Lindsay wasn’t finished with me after that powerful spanking. I counted twenty swats as she assigned me new rules. She could have been a lot meaner.
The first was that what I was wearing right then is all I would have on when Mom and Dad were gone. “If I feel I can leave you in charge when I go you can put clothes on. Until then, you can flit around this cabin in your natural naked state.”
“Yes Ma’am,” I mumbled. Lindsay seemed to like that. She said that was how I had to address her from now on. Ruthie wanted to be called a Princess and Lucas wanted to be called Sir. Lindsay scolded them for interrupting and denied their requests. I was glad – that would have been intensely humiliating to address my little brother and sister that way.
I was breathing heavily and scared of Lindsay. My instinct to say Yes Ma’am was the same one when I said it to Mom. It was only when she was really pissed off at me and I knew I was in hot water. It was as simple as that.
Now she expected it all of the time. I asked if she meant around Mom and Dad.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Freckle Butts!” My sister snarled that was my new full name. It outraged me that she could call me that – but I didn’t argue.
She told me to relax and to breath. I started to stand up. The spanking had left me, even more, bent over and exposed as if she was hammering down a bent nail. “No, stay like that! We don’t have any corners. You are lucky I don’t make you go outside and face those redneck boys next door!”
That would have been horrible! It was bad enough that Lucas and Georgie were able to see my dripping pussy and entire ass in the squatting-bent over position that I was holding myself in. “Lucas, take a good long look at Freckles. Go ahead and take a really long look. Then maybe you’ll stop gawking at real women if you know what we have!”
Lucas was nervous and worried when my sister called him out and probably felt put on the spot. My sister said that I didn’t mind showing off my body and implied that I took naughty pictures all of the time. She didn’t come right out and say it. “She doesn’t mind! Georgie, you can look too!”
“You don’t mind?” Lucas wanted to hear it from me.
“Just don’t touch,” I reached behind myself and pulled my butt cheeks apart slightly. He could already see my lady business. I told myself that I didn’t want him to feel guilty, but I was really trying to get his sympathy. “Just don’t tell Mom and Dad!” I was hoping perhaps a little reverse psychology would work.
I really can’t say why I cooperated. Georgie squatted down between my parted legs and Lucas looked over his shoulder.
“No touching, but that doesn’t mean she can’t touch! As long as I am in charge you can tell Freckles to bend over and pull her little hams apart so you can both have a whiff of her pussy.”
“Really?” Georgie sounded excited. I could feel his breath exhaling on my thin pussy lips and I quivered.
“Yes sir,” I mumbled. I didn’t mean to call him Sir. It just slipped.
“Same goes for you, Ruthie. If you want her to do anything! You can make her dance like she is a little tea cup! She’ll do that too!”
I was thankful my sister made me stand up straight up even if it was to pat my own head, rub my tummy and sing “I am a little tea-cup, short and stout! Lift me up, and pour me out,” while I did the silly dance for them.
I thought my sister would have more rules for me and expectations – really dirty things. She was satisfied with that much. My brothers and little sister played with me that afternoon like a new toy. They made me do silly dances, curtsy for them, and bend over and pull my ass cheeks apart – the second time even wider than before.
However, like any new toy they lost interest after they discovered the things I would do. They didn’t make me masturbate or try to spank me themselves and none of them touched me. I got through the humiliation by telling myself that when Mom and dad got home one of them would spill the beans and it would be my sister doing what I had to do. My parents were big believers in punishments fitting the crime and the only thing I thought was fair was that if she made me do these things – then she should have to do to them the same way.
When my parents came home, they were in a bad mood. They had an argument about money, and Patton still hadn’t sent anyone to fix our toilet. It was a combination of things. This vacation had felt like an endless summer and like it lasted much longer than the three weeks. Time had started to stand still on vacation but now that we’d be going home in a few days I think it set in on Mom and Dad they didn’t have the money to accomplish all of the things they wanted to do.
Dad wanted to stop at “South of the Border”. It was about two hours away. It was an amusement park that wasn’t much to see but Dad had an obsession with it when he was a kid. It was basically just a few carnival rides, some gift shops, restaurants, and a motel themed around a Mexican stereotype named “Pedro”. His billboards were all over the place advertising for it.
Mom thought it was out of the way and would cost a lot of money. She called it a “Trailer Park version of Disneyland”.
Mom and Dad had other ideas about how they wanted to spend the remaining days of our vacation. Lindsay tried to encourage them to spend it going off on a romantic get together. She pretended she was being generous and wanted them to enjoy their time alone. I felt that she was really setting me up to be home alone with her so she could punish me.
No one brought up what happened during the day when Lindsay was in charge. I was incensed. I was tempted to bring it up myself, but I felt that Mom and Dad would find a way to blame me.
I had on some level been just as responsible for what we did around the house that afternoon. I could have refused to dance little embarrassing jigs or pull my pussy lips apart and let my brothers look at my naked body. I was going along with that so they would tell on her and she’d get in trouble!
If I had simply stuck to my guns and refused, then nothing would have happened, and my sister would have had to resort to some other measures to get even with me. That night in the bedroom my sister made me sleep naked. She told me to get on the floor and not “fart up the bed!”
“That’s mean,” Ruthie pouted in my defense.
“You are right,” Lindsay offered with a sadistic grin. “You can sleep at the foot of the bed like a good little puppy. If you kiss my feet!”
Ruthie chuckled because Lindsay had made the offer in a funny way. I knew she was serious. I thought I had the best chance of Ruthie telling Georgie and Lucas and one of them telling my parents if I went along with it. Much to my sister’s surprise I stripped and crawled to the end of the bed. I remained in a crawling position and began to lick my sister’s toes.
Lindsay’s blue eyes fluttered in surprise. “That’s surprisingly pleasant. Not bad, Freckles,” she relaxed. Her feet weren’t really that bad – a lot of sand between her toes. “Some men would pay me money to do what you are doing simply for the privilege of licking my dirty feet.”
“Have they ever paid for it? for this?” I asked sheepishly as I sucked her big toe like it was a small dick – at least the way I gave blowjobs in the past once I discovered that girls suck on dicks and don’t actually blow on them. I was hoping I could get her to confess to selling sex for money.
“It’s Ma’am when we are alone, or Miss Lindsay,” my sister corrected me and failed to answer my question.
“Can it be Miss Ruthie when are alone? Miss Lindsay?” Ruthie asked in a formal and elegant manner as she loved play-acting at fancy tea-parties.
“It might get a little tiresome if you call me Miss Lindsay all of the time,” Lindsay decided. Ruthie was crestfallen. My big sister made her a deal and said she could “Sometimes” as long as it wasn’t in front of Mom and dad. “The moment you tell them about ANY of this is it is all over.”
“Can Miss Katie lick my toes too?” Ruthie giggled and scrunched her pretty little nose up over the decadence of the request.
“Oh, it’s only Miss Katie when she is the one in charge! She’s Freckles when I am,” my sister corrected. Then she asked me “So what about it Freckles? Are you going to clean Miss Ruthie’s dirty little Piggly wigglies?”
I scowled and turned around so that I could face my little sister’s feet. Her toenails were a little overgrown but even her toes looked like five perfectly formed peanuts on each foot. She giggled the first time I put my mouth on her toe. “That tickles!”
I was deeply ashamed of myself, but I finished all ten toes on each of their feet. “I am done, Ma’am,” I announced.
“Nice job, Freckles. I may let you do it again when we get home. You are going to regret blowing my big day with Todd. He spent a lot of money on those Jet Skis, and he probably took another girl!”
“So? You are just a summer fling to him. You aren’t going to see him again,” I broke character and spoke down to my sister.
“Watch your tone Freckles or I might have other parts of my body I want you to lick clean,” my sister threatened. “What business is it of yours to decide whether I should be happy? What if I wanted a summer fling before I got back to my boyfriend?”
She had a boyfriend? This was news to me. I had to find out more carefully. I asked a few pointed questions and concluded that one of the reasons my sister was upset about having her hours cut back was there was a guy that worked with her that she liked. All of those times she told Mom she “had to work” she was really just seeing him!
I had to find a way to prove that to my parents. I took heart in the knowledge that it couldn’t last forever. Eventually, my parent WOULD find out about this. It was just a matter of when. I wondered if I should make an effort to try to stretch things out so that Lindsay would have an even bigger fall from grace once mom found out what she made me do.
That night I fell asleep sideways at the end of the bed next to my sister’s feet. I was on my knees sleeping with my legs folded underneath me. I did this without being told because I hoped that Mom might walk in and then I could tell her what Lindsay made me do (even though Lindsay never told me I had to sleep in that exact position).
In the morning, she kicked me out of bed when the sun hit her face. I stood up and quietly began to put on my panties and t-shirt. “Nope, leave that ratty shirt on the ground. Just the panties,” she said.
I suppressed a smirk. Mom would ask why I was dressed like that, and it was bound to come out. If I came right out and said that Lindsay made me, do it, I was playing with fire. Lindsay might have a ready explanation and punish me later for trying to get her in trouble. I’d have to be careful. “Just tell Mom your shirt is dirty. You are still the President and Chairwoman of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee. She won’t give a crap.”
I wasn’t so sure about that. My puffy nipples were already hardening. The dirtier my thoughts became, the more my exposed nubs hardened. It was like perpetual embarrassment!
“Ooh, can I do it too? Miss Lindsay?” Ruthie was already out of her shirt and excited.
“Yes but remember! It’s a game! It’s only Miss Lindsay and Freckles when Mom and Dad aren’t home. It’s to teach your sister to stop using me as a crutch and grow up a little!”
Mom and Dad were more than a little stunned to see us topless in the living room when they joined us. Georgie and Lucas giggled. They were shirtless in their underwear as well.
“Okay, it’s very close quarters in this cabin but we aren’t a family of nudists,” Mom groaned as she poured a cup of coffee that Lindsay had me make. “Get dressed! This morning we are going to Donald’s Pancake House. It has great reviews!”
My family cheered the news – all except Lindsay. “I thought you guys were going to use your final days of vacation for yourselves?” Lindsay pretended to care.
My parents had plenty of time to themselves. I wanted them to go off on their own for at least one more day too. I could handle the humiliation I had received, and it wasn’t like another afternoon of it would be that much worse than the day before. The longer this lasted, the more trouble she’d be in when they found out. I tried to play the reverse psychology angle and suggested we all go shopping. My mom loves Broadway at the Beach. It’s a big shopping center where the Paula Deen restaurant is that she loved. “We haven’t been there yet as a family!”
“We’ve been spending a lot more money this vacation than I realized,” Dad explained with a look of apology on his face. “I do not think we can do Paula Deen with seven people, but we’ll definitely do something today.”
Lindsay glared at me angrily. I smiled at her with a subtle wink. I don’t know why I was trying to push my sister’s buttons other than she was pissing me off and I wanted to get even with her. She had boobs, looks, maturity, and all the authority. Technically, I was not even supposed to be in charge of my siblings when my parents weren’t home.
I really couldn’t see her position that she was supposed to finally be able to have a summer to herself and not stay home to watch us when I was perfectly capable of it. I could not see her position that I was being a smart aleck brat either – but I know I was. I was sassy and sarcastic when my parents were around because I was trying to goad Lindsay into yelling at me. There was a big chance of shit hitting the fan if we had some drama. I was quite certain someone would tell Mom and Dad that I was being a real cunt to my sister because she was treating me like a personal servant when they weren’t home.
Breakfast was great. Donald’s is nice but Dad thought the country ham was better at Woodhaven. I stabbed a little food from my sister’s plate without asking. I wanted to make Lindsay angry enough to try to put me in my place around Mom and Dad.
“Mom, do something with her? Wash her mouth out with soap or something,” Lindsay pleaded.
“I don’t know why you two are at each other’s throats bickering like this but knock it off or you’ll both get punished.”
That would be nice! I would still consider it a victory if she got punished just as much as I. I couldn’t be the aggressor though so instead I became more passive-aggressive – trying to make it seem like Lindsay was the asshole.
My parents probably would have taken us somewhere fun like an arcade or shopping. I probably went a little too far and ruined their mood. They dropped us off back at the cabin with instructions to “work it out” and promptly left without even telling us when they would come back.
The Bates family was eating breakfast on their picnic table when we arrived. Savannah gave me a nasty look. She was wearing my shirt like a half-top bra now because she was busting out of it. Her belly looked so swollen that she would have the baby any time now. Her husband and sons leered at us while my sisters and I walked into the trailer.
“I should make you stand out there and amuse those assholes,” my sister said as soon as we got in the cabin. I would do a lot of things to get her in trouble, but I didn’t want to face them and humiliate myself. Their mother was the scariest one of all!
Lindsay pointed to the ground at my feet and told me to strip at the door. “Those are the rules.”
Lucas actually stepped up to defend me. I was proud of him for doing that. “Now look, Lindsay. It was funny yesterday, but this has gone too far. Leave Katie alone,” he said firmly.
Lindsay wasn’t used to my little brother standing up for himself. “You didn’t have any problem telling Katie to bend over and spread her cheeks for you yesterday, but you suddenly do now? That’s rich. Did you get bored of Freckles already?”
“No, she is my sister though. It seemed like a game between you yesterday,” Lucas observed. In some ways he was right. I was taunting her like a fox leads the hunters on a merry chase. She thought she was hunting me, but I was the one in control.
“What about Freckles? Is this a game? Or is this real life?” Lindsay asked me.
“Real life, Ma’am,” I said. My sister demanded I strip to prove it. I stepped out of my clothes. I was only wearing shorts and a shirt anyway.
“Bend over and kiss the end table,” she told me to bend over while standing with my butt sticking out and put my lips on the end table in front of the small couch. That left me deeply humiliated. “Have you seen enough of her little slit?” she asked Georgie and Lucas.
Lucas nodded that he had, and Georgie went along with whatever his older brother decided. My sister smacked my bottom with a wooden spoon. Then she made me clench it between my butt cheeks and hold the instrument of my humiliation. “That will be handy if I need to pop your behind.”
I groaned and remained in position. What else I could I do? Even describing to you the deep humiliation is embarrassing me all over again. I had to squeeze my own ass cheeks together to grip the implement that she could use to punish me! My sister made me a participant in my own shameful punishment!
“Show them your little snail,” Lindsay tapped my clit hood at the base of my pussy and instructed me to pull it out and let it hang more prominently outside of my body. I was instantly getting aroused when my clit came into play. It was the main reason her toy rocked my world because it stimulated me there. Just having it hanging out and exposed was enough to make me shiver.
“What is that?” Lucas asked. Georgie seemed to think I had a tiny penis. My clit was shaped a little like a curved penis about the size of an uncooked piece of elbow macaroni.
“That’s a joy buzzer,” Lindsay flicked my clit with her finger. I tried not to let on that my eyes just rolled into the back of my head as I flinched forward on my tippy toes. The boys giggled over my reaction. Even Ruthie laughed a little. “She likes that. You like that, don’t you Freckles?”
“Yes Ma’am,” I groaned. I wasn’t lying – I didn’t like having it done to me like this in front of my siblings but there was no denying to myself that hadn’t pushed my pleasure button. “You don’t mind if they take turns, do you?
“Ah,” I sighed. I didn’t want to give them permission to use my clit like a little punching bag. If you don’t know how to flick your fingers, press your thumb to your middle finger, then fold your ring finger and pinky down like you are cocking a weapon. The tension will build up a little pressure between your thumb and middle finger. Then you release your ring finger and wap! It can really sting if you do it right.
My sister did it again, and this time I made a sound sort of like a cat meowing. My brothers giggled and Lucas said that my butthole just winked at him. I was mortified. “You really won’t mind if we, do it?”
“Are you going to tell Mom?” I asked. I was drooling as I pressed my lips to the table – at times allowing my forehead to rest on the wood instead.
I was hoping at this point one of them was going to tell mom. I wanted to remind them that was an option in a passive-aggressive sort of way without tipping my hand to my sister.
“No,” Lucas assured me. Damn it, I wanted him to tell Mom. I just couldn’t tell him to do it right then.
“Okay, but not too hard, okay?” I begged. I have to admit that I liked it even though it was excruciatingly embarrassing.
Lucas didn’t try to hurt my clit, but my reaction was still the same. I rolled forward on the balls of my feet and kept my lips pressed to the table. There was laughter all around.
My sister insisted that I thank my brother and address him “properly”.
“Thank you Mister Lucas, Sir. May I please have another,” I said in a similar cadence to the way I asked for another spanking when my sister spanked me.
He was about to give me another when Georgie asked for a turn. Lindsay was kind enough to make them take turns and limit them to ten flicks each. Ruthie did it once just to see what it felt like and that was enough for her.
In between the 9th and 14th flick I must have had an orgasm and blanked out on some of the pain and deeply humiliating behavior. I was mumbling and breathing so hard. I reached behind myself and rubbed my sore pussy.
They laughed most of all about my butthole. Apparently, it was nice and round and it expanded and shrunk like I was winking anytime they flicked my clit. Georgie called it a “flap-dangle” and I didn’t correct him.
Ruthie watched along with them and laughed right along with my brothers. I wasn’t angry with them. I knew they were doing this because of the situation they were in. This was all Lindsay’s fault as far as I was concerned. That’s who I would take out my wrath on – I just had to figure out how.
“Gross, she is playing with herself!!” Lucas scrunched up his nose in disgust.
Lindsay slapped my hand away but scolded him as well. “You jerk off all the time. We’ve all seen you popping a boner in the morning. Then you disappear into the showers or your room and suddenly it’s gone.”
Lucas blushed. Lindsay said it was perfectly normal for teenagers to do it. “I wish you’d do it more. You’d be less of a pervert, and it makes you calmer, so you aren’t bouncing off the wall,” she joked. My sister wasn’t a complete villain in any of this. She let me stand up and wipe myself off with a tissue.
“I think you’ve learned a valuable lesson. I am going to see if I can find Todd since he is ghosting me,” my sister was disappointed that Todd hadn’t texted her since the day before when she had to cancel Jet Skiing with him because of me. “Let’s see how you handle watching your brothers and sisters and I will be right back. Your attitude might change, and if not then we’ll do another round of flicking Freckle’s clitty to help you learn.’
“May I put on clothes Miss Lindsay?” I asked politely.
“Yes, when I am gone you can do what you please. Mom says you have to do all of the chores, but I don’t care if you make them do them. As long as it gets handled. That is your incentive – you do not WANT to make me stay home all summer with you. This will happen every day when we are home together!”
My sister left without saying anything else and I got dressed. “Thank you for standing up for me Lucas,” I said after she left.
“I am sorry, Katie. I did not know what to do. Lindsay scares the crap out of me. Please, no hard feelings?” he offered politely. They all apologized.
I could have asked them to tell Mom and Dad right then and there. I don’t know why I didn’t. it was probably a combination of overstimulating and being unsure of what to do. If I seemed too eager to get Lindsay in trouble it might backfire. I had to be careful, and I had all afternoon to think this out.
“Are you going to be mad at us for laughing at you and flicking your naughty parts?” Georgie asked sweetly.
That was a great question. I held no malice towards any of them for what they did. I told them the truth. “I’d have probably done the same thing if I were in your shoes.”
“You would have flicked my ding-a-ling?” Georgie did a funny double-take that added a lot of levity. I nodded that I would. He asked me if I peed out of my “flap dangle” which was his word for my clit.
They were confused when I told them that I peed out of my urethra. “Well, if Mom and Dad don’t put a stop to it, she’ll probably make me show you how I do that next!”
That made Lucas and Georgie laugh a lot. Ruthie surprised me by finding my predicament hysterical. “Miss Lindsay can make you show us how you spread the peanut butter!!!”
“Hopefully, you won’t slip up and call her that in front of Mom and Dad, they’ll probably ask you why you are doing it. I know it’s hard for you to keep a secret, Miss Ruthie!” I teased her.
“I’ve kept your secret about the you-know-what,” she pointed to her crotch and whispered. The boys were not totally clueless. They had a pretty good idea that I put something in my pussy. They asked me a dozen questions, but I refused to talk to them about what the sex toy was doing to me.
All that denial made me lust for it, and I was HOME without Lindsay or my parents. Dirty thoughts about using it crept into my mind. I was overdue to text Pod as well.
I felt fairly confident that the next time Ruth Ann was talking to my parents she would say something that tipped off my parents to what Lindsay was doing. I wasn’t quite so confident she’d keep my secret on the sex toy though. This was going to be more difficult than I thought.
The last thing I wanted my younger siblings to think was that I would be mad at them for anything they did because of Lindsay. I left them with the idea that they should just play along with whatever Lindsay said and that I would not hold a grudge.
My clit still smarted and throbbed and I did feel my brothers shouldn’t have laughed THAT hard when I got overstimulated in front of them. However, they had done nothing to deserve my vengeance. I was saving that for Lindsay!