The Extraordinary Adventures of Justin Maxwell: Bonus Special Chapter Started

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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The Extraordinary Adventures of Justin Maxwell: Bonus Special Chapter Started

Post by TeenFan »

The Extraordinary Adventures of Justin Maxwell

Chapter One: Hair Today Gone Tomorrow
Part 1.

Justin Maxwell is sixteen years old, old enough to figure out how to use the bus system to get across town to the Body Works Clinic.
Justin wants to get a good tan, and it being early December, there is no chance to do tanning outdoors, not in frigid Michigan. Justin's
family is going to do Christmas in Hawaii. Justin wants to have a nice tan for when he's splashing around in the surf, or fishing on a boat,
or snorkeling. He doesn't want to look like a ghost, white as a sheet, when others will be showing off their tan lines. Justin is a tad self
conscious, a bit too thin. Not enough muscle. He doesn't want the Hawaii natives, with their tan Polynesian skin and their broad muscular
shoulders, pointing at him and calling him shark bait. A good set of tan lines makes a person look more attractive and more fit.

Justin enters the clinic, and he steps over to the front counter. An older Asian woman is talking on the phone. Justin waits patiently.
He keeps waiting as she keeps talking, with what Justin guesses is a Chinese accent, but he's no expert in knowing a Chinese accent or a
Korean's or any other type. Finally, the Asian woman, phone still to her ears says, "Your name please".

"My name is Justin Maxwell."

The woman looks over a group of clipboards, each with a white sheet attached to them. The woman picks one up, looks closer at the sheet,
and she points to the far side of the room. "Go to station 3." the woman says, still holding the phone to her ear.

Justin walks in the direction the lady pointed. He sees a large #3 on the wall by a door, a group of chairs in front of the door. Justin sits
down in one of the chairs. Several minutes later a young man comes by with a towel.

"Go through the door. The first room on the right you can take everything off. Put your clothes in a locker. Then go to number three room
and lie down on the bed. The attendant will be with you shortly."

Justin goes to the first room. He can lock the door and undress. He puts everything into a locker. Justin wraps the towel around his
waist, and he steps over to room #3. Inside there is a bed and an array of light fixtures just above the bed. Justin gets on the bed and
he lies back.

A minute later a teenage girl comes in. When the girl sees Justin lying on the bed she momentarily looks surprised.

"My name is Rhonda. I'll be doing your procedure today. Would you like to go bottom up or top down?" the attendant asks.

Justin doesn't know what she means by that, but Justin isn't good as asking questions. He's always been shy, doesn't assert himself
much, and he's doubly shy around girls. 'I'll go top down", Justin says.

Rhonda steps over, and she turns on the overhead lights, which beam light down toward Justin's lower half. Next Rhonda unfastens the
side knot of Justin's towel, and she lays the towel wide open, and Justin's penis is lying out in the open. Justin is so surprised he freezes.
He can't say a word. He wants to ask what is going on? But the attendant must know what she is doing. "Lift up" Rhonda says, and Justin
raises his hips enough for the towel to be slid out from under him. Again, Justin is so close to saying "Stop", but this is a tanning salon, and
the employees must see people naked all the time.

Justin's surprise is tripled when Rhonda grabs his penis, which is lying pointed upward, and she moves the penis to point down. Rhonda rubs
her fingers through the pubic hair. "I've never done a boy before. I guess there's always a first time."

Rhonda picks up a small clipper. It looks like the moustache and sideburns clippers Justin has seen advertised on tv. The clipper turns on,
buzzing, and Rhonda places the clipper down next to the pubic hair. In just thirty seconds or so, all the hair above the base of Justin's
dick is shaved off. Now Justin knows something is wrong. The next thing wrong is Justin's penis doesn't want to lie down anymore. It wants
to get up and go places.
Last edited by TeenFan on Tue Nov 15, 2022 1:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Extraordinary Adventures of Justin Maxwell

Post by TeenFan »

BP doing a "could have happened" story about a medical clinic made me think of another clinical type setting, and another way a boy can
get super embarrassed. You've inspired me again BP.
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Re: The Extraordinary Adventures of Justin Maxwell

Post by TeenFan »

Hair Today Gone Tomorrow
Part 2.

Justin is freaking out. He's at the Body Works Clinic to get some time in a tanning booth, and the first thing the attendant does is shave
off his pubes. Rhonda puts down the clipper and she picks up a small vacuum. The vacuum comes on and the cut pubic hair is sucked
up. Rhonda turns off the vacuum.

"That's the easy part," she says, as she grabs a small pump bottle. Rhonda squirts some clear liquid into her hand. She rubs the liquid on
the pubic mound which now has short stubble hairs, gets a lather going. Justin's dick, which was steadily getting harder, springs up, hitting
Rhonda's hand.

"Whoah, your little pony is wanting to come out and play."

Rhonda picks up a phone that is close to the bed. "Natalie, please come to room #3, in the S and W section." Rhonda puts the phone back,
and she resumes lathering the area just above Justin's penis.

The door opens, and a girl, who looks to be younger than Rhonda, comes in. The girl's eyes get big when she sees the naked boy of the table.

"Natalie, I can use some assistance." Rhonda says, then she turns to look at Justin. "This is my younger sister. Is it okay if she assists me?"

Justin looks at Natalie. Having one teenage female attendant looking at him is one thing. Another girl, younger and prettier assisting, this
is crazy.

"How old are you, Natalie?" Justin asks.

"I'm fourteen."

"Fourteen, and you work here?"

"Oh, she doesn't work here. Today is National take your daughter to work day. Our father is a cross country truck driver. He's not in
town right now. So my sister came to work with me. She can watch whatever I do, and assist in some things, unless the customer
objects. Is it okay with you if Natalie helps me out? It will make this go a lot faster."

Seeing the fourteen year old girl gazing down on his naked body isn't helping Justin's nerves settle down. But one teen girl, or two teen
girls, at this point, what difference does it make.

"Natalie can help out."

"Awesome," Rhonda says and she turns to her little sister. "Now, can you hold his penis? He's um, getting a little frisky."

Natalie steps over and she takes hold of Justin's penis. Rhonda grabs the straight razor and Justin starts to squirm.

"You have to hold still. And Natalie, hold it straight up." and the younger girl holds the penis to point straight upward, holds it in place,
as her older sister places the straight razor on the area of lathered stubble. Rhonda starts at the top of the lathered area and she works
her way down toward the base of the shaft. Justin's dick just keeps getting harder, as Rhonda razors his pubic mound, wiping the blade on
a cloth. Natalie giggles, and she looks Justin in the eyes, smiling.

"What's funny little sister?"

"I feel it throbbing. I don't mean to laugh mister. I've never held an erection in my hand before."

Justin doesn't know which is more ridiculous, getting his dick shaved, or being called mister by a fourteen year old.

Rhonda puts the straight razor away. "You can let go Natalie."

Natalie lets go, and Justin's dick flops down on the now smooth and hairless area where his pubes used to be. The penis makes a hard
landing, making a loud WHAP on the boy's stomach.

Rhonda makes an adjustment to the bed and a leg stirrup appears on the right side. Rhonda moves to the other side of the bed and a
left leg stirrup appears. "Get your legs on these and I'll do your scrotum and the area around it."

This is even more embarrassing, sticking his legs on the stirrups, his legs spread and his balls up at a higher position than his dick.
Rhonda goes to the counter to prepare something, and her sister stands between Justin's legs, looking down. These stirrups are
designed to pull the legs up far and wide, holding the legs in place. Justin can feel the air on his spread out butt crack, and realizes
the Natalie can see all in a single glance, can see everything from the head of his cock to the bottom of his ass crack.

"Those are some big balls mister. They're a lot bigger than my brother's, but he's only thirteen."

"Natalie, we don't talk about the customers. It's not professional." Rhonda tells her sister.

Natalie smiles at Justin and give him two thumbs up. Well, at least Natalie is impressed with Justin's equipment.

Rhonda comes over and she has something in her hand. "I'm going to be applying warm wax around the base of your penis. This
will be done in sections. Now this area is more sensitive. If you need to yell out that's okay. Now hold his penis up again, Natalie."

Rhonda applies the barely liquid wax on the right side of the penis, down at the base. Rhonda waits a minute, and she yanks on the strip
of wax, yanking out the hairs that were too close to the balls or the shaft to be razored. The pain was the intensity of getting several
ant bites all at once. Justin does indeed let out a "Owww, that hurts". The wax is applied section after section and Rhonda yanks the
unsightly hairs away.

Boys just don't think about how much hair they have. 12 and 13 year olds do, when they first start getting hair, but by the time they are
16 having hair is old news. When a boy's hair around the dick and balls is being ripped out, he realizes just how hairy the human body
is down under.

It's when Justin feels the warm wax flowing down his ass crack and getting spread on the inner parts of his butt cheeks, that Justin finally
has something to ask. "I just don't know why this is being done to me. Is it necessary before I get into a booth?"

"Booth, what booth?" Rhonda asks, and she grabs the clipboard with the procedure written on the sheet of paper. "It says here you are
to get a pubic shave and wax and the legs waxed. Your butt being waxed is built into the fee."

"But I'm here to get a tan," Justin says.

Rhonda looks at the sheet again. "You are Justine Maywell aren't you?"

"No. I'm Justin Maxwell."
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Re: The Extraordinary Adventures of Justin Maxwell

Post by TeenFan »

The Extraordinary Adventures of Justin Maxwell
Chapter Two

And The Band Played On

It's the second weekend of December. High School football playoffs are in full swing. Justin's school has a game on the other side of the state
and his parents aren't going. Justin doesn't have many friends in school, the ones he has aren't going to the game either. Justing comes up
with a brilliant plan to get to the game.

Justin goes to a local thrift store. It takes hours of browsing the racks and he finds what he's looking for, a pair of solid green pants and a yellow
long sleeve button up shirt. You see, his school colors are green and yellow, kinda like the Green Bay Packers but that's another state and NFL
clothing is too easy to recognize.

Justin shows up on his high school campus on Saturday morning, wearing the solid green pants and the yellow shirt. There are several school
busses parked near the Gym. Justin waits near the busses. The football team comes out, and the players get onto two busses and those busses
pull out. Next the marching band comes out and the band gets on the remaining bus. The musical instruments go on a separate truck. As the
marching band members climb onto the bus, Justin slips in among them and gets on the bus. Nobody notices Justin doesn't belong there.
He's just another dorky dude on a bus full of dorky dudes. Anyway, his clothes match well enough. The bus pulls out, and Justin is off to the
game, and he won't even have to buy a ticket to get in.

At the football stadium, the stands are divided up equally. Half the stadium is full of people wearing red and white and half the stadium is
wearing yellow and green. The two bands of the opposing teams are placed together on the same side of the stadium, in designated seating
areas. The band has gotten its instruments and their headgear and are playing their school fight songs. Justin is watching the game, when the
band director notices Justin sitting on a bench for band members.

"Who are you?" the band leader asks.
"I'm Justin."
"Justin who?"
"Justin Maxwell."

"You don't belong in this section. You have to leave."

Stepping away, Justing gets next to the designated seating area of the opposing band.
Suddenly somebody grabs Justin's arms. It's a big guy wearing a red and white band uniform of the opposing team. Justin is dragged toward
the band wearing red and white.

"Caught this one sneaking into our area," the big boy says.

A blindfold is put over Justin's eyes and he's pulled deeper into the designated area for the opposing team's band. Justin can hear whispers
and laughing around him. Suddenly Justin feels himself lifted up by a big person standing behind him. Justin's shoes are pulled off, and then
his socks.

"Hey, what's going on?" Justin shouts out.

Next Justin feels the button snap and the zipper of his pants opened up. The green pants are sliding off of him.

"Hey, you can't do that," Justin shouts out.

Nobody can hear Justin shouting, not over the roar of the crowd, not over the noise the band makes playing their fight tunes. Justin's
underwear slides off and the cold December air hits his balls like a splash of cold water. "You can't strip me" Justin yells. "My balls will
freeze." Next the shirt is pulled off.

"Help me. Somebody help me," and all Justin can hear is laughter.

"Those balls are shrinking," a guy says.
"That dick is shriveling up. Looks like a deflated balloon," a girl says.

The laughter of the girls is the worst part, till he feels their hands groping him, grabbing is balls and pulling on his dick. Justin gets some hard
slaps on his ass, by what he is sure is a group of boys.

"This boy doesn't have any pubic hair. He' looks older than a little boy." a girl says.

Justin feels something being sprayed onto his bare butt, it feels cold and wet. Justin hears what sounds like a spray paint can being shaken.
Justin feels spray being applied to his dick and balls, his whole crotch is coated with something. More spray hits his back and chest, and it
smells like spray paint.

Justin tries screaming, just screaming his lungs out "Security Help". Noone comes to help.

Justing feels something shoved into his hands. His hands are forcibly made to grip onto something.

"Stole this from the other band," a boy's voice can be heard.

Justin's hands are taped to the object, which feels like some kind of instrument. The mouthpiece of the instrument is shoved into Justin's
mouth, and then the tape goes around his head. Justin's head is locked onto the instrument in his mouth, with the hands taped to what feel
like a trumpet.

"It's half time. Get ready,", the sound of a male grownup voice.

Lots of activity around him as the band gets up, grabbing their instruments, and lines up to go down the bleacher steps. The band files out
of the bleachers and Justin is taken along with them. There are band members on either side, brushing up close, keeping him hidden from
view. Justin's bare feet tell him when the band steps onto the field. The blind fold is pulled off, and Justin can see he's being walked
toward the middle of the field. The band members around him move away, and Justin is left all alone and all 25,000 people in the stands
can now see him. The roar of the crowd is deafening.

The game is also on local tv. The sideline tv cameras catch a live shot of Justin's naked body standing on the field, a shot of a naked boy
holding a trumpet, with his ass and crotch painted yellow, the chest and back painted green. The tv shot airs live for over a minute until
the control feed operators in the tv van realize what they are seeing.
Last edited by TeenFan on Tue Oct 18, 2022 11:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Extraordinary Adventures of Justin Maxwell

Post by TeenFan »

I just read BP's latest "True" story and what a coincidence. It also involves somebody tied up and stripped.
Great minds think alike.
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Re: The Extraordinary Adventures of Justin Maxwell

Post by TeenFan »

The Extraordinary Adventures of Justin Maxwell
Chapter Three

New Year's Eve at the Nursing Home
Part 1.

Most kids get chicken pox early in elementary school, sometimes in pre-school. The kids who get it at an early age and don't remember
going through it are the lucky ones. Somehow, Justin didn't catch the chicken pox till he was eleven years old. Since Justin can't go to
school for a few days, and both his parents work during the day, he is dropped off at his grandma's house. Grandma is around 75 years old
and a little slumped over when she walks. She's super sweet at times, a cranky ol mean monster at other times. The switch from being an
angel to a bitch is sometimes swift and unpredictable. Mother explains granny is getting the Old Timer's, and it won't get any better.

Part of the treatment for chicken pox is taking a bath using an old fashioned remedy of oatmeal and ginger root slices. After the bath grandma
gently touches the towel to Justin's skin. At eleven years old Justin had been taking care of his own bathing for a couple years. To get dried
off by another person is a little discomforting. Next Justin has to stand naked in front of grandma, as she applies calomine lotion to all the red
poxy areas, including a few spots on his penis and balls. Grandma is a super sweet angel when she gently dried off her wet grandson and applies
the lotion. The mean old bitch shows up before it's through.

Grandma suddenly grabs Justin by the balls. Justin looks into her eyes, and grandma has a different look on her face. She looks like she is
repulsed by the small and slender boy before her.

"You disgusting boys are all alike. Chasing after girls. Getting them knocked up. You should all get the vastyectermies before you go sticking
your nasty things into a girl before her weddin, before they are out of high school."

Grandma lets go of Justin's balls and he's wondering what the hell granny is talking about, but really doesn't want to know either.

"Clara had to skip her prom night, was already fattened up too much for the dress and everyone knew she had been naughty."

Now grandma is talking about Aunt Clara, who is 15 years older than Justin's mother. Justin had to stay naked for the rest of the day.
Sometimes grandma is an angel, and she bakes him cookies. Sometimes she is a monster, calling Justin an "Evil little runt who should
be locked up". At one point, grandma asks Justin "Why are you naked? Are you trying to catch a cold?" and she spanks Justin for running
around the house with no clothes on, popping several of the blisters on his butt.

When Justin's mother picks him up that evening and asks "How did things go?" Justin smiles his best and says it went great. The next year
grandma is put in a home for the Old Timer people.

A year later, when Justin has just turned thirteen years old, mother decides she will help the nursing home put on their New Year's Eve
party. She decides Justin will have a special part to play. Justin isn't told he will be the main attraction. On New Year's Eve, during the
afternoon, Justin helps his mom set up the decorations. During the evening, Justin's mother pulls her son toward the bathroom in the main
hallway, the one for guests to use. Mother pulls out of a bag an adult diaper, the smallest size available.

"Take your clothes off and put this on."

"Why, what is this for?" Justin asks, looking at the pullup diaper with trepidation.

"You are going to be Baby New Year."
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Re: The Extraordinary Adventures of Justin Maxwell

Post by TeenFan »

New Year's Eve at the Nursing Home
Part 2.

Justin's best 'Awe come on Ma' facial expression, and his "You can't be serious" words cannot dissuade Justin's mother from the insane idea;
her son will make a great baby for the New Year's Eve party. Justin takes the pullup diaper his mom holds out to him, and the bag.

"Put your clothes in the bag, underwear too. It won't look right if you put this on over your boxers," and Justin's mother holds the door to the
bathroom open.

Justin walks in with the diaper, hoping that a minute later, when he was down to just his boxers, that mother would fling the door open while
laughing, and saying "Gotcha. You really thought you had to put that thing on." Justin takes off his clothes and slips the diaper on, and the door
doesn't open, no laughing about a joke from his mother. "This is going to be for real?" Justin says. The diaper is designed to fit snugly when
fitted properly, with room to stretch and expand if needed. There's a problem. It can't get tighter. The diaper is a little loose. The 13 year
old boy's hips are not wide enough. He's not fat enough for the diaper to fit snugly. Justin looks into a mirror over a sink. He's way too skinny
to look like a baby.

Holding the bag with his clothes and socks and shoes, Justin opens the bathroom door. Mother reaches in and grabs the bag, then grabs
Justin's arm and she pulls him into the hallway.

"You go to the kitchen. The staff already knows you are doing this. The residents are being gathered in the dining room. That's where you
will make your entrance. I'll put the clothes in the car." and mother walks down the hallway toward the front door of the nursing home.

"Why does she need to put my clothes in the car?" Justin asks to himself.

Justin goes to the door that enters the kitchen, and three staff workers are busy getting desserts onto plates and the plates onto serving carts.
The three ladies see Justin and they stop what they are doing. Each lady is bent over while laughing, and slapping their knees, then wiping
tears from their eyes it's so funny. Justin wonders if it's possible to just run, scamper off and find a closet he can hide in for the next couple

The first New Year's celebration is done at 10 pm central time. Many of the residents will be too sleepy to make it to local time midnight.
A tv is turned on, and everyone celebrates along with the New York Times Square crowd, at midnight eastern time. The staff brings out
champaign for the ladies, and this is the moment for Justin to also come out of the kitchen and make his grand appearance.

"Baby New Year is here" Justin's mother shouts out.

The ladies cheer and some whistle when they see the young teenage boy in the diaper. Everyone of them wants to give Justin a hug and a kiss
on the cheek, and a few pat their hands on Justin's padded behind. Some go a little further than that, wrapping their arms around his leg or
around his waist. Two of the old grannies even tweaked Justin's nipple. And they all have something to say...

"Isn't the boy so cute"
"Oh lordy, the boy's nearly nekkid"
"He should come see us more often"
"Someone needs to fatten this boy up. That diaper's gonna fall off"

With each grab and grope on his diaper, Justin feels it getting looser. It's slipping down on his hips.

It was at this moment, of getting smooched on by a granny, one of those who pinched his nipple, that Justin sees there is a teenage girl in
the room as well, maybe a fifteen year old. Justin finishes making his way across the room, stops for a good while as he says "Hello" to his
own grandma, then he gets up next to the teenage girl.

"Hi Baby New Year. I'm Nancy. I'm here to visit my grandma, but she doesn't get out of bed much. Will you come with me to see her.
She's in room 182. I know she won't want to miss out on seeing you."

"Sure. I'll see her. Just have a few more ladies to mingle with here. You can call me Justin, Justin Maxwell." Justin tells Nancy.

A manager comes out from the kitchen, and she has her small daughter with her, probably seven years old. The girl has a big cup of soda in
her hand. The girl sees Justin and she comes up close and she laughs. Justin ignores the little girl, and the girl suddenly gets a frown on her

While Justin is bent down to get smooched on by another old lady, he feels the front of his diaper yanked, pulled away from his stomach.
The little girl dumps her drink down the front of Justin's diaper. "Aww, what the..." Justin says, as he feels the cold liquid splash down on
his crotch. The girl lets go of his diaper and she runs off toward her mother. Justin feels the absorbent material soaking up the soda. The
already too loose diaper now sags down to a dangerous level, way too low on the front. Nobody but Justin saw the little girl do it. Justin
looks down, and there are some drops dripping down on the floor.

Nancy steps over. "Will you visit my grandma now?"

"Okay, now is a good time" Justin says, glad to get away from the crowd.

Nancy leads the way, and she grabs hold on one of Justin's arms. "I think you are so cute and so brave to do this."

A group of old ladies in wheel chairs, five of them, follow along behind. These five ladies follow Justin and Nancy to room 182, and they all
follow into the room. The last one in wheels around, and closes the door. The room only has one bed in it, so has room for the five ladies and
their wheelchairs.

"This is my grandma," Nancy says and she pulls Justin by the arm over to the bed. "She doesn't see all that well. Grandma, Baby New Year is
here to see you."

Nancy's granny laughs when she sees the diapered boy, and she reaches out a hand and she grabs hold of the front of the diaper, yanks on it to
pull Justin closer. Justin can feel the front of his diaper slip down, and looking down, he can see his pubes showing. He looks over at Nancy.
Nancy is looking down and can see what he sees.

What can he do? He can't slap an old ladies hand. He can't yell at an old woman 'Hey, hands off my diaper!'
"Hello Grandma, Happy New Year" Justin says. He calls every old lady Grandma if he doesn't know their name.

One of the ladies behind Justin reaches out and grabs the diaper, fingers slipping in along the top. "Mrs. Marple didn't get to give you a kiss,"
Justin hears behind him, and the hand tucked into the back of his diaper pulls it hard, pulling Justin away from the granny on the bed, and
the bedridden granny pulls back. The backside granny lets go, and before Justin can get his own hands on his diaper, it falls down to the boy's ankles.

"Don't leave me" the granny on the bed says, and she reaches out again, this time grasping hold of Justin's penis.

"OH SHIT" Justin says, and Nancy gasps.

The five ladies behind Justin all start cackling like crazy, their champaign fueled minds filled with merriment at the sight of the boy's bare ass.

Justin wants to pull back, but he can't. The old woman has him in a vice grip in a cold and clammy hand.

"No grandma. That's his dick you have there," and Nancy grabs Justin's arm and she pulls the boy toward her. Justin, being pulled two ways
toward the front, ends up flopping down on top of the bed, partly on top of the old woman on the bed. Justin's feet slip out of the diaper.

"Oooooh, get off of me. Help Nurse. I'm being attacked." the bed granny says.
"Just let him up, Grandma," Nancy yells.

Justin gets off the bed and he turns around, then realizes he's facing five ladies sitting in wheelchairs. He looks down for the diaper and he
can't see it. The nearest old lady, probably the one who yanked on the diaper from the rear, holds the diaper up over her head.

"Is this what you are looking for young man?" the old woman says, and Justin reaches out to take the diaper. The old woman tosses the diaper
to another woman in a wheel chair, and that woman holds the diaper up. The five old ladies play a game of keep away with the New Year's Baby's
diaper. Justin makes several attempts to retrieve the diaper and the grannies toss the diaper back and forth. How do their eyes see so good now?
None of them misses a catch. After seven or eight attempts to get his diaper back, even Nancy is laughing her head off, while the bed ridden granny
is saying "What's going on?" The old ladies seem to very much enjoy the sight of the young teenage boy jumping up into the air in futile attempts
to grab the flying diaper, as his genitals flop around with each jump.

Justin gives up. He runs for the door. Flinging the door open, Justin runs down the hallway toward the front of the building. Several old ladies
in wheel chairs are still in the dining area, along with the staff, the manager, the seven year old girl, and Justin's mother. Justin runs past all of them and runs out the front door.

In the parking lot Justin finds his mom's car. All he can do is wait by the car, till his mother comes outside with her purse, which took her
several minutes to find.
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Re: The Extraordinary Adventures of Justin Maxwell

Post by TeenFan »

The Extraordinary Adventures of Justin Maxwell
Chapter 4.

All Oils Are Not Alike
Part One

Justin's first year in High School is the first year he is expected to shower after PE class. PE in Elementary and Middle school is just running
around on the playground in school clothes. High school is the first time he has a PE outfit he has to change into. PE involves pushups and situps and running laps in the gym or running around the gym. The last ten minutes of the period all the boys are expected to take a quick shower
before going to the next class.

Justin checks out all the other boys in the shower, doing his best not to look like he's, you know, looking at their dicks. Of the twelve boys in the class Justin calculates six of them have a smaller penis than he does, two seem to be the same size as him, and three boys have a bigger one.
Justin's friend Magnus has the biggest one. What are the odds the boy with the biggest penis has a name like Magnus, the Latin word for great.
Justin is drying off after the shower. His gym locker is right next to Magnus, and Justin gets a good look at Magnus's magnificent piece of manhood.
It must be two inches longer than Justin's flaccid state. Justin feels just a wee bit of penis envy.

"Hey Magnus, how did you get such a large dick?" Justin asks his friend, careful not to say it too loudly.

Magnus stops his drying off with the towel. He stands facing Justin and he grins, and Magnus actually starts stroking his dick. He strokes it and
Justin watches as it grows. Other boys pause in their getting dressed, and they too are amazed at how big the boner on Magnus is getting. Right
as it reaches full size, Magnus slips his underwear on. "What's up with you guys, looking at another man's dick. Are you a bunch of homos?"

Magnus is also taller than the other boys, and they quickly dress and scamper away. Justin gets dressed but he wants an answer to his question.

"I wasn't always this big," Magnus says. "I learned a trick, as secret to making it bigger."

"What is this secret?" Justin asks.

"Show your dick to Andelia. She's a Junior and she's in the science club. She's real smart, but she also knows stuff from Europe. She says she's
a Gypsy. Show her your dick and she'll tell you what to do."

Justin is not sure he wants to go through with this. Show his penis to Andelia, a girl two years older than him? It's got to be a joke. Justin asks
around and finds out where Andelia's last class is. Five minutes till his last class ends, Justin tells his teacher he has to go to the bathroom real
bad. Justin has just enough time to get to the other side of the school and catch Andelia before she leaves.

The last bell rings. Justin is waiting outside the door when the class lets out. He sees Andelia exiting the room.

"Hey Andelia. I need to talk to you." and Andelia stops. She doesn't know who the younger boy is. "Magnus said I should talk to you." Justin says, and Andelia steps over to him.

"Who are you? What do you need to tell me?" Andelia asks, looking a little impatient.

Justin's face turns red he's so embarrassed. Justin steps closer and whispers, "I'm Justin, Justin Maxwell. Magnus said you could tell me how to
get a bigger dick."

Andelia's impatient face turns to a 'happy to help you' face. The older girl grabs Justin's arm. "Come with me to the science lab."

Just about everyone has departed the building by the time Justin and Andelia get to the science classroom. Inside, Andelia takes him behind a
portable partition, then she leaves Justin there. A moment later, Andelia is back with a ruler.

"Drop your pants and get your dick hard. I need to measure it."

"Oh, uh, I don't know about this. Why do you have to measure it?" Justin considers just running away.

"Need a measurement now, then one later to see how well the method worked." Andelia says, looking down at Justin's pants.

"You did this with Magnus?"

"I sure did. It worked great. He gained two inches in just a month." Andelia says, beaming with pride.

"Two inches. Holy Cow," and Justin figures he has to try whatever this method of penis enlargement is. He drops his pants and underwear.
Still, he feels so intimidated and embarrassed, jerking his dick to get it hard, with Andelia watching and smiling at him. It takes, like forever,
but he finally gets his dick as hard as it will go, and it's standing nearly straight up. "Okay, I guess I'm ready." Justin says.

Andelia pulls down Justin's penis and lines the ruler up next to it. "It looks like six and one quarter inches to me," Andelia says. "That's a
respectable number."

Justin pulls up his underwear and pants. "What do I do to make it bigger?"

"You masturbate right? Of course you do. You need to jerk off every few days like you probably do already. But for the next couple weeks, when
you jerk off, lubricate your penis with lard."

"Lard? Isn't that used in cooking?" Justin asks.

"Yes it is. It's pig fat. Use the lard when you make it hard and you jack off. Do that each time and your dick will get bigger. In a month come see
me and we'll measure it again, see how much progress you've made."

Justin runs all the way home. He can't wait to try the lard lubrication method of penis enlargement. In three or four weeks he'll know how many
inches he's gained.
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Re: The Extraordinary Adventures of Justin Maxwell

Post by TeenFan »

All Oils Are Not Alike
Part Two

Justin is all out of breath when he gets home from school. His mother is in the living room, watching tv. Normally, Justin runs off to his room and
either starts his homework or puts on some music and fools around on the computer for a while. This time he stops long enough to ask mom a

"Hey mom, do we have any lard in the kitchen?"

"Lard you said? No, we don't have any lard. What do you need it for?"

Justin thinks for a moment, what to say, what to say... "I've got a stupid assignment for health class. Learning about frying things in oil, you know,
how bad that is for you. Teacher says we should all stay off the French fries. I say phooey on that. No lard huh?"

"We do have Crisco. That's a lot like lard. I use it in making doughs or desserts."

Justing remembers seeing the can of Crisco kept in the refrigerator. It's solid white greasy stuff that takes some heat to melt.

"Thanks mom. That's all I needed to know," and Justin sneaks off to the kitchen.

Justing gets a small paper cup and a plastic spoon, things he can toss out, not have to return to the kitchen. Justin opens the fridge door and he
moves things around, looking for the can of Crisco. He finds it in the back. Looks like mom doesn't use it much. Justin pulls out the Crisco and
puts it on a counter. With the plastic spoon, Justin scoops a small amount and puts it into the small paper cup. After putting the can back in the fridge, Justin goes to his room.

Justin places the paper cup, with the small amount of Crisco in it, on the bedside table. Justin takes off his clothes and lies down on the bed.
The cup is picked up and the Crisco oil dumped on the palm of his left hand. Justin's more of a lefty than a righty when it comes to jerking off.
The spoonful of Crisco only gets melty at the part that sits on his hand. The rest of it isn't melting. Justin closes his hand and he feels the lump
of oil getting softer, more moist and gooey.

Justin is still completely soft at this point. His mind is on the oil in the hand, not on something to get the dick hard. It's time to think the naughty thoughts. Justin thinks about the day the family went to see a Synchronized Swimming competition, while the family was in Germany. All the girls were thirteen to sixteen years old, and they were hot hot hot. The competition suits were nice and fancy, but what got Justin's joystick jumping
was watching groups of them practicing their routines while on land. They practiced in bikinis, and watching the teen girls do twirls and leg kicks
nearly gave Justin eye strain he was looking so hard, while something else was even harder.

While thinking of the synchro girls practicing, Justin blocks out what happened when he went to the bathroom/shower room at that competition. Justin went into the wrong one. It was an honest mistake. He saw two doors. One door said Herren and the other said Damen. It made sense
to him the door with the sign Damen was for Da Men. Oops. (That full story will be for another day)

Anyway, just focusing on the hotness of the girls gets Justin's blood pumping, and his dick is starting to get erect. Justin places his left hand on his
dick, the remaining solid part of the Crisco is all squishy. It's the first time Justin has tried using any lubrication to jerk off. He has used soapy,
sudsy hands in the shower, but that's just taking advantage of the soap and washing that one part thoroughly. Soon Justin's dick is coated all
around with the oil, and he is amazed at how strongly he can grip it, how vigorously he can stroke it. This is cool.

Excess oil is seeping down into his pubic hair down at the base of the shaft. Justin moistens all around his balls using the extra oil. It all feels so
good. Not only is this going to make him bigger, it feels great. Justin thinks about seeing those German teens in the shower. So many girls all
naked and soaping their bodies. Several of them were washing each other's backs. Do American girls wash each other's backs in the school shower?
The moment the girls saw Justin standing near the showers, standing there gawking in surprise, then inviting him to join them. A dozen naked
girls motioning for Justin to join them in the shower, waving their hands his direction. Come on come join us. Come on...cuming...Justin spurts
all over himself. It was an awesome orgasmic moment.

For the next several weeks Justin kept up a routine. Three times a week Justin jerks off using the Crisco. At the end of each week he gets out
the ruler and measures his dick. Each time, Justin is disappointed in the results of the measurement. Nothing seems to be happening.

At the end of the month, Justin is showering at the school gym. Looking down at himself he seems to be unchanged. After the shower, Justin
stands naked next to Magnus.

"Hey, uh, Magnus. Will you take a look at my penis. Does it look bigger to you?"

Magnus finishes drying off, then looks closely at Justin's penis. "Hmmm. I don't notice any difference. Looks the same to me. I tell you what.
Let's find Andelia at the end of school. Let's get the official measurement."

After school Justin, with Magnus, finds Andelia. The three of them go to the Science Lab room. Magnus and Justin duck behind the portable
partition as Andelia fetches the ruler. Justin drops his pants and underwear. It does feel a bit strange to rub his dick to get it hard while his
friend Magnus is watching. Andelia shows up with the ruler and soon Justin is hard enough to measure.

Andelia places the ruler next to Justin's penis and the official measurement is....

"I see you are at six inches. Exactly six inches." Andelia says.

"Six inches? I used to be six and one quarter inches. Why is it shorter?"

"I don't know. Tell me how you've been doing it. You've been using the lard each time?" Andelia asks.

"No. We didn't have any lard at the house. I"ve been jerking off using Crisco."

Andelia's eyes get wide and she laughs, she can't help herself, the guffaws coming out of her. Tears coming from her eyes. Justin is still standing
there, hard dick standing up, feeling so small and embarrassed at the sound of the girl's laughter. Even Magnus is holding a hand over his face and
trying not to laugh.

"What did I do wrong?" Justin asks.

"You stupid fool," Andelia says. "Didn't you even read the label on the Crisco. It says shortening."
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Re: The Extraordinary Adventures of Justin Maxwell

Post by TeenFan »

The Extraordinary Adventures of Justin Maxwell
Chapter 5.

An American Hotdog in Germany
Part One

During the summer, right before Justin starts his freshman year in High School, the family takes a trip to Germany. Justin's mother, who says she
was on a Synchronized Swim team when she was younger, found out there was a Synchro competition in the town. It's a beautiful Saturday morning
when the family arrives at the schwimmbad.

The competition doesn't start for half an hour, and Justin wanders around the pool area. The teams of girls are working on their routines, not in the
water but standing outside the pool, all lined up in groups of eight. The girls, who are mostly around the ages of 13 to 15, are wearing bikinis during practice, not the competition suits. The girls are all so pretty that Justin can't help but stand nearby and watch. The girls twirl and jump upward while raising their arms, like they are coming up out of the water. For fifteen minutes Justin watches, and occasionally a girl looks his way. Justin smiles and waves but the girls never smile back at him. During a pause in the practice, one of the older girls turns Justin's direction and she waves her hand at him, a "Go Away" motion with the hand. Justin takes the hint, and he moves on.

Justin walks over to the other side of the pool grounds. There are girls laying down on long towels on a grassy area, catching some sun before the
competition starts. Obviously, these girls are not doing their routines during the early part, and they have some time to kill. As Justin approaches
the area, several of the girls sitting on their towels take off their bikini tops. The girls lie down on their backs. Their beautiful small breasts sticking up toward the sky. Justin has never seen anything like this before. Girls in the US just don't go topless at a public swimming pool. Standing several feet away from the girls, he stands there watching. If these girls are going to show off their tits, Justin is going to watch, and who in his place wouldn't. For some reason, all the other people walking by just keep on walking, like seeing a group of 13 to 14 year old girls showing their breasts is of no significance and nothing to get excited about.

Justin's body is casting a shadow over one of the girl's faces. The girl gets up on her elbows, and this gives Justin a more direct view of the girl's
breasts. The nipples are so perky and pointy and so inviting. Justin wishes he had a bottle of sunscreen with him. Justin sees the girl is looking
at him.

"Hi. I'm Justin, Justin Maxwell. I'm from the United States. Do you girls aways sunbathe with your tops off?"

The girl, reaches over to the topless girl sunbathing next to her, hits the girl's arm with her hand. This other girl raises her head up and looks over
at Justin.

"American boy" the first topless girl says to the other one.

"Go away American boy" the second girl says.

Justin can take the hint and he walks off. He can't believe it. The girls here in Germany, good looking young girls, take their tops off and show
off to everyone. They just don't let anyone get too close. Justin's buddies back home will never believe it when he tells them. Justin ends up
at a concession stand. He orders a sausage to take with him to the stands, as the competition is about to start. Justin gets a Bratwurst with
kraut and mustard. Justin finds his family sitting in the bleachers and he sits down with them.

Justin bites into his bratwurst and it's the best piece of sausage he's ever had. Justin sees a lot of the men, and some of the women, are drinking
from cups of beer. It's not even noon, and half the adults in the crowd are drinking beer. Wow, even some boys who only look a few years older
than Justin are drinking beer. "I gotta come back here again," Justin says. "Bare breasts, bratwurst, and beer."

The competition begins and for the next few hours Justin and his family enjoy watching the synchro swimming performances. There are only a few
more teams to go on, but Justin has the need to pee. He gets up and asks what direction the bathrooms are. Justin walks to the corner of the
pool area and there is a building with a hallway in the middle. On the left side of the hallway is a door that says HERREN. Justin looks at the
door on the right side and it says DAMEN. "Hmmm. Which is the right one? I think I can figure this out." Justin looks at the first door again.
"This one says HERREN. It has HER, it must be for her, for the girls." Justin looks at the other door again. "This one says DAMEN. It must be for
Da men." and Justin opens the DAMEN door and walks on in.
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