Short Stories From The Web by Duragon

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Short Stories From The Web by Duragon

Post by PhilMarlowe »

Duragon wrote: Short Stories From The Web by Duragon

This is a depantsing story that unfortunately involves me. I was 17 at the time, my younger sister was 15. I had driven her to the mall so that we could do some shopping. She got done and was ready to go home, but I had a couple more stores that I wanted to go to. I told her that since I drove I would dictate when we would leave. Apparently that did not sit well with her since when I was stopped looking at the directory to find the next store I wanted to go to, she come up behind me and yanked hard on my shorts, pulling them down off my hips and down around my ankles. I was wearing a tank top that didn't come down very far, thus leaving my panties on full display. They were a lovely pink with floral pattern. I was so shocked by the situation it took a moment for the reality of the situation to sink in. Once it did I immediately pulled up my shorts and left the mall, turning several shades of red in the process. In the end my sister ended up getting what she wanted by leaving, and I ended up totally embarrased and humiliated. There were at least 2 dozen people that witnessed the whole ordeal.


I remember this girl in middle school who was public enemy #1
when it came to pantsings during gym class. She'd managed to get
every guy and girl in class (including myself) before the school
year ended. Many tried to avenge themselves, but to no avail --
she'd always manage to nimbly dodge or leap out of reach.

Then, one day, this new kid transferred to our school and got placed
in our gym class. He was taller than the rest of us and looked a
little more physically mature and fit than the other boys in the

The chronic pantser, wishing her record to remain intact, made the
mistake of pantsing the new guy in front of a gaggle of girls he was
chatting up. The new guy immediately pulled up his shorts rounded on the
offender who was already fleeing with a smug and triumphant grin on
her face, but little did she know that she had finally met her match,
for even as she scrambled up the fence that separated the tennis
courts from the rest of the play area, the new kid leapt high into
the air and caught the pantser's baggy gym shorts just as she was about to
jump down to the other side.

Well, this counterstrike caught the pantser so off-guard that she
lost her footing and would have landed hard on the ground below if
not for the fact that her gymshorts (which had been yanked to her
ankles by the new kid) had firmly caught on the top of the fence,
leaving her dangling helplessly (and comically) upside down about
three feet aboove the ground.

As if this considerable humiliation were not enough, fate had
evidently deemed that nothing short of total embarrassment would be
adequate retribution for all the pantsings she had committed in the
past. Yes -- her panties, too, were snared on the top of the fence
and her shirt (no bra underneath) had fallen down, covering her head
and binding her thrashing arms, affording all her assembled former
victims an unobstructed view of...well...everything! To add to this,
as we looked on, whooping and laughing at her predicament, her 13 year-old
hormones began kicking into overdrive and her nipples swelled to life. While the dangling shirt did encumber her arms, I think she was loath to remove it or try to flip it up at this point as she couldn't bear the idea of making eye-contact with me and the rest of the wickedly grinning classmates.

It took a good three minutes before the gym instructor arrived on
the scene (since no one had alerted him) and even when he did, he
seemed a bit unsure of how to deal with the situation -- whether to
raise the shirt up to cover her unmentionables and thereby return
some semblance of dignity until more faculty help came, or to try to
lift her a bit (being careful not to touch anything "private") in
the hopes that the shorts and panties would come free. In the end,
he elected to attempt the latter but wasn't tall enough lift her
sufficiently high, so I "generously" offered to scramble up the fence and unhook her shorts while the instructor kept her from
hitting the ground. I got a good look at the goods on my way up --
a fact that I loved to tease her about in the ensuing months -- and
eventually managed to free her rogue articles of clothing.

Needless to say, her reign of terror was ended that day and she's
never lived the experience down, not even now (years later). To
this day, I can't help but marvel at how perfectly it all played
out -- no one was hurt or seriously psychologically scarred, and one
couldn't have asked for a more satisfyingly embarrassing spectacle.
It was if it was all choreographed over many weeks! It just goes to
show that every pantser -- no matter how skilled at evading
counterattacks -- eventually gets her comeuppance...or should I
say, "come-downnance"? ;)


When I was 16, a gorgeous girl had a crush on me. At a party, we were flirting on the back deck next to the pool pretending to try and pants each other. All our friends were there doing the same thing. After I hand enough to drink to loose my better judgement, I surprised her by pantsing her from behind. Her shorts AND PANTIES rolled down below her knees in front of everyone! She bent over to try and pick them up and just gave everyone more of a show. She bent over infront of me so close I can still picture it today (20 years later). She ran into the house and got her pants back up. She went home without talking to anyone. After that, she hated me (so I guess I missed my chance).


one time me and my girlfriends were haveing a sleepover at my
apartment to celabrate my moving out out of my parents house. well
the next morning i woke up on the front lawn stripped down to
nothing and the girls standing over me laughing, and before i can
get up they run inside and lock the door, 10 min. later i come
inside to find they pawned all of my clothes the night before. i had
to wear a towel to the mall to buy more clothes :(


It happened about 15 years ago during Freshman orientation at the college I attended. Orientation took place over a 3 day weekend in the summer and was, of course attended to by perspective freshmen. The way this worked was there were a group of us maybe 50 or so and we were broken out into smaller groups of 7 or 8 . boys and girls mixed. At night, we stayed in different suites but in the same quad. There were lots of drugs and lots of booze much more than any of us had grown accustomed to having around at one time. It turned out to be non-stop partying and frankly most of us were not really used to p[partying on this level and did not deal with it well. There were also, older students on campus attending summer classes, some of them were RA's (many of the RA's in fact were supervising the new students) but others were just staying in the dorms and quads on campus (as we were) while they attended their classes . As you can guess, many of the students resented us; we were not even freshmen yet and we were getting special treatment, we were staying out all night making a lot of noise and basically being a real pain in the ass.

By the first night, smaller cliques emerged among the group, and I was kind of hanging with one other guy named Paul and 2 other girls, Tracy and Linda At first, I liked them all but by the second night I (along with everyone else) grew tired of the second girl ,Tracy who was very pretty, but very snotty. Besides, I was attracted to Linda who was very nice and who also thought Tracy was a snot.

It happened on the third night. We were stoned as usual and Paul (the other member of our group) ahd pretty much had enough after 3 full days of parting so he turned in. LInda and I found a quite corner on one of the girl's quads and were making out. Tracy was bored and drunk and became obnoxious screaming at the top of her lungs about what a dump the place was and how we all had to be crazy to come here. Finally, the 4 girls in one of the suites, and a girl from another room came into the quad and told her to keep quiet they had classes in the morning. Tracy told them she would not. One thing led to another and Tracy ended up calling them a bunch of Lesbos. One of the girls got really pissed and pushed her to the ground, right in front of us. They knew we were there but it was kind of dark in the corner and they really could not make us out well. Anyway, the two girls, started to fight but Tracey was not match for the older girl and was soon pinned to the ground. By now, the quad was filled with curious girls from the suites on the floor, there must have bee 56 or so other so girls in various stages of dress looking on. I was in shock, I had never alone in a room with so many girls at one time and to tell you the truth i was kind of aroused. Linda was leaning up against me and taking it all in with a big smile. There were just enough girls there to be a small crowd, but not enough to obstruct our view.

Still, Tracy would not stop squirming and began screaming "Let me go you bitch" . She also called her a Lesbo, and finally a .... That did it. The older girl than yelled out "hold her down, I'm gong to teach this little candy-ass a lesson" to her friends. Each of her friends held down one arm and leg, while the girl who had been fighting yelled out for a scissor. She ripped the shirt right off of her and began unbuttoning her shorts. Now Tracy's attitude ahd changed. she was crying and screaming "no, please don't" but it was too late. The girl was determined to teach her a lesson. she sat on her stomach while the two girls holding her legs pushed them together so the thee of them could work her shorts down. One they were off, the held her down again.

Tracy was now laying on the ground, spread eagled wearing nothing but a bra and panties, begging to be let up. Linda and I were still watching from our view in the corner, not quite believing what was happening, but not necessarily appalled by it either. Tracy's tormentor said "No way sweetie" and to her dorm mates and "give me those scissors!" Than back to Tracy "what do you say we take a look at those cute little titties" The other girls in the room were screaming "do it" and "cut it off". LInda and I were looking on, and my arousal had become pretty obvious to her. She smiled at me coyly and put her hand on my crotch, as Tracy's bra was cut off and perky little breasts popped out.Tracy was mortified. She screamed to let her go, and squirmed but it was no use, she was overpowered. Than, "Do you think she has a blonde muff too?" and the girls yelled out to cur off her panties. Tracy was crying bt at still fighting at this point but it did not matter, her panties were gone in seconds revealing a really pretty blonde bush. It also became apparent that Tracy was aroused. "Hey, I think she is wet!! Well, aren't you a bad girl?! Lift her legs apart and lets get a good look!" . By now, Tracy had stooped fighting and was sobbing and begging to be let go. Her legs were spread apart, right in front of us. "Mmmm, nice pussy honey, are you a virgin?" she said as she stroked her lips once with a finger nail. Tracy jumped as if shocked when she did this and said "no, please don't" The girl just laughed and said "maybe that nice boy over there would like a piece of you" . Tracy just said "NO!!! please let me go". She stroked her again, spread her lips opened and said " umm juicy.. such a bad girl.. maybe you need to go over my lap for a spanking, and again started to play with her.

Now the room was completely quiet. Tracy started to moan and gasp but was still begging to be let up, as the girl began to stroke her clit . " You gonna cum for us honey?" " No... plllease... let me up.. pleeasse!!" but her body began to betray her. Her hips began to undulate and she moaned... "Oh god.. noooo!" and the girls said "gonna cum righ here in front of us? who is the lesbo slut now.. come on, llet it go, show us all how you cum"

That was it for Tracy. " NOOOO GAAWWDDPLLLEEAASEE !!! OHHHH!! UNGGGHHHH !!!! UNGHHH!! Meanwhile, Linda had her hand in my shorts and was stroking me I was reaching a critical point myself, and tried to pull away, but Lind whispered "let it go honey, cum in your pants for me.." That did it for me i came right in my pantst hoping no one noticed but Linda.

Finally the girl let Tracy up and told her that she did not want to see her around when semester started. She also looked over at Linda and me and told us to get lost too. Tracy was crying, but managed to grab her top and shorts and run out. As I was leaving, the girl stopped me, looked down at the stain in my shorts and said loud enough for her friends to hear " well it looks like you had quite a night too!"

ONce they were up, the other girl wrapped on arm around them and began to spank Tracy's behind with the other.


I was walking through a park to a store once and there
were a bunch of guys and one girl playing basketball.
The boys seemed to be antagonizing the girl a bit, but
all in good fun at this point. When I returned through
the park, The boys had the girl surrounded. She was
kneeling on the ground with her shirt stretched over
her legs. Apparently, the boys had depantsed her. Her
shorts were around her ankles. Every time she made a
move to raise them, the boys stepped in and stopped
her. At one point one of the boys was standing on her
shorts and trying to push her over from behind. I
wanted to stay and see what else would transpire, but
I was too insecure to just sit down and watch, so I
walked on. I think she loved it.


Ok i was at a pool party once and me and a couple of the girls decide
to depants this hot guy at the party. Well a bit later a couple of
his friends decided payback was in order so they jumped in on all
sides of us girls. Two of my friends however were a lot closer to
the side than I was. One of them barely made it out and the other
got her bottoms pulled down to exposed half her bare butt. Me on the
other hand. One of the guys caught me and I had one of those tie on
the side bikini bottoms. Yeah he caught me and untie one end and
then yanked it off my bottom. At least with the water so splashy it
was hard to see my butt and frontal area. He swam to the side and
threw it just out of my reach so i hard to expose my bare bottom to
anyone who was looking and get back down to put the bottoms on and
tie the strings back together.


I may be a bit hazy on the details because this was a handful of
years ago. I was in 9th grade PE at the time. I wasn't involved in
the pantsings in any way, just as a spectator. Anyway, it involves a
class clown type of guy and a cute, but quite shy girl. It being gym
and all, they were wearing typical gym clothes, the girl with short
green gym shorts and a white top, the guy with long black shorts and
a white tee. There were at least 50 other students in the gym at the
time. The two were chasing each other around for a while before
exercises began. The guy stopped to talk to one of his buds, and the
girl saw an opening. She pulled down his shorts. The whole gym
laughed, including their teacher. The guy laughed it off, too. The
girl, basking in her little victory, was smiling and was oblivious to
her surroundings. Big mistake. No sooner had the guy pulled up his
own shorts that he went up behind the girl and yanked her shorts to
the floor. Once again the gym erupted in laughter, but the girl
wasn't keen on laughing along. She had on a pair of baby blue bikini-
cut panties with a little bear on the front. Her face flushed a beet
red and she actually stood there, shocked, shorts
Janienudiepants wrote: to Duragon: Second Story by Janienudiepants

These are all great stories. The second one reminded me of a dumb stunt I played in second grade. Despite being very smart alecky and naughty at the time, mostly I was still very modest... around boys. Please see my story on the top of the stories board, titled "Hung up on a fence: to Duragon" - Janienudiepants, Mon Jul 7 8:18am"

luv, Janie
Anonymous wrote: Great Story by Anonymous

Great story
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