It's In the Script: New Jan 31

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: It's In the Script

Post by TeenFan »

It's In the Script
Part 30.

"I have an idea for a new role-playing game."

Somehow the words were more shocking than the action. What was the action in question? Julienne wrapping a piece of stringy pizza cheese
around the end of his dick. That was totally unexpected, but still it is kinda funny. However, the mentioning of a role-playing game made Stian's
heart nearly skip a beat. Back to acting Less than an hour ago he had to act out the part of a space worm with his dick playing the
central character. The penis was not the protagonist, but it did play multiple roles, first as the hungry space worm, then as the penis of the space
ship's captain. And now his dick is involved in another game of improvisation without his written permission or input as a technical advisor.

"What kind of character am I playing here?" Stian asks.

Julienne holds off on answering that question. First she uses a finger to apply pizza sauce around the head, the thick marinara changing the color
of the dick head from a pinkish purple to a deep glistening red, a striking contrast with the yellowish-white cheese wrapped around the shaft.

"Yeah, Julienne, what's the story here?" Miss Bartlette asks, as the young actress is probably thinking she's going to be cast as the leading lady, but she is wrong in the assumption as Julienne points toward Daisy.

"Daisy, go over to the bunk beds. That is going to be your office," Julienne says, dashing what hopes Miss Bartlette may have had in landing the
part of the female lead, and also dashing her dreams of landing a "Best Actress" nomination.

Julienne goes back to directing. Wiping off her hands with a paper towel, she steps over to whisper in Daisy's ear. Daisy giggles when she finds out
what her role in the scene is, and maybe getting a tip or two from the director in how to get into character. Then Julienne turns back toward Stian.

"I'm going to be your mother. You have a problem... and we are going to the clinic to see the doctor." Julienne grabs Stian by the arm, and
together they walk toward the bunk beds, Daisy now sitting on the lower bunk.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Daisy, dick specialist. What seems to be the problem?" Daisy says when the two stop in front of her.

"Hello doctor," Julienne starts off. "My son here, he has a problem. Please take a look at it. He went to a party last weekend and ever since
he's been complaining of itching. He's been rubbing himself constantly like he's pleasuring himself."

Stian groans, now knowing what the setup is.

"I see he already has his clothes off. That speeds things up. Now come closer and I'll take a look at you....Hmmm, you do have a problem young man. That is a serious case of dick cheese," Doctor Daisy says, as she lifts up the half hard penis to get a closer look at the head. "When was
the last time you washed yourself down there? That is a lot of buildup, and there's even some redness and swelling."

"That's the strange thing, doctor. He just got out of the shower," mother Julienne informs the specialist.

"That is remarkable, showering won't remove it. I wonder what kind of cheese it is?" the doctor says, and Daisy bends down lower. She sniffs the
gooey mass and she wrinkles her nose. Pulling her head back she has her diagnosis. "Your son has a severe case of mozzarellaitis. It's getting
infected. That's why it red all over the end of it."

"How awful, doctor...I hope it's not contagious."

One thing that has been contagious is erections. Time after time, all afternoon long, something happens to make Stian's arousal level reach High
Alert. Multiple times he's found himself with an uncontrollable dick on the rise, and now is NOT the exception. All this talk about his penis, as
Daisy plays the part of a dick doctor, his infected penis held by her dainty fingers and her face so close and looking so concerned about his health
and wellbeing...well, swelling of the infected member is a noticeable symptom. Stian looks around him, sees the other kids have gathered round.
Stian has never witnessed a mobile audience before. Normally they stay in their seats. Crowding the stage like this is unsettling.

"Don't I have any lines in this scene?' Stian asks, and the mother in the scene just shushes the boy.

"It is contagious," says Doctor Daisy. "And if it's not disinfected right away, I might have to operate. I might have to cut half of it off."
Last edited by TeenFan on Tue Jun 13, 2023 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: It's In the Script

Post by Themarble »

The imagination of the girls is second to none. They of course are singling on the only thing that they know they want to see more of and have more of a feel of. It will be interesting to see how Stian navigates this scene. Feels like if he let things go on he might step on a landmine!!!
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Re: It's In the Script

Post by TeenFan »

It's In the Script
Part 31.

For a doctor, Daisy has a very hands-on bedside manner, and maybe it would be easier for Stian if he was lying in a bed. His legs are feeling a little weak. It's been a tiring day. First a long plane ride to the Bahamas, then the vigorous volleyball match, followed by swimming, then finishing up
with movie playacting. No wonder Stian's legs are wobbly. Maybe it's just the idea that this doctor is about to attempt to rid him of a case of
cheese dick.

It's not the first time Stian stood naked in front of a doctor. In the constant need to cut expenses Stian's mom took him to the local university to
get his physical when he was thirteen.

"Get my physical at the university, not a regular doctor?" Stian asked his mother.

"This time it won't cost us anything. In fact, they will be paying us. The medical school admin told me they have a hard time getting access to
boys of your age."

Stian thought this was cool, the exam won't cost anything...but what's the catch. Stian was old enough to already know things that are free
often come with strings attached. He tried to get more information, but his mother was tight lipped. From the parking lot to the entrance of the
medical school Stian glimpses boatloads of hot girls who are still young enough to be of interest to a thirteen year old. It was the only day in his
young life that Stian wished he was smart enough with his classes to be college material someday. Several girls walked by wearing only shorts
and bikini tops as they headed toward the campus natatorium. Stian had quite the stiffy going when he was ushered into the exam room, which
was surprisingly large and even had a group of chairs up against a wall.

The instructor introduced herself as Doctor Spackler, who was a woman that Stian guessed to be in her fifties. Dr. Spackler told Stian to strip
down to his underwear, which was typical white briefs. Stian got undressed, not knowing fully what was to come. If he did know, if he knew
this free health and physical exam came attached to the strings of a group of first year medical students, who were going to participate in the examination, Stian would have begged and pleaded not to go into that building.

"It's a rare treat for us to get a look at a boy like you," Dr. Spackler said with an overabundance of cheeriness. It was the same type of artificial
cheery talk like when a nurse is about to give a kid a shot while saying "It's not going to hurt much". But shortly after that the doctor got more

"Now Stian, you may find some of this to be embarrassing, but that's normal. You might get excited, and again that is normal. Are you ready?"

Stian nodded his head, though he wasn't exactly sure what he was supposed to be ready for. Is this physical going to be different from the others
he had? There is an examination table at the front of the room. Stian gets on the table and sits there, a little uncomfortable as he is just in his
undies and his mom is standing right there. Stian had long gotten past the age where he felt comfortable being close to naked with his mother
in the same room. The carefree days of running around the house in his underwear ended shortly after his thirteenth birthday. Boys just start
getting a bit self conscious around that age. The need for privacy starts to become more and more important when one becomes a teenager.
The doctor steps across the room and she opens the door. Ten medical students enter the room. Stian gulped and his throat got dry. Most of
the students in the group are female, all under the age of mid-twenties. The students form a single line semi-circle around the exam table.
The doctor directs mother to go sit in a chair.

"This is Stian. He's been so nice as to volunteer to be our physical examination subject today. We rarely get the opportunity to work on boys in
this stage of pubertal development."

Many of the students are smiling slyly, like they know something Stian doesn't know. The three male students looked mostly disinterested, like
this was just another routine class that has to be done. Ho hum, no big deal. The female students acted very differently, super attentive,
listening to every word the instructor said while keeping their eyes on Stian the whole time. For Stian it was a little nerve racking sitting there
being looked at like that. Now Stian knows what being the center of attention means. Sitting there acting like everything was just fine is
tougher than getting in front of a movie camera to shoot a tv commercial.

The first hour seemed mostly routine. Each of the ten students took their turn with all the usual tools of basic examination. Check the eyes, ears, throat, blood pressure, heart rate, reflexes of the knee, all the usual stuff. But then Dr. Spackler asked Stian's mom to leave the room.

"For the rest of the exam you'll have to be naked," the doctor said as soon as mother was out of the room. It wasn't long till Stian knew why she
had to leave. As soon as the first student, a very hot curly-haired blond babe of a student, performed a rectal plus genital exam Stian was
standing up in more ways than one.

"You will notice the testicles are no longer so tight to the groin as you saw with the prepubescent subjects. Penis growth can range from still small and boy like to well developed by the age of thirteen. This subject appears to be well on his way to maturity. The erection he has is normal under these circumstances. I'd actually be concerned of a subject his age had no physical response to being manipulated in this fashion."

One after the other the students gripped and groped him and asked him to cough when they pressed two fingers above each of his testicles.
Harder and throbbier Stian's dick got as the rounds of examinations continued. Some of the students were not entirely perfectly professional in manner or facial expression. Two of the female students giggled, and one student seemed to be afraid to touch his balls, with that student
fainting with her hand wrapped around Stian's dick, nearly yanking him to the floor by his throbbing erection.

Every time Stian's nuts got felt and squeezed, each act of coughing seemed to make his dick pulse more visibly, made his balls tighten just a little more and they no longer dangled loosely. The dick continued to get impossibly stiff and sticking up at a ridiculous angle. Stian has never seen
his dick this hard before. It bounces up and down like it's trying to get up and go places and do things.

"His face is turning red," a student commented.

Stian was starting to feel warm. The room was almost cold when he walked in. Stian was wondering if he was going to make it through all ten examinations. His heart was pounding and he's starting to sweat. The final student was the hottest one of the group, looking like a teenager
instead of a college student. She must have been one of these "Doogie Howser" kids who started college at fourteen years old and were in medical school at sixteen. That girl was so cute, so pretty and she had the sweetest smile and blue eyes then her hands were all over his balls and...
Stian stifles a shout out the best he can. "OH,OH, OH," he says and his knees nearly buckle. The balls seemed to be squeezing on their own. The
whole groin area contracting in weird ways. A blob of liquid, looking like water but somehow thicker, spills out from the pee hole. It splashes
down on the cute girl's hands. "Oooh, what's this," the student asks. Another flow of clear liquid bubbles out to flow down the side of the
shaft. The student turns to the instructor with a "What do I do" look on her face. Fortunately Stian can't see his own face. He knows it must
look bug eyed and bewildered.

"Just grab some tissues and clean him up," Dr. Spackler tells the startled student. "This sometimes happens with young males. This boy ejaculated
some clear fluid. The lack of white cloudiness indicates the subject is close to reaching sexual maturity, but not fully there yet. No need to feel ashamed young man. Most boys your age would not have lasted that long. Premature ejaculation probably won't be an issue with you when you
are older and sexually active."

Stian's dick started to droop. Even the sweet sixteen med student couldn't get him stiffening again as she wiped the "Still a boy, not a man" stuff
off of his penis. The student then finished the exam and Stian's contribution to medical science was over.

Several months later, the white cloudy spermy part to having an ejaculation showed up. It was a lot more than the dribbles that came out at the examination class. The dreaded wet dream machine arrived to leave loads of gunky spunk in Stian's underwear in the morning.

A year has gone by since those first annoying emissions at night. Stian is very aware how much boy juice squirts out when he jacks off, and
standing in front of Doctor Daisy as she is about to remove the pizza cheese wrapped around the end of his dick, Stian feels weak in the knees as
he wonders if he'll make it through this play-acting medical examination with treatment procedure. "Oh lordy, help me make it through this"
Stian thinks to himself.

"Now is not a good time for that," Stian tells Doctor Daisy. "It's a little sensitive right now. Can't you let me clean myself up?"

"Oh no, self cleaning didn't help you," Doctor Daisy tells her patient. "Let me show your mother how to properly clean the gunk off of your junk."
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Re: It's In the Script

Post by Themarble »

Back stories are always a treat with your stories. Seeing how previous embarrassing events play into the current events. It's as though the characters know exactly what's going to happen and we, the reader, are just being filled in. I love it.

Loving Stian battling with his arousal. I can imagine he won't be able to hold on much longer. Poor boy.
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Re: It's In the Script

Post by Trundle »

Great to see this story make a return and I agree with Themarble, I love when you dip into the backstory of the characters and this time was no different. Loved the scenario with the medical examination and the medical students.

Looking forward to seeing how the doctor cleans the gunk off his junk :mrgreen:
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Re: It's In the Script

Post by TeenFan »

It's In the Script
Part 32.

Stian has been hard so long his cock is throbbing and the balls have a slight ache. The whole nutsack feels the way his stomach does when he's
eaten two slices too many of pizza, and if he was to take one more bite he would burst. It was strange to look at those balls tucked down
between his legs expecting to see something different than what he felt. Both testicles feel full, stuffed like they're overflowing with boy juice
wanting to spring forth to be fruitful and multiply the species. His balls assisting in the propagation of the Human race is a new concept to Stian.
At the moment his maturing sexual organs feel like they are about to overflow with little wigglies in their seminal fluids. The balls feel hot and plump like bell peppers at a fancy Italian restaurant, but they still appear normal, hanging loose and dangling in their sack of skin.

As if prompted by his thoughts, Daisy grabs the balls and she feels each one with her fingers. The big boner is right in her face, but the doctor is
being thorough and checking out all the attached hardware for other signs of discomfort. Daisy gives the sack a slight squeeze, making an "Oooh oooh" come out of Stian's mouth. Next the doctor reaches around the base of the shaft. Several good squeezes are made, resulting in several
drops of clear liquid seeping out of the little head's little pissin slit. Not a good time for fluid of any sort to be oozing out.

"Got a leak here. This is serious," Doctor Daisy declares, and she should know serious when she sees it. After all, she is the expert in diagnosing
dick disorders.

Julienne, aka "Big Momma", looks very concerned and amused at the same time. "Doctor Daisy, do you think your procedure will get my son's dick
back to normal? Noone worries like a momma when her boy has an issue that could prevent him from hanging onto a girlfriend. I would never be
able to give a handjob to a boy who looked like that down there."

Stian, being somewhat startled by the last remark, glances over at his "movie mother". Could Julienne, being a girl a year younger than
Stian, be hinting that she is thinking about giving him a handjob. Does she have experience with that? Could any girl in this room be a veteran
of jerking a guy off?

Doctor Daisy's fingers slide up the shaft to where the gooey yellow and red cheese and sauce mess starts near the dick head. Up and down the
fingers slide, showing that the doctor can give expert handjobs. Stian can't believe it. His penis lurches up to an even higher angle. Has he ever pointed up this high before? Not since his groinal growth spurt added several inches to the length of his tool. When he was younger his dick stood straight upward when erected, but as he grew longer and thicker the angle became less steep. Not only is it getting stiffer than ever before, pointing up higher than he ever thought possible, Stian's grotesquely swollen penis bobs half an inch in an "up...up...up.." rhythm. Doctor
Daisy won't have to hold his wrist to check on the pulse. All she has to do is counts the rises as she keeps track on a stopwatch. His dick must be bopping along at a hundred beat bops per minute.

"Okay momma, watch closely," and the doctor appears ready to go into action to save the stricken boy's precious penis. "I'll show you how to
remove the cheesy buildup. A cloth and water helps, but won't get rid of all of it. More vigorous action is required for a, extraction.
Now brace yourself, young man," the doctor warns Stian. "This could take a while...and don't move a muscle."

Doctor Daisy's grip on Stian's cock gets firmer as she leans down to take another sniff of the aroma of mozzarella and marinara. Stian doesn't
move a muscle though each muscle in his body tenses up. Momma Julienne leans down, looking closely as the doctor leans in toward her
son's sex organ. Stian breath sucks inward, eyes opening wide in response to seeing Doctor Daisy open her mouth and slide out a fleshy pink
tongue. The tongue presses on the underside of Stian's pulsating head and several licks are made in rapid succession.

"Excuse me, doctor" comes a voice from the bed on the other side of the room.

What is a bed doing in the exam room? Why is there a group of kids sitting on that bed? Stian thinks to himself, unintentionally slipping even
further into the character of a bewildered patient.

"Yes, what is it?" the doctor asks, and Julienne's sister Saute answers for the group.

"May we observe more closely? We need to know how to do this procedure. And we have special guests. Miss Ginger and Professor Bartlette
came all the way from...from, um...Brazil to learn how to do this."

Stian is shaking his head. The last thing he wants is for the peanut gallery to gather round to watch him get his infection eradicated, especially
the young but well-known actress Miss Bartlette. What happened to the right to privacy? Within seconds of getting permission from the doctor to become observers, Saute, Miss Bartlette, and even the pesky twelve year old Flambe sidle up to his side to get an unobstructed view. Glancing down toward the boy's speedo, Stian sees that Flambe is showing a stiff one again. Flambe doesn't seem to mind having erection issues, and to
prove it he's rubbing himself down there again. That kid is as hard up and aroused as a West Texas horny toad.

"Now watch closely," the doctor begins again, and she grips Stian's shaft with a firmer hand. "It will take more than an airtight seal and suction to
begin extraction of the cheese mass on the patient's penis," Doctor Daisy tells her class of students. Everyone watching draws in their breath
as the Doctor opens her mouth again, sliding her lips over the engorged and inflamed head of the patient's badly infected appendage.

Without even being attached to monitoring equipment, Stian can feel his pulse quicken, his blood pressure increase, rate of respiration going up,
all while he has to stand perfectly still and let the procedure begin. Doctor Daisy is sucking the end of his cock like she's a famished vampire,
and is that teeth he feels along the sides of his shaft, nibbling right behind the head?

"Shit man, that is so cool" Flambe shouts out. "I wish I had cheese dick."
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Re: It's In the Script

Post by Themarble »

Such a good chapter. The cheese dick! I can't wait to see more of what is in store. I think Stian will have a hard time keeping it in, quite literally both ways, lol.
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Re: It's In the Script

Post by TeenFan »

Anyone for fondu? Cream cheese on a bagel?

Things were slow here last week, so took a little time off from updating. I'll blame it on the Hollywood Writers Strike.
The actors on strike too now. Don't let Stian know or he'll be stuck at the hotel for weeks with nothing to do but get played with.

Ready to get back into it. Lots of cool stuff to come.
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Re: It's In the Script

Post by Trundle »

Amazing chapter, things really heating up now.

Unusual medical practice, hopefully it clears the infection :lol:

Excited that it sounds like you have plenty more ideas up your sleeve TeenFan, great stuff.
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Re: It's In the Script

Post by TeenFan »

It's In the Script
Part 33.

For young Stian this is the toughest test yet. For much of the day, basically ever since he went down to the pool to swim and meet new
friends, he's been at some stage of excitement and or arousal. Somebody is always touching him in some unexpected and unwelcome fashion.
He's been groped and grabbed during Mrs. Ginger's airport security frisking. He's had his aching groin massaged after the errant volleyball
hit from Flambe. The girls stroking his crotch were only trying to help of course, make things feel better. He was feeling so good he couldn't
help it when he got a stiffie when he was in the shower. To be fair he was playing with himself at the time. That hardon persisted all the way
through the weird improvisational acting that his new director put him through. Even watching that bizarre sci-fi movie was a constant tease,
being turned on by the sexy and naked young actors in the movie combined with the nearness to so many youthful girls in bikinis sitting
next to him on the hotel bed. Nowhere was there any relief to the tension. Then it got totally amped up from there. Naked calisthenics, what
a boner buster that was. Naked jumping jacks while his dick was totally jacked up, oh how those girls giggled when his penis kept making popping
noises on his stomach. And how can he ever forget the humiliation of being made to suck himself and then his movie co-star walks in on him,
his mouth stuffed with his own cock. And now that co-star is watching, along with Mrs. Ginger and everyone else in the room as his dick is in the
mouth of a girl who is "playing Doctor".

Doctor Daisy has a very hands-on bedside manner. Stian was not at all surprised when she rubbed his dick as she diagnosed the case of cheese
dick brought on by close proximity to pizza, but when she clamped her mouth over his throbbing head and started sucking like she was a Hoover
vacuum cleaner, or a hungry space worm in need of a little snack, he can feel his rocket engine going into ignition. Stian knows there isn't much
time now, that if the physical sensations continue then it will soon be too late to abort liftoff. The countdown has begun. It was feeling that
final level of stiffness along the full length of his rocket launcher, along with the tummy muscles tightening up, and the increasing rate of
respiration that tells Stian he can't hold on much longer. And speaking of respiration, is there something wrong with the oxygen-carbon dioxide
exchange. Stian is getting just a wee bit dizzy. The room is nearly spinning. Somebody check the gravitational controls.

Stian has never cum in the presence of someone else, and certainly not in front of a group of observers. Always he was by himself when
jerking off in the shower or in bed at night. Probably he would have blasted off long before now, the nervousness of being in front of an audience keeping him from achieving that moment of sexual bliss when there is nothing on the mind except the arousal, the sensory overload, giving in to
the overwhelming need to blast off.

"What about that red sauce there?" Mother Julienne asks. "Should I get something to wipe it off?"

Some of the pizza sauce had trickled down his shaft. By now all the mozzarella cheese wrapped around just past the head must have been sucked
into Doctor Daisy's mouth. The line of pizza sauce, which extends from Daisy's lips to halfway down the shaft is all that visibly remains. Suddenly
Daisy's face lurches forward. Stian's penis is sucked further into the Doctor's mouth and the patient feels a strange sensation as his swelled up
glans hits the back of the Doctor's mouth. The lips clamp down hard and then Daisy pulls her head back slowly. The vacuum suction increases the whole way as those lips slide back toward the end of the dick. Unlike Mission Control at NASA this cock explosion countdown is not entirely
accurate. Stian can tell the countdown has begun. It's only a matter of time till liftoff, or perhaps an explosion on the launch pad. But how much time? His balls are feeling squeezed even without anything touching them. It's only a matter of seconds...Twelve...Eleven...Ten...
Stian gets an image of himself in his mind. He's wearing the space suit of the Russian Cosmonauts in the space movie, except his dick is fully
sticking out the fly of the pants (do space suits have zippers or is it velcro) and Stian wonders how fast his ejaculate would fly through space if
he jerked off during a spacewalk. Would the force of orgasm make his body move backwards? Why is that silly movie back in his mind? A spasm
goes through him, another sign the countdown is near to conclusion...Nine...Eight...Seven...the engines are starting to flame...the smoke
billowing upward and the rocket's attachments are falling away to allow for liftoff...Six...Five...Four...

Stian's dick pops out of Doctor Daisy's mouth with a loud plop. Freed of the oral cavity, it swings back up to resume pointing skyward, pulsing
even more visibly, the head now a darker shade of red, bordering on purple. All the yellow cheese and red pizza sauce is gone and the
skin from the ridge of the head to several inches beyond that looks glistening and squeaky clean.

"I think that's got it. All signs of infection are gone," Doctor Daisy says, as she looks closely at the shiny saliva coated cock rocket that was
moments away from a major fluid leak.

So this is it? All done with the exam and treatment? In some ways Stian is not happy for it to end this way. Some part of him wanted to see Daisy's
face when he deposited his payload right into her mouth. Would she have gagged and coughed the stuff out? Would she have swallowed it like a
ravenous space worm? Inquiring minds want to know.

"Is um, is that it, doctor? Are you sure you are finished?" Mother Julienne asks, obviously thinking there must be more to it than that.

Could it be over just like that, right as he was nearing the orgasmic equivalent of the Event Horizon, the boundary in space near a black hole
beyond which there is no coming back. "Houston...we have avoided a problem...we are not venting into space" Stian thinks to himself as the
movie "Apollo 13" flashes into his mind. That was so close to the edge, way too close.

Doctor Daisy grabs Stian's pulsating dick and she rubs a finger along the bottom of the shaft, along the elevated area on the bottom that is the
urethral tube running from just below the head all the way down to the base. "I detect a buildup along the entire length. The whole thing is filled with the stuff. It's going to have to be squeezed to get all the cheese out. The stuff on the surface was just part of the problem."

"You mean he needs de-cheesing by squeezing?" Saute asks, and then with added enthusiasm says, "I'll be happy to help."

"OH Hell Houston...we got a problem" Stian thinks to himself as another member of the observation team steps forward to begin a second
medical procedure, one that will likely last longer than the disinfecting mouth suction.
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