Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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chapter 9

Post by EddieDavidson »


Lindsay wasn’t finished with me after that powerful spanking. I counted twenty swats as she assigned me new rules. She could have been a lot meaner.

The first was that what I was wearing right then is all I would have on when Mom and Dad were gone. “If I feel I can leave you in charge when I go you can put clothes on. Until then, you can flit around this cabin in your natural naked state.”

“Yes Ma’am,” I mumbled. Lindsay seemed to like that. She said that was how I had to address her from now on. Ruthie wanted to be called a Princess and Lucas wanted to be called Sir. Lindsay scolded them for interrupting and denied their requests. I was glad – that would have been intensely humiliating to address my little brother and sister that way.

I was breathing heavily and scared of Lindsay. My instinct to say Yes Ma’am was the same one when I said it to Mom. It was only when she was really pissed off at me and I knew I was in hot water. It was as simple as that.

Now she expected it all of the time. I asked if she meant around Mom and Dad.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Freckle Butts!” My sister snarled that was my new full name. It outraged me that she could call me that – but I didn’t argue.

She told me to relax and to breath. I started to stand up. The spanking had left me, even more, bent over and exposed as if she was hammering down a bent nail. “No, stay like that! We don’t have any corners. You are lucky I don’t make you go outside and face those redneck boys next door!”

That would have been horrible! It was bad enough that Lucas and Georgie were able to see my dripping pussy and entire ass in the squatting-bent over position that I was holding myself in. “Lucas, take a good long look at Freckles. Go ahead and take a really long look. Then maybe you’ll stop gawking at real women if you know what we have!”

Lucas was nervous and worried when my sister called him out and probably felt put on the spot. My sister said that I didn’t mind showing off my body and implied that I took naughty pictures all of the time. She didn’t come right out and say it. “She doesn’t mind! Georgie, you can look too!”

“You don’t mind?” Lucas wanted to hear it from me.

“Just don’t touch,” I reached behind myself and pulled my butt cheeks apart slightly. He could already see my lady business. I told myself that I didn’t want him to feel guilty, but I was really trying to get his sympathy. “Just don’t tell Mom and Dad!” I was hoping perhaps a little reverse psychology would work.

I really can’t say why I cooperated. Georgie squatted down between my parted legs and Lucas looked over his shoulder.

“No touching, but that doesn’t mean she can’t touch! As long as I am in charge you can tell Freckles to bend over and pull her little hams apart so you can both have a whiff of her pussy.”

“Really?” Georgie sounded excited. I could feel his breath exhaling on my thin pussy lips and I quivered.

“Yes sir,” I mumbled. I didn’t mean to call him Sir. It just slipped.

“Same goes for you, Ruthie. If you want her to do anything! You can make her dance like she is a little tea cup! She’ll do that too!”

I was thankful my sister made me stand up straight up even if it was to pat my own head, rub my tummy and sing “I am a little tea-cup, short and stout! Lift me up, and pour me out,” while I did the silly dance for them.

I thought my sister would have more rules for me and expectations – really dirty things. She was satisfied with that much. My brothers and little sister played with me that afternoon like a new toy. They made me do silly dances, curtsy for them, and bend over and pull my ass cheeks apart – the second time even wider than before.

However, like any new toy they lost interest after they discovered the things I would do. They didn’t make me masturbate or try to spank me themselves and none of them touched me. I got through the humiliation by telling myself that when Mom and dad got home one of them would spill the beans and it would be my sister doing what I had to do. My parents were big believers in punishments fitting the crime and the only thing I thought was fair was that if she made me do these things – then she should have to do to them the same way.

When my parents came home, they were in a bad mood. They had an argument about money, and Patton still hadn’t sent anyone to fix our toilet. It was a combination of things. This vacation had felt like an endless summer and like it lasted much longer than the three weeks. Time had started to stand still on vacation but now that we’d be going home in a few days I think it set in on Mom and Dad they didn’t have the money to accomplish all of the things they wanted to do.

Dad wanted to stop at “South of the Border”. It was about two hours away. It was an amusement park that wasn’t much to see but Dad had an obsession with it when he was a kid. It was basically just a few carnival rides, some gift shops, restaurants, and a motel themed around a Mexican stereotype named “Pedro”. His billboards were all over the place advertising for it.

Mom thought it was out of the way and would cost a lot of money. She called it a “Trailer Park version of Disneyland”.

Mom and Dad had other ideas about how they wanted to spend the remaining days of our vacation. Lindsay tried to encourage them to spend it going off on a romantic get together. She pretended she was being generous and wanted them to enjoy their time alone. I felt that she was really setting me up to be home alone with her so she could punish me.

No one brought up what happened during the day when Lindsay was in charge. I was incensed. I was tempted to bring it up myself, but I felt that Mom and Dad would find a way to blame me.

I had on some level been just as responsible for what we did around the house that afternoon. I could have refused to dance little embarrassing jigs or pull my pussy lips apart and let my brothers look at my naked body. I was going along with that so they would tell on her and she’d get in trouble!

If I had simply stuck to my guns and refused, then nothing would have happened, and my sister would have had to resort to some other measures to get even with me. That night in the bedroom my sister made me sleep naked. She told me to get on the floor and not “fart up the bed!”

“That’s mean,” Ruthie pouted in my defense.

“You are right,” Lindsay offered with a sadistic grin. “You can sleep at the foot of the bed like a good little puppy. If you kiss my feet!”

Ruthie chuckled because Lindsay had made the offer in a funny way. I knew she was serious. I thought I had the best chance of Ruthie telling Georgie and Lucas and one of them telling my parents if I went along with it. Much to my sister’s surprise I stripped and crawled to the end of the bed. I remained in a crawling position and began to lick my sister’s toes.

Lindsay’s blue eyes fluttered in surprise. “That’s surprisingly pleasant. Not bad, Freckles,” she relaxed. Her feet weren’t really that bad – a lot of sand between her toes. “Some men would pay me money to do what you are doing simply for the privilege of licking my dirty feet.”

“Have they ever paid for it? for this?” I asked sheepishly as I sucked her big toe like it was a small dick – at least the way I gave blowjobs in the past once I discovered that girls suck on dicks and don’t actually blow on them. I was hoping I could get her to confess to selling sex for money.

“It’s Ma’am when we are alone, or Miss Lindsay,” my sister corrected me and failed to answer my question.

“Can it be Miss Ruthie when are alone? Miss Lindsay?” Ruthie asked in a formal and elegant manner as she loved play-acting at fancy tea-parties.

“It might get a little tiresome if you call me Miss Lindsay all of the time,” Lindsay decided. Ruthie was crestfallen. My big sister made her a deal and said she could “Sometimes” as long as it wasn’t in front of Mom and dad. “The moment you tell them about ANY of this is it is all over.”

“Can Miss Katie lick my toes too?” Ruthie giggled and scrunched her pretty little nose up over the decadence of the request.

“Oh, it’s only Miss Katie when she is the one in charge! She’s Freckles when I am,” my sister corrected. Then she asked me “So what about it Freckles? Are you going to clean Miss Ruthie’s dirty little Piggly wigglies?”

I scowled and turned around so that I could face my little sister’s feet. Her toenails were a little overgrown but even her toes looked like five perfectly formed peanuts on each foot. She giggled the first time I put my mouth on her toe. “That tickles!”

I was deeply ashamed of myself, but I finished all ten toes on each of their feet. “I am done, Ma’am,” I announced.

“Nice job, Freckles. I may let you do it again when we get home. You are going to regret blowing my big day with Todd. He spent a lot of money on those Jet Skis, and he probably took another girl!”

“So? You are just a summer fling to him. You aren’t going to see him again,” I broke character and spoke down to my sister.

“Watch your tone Freckles or I might have other parts of my body I want you to lick clean,” my sister threatened. “What business is it of yours to decide whether I should be happy? What if I wanted a summer fling before I got back to my boyfriend?”

She had a boyfriend? This was news to me. I had to find out more carefully. I asked a few pointed questions and concluded that one of the reasons my sister was upset about having her hours cut back was there was a guy that worked with her that she liked. All of those times she told Mom she “had to work” she was really just seeing him!

I had to find a way to prove that to my parents. I took heart in the knowledge that it couldn’t last forever. Eventually, my parent WOULD find out about this. It was just a matter of when. I wondered if I should make an effort to try to stretch things out so that Lindsay would have an even bigger fall from grace once mom found out what she made me do.

That night I fell asleep sideways at the end of the bed next to my sister’s feet. I was on my knees sleeping with my legs folded underneath me. I did this without being told because I hoped that Mom might walk in and then I could tell her what Lindsay made me do (even though Lindsay never told me I had to sleep in that exact position).

In the morning, she kicked me out of bed when the sun hit her face. I stood up and quietly began to put on my panties and t-shirt. “Nope, leave that ratty shirt on the ground. Just the panties,” she said.

I suppressed a smirk. Mom would ask why I was dressed like that, and it was bound to come out. If I came right out and said that Lindsay made me, do it, I was playing with fire. Lindsay might have a ready explanation and punish me later for trying to get her in trouble. I’d have to be careful. “Just tell Mom your shirt is dirty. You are still the President and Chairwoman of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee. She won’t give a crap.”

I wasn’t so sure about that. My puffy nipples were already hardening. The dirtier my thoughts became, the more my exposed nubs hardened. It was like perpetual embarrassment!

“Ooh, can I do it too? Miss Lindsay?” Ruthie was already out of her shirt and excited.

“Yes but remember! It’s a game! It’s only Miss Lindsay and Freckles when Mom and Dad aren’t home. It’s to teach your sister to stop using me as a crutch and grow up a little!”

Mom and Dad were more than a little stunned to see us topless in the living room when they joined us. Georgie and Lucas giggled. They were shirtless in their underwear as well.

“Okay, it’s very close quarters in this cabin but we aren’t a family of nudists,” Mom groaned as she poured a cup of coffee that Lindsay had me make. “Get dressed! This morning we are going to Donald’s Pancake House. It has great reviews!”

My family cheered the news – all except Lindsay. “I thought you guys were going to use your final days of vacation for yourselves?” Lindsay pretended to care.

My parents had plenty of time to themselves. I wanted them to go off on their own for at least one more day too. I could handle the humiliation I had received, and it wasn’t like another afternoon of it would be that much worse than the day before. The longer this lasted, the more trouble she’d be in when they found out. I tried to play the reverse psychology angle and suggested we all go shopping. My mom loves Broadway at the Beach. It’s a big shopping center where the Paula Deen restaurant is that she loved. “We haven’t been there yet as a family!”

“We’ve been spending a lot more money this vacation than I realized,” Dad explained with a look of apology on his face. “I do not think we can do Paula Deen with seven people, but we’ll definitely do something today.”

Lindsay glared at me angrily. I smiled at her with a subtle wink. I don’t know why I was trying to push my sister’s buttons other than she was pissing me off and I wanted to get even with her. She had boobs, looks, maturity, and all the authority. Technically, I was not even supposed to be in charge of my siblings when my parents weren’t home.

I really couldn’t see her position that she was supposed to finally be able to have a summer to herself and not stay home to watch us when I was perfectly capable of it. I could not see her position that I was being a smart aleck brat either – but I know I was. I was sassy and sarcastic when my parents were around because I was trying to goad Lindsay into yelling at me. There was a big chance of shit hitting the fan if we had some drama. I was quite certain someone would tell Mom and Dad that I was being a real cunt to my sister because she was treating me like a personal servant when they weren’t home.

Breakfast was great. Donald’s is nice but Dad thought the country ham was better at Woodhaven. I stabbed a little food from my sister’s plate without asking. I wanted to make Lindsay angry enough to try to put me in my place around Mom and Dad.

“Mom, do something with her? Wash her mouth out with soap or something,” Lindsay pleaded.

“I don’t know why you two are at each other’s throats bickering like this but knock it off or you’ll both get punished.”

That would be nice! I would still consider it a victory if she got punished just as much as I. I couldn’t be the aggressor though so instead I became more passive-aggressive – trying to make it seem like Lindsay was the asshole.

My parents probably would have taken us somewhere fun like an arcade or shopping. I probably went a little too far and ruined their mood. They dropped us off back at the cabin with instructions to “work it out” and promptly left without even telling us when they would come back.

The Bates family was eating breakfast on their picnic table when we arrived. Savannah gave me a nasty look. She was wearing my shirt like a half-top bra now because she was busting out of it. Her belly looked so swollen that she would have the baby any time now. Her husband and sons leered at us while my sisters and I walked into the trailer.

“I should make you stand out there and amuse those assholes,” my sister said as soon as we got in the cabin. I would do a lot of things to get her in trouble, but I didn’t want to face them and humiliate myself. Their mother was the scariest one of all!

Lindsay pointed to the ground at my feet and told me to strip at the door. “Those are the rules.”

Lucas actually stepped up to defend me. I was proud of him for doing that. “Now look, Lindsay. It was funny yesterday, but this has gone too far. Leave Katie alone,” he said firmly.

Lindsay wasn’t used to my little brother standing up for himself. “You didn’t have any problem telling Katie to bend over and spread her cheeks for you yesterday, but you suddenly do now? That’s rich. Did you get bored of Freckles already?”

“No, she is my sister though. It seemed like a game between you yesterday,” Lucas observed. In some ways he was right. I was taunting her like a fox leads the hunters on a merry chase. She thought she was hunting me, but I was the one in control.

“What about Freckles? Is this a game? Or is this real life?” Lindsay asked me.

“Real life, Ma’am,” I said. My sister demanded I strip to prove it. I stepped out of my clothes. I was only wearing shorts and a shirt anyway.

“Bend over and kiss the end table,” she told me to bend over while standing with my butt sticking out and put my lips on the end table in front of the small couch. That left me deeply humiliated. “Have you seen enough of her little slit?” she asked Georgie and Lucas.

Lucas nodded that he had, and Georgie went along with whatever his older brother decided. My sister smacked my bottom with a wooden spoon. Then she made me clench it between my butt cheeks and hold the instrument of my humiliation. “That will be handy if I need to pop your behind.”

I groaned and remained in position. What else I could I do? Even describing to you the deep humiliation is embarrassing me all over again. I had to squeeze my own ass cheeks together to grip the implement that she could use to punish me! My sister made me a participant in my own shameful punishment!

“Show them your little snail,” Lindsay tapped my clit hood at the base of my pussy and instructed me to pull it out and let it hang more prominently outside of my body. I was instantly getting aroused when my clit came into play. It was the main reason her toy rocked my world because it stimulated me there. Just having it hanging out and exposed was enough to make me shiver.

“What is that?” Lucas asked. Georgie seemed to think I had a tiny penis. My clit was shaped a little like a curved penis about the size of an uncooked piece of elbow macaroni.

“That’s a joy buzzer,” Lindsay flicked my clit with her finger. I tried not to let on that my eyes just rolled into the back of my head as I flinched forward on my tippy toes. The boys giggled over my reaction. Even Ruthie laughed a little. “She likes that. You like that, don’t you Freckles?”

“Yes Ma’am,” I groaned. I wasn’t lying – I didn’t like having it done to me like this in front of my siblings but there was no denying to myself that hadn’t pushed my pleasure button. “You don’t mind if they take turns, do you?

“Ah,” I sighed. I didn’t want to give them permission to use my clit like a little punching bag. If you don’t know how to flick your fingers, press your thumb to your middle finger, then fold your ring finger and pinky down like you are cocking a weapon. The tension will build up a little pressure between your thumb and middle finger. Then you release your ring finger and wap! It can really sting if you do it right.

My sister did it again, and this time I made a sound sort of like a cat meowing. My brothers giggled and Lucas said that my butthole just winked at him. I was mortified. “You really won’t mind if we, do it?”

“Are you going to tell Mom?” I asked. I was drooling as I pressed my lips to the table – at times allowing my forehead to rest on the wood instead.

I was hoping at this point one of them was going to tell mom. I wanted to remind them that was an option in a passive-aggressive sort of way without tipping my hand to my sister.

“No,” Lucas assured me. Damn it, I wanted him to tell Mom. I just couldn’t tell him to do it right then.

“Okay, but not too hard, okay?” I begged. I have to admit that I liked it even though it was excruciatingly embarrassing.

Lucas didn’t try to hurt my clit, but my reaction was still the same. I rolled forward on the balls of my feet and kept my lips pressed to the table. There was laughter all around.

My sister insisted that I thank my brother and address him “properly”.

“Thank you Mister Lucas, Sir. May I please have another,” I said in a similar cadence to the way I asked for another spanking when my sister spanked me.

He was about to give me another when Georgie asked for a turn. Lindsay was kind enough to make them take turns and limit them to ten flicks each. Ruthie did it once just to see what it felt like and that was enough for her.

In between the 9th and 14th flick I must have had an orgasm and blanked out on some of the pain and deeply humiliating behavior. I was mumbling and breathing so hard. I reached behind myself and rubbed my sore pussy.

They laughed most of all about my butthole. Apparently, it was nice and round and it expanded and shrunk like I was winking anytime they flicked my clit. Georgie called it a “flap-dangle” and I didn’t correct him.

Ruthie watched along with them and laughed right along with my brothers. I wasn’t angry with them. I knew they were doing this because of the situation they were in. This was all Lindsay’s fault as far as I was concerned. That’s who I would take out my wrath on – I just had to figure out how.

“Gross, she is playing with herself!!” Lucas scrunched up his nose in disgust.

Lindsay slapped my hand away but scolded him as well. “You jerk off all the time. We’ve all seen you popping a boner in the morning. Then you disappear into the showers or your room and suddenly it’s gone.”

Lucas blushed. Lindsay said it was perfectly normal for teenagers to do it. “I wish you’d do it more. You’d be less of a pervert, and it makes you calmer, so you aren’t bouncing off the wall,” she joked. My sister wasn’t a complete villain in any of this. She let me stand up and wipe myself off with a tissue.

“I think you’ve learned a valuable lesson. I am going to see if I can find Todd since he is ghosting me,” my sister was disappointed that Todd hadn’t texted her since the day before when she had to cancel Jet Skiing with him because of me. “Let’s see how you handle watching your brothers and sisters and I will be right back. Your attitude might change, and if not then we’ll do another round of flicking Freckle’s clitty to help you learn.’

“May I put on clothes Miss Lindsay?” I asked politely.

“Yes, when I am gone you can do what you please. Mom says you have to do all of the chores, but I don’t care if you make them do them. As long as it gets handled. That is your incentive – you do not WANT to make me stay home all summer with you. This will happen every day when we are home together!”

My sister left without saying anything else and I got dressed. “Thank you for standing up for me Lucas,” I said after she left.

“I am sorry, Katie. I did not know what to do. Lindsay scares the crap out of me. Please, no hard feelings?” he offered politely. They all apologized.

I could have asked them to tell Mom and Dad right then and there. I don’t know why I didn’t. it was probably a combination of overstimulating and being unsure of what to do. If I seemed too eager to get Lindsay in trouble it might backfire. I had to be careful, and I had all afternoon to think this out.

“Are you going to be mad at us for laughing at you and flicking your naughty parts?” Georgie asked sweetly.

That was a great question. I held no malice towards any of them for what they did. I told them the truth. “I’d have probably done the same thing if I were in your shoes.”

“You would have flicked my ding-a-ling?” Georgie did a funny double-take that added a lot of levity. I nodded that I would. He asked me if I peed out of my “flap dangle” which was his word for my clit.

They were confused when I told them that I peed out of my urethra. “Well, if Mom and Dad don’t put a stop to it, she’ll probably make me show you how I do that next!”

That made Lucas and Georgie laugh a lot. Ruthie surprised me by finding my predicament hysterical. “Miss Lindsay can make you show us how you spread the peanut butter!!!”

“Hopefully, you won’t slip up and call her that in front of Mom and Dad, they’ll probably ask you why you are doing it. I know it’s hard for you to keep a secret, Miss Ruthie!” I teased her.

“I’ve kept your secret about the you-know-what,” she pointed to her crotch and whispered. The boys were not totally clueless. They had a pretty good idea that I put something in my pussy. They asked me a dozen questions, but I refused to talk to them about what the sex toy was doing to me.

All that denial made me lust for it, and I was HOME without Lindsay or my parents. Dirty thoughts about using it crept into my mind. I was overdue to text Pod as well.

I felt fairly confident that the next time Ruth Ann was talking to my parents she would say something that tipped off my parents to what Lindsay was doing. I wasn’t quite so confident she’d keep my secret on the sex toy though. This was going to be more difficult than I thought.

The last thing I wanted my younger siblings to think was that I would be mad at them for anything they did because of Lindsay. I left them with the idea that they should just play along with whatever Lindsay said and that I would not hold a grudge.

My clit still smarted and throbbed and I did feel my brothers shouldn’t have laughed THAT hard when I got overstimulated in front of them. However, they had done nothing to deserve my vengeance. I was saving that for Lindsay!
All of my stories:
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chapter 10

Post by EddieDavidson »

I put the others to work around the cabin. I didn’t care if they cleaned it or not. We’d be gone soon, and the place was a shithole anyway. I was even tempted to leave the place messed up because technically Lindsay would be responsible for that.

They joked about not wanting to wash the wooden spoon that I had clenched between my butt cheeks. I washed it myself.

My brothers and sisters were fairly oblivious other than a little teasing – which was understandable. Humor was a good way to deal with what had just happened. I wasn’t laughing though – I was angry and defensive.

Ruthie kept dancing and twirling around while cleaning up. All the while singing “Dum-Dum-Boopty-Ay, Bum-Bum-Boopty-Ay!” and making a fart sound with her mouth while sticking out her butt. She didn’t seem to have a care in the world. I envied her.

I was updating and revising my plans for vengeance on my older sister while I played with myself in the bedroom. I locked the door, grabbed my sister’s dildo, and started it up. I had discovered a little key fob hidden under her makeup that acted as a remote control to press the button, so you didn’t have to touch it. I assumed that would help if you wore it under your clothes and didn’t want people to see you reach under your clothes. It was quiet as a mouse. The only tell would be the physical signs on your face that you had reached a state of ecstasy.

I thought about the times I had seen Lindsay playing mini-golf or eating dinner in a restaurant with the family and how she was probably having a little orgasm. I grew bitter and angry that she could have that kind of fun. I had to wait until times like this when she was gone. If I took it with us someplace and she went to go, look for it after she got home, she’d know what I had done.

I had to be as discreet as I was with the nude pictures I was taking for Pod. I sent him several very graphic photos and asked him if it looked like my butthole was winking at him.

“It looks very tight – I can’t wait to taste it one day,” he replied by text. That was disgusting! I loved it. I was more than willing to let him have a taste of me that way.

I decided that I just needed a few more minutes on the bed to concentrate and then I would rejoin the others and wait for my parents and Lindsay. It was time for this thing to end and I had some ideas about how I would get one of my other siblings to do the hard part and confess. If Ruthie didn’t just shoot off her mouth, I’d appeal to Lucas’s desire to stand up for me.

I was close to orgasm with the realization that this entire humiliating debacle would be concluded tonight. I was going to land a house on the wicked witch of the east just like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. My brother Lucas was the Tin Man, Georgie was the Lion and Ruth Ann was to be my Scare Crow.

The doorhandle to my room jiggled. I panicked and pulled the covers and warned whoever it was to stay out. I was safe in the knowledge that I had locked the door, but my reaction was instinctual. I was rubbing one out in privacy – and I didn’t want anyone interrupting.

My mistake was overestimating the quality of this shit-hole cabin. All of the old decaying wood and creaking boards had been placed here decades ago. The locks were substandard, and no one had ever tested mine. Lindsay turned the handle twice and jiggled it and then swung it open.

“What are you doing in here, Freckles? You are supposed to be handling things? Didn’t you get your bean flicked enough already?” Lindsay accused me of masturbating before she even saw what I was doing.

She caught me red handed on the bed. I managed to pull her dildo off and slid it into my hand. I hid with the sheets over my body as I trembled.

“Sheets off, let’s see what you were doing,” Lindsay grabbed my phone while she pulled the sheets over. This time I hadn’t deleted the latest pics off of my phone. She knew I would have sent some to Pod and she was right. She intended to hold the pictures over my head now! My plan was crumbling right before my eyes. If anyone told Mom all she had to do was show them the pictures and my life was probably over.

“What’s this?” she showed me the picture of me fucking myself with her dildo. “Where is it?”

Ruthie, Georgie, and Lucas gathered in the doorway. I wanted them to go away and surprisingly Lindsay was the one who told them to clear out. “We’ll be out there in a minute.”

I showed her the toy. I was clutching it in my hand and shaking a little.

“So, you HAVE been taking Jimin,” she said. I arched an eyebrow. I recognized that name. He was the blonde singer in BTS – a K-pop group that I thought my sister hated. It turns out she is secretly a fan but a little ashamed she loves them.

I almost offered her a wistful smile when she revealed that to me. I liked them too, but I didn’t want people to know I liked K-pop.

I also wanted to name the toy as well. It was more than a toy to me – it was an intimate partner that brought me more excitement than any boy I’d ever been with. I hadn’t actually been with Pod physically yet – although I did plan to remedy that as soon as I could when I got home.

I thought of her toy as Harry Potter from the Hogwarts Story. That was Pod’s real name and I thought of the toy as his alter-ego when I used him. It was just that Harry Potter was a mouthful to say, and I never talked about the sex toy outside of the one time with Ruthie.

“Have you shown this to anyone else besides your little boyfriend?” My sister transferred enough of my photos to ruin my life.

“No Ma’am,” I denied it instinctively. “Okay, I showed Ruthie once!”

My sister slapped my face very hard. I apologized and said she caught me and was curious.

“That was Stupid, Freckles! well, it’s education time! Let’s go,” she said as she practically dragged me out of bed and made me stumble along behind her. She grabbed me by the ear the way Mom used to do when we were younger and acted up in public.

“I’ll do whatever you want, okay? Okay, Miss Lindsay? Just please don’t show Mom and Dad the pictures!”

“Oh, you will do what I want. You are going to do what everybody wants! I was being generous and merciful! You wanted to push me – well you fucked around and now you found out what happens! I left you alone as a test! I wanted to see if you would straighten up, but you are incapable of that!”

“You also said Todd was with another girl,” Lucas reminded my sister of what she said when she first came in the cabin. Lindsay glared at him and put him in his place with just one terrifying stare.

“This is a toy for private use,” My sister held up Jimin and let everyone have a good look. “Freckles stole it and has been using it. I understand she showed you, Ruthie?”

“Just one time!” Ruthie looked nervous, scared.

“Relax, I am not angry with you. Since Freckles demonstrated it for you – I think it only fair she demonstrates Jimin to Lucas and Georgie. If she hasn’t worn down the batteries!”

“Please?” I begged for mercy. My sister twisted my words to suggest I was asking to do more than just demonstrate. She made me stand with my legs apart in the center of the cabin and demonstrate how I used it.

My sister announced that I had stolen her toy, so now I would BECOME her Toy. “This time I intend to share my new toy – as long as you play with my toy properly!”

At first, the guys were fascinated that it could fit between my legs and hang without falling down. However, they couldn’t see anything because the dildo covered most of my slit. It wasn’t until my sister allowed them to use the remote – that they got into it. Stopping and starting it was great fun to them.

I turned it on and left it on when I was alone. It was a nice, gentle and constant vibration that made my toes curl up and brought me fresh goosebumps. I thought I was exposing myself and my most intimate body parts to my brothers earlier that morning. This was even more humiliating because the buzzer made me instantly horny in a way that was very physically noticeable, and it made them laugh.

I felt like a clown or a rag doll with a button you could press to make her hop or spaz out. When they stopped it mid-buzz, I would sometimes look so forlorn and pathetic that my mouth instinctively dropped open.

Then Lindsay showed me a feature I didn’t know it could do. It had THREE speeds. I had only ever used the lowest setting. Clicking the button rapidly three times made the vibration almost audible. I had to grip whatever was nearby with my hands in order not to fall to my knees.

Naturally, the boys liked that setting, and Lindsay would not let me remove it. I had told them that I wouldn’t be mad at them no matter what they made me do. They definitely heard me when I said that because they were testing the limits of my endurance like I was a matchbox car they could put on a track to see how fast they could revv my engine only to slam the breaks.

She noticed that they had erections in their shorts. “I should make you beat them off! They’d be easier to control and stop being such perverts! Would you like to do that, Pussy Hound?” she pressed the button.

I grunted but didn’t answer. I think my brothers would have liked it, but they didn’t say anything either.

“That’s what little pussy hounds do. They give hand jobs and blowjobs because they are afraid to get pregnant. Do you know what else they do? They take it in the poop hole! Best birth control there is! Freckles are you a little pussy hound?” my sister asked. Lindsay was so coarse and vulgar – I knew she was really upset with me.

I felt bad that my siblings were hearing this. Even Ruthie had stopped dancing and flitting around and was watching me stand naked in the living room as my sister hurled insults at me – insinuating I was a dirty cock tease. My sister made me clench the wooden spoon between my ass cheeks. I didn’t resist at all. I tightened my ass muscles and held it in place. It was very difficult not to drop the spoon with the dildo between my legs as well – I was quivering and I am sure the spoon seemed like a tail that was swinging behind my butt!

I was intensely mortified – fresh waves of humiliation spread across my body.

“Yes Ma’am,” I panted my agreement. My tongue was hanging out a little and I knew I looked like a cross-eyed, sweaty bimbo who couldn’t control herself at that moment.

“You seem to like Jimin more than me. I feel like you should play with him until Mom and Dad come back. Let me show you what else he can do,” she said.

I had already seen and felt enough. I no longer felt like a fox leading my sister on a merry chase. I felt like the fox that had been caught and the hounds were tossing her around and playing with her.

“Take Jimin off and clean him,” My sister commanded. I moved to the sink with her sex toy in my hand. She slapped my butt and told me not to waste water. “It’s your pussy funk, just clean it off,” Lindsay pantomimed sucking it clean.

My siblings didn’t think she was serious, and they giggled. I knew Lindsay was serious. I had tasted myself previously and I liked my pussy juices. It was still embarrassing putting the entire toy in my mouth. Lindsay forced the bigger end into my throat and nearly choked me with it before making me clean the smaller end the same way.

“That’s how you take care of Jimin from now on,” My sister said. She chided me for being so wet that I was dripping on the carpet. My thighs were creamy with my own juices, but I hadn’t noticed that I dripped on the carpet. It wouldn’t matter anyway -this carpet was filthy with sand and years of wear. “Now, stand there with your hands behind your head and hold him in your mouth!”

My sister snapped a photo of me in front of the others. She told me to use my hands on my breasts to push them up and pretend I had actual tits. I was so humiliated when she snapped another picture. My parents would know that I stood in the cabin like this in front of my siblings. They would think it was all my idea.

I could have stopped obeying her. If my sister was going to ruin my life by showing the pictures, she had enough ammunition by now. I assumed she would eventually after she got done running me through the ringer. I really don’t know why I kept obeying her. I think I was simply not thinking clearly because I was so turned on by the stimulation I had received earlier.

A long strand of my own cum began to glisten and hang from my pussy lips just like it had when I have stood like this in the past after a spanking. I couldn’t help it. Georgie felt like he could ask if that was snot.

“Answer him,” my sister smacked my butt and jolted me into awareness that even answering questions like this was going to heighten my terrible, humiliation.

“That’s girl cum,” I explained as spit from my mouth dribbled down my chin. Holding the sex toy in my mouth wasn’t that much different than soap – it was actually easier. At least, I liked the taste of this one.

I had to mumble around Jimin while I held him in my mouth. The Toy wasn’t completely gagging me but imagine that you have two hot dogs hanging out of your mouth and you don’t want to drop them while you talk.

“Not like that,” my sister popped me on the butt with a scouting magazine from the year 1987 that someone left in the cabin. “Give a full answer. I want to hear you give a full, complete answer. My sister provided me with an example. “That is girly cum, Mister George. It drips out of my cum when I am thinking really perverted thoughts the way pre-cum drips out of your dick. I am a naughty girl!”

Just hearing Lindsay provide the example made nervous butterflies flutter out of my tummy and fly up into my chest to swirl around my heart and nest there.

“Does it come out of the Aretha?” Georgie was trying to ask about the Urethra, but he mispronounced it. I got another pop on the butt for simply answering “No, Mister Georgie. That’s where pee comes from.”

I really thought that was a complete answer.

“No, Mister Georgie, girly cum oozes out of my slimy cunt. My urethra is my pee hole! That’s where I pee from, would you like to see it?” my sister gave another example of what she expected and then insisted I proactively hold myself open and let my brothers look inside me.

“You really don’t mind?” Georgie was nervous. He wanted to look but he obviously knew what we were doing was shocking and weird.

“No, Mister Georgie, I don’t mind if you look at my urethra, I am being punished because I used my sister’s toy Jimin without permission,” I sounded a little robotic and it was hard enough to choke out those embarrassing words. What I was saying sounded so vulgar and obscene! It made me feel dirty.

My little brother knelt between my legs, and I held myself open. I’d never looked for my pee hole, but I knew it was deep inside me.

“I want to see; I want to see!” Ruthie juggled for position behind Georgie and Lucas as they studied me.

“You have a pee hole! Why do you want to see the one Katie has?” Lucas asked Ruthie why she was so gung-ho to take a look inside of me.

“You have a pee hole too on your wiener!” Ruthie reminded him. She said every girl has a different shaped vagina and she couldn’t see in hers anyway.

“Hang on, you perv, you’ll want to see Freckle’s digestive system if she stretches any further,” Lindsay chuckled. “She’s Freckles today when Mom and Dad aren’t home, and we are teaching her a lesson in being nasty. She has to give honest answers about what she did just like when Dad made her stand outside at the gate and tell people she forgot our luggage if they asked. Now, did her answer sound believable?”

The three of them said it really didn’t as they stared into my pussy. I was dripping wet.

“We’ll have to help her practice, and that means anytime she gives an improper answer I want you to pop her butt with a rolled up magazine nice and hard,” my sister demonstrated before telling me a proper answer to the question. “I am being punished for STEALING my sister’s sex toy, playing with myself, disobeying my sister, failing to supervise you today, and being a particularly slutty girl, Sir. I am supposed to bend and hold myself over in any position so that you can see my body because I love showing it off – so obviously, it doesn’t matter if I like it or not. I am being punished today so all you have to do is tell me what you want me to do, Mister Georgie,” my sister corrected.

The words ran through me like a spike through the heart. “I have to say all of that anytime I am asked a question, Miss Lindsay?”

“No, once per person is enough to highlight most of the things you did to earn a punishment. You can summarize once you’ve told someone once. I want to hear you say these things out loud and not sound like you are proud and defiant either. Tone is very important, Freckles!”

Lucas asked if he could see pee actually come out of my hole. I thought that was way over the top but at least he didn’t try to touch it.

“For that, we’d have to go outside,” Lindsay decided that we might just have to make a field trip.

“Please Miss Lindsay, I will do what you ask in the cabin, but please don’t make me go outside?”

“What I ask? Oh no, we are passed that. You will do what I tell you – at all times and all places. Now, stop holding your piss flaps and put your panties back on. We are going for a walk, Freckles!”

My sister told my brothers to put their fingers to their noses and breath in. “Smell that? Smells like the ocean, doesn’t it?” she implied that my pussy smelled like fish. “Anytime you want to smell Myrtle Beach, you can take a whiff of Freckle’s piss canyon.”

Ruthie put her hands down her shorts and sniffed her own finger. “It doesn’t smell like fish”

“You aren’t dripping with cum because you aren’t a dirty little girl like Freckles,” my sister said. Lindsay had been strict before she caught me with her sex toy. She had been cruel, but now she was being ruthless and every word she said about me was almost as bad as a swat to the ass. It was like my body was being assaulted with stimulating pleasures, pain and my ego was just getting broken down as Lindsay heaped humiliations upon me.

I noticed my brothers were both sporting erections in their shorts. They couldn’t help it. I was at least flattered even as their sister with a boyish figure that I had managed to give them both boners. It was a combination though of the dirty words and the things Lindsay was saying – so it wasn’t purely a physical reaction.

“May I at least take this out of my mouth,” I motioned to Jim.

“Yeah, what am I thinking! You can wear him, but you don’t wear him right. Here take off your panties and I’ll help you get put him on properly,” she said. I was worried and nervous. She pinched my clit and pulled it out. Then she put a tiny rubber band that we used for braiding hair around it several times to force it to stick out. “Clit out! There, you are an outie now, not an innie!”

I thought that was humiliating enough. My sister pinched down on my clit hood and it made me squeal and seethe. I didn’t try to stop her though. She could tell I liked that. “See? You like it don’t you?”

“Yes Ma’am,” I admitted.

My sister insisted that I thank her as she kicked my legs apart. She jammed the small end of the toy into my butthole. I had used it there before but never pushed it in that far. It went straight in because it was still covered in slobber. “Oh god, thank you!!” I involuntarily raised my eyebrows in a worried expression. Then she clipped the front part over my slip so that it rested against the flat of my puffy clit. I found it difficult to breathe because I was being flooded with a new stimulating feeling and a fresh wave of humiliation that merged the two feelings.

“It’s in her peanut butter!” Ruthie scrunched her nose.

“Yeah,” my sister forced me to turn around and checked my backside and front. “You could almost walk down the street in just this! If people don’t look very closely it would like a c-string bikini!”

“Is that like a G-string?” Lucas asked with a wicked grin.

“Yes, just smaller because it has no straps! People might think it was a G-string with tiny straps! Let’s stick with panties and see how she does,” my sister decided. The fact that she would send me outside in nothing, but a wearable dildo was not lost on me.

I felt like I might as well throw myself at the mercy of my parents at this stage. It was probably going to happen anyway. They’d punish me – but it probably would not be this bad!

“Now, a word about our new toy here. I can only share her with you if you keep this from Mom and Dad. We are going to do that as long as I have to stay home with you, and we’ll have fun. If one of you tells Mom and Dad, I might decide to make you my next Toy. You tell anyone outside of this room and I’ll find ways to make your life hell. Let me decide how to handle strangers today!”

My sister made me leave my phone at the cabin. She promised she would text my boyfriend a little later and see how he liked some of my new photos. “That depends on how well you behave!”

I hadn’t considered that. I felt trapped and my sister had the upper hand. I didn’t want her telling Pod what I had done. Even if my parents found out – I didn’t want that to happen! My brothers and sisters slipped on their bathing suits. It didn’t take long. My sister made me wait outside on the deck for her to change wearing only a pair of panties and the dildo underneath.

It was a bright pastel color, and my panties were white. If you looked from a slight distance, you might think I had pubes but once you got up close you knew that it was a purple dayglo style color. I briefly hoped Mom and Dad would come home at that exact moment – at least then this would be over.

The sun was shining, seagulls were flying overhead. It was a nice, ordinary June day at Myrtle Beach. There were people riding bike and walking around the park oblivious to the nasty things I had just done in front of my family. Their lives were perfectly mundane, and I envied them. I hoped none of them saw me.

Just then I saw Bart and Gerald Bates. They were pointing a BB gun rifle at squirrels and shooting at them. I hoped they didn’t hit any and I also hoped they didn’t see me standing up against our cabin.

They had seen me sunbathing before and they had never spoken to me. They were interested in Lindsay, and they seemed to like Ruthie too. However, I was very ordinary looking. I was hoping to keep it that way. When they started walking that way, I banged on the cabin door and warned that Bart and Gerald were coming.

“Hold your horses, Freckles. They aren’t going to do jack squat,” Lindsay didn’t sound worried.

“You look like you are happy about something,” Bart had a sardonic way of talking that seemed to come naturally to him. His face was covered in acne and his teeth were chipped and crooked.

“If I am happy, it’s not to see you!” Is what I wanted to say. I was puzzled how I could look happy - I was though. It was probably the endorphins I was feeling. I said what I thought my sister would expect me to say. I knew she could hear me through the window anyway.

“Hello Sir, it’s nice to see you both! I am just waiting on my family so we can go to the pool.” I didn’t know where we were going but that sounded good enough. The boys weren’t used to anyone being nice to them. It immediately put them on the defensive. They thought I was up to something.

“You gonna go to the pool with no shirt on?” Gerald smiled. His teeth were even more fucked up than his brother’s teeth.

I nodded that I was and felt that Lindsay would want me to say “I don’t have any boobies yet, because I am a member of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee, so I can get away with just bottoms, Sir.”

The humiliation from admitting I am in the committee for small tits was thick like butter and it weighed on my shoulders. A tear rolled down my eyes slightly. This was what my sister expected me to say, and I knew she was listening.

“You may not have any boobs, but you could poke somebody’s eyes out with your nipples!” Gerald observed. It wasn’t normally a problem to have hard nipples for me – but when he commented on them, I felt so naughty and dirty. He made it seem like I was getting off on showing him my body. It was just the endorphins and hormones raging through my body. I would have been like this if anybody were talking to me -even my own brothers.

“I am sorry sir; I can’t help that any more than you can stop yourself from getting a boner when you look at pretty girls.”

“You think we are pretty?” Bart danced around awkwardly. I hoped he would shoot himself accidentally with his BB gun. He didn’t know how to actually talk to a girl even if one was forced to engage with him.

“No sir, I didn’t mean it that way,” I said. I felt the buzzing of the vibrator kick in. someone on the inside of the trailer had pressed the remote key fob. I knew I would have to concentrate if I didn’t want to make an even bigger fool of myself. It was bad enough I had to stand there in just panties while they stared at me.

“You ought to just go butt naked!” Bart laughed.

“You’d have to ask my older sister about that, Sir,” I offered politely. I swallowed a little. The vibrations grew slightly more intense. My nipples started sprouting like two small penises as my engorged clit jiggled involuntarily in my panties. I couldn’t have fingered myself any more efficiently than that. The external stimulation was far more intoxicating than anything I put inside me.

“Where is she anyway? She gonna pop those BIG puppies of hers out at the pool?” they grinned wickedly at the thought of my sister flashing like I was.

My pussy was seeping cum, and I was positive that it looked like I pissed myself. I couldn’t look down. The worst part was that the small end of the toy really did seem designed to be put in my butt. The vibration was connecting up into the base of my spine. I’d be drooling involuntarily soon.

My sister chose that moment to make her entrance. She did so in an imperious fashion, and she was clearly wearing her high-cut yellow polka dot bikini to impress. She had fixed up her hair and applied a fresh coat of make-up. I was thankful the boys shifted their attention to her instead of me.

“Fart and Ronald?” she intentionally mispronounced their names. My sister has a funny sense of humor. I knew she was just fucking with them.

“Bart and Gerald,” Bart corrected my sister with a frown.
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Chapter 11

Post by EddieDavidson »


“Today is your lucky day, my sister really pissed me off and I am punishing her. As part of her punishment, I would love it if you would accompany us to the pool.”

Bart and Gerald were seemingly flattered. I doubted they were bright enough to process that just being forced to be in their company was intended as a punishment. They certainly were not offended by the offer and gladly accepted.

My brothers walked out of the cabin next. They were shirtless and wearing swimming trunks. They didn’t get along with Bart and Gerald. The Bates brothers were a little like real-life versions of Beavis and Butthead and they liked to do things like chase frogs with baseball bats or perform dangerous jumps on their canals.

Lucas and Georgie wouldn’t hurt or bully anyone. They mixed with Bart and Gerald like oil and water.

Ruthie came out wearing only a pair of white cotton panties just like me. My sister noticed and said “Ruthie, you aren’t being punished. You can put a top on.”

“I am a member of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee and I used your favorite toy without your permission too,” Ruthie confessed. My sister knew that, but she blamed me for introducing it to her. I also thought it was sweet that Ruthie was willing to humiliate herself to be fair to me, but I didn’t want her to do it either.

“You are definitely a member of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee, but I am not mad at you. You wouldn’t have found it if Freckles hadn’t stolen it and carelessly played with it. Suit yourself though, no one is going to mind.”

“What Toy?” Bart was suddenly hyper-interested in what was going on. I don’t know if “hyper-interested”, but you know how when someone gets “hyper” about something? They start getting excited and almost giddy about it to the point of being annoying? Well, that’s how interested Bart was in hearing the details.

“Show him, Freckles,” My sister instructed me in a very calm matter as if it were not that big of a deal.

I tried not to look mortified or scared. I pulled my panties down in the front and showed the boys Jimin. I let them take a good long look. My sister pushed me forward to where they were at the fence and told me to give them a better look and tell them why I was wearing it.

I pulled my panties down to my knees and stood there at the fence of our vacation cabin while these two boys that I definitely didn’t like stared at my pussy. My slit was covered by the rubber-like sex toy but just barely. “I was caught playing with my sister’s sex toy Jimin, and now I have to wear it as part of my punishment. She keeps turning it on and off to drive me crazy which is why I am dancing a little bit back and forth.”

“Oh yeah, Mom told us she caught you playing with yourself in the showers. This is probably what she saw you doing?” Bart said. I was surprised that his mother would tell him something like that. I was very ashamed and hung my head down and confirmed she did catch me.

“You were that audacious you took Jimin on little field trips?” my sister was incensed. When I nodded that I did she wasn’t happy. “Turn around and face me when I am speaking to you.”

“Yes Ma’am, I took Jimin to the showers and played with him sometimes,” I admitted as I waddled with my panties down around my knees to face her...

Bart and Gerald saw that the dayglo toy slid into my buttcrack and connected the dots. “Is that IN your butt?”

I waddled around to face them and said that it was. My face was so red. Their laughter wasn’t like the light-hearted giggles of my siblings when I got humiliated. That embarrassed me as well, but this was far more sadistic and judgmental. Bart and Gerald were thoroughly ridiculing me and looking down their nose at me. They had every right to see me as a cartoonishly silly and pathetic bimbo. My actions were so over the top.

“Don’t just tell them when you can show them. Turn around, bend over and pull that little crack of yours far enough apart that they can have a good look at your turd factory,” my sister was making it worse because the more brutal her comments were the more the boys laughed at my expense.

I bent over with my panties just below my knees and spread my ass cheeks. They were silent for a full thirty-seconds as they tried to process a girl voluntarily showing them her ass. “You like that?” Bart asked.

“I don’t like it in my butt, Sir,” I admitted. That made it sound like I did like the toy on my pussy. The problem was that it was incredibly pleasurable even if the experience was not. The vibration was sending shocks through my body that made me want to play with myself even though I was being watched intensely.

“You sure about that? Your pussy is dripping like a garden hose,” Bart asked.

“The sensation from the vibration in my butt is making me feel good things, but I do not like having to expose myself while I feel them, Sir,” I tried to explain it as clearly as I could. They called me “Mr. Spock” because of how fancy they thought I was talking.

“Stop calling your dumper a butt. You can call it a turd factory, a fart box, a shitter, a stinker, a booty hole, a dookie maker. You can be a little more creative than ass or butt! You can do the same thing for your slit. I will accept cunt, but you better think of something as crass and vulgar as your behavior about your body parts when you are on punishment!”

“Yes Ma’am,” I looked up at my sister. Ruthie looked afraid for me, and Lucas and Georgie seemed stunned by how things were going. I think I would have preferred it if they were laughing at me. They looked worried.

“I know my sister’s ass is better looking than her sour face, but if you two little weirdos are wiling to accompany us, I’d like to get started. She is going to show her little brothers what a urethra is.”

“Are we going to get a blowjob at the end?” Bart asked.

My sister gave me permission to pull my panties back up and stand up. I could feel my wetness drip into the bottom of the panties as I did.

“Sure, you can suck each other’s dicks at the end all you want,” My sister answered sarcastically. Then she added “I am trying to punish my sister but it’s not like she did anything bad enough to have to have sex with the two of you.”

The boys WERE insulted by that. They were imbeciles but they weren’t oblivious. They walked with us to the pool area. Gerald removed his shirt, but Bart kept his shirt on.

“Does Freckles suck her brother’s dicks?” Bart asked. He had dozens of questions. I told him my name earlier in the vacation, but I think he forgot. He only knew me as Freckles. It was a disgusting question, and I couldn’t even imagine why he thought to ask it.

My sister answered his first couple of questions, but she made me answer this one and any subsequent ones he asked.

“No sir, I do not suck my brother’s cocks,” I replied like it was a legitimate question that needed a legitimate answer. I didn’t even know that “incest” was a thing or that girls might pleasure their brothers in that fashion. Obviously, they did though.

“You’ve got pretty lips,” Gerald observed. “It seems like if you got bored, you might as well use them on your brothers. Your sister said you were a slut and sluts suck cock.”

I looked at my sister to see her reaction. She shrugged and told me that my punishment was to talk to these guys and be honest. “Answer them how I told you to talk!”

“You are right, I am a slut for playing with myself when I should have been watching over my little brothers, but I do not suck their cocks. That would be inappropriate,” I couldn’t believe I had to explain this to the Bates brothers.

“Kate Butts, stop right there! Pull your panties down, bend over and grab your toes!” the voice sounded a lot like my mom, but it was Lindsay channeling my mother’s tone when she is angry with me. It chilled me to the bone. We were on one of the streets in the campground. People were sitting out at their picnic tables and going about their business, but no one was around in the immediate vicinity.

Even if they saw me when I obeyed her, they would have assumed my sister was simply spanking a mouthy kid. “If I had soap, I would wash your mouth out with it! I told you to answer them like the dumb slut you are, and you have the audacity to tell them what is and isn’t appropriate? Look at yourself and what you’ve done. You are not an expert on appropriate are you?”

She slapped my ass hard.

“One Ma’am, thank you, please spank me again, no Ma’am, I don’t know what is and isn’t appropriate behavior.”

She slapped me again with her bare hand and then shook it in pain. “I am wearing my hand out on your bony ass. I am going to keep spanking you until you give them an acceptable answer to their question.”

“Two Ma’am, thank you, please spank me again if I don’t answer properly,” I said. Then I tried again but this time I tried to sound more natural and vulgar. “I only go down on boys I like. I don’t like my brothers like a boyfriend. I would never do that.”

She smacked my bottom again. I could see a man watching from the window of his cabin. He seemed amused that a herd of boys was standing around watching my older sister spank me on the side of the narrow street. “Better, try again. Do you like sucking dicks?” she asked.

“Three Ma’am, thank you, please spank me again if my answer isn’t better this time. I like sucking cocks, but I am not an expert at it.” I wanted to defiantly say I wasn’t an expert like her, but I was too afraid to try it. Instead, I added “I do enjoy it.”

Bart asked if I enjoyed why wouldn’t I suck their cocks. My sister spanked my ass again and told me to answer his question. I was feeling all the stimulation from the dildo, and she was spanking me upwards across my pussy as she struck my ass, and it was also making it hard to concentrate. I blushed “I didn’t say I wouldn’t. You told them I wouldn’t, and I trust you to know what is best for me, Ma’am. You are the boss of me, and this is my punishment.”

I felt like that was what she wanted to hear. She smacked my ass again and this time I stuck my butt out a little in anticipation of her hand. I thought that she was going to spank me anyway, I may as well cooperate and make sure she swats me where I could actually get a thrill from it. “So, if I told you to slob on their knobs, you would?”

I paused for a second to think about that. I wondered if I just painted myself into a corner. I was terrified of my sister and had never experienced anything like this in my life. “Six Ma’am, thank you,” I panted as my pulse raced in my panicked state. “If you can tell me to stick Jimin in my butt, I guess you can tell if I have to put their big cocks in my mouth...”

I realized saying big cock was shocking but my sister had told me to refer to my own body parts in the most vulgar fashion possible. Big cock was the dirtiest word I had for penis. Ruth Ann’s face was total shock that I had dared say the word much less admit I would do that.

“There you have it boys,” my sister said. “You play nice, and I might make my sister lick on your big cocks like an ice cream cone. Would you like that?” she asked and referred to their dicks as big. Bart and Gerald were obviously awestruck by the idea.

A man and woman approached on bikes. It was too late for me to pull my panties up. My sister continued spanking my ass and when they stared at us my sister explained that I was talking dirty, and she had to spank my butt right then and there. It was half-true, I was definitely talking dirty, but I was so mixed-up that I really wasn’t sure why I was being punished.

“Shame on you, little girl!” the woman said as she kept going. She told Lindsay that she wished more young mothers like her took that approach to disciplining their kids. My sister nodded and then called her a dumb-ass under her breath after the woman was out of earshot. “She thinks I am old enough to have kids your age?”

“My mom is only 29,” Bart said. Savannah did look young but not quite that young. She obviously had them when she was a teenager.

“I’ve got 10 more years until then,” My sister seemed miffed to be compared to their mom. She allowed me to pull up my panties after 10 swats and I walked to the pool. This time she wanted to do more than just parade me around.

Some people looked up when we arrived, but they really didn’t see a problem with girls my age without a shirt – at least not enough to tell us to leave. My sister and I were certainly a little too old to be doing it, but no one approached. She made me jump in the pool and swim around. Ruthie chose to do it on her own. Our panties were see-through the first time they got wet.

Ruth Ann didn’t worry about it. She kept diving under water like a duck trying to catch a fish. She’d stick her butt out of the water. Everyone could see her crack while her legs dangled under her in a jackknife position for a short minute. Then she would dive under.

Lucas and Georgie dived in as well. Bart and Gerald remained close to me and kept tugging and pulling at my panties I tried to stop them. The vibrations continued even under the water because Jimin was totally waterproof. I knew that from the many times I played with him in the shower.

Bart and Gerald nearly drowned me while they rough housed. I was thankful that Lindsay watched over me, but she didn’t stop them. Their goal was to yank my panties down to my ankles and eventually get them off of me. They managed it and then jumped out of the pool with them.

There was a big guy who had seen the escapades and rough housing that didn’t approve. He stepped up to defend me and demand them back.

“Oh, it’s fine,” Lindsay intervened. “They are just playing! Boys will be boys!” she said as she looked at me to confirm. I agreed and spit some of the water out of my mouth back into the pool. I had chlorine in my nose and my eyes. “She has another pair of bottoms underneath that as an additional layer. Go on and get out and chase them! Don’t let them steal your bottoms!”

Lindsay patronized me like I was a child that needed to be encouraged to go play. I was reluctant to climb out of the water. Getting out felt like I was trying to pull myself out of heavy-gravity. I knew it was wrong to be naked at the pool and I assumed people would immediately freak out.

However, the purplish dayglo dildo covered me in the front enough and was visible in my butt crack enough that people probably thought it was one of those Brazilian style bikinis or they didn’t look at all.

There were two kinds of older men at the pool. The majority of them wouldn’t be caught turning their head in the direction of any teenage girls for fear their wives might catch them staring. The rest were men without wives at the pool and they DEFINITELY stared.

“Don’t worry, we can’t keep her in clothes at home! Her sister either! Right, Ruth Ann?” Lindsay waved at Ruthie and Ruthie waved back and dove under the water again. I don’t think she caught on that Lindsay had said that loud enough so that people nearby didn’t have reason to freak out.

I ran around the entire length of the pool dripping wet while Bart and Gerald played keep-away with my wet panties. They threw them to each other and ran. The only time that anyone stopped us was a big woman yelled at us to stop running.

Imagine if you will, a young girl wearing only a dildo clipped to her pussy WALKING as fast as she could after two redneck boys who were also WALKING as fast as they can while they tease her and pass her soaked panties back and forth. It seemed like mundane horse play, and no one got upset with us.

“Okay guys, give her back her panties,” the nice man that tried to defend me finally had enough after we fast walked the entire perimeter of the pool eight times.

“They aren’t panties, they are bikini bottoms,” Bart said, and he chucked them as hard as he could over the fence.

“That wasn’t very nice, Bart.”

“What are you going to do, punish ME like you do Freckles?” Bart stuck his tongue out at my sister.

My sister has a commanding baby-sitter voice that works really well on the rest of my siblings and me. She placed her hands on her hips. “Yes, I will! You will go get my sister’s bikini bottoms! But first, your punishment is you have to put Sunblock on her! I know you think it’s gross! You can do it right here in front of me so I can make sure you don’t miss a spot!”

Bart isn’t very intelligent. I think we’ve established that. However, he instantly knew what my sister was doing. “Oh man, I don’t want to TOUCH a girl! Freckles has cooties!”

“He’ll probably feel different about her when he gets older,” the man turned to my sister and snickered.

“Well, she is his cousin, so...” Lindsay said as she pointed to the pool chair near her and told me to come lay down. “You didn’t put enough sun block on! This might help you remember to do it next time!”

He wasn’t my cousin, and my sister never told me I could put on sunblock. I didn’t correct her lies. My sister made me lay on my back. “Keep your legs closed, Katie! You may not have anything anyone wants to see yet, but you need to be a little more modest about your behavior!” she chided me.

I glared at her. Lindsay was really running me through the wringer. “Don’t think I won’t spank your little farty butt right here in front of everybody if you give me attitude!”

The man who wanted to defend me earlier seemed to turn on me. He asked Lindsay if she was available to babysit. “Sorry, I’ve got my hands full with my siblings and my cousins.”

My new “Cousins” fiendishly began to focus on my tits with their lotion while my sister told THEM to stop whining. “You can’t behave at the pool! This is what you two get! I don’t care how long it takes but I am going to sit here until you two get the lotion everywhere! So, you can complain all you want!”

“Hey, can we put lotion on YOU?” Bart asked slyly.

The man sitting next to her who defended me seemed to understand why they would prefer touching their older, and more developed cousin.

“Absolutely not, I do not know where your hands have been!” Lindsay shot them down. Then she turned to the man and extended a bottle of Coppertone. “Would you do my back though?”
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chapter 12

Post by EddieDavidson »


My sister allowed that total stranger to lotion up her back. She flirted with him playfully. “Do you have a boyfriend?” he asked.

“Yeah, I do, but he is back home in Raleigh,” she mused. I wondered if she was cheating on her boyfriend while she went out with Todd, or if this was yet another lie.

Every now and then I felt the remote control engage the vibration function on my dildo and I would jump a little. My mouth popped open, and I wished that the boys touching me were not disgusting pigs who seemed obsessed with rubbing me for their pleasure and not mine.

“Roll over and let your cousins get lotion on your tush!” my sister ordered. As exposed as I looked when I laid on my back, I was even more humiliated flipping over. The dildo was so small that only a sliver of purple was visible in my butt crack, and it ended in my butthole. I clenched my butt cheeks tightly and rolled onto my stomach.

Two pairs of hands immediately began spreading lotion on my butt cheeks. I felt like I was having a tug of war to keep my cheeks closed as they pulled them apart so they could look at my hole.

The man that defended me was named Jim. He apparently worked at an auto parts store in Valdosta. He claimed to be single, but he had a ring on his finger that suggested he was married. My sister flirted with him but not overtly. She laughed at his dumb jokes and nodded when he told her stories.

“Okay guys, I am sure your cousin likes her extended butt rub, but don’t forget her legs and back,” Lindsay joked like it was just boys behaving like boys to focus on my behind.

Jim laughed playfully, but he still seemed empathetic. “You don’t look like you are enjoying that extended butt rub,” he seemed to be asking if I was okay.

“My sister is just teasing me because she is punishing me. I really wouldn’t mind them rubbing lotion on my shitter if they would put some on my back and legs too, Sir.”

I was so nervous that I said the first thing I thought my sister wanted to hear.

“Disgusting! If I had some soap I would wash your mouth out right now, Freckles!” my sister hissed when I said Shitter. She was the one who insisted that I do it.

“That language is inappropriate for a little girl like you,” Jim scolded me. “No wonder you like wearing such a small bathing suit! Not even a top!”

“My sister says I am a member of the Itty-Bitty Titty Committee and that I don’t have to wear a top when I go swimming Sir. I am as flat as most boys are,” I admitted.

He seemed shocked but confused. I secretly enjoyed his reaction. I had a foul mouth, but I spoke to him in a very polite tone and clearly, he didn’t know what to do with that. “I’ve got a dirty sandal I could stick in your mouth though.”

“No one cares to see your boobies, but you are getting a little too old to go to the pool like this! And yes, those bikini bottoms are scandalously small! We can almost see your tooter! but you are Mom’s favorite special girl, and you can wear whatever you want”

I was having trouble understanding my sister’s angle. I had admitted I was a member of the Itty-Bitty Titty Committee which was what she called me. I had spoken vulgarly about my body, but also been polite and even said I didn’t mind what was happening to me. It was kind of funny when the man reacted as he had but Lindsay seemed angry with me.

I didn’t get that she was intentionally lying to seem sanctimonious and more conservative. When she said I was Mom’s favorite that rubbed me the wrong way. I had endured so many embarrassing things that afternoon. My sister kept calling me Freckles which pushes all of my buttons and makes me angry, but I answered to it.

I hadn’t felt the punishment was justified at first, but after being caught red-handed playing with myself I did feel that it was deserved. I also felt like if I didn’t go along with it – she would eventually tell my parents and Pod. I knew Lindsay would probably tell my parents anyway, but I couldn’t have her blow my reputation to Pod. I’d have done anything.

Yet, I lost my patience with her. I was the “middle child” who was neither the oldest nor the baby. I was the one who had all the responsibility and none of the fun. “Mom’s favorite?” I seethed. “I am only wearing this.” I stopped myself from snapping at my sister. I didn’t want to come out and say wearable dildo.

There were a few people nearby within earshot but most people were not listening, and they were either in the pool or involved in their own conversations. My brothers and little sister were playing in the pool and completely oblivious. Ruth Ann was on Georgie’s back chicken fighting another girl in a friendly competition while she balanced on Lucas’s shoulders.

“Go on and say it, Freckles!” my sister challenged me.

“Bart and Gerald threw my panties over the fence, and you didn’t make them go get them! Now you are teasing this guy that’s almost dad’s age and you have a boyfriend back in Raleigh! And you are saying I am Mom’s favorite? You are the one in charge!!”

I could have said a lot more, but I was simmering and not quite boiling over with anger. I thought better of pushing my luck as my sister’s pretty blue eyes bore into me.

She slapped her knees with her hands and sat up. “You know, you are right! Katie! You aren’t mom’s favorite. I just have to quit my job where I see my boyfriend to watch my brothers and sisters because you won’t take responsibility and step up. Now, why don’t YOU go get your panties and bring them back here.”

“Can I put them on?”

“Just go get them and we’ll go back to the cabin,” my sister said curtly. “I’ll get everyone else rounded up because someone has to do it.”

“Thank you Ma’am,” I softened. I got off of the lounger and dashed passed several families. All they saw was a blur that looked like a naked girl. I had to run across hot pavement that had been heated by the Myrtle Beach sun and grab my wet panties. They were soaked with chlorine, but I’d rather wear those sheer panties than just the dildo.

I felt Jimin’s vibration start to ramp up to the highest setting and my knee involuntarily bent and I stumbled a little. That was unfair. I couldn’t stop the throbbing from sending waves of undulating pleasure through my body. The lotion Bart and Gerald and had spread was mostly in my ass crack and it acted almost like a conductor of the vibrations to blow my mind.

“Hurry back,” I could hear my sister through the fence on the other side telling me to return to where she was. I knew there was a hidden ultimatum in her tone that suggested if I was slow, she would leave the vibration on – and a part of me wanted it to continue. Just not here – not at the pool in front of so many strangers and the neighbor boys.

“Katie, I didn’t like your tone earlier,” my sister said when I returned.

“May I please put my panties back on,” I said. Ruth Ann had hers on and she was standing there dripping wet without a shirt just like Georgie and Lucas. She was practically naked as well in her panties but unlike me, she didn’t seem the least bit concerned about all of the stares she was getting. I could see her dark pubes through her soaked panties.

The three of them got a little sunburn on their shoulders but they were no worse for wear. I was breathing heavy and pretended it was because I was out of breath from running but it was definitely the throbbing of the vibration that was making me breathless.

Jim and a few older men were the only ones staring at my confrontation with my sister. I am sure the fact that I was practically naked raised more than a few eyebrows, but Jim was involved in the conversation and the other men were actually listening. The rest were people staring at the half-naked girl across from them at the pool.

“I have one question,” my sister asked. “What did you promise to show Georgie today?”

I looked at her and I looked at Jim. He seemed to regard me as a trouble-making brat. I looked at Georgie and Lucas.

“They can’t help you. What did you offer to show him?”

Why did she want me to admit this in front of total strangers?

“My urethra, Ma’am?”

One man who had been eavesdropping guffawed in disbelief.

“Is that what you called it?”

Was she really going to make me do this here? Show him here? She told me that I was supposed to show it.

“I called it my pee hole, Ma’am.” I was red in the face. Jim let out an exasperated gasp.

“I don’t have any soap, but for saying shitter and pee-hole, you can use chlorine to wash your mouth out!” she pointed to my panties, and I knew she wanted me to wad them up and stuff them in my mouth.

I heard laughter, most of all from Bart and Gerald.

“I can’t take you anywhere! You embarrass me! Now march!” she pointed. I had to walk past several people who noticed that I was carrying what they assumed were bikini bottoms in my mouth. I assumed I was in for more fresh horrors because it was still quite early.

However, as soon as we left the pool, my sister gave me back the only remaining pair of flip-flops I had and let me take the panties out of my mouth.

“Okay Freckles,” she smiled graciously as if I had passed some test. I was skeptical about letting my guard down and trusting her. I thought this was yet another trick. “You are okay. I was hazed back in my Cheerleading days the same way,” she said.

I couldn’t imagine anyone treating Lindsay that way before. It must have been quite a story. “If you screw up again, I’ll put you over my knee, but you can relax.”

“So, Freckles is not going to suck our dicks?” Bart and Gerald asked with a crestfallen realization that the fun was over.

“I am not going to see how girls actually pee?” Georgie seemed disappointed as well.

“She can do those things if she really wants to do them, but I am not going to make her,” my sister shrugged. She told me that I could take the panties out of my mouth and slip them back on as well. I actually thanked her this time for real. Even though I had to walk the length of the campground from the pool to our cabin topless and in wet panties, I was grateful.

“Vibrator on or off?” she asked as I changed.

I stopped for a moment. “I can still wear it?”

“We can share it, if you can keep it a secret. You too Ruthie, if you really want. Just ASK me next time,” she said.

“Would you turn it back down?”

My sister clicked a button on her remote and set the vibration to basic.

“Maybe the middle level?” I asked sheepishly. That did feel really good. There was a little laughter as we walked back to the cabin. As we did, Bart and Gerald became increasingly ruder when they realized that they weren’t getting head. My sister had never intended to make me suck their dicks, but they felt they were owed a blowjob - perhaps because they had played along with being my cousin? I really didn’t know why they felt entitled to oral sex from me.

“You cunts are cock teases,” Bart finally said angrily.

“Yeah, we are,” my sister chuckled. The boys ran off mad. My sister laughed as they ran away and said that boys never mature. “The guy I date are the same way.”

I felt comfortable enough to talk conversationally to my sister again. I asked her if she really did have a boyfriend back in Raleigh.

“Oh yeah, and he worked with me. A lot of times when Mom was asking me to do stuff and I couldn’t, I was just going on a date with him.”

“But you were seeing Todd while you were here,” I pointed out.

“I kind of liked it when I was making you call me, Ma’am, and mind your own business,” My sister didn’t really mind being asked these questions and was just joking. “I TALKED to a lot of guys while I was here. Todd is a local boy who tries to pick up girls on vacation. I was a girl on vacation and bored. He had a nice car. What can I say? And Jim was not DAD’S age. He was probably only thirty-five.”

I was surprised by my sister’s laissez-faire attitude about relationships. Especially, when it seemed that her boyfriend back home didn’t know about Todd.

“I am glad you didn’t make me suck those boys’ dicks. I would have hated cheating on Pod,” I admitted casually.

My sister stopped walking. When my sister stopped walking Lucas, Georgie, and Ruth Ann instinctively stopped behind her. “Wait, would you have really given them a blowjob if I had ordered it? You know I was just busting your chops right?”

I nodded that I knew that, but I really didn’t.

“At first, I thought you might be taking me seriously, but when you intentionally told Jim that you had a shitter just to see the look on his face I knew you were helping me grifting him.”


“That’s what I call it when I make a guy think what I want him to think. I told Todd that I was a stripper from Atlanta,” my sister admitted. I didn’t fully understand it but apparently, she admired the way I “pretended” to be a brat so that she could punish me in front of him.

“That fat fuck told me he was single. He had a wedding ring. I would have stolen that too if his fingers weren’t so chubby,” my sister showed me that she stole his cell phone, his wallet, and his watch. It was an Apple watch.

“Lucas, you are good with technology, pop the chip out for me, will you?”

My sister went through the guy’s wallet and took some cash and credit cards and tossed it in the bushes. She kept his cell phone and watch after Lucas took out the chips. “It’s a shitty android but I can trade it in for a couple of bucks. He was a total perv. You should have seen his face when you rolled over on your tummy and showed him your butt. He could totally see that it wasn’t a bathing suit, and you had the tip in your ass. He was more than happy to act like he thought you had on a thong, but I knew he knew it wasn’t. You were just eye candy to him.”

I was somewhat flattered to be ‘eye candy’ to anyone.

“He kept trying to put his finger in my crack instead of lotion up my back. All the while, he was staring at you and trying to discreetly play with his dick.”

Ruth Ann gave my sister a look of consternation for what she said.

“Oh stop, Polly Anna! You know what dicks are and you knew exactly what you were doing running around that pool with your bush on full display. If you want to continue to pretend to be a naïve little girl, you’ll have to take a weed whacker to that thing.”

“Hey, I am not pretending ... not always,” Ruthie gave us both a mischievous and naughty smirk that said everything in that moment. I had underestimated her.

“You guys are gross,” Lucas said.

“Okay, since we are being completely honest, I know the two of you masturbate in front of each other sometimes,” she said.

They both denied it but then she described how they did it in detail. She also said that once Georgie rested his back against the bed and laid upside down and squeezed his dick until he shot in his own mouth.

Georgie was mortified. When they asked how she knew she pointed out there were no curtains in the cabin, and she is tall enough to look in. “Didn’t you think it was a serious coincidence that I yanked the door open to our room and caught you in the middle of the act? I would have looked pretty dumb if I flung the doors open if you weren’t doing anything.”

She said she got the idea from Bart and Gerald. She caught them peeping in our windows at different times in the past. “I’ve been fucking with their heads all vacation. I kept telling them Todd was going to whip their ass. He probably would have just for fun! When I saw you going to town on yourself in the bedroom, I asked them to wait outside of the trailer and play along with whatever.”

“So, did you actually promise them I would suck their cocks?”

“I might have implied you would do stuff for them, but I wouldn’t have made you, Katie. I was just trying to teach you a lesson. I didn’t know you would have gone down on them or even more if I had said to do it. I was angry at you for running my day with Todd, but we are going home soon and it’s really not that big of a deal. You aren’t ready to watch over the others at home, so I guess I have to stick around a little bit more.”

“Yeah,” I said. I didn’t know what to think about what she was telling me. It was almost a let down that none of it had been ‘real’ even though it seemed that way to me.

“Admit it though, in a way it was kind of fun?”

A man jogged by and did a double take over the fact that my sister and I were topless. Ruth Ann waved at him sweetly like a goofy girl. It was a total act because once he was passed, she went back to having a flat expression.

I had to admit – it was quite an adventure, but I definitely wouldn’t want to do it again.

“if it was fun, you should let Katie boss YOU around?”

“NO WAY,” Lindsay rejected that right off. “You perv definitely WOULD explore my butthole, my pussy hole and my pee hole if she let you. Absolutely not!”

“Well, then how can you say it was fun for me if it wasn’t for you?” I asked.

“There are some guys I’ve known who would have PAID me to treat them the way I treated you today,” my sister implied. She said they were creepy old men but they would have paid her well for the privilege of being humiliated by her. Lindsay tried to make it seem like she had done me a favor today.

When we tried to find out if she meant paid for sex, she left that to our imaginations and changed the subject.

That evening when my parents returned, we were pretty much back to normal. Lindsay’s sex toy was back in the box. I was wearing clothes again. No one told about what happened during the day. I think we were all still processing it. We were all laughing and carrying on as if none of this had even happened.

It was a strange sort of reset. There were no hard feelings, and I genuinely didn’t have a problem with what my sister lovingly called “enduring hazing rituals”. She said if I ever sprouted tits, I should try out for the cheerleading team. I felt like there was no way that was going to happen in time for my senior year given I would be a sophomore next year.

That evening my parents took us to Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville. I am not a fan of his music, and I don’t even understand the appeal. There was a big volcano at the bar that poured out this green slushee Margarita mix every hour. This stupid song that gets stuck immediately in your head starts playing “Now I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know where I’m a gonna go, When the volcano blow...”

It was stuck in ours because by the second time the volcano exploded during dinner my entire family was singing it like a couple of loons. My sister had graciously allowed me to wear Jimin to dinner. It probably accounted for my extremely boisterous and over the top happy behavior in the restaurant.

I had just finished a “Cheeseburger in Paradise” and excused myself to go to the bathroom. I really didn’t have to use the bathroom. Mom didn’t like it when I texted on family excursions like this and I wanted to catch up with Pod and frig my pussy a little.

“How was your day, Love?” Pod texted. I should say that while he addressed me as “Love” he didn’t mean it in the sense of loving me. It was apparently a term of endearment in Britain.

“You probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” I texted back as I reflected on the humiliating things I did at the pool and in the cabin.

“Fess up,” Pod texted. I wondered if he knew something about that day.

“Well, my sister spanked me twice for starters,” I said. I had alluded to the fact that my mom and dad disciplined me but seldom went into any details about what I did to deserve or that they were bare bottom.

“Are you are having me on?” he asked. I was relieved that he didn’t know the dirty truth.

“No, I kind of deserved it. She caught me with Jimin,” I said. I explained that was the sex toy and snapped a picture or two with my pants down to show that I was wearing it. He asked if it stung.

“It did, but in a good way,” I wrote as I began playing with myself more for the camera and sending him picture after picture of my body.

“Are you buttering your muffin in a pub?” he asked via text. I am sure I was blowing his mind.

I bragged that I was in Margaritaville. I turned around and took a picture of my spread ass. I asked him if he could see the red marks on my ass where my sister spanked me with a paddle.

I showed him how I was intentionally letting the small end of the U-shaped dildo rest in my asshole and told him that I liked it. I expected him to text back but sometimes he starts jerking off and it takes a few minutes for me to hear the sound of another text.

I turned back around and gave him a good view of my face as I pulled the dildo back from my slimy pussy, and, fingered myself. “Good thing I didn’t wear panties, or I’ll ruin them when I go back to my table,” I texted.

It was at that moment that I realized the last seven pictures I had sent were in my family group chat. My mom had texted “Katie, did you fall in or what? We are ready to go.”

I didn’t realize that my phone had automatically brought up the latest text message and I was so deep into what I was doing that I hadn’t looked at my phone. Everything I had sent since Pod asked me if I was buttering my muffin had gone to my mom and Dad, Lindsay, Lucas, Georgie and Ruth Ann.

I briefly considered just staying in the bathroom until closing time and running away from home rather than facing them. The worst part is that nobody texted any replies. I briefly googled “unsending a text message” and found that was impossible.

I hoped beyond hope that somehow the cell phone service had stopped working and the pictures didn’t get sent. The look on my family’s face when I left the bathroom and returned to the table told me immediately how futile my hope was.

I started to apologize, and my mom told me to save it. Dad had already paid the check, and nobody asked me if I was finished or wanted a to-go box.

We stood up as a family and walked out of that crowded restaurant in silence. I had no idea what was going to happen. I wanted to say something – anything, but what could I say?

My face was red, but I was simply too stunned to offer any sort of defense.
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Chapter 13

Post by EddieDavidson »


The car ride home was as awkward and quiet as the walk to the car. My mom stopped me from explaining and said that she never thought she’d ever have to deal with an issue like this. “It’s best for you if you just remain silent, right now and let us process. We’ll talk about it when we get home.”

We didn’t though. My parents didn’t talk to me. They sent me into my room with some paper and told me to write everything down. My mom did take my phone and she probably read all of my text messages. She spoke to my siblings, and I think she asked them individually to write what happened as well.

I went as far back as the Wal-Mart. I felt that I had to come clean and that I should start with how I met Pod. It was somewhat cathartic to admit my thoughts about manipulating Mom at the community pool back in Raleigh. I wrote the outline of the story you are reading now.

I knew better than to blow smoke with my mom and paint a picture of a naïve, innocent girl who was confused and manipulated herself. I’d get caught somewhere in my lie.

That brings us to the point you began the story at. Once my parents had read everyone’s stories and talked to the others, they told me to come into the living room. It must have been after 1 a.m. by the time they called for me.

I wouldn’t have been able to sleep anyway, and on vacation, we never have an official bedtime. Everyone just goes to bed when they are tired.

Lindsay was sitting on the bench and looking pretty upset herself. Mom and Dad had very serious expressions on their face. My brothers looked exhausted, but they were still up. They had changed into underwear and a shirt.

Ruth Ann looked somewhat forlorn as well. It wasn’t like her not to be giddy and oblivious to what was going on around her.

“I would ask you what you have to say for yourself,” Dad held up a stack of notebook paper that I had neatly penned my confession in cursive. “You pretty much said it all here,” he said. I had gone back to the beginning. I left nothing out, even the silly things that may not have had anything to do with the reason I was in trouble.

“Do you have anything to say before we tell you what your punishment is going to be?” my mom asked somberly.

I wanted to make a smart-ass comment like guessing my punishment was three more weeks in Myrtle Beach. I thought better of it. “No Ma’am, I’ll accept whatever you decide.”

“That is a given. The challenge for us is that we had no idea this was all happening under our noses, and we get the impression that you would probably do it again if we stopped at a simple spanking. I would like you to stand up, Katie,” Mom paused to allow me to stand up. I stood straight as if I were waiting for a judge to hand down a life sentence. “I need you to understand that the punishment for showing off your naked body is just one of the things you are being punished for. If that is all you did, I think that remaining naked for the rest of the vacation would probably be sufficient. We only have three days left, and you will strip at the door, and stay that way until the day we pack the car and leave.”

That wasn’t that bad. My parents told me to strip. “Your brothers and your father have obviously seen you naked, and your brothers have seen a lot more than just your boobs and butt.”

I stepped out of my shorts and shirt and then slid my panties off. I considered myself lucky my parents weren’t screaming and anticipated more punishment to come because they were surely not done with me.

“I am glad you didn’t have Jimin on underneath,” my mom mispronounced his name. She had obviously read it that way. “Go get him ... or it, and bring it here,” mom said. She was more than a little irritated and uncomfortable.

“Yes Ma’am,” I replied somberly. I knew I was in for it now.

“Oh good, that is another rule. It’s Ma’am and Sir for US from now on. You won’t be calling Lindsay Ma’am again though. That will reinforce that you actually respect us even if you don’t. If you, did you wouldn’t have pulled all of these shenanigans,” I heard my mom say as I fished around in my sister’s make-up box for Jimin and returned.

“Now, I want all of you to listen to these rules. It is not going to be tattling if you tell on your sisters. In fact, I may make you join them if I find out you didn’t,” she said. Lindsay and Ruth Ann both looked concerned.

“Lindsay, on your feet. You knew this was coming,” she said. “You are my oldest and I let you get away with so much. Drop the shorts and the top. You will also undress at the door.”

Lindsay didn’t balk or argue. She looked nervously around the room. My mom said that the boys had already seen enough nudity today and they would be fine. Lindsay’s body was not like mine though. It was the mature body of a healthy woman with shapely curves, a bald pussy, large breasts that didn’t sag and had a natural hang to them. She stood with her hands in front of her pussy.

“You will both remain in the living room. The ONLY time you are to go into the bedroom is with my permission and the door is to remain OPEN. No privacy. Your hands are to be behind your head unless you are doing chores. Go ahead and stand that way now, you might as well get some practice.”

Mom put us in a position in the center of the room with our butts touching facing away from each other. Our legs were slightly bowed out and our knees were bent. It was not a comfortable position.

“Mom, the cabin has no curtains! Anyone walking up could see my boobs!”

“If I ask for your opinion on our decision then you can give it to me. You had no problem showing off your sister’s Itty Bitty Titties today, did you?” Mom emphasized Itty-Bitty-Titty in a sarcastic way to imitate my sister’s insult toward me and Ruthie. “If someone walks up to our cabin, they will see your tits because we will invite them in. Do you have a problem with that? Because if so, I can think of worse punishments.”

“No Ma’am,” Lindsay bit her lip and looked straight ahead. She was lucky she was not facing Lucas and Georgie. They were both grinning at my sister’s realization she would be naked just like me.

“You dished it out, you can’t take it,” mom said.

“I can take it, Ma’am. I just didn’t think you would want to do to me what I did to Katie today,” my sister said.

“Oh, we aren’t going to do the same things you did. We are going to TEACH you a lesson about doing those things. You’ll be lucky if the man you stole from today doesn’t call the police after you return what you stole.”

Lindsay huffed slightly under her breath. My mom asked her if she had something to say and my sister politely said she didn’t and thought that it was a good idea to return what she took.

“Yes, you’ll set a really good example for the others that crime does not pay. Now don’t worry, the rules for you and Katie are not going to be exactly the same either. You are two very different people who did different things to deserve punishment. The rules will be similar but not exactly the same. That is why our father, and I wrote them down,” Mom showed us a notebook with cursive handwriting and a lot of numbered rules with our names on them.

“As an example, when you do leave, you will get to cover your gazongas. You like it when girls have to refer to their natural bodies in the most vulgar and degrading ways, don’t you Lindsay?”

“Yes Ma’am,” my sister gritted her teeth.

“So, you’ll both continue doing that. You get soap in your mouth if you do not! Isn’t that a treat? You can call your ass a shitter, and your breasts are knockers or jugs. The only time I will wash your mouth out with soap is when you say that about anyone else’s body parts except each other. I think that should be a good lesson in manners. Don’t you, Katie?” my mom asked me.

“Yes Ma’am,” I agreed. I wasn’t enthusiastic about these rules, but I understood and didn’t refuse.

“Good, now about your names. You see Katie and Lindsay are special to me. They are my daughters and I love them very much. However, you haven’t been acting like Katie and Lindsay. If I call you those names, then I want you to feel special. I gave them to you when I gave birth to you. I want you to re-earn those names. You’ll answer to what anyone calls you, but Katie you will be Freckles, and Lindsay you will be Buffalo Butt. If anyone asks you your name, that is what you are going to say. Obviously, Buffalo Butt can be offensive to some people, so when you are out of the house, we might call you Big Bird, BB, Buffy, or even Boo-Bee for short, but you will still introduce yourself as Buffalo Butt to anyone else. You can tell people those are your nicknames.”

“What is your name now?” Mom asked Lindsay.

“Buffalo Butt, Ma’am,” Lindsay looked pathetic as she accepted the name. I think Mom was intentionally trying to play on Lindsay’s self-consciousness about her appearance. I do not know why Lindsay would ever doubt she was pretty though.

My older sister had a BUBBLE Butt – nicely rounded. It was hardly huge and fat. However, she was incredibly self-conscious. The real reason for the choice of the nickname was Lindsay was also embarrassed by our last name. Buffalo Butts or even Bubble Butts would have been a play on our last name.

“Good, get used to it. When you learn to behave then you can have the name Lindsay back. I gave it to you at birth and I can take it away. You want to act like a Buffalo Butt, then that’s what we’ll call you.”

At first, I hoped my mom was kidding about taking away our first names temporarily, but the look on her face told me that she wasn’t.

“Yes, Ma’am,” my sister looked defeated and accepted the decision. It was only for three days but I felt empathy for her. I never liked the name Katie very much but calling me Freckles made me miss hearing my real name!

“Given your recent choice of attire when you leave the house, I do not think you are capable of dressing yourselves. Your father and I will decide what you can wear. I believe you got away with wearing panties so around the beach and the campground it will just be a pair of panties for you Freckles.”

I didn’t expect that but since I had done it before, I would do it again if I had to. We just had three days left and I would just stay in the cabin most of the time.

Mom had a different plan for Lindsay. Boo-Bee, you can finally have that string bikini you wanted,” Mom showed my sister a shredded strip of cloth from her yellow-polka-dot bikini that included the strap that tied in the back. “This is the top, no wait ... this is the bottom?” she fumbled with it and pretended she couldn’t tell the difference because the bottoms were less than an inch thick as well.

My sister almost laughed at how absurdly small it was.

“It broke my heart to destroy a bikini that I just bought for you, but I think it may serve to teach you a lesson.”

Mom had a pair of scissors and began to chop up our shorts into what she called “Daisy Dukes”. “You may not believe this, but back in the 1990s I used to think I was hot-shit, and they sold these in stores. You are going to bring the style back,” Mom began to cut the jean shorts so that they rode up our asses. She chopped our remaining shirts into half-tops.

“What about me?” Ruthie asked if she was going to be punished.

“We are still thinking about you Ruthie, but right now you are off the hook. You were kind of caught up in the middle of this,” Dad explained. Ruthie genuinely seemed to be a little disappointed or perhaps just shocked. It was like my parents to play favorites for her though. Dad took over with more rules while my mom cut up our only clothes.

“I think it should go without saying,” Dad said that he would say it anyway. “Since you are sucking up our last days of vacation by making us deal with what you did, then you will give back. Katie,” Dad stopped himself and corrected “Freckles, you were already doing all the chores, but you made your brothers and sisters help.”

I tried to interrupt to say that they offered but dad shushed me.

“We’re going to make the chores a little harder. I don’t really care about this cabin, but I want it spotless, and you’ll do it with elbow grease. You and your sister will do everything. If Lucas wants a drink, you’ll get it. If Ruth Ann wants her shoes in the other room, you’ll hop up and get it. Obviously, there is a hierarchy, so you don’t manipulate them into sending you to do something you wanted to do when you get bored. If your mother and I gave you another chore to do that takes priority and you’ll explain that politely. You’ll take the other requests as they come in.”

I frowned. I couldn’t see Lindsay.

Dad explained that our siblings can make requests, but to consider it an order if our parents tell us to do something. It always takes priority to what else we have going on. “I might ask in front of someone else to appear polite. I do not want to seem like a hard-ass to outsiders. However, I expect you to say Yes Sir, acknowledge the order, and hustle like your ass depends on it because it does.”

Dad explained that bare-ass spankings would likely be very frequent.

“You were bragging to your boyfriend that you liked how your sister spanked you. Well, the remedy there is that these will be unpleasant, and they won’t just be on your calloused bottoms.”

What did he mean by that?

“Spankings will be delivered on the patio unless it is raining, or we happen to be somewhere else besides the cabin. I don’t see a reason that you’d have a problem with that since you were sunbathing. Your mom and I decided that we’ve had enough of a shock to our system, that unless you give us attitude or question our decision, we won’t start the spankings tonight. However, if you do then we can begin now. Is that understood?”

“Yes Sir,” we both agreed.

“At the crack of dawn, I expect you to both report out to the patio. You’ll “sunbathe” outside in the morning standing just as you are. If anyone asks what you are doing, the answer is sunbathing. If anyone asks why you are sunbathing that way you can tell them that your parents are teaching you a lesson about showing off and welcome them to sit at the picnic table until I get up, have a nice warm cup of coffee, and come outside to spank you. You’ll be spanked three times a day for the things you did PREVIOUSLY on vacation. Any new spankings will be for screw-ups you make during your punishment.”

Dad paused for this to sink in.

Mom continued. “You’ll make breakfast and serve us, or we’ll go to breakfast, and you will wear these outfits. Your dad and I will order for you, and you will thank us for whatever you get. You will stand to eat at the picnic table and again, if anyone asks why you are naked you will say that you are being punished by your parents for showing off. I doubt seriously anyone is going to think you are sunbathing,” Mom glanced at my father furtively. I assumed they compromised about that.

“I just don’t want people to think we are being unreasonable,” Dad said. “We’ll expect you to take full responsibility for your punishment. If you make us look like the bad guys – we’ll BE The bad guys. I just want to put that out there. I want you to answer like Katie did today ... Dammit, Freckles did today.”

“Are you sure, Dear? It was very graphic,” My mom asked.

“As close to that as possible,” Dad said.

“Are we supposed to call everyone Sir and Ma’am?” Lindsay asked a question.

“Yeah,” Dad shrugged.

“Even us?” Lucas brightened. He had been slowly working himself around the room to get a better look at Lindsay’s tits. Her boobs seemed to bounce slightly any time she spoke. I am sure he was dying to take a closer look at her perfect tits.

“No, not you guys,” Dad wasn’t worried about whether it would humiliate me to address my little brother with respect. He was uncomfortable with hearing us call Lucas that.

“Aww, so she has to call Bart and Gerald Bates “Sir” but not me?” Lucas asked.

Dad had clearly not thought about it. He looked at Mom to see what she thought. She shrugged.

“I didn’t really mean teenagers, but they are likely to see boys their own age. Yeah, okay. Just don’t get a swollen head, Lucas. This ends after the vacation, so it’s only three days.”

“I would like Lindsay to invite her boyfriend over to the house so she can tell him about Todd and all the other boys she was with,” Mom added. Dad agreed.

“Mom, that isn’t fair to intervene in my relationships. I am over 18...” Lindsay began to defend herself until my mother held up her hand to pause Lindsay.

“I am going to stop you right there. I don’t give a damn if you are thirty-nine years old. You live in my house. You obey my rules. If you want, I can extend the punishment to the car ride home, and until your new boyfriend visits so you can tell him everything you did on your vacation? Will you feel like bragging about hazing your little sister then? We can play show and tell.”

“No Ma’am,” Lindsay replied quite seriously. I could tell she was not feeling like being snarky and acting flippant any longer.

“I expect you, girls, to accept your punishment, embrace it and learn from it so that we can move on from it as a family. You were both incredibly wicked and you are no strangers to depraved behavior. I don’t know why you are acting surprised that we are going to make you swallow enough medicine to make you not want to ever have it again. Now, let’s talk about this pitiful little thing,” My mom held up Jimin. “I am not sure if it is going to be a punishment or feel like a reward. It might seem like both. Did I ever tell that I used to smoke when I was your age?”

“All of the time, Ma’am,” Lindsay kept the trace of sarcasm in her tone to a minimum. Mom had told us the story about how her father made her smoke carton after carton until she never wanted to touch a butt again. “Then I married your father and became a butt,” is how that story always ended. This time she told us that is how we’d feel about this thing.

“Your brothers have seen you use it. I would never have imagined either of you would allow that,” My mom said. Lindsay hadn’t actually used it in front of anyone else, but we didn’t correct her. “One of you will wear it to the shower in the morning and one of you will wear it to shower in the evening. You will dance around in front of all the ladies in the shower and I’ll stop and start it. If anyone asks, you’ll tell them you are being punished for playing with yourself with it and this is your punishment. You’ll kiss Jimin any time you take him out. I’ll randomly choose one of you to wear him around the house while you do chores.”

I didn’t want to dance like a fool in the shower, but frankly that didn’t sound quite that bad.

“Show me how you wear it,” my mom handed Jimin to my sister. My sister looked reluctant as she accepted it. Both of my brothers eyes bulged, and they seemed to strain their necks.

“Don’t worry Lucas, you are going to see your sister like this plenty of times. If you are just dying to take a look then you can come around here and get it out of the way,” Mom offered.

“That’s okay Mom,” Lucas became shy about it and stopped staring so hard. Georgie seemed disappointed, but he wasn’t going to look if Lucas didn’t.

“It didn’t both you when Freckles wore it today. As I understand, you were quite comfortable with it? What changed? Perhaps in some ways having to look at this might deter you from being obsessed with the female form,” Mom said. She didn’t push the issue though. She was more focused on what Lindsay was doing.

“Turn around,” Mom made my sister spin and model Jimin for her. “That’s not how your sister wore it today is it?”

“You really want me to stick it in my butt, Ma’am?” Lindsay asked.

“Get that soap! You can do better than that! You may as well learn now that you don’t have a butt – at least as far as you are concerned.”

Lindsay tried apologizing but fetched the soap she made me suck on earlier today. She put it in her mouth and returned to Mom.

“I think you have it the wrong way around. Let me see you flip it around,” Mom suggested Lindsay take the fat in and put it between her butt cheeks, and use the thin end to cover her pussy. My sister was clearly mortified and where she was standing was strategically far closer to Lucas and Georgie. She was facing them at first.

She shook her head no, but she did flip the U around. Mom made her part her butt cheeks and seat the plug tip of the fat end in her ass. My sister’s strawberry-colored pussy lips were visible around the base of the thin end of the plug. Jimin’s small tip looked like it was perched between her pussy flips and holding them open. Mom pressed the button on the key fob and my sister spit the soap out across the room in surprise.

Mom pointed and made her pick it up. Lindsay stumbled forward and got it. “I think you can do better than that. Spit the soap on the floor again and show us how you made Freckles bend over today for the neighbors.”

Lindsay knew that my mom wanted to humiliate her. She gritted her teeth, bent deeply and we all saw her puckered asshole spread open slightly as Jimin penetrated it. I was so shocked this was happening. I could literally see the wrinkles in her asshole from where I stood and so could everyone else. She slowly picked it up with her teeth, clenched, and began to stand up. I watched her pussy pulsate like it was flexing around the thin tip of the dildo while mom adjusted the speed to the highest setting.

“If we had two of these disgusting little toys then we’d make you both wear them. So, you’ll have to share! I think I prefer you wearing it this way. In the morning, I’ll see if I like Freckles wearing it this way,” my mom said.

The fat end was so much thicker! It really did look like the back of a g-string in her crack though. If you didn’t know she didn’t have a strap around her waist you might think it was intended to be a micro-thong.

That was pretty much the extent of my parent’s rules. They wanted us to be miserable, but they also wanted to finish out the vacation, and adding more rules and requirements might complicate things.

They also told us that they simply couldn’t think of anything else that might be a just punishment. “You obviously won’t date any boys. You won’t go anywhere without permission. You won’t boss around your brothers and little sister. You won’t talk back. If there is something, you normally do without asking – I want you to ask permission. That includes leaving this cabin unless it’s on fire or one of us told you to get out – you ask politely.”

Dad had another thing to say. “I think what bothers me so much about this beyond the sheer absurdity of ever having to punish my daughters this way, is that I actually believed you both when you wanted your mother and I to have time to ourselves. I thought that my daughters actually appreciated all that we did for them and wanted us to enjoy time without the drama of five teenagers constantly doing really fucked up shit like this.”

We never did fucked up things like this. This was the first time! I didn’t dare correct dad. My sister couldn’t – she had soap in her mouth, and she was starting to physically vibrate. I mean her entire body was vibrating as she tried to keep it together.

“What hurts me is that you didn’t give a shit about us. You simply wanted us gone so you could play dirty games. Now, you will have us up your ass like that toy -and I am not sure what you are going to find more unpleasant- your mom or that dildo.”
All of my stories:
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Post by mars357 »

This is INCREDIBLY hot! Please don't stop now! Katie and Lindsay (or should I say Freckles and Buffalo Butt?) getting punished for the last three days of the holidays as per the rules described sounds like something absolutely not to be missed! The build-up here was a bit on the slow side, but you've reached an epic point here, with the last few chapters jaw-droppingly good. Can we have more?
A kinky, pervy dreamer who occasionally feels creative. I love and appreciate comments and encouragement and I'm also open to suggestions!
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Post by perseus »

I agree with Mars357! Please continue! I'm very much enjoying this story!
Feedback or suggestions are always welcome
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Post by mars357 »

Pro tip: the rest of the story can be found following the link in his signature ;)
A kinky, pervy dreamer who occasionally feels creative. I love and appreciate comments and encouragement and I'm also open to suggestions!
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Post by EddieDavidson »

I didn't think anyone really cared that much for the story! Sorry, yes, my stories can be found in my signature. I have many more and not all the same.

I've recently started illustrating with AI.



My parents didn’t want to hear apologies or promises of good behavior. They said we lied so much that right now they just wanted us to face the music and earn their trust back. I have to admit that I agreed with them. I hadn’t really thought about how shitty it was to send them off together to have private time.

I thought they’d appreciate it, and they did. They just didn’t appreciate the reasons we told them to do it. I understood that better now. Mom promised me that soon we’d all be grown and moved out on our own and we’d miss family vacations.

“Well, not THIS family vacation but we think this punishment might make the next one a whole lot more tolerable if you behave,” she joked. Mom kissed me on the forehead, patted me on the butt, and sent me to bed.

I expected that they’d make us sleep in the living room together. When Lindsay removed Jimin there was a tiny coffee-colored kiss on the tip of the fat end. Ruthie recognized it immediately as peanut-butter.

Mom was going to let her wash it in the sink. Dad quoted my confession and held it up for my mother. “Buffalo Butt told Freckles that it was her pussy funk and to clean it off.”

“That’s not pussy funk, dear,” my mom said. It wasn’t a turd or anything – but the stain definitely came from my sister’s asshole kissing it all night during the new rules discussion.

“Fair is fair,” my sister shivered and cleaned the front and back by sucking it. “That’s how I cleaned it when I am alone.”

Lucas and Georgie were so exhausted because it was so late at night that they didn’t even laugh.

Mom took Jimin and told us that we could miss him until morning when we’d become well acquainted.

We climbed in bed and unlike in the past, my older sister didn’t enforce three feet of separation, but she also didn’t’ snuggle with me. Ruthie wished us both a good night and sounded sad.

“You aren’t going to make us call you Ma’am when we are alone are you?” Lindsay asked as she rolled over and put her back to us. I slept in the middle and Ruthie was on the other side of the bed.

“Mom says I have to,” Ruthie said.

“Yeah, but you don’t have to Ma’am. You can literally do anything, and Mom won’t punish you,” Lindsay said bitterly. It was true, but I didn’t think Ruthie was at fault for that. She couldn’t help that mom plays favorites.

“I know,” Ruthie didn’t sound happy about that. When Lindsay asked her why that was a problem, Ruthie told us. “When you punished Freckles today, I came out in my panties too!”

“I know, you are a good sister. Mom’s not going to punish you for that, Ma’am,” I interrupted. I didn’t want her to feel guilty about it. I explained that I knew she was showing solidarity for me to make it less awkward. “You were incredibly brave to do that! People probably thought it was less weird seeing you tag along like that.”

Ruthie got quiet and then told me that I didn’t understand. I tried to say that I did understand. I told her that she felt guilty that she wasn’t punished even though it was her idea to walk around in just panties.

“No, everybody treats me like I am a stupid little girl,” Ruthie pouted. Lindsay was probably going to say she was a stupid little girl but after the night we had – we both shut our mouths and let Ruthie speak. “After Big Bird ended your punishment, she said she would continue it if you wanted.”

I didn’t understand where Ruthie was going, and I was so tired that I wanted to go to sleep. I politely asked her to get to the point.

“Nobody asked me though,” Ruthie sounded disappointed, but I had no idea why.

“You wanted me to treat you like Freckles?” Lindsay understood what my sister was asking for, she just didn’t understand why Ruthie wanted that.

“I wanted you to at least ask me. You just assumed I was too dumb and that I was showing off. I kept waiting for you to make me say or do silly things. You didn’t. I kept diving under the water and intentionally showing everyone my butt so you would tell me that I was being naughty and make me walk around the pool with my panties hanging down, but you didn’t.”

“I can totally do that when we get back to the house! I had no idea you were a little masochist,” Lindsay snickered.

My sister climbed over me and slapped my sister’s ass. It wasn’t hard but it might have been for Ruthie. She reminded my sister of the rules. Then she explained “I am not a masochist. I don’t even know what that is. I just wanted to know what it was like to get punished. I don’t really want to do bad things to get punished.”

“So let me get this straight, Ma’am,” my sister’s tone was jovial as she wrapped her head around what Ruthie was asking for. “You have been mama’s perfect angel for so long, you want to be treated like a bad girl. You just don’t want to do the bad things?”

“That’s what I said, Big Bird! I don’t even like to call you Buffalo Butt even though Mom said I have to at home. I don’t want to be in trouble forever. Today, I could have pretended to be a bad girl and see how it felt.”

“You know most good girls like you take a long time to figure out that they want to be bad girls. I had a friend in high school who was on the honor society, a cheerleader, and she was even the daughter of a pastor in a big church. She was expected to be a perfect daughter by her parents, teachers, and church. At night, she started sneaking out to party. She used to shoplift. She didn’t need what she stole. She just liked the thrill of stealing. She started babysitting only to seduce the husband when he brought her home. She wasn’t in it for the money. Her parents were loaded. The first she got caught shoplifting they let her go with a warning. She started intentionally getting caught so she could get strip-searched and seduce the guy.”

I felt I knew that girl. She was Susie Miller and she ended up having this big scandal where she robbed a bank with some guys.

“She couldn’t satisfy her need to be bad, so eventually it consumed her. She started doing the most dangerous and degrading things to feed her desire to be a bad girl. Eventually, she ended up in prison.”

“I don’t want to end up in prison,” my sister pouted.

“No one ever made Susie face any real consequences until it was too late, and she robbed a bank with her uncle. He used to tie her up and whip her and make her fuck all these guys.”

“That sounds like a consequence of her bad actions,” I said.

“Oh no, she was thrilled by that! The nastier the better for Susie Miller,” My sister said. “Look, I guess if you really want to experience facing consequences you should talk to Mom and Dad about it. Don’t intentionally start breaking rules to see what happens. In Susie’s case, it was never enough, and she eventually started acting out in more self-destructive ways until she did something to end up in prison.”

“I don’t want to end up in prison. I just want to do what you guys are doing,” My sister said.

“I can assure you that you do NOT. Just enjoy the final three days of vacation, Ma’am. If you want to ask Mom to spank your bottom so you know how it feels that’s fine, but she will never let you do what we have to do.”

With that, my sister started snoring. I was so sleepy as well, so I passed out shortly after that. In the morning, the sun hit us in the eyes. My little sister got up. She was naked but she put on her shirt and panties. She normally didn’t sleep in the nude, but clothing was at a premium and after our conversation last night I didn’t think it was that weird.

She didn’t mention the conversation though. Instead, she smiled spritely and asked us if we were ready to go sunbathe.

“Suns out, Buns out,” my sister joked that if the sun was up, we’d have our butts out. “I could really use a cup of coffee, but Dad made it pretty clear I wouldn’t have that privilege,” she joked. It was nice to commiserate together about our shared punishment.

Ruthie skipped along with us as we approached our cabin door. This was it. We’d be walking outside naked. My sister opened the door, peeked outside, and saw that no one was out yet. Usually, at this time of the morning, there were only one or two people walking their dog or riding their bike. Most people slept in.

We both took a deep breath and walked out onto the patio. We had sunbathed naked, but we stayed low to the ground so that unless you were standing close to the fence or in the cabin next door you wouldn’t see anything.

A person could easily see our upper halves from the narrow street between cabins. Lindsay had it worse than me because her nipples were like huge lightly colored strawberry headlights that you wouldn’t just walk past without looking at.

Lindsay stood facing the trailer with her back to the cabin in front of us. That meant I had to face the street. I stuck my butt next to hers and then bumped hard against her to ‘thank her’ for making me be the one who has to face the street. “Hey, we’ll both get a lot less attention if you are the one facing the street!”

I bumped Lindsay again hard by backing my rump into hers. It was a playful jab and not malicious on my part. She was right about her theory; I just didn’t want to be labeled the ‘boring one’ who could help keep us from being noticed. “Damn, Your big fat donkey butt really jiggles!”

“You are one to talk with that sweaty turd cutter of yours. When is the last time you wiped it?” she joked. Then she suggested we practiced making up dirty names for our body parts since Dad would expect us to use them today. We went back and forth with the words cunt, gash, jugs, udders, fart factory, and shit hole. It felt so dirty.

It was very naughty, and a little fun to make up dirty words for my body parts. Lindsay knew a lot of filthy words – a lot more than me. I memorized them all.

An old man on a bike rode past. He waved at me, so I waved at him. He couldn’t tell I was completely naked until he was parallel with the cabin. He did a double-take and I thought I heard him crash and fall off the bike. My sister and I giggled a little. Ruthie was concerned he was hurt. She ran out to the road, but he had already recovered and went on his merry way.

“This is going to be a long day,” my sister commiserated with me again. She bumped her butt cheeks into mine. My butt is so small, and her cheeks are so big that she could push her cheeks apart by pushing back on one of my hips and sort of envelope my cheeks. We were bumping booties like that to pass the time and take our minds off the fact that we were naked and on display when around the corner came the old man on a bike again.

“Oh, I am sure we’ve just become his favorite route for bike riding,” Lindsay could see him in the reflection from the windows of the cabin. He was staring this time, looking intently at us. I waved politely as he rode past.

it wasn’t long before the colorful old man had made his third lap around our block. There were plenty of short narrow streets in the campground that he could have chosen. He had made it fairly obvious he was trying to get a look at us.

My sister and I were both giggling by his third pass. “You don’t have to keep riding past, sir. If you want to stop and look you can,” My sister spoke loudly enough that he could hear her.

The man stopped and pretended we weren’t naked at all. “Pardon?” he asked as if he wasn’t sure if she was talking to him. Ruthie giggled too as the man approached our fence.

“I said that you don’t have to keep riding past. You can just stop if you like, Sir,” my sister said politely. Her tone was less abrasive and defiant than usual. It sounded natural and passive. It was the polite tone she wanted to make me use the day before. It sounded like she had practiced speaking submissively.

“I am sorry, is my riding laps around the camp bothering you?” he became defensive. It was almost comical that he was talking to us while we held our arms behind our heads, and stood back to back with our knees bent and our legs slightly spread and he didn’t seem the least bit curious why.

“No, not at all, sorry for interrupting sir,” my sister apologized quickly and stopped talking. The man stood there for a moment as if waiting for me to say something. I was too shy, and I smiled and looked at him.

“I won’t bother you two again. I am not in the habit of being accused of staring at what young ladies do on their patio,” he assured us that this was his final lap down row W (our street). He turned to leave, and I think he expected us to say something. When we didn’t, he turned around again. “May I ask, are your parents aware you are out here like this?”

“Oh yes, Sir,” my sister was trying to contain a broad grin. I think she expected him to ask a question. “We are being punished for showing off our bodies and sunbathing without permission. We’ve got to sunbathe like this every morning until we leave to teach us a lesson about being naughty!”

The man seemed satisfied. He spoke in a soft voice similar to Winnie the Pooh and I kept expecting him to say something like “Oh bother!”

As he turned to leave again, I decided to chime in. “Would you be willing to do us a huge favor, sir?”

He was delighted to turn around again just to look at us. Then he asked what it was.

“We are normally quite rude. It’s our nature, Sir,” I started to say. He agreed rather quickly, and I think he assumed we were snotty girls by the way we looked. “Our parents expect us to talk politely to anyone who stops to talk to us. If you would be kind enough to wait here at the picnic table and tell them we were affable, we’d really appreciate it. They’ll be out here soon.”

“Your parents expect you to have a conversation with any Tom, Dick, or Harry who happens by and wants to strike one up?” the man was genuinely curious.

“We wouldn’t otherwise, Sir,” my sister admitted with a ruthless undertone to her sweet voice.

“I happen to have some free time,” he said. “I could be convinced to stay for a few minutes only,” he insisted. He was there for at least twenty minutes. We learned his name was Ronald Johnson and he was a former school teacher from New York. He was retired now and seemed to be looking for something – anything to do. He spent a lot of time on the beach with a metal detector and his stories about his finds was quite boring. I genuinely tried to seem interested, but Lindsay re-directed him politely to other topics. I think Robert got the hint we didn’t care about John F Kennedy Silver Dollars he found on the beach.

Robert was a widower, and his children had all grown up with children of their own now. He said that he had some daughters who misbehaved, and he probably should have made them do what we were doing.

“It is rather orthodox, but hard to argue with the results,” he said. He took a big interest in Ruthie and asked her a lot of questions. She thrived on attention and was happy to answer his questions. It was mostly what types of things she liked to do and watch on television. She told him she was outside with us to support us.

“Very good, if anyone were to try to touch your sisters then you’d run and tell Mom and Dad?” he asked.

Ruthie looked at us for an answer. We didn’t know either.

“It’s our first day, Sir. We don’t know,” I admitted.

“For your first day, you seem to be rather comfortable with nudity. Are you practicing nudists?” he asked.

We said we were today. He laughed about that and told us that there were campgrounds where entire families went naked the entire time.

“I think Daddy wouldn’t want us to go somewhere that nobody is shocked by what we are doing. He intentionally made us press our ass flaps together and stand like this to embarrass us, Sir.”

“You don’t seem embarrassed at all. You seem rather proud of your stance. I notice you keep bumping one another like some sort of game.”

My sister was in the middle of begging him not to tell our father or he’ll find some other humiliating pose for us when the door opened. My Dad and Mom walked out. Dad was wearing a shirt and shorts, and mom had on a long shirt with no bra. It was what they normally wore in the mornings, but they usually dressed before they went to the picnic table to have breakfast.

Dad was holding an aromatic coffee cup at an angle designed to frustrate and tease my older sister. I could sense her desire rise when the scent of hot coffee washed over her.

My parents had probably listened to some of our exchanges. Our cabin walls were wafer-thin. My father apologized for us and introduced himself. “I am Stan Butts. This is my wife Lucille,” he shook the man’s hand. Mr. Johnson was affable and polite but seemed a bit intimidated. I think he much preferred it when my dad wasn’t there so that he could ogle us. It looked like he was going to bolt.

Dad offered him a cup of coffee and Robert announced he should be going. He seemed to have all of the time in the world until that moment. He had made it clear he truly had nothing to do.

“I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, and I don’t want to put you on the spot, but if you could answer me one thing before you go?” Dad asked politely.

Robert looked nervous. I think he suspected Dad was going to ask if he was leering at us or intended to touch us. Dad could come across as very protective of us even when he wasn’t trying.

“I overheard my daughter ask you not to tell me something. What did she ask you not to tell me?” Dad smiled politely and took a sip of his coffee.

“I don’t want to get them in further trouble,” Robert replied nervously.

“You can’t get them in MORE trouble than they are, and I would certainly appreciate you being honest with me,” Dad said.

Robert told my father what he said about us being comfortable and even proud of how we stood and that we were playing butt-bump back and forth while we chatted with him. That was true and we hadn’t intentionally done any of that. It had just been a fun way to send little messages back and forth. Anytime my sister wanted me to talk she’d bump me softly and when she bumped me hard, she was trying to get me to shut up – at least that was what I assumed.

“That is very valuable, Mr. Johnson. Are you SURE you can’t stay for 10 more minutes? I could really use your opinion.”

“My opinion? Why?” Mr. Johnson didn’t understand why my father would care what an old man and a complete stranger to him might think.

“Buffalo Butt, take Freckles and go make your mother and Mr. Johnson a cup of coffee. Two creams and one sugar for your mom. Mr. Johnson, how do you take yours?”

“Seven sugars, three creams,” he seemed embarrassed for liking his coffee that way.

“You like it sweet, huh? My daughters are a little bitter, but I am trying to sweeten them like your coffee,” Dad smiled graciously and snapped his fingers. My sister and I jumped to get the coffee.

My sister and I were happy to take a break. There had been other people walking or biking past the cabin. None of them stopped but quite a few stared.

“Mr. Johnson kept pulling his dick through his shorts. Did you notice that?” Lindsay asked me. I thought he was just itchy. Once I thought about it, I realized he was masturbating himself a single stroke at a time once every couple of minutes. I scrunched my nose in disgust. “Even the nicest guy is a pervert.”

“You are a pervert too,” my sister pointed out that I was soaking wet, and my pussy had been dripping slowly. I snapped off a long sliver of my own pussy juice and flicked it away. “Dad’s probably going to ask you where that went. I would if I were in his shoes!”

“Well, he’s not quite the bastard you were,” I teased her. We made the coffee quickly and got back outside.

I set Mom’s down in front of her, and Lindsay leaned over Mr. Johnson so that her tits brushed his scruffy grey beard and she set his cup down.

“Mr. Johnson tells me that you were surprisingly polite and conversational,” Dad began. We thanked Mr. Johnson. Dad continued “You told him that I am intentionally putting you on display to humiliate you ... which is true, and I think it is working. You wouldn’t have been nice to him yesterday. However, we need to make an adjustment because you two are a little too comfortable as you are.”

“Yes Sir,” we looked down.

“The first is that when you serve the table, I expect you to curtsy,” Dad said. Ruthie’s eyes brightened. She was an expert in ballet and gymnastics. She was always doing cartwheels, flowing cartwheels, graceful pirouettes and grandiose curtsies.

“Doesn’t that require us to have on a skirt, Sir?” Lindsay asked as she bit her lip.

“No, not at all,” Dad told Ruthie to demonstrate how we could lift our imaginary skirts to manage it.

“A curtsy is a polite gesture which is used to show respect and gratitude,” my sister explained how to do what she called a ballet curtsy. “A ballet curtsy - also known as a reverence - is an elegant curtsy performed at the end of a performance or class to show gratitude to the audience”

We followed along as she did it slowly. We were nude, she was clothed. It was still early in the morning, but it was getting hotter, and soon many people would be outside. I was growing increasingly nervous as I walked through the steps to Begin in the first position. “Extend your right leg out to the side, pointing your toe. As you do this, extend your arms outward into the second position. Do not lean forward and do not stick out your behind,” she explained quite seriously.

“Transfer your weight onto your right foot, while extending your left foot a couple of inches behind. Rest the left foot on the tips of your pointed toes. Keeping your back straight, bend your knees outwards into a curtsy. As you bend, bring your arms back to the first position and bend your head slightly. Do not smile, avert your eyes,” my sister executed the maneuver with expert precision. She was good at this.

“Then, maintaining the same foot placement, stretch the legs upwards, raising the arms into the fourth position. Lift your head and stretch out your neck and back as you do this.”

My sister told us to reverse the movements for a proper reverence.

Mom said she didn’t want a grand production. “Just lift your skirt like so,” she stood up to demonstrate and told us to pretend we were wearing one. I could see mom’s bare thigh, but she didn’t lift her skirt so high that her panties were exposed. “Put one foot behind the other, squat down, stick your butt out and crouch down, then stand up.”

Ruthie didn’t like that and said it was improper, but Mom overruled her.

“The short one will do for simple things like bringing out a cup of coffee to our guest,” Dad said. “Now, Mr. Johnson had a good idea and I’d like to try it this morning.” Mr. Johnson denied it was entirely his idea but my Dad said he was entirely too modest and thanked him.

“It’s going to start getting busy, so you’ll do this tomorrow morning, but go ahead and demonstrate it now for Mr. Johnson and see if this is what he had in mind,” Dad said. Mr. Johnson was blushing more than me.

“Go closer to the fence. People can see you by the door anyway, so it’s not like you are hiding,” Dad said it and we did it. “Stand Titty to titty, nose to nose, nipples should be touching and aligned, that’s it.”

I was practically kissing my older sister’s neck. She was much taller than me. Our nipples couldn’t touch.

“Well, that is disappointing,” Dad seemed unhappy with the position. “Mr. Johnson, what about this? Tell me if this is too offensive?” he asked politely. “Girls, reach around like you are slow dancing with each other and grab each other’s ass cheeks. Now pull them apart as wide as you can.”

We executed the obscene position. My sister and I had to stop ourselves from laughing it was so ridiculous.

“What if some teenage boys were to come by and see that?” Mr. Johnson offered.

I heard the door to our cabin open. Lucas and Georgie came out in their underwear. “Dad, we are hungry. We’ve been waiting for breakfast,” Georgie whined.

“I know, and your sisters will make it as soon as we finish adjusting your sister’s punishment. It was too easy for them. Mr. Johnson wants to know what teenage boys would think of this? What do you think they are doing?”

“Slow dancing?” Lucas suggested.

“Yes, exactly. Girls, if anyone ASKS you are to tell them you are being punished for nude sunbathing. You wanted to show off your bodies and now you are being forced to slow dance until 8 am,” Dad decided. “Will that work, Mr. Johnson?”

“I am not sure the guy who campground will allow it. I would also wonder what would happen if someone were to try touch them while they are being punished?”

“I don’t follow the question,” Dad asked as he took another sip. Mr. Johnson explained that when asked us about this we admitted it was our first day and we didn’t know.

Did still seemed confused by the question and reiterated that we had to hold the position.

“Yes, but what if someone were to walk up and touch them?”

“The girls can’t move,” Dad said it again, and then when Mr. Johnson looked confused, Dad asked him how someone would touch us. “Just a random person would come up and touch two girls he doesn’t know? Show me what you mean.”

“Touch them,” Mr. Johnson stammered and when dad played dumb he suggested touching us on the nipples.

“They are facing one another and hugging.”

“There are other places,” Mr. Johnson grew increasingly uncomfortable and embarrassed. We were the ones who were supposed to be uncomfortable (and trust me! It was only a matter of time before another stranger might walk past us and see us like this. It was much worse than the original position.

“Show me? Are you talking about kicking them?” Dad asked.

“I wouldn’t, but surely you don’t want someone to touch them on their bottoms.”

“My daughters have to hold the position until 8 am. My eldest encouraged men to touch her just to steal from them. If she wasn’t completely naked, I’d wonder where your watch is but there aren’t many places, she can hide it like she is,” Dad admitted. “If someone wants to snap a picture with them or touch their butt, I suppose that would be a good test to see if they’ll obey my orders. It will certainly humiliate them and that’s the goal.”

I couldn’t believe Dad was serious. This was the same guy who told me once I couldn’t date until I was 25 years old. I was afraid to tell them about Pod! I assumed he was just messing with Mr. Johnson the way my sister did.

“What If someone were to pinch their bottoms,” Mr. Johnson’s hands were shaking as he asked the question as if he were about to freak out.

“There is only one way to find out. Do you mind testing them?” Dad asked Mr. Johnson to test our reaction to a stranger touching us on the patio. Mom was even blushing and trying to hide her tittering laughter by drinking her coffee.

When Mr. Johnson politely refused. “Ruthie, I know you want to help. Go pinch your sister’s bottom and see what happens.”

“I don’t wanna,” Ruthie was busy singing to herself and digging in the dirt nearby the picnic table.

Dad thought nothing of my sister’s refusal. I didn’t either. Ruthie was easily distracted by dirt. She was normally very diligent and helpful -Dad and Mom’s little helper. I assumed she just found this entire humiliating scene a little too intense and was tuning us out.

“Fine, Lucas. I am sure you’ve wanted to help too. Go ahead and test your sister’s reaction to a stranger trying to touch them.”

Mom had to reassure Lucas that it was okay. My little brother approached us wistfully as if we might snap at him. Lindsay and I were in a solid embrace and neither of us wanted him to touch us, but I wasn’t worried about it.

“Which one?”

“Doesn’t matter,” Dad said. Mom glared at Dad, but my father seemed amused to test us this way.

“Can I talk to them like I was a stranger?” Lucas asked. I assumed it was a stalling tactic. Lucas talked a big game but now that he was the center of attention it was clear he was a little nervous. Dad indulged him and said he could.

“Hello young ladies,” Lucas spoke in a funny voice that I assume he thought was how adults talked. “Why are you naked?”

Dad nodded his approval. That was a good question.

“My parents caught my sister and me sunbathing, Sir. Since we wanted to show off our bodies to total strangers, they are punishing us by making us stand out here and slow dance until breakfast,” I replied in the polite tone that my sister used when speaking to Mr. Johnson and Dad.

“I see,” Lucas rubbed his chin as if he were stroking an imaginary beard. I assumed he was thinking of something to say. “How do you fart like that?”

Dad asked him how he thought anyone was going to come up and ask us a question like that. My sister suppressed her laughter, but I could feel the vibration of her tummy as she silently laughed.

“Well, I asked, and I am a person!” Lucas justified his silly question. He pointed to how we were holding our butt cheeks apart and said that his first thought was how do we fart if we are holding them open that way.

“We don’t fart, Sir,” Lindsay indulged Lucas by responding to his question before Dad could tell him to just pinch us and sit down.

“You are lying! You fart all the time, young lady!” Lucas used my sister’s response as a reason to accuse her of lying. He pulled an inch of the fat on one of her ass cheeks between his thumb and finger and pinched her hard.

My sister scrunched up her nose. “Now, tell me the truth!” Lucas demanded in a very obvious attempt to sound like a grown man. He gave me an opportunity to answer. It was admittedly, very embarrassing and if my father’s intention was to embarrass us then this was working.

I grimaced and commented that I would fart the normal way. “The only reason I am holding my sister’s butt so far apart is that she’s holding mine the same way. My father said we have to slow dance. He didn’t say we had to show you our poop holes!”

I thought I’d get bonus points for mentioning my body in a vulgar way. Mr. Johnson crossed his legs uncomfortable and tried to discreetly pull his dick under his shorts without my parents noticing. He made two short jerking motions.

“How come your sister’s butt hole is so pink, but yours is darker?” Lucas described how the skin around my anus was slightly discolored. A chill ran up my spine that he had the mental image of me. He pinched me on my sphincter and I yelped.

“I can assure you I wipe my stink box when I take a shit, if that is what you are implying Sir.”

“Well, I am sorry if I hurt you, young lady!” my little brother was ready to sit down.

“You didn’t hurt me, sir, I just wasn’t expecting that,” I said. I asked my father if we responded how he expected us to do it.

“Did it embarrass you?”

“Yes Sir,” I admitted.

“Then yes. It’s a little hard for me and your mother to hear but you talked like this yesterday in front of your brothers and sister of your own free will. I had my doubts that this punishment was going to be effective or appropriate. I never thought I’d be in a position like this, but I want you to understand that my intention is not cruelty. It’s actually to teach you a lesson because I love you both! I don’t want strange men to put their hands on you.”

“I’ve been getting random pinches to my butt since I was Ruthie’s age,” Lindsay admitted as politely as she could. She shrugged off concerns about being touched. “You say you aren’t being cruel but drinking coffee in front of me when you know I am craving it IS pretty cruel, Sir.”

“I haven’t finished my cup, and it is cold. I suppose I could permit you to finish it before getting me a refill. Mr. Johnson, you mentioned you had to go, but can we offer you another cup of coffee and some breakfast?”

“I don’t want to be a burden,” Mr. Johnson politely declined my father’s offer but remained anyway. He watched as my father told us we could stop embracing. “Come have your coffee, Buffalo Butt,” Daddy said. He set it on the ground at his feet. He pointed and told my sister to kneel and lap it up like a kitty kat.

Ruth Ann stopped playing in the dirt long enough to watch our big sister kneel on the concrete with her butt facing up. She put her entire mouth and nose into the coffee and began slurping it like it was a treat.

“You keep calling your daughter Buffalo Butt. What is her actual name, may I ask?” Mr. Johnson asked.

“You girls didn’t introduce yourselves?” Dad seemed ready to punish us for that.
Last edited by EddieDavidson on Mon Jul 08, 2024 9:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 15

Post by EddieDavidson »

“It’s fortunate you were the one riding by this morning and not someone who would have been more easily offended!” Dad complimented Mr. Johnson. He seemed to eat that up. Dad told us we were incredibly rude not to introduce ourselves.


Dad used his foot to prompt Lindsay into introducing herself while she slurped coffee. “Since you love coffee so much, I thought you might enjoy a little treat even if you had to lick it off the ground. I’d have never let you have ANY if I knew you were rude to our guest.” He kicked her tits slightly and then jiggled as her nipples scraped the scratchy cement. Mr. Johnson had been just a stranger passing by but now he truly had become a guest.

“I am sorry Sir, that was rude of me. My name is Buffalo Butts, because my last name is Butts and I have this huge dumper,” she pointed to her ass while remaining in a kneeling position with her head facing the ground and her ass up in the air. “I am not just being punished because I convinced my sisters to sunbathe nude without my parent’s permission. I also punished my sister like I am being treated today.”

It was my turn and I apologized for not introducing myself. “I am freckle butts, at least that is what everybody calls me now. I’ve been incredibly naughty for the last three weeks, sending naked pictures to my boyfriend, using my mom to hang out with him, I even showed my little brother my pee-hole. My big sister was only punishing me because I intentionally manipulated my parents into making her stay home when she could have gone jet-skiing with a nice boy.”

“A boy that I was cheating on my boyfriend back home with,” Lindsay added as if it was a competition to see who was the worst daughter.

“It was none of my business! I should have stayed out of it! I also stole your dildo and took dirty pictures with that and texted them to my family.”

“Well, I made you let two weird boys rub lotion all over you to distract a guy while I stole his phone and watch,” My sister piled on another charge. It was all true, and Mr. Johnson arched an eyebrow as if realizing we really were bad news after all. If he felt any sympathy at all for us it evaporated just then.

“Yesterday, I showed my little brothers my pee hole!”

“Only because I made you do it!” Lindsay corrected. We were almost in a heated argument except we were trying to apologize to one another. I don’t know why I kept raising my voice as I admitted the awful things I did.

“I could have simply said no,” I snarled instinctively. My father insisted that we stop raising our voices. “You are airing too much dirty laundry in front of our guest. I am afraid you are making him uncomfortable.” Dad insisted that I get down on the concrete and join my sister in the same position only facing her. My ass was pointed up towards the sun and the narrow street in front of our cabin.

“You seem like the shy one of the two of you,” Robert observed as he tried to make sense of our confession. “Did you enjoy what you saw?” he asked my brothers.

“We learned it was called a urethra, and that girls actually have three different holes in their pussy, and only one in their butt- for the poop to come out,” Georgie added.

“Just two, Son,” Mom corrected him somberly.

“There is the pee hole, the cunt hole where the dildo goes, and then the hole way up inside where the baby lives,” Georgie challenged my mother.

“Trust me, I’ve had a vagina my entire life, Son,” My mom had to laugh at how silly his question was. She told him that while we HAD to speak about our bodies in the crudest manner there was still a bar of soap with his name on it if he ever said the “C-word” (cunt) again.

“I would say that your punishment is rather novel. It is both educational and serves as an unpleasant deterrent by bruising their egos rather than their behinds. I commend you, Sir,” Robert nodded to my father.

“My wife is the one who came up with the concept of embarrassing them this way. I will give credit where it is do, and I am afraid we’ll also be spanking their behinds after breakfast. I hope you will stay and see that I am not going to be excessive!”

“If you insist,” Mr. Johnson politely agreed to stay. He was happy to have an excuse. I think Dad knew the old man was adding to our humiliation by observing our humiliation as a willing audience member.

I never imagined in my life that my daughters would put me in a position to discipline them like this, and I am still adjusting to the site of them with their bottoms up exposed this way.” Mom spoke to Mr. Johnson about us as if Lindsay and I were not there.

They continued to speak and eventually, Dad told us to make breakfast and bring everyone fresh cups of coffee. We graciously curtsied and even did so for my little brothers. They found it to be a great sport to watch us hustle in and out of the cabin to bring the food. After 8 am, the sleepy camp in the state park starts to wake up.

People are out walking around and starting their days. Preparing breakfast and bringing it out had allowed us to dash in and out and probably gave people passing by the impression we were wearing SOMETHING even if it was a skimpy bikini. It was nice to have a reason to move quickly.

I found it secretly thrilling to streak in public when no one actually knew if I was naked or not. It was times when we’d be seen and exposed as naked sluts that really freaked me out and embarrassed me. I think Lindsay put on a brave face, but she was even more humiliated to have to expose her body because quite frankly, she looked like an adult.

At least, people could assume that since I was flat-chested and young, I was either a boy or simply too young to care about modesty. Lindsay didn’t have that luxury. Once we finished bringing breakfast Dad made us return to the “slow dance” position, but he didn’t post us right up at the front gate. We got to stand back a little further in the patio under the shade next to the cabin. We’d still be seen if anyone looked in our direction, but he wasn’t dangling us like bait.

A few people clearly noticed, and they had two reactions. The most common one was a snicker and a smile without stopping to question or stare. The second was a look of derision and scorn and that usually came from women. If they had their husband with them, he would feign a look of disgust, but I suspected that he would have smiled and moved along if his wife hadn’t expected him to scowl at us.

There was one family with a couple boys my brother’s age. They giggled and questioned it. “Why are those girls nakey!”

Their mother hustled them along and told them to mind their own business. Mr. Johnson waited until he ate most of the bacon and sausage to ask if we would be joining the family for breakfast. My sister and I pretended to slow dance-off to the side and savored the smell of those delicious flapjacks.

“I was planning on just letting them feast on whatever was left over,” Mom said as she realized the family had finished just about everything.

“Will the young ladies have to eat their table scraps in the same manner they drank their coffee,” Mr. Johnson slurped his own coffee and luxuriated on the rich taste of the warm brew.

That might be a tad excessive,” Dad said. “I was just going to have the two of them stand and face the road while they gobble down whatever they can in three minutes like chipmunks storing away nuts for the winter. No point in giving the girls time to chitter-chat. That’s something they can look forward to when we are all done. We’ve got a LOT of family fun activities planned today and they’ll be along to make our lives better.”

“I would think they might rather finish their meal below the table, at least that way they are not as visible from the road,” Mr. Johnson smiled at an elderly woman who seemed to recognize him. He waved and said she was a lovely lady that was staying in a cabin near him. “She has grand-daughters around their age. I’d dare say they would not be as open-minded about surrendering themselves to acts of humility and contrition as your daughters are,” he observed. I think he was picturing that lady’s granddaughters naked when he did.

“I am sure that her granddaughters don’t routinely steal, lie, manipulate and attempt to ruin our vacation. I thought when Freckles forgot most of our luggage because she was wrapped up in texting her boyfriend that was the worst thing I’d have to deal with this vacation. We never imagined we would be here.”

Dad told us to stand at the picnic table with our legs shoulder-width apart, facing the road, and eat what was left of the breakfast. My sister and I had to pick table scraps from everyone else’s plates. That sounds horrible but the food was rather delicious even if we were getting the bits of toast and bacon gristle that nobody else wanted.

A golf cart pulled up almost as soon as we had taken our first couple of bites. It was Patton the guy that worked the front desk. He had a radio with him, and he talked into it as if he was reporting his position. It made him seem serious and a little ominous even though I suspected there was nobody on the other end of the radio.

The campground had at most 100 cabins and space for probably twice as many RVs and campers. I had only ever seen Patton and one other person working the front desk at the general store and never at the same time. The maintenance man that Patton mentioned was going to fix our toilet had never shown up.

I flinched nervously, but Lindsay moved my hand away from my boobs and reminded me to act calm. “I am sorry to do this, but we had a complaint about indecent exposure,” Patton said. He seemed surprised it was me and my older sister. “Usually, when we get one of these it’s an old man letting his Botchi Balls hang out of his trousers,” Patton offered a joke.

None of us knew that Botchi Ball was a game similar to Shuffleboard played with a stainless steel ball at the time. Patton was using a double entendre of the old man exposing his nuts while he bent over to pitch the ball. He almost explained the joke but thought better of it.

Mom looked almost relieved to have been busted. “I told you that we were pushing things,” she whispered to my father in an “I told you so” tone. Dad whispered to her that he would handle it.

“I am sorry, I caught my daughters sunbathing and I was making them stand this way at the picnic table to punish them into feeling ashamed they were out here exposing themselves,” Dad explained simply. We nodded and confirmed what my father was saying.

Patton was so stunned as he looked at my sister’s luscious tits that he almost didn’t respond right away. He told my father that was commendable and that some campers get uptight about things like this. “How much longer were you going to make them stand this way?”

It was obvious Patton didn’t want us to wear clothes, but his hands were tied now that somebody complained.

“I was going to spank them and then let them take a shower, so we can head to the pool,” Dad answered as if everything were perfectly normal and above board – which as far as he was concerned it was. “Mister Johnson here is one of the people they offended, so I was going to do it right in front of him to embarrass the girls. Do they have to get dressed right now or do I have time to give them twenty swats each? I’ll only spank them on their asses because we are in public,” he said.

He winked at mom and mom blushed.

“How much time? Well, they aren’t supposed to be out here naked at all...” Patton stumbled over his words nervously. He found it difficult to stare at my sister once her blue eyes met his and she blinked at him once.

“Well, you’ve got to give us a little time for them to dress. You could stay here and observe to make sure they put clothes on right after? IF you have the time,” Dad suggested.

“Hold my calls,” Patton spoke to what I assumed was no one in the walkie-talkie. “The front desk is locked up. I can stay and confirm. I can let the person who complained know that the girls did in fact get punished for being naked and were dressed when I left,” Patton tried to make it seem like he was reluctant but even Mr. Johnson could see right through him and knew he wanted desperately to watch us receive a firm spanking.

Dad instructed my sister to lean forward on the picnic table, stick her butt out, and grip the wood of the table. It was her idea to spread her legs wide enough that Patton could see her entire pussy. He had strategically moved to be right behind her.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been spanked, Sir. Please be gentle and don’t use the paddle in the kitchenette,” she said. Dad was intending to use his hand.

“The paddle?” Dad knew it as the cutting board.

“The one I used to spank Freckle’s turd-blaster yesterday, Sir. Please don’t use it on me. I already have a sunburn and I don’t want my buffalo butt to stand out THAT much.”

Dad sent me to get the paddle immediately. He hefted it, tested it, and brought it down hard on my sister’s ass. She counted and thanked him just as she made me do the day before. I got the distinct impression that even though I had not seen her receive a spanking at home in many years – she got them pretty frequently.

“Tell this nice gentleman what you did to earn this spanking?” he demanded. My sister patiently listed out some of the highlights of what she had done but she left out stealing from Jim. When he finished with her, she had a very rosy-red ass and it looked like it really smarted. It made going second much more difficult because I knew what was going to happen.

“It’s only fair that your sister waited while you get punished, that you wait the same way. You can get dressed after this but ONLY because those are the rules of the park and out of respect for the other campers,” Dad insisted that my sister stand with her hands behind her head, butt sticking out, knees bent, legs apart wide and her clit hood prominent. “Show them how you made Freckles walk around in front of her brothers. What is it Georgie called it?”

“A flap dangle, Sir,” my sister pulled her clitoris out and stood in a very exposed position while I bent over at the table and presented my ass.

“Stand like your sister. You weren’t afraid to show yourself in naked pictures you texted to everyone in the family,” Dad kicked my legs apart wide. He told me to pull my “flap dangle” out just like my sister. He spanked me but didn’t pay attention to my mewling and counting, or the tears running down my cheeks.

“Sir, I really appreciate your patience and understanding. I wouldn’t normally spank my daughters on the patio, but they REALLY went too far. I am trying to embarrass them into never doing the same things again,” Dad explained to Patton.

“I understand. I remember when your daughter was standing at the gate when I first came up to tell you that you were in the wrong cabin. I was a little confused by that, but she said she forgot your luggage. I guess whatever she did was way worse than that?”

“I’d finish all twenty of these swats before she can tell you everything, she’s done this vacation that is much worse than that,” Dad joked as he pounded my ass with the wooden cutting board. I thought it was going to break in half as it crashed into my behind. “Let me ask you a question, I promised my daughters that I would spank them once in the morning and once in the evening for the things they did in the PAST on the vacation and then obviously for any new screw-ups as needed,” Dad paused to wap my ass again before continuing. “If they are wearing panties and I just make them pull them down so that their fat asses aren’t facing the road then would that be acceptable?”

Patton licked his lips as if the question were delicious to him. “As you probably noticed, while it isn’t legal to go topless, we have plenty of ladies who like to sunbathe topless. Usually, they aren’t the pretty kind that you like to see,” Patton said.

Dad applied the paddle to my ass again leaving a solid red mark on my butt cheek. “I am a married man, so I am not trying to see my daughters topless, Sir. I am just asking what the rules are. Can I at least spank them over panties, or do they have to wear shorts?”

“Look,” Patton was trying to be cautious about what he said. “As the assistant to the manager of the campground, I can’t tell you officially that you can spank your daughters on their bare asses. I have to respond to all complaints but as you can see, you aren’t in any trouble. If there were peeping toms looking in windows and hiding in bushes that would be a different story. Now, that I understand you are just disciplining your daughters if I were to come back, I would just tell you that you should make them put on clothes. I don’t have any legal enforcement powers.”

He was hinting that he would not do anything about our nudity. He added after watching me blubber and take two more swats to the behind “You know, some ladies wear some incredibly small bikinis here.”

Lucas and Georgie mentioned the Brazilian girls that were next door. Patton instinctively knew who they were and grinned. “As long as they are technically wearing SOMETHING and especially if no one complains, I don’t see a problem with it.”

“Yesterday, Freckles wore a pair of panties and went topless to the pool with her little sister. Is that acceptable?” Dad asked as he finished fanning my ass with the wooden paddle and made me take a position next to my sister. My butt was glowing, and the pain was driving me crazy.

“I know, I saw her,” Patton had pulled up when I was wearing the dildo bottoms too. “She wore panties and changed into a little microkini and because she isn’t developed, no one cared. Your older daughter would have to wear a top if she wore bottoms like that though.”

“Go try on the bottoms and wear them the way your mother showed you,” Dad sent my older sister into the cabin to insert Jimin.

“Can I put on a top, Daddy?” My sister pleaded as she ran up the stairs. It was getting on to 9 am and occasional cars drove down the narrow street past our cabin.

“Yes, put on the swimsuit your mom made for you last night and remember that you call me Sir while you are in punishment. I am your dad always but right now I expect you to address me with respect. That includes all the mean seated here.”

“Yes Sir,” my sister went inside. I knew she was mortified, and Lindsay’s somewhat goofy and playful reaction was a bit of a defense mechanism. Acting like this was all no big deal was part of how she processed her sudden fall from grace and demotion in the family hierarchy.

“May I put on clothes, Sir?” I asked politely.

“She is allowed to wear just panties around the campsite?” My dad asked Patton.

Patton looked at me and then looked away quickly. “I am not officially saying that, but as long as no one complains then I wouldn’t have a problem with it.”

“Someone did complain or you wouldn’t be here,” Dad pointed out.

“That was when she was completely nude,” Patton explained.

Dad told me that I was lucky Patton was here. “I would have just sent you to the showers and pool naked. You don’t have anything any grown men want to see. You keep trying to show off and it would be a good lesson for you to have to present yourself,” Dad said. He told me to go put on a pair of clean panties and come back out and show Patton.

My sister was laughing as she tried to make sense of the dildo and wear it like swimming bottoms. It was pretty clearly just a dildo and with her hips, it really didn’t hide anything. She had a single strip of cloth from her bikini top tied around her chest. It didn’t cover her areola fully. It barely held the nubs of her nipples down. I suggested she tie another string around her waist to give the impression she had on a swimsuit. Dad pounded on the door and told us “Stop playing with yourselves! You don’t have a lot to put on!”

“Yes Sir,” we said as we walked out onto the patio of our cabin. Dad’s reaction to my sister was to declare she truly had a “String bikini” because the material was no thicker than the straps she used to tie around the bikini around her back. The small end of Jimin barely covered her pussy and her lips slid out and around it to embrace it.

She modeled it for our family, Patton and Mr. Johnson. Mom told her to twirl.

I was wearing a simple pair of white panties and I was still topless. Mom said “You know, you are probably getting off easier in those panties than your sister is. I may make you a bikini similar to hers. You’ve always wanted one anyway.”

“Yes Ma’am, thank you,” I admitted. I didn’t want a monokini thong, but I felt I’d soon have one.

“What do you think Patton? Are those acceptable to wear around the campground?” Dad asked.

Patton once again danced around the issue and said that it was questionable but as long as nobody cared, he didn’t.

“Patton is the assistant to the manager of the campground. I expect you to obey him if he sees you around the campground and I am not there to supervise you. If he catches you up to your shenanigans, I trust him or Mr. Johnson here to take your bottoms down and give you a good spanking! You’ll tell me about it as soon as you see me and if I think it wasn’t enough for what you did, I’ll give you one! So, it’s in your best interest to cooperate!”

We both agreed sheepishly. We only had three days left and I assumed I’d be with my parents most of that time, but Patton didn’t know that. Mr. Johnson appeared very flattered to have been included.

“Patton has the right to inspect your outfit. If he tells you to take it off, then you will. He’s already seen what you both have between your legs so don’t act like that is a big shock. If he tells you to bend over and show him how wide the little strip of cloth is between your crack – I expect you to do it.”

Patton certainly hadn’t expected that. I knew he liked me because he often stared at me when I was in the gift shop and tried to get me to stay there and talk to him. Dad invited him to stop by in the mornings to make sure that we were properly attired.

Patton seemed to want to leave, but I could tell he had an erection in his shorts, and he was incredibly embarrassed – especially around my father, mom, and Ruthie.

“Look what you two did to this man! You’re preening and cavorting on has got him all flustered.”

“I am sorry Sir, should I take care of it for him?” Lindsay asked very boldly. There was no doubt that what she was offering was sexual release.

Mom’s eyes got very wide, and she looked at my father to suggest we crossed a line.
Last edited by EddieDavidson on Mon Jul 08, 2024 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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