the bed next to Amy.
"What do you wanna do Autumn?" Amy asks, looking over at her other friend.
The red head looks up from her phone and shrugs her shoulders making Amy sigh out loud.
"God you guys are so boring," Amy says, "I keep inviting you over to my house and you guys don't wanna do anything.
Chelsea looks over at Autumn and rolls her eyes making Autumn giggle as both girls look over at their annoyed best friend. Amy is 15 years old but with her petite features she looks younger, her long brown hair is pulled back into a ponytail and she is wearing a simple pink vest top and dark blue sweatpants. Amy's body is very slim compared to her best friend Chelsea who after years of playing volleyball is bulked up with muscles. Chelsea is a year older than Amy with rich dark blonde hair that she has pulled back over her forehead with the aid of an Alice band. Thanks to all her training Chelsea is also more tanned than her two friends and her brown skin only shows off more of her toned muscles. Her legs are thick and powerful looking with a wide hip base and big ass that seems to be a standard requirement with volleyball players and thanks to the tight black spandex shorts she is wearing her ass looks bigger and thicker than normal.
Chelsea also has the biggest breasts in the room with her C cups stretching out her plain dark blue shirt while Amy's boobs are still growing but she at least fills out her B cup sized bra. Autumn however is the youngest still a few months away from turning 15 so her tiny A cup boobs barely get any attention from the boys at school. Not that Autumn cares of course, she knew that she was gay from a very early age and surprisingly came out to her whole school last year at a LGBT assembly. Other girls still bully her but Amy and Chelsea always stand up for her even if they can't resist teasing her sometimes. Autumn is a classic beauty with her light red hair perfectly straightened and down to her shoulders while her pale freckle covered skin only seems to shine brighter next to her ginger hair. She is the only one of the group wearing a skirt today so her long thin legs are on display while her small boobs are covered in a crisp white blouse.
"Maybe we should go outside," Chelsea suggests looking out of the window, "It's a lovely day."
"Uhh I'm not going outside just to run around and get all sweaty," Amy says with disgust.
"You would if Bradley was there," Chelsea teases and Amy in response picks up a pillow and launches it at her best friend.
Chelsea easily blocks the pillow with one arm then picks it back up, launching it towards Amy. The brunette starts laughing as she blocks the pillow with her legs then grabs another one holding it up like a weapon.
"You wanna go bitch?" Amy teases putting on a pretend tough face, "You know I've always kicked your ass in pillow fights."
"When?" Chelsea asks, laughing at her mate unaware that she has ever had a pillow fight with the brunette.
"I've always come out on top in pillow fights against you," Amy repeats proudly.
"Bullshit," Chelsea responds, turning to Autumn, "She's trying to wind me up right?"
The normally shy redhead shrugs her shoulders again, "I dunno Chelsea there was that one time a couple of years ago."
The toned athletic blonde laughs harder looking from Amy to Autumn with a sense of disbelief, "Come on you guys how can you say I lost a fight to Amy when I can't even remember it?" Chelsea asks.
"Well you were pretty high at the time," Autumn butts in making Chelsea's eyes widen in shock.
"You mean at your 13th birthday party sleepover?" She asks and Amy nods her head, "The one where I stole some weed off my older cousin and we smoked it together?"
Both Amy and Autumn grin in reply and Chelsea just gasps in shock.
"You mean to tell me now nearly three years later that something happened that night you guys have never told me about?" Chelsea says, sounding distraught.
"Well several things actually," Autumn replies quickly making Amy scowl at her.
"Like what?" An annoyed Chelsea asks.
"To start with you did a strip tease in front of everyone," Amy says slowly recalling that wild sleepover.
"What! Even in front of her?" Chelsea asks, pointing over to Autumn.
"Hey, how many times do I have to say I'm not into you before you understand?" Autumn asks angrily.
"Anyway," Amy continues before her gay and non gay friend start the same argument again, "Once you were in your undies you demanded a pillow fight then when no one stepped up you jumped on top of me and tried to pin me."
"But Amy countered you and ended up on top and erm then," Autumn pauses looking over at Amy who blushes.
"Then what? C'mon guys you have been sitting on this for three years tell me," Chelsea exclaims desperately.
Amy looks unsure and nervous so Autumn speaks up, "She sat on your face Chelsea."
The blonde girl gasps in shock looking over at Amy who looks slightly ashamed.
"She sat her butt on your face till you stopped wriggling then she demanded that you kiss it," Autumn says quickly, almost blushing herself.
"YOU DID WHAT????" The young volleyball player roars at her best friend.
"You were ruining my sleepover," Amy says defensively, "I needed to do something to stop your little drugged ass from going all crazy and that was the best way to shut you up."
"So you made me kiss your ass?" Chelsea shouts, sounding appalled, "Come on Amy I'd expect that from Autumn but not from you."
"Hey I take offense to that," Autumn whines but Chelsea just sighs.
"No offense meant Autumn it's just I can't believe you guys never told me," Chelsea says sadly.
"In our defense if you knew Amy had out wrestled you then made you kiss her bum in front of all our other friends you would have kicked our asses," Autumn replies quickly.
"I still might," Chelsea says with a grin moving over to the bed where Amy is still standing.
"Wait," The brunette says backing up slightly, "I don't wanna wrestle you now."
"Why not?" Chelsea asks, "You challenged me and apparently are undefeated against me."
"Yeah but that was years ago," Amy moans, "You are way bigger and stronger than me now."
"Well then just give up and kiss my ass right now so we can call it even," Chelsea says firmly.
"Ewwww, I'm not kissing your butt Chelsea," Amy replies.
"Why not? You made me kiss yours," Chelsea counters.
"That's not the same thing," Amy stammers but Chelsea quickly replies.
"Yes it is now either kiss my bum or I'll do it at school where everyone including Bradley can see you," Chelsea teases.
"You wouldn't," Amy gasps looking at her best friend in shock but Chelsea just grins and nods.
"Autumn help me I don't wanna kiss her big ass," Amy whines looking over at the red head who again shrugs.
"Stop looking for help from the gay girl and get down on your knees Amy you brought this all on yourself," Chelsea says eagerly.
"No way Chelsea I am never kissing your ass," Amy says defiantly.
"Fine I'll just make you then," Chelsea says climbing onto the bed and Amy in fear instantly jumps off.
"Wait," Autumn says before Chelsea jumps across the room to tackle her other best friend, "Why don't you just wrestle then the winner can make the loser kiss her ass."
"AUTUMN," Amy squeals, "She is bigger and stronger, she will just crush me," The brunette complains.
The red head stops and thinks for a second, "Why not have some kind of wrestling match where it's not about strength"
"All wrestling is about strength Autumn now stop stalling Amy and kiss my ass," Chelsea says sharply.
"No, if you have a match where the object isn't to pin or make the other tap out then that doesn't give Amy such a huge disadvantage." Autumn explains.
"But I don't wanna wrestle Chelsea at all even if it's fairer to me," Amy whines but Chelsea just laughs.
"Amy, you know I have to get revenge for having to kiss your ass all those years ago so either do it now or I'll make your humiliation way more public," Chelsea threatens.
"But you don't even remember it," Amy complains, "You can't get revenge for something you don't remember happening."
"Sure I can, you guys knew about it for years probably laughed about it behind my back and now you have to pay so either wrestle me or get down and kiss my butt," Chelsea says firmly.
"Ok, ok fine I'll wrestle you so how do you make this fair on me?" Amy asks, looking directly at Autumn.
"Say the first one down to their bra and panties loses?" The little red head says softly and unsurprisingly both Amy and Chelsea yell in shock at this.
"How is that fair? I'm not letting her tear my clothes off," Amy complains.
"You little perv you only wanna see us roll around in our underwear for your pleasure," Chelsea adds as Autumn frantically shakes her head.
"No it's nothing weird, it's just strip wrestling so you don't have to just use power cause you will need some skill to take each other's clothes off," Autumn slowly explains.
"This is bullshit I'm not getting stripped in front of you Autumn," Chelsea snorts, making Amy giggle.
"You do it all the time Chelsea, you are always walking around in those tiny shorts or in just a sports bra. I'm sure Autumn has seen you in your underwear more times than your own mother," Amy says knowingly.
"Yeah and if you don't want me to see you in your undies then you better beat Amy," Autumn adds with a big smile on her face.
"I will then, I'll have Amy in her underwear before she can even lay a finger on me," A competitive sounding Chelsea replies.
"Wait, I didn't agree to this," Amy says nervously.
"Too late, ring a bell Autumn," Chelsea shouts as she dives across the bed grabbing hold of Amy's thin legs.
The brunette wails in shock as Chelsea's strong arms wrap around her knee joints pulling her back towards her own bed. Giggling Autumn makes a bell ringing sound then leans back against Amy's closet to watch her two best friends strip wrestle. Chelsea easily overpowers Amy, lifting her up and dumping her body down onto the middle of the bed. The blonde leaps on top of her best friend using her power to pin Amy down making the brunette scream.
"Ahhhh Chelsea get off me," Amy moans, struggling desperately underneath her best friend.
"Not until you admit defeat now and kiss my ass, I'll even spare you the humiliation of doing it in your underwear," Chelsea teases.
Amy lets out a cry and starts wriggling and bucking her hips trying to flip Chelsea off her. Even though Chelsea is much stronger Amy's bucking around is making it hard for the blonde to stay in position on top of Amy and eventually in fear of being bucked clean off the bed Chelsea rolls away.
"Chelsea stop it," Amy says, getting to her feet on the other side of her bed.
"No, we are having a strip wrestling match right now Amy and the loser will kiss the winners ass," The blonde says with a competitive smile on her face.
Amy looks across at Autumn ready to ask her other friend for help but as she is distracted Chelsea pounces. The athletic blonde jumps across Amy's bed and grabs the brunette by her legs and drags her onto the bed.
"NOO CHELSEA GET OFF MY PANTS," Amy squeals as she is once again pinned down under her muscled blonde friend.
Chelsea has her hands tightly gripped onto the waistband of Amy's sweatpants and is trying to tug them down. The top of Amy's pink panties are now visible as Chelsea keeps tugging at her best friend's panties.
"Chelsea please stop trying to strip me," Amy begs, holding onto her pants with both hands trying to keep them up.
"No you embarrassed me so I'm gonna get you back," Chelsea replies, continuing to tug on Amy's sweatpants.
"Autumn help me," Amy begs looking over at the red head who just smiles and shakes her head.
"All you have to do is strip her Amy, it can't be that hard to get Chelsea down to her undies, bet a few boys have already," Autumn teases.
"Hey," Chelsea says, twisting her head around to complain at Autumn and that's when Amy takes advantage.
With Chelsea distracted Amy lets go of her pants and grabs the bottom of the blonde's t-shirt. The brunette pulls hard, lifting Chelsea's shirt halfway up her body getting a surprised squeak from the blonde. Chelsea tries to defend her shirt but Amy has the advantage and is able to push up from her back now ending up on top of Chelsea. Chelsea's dark blue shirt is now wrapped around her face and the blonde is just flailing her limbs around trying to keep her top on. Amy pulls harder, finally able to get the shirt over Chelsea's head and now has the simple task of peeling the shirt up and off Chelsea's strong arms now completely removing her top.
"Woo Hoo nice bra Chelsea," Autumn cheers as Amy rolls off her friend with Chelsea's removed shirt in her hands.
"You bitch," Chelsea says with a chuckle as she sits up and looks down at her chest which is now only covered by a black sports bra.
"Halfway down, give up now or you will be kissing my ass again," Amy taunts waving Chelsea's removed shirt in the air.
Letting out a huff Chelsea gets to her feet and fixes her Alice band before she moves into position on the other side of the bed. There is a firm look on her face and Amy is starting to doubt herself wondering if taunting the athletic blonde was the best idea. Cautiously Amy moves near the bed and hoping to distract her friend again Amy throws Chelsea's removed shirt at her. Chelsea easily catches the shirt and throws it away then blocks Amy's diving attack. The brunette had tried to blind Chelsea with her shirt and jump across the bed to tackle her down but Chelsea stopped her. Chelsea's hands have hold of Amy's wrists keeping them pinned to the bed as the brunette wiggles desperately.
"No let go," Amy yells, trying to pull her arms free.
"Prepare to be stripped bestie," Chelsea says with a cocky grin.
Using her superior strength Chelsea pulls on Amy's arms flipping the teenager onto her back. Pulling Amy's wrists together Chelsea is able to clamp onto them with just one hand. Now that Amy's arms have been disabled Chelsea now has a free hand to attack Amy's shirt. The brunette squeals in fear and starts wiggling her whole body around on her bed, kicking up her legs trying to keep Chelsea from stripping her. Amy can't stop a vengeful Chelsea as she pulls her shirt right up till it is covering her face like a blindfold. With her pink bra exposed and her face completely hidden under her shirt there is nothing Amy can do to stop Chelsea. The big blonde gives Amy's shirt one big pull and it pops right off Amy's head.
"Yay I stripped you," Chelsea yells in delight bouncing up and down on the bed waving Amy's removed shirt around.
"No fair," Amy pouts covering her exposed bra then looks over at Autumn who is transfixed with Chelsea jumping up and down on the bed.
Both teen girls are now down to their bras but Chelsea is feeling more confident. She is standing over her best friend who is still covering up her exposed bra. Chelsea bounces up and down on Amy's bed grinning and bunny hopping around like a wrestler. Her big breasts bounce and jiggle so much with each bunny hop that Autumn has to look away for fear of getting too openly turned on.
"Come on get up and fight me," Chelsea taunts her friend.
"Chelsea stop this, I don't wanna play anymore," Amy whimpers softly.
"If you don't wanna fight then kneel down and kiss my ass," Chelsea shouts cockily.
Amy frowns then dives forward with her hands outstretched going for Chelsea's shorts. The blonde leaps back in the nick of time sending Amy bouncing face first onto her bed. Diving forward Chelsea leaps on top of Amy's back crushing her weight down upon her.
"OWWWWW CHELS GET OFF YOU WEIGH A TON," Amy growls from underneath her friend.
"Hey that's all muscle baby," Chelsea says cockily before grabbing hold of Amy's ankles.
"Hey stop that," Amy yells as Chelsea pulls on her leg.
Autumn giggles as Chelsea pulls Amy's leg up and off the bed. The blonde smiles and wiggles her fingers against the sole of Amy's lifted up foot.
"NOOOOOOOOOO," Amy giggles as her foot starts to flex and tense up.
"Kiss my bum or I tickle you," Chelsea threatens, leaning up so she is sitting on her friend's bare back.
"Get fucked," Amy shouts while trying to roll and rock her body.
"Suit yourself," Chelsea grins, pressing the tips of her fingers into Amy's soles.
"Take her socks off," Autumn shouts out and giggles.
Both girls on the bed wheel around and glare at their ginger friend.
"AUTUMN," Amy whines, sounding disappointed.
"You perv stop joining in," Chelsea adds, making the pale redhead blush.
"See Chelsea this is stupid and just gay girl fodder for Autumn," Amy complains looking round at her friend.
Chelsea sighs, letting go of her friend's ankles and lifting her bum off her back. The second she moves Amy scoots forward grabbing Chelsea's hips and rolling her up.
"HEY," The blonde squeals as she is forced into a backwards roll by Amy.
Chelsea is folded up on her back with her legs in the air and Amy pressing down on top of her.
"GOT YOU," Amy yells triumphantly as she grabs Chelsea's shorts.
"NOOOOOOOOO," Chelsea squeals as she feels the spandex sliding past her hips.
Amy keeps her body weight pressed on her blonde friend as she pulls her shorts up. She easily peels the shorts past Chelsea's thick ass and now has the simple task of pulling them up her legs.
"NOOOOOOO STOP YOU CHEATED," Chelsea howls in frustration.
Autumn giggles as Amy ignores her friend and pulls her spandex shorts up her legs. Chelsea tries desperately kicking and wiggling her feet to stop herself from being stripped but she can't. She is pinned down and folded up on her back with all of Amy's body weight pressing down on her legs.
“Holy shit she’s wearing a thong Amy,” Autumn can’t help but squeal in delight.
Chelsea can’t help but blush at the fact her thong clad bum has been exposed in front of her friends. She can hear Amy giggling and flick a finger against the waistband of her plain black thong. The fabric snaps against Chelsea’s hip making her yelp slightly and she struggles even harder to get Amy off her. She feels so exposed all rolled up and with her bare bum cheeks hanging out but there is nothing she can do to stop Amy undressing her. Amy peels the shorts off Chelsea's sock covered feet before jumping delightedly in the air.
"THE WINNER," Autumn shouts with joy while celebrating with her friend.
Amy jumps off the bed and into Autumn's arms as the two girls hug. Chelsea rolls over onto her front happy she is no longer being folded up like a deckchair. She can't help but smile and enjoy seeing her best friends so vocally celebrating.
"You totally cheated," Chelsea whines when Amy turns to face her.
"No way you just weren't paying attention," Amy mocks waving Chelsea's shorts in the air.
"You can keep going, Chels but I doubt you wanna let me see more of you," Autumn teases.
Chelsea growls in frustration and punches the bed. Amy and Autumn giggle at the blonde's angry reaction as Chelsea is glaring right at them.
"Ok fine let's just get this over with," Chelsea sighs and slides off the bed.
Amy squeaks in shock as the tall blonde drops down onto her knees in front of her.
"What are you doing? Amy stammers at her best friend.
"Getting ready to kiss your stupid cheating ass," Chelsea growls softly.
"No you don't have to do that," Amy says in surprise, only for Autumn to wheel round and stare at her.
"Yes she does Amy she lost," The red head reminds her.
Amy stares in shock at Autumn then down at a kneeling Chelsea.
"No she doesn't, you don't have to Chelsea, this was stupid," Amy stammers nervously.
She walks over to Chelsea offering her hand to help the blonde to her feet. Chelsea offers her best friend a bashful smile as she takes Amy's hand and gets back up.
"Oh come on," Autumn exhales in frustration.
"That's so not fair it was gonna be so awesome and funny," The red head continues folding her arms and pouting like a little brat.
Amy rolls her eyes but Chelsea is staring at Autumn and grinning. Looking confused Amy stares at her best friend who nods at Autumn. Amy is confused until Chelsea raises her eyebrows and she finally gets on her best friend's wavelength. They turn around and walk towards Autumn who is still pouting and doesn't look up till the last second.
"Oh hey guys what are you? AHHHHHHHHH," Autumn squeals as she is pushed backwards.
The red head tumbles backwards onto the bed and before she can recover from the fall Chelsea jumps on top of her.
"OHHHH GOD CHELSEA OWWWWWWWW GET OFF," Autumn screams as Chelsea splashes down on top of her.
"What's wrong? Thought you always wanted a half naked girl on top of you?" Chelsea teases.
"Nooooooo get off me," Autumn wails.
She tries to buck her body to throw Chelsea off her but she has even less success than Amy did when she tried it. Amy meanwhile strides over and grabs at Autumn's kicking feet holding them in place.
"NOOOO AMY STOP HELP ME," Autumn wails as she feels Amy's fingers slip inside her socks.
"Are you ticklish?" Amy teases, wiggling her fingers against Autumn's soles.
Her whole body wiggles and shakes underneath Chelsea's strong tanned body.
"Sounds like you are," Amy teases, scratching her fingertips against Autumn's sock covered soles.
"NOOOOOO HAHAH HAHHHA HAHH HAAH," Autumn squeals with laughter.
Chelsea starts laughing too as the tiny redhead thrashes around under her.
"Oh my well if you are that ticklish through your socks I wonder what happens when?" Amy teases pulling down Autumn's socks.
"NOOOO PLEASE DON'T TAKE MY SOCKS OFF I'M SORRY," The pinned down teen squeals.
Amy ignores her friend and yanks both her plain white socks off.
"AMYYYYYYYY," Autumn squeals, wiggling her bare pale soles.
"We're gonna strip her down too, right?" Chelsea turns and asks Amy.
"NOOOOO PLEASE DON'T I'M SORRY," Autumn wails loudly.
"Shut up this is the closest you've ever been to an underwear clad girl," Chelsea teases and wiggles on top of her.
Autumn blushes as red as her hair as she feels Chelsea's thick body crushing down on top of her.
"Yeah she loves it," Amy adds before dancing her fingers across Autumn's bare soles.
"HA HA HA HA HA HA HATE YOU GUYS," Autumn wails then giggles.
She thrashes and crunches her feet together to try and keep them away from Amy's dangerous fingers.
"It's ok to love it really gay girl," Chelsea whispers into Autumn's ear before she leans in closer and kisses Autumn's cheek.
"We are only messing but you did get to perv on us so it's only fair," Chelsea adds as she sits up.
Chelsea now sits on Autumn's lower back and starts pulling at her shirt.
"OHHHHHHH GOD," Autumn squeals as her shirt slides up her body.
"Chelsea, are you stripping our friend?" Amy asks in a sharp annoyed mother sounding tone.
"Yeah I wanna see her cute little girl undies," Chelsea teases.
"I'm not a baby," Autumn pouts and wriggles.
There is nothing the red head can do however, trapped under her much bigger friend. She tries to flex her shoulders so Chelsea can't pull her shirt over her head but fails. Chelsea is too strong, yanking the fabric past Autumn's shoulder and over her head. The red head blushes as she is face down on Amy’s bed in nothing but her little white bra. Amy reaches forward and grabs the waistband of Autumn's skirt.
"Nooooo please," Autumn begs as Amy starts to pull.
She yanks Autumn's skirt past her bum then bursts out laughing.
"Chels she's wearing a thong," Amy cries out with laughter.
The blonde wheels her head round looking down at Autumn's pale asscheeks shown off in nothing but a tiny white thong.
"Awwwwww naughty girl does your mummy know you wear grown up panties?" Chelsea mocks.
Autumn bites her lip and starts thrashing around harder, desperate to escape. Amy's bed squeals loudly as Autumn wiggles around trying to buck the much bigger Chelsea off her.
"Hey stop that," Amy frowns and slaps her bare palm down across Autumn's asscheek.
The slapping sound of skin on skin echoes around the teenager's bedroom. Autumn stops thrashing around instantly in total shock of being spanked while Amy and Chelsea stare at each other.
"Nice," Chelsea smirks at her friend then raises her hand.
"No Chels don't AHHHHHHHHHH," Autumn begs then squeals as Chelsea gives her bum a firm swat.
Autumn winces as of course the volleyball player hits harder and she feels her pale skin start to sting.
"Holy shit I can see a mark," Amy cries out in delight.
Chelsea can't help but look down at her handiwork and smile. A strong looking red handprint stains the deeply pale skin of Autumn's bare asscheek. Chelsea laughs then raises her hand again bringing it down firmly on the other cheek.
"OWWWWWWW," Autumn wails in pain.
Her bare pale asscheeks are now stinging in pain and all her best friends do is laugh. Amy spanks her again and even though it's lighter than Chelsea's it still makes Autumn yelp in pain.
"Finish taking her skirt off," Chelsea orders, making Amy laugh again.
Amy grabs Autumn's bunched up skirt and yanks them the rest of the way down. The redhead tries in vain to kick and wiggle her feet to stop her but can't.
"You lose," Amy says proudly as Chelsea slides off her.
"Huh?" Autumn grunts in confusion before she is flipped over onto her back.
"You lost the bra and panties match," Chelsea beams, placing her strong hands on her friend's shoulder.
"I wasn't even in that match," Autumn whimpers as she's pinned down again.
Being in her underwear as Chelsea and Amy look down at her brings a fresh wave of embarrassment to Autumn. She really does feel like the young and stupid one of the group now that she's pinned down and helpless in a two on one.
"Doesn't matter Autumn cause you are stripped down to your underwear," Amy points out with a smile.
"Uhhhhh fine I lost now can you get off me?" Autumn asks nicely.
"Of course once you’ve completed the loser forfeit," Chelsea says with her own grin.
Autumn sighs and prepares to ask what the forfeit when she remembers what it is.
"Nooooooooo," The red head gasps in fear.
She bucks and tries to get away but Chelsea grabs her by the wrists. Autumn wails as she is once again pinned down by Chelsea. This time she is looking directly up into the blonde's eyes as she struggles.
"It's your fault for being such a perv and making us tear each other's clothes off," Chelsea tells her.
Amy meanwhile is gathering up Autumn's removed shirt and shorts. She waves the pieces of clothing at Autumn then throws them up on top of her wardrobe.
"AMY!" Autumn gasps in shock, "What did you do that for?"
"So that you don't run away till your punishment is over," Amy says with a smile.
Chelsea giggles at the brunette then crawls off Autumn's body. Finally the redhead is free but she is down to her underwear so there is nowhere she can go. She is too small to reach the top of the wardrobe by herself. Normally Chelsea would help her reach something high but the blonde isn't in a helpful mood right now. Autumn considers running to the bathroom and locking herself in there till Amy gives her clothes back. This isn't her house however and she doesn't know when Amy's mother will be back and might want to use the bathroom herself. Autumn really doesn't want to be caught in her friend's house in nothing but her little bra and thong. Folding her arms Autumn slides to the edge of Amy's bed and sits still with a moody huff of annoyance.
"I'm not kissing anyone's bum," Autumn says firmly.
"Thought that was the kind of thing gay girls loved?" Chelsea teases.
Autumn lets out another bratty pout and folds her arms even tighter.
"Tough Autumn you lost," Amy points out but Autumn frowns and sticks her tongue out at the brunette.
Amy rolls her eyes but Chelsea just giggles and crawls over the bed. The muscular blonde moves over till she is lying next to a moody Autumn.
"You know we could remove your underwear too," Chelsea politely threatens.
Autumn's eyes go wide in shock, "You wouldn't dare!"
Chelsea nods her head," We totally would and we'd thrown them into the yard so you'd have to go outside naked to get them."
Autumn's pale cheeks light up in a fierce blush thinking about running around Amy's yard fully nude.
"All you have to do is kiss our bums and it will be over and you get your clothes back," Amy explains with a smile.
"You know you deserve it for getting your kicks seeing us wrestle half naked," Chelsea adds.
Autumn huffs loudly, "Did not."
Amy and Chelsea both look at each other and laugh.
"Fine Autumn even though we both really hot we chose to believe we are not your type," Amy teases.
"You aren't," Autumn pouts loudly, "I don't date jerks."
Amy and Chelsea laugh even harder at that before Chelsea grabs her stripped down friend in a one armed hug.
"Come on Autumn I don't wanna see you all naked and embarrassed," The blonde coos squeezing Autumn's shoulder.
"Fine I'll do it but you can never ever, ever tell anyone I did it," Autumn says firmly.
Chelsea and Amy both nod before Chelsea gets up and moves in front of the redhead. She leans over at the waist sticking her thong clad bum forward towards Autumn.
"Fuck," Autumn sighs staring at her bent over friend.
"You do have an awesome bum, Chels," Autumn admits in a whisper.
Chelsea giggles but Amy is the one now pouting.
"Hope you gonna compliment me when I bend over," Amy says brattily.
"Of course Amy once I see it you know," Autumn can't help but be cocky and teasing.
Amy frowns and sticks her tongue out at her friend before waking over. The brunette stands next to Chelsea and adopts the same pose by leaning over slightly from the waist. Her shorts stretch around her firm round asscheeks and Amy stays in the pose and waits. The new few seconds are silent and Amy gets impatient.
"Well?" She looks round at Autumn.
"Well what?" Autumn asks with the most innocent expression possible.
"Compliment my ass like Chelsea's" Amy demands, making Chelsea giggle.
"I can't," Autumn answers firmly.
"Isn't it good enough?" Amy snaps.
"I think my ass is just better girl bait than yours Amy," Chelsea teases, wiggling her bare cheeks in delight.
"Shut up Chelsea," Amy growls before looking over her shoulder at Autumn.
"Sorry I just can't tell how good it is under those pants," The red head giggles.
Amy sighs and reaches back grabbing the waistband of her sweatpants.
"You got some game on you Autumn," Chelsea says aloud, making Amy stop.
"Huh why?" Autumn asks in confusion.
"Well you already talked us into bending over and stripping Amy out of her pants," Chelsea smirks happily.
Both Amy and Autumn blush at Chelsea's statement and it makes Amy let go of her pants.
"Chels I'm not like that I don't like you guys in that way," Autumn whimpers fearful of losing her friends.
"But you like looking?" Amy asks as she stands up straight.
"Well yeah you both are super hot," Autumn mutters with a shrug.
"You are just playing to our egos to get us naked," Chelsea jokes again.
Autumn frowns before leaning over and giving Chelsea's bent over ass a firm smack.
"Ouch," Chelsea squeals and jumps a few feet away from the bed.
Amy bursts into giggles looking over at Autumn.
"Oh my God did you see how much her bum wobbled?" The brunette says making Autumn giggle too.
"You are meant to kiss it not hurt it," Chelsea pouts at her giggling friends.
"She can't help it, Chelsea, it's so big," Amy teases.
The blonde smirks and lets Amy laugh before jumping forward. Chelsea dives low and grabs the waistband of Amy"s sweatpants before her friend knows what's happening. All Amy can do is yell out in surprise as her pants are suddenly pulled right down her legs.
"OH MY GOD," Autumn squeals watching her friend get pantsed right in front of her.
Amy squeaks as her pants slide all the way down her ankles exposing her plain pink panties.
"Oh nice those are really cute panties Amy," Chelsea says with a grin.
"Get off me," Amy growls and pushes Chelsea away.
The blonde slides back a few inches on her knees but without her holding onto her pants Amy loses her balance. Amy falls to the floor but Autumn is quickly up and pulls on Amy's arm dragging her forward. The brunette collapses into Autumn and both teen girls fall backward onto the bed.
"OOOOHHHHHPH," Autumn grunts getting winded as Amy lands on top of her.
Amy bounces off Autumn then harmlessly rolls across her own bed.
"You bitch Chelsea," Amy snarls looking over at the blonde, "What you do that for?"
"To show Autumn your ass is as nice as mine," Chelsea giggles.
Her friend scowls at her before reaching down her legs to grab at her pants. Chelsea moves fast diving forward and grabbing the fabric around Amy's ankles and pulls. Another wail of frustration leaves Amy's mouth as she instantly loses the tug of war with her friend. Chelsea beams and steps back holding up Amy's removed sweatpants in one hand. Autumn giggles at the proud look on Chelsea's face but when she looks to the side she sees her other friend looking very upset. Amy is almost shaking in rage, clearly highly pissed off about being stripped even though she is not alone in being down to her underwear. The redhead thinks quickly and tries to stop her friend's tantrum by diving on top of her.
"Autumn!" Amy squeals in surprise as she ends up bundled over onto her front.
Autumn rests her body weight on Amy's lower back to keep her pinned down. She looks down and sees Amy's pink panty covered bum a few inches in front of her.
"YOU SUCK AUTUMN GET OFF ME THIS SECOND, HEY!!," Amy squeaks as Autumn's hand touches her bum.
That was the very last thing Amy was expecting from her friend and suddenly she no longer feels angry. It's not full on grab or grope, the kind she might get from a drunken Chelsea. Instead it's a much softer palm that is just placed on her cheek like a tablecloth laid over a nice table.
"I knew you fancied her more than me," Chelsea teases Autumn who sticks her tongue out at the blonde.
Autumn then shifts her body weight so she can turn round and look at Amy.
"It's a really nice bum Amy," Autumn says with a smile, "Can I kiss it?"
Chelsea has to put her hands over her face to make sure she doesn't explode with laughter. The look of utter stunned shock on Amy's face is something the blonde has never seen in all their years of friendship. Chelsea is feeling quite glad she introduced the once shy and nervous Autumn into their little friend group.
"Uhhhh erm I uh um," Amy stammers and stutters.
Autumn giggles then leans her face down and gently kisses Amy's panties.
"No way," Chelsea exclaims loudly," "You can't call that a kiss!"
"Shut up Chelsea," Amy says, looking embarrassed as Autumn turns her head away.
"No I won't," Chelsea says firmly, "it should be a proper kiss."
Amy frowns at her friend then looks across at Autumn and shrugs. The redhead tries pouting but Amy has already turned and looked away. Autumn instead turns and glares at Chelsea who is standing a few feet away and smiling.
"Proper kiss Autumn like how you'd kiss a really hot girl," Chelsea taunts.
Autumn rolls her eyes but slides her hand down to the edge of Amy's panties. She pulls at the fabric dragging it up Amy's asscheek exposing her bare flesh.
"You better not give me a wedgie," Amy whines as the side of her panties get pulled up.
With enough bare ass flesh exposed Autumn pouts her lips and presses them down on Amy's asscheek. Closing her eyes, Autumn slowly counts up to 4 seconds in her head before she pulls back. She feels her cheeks flush red as there is a visible spit stain in Amy's right asscheek.
"OH MY GOD," Amy and Chelsea shout out in unison.
"Shut up," Autumn squeals, hiding her blushing face between her hands, "I hate you guys."
There is a moment of silence while Autumn wishes a big hole in the ground would open up to swallow her whole and hide her from all the shame.
"It wasn't that bad actually," Amy says softly before speaking up, "Way better than that blonde horse drooling all over me."
"OI!," Chelsea exclaims, glaring at her friend.
Autumn can't resist looking through her fingers at the girls she hopes are still her friends. Chelsea's big blue eyes catch Autumn's and she flashes a grin at the redhead.
"Right my turn now," Chelsea says loudly as she pushes Amy's leg.
The brunette takes the hint and rolls off the bed before rubbing her freshly kissed asscheek before pulling her panties back in place.
"Think you made her gay now?" Chelsea asks Autumn with a teasing smirk.
"Fuck off," Amy fires back, "Not gay was just a nice kiss that's all."
Chelsea chuckles then jumps forward belly flopping onto Amy's bed. She lands right next to Autumn and gives her a big beaming smile.
"You gonna give my bum a nice kiss too?" Chelsea asks in a teasingly innocent tone.
Autumn rolls her eyes but leans forward and places her lips right on Chelsea's tanned asscheek. She once again counts down a few seconds in her head before pulling away. This time there is a soft puckering pop as Autumn's lips leave the thick skin of Chelsea's big ass.
"Oh wow you were right," Chelsea says looking over at Amy.
"Guess that makes you gay now too," Amy teases with a grin.
Chelsea hops up quickly off the bed and gives her underwear clad friend a push.
"You are only saying so you can get gay with me," Chelsea challenges, arms out ready to push Amy again.
"No way," Amy fires back, "Now you're gay you are gonna start lezzing out with all your teammates.
"Am not," Chelsea replies sharply, "Bet you'd love me to be gay cause you fancied me for years."
"Hell no you snogged my ass first clearly you lust over me," Amy responds.
"Do not," Chelsea answers before Autumn clears her throat.
"Um guys?" The redhead asks timidly worried she is putting an early stop to her best friend's playful banter.
Chelsea and Amy do stop there back and forth and stare at her making Autumn even more nervous.
"Sorry but can I have my clothes back?" Autumn asks softly.
"Oh yeah Autumn of course babe sorry," Amy says looking sheepish.
The brunette walks up to her wardrobe but remembers she can't reach the top of it without a stool. She turns to look for one, making Chelsea roll her eyes and step forward.
"Come on you," Chelsea says approaching Autumn.
"Huh?" Autumn mutters in confusion as Chelsea lowers herself down to her knees in front of her.
"Climb on," Chelsea says, slapping her strong shoulders, "Little Miss Messy is going to be forever finding something to climb on."
"Hey!" Amy exclaims in annoyance but Chelsea ignores her.
Autumn meanwhile giggles before stepping her legs over Chelsea's shoulders. It's not the first time her super strong bestie has let her sit on top of her shoulders. Still it's a different feeling when she is sitting on Chelsea in her thong panties. Autumn blushes at the bare skin on skin contact but it doesn't bother Chelsea. The blonde uses the bed to steady herself before she stands up with Autumn well balanced on her shoulders.
"Nice view girls," Amy giggles as they walk towards the wardrobe.
Two thong clad asses wiggle in movement as Autumn reaches up to get her clothing. Amy quickly gathers her clothing and drags her pants back on to cover her pink panties.
"Ewwwww it's really dirty up here," Autumn winces as her hand brushes a thin layer of dust.
"If you find any sex toys up there, fling them down," Chelsea jokes.
Amy rolls her eyes and walks towards her best friends. Her eyes can't help but get drawn to Autumn's bare cheeks hanging off the back of Chelsea's shoulders.
"Got them," Autumn squeaks in delight, getting a hand on her clothing.
"Good," Amy says walking forward and casually places a hand on Chelsea's ass.
"Whoa," Chelsea gasps and bounces on the spot at the sudden surprise contact.
"Ouch," Autumn grunts as her head gazes off the ceiling.
"Sorry Autumn but Amy is groping me," Chelsea says, unable to look around to glare at Amy.
Giggling, the brunette brushes and rubs up and down Chelsea's thick asscheek. Her eyes are still on the slightly bruised cheeks of Autumn which are inches away from her. Amy can't resist leaning forward and gently presses her lips onto Autumn's skin.
"OH MY GOD AMY," The redhead squeals in surprise.
"What's wrong?" Chelsea asks as Amy's hand leaves her bum.
"I gave her bum a little kiss so now we are all even," Amy says firmly before stepping away.
"What the hell?" Chelsea shouts, spinning around to face her friend.
"Whoa," Autumn squeals as she is turned quickly and almost falls forward off Chelsea's shoulder.
"Oh sorry Autumn but I can't believe you Amy," Chelsea says in shock.
Amy shrugs her shoulders before sliding her shirt back on. She moves forward and holds her hand out for Autumn as Chelsea lowers herself down. Autumn accepts the balance and gets herself off Chelsea and steps onto Amy's bed. She keeps hold of Amy's hand even once she is off Chelsea and pulls her friend closer.
"That was a nice kiss," Autumn mutters softly.
"So why don’t you kiss my ass Amy? I'm the one who deserves it," Chelsea demands firmly.
"Uh no I won the match," Amy teases while Autumn quickly redresses.
"You should be thankful you didn't have to kiss anyone's ass," Autumn reminds her.
"Unless you want too Chelsea," Amy winks and Chelsea rolls her eyes.
"No fucking way," A moody blonde answers before looking around the room.
"Where are my clothes?" Chelsea asks and Amy points to a small pile on the floor.
"I'm sorry for making you both do that," A guilty fully dressed Autumn says.
"We forgive you silly girl," Amy replies, jumping on the bed to give her a cuddle.
"Well we will forgive you when I get my rematch," Chelsea says.
Both Amy and Autumn look over and glare at Chelsea.
"There isn't going to be any rematch," Amy says firmly.
"I wanna win," Chelsea says plainly as she fixes her shorts.
She sees her two friends staring in disbelief at each other.
"If you like I'll take you both on at the same time," Chelsea challenges with a big smile.
"And rip our clothes off?" Amy questions sounding scared.
"Oh and yeah and next time we do it at my house too," Chelsea says grinning happily.
Amy sighs and looks over at Autumn who shrugs at her friend.
"Nooooo Autumn I don't wanna be embarrassed again," Amy whines.
"Well we better win then," Autumn says, flashing a quick grin at Chelsea.
Amy sighs but knows she’s defeated in this argument. She folds her arms and pouts but Autumn giggles and gives her friend a quick hug.
"I bet we can get her naked," Autumn whispers to Amy.
The brunette can't help but giggle at the thought of stripping their stronger friend totally naked. Chelsea jumps forward and joins her friends secretly looking forward to undressing her friends again. She enjoyed embarrassing them both and can't wait to do it again.
Bra and Panties Wrestle
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Re: Bra and Panties Wrestle
This story is hot. Nothing sexier than hot young girls tearing each other's clothes off. Please do another chapter
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