By LittleRobbie
This story is a sequel to IN A HAZE, in which 16-year-old Lily braved five days of hazing to become a cheerleader at her high school. Read that story here: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2708
It has been two years since 16-year-old Lily survived an embarrassing hazing to become a cheerleader at her high school. Even though the hazing was shocking and humiliating to her, she had to admit that it helped her become less introverted and more willing to embrace adventures.
Following the last day of her hazing, in which her almost naked body was fondled by her chemistry lab partner Ryan (while she was blindfolded), she eventually overcame her shame and decided to start dating him. She became less shy with Ryan and eventually enjoyed spending hours in bed with him, fondling and being fondled, including willingly surrendering her virginity early in her senior year.
Dating Ryan and participating in cheerleading highlighted her junior and senior years in high school, and she also remained dedicated to her classwork, so that she could confidently apply to the several universities that were on her short list. Her high GPA and participation in extracurricular activities like cheerleading got her admitted to the university at the top of her list, and following graduation from high school, she began planning for her September trip to the west coast to start her university studies. She and Ryan agreed to keep in touch and visit each other on holidays, but both of them secretly knew that they would each have new adventures and new loves.
Before the end of summer, Ryan convinced Lily to let him take a nude photo of her in his back yard, to help remember her by. She was not crazy about the idea, but she felt bad that she was leaving (and maybe she was a little intoxicated at the time). This was the only nude photo anyone – including herself – had ever taken of her. ... -719116839
So, now Lily found herself on a university campus at age 18 and excited to be starting a new chapter. Her first semester as a freshman had gone well academically, but she was having a hard time making friends. Everyone she came into contact with spent every waking hour either in class or studying for class. Everyone seemed very career-focused and over-driven. Lily decided to check out sororities in the hopes of finding a healthy social life somewhere on campus.
Of the dozen or so sororities on campus, there was only one that seemed to fit Lily’s criteria: small and selective, altruistic, and supportive of individual partialities. This was Delta Beta Delta. She got to work checking out their officers, and during rush, she went out of her way to get acquainted with them without looking too obvious. Her hard work paid off, and right after the holiday break, she was invited to pledge. She was aware that Delta Beta Delta was, indeed, very selective, so she was honored to be chosen to pledge.
Lily was a bit wary about the possibility of hazing, which had been difficult for her in high school. She knew that universities all over the country had been cracking down on dangerous hazing activities, but she also suspected that most sororities claimed to have abolished hazing without actually having done so. Her research indicated that DBD’s national reputation included a zero-tolerance crackdown on hazing. However, as she was soon to discover, this campus’ chapter was a bit behind in cleaning up their activities in this regard.
The total pledge schedule was four weeks, of which the last few days were referred to as The Finals (and secretly called Hell Week). The initial period consisted primarily of getting to know the members and learning about the history of the sorority. It also included requirements for the pledges to work and spend time in the sorority house and be somewhat subservient to the members. Lily was glad to note that DBD did not require the pledges to overindulge in drunken parties, which seemed to be the case in most sororities and fraternities on campus. There were parties, and the pledges had to “work” the parties by bartending, serving, and entertaining with song and dance when required. But this was all kept at a reasonable and healthy level. In other words, no puking in the guest bathrooms.
Delta Beta Delta organized the pledges into groups of three or four, with each group being assigned a member as pledge captain. Lily’s pledge class included ten girls, and she was assigned a group with two other pledges – Emma and Billie. Emma was a Brit and had a wonderfully dry sense of humor, which included a bit of an edge regarding the “whole sorority thing.” She was thin and blonde, with admirable tits and a tight ass. Billie was a rather shy African American with a large mouth and a very sexy ass. Their pledge captain was Erika, and she gave no pretense to being friends with her three charges; she was terse and unapproving in all matters, determined to get her pledges through the process with the highest marks of all the pledge groups.
As the pledge period wore on, the level of discipline and servitude gradually ratcheted up a bit, and Lily could sense that the members were constantly pushing the pledges beyond their comfort zones. Erika was on their asses constantly, and there did not appear to be any limit to her meanness when she felt a weakness in one of her pledges. Lily, Emma, and Billie were constantly on the defensive while they were in the sorority house, and Erika thought nothing of challenging and humiliating any of them every chance she had.
One morning, Lily noticed an envelope that had been slid under her dorm room door overnight. In it was a handwritten note directing her to attend a mandatory pledge meeting at the sorority house the next morning. Lily took a big breath and prayed that Hell Week was not going to be as utterly humiliating as her high school cheerleader hazing week. But who was she kidding?
It’s 7:00am in the main room of the DBD sorority hose, and all 10 of the pledges are here, determined to make it through Hell Week at all costs. They had all spent the last three weeks performing every task demanded of them, and they are all hoping that the remaining few pledge days would go quickly and relatively painlessly. Most of the chapter members are present for this event, and they all look happy and hungry to see The Finals get started. The sorority’s pledge director is Alyssa, and she is addressing all of the pledges before classes start for the day.
“Good morning, pledges, I hope you are all ready to begin The Finals. I want to see the ten of you lined up, side-by-side, over by that wall, facing us. Go!” The pledges quickly moved into position. The wall Alyssa referred to was the front wall of the living room, which had four large windows overlooking the small front yard, a short fence, and the wide sidewalk beyond the fence. These front windows had shades, but at the moment the shades were wide open, giving an easy view out – and in – from the sidewalk.
Alyssa continued, “I’m sure that the Delta Beta Delta members can’t wait to test your mettle. The past three weeks have been easy sledding for you all – for one thing you have been able to keep all your clothes on.” The chapter members had a good laugh at that. “But that was then; this is now. I want you all to strip. Right now.”
With the sorority members looking on, the ten pledges sheepishly began unbuttoning and unzipping. “Shoes and socks, too. Just pile everything on the floor next to you.”
Lily, Emma, and Billie looked at each other and nervously shrugged. All three slipped their shoes off, then their socks. Next came their tops – Lily had a button-up blouse that she slid down her arms and off; Emma and Billie both had light sweaters that they slipped their arms out of before pulling them over their heads, and then off went the under-shirts as well. Lily looked down the line and saw that all ten of the pledges were now down to their bras and panties. Lots of hooting and clapping from the members. And lots of red faces on the pledges, realizing that anyone walking by outside could see them in their underwear.
“Well, don’t stop now, strip off those undies. Right down to bare skin.” The pledges all hesitated, very aware of the open windows behind them. “I’m not gonna tell you again, you’ve got thirty seconds to get naked. I mean it!”
This got the ten pledges in motion, and they were soon all bare-ass naked with their backs facing the open windows. Lots more hooting and clapping from the sorority members, which scared the pledges because they were afraid the noise would attract attention. And, indeed, a small gathering of boys and girls was starting to form on the front sidewalk, attracted by the noise from inside the sorority house. The boys were particularly excited by the sight of ten bare butts lined up in full view through the windows.
The pledges instinctively brought their hands back to try to shield the view of their behinds, but Alyssa was not having any of that. “Get your hands away from your fannies! All of you, raise your arms and clasp your hands behind your heads. No exceptions, do it now!” All ten reluctantly bared their behinds.
Emma, Lily, and Billie ended up at one end of the line-up, and as luck would have it, that’s the end that Alyssa decided to start with. “Enema (each of the pledges had been given a distasteful nickname for the pledge period), take three big steps forward.” Emma stepped forward, keeping her hands in place behind her head. Stepping forward felt like doubling her embarrassment; she was being singled out.
However, Emma certainly had nothing to be ashamed of. She had truly beautiful tits; they looked like C-cups with almost no sag. Creamy colored skin with vivid pink nipples and areolas jutting forward. All of the other pledges were immediately jealous.
“Shoulders back.” She did, which forced her tits forward even more. “We would all like to hear about those tits, Enema.”
Emma wasn’t sure how to answer that. “Um. . .my bra size is 36-C. I’m not sure what else you want to know.”
“Who was the last boy to suck on those very pink and prominent nipples?”
“Um. . .a boy named James, who I broke up with about two months ago.”
“And no sucking or caressing since then?”
“You mean, aside from masturbating, don’t you?”
“I. . .I guess so.” Emma blushed furiously. The sorority members all snickered and applauded.
“Okay, Enema, now let’s have an inspection down south. Aha! I suppose you thought that because you’re a genuine blonde you didn’t have to shave that pussy. Well, you were wrong, I want all pussies clean-shaven, starting right now. Do I have a volunteer to shave Enema’s pussy?”
One of the chapter members raised her hand with a big smile. Alyssa said, “Okay, Molls, grab some shave cream and a razor and get to it.” The girl ran giggling toward the kitchen.
“Enema, while she’s getting ready for your shave, let’s have a look at your ass.” She walked around Emma to get a good look at her rear; then she reached into her pocket and produced an oversized felt-tip marker and drew a large red circle on each of Emma’s cheeks. “This fat ass is too big. It’s disgusting!” Which was a deliberate and humiliating overstatement, considering that Emma possessed a nice normal-sized butt.
But Alyssa wouldn’t let up. She gave each cheek a jiggle. “Look at that jello wiggle! Enema, you have four days to get this ass into shape or I will pound it with a paddle until you scream. Understand?”
“Yes, sister.” Emma, who had up to now had kept cool under pressure, was on the verge of tears. She was no longer standing erect and looking confident. Her knees were buckling, and her face was beet red from embarrassment.
“Ah, here comes Molly with her shave cream and razor. Now straighten up, then spread your legs at least three feet apart.”
Emma obeyed, and Molly approached with the shaving implements and said, “Stand still if you don’t want to fuck this up.” She then proceeded to give Emma’s pubic hair a thorough shave, then wiped it down with a washcloth that had been soaked in alcohol and kept in the freezer. The freezing cold alcohol elicited a pitiful scream from Emma. Molly laughed, “There you go, bald as a baby! Feels much sexier, don’t you think?”
Emma was fully sobbing by now, but she got out, “Yes, sister. Thank you, sister.”
Alyssa had one final humiliation in mind. She announced, “Pledges, we wouldn’t want to let any of you depart for the day without getting a good taste of the discipline you can expect if you were to get out of line during The Final. Bethann will now demonstrate”
Bethann, one of the chapter members, then stepped forward with a wood sorority paddle. She addressed Emma, “Enema, lean forward and grab your ankles.” Emma immediately obeyed, and in doing so caught a glance out one of the windows, where the crowd had grown to about twenty, mostly boys. Before she could even react, Bethann delivered a hard stinging wallop to her butt. Emma gasped and cried out, “OWWW!”
Bethann said, “Was that gratitude I heard, pledge?”
Emma responded, “Thank you, sister.”
“That’s what I thought you said. You may return to the line now.”
Emma stepped back into line, which elicited another round of shouting and applause from the crowd on the sidewalk outside. The pledges all winced and took deep breaths; could they all really withstand this humiliating exposure, even though their faces were turned away from the viewers?
Alyssa announced, “Okay, next victim. Willy, take a step forward.”
Lily tried not to look intimidated as she took three steps forwarded with her hands behind her head and her shoulders back. She heard giggles and whispers from the DBD sisters. Alyssa got right to it. “Well, we are certainly not impressed with those titties, Willy!” She took out her giant felt tip markers again and drew red circles around Lily’s areolas. “It would be charitable to call them B-cups, I think.”
“Yes, sister. Thank you, sister.”
“Your coochie is better, smooth as a baby’s bum, and it looks a little swollen and moist. You must be enjoying this humiliation, is that right, Willy?”
“No, sister, not at all. I’m not enjoying it.”
“Maybe we should show the outside onlookers your sexy little cunt, what do you think? Just turn around to face outdoors? Would that be exciting for you?”
“Oh, no, that would not be exciting, Please don’t ask me to do that!”
“Maybe a little later, pledge. Let me have a peek at your fanny.” Alyssa stepped around near the windows to get a good view of Lily’s butt. “Hmm. Barely acceptable. Do not let that ass get any plumper, or you will be wearing a very uncomfortable buttplug for a couple of days.”
“Yes, sister. Understood, sister.” Lily took this threat seriously; she had only tried a buttplug once and found it excruciatingly painful, as her anus was very tight.
Alyssa was ready to dismiss Lily. “Bethann, let’s give Willy here a good painful sendoff to The Finals before we move on to our next pledge.”
Bethann smiled as she maneuvered behind Lily. “Pledge, bend forward and grab your ankles.” Lily snuck a glance out the window, as Emma had done. Her knees buckled. The next thing she knew was an intense stinging pain as the paddle found its target with a loud SMACK! “Waaaw!” was all she could manage.
This process went on for the rest of the pledges until all ten were thoroughly humiliated and paddled. Two more of the pledges were found to have some pubic hair growth, and it was publicly shaved, just as Emma’s had been. Both of those girls were trembling and crying before Alyssa was done with them. After the last paddling, Alyssa ordered the window shades closed, which elicited a groan of protest from the mostly-boy crowd outside.
Alyssa addressed the group again. “How’s that for a morning warm-up? I know that all of the sisters enjoyed that, not to mention the crowd outside.” The pledges all reddened even deeper after that reminder, all still completely naked and with their reddened bare butts only now shielded from the street. “Before we break up this fun little party, here are the rules for The Finals. Listen closely and memorize them, because disobeying the rules of The Finals will result in VERY HUMILIATING punishments! Is that understood?”
The pledges reacted loudly, “Yes, sister.”
“Rule One. On weekdays, you are all to report to this room at 5:30pm to receive your instructions for that evening’s activities. From Friday afternoon through Sunday evening, you are to remain at the sorority house, including sleeping here.
“Rule Two. All of the sisters in this room will be testing you constantly. You are to listen to a sister’s instructions carefully and carry out her instructions without question and without hesitation.
“Rule Three. We want to be sure that you desperately desire to join this sorority and are not pursuing membership as a lark or as a status symbol. Toward that end, we will be requiring you to submit to some painful and humiliating exercises every day, in and out of the house and during classes. In order to exhibit your commitment to sisterhood, you are to submit to those exercises without question and without hesitation. Doing so will result in punishments, and these will not be pleasant.
“Rule Four. Delta Beta Delta has a longstanding close relationship with our brother fraternity, Psi Kappa Alpha, and we expect our pledges to maintain close and friendly relationships with their members and their pledges, just as they will maintain close and friendly relationships with our members and pledges. Their pledge period runs parallel to ours, so their pledges will be going through their final week of pledging at the same time you are. There may be some pledge functions that you and the PSA boys will be required to participate in together. Do so without question and without hesitation.”
Having finished with the rules, Alyssa directed the pledges to divide up into their smaller groups and receive instructions from their pledge captains. Lily, Emma, and Billie were met by Erika, their pledge captain. Erika had short auburn hair, about 5’-3”, and a physical build. Emma imagined her to be on the swim team perhaps. She was a senior and had been a pledge captain in the previous year. It was an activity she truly enjoyed, watching the new pledges endure the same – or maybe more severe – treatment she had endured.
Erika addressed her three pledges with a slight scowl on her face. “Girls, we’re ramping you up slowly, so today will be a bit easier on you than the remainder of the week. Now, strip off everything you are wearing above the waist, including your bras.” All three pledges hesitated momentarily. “Now! I haven’t got all day!”
Lily, Emma, and Billie got to work removing their tops and their bras. They were instructed to put those in paper bags and write their names on the outside in crayons. Then, Erika gave each one a pink tee shirt that was silk-screened with the name and emblem of Delta Beta Delta in white. The first thing the pledges noticed was that these shirts were all at least one size too small, so their breasts were showing prominently. “Now, here are your lanyards to wear for the day.” She gave each of them a 3x5 square white badge attached to a lightweight chain. Their chains were adjusted so that the tops of the badges hung just below the necklines of the tee shirts.
The badges all said: I’M A DBD PLEDGE. PLEASE RATE MY TITS.
The pledges were crestfallen. This was an easy day?
Erika continued, “Do not remove your lanyards at any time, and here is a clipboard for each of you, with a paper pad attached. You are to seek out and solicit opinions from the boys you see during the course of the day, whether it is in class, walking in between classes, during lunch, whatever. Be pleasant and sexy, and happily engage in conversation with them and answer any questions they may have, including embarrassing ones.
“Do not pal up with any other girls; spend the entire day solo, finding and chatting with boys about your boobies. They may discuss your tits but not touch them. You may touch your tits, but not the boys. One of the DBD sisters will be watching each of you most of the time throughout the day to make sure (a) that you are not hiding, (b) that you are being pleasant and sexy, and (c) that the boys are keeping their hands to themselves.
“Each boy you Date should give your titties a rating of 1 to 5, with 5 being super sexy and 1 being fuhgeddaboudit. You will notice graphs on your paper pads with spaces for them to write their names next to their titty ratings. At 5:30 when you return to the sorority house, your scores will be added up. The ten pledges will each have their total ratings announced. Prizes and punishments will be awarded. And keep in mind, you are going for a grand total of your ratings, not an average. So the more boys you get is just as important as how sexy your tits are. Got it?”
“Um.” “Uh.” “Yeah.”
“Now go forth and be embarrassed DBD girls! Not embarrassing DBD girls! Remember, we’ll be watching you!”
Lily and her pledge partners drifted out into the bright morning and parted ways. Lily looked down at her chest and was embarrassed to see her smallish breasts graphically outlined by her tight tee shirt, and the bottom hem rode up well above the top of her jeans, exposing her navel. It would be very obvious to anyone that she was not wearing a bra. She tucked her clipboard under her left arm and crossed her right arm over her breasts to try to retain some degree of dignity. However, after walking about a block, she realized that she was going to have to uncover and get started if she wanted to even come close to winning this little game. She had about eight hours to collect as many signatures and ratings as possible. Being timid was not going to make it. She dropped both arms, pulled her shoulders back, and tilted her head up for the sexiest visual impact.
Lily soon Dateed two male students walking toward her. Even at half a block, they immediately dropped their jaws and got into the game. “Now, there’s a tight little pair if ever I saw one!” “You proud of those little titties, are you?”
Lily immediately reddened but kept her composure. “These are mine, all right! I know they’re small, but they make it up in sexiness. Would you like to enter your name and rate my boobs here on my pad?” The two boys both did so. After they left, Lily looked at their ratings: both had entered “3”. On the 1 to 5 scale, not great, but not awful either. She was going to have to get A LOT of ratings in order to avoid coming it dead last when all the pledges are totaled.
At the next corner, Lily noticed a group of three boys and marched right into their conversation, smiling and thrusting forward. “Hi, boys, how ya doing this morning?”
“Whoa! What have we here? Are those tits or swollen mosquito bites?” They all got a big laugh out of that.
Lily was unfazed. “So, would you all like to rate my boobs?”
“How are we going to rate them if we can’t see them?” More laughter.
Lily gulped. “Well, how about this?” she said, and with that she reached up under her tee shirt and started pinching her nipples, which up to now had been retracted in humility and barely noticeable. She continued to pinch to perk them up, and the nubs began to poke noticeably forward. The boys were impressed, both by her moxie and by the now-ample size of her nipples. Their ratings were “4”, “3”, and “4”. Lily was heartened but also a bit concerned, knowing now that she was going to have to spend the rest of the day pinching her nipples in front of strange boys. By the time the game was over, she had 26 signatures, but all of her ratings ran in the “2”, “3”, and “4” range, and not many “4”s.
Lily arrived back at the sorority house just before 5:30 and handed her clipboard to Erika. Emma and Billie had already arrived. Lily was anxious to discover what ratings her pledge group girls had received, but she was disappointed when they told her that they both had mostly “4”s and “5”s. Billie even related that she skipped one class in order to meet more boys. This was a tactic that hadn’t occurred to Lily.
Alyssa announced to the full group of pledges that it was dinner time, and the pledges were to report to the basement for their meals, dressed just as they were. In the basement, the pledges found box lunches with PB&J sandwiches, carrot sticks, and small bottles of water. They were given 20 minutes to eat, then they were called back into their three pledge groups, all still in the basement. In Lily’s group, Erika gave each of the girls the paper bags from that morning, containing their tops and bras. “You’re all over-dressed. Remove your lanyards and tee shirts. Then remove the rest of your clothes until you are completely naked. All of your clothes should be deposited in your paper bags. Keep your arms to your sides, no covering up.”
All three pledges were well past embarrassment by now, so they stripped without hesitation. Lily, Emma, and Billie looked around, and all ten pledges were now completely exposed and standing barefoot on the cold basement floor. Alyssa appeared on the stairs and announced, “We have totaled up your boob ratings, and here are the highlights. The highest total ratings were for BJ.” This was Billie, so a small cheer went up from Billie, Emma, and Lily.
“The lowest total ratings were for Nasty.” This was Natalie, in one of the other pledge groups. She was thin and extremely pretty, about 5’-8”, with beautiful brown hair down to her waist. Her breasts were unimpressive – only a little smaller than Lily’s – and her butt was tight and a little bubbly.
“Last place was close. Nasty was only one point less than Willy.” Lily breathed a sigh of relief. She surmised that the only reason she didn’t come in last was because she did the nipple squeezes.
“Now we’re going to line you up from highest score to lowest. BJ, get over here on the right. Nasty, over here on the left. Willy, right next to Nasty – you’re both pathetic booby salesmen.” Alyssa proceeded to arrange the ten pledges in the line, from best to worst. Emma was about in the middle.
The pledge captains went about distributing boxes to each of the pledges. Alyssa announced, “In these boxes are your costumes for tonight. We’re going to have a lingerie show, and we have invited several boys from Psi Kappa Alpha to the show, so we’re counting on you to be our entertainment for the evening.
All ten of the pledges gulped hard. They had already spent the whole day promoting their breasts to strange boys on campus. Now they were going to be even more exposed to the brother fraternity boys for several hours.
“You can open your boxes now and put on your lingerie.” Lily was afraid to look. She pulled out a very skimpy bra and thong set. Both pieces were black lace that was just as transparent as it was opaque. The tiny bra had string straps and fastened in the back and behind her neck. The thong had a small triangle to cover her vulva and another smaller triangle for the top of her ass-crack.
Lily glanced over at Natalie, who was in tears. Her lingerie set was practically nonexistent. It was flesh colored and made from thin satin-like material. Just tiny triangles for her nipples – which appeared to have bright areolas that showed around the edges of her “pasties”. The bottoms were just a tiny triangle for her vulva and nothing at all covering her butt. She was as good as naked, and Lily was sure that she was deeply dreading appearing for the fraternity boys.
Lily checked down the line in the other direction. All of the pledges were wearing very revealing lingerie, but it was obvious that the best performers that day were going to be the least exposed for the evening. BJ was wearing a pleated babydoll that barely contained her sizeable breasts. Emma had a very revealing red teddy.
Alyssa continued, “For the next several hours, you are to help us host the Psi Kappa Alpha boys by modeling your lingerie, fetching drinks and snacks, and engaging in conversations whenever you are invited by one of them or one of us. The boys will surely appreciate your fashions, but they are not permitted to touch you.
Lily, Emma, and Billie exchanged glances, then followed Alyssa out the back door, where the outdoor porch had been set up with lounges, chairs, tables, a bar, and a buffet. About a dozen of the sorority girls were already welcoming the seven or eight fraternity boys, and the pledges got right to work, taking drink and food orders and giving private fashion shows to each grouping of girls and boys. Although some of the pledges were more covered than others, all of them were burning with embarrassment to be so exposed outdoors and intimately close to this group of boys.
The boys were well behaved for the most part, but they had been primed by the sorority girls to ask rather personal and revealing questions to test the pledges’ resolve. So, after a couple of hours of embarrassing conversations, the pledges were praying that this party was going to wrap up soon. No such luck, however, as Alyssa announced the special events for the evening.
“Everyone, let me have your attention. These ten pledges spent the day today having their boobs ogled and rated by strange boys on campus. This was an exercise to test their vanity and their self-confidence. Some of them did pretty well, and some of them not so good. Getting poor booby ratings indicates shyness and low self-esteem and cannot go uncorrected. We had determined to assign a punishment to the one pledge who had the lowest ratings, but today, while there was one girl with the lowest rating, there was another girl who was only one point above her, so we have determined that both of these pledges should be punished tonight. Their punishments are designed to humiliate them to the point that they try harder for the remainder of the pledge period.”
Lily froze. She had been hoping that this lingerie mixer was going to wrap up for the night, and now it turns out that she is to be one of the main attractions. She stole a glance at Natalie, who was staring at Alyssa in disbelief.
“So, let’s get started with the evening’s main attractions, Willie and Nasty. Our runner-up lowest pledge is Willie here, and we will start with her. Nasty, please move to the side until your turn comes.”
Lily was frightened and slightly trembling. Even though she was not actually naked, she was barely covered at all. And she was the center of attention for a group of twelve girls and eight boys.
Alyssa continued, “Willy, your poor performance today indicates to us that you need to apply yourself more. So we have a little exercise in mind for you to prove your commitment and your daring. Your assignment is to achieve an orgasm for the viewing and amusement of the group here. Sound like fun?”
Lily was temporarily speechless, but recovered, “Um. . .you mean. . .I need to mastur. . .masturbate in front of everyone?!”
“You figured it out, all right! Except we didn’t want to make it too easy for you. Erika, come into the circle and help get Willie ready for her performance.”
Erika stepped up behind Lily with a length of rope in her hands. “Willy put your hands behind your back.” Lily was mystified, but she obeyed, and Erika tied her hands together behind her back.
Alyssa then got to the gist of the punishment. “Willy, we all want to watch you get yourself off WITHOUT USING YOUR HANDS. I’m sure you are already good at this. How often have you rubbed one out with a pillow between your legs?”
No response from Lily.
“Willie, pay attention! Haven’t you ever rubbed a pillow into your cute little clit to get an orgasm?”
“Uh, I guess so, sister.”
“I thought so. Let’s get to work! We can’t wait to see how creative you can be, giving yourself an orgasm. Oh, and one more thing. We’re keeping a timer going, and we expect you to achieve the Big O within the first five minutes. If it takes you longer than five minutes, you will start racking up spanking points. Got it, Willy?”
“Yes, sister.” Was there really any way she could give herself an orgasm in five minutes?
“Say it, Willy. You will get spanked.”
“I will get spanked, sister.”
“Annnd. . .GO! Start the clock.”
Lily panicked for a second, unsure where to go first. She cast her eye around the porch, looking for something to rub onto. She spotted a sofa with a soft upholstered back, and she ran over to it and quickly straddled the back, with one leg over the front and the other leg over the back. She started grinding her clitoris into the upholstery as fast and hard as she could without the use of her hands. It was harder than she thought, partly because she was painfully aware that she was nearly naked outdoors in front of a crowd. After about a minute of this sofa rubbing, she began to realize she was not going to get to the finish line this way, even with her eyes closed.
Lily was tightly in between two fraternity boys on the sofa, and they were enjoying this immensely. They didn’t specifically grope her, but her proximity to them, combined with her grinding motion, was causing a lot of bare skin contact, and they didn’t mind at all. Meanwhile, Lily’s less-than-successful performance was being razzed by all of the fraternity and sorority members present, with a lot of rude comments.
“Just sit on my lap, girl.”
“My fingers are available, Willy.”
“Right here, sit on my face. Right here.”
Lily was panicking, but she was trying to focus on the task at hand. She climbed down off the sofa and looked around for another perch. The boys were all wearing shorts, and it occurred to her that a boy’s bare knee might be just the thing to get her where she needed to be. She chose the sexiest guy she could spot – he looked like an athlete, maybe a runner because of his muscular thighs. Without even asking, she pried his legs apart with her legs and sat down on his right knee.
He was surprised but grateful. “Well, hello there, sexy! We haven’t met – my name’s Jim. And you’re Willy, right?” She nodded. “I’m thinking we should at least kiss first. Gimme a big wet one, right on the lips!” She leaned forward for the kiss, and he pulled her in for a full, wet tongue penetration. As humiliating as this was, she discovered that leaning forward got the most friction on her clitoris, and she immediately started to grind forward and back. But with her hands tied, she couldn’t slide and balance herself at the same time.
Lily heard Alyssa announce, “One minute remaining! I see a spanking in her future!”
Lily was desperate. She broke off the kiss, looked Jim in the eye, and said, “Help me here. You know I need to orgasm. Grab my hips and move me up and back on your leg.”
Jim could see how desperate she was, but he couldn’t let her off too easily. He decided to play with her a little first. “Let’s see, how does this go again, Willy? In and out? Is that it? In and out? Do I need to get a condom?”
“No! No condom! Just slide me on your leg, and I’ll try to grind one out! Please, Jim! Help me out!”
Jim was really enjoying this. “Help YOU out? I mean, I’m getting a stiffy here, maybe we should be helping EACH OTHER out! Whadda ya say?”
“No! I can’t do that here! I just want your leg right now. You look like a nice guy, gimme a break. PLEASE!”
“Okay, sugar, let’s go. Hang on now.” With that, he grabbed her hips with both hands and pulled her closer to him, so that she was midway along his thigh, and her right knee rubbed up against his penis, which was very engorged by this time. He began to pull and push her along his thigh, and he could feel her knee rubbing his penis in the same rhythm.
Alyssa announced, “Time has expired, so you’re into spanking time now. You better get to that orgasm pretty quick, Willy, because the longer it takes for you to cum, the more spanks you’re gonna get!”
Lily closed her eyes and tried to block out everything except her clit. The muscular thigh was working like she hoped it would; she was heating up, but Jim was going just a bit too slow to get her fully buzzed.
“Faster. Faster, pleeeeease!” Cheering from the crowd. Lily was dying of shame.
Jim took pity on the poor girl and sped things up, and in no time, he felt himself literally cumming in his pants. After another minute or so, Lily could feel her orgasm build, then explode. “Ahhhhh! AHHHH! I’m cumming!” she exclaimed, temporarily forgetting that she was already the center of attention. Applause and cheering all around.
Lily was fully spent and completely humiliated. She quickly got up off Jim’s leg and shakily stepped back into the center of the porch. Alyssa proclaimed, “Okay, stop the clock! It took you too long, Willy. You were 90 seconds over the five-minute limit. You get one spank for every five seconds, so you have just earned 18 spanks! There are eight fraternity brothers present, and I’m sure they would all appreciate the opportunity to spank your firm and delicious little fanny, wouldn’t you, boys?!”
“Oh, yeah!”
“Okay, well, Lily, they all seem to be disposed to give your ass some good slaps, isn’t that nice of them?”
All Lily could think to say was, “Yes, sister, it is.”
“And since Jim was courteous and patient enough to allow his knee to be used for your little masturbation exhibition, let’s start with him. Jim, untie Willy’s hands now.” Jim got up and walked over to Lily to untie her hands; then he sat back down to see what was next.
“Lily, I want you down on all fours!” Lily dropped down to hands and knees, wondering how this was going to play out. “Now plead with Jim to give you a spanking.”
Lily just wanted to get this over with, so she found herself crawling up between Jim’s knees. “Jim, would you be kind enough to give me a spanking, please?”
Alyssa would not let up. “And explain why you are being punished, Willy.”
“I deserve a spanking for taking too long to masturbate to orgasm.”
Jim was all smiles at this point, as he directed Lily to crawl up onto his lap with her practically bare butt sticking straight up.
Alyssa directed him to give her two very hard spanks. He willingly complied. WHACK! “Oww!” WHACK! “OMG, OWWW!”
Lily’s ass was stinging, and everyone was laughing and jeering at her situation. Alyssa directed Lily to get back on hands and knees and crawl from one boy to the next, where she once again had to plead for her spanks before crawling up onto their laps for two painful spanks each. Most of the fraternity boys took some extra time between spanks to feel up her mostly bare butt – just one more humiliation that Lily had to endure to get to the end of her punishment. By the time the fraternity boys were done, Lily’s ass was practically glowing bright red, and the intense sting was almost more than she could bear.
But there were still two spanks remaining, and Alyssa was more than happy to deliver them herself. She stood at one end of the porch, legs slightly parted, and ordered Lily to crawl over to her and then stand up in front of her. Lily’s very bright red ass was noticeable to all as she stood in front of Alyssa.
“Alright, Willy, now bend forward until your head is down between my legs.” Lily bent down very low from the waist, which stretched the skin on her butt and increased her discomfort, even though Alyssa’s legs were very long. Alyssa then brought her legs closer together, trapping Lily’s head between her thighs. Alyssa then directed Erika to grab Lily’s hands, pull them forward, and hold them there, forcing Lily’s head to stay planted between her legs.
“Willy, spread your legs until your feet are at least three feet apart.” Lily found this difficult, bent forward with her head and arms held in place, but she eventually got her legs spread shamefully far apart. All of the sorority and fraternity folks were really enjoying this, particularly now that they were well lubricated from the drinks that the pledges were serving.
Alyssa, smiling but silent, allowed this pose to be held for a couple of minutes in silence. Then Alyssa’s hands came down in two smacks, one left and one right, and Lily felt a jolt when Alyssa’s hands strategically happened to catch her vagina with their swats. A great cheer went up from the guests. Lily was then released from her punishment.
Lily got out, “Thank you, sister.”
Alyssa directed Lily to remain on the porch, but the humiliation was too much for her to bear, and she ran inside to get dressed and go back to the safety of her dorm.
Alyssa was ready to start the grand finale. “And the final event of the evening is the prize for getting the lowest boob rating total. I think of it as the Booby Prize! Nasty, come to the center of the porch, please!”
Natalie timidly stepped to the center, and she was met there by Deb, who was her group’s pledge captain. Deb brought with her a bright red exercise mat and laid it on the porch floor.
“Nasty, you were the poorest performer in today’s exercise, and as such you must face the consequences. You just witnessed Willy working hard to get herself off. Your exercise is actually easier. All you have to do is lie down on this mat and let all of US get YOU hot. How’s that sound?”
Natalie knew this was not going to be that simple, but she had to go along. “Just fine, thank you, sister.” She dropped down and laid face up on the mat.
Alyssa moved things along. “Put both arms over your head, and these two fine gentlemen will hold them there for you.” Natalie stretched her arms up until they touched the floor above her head, and she felt her wrists get held down by some pretty strong hands. She looked up to see two fraternity boys kneeling there, holding her wrists.
“Say thank you to Jordan and Tiger, Nasty.”
“Thank you, Jordan. Thank you, Tiger.”
Jordan replied, “Hey, we’ve already got a pretty good view from here.” He was obviously very interested in those bright pink nipples.
“I’ll bet you do,” said Alyssa. “Now let’s have two more gentlemen securing your ankles.”
Natalie saw two more fraternity boys kneel down by her feet and each grab one of her ankles. The pledges were barefoot for this party, so her feet were already totally exposed, which worried Natalie a bit, considering the position she was in now.
“Say thank you to Jamie and Matt.”
“Thank you, Jamie. Thank you, Matt.”
“Oh, Nasty, I forget to check – you’re not ticklish, are you?”
OMG, thought Natalie, she was incredibly ticklish, almost everywhere on her body. And almost all of her skin was exposed right now. “Yes, sister, I am.”
“Well, that’s great, ‘cause we were thinking it might be kind of fun to get you warmed up for this next exercise by checking out some of your most ticklish spots! Let’s get this little party started!”
With that, two sorority sisters came over and knelt down on either side of Natalie. They both had huge grins and long fingernails, and they looked eager to use them on Natalie’s bare skin. They decided to start by going lightly on her underarms, and Natalie was immediately screaming with laughter.
After a few minutes, they moved to her sideboobs and found those to be very sensitive also. Natalie was gasping for breath. They worked on the sideboobs for a couple of minutes, then attacked her stomach and navel, which was equally successful in eliciting screams from the pledge. Next stop was her inner thighs, and for that, they asked Jamie and Matt to pull Natalie’s ankles farther apart and turn her feet outward, which exposed her inner thighs to the maximum. Natalie had never been tickled there before, and she was immediately laughing and screaming to the light touches of the fingernails down there. Even more, the fingernails on her inner thighs were turning her on a little bit, and she felt her vagina getting moist.
The party crowd was also getting a little turned on, watching this pledge getting tortured right in front of them, almost naked, and outdoors on the porch. They were cheering on the two ticklers, hoping for louder and more desperate screaming.
It was now time to check out Natalie’s feet, which she had been dreading. Jamie and Matt rotated her feet back up and then moved to the sides to allow the two sorority girls access to the soles of her feet. There, they struck gold. Just a simple swipe from heel to toe had Natalie screaming with laughter once again, and she was soon alternating laughing and panting for breath as the girls worked on her toes.
At this point, Alyssa called a time out. “Okay, let’s pause and give our victim time to catch her breath. Nasty, don’t forget to thank Shauna and Kate for being such good ticklers.”
Panting, Natalie got out, “Thank you, sisters, for being such good ticklers.”
Alyssa then added, “Let’s use this pause in the action to introduce a fun little kink to the exercise. What I have here in my hand is a device known as a remote vibe.” Natalie caught her breath. This can’t be happening.
Alyssa continued, “I am going to introduce this vibe to Nasty’s clit and vagina so that we can play with her for a bit.” With that, she knelt down and smiled sweetly at Natalie. “You’re going to just love this, honey.” Natalie felt the string from her thong being pulled to one side and the vibe slipped into her. The vibe had a large end for her vagina and a small end for her clit. It was quiet at the moment, but Natalie could easily anticipate what this device was capable of. Then, she felt her thong being returned to its correct position, covering the vibe.
“How does that feel, Nasty? Pretty sexy, I’ll bet.”
“Y - yes, sister, it feels very sexy. Thank you.” Natalie gritted her teeth.
Alyssa continued, “I think I’ll take the first test run with this pledge.” With that she put her finger on the touch screen of the remote control and slid it upwards. This had its desired effect – Natalie muttered, “Oh, uh, uh,” and she subconsciously raised her hips upward as she felt the vibe begin to buzz inside her vagina.
“You’re feeling that, aren’t you, Nasty?”
“Yes, sister, thank you, sister.”
“How much do you think you can take, pledge? Let’s see.” With that, her finger moved upwards a bit more. Natalie groaned and raised her hips even more as the vibe drove harder into her vagina. The boys holding her wrists and ankles had to get a tighter grip to hold her down. Alyssa kept the vibe going at the higher level for a couple of minutes, and Natalie could feel her vagina getting hotter and wetter.
Natalie’s eyes closed and she groaned a guttural, “Arrhhhhh,” and she felt her sex response begin to kick in. Alyssa noticed and announced to the party crowd, “Everyone, notice that Nasty’s getting pretty hot from our vibe. Let’s see how long she can continue with this until she orgasms for our entertainment.” Alyssa pushed the control up one more notch, and Natalie felt herself begin to ramp up to orgasm. The party crowd was really getting into this, laughing and cheering her on.
“You can do it, Nasty!”
“Cum for us, Nasty!”
Natalie tried to put the crowd out of her mind and get to her orgasm as quickly as she could – assuming that her torture would be over once she orgasmed. She focused entirely on her vagina and could feel her orgasm about to release, when. . .
It stopped. Alyssa had shut off the vibe just as she was about to explode. Natalie’s eyes popped open, and she raised her head and cried, “Huh??!! What??!!”
“Nasty, dear, did you think we were going to let you off – or GET you off – so quickly? We still have hours of fun ahead of us, edging you as many times as we like. And you are such a wild woman before you orgasm that we may be doing this quite a few more times!”
Natalie collapsed in disbelief. More edging?!
Alyssa continued, “We want to give you a little break between edgings, so let’s switch back over to the tickling exercise!”
Natalie groaned but immediately felt fingernails making circles on the soles of her feet. She burst out laughing and screaming, “Noooo! Noooooo! No feet, please! Anywhere else! No feet!”
All of the party attendees were getting a huge laugh out of watching Natalie get tickle tortured. Shauna and Kate went right back to work on her feet and kept it up for five minutes, with Natalie screeching throughout.
Alyssa inquired, “So Nasty, are you ready to pause the tickling and return to the edging? You seem to be enjoying both so much!”
Natalie was totally out of breath, so she nodded enthusiastically.
“What was that, pledge? I couldn’t hear you.”
“Yes, what, dear?”
“I want the edging, please.” She had never imagined this much humiliation.
“Okay, well you may soon be sorry you asked for that! But let’s get to it! Y’know, it looks like your four handlers could use a little refreshment. How about it, boys?” They all nodded, “Oh, yeah, please.” Alyssa said, “Pledges, bring these young heroes some beer, and be quick about it!”
The next thing Natalie saw was four of her fellow pledges delivering mugs of beer to Jordan, Tiger, Jamie, and Matt. The girls’ faces all showed pity for her, but also relief that it was not them getting edged and tickle-tortured. As Natalie looked around, she saw everyone having a great time – except her, of course.
Without warning, Alyssa cranked up the vibe once again, and Natalie clutched and arched her back, straining at the boys’ holds on her wrists and ankles. Like before, Alyssa gradually increased the intensity until Natalie was approaching her ramp up to orgasm, but this time, Alyssa added the clitoris vibe, which sent Natalie writhing and even higher and groaning even louder. After a couple of minutes of vibing both her vagina and her clitoris, Natalie was now covered in sweat. She was at the edge of orgasm, when once again, the vibe was stopped by Alyssa, who cackled at Natalie’s plight.
“Noooo!” groaned Natalie.
“Aww! Didn’t quite make it, did you, dear?”
“P-please, sister. I need to cum. Please let me cum.”
“Let’s cool you off with a little more tickling.” Shauna and Kate attacked again, this time to her inner thighs again. Natalie was screaming hysterically after five minutes of this, so much so that she didn’t even notice when one of her wrist handlers – Tiger – surreptitiously reached down behind her neck and untied the string holding up her tiny bra.
Another five minutes of leg tickling was followed by another edging session. Once again, Natalie was quickly sweating and heaving around, and eventually her untied bra slowly slipped off her nipples, exposing her fully bare breasts to everyone at the party. Natalie was too turned on to notice, but once the vibe was switch off – again, just as she was about to cum – she looked down and noticed to her horror that her breasts were now completely uncovered.
“My nipples! Please, my nipples! No bra!”
“Well, Nasty, I don’t know. If you can’t keep yourself covered up, then you’ll just have to live with the exposure. We’ll talk about getting you dressed again once we’re done with this fun little edging and tickling game.”
Natalie bit her lip. If this game went on much longer, she was going to absolutely die of shame.
Alyssa signaled for Shauna and Kate to attack once again. They immediately went after Natalie’s breasts with their light touch – her sideboobs, her underboobs, and her nipples. Natalie was really tossing and screaming now, so much that she could hardly breathe. Five minutes of breast tickling was making her hoarse from laughing. Shauna and Kate would not let up until the full five minutes expired. They were enjoying it too much.
Alyssa then switched on the vibe, and within minutes Natalie was begging once again, “Sister, I need to cum! Pleeeeease let me cum!”
“Hm. We’ll see.” Alyssa proceeded to play with her victim, adjusting the vibe up and down to bring Natalie repeatedly up the edge and then back down again. Natalie was practically insane and had long since forgotten that she was topless and that her humiliation was being witnessed by twelve sorority sisters, eight pledges, and eight fraternity boys. Alyssa gave her one final full-power vibe before shutting her off once again.
“I just don’t think you’ve earned it, pledge. You did a shitty job of boob rating today, and I don’t think you have fully paid the price yet.”
“Yes, sister, but. . .”
“Tell you what I’ll do. I’ll have these frat boys let go of your wrists and ankles, so you’re not pinned down for the rest of the party. But. . .BUT. . .I want you to remain right here on the floor, and I do not want you touching your swollen pussy or covering your naked nipples. Just keep your hands at your side and legs apart until I release you to leave. Got it?”
“Yes, sister. Thank you, sister.”
This was the worst torture of the whole night. Natalie’s vagina was aching and tingling and desperately in need of relief. After all the edging she just endured, she was dying to plunge her hand into her vagina and rub off about five orgasms in quick succession. Her right hand was inches away from her vagina, but Alyssa forbade her from touching it, and she dared not give into her desperation. On top of that, her breasts were completely bare and being stared at and remarked upon by all of the party guests. It was everything Natalie could do to endure her forced exposure without crying in frustration.
After about thirty minutes, Alyssa released Natalie to go back inside. Once she got dressed, Natalie practically ran back home desperate to relieve her very swollen vagina. She vowed to never sluff off on another task again. All of the other pledges made the same vow.
In Another Haze
- litrob2000
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- litrob2000
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Re: In Another Haze
By the time the ten pledges arrived back in their rooms on Thursday night, they had each received a text message from their pledge captains: FRIDAY IS COMMANDO DAY! YOU MUST WEAR A SHORT SKIRT – AT LEAST 4 INCHES ABOVE KNEE. NO PANTIES. POST AN UPSKIRT PHOTO EVERY HOUR. FUN FOR ALL!
Like her nine fellow pledges, Lily groaned reading this text. The last time she had gone commando was in high school while she was pledging for the cheerleading squad. She had ended up exposing her bare privates momentarily while walking home. Luckily, this was not captured on anyone’s phone camera, so she was grateful for the narrow escape. But now she had to do it all again.
Lily had a skirt that met the requirements – a dark blue pleated skirt that she paired with a light blue polo shirt. She had to stop herself from dipping into her underwear drawer for a pair of panties, then decided that she should get the first upskirt photo of the day out of way. She stood near her dorm room window so she would get good light and spread her legs slightly before taking the photo. Then she posted it to the sorority’s private Pinterest board and headed out to her first class.
Lily had a full day of classes on Friday, and they were spread all over campus, so she ended up walking between classes quite a bit, and the fresh air on her bare butt and vulva gradually developed into an intense paranoia that everyone she met could see her naked privates. She was quietly blushing for most of the day, but she managed to get her eight upskirt photos done, mostly in restroom stalls in between classes. At 5:00, there was another group text: ONE LAST TASK BEFORE YOU ARRIVE AT THE SORORITY HOUSE. GET TWO BOYS TO SIGN YOUR ASS – ONE ON EACH CHEEK – WITH LIPSTICK. TAKE SELFIES OF THEM DOING IT.
Great, thought Lily, I have only thirty minutes to find two boys and get two signatures on my bare butt. She steered herself to the student center in the hope of finding a couple of students quickly. The first boy she saw, she approached rather secretively. “Excuse me, could I ask you to sign my butt?”
He thought he must have misunderstood. “Sorry, sign your what?”
“I’m pledging a sorority, and I need to get signatures on my butt. Here’s a lipstick.” She gave him the lipstick, turned to her left, and lifted her skirt to reveal her bare right cheek.
“We’re a little shy in the underwear department, don’t you think?”
“Well, yeah, no panties today. Sorority rules. Signature, please?”
“Okay, here goes.” With that, he laid his left hand on the upper part of her cheek while he signed with his right hand, so he got a little feel in while doing her the favor.
Lily said, “Here’s my phone. Could you take a selfie with your signature for me?” She heard the click and checked the photo. “Okay, thanks so much.” He gave back the lipstick, but she had to actually reach back and physically remove his left hand from her butt. He chuckled and walked away.
Lily hunted down another boy, this one in the café. He was sitting alone at one of the dining tables, watching his cell phone.
“Sorry to bother you, but I need you to sign my butt, please.”
“Oh, yeah? Sign your butt, huh? Maybe. What’ll you give me to do that?”
“Um, I dunno, a kiss? Will that work?”
“Yeah, come here.” She sat down next to him, leaned toward him, and gave him a brief kiss on the lips. “Sorry, I need a bit more than that.” This time, she held the kiss for about ten seconds, and she could feel him melt a little bit. “That’s better, I enjoyed that. Now, where’s this ass but I’m supposed to sign?”
Lily stood back up, got her lipstick out, and lifted up the side of her skirt to expose her left cheek.
“Really? That’s all you’re gonna show me? No, no, no. Lean over the table.”
Lily was tired of his games, but she needed to wrap this up quickly or else she would be late to the sorority house. She leaned forward so her elbow were flat on the table. She felt his hands lifting her skirt up to her waist. “What no panties? Beautiful! You have a very sexy ass, you know that?” He was getting a bit loud, and she worried that other students nearby could hear.
“Yes, okay, whatever you say. Just please sign.”
“Okay, okay, I just really want to take in this view. It’s really. . .”
“PLEASE! Just sign, please!”
She felt his right hand land on her right cheek while he signed her left cheek with his left hand. Then he handed her lipstick back.
“Thanks, now please just take a selfie with my ass, using my phone.”
“I will, I will.” She heard the click of the photo, then the “gulp” sound of him sending a message.
“Wait, did you just send yourself that photo?”
“I did, and I’ll cherish it always. Have a nice day, beautiful pledge.” With that, he was gone.
Lily was steamed and deflated, and it took her a few seconds to realize that she was lying half naked over one of the dining tables. She heard a couple of nearby students burst out laughing. She quickly got up, brushed her skirt down, and took off for the sorority house. When she arrived – just two minutes before her 5:30 deadline – she posted her two signature selfies to the Pinterest board. At least that’s over with.
Lily, Emma, and Billie were met in the main room by Erika, who sent them down to the basement for dinner, and then got them started on the evening’s events. The pledges were to report individually to the Psi Kappa Alpha fraternity house over the next thirty minutes. While they were there, they were to follow all instructions of the fraternity brothers at all times. They were not allowed to leave the fraternity house until the boys released them. There would be DBD sorority members in the house to make sure the boys didn’t step over the line (although she didn’t explain what “over the line” meant).
Fifteen minutes later, Lily was called to make the walk to the fraternity house; it was one block away and on the other side of the street. Lily walked up their sidewalk path and stepped up onto the large covered front porch. The front door was closed, and there was a piece of paper taped to the door:
Lily took a deep breath and began pulling up her polo shirt. She slipped the shirt over her head and dropped it on the plank floor next to her. Then she reached behind her back and unhooked her bra before sliding it down her arms and dropping it on the pile. Lily reddened as she felt the cool outside air on her bare breasts. She stuffed her clothes through the mail slot, pressed the doorbell, and turned her back to the street.
It seemed like fifteen minutes before the door opened, although it was really only a few minutes. A young fraternity boy came outside and handed her a white tee shirt to put on, which she did as quickly as she could. The shirt was very tight and short on her, easily exposing the outline of her breasts and nipples as well as her bare midriff. The fraternity boy couldn’t take his eyes off her as she changed her top. Finally, he let her in through the front door.
Lily followed him through the entry and down a flight of stairs to the basement level. She found herself in a small den-like space furnished with a sofa and a couple of soft chairs. There were four frat boys in the room, and one of them, who was on the sofa, spoke first. “Pledge, come over here and kneel down in front of me.”
Lily complied without saying anything.
“So tell us, pledge, how are your sucking skills?”
He gave her a semi-playful slap across her cheek. “You heard me. Do you give good head?”
“Uh, y-yes, I guess.”
“Hm. Not a very convincing answer. Let’s try a little demonstration. Take my middle finger in your mouth and do everything to it that you would ordinarily do to a dick. Got it, pledge?”
“I understand, sir.”
“I want your little pretend blow job to be so sexy that I have an erection for ten minutes straight. If it isn’t, I’m going to turn you over my knee and give you an embarrassing punishment right here in front of my brothers. Now, go!”
Lily had never sucked on a finger before, but she tried pretending that this was really just a very small dick. She ran her lips up and down its length, with her tongue licking the underside. Then she tried swirling her tongue around the finger as sensually as she could before returning to lick the underside and the fingernail “head”. And she tried varying the pace and the pressure.
After ten minutes, her frat boy pushed her face away and announced, “Slut, I’m soft here. You give very poor head, I’m afraid. Crawl up over my knee.”
Lily obeyed and found herself with her rear end pointed straight up. He reached over and pushed her skirt up over her waist, brushing his hand across her naked butt in the process. Then he ordered her to separate her legs, which exposed her vulva and anus to the group. This was a higher level of humiliation than she had ever known before, and she could feel herself shaking. Her frat boy said, “No, I’m not going to spank you, although if you don’t behave right now, I will definitely give you a spanking. I have something else in mind. Just hold still and take your medicine.”
With that, Lily felt something cold pressing against her anus. It was a butt plug, and it was larger than she had ever tried. He forced it into position until her anus closed around the neck, keeping it in place.
“Pretty soon, pledge, you should be feeling a little burn down in your butt hole. I liberally coated the butt plug with menthol toothpaste, and it usually gives a nice burn for an hour or so. Feeling anything yet?”
Lily stood up and brushed her skirt down. She did, indeed, start feeling the burning effects of the menthol in her butt. She desperately wanted to reach back and remove it, but her tormentor reminded her, “Remember, pledge, keep your hands at your sides at all times.”
“Yes, sir, I will, sir.”
“Follow me. Let’s take a little trip to the back yard.” With that, she followed him up the stairs, down a hallway and out the back door. The fraternity house had a generous back yard surrounded by a short fence. There were eight or nine fraternity boys out there, waiting for the next pledge to appear. Lily was now in distress – the burning was getting worse, in addition to the discomfort of the too-large butt plug. And she had to agree to every command the fraternity boys gave her.
“Next up, the hula hoop contest! How are your hula hoop skills, pledge?”
“Hula hoop? About average, I guess” She actually hadn’t played with a hula hoop since she was about twelve.
“Ah! Here’s your opponent now!” Next out the back door was Billie, her fellow pledge. Like Lily, she was completely naked and looking very uncomfortable. Lily guessed that she was also a recipient of menthol toothpaste butt plug. Two fraternity boys led Lily and Billie out to the middle of the back yard, about ten feet apart. They could feel the cool grass underfoot.
Lily noticed that the fence surrounding the fraternity back yard was only about four feet high, so it was relatively easy for people in the neighboring back yards to view in. Word must have gotten out, because there were already several students on each side yard, ready to observe the festivities.
“The hula hoop contest goes like this: the girl who is able to keep her hula hoop going the longest wins a point. Whoever gets to five points first wins the match. The loser must perform a penalty for the enjoyment of the fraternity – and our neighbors.” Small cheers went up from the neighbors.
That was enough warning for Lily. She did NOT want any more penalties, on top of whatever else was planned for the evening at the fraternity house. Both girls were handed their hula hoops, and a whistle sounded for them to begin the first point.
Lily and Billie began their first turn, and they both instantly realized that playing hula hoops – hips constantly moving forward and back – totally intensified the burning in their butts. Forcing them to play this game was diabolical. Lily could not sustain her play for more than about 20 seconds in each point, whereas Billie somehow gritted through it and ended up winning the first five points. Lily was going to get a penalty.
A fraternity boy materialized and collected the hula hoops. Lily and Billie were directed to a picnic table, where they were told to lean forward with their hands on the table and spread their legs until their feet were about three feet apart.
A fraternity boy stepped forward and announced, “Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner of our first hula hoop game of the day is pledge BJ!” He then reached in and slowly eased out Billie’s butt plug and sent her back inside the house. “The loser is pledge Willy.” He turned and removed Lily’s butt plug, although in her case, he also raised her skirt up and tucked it in above her waist. “Willy earned herself a punishment, and we like to take care of punishments right away. So, Willy, stay right where you are. The first part of your punishment involves a paddling. How many swats should she receive, I wonder? Tell you what, Willie, we’ll let you decide your own fate. Here is a single dice for you to throw on the picnic table here. Whatever number you roll, we will multiply by five. Roll away!”
Lily knew her punishment would be harsh, but getting paddled while half naked, outdoors in front of other students was way worse than she was hoping for. She picked up the dice and rolled a four.
“That’s twenty swats for pledge Willy!” Cheering from the crowd. “Psi Kappa Alpha brother Dan has won the right to administer the punishment, so go to it!”
Lily looked over to see a very handsome blond-headed guy step forward with a frat paddle in his hand. He held up both arms and got a big applause from his brothers. He stopped behind Lily and felt obliged to give her some directions for her paddling.
“Willy, sweetheart, let’s have you bend down more and push your cute little ass back toward me.” She obeyed. “Now, arch your back a bit more.” She obeyed again, now made more aware of how painful her ass still was from the toothpaste. Her tormentor took his time, acting like a baseball player warming up his swing before stepping to the plate.
He announced to the crowd, “Brothers and neighbors! Help Willy out here by counting the swats for her. Okay?” Cheers went up instantly. “Okay! Here we go!”
“OW, Jesus!” Lily was startled at the sting.
Dan was savoring every minute of this. He was allowing enough time in between swats for the sting to set in and linger a bit before the next swat, and he never sped up. Lily was dying of humiliation, and she was sweating and hot from the paddling AND the remaining toothpaste discomfort. She thought this would never be over, but eventually the crowd shouted, “Twenty!” and Dan raised his arms again and accepted his applause.
Another frat boy stepped forward until he was only a few feet behind Lily. “Willy, stay right where you are, don’t move a muscle. We’re all pretty sure that your butt must be hot as hell right now, isn’t that right?”
Lily got out, “Yes, sir.”
“Yes, sir, what?”
“Yes, sir, my butt is hot as hell.”
“Well, then let’s cool you down!” Lily hadn’t noticed, but this frat boy had wheeled out a large water cooler. He bent down to fill two pitchers and slowly poured both pitchers full of ice-cold water right down Lily’s butt crack. Lily screamed and jumped – the water was colder than she could have imagined. It felt like she was being stabbed in the butt. The frat boy then repeated filling and pouring the ice-cold pitchers again, this time all over Lily’s butt.
“How’s that Lily? Did that cool you off enough, or shall we do more?”
“N – no! It’s fine now, really! Thank you for cooling me off, sir.”
Lily started to ask for a towel, but the frat boy interrupted, “We’re a little short of towels, so how about you remain here in the back yard and air dry before coming back inside. Oh, and I think you’ll air dry faster if you run a few laps around the back yard. Sound good to you, pledge?”
“Yes, sir. Air dry, sir.”
“Okay! Well, get going!”
Lily started her run around the perimeter of the lawn, with her butt still exposed and with her breasts visibly bouncing within her tight tee shirt. This was in plain view of the frat brothers and the neighboring onlookers, and it was on top of the pain from her paddling and the discomfort from the toothpaste.
It took five laps of the back yard before Lily felt she was dry enough to go back inside. She reported to the frat boy who dumped the ice water and asked if she could come in now. He responded, “I think you’re dry enough now, so come on in. Don’t you think I deserve a thank-you kiss for cooling you off?”
“Oh, yes, sir, thank you so much.” Lily gave him a timid kiss on the lips, which seemed to satisfy him. He then turned her shoulders and guided her back inside the fraternity house, with her skirt still tucked up in the back. She was led upstairs to another small lounge, and she was introduced to five other fraternity brothers, all of whom were clad in shorts and tee shirts.
“Brothers, meet Willy, who just completed five naked laps of the back yard. A true exhibitionist if ever I saw one. Willy, how about showing off your ruby-red ass!”
“Yes, sir.” Lily moved to the middle of the room, raised her arms above her head, and did several slow, embarrassing turns. In doing so, she noticed that Erika and another sorority girl were also in the room – they had joined the frat boys for this next session. Erika stepped forward to announce, “That is one red ass, Willy, congratulations! Okay, thank you, and you may now untuck your skirt and let it back down.” Lily did, and she was relieved to be allowed to cover her butt again.
“Now, pledge, let’s get you started on the next challenge with the Psi Kappa Alpha boys. You’ll really enjoy this game – it’s called ‘Five Dates’. In this little bowl are five numbered slips of paper, each of which represents a little challenge you will accept with one of these boys. Each fraternity brother will draw a slip to see which one gets which date. I will now pass the bowl.” With that, she moved around the room giving each frat boy a chance to draw a number.
“Okay, which of you has drawn Number One?”
One of the boys raised his hand. He was very young-looking, with sandy hair. “That’s me, I’m Keith. So, what does this mean?”
Erika read from a handwritten rulebook. “Date One: The pledge will demonstrate some calisthenic and stretching exercises as directed by the fraternity brother. This exercise session will last fifteen minutes, and when it is over, the fraternity brother will give the pledge a grade, from one to ten, based on how hard she tried.
Keith was thoughtful for a moment, then perked right up. “Um, okay, Willy! We all had a chance to see your talent with the hula hoop earlier, so maybe you’re ready for a little yoga. I’d like to see you do Downward Dog.”
Lily was afraid he’d pick that one. She sighed but smiled. With her legs straight, she bent at the waist and leaned forward until her hands were flat on the floor and her rear end was raised high in the air.
Lily could feel all of the eyes in the room staring at her raised butt, which was barely covered by her short skirt. Soon Erika approached, ran her hand up in between Lily’s legs, and inserted her lubricated index finger into her butt hole and kept it there while Lily continued with her downward dog. Every so often Erika swished her finger inside Lily’s butt hole. This humiliation continued as everyone in the room laughed at Erika’s prank.
After a few minutes of this embarrassment, Erika pulled out of Lily’s butt hole, and Keith switched her to jumping jacks to demonstrate Lily’s breast bouncing action. Though her tits were only B cups, they gave a very embarrassing bounce inside of her sheer tee shirt. After about five minutes of jumping jacks, her breasts were starting to get painful, and the expression on her face probably tipped off her discomfort, so Keith switched her to another yoga pose – the Bridge.
Every time Lily raised her butt, Keith gave her mound a big sexy rub with the palm of his hand. By the time Lily had done about 30 Bridges, her clitoris had gotten very puffy and wet. And the fifteen minutes were up.
“Keith, here is a grade sheet for this pledge; I’ll collect it when we’re done with all five dates. So, who has Number Two?”
“That’s over here!” He was tall and thin with dark hair down to his shoulders. “I’m Logan.”
“Date Two: The pledge will perform a lap dance for the fraternity boy. He will keep his hands to himself. The pledge will be graded on how hot her dance is. Got it? Okay, go!”
Lily considered herself a good dancer, but she had never tried anything like this, even in the solitude of her dorm room. She was going to have to make it up as she went along. The music started – it looked like Erika had this all prepared – a Prince song that Lily was familiar with. Logan looked excited by the prospect of his date with Lily. He pulled out an armless chair, set it in the middle of the room, and sat down waiting for the dancing to begin.
Lily started by bumping and grinding right in front of him, with her legs on either side of his legs. After a few minutes, she pulled herself forward until her breasts were almost cradling his face, using her hands to massage her barely-covered breasts. Finally, she leaned back and aggressively lowered herself so that she was dry humping his shorts-clad penis with her now-swollen clitoris. She needed this dance to be convincingly sexy, and there was only so much faking she was capable of, so she closed her eyes, tilted her head back, and provided as much friction as she could. It was the longest fifteen minutes she had ever experienced, and by the end she was breathless, hot, and gleaming with sweat.
The boys in the room were really enjoying this, but Erika had to call out, “Time’s up, Miley Cyrus. Logan, here’s your grade sheet to fill out. Now we’re ready for Date Three.”
One of the boys raised his hand. He was a little pudgy with freckles and curly but thinning red hair. “That’s me. I’m number three.”
Erika returned to the handwritten rulebook. “Date Three: The pledge will engage in a romantic make-out session with the fraternity boy, touching and caressing only, no further than second base. The pledge will be graded on how big she makes his hard-on. Mmmm, yummy! Willy, let’s get to it!”
All Lily could think was, OMG, let’s get this over with. The boy looked eager. “Hi, I’m Mason, and you look like you could be very sexy to make out with.”
“Hi, Mason. Yes, I am. Where do you want me?”
“Right here,” he said patting his lap. Lily gingerly sat sideways in his lap and brushed her skirt back; she felt the fabric of his shorts rubbing against her bare butt cheeks. She reminded herself that she needed to get a good grade on this, so she leaned into Mason and performed some of the sexiest kissing she could imagine, starting out tenderly with soft lips and gradually progressing to some modest tongue. She tried to imagine that he was her lover in order to charge herself up, but it was difficult to ignore the audience of boys and girls who were mimicking love-making sounds and snickering.
Mason returned her kisses somewhat awkwardly, with little skill or tenderness. He wrapped his arms around her with big bear hugs and quickly progressed to rubbing and petting with his soft hands all over her, starting with her breasts and moving down over her stomach. Then he let his hands stray under her skirt and started hungrily cupping her butt cheeks and lightly brushing her vulva, for which she tried to accommodate him by spreading her legs a bit, but he respected the second base rule and didn’t try for finger penetration. Eventually, he moved down along her thighs before the fifteen minutes were up.
Erika said, “Mason and Willy, your time’s up. Guess you’ll have to continue this lovefest at a later date!” More snickering from the audience. “Who is Number Four?”
“It’s me, Josh!” announced a tall kid with dark curly hair.
“Date Four: pledge is to perform a sexy handjob to the lucky fraternity brother. Boy should not be allowed to climax until the last one minute of the fifteen-minute duration. Pledge will be graded on how desperate to cum he is. Oooh, fun!”
“Alright!” said Josh, “let’s get to it, pledge!”
Lily despaired that these dates were continuing to get more and more humiliating. And there was still one more to go after this. But she sucked it up and got to work on Josh.
“Okay, Josh, stand up, please.” She knelt down and reached up to undo his belt, then slid his shorts down to his ankles and off. Then she pulled his tidy-whitey briefs down and off. His penis was long, thin, and slightly curved upwards. “Oh, Josh, that’s a very sexy penis you’ve got there!” trying to sound as sincere as she could.
Lily gave his dick a soft petting, and she tickled tenderly under his scrotum as well. Then she began to slowly and lovingly caress his penis, making sure not to get him too hot too soon. She realized that she had to keep him hot and hard until the fourteen-minute mark. He seemed like he might be a quick-cummer, so she lightened her touch, which had the effect of seriously frustrating Josh’s sex drive. He groaned loudly and complained, “Faster, pledge, I need to cum!”
The other fraternity boys in the room were really enjoying this and began cheering Josh on. “C’mon, Josh, you can do it! Jizz her right now!”
Lily was going slowly, worried that he would cum too quickly and get her into trouble. She started pausing every few strokes and lightly squeezing his testicles to see if she could delay the orgasm. Finally, Erika announced, “Only one minute remaining. Better get him off in the next sixty seconds, pledge!”
The crowd was really getting into this now. “Let’s go, Josh, splash her good!” Lily increased her pressure and sped up her strokes, and pretty soon he exploded cum all over her hands. Congratulatory cheering from the other boys!
Erika squealed with joy! “Fabulous, Willy, you are a handjob queen! I’m sure you want to clean that jizz off your hands, but I think it’ll be more fun to leave it there, don’t you? I thought so. Josh, here’s your score sheet for Willy for Date Four. Let’s move on to Date Five!”
“I’m Five, right here!” Good looking Black guy with a shaved head.
“Here we go, I think we’re all going to enjoy this one. Date Five: fraternity brother licks the pledge to orgasm, but she must not cum until she is given permission by me. Pledge will be graded on how soaking wet she becomes. Okay, this I gotta see!”
“Willy, I’m Noah, and you look hot!”
“Hi, Noah, I’m happy to meet you!” She needed to score points, being down to the last date. “I mean, I’m REALLY happy to meet you. My pussy is all yours!”
“Okay, let’s get you set up here. Guys, bring that small dining table over here to the middle of the room.” This table was made of wood and fairly heavy. Once it was in the center of the room, Noah picked up Willy and set her down with her butt on the edge of the table facing him, with her legs reaching down to the floor. He directed her to lean back so she was lying on her back on the table, and at the same time, he lifted her legs so that they were pointed up toward the ceiling. This, of course, caused her skirt to fall, exposing her butt cheeks to the room. Then he had his fellow frat brothers hold her in place – one boy holding each arm down onto the table, and one boy holding each leg up.
Noah pushed Lily’s legs farther apart, so that her vulva was fully open and available – already very pink, very swollen, and very moist. Lily could not believe she was willingly offering up her sex like this; she was now way past feeling embarrassed and just wanted to get as high a score as possible – and maybe even enjoy herself on this date.
Noah ran his fingers up and down Lily’s inner thighs several times, which got her moaning a bit and seemed to relax her vulva. He then used his fingers to gently part her labia, and Lily gasped and gulped loudly. Noah then leaned forward and began to tickle her clitoris with the tip of his tongue. Lily had received cunnilingus before, but Noah seemed particularly adept.
Noah continued to work on Lily, alternating tickling her clit with running his tongue up and down from vagina to clit. After a few minutes of this, Lily was getting visibly worked up. Erika interjected, “Don’t forget, Willy, you are not allowed to cum unless I give you permission.”
Lily’s eyes popped open. OMG, she was ready now! “Sister, may I please cum now?”
“Hmm, let me see. Ummmmmmm, NO! Not yet, pledge, just control yourself a bit longer. We’re all really enjoying this, by the way.”
What!? Lily couldn’t believe that Erika could be this cruel! How was she going to keep her orgasm under control with Noah’s excellent tongue technique? Now he put his whole open mouth over her labia and began swirling the tip of his tongue around her clitoris. Lily’s whole body was sweating and vibrating at this point, and she suddenly realized once again that there were frat boys holding down her arms and holding up her legs. This bondage-like sensation sent her up another level, and she felt her explosion approaching fast.
“Sister, PLEASE! May I cum now? I REALLY have to cum!”
“I don’t think so, pledge. This is just too much fun for us. We’d like to see you suffer a little longer.”
NOOO! Lily was nearing the point of no return and was trying to keep her orgasm in check, but after a few more tongue swirllies, she couldn’t stop herself. A giant orgasm – the biggest she had ever felt – rocked her whole body. “Ohhh! OHHH! NOOO!” She quickly realized that she had disobeyed Erika by cumming without permission.
“Willy! How could you? We were having such a good time watching you torture yourself! That’s a penalty for you.”
“Yes, sister. Sorry, sister.”
“Noah, you can let the poor slut down from the table now, and here is your grade sheet. Willy, we are now going to tally the grades from your five dates. While we’re doing that, I want you to stand in the middle of the room, use both hands to grab the bottom hem of your tee shirt, and raise it up to give everyone a final view of your very ordinary boobs.”
Lily didn’t think it was possible for her to feel any more humiliated today, but this simple pose – with her breasts completely exposed and everyone else in the room fully clothed – was actually the worst part of the evening for her.
After five long minutes, Erika stood up. “Willy, your total score for the evening was 38 out of 50 possible points. You needed a 40 or higher to avoid a penalty, so this score gives you another penalty – in addition to the penalty you earned in Date Four. Lower your hands and say thank you to the Psi Kappa Alpha boys, then we’ll go downstairs.”
Lily lowered her tee shirt and smiled as best she could. “Thank you, boys.”
They chuckled, “Yeah, hope we see more of you!”
Erika led Lily downstairs and down the corridor to the back yard. It was early fall, so it was still very light outside even though it was early evening. There were about ten fraternity boys hanging out there, with snacks and drinks, and there were a couple dozen onlookers from the neighboring back yards.
Erika announced, “Boys, you probably remember Willy here, the hula hoop queen? She just completed the Five Dates game, and she managed to accumulate two penalties. So, let’s take care of the first penalty right now. Willy, follow me.” She led Lily to the very center of the back yard lawn. “I want you to lie down on the grass, face down, right here.”
Lily obeyed, with her head toward the fraternity house. She was wondering what was next.
“Hands above your head and spread out wide. Boys, do you have those tent pegs and rope I asked you about earlier?”
“Oh, yeah! We’re ready!”
“Great! So, please pound those tent pegs into the ground and tie her wrists so they’re stretched out wide.”
Lily looked up to see two very long tent pegs being hammered into the ground just beyond where her wrists were. The boys then tied her wrists securely to the tent pegs with soft cotton rope.
Erika continued, “Perfect! Now please do the same with her ankles. Spread ‘em and stake ‘em!” Pretty soon, Lily found herself spreadeagled face down in the middle of the back yard.
“Looking good, guys, thanks! So, Willy, your first penalty is to lie here in the grass for the enjoyment of the brothers here. The Psi Kappa Alpha boys have been kind enough to offer to take care of you while you are all tied up like this. Isn’t that nice of them, Willy?”
“Yes, it is, sister. Thank you, brothers.” This whole thing did not sound very good to her.
Erika interjected, “Oh, I almost forgot, could I get one of our fraternity brothers to uncover Willy’s butt? Just lift her skirt up past her waistline?” No problem getting volunteers for that little task. Now Lily’s bare butt was exposed to everyone looking on. “Willy, lift up your butt so they can lift your skirt front also. This way, if you need to pee, you can just go right ahead. No need to get up.” Chuckling all around. Lily was very much hoping that this penalty would be completed soon; she hated having her naked butt – and vulva – exposed to all of these students and onlookers.
Erika continued, “Willy, I’m now going to hand you over to Rob and Michael, who might just have a nice surprise for you.”
Lily felt two boys kneel down on each side of her butt. She heard the pop of a plastic top, and the next thing she felt was cool liquid in her butt crack. The boys then went to work, massaging body oil all over her butt, legs, and feet. Then, their fingers slid into her butt crack and even down into her butt hole, which they massaged thoroughly for several minutes. Next thing she knew, they were massaging the oil into her vagina and clitoris.
“Umm – umm” escaped Lily’s lips without her even realizing it. This sexy massage was starting to turn her on, despite the humiliating circumstances. Then, at Erika’s direction, they stopped and stood up.
Erika teased, “What was that, pledge? You’re not enjoying this, are you? Being half naked out in the middle of the yard like this?”
“Umm – nooooo,” was all Lily could manage.
Erika piped up, “Well, that’s too bad, because your second penalty starts right now. You are to remain here in this position, staked out, bare assed, overnight.”
Lily couldn’t believe what she had just heard. “What? No! All night? No, I can’t!” Much cheering and jeering from the fraternity boys.
“So sorry, pledge (snicker). Have a nice night. I’ll come and untie you in the morning.”
Lily looked up to see about a dozen fraternity boys practically rubbing their hands together as they considered what they might do to her between now and the morning. She dropped her head in shamed submission.
By the time the ten pledges arrived back in their rooms on Thursday night, they had each received a text message from their pledge captains: FRIDAY IS COMMANDO DAY! YOU MUST WEAR A SHORT SKIRT – AT LEAST 4 INCHES ABOVE KNEE. NO PANTIES. POST AN UPSKIRT PHOTO EVERY HOUR. FUN FOR ALL!
Like her nine fellow pledges, Lily groaned reading this text. The last time she had gone commando was in high school while she was pledging for the cheerleading squad. She had ended up exposing her bare privates momentarily while walking home. Luckily, this was not captured on anyone’s phone camera, so she was grateful for the narrow escape. But now she had to do it all again.
Lily had a skirt that met the requirements – a dark blue pleated skirt that she paired with a light blue polo shirt. She had to stop herself from dipping into her underwear drawer for a pair of panties, then decided that she should get the first upskirt photo of the day out of way. She stood near her dorm room window so she would get good light and spread her legs slightly before taking the photo. Then she posted it to the sorority’s private Pinterest board and headed out to her first class.
Lily had a full day of classes on Friday, and they were spread all over campus, so she ended up walking between classes quite a bit, and the fresh air on her bare butt and vulva gradually developed into an intense paranoia that everyone she met could see her naked privates. She was quietly blushing for most of the day, but she managed to get her eight upskirt photos done, mostly in restroom stalls in between classes. At 5:00, there was another group text: ONE LAST TASK BEFORE YOU ARRIVE AT THE SORORITY HOUSE. GET TWO BOYS TO SIGN YOUR ASS – ONE ON EACH CHEEK – WITH LIPSTICK. TAKE SELFIES OF THEM DOING IT.
Great, thought Lily, I have only thirty minutes to find two boys and get two signatures on my bare butt. She steered herself to the student center in the hope of finding a couple of students quickly. The first boy she saw, she approached rather secretively. “Excuse me, could I ask you to sign my butt?”
He thought he must have misunderstood. “Sorry, sign your what?”
“I’m pledging a sorority, and I need to get signatures on my butt. Here’s a lipstick.” She gave him the lipstick, turned to her left, and lifted her skirt to reveal her bare right cheek.
“We’re a little shy in the underwear department, don’t you think?”
“Well, yeah, no panties today. Sorority rules. Signature, please?”
“Okay, here goes.” With that, he laid his left hand on the upper part of her cheek while he signed with his right hand, so he got a little feel in while doing her the favor.
Lily said, “Here’s my phone. Could you take a selfie with your signature for me?” She heard the click and checked the photo. “Okay, thanks so much.” He gave back the lipstick, but she had to actually reach back and physically remove his left hand from her butt. He chuckled and walked away.
Lily hunted down another boy, this one in the café. He was sitting alone at one of the dining tables, watching his cell phone.
“Sorry to bother you, but I need you to sign my butt, please.”
“Oh, yeah? Sign your butt, huh? Maybe. What’ll you give me to do that?”
“Um, I dunno, a kiss? Will that work?”
“Yeah, come here.” She sat down next to him, leaned toward him, and gave him a brief kiss on the lips. “Sorry, I need a bit more than that.” This time, she held the kiss for about ten seconds, and she could feel him melt a little bit. “That’s better, I enjoyed that. Now, where’s this ass but I’m supposed to sign?”
Lily stood back up, got her lipstick out, and lifted up the side of her skirt to expose her left cheek.
“Really? That’s all you’re gonna show me? No, no, no. Lean over the table.”
Lily was tired of his games, but she needed to wrap this up quickly or else she would be late to the sorority house. She leaned forward so her elbow were flat on the table. She felt his hands lifting her skirt up to her waist. “What no panties? Beautiful! You have a very sexy ass, you know that?” He was getting a bit loud, and she worried that other students nearby could hear.
“Yes, okay, whatever you say. Just please sign.”
“Okay, okay, I just really want to take in this view. It’s really. . .”
“PLEASE! Just sign, please!”
She felt his right hand land on her right cheek while he signed her left cheek with his left hand. Then he handed her lipstick back.
“Thanks, now please just take a selfie with my ass, using my phone.”
“I will, I will.” She heard the click of the photo, then the “gulp” sound of him sending a message.
“Wait, did you just send yourself that photo?”
“I did, and I’ll cherish it always. Have a nice day, beautiful pledge.” With that, he was gone.
Lily was steamed and deflated, and it took her a few seconds to realize that she was lying half naked over one of the dining tables. She heard a couple of nearby students burst out laughing. She quickly got up, brushed her skirt down, and took off for the sorority house. When she arrived – just two minutes before her 5:30 deadline – she posted her two signature selfies to the Pinterest board. At least that’s over with.
Lily, Emma, and Billie were met in the main room by Erika, who sent them down to the basement for dinner, and then got them started on the evening’s events. The pledges were to report individually to the Psi Kappa Alpha fraternity house over the next thirty minutes. While they were there, they were to follow all instructions of the fraternity brothers at all times. They were not allowed to leave the fraternity house until the boys released them. There would be DBD sorority members in the house to make sure the boys didn’t step over the line (although she didn’t explain what “over the line” meant).
Fifteen minutes later, Lily was called to make the walk to the fraternity house; it was one block away and on the other side of the street. Lily walked up their sidewalk path and stepped up onto the large covered front porch. The front door was closed, and there was a piece of paper taped to the door:
Lily took a deep breath and began pulling up her polo shirt. She slipped the shirt over her head and dropped it on the plank floor next to her. Then she reached behind her back and unhooked her bra before sliding it down her arms and dropping it on the pile. Lily reddened as she felt the cool outside air on her bare breasts. She stuffed her clothes through the mail slot, pressed the doorbell, and turned her back to the street.
It seemed like fifteen minutes before the door opened, although it was really only a few minutes. A young fraternity boy came outside and handed her a white tee shirt to put on, which she did as quickly as she could. The shirt was very tight and short on her, easily exposing the outline of her breasts and nipples as well as her bare midriff. The fraternity boy couldn’t take his eyes off her as she changed her top. Finally, he let her in through the front door.
Lily followed him through the entry and down a flight of stairs to the basement level. She found herself in a small den-like space furnished with a sofa and a couple of soft chairs. There were four frat boys in the room, and one of them, who was on the sofa, spoke first. “Pledge, come over here and kneel down in front of me.”
Lily complied without saying anything.
“So tell us, pledge, how are your sucking skills?”
He gave her a semi-playful slap across her cheek. “You heard me. Do you give good head?”
“Uh, y-yes, I guess.”
“Hm. Not a very convincing answer. Let’s try a little demonstration. Take my middle finger in your mouth and do everything to it that you would ordinarily do to a dick. Got it, pledge?”
“I understand, sir.”
“I want your little pretend blow job to be so sexy that I have an erection for ten minutes straight. If it isn’t, I’m going to turn you over my knee and give you an embarrassing punishment right here in front of my brothers. Now, go!”
Lily had never sucked on a finger before, but she tried pretending that this was really just a very small dick. She ran her lips up and down its length, with her tongue licking the underside. Then she tried swirling her tongue around the finger as sensually as she could before returning to lick the underside and the fingernail “head”. And she tried varying the pace and the pressure.
After ten minutes, her frat boy pushed her face away and announced, “Slut, I’m soft here. You give very poor head, I’m afraid. Crawl up over my knee.”
Lily obeyed and found herself with her rear end pointed straight up. He reached over and pushed her skirt up over her waist, brushing his hand across her naked butt in the process. Then he ordered her to separate her legs, which exposed her vulva and anus to the group. This was a higher level of humiliation than she had ever known before, and she could feel herself shaking. Her frat boy said, “No, I’m not going to spank you, although if you don’t behave right now, I will definitely give you a spanking. I have something else in mind. Just hold still and take your medicine.”
With that, Lily felt something cold pressing against her anus. It was a butt plug, and it was larger than she had ever tried. He forced it into position until her anus closed around the neck, keeping it in place.
“Pretty soon, pledge, you should be feeling a little burn down in your butt hole. I liberally coated the butt plug with menthol toothpaste, and it usually gives a nice burn for an hour or so. Feeling anything yet?”
Lily stood up and brushed her skirt down. She did, indeed, start feeling the burning effects of the menthol in her butt. She desperately wanted to reach back and remove it, but her tormentor reminded her, “Remember, pledge, keep your hands at your sides at all times.”
“Yes, sir, I will, sir.”
“Follow me. Let’s take a little trip to the back yard.” With that, she followed him up the stairs, down a hallway and out the back door. The fraternity house had a generous back yard surrounded by a short fence. There were eight or nine fraternity boys out there, waiting for the next pledge to appear. Lily was now in distress – the burning was getting worse, in addition to the discomfort of the too-large butt plug. And she had to agree to every command the fraternity boys gave her.
“Next up, the hula hoop contest! How are your hula hoop skills, pledge?”
“Hula hoop? About average, I guess” She actually hadn’t played with a hula hoop since she was about twelve.
“Ah! Here’s your opponent now!” Next out the back door was Billie, her fellow pledge. Like Lily, she was completely naked and looking very uncomfortable. Lily guessed that she was also a recipient of menthol toothpaste butt plug. Two fraternity boys led Lily and Billie out to the middle of the back yard, about ten feet apart. They could feel the cool grass underfoot.
Lily noticed that the fence surrounding the fraternity back yard was only about four feet high, so it was relatively easy for people in the neighboring back yards to view in. Word must have gotten out, because there were already several students on each side yard, ready to observe the festivities.
“The hula hoop contest goes like this: the girl who is able to keep her hula hoop going the longest wins a point. Whoever gets to five points first wins the match. The loser must perform a penalty for the enjoyment of the fraternity – and our neighbors.” Small cheers went up from the neighbors.
That was enough warning for Lily. She did NOT want any more penalties, on top of whatever else was planned for the evening at the fraternity house. Both girls were handed their hula hoops, and a whistle sounded for them to begin the first point.
Lily and Billie began their first turn, and they both instantly realized that playing hula hoops – hips constantly moving forward and back – totally intensified the burning in their butts. Forcing them to play this game was diabolical. Lily could not sustain her play for more than about 20 seconds in each point, whereas Billie somehow gritted through it and ended up winning the first five points. Lily was going to get a penalty.
A fraternity boy materialized and collected the hula hoops. Lily and Billie were directed to a picnic table, where they were told to lean forward with their hands on the table and spread their legs until their feet were about three feet apart.
A fraternity boy stepped forward and announced, “Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner of our first hula hoop game of the day is pledge BJ!” He then reached in and slowly eased out Billie’s butt plug and sent her back inside the house. “The loser is pledge Willy.” He turned and removed Lily’s butt plug, although in her case, he also raised her skirt up and tucked it in above her waist. “Willy earned herself a punishment, and we like to take care of punishments right away. So, Willy, stay right where you are. The first part of your punishment involves a paddling. How many swats should she receive, I wonder? Tell you what, Willie, we’ll let you decide your own fate. Here is a single dice for you to throw on the picnic table here. Whatever number you roll, we will multiply by five. Roll away!”
Lily knew her punishment would be harsh, but getting paddled while half naked, outdoors in front of other students was way worse than she was hoping for. She picked up the dice and rolled a four.
“That’s twenty swats for pledge Willy!” Cheering from the crowd. “Psi Kappa Alpha brother Dan has won the right to administer the punishment, so go to it!”
Lily looked over to see a very handsome blond-headed guy step forward with a frat paddle in his hand. He held up both arms and got a big applause from his brothers. He stopped behind Lily and felt obliged to give her some directions for her paddling.
“Willy, sweetheart, let’s have you bend down more and push your cute little ass back toward me.” She obeyed. “Now, arch your back a bit more.” She obeyed again, now made more aware of how painful her ass still was from the toothpaste. Her tormentor took his time, acting like a baseball player warming up his swing before stepping to the plate.
He announced to the crowd, “Brothers and neighbors! Help Willy out here by counting the swats for her. Okay?” Cheers went up instantly. “Okay! Here we go!”
“OW, Jesus!” Lily was startled at the sting.
Dan was savoring every minute of this. He was allowing enough time in between swats for the sting to set in and linger a bit before the next swat, and he never sped up. Lily was dying of humiliation, and she was sweating and hot from the paddling AND the remaining toothpaste discomfort. She thought this would never be over, but eventually the crowd shouted, “Twenty!” and Dan raised his arms again and accepted his applause.
Another frat boy stepped forward until he was only a few feet behind Lily. “Willy, stay right where you are, don’t move a muscle. We’re all pretty sure that your butt must be hot as hell right now, isn’t that right?”
Lily got out, “Yes, sir.”
“Yes, sir, what?”
“Yes, sir, my butt is hot as hell.”
“Well, then let’s cool you down!” Lily hadn’t noticed, but this frat boy had wheeled out a large water cooler. He bent down to fill two pitchers and slowly poured both pitchers full of ice-cold water right down Lily’s butt crack. Lily screamed and jumped – the water was colder than she could have imagined. It felt like she was being stabbed in the butt. The frat boy then repeated filling and pouring the ice-cold pitchers again, this time all over Lily’s butt.
“How’s that Lily? Did that cool you off enough, or shall we do more?”
“N – no! It’s fine now, really! Thank you for cooling me off, sir.”
Lily started to ask for a towel, but the frat boy interrupted, “We’re a little short of towels, so how about you remain here in the back yard and air dry before coming back inside. Oh, and I think you’ll air dry faster if you run a few laps around the back yard. Sound good to you, pledge?”
“Yes, sir. Air dry, sir.”
“Okay! Well, get going!”
Lily started her run around the perimeter of the lawn, with her butt still exposed and with her breasts visibly bouncing within her tight tee shirt. This was in plain view of the frat brothers and the neighboring onlookers, and it was on top of the pain from her paddling and the discomfort from the toothpaste.
It took five laps of the back yard before Lily felt she was dry enough to go back inside. She reported to the frat boy who dumped the ice water and asked if she could come in now. He responded, “I think you’re dry enough now, so come on in. Don’t you think I deserve a thank-you kiss for cooling you off?”
“Oh, yes, sir, thank you so much.” Lily gave him a timid kiss on the lips, which seemed to satisfy him. He then turned her shoulders and guided her back inside the fraternity house, with her skirt still tucked up in the back. She was led upstairs to another small lounge, and she was introduced to five other fraternity brothers, all of whom were clad in shorts and tee shirts.
“Brothers, meet Willy, who just completed five naked laps of the back yard. A true exhibitionist if ever I saw one. Willy, how about showing off your ruby-red ass!”
“Yes, sir.” Lily moved to the middle of the room, raised her arms above her head, and did several slow, embarrassing turns. In doing so, she noticed that Erika and another sorority girl were also in the room – they had joined the frat boys for this next session. Erika stepped forward to announce, “That is one red ass, Willy, congratulations! Okay, thank you, and you may now untuck your skirt and let it back down.” Lily did, and she was relieved to be allowed to cover her butt again.
“Now, pledge, let’s get you started on the next challenge with the Psi Kappa Alpha boys. You’ll really enjoy this game – it’s called ‘Five Dates’. In this little bowl are five numbered slips of paper, each of which represents a little challenge you will accept with one of these boys. Each fraternity brother will draw a slip to see which one gets which date. I will now pass the bowl.” With that, she moved around the room giving each frat boy a chance to draw a number.
“Okay, which of you has drawn Number One?”
One of the boys raised his hand. He was very young-looking, with sandy hair. “That’s me, I’m Keith. So, what does this mean?”
Erika read from a handwritten rulebook. “Date One: The pledge will demonstrate some calisthenic and stretching exercises as directed by the fraternity brother. This exercise session will last fifteen minutes, and when it is over, the fraternity brother will give the pledge a grade, from one to ten, based on how hard she tried.
Keith was thoughtful for a moment, then perked right up. “Um, okay, Willy! We all had a chance to see your talent with the hula hoop earlier, so maybe you’re ready for a little yoga. I’d like to see you do Downward Dog.”
Lily was afraid he’d pick that one. She sighed but smiled. With her legs straight, she bent at the waist and leaned forward until her hands were flat on the floor and her rear end was raised high in the air.
Lily could feel all of the eyes in the room staring at her raised butt, which was barely covered by her short skirt. Soon Erika approached, ran her hand up in between Lily’s legs, and inserted her lubricated index finger into her butt hole and kept it there while Lily continued with her downward dog. Every so often Erika swished her finger inside Lily’s butt hole. This humiliation continued as everyone in the room laughed at Erika’s prank.
After a few minutes of this embarrassment, Erika pulled out of Lily’s butt hole, and Keith switched her to jumping jacks to demonstrate Lily’s breast bouncing action. Though her tits were only B cups, they gave a very embarrassing bounce inside of her sheer tee shirt. After about five minutes of jumping jacks, her breasts were starting to get painful, and the expression on her face probably tipped off her discomfort, so Keith switched her to another yoga pose – the Bridge.
Every time Lily raised her butt, Keith gave her mound a big sexy rub with the palm of his hand. By the time Lily had done about 30 Bridges, her clitoris had gotten very puffy and wet. And the fifteen minutes were up.
“Keith, here is a grade sheet for this pledge; I’ll collect it when we’re done with all five dates. So, who has Number Two?”
“That’s over here!” He was tall and thin with dark hair down to his shoulders. “I’m Logan.”
“Date Two: The pledge will perform a lap dance for the fraternity boy. He will keep his hands to himself. The pledge will be graded on how hot her dance is. Got it? Okay, go!”
Lily considered herself a good dancer, but she had never tried anything like this, even in the solitude of her dorm room. She was going to have to make it up as she went along. The music started – it looked like Erika had this all prepared – a Prince song that Lily was familiar with. Logan looked excited by the prospect of his date with Lily. He pulled out an armless chair, set it in the middle of the room, and sat down waiting for the dancing to begin.
Lily started by bumping and grinding right in front of him, with her legs on either side of his legs. After a few minutes, she pulled herself forward until her breasts were almost cradling his face, using her hands to massage her barely-covered breasts. Finally, she leaned back and aggressively lowered herself so that she was dry humping his shorts-clad penis with her now-swollen clitoris. She needed this dance to be convincingly sexy, and there was only so much faking she was capable of, so she closed her eyes, tilted her head back, and provided as much friction as she could. It was the longest fifteen minutes she had ever experienced, and by the end she was breathless, hot, and gleaming with sweat.
The boys in the room were really enjoying this, but Erika had to call out, “Time’s up, Miley Cyrus. Logan, here’s your grade sheet to fill out. Now we’re ready for Date Three.”
One of the boys raised his hand. He was a little pudgy with freckles and curly but thinning red hair. “That’s me. I’m number three.”
Erika returned to the handwritten rulebook. “Date Three: The pledge will engage in a romantic make-out session with the fraternity boy, touching and caressing only, no further than second base. The pledge will be graded on how big she makes his hard-on. Mmmm, yummy! Willy, let’s get to it!”
All Lily could think was, OMG, let’s get this over with. The boy looked eager. “Hi, I’m Mason, and you look like you could be very sexy to make out with.”
“Hi, Mason. Yes, I am. Where do you want me?”
“Right here,” he said patting his lap. Lily gingerly sat sideways in his lap and brushed her skirt back; she felt the fabric of his shorts rubbing against her bare butt cheeks. She reminded herself that she needed to get a good grade on this, so she leaned into Mason and performed some of the sexiest kissing she could imagine, starting out tenderly with soft lips and gradually progressing to some modest tongue. She tried to imagine that he was her lover in order to charge herself up, but it was difficult to ignore the audience of boys and girls who were mimicking love-making sounds and snickering.
Mason returned her kisses somewhat awkwardly, with little skill or tenderness. He wrapped his arms around her with big bear hugs and quickly progressed to rubbing and petting with his soft hands all over her, starting with her breasts and moving down over her stomach. Then he let his hands stray under her skirt and started hungrily cupping her butt cheeks and lightly brushing her vulva, for which she tried to accommodate him by spreading her legs a bit, but he respected the second base rule and didn’t try for finger penetration. Eventually, he moved down along her thighs before the fifteen minutes were up.
Erika said, “Mason and Willy, your time’s up. Guess you’ll have to continue this lovefest at a later date!” More snickering from the audience. “Who is Number Four?”
“It’s me, Josh!” announced a tall kid with dark curly hair.
“Date Four: pledge is to perform a sexy handjob to the lucky fraternity brother. Boy should not be allowed to climax until the last one minute of the fifteen-minute duration. Pledge will be graded on how desperate to cum he is. Oooh, fun!”
“Alright!” said Josh, “let’s get to it, pledge!”
Lily despaired that these dates were continuing to get more and more humiliating. And there was still one more to go after this. But she sucked it up and got to work on Josh.
“Okay, Josh, stand up, please.” She knelt down and reached up to undo his belt, then slid his shorts down to his ankles and off. Then she pulled his tidy-whitey briefs down and off. His penis was long, thin, and slightly curved upwards. “Oh, Josh, that’s a very sexy penis you’ve got there!” trying to sound as sincere as she could.
Lily gave his dick a soft petting, and she tickled tenderly under his scrotum as well. Then she began to slowly and lovingly caress his penis, making sure not to get him too hot too soon. She realized that she had to keep him hot and hard until the fourteen-minute mark. He seemed like he might be a quick-cummer, so she lightened her touch, which had the effect of seriously frustrating Josh’s sex drive. He groaned loudly and complained, “Faster, pledge, I need to cum!”
The other fraternity boys in the room were really enjoying this and began cheering Josh on. “C’mon, Josh, you can do it! Jizz her right now!”
Lily was going slowly, worried that he would cum too quickly and get her into trouble. She started pausing every few strokes and lightly squeezing his testicles to see if she could delay the orgasm. Finally, Erika announced, “Only one minute remaining. Better get him off in the next sixty seconds, pledge!”
The crowd was really getting into this now. “Let’s go, Josh, splash her good!” Lily increased her pressure and sped up her strokes, and pretty soon he exploded cum all over her hands. Congratulatory cheering from the other boys!
Erika squealed with joy! “Fabulous, Willy, you are a handjob queen! I’m sure you want to clean that jizz off your hands, but I think it’ll be more fun to leave it there, don’t you? I thought so. Josh, here’s your score sheet for Willy for Date Four. Let’s move on to Date Five!”
“I’m Five, right here!” Good looking Black guy with a shaved head.
“Here we go, I think we’re all going to enjoy this one. Date Five: fraternity brother licks the pledge to orgasm, but she must not cum until she is given permission by me. Pledge will be graded on how soaking wet she becomes. Okay, this I gotta see!”
“Willy, I’m Noah, and you look hot!”
“Hi, Noah, I’m happy to meet you!” She needed to score points, being down to the last date. “I mean, I’m REALLY happy to meet you. My pussy is all yours!”
“Okay, let’s get you set up here. Guys, bring that small dining table over here to the middle of the room.” This table was made of wood and fairly heavy. Once it was in the center of the room, Noah picked up Willy and set her down with her butt on the edge of the table facing him, with her legs reaching down to the floor. He directed her to lean back so she was lying on her back on the table, and at the same time, he lifted her legs so that they were pointed up toward the ceiling. This, of course, caused her skirt to fall, exposing her butt cheeks to the room. Then he had his fellow frat brothers hold her in place – one boy holding each arm down onto the table, and one boy holding each leg up.
Noah pushed Lily’s legs farther apart, so that her vulva was fully open and available – already very pink, very swollen, and very moist. Lily could not believe she was willingly offering up her sex like this; she was now way past feeling embarrassed and just wanted to get as high a score as possible – and maybe even enjoy herself on this date.
Noah ran his fingers up and down Lily’s inner thighs several times, which got her moaning a bit and seemed to relax her vulva. He then used his fingers to gently part her labia, and Lily gasped and gulped loudly. Noah then leaned forward and began to tickle her clitoris with the tip of his tongue. Lily had received cunnilingus before, but Noah seemed particularly adept.
Noah continued to work on Lily, alternating tickling her clit with running his tongue up and down from vagina to clit. After a few minutes of this, Lily was getting visibly worked up. Erika interjected, “Don’t forget, Willy, you are not allowed to cum unless I give you permission.”
Lily’s eyes popped open. OMG, she was ready now! “Sister, may I please cum now?”
“Hmm, let me see. Ummmmmmm, NO! Not yet, pledge, just control yourself a bit longer. We’re all really enjoying this, by the way.”
What!? Lily couldn’t believe that Erika could be this cruel! How was she going to keep her orgasm under control with Noah’s excellent tongue technique? Now he put his whole open mouth over her labia and began swirling the tip of his tongue around her clitoris. Lily’s whole body was sweating and vibrating at this point, and she suddenly realized once again that there were frat boys holding down her arms and holding up her legs. This bondage-like sensation sent her up another level, and she felt her explosion approaching fast.
“Sister, PLEASE! May I cum now? I REALLY have to cum!”
“I don’t think so, pledge. This is just too much fun for us. We’d like to see you suffer a little longer.”
NOOO! Lily was nearing the point of no return and was trying to keep her orgasm in check, but after a few more tongue swirllies, she couldn’t stop herself. A giant orgasm – the biggest she had ever felt – rocked her whole body. “Ohhh! OHHH! NOOO!” She quickly realized that she had disobeyed Erika by cumming without permission.
“Willy! How could you? We were having such a good time watching you torture yourself! That’s a penalty for you.”
“Yes, sister. Sorry, sister.”
“Noah, you can let the poor slut down from the table now, and here is your grade sheet. Willy, we are now going to tally the grades from your five dates. While we’re doing that, I want you to stand in the middle of the room, use both hands to grab the bottom hem of your tee shirt, and raise it up to give everyone a final view of your very ordinary boobs.”
Lily didn’t think it was possible for her to feel any more humiliated today, but this simple pose – with her breasts completely exposed and everyone else in the room fully clothed – was actually the worst part of the evening for her.
After five long minutes, Erika stood up. “Willy, your total score for the evening was 38 out of 50 possible points. You needed a 40 or higher to avoid a penalty, so this score gives you another penalty – in addition to the penalty you earned in Date Four. Lower your hands and say thank you to the Psi Kappa Alpha boys, then we’ll go downstairs.”
Lily lowered her tee shirt and smiled as best she could. “Thank you, boys.”
They chuckled, “Yeah, hope we see more of you!”
Erika led Lily downstairs and down the corridor to the back yard. It was early fall, so it was still very light outside even though it was early evening. There were about ten fraternity boys hanging out there, with snacks and drinks, and there were a couple dozen onlookers from the neighboring back yards.
Erika announced, “Boys, you probably remember Willy here, the hula hoop queen? She just completed the Five Dates game, and she managed to accumulate two penalties. So, let’s take care of the first penalty right now. Willy, follow me.” She led Lily to the very center of the back yard lawn. “I want you to lie down on the grass, face down, right here.”
Lily obeyed, with her head toward the fraternity house. She was wondering what was next.
“Hands above your head and spread out wide. Boys, do you have those tent pegs and rope I asked you about earlier?”
“Oh, yeah! We’re ready!”
“Great! So, please pound those tent pegs into the ground and tie her wrists so they’re stretched out wide.”
Lily looked up to see two very long tent pegs being hammered into the ground just beyond where her wrists were. The boys then tied her wrists securely to the tent pegs with soft cotton rope.
Erika continued, “Perfect! Now please do the same with her ankles. Spread ‘em and stake ‘em!” Pretty soon, Lily found herself spreadeagled face down in the middle of the back yard.
“Looking good, guys, thanks! So, Willy, your first penalty is to lie here in the grass for the enjoyment of the brothers here. The Psi Kappa Alpha boys have been kind enough to offer to take care of you while you are all tied up like this. Isn’t that nice of them, Willy?”
“Yes, it is, sister. Thank you, brothers.” This whole thing did not sound very good to her.
Erika interjected, “Oh, I almost forgot, could I get one of our fraternity brothers to uncover Willy’s butt? Just lift her skirt up past her waistline?” No problem getting volunteers for that little task. Now Lily’s bare butt was exposed to everyone looking on. “Willy, lift up your butt so they can lift your skirt front also. This way, if you need to pee, you can just go right ahead. No need to get up.” Chuckling all around. Lily was very much hoping that this penalty would be completed soon; she hated having her naked butt – and vulva – exposed to all of these students and onlookers.
Erika continued, “Willy, I’m now going to hand you over to Rob and Michael, who might just have a nice surprise for you.”
Lily felt two boys kneel down on each side of her butt. She heard the pop of a plastic top, and the next thing she felt was cool liquid in her butt crack. The boys then went to work, massaging body oil all over her butt, legs, and feet. Then, their fingers slid into her butt crack and even down into her butt hole, which they massaged thoroughly for several minutes. Next thing she knew, they were massaging the oil into her vagina and clitoris.
“Umm – umm” escaped Lily’s lips without her even realizing it. This sexy massage was starting to turn her on, despite the humiliating circumstances. Then, at Erika’s direction, they stopped and stood up.
Erika teased, “What was that, pledge? You’re not enjoying this, are you? Being half naked out in the middle of the yard like this?”
“Umm – nooooo,” was all Lily could manage.
Erika piped up, “Well, that’s too bad, because your second penalty starts right now. You are to remain here in this position, staked out, bare assed, overnight.”
Lily couldn’t believe what she had just heard. “What? No! All night? No, I can’t!” Much cheering and jeering from the fraternity boys.
“So sorry, pledge (snicker). Have a nice night. I’ll come and untie you in the morning.”
Lily looked up to see about a dozen fraternity boys practically rubbing their hands together as they considered what they might do to her between now and the morning. She dropped her head in shamed submission.
- litrob2000
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Re: In Another Haze - PART 4 ADDED
Saturday morning found Lily still staked out on the lawn, face down and half-naked, behind the Psi Kappa Alpha fraternity house. The Friday afternoon activities had tired her out, and she couldn’t help but sleep from exhaustion, except she kept getting interrupted by frat boys groping her, feeling up her butt, and tweaking her clitoris (anything more was forbidden) every time she started to fall asleep.
At 8:00am, Erika arrived to get Lily untied, so that she could return to the sorority house for breakfast with the other pledges, all of whom had apparently suffered similar humiliations at the fraternity house the night before. After breakfast, the pledges were allowed to get a few hours’ sleep before embarking on their full-day hazing session.
The Saturday pledge activities started with the pledges being provided with new wardrobes. Lily’s consisted of a thin white tube top, low-cut jeans, black thong panties, and pink flip-flops. No bra, and her thong strings were showing above her belt line. Definitely a “slutty” look that she was not accustomed to.
The ten pledges were then deployed to ten separate locations around campus and told to expect text messages giving them instructions. Lily was sent to the student center cafeteria, which included both indoor and outdoor seating areas. Once there, she received her first text message:
Oh, boy. Ugh. In her low-cut jeans and tube top, she was not gonna get much respect on this one. But here goes. “Hi, how ya doing, guys?”
They all looked up and were happily surprised to see such a cute girl, looking a bit like a hooker, standing at their table.
“All right, cute stuff!”
“Welcome to our table. We were just talking about how hungry we were!”
Lily kept her cutest smile. “I’ve got a question for one of you guys.”
The dark-skinned jock with wavy black hair spoke first. “I’m all yours, sweetheart. Hit me with it.”
Lily cleared her throat. “Um. Exactly how big is your c-cock?”
The four guys exploded in laughter.
“Whoa! That’s top secret, lady!”
“Well, she’s kinda shy, isn’t she?!
Her jock took it in stride. He chuckled, “You mean fully erect, or flaccid?”
Lily wasn’t ready for that question. She improvised, “Um, let’s say, fully erect.”
“Okay. Well, how about I take it out, and you can measure it for me?”
Lightly laughing, “No, no, I’d prefer to look but not touch.”
“What is this, some sort of initiation or something like that?”
“Yeah, something like that.” She was forcing herself to be friendly and casual, even though this was embarrassing as hell.
“Okay, well, you’re kinda cute, so I’ll give you a break. My fully erect penis is nine inches.”
“Great, thanks! But, um, I need to confirm. I mean, if you don’t mind.”
The jock was taken aback, but quickly recovered. “Damn, girl, you can inspect it all you like. Is right here alright for you?”
“Yes, please, that’s fine. Thank you.”
The jock reached down to unbutton and unzip. He turned in his chair to make sure Lily could see. “Uh-oh, you’re not seeing it at full sail, so you won’t be able to confirm my erect nine inches. What are we gonna do about that, do you think?”
Lily was trapped, and there only seemed one way to get this over and done. She crouched down to play with his dick, which he definitely enjoyed. “Oh, my comrades, she’s on it! She’s got the touch! I’m in love!”
It took several minutes of sexy touching, tickling, and stroking to get him fully erect, at which time Lily stopped and pronounced him truthful in his nine-inch claim. She then took a closeup photo so she could confirm her completion. He zipped up and turned back in his chair. “Come back any time, cute stuff. I hope you pass your initiation.”
Lily retreated red-faced to the indoor seating area, anxious to erase the memory of the dick measurement. She sent Erika the photo and texted: VISUAL CONFIRMATION OF PENIS AT 9 INCHES.
Her next text message arrived from Erika:
Huge sigh from Lily. Removing her jeans will only make her look sluttier than she already did. Let’s do this and get it over with. She approached the table with the four students.
“Hi! Sorry to interrupt. Can I do a karaoke for you? Just one song, if that’s okay.”
The students looked a bit bewildered but agreed to be her audience for the one song. “Yeah, I guess so, if that’s your thing.”
“Thank you, it is! Actually what is really my thing is doing karaoke b-bottomless.”
There was complete silence from the four students. Then, “You mean no pants?”
“I’ll make you a deal. I’ll give you my jeans, and you only have to return them to me if you enjoy my performance. I know this sounds a little crazy, but it’s what I get off on.”
The two boys were eager to see this, and the girls agreed to let them have their fun. They said okay.
Lily quickly slipped her flip-flops off and pushed her jeans down to the floor, kicked them off, and handed them to one of the girls. The four students were surprised to see so much of Lily’s skin exposed; just a thin tube top and a black thong. She was practically naked in the cafeteria.
Lily checked her phone to see which song she would be singing. Oh, great! It was “I Feel Pretty” from West Side Story. They couldn’t have picked a more embarrassing song to be performed half naked! At least she knew the song, so she pressed Play and started to sing.
I feel pretty
Oh so pretty
I feel pretty and witty and gay
And I pity any girl who isn’t me today
Lily managed to carry a tune, but these lyrics were humiliating in her current state, and she couldn’t bring herself to do anything more than sway back and forth. She stole a glance at her little audience, and she could tell that they were not too excited by her performance. She definitely wanted her pants back, so she began to add some dance moves to give the appearance that she was an entertainer.
I feel charming
Oh so charming. . .
Lily was struggling to perform while being this embarrassed, but she pushed on and tried to shut out the circumstances. She upped the dance movements, to the delight of the boys at the table, who were totally fixated on her mostly bare butt. She finally made it through the song and finished with a flourish and a bow.
“TA DA! How was that?!”
The boys at the table were grinning ear to ear, but the girls looked much less impressed. They conferred privately and finally turned back to Lily to let her know that she “barely” (ha ha) passed the test. They reluctantly threw her jeans back to her, and she was quick to get dressed and get on to her next assignment. The text arrived a few minutes later:
OMG, thought Lily. Her butt was still tender from her many spankings last night. But okay, she thought, who do you suppose these “computer gamers” are? They sound safe enough. Let’s see. She walked up to the second floor and found the conference room. Next game, here we go. She knocked.
The door was answered, not by the male nerd he expected, but by a rather short goth-ish girl who appeared to be a freshman, like Lily. Short black hair with a green streak on one side. Black jeans and black boots. She didn’t seem to have much patience for Lily standing there in the hallway.
“Hello. I’m Willy, and. . .and I’ve been naughty. I need a spanking.” Lily was hoping that this girl would take the bait.
“Uh, excuse me?!”
“I need a good spanking. At least twenty smacks on my bare ass. Can you give me that?”
“Oh, yeah? Hm.” She turned to talk to the others in the room. “Hey, guys, there’s a slut here who is looking for a good spanking. Yeah, no kidding, right? Anyone want to give her a spanking?”
Lily stepped forward to see who was in the conference room. There were about eight students there, mostly gamer nerds – boys and girls. They were all staring at her in the doorway. One of the boys spoke up to the girl with the green streak, “Well, what about you, Zoe? You’re kinda into kink, aren’t you?”
“Shut up, only a little bit!” She looked at Lily up and down. “Okay, get your ass in here and we’ll see about giving you what you want.”
Lily stepped into the room, thankful that the most awkward part was over. The conference room was furnished with a simple table and rolling chairs. There were laptops littering the table, and there were full height windows along one wall, looking out on the campus quad, with the shades fully open.
Zoe grabbed Lily by one arm and led her around to the side of the table next to the windows. “Okay, this is pretty weird, but let’s do this! Right here okay with you?”
Right in front of the window, where anyone walking on the quad could see her if they looked? “Yes, here is fine, thank you.”
Zoe continued, “Face the table and raise your arms.” Lily obeyed, then felt Zoe’s hands unbuckling and unzipping her jeans. Zoe slid the jeans down to her ankles, then reached up and quickly pulled down her thong also. “Now lean forward until your elbows are resting on the table.” Lily did so, fully aware of the picture she was presenting to the gamers in the room as well as people in the quad below.
“Mmmm! That is one luscious looking ass! Almost hate to mark it up, but, y’know, this is what you asked for, and I would hate to disappoint you.” Lily heard laughter around the room as all the gamers seemed to have forgotten what they were supposed to be doing together and were now focused on this sexy – and kinky – spanking. Next thing Lily heard was Zoe’s belt being pulled out.
“You ready, there, Willy, sweetheart?”
“Yes, all ready.”
Zoe’s first swat with her leather belt was dead center on the softest part of Lily’s behind, and it was not timid. It stung like hell. But Lily remembered her texted instructions, and she shouted, “Harder!”
“Oh, yeah?! Not enough pain for you, huh? Okay, sweetie, I’ll stop tickling you.”
The rest of the belt swats were stronger and practically lifted Lily off the ground. It was a good thing the door was closed, because Lily was squealing and shrieking at every stroke. When it was over, she wiped her tears and asked Zoe to take a butt pic with her phone, so she could show Erika just how red she was.
Lily wasted no time pulling her thong and jeans back up and exiting the conference room. Then she sent her butt pic to Erika, hoping to hear that she could take a break now. She quickly got a return message:
Hmm, Lily wondered, what was that about? The sorority house was about a fifteen-minute walk from the student center, so she reckoned it would be about twenty minutes trying to skip in her flip-flops. After the first minute or so, Lily discovered Erika’s evil plan: the skipping got her breasts bouncing pretty hard, and in her thin white tube top, this was plainly visible to everyone she passed. Also, the skipping was causing her jeans to rub against her bare just-spanked butt cheeks, which hurt like hell. She was a mess by the time she reached the sorority house.
All the pledges gathered back in the main room in their various states of slutty undress. Alyssa, the pledge director, addressed the group. “One last event for today, pledges. Each of you will be escorted to a new location off-campus, where you will have assignments to fulfill. Some of you are hanging on by a thread right now, so you’d better do as you are told and get some good results. Away you go!”
Lily was taken to a car and shoved into the back seat. Erika and another sister named Abbie drove her for a short distance, reaching a wooded area just beyond the edge of campus. As they got out of the car, Abbie opened the trunk and retrieved a small suitcase. They walked along a popular hiking trail for about a hundred yards and stopped at a clearing. After a little searching, they found a tree that was about thirty feet beyond the clearing, and they ordered Lily to stand with her back up against the tree and put her wrists together in front of her.
Lily was immediately apprehensive, partially because she was now outside the safety of the campus. However, she thought to herself, she had come this far, and she was getting closer to making it into the sorority. She extended her arms, and Abbie brought out a length of rope and tied her wrists together. Erika then pulled out another length of rope and tied one end to the knot between Lily’s wrists. The other end, she tossed over a thick branch that was about nine feet high. Abbie then ordered Lily to raise her arms as high over her head as she could. Once she had done that, Abbie pulled her rope tight and tied it off on another, lower, branch on the back of the tree.
Lily was now stretched up against the tree with her arms pulled tight above her. Erika and Abbie then surveyed their captive, and Erika smiled and said, “Pledge, you look a little over-dressed for an afternoon in the forest. Let us relieve you of some of these clothes.”
Lily quietly panicked at the thought of being stripped in public in a forest with no way to cover up. But she tried to keep a brave face as best she could. Erika removed Lily’s flip-flops, which she deposited into the small suitcase they had brought. Then she unbuttoned and unzipped Lily’s jeans and slowly, teasingly slid them down her legs and off entirely, depositing them in the suitcase also. Abbie then pulled her tube top down off her tits, down her torso and legs, and off as well. She couldn’t resist giving Lily a vicious little tickle to her ribs as she did so.
Lily was now naked except for her thong panties. Erika snickered, “Pledge, how do you feel now, unburdened from all those clothes? Pretty good, huh?”
Lily was red faced and getting goosebumps. “I’m, uh, okay, I guess. You aren’t going to leave me here like this, are you?”
“Oh, no, not at all. We’re not done stripping you yet!” With another snicker, Abbie put her thumbs under the thong strings on both of Lily’s hips and inched the thong down, down, down her legs and off. Now she was completely naked and ready to cry from embarrassment.
Erika offered, “Hey, Willy, you’ve got some serious stripes on that butt! Way to go, girlie!” She then reached into the suitcase and produced a piece of display cardboard stapled to a wood stake. Erika showed the front of the sign to Lily; it said:
Lily’s heart sank. There was no escaping this. Erika pushed the sign into the ground directly in front of Lily and facing away from Lily, toward the clearing.
Erika and Abbie surveyed the scene. Lily was starting to sweat, from the warmth of the forest, from the embarrassment of being naked with no means of covering up, and from the shame of inviting strangers to take her picture. What Abbie did next didn’t help at all; she produced a length of black fabric, placed it over Lily’s eyes, and tied it behind her head, obscuring her sight completely.
Erika explained, “Okay, pledge, here’s what this game is all about. You will be here in this position, tied to this tree, blindfolded, for the next ninety minutes. You are far enough away from the hiking path that most people wandering nearby will not notice you. UNLESS, of course, you invite them over. Why would you do that? Because you are competing with your fellow pledges to see who will get the most – and who will get the least – photos sent it. Understand?”
Lily could only nod resignedly and say, “Yes, sisters, I understand. I will try my best.”
But Abbie was not quite done. “Willy, those tits are flat as pancakes with your arms up like that. You can’t be proud of that, can you? You need some attractors. Tell you what, I’ll help you out by getting those nipples bigger and harder.” With that, Lily felt Abbie approach and – using her spit for lubricant – start to rub and twist both of her nipples until they were sticking out hard. “There, that’s better, now, isn’t it?”
“Yes, sister, thank you. OUCH!!” Abbie had just clamped down on her left nipple with a clothespin. Then another clothespin on her right nipple. “OWW!! What is that?!”
“Those are spring clothespins, sweetie, and they look so cool on your nipples! Those will keep your nips big and hard for all your visitors.”
“OWW! You’re not going to leave them there, are you?!”
“Yeah, that’s the plan! You’ll get used to them in no time. Okay, we’re out of here. Smile pretty for the cameras! And remember, ninety minutes.” Lily heard Erika and Abbie pick up the suitcase – with all of her clothes inside – and walk back toward the nearby clearing. She was somewhat confident that they were going to stick around to make sure she was treated safely while tied up, but that didn’t make her situation any less miserable.
So, Lily waited it out, and the clothespins on her nipples started to hurt like hell. It was well over ten minutes before she heard the sounds of someone over in the clearing, and Lily was determined to get their attention. “Hello! Hi, there! Over here, please!”
She heard the voices of two guys – younger guys as best she could tell from their voices. “Stuart, look at that, a naked girl with a blindfold on, and she wants to have selfies taken! Let’s do it, man!” The two boys took turns posing with Lily, and by the third or fourth pose, their hands had begun wandering over her body – initially groping her tits and her butt, then eventually exploring her clit and vagina. Lily had already determined that she would not deliberately engage in conversation with any of her visitors, and these two guys were definitely not interested in conversation. After a dozen or so photos, they were ready to get back to the hiking trail.
Lily reminded them, “Please don’t forget to post those photos, like it says on the sign.”
“Okay, tiny tits, don’t worry, we got you.” And they were off.
Lily relaxed again, but she couldn’t ignore the piercing pain in her nipples. She recalled Abbie’s instructions, and she didn’t really say that Lily had to keep the clothespins on. She tried shaking her shoulders to see if she could dislodge them, but no luck. Hmm.
Some time later, she heard more voices over in the clearing. Sounded like guys and girls. She shouted, “Hi, over here! Naked girl over here! Selfie opportunity!”
As they approached, Lily guessed that it was two couples – two guys and two girls – and they sounded like students. One of the girls said, “Well, look at this! She actually wants to be humiliated by being photographed! Weird, huh?”
One of the guys said, “Hey, wait a minute! You know, I saw this chick here on campus the other day, and she was going around asking guys to grade her tits. She has a serious exhibitionist gig, I guess.”
The other girl said, “Well, okay, as long as she’s asking for it. Let’s get some pics done!” They did several poses with Lily, but no groping from the boys, who must have been with their girlfriends.
Lily decided to speak up. “Thanks, guys, for the selfies. Don’t forget to post them, like it says on the sign. But before you leave, could I ask you to please unclip these clothespins from my nipples? They hurt like hell, and I’ve had them on for almost a half hour.”
One of the girls obliged, and Lily quickly discovered how much pain comes with the blood flowing back into her nipples. “Ahhh! Oww!” This was worse than wearing the clothespins! But as the four students retreated back to the hiking trail, the nipple pain eased a bit, so she was thankful she had asked.
In the next hour, Lily had only a few more visitors. There was a larger group that sounded like a
Boy Scout – or, OMG a Cub Scout – troop, so she decided not to attract their attention. She also noticed a person walking on the trail who sounded like they had a walkie-talkie, and Lily was afraid they might be security, so she kept quiet.
But she did have a few visitors who were less than polite and gave her spread and naked body a lot of gropes and rude caresses before leaving her alone. There was not an inch of her body that had not had many hands exploring it, and it wasn’t only males. There were a couple of females who got off on heavy petting her. Lily had never felt so helplessly humiliated.
Eventually, she heard Erika and Abbie approach, and Abbie removed her blindfold. “Time’s up, pledge. So. We’ve been keeping track of your selfies, as well as the other pledges’ selfies, to see who won and who lost the Tied-Up-In-The-Forest game. I hate to break it to you, but you have come in dead last in this little contest.”
Lily’s body drooped, and her eyes teared up a bit. All of that incredible embarrassment with total strangers, and she still finished in last place!
“I’ll bet you want to know what you ‘win’ for last place, huh? Well, here it is, and it ain’t pretty. You are going to remain where you are, tied to the tree and fully exposed, until after dark, when you will be released. Then Abbie and I will drive you back to the entrance to campus and deposit you there, still naked. From there, you are going to do the ultimate walk of shame, back to your dorm room – stark naked, with your hands tied behind your back, and barefoot.”
Lily’s mind went into total denial mode. “No. No. That’s not. . . I can’t. . .”
Erika and Abbie just ignored her, as they placed the blindfold back over her eyes. “Here’s the good news: you are no longer required to recruit viewers over to your tree. But if anyone does happen to notice you, just stick to the script as you have been, and pose for the selfies. It should be dark in about an hour or so.”
Luckily for Lily, no one noticed her from the clearing for the next hour, and Erika and Abbie showed up to release her at last. It was a relief to move her arms – they had become very stiff from being stretched over her head for several hours. She was led over to a car and put in the back seat, still naked, while Erika and Abbie got in the front and started out. She thought she’d try again to negotiate with Erika and Abbie. “Listen, sisters, I understand that there are rules, and I certainly acknowledge that I lost the game. But there must be an alternative penance. I can’t walk the length of campus totally naked, even if it is after dark. I just can’t. What else can I do that would satisfy the sorority?”
“Oh, stop whining, Willy. This will be over before you know it.” Erika and Abbie glanced at each other and chuckled.
Lily was having no luck with her pleading. It was just a few minutes’ drive to the campus entrance, where the car came to a stop and Lily was ordered to get out. “Okay, Willy, this is where your walk of shame begins. Aren’t you glad that you don’t have to do it blindfolded?!”
Lily was practically vibrating, and she honestly didn’t know how she was going to make it through her last-place “prize”. She was kind of frozen, waiting to wake up from this nightmare. But Erika’s voice snapped her out of it. “Pledge, put your wrists together behind your back.” Lily obeyed, and Abbie tied her wrists together with cotton rope. “Now squeeze your elbows together until they touch.”
Lily tried to do this, but she couldn’t quite get her elbows to touch. Abbie looped another rope between her two elbows, securing them behind her back as well. The result was that Lily’s breasts were thrust forward somewhat obscenely, and her hands were unable to hide any of her nudity.
The final insult came next. Abbie ordered Lily to place her feet shoulder-width apart, which she did. Then Abbie took some sewing thread and made an anklet out of it on each of Lily’s ankle. She then tied a separate single thread between the two anklets.
Abbie explained, “Okay, pledge, here’s how this works. You have a length of sewing thread connecting your two ankles. If you stride your ankles too far apart, the thread will break pretty easily. And you don’t want your thread to break, because if it does, we will see it when we inspect you as you arrive at your dorm entrance. A broken thread means that you will need to repeat your walk of shame all over again. So – no long strides, and definitely no running. Get it?”
Lily could not believe how Erika and Abbie could keep piling on her misery. They were genuinely enjoying this. “Yes, sister. I understand.”
“Then get going. See you in the morning.” Erika swatted Lily’s butt, and she and Abbie got back in their car and drove off.
Lily had to take a moment to quietly erupt before she set off for her dorm, which was on the opposite end of campus from where she was now. The fastest way to get there was down the main campus street and across the quad – the most populous areas of campus. And it was Saturday night, so student parties would just be starting up. Of course. But she decided to take the fastest route anyway, just to get this over with.
She took one big breath and started off. She walked slowly, not wanting to test the length of the thread between her ankles. This was the fiendish part of the ankle-thread: the thread was not visible to the casual onlooker, so it appeared that Lily was just taking a slow, casual walk across the campus – even though she was naked as a jailbird.
It took Lily about half an hour to walk to her dorm, and she was red-faced and goose-bumped the entire time. Lots of catcalls and rude comments the entire trip.
“Love those tits, sweetie!”
“Come over here, and I’ll warm up that cute fanny of yours!”
“I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking blowjob!”
Every time she was tempted to speed up, she remembered the penalty for breaking the thread and decided she definitely did NOT want to make this walk again. So she slowed down and took the embarrassing abuse.
When Lily finally arrived at her dorm, she was met by Erika, who checked to make sure her ankle threads were intact. She then released her ankles, wrists, and elbows. Lily then slinked back to her dorm room, where her roommate – looking a little confused – let her back in to get dressed and fall into bed.
Saturday morning found Lily still staked out on the lawn, face down and half-naked, behind the Psi Kappa Alpha fraternity house. The Friday afternoon activities had tired her out, and she couldn’t help but sleep from exhaustion, except she kept getting interrupted by frat boys groping her, feeling up her butt, and tweaking her clitoris (anything more was forbidden) every time she started to fall asleep.
At 8:00am, Erika arrived to get Lily untied, so that she could return to the sorority house for breakfast with the other pledges, all of whom had apparently suffered similar humiliations at the fraternity house the night before. After breakfast, the pledges were allowed to get a few hours’ sleep before embarking on their full-day hazing session.
The Saturday pledge activities started with the pledges being provided with new wardrobes. Lily’s consisted of a thin white tube top, low-cut jeans, black thong panties, and pink flip-flops. No bra, and her thong strings were showing above her belt line. Definitely a “slutty” look that she was not accustomed to.
The ten pledges were then deployed to ten separate locations around campus and told to expect text messages giving them instructions. Lily was sent to the student center cafeteria, which included both indoor and outdoor seating areas. Once there, she received her first text message:
Oh, boy. Ugh. In her low-cut jeans and tube top, she was not gonna get much respect on this one. But here goes. “Hi, how ya doing, guys?”
They all looked up and were happily surprised to see such a cute girl, looking a bit like a hooker, standing at their table.
“All right, cute stuff!”
“Welcome to our table. We were just talking about how hungry we were!”
Lily kept her cutest smile. “I’ve got a question for one of you guys.”
The dark-skinned jock with wavy black hair spoke first. “I’m all yours, sweetheart. Hit me with it.”
Lily cleared her throat. “Um. Exactly how big is your c-cock?”
The four guys exploded in laughter.
“Whoa! That’s top secret, lady!”
“Well, she’s kinda shy, isn’t she?!
Her jock took it in stride. He chuckled, “You mean fully erect, or flaccid?”
Lily wasn’t ready for that question. She improvised, “Um, let’s say, fully erect.”
“Okay. Well, how about I take it out, and you can measure it for me?”
Lightly laughing, “No, no, I’d prefer to look but not touch.”
“What is this, some sort of initiation or something like that?”
“Yeah, something like that.” She was forcing herself to be friendly and casual, even though this was embarrassing as hell.
“Okay, well, you’re kinda cute, so I’ll give you a break. My fully erect penis is nine inches.”
“Great, thanks! But, um, I need to confirm. I mean, if you don’t mind.”
The jock was taken aback, but quickly recovered. “Damn, girl, you can inspect it all you like. Is right here alright for you?”
“Yes, please, that’s fine. Thank you.”
The jock reached down to unbutton and unzip. He turned in his chair to make sure Lily could see. “Uh-oh, you’re not seeing it at full sail, so you won’t be able to confirm my erect nine inches. What are we gonna do about that, do you think?”
Lily was trapped, and there only seemed one way to get this over and done. She crouched down to play with his dick, which he definitely enjoyed. “Oh, my comrades, she’s on it! She’s got the touch! I’m in love!”
It took several minutes of sexy touching, tickling, and stroking to get him fully erect, at which time Lily stopped and pronounced him truthful in his nine-inch claim. She then took a closeup photo so she could confirm her completion. He zipped up and turned back in his chair. “Come back any time, cute stuff. I hope you pass your initiation.”
Lily retreated red-faced to the indoor seating area, anxious to erase the memory of the dick measurement. She sent Erika the photo and texted: VISUAL CONFIRMATION OF PENIS AT 9 INCHES.
Her next text message arrived from Erika:
Huge sigh from Lily. Removing her jeans will only make her look sluttier than she already did. Let’s do this and get it over with. She approached the table with the four students.
“Hi! Sorry to interrupt. Can I do a karaoke for you? Just one song, if that’s okay.”
The students looked a bit bewildered but agreed to be her audience for the one song. “Yeah, I guess so, if that’s your thing.”
“Thank you, it is! Actually what is really my thing is doing karaoke b-bottomless.”
There was complete silence from the four students. Then, “You mean no pants?”
“I’ll make you a deal. I’ll give you my jeans, and you only have to return them to me if you enjoy my performance. I know this sounds a little crazy, but it’s what I get off on.”
The two boys were eager to see this, and the girls agreed to let them have their fun. They said okay.
Lily quickly slipped her flip-flops off and pushed her jeans down to the floor, kicked them off, and handed them to one of the girls. The four students were surprised to see so much of Lily’s skin exposed; just a thin tube top and a black thong. She was practically naked in the cafeteria.
Lily checked her phone to see which song she would be singing. Oh, great! It was “I Feel Pretty” from West Side Story. They couldn’t have picked a more embarrassing song to be performed half naked! At least she knew the song, so she pressed Play and started to sing.
I feel pretty
Oh so pretty
I feel pretty and witty and gay
And I pity any girl who isn’t me today
Lily managed to carry a tune, but these lyrics were humiliating in her current state, and she couldn’t bring herself to do anything more than sway back and forth. She stole a glance at her little audience, and she could tell that they were not too excited by her performance. She definitely wanted her pants back, so she began to add some dance moves to give the appearance that she was an entertainer.
I feel charming
Oh so charming. . .
Lily was struggling to perform while being this embarrassed, but she pushed on and tried to shut out the circumstances. She upped the dance movements, to the delight of the boys at the table, who were totally fixated on her mostly bare butt. She finally made it through the song and finished with a flourish and a bow.
“TA DA! How was that?!”
The boys at the table were grinning ear to ear, but the girls looked much less impressed. They conferred privately and finally turned back to Lily to let her know that she “barely” (ha ha) passed the test. They reluctantly threw her jeans back to her, and she was quick to get dressed and get on to her next assignment. The text arrived a few minutes later:
OMG, thought Lily. Her butt was still tender from her many spankings last night. But okay, she thought, who do you suppose these “computer gamers” are? They sound safe enough. Let’s see. She walked up to the second floor and found the conference room. Next game, here we go. She knocked.
The door was answered, not by the male nerd he expected, but by a rather short goth-ish girl who appeared to be a freshman, like Lily. Short black hair with a green streak on one side. Black jeans and black boots. She didn’t seem to have much patience for Lily standing there in the hallway.
“Hello. I’m Willy, and. . .and I’ve been naughty. I need a spanking.” Lily was hoping that this girl would take the bait.
“Uh, excuse me?!”
“I need a good spanking. At least twenty smacks on my bare ass. Can you give me that?”
“Oh, yeah? Hm.” She turned to talk to the others in the room. “Hey, guys, there’s a slut here who is looking for a good spanking. Yeah, no kidding, right? Anyone want to give her a spanking?”
Lily stepped forward to see who was in the conference room. There were about eight students there, mostly gamer nerds – boys and girls. They were all staring at her in the doorway. One of the boys spoke up to the girl with the green streak, “Well, what about you, Zoe? You’re kinda into kink, aren’t you?”
“Shut up, only a little bit!” She looked at Lily up and down. “Okay, get your ass in here and we’ll see about giving you what you want.”
Lily stepped into the room, thankful that the most awkward part was over. The conference room was furnished with a simple table and rolling chairs. There were laptops littering the table, and there were full height windows along one wall, looking out on the campus quad, with the shades fully open.
Zoe grabbed Lily by one arm and led her around to the side of the table next to the windows. “Okay, this is pretty weird, but let’s do this! Right here okay with you?”
Right in front of the window, where anyone walking on the quad could see her if they looked? “Yes, here is fine, thank you.”
Zoe continued, “Face the table and raise your arms.” Lily obeyed, then felt Zoe’s hands unbuckling and unzipping her jeans. Zoe slid the jeans down to her ankles, then reached up and quickly pulled down her thong also. “Now lean forward until your elbows are resting on the table.” Lily did so, fully aware of the picture she was presenting to the gamers in the room as well as people in the quad below.
“Mmmm! That is one luscious looking ass! Almost hate to mark it up, but, y’know, this is what you asked for, and I would hate to disappoint you.” Lily heard laughter around the room as all the gamers seemed to have forgotten what they were supposed to be doing together and were now focused on this sexy – and kinky – spanking. Next thing Lily heard was Zoe’s belt being pulled out.
“You ready, there, Willy, sweetheart?”
“Yes, all ready.”
Zoe’s first swat with her leather belt was dead center on the softest part of Lily’s behind, and it was not timid. It stung like hell. But Lily remembered her texted instructions, and she shouted, “Harder!”
“Oh, yeah?! Not enough pain for you, huh? Okay, sweetie, I’ll stop tickling you.”
The rest of the belt swats were stronger and practically lifted Lily off the ground. It was a good thing the door was closed, because Lily was squealing and shrieking at every stroke. When it was over, she wiped her tears and asked Zoe to take a butt pic with her phone, so she could show Erika just how red she was.
Lily wasted no time pulling her thong and jeans back up and exiting the conference room. Then she sent her butt pic to Erika, hoping to hear that she could take a break now. She quickly got a return message:
Hmm, Lily wondered, what was that about? The sorority house was about a fifteen-minute walk from the student center, so she reckoned it would be about twenty minutes trying to skip in her flip-flops. After the first minute or so, Lily discovered Erika’s evil plan: the skipping got her breasts bouncing pretty hard, and in her thin white tube top, this was plainly visible to everyone she passed. Also, the skipping was causing her jeans to rub against her bare just-spanked butt cheeks, which hurt like hell. She was a mess by the time she reached the sorority house.
All the pledges gathered back in the main room in their various states of slutty undress. Alyssa, the pledge director, addressed the group. “One last event for today, pledges. Each of you will be escorted to a new location off-campus, where you will have assignments to fulfill. Some of you are hanging on by a thread right now, so you’d better do as you are told and get some good results. Away you go!”
Lily was taken to a car and shoved into the back seat. Erika and another sister named Abbie drove her for a short distance, reaching a wooded area just beyond the edge of campus. As they got out of the car, Abbie opened the trunk and retrieved a small suitcase. They walked along a popular hiking trail for about a hundred yards and stopped at a clearing. After a little searching, they found a tree that was about thirty feet beyond the clearing, and they ordered Lily to stand with her back up against the tree and put her wrists together in front of her.
Lily was immediately apprehensive, partially because she was now outside the safety of the campus. However, she thought to herself, she had come this far, and she was getting closer to making it into the sorority. She extended her arms, and Abbie brought out a length of rope and tied her wrists together. Erika then pulled out another length of rope and tied one end to the knot between Lily’s wrists. The other end, she tossed over a thick branch that was about nine feet high. Abbie then ordered Lily to raise her arms as high over her head as she could. Once she had done that, Abbie pulled her rope tight and tied it off on another, lower, branch on the back of the tree.
Lily was now stretched up against the tree with her arms pulled tight above her. Erika and Abbie then surveyed their captive, and Erika smiled and said, “Pledge, you look a little over-dressed for an afternoon in the forest. Let us relieve you of some of these clothes.”
Lily quietly panicked at the thought of being stripped in public in a forest with no way to cover up. But she tried to keep a brave face as best she could. Erika removed Lily’s flip-flops, which she deposited into the small suitcase they had brought. Then she unbuttoned and unzipped Lily’s jeans and slowly, teasingly slid them down her legs and off entirely, depositing them in the suitcase also. Abbie then pulled her tube top down off her tits, down her torso and legs, and off as well. She couldn’t resist giving Lily a vicious little tickle to her ribs as she did so.
Lily was now naked except for her thong panties. Erika snickered, “Pledge, how do you feel now, unburdened from all those clothes? Pretty good, huh?”
Lily was red faced and getting goosebumps. “I’m, uh, okay, I guess. You aren’t going to leave me here like this, are you?”
“Oh, no, not at all. We’re not done stripping you yet!” With another snicker, Abbie put her thumbs under the thong strings on both of Lily’s hips and inched the thong down, down, down her legs and off. Now she was completely naked and ready to cry from embarrassment.
Erika offered, “Hey, Willy, you’ve got some serious stripes on that butt! Way to go, girlie!” She then reached into the suitcase and produced a piece of display cardboard stapled to a wood stake. Erika showed the front of the sign to Lily; it said:
Lily’s heart sank. There was no escaping this. Erika pushed the sign into the ground directly in front of Lily and facing away from Lily, toward the clearing.
Erika and Abbie surveyed the scene. Lily was starting to sweat, from the warmth of the forest, from the embarrassment of being naked with no means of covering up, and from the shame of inviting strangers to take her picture. What Abbie did next didn’t help at all; she produced a length of black fabric, placed it over Lily’s eyes, and tied it behind her head, obscuring her sight completely.
Erika explained, “Okay, pledge, here’s what this game is all about. You will be here in this position, tied to this tree, blindfolded, for the next ninety minutes. You are far enough away from the hiking path that most people wandering nearby will not notice you. UNLESS, of course, you invite them over. Why would you do that? Because you are competing with your fellow pledges to see who will get the most – and who will get the least – photos sent it. Understand?”
Lily could only nod resignedly and say, “Yes, sisters, I understand. I will try my best.”
But Abbie was not quite done. “Willy, those tits are flat as pancakes with your arms up like that. You can’t be proud of that, can you? You need some attractors. Tell you what, I’ll help you out by getting those nipples bigger and harder.” With that, Lily felt Abbie approach and – using her spit for lubricant – start to rub and twist both of her nipples until they were sticking out hard. “There, that’s better, now, isn’t it?”
“Yes, sister, thank you. OUCH!!” Abbie had just clamped down on her left nipple with a clothespin. Then another clothespin on her right nipple. “OWW!! What is that?!”
“Those are spring clothespins, sweetie, and they look so cool on your nipples! Those will keep your nips big and hard for all your visitors.”
“OWW! You’re not going to leave them there, are you?!”
“Yeah, that’s the plan! You’ll get used to them in no time. Okay, we’re out of here. Smile pretty for the cameras! And remember, ninety minutes.” Lily heard Erika and Abbie pick up the suitcase – with all of her clothes inside – and walk back toward the nearby clearing. She was somewhat confident that they were going to stick around to make sure she was treated safely while tied up, but that didn’t make her situation any less miserable.
So, Lily waited it out, and the clothespins on her nipples started to hurt like hell. It was well over ten minutes before she heard the sounds of someone over in the clearing, and Lily was determined to get their attention. “Hello! Hi, there! Over here, please!”
She heard the voices of two guys – younger guys as best she could tell from their voices. “Stuart, look at that, a naked girl with a blindfold on, and she wants to have selfies taken! Let’s do it, man!” The two boys took turns posing with Lily, and by the third or fourth pose, their hands had begun wandering over her body – initially groping her tits and her butt, then eventually exploring her clit and vagina. Lily had already determined that she would not deliberately engage in conversation with any of her visitors, and these two guys were definitely not interested in conversation. After a dozen or so photos, they were ready to get back to the hiking trail.
Lily reminded them, “Please don’t forget to post those photos, like it says on the sign.”
“Okay, tiny tits, don’t worry, we got you.” And they were off.
Lily relaxed again, but she couldn’t ignore the piercing pain in her nipples. She recalled Abbie’s instructions, and she didn’t really say that Lily had to keep the clothespins on. She tried shaking her shoulders to see if she could dislodge them, but no luck. Hmm.
Some time later, she heard more voices over in the clearing. Sounded like guys and girls. She shouted, “Hi, over here! Naked girl over here! Selfie opportunity!”
As they approached, Lily guessed that it was two couples – two guys and two girls – and they sounded like students. One of the girls said, “Well, look at this! She actually wants to be humiliated by being photographed! Weird, huh?”
One of the guys said, “Hey, wait a minute! You know, I saw this chick here on campus the other day, and she was going around asking guys to grade her tits. She has a serious exhibitionist gig, I guess.”
The other girl said, “Well, okay, as long as she’s asking for it. Let’s get some pics done!” They did several poses with Lily, but no groping from the boys, who must have been with their girlfriends.
Lily decided to speak up. “Thanks, guys, for the selfies. Don’t forget to post them, like it says on the sign. But before you leave, could I ask you to please unclip these clothespins from my nipples? They hurt like hell, and I’ve had them on for almost a half hour.”
One of the girls obliged, and Lily quickly discovered how much pain comes with the blood flowing back into her nipples. “Ahhh! Oww!” This was worse than wearing the clothespins! But as the four students retreated back to the hiking trail, the nipple pain eased a bit, so she was thankful she had asked.
In the next hour, Lily had only a few more visitors. There was a larger group that sounded like a
Boy Scout – or, OMG a Cub Scout – troop, so she decided not to attract their attention. She also noticed a person walking on the trail who sounded like they had a walkie-talkie, and Lily was afraid they might be security, so she kept quiet.
But she did have a few visitors who were less than polite and gave her spread and naked body a lot of gropes and rude caresses before leaving her alone. There was not an inch of her body that had not had many hands exploring it, and it wasn’t only males. There were a couple of females who got off on heavy petting her. Lily had never felt so helplessly humiliated.
Eventually, she heard Erika and Abbie approach, and Abbie removed her blindfold. “Time’s up, pledge. So. We’ve been keeping track of your selfies, as well as the other pledges’ selfies, to see who won and who lost the Tied-Up-In-The-Forest game. I hate to break it to you, but you have come in dead last in this little contest.”
Lily’s body drooped, and her eyes teared up a bit. All of that incredible embarrassment with total strangers, and she still finished in last place!
“I’ll bet you want to know what you ‘win’ for last place, huh? Well, here it is, and it ain’t pretty. You are going to remain where you are, tied to the tree and fully exposed, until after dark, when you will be released. Then Abbie and I will drive you back to the entrance to campus and deposit you there, still naked. From there, you are going to do the ultimate walk of shame, back to your dorm room – stark naked, with your hands tied behind your back, and barefoot.”
Lily’s mind went into total denial mode. “No. No. That’s not. . . I can’t. . .”
Erika and Abbie just ignored her, as they placed the blindfold back over her eyes. “Here’s the good news: you are no longer required to recruit viewers over to your tree. But if anyone does happen to notice you, just stick to the script as you have been, and pose for the selfies. It should be dark in about an hour or so.”
Luckily for Lily, no one noticed her from the clearing for the next hour, and Erika and Abbie showed up to release her at last. It was a relief to move her arms – they had become very stiff from being stretched over her head for several hours. She was led over to a car and put in the back seat, still naked, while Erika and Abbie got in the front and started out. She thought she’d try again to negotiate with Erika and Abbie. “Listen, sisters, I understand that there are rules, and I certainly acknowledge that I lost the game. But there must be an alternative penance. I can’t walk the length of campus totally naked, even if it is after dark. I just can’t. What else can I do that would satisfy the sorority?”
“Oh, stop whining, Willy. This will be over before you know it.” Erika and Abbie glanced at each other and chuckled.
Lily was having no luck with her pleading. It was just a few minutes’ drive to the campus entrance, where the car came to a stop and Lily was ordered to get out. “Okay, Willy, this is where your walk of shame begins. Aren’t you glad that you don’t have to do it blindfolded?!”
Lily was practically vibrating, and she honestly didn’t know how she was going to make it through her last-place “prize”. She was kind of frozen, waiting to wake up from this nightmare. But Erika’s voice snapped her out of it. “Pledge, put your wrists together behind your back.” Lily obeyed, and Abbie tied her wrists together with cotton rope. “Now squeeze your elbows together until they touch.”
Lily tried to do this, but she couldn’t quite get her elbows to touch. Abbie looped another rope between her two elbows, securing them behind her back as well. The result was that Lily’s breasts were thrust forward somewhat obscenely, and her hands were unable to hide any of her nudity.
The final insult came next. Abbie ordered Lily to place her feet shoulder-width apart, which she did. Then Abbie took some sewing thread and made an anklet out of it on each of Lily’s ankle. She then tied a separate single thread between the two anklets.
Abbie explained, “Okay, pledge, here’s how this works. You have a length of sewing thread connecting your two ankles. If you stride your ankles too far apart, the thread will break pretty easily. And you don’t want your thread to break, because if it does, we will see it when we inspect you as you arrive at your dorm entrance. A broken thread means that you will need to repeat your walk of shame all over again. So – no long strides, and definitely no running. Get it?”
Lily could not believe how Erika and Abbie could keep piling on her misery. They were genuinely enjoying this. “Yes, sister. I understand.”
“Then get going. See you in the morning.” Erika swatted Lily’s butt, and she and Abbie got back in their car and drove off.
Lily had to take a moment to quietly erupt before she set off for her dorm, which was on the opposite end of campus from where she was now. The fastest way to get there was down the main campus street and across the quad – the most populous areas of campus. And it was Saturday night, so student parties would just be starting up. Of course. But she decided to take the fastest route anyway, just to get this over with.
She took one big breath and started off. She walked slowly, not wanting to test the length of the thread between her ankles. This was the fiendish part of the ankle-thread: the thread was not visible to the casual onlooker, so it appeared that Lily was just taking a slow, casual walk across the campus – even though she was naked as a jailbird.
It took Lily about half an hour to walk to her dorm, and she was red-faced and goose-bumped the entire time. Lots of catcalls and rude comments the entire trip.
“Love those tits, sweetie!”
“Come over here, and I’ll warm up that cute fanny of yours!”
“I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking blowjob!”
Every time she was tempted to speed up, she remembered the penalty for breaking the thread and decided she definitely did NOT want to make this walk again. So she slowed down and took the embarrassing abuse.
When Lily finally arrived at her dorm, she was met by Erika, who checked to make sure her ankle threads were intact. She then released her ankles, wrists, and elbows. Lily then slinked back to her dorm room, where her roommate – looking a little confused – let her back in to get dressed and fall into bed.
- litrob2000
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Re: In Another Haze
All: I'm working on the next chapter, which will be Lily's last day. It's going to take me another week or two, but I'll post it as soon as I'm happy with it. Keep the faith. Robbie
- litrob2000
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Re: In Another Haze
Waking up on Sunday morning, Lily wasn’t sure whether yesterday was reality or a nightmare. She finally reconciled herself to reality – and was embarrassed to admit it – when a new text message arrived from Erika:
This was actually a relief, since the previous days’ wardrobes had all involved partial nudity. She dressed herself in jeans and a comfortable royal blue tee shirt, plus the usual – i.e., pre-hazing – requisite assortment of undies, socks, and shoes. She set off for the sorority house, using big strides in relief from last night’s campus stroll. On arriving at the sorority house, she was pleased to see that Emma and Billie appeared to have survived Saturday’s fraternity activities in fair shape. Like Lily, they looked happy to be allowed to dress in normal clothes; Emma was wearing a white print button-up blouse and jeans, and Billie was in khaki shorts and a brown polo shirt.
Alyssa addressed the whole group in the front room. “Alright, pledges, only one day to go before you’re done with The Final. This is also the final day of pledging for the boys at Psi Kappa Alpha, so we have invited their pledges over to our house for a full day of playing Truth or Dare with you.”
The pledges all cringed a little at this news, and there were quite a few sideways glances among them. Truth or Dare with a group of boys they didn’t know? And knowing how nasty their tormentors could be, this was bound to be a long and humiliating day.
Alyssa continued, “We will once again break up into pledge groups, so report to your pledge captains now.” Lily, Emma, and Billie were met by Erika, who told them that their group was going to remain in the DBD main room. Then they met up with three pledges from Psi Kappa Alpha who introduced themselves:
Noah – 6ft 1in, blonde, wavy hair, handsome
Ethan – 5ft 6in, dark hair cropped close, muscular
Alex – 5ft 10in, Latino, dark wavy hair, tight ass
This group of Delta Beta Delta pledges then introduced themselves (as a reminder):
Lily – 5ft 7in, long sandy hair, B-cup breasts, sexy ass
Emma – 5ft 6in, British, thin and blonde, with admirable C-cup breasts
Billie – 5ft 9in, shy African American with a full mouth, C-cup breasts, and a narrow figure
Erika told everyone to be seated. There were four sofas arranged in a circle in the middle of the room, with a sturdy, square, low table in the very center. This was enough seating for the six pledges, plus Erika and a Psi Kappa Alpha fraternity brother – Dennis, who was their pledge captain. As this group was being seated on the sofas, a dozen or so sorority and fraternity members filtered in to witness the fun and games. It was at this point that Lily noticed that the window shades were fully open, meaning anyone passing by on the sidewalk could have a good view in to see the Truth or Dare proceedings.
Dennis got the games going. “It’s time for The Finals Truth or Dare with our six pledges – three from Delta Beta Delta and three from Psi Kappa Alpha. Let’s get set up by having our pledges re-arrange themselves so that there is one boy pledge and one girl pledge in each sofa.” After a quick shuffle, Dennis continued, “Okay, now we’re ready. Here are the rules of this game.
“One: The truths and dares have been submitted by sorority and fraternity members, some of whom are in attendance here.
“Two: Round One is truths only. After that, it’s dares only.
“Three: Rounds Two and Three are individual dares.
“Four: All subsequent rounds are couples dares. Each girl will pair with a different boy in each round.
“Five: You may be required to remove some of your clothes during the game. Once a piece of clothing is off, it stays off for the remainder of the game.
“Six: Refusing a dare is not an option – don’t even ask.”
Erika stood up. “So, those are the rules. Let’s get going; it’s going to be fun – for some of us.” General chuckling and tittering from around the room.
Round One
Erika held up a small stack of note cards. “I will select truths from this stack of note cards. First Truth is for Ethan. What is most number of times you have cum in one day?”
Ethan said, “Uhh. Three, I think.”
Erika replied, “Only three, huh? We may see you break that record today!” The crowd applauded.
“Next Truth is for Enema. How many partners have you had oral sex with, and did you swallow?”
Emma had to think for a second. “The answer is four. Oh, and always swallowing!” Applause again.
“You’re our hero, Enema. Next Truth is for Alex. What turns you on sexually that you wish your lovers knew?”
Alex blushed and looked around at all the onlookers in the room. “I guess I’m turned on by bondage.”
“Well, we’ll have to see if we can satisfy that one today. Sound Good? Next Truth is for BJ. When was last time you masturbated, and what were you fantasizing about?”
Billie looked down at the floor. Doing this in front of boys was really embarrassing for her. “It was last night, and I fantasized about strange boys seeing me naked and tied up in the woods.”
“Aha! And that had actually happened, hadn’t it?! Were you turned on being naked in the woods?”
“Um, I guess I was, sorta. Not that I’d actually want to relive that myself.”
“Uh-huh, right! Moving on. Next Truth is for Noah. Who is the sexiest pledge in the room, and why?”
Noah had to have another look at his fellow pledges before announcing, “I’ll go with Emma, cause of her sexy British accent. Oh, and her outstanding tits.” Everyone, including Emma, had a good laugh at that one.
“Final Truth is for Willy. When you cum, what sounds do you make?”
Lily was a bit relieved that this one was not all that revealing or embarrassing. She closed her eyes, wound up, and let loose with, “Ahh! AHH! Oh My God! OH MY GOD!!”
“Well, I suppose we can accept that answer, but we’ll have one or two opportunities later to see how truthful that was, okay?” Lily blushed and nodded. More crowd applause.
Round Two
Dennis held up a different pack of note cards. “Just a reminder, Round Two is individual dares. We’ll start with BJ.” Billie tensed up immediately; these were bound to be pretty embarrassing dares.
“BJ, stand in the middle of the table and strip naked.”
Billie blushed furiously at the thought of stripping in front of so many strange boys. She stood and stepped up on the table, which was about twelve inches high. She began by pulling off her sneakers and her low-cut white socks. Then she hesitated before unbuckling her belt and sliding her khaki shorts down her legs and off completely. Next, she raised her polo shirt over her head and dropped that to the ground. She paused and took one big breath; she was suddenly very aware if the unshaded windows, where she could see a small crowd start to gather and stare into the sorority house. Then she reached behind her, unhooked her bra, and slowly lowered it to expose her beautiful C-cup breasts. She started to cover her breasts with her arms, then realized that there was no use being shy about this, when she was probably going to spend the next several hours naked to this crowd – and to the sidewalk crowd. Finally, she pushed her panties to the floor and stepped out of them. She had to force herself to keep her arms at her sides.
“BJ, just a reminder: you’re not getting any of those clothes back today. So please gather them up and hand them over to Carrie.” Carrie was a sorority sister who was standing nearby. She walked over to the table, took the pile of clothes from Billie, and retreated to another room. “Now, BJ, give us a nice slow turn around so everyone can get a good look at your, uh, attributes.” Billie did two turns up on the table. Polite applause and wolf whistles from the attendees.
“Okay, you may return to your sofa. The next dare is for your seat partner, Noah. Noah, just like you just saw BJ do, get up on the table and strip naked. We’re all pretty excited about this, by the way.”
The sorority girls responded, “Hell, yes! Let’s see that stuff!”
Noah was a very handsome blonde, about 6ft tall. He hesitated slightly stepping up on the table, but then got right to it. He stepped out of his sandals and dropped his jeans to the floor, stepping out of them. Then he pulled his sweater over his head, showing off an athletic abdomen and chest. The sorority girls gave him some nice oohs and aahs. He finished off by pulling down his black briefs to reveal a slightly disappointing penis – fairly thin and not as long as the girls were hoping. However, they did appreciate this bare male body in such close proximity, so they gave some encouraging applause.
“Noah, please give us that nice 360-degree view with a slow turn.” Noah accommodated to everyone’s enjoyment, since he did display a tight, sexy ass. “Thanks, Noah, now please return to your seat next to BJ. Out next dare is for Willy. Willy, please step up onto the table. Your clothes are to be stripped off, also, but the stripping will be done by your seat partner, Ethan. Sound like fun?”
Lily gulped and stood up. “Yes, sister, that would be nice, thank you.” She stepped up onto the table and took a deep breath before looking down expectantly at Ethan. Ethan got up and hesitated, not quite sure how to start.
Dennis chimed in helpfully, “Up to you, Ethan, you can remove any article in any order you please.”
Ethan seemed to like the sound of that. With a quick, slightly apologetic, glance at Lily, he reached for her shoes as a start and slipped them off her feet. Then, rather than doing the socks next, he went straight for her jeans, quickly unbuckling her belt and undoing the zipper. He then pulled the jeans down to the floor and off. His next move surprised everyone – he reached for her white panties and slowly inched them down, down, down her legs and off. This left her vulva and butt barely covered by the bottom of her royal blue tee shirt. Lily did not look very pleased about this embarrassment, but Ethan flashed her an “Ain’t this fun?” smile, and Lily melted a bit and rolled her eyes.
Next to come off was Lily’s tee shirt – she raised her arms over her head – and then her bra, which Ethan spotted as front-fastening. This gave him the opportunity to brush up against her breasts as he was undoing it. Now Lily was completely naked except for her socks, which Ethan almost forgot until Lily cleared her throat to remind him. Like Billie before her, it was everything Lily could do to keep her arms at her sides and not crawl under a piece of furniture in shame.
Dennis was excited to see the DBD pledges exposing all, especially since it was only the second round of the game. “Very nice. Now give us a nice slow spin so we can get a good look at you, Willy.” Lily did an internal eyeroll and then a slow turn so everyone – including the onlookers outside on the sidewalk – could inspect her pert B-cup breasts, closely shaved vulva and tight, round bottom. Then she stepped back down off the table, relieved to be out of the spotlight, however briefly.
“Guess what’s next! Ethan will now take Willy’s place on the table, and she will be the one stripping him. Let’s do it!”
Ethan was a little shorter than Lily, so when he stood on the table, his whole height was easily reachable for her. After the embarrassment that Ethan put her through, she wasted no time. She reached immediately for his belt buckle and zipper, then tugged his chinos down to his ankles without hesitating. Next came his boxer briefs, which she also tugged straight down without pause, leaving Ethan mostly exposed in mere seconds. The sorority girls all gave shouts of approval for this quick stripping. “You got it, Willy! Keep going, girl!”
Lily now paused to glance up at Ethan’s face, and he was grinning and nodding slightly, recognizing that she had gotten even. She continued by unbuttoning his shirt and slipping it down his arms, fully exposing a nicely-sized – and mostly engorged – penis and a hairy, tanned torso that was only a little bit sexy-plump. To finish him off, she pulled his shoes and socks off and removed his pants and undies, leaving him completely naked on the table. Without being asked, he did the slow turn to show off his bare bod, and the sorority girls cheered and applauded in approval.
Dennis kept things going. “The next dare goes to Enema. You will step up onto the table and remove your shoes. Then you will be stripped naked by Alex – without using his hands! Very exciting!”
Emma was a bit caught off guard by this. She expected to be naked but was suspicious as to what might be entailed in Alex stripping her without using his hands. She stepped up onto the table, slipped off her shoes, and waited for Alex to work this out. Alex stood next to her, looking a little perplexed, realizing that he would primarily need to use his teeth for this. He began by kneeling down and asking Emma to raise her right foot, which she did; he then bit into the top of her sock and pulled it down and off. Then he repeated this on her left foot. Emma was suddenly embarrassed at the thought of a boy getting such a close smell of her feet.
Alex paused a moment to consider his next move. He decided on her jeans, so he gave a try at unbuckling her belt and undoing the zipper. This took a while, but he managed to get both undone using his teeth, and he then took on the difficult task of tugging her jeans down – not easy because they were tight. He was pretty sure it would have taken her a while to get her jeans down herself, given the tight fit. Gradually he inched them down, going from side to side, and finally he brought them down to her feet and off, and he elicited applause from the sorority girls for his efforts.
Unfortunately for Alex, Emma had chosen to wear a button-up blouse that day, so he went to work on the buttons with his teeth, starting at the top. After some difficulty, he managed to get the top two buttons open, at which point he thought he’d try tugging the shirt up over her head. However, this was not as easy as it appeared, due to Emma being better-endowed in the chest department than he realized. So it was back to the buttons, and Alex eventually found himself pulling her shirt down her arms and off, which required a little cooperation from Emma – who, by this point, was feeling a bit sorry for Alex.
Now Alex paused to take in the beautiful sight that was Emma in her undies, which were minimal and black and very sexy. After a few seconds of this, Alex turned her around, dug his teeth into her bra fasteners, and released them, which allowed him to pull her bra down her arms and off. Emma blushed bright red as her perfect tits were finally revealed to the crowd, fully aware that they would stay revealed for the rest of the day. Finally, Alex put his teeth to work on Emma’s panties, which he inched down, moving from side to side and pausing in between to brush his cheek against her soft and sexy mound, as well as getting in a few big sniffs of her aroma. Emma’s blush intensified as she slowly became fully naked and felt her panties fall to her feet before being carried out of the room.
Dennis was breathless. “Alex, I think I speak for everyone present when I say we are all ready to jerk off right here and now. Thank you for that. The final dare in Round Two is for Alex, and I don’t think you will be too surprised that your dare is to be stripped naked by Enema, no-hands. Ready? Go.”
Emma was keen to get Alex stripped as quickly as she could, so that she would not be standing in the middle of the room and performing any longer than necessary. After Alex removed his own shoes, she grabbed each sock in turn and pulled them off. Fortunately for her, Alex was wearing sweat pant shorts, so she did not have to deal with belt buckles or zippers; she merely pulled them down by alternating side to side with her teeth until they were down and off. Next was Alex’s polo shirt, which she slid upwards using her teeth, finally pulling it over his head and down his arms until it was off.
Alex was now down to his briefs, and Emma went right to work, but not quite as quickly as she was with his other garments. She wanted to be careful unmasking Alex’s penis and scrotum, lest she inadvertently touch them with her mouth. However, she found it impossible to avoid, as much as she tried. Several times during the lowering of Alex’s briefs, her cheeks and his penis came into contact, resulting in a full erection that was greatly appreciated by the sorority sisters, who gave it a standing ovation. Emma’s humiliation was complete, but she had finished the stripping of Alex and was able to sit down.
Round Two was over, and all six pledges were now fully naked for the rest of the game. They did not have long to wait before Round Three began and kicked things into the next gear.
Round Three
Dennis announced, “Okay, we are now on to Round Three, the second round of individual dares. I hold in my hand new note cards from the brothers and sisters – there is one stack for girls and another stack for boys. So let’s see what fun things they want you all to do. First dare goes to BJ, and here it is. You will lie down on the table with your wrists and ankles held in place by fraternity brothers. You will be tickled continuously on your feet for ten minutes. At any point in those ten minutes, you can take a break, but the clock will pause, and you will be encouraged – perhaps a better word is “coerced” – to resume the tickling. Okay, BJ, let’s get to it!”
Billie did not like the sound of this dare one bit. She was crazy ticklish on her feet, and she was pretty sure she could not endure ten straight minutes of tickling without going insane. But there was no backing out, so she arose from the sofa and laid down on the table. Two fraternity boys grabbed her wrists and held them in place straight above her head. Two more fraternity boys gripped her ankles and held them down together, just like her wrists, so that Billie’s naked body formed a straight line with her hands at one extreme and her feet at the other.
Dennis got things going. “Okay, BJ, you can pause the tickling at any time by saying, ‘Time Out!’. The ten minute clock will stop and one or two of the sorority girls will then come forward and try to coerce you to re-start the tickling, which you can do by saying, ‘Tickle Me’. Got it?” Billie was petrified and could only nod in agreement.
“Ready. Set. GO!” Two sorority girls immediately went to work tickling Billie’s feet, which immediately elicited howls of laughter and screams of terror from the unfortunate Billie. They kept at it for about three minutes, with Billie screaming and tossing on the table, until Billie decided she couldn’t take it any longer and shouted, “Time Out!” The tickling immediately stopped, but it was at this point that two other sorority sisters leaned in from either side and took hold of Billie’s nipples. Billie was not expecting this and shrieked in surprise. The girls began by pinching her nipples, then twisting them violently, with Billie yelling, “Get off! Get off! Owww!”
The girls just mocked her. “What did you say? Did you say, tickle me? Do you want to resume the tickling now? Cause if not, we’re ready to keep torturing your nipples all night long.”
“No! No! I can’t bear the tickling! Please stop this! My nipples really hurt!”
The girls mercilessly kept at it, now pulling her nipples away from her body and twisting at the same time. Billie screamed again.
“I guess she likes the nipple torture, cause I haven’t heard anybody say, tickle me.”
Billie had had it by now, so she shouted, “Tickle me!” With that, the nipple torture stopped and the ticklers excitedly went back to work on Billie’s feet, which initially felt like a relief to her, but quickly dissolved into laughing and squawking as the girls’ fingers explored her arches and the spaces between her toes. Billie forced herself to endure the tickling as long as she possibly could, but after about five more minutes, she was actually crying from laughing and could barely catch her breath, so she reluctantly called, “Time out!”
This time, Billie was surprised when no one went after her nipples. However, the fraternity boys holding her ankles lifted them up until they were pointed straight toward the ceiling, and a different sorority sister came forward with a paddle. Without pausing, she swung at Billie’s butt cheeks with a sharp blow that caused Billie to cry out, “Waa! Ohmigod! Ohmigod!”
The girl paused only a few seconds before taking a second blow. Then a third, and a fourth. Billie felt like her butt was on fire, and she couldn’t stop shouting and whimpering while she was getting paddled. After the fifth blow, Billie couldn’t take it any longer and shouted, “Tickle me!”
Billie’s ankles were brought back down to the table and the ticklers went to work with renewed vigor. Soon, Billie had resumed laughing and shrieking and twisting her body to try to avoid the tickling, but to no avail. She was having trouble catching her breath and was about ready to call time out again, when Dennis stepped in and said, “Time’s up, BJ! You survived the ten minutes. It’s back to the sofa for you.” Billie could only crawl back to the sofa, nursing her painful nipples and backside.
Dennis stood and drew another note card. “Our next dare is for Noah. Call your best friend of the romantic persuasion and have a ten minute sexy conversation with them. One of our sisters or brothers will do their best to distract you. Now, THAT sounds like a good time! Here’s your phone, please put it on speaker so we can all share your whole conversation.” Carrie appeared out of the crowd and handed him his cell phone, which she had pulled out of his pants back in the adjacent room. Dennis motioned for Noah to step up onto the table, stand in the center facing the windows, and spread his feet shoulder-width apart.
Noah blushed intensely as he scrolled through his contacts and placed his call.
Hi, Noah! I was hoping I would hear from you today!
"Hi, Cat. Yeah, I couldn’t wait to hear your sexy voice!"
At this point, Carrie stepped up onto the table and dropped to her knees immediately in front of Noah. She had a jar of lubricant in her left hand and scooped a generous amount into her right hand. Then she rubbed her hands together, reached up for Noah’s penis, and began slowly masturbating him in front of the whole audience – and the outside onlookers.
I’m happy to hear your sexy voice, too! What’s going on with you?
"Oh, y’know, not much. Just hangin’."
The whole audience had to stifle their laughter. Carrie cupped his balls in one hand and tickled their underside with the other.
"Ohhhh! Ah! Ummmmm!"
You okay there?
"Yeah, I was. . .uh. . .sorta hoping we could get together soon, maybe take in a movie? You know, sit in the back row and cuddle? OH! Hmmm?"
Wow, that sounds amazing!
Carrie’s hands returned to Noah’s penis, and she began to speed up her strokes. His dick was fully hard by now, and she was enjoying her complete control over his genitals.
I’d love to get my hands on you, that’s a great suggestion. Y’know, I’m actually getting a little wet just thinking about it.
"Oh, wow, I wish I was there to help you out, know what I mean? Your body is amazingly sexy."
Ohmigod, what a sweet thing to say. I totally get off on your body, too, y’know!
Carrie now stood up and pulled off her tee shirt, revealing a very sexy black lace bra.
"Especially your incredible breasts. They totally turn me on. I wish I could get my hands on them right now."
Okay! Well, listen, I’m taking off my shirt now and massaging my naked boobies.
Carrie reached behind her, unhooked her bra, and slid it down her arms. She paused to let Noah get a good look. Her breasts were extraordinary – D-cups that stood up beautifully, with rock-hard nipples. She pulled Noah close and danced with her naked breasts rubbing against his naked chest.
"Oh, yeah! I feel like I can actually see them and feel them. Don’t stop. Don’t stop."
I won’t, I’m getting pretty horny all my myself in the bed. Maybe I should take off some more clothes?
"Mmmm! Yes, I think so. Get naked for me, Cat."
Now Carrie dropped back down to her knees and returned her hands to Noah’s penis and scrotum. She started in again, masturbating his dick and tickling the underside of his balls. Noah felt like he was losing this little game quickly.
Here goes. My shorts are coming off now, and I’m feeling myself right through my panties. Oh, I’m just as wet as I can be.
"Ohhhhh! Wow! Ohhh!"
Oh, you sound so turned on, babe. I wish I was there with you to work on your beautiful dick. Just the thought of it is turning me on even more!
Carrie suddenly let go of Noah’s penis, at the same time capturing it between her ample naked breasts. She then pressed her breasts together and began to masturbate him with her tits. Her hands then reached around and grabbed Noah’s butt cheeks for some tight squeezing.
"Ah! Ah! I’m c- . . .I’m practically cumming just thinking about you. Ah! Oh!"
Well, what are you waiting for? Get naked too, and start rubbing yourself for me. Feel my hands all over your dick, your balls, your butt. . .
"I am! I am! I’m so hard. I’m going to cum any minute, I can feel it!"
My fingers are on my clit and in my vag, and I’m – YES! – I’m cumming! Ohhhhh! Wow! Omigod! Omigod, Noah, I’m still – OHHHH! – I’m still cumming! Oh, wow, that was amazing, Noah! Are you going to cum for me now?
Carrie quickly went back to using her hands on Noah’s practically-bursting penis, stroking faster and faster. The onlookers in the room – particularly the girls – were practically drooling in anticipation.
"Ahh! Ahhhhhh! Here we go! Now! Now! I’m cumming! OH! OHHH!"
Noah erupted all over Carrie’s hands and naked tits, an enormous amount of semen that had the sorority girls in the room quietly screaming with erotic joy.
"Oh, Cat, that was the best. I could feel you on me. You did me so beautifully!"
Noah lowered his head and looked down at Carrie. He smiled at her and put his left hand on her forehead, thoroughly blushing at the same time.
Noah! Noah, man, I am spent. Totally spent! You’re a great telephone lover. He-he! So, um, are we still going to the movies?
"Yes! Definitely, yes! I’ll text you and we’ll get it going. Okay, Cat?"
Okay, Noah. And no masturbating between now and then. Deal?
"Deal, babe! Bye!"
Dennis led the applause for Noah and handed Carrie a towel. “Well done, Noah, well done. Everyone in the room wants her name and number. Just kidding. Okay, let’s have your phone back, then you can return to your seat, next to BJ.
“The next dare is for Willy. This is called The Ice Cube Dare. We will all move outside to the back porch. We will empty an ice chest onto the porch, and your job is to retrieve as many ice cubes as you can and store them somewhere on your body. When you have retrieved and stored as many ice cubes as you can, you call, ‘Finished.’ If there are any ice cubes left on the patio floor, we will count them up, and you will receive one spank for each ice cube. Only after the spanking will you be allowed to remove ice cubes from your body. So, it’s off to the patio for everyone!”
The whole crowd was happily anticipating this one while re-located to the area around the outdoor patio. The patio was now covered with a clear plastic dropcloth, which had been stretched tight over the flat floor. Dennis announced, “Willy, we want you down on all fours – hands and knees, please. Once the ice cubes have been scattered on the floor, you are free to begin collecting them, but only on hands and knees. You can store them anywhere on your body, and if you need help, just shout out and we will let you know where you can put the ice cubes. Heh-heh! Begin whenever you’re ready. Here come the ice cubes!”
Two of the fraternity boys pulled out an ice chest and turned it over so that the ice cubes spilled all over the patio. It looked like there were close to a hundred of them. The crowd cheered and began chanting, “Ice Cubes! Ice Cubes! Ice Cubes!”
Lily could not imagine a dare more humiliating than this. First of all, she definitely did not want ice cubes up her vagina or up her butt. Secondly, there was no way she was going to manage to hold all of these dozens of ice cubes. And thirdly, her butt and vagina were going to be lewdly exposed to all of the sorority girls, fraternity boys, and neighboring onlookers for the entire time she was crawling around the porch.
She shuddered and got to work collecting ice cubes. These ice cubes were crescent-shaped and were actually very difficult to get hold of, since they were melting around their bottoms and sides, so it took longer for Lily to pick them up. Then she had to struggle to slip each cube into her orifices, starting with her anus. She managed to stuff only four cubes into her anus, each one causing new levels of discomfort. The sorority girls and fraternity boys were enjoying this immensely and began cheering her on.
With her anus full, Lily began stuffing the ice cubes into her vagina and labia, but she could do no more than five cubes there, and by now, the cubes in her butt were starting to get very painful. Lily surveyed the porch and noted that there were at least forty ice cubes not yet captured. Where to put them? She began cramming ice cubes into her mouth, where she could keep about twelve ice cubes. She had now run out of orifices and could not come up with a scheme to hold any more ice cubes, so she mumbled, “Finished!”
Dennis jumped in. “She’s finished storing ice cubes, so let’s count up ice cubes remaining. Girls, count out!”
Several sorority girls went to work finding and counting remaining ice cubes. By the time they were done counting, it was determined that thirty-four ice cubes remained. Dennis announced, “Thirty-four ice cubes remain, so that means that Willy will officially receive thirty-four spanks, all the while holding onto the ice cubes she has already collected. Come over here to the middle of the porch, Willy.
Lily waddled to the center of the porch, where Dennis had placed a sturdy straight chair. She was directed to lean forward over the back of the chair and put her hands down on the seat. Then she was told to spread her feet two feet apart. With Lily in this humiliating position, one of the fraternity boys was invited up to give Lily thirty-four swats with a paddle.
“Willy, you will count out the spanks and thank Gary for the paddling.”
“Yes, sir, I will, sir.”
Gary smiled as he swung the paddle freely into Lily’s soft behind. Lily squealed before announcing, “One. Thank you, Gary.”
The next blow was equally stinging. “Two. Thank you, Gary.”
By the tenth blow, Lily was crying in pain, both from the paddle swats and from the ice in her butt and vagina. She didn’t see how she was possibly going to make it to thirty-four. But the blows continued.
“Oww! Eleven. Thank you, Gary.”
On and on this went, with Gary not letting up one bit and Lily feeling the intense sting of the paddle more and more with every swat. Finally – somehow – Lily survived to thirty-four.
“Owww. Oww. Thirty-four. Thank you, Gary.”
Dennis said, “Okay, Willy, you can get up now. Wasn’t it great that Gary stepped forward to help with your paddling?”
“Yes, it was, sir.” Lily was able to look at Gary finally. “Thank you, Gary.”
“I think you should give Gary a big kiss to thank him, don’t you, Willy?”
“Yes, sir.”
“And make it a big, sexy kiss. At least a full minute. Spit out the ice in your mouth first.”
Lily quickly emptied her mouth of ice cubes and then turned back to Gary; she badly wanted to get this over with so she could get these tortuous ice cubes out of her vagina and butt. She put her arms around Gary and planted a big wet kiss on his lips. He responded by petting his large hands all over her naked body – thighs, butt, back, and tits – while returning her kiss with his lips and tongue. Lily thought that the one minute would never be over.
Dennis finally intervened. “Willy, that was well done, now let’s all hear about the next dare, and this one is for Ethan.” Ethan closed his eyes and prepared for the worst. “Ethan, you will be escorted around the neighborhood by two of our lovely sorority sisters. You will be silenced with a ball gag, and your hands will be tied behind your back. The sorority sisters will be choosing people on the street to jerk you off. When the sorority sisters feel like you have had enough stimulation, they will bring you back to the sorority house.”
Ethan was deathly afraid of public humiliation, so this could not have been a worse dare for him. But he took a large breath and stepped forward, where he was met by Erika and Abbie – the two girls who had tortured Lily in the woods the day before. They produced a ball gag, and Ethan submitted to having it inserted and fastened behind his head. Then they pulled out a length of rope and tied his wrists behind his back. Finally, Abbie produced a dog collar with an eight-foot chain, and she fastened the dog collar to Ethan’s neck. Ethan had never felt so helpless in his life.
Abbie spoke up, “Ethan, let’s head for the sidewalk in front; there are quite a few interested folks out there, I’m sure.” With that, Abbie led Ethan down along the side of the sorority house and out onto the front sidewalk. It was at that moment that Ethan noticed that Erika was using her phone camera to video this entire naked humiliation trip. Erika said, “Oh, yeah, Ethan, I forgot to mention that all of the sisters and brothers inside are going to see and hear this entire dare. You’re a porn star now!” Ethan groaned.
The crowd in front greeted them enthusiastically; at least the girls did – the boys were less appreciative. Abbie announced, “Ladies and gentlemen, this is pledge Ethan, and he is very, very horny. There is nothing in the world that would make him happier than for one of the young ladies here to take hold of his slightly shriveled penis and jerk him off. Who’s up for that?”
A tall, athletic girl with shoulder length blonde hair raised her hand. “Me first! Me first! I’ll take care of him!”
Abbie said, “We have our first volunteer! Come forward and meet your penis!”
“Oh, I see. It could certainly use some encouragement, couldn’t it?” She looked Ethan in the eye and quipped, “It does eventually get larger than this, doesn’t it, sweetie?” Ethan blushed furiously and nodded. “Okay, let’s get started on this little thing.” The crowd laughed and cheered, with the girls straining to get a good look at Ethan’s equipment.
Abbie offered some lube, which she took, then reached down and began seriously caressing his dick and scrotum, causing his cock to spring to life. After just a minute or so, Ethan’s cock already looked fully engorged. The blonde kept her eye contact with Ethan, making sure that he noticed the look of humorous contempt she was displaying to him and to her friends. Nevertheless, her relentless and very sexy stroking had him totally heated up and ready to cum at any second.
Erika intervened, “Okay, stop! That’s enough for now. We don’t want poor little Ethan to blow his load too soon. He has many more girls – and boys?! – to visit yet. Thank you all, we’re going to walk Ethan around for a few blocks to see how much humiliation he can actually take. Bye now!”
The crowd in front of the sorority house cheered and waved. The blonde took a bow and shouted, “Bye for now, little Ethan. Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you!”
For the next half hour, Ethan, Abbie, and Erika (with camera) paraded down the local streets, stopping occasionally to invite other students to give a very humiliated – and increasingly frustrated – Ethan a hand job with no ‘happy ending’, thanks to Abbie or Erika calling a stop at the last minute. They even made a point to lead Ethan past the campus LGBTQ+ center, where he was enthusiastically ‘serviced’ by a cute freshman boy. Ethan did not consider himself to be homophobic, but getting hot and hard from a cute freshman boy felt pretty humiliating to him.
After a forty minute naked circuit, which included six masturbation stops, Ethan was finally marched back to the sorority house, where he was greeted inside by the crowd of sorority sisters and fraternity brothers who had been viewing his naked adventures, via Erika’s video, on the big TV screen in the room. The dog collar was unfastened, his wrists were untied, and his ball gag was removed. He slunk to the sofa and plopped down next to Lily.
Dennis kept things moving along. “The next dare goes to Enema. Enema, it’s a good thing you’re such an exhibitionist, because your dare is to stand in the front window for ten minutes with a remote-controlled vibe up your cute little twat. Now get over here!”
Emma was anything BUT an exhibitionist. Before this week, she could count on one hand the number of people who had seen her completely naked. And now she was expected to exhibit her naked body to everyone walking by the sorority house. Emma walked timidly to the front window, where she was met by Carrie, who instructed her to bend forward at the waist and spread her legs. Carrie then pulled a rather large vibe out of a case she had in her pocket and eased it into Emma’s vagina.
Dennis said, “Enema, you are now to stand just inside the middle window, facing out onto the street, and put your hands behind your head.” Emma obeyed, now fully aware of the dozens of students and others standing on the sidewalk, just waiting for such a moment. “Now I want you to perform a nice sexy dance for the crowd. And let’s have a big smile; you are really enjoying this!”
Emma had to force herself to put on a show, pretending that she was having a really good time standing and smiling in the window for their enjoyment.
“Enema, your little nudie show is to last at least ten minutes, but you can let it go longer if you’re having so much fun that you just can’t stop. When you ARE ready to stop, just shout out that you’re done. We are not going to announce the time, we will count on you to figure out how long ten minutes is. But I have to warn you, if you stop before the ten minutes is up, you’re going to have to start all over again.”
“Understood. Thank you, sir.” With that, Emma started dancing in the window, and before she knew it her vibe sprang to life. She wasn’t sure who was controlling her vibe, but they started out strong. Without even realizing it, her butt was starting to wriggle to match the vibe’s rhythms. She then felt the vibe cycle through waves of heavy stroking alternating with smooth tickling. This cycling was definitely getting her wet, and with her hands behind her head, there was nothing she could do to keep the wetness a secret from the audience outside.
Emma’s dancing was getting more convincing as she went, but it was very difficult dancing convincingly without music. It helped for her to hum something to herself. She occasionally closed her eyes and tilted her head back to mimic having an orgasm – but her mimicking was getting very believable as the vibe started pounding its way farther into her vagina. Emma totally lost track of the fact that she was being viewed – and cheered – by so many people while completely naked.
She also lost track of how long she had been dancing in the window. It felt like forever. She was more than ready to shout “finished” but thought she had better be on the safe side and keep dancing a bit longer. The vibe slowed to a gentle stroking, went completely still, then sprang suddenly back to life. Emma’s whole body was rocking to the rhythm of the vibe, and the viewers outside were loudly enjoying her naked display in the window, complete with Emma’s bright smile the whole time.
Finally, Emma thought it was safe to call a halt to her vibe dance, so she shouted, “Finished!” and stepped back away from the window. Dennis said, “Enema, you will be happy to know that you fulfilled your ten minute minimum, and we all appreciated that you gave us an additional SIX MINUTES of quality naked dancing. Thanks for that!”
Emma groaned that she had overestimated the length of time without the benefit of a watch or clock to refer to. Six extra minutes of humiliation. She just shook her head and sat back down.
Dennis announced, “The last individual dare is for Alex, so here we go. Alex, you are to replace Enema, standing in the same window and also facing the outdoors. But your hands will not be on your head, they will be busy working on your own cock and balls. You are to masturbate yourself in full view of the sidewalk crowd, and you will not stop jerking off until you have cum all over the window. At that point you can stop stroking and clean the window by licking off all of your cum. Sounds like quite a show, let’s get going!”
Alex reluctantly stepped up to the window and received a nice ovation from the sidewalk crowd. Then he got right to work stroking his dick and caressing his scrotum. Soon his penis had stiffened up considerably, which had the women outside cheering in appreciation. Alex definitely had the most impressive cock of the three fraternity pledges, and ordinarily he would have been happy to ‘whip it out’ for the ladies, but in this event, he felt overwhelmed with embarrassment. So he sped up the stroking and closed his eyes to get to the climax as quickly as he could.
Erika spoke up, “No, no, no, Alex, we didn’t say anything about closing your eyes. That’s too easy. You are to keep your eyes open so you can see all the cute chicks enjoying your little performance here.”
Alex obeyed but definitely found it more difficult to stay focused on his (hopefully) pending orgasm. He struggled a bit with the embarrassment, which drew some ridicule from the girls watching. However, he finally found himself getting close to his climax and was soon spurting gobs of cum onto the inside of the window.
Erika stepped right in. “Alex, no waiting around, get to work licking up that cum from the window. Do it right now!”
Alex had never tasted cum before and was not, in any way, anxious to do it today, but he had to complete his dare, especially since all the other pledges there had completed theirs, some of which were even more humiliating than this. He tried to lick off the cum, in big strokes of his tongue, as quickly as he could, which involved a lot of swallowing in between big breaths. But it still took well over a minute to lick off all of the cum. He got a big round of applause, but he felt sick from the salty taste and icky consistency, so he was grateful to sit back down on the sofa.
Erika noted, “So, now, Alex, you know what we poor girls have to deal with when you shoot your load into our mouths. How do you like it now, huh?!”
All of the girls in the room cheered Erika, which did not help Alex’s frame of mind one bit. Erika continued, “That’s the final individual dare, so now we have finished Round Three.”
Round Four
Erika continued, “As a reminder, Rounds Four and Five are Couples Dares. For Round Four, each of you will be accepting dares with the person you are already sharing a sofa with. I should warn you that the dares are going to ratchet up as we go, so here’s Charlotte with a glass of wine for each of you.”
One of the sorority girls entered the room carrying a tray with six glasses of red wine, and all six pledges immediately took a long sip, anticipating the next round of dares setting a new high bar for humiliation.
“The first Couple Dare goes to BJ and Noah. Oh, this sounds like fun! The two of you are to walk out the front door and down the steps. Then you will embrace each other front-to-front, and we will tie your wrists that way – behind the other’s backs. Then you – the happy naked couple – will take a stroll around the block like that. Well, that’s cute, isn’t it? Tell you what, I’m going to go off the board here and spice things up just a little bit. Charlotte, might we have a butt plug for each of these romantic strollers?”
Charlotte re-entered the room with the same tray she just used to deliver the wine, except this time the tray contained two polished steel butt plugs and a jar of Vaseline. Erika called Billie and Noah over to receive their butt plugs, then ordered them to insert the plugs in their partner’s butt hole. Billie chose first and selected the larger of the two for Noah’s butt, which drew a big laugh from Erika. “BJ, I see you chose the bigger one for Noah – not very sporting of you, is it? I think Noah’s gonna get you for that later!”
Billie had a pained expression on her face. “I’m sorry, Noah, but I really do think you have the bigger butt. Don’t hate me for that.” Noah shrugged in resignation, and Erika ordered him to bend over and pull his cheeks apart. Billie was then invited to dip the plug into the Vaseline and insert it. She had not done this before, but she knew to take it slow and easy. She also knew to rub a dollop of Vaseline into his anus before inserting the plug This plug was definitely large for Noah, and he was loudly grunting in discomfort the whole way, until at last the plug was fully seated.
Now it was Billie’s turn to bend over and spread her cheeks, which was super humiliating for her, in a room full of students laughing at her expense. Noah then dipped, rubbed, and inserted, and Billie had to take several very big breaths to get it in and fully seated. Now Billie and Noah were invited to exit through the front door and down the steps onto the sidewalk, where they were applauded by the still-growing sidewalk audience. They were both walking slowly and painfully until they got to the bottom of the steps. Here, they were instructed to give each other a tight hug, and a couple of sorority girls stepped forward with some rope to tie the wrists behind their partners back, and then one additional loop of rope around their waists, to keep them tight together.
Erika was delighted with the look of this and sent them on their way. “You two circle the block, now, and don’t have too much fun!” The sorority sisters cheered as Billie and Noah started their very awkward walk down the sidewalk, figuring out as they went who would be facing front and who would be walking backwards. The combination of walking while tied up, constantly rubbing up against their partner, and the pain of the butt plugs was almost overwhelming, not to mention the utter humiliation of walking around the block naked in broad daylight.
It took them almost forty minutes to complete their route, during which they had each been felt-up by several strangers and laughed at by almost everyone who saw them. They returned to the sorority house covered in sweat, with Billie’s nipples hard as rocks and Noah’s penis noticeably engorged.
They were untied by sorority girls and led back up the steps and into the main room, where Erika removed Noah’s butt plug and Dennis removed Emma’s butt plug, both acts painful and embarrassing, to say the least. Grateful that that was over, they retook their seats and were happy to be observers for the next few dares.
Erika read from the note card she had drawn, “The next couples dare goes to Willy and Ethan. Ethan, Willy is going to apply some nice lotion to your genitals, then she will lick it off. After that, the roles will be reversed, with Ethan applying lotion to Willy’s. Simple enough, don’t you think? Okay, Ethan, let’s have you lying on the table right here, face up. And I think we will need to tie you down. Girls!”
Several sorority girls came forward with ropes and bound Ethan’s wrists to the table legs on the far side, then bound his ankles to his thighs so his knees were tightly folded. The girls enjoyed this part, taking the liberty of fondling Ethan’s genitals several times in the process. Erika produced an unlabeled white jar and gave it to Lily. “This lotion contains a nice gentle ointment. Apply it generously to Ethan’s penis and scrotum, then sit back while we all let him enjoy its soothing effect.”
Lily was apprehensive that this was anything but a prank, but she had to play along, so she took the jar and scooped a generous amount of the lotion on her hand. She then proceeded to rub it into Ethan’s penis and scrotum. After a few seconds, she felt she had applied a sufficient amount and stopped, but Erika would not hear of it. “No, no, much more is needed, let’s get Ethan fully soothed. Keep going, Willy.”
Lily scooped out more of the lotion and continued vigorously massaging the lotion into Ethan’s genitals until his penis looked like it would explode any second. “Okay, Willy, let’s pause and let Ethan enjoy his treatment.” One of the girls gave Lily a moist towel to wipe her hands on.
Ethan’s face soon went from suspicious to worried. “Hmm, I’m getting a bit warm down there. Is that the way it should be?”
Erika piped up, “Warm? Well, I should think so. Willy just gave you a generous application of hot chili sauce mixed with a hot mustard. How’s that feeling now?”
“Oh, wow! That is really getting hot now. Please, can someone pour some cold water on me, please?”
With his wrists fastened to the table and his ankles tied to his thighs, he was totally unable to help relieve the burning in his genitals. Lily noticed that everyone seemed to be enjoying Ethan’s plight, including the two girls who had tied his wrists to the table. She leaned forward to look for a glass of water, but she was stopped by sorority sisters behind her, who held her wrists behind her back.
Erika was greatly amused by this. “Willy, would you like to help Ethan out?”
“Yes, I do! I did this to him!”
“Okay, you may, but no hands please. The only way you’re going to help Ethan is by licking that hot stuff off of his genitals.” Cheering and applause from the boys and girls in the room.
“Arghhh! This is really, really hot now! Please, please I need something cool or I’m gonna die!”
Lily took all of this in and decided that she had to do this, since Ethan was really sweating and getting pretty desperate for relief. “Okay, I’ll take care of it.” With that, she leaned forward and began bathing his scrotum with her tongue, licking and swallowing as fast as she could. Then she moved to his penis and licked that top to bottom and all the way around, using as much saliva as she could produce. It was at this point that the hot sauce started to burn her mouth as well, but she felt that she had to keep going before Ethan passed out.
Lily and Ethan continued with this mutual torture, with both of them feeling the effects of the chili sauce, for almost ten minutes before their respective on-fire body parts started to calm down. At that point, Ethan’s penis had returned to its fully engorged condition, and he was once again close to cumming.
Erika interrupted them at this point, “Well, Willy, you’re an excellent fireman, aren’t you? You put out one fire, but I think you started another. Maybe Ethan needs to calm down a little bit, don’t you think? I wonder how much fun it would be to see the roles reversed.” To the crowd in the room, she said, “Would you all like to see that?” General applause of approval.
Erika ordered Ethan untied and off the table, and he was replaced by Lily, lying in basically the same position and same bondage – both wrists tied above her to the table and both ankles bound to her thighs. Lily’s eyes were wide open in fear of what she was in store for. Ethan was handed his own jar of lotion and directed to massage it into Lily’s labia and nipples. Even though he was certain that this would be a similar result to what he had just experienced, he obeyed and leaned forward to scoop a big glob onto each nipple, followed by vigorous rubs and twists.
Erika could not resist giving Ethan instructions for her genitals. “Rub a big glob into her clit and swirl it around a bit, then rub an even bigger glob into her vagina and finger-fuck that several times.”
Ethan followed her instructions, then asked, “Okay, so what kind of torture did I just give Willy? Same thing she gave me?”
“Uh-huh. Hot chili sauce mixed with hot mustard. She seems to be enjoying it – just have a look at our girl Willy!”
“Ohhhh. Ohhhhhhh! My nipples are, like, on fire. And my clit and vagina are really getting itchy hot, too! Please, I need some help. Please!”
Erika looked at Ethan and said, “Same rules. Use your tongue only, until you put the fire out.”
Ethan started on her clitoris, swabbing it in saliva over and over, then he moved down to her vagina, pushing his tongue as far in as he could several times in succession. When he thought he’d calmed those fires, at least temporarily, he moved up to work on her nipples, using his tongue to remove the lotion from her areolas and bathe her pencil-eraser nipples in saliva.
Lily was able to stop screaming but was still burning and itchy in her labia. “Agh! Agh! It burns like hell! I need more spit. And hurry!”
Ethan returned his tongue to her clitoris. He flicked it with saliva dozens of times, then moved back to her vagina, where he inserted the tip of his tongue, in and out, at least five times, trying to get as much spit in there as he could. Lily finally began to calm down, so Erika called a stop on this dare and directed that Lily be untied and allowed to return to the sofa alongside Ethan. The two of them got an enthusiastic round of applause, which didn’t stop them from continuing to rub their genitals while they sat on the sofa with smiles of relief on their faces.
Erika stood to announce, “Pretty exciting, you two. Now let’s see what we have for Enema and Alex. This dare is about timing your orgasms. You will both start masturbating at the same time, with a goal to both orgasm at the same time. If you don’t both blow your wads at the same time, we will start a stopwatch to clock the difference. Then you will both perform oral on the sisters or brothers – one each for every fifteen seconds. Let’s go!”
Emma and Alex were directed up onto the table, kneeling and facing each other with only about a foot between them. Dennis had them both spread their knees apart and offered them both some lube. He then produced a disc the size of a poker chip, peeled off the back, and adhered it to Emma’s chest. “Enema, this disc will wirelessly transmit your body temperature, breathing, and heart rate to let us know exactly when you orgasm. So no cheating!”
Finally, and unexpectedly, he fitted ball gags into both of their mouths and fastened them behind their heads. Then he gave them the countdown to start, “Five. . .four. . .three. . .two. . .one. . .GO!”
Both Emma and Alex began masturbating with urgency, hoping to be ready when the other one was ready. They were embarrassed that they both had to look right into the other’s eyes to get a clue on how they were getting along. Neither of them was getting heated up as quickly as they usually do, especially with the audience cheering them on and shouting rude comments. The embarrassment was a bit too much for them to even begin to approach an orgasm.
After about ten minutes of stroking, Alex’s cock was getting pretty stiff, and he felt ready to speed toward a climax. He wanted to send Emma a signal, but due to the ball gag, the best he could do was grunt a little, nod, and raise his eyebrows.
Emma looked up and was surprised to see that Alex was probably getting close, because she felt like she definitely needed more time. She had never felt this humiliated, and despite her best efforts was just not getting horny fast enough. She signaled Alex by shaking her head, which disappointed him and slowed him down. At the same time, she re-doubled her efforts, fingering her clit faster and adding some deep thrusts to her vagina.
After a few more minutes, Emma started to feel some confidence from her vagina stroking, so she looked up into Alex’s face and nodded. This was all Alex needed, and he sped up his stroking. In a matter of a minute or two, Alex was on the edge, and he grunted and nodded to Emma, to signal her to cum. However, Emma’s race to climax was not quite getting there, even though she was dripping seriously onto the table. She shook her head again, but it was too late. Alex had his eyes closed and was spraying cum onto Emma’s stomach and hands.
Dennis shouted, “Alex has cum, start the clock!”
Emma panicked and started doing everything she could think of to get herself off. She closed her eyes to block out the crowd. She kept her right hand on her vagina. She moved her left hand to her nipples and squeezed for maximum effect. It was working, she was approaching orgasm. “Ahh! Ahhhh! I’m there! I’m cumming!”
Dennis announced, “Yes, her sensor confirms that she has orgasmed! Congratulations, Enema! But I see by the clock that you were 18 seconds late, so that means that both of you must now perform oral on boys and girls here. Enema, you will suck two cocks, and Alex, you will eat two pussies!” Big cheer and applause from the crowd. “So, who will it be? Well, we already had a lottery set up for this, so could I please have the four winners come forward? Yes, here they are. First two, please step up onto the table. Alex and Enema please turn yourselves around so you’re facing outward, and your feet are touching each other’s feet. Now, lucky winners, please position yourselves in front of Enema and Alex; then, lower your pants and raise your skirts to receive your oral prizes.”
Emma and Alex were both somewhat experienced in oral sex, but this scene was so unlike what they had ever done that they had to force themselves to appear willing and give worthwhile sex. Even at that, it took almost a half hour for them to get orgasms from the two sorority girls and two fraternity boys. Emma was not at all happy when commanded to swallow both times, but she got through it without gagging. All four “customers” seemed more than satisfied with their oral experiences. Then Emma and Alex were invited back to their sofa to get a break before the next round.
[To be continued. . .]
Waking up on Sunday morning, Lily wasn’t sure whether yesterday was reality or a nightmare. She finally reconciled herself to reality – and was embarrassed to admit it – when a new text message arrived from Erika:
This was actually a relief, since the previous days’ wardrobes had all involved partial nudity. She dressed herself in jeans and a comfortable royal blue tee shirt, plus the usual – i.e., pre-hazing – requisite assortment of undies, socks, and shoes. She set off for the sorority house, using big strides in relief from last night’s campus stroll. On arriving at the sorority house, she was pleased to see that Emma and Billie appeared to have survived Saturday’s fraternity activities in fair shape. Like Lily, they looked happy to be allowed to dress in normal clothes; Emma was wearing a white print button-up blouse and jeans, and Billie was in khaki shorts and a brown polo shirt.
Alyssa addressed the whole group in the front room. “Alright, pledges, only one day to go before you’re done with The Final. This is also the final day of pledging for the boys at Psi Kappa Alpha, so we have invited their pledges over to our house for a full day of playing Truth or Dare with you.”
The pledges all cringed a little at this news, and there were quite a few sideways glances among them. Truth or Dare with a group of boys they didn’t know? And knowing how nasty their tormentors could be, this was bound to be a long and humiliating day.
Alyssa continued, “We will once again break up into pledge groups, so report to your pledge captains now.” Lily, Emma, and Billie were met by Erika, who told them that their group was going to remain in the DBD main room. Then they met up with three pledges from Psi Kappa Alpha who introduced themselves:
Noah – 6ft 1in, blonde, wavy hair, handsome
Ethan – 5ft 6in, dark hair cropped close, muscular
Alex – 5ft 10in, Latino, dark wavy hair, tight ass
This group of Delta Beta Delta pledges then introduced themselves (as a reminder):
Lily – 5ft 7in, long sandy hair, B-cup breasts, sexy ass
Emma – 5ft 6in, British, thin and blonde, with admirable C-cup breasts
Billie – 5ft 9in, shy African American with a full mouth, C-cup breasts, and a narrow figure
Erika told everyone to be seated. There were four sofas arranged in a circle in the middle of the room, with a sturdy, square, low table in the very center. This was enough seating for the six pledges, plus Erika and a Psi Kappa Alpha fraternity brother – Dennis, who was their pledge captain. As this group was being seated on the sofas, a dozen or so sorority and fraternity members filtered in to witness the fun and games. It was at this point that Lily noticed that the window shades were fully open, meaning anyone passing by on the sidewalk could have a good view in to see the Truth or Dare proceedings.
Dennis got the games going. “It’s time for The Finals Truth or Dare with our six pledges – three from Delta Beta Delta and three from Psi Kappa Alpha. Let’s get set up by having our pledges re-arrange themselves so that there is one boy pledge and one girl pledge in each sofa.” After a quick shuffle, Dennis continued, “Okay, now we’re ready. Here are the rules of this game.
“One: The truths and dares have been submitted by sorority and fraternity members, some of whom are in attendance here.
“Two: Round One is truths only. After that, it’s dares only.
“Three: Rounds Two and Three are individual dares.
“Four: All subsequent rounds are couples dares. Each girl will pair with a different boy in each round.
“Five: You may be required to remove some of your clothes during the game. Once a piece of clothing is off, it stays off for the remainder of the game.
“Six: Refusing a dare is not an option – don’t even ask.”
Erika stood up. “So, those are the rules. Let’s get going; it’s going to be fun – for some of us.” General chuckling and tittering from around the room.
Round One
Erika held up a small stack of note cards. “I will select truths from this stack of note cards. First Truth is for Ethan. What is most number of times you have cum in one day?”
Ethan said, “Uhh. Three, I think.”
Erika replied, “Only three, huh? We may see you break that record today!” The crowd applauded.
“Next Truth is for Enema. How many partners have you had oral sex with, and did you swallow?”
Emma had to think for a second. “The answer is four. Oh, and always swallowing!” Applause again.
“You’re our hero, Enema. Next Truth is for Alex. What turns you on sexually that you wish your lovers knew?”
Alex blushed and looked around at all the onlookers in the room. “I guess I’m turned on by bondage.”
“Well, we’ll have to see if we can satisfy that one today. Sound Good? Next Truth is for BJ. When was last time you masturbated, and what were you fantasizing about?”
Billie looked down at the floor. Doing this in front of boys was really embarrassing for her. “It was last night, and I fantasized about strange boys seeing me naked and tied up in the woods.”
“Aha! And that had actually happened, hadn’t it?! Were you turned on being naked in the woods?”
“Um, I guess I was, sorta. Not that I’d actually want to relive that myself.”
“Uh-huh, right! Moving on. Next Truth is for Noah. Who is the sexiest pledge in the room, and why?”
Noah had to have another look at his fellow pledges before announcing, “I’ll go with Emma, cause of her sexy British accent. Oh, and her outstanding tits.” Everyone, including Emma, had a good laugh at that one.
“Final Truth is for Willy. When you cum, what sounds do you make?”
Lily was a bit relieved that this one was not all that revealing or embarrassing. She closed her eyes, wound up, and let loose with, “Ahh! AHH! Oh My God! OH MY GOD!!”
“Well, I suppose we can accept that answer, but we’ll have one or two opportunities later to see how truthful that was, okay?” Lily blushed and nodded. More crowd applause.
Round Two
Dennis held up a different pack of note cards. “Just a reminder, Round Two is individual dares. We’ll start with BJ.” Billie tensed up immediately; these were bound to be pretty embarrassing dares.
“BJ, stand in the middle of the table and strip naked.”
Billie blushed furiously at the thought of stripping in front of so many strange boys. She stood and stepped up on the table, which was about twelve inches high. She began by pulling off her sneakers and her low-cut white socks. Then she hesitated before unbuckling her belt and sliding her khaki shorts down her legs and off completely. Next, she raised her polo shirt over her head and dropped that to the ground. She paused and took one big breath; she was suddenly very aware if the unshaded windows, where she could see a small crowd start to gather and stare into the sorority house. Then she reached behind her, unhooked her bra, and slowly lowered it to expose her beautiful C-cup breasts. She started to cover her breasts with her arms, then realized that there was no use being shy about this, when she was probably going to spend the next several hours naked to this crowd – and to the sidewalk crowd. Finally, she pushed her panties to the floor and stepped out of them. She had to force herself to keep her arms at her sides.
“BJ, just a reminder: you’re not getting any of those clothes back today. So please gather them up and hand them over to Carrie.” Carrie was a sorority sister who was standing nearby. She walked over to the table, took the pile of clothes from Billie, and retreated to another room. “Now, BJ, give us a nice slow turn around so everyone can get a good look at your, uh, attributes.” Billie did two turns up on the table. Polite applause and wolf whistles from the attendees.
“Okay, you may return to your sofa. The next dare is for your seat partner, Noah. Noah, just like you just saw BJ do, get up on the table and strip naked. We’re all pretty excited about this, by the way.”
The sorority girls responded, “Hell, yes! Let’s see that stuff!”
Noah was a very handsome blonde, about 6ft tall. He hesitated slightly stepping up on the table, but then got right to it. He stepped out of his sandals and dropped his jeans to the floor, stepping out of them. Then he pulled his sweater over his head, showing off an athletic abdomen and chest. The sorority girls gave him some nice oohs and aahs. He finished off by pulling down his black briefs to reveal a slightly disappointing penis – fairly thin and not as long as the girls were hoping. However, they did appreciate this bare male body in such close proximity, so they gave some encouraging applause.
“Noah, please give us that nice 360-degree view with a slow turn.” Noah accommodated to everyone’s enjoyment, since he did display a tight, sexy ass. “Thanks, Noah, now please return to your seat next to BJ. Out next dare is for Willy. Willy, please step up onto the table. Your clothes are to be stripped off, also, but the stripping will be done by your seat partner, Ethan. Sound like fun?”
Lily gulped and stood up. “Yes, sister, that would be nice, thank you.” She stepped up onto the table and took a deep breath before looking down expectantly at Ethan. Ethan got up and hesitated, not quite sure how to start.
Dennis chimed in helpfully, “Up to you, Ethan, you can remove any article in any order you please.”
Ethan seemed to like the sound of that. With a quick, slightly apologetic, glance at Lily, he reached for her shoes as a start and slipped them off her feet. Then, rather than doing the socks next, he went straight for her jeans, quickly unbuckling her belt and undoing the zipper. He then pulled the jeans down to the floor and off. His next move surprised everyone – he reached for her white panties and slowly inched them down, down, down her legs and off. This left her vulva and butt barely covered by the bottom of her royal blue tee shirt. Lily did not look very pleased about this embarrassment, but Ethan flashed her an “Ain’t this fun?” smile, and Lily melted a bit and rolled her eyes.
Next to come off was Lily’s tee shirt – she raised her arms over her head – and then her bra, which Ethan spotted as front-fastening. This gave him the opportunity to brush up against her breasts as he was undoing it. Now Lily was completely naked except for her socks, which Ethan almost forgot until Lily cleared her throat to remind him. Like Billie before her, it was everything Lily could do to keep her arms at her sides and not crawl under a piece of furniture in shame.
Dennis was excited to see the DBD pledges exposing all, especially since it was only the second round of the game. “Very nice. Now give us a nice slow spin so we can get a good look at you, Willy.” Lily did an internal eyeroll and then a slow turn so everyone – including the onlookers outside on the sidewalk – could inspect her pert B-cup breasts, closely shaved vulva and tight, round bottom. Then she stepped back down off the table, relieved to be out of the spotlight, however briefly.
“Guess what’s next! Ethan will now take Willy’s place on the table, and she will be the one stripping him. Let’s do it!”
Ethan was a little shorter than Lily, so when he stood on the table, his whole height was easily reachable for her. After the embarrassment that Ethan put her through, she wasted no time. She reached immediately for his belt buckle and zipper, then tugged his chinos down to his ankles without hesitating. Next came his boxer briefs, which she also tugged straight down without pause, leaving Ethan mostly exposed in mere seconds. The sorority girls all gave shouts of approval for this quick stripping. “You got it, Willy! Keep going, girl!”
Lily now paused to glance up at Ethan’s face, and he was grinning and nodding slightly, recognizing that she had gotten even. She continued by unbuttoning his shirt and slipping it down his arms, fully exposing a nicely-sized – and mostly engorged – penis and a hairy, tanned torso that was only a little bit sexy-plump. To finish him off, she pulled his shoes and socks off and removed his pants and undies, leaving him completely naked on the table. Without being asked, he did the slow turn to show off his bare bod, and the sorority girls cheered and applauded in approval.
Dennis kept things going. “The next dare goes to Enema. You will step up onto the table and remove your shoes. Then you will be stripped naked by Alex – without using his hands! Very exciting!”
Emma was a bit caught off guard by this. She expected to be naked but was suspicious as to what might be entailed in Alex stripping her without using his hands. She stepped up onto the table, slipped off her shoes, and waited for Alex to work this out. Alex stood next to her, looking a little perplexed, realizing that he would primarily need to use his teeth for this. He began by kneeling down and asking Emma to raise her right foot, which she did; he then bit into the top of her sock and pulled it down and off. Then he repeated this on her left foot. Emma was suddenly embarrassed at the thought of a boy getting such a close smell of her feet.
Alex paused a moment to consider his next move. He decided on her jeans, so he gave a try at unbuckling her belt and undoing the zipper. This took a while, but he managed to get both undone using his teeth, and he then took on the difficult task of tugging her jeans down – not easy because they were tight. He was pretty sure it would have taken her a while to get her jeans down herself, given the tight fit. Gradually he inched them down, going from side to side, and finally he brought them down to her feet and off, and he elicited applause from the sorority girls for his efforts.
Unfortunately for Alex, Emma had chosen to wear a button-up blouse that day, so he went to work on the buttons with his teeth, starting at the top. After some difficulty, he managed to get the top two buttons open, at which point he thought he’d try tugging the shirt up over her head. However, this was not as easy as it appeared, due to Emma being better-endowed in the chest department than he realized. So it was back to the buttons, and Alex eventually found himself pulling her shirt down her arms and off, which required a little cooperation from Emma – who, by this point, was feeling a bit sorry for Alex.
Now Alex paused to take in the beautiful sight that was Emma in her undies, which were minimal and black and very sexy. After a few seconds of this, Alex turned her around, dug his teeth into her bra fasteners, and released them, which allowed him to pull her bra down her arms and off. Emma blushed bright red as her perfect tits were finally revealed to the crowd, fully aware that they would stay revealed for the rest of the day. Finally, Alex put his teeth to work on Emma’s panties, which he inched down, moving from side to side and pausing in between to brush his cheek against her soft and sexy mound, as well as getting in a few big sniffs of her aroma. Emma’s blush intensified as she slowly became fully naked and felt her panties fall to her feet before being carried out of the room.
Dennis was breathless. “Alex, I think I speak for everyone present when I say we are all ready to jerk off right here and now. Thank you for that. The final dare in Round Two is for Alex, and I don’t think you will be too surprised that your dare is to be stripped naked by Enema, no-hands. Ready? Go.”
Emma was keen to get Alex stripped as quickly as she could, so that she would not be standing in the middle of the room and performing any longer than necessary. After Alex removed his own shoes, she grabbed each sock in turn and pulled them off. Fortunately for her, Alex was wearing sweat pant shorts, so she did not have to deal with belt buckles or zippers; she merely pulled them down by alternating side to side with her teeth until they were down and off. Next was Alex’s polo shirt, which she slid upwards using her teeth, finally pulling it over his head and down his arms until it was off.
Alex was now down to his briefs, and Emma went right to work, but not quite as quickly as she was with his other garments. She wanted to be careful unmasking Alex’s penis and scrotum, lest she inadvertently touch them with her mouth. However, she found it impossible to avoid, as much as she tried. Several times during the lowering of Alex’s briefs, her cheeks and his penis came into contact, resulting in a full erection that was greatly appreciated by the sorority sisters, who gave it a standing ovation. Emma’s humiliation was complete, but she had finished the stripping of Alex and was able to sit down.
Round Two was over, and all six pledges were now fully naked for the rest of the game. They did not have long to wait before Round Three began and kicked things into the next gear.
Round Three
Dennis announced, “Okay, we are now on to Round Three, the second round of individual dares. I hold in my hand new note cards from the brothers and sisters – there is one stack for girls and another stack for boys. So let’s see what fun things they want you all to do. First dare goes to BJ, and here it is. You will lie down on the table with your wrists and ankles held in place by fraternity brothers. You will be tickled continuously on your feet for ten minutes. At any point in those ten minutes, you can take a break, but the clock will pause, and you will be encouraged – perhaps a better word is “coerced” – to resume the tickling. Okay, BJ, let’s get to it!”
Billie did not like the sound of this dare one bit. She was crazy ticklish on her feet, and she was pretty sure she could not endure ten straight minutes of tickling without going insane. But there was no backing out, so she arose from the sofa and laid down on the table. Two fraternity boys grabbed her wrists and held them in place straight above her head. Two more fraternity boys gripped her ankles and held them down together, just like her wrists, so that Billie’s naked body formed a straight line with her hands at one extreme and her feet at the other.
Dennis got things going. “Okay, BJ, you can pause the tickling at any time by saying, ‘Time Out!’. The ten minute clock will stop and one or two of the sorority girls will then come forward and try to coerce you to re-start the tickling, which you can do by saying, ‘Tickle Me’. Got it?” Billie was petrified and could only nod in agreement.
“Ready. Set. GO!” Two sorority girls immediately went to work tickling Billie’s feet, which immediately elicited howls of laughter and screams of terror from the unfortunate Billie. They kept at it for about three minutes, with Billie screaming and tossing on the table, until Billie decided she couldn’t take it any longer and shouted, “Time Out!” The tickling immediately stopped, but it was at this point that two other sorority sisters leaned in from either side and took hold of Billie’s nipples. Billie was not expecting this and shrieked in surprise. The girls began by pinching her nipples, then twisting them violently, with Billie yelling, “Get off! Get off! Owww!”
The girls just mocked her. “What did you say? Did you say, tickle me? Do you want to resume the tickling now? Cause if not, we’re ready to keep torturing your nipples all night long.”
“No! No! I can’t bear the tickling! Please stop this! My nipples really hurt!”
The girls mercilessly kept at it, now pulling her nipples away from her body and twisting at the same time. Billie screamed again.
“I guess she likes the nipple torture, cause I haven’t heard anybody say, tickle me.”
Billie had had it by now, so she shouted, “Tickle me!” With that, the nipple torture stopped and the ticklers excitedly went back to work on Billie’s feet, which initially felt like a relief to her, but quickly dissolved into laughing and squawking as the girls’ fingers explored her arches and the spaces between her toes. Billie forced herself to endure the tickling as long as she possibly could, but after about five more minutes, she was actually crying from laughing and could barely catch her breath, so she reluctantly called, “Time out!”
This time, Billie was surprised when no one went after her nipples. However, the fraternity boys holding her ankles lifted them up until they were pointed straight toward the ceiling, and a different sorority sister came forward with a paddle. Without pausing, she swung at Billie’s butt cheeks with a sharp blow that caused Billie to cry out, “Waa! Ohmigod! Ohmigod!”
The girl paused only a few seconds before taking a second blow. Then a third, and a fourth. Billie felt like her butt was on fire, and she couldn’t stop shouting and whimpering while she was getting paddled. After the fifth blow, Billie couldn’t take it any longer and shouted, “Tickle me!”
Billie’s ankles were brought back down to the table and the ticklers went to work with renewed vigor. Soon, Billie had resumed laughing and shrieking and twisting her body to try to avoid the tickling, but to no avail. She was having trouble catching her breath and was about ready to call time out again, when Dennis stepped in and said, “Time’s up, BJ! You survived the ten minutes. It’s back to the sofa for you.” Billie could only crawl back to the sofa, nursing her painful nipples and backside.
Dennis stood and drew another note card. “Our next dare is for Noah. Call your best friend of the romantic persuasion and have a ten minute sexy conversation with them. One of our sisters or brothers will do their best to distract you. Now, THAT sounds like a good time! Here’s your phone, please put it on speaker so we can all share your whole conversation.” Carrie appeared out of the crowd and handed him his cell phone, which she had pulled out of his pants back in the adjacent room. Dennis motioned for Noah to step up onto the table, stand in the center facing the windows, and spread his feet shoulder-width apart.
Noah blushed intensely as he scrolled through his contacts and placed his call.
Hi, Noah! I was hoping I would hear from you today!
"Hi, Cat. Yeah, I couldn’t wait to hear your sexy voice!"
At this point, Carrie stepped up onto the table and dropped to her knees immediately in front of Noah. She had a jar of lubricant in her left hand and scooped a generous amount into her right hand. Then she rubbed her hands together, reached up for Noah’s penis, and began slowly masturbating him in front of the whole audience – and the outside onlookers.
I’m happy to hear your sexy voice, too! What’s going on with you?
"Oh, y’know, not much. Just hangin’."
The whole audience had to stifle their laughter. Carrie cupped his balls in one hand and tickled their underside with the other.
"Ohhhh! Ah! Ummmmm!"
You okay there?
"Yeah, I was. . .uh. . .sorta hoping we could get together soon, maybe take in a movie? You know, sit in the back row and cuddle? OH! Hmmm?"
Wow, that sounds amazing!
Carrie’s hands returned to Noah’s penis, and she began to speed up her strokes. His dick was fully hard by now, and she was enjoying her complete control over his genitals.
I’d love to get my hands on you, that’s a great suggestion. Y’know, I’m actually getting a little wet just thinking about it.
"Oh, wow, I wish I was there to help you out, know what I mean? Your body is amazingly sexy."
Ohmigod, what a sweet thing to say. I totally get off on your body, too, y’know!
Carrie now stood up and pulled off her tee shirt, revealing a very sexy black lace bra.
"Especially your incredible breasts. They totally turn me on. I wish I could get my hands on them right now."
Okay! Well, listen, I’m taking off my shirt now and massaging my naked boobies.
Carrie reached behind her, unhooked her bra, and slid it down her arms. She paused to let Noah get a good look. Her breasts were extraordinary – D-cups that stood up beautifully, with rock-hard nipples. She pulled Noah close and danced with her naked breasts rubbing against his naked chest.
"Oh, yeah! I feel like I can actually see them and feel them. Don’t stop. Don’t stop."
I won’t, I’m getting pretty horny all my myself in the bed. Maybe I should take off some more clothes?
"Mmmm! Yes, I think so. Get naked for me, Cat."
Now Carrie dropped back down to her knees and returned her hands to Noah’s penis and scrotum. She started in again, masturbating his dick and tickling the underside of his balls. Noah felt like he was losing this little game quickly.
Here goes. My shorts are coming off now, and I’m feeling myself right through my panties. Oh, I’m just as wet as I can be.
"Ohhhhh! Wow! Ohhh!"
Oh, you sound so turned on, babe. I wish I was there with you to work on your beautiful dick. Just the thought of it is turning me on even more!
Carrie suddenly let go of Noah’s penis, at the same time capturing it between her ample naked breasts. She then pressed her breasts together and began to masturbate him with her tits. Her hands then reached around and grabbed Noah’s butt cheeks for some tight squeezing.
"Ah! Ah! I’m c- . . .I’m practically cumming just thinking about you. Ah! Oh!"
Well, what are you waiting for? Get naked too, and start rubbing yourself for me. Feel my hands all over your dick, your balls, your butt. . .
"I am! I am! I’m so hard. I’m going to cum any minute, I can feel it!"
My fingers are on my clit and in my vag, and I’m – YES! – I’m cumming! Ohhhhh! Wow! Omigod! Omigod, Noah, I’m still – OHHHH! – I’m still cumming! Oh, wow, that was amazing, Noah! Are you going to cum for me now?
Carrie quickly went back to using her hands on Noah’s practically-bursting penis, stroking faster and faster. The onlookers in the room – particularly the girls – were practically drooling in anticipation.
"Ahh! Ahhhhhh! Here we go! Now! Now! I’m cumming! OH! OHHH!"
Noah erupted all over Carrie’s hands and naked tits, an enormous amount of semen that had the sorority girls in the room quietly screaming with erotic joy.
"Oh, Cat, that was the best. I could feel you on me. You did me so beautifully!"
Noah lowered his head and looked down at Carrie. He smiled at her and put his left hand on her forehead, thoroughly blushing at the same time.
Noah! Noah, man, I am spent. Totally spent! You’re a great telephone lover. He-he! So, um, are we still going to the movies?
"Yes! Definitely, yes! I’ll text you and we’ll get it going. Okay, Cat?"
Okay, Noah. And no masturbating between now and then. Deal?
"Deal, babe! Bye!"
Dennis led the applause for Noah and handed Carrie a towel. “Well done, Noah, well done. Everyone in the room wants her name and number. Just kidding. Okay, let’s have your phone back, then you can return to your seat, next to BJ.
“The next dare is for Willy. This is called The Ice Cube Dare. We will all move outside to the back porch. We will empty an ice chest onto the porch, and your job is to retrieve as many ice cubes as you can and store them somewhere on your body. When you have retrieved and stored as many ice cubes as you can, you call, ‘Finished.’ If there are any ice cubes left on the patio floor, we will count them up, and you will receive one spank for each ice cube. Only after the spanking will you be allowed to remove ice cubes from your body. So, it’s off to the patio for everyone!”
The whole crowd was happily anticipating this one while re-located to the area around the outdoor patio. The patio was now covered with a clear plastic dropcloth, which had been stretched tight over the flat floor. Dennis announced, “Willy, we want you down on all fours – hands and knees, please. Once the ice cubes have been scattered on the floor, you are free to begin collecting them, but only on hands and knees. You can store them anywhere on your body, and if you need help, just shout out and we will let you know where you can put the ice cubes. Heh-heh! Begin whenever you’re ready. Here come the ice cubes!”
Two of the fraternity boys pulled out an ice chest and turned it over so that the ice cubes spilled all over the patio. It looked like there were close to a hundred of them. The crowd cheered and began chanting, “Ice Cubes! Ice Cubes! Ice Cubes!”
Lily could not imagine a dare more humiliating than this. First of all, she definitely did not want ice cubes up her vagina or up her butt. Secondly, there was no way she was going to manage to hold all of these dozens of ice cubes. And thirdly, her butt and vagina were going to be lewdly exposed to all of the sorority girls, fraternity boys, and neighboring onlookers for the entire time she was crawling around the porch.
She shuddered and got to work collecting ice cubes. These ice cubes were crescent-shaped and were actually very difficult to get hold of, since they were melting around their bottoms and sides, so it took longer for Lily to pick them up. Then she had to struggle to slip each cube into her orifices, starting with her anus. She managed to stuff only four cubes into her anus, each one causing new levels of discomfort. The sorority girls and fraternity boys were enjoying this immensely and began cheering her on.
With her anus full, Lily began stuffing the ice cubes into her vagina and labia, but she could do no more than five cubes there, and by now, the cubes in her butt were starting to get very painful. Lily surveyed the porch and noted that there were at least forty ice cubes not yet captured. Where to put them? She began cramming ice cubes into her mouth, where she could keep about twelve ice cubes. She had now run out of orifices and could not come up with a scheme to hold any more ice cubes, so she mumbled, “Finished!”
Dennis jumped in. “She’s finished storing ice cubes, so let’s count up ice cubes remaining. Girls, count out!”
Several sorority girls went to work finding and counting remaining ice cubes. By the time they were done counting, it was determined that thirty-four ice cubes remained. Dennis announced, “Thirty-four ice cubes remain, so that means that Willy will officially receive thirty-four spanks, all the while holding onto the ice cubes she has already collected. Come over here to the middle of the porch, Willy.
Lily waddled to the center of the porch, where Dennis had placed a sturdy straight chair. She was directed to lean forward over the back of the chair and put her hands down on the seat. Then she was told to spread her feet two feet apart. With Lily in this humiliating position, one of the fraternity boys was invited up to give Lily thirty-four swats with a paddle.
“Willy, you will count out the spanks and thank Gary for the paddling.”
“Yes, sir, I will, sir.”
Gary smiled as he swung the paddle freely into Lily’s soft behind. Lily squealed before announcing, “One. Thank you, Gary.”
The next blow was equally stinging. “Two. Thank you, Gary.”
By the tenth blow, Lily was crying in pain, both from the paddle swats and from the ice in her butt and vagina. She didn’t see how she was possibly going to make it to thirty-four. But the blows continued.
“Oww! Eleven. Thank you, Gary.”
On and on this went, with Gary not letting up one bit and Lily feeling the intense sting of the paddle more and more with every swat. Finally – somehow – Lily survived to thirty-four.
“Owww. Oww. Thirty-four. Thank you, Gary.”
Dennis said, “Okay, Willy, you can get up now. Wasn’t it great that Gary stepped forward to help with your paddling?”
“Yes, it was, sir.” Lily was able to look at Gary finally. “Thank you, Gary.”
“I think you should give Gary a big kiss to thank him, don’t you, Willy?”
“Yes, sir.”
“And make it a big, sexy kiss. At least a full minute. Spit out the ice in your mouth first.”
Lily quickly emptied her mouth of ice cubes and then turned back to Gary; she badly wanted to get this over with so she could get these tortuous ice cubes out of her vagina and butt. She put her arms around Gary and planted a big wet kiss on his lips. He responded by petting his large hands all over her naked body – thighs, butt, back, and tits – while returning her kiss with his lips and tongue. Lily thought that the one minute would never be over.
Dennis finally intervened. “Willy, that was well done, now let’s all hear about the next dare, and this one is for Ethan.” Ethan closed his eyes and prepared for the worst. “Ethan, you will be escorted around the neighborhood by two of our lovely sorority sisters. You will be silenced with a ball gag, and your hands will be tied behind your back. The sorority sisters will be choosing people on the street to jerk you off. When the sorority sisters feel like you have had enough stimulation, they will bring you back to the sorority house.”
Ethan was deathly afraid of public humiliation, so this could not have been a worse dare for him. But he took a large breath and stepped forward, where he was met by Erika and Abbie – the two girls who had tortured Lily in the woods the day before. They produced a ball gag, and Ethan submitted to having it inserted and fastened behind his head. Then they pulled out a length of rope and tied his wrists behind his back. Finally, Abbie produced a dog collar with an eight-foot chain, and she fastened the dog collar to Ethan’s neck. Ethan had never felt so helpless in his life.
Abbie spoke up, “Ethan, let’s head for the sidewalk in front; there are quite a few interested folks out there, I’m sure.” With that, Abbie led Ethan down along the side of the sorority house and out onto the front sidewalk. It was at that moment that Ethan noticed that Erika was using her phone camera to video this entire naked humiliation trip. Erika said, “Oh, yeah, Ethan, I forgot to mention that all of the sisters and brothers inside are going to see and hear this entire dare. You’re a porn star now!” Ethan groaned.
The crowd in front greeted them enthusiastically; at least the girls did – the boys were less appreciative. Abbie announced, “Ladies and gentlemen, this is pledge Ethan, and he is very, very horny. There is nothing in the world that would make him happier than for one of the young ladies here to take hold of his slightly shriveled penis and jerk him off. Who’s up for that?”
A tall, athletic girl with shoulder length blonde hair raised her hand. “Me first! Me first! I’ll take care of him!”
Abbie said, “We have our first volunteer! Come forward and meet your penis!”
“Oh, I see. It could certainly use some encouragement, couldn’t it?” She looked Ethan in the eye and quipped, “It does eventually get larger than this, doesn’t it, sweetie?” Ethan blushed furiously and nodded. “Okay, let’s get started on this little thing.” The crowd laughed and cheered, with the girls straining to get a good look at Ethan’s equipment.
Abbie offered some lube, which she took, then reached down and began seriously caressing his dick and scrotum, causing his cock to spring to life. After just a minute or so, Ethan’s cock already looked fully engorged. The blonde kept her eye contact with Ethan, making sure that he noticed the look of humorous contempt she was displaying to him and to her friends. Nevertheless, her relentless and very sexy stroking had him totally heated up and ready to cum at any second.
Erika intervened, “Okay, stop! That’s enough for now. We don’t want poor little Ethan to blow his load too soon. He has many more girls – and boys?! – to visit yet. Thank you all, we’re going to walk Ethan around for a few blocks to see how much humiliation he can actually take. Bye now!”
The crowd in front of the sorority house cheered and waved. The blonde took a bow and shouted, “Bye for now, little Ethan. Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you!”
For the next half hour, Ethan, Abbie, and Erika (with camera) paraded down the local streets, stopping occasionally to invite other students to give a very humiliated – and increasingly frustrated – Ethan a hand job with no ‘happy ending’, thanks to Abbie or Erika calling a stop at the last minute. They even made a point to lead Ethan past the campus LGBTQ+ center, where he was enthusiastically ‘serviced’ by a cute freshman boy. Ethan did not consider himself to be homophobic, but getting hot and hard from a cute freshman boy felt pretty humiliating to him.
After a forty minute naked circuit, which included six masturbation stops, Ethan was finally marched back to the sorority house, where he was greeted inside by the crowd of sorority sisters and fraternity brothers who had been viewing his naked adventures, via Erika’s video, on the big TV screen in the room. The dog collar was unfastened, his wrists were untied, and his ball gag was removed. He slunk to the sofa and plopped down next to Lily.
Dennis kept things moving along. “The next dare goes to Enema. Enema, it’s a good thing you’re such an exhibitionist, because your dare is to stand in the front window for ten minutes with a remote-controlled vibe up your cute little twat. Now get over here!”
Emma was anything BUT an exhibitionist. Before this week, she could count on one hand the number of people who had seen her completely naked. And now she was expected to exhibit her naked body to everyone walking by the sorority house. Emma walked timidly to the front window, where she was met by Carrie, who instructed her to bend forward at the waist and spread her legs. Carrie then pulled a rather large vibe out of a case she had in her pocket and eased it into Emma’s vagina.
Dennis said, “Enema, you are now to stand just inside the middle window, facing out onto the street, and put your hands behind your head.” Emma obeyed, now fully aware of the dozens of students and others standing on the sidewalk, just waiting for such a moment. “Now I want you to perform a nice sexy dance for the crowd. And let’s have a big smile; you are really enjoying this!”
Emma had to force herself to put on a show, pretending that she was having a really good time standing and smiling in the window for their enjoyment.
“Enema, your little nudie show is to last at least ten minutes, but you can let it go longer if you’re having so much fun that you just can’t stop. When you ARE ready to stop, just shout out that you’re done. We are not going to announce the time, we will count on you to figure out how long ten minutes is. But I have to warn you, if you stop before the ten minutes is up, you’re going to have to start all over again.”
“Understood. Thank you, sir.” With that, Emma started dancing in the window, and before she knew it her vibe sprang to life. She wasn’t sure who was controlling her vibe, but they started out strong. Without even realizing it, her butt was starting to wriggle to match the vibe’s rhythms. She then felt the vibe cycle through waves of heavy stroking alternating with smooth tickling. This cycling was definitely getting her wet, and with her hands behind her head, there was nothing she could do to keep the wetness a secret from the audience outside.
Emma’s dancing was getting more convincing as she went, but it was very difficult dancing convincingly without music. It helped for her to hum something to herself. She occasionally closed her eyes and tilted her head back to mimic having an orgasm – but her mimicking was getting very believable as the vibe started pounding its way farther into her vagina. Emma totally lost track of the fact that she was being viewed – and cheered – by so many people while completely naked.
She also lost track of how long she had been dancing in the window. It felt like forever. She was more than ready to shout “finished” but thought she had better be on the safe side and keep dancing a bit longer. The vibe slowed to a gentle stroking, went completely still, then sprang suddenly back to life. Emma’s whole body was rocking to the rhythm of the vibe, and the viewers outside were loudly enjoying her naked display in the window, complete with Emma’s bright smile the whole time.
Finally, Emma thought it was safe to call a halt to her vibe dance, so she shouted, “Finished!” and stepped back away from the window. Dennis said, “Enema, you will be happy to know that you fulfilled your ten minute minimum, and we all appreciated that you gave us an additional SIX MINUTES of quality naked dancing. Thanks for that!”
Emma groaned that she had overestimated the length of time without the benefit of a watch or clock to refer to. Six extra minutes of humiliation. She just shook her head and sat back down.
Dennis announced, “The last individual dare is for Alex, so here we go. Alex, you are to replace Enema, standing in the same window and also facing the outdoors. But your hands will not be on your head, they will be busy working on your own cock and balls. You are to masturbate yourself in full view of the sidewalk crowd, and you will not stop jerking off until you have cum all over the window. At that point you can stop stroking and clean the window by licking off all of your cum. Sounds like quite a show, let’s get going!”
Alex reluctantly stepped up to the window and received a nice ovation from the sidewalk crowd. Then he got right to work stroking his dick and caressing his scrotum. Soon his penis had stiffened up considerably, which had the women outside cheering in appreciation. Alex definitely had the most impressive cock of the three fraternity pledges, and ordinarily he would have been happy to ‘whip it out’ for the ladies, but in this event, he felt overwhelmed with embarrassment. So he sped up the stroking and closed his eyes to get to the climax as quickly as he could.
Erika spoke up, “No, no, no, Alex, we didn’t say anything about closing your eyes. That’s too easy. You are to keep your eyes open so you can see all the cute chicks enjoying your little performance here.”
Alex obeyed but definitely found it more difficult to stay focused on his (hopefully) pending orgasm. He struggled a bit with the embarrassment, which drew some ridicule from the girls watching. However, he finally found himself getting close to his climax and was soon spurting gobs of cum onto the inside of the window.
Erika stepped right in. “Alex, no waiting around, get to work licking up that cum from the window. Do it right now!”
Alex had never tasted cum before and was not, in any way, anxious to do it today, but he had to complete his dare, especially since all the other pledges there had completed theirs, some of which were even more humiliating than this. He tried to lick off the cum, in big strokes of his tongue, as quickly as he could, which involved a lot of swallowing in between big breaths. But it still took well over a minute to lick off all of the cum. He got a big round of applause, but he felt sick from the salty taste and icky consistency, so he was grateful to sit back down on the sofa.
Erika noted, “So, now, Alex, you know what we poor girls have to deal with when you shoot your load into our mouths. How do you like it now, huh?!”
All of the girls in the room cheered Erika, which did not help Alex’s frame of mind one bit. Erika continued, “That’s the final individual dare, so now we have finished Round Three.”
Round Four
Erika continued, “As a reminder, Rounds Four and Five are Couples Dares. For Round Four, each of you will be accepting dares with the person you are already sharing a sofa with. I should warn you that the dares are going to ratchet up as we go, so here’s Charlotte with a glass of wine for each of you.”
One of the sorority girls entered the room carrying a tray with six glasses of red wine, and all six pledges immediately took a long sip, anticipating the next round of dares setting a new high bar for humiliation.
“The first Couple Dare goes to BJ and Noah. Oh, this sounds like fun! The two of you are to walk out the front door and down the steps. Then you will embrace each other front-to-front, and we will tie your wrists that way – behind the other’s backs. Then you – the happy naked couple – will take a stroll around the block like that. Well, that’s cute, isn’t it? Tell you what, I’m going to go off the board here and spice things up just a little bit. Charlotte, might we have a butt plug for each of these romantic strollers?”
Charlotte re-entered the room with the same tray she just used to deliver the wine, except this time the tray contained two polished steel butt plugs and a jar of Vaseline. Erika called Billie and Noah over to receive their butt plugs, then ordered them to insert the plugs in their partner’s butt hole. Billie chose first and selected the larger of the two for Noah’s butt, which drew a big laugh from Erika. “BJ, I see you chose the bigger one for Noah – not very sporting of you, is it? I think Noah’s gonna get you for that later!”
Billie had a pained expression on her face. “I’m sorry, Noah, but I really do think you have the bigger butt. Don’t hate me for that.” Noah shrugged in resignation, and Erika ordered him to bend over and pull his cheeks apart. Billie was then invited to dip the plug into the Vaseline and insert it. She had not done this before, but she knew to take it slow and easy. She also knew to rub a dollop of Vaseline into his anus before inserting the plug This plug was definitely large for Noah, and he was loudly grunting in discomfort the whole way, until at last the plug was fully seated.
Now it was Billie’s turn to bend over and spread her cheeks, which was super humiliating for her, in a room full of students laughing at her expense. Noah then dipped, rubbed, and inserted, and Billie had to take several very big breaths to get it in and fully seated. Now Billie and Noah were invited to exit through the front door and down the steps onto the sidewalk, where they were applauded by the still-growing sidewalk audience. They were both walking slowly and painfully until they got to the bottom of the steps. Here, they were instructed to give each other a tight hug, and a couple of sorority girls stepped forward with some rope to tie the wrists behind their partners back, and then one additional loop of rope around their waists, to keep them tight together.
Erika was delighted with the look of this and sent them on their way. “You two circle the block, now, and don’t have too much fun!” The sorority sisters cheered as Billie and Noah started their very awkward walk down the sidewalk, figuring out as they went who would be facing front and who would be walking backwards. The combination of walking while tied up, constantly rubbing up against their partner, and the pain of the butt plugs was almost overwhelming, not to mention the utter humiliation of walking around the block naked in broad daylight.
It took them almost forty minutes to complete their route, during which they had each been felt-up by several strangers and laughed at by almost everyone who saw them. They returned to the sorority house covered in sweat, with Billie’s nipples hard as rocks and Noah’s penis noticeably engorged.
They were untied by sorority girls and led back up the steps and into the main room, where Erika removed Noah’s butt plug and Dennis removed Emma’s butt plug, both acts painful and embarrassing, to say the least. Grateful that that was over, they retook their seats and were happy to be observers for the next few dares.
Erika read from the note card she had drawn, “The next couples dare goes to Willy and Ethan. Ethan, Willy is going to apply some nice lotion to your genitals, then she will lick it off. After that, the roles will be reversed, with Ethan applying lotion to Willy’s. Simple enough, don’t you think? Okay, Ethan, let’s have you lying on the table right here, face up. And I think we will need to tie you down. Girls!”
Several sorority girls came forward with ropes and bound Ethan’s wrists to the table legs on the far side, then bound his ankles to his thighs so his knees were tightly folded. The girls enjoyed this part, taking the liberty of fondling Ethan’s genitals several times in the process. Erika produced an unlabeled white jar and gave it to Lily. “This lotion contains a nice gentle ointment. Apply it generously to Ethan’s penis and scrotum, then sit back while we all let him enjoy its soothing effect.”
Lily was apprehensive that this was anything but a prank, but she had to play along, so she took the jar and scooped a generous amount of the lotion on her hand. She then proceeded to rub it into Ethan’s penis and scrotum. After a few seconds, she felt she had applied a sufficient amount and stopped, but Erika would not hear of it. “No, no, much more is needed, let’s get Ethan fully soothed. Keep going, Willy.”
Lily scooped out more of the lotion and continued vigorously massaging the lotion into Ethan’s genitals until his penis looked like it would explode any second. “Okay, Willy, let’s pause and let Ethan enjoy his treatment.” One of the girls gave Lily a moist towel to wipe her hands on.
Ethan’s face soon went from suspicious to worried. “Hmm, I’m getting a bit warm down there. Is that the way it should be?”
Erika piped up, “Warm? Well, I should think so. Willy just gave you a generous application of hot chili sauce mixed with a hot mustard. How’s that feeling now?”
“Oh, wow! That is really getting hot now. Please, can someone pour some cold water on me, please?”
With his wrists fastened to the table and his ankles tied to his thighs, he was totally unable to help relieve the burning in his genitals. Lily noticed that everyone seemed to be enjoying Ethan’s plight, including the two girls who had tied his wrists to the table. She leaned forward to look for a glass of water, but she was stopped by sorority sisters behind her, who held her wrists behind her back.
Erika was greatly amused by this. “Willy, would you like to help Ethan out?”
“Yes, I do! I did this to him!”
“Okay, you may, but no hands please. The only way you’re going to help Ethan is by licking that hot stuff off of his genitals.” Cheering and applause from the boys and girls in the room.
“Arghhh! This is really, really hot now! Please, please I need something cool or I’m gonna die!”
Lily took all of this in and decided that she had to do this, since Ethan was really sweating and getting pretty desperate for relief. “Okay, I’ll take care of it.” With that, she leaned forward and began bathing his scrotum with her tongue, licking and swallowing as fast as she could. Then she moved to his penis and licked that top to bottom and all the way around, using as much saliva as she could produce. It was at this point that the hot sauce started to burn her mouth as well, but she felt that she had to keep going before Ethan passed out.
Lily and Ethan continued with this mutual torture, with both of them feeling the effects of the chili sauce, for almost ten minutes before their respective on-fire body parts started to calm down. At that point, Ethan’s penis had returned to its fully engorged condition, and he was once again close to cumming.
Erika interrupted them at this point, “Well, Willy, you’re an excellent fireman, aren’t you? You put out one fire, but I think you started another. Maybe Ethan needs to calm down a little bit, don’t you think? I wonder how much fun it would be to see the roles reversed.” To the crowd in the room, she said, “Would you all like to see that?” General applause of approval.
Erika ordered Ethan untied and off the table, and he was replaced by Lily, lying in basically the same position and same bondage – both wrists tied above her to the table and both ankles bound to her thighs. Lily’s eyes were wide open in fear of what she was in store for. Ethan was handed his own jar of lotion and directed to massage it into Lily’s labia and nipples. Even though he was certain that this would be a similar result to what he had just experienced, he obeyed and leaned forward to scoop a big glob onto each nipple, followed by vigorous rubs and twists.
Erika could not resist giving Ethan instructions for her genitals. “Rub a big glob into her clit and swirl it around a bit, then rub an even bigger glob into her vagina and finger-fuck that several times.”
Ethan followed her instructions, then asked, “Okay, so what kind of torture did I just give Willy? Same thing she gave me?”
“Uh-huh. Hot chili sauce mixed with hot mustard. She seems to be enjoying it – just have a look at our girl Willy!”
“Ohhhh. Ohhhhhhh! My nipples are, like, on fire. And my clit and vagina are really getting itchy hot, too! Please, I need some help. Please!”
Erika looked at Ethan and said, “Same rules. Use your tongue only, until you put the fire out.”
Ethan started on her clitoris, swabbing it in saliva over and over, then he moved down to her vagina, pushing his tongue as far in as he could several times in succession. When he thought he’d calmed those fires, at least temporarily, he moved up to work on her nipples, using his tongue to remove the lotion from her areolas and bathe her pencil-eraser nipples in saliva.
Lily was able to stop screaming but was still burning and itchy in her labia. “Agh! Agh! It burns like hell! I need more spit. And hurry!”
Ethan returned his tongue to her clitoris. He flicked it with saliva dozens of times, then moved back to her vagina, where he inserted the tip of his tongue, in and out, at least five times, trying to get as much spit in there as he could. Lily finally began to calm down, so Erika called a stop on this dare and directed that Lily be untied and allowed to return to the sofa alongside Ethan. The two of them got an enthusiastic round of applause, which didn’t stop them from continuing to rub their genitals while they sat on the sofa with smiles of relief on their faces.
Erika stood to announce, “Pretty exciting, you two. Now let’s see what we have for Enema and Alex. This dare is about timing your orgasms. You will both start masturbating at the same time, with a goal to both orgasm at the same time. If you don’t both blow your wads at the same time, we will start a stopwatch to clock the difference. Then you will both perform oral on the sisters or brothers – one each for every fifteen seconds. Let’s go!”
Emma and Alex were directed up onto the table, kneeling and facing each other with only about a foot between them. Dennis had them both spread their knees apart and offered them both some lube. He then produced a disc the size of a poker chip, peeled off the back, and adhered it to Emma’s chest. “Enema, this disc will wirelessly transmit your body temperature, breathing, and heart rate to let us know exactly when you orgasm. So no cheating!”
Finally, and unexpectedly, he fitted ball gags into both of their mouths and fastened them behind their heads. Then he gave them the countdown to start, “Five. . .four. . .three. . .two. . .one. . .GO!”
Both Emma and Alex began masturbating with urgency, hoping to be ready when the other one was ready. They were embarrassed that they both had to look right into the other’s eyes to get a clue on how they were getting along. Neither of them was getting heated up as quickly as they usually do, especially with the audience cheering them on and shouting rude comments. The embarrassment was a bit too much for them to even begin to approach an orgasm.
After about ten minutes of stroking, Alex’s cock was getting pretty stiff, and he felt ready to speed toward a climax. He wanted to send Emma a signal, but due to the ball gag, the best he could do was grunt a little, nod, and raise his eyebrows.
Emma looked up and was surprised to see that Alex was probably getting close, because she felt like she definitely needed more time. She had never felt this humiliated, and despite her best efforts was just not getting horny fast enough. She signaled Alex by shaking her head, which disappointed him and slowed him down. At the same time, she re-doubled her efforts, fingering her clit faster and adding some deep thrusts to her vagina.
After a few more minutes, Emma started to feel some confidence from her vagina stroking, so she looked up into Alex’s face and nodded. This was all Alex needed, and he sped up his stroking. In a matter of a minute or two, Alex was on the edge, and he grunted and nodded to Emma, to signal her to cum. However, Emma’s race to climax was not quite getting there, even though she was dripping seriously onto the table. She shook her head again, but it was too late. Alex had his eyes closed and was spraying cum onto Emma’s stomach and hands.
Dennis shouted, “Alex has cum, start the clock!”
Emma panicked and started doing everything she could think of to get herself off. She closed her eyes to block out the crowd. She kept her right hand on her vagina. She moved her left hand to her nipples and squeezed for maximum effect. It was working, she was approaching orgasm. “Ahh! Ahhhh! I’m there! I’m cumming!”
Dennis announced, “Yes, her sensor confirms that she has orgasmed! Congratulations, Enema! But I see by the clock that you were 18 seconds late, so that means that both of you must now perform oral on boys and girls here. Enema, you will suck two cocks, and Alex, you will eat two pussies!” Big cheer and applause from the crowd. “So, who will it be? Well, we already had a lottery set up for this, so could I please have the four winners come forward? Yes, here they are. First two, please step up onto the table. Alex and Enema please turn yourselves around so you’re facing outward, and your feet are touching each other’s feet. Now, lucky winners, please position yourselves in front of Enema and Alex; then, lower your pants and raise your skirts to receive your oral prizes.”
Emma and Alex were both somewhat experienced in oral sex, but this scene was so unlike what they had ever done that they had to force themselves to appear willing and give worthwhile sex. Even at that, it took almost a half hour for them to get orgasms from the two sorority girls and two fraternity boys. Emma was not at all happy when commanded to swallow both times, but she got through it without gagging. All four “customers” seemed more than satisfied with their oral experiences. Then Emma and Alex were invited back to their sofa to get a break before the next round.
[To be continued. . .]
- litrob2000
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Re: In Another Haze
Round Five
Erika announced, “Ladies and gentlemen, it’s on to the final round, Round Five, and once again it’s couples dares, so we begin by re-pairing our pledges. The new couples are BJ and Ethan, then Enema and Noah, then Willy and Alex.” The six pledges got up and moved to be on the same sofa with their new partner. “Our first couples dare is for BJ and Ethan.”
Erika held up her stack of note cards and drew one. “This looks like a test of oral dexterity for both the lady and gentleman. Ethan is to give oral to BJ using only his tongue and touching only her clitoris. Then BJ is to give oral to Ethan using only licking and kissing. In both cases, there is a five-minute limit, after which the person performing oral will start receiving ‘incentives’ until they get the job done. Hm, I wonder what kind of incentives those might be. Let’s see! BJ, sit on edge the table and lean back until you are lying down. Then bend your knees and place your feet upon the table, with your feet as far apart as you can. That’s it, BJ. Now, Ethan, kneel down on the floor and grab each of BJ’s ankles with your hands. Right. Now we will start the five-minute clock. Go.”
Ethan initially found this dare quite enjoyable – particularly given what a hot girl Billie was – although less so in front of dozens of spectators, who by now had begun acting like they were watching a sports event.
“You go, Ethan!”
“Licks for kicks, Ethan!”
“Lick that cunt! Lick that cunt!”
Billie felt Ethan’s tongue slip into her labia and start in on her clit, licking up and down and going deeper with each stroke.
Erika shot, “Ethan, no lips! Pull back until only your tongue is in her pussy. You’ve got to do this in five minutes with only your tongue!”
Ethan now realized how hard this was going to be, with only the tip of his tongue to try to bring Billie to orgasm. He turned his head slightly and began flicking Billie’s clit sideways, then up and down again.
Billie was doing her best to get to orgasm. She closed her eyes and tried to fantasize that she and Ethan were in an elegant hotel room having a very romantic weekend. But feeling only his tongue on her clit was just not enough stimulation. She almost always needed deep strokes in her vagina to have an orgasm. She tried breathing hard and undulating her pelvis to mimic her usual build-up, and it was starting to have an effect when. . .
“TIME’S UP!” from Erika. “You two just keep going, and we’ll begin the incentives!”
Ethan suddenly felt a warm pair of hands reach in from behind and begin massaging his penis. He didn’t know whose hands these were, but was pleasantly surprised to be fondled so well. However, he eventually realized that this was, indeed, an incentive; if this very sexy masturbation were to cause him to shoot his load, then there was no way BJ would be able to get him off a few minutes later by licking and kissing. He immediately got right back to work on Billie’s clit, now in a race to get her off before he came himself.
Meanwhile, the girl working on Ethan’s dick started to get seriously sexy (after all, she had been offered fifty bucks if she could make him cum before Billie). Ethan’s cock was very stiff in no time, and he was starting to sweat, feeling like he was getting close to spurting. Then, just seconds before Ethan’s inevitable orgasm, Billie closed her eyes, stiffened, and groaned as she hit her orgasm, happy that Ethan had not cum before she had her chance with him. Ethan was relieved – although a little sad – that his hand job had to come to an end.
Erika said, “Oh, man! Ethan was almost there! Too bad! Okay, time to reverse roles. Ethan, now you’re on your back on the table, and BJ, it’s time for you to perform your B-J! Ha!” Enthusiastic cheering from the audience. Ethan laid back on the table with his butt resting on the edge and his feet up on the table and apart. Billie knelt down and grasped Ethan’s ankles. “Okay, start the five-minute clock now.”
Billie leaned forward and bathed Ethan’s penis in saliva, then began methodically licking up from base to head. Since Ethan had just been manually stimulated less than a minute ago, Billie was pretty confident she could pull off an orgasm using only licking and kissing. Ethan’s penis responded quickly, and he began to groan right away. Billie planted a few sexy kisses with her wide mouth on both his penis and his scrotum. Then she went back to licking, both his cock and his balls. Ethan was obviously getting worked up, and his erection was fully engorged, but with only licking and kissing, he just wasn’t quite getting the stimulation he needed. Billie stepped it up as best she could, but the five minutes ran out with no orgasm.
Erika announced, “Five minutes is up. Time for your incentive BJ.”
The next thing Billie knew, a pair of hands reached around from behind her and began sadistically pinching and pulling her nipples. The pain definitely drove her to be more aggressive with her licking and kissing, and after another minute – a VERY LONG minute to Billie – she was able to take Ethan over the top; the end result was that she got sprayed with cum all over her face and hair.
The audience applause was very appreciative of Billie’s skills. Even Erika clapped. “Yay for BJ! Here’s a towel. Our next dare is for Enema and Noah. Noah, you may or may not enjoy this one, but at least it’s indoors!” Big laugh from the crowd. “Enema will give Noah a hand job – that’s the good news – and then she will immediately keep going with her hand job – that’s the bad news. She must get a second orgasm out of Noah within five minutes or else they will both get spanked! And that would be the REALLY bad news.”
Noah had to agree that this was definitely both good news and bad news. The first orgasm from the beautiful and sexy Emma was bound to be delicious, but starting again immediately for a second O was going to be torturous. He wondered whether he could fight through the post-orgasm sensitivity to reach a second orgasm within five minutes.
Erika directed Noah to lie down face-up on the table with his butt on the edge and his feet on the floor and spread apart. Emma was knelt down between his feet with a jar of lubricant. She was hoping that if she were to get Noah off quickly the first time, maybe his post orgasm sensitivity would be minimized. So she started in, giving Noah the sexiest hand job she had ever given. Two fingertips tickling just below the glans. Four fingertips tickling the underside of his scrotum. Both hands stroking downward on his shaft. Both hands stroking upward on his shaft. Both hands doing opposing motions on the front and back of his shaft. Noah stiffened quickly, and within a couple of minutes he exploded with cum, to the great delight of the audience all around him.
Erika announced, “Okay, that’s cum number one, Enema, now start right in on number two. You’ve got five minutes!”
Emma wasn’t able to give Noah a break, she had to start right back stroking his penis, and he immediately howled the second her palm touched the ultra-sensitive head of his shaft. Emma instinctively paused, but then she realized that if she was going to get another cum out of him, she would have to get him past the initial post-orgasm agony as quickly as possible. She felt bad that she had to keep on stroking his already-sensitive penis, and Noah did not stop howling until they were over two minutes into the five-minute limit.
Now Emma had only a few minutes to get Noah to cum a second time, and from the look of his half-flacid penis, that was going to be an uphill battle. She tried all of her best techniques and even added her tongue, flicking it just under the glans while she tickled his scrotum with the fingertips of both hands. Noah’s cock was just beginning to wake up again when their time ran out.
Erika announced, “Time’s up, you two! I know you tried, but you came up short, so you just earned a spanking. And not just A spanking, you are both going to get spanked by EVERYONE HERE! I want you both to get up now. Enema, you walk over to that corner of the room, and Noah, you go to that opposite corner. Then you are to approach one person at a time and say to them, “Spank me, please.” Then they are to oblige you by giving you one bare-handed spank on your bare fannies. Then move on to the next person you meet and repeat for another spank. And so on until each of you have gotten spanked by everyone in the room. I want to see your hands at your sides and smiles on your faces the whole time. And to our audience, please, do not take pity on these two pledges. Give them your meanest spanks!”
Emma and Noah separated and walked to their opposite corners. Emma never thought she’d find herself begging to be spanked by dozens of her fellow students, and she wasn’t sure whether she would die from the pain or from the humiliation. But she knew she must be getting close to the end of The Final and wanted more than anything to become a sorority sister in DBD. The first people she met in the corner of the room were a group of four fraternity boys, all very handsome and more than a little tipsy. She approached one of them and read from her script, “Spank me, please.”
He was most happy to help her out, particularly because she was one of the sexiest girls he had ever seen on campus. He swung his arm back and slapped her left cheek sharply. Emma squeaked from the pain but kept her smile as best she could. Then he allowed his hand to wander to her right cheek, where he got in a good feel before she moved on to the next boy in the group. And so it went, with every boy and girl in the room, until she wound up in the opposite corner about forty minutes later, her butt cheeks cherry red and tears rolling down her face even as she kept smiling.
Noah likewise was just as pained and embarrassed, but this exercise was a little easier on him, since most of the boys were not all that interested in him, sexually, and the girls were a little more polite and did not hit as hard.
Erika invited Emma and Noah back to their sofa positions, but before they could sit down, they were directed by Erika to each kiss the ass of the other. They did, then they sat down. Very carefully.
“Sisters and brothers,” announced Erika, “our last couples dare goes to Willy and Alex.” She pulled a note card out of her stack. “Oh, interesting. Do you suppose that Willy can get Alex to cum just by sitting on his cock?” The whole crowd uttered, “Ooo,” at the same time.
Erika said, “Well, let’s find out! Alex, get up on the table and lie down, face-up, in the center. Extend your arms above your head as far as you can.” Alex complied, and he found each of his wrists held by two sorority girls; they weren’t going anywhere. “Now, straighten your legs and place your feet together.” A couple of girls stepped up onto the table and pulled Alex’s genitals up so they wouldn’t be trapped between his legs, then they both spit on his penis and sensually stroked it until his cock was fully erect. Finally, they grabbed his ankles and held them down.
Next, Lily was brought up onto the table and directed to kneel down astride Alex facing his chest, then her vagina was lowered onto his penis. Erika directed, “Willy, now extend both your legs forward on the table on either side of Alex’s chest.” She obeyed, and she found that all of her weight was now on Alex’s abdomen. Then her arms were pulled back and her wrists securely tied together behind her back.
“Okay, you two lovebirds, feeling sexy already? You’re going to feel a lot sexier before you’re done with this dare. Willy, your fun task is to get Alex off, tied up like you are right now. We are all going to have a good time watching you two fuck each other, and you’re not getting up from this table until Alex shoots his load into Willy’s cute little vag.” She patted Lily on the butt and sat down to watch the fun.
Lily’s face was burning red. This was more humiliation than she ever thought she could endure. Not only was she completely naked in front of scores of boys and girls, with no way to cover up, she was expected to fuck this boy who she barely knew in front of everyone. And on top of all that, she didn’t see how she could possibly get Alex to orgasm, the way she was positioned and tied. In a classic “cowgirl” position, she would get Alex to orgasm by either bouncing up and down on his erection, or sliding back and forth on his erection. But with her legs extended fully forward the way she was, she couldn’t do either of those.
Alex was sensing her initial frustration and tried to help. “Willy, you feel so hot on top of me right now. You really do. Do you have any ability to pump on me or slide on me?”
“Alright, Alex, I’ll try, but I can barely move, tied up this way.” Lily attempted to tilt forward and back, but she couldn’t get any leverage. She tried tilting several times, but the only thing that happened was that her tits were bouncing pretty noticeably, which was wildly popular among the boys in the crowd.
“Oh! Oh! Willy, don’t stop! Don’t stop”
“Those bouncy little tits are doing it for me!”
Alex said, “Okay, I get it, that’s not really working. Look, my erection is pretty stiff right now, can you try shifting or tilting sideways?”
Lily gave it a try, and she felt like she was getting a little bit of friction for Alex, but probably only enough to keep him stiff, not enough to orgasm. More cheering from the boys and girls all around them.
“Alex, buddy, how does she feel, huh?”
“Well, I’m going to have a seat; it looks like these two might be fucking all night!”
Alex offered, “Okay, that feels really good, but I don’t think I will be able to cum with only that move. Can you see if you can stroke me just using your vagina?”
Lily blushed furiously again, knowing that the entire crowd was having such a good time watching her figure out how to use her vagina. But she realized that this might be the only way to accomplish her goal. She began by relaxing her vagina, which got Alex’s cock pushed a little farther into her. Then she closed her eyes and tried to imagine her vagina as a little fist, pulling and pushing on Alex’s erection. This got a little response from Alex. “Yeah, maybe that might work, but it will probably need to be a little stronger.”
Lily tried it a few more times, each time getting a little more muscle into her vagina “pumps”. She could see that Alex was showing a stronger response now, so she kept at it for what seemed like hours, but was actually only five or ten minutes. Her vaginal mound was getting increasingly puffy from her movement, and this was exciting the audience. She definitely felt Alex’s cock growing toward orgasm, and he started to murmur, “Yes! Yes! I’m getting close, Willy, I’m getting. . .YOW! NO! NO! DON’T DO THAT! HEE-HEE!”
Lily opened her eyes to see that one of the sorority girls had wickedly decided to have some fun with Alex by tickling the bottoms of his feet. This drove his cock a little farther into her vagina, but it definitely “broke the spell” that they were building up to.
The sorority girl giggled, “Oh, I’m so sorry! Did I interrupt something?” This got a huge laugh from everyone in the room, but Lily and Alex were just about dying from frustration. Now they were definitely feeling like the evening’s comedy entertainment, fucking each other in an impossible sex position in front of dozens of fellow students.
Alex tried to get Lily back on track. “Willy, Willy, just calm down and get back to the rhythm we had going there. Okay?”
Lily closed her eyes again and re-started her vagina “fist thrusts” on Alex for all she was worth, but she soon felt her energy beginning to flag. It was another ten minutes or so before Alex was once again working up to an orgasm, and Lily was using her last bit of stamina to get him to cum. Three more thrusts and Lily suddenly felt the warm, welcome splash of cum in her vagina. She had practically willed Alex to cum in her, and she actually laughed with relief when she felt it.
Everyone in the room cheered wildly, and Erika approached the couple to congratulate them. “Well, that’s just wonderful. It looks like Willy’s erotic magnetism is more powerful than we had given her credit for. You girls holding Alex down may let go now, and please untie Willy.”
Lily was exhausted. “Thank you, sister. Can we get down now?”
Erika answered, “Well, I don’t know. We have all been enjoying you two so much. If we let you down, I think there’s a good chance you will just find the closest hotel room and fuck each other’s brains out. You wouldn’t do that, would you, Willy?”
“No, sister, I don’t think we will do that.” She stole a glance at Alex, who gave her a sly smile in return.
“OK, you can get down. Willy, do you need help – ahem – disengaging from Alex?”
“Um. . .no, sister, we’ve got it, thank you.” Lily gently pulled her vagina up and off of Alex’s cock – which was still erect and glistening with cum.
Dennis wrapped things up. “OKAY! What an exciting day of Truth of Dare, and what a sexy way to end The Finals! You pledges can all get dressed now, and I can report that all of the Psi Kappa Alpha pledges have passed their tests and will soon become brothers in the fraternity!”
Alyssa added her announcement. “And it is my pleasure to welcome Lily, Billie, and Emma into Delta Beta Delta! The final ceremony will take place later tonight.” The three pledges were very happy and relieved to see their hazing finally at an end and to be getting back in their clothes again.
After getting dressed, Lily stole another glance at Alex, and he followed her into a corner of the room. She gave him a relieved smile. “Um, Alex, I’m thinking of heading upstairs to bed. How about you?”
“Oh yeah? You think maybe we have some unfinished business, do you?”
“Yes, as a matter of fact. Unfinished business is a good way to put it.”
Erika announced, “Ladies and gentlemen, it’s on to the final round, Round Five, and once again it’s couples dares, so we begin by re-pairing our pledges. The new couples are BJ and Ethan, then Enema and Noah, then Willy and Alex.” The six pledges got up and moved to be on the same sofa with their new partner. “Our first couples dare is for BJ and Ethan.”
Erika held up her stack of note cards and drew one. “This looks like a test of oral dexterity for both the lady and gentleman. Ethan is to give oral to BJ using only his tongue and touching only her clitoris. Then BJ is to give oral to Ethan using only licking and kissing. In both cases, there is a five-minute limit, after which the person performing oral will start receiving ‘incentives’ until they get the job done. Hm, I wonder what kind of incentives those might be. Let’s see! BJ, sit on edge the table and lean back until you are lying down. Then bend your knees and place your feet upon the table, with your feet as far apart as you can. That’s it, BJ. Now, Ethan, kneel down on the floor and grab each of BJ’s ankles with your hands. Right. Now we will start the five-minute clock. Go.”
Ethan initially found this dare quite enjoyable – particularly given what a hot girl Billie was – although less so in front of dozens of spectators, who by now had begun acting like they were watching a sports event.
“You go, Ethan!”
“Licks for kicks, Ethan!”
“Lick that cunt! Lick that cunt!”
Billie felt Ethan’s tongue slip into her labia and start in on her clit, licking up and down and going deeper with each stroke.
Erika shot, “Ethan, no lips! Pull back until only your tongue is in her pussy. You’ve got to do this in five minutes with only your tongue!”
Ethan now realized how hard this was going to be, with only the tip of his tongue to try to bring Billie to orgasm. He turned his head slightly and began flicking Billie’s clit sideways, then up and down again.
Billie was doing her best to get to orgasm. She closed her eyes and tried to fantasize that she and Ethan were in an elegant hotel room having a very romantic weekend. But feeling only his tongue on her clit was just not enough stimulation. She almost always needed deep strokes in her vagina to have an orgasm. She tried breathing hard and undulating her pelvis to mimic her usual build-up, and it was starting to have an effect when. . .
“TIME’S UP!” from Erika. “You two just keep going, and we’ll begin the incentives!”
Ethan suddenly felt a warm pair of hands reach in from behind and begin massaging his penis. He didn’t know whose hands these were, but was pleasantly surprised to be fondled so well. However, he eventually realized that this was, indeed, an incentive; if this very sexy masturbation were to cause him to shoot his load, then there was no way BJ would be able to get him off a few minutes later by licking and kissing. He immediately got right back to work on Billie’s clit, now in a race to get her off before he came himself.
Meanwhile, the girl working on Ethan’s dick started to get seriously sexy (after all, she had been offered fifty bucks if she could make him cum before Billie). Ethan’s cock was very stiff in no time, and he was starting to sweat, feeling like he was getting close to spurting. Then, just seconds before Ethan’s inevitable orgasm, Billie closed her eyes, stiffened, and groaned as she hit her orgasm, happy that Ethan had not cum before she had her chance with him. Ethan was relieved – although a little sad – that his hand job had to come to an end.
Erika said, “Oh, man! Ethan was almost there! Too bad! Okay, time to reverse roles. Ethan, now you’re on your back on the table, and BJ, it’s time for you to perform your B-J! Ha!” Enthusiastic cheering from the audience. Ethan laid back on the table with his butt resting on the edge and his feet up on the table and apart. Billie knelt down and grasped Ethan’s ankles. “Okay, start the five-minute clock now.”
Billie leaned forward and bathed Ethan’s penis in saliva, then began methodically licking up from base to head. Since Ethan had just been manually stimulated less than a minute ago, Billie was pretty confident she could pull off an orgasm using only licking and kissing. Ethan’s penis responded quickly, and he began to groan right away. Billie planted a few sexy kisses with her wide mouth on both his penis and his scrotum. Then she went back to licking, both his cock and his balls. Ethan was obviously getting worked up, and his erection was fully engorged, but with only licking and kissing, he just wasn’t quite getting the stimulation he needed. Billie stepped it up as best she could, but the five minutes ran out with no orgasm.
Erika announced, “Five minutes is up. Time for your incentive BJ.”
The next thing Billie knew, a pair of hands reached around from behind her and began sadistically pinching and pulling her nipples. The pain definitely drove her to be more aggressive with her licking and kissing, and after another minute – a VERY LONG minute to Billie – she was able to take Ethan over the top; the end result was that she got sprayed with cum all over her face and hair.
The audience applause was very appreciative of Billie’s skills. Even Erika clapped. “Yay for BJ! Here’s a towel. Our next dare is for Enema and Noah. Noah, you may or may not enjoy this one, but at least it’s indoors!” Big laugh from the crowd. “Enema will give Noah a hand job – that’s the good news – and then she will immediately keep going with her hand job – that’s the bad news. She must get a second orgasm out of Noah within five minutes or else they will both get spanked! And that would be the REALLY bad news.”
Noah had to agree that this was definitely both good news and bad news. The first orgasm from the beautiful and sexy Emma was bound to be delicious, but starting again immediately for a second O was going to be torturous. He wondered whether he could fight through the post-orgasm sensitivity to reach a second orgasm within five minutes.
Erika directed Noah to lie down face-up on the table with his butt on the edge and his feet on the floor and spread apart. Emma was knelt down between his feet with a jar of lubricant. She was hoping that if she were to get Noah off quickly the first time, maybe his post orgasm sensitivity would be minimized. So she started in, giving Noah the sexiest hand job she had ever given. Two fingertips tickling just below the glans. Four fingertips tickling the underside of his scrotum. Both hands stroking downward on his shaft. Both hands stroking upward on his shaft. Both hands doing opposing motions on the front and back of his shaft. Noah stiffened quickly, and within a couple of minutes he exploded with cum, to the great delight of the audience all around him.
Erika announced, “Okay, that’s cum number one, Enema, now start right in on number two. You’ve got five minutes!”
Emma wasn’t able to give Noah a break, she had to start right back stroking his penis, and he immediately howled the second her palm touched the ultra-sensitive head of his shaft. Emma instinctively paused, but then she realized that if she was going to get another cum out of him, she would have to get him past the initial post-orgasm agony as quickly as possible. She felt bad that she had to keep on stroking his already-sensitive penis, and Noah did not stop howling until they were over two minutes into the five-minute limit.
Now Emma had only a few minutes to get Noah to cum a second time, and from the look of his half-flacid penis, that was going to be an uphill battle. She tried all of her best techniques and even added her tongue, flicking it just under the glans while she tickled his scrotum with the fingertips of both hands. Noah’s cock was just beginning to wake up again when their time ran out.
Erika announced, “Time’s up, you two! I know you tried, but you came up short, so you just earned a spanking. And not just A spanking, you are both going to get spanked by EVERYONE HERE! I want you both to get up now. Enema, you walk over to that corner of the room, and Noah, you go to that opposite corner. Then you are to approach one person at a time and say to them, “Spank me, please.” Then they are to oblige you by giving you one bare-handed spank on your bare fannies. Then move on to the next person you meet and repeat for another spank. And so on until each of you have gotten spanked by everyone in the room. I want to see your hands at your sides and smiles on your faces the whole time. And to our audience, please, do not take pity on these two pledges. Give them your meanest spanks!”
Emma and Noah separated and walked to their opposite corners. Emma never thought she’d find herself begging to be spanked by dozens of her fellow students, and she wasn’t sure whether she would die from the pain or from the humiliation. But she knew she must be getting close to the end of The Final and wanted more than anything to become a sorority sister in DBD. The first people she met in the corner of the room were a group of four fraternity boys, all very handsome and more than a little tipsy. She approached one of them and read from her script, “Spank me, please.”
He was most happy to help her out, particularly because she was one of the sexiest girls he had ever seen on campus. He swung his arm back and slapped her left cheek sharply. Emma squeaked from the pain but kept her smile as best she could. Then he allowed his hand to wander to her right cheek, where he got in a good feel before she moved on to the next boy in the group. And so it went, with every boy and girl in the room, until she wound up in the opposite corner about forty minutes later, her butt cheeks cherry red and tears rolling down her face even as she kept smiling.
Noah likewise was just as pained and embarrassed, but this exercise was a little easier on him, since most of the boys were not all that interested in him, sexually, and the girls were a little more polite and did not hit as hard.
Erika invited Emma and Noah back to their sofa positions, but before they could sit down, they were directed by Erika to each kiss the ass of the other. They did, then they sat down. Very carefully.
“Sisters and brothers,” announced Erika, “our last couples dare goes to Willy and Alex.” She pulled a note card out of her stack. “Oh, interesting. Do you suppose that Willy can get Alex to cum just by sitting on his cock?” The whole crowd uttered, “Ooo,” at the same time.
Erika said, “Well, let’s find out! Alex, get up on the table and lie down, face-up, in the center. Extend your arms above your head as far as you can.” Alex complied, and he found each of his wrists held by two sorority girls; they weren’t going anywhere. “Now, straighten your legs and place your feet together.” A couple of girls stepped up onto the table and pulled Alex’s genitals up so they wouldn’t be trapped between his legs, then they both spit on his penis and sensually stroked it until his cock was fully erect. Finally, they grabbed his ankles and held them down.
Next, Lily was brought up onto the table and directed to kneel down astride Alex facing his chest, then her vagina was lowered onto his penis. Erika directed, “Willy, now extend both your legs forward on the table on either side of Alex’s chest.” She obeyed, and she found that all of her weight was now on Alex’s abdomen. Then her arms were pulled back and her wrists securely tied together behind her back.
“Okay, you two lovebirds, feeling sexy already? You’re going to feel a lot sexier before you’re done with this dare. Willy, your fun task is to get Alex off, tied up like you are right now. We are all going to have a good time watching you two fuck each other, and you’re not getting up from this table until Alex shoots his load into Willy’s cute little vag.” She patted Lily on the butt and sat down to watch the fun.
Lily’s face was burning red. This was more humiliation than she ever thought she could endure. Not only was she completely naked in front of scores of boys and girls, with no way to cover up, she was expected to fuck this boy who she barely knew in front of everyone. And on top of all that, she didn’t see how she could possibly get Alex to orgasm, the way she was positioned and tied. In a classic “cowgirl” position, she would get Alex to orgasm by either bouncing up and down on his erection, or sliding back and forth on his erection. But with her legs extended fully forward the way she was, she couldn’t do either of those.
Alex was sensing her initial frustration and tried to help. “Willy, you feel so hot on top of me right now. You really do. Do you have any ability to pump on me or slide on me?”
“Alright, Alex, I’ll try, but I can barely move, tied up this way.” Lily attempted to tilt forward and back, but she couldn’t get any leverage. She tried tilting several times, but the only thing that happened was that her tits were bouncing pretty noticeably, which was wildly popular among the boys in the crowd.
“Oh! Oh! Willy, don’t stop! Don’t stop”
“Those bouncy little tits are doing it for me!”
Alex said, “Okay, I get it, that’s not really working. Look, my erection is pretty stiff right now, can you try shifting or tilting sideways?”
Lily gave it a try, and she felt like she was getting a little bit of friction for Alex, but probably only enough to keep him stiff, not enough to orgasm. More cheering from the boys and girls all around them.
“Alex, buddy, how does she feel, huh?”
“Well, I’m going to have a seat; it looks like these two might be fucking all night!”
Alex offered, “Okay, that feels really good, but I don’t think I will be able to cum with only that move. Can you see if you can stroke me just using your vagina?”
Lily blushed furiously again, knowing that the entire crowd was having such a good time watching her figure out how to use her vagina. But she realized that this might be the only way to accomplish her goal. She began by relaxing her vagina, which got Alex’s cock pushed a little farther into her. Then she closed her eyes and tried to imagine her vagina as a little fist, pulling and pushing on Alex’s erection. This got a little response from Alex. “Yeah, maybe that might work, but it will probably need to be a little stronger.”
Lily tried it a few more times, each time getting a little more muscle into her vagina “pumps”. She could see that Alex was showing a stronger response now, so she kept at it for what seemed like hours, but was actually only five or ten minutes. Her vaginal mound was getting increasingly puffy from her movement, and this was exciting the audience. She definitely felt Alex’s cock growing toward orgasm, and he started to murmur, “Yes! Yes! I’m getting close, Willy, I’m getting. . .YOW! NO! NO! DON’T DO THAT! HEE-HEE!”
Lily opened her eyes to see that one of the sorority girls had wickedly decided to have some fun with Alex by tickling the bottoms of his feet. This drove his cock a little farther into her vagina, but it definitely “broke the spell” that they were building up to.
The sorority girl giggled, “Oh, I’m so sorry! Did I interrupt something?” This got a huge laugh from everyone in the room, but Lily and Alex were just about dying from frustration. Now they were definitely feeling like the evening’s comedy entertainment, fucking each other in an impossible sex position in front of dozens of fellow students.
Alex tried to get Lily back on track. “Willy, Willy, just calm down and get back to the rhythm we had going there. Okay?”
Lily closed her eyes again and re-started her vagina “fist thrusts” on Alex for all she was worth, but she soon felt her energy beginning to flag. It was another ten minutes or so before Alex was once again working up to an orgasm, and Lily was using her last bit of stamina to get him to cum. Three more thrusts and Lily suddenly felt the warm, welcome splash of cum in her vagina. She had practically willed Alex to cum in her, and she actually laughed with relief when she felt it.
Everyone in the room cheered wildly, and Erika approached the couple to congratulate them. “Well, that’s just wonderful. It looks like Willy’s erotic magnetism is more powerful than we had given her credit for. You girls holding Alex down may let go now, and please untie Willy.”
Lily was exhausted. “Thank you, sister. Can we get down now?”
Erika answered, “Well, I don’t know. We have all been enjoying you two so much. If we let you down, I think there’s a good chance you will just find the closest hotel room and fuck each other’s brains out. You wouldn’t do that, would you, Willy?”
“No, sister, I don’t think we will do that.” She stole a glance at Alex, who gave her a sly smile in return.
“OK, you can get down. Willy, do you need help – ahem – disengaging from Alex?”
“Um. . .no, sister, we’ve got it, thank you.” Lily gently pulled her vagina up and off of Alex’s cock – which was still erect and glistening with cum.
Dennis wrapped things up. “OKAY! What an exciting day of Truth of Dare, and what a sexy way to end The Finals! You pledges can all get dressed now, and I can report that all of the Psi Kappa Alpha pledges have passed their tests and will soon become brothers in the fraternity!”
Alyssa added her announcement. “And it is my pleasure to welcome Lily, Billie, and Emma into Delta Beta Delta! The final ceremony will take place later tonight.” The three pledges were very happy and relieved to see their hazing finally at an end and to be getting back in their clothes again.
After getting dressed, Lily stole another glance at Alex, and he followed her into a corner of the room. She gave him a relieved smile. “Um, Alex, I’m thinking of heading upstairs to bed. How about you?”
“Oh yeah? You think maybe we have some unfinished business, do you?”
“Yes, as a matter of fact. Unfinished business is a good way to put it.”
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