"The Nakeds" Viral Pandemic

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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"The Nakeds" Viral Pandemic

Post by SensoryOverlord »

SensoryOverlord 20230824


This novel human retrovirus surfaced without warning five years ago, originating in Belgium and spreading worldwide to achieve virtually 100% infection rate within a year. That timing is an estimate, since the pandemic was not even recognised for the first seven months, and diagnostic test kits were not available at all until eight months after the pandemic was recognized. By that time testing showed virtually universal infection, which further delayed response because the natural assumption was that the early test kits must be faulty, to give near 100% positive results with both the small numbers of symptomatic and very great numbers of entirely asymptomatic persons.

By now the origins have been traced back to multiple male and female infectees attending an alternative music festival held at an organic food open-lifestyle farm near Mons in Belgium.

The high transmissivity is due to it being both sexually transmitted and airborne as effectively as a flu virus, combined with an asymptomatic initial incubation period that varies apparently randomly between months and many years. Most infected have not yet experienced the symptomatic phase. Additionally the early stages of viral activation in males last for weeks and produce no symptoms other than a gradually rising libido as seminal production rate increases.

It's extremely contagious, all males catch it, all females are carriers, and there's no known cure.
Wearing of surgical masks in public is ineffective since as with all viruses this virus is far smaller than mask pore size, much air goes around the mask edges, and infection via other moist membranes such as the eyes and genitalia is a common path. Even fully sealed positive pressure hazmat suits are futile, since by now virtually everyone is infected. Additionally the virus particles are hardy, and can remain viable on surfaces for several days.

Fortunately it produces no fatalities or disablement. Official policy is for everyone to go about life as normal and not worry about it. Legislative steps have been taken to ease the difficulties of those experiencing symptoms during their flareup phases, so far as possible.

There are no known instances of infection resulting in any discernable symptoms in females, or any cases of infection of pre-pubescent individuals. So far it appears the symptomatic phase does not occur in males past the age of around 60. This means the virus presents challenges solely for males between puberty and middle age.

When the symptomatic phase (flareup) does occur in males between puberty and around 60, the effects are significantly socially disruptive for the flareup duration. Which at typically three months, is long enough to make social isolation for the duration impractical. Isolation would serve no purpose other than to minimize social embarrassment anyway, since everyone is already carrying the virus.

Potential for Cure

Medical researchers and institutions continue to search for a cure, to no avail. The mechanism by which the virus hyper-sensitizes just a specific set of nerves found in the male genitalia remains a mystery. Attempts to dampen the effect just result in fatalities, where ALL the nerves throughout the body suddenly stop working. Or the affected nerves go permanently numb, which isn't a useful result either.

The mechanisms for the other effects of the virus on male sexual organs are also still resisting analysis and all efforts to achieve remediation.

Overview of Symptoms

In males during viral flareups the virus causes a cluster of symptoms that are highly uniform across individuals.

The most disruptive symptom is massively increased touch sensitivity of erogenous (genital) sensory nerves, specifically of the penis. Resulting in virtually any contact with the penis being too intense, excruciating even, to bear. This is true of any touch at all, but especially with cloth of any kind and regardles of whether the penis is flacid or erect. The sensitivity seems to be more related to micro-scale contact motion rather than specific chemical composition or texture, however contact with cloth of all kinds produces perceived effects very high in the unbearable range.

Even stationary resting contact of the penis with skin of other body parts (thighs, scrotum, etc) produces a strong unusual sensation described as 'shimmering', which is distinctly erotic. The result is that such contact stimulates the penis to become erect. Once erect the skin to skin contact generally ceases as the erection lifts away from contact. In the early stages of flareup with no other changes this tends to produce a cycling erection since without stimulation the erection goes, the penis again comes in contact with other skin, arousal ensues, and so on. During later stages of flareup, for other reasons strong erections tend to be the default state.

In the uncircumcised, even contact of the foreskin and enclosed glans produces a stimulating sensation, which persists until the erection is sufficient to fully retract the foreskin.

This touch sensitivity results in the affected persons being completely unable to abide the contact of clothing of any kind in the genital area, or even brief contact on the genitals of cloth from other parts of the body or furniture. So far no material has been identified that does not cause unbearable sensations on contact with male genitals during flareup. Attempts to employ numbing agents are counter-productive as everything tried results in either very severe and protracted pain once the numbing effect wears off, or complete and permanent numbness.

Hence the virus has acquired a generic name of 'The Nakeds' since during flareups individuals will invariably choose, indeed are practically forced via pain avoidance, to be fully naked. And remain so at all times. Even sleeping arrangements must adapt, to avoid bedding contact with the penis/erection.

Fortunately in the absense of skin contact, the genitals feel completely normal whether erect or flacid. This allows life to be more or less carried on as usual in many cases. Simply without clothing, and allowing for the other aspects of the overall infection flareup syndrome.

Obviously, activities requiring clothing or protective apparel must generally be avoided. With some exceptions where the clothing can be modified to bare the groin area without impacting safety considerations. Obviously most industrial activites, welding and so on, are out of the question.

In males the effects of this virus come and go in cycles. As with (say) shingles, most of the time the infected are symptom free, clothing can be worn, and sexual activity is affected only in psychological aspects. When viral flareup occurs it typically lasts around three months, plus or minus a week. With statistically very few outliers beyond that range. There's no outward visible sign of a flareup, the skin appears normal, just that the penile skin nerves become hypersenstised, in a _bad_ way.

The catch-22 lies in the secondary symptoms of flareup. During flareups men also exhibit greatly increased secretion of seminal fluid, pre-cum etc. Seminal fluid production (continual) roughly doubles from pre-virus normal, across all affected age ranges. Pre-cum production increase is much more variable. It still is only produced during strong arousal but the rate will be at least triple, and up to five times pre-infection normal. For both seminal and pre-cum production increases there is an inverse correlation to the male's age at flareup. This is, the younger the male the greater the likely increase, though the correlation is not linear. The curve peak lies in the mid teens, around age 16.

The nerves of the ejaculatory duct walls that sense seminal fullness and signal 'urge' to the brain are also extra-sensitized. So during flareups males become extremely horny, subject to an urgent need for relief of the seminal fullness that also results in spontaneous, near-permanent erections, dripping pre-cum due to the inherent sexual arousal.

Regretably while these erections (at most times and while avoiding touch contact) produce the usual pleasant feeling of rigid sexual need, combining with the urgent desire for relief from the non-localized urgency perception of extremely full seminal ducts, they are far too sensitive to touch! Any contact is absolutely unbearable. So during flareups males not only cannot wear clothes, but also they have no way to stimulate towards orgasm! Neither masturbation or sexual intercourse are bearable.

In a further twist of fate, as sexual arousal closely approaches the point of orgasm, the general over-sensitization of the genital skin nerves exhibits a sharp temporary increase. Producing immediate pain in the erection as if it was being touched by cloth. This is invariably sufficient to undermine arousal, pushing arousal back just below the level at which the painful excess sensitization developed. The pain response time around the near-orgasm threshold is remarkably rapid, perceived as virtually immediate and thus delivering a clear cause and effect warning to both the conscious and subconscious mind.

This pain threshold incidentally means that not even prostate massage can be used to achieve orgasm. Orgasm is simply locked away behind a pain-barrier, more effectively than any mechanical chastity device could achieve.

The distressing consequence for males experiencing a viral flareup, is that they find themselves continually in an 'edging-state.' Where the very intense seminal fullness induces spontaneous erection, that feels pleasant and combined with the strong seminal urgency results in uncontrolable rising arousal. This intensifies until approaching the point where spontaneous ejaculation would occur, except that closely before that point the erection's pleasurable sensations transform into pain, pushing arousal back down somewhat.

The end-state is stable, with strong arousal, seminal fullness and desire for relief, while the erection feelings remain erotic but with a slight edge of discomfort 'reminder' maintaining the balance of arousal vs pain avoidance. Thus erection stimulation is unbearable, spontaneous orgasm never occurs, and the same pain-barrier effect operates within dream state to completely suppress wet dream ejaculation.

Even though during viral flareups seminal pressure rises faster than usual, there is simply no way to relieve it, short of medical intervention under general anesthesia. (Thus allowing the penis to be touched, for insertion of the draining probe.) With the problem that general anesthetics are among the classes of nerve numbing agents that result in severe penile pain for a long while post-proceedure.

This difficult condition typically goes on for about three months. The erection (untouched) feels erotic, the urgency to cum grows and grows as the weeks pass by, but the penis remains too painfully touch-sensitive to allow any physical stimulation at all. Trying to touch it is so unpleasant and painful it kills all arousal almost instantly, losing the erection. But in the later stages of flareup, as soon as contact is removed the erection will return in a few minutes, and the arousal with it. Due to the intense seminal urge.

Flareup Onset and Symptoms

During the pre and post-flareup stage aka remission or initial incubation of The Nakeds, males function sexually in an almost completely normal manner. They feel perfectly well, though seminal secretion rate typically runs at about 30% (in adults) higher than prior to catching the virus. In teen boys the increase may be up to 60%. The only perceptible result of the raised secretion rate is considerably increased libido, and desire for more frequent ejaculations. As would be expected the effects are most significant in teenage boys.

This latent stage (infected but pre-flareup) can last an as yet unknown number of years, down to as little as a few months.

The first signs of impending flareup, whether as a first instance or towards the end of remission since a previous flareup, is that seminal fluid and pre-cum secretion rate begins rising further. Libido increases due to the increasing fill rate of seminal structures, and the penile nerves begin to gradually sensitize. During this onset stage the feelings are pleasurable, so that even clothing contact results in erections and strong arousal. Sex with females becomes overwhelmingly powerful and addictive. If that isn't available masturbation rapidly becomes virtually irresistable due to the raised senstivity and rapid accumulation of seminal pressure.

In this onset phase the individual is most contagious, with all bodily fluids and the breath carrying raised numbers of the virus. Though compared to other more harmful viruses the absolute shedding numbers are much lower, making them difficult to detect in assay and still producing no 'illness' symptoms in the host.

Additionally during onset the viral clock is now ticking for the carrier. Flareup is now generally inevitable and will occur at a time dependent on a small number of event factors from this point on.

In early studies the factors seemed to be only 'number of orgasms', versus 'total duration of exposure of the penis to vaginal fluids.' Orgasms hastened the onset of flareup, as if acting as a countdown starting from a small number such as two or three. While vaginal fluid exposure acted to postpone the onset of flareup. With considerable durations of exposure (hours) required to offset each single orgasm 'countdown decrement'

Manual masturbation is the fastest way to induce flareup, with typically only two or three orgasms possible before full flareup. Unfortunately due to the rapid pressure buildup, high libido and demanding, tingling erections, virtually no partnerless males can refrain for long from masturbating at this stage.

In contrast and for reasons that are also not yet understood, frequent penile contact with vaginal fluids seems to result in extension of the countdown, with a significant factor being the ratio of contact episodes with orgasm versus without orgasm. What component of vaginal fluid is responsible for the apparent 'remedial' effect has not yet been determined despite much research. It is possibly some hole-istic combination of factors, and as yet there is no progress towards an artificial substitute.

In all cases, once the flareup is triggered it develops with astonishing abruptness, with full penile painful untouchability established within seconds from the previous state of erotic penile sensitivity. This happens almost invariably at the very precipice of impending orgasm, preventing achievement of that orgasm. There is clearly some mechanism by which closeness to orgasm proportionally raises the rate of oversensitivity of the erection. Since even with varying rates of stimulation and rise towards orgasm, and varying degrees of seminal fullness from mild to excruciating, the process always culminates in a precisely 'juuuust not quite there' failure to reach orgasm. After their first experience of this 'edge of desperation', no male ever forgets it.

There's no question about how to tell whether a male is experiencing 'The Nakeds'. If he is naked, refuses suggestions to don clothing, has an extreme, dripping erection and is acting like he's being driven slowly nuts by unrelieved horniness, he's got a flareup of The Nakeds.

Onset State Balancing

Investigation of the onset state, in which orgasms count down towards flareup, while vaginal fluid exposure delays the countdown, found that the balance was surprisingly subtle and complex.

In normal circumstances this state does not last more than at most a few days before flareup occurs. With no sex at all the time to flareup averages four days, masturbation (twice) reduces the time to as low as a few hours; with standard intercourse the male's orgasm count will be around half a dozen before flareup. Once flareup occurs the painful sensitization precludes any kind of sexual relief for around three months.

With one orgasm per copulation, typically the flareup will occur about 6 orgasms from onset. The time duration is widely variable, depending mainly on the copulations vs days ratio, but with an upper limit of around a month with one copulation every five days. Attempting wider intervals resulted in flareup at around the sixth, suggesting that each instance of vaginal fluids contact provides around a week's worth of onset extension, with about two days decrement per orgasm.

Then it was discovered that by careful orgasm rationing the onset stage can be prolonged for weeks, even months.
This was achieved by reducing the ratio of male orgasms to copulations, or more precisely orgasms vs total penetration time. There are obvious practical difficulties in pushing this ratio to extremes, since the male volunteers found it increasingly difficult to avoid orgasm as the duration of the trial increased.

In one trial after nine weeks all the male volunteers had either failed to follow the test schedule (ie unscheduled orgasm) or had gone into flareup. (This trial had not been set up to ensure no masturbation occurred.)
Nevertheless they had all been selected as showing clear indications of onset, and so this trial was considered a success for achieving a nine week delay with most participants.

It had also been found that it is not exactly orgasm which is the key countdown factor, but rather incidents of significant drop in seminal pressure, ie ejaculations.

Another study was begun, again with males approaching flareup as indicated by rising fluids production. But this time during once a day intercourse all 10 were given strong two-finger pressure maintained on the juncture of the ejaculatory ducts with the urethra. The fingers are applied via the (flushed clean) rectum, and must be precisely applied to the right spot and with uniform pressure. Research students (female) were carefully trained for this role. This pressure point prevents expulsion of seminal fluid during orgasm, since it cannot escape from the ejaculatory ducts.

As anticipated this resulted in greatly prolonged orgasms, but little to no seminal pressure loss.
More importantly it supported the hypothesis that somehow it was seminal loss incidents bringing the flareup closer. Because with the six test subjects for whom the seminal retention method worked without fail (every night) _none_ had yet gone into flareup after eleven weeks. Of course all were by that time experiencing the effects of retained seminal pressure quite severely. Nearly as badly they would if they were in flareup for the same interval, since their seminal fluid production had continued to rise over the eleven weeks, as measured by NMRI of the seminal vessicles showing them greatly enlarged. However with normal penile sensitivity and that high degree of retention urgency it was becoming difficult to avoid spontaneous orgasm during the preparations for their nightly intercourse session. At all other times away from the intercourse lab, they had been wearing chastity cages to prevent masturbation that would have spoiled the experiment.

Interestingly, when the decision was made to end this experiment and their chastity cages were removed, that evening _all_ of them went into Flareup at their first attempted masturbation after the eleven weeks. In the usual manner - approaching orgasm when the erection pain syndrome flared suddenly, preventing orgasm. This strongly supported the hypothesis that penile contact with vaginal fluids had been a crucial factor in holding off Flareup, together with the avoidance of seminal fluid pressure drop. However it seems there may be an upper limit to the holdoff achievable, since there was so little margin of protection left to these subjects that their first mastubation universally resulted in immediate flareup.

It was unfortunate for the subjects that they now faced the 12 weeks of fully raised seminal fluid production and retention, starting from having greatly dilated seminal glands from the prior 11 weeks of retention. They all accepted paid signup for a new study, with daily NMRI monitoring of their seminal glands to determine whether seminal leakage would develop and at what pressure.

The next planned study at our institute will explore whether complete seminal retention achieved via injection of a flexible surgical glue into the lower seminal ducts, forming firmly fixed in place plugs, combined with daily erection immersion in vaginal fluids (by intercourse) may be able to postpone onset of flareup for an even longer period. Possibly indefinitely. We hope to establish an experimental ongoing model of flareup postponement, in which more detailed study of the effects of isolated chemical components of vaginal fluid can be studied in a controlled manner.

Signs of Flareup Going Into Remission

There are no outwardly obvious visible signs that a flareup is coming to an end. At some point, over a period of a couple of days, the excess sensitivity of the penile nerves will rapidly diminish and return to completely normal. The decline in seminal production is slow and not really noticeable without comparing volume over several orgasms - but at this stage orgasms are typically not occuring.

Pre-cum production during states of high arousal will gradually reduce, but this is always very slow, taking many weeks. During which time, if orgasms are still not accuring, seminal frustration level will still be rising. Which produces a countering effect on pre-cum production, obscuring the decline.

Obviously the absense of penile contact pain is a strong indicator. However after three months of learning to avoid contact and resulting pain, often some time can pass before the absense of contact pain is noticed.

The 'tingle' of skin on skin contact with the male's thighs and scrotum when not erect, is often the first thing a man notices by its absense. However after three months of accumulating seminal fluid at greater than normal rate, the penis will not often be flacid, and this indicator too can be missed, even for weeks.

By week eight of abstinence (with raised seminal production) most normal males would be experiencing wet dreams or spontaneous orgasm. But not with a Nakeds flareup, due to the subconscious orgasm avoidance conditioning the virus symptoms impose.

Counting calendar weeks, and after twelve weeks starting to do a daily small 'touch test' (very light, brief finger contact with the glans) is the most reliable diagnostic method. But even this touch is very unpleasant if the flareup has not yet ended. So most males do not perform this test as early as they should. Most, if they ever do it at all, leave it till at least week thirteen.

Indeed some single males, having become accustomed to the situation of hyper-frustrated celibacy and nudity, simply sail into remission and further, going about their lives in erect nudity without even noticing they are well past the three months. The legal measures summed up as 'quiet respect and no touch' tend to inhibit anyone pointing out to the male that he might be in remission. Even if he leaves it so long that he begins leaking seminal fluid along with pre-cum. Women tend to notice this change in color and texture, but it's considered impolite and crude to point out such things. After all in the new world of the Nakeds Virus, some single men choose to remain nude and celibate post-flareup, and have legal rights and protections for that decision. It is considered harassment to pry into their personal status, or comment on their erection and fluid seepages.

Longer Term Physical Effects

Post-flareup the male's sexual function returns mostly to normal, but with some minor long-term effects:

* Seminal fluid production rate drops slowly over about a year from the highs seen during flareup, but levels off at values somewhat higher than pre-infection normal. Reductions seen in flareup excess secretion rate are from as little as 20%, to 70%. As with overall increase rate, the curve peaks in mid-teens, who experience the highest flareup secretion increase and the lowest reduction post flareup.
This age group are known for their normally high libido and preferred frequency of ejaculation. As would be expected, in post-flareup teens these characteristics are strikingly amplified.

* Post-flareup, pre-cum production during strong arousal reduces to virtually normal pre-infection level. However this reduction is slow and typically takes many weeks.

* During flareup progression, the seminal glands and ejaculatory ducts become considerably enlarged due to the three months of retention of high-rate fluid secretion. This is not harmful, as these tissues have capacity to stretch and grow, adapting to greater volume demand. In fact there are some 'perceived' benefits, as the ejaculatory duct retains its greater size upper limit under pressure, resulting in considerably raised volume of each ejaculation spurt as the prostate muscle sheath in contraction expells more volume from the lower ejaculatory duct. Also the convolutions of the seminal glands, when greatly dilated allow for increased flow-down to the ejaculatory ducts in the refill phase after each prostate contraction. The effect is that male orgasm duration is extended since it takes longer to reach the point where flow-down rate drops below the threshold at which the contraction-refill reflex cycling trails off, ending the orgasm.

Overall, ejaculate volume per pulse, and overall volume expelled per orgasm can both be at least twice the pre-flareup average. The gain is roughly proportional to the increased rate of seminal production, so this volume and duration effect is also seen to be greatest among mid teens.

A curious effect is commonly seen in middle aged males, where the ejaculatory duct lacked growth capacity, but the seminal glands were nevertheless forced to enlarge. Hence volume expelled per contraction remains the same, but the glands' greater reserve volume results in sustaining ejaculatory duct refill through many more contraction cycles. In some cases the extended duration of orgasm can be remarkable.

* Erection size. During flareups the penis is maintained in strong erection for a great proportion of the time, and there is usually significant size increase over the three months of flareup. The precise cause is not identified. Perhaps the sustained high penile pressure produces a stretching effect on the tissues. Alternatively it is speculated that in the tissues types where the virus has sensitizing effects on nerves, it also somehow stimulates tissue growth to some extent. Precise cellular modes of action remain unknown but in general these are the only viable explanations for the significant erection size gains seen during flareup. Also for the sometimes striking size increase of the glans relative to the overall erection size.

No measurable reduction of size is seen post-flareup, so this seems to be a permanent effect. As with all the growth effects the gain vs age curve is highest in the teens. But this one is more linear, with greatest percentage gains seen in the youngest post-pubescent boys. The largest absolute gains are seen in late teens, when the erection has normally reached maximum size. At age 18 a 25% gain is typical, so for example a 6" becomes 7.5", 7" becomes 8.75" and so on. Outliers at the high end do occur, with up to 36% gain seen from a single flareup. In that instance a 7" became 9.5". No cases of penile size reduction have been seen.

Psychological Effects

Given the intensity of the experience of The Nakeds flareup, the inescapably sexual nature, the long term lasting sexual changes, the dramatic social consequences, and the involvement of consistent pain conditioning together with prolonged strong sexual frustration, it is no surprise that there are a wide variety of significant and long-lasting psychological consequences.

All males are aware that they are definitely infected with the virus, and statistics say that at some unknown time in ensuing years they will experience their first (or next) flareup. Which will last around three months and involve the effects of which, by now, all are aware. They see some other males with flareups, naked in public and enduring the strong sexual effects. They may speak with them and learn directly about the three months of intense, tormenting sexual arousal and frustration due to the inability to relieve the rapidly mounting seminal pressure.

They also learn of the positives, such as increased erection size, raised seminal production rate and so on. They observe that in general women find post-flareup males more desirable. They absorb the growing public view that going through flareup is a kind of sexual rite of passage, of manhood and a test of character. They think about how they personally will cope with the public nudity, being erect in public, maintaining male dignity and focus despite the sexual stress, and so on.

There's an increasing trend of males finding the idea of flareup increasingly erotic, regardless of their conscious thoughts on the matter. They worry about the changes it will make in their lives, while also experiencing an automatic arousal reflex whenever the topic comes up in their minds or in public.

Pavlovian Conditioning

A very significant psychological factor, is that most males post-flareup find themselves to be strongly, often unbreakably conditioned to be averse to masturbation. The experience of spending three months with a powerfully throbbing erection and desperate desire to ejaculate, but with any attempt to touch their own erection resulting in quite severe pain, has a deep and powerfully persistent effect.

Of course every man _tries_ and tries repeatedly as the frustration grows to mind-shredding intensity during flareup. But every time - pain. The inevitable result, in almost all males, is a learned and deeply ingrained barrier to touching their own erection.

Consequently, post-flareup most single males will find themselves still unable to masturbate, due to the coincidental no-touch pain conditioning during the flareup.

Also in play is the 'pain on approach to orgasm' syndrome during flareup. This one produces a more subconscious reflexive conditioning. The pain involved is not very great, and the body rapidly learns to avoid approaching spontaneous orgasm in the circumstance of no penile contact. After it learns, the sensations are nothing more than a background 'warning tickle', barely even there unless something else goads the body closer to orgasm.

However it does create an unbreakable subconscious barrier to spontaneous orgasm, even during wet dreams.

During flareup males also become at least somewhat inured to the feeling of intense sexual urgency and frustration arising from very over-full seminal reservoirs.

Which for single males post-flareup, is a useful resilience. Since in most cases they find themselves in long lasting involuntary total celibacy. Unable to masturbate, finding no relief in either wet dreams or spontaneous orgasm. With a near constant erection that can be touched, but _they_ cannot touch it. They can however wear clothes again, so the only visible sign of their condition is their frequently tented trousers.

For those post-flareup males in relationships there are changes too. The 'pain on approach to orgasm' subconscious conditioning leaves most males with difficulty in achieving orgasm regardless of stimulation. They remain seminally full and horny, they have near constant erection, which is never painful now and will enjoy a vagina or other stimulation, but during even extended intercourse they can only approach but not reach orgasm.

In general their partners find this situation highly arousing and beneficial. Intercourse whenever and for as long and often as they like, as many orgasms as they want. But not so great for the relationship to have their man perpetually frustrated.

Hypnotic Conditioning as a Medical Remedy

In response to the needs of both single and partnered post-flareup males, there are now well-established services offering hypnotic conditioning of the male sexual orgasm reflex to restore sexual function. These work very effectively in virtually all cases. It seems that having been through three months of strong Pavlovian conditioning of sexual responses, has the effect of making standard hypnotic conditioning practices more highly effective than usual.

The services are generally available in standard variants:

* Return to Normal (male orgasm as the usual culmination of either self-masturbation or normal sex.)

* Partner Normal (male orgasm as the culmination of intercourse or direct stimulation by or with partner, but self-masturbation still blocked.)

* Command Locking (male masturbation and/or orgasm is possible only on verbal command lock/unlock from a designated person.) This last one is popular in some relationships and also the usual choice by parents of post-flareup male teenagers. Parents who disapprove of masturbation typically choose to enable only spontaneous waking orgasm and wet dreams (or just one or the other) on command. Overall this mode allows parents to regulate the frequency and specific times of their teen boy's sexual outlets. Which is often a necessity given the higher rate of seminal production and enlarged, more demanding erection typical after a teenage flareup.

Expanding Use of Conditioning

These hypnotic conditioning services required legislative initiatives to provide appropriate legal frameworks covering use in consensual adult relationships and parent-child situations under family law. Overall the measures have been sensibly and practically adapted to the reality of flareup effects, both short and long term.

There are however some perhaps unexpected complexities. Universally, in all countries religious groups have interpreted The Nakeds pandemic as a judgement of God upon the sinful. The religious lobby groups influenced the evolution of legislative adaptation to the pandemic in significant ways. Generally in the sense of limitations on measures to remediate the various post flareup long term effects on males, based on arguments that such effects were God's Will, and negating them was blasphemous.

The availability of hypnotic conditioning services has been the main point of conflict between the religious lobby and more agnostic groups. For reasons that can only be speculated upon, females tend to support the religious arguments, more than would be expected from the statistics of religious beliefs by gender. Hence the faith-based legislations tend to be passed whenever brought to a democratic vote.

Pivotal Developing Issues

There are a number of particularly difficult complexities under active discussion. Specific examples of contentious issues at present are:

* Licences to practice as hypnotic conditioner for sexual matters, are only available to females, who have completed approved degree courses. These courses also will only enroll female students. There is dissatisfaction with this situation among male advocacy groups, but complex obstacles to change.

* Practitioners of hypnotic conditioning are legally entitled to decline service based on a code of ethical guidelines developed by AHCP (Association of Hypnotic Conditioning Professionals.) The most contentious detail of this code, is that hypnotic conditioning services to single males requesting removal of their post-flareup masturbation and orgasm pavlovian block conditioning, are declined.

* The legislation related to hypnotic conditioning does not differentiate between situations before and after flareup. While AHCP code requires practitioners to advise clients of the ethical arguments against allowing masturbation under any circumstances. As a result it is possible for (say) parents to engage such resources for their teenage sons even if they have not yet experienced flareup.

* The code was extended to permit one arguably non-medical use of hypnotic conditioning in minors, to instill flawless honesty and completeness in answering sexually related questions from their parents. This was justified on the grounds that parents need to monitor their sons for precursor signs of impending flareup. However the code is silent on specifics or intent.

* It is becoming very common for parents to obtain such hypnotic honesty conditioning of their teenage sons soon after or even before puberty. Then (on determining the true frequency of the boy's masturbation, and regardless of whether the teen is pre or post viral flarup) imposing conditioned blocks against masturbation, spontaneous orgasm, wet dreams, and even orgasm during strong stimulation. Command locking is usually employed. Proposals to legislate limits on duration of intervals without ejaculatory relief for teenagers repeatedly fail. The parental and religious advocacy groups generally oppose such 'government interference.'

* As a consequence, there are increasing cases of teen boys in parentally mandated prolonged seminal retention (with persistent erections and nudity registration), who then experience a viral flareup. No formal research study has yet been conducted on this cohort. Thus there are no reliable statistics on the range of outcomes when a Nakeds flareup, with the usual boosted seminal fluid production and erection size growth occurs on top of pre-existing high seminal fullness and erection size increase due to prolonged retention. There are many recorded examples of very remarkable erection size and seminal capacity gains from this combination. However mothers posting photos of their son's super-sized erection on social media is still merely anecdotal. Efforts to conduct a propper statistical study continue to encounter obstacles. Even an initiative to mandate at least one seminal emission in teen boys exhibiting 'impending flareup' symptoms, has failed to progress.

* A developing trend followed a recent change to the marriage laws. Pre-nuptial contracts can now include specification of hypnotic conditioning one or both partners agree to undergo prior to the wedding, and the duration for which that conditioning is to be maintained. Such conditioning does work on females as well as males, and some couples do employ female conditioning. But the usual measures agreed upon involve the man undergoing command locking of their ability to masturbate and/or achieve orgasm. Typically to grant the wife the ability to maintain the man in a state of prolonged or indefinite seminal retention, for greater sexual utility.

Legislated Public Nudity

As the number of males experiencing the flareup stage of the virus increased during the early years of the pandemic, it became obvious that there was only one practical response to their inability to wear clothing. Given the three month flareup duration, the burden to the State that would result from attempting to support sufferers in complete social isolation, their loss from the workforce, and the continual rise in their numbers, it was decided to legislate to allow sufferers to continue their daily public activities sans clothing.

Other details needed to be encoded too. Not only would sufferers be permitted without penalty to appear naked (and erect) in public, but their special needs must be accomodated. One being that a flareup sufferer's genitals and indeed increasingly frequent erection must remain entirely untouched. Since the excruciating pain on any contact with the organ would clearly qualify as aggravated assault, and be a serious police matter.

A person's job security or other established status in an institution of occupation was protected, by outlawing any biased or harmful action from the institution of their occupation. Regardless of social relationships, ages of associations, and so on.

The matter of personal respect and privacy of their condition was safeguarded by enacting strict limitations on what was acceptable for others to comment on. Basically the flareup sufferer is protected against any negative comment on their condition, or prying into their personal experience. Overall it is best to simply ignore their nudity, the erect or otherwise state of their genitals, any degree of secretions seepage, and so on. The only exceptions are when the sufferer initiates such topics themselves. Responses should be sympathetic and respectful.

A secondary complexity encountered when laying initial legislation, was the matter of how to define when someone was 'in flareup.' It was obvious when they entered flareup, since they suddenly became literally unable to wear clothes. However the remission phase presented a difficulty since often the sufferer does not themselves recognise remission phase for some time. The primary symptom is ceasation of the extreme and painful over-sensitivity of the penis to contact. But by the end of the three month flareup the sufferer is invariably experiencing such intense seminal fullness that the penis remains strongly erect 100% of the time, while the person will have become very skilled at avoiding any contact with it, to minimise pain.

He will have developed ways to avoid all penile contact even during the routines of daily life such as urinating, showering, drying after a shower, sleeping, and so on. In fact he will by now be strongly conditioned to avoid all manual contact with his erection. He will have become accustomed to the constant intense arousal and frustration resulting from three months of accumulation of his (greatly raised) seminal production. The demanding sexual ache of his erection tends to drown out perception of the few light contacts of the erection even though they are painful, so their absence can easily be missed.

Consequently flareup sufferers almost invariably go for some time without noticing that the flareup is actually over, and their erection is no longer painful to touch.

Even when they do discover their erection can again be touched, the Pavlovian pain conditioning they experienced for three months usually results in them being unable to touch themselves to any effective degree. Attempts to stimulate the erection to orgasm via other means simpy hit the 'orgasm avoidance' syndrome that resulted from the near-orgasm pain response they experienced if they approached spontaneous orgasm during the three months.

So even post-flareup, they remain in the state of unrelieved extreme seminal pressure sexual frustration, and to all outward appearances, there is no visible change in their condition.

Given this ambiguity, the public nudity legislation from the outset simply enables nudity when a sexually mature male is "in a state of involuntary seminal retention and it's natural sexual consequences." It does not state any limitations of duration or causes of the retention.

This deliberately inclusive definition later proved to be fortuitous, once various other forms of 'involuntary seminal retention' became more common as secondary consequences of the viral pandemic.

Note that the legal prohibition of contact with the nude person's genitalia does not apply where it is made clear they are nudist by virtue solely of imposed seminal retention, and they are very definitely _not_ in viral flareup with the associated pain on contact. In some instances genital contact may be encouraged.

Group Categories of Public Nudity

Presently, those commonly seen in public nudity include:

* Males of any age from puberty to around 60, in viral flareup and thus in extreme seminal fullness and erection contact avoidance resulting in complete inability to wear clothes. These comprise around 1 in 220 of the population, but this proportion is still rising. Some of them are teenage males who attend school, so the schools have adapted to their presence.

* Post-flareup males who have not yet realised their flareup has passed. This can sometimes go on for weeks, as some people simply get into the routine and time passes them by. These are about 1 in 600.

* Post-flareup males who are aware their flareup has passed, but who are single, find themselves unable to achieve relief due to Pavlovian conditioned blocks on masturbation and orgasm, and have (of course) been refused hypnotic conditioning remediation of their blocks. Some continue in public nudity since this affords them the best legal protections against negative bias due to their sexual condition and its very obvious visual effects. Others continue as a form of advertisement of eligibility for marriage or partnership, and this is increasingly a viable dating strategy.

* Husbands who signed a pre-nuptial agreement to undergo hypnotic conditioning with command locking of their ability to masturbate and/or achieve orgasm. If the wife then choses to withold her husband's orgasm for protracted intervals, he becomes eligible for public nudity under the terms of the legislation. Wearing of a wedding ring is advised, to avoid confusion with males who are single and in retention.

* Teenage sons of families where the parents have had the teenager undergo hypnotic conditioning with command locking that blocks their ability to masturbate and achieve orgasm by any means. Usually this follows after parents discover the teen's true frequency of masturbation and decide it has to stop. The teen rapidly develops sexual characteristics qualifying them for public nudity, which the parents are then entitled to impose. Typically these teenagers also attend school, and are accomodated on mostly the same terms as teenage boys in viral flareup. These boys' erections do not have the no-touch hypersensitization of the flareup boys, and whether they are permitted to be touched depends on their parents' arrangements with the school. It's becoming commonplace for parents of boys with command locked no-orgasm public nudity registration, to permit the school to select the boy as demonstration model in sex education classes. In some cases the parents may entrust the school with the boy's comand code phrases, thus permitting demonstration orgasms in class.

Repeating Flareups

In the few years since the pandemic began, only a small proportion of males have experienced multiple flareups due to the long and variable dormant phase. So there is not much data yet on the consequences of repeating flareups. In males that have so far experienced more than one flareup, there seems to be little cumulative addition with most of these effects. Seminal fluid and pre-cum roughly repeat their original enhancement profile, returning to similar levels after each flareup. Seminal volume gain does increase additionally somewhat, but the effect diminishes with age past the teen years. The same with erection size - additional gains do occur, but the increments become less with rising age at flareup.

Frequency of Flareups

With only five years of data accumulated, it is not yet clear what the male inter-flareup interval average will be. The majority of infected (ie the entire world population) have not yet experienced even their first flareup. So far around 18% have had one flareup, 4% have had two flareups, 0.8% have had three and a few hundred worldwide have had four. The statistics of time to onset of first flareup from time of infection, compared to age group are also still very hazy, though it's becoming clear that the 12 to 25 age cohort are experiencing the majority of 'early flareups.' While repeated flareups are more evenly distributed across the entire 12 to 60 age cohort. So far the average interval between flareups is three years, but there are strong outliers and it is felt this 'average' isn't indicative of the eventual figure. It could be decades.

The ultimate stabilized percentage of population 'in flareup' at any given time, is thus still impossible to accurately estimate. However since about the third year into the pandemic it was obviously going to be significant, such that those in flareup would be a common sight for most people in daily life.

Society in Flux

Overall there is an ongoing interaction between the public's awareness of the effects of the viral pandemic, the slowly increasing incidence of public nudity, and the shifting dynamics of marriage and relationships due to the newly changed sexual circumstances of all males.

The public nudity measures were developed in response to the presence of flareup sufferers who could not wear clothing, for a three month interval. The flareup syndrome led to the development of hypnotic (de)conditioning as a remedy for pavlovian blocks on male orgasm. The legal acceptance and availability of the hypnotic conditioning services, combined with religious lobbying led to development of other categories of public nudity and imposed seminal retention. This produced knock-on developments such as parental hypno-conditioned imposition of sexual restrictions on teenage sons, and changes in relationship and dating practices, both of which expanded the incidence of non-flareup public nudity. Most recently, as a result of adaptation of relationship expectations for marriage in a pandemic world, marriage law has been adapted to encompass contractual hypno-conditioning within traditional marriage.

The incidence of public nudity (for all reasons) is still growing, as the long, unknown incubation period of the virus between flareups brings more of the universally infected into the set of those who have experienced a flareup.

Additionaly the prevalence of 'nudity by retention choice' (whether the choice is by parents or the individual) is still growing, towards an unknown final average. The overall social developments are too uncertain, with too many potentials for surprises, for any possibility of a firm estimate of an eventual proportion of nudists in public at any given time.

One thing that is becoming apparent, is that both males and females are discovering unsuspected depths of sexual kink and satisfaction in these circumstances. Women are exploring the new potentials of absolute control over male sexuality. While among males many are surprised to discover themselves sexually excited by their new prospects of forced orgasm denial, nudity and public display of their aroused predicament. The prospect of loss of the ability to achieve relief via masturbation produces particularly conflicting emotions. Among both adult and teenage males.

Every day they see other males in this situation, nude and with the inescapable effects of prolonged seminal retention very visibly and obscenely displayed. Rigid, pulsing and frustrated-looking near perpetual erections of all kinds, generally dripping well beyond normal amounts of pre-cum. They also observe how erotic females find these displays, and how frequently new sexual partnerships and marriages form as a result. Which suggests to the male mind that the whole thing is a win-win situation, and quite exciting.

Society is in flux due to the virus. So far the cascade of consequences has been on the whole, positive.
With vigilance, we can hope that things will turn out well in the end.

An Old Myth Dies

One significant cultural shift has been complete and final abandonment of the non-sensical term 'blue balls.'

Partially since it's so obvious that during the three months of flareup and the associated complete and excruciating seminal retention, males show no change in testicle state whatsoever.

Meanwhile public education campaigns ensured that by now everyone has an accurate mental image of the seminal structures down behind the bladder, and how distended with seminal fluid they become over three months.

Additionally all have learned where the nerves originate in the ejaculatory duct walls, that sense stretching of the duct walls as fluid accumulates. How those nerves signal urgently to the brain's sexual areas that the pressure in these ducts _must_ be relieved. This being the non-locatable sensory perception of 'distressing fullness' that people previously and ignorantly attributed to the testicles. Since that was such an easy. lazy assumption.

But most effectively we have all by now seen the iconic studies conducted using NMRI imaging of the seminal structures and erection, presented in time-lapse animation showing the seminal glands and ejaculatory ducts inexorably swelling, ending in the dramatic final volumes typical of a flareup episode.

Good riddance to the misleading fantasy of 'blue balls.'

In summary

'The Nakeds' pandemic intermittently subjects all males to a typically three month long 'flareup', which enforces nudity and complete sexual abstinence combined with highly stimulated libido for the entire three months. This interval typically begins with a severe 'edging', which in many instances (especially with single and younger males) will follow a several weeks-long struggle to minimise ejaculations, trying to delay the onset of the flareup. And in particular postpone the greatly feared 'edge of desperation' despite knowing that it is inescapable and that postponing it simply makes the edging and subsequent three month abstinence worse due to increased starting level of seminal pressure.

There has been much speculation on how a seemingly entirely new virus arose, with no known predecessors and such a complex suite of interactions with the human reproductive system. How it can be so selective in its effects on males but symptomless in females? There are elements of the viral genome that have been shown to activate only in the presense of testosterone, other mechanisms that have an affinity for combination with regions of the Y chromosome, and genes that have complex interactions with varieties of human nerve cells, apparently regulated together with the Y chromosome interactions. Scientists are still a very long way from understanding how this virus works.

There's also an acceptance that like it or not the virus is now integrated with the genome of effectively the entire world population, and currently known consequences are a long way from the extinction level disaster that this could have been. In view of this, precautionary legislation is being passed worldwide, to ensure that research into the Nakeds virus proceeds very cautiously. There is to be _no_ gain of function research, all Nakeds viral samples other than in a very small set of labs with the highest possible biosecurity security are to be destroyed, and research programs must all be pre-approved by the women of the UN Gender Relations Stabilty Council in conjunction with the WHO.

Heated debate continues regarding the 24-T-Mute sequence in the viral genome, that some foolishly claim shows remnant evidence of the CRISPR widely used DNA editing toolset.

However 97% of molecular biologists agree that claims this virus was engineered in a lab, by feminist gene engineers targeting males in particular, then deliberately released, is simply a wild conspiracy theory with no basis in fact. The existence in Mons of a level 4 bio-lab operated by the World Health Organization and partially funded by the US DoD, with a primary focus on human retrovirus countermeasures, is merely an unfortunate coincidence. There is no evidence whatsoever that the lab was working on anything like 'The Nakeds' virus, and calls for an audit of the lab are unwaranted and would be disruptive of their work.

============= END REPORT =============
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Re: "The Nakeds" Viral Pandemic

Post by Themarble »

Very good to see you having your first story post here Sensory Overlord. I'm a fan of your work so I hope this is the first of many. I really liked how I depth this viral story was. How it impacts males around the globe and especially the developments many of them face as consequence.

Hoping for more posts from you!
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Re: "The Nakeds" Viral Pandemic

Post by demon_saint »

Hey SensoryOverlord, big fan of your work. I love this idea and glad you are back to writing.

Was wondering if you could help me find some of your other works, I've seen mention of the following but have never been able to find them.

Cuntanamo Bay
Save the Animals
St Cunes
Trainee Nurse

I have no idea what the theme of the stories are so don't know if they would fit on this forum but given the quality of your other stories I'm eager to read these. Also wondered if Out of the Blue was finished anywhere, or if not did you have any plan to finish it as from what I read so far it's a great story.
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Re: "The Nakeds" Viral Pandemic

Post by SensoryOverlord »

Hi Demon_saint, thanks for the compliment.

'Back to writing' - actually I never really stopped. Just since asstr died I didn't yet settle on a new posting venue. Partly due to other life-time-demands, partly each potential venue has some detail or other that puts me off it. For eg girlspns isn't really a good theme fit for most of my stories. Plus many of my stories have quite large chapter sizes, over 100 KB of text. Which I hate breaking up into chunks to fit on sites with lower post size limits.

My other time demands, plus often getting new ideas for stories (and sometimes starting them) means I very rarely find time to put into older unfinished stores. (Most of them are unfinished.) I do try, but make slow progress. It's very embarrassing, and another reason I haven't reposted them.

I haven't lost any stories, but the 4 you mentioned are among many others in various states of incompleteness. That I'd much rather complete before posting again. But that isn't going to happen for a while... And will we all still be here then, or will the Elites/Deep State/WEF manage to get the WWIII they seem to want so badly?

Perhaps for now I should post them all, as-is, as a big zip file on some file server. Still would take some work, since I'd have to separate out all my planning notes (spoilers.)

Any suggestions for a suitable file server?

Out of the Blue - a very naive girl gets suckered by 'nigerian scammers', and goes overseas 'to collect the money'. But of course ends up as a sex slave. With typical SensoryOverlord med-fet, org-denial themes. I only wrote a setup chapter. Then realized I was writing a story that depends on the protagonist being an idiot. Which I hate in movies and novels. What was i thinking? Considering all the much better stories I'd rather work on, I doubt that one will ever progress. But you never know.
SensoryOverlord Stories Master Index: viewtopic.php?p=25047#p25047
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Re: "The Nakeds" Viral Pandemic

Post by demon_saint »

Hi SensoryOverlord,

Thanks for the detailed response. I totally understand life getting in the way, I've tried to write myself but it was never my strong suite and struggle to continue a story coming back to it after a break.

I'd love to see those stories put up somewhere even if not finished, unfortunately didn't get a chance before asstr went down. Like you say better to read what's done before we are all nuked to oblivion.

As for fileservers I'm not really sure, Rapidgator is the only one that springs to mind that I think is free with a size limit (which test files should easily fit under you would think). I've never used it to upload to before though so no idea how easy it is.
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