Dare Me (new 7/29)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: Dare Me (new 6/8)

Post by perseus »

May we have a new chapter soon? :D
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Dare Me - Chapter 14 - Mikey Gets a Dare (Part 18)

Post by neverdoubted »

Dare Me - Chapter 14 - Mikey Gets a Dare (Part 18)

All former attempts at maintaining a neutral visage were thrown out the window as every bit of my energy and attention was required to fight the surge of arousal. I couldn't stop my face from twisting into an undignified grimace. I held my breath and flexed all the muscles in my legs which caused me to rise up on the tips of my toes.

My sense of propriety was lost as I stood there with my entire naked body tensed and my hips and giant, shaved erection thrust lewdly forward. But I couldn't worry about that. I had to brace against my impending orgasm. Somehow, I don't know quite how, as that first powerful wave crested, I managed to keep myself from cumming. My face red from exertion, I dared a few quick puffs of air as if releasing the pressure valve on an overinflated bicycle tire. But I could feel the dam breaking and the next surge was already incoming.

I was only saved by a clattering sound from the other room. Everyone jumped, including me, just as my next orgasmic wave hit. But the distraction muted its power just enough for me to survive the impact.

All attention turned toward the hallway as Persi came storming into the room with an angry wail. Her dress had suffered some kind of catastrophic mishap. The front and back panels had been separated, split completely at the seams. She was still holding the front panel modestly over the front of her body, but the back panel hung uselessly in her hand. As she stomped across the room, I tried not to look to closely at her little rounded apple-bottom which so perfectly fit in between Annie and Honesty in its growth stage.

Mel let go of her struggling older cousin, forgetting the battle over Cate's top as ancient history, and turned to hear Persi's grievances.

"Penny tore my dress!" she sniffled. Her accused twin sister meekly entered the room. Penny’s dress was fully intact, but she was walking with a noticeable limp.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Penny begged, "my leg started hurting and I couldn't hold you up anymore."

It was apparent that they had been practicing a rather difficult part of Persi's routine where she leaps into the air to be held aloft by her twin sister. But Penny had dropped her causing the dress to tear in the process. It turns out paper thin cloth made from dried grasses and hand stitched together was extremely fragile.

Lucy seemed to be the only one who cared that Penny had suffered an injury. She went over to check on the limping girl. Persi, on the other hand, was only out for vengeance. She didn't care that her sister was hurt. She just wanted one of the chaperones to affirm Penny's guilt and to meter out a fitting punishment.

"You are not sorry," complained Persi, "you weren't even trying. All you ever do is screw things up and then apologize."

While the twins continued to spar, I had a brief lapse in concentration. Of course, without my brain to stop it, my gaze instantly drifted back over to where the naked tween was earnestly attending to the new sexual sensations awakening within her. Annie’s developing body was beckoning to her, rewarding her fingers for their exploratory efforts with little jolts of pleasure. She was already addicted to the sensation of her fingers sliding up and down the length of her pretty pussy. But nature drove her to keep exploring.

She soon found an even better source of pleasure when her probing finger instinctively decided to push inward. The pale petals of her little mound were parted to reveal its juicy, pink interior. I knew from watching Lucy what was about to happen. She gasped in shock as her finger grazed the special little nub of her clitoris for the very first time in her life.

I could literally follow the shockwave of pleasure as it radiated out from her midsection. She clenched her thighs and her little legs flexed taut causing the water she was standing in to slosh slightly. When she gasped for air, the muscles of her bare stomach rippled adorably. And when her shoulders gave a small, involuntary shiver, her shiny stiff nipples responded with a tiny jiggle of sheer exuberance.

When her eyelids had stopped fluttering, she looked down in awe at herself. She never knew her body was capable of producing such strong, pleasurable feelings. It was then that she noticed how incredibly stiff her tiny nipples had grown. With her right hand still buried in her pussy, she innocently began to move her left hand up to explore those bumps on her chest which had never been of much interest to her before. That's when my brain finally regained enough control over my eyeballs to tear them away from the erotic sight.

Forcing my head to turn away from Annie's inaugural masturbation session, my eyes landed on Lucy, who was massaging the front muscle of Penny's upper leg.

"I think it's just a leg cramp," she diagnosed, "you really should have stretched before you started. That goes for both of you."

Having spent the last few months training for cheerleader tryouts, Lucy knew well the importance of proper stretching before exercise. Penny responded favorably to Lucy's comforting massage. She said the pain was starting to go away but that her other leg was hurting, too. Lucy showed her the proper form and she quickly picked up the technique. Before long, she was happily massaging the soreness out of both her legs all by herself.

The twins were at an impasse on how to resolve the dispute that had caused Persi's dress to be ruined. As the leader, the responsibility to adjudicate such disagreements would normally fall to Cate. But she happened to be busy assessing the damage from another, much more personal clothing mishap. Her struggle with Mel had caused her own dress to be torn apart right down the middle. Instead of helping the twins, she was currently holding her breasts in her hands and looking in dismay at the tattered remains of her former top dangling down either side of her curvaceous body. Now the only piece of her dress still covering her entire front side belonged to the sagging strip of skirt barely covering her privates.

With Cate incapacitated and useless, Cousin Mel stepped in and took control of the situation.

"Well, Penny," she declared, "even if it was a mistake, you still have to make it right. I don't see any other way around it."

Penny's tense shoulders visibly relaxed when she heard that. She hated unresolved conflict so much that she was relieved to be given the opportunity to pay the price and right any transgression she had caused. It must have felt exhausting to be in a constant state of conflict with her unrelenting, persistent sister.

Unfortunately for little Penny, Mel was not above using her younger cousin's own penitent nature against her; or rather, using it against me.

"I'm sorry, Penny," said Mel with a touch of false regret woven into her sing-song voice, "you ruined your sister's dress. I'll see if I can get it stitched back together. But until then, you're going to have to let her wear yours and go without."

It was a ludicrous ruling. I mean, Mel had in her possession two perfectly good dresses. She could have given Penny's original brown dress back to her instead of making her go naked. But that's just the thing. She wasn't doing it for Persi's sake. She was stripping her thirteen-year-old cousin to get a rise out of me. Not sure I could handle rising any higher, I gulped when the ruling was announced.

Penny nodded solemnly and did not argue with the objectively harsh punishment of total nudity that had just been handed down. After crossing the room, the young teenager dutifully lifted her own gown over her head, leaving her naked, and turned her last piece of clothing over to her twin sister. Persi snatched the gown victoriously and threw it on, handing the tattered remains of her old one to Mel for safe keeping and eventual repair.

Penny turned and faced the room, at peace knowing at least her nude punishment would serve to absolve her. True to her name, she simply could not leave a transgression unaddressed any more than Honesty could tell a lie. She did not possess the capability within her.

But then she saw me gawking at her naked flesh and began to have second thoughts. Unlike her exuberant little bathing beauty of a sister, shy Penny had enough awareness to feel shame about being stripped naked in front of a boy. She gulped as the weight of her task settled in on her.

I had only been able to catch glimpses of her pussy earlier while she danced. But now I saw it clearly. Her sweet, puckered lips, just barely parted, stood prominently on her bulging mound. She possessed a soft layer of brown pubic hair, more than Lucy had ever grown, but not nearly as full as Cate's substantial patch.

Up top, her perky breasts had just filled out from immature little cones to healthy ripening oranges. She looked especially shy about these new developments on her chest and started to move her hands to cover them up like her big sister Cate was doing. But then she stopped herself. Maybe she decided the exposure had to be part of her penitence. Abandoning the idea of covering up, the naked teenager simply blushed and went back to massaging her bare leg which must have still been a little sore.

Persi spun in place, proudly showing off her new gown and reveling in her twin sister's naked misery. But Mel knocked the air out of her sails with an announcement.

"I'm afraid, with Penny's injury, that you won't be able to perform your final dance," she said.

Persi started to protest, fully expecting to win another argument. But she met her match in her strong-willed older cousin.

"Now, now, no point in arguing," said Mel, "I promise I'll work on your costume. If I can get it repaired, maybe you two can perform it at the next house."

Persi begrudgingly accepted the offer. Not that she had much choice. Mel had already moved on to the next subject.

"Now, we need something else to perform in its place. What else do we have left?" she asked no one in particular. Then her face perked up, "I know! Let's do the wedding!"
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Dare Me (new 6/12)

Post by TeenFan »

This is turning into the largest number of naked teenage girls in a "ENM dare chapter" ever.
Hot stuff.
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Re: Dare Me (new 6/12)

Post by neverdoubted »

TeenFan wrote: Tue Jun 13, 2023 1:03 am This is turning into the largest number of naked teenage girls in a "ENM dare chapter" ever.
Hot stuff.
Hey, I never claimed it was going to be cfnm :lol: :lol: :lol: only that the chapter would be mainly about an enm. I can't help it if the girls can't seem to keep their clothes on!
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Dare Me (new 6/12)

Post by perseus »

As someone who prefers ENF, I really appreciate that the girls are becoming more and more uncovered. Can't wait to see what happens next!
Feedback or suggestions are always welcome

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Dare Me - Chapter 14 - Mikey Gets a Dare (Part 19)

Post by neverdoubted »

Dare Me - Chapter 14 - Mikey Gets a Dare (Part 19)

After she had delivered enough water for her sister's bath, Honesty really didn't have much to do. She had been standing sentry next to the tub and was supposed to be watching Annie and keeping the floor dry. If she were doing her job, she probably would have noticed that the practical knowledge of human breeding which she had unwittingly passed on to her little sister had lit a spark of sexual curiosity in the girl. That spark was currently burning out of control as little Annie discovered the pleasures of self-gratification.

But Honesty wasn't really paying attention. Instead, she was daydreaming; letting her own inappropriate thoughts about breeding get carried away and sending exciting little jolts through her body. She stared serenely, but with unfocused eyes at my writhing, naked body as I struggled with every muscle I had to keep my own hyper-aroused cock from betraying me. She seemed particularly interested in the clear beads of moisture that my cock kept coughing up. There was so much now that it had rolled off my penis and hung suspended like so much drool a few inches below my angry flesh mushroom.

However, she snapped right out of her reverie when she heard the word "wedding".

"Pilli-Cate, what did your letters say again about the wedding ritual?" asked Mel.

Cate was struggling to come to terms with the fact that her top had been ripped open. She was still blushing with her hands covering her naked tits. But after a moment, she was able to access the contents of the wedding letter and dutifully recite it from memory.

"A tribal wedding is a momentous, if rather unusual event. A pagan ritual through and through, it may better fit to call it a coupling or mating ceremony than a wedding; although, there are notable similarities."

"In such a patriarchal society, it is the bride's responsibility to do everything possible to convince her groom to marry her. She often gives him gifts leading up to the ceremony, tokens of her affection. Rather than wearing a traditional wedding dress, she wears a wrap made of banana leaves, to signify that she is offering her own fruitful body to him."

"Carrying a bowl of fruit on her head, she performs a special belly dance for her groom. This represents abundance - the promise of the many children she will be able to bear him."

"Once she has been shaved of all her body hair and the binding talisman, which has been coated in her essence, is placed in the groom's-"

"Stop!" exclaimed Honesty, unable to mask the rising panic in her voice, "Hold on, I can't do the wedding!"

"Why not" challenged Mel, "did you forget your wrap?"

"Well...no," Honesty stuttered, "but it's only half finished half. I-I never meant for-"

"Come on, Nessy, this is your time to shine," her cousin goaded her, "don't tell me you don't want to get married. It's a dream come true! If you're nervous about the dance, we can go practice in the other room first."

"She's already been practicing," offered Persi, heaping added pressure on her sister, "she put a pillow on her head and did a belly dance just like the letter said!"

Mel looked scandalized at the revelation. "Is that true, Nessy? Have you been secretly working on your special belly dance?"

Honesty blushed but was unable to deny it. Instead, she attempted a feeble defense. "It was only for fun. I was just playing around…in private. I couldn’t possibly-"

"Then it's settled!" Mel declared, "Lucy, would you mind letting Nessy use your bedroom to get ready?"

"Sure, no problem, I can even help" Lucy replied, giddily adding, "this is so exciting!"

"Yes! We're going to have a wedding," Mel spun a joyous pirouette while she sang out the words. I gulped when she ended her spin and I realized she had set her sights directly on me.

"We are going to need a groom, of course. And there's only one good candidate. He's a little young for you, Nessy, but he looks like he can get the job done. Xube, I'm afraid you're going to have to share your beau for the occasion. I hope you don't mind-” she paused as she noticed something about me, "uh oh! It looks like the little guy has sprung a leak!"

As she crossed the room, I knew she was going to point out the gleaming drop of arousal fluid hanging several inches from the tip of my cock. If it had been hanging from my mouth, I would have slurped it back inside me. And if I were allowed to use my hands, I would have reached out and wiped it away before she got there. Anything but let her make a big deal about my drooling penis in front of all the girls!

Under her scrutiny, I tried to at least hold as still as a statue to minimize any embarrassing movement. But my erection refused to cooperate with even that basic command. The string of dangling pre-cum grew ever longer as my naked, out of control cock throbbed wildly in the open air. Then, at the worst possible moment, gravity overwhelmed the hanging liquid and a single, clear drop fell with an audible splat onto the cold tile.

"Hmm," she grinned, "it looks like Nessy isn't the only one who needs some wedding prep. Lucy, didn't you say he was due for a bath?"

"Uh huh," Lucy happily played along, "he got so dirty helping me in the garden."

"Well, it's a good thing we have a bath right here!" she observed, grabbing me firmly by my elbow and starting to tug. When I realized what she was proposing, I immediately resisted her pull. But when she gave my bottom a playful swat to get me moving, I reluctantly stumbled forward, aiming a glare at my sister.

I wanted Lucy to know that she was letting things go too far. I mean, I never signed up to take a bath in front of all these girls, much less be a naked groom for their mock wedding. But then I remembered, not too long ago, I had stuffed my naked sister into a tiny sleeping bag with her equally naked crush and they had been forced to spend the entire night with their aroused bodies pressed against each other with no way to relieve the pressure. Maybe a quick bath followed by a small wedding ceremony wasn't too extreme by comparison.

Mel unceremoniously nudged naked Annie out of the way and had me stand in the middle of the tub facing the room. The pool was tepid, its tendrils of steam long dissipated, and only came up to my shins. Lucy showed no sympathy for my plight. She silently pointed two fingers at my legs and made a spreading motion. Silently groaning on the inside, I capitulated to her wishes by spreading my stance as wide as the tub would allow me until both my feet were pressed against the sides.

Mel turned to her youngest cousin with a serious expression. "Now, Xube," she said, "Lucy going to be busy helping Nessy get ready. So, I need you to take over little Mikey's bath."

Now I started to panic! Mel wouldn't really hand over the responsibility of my bath to an eleven-year-old girl I had just met, would she? Did she have that kind of authority? Also, I didn't appreciate her calling me "little Mikey". But then again, who was going to challenge her? It's not like I had any say in the matter.

I would have expected supervisor Cate to step up and put a stop to it. I mean, letting her little sister run her hands all over a naked boy's body, even one she thought was supposed to be no older than eleven, was surely cause for concern. But Cate was proving to be vapid and rather useless at any task other than spouting memorized facts about Africa and fondling her own massive tits.

Annie looked wide-eyed at her cousin for a moment. Having just been forced to exit the bathtub, a small puddle of water was forming on the tile around her, but no one seemed to care about that. Her bare, freshly washed skin glowed bright white in the afternoon sunlight. But as she stood there with her arms at her side, I noticed her precious pussy lips displayed an extra coating of shininess. Her moisture factory had responded favorably to her exploring fingers.

She clearly didn't expect to be tasked with bathing a strange eleven-year-old boy. But after a brief moment's thought, she stood tall and nodded her head in acceptance of the great responsibility offered her.

"Great!" exclaimed Mel, patting her proud cousin on the top of her head, "would you please make sure he gets nice and clean for his wedding? Be sure and clean off any dirt you find.” With a wink, she added, “oh, and keep a close eye out for any more leaks, ok?"

My hands started trembling behind my back and my mouth went dry as the implications of those words sank in. A cute naked girl had just been given permission - no, instructions - to hand wash my naked hyper-aroused body. A small smile spread onto her face as her eyes locked onto my throbbing breeding stick. I knew exactly where she planned to start.

Mel spun again, leaving the two naked tween playmates to their bath time, and turned her sights back on her fifteen-year-old cousin. Poor Honesty had been anxiously waiting for an opening to voice more reservations about the wedding. But Mel gave her no quarter. Digging through the supply basket, she came up carrying a bundle of dark green banana leaves, a smaller basket for holding fruit, and a wooden object that I assumed was a crudely carved, wooden banana. I didn't get a very good look at it and had no clue why Honesty would need to carry a wooden banana in her fruit basket. But I didn't have the luxury of pondering that mystery at the moment.

Mel and Lucy escorted the reluctant bride out of the room and up the stairs toward her bridal suite. It was hard to follow because they were all kind of speaking over each other, but what portions I did hear made me extremely nervous.

Mel: "-do you have some fruit we can borrow for Nessy's dance?"

Nessy: "...I uh, like I said, I wasn't planning on actually-"

Lucy: "Oh Sure! We've got lots of fruit. This is going to be so fun! Do you want me to fix your hair?"

Mel: "That would be great. She needs to look extra nice for her husband! Did you see this? It's carved from a drawing the missionaries made of an actual binding talisman."

Nessy: "Actually, I was wondering if we could maybe skip that part? I'm not really comfortable-"

Lucy: "Woah, neat! Hey, what was that Cate was saying about shaving the bride? I think I can help with that, too!"

Nessy: "NO! That won't be necessary!"

Mel: "Oh, knock it off Nessy. Just relax and let us pamper you. It's just too bad we don't have any way to commemorate your big day. If only we had a wedding photographer..."

Lucy: "I think I can help with that. My friend got a new camera and gave me her old one. I just need to check if it has film."

Mel: "Excellent! Oh, I just love weddings!!!"
~ NeverDoubted

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Dare Me - Chapter 14 - Mikey Gets a Dare (Part 20)

Post by neverdoubted »

Dare Me - Chapter 14 - Mikey Gets a Dare (Part 20)

Annie eagerly dipped her hands into the water. Her assignment had been to wash all the places on my body that had gotten dirty from working in the garden. We were supposed to be the same age, but even with my legs spread in an overly wide stance, I still towered over her. She looked so small.

Standing this close to her, I could see much more detail of her naked body. She had healthy, flawless skin which gleamed from her recent bath. She smelled clean, but there was also a hint of something else lingering in the air. Something nice that I couldn't quite place but immediately wanted more as soon as the scent hit my nostrils.

She looked up at me with a little trepidation. Her whole body seemed to be buzzing with nervous excitement. As for me, I tried to look calm and composed. But my stomach was doing flip-flops inside me, and my hands wouldn't stop shaking.

I was a little relieved when her first touch on my body was my knees rather than somewhere more intimate. While looking for dirt, she must have detected some from the gardening tools which had been hung their earlier. A spark shot through me when her soft, cold hands made first contact with my leg. There was nothing overtly sexy about it. But I found myself holding my breath anyway, probably in anticipation of what would almost certainly come next.

Using the water she had scooped from the tub, she dutifully wiped away any loose dirt that had accumulated on the tops of my knees until there was nothing left but clean Mikey skin. The oil made my knees glow with the same radiance as her whole bare body did. She gave me a big, dimpled smile, proud of the small progress she had already made. She must have assumed everyone enjoyed getting anointed as much as she did.

I felt a growing tingling sensation in my extremities as she slowly made her way up the front of my legs. She moved higher and higher, wiping away any dirt she found and anointing my lap along the way. When she had almost reached the base of my cock, I couldn't handle watching and had to look away. The tingling had grown stronger, and my vision was blurring.

Instead of watching little Annie touch her first breeding pole, I looked across the room - anything to distract me from what was about to happen. Unfortunately, my eyes landed on Cate. While studying her wardrobe malfunction predicament, she had discovered something alarming. Unbeknownst to her, the brief wrestling match with her cousin had caused a structural integrity failure in her maternity dress that extended beyond her ruined top. The little curtain of fabric that made up her skirt now hung much lower on her front than originally designed. In fact, it now exposed pretty much her entire pussy. If not for the patch of black pubic hair, her most intimate parts would have been completely on display.

Given the choice between keeping her boobs or her crotch covered, she chose the latter. Reaching down, she grabbed the sagging panel of her skirt and held it up over her naked pussy where it was meant to be. That left her with no way to cover her ample bust. She stood there blushing while her nipples, now exposed to the open air, stiffened into bumps. Her dark strawberries, ripe and ready for suckling, pointed straight at me like an erotic invitation.

Just then, Annie reached the tops of my legs. She was so close to me that I could feel her cool breath on my overheated equipment. Her first contact with my penis was, not surprisingly, extremely tentative. Her fingertips just barely grazed the side of my organ near the base. I suddenly felt lightheaded.

Forgetting that she was supposed to be cleaning the dirt, her curious digits went exploring, slid their way up the veiny side of my member. The heat from my burning arousal factory had extended up the entire length of my shaft. It must have felt like hot iron against her relatively cold fingers.

Her curiosity about human breeding had started innocently enough with a simple, "but...how?". Her older sister had tried her best to give a satisfying and thorough answer. But with Honesty’s words still rattling around inside her young brain, and now that she was actually touching a boy's breeding stick, even more mysteries to ponder were popping into her head.

Apparently, she was still not satisfied with the answer she had been given to her original question. Something bothered her that she couldn't reconcile. She knew everything her sister told her had to be the truth. But the reality right in front of her face told a different story.

I had no clue what mystery she was pondering. But when she suddenly reached up and gripped the fattest part of my cock near the middle, I couldn't help but tear my eyes away from Cate’s spectacular naked rack and look down in shock.

Mel happened to return just then, entering the room just in time to catch her naked cousin taking her equally naked playmate's breeding equipment well in hand. My thick, turgid shaft dwarfed her dainty hand which was even smaller than Lucy's. It didn't even cover half my length.

If she had started jacking me off, I would have cum instantly, almost certainly shooting my seed all the way across the room in a humiliating display. But luckily, she didn't know the first thing about male masturbation, and she didn't seem to have any interest in moving her hand. She seemed afraid, at first, to do anything more than cradle my manhood in a firm, but decidedly motionless grip. Then she tilted her head and smiled, apparently surprised to learn that she could feel strongly in her palm the throbbing pulses of my racing heartbeat.

Mel, who had recovered her apron from her cousin and had put it back on herself, turned and walked straight toward me.

"Having fun, big guy?" she whispered in my ear when she was close enough.

My face was not exactly the picture of calm I wished I could present. With a cute naked girl now gripping my erection, I was barely able to keep my eyes from rolling back in my head. Apparently, it was too much to ask my mouth not to hang wide open either. Now I was at a real risk of drooling from two different places on my body.

"Your fiancé wanted to give you this," she teased, holding up the cross that had been hanging around Honesty's neck. She slipped the small cord over my head so that the cross was lying flat against my chest just below my collarbone. I could smell girly scents coming from the cloth cord – flowers, and honey, and something alluring. It barely registered in my brain that she was also had Honesty's folded bloomers and camisole tucked under her arm.

For some reason, Annie chose that exact moment to start moving her hand. With her fingers still shaped into a circle, she started sliding it slowly upward toward my tip. The coat of oil on her palm helped reduce friction and made moving it pretty easy. Stars burst into my vision as I felt every centimeter of the trip her soft hand made up the length of my cock. When she grazed the sensitive underside of my mushroom shaped head, my knees buckled.

I staggered back, barely able to remain upright, as her hand suddenly popped off the end of my penis. She huffed as the careful O shape she had been trying to maintain with her hand was ruined, slipped into more of a G shape by my near swoon. But I couldn't help it. It had all just been too much for the overworked muscles of my spread legs.

Mel was quick to check on me. "Uh oh, what's the matter Mikey? Did you get a leg cramp?"

Of course, I didn't respond. I'm not even sure I could have formed a response. Literally the only thing I could think about was how badly I wanted to cum. Digging my nails into my forearms yet again, I sent harried puffs of breath through gritted teeth. I had to fight every second to hold my humiliating orgasm at bay. I was not teetering on the brink of the cliff. I had gone over and was hanging by my fingertips.

Giving me a once-over, Mel formed a conclusion that did not require my input and simply confirmed her initial diagnosis of leg cramps. But for aid, she turned unexpectedly to Penny who was still serving her naked punishment.

"Penny," she said, "it looks like Mikey is having some leg cramps and needs your help. We can't have him fainting in the middle of his wedding. Since your dance had to be cancelled and you don't have anything else to do, would you mind massaging out the soreness for him?"

Now it made sense. Penny had just been taught how to rub sore leg muscles. So, she was the perfect choice for cramp duty. And due to her penitent nature, she would be obligated to perform whatever menial task her older cousin assigned to her. Besides, she knew Mel wasn't the type to take "no" for an answer.

Approaching the tub, the naked teenager knelt beside me and began tentatively massaging the large front muscle of my right leg.

Satisfied, Mel walked over to the supply basket and deposited Nessy's undergarments. Apparently, those articles would not be needed for the coupling ceremony.

With whatever she had been trying to accomplish disrupted, Annie tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, stuck out her tongue and reached for my cock again. Starting at the thickest part of my trunk, she carefully formed her cute little fingers into an O and began sliding her fist up my meaty shaft. The sensation was just as amazing as it had been the first time, but I was at least a little more ready for it this time and was able to keep from moving during the journey.

Once she was off, I realized she had been making a rudimentary measurement. Marveling at the large size, she held the circle her fingers had made up in the air and looked through it in wonderment. Then, almost reverently, the circle slowly started to move. She lowered her hand until it was positioned directly over her pussy.

That was the real measurement she was looking for. While answering her question about breeding, Honesty must have told her that the male inserts his breeding stick deep into the female's womb to deliver his seed. But, Annie couldn’t help but wonder, if that were true, and we were the same age, how could my giant breeding stick possibly fit through the tiny entrance to her womb? Honesty hadn't gotten to that part.

Annie looked down at her own immature pussy which fit completely inside the circle she had made with her fingers. There was even a little room to spare. Several emotions passed over her face: surprise, betrayal, awe, fear, elation, anger. Finally, she frowned and looked up at me like I had somehow offended her. I didn't understand. How could I have hurt her when I had never even touched her?! I swear, I will never understand women.

Fortunately, her moody frown passed quickly as her curiosity, and nature, got the better of her. Apparently deciding to forgive her playmate for whatever sin I had committed against her, her dimply smile soon returned, and she dipped her hand back into the water for another round of anointing - and exploring - her new friend.

On her way out of the room, Mel stopped and, leaning in, gave Penny one last instruction.

"Boys' legs get especially sore right here," she explained, pointing to the shaved sack of flesh hanging at the apex of my legs, "so be sure and give it lots of really good massages, too. I'm counting on you, Penny."

The naked twin nodded solemnly then responded by innocently reaching up and squeezing my ball sack firmly in one of her little hands. She held it for a moment looking a little surprised to find it so squishy yet full of something. Then a curious smile formed on her face. Oh great!

I tried to sneer and glare at Mel to communicate the hatred I felt toward her for adding such a cruel and impossible to survive test of my arousal. But I couldn't get my face or my eyes to cooperate. Instead, my eyes fluttered uselessly while my mouth continued to hang open while a bit of drool rolled out one corner and down my chin.

I couldn’t imagine surviving another minute with two curious naked girls eagerly attending to my privates. I just knew that, somehow, I had to survive. My only hope, I thought, was that the wedding would start soon just to get those four, soft, probing hands off me. I now regret ever having that thought.
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Dare Me (new 6/15)

Post by student »

That short fuse is burning down to the detonator and Mikey is already seeing stars.
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Re: Dare Me (new 6/15)

Post by student »

On second thought, the ideal (or most inconvenient) time for Mikey to make like Mount Vesuvius would be when Mother comes home--preferably with the aunt in tow. Mikey would be so mortified that he will probably pass out. There are still more girls to strip, Mikey needs more teasing, and Mom isn't home yet. The possible fallout is going to be epic!
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Dare Me - Chapter 14 - Mikey Gets a Dare (Part 21)

Post by neverdoubted »

Dare Me - Chapter 14 - Mikey Gets a Dare (Part 21)

It didn't take Annie long to find the rings of dirt left behind by the various straps of Lucy's gardening tools.

When they first arrived, Lucy had truthfully told everyone that I had gotten dirty while helping her in the garden. But even though I was completely naked when they first met me, everyone had to assume I had been wearing clothes before that and had just taken them off for my bath. But now Annie knew the truth. The only way dirt could have accumulated in such a private spot was if I had been naked the whole time I helped my sister in the garden.

I'll never know what she thought about that humiliating discovery. But she was more than willing to help me get nice and clean before my wedding. She attacked each new ring she found with vigor, rubbing her fingers all the way around the contours of my fleshy shaft until it was just as shiny and clean as the rest.

Penny proved to be just as committed to her massaging duties as Annie was to cleaning. Soon, Persi grew jealous of her twin sister's special assignment and, not about to be left out, made her way over and insisted on taking over massaging my left leg.

As usual, the twins moved in perfect sync with each other, only in opposite directions. While Persi worked her way down my left thigh, Penny was coming up my right one. Their active hands covered every inch of my bare legs all the way down to the tops of my knees, front and back. And whenever one of them reached the top, she would without fail, dutifully give my full, hanging balls a nice helpful squeeze just as Mel had instructed.

But I simply ignored them. I just stood stoically with a blank, almost uninterested look on my face as if nothing was happening down below. In fact, I forgot they were even there. I just moved on and ignored their soft little hands running continually up and down my legs.

Ok, I'm lying! I didn't ignore them. How could I?! The twins moved like clockwork. Their unceasing genital stimulation never even slowed down. I could not stop them or even ask them for a pause so I could catch my breath. I could only brace every few seconds as another dainty hand reached up to cradle my balls whether I was ready for it or not. I hardly had time to recover in between. Their relentless hands were always moving.

I was simultaneously in heaven and hell. While I desperately needed the ball massage to dissipate a lot of the discomfort that had been slowly accumulating down there, having your balls fondled by two cute girls also happens to be extremely pleasurable. You should try it some time. But it also made my blue balls signal me every few seconds that they urgently needed to release their contents.

Caught up in the throes of ecstasy, I gave up all pretense of a calm demeanor. I was fighting to keep my dignity intact. I even started panting. Literally! I'm sure I looked like an idiot with my mouth hanging open, flexing my leg muscles, and curling my toes whenever another girl made it to my balls.

Penny-hoo-hoo-hoo. My chest quivered with short, halting breaths as I looked down in alarm to see her cute little hand cradling my shaved sack which was brimming with liquid seed. My tingling cock throbbed and jerked all on its own, dancing in the air until she finally let go of my precious jewels.

I had survived. I relaxed my leg muscles and forced my toes to uncurl in the precious few interim seconds...until...Persi-hoo-hoo-hoo. All the muscles in my leg flexed at once as I rose up on my suddenly re-curled toes. My straining cock felt like an overfilled balloon about to pop. I pleaded with my orgasmic dam to hold against the surge of arousal second…by agonizing...second.

Just when I felt my resolve slipping, Persi let go of my balls and I realized that by some miracle, I had survived.

I tried to look around the room for anything that might help me last a little longer, but my vision had gone blurry. I forced the muscles in my legs to relax yet again. After blinking a few times, my vision slowly returned, but it was like looking through a tunnel. Unfortunately, the only thing I could make out was a statuesque nineteen-year-old teenager, on the cusp of womanhood, showing off all the bountiful curves her creator had blessed her with. Her exposed nipples had somehow grown even more erect and plump, and her blush had spread to almost completely cover the pale expanse of her massive chest as she stared at my lewd, near-orgasmic struggle. Then...Penny-hoo-hoo-hoo. And just like that, I lost my sight again.

I have no clue how many times I fought back from the brink of cumming. I lost all sense of time and normalcy. I couldn't think clearly anymore. No world had even existed before my aching balls and those four, unrelenting hands. I didn't know what was real anymore. Like, it just was, and had always been, and always would be.

Annie was growing bolder in her interactions with me, Penny-hoo-hoo-hoo. She seemed to particularly like walking her fingers its entire length. I felt them moving upward from the base of my stalk. Looking down, I could just make the smiling, naked tween mouthing the numbers as she delightfully and carefully counted the many, many steps -Persi-hoo-hoo-hoo- her fingers had to take to reach my tip.

She also liked to just wrap her hand around the middle of my shaft. It was an innocent act, not intentionally sexual. I think she just enjoyed feeling my throbbing heartbeat through my cock. Of course, she had no idea she was playing with a loaded canon. She just couldn't get enough of her new plaything. None of the girls seemed to really know how dangerously close they -Penny-hoo-hoo-hoo- were to making a huge mess.

Annie dipped her hand back into the cold water. By now she had completely cleaned every inch of my cock. The whole appendage, coated in shiny oil, gleamed like the most pornographic -Persi-hoo-hoo-hoo- trophy imaginable. But still she kept playing. Maybe she felt the overwhelming heat radiating from my organ and thought I needed help cooling off.

But she was only driving me wilder every time her cold hand wrapped lovingly around the middle of my cock. If only the damn girl would -Penny-hoo-hoo-hoo- just decide to jack her petite hand up and down a little bit. That's all it would take. Either that or let go of me. But just feeling her cool palm pressed against the side of my throbbing organ - her dainty fingers delicately wrapped around my shaft but refusing to move even a little. It was too much for me to endure! Woah!

I felt another glob of pre-cum, bigger than any before, being released from somewhere deep inside me. Penny must have felt it too. She froze as she felt my balls have a contraction in her hand. With no way to stop it, I knew I would have to let the pre-cum make its way out even with Annie's hand wrapped around my shaft. Annie made a little surprised gasp as she felt my penis seize in her hand, somehow growing bigger and even more stiff for a moment. Then it adopted a different twitching cadence to push the pre-cum out.

To her great delight and astonishment, she felt the warm glob make its way up the inside of my shaft a little further with every twitch. When it reached the top, a brand-new trail of pre-cum appeared and immediately started rolling off the front of my slippery mushroom. That was her cue. Mel had warned her to keep an eye out for leaks. She immediately reached out and grabbed my cock just beneath the head and tilted it toward her to get a closer look and make a plan to clean up the new, shiny drool of moisture.

But before she could wipe it clean, a lightbulb went on in her brain as she noticed for the first time the little hole right at the tip of my penis. She leaned closer, staring in reverent awe and understanding just a little more how I delivered my seed during breeding. She felt another itch between her legs and reached down to comfort her restless pussy with her free hand while her other hand kept my cock bent towards her.

"Hey, it's my turn," complained Persi when she reached the top of my leg and found her sister still cradling my balls. Penny had gotten distracted by the contraction and had fallen out of sync. Persi didn't wait for her sister to share me. Instead, she just grabbed a free spot on my bulging sack that Penny's little hand hadn't been able to cover.

This was it; I knew it. With three eager hands fondling my equipment, I couldn't hold back any longer. I just had to stop struggling and sink into the depths of my ocean of arousal. Just as I was letting go, a light flashed in my peripheral vision - but it wasn't a flash of arousal. It was followed by a click and whirring sound.

Swimming back to the surface, I turned my head in slow motion and was greeted by Mel who had snuck back into the room. She was holding an instant camera that belonged to one of Lucy's friends. More alarmingly, she had it pointed straight at me. Of course, my first thought was to cover my nakedness before she took a picture of me. But as I watched the photo roll out the slot, I realized it was already too late. Mel had taken a picture of me completely naked and on the brink of cumming with three girls all holding my cock and balls in their hands.

"Smile," she said as a belated joke, "ok, girls, time to let go of Mikey. You've had your fun. Now it's Nessy's turn!"
~ NeverDoubted

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