Dare Me (new 7/29)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: Dare Me (new 5/5)

Post by TeenFan »

This Mikey Dare Day would be a good time for some of Lucy's new cheerleader friends to come over, the ones from the video. While Mikey
works in the garden, Lucy makes a phone call.

After Mikey gets all sweaty and dirty pulling weeds and digging up a new garden row, he'll be too messy to be allowed inside, getting a hose
shower from Lucy. As he stands drip drying in the sun, the cheerleaders show up.
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Re: Dare Me (new 5/5)

Post by neverdoubted »

TeenFan wrote: Sat May 06, 2023 1:14 am This Mikey Dare Day would be a good time for some of Lucy's new cheerleader friends to come over, the ones from the video. While Mikey
works in the garden, Lucy makes a phone call.

After Mikey gets all sweaty and dirty pulling weeds and digging up a new garden row, he'll be too messy to be allowed inside, getting a hose
shower from Lucy. As he stands drip drying in the sun, the cheerleaders show up.
Good prediction. But, I regret to report that there are no cheerleaders in this chapter. :(
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Dare Me (new 5/5)

Post by perseus »

Is it greedy to ask for another update for the second day in a row?
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Re: Dare Me (new 5/5)

Post by Themarble »

I'd also love an update too. Things look like they are on the verge of picking up steam!
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Re: Dare Me (new 5/5)

Post by neverdoubted »

Coming right up. :D
~ NeverDoubted

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Dare Me - Chapter 14 - Mikey Gets a Dare (Part 6)

Post by neverdoubted »

Dare Me - Chapter 14 - Mikey Gets a Dare (Part 6)

Whenever Lucy found the need, she would giddily reach over and lift one of the tools off her naked human tool peg. Sometimes she would have to pull others off to get to the one she wanted.

Gradually, she overcame her shyness and grew more curious about my helpful, and versatile appendage. A ritual of sorts soon developed. Whenever she needed something, she would wipe her hands on her apron to make sure they were clean and free of dirt. Then, she would kneel in front of me to ensure easy access.

Reaching up with both hands, she would slide her soft fingers onto my ball sack. It seemed to fascinate her how easily she could dent the seemingly tight skin of my shaved scrotum. After picking out the tool she needed, she would slowly slide the loop upward with both her hands; deliberately letting her fingers explore every contour and ridge of my warm shaft.

She seemed particularly intrigued by the plump, pink mushroom that capped my member. More than once, she intentionally made sure the cord got caught under the rim of my cock head. Then she would "accidentally" tug until my entire pole was bent down toward her. She giggled in delight as the cord would finally slip free and my penis would pop back up to its original erect state before offering an insincere, "oops, sorry."

She finished working in the vegetable garden then made us move over to check on her flowers. Every time she needed a tool, she grew a little more comfortable with the process and I found her taking her sweet time familiarizing herself with my impressive equipment. Eventually, I couldn't help but react to the caress of her soft fingers against those most sensitive parts of my body.

The rake's loop was made of a different material than the other two; not leather. Its rough, plant-based fiber did slightly irritate the freshly shaved, already tender crevice’s between my scrotum and my thighs; especially whenever it got a turn being closest to my body. It was also longer. That tended to make it settle in around my ball sack as I walked instead of just riding on the base of my cock like the other two.

She practically had to cup and fondle my balls every time she needed the rake, which seemed to be pretty often. The act always made my toes curl, and my eyes roll back in my head. When her work was complete, she removed the tools for the last time and put them away.

My heart started beating faster as my excitement grew. Thinking I had made it to the finish line, I was actually smiling when she returned. I was willing to put up with my still very uncomfortable erection long enough to get inside and reach my long-denied orgasm.

I didn't say anything, but just looked at her with a bright, expectant smile. All she had to do was announce the end of my dare and I was home free! But she threw me for a loop when she instead said, "looks like you got a little dirty. Do you need a bath?"

I had already taken a shower that morning, but she wasn't entirely off base. While she had taken extra care to make sure my shaved area remained clean and pristine, the gardening tools swaying back and forth against the fronts of my legs all morning had left traces of dirt behind. It wasn't terrible. I would normally have just brushed it off and gone about my day. But Lucy apparently did not share that opinion.

My face fell and my shoulders slumped. I could feel my orgasmic opportunity slipping away once again. But then, I noticed something. She had asked me a question! That meant I was allowed to talk.

"Well...um, I thought my dare was, like...almost over," I said hopefully, trying not to let the horny desperation in my voice overshadow my statement.

"Almost," she said, "but, not until I say so. You at least have to give me a massage, first. Then you can be done." Then, grabbing me by my turgid handle, she added, "come on, let's get you cleaned up."

At the mention of a massage, my attention wasn't the only thing that perked up. She was, of course, referring to a breast massage. After all, it is the reason she had shown up naked in my bedroom that morning. She had been waiting impatiently for another chance to have Dave's special sauce worked directly into her growing breasts for months.

As she led me by my cock back inside, my heart started racing. I mentally high-fived myself at having survived an entire dare with only my sister and mother seeing me naked. I had to admit, Lucy had definitely experienced much worse during her dares.

At the same time, I couldn't help but wonder about my bath. What did she mean by "let's get you cleaned up"? Did that mean she intended to be the one to bathe me? More importantly, was she going to make me wait until after I had completed her massage before I could masturbate?

...or was she going to...join me in the tub?! I had given her breast massages before while she sat naked in the bathtub. But had always been fully clothed. I didn't think I could make it through an entire naked massage session in my current aroused state. The way her soft, guiding hand was gently jacking me as we walked down the hallway drove me to the brink of cumming. I wasn't even sure I would be able to make it to the top of the stairs without losing control!

Just then, as we were walking through the entryway on our way to the stairs, my fantastic reverie was broken by the ominous sound of the doorbell.

"Who could that be?" she wondered aloud. My blood ran cold as she led me to a spot near the far wall and turned me to face the front door. As she approached the door, some terrible premonition silently screamed inside me to make a run for it. But the rest of my hyper-aroused body struggled to think of anything else but our bath.

I had already turned the page from my dare. Now all I could think about was finally getting to cum. Every other concern paled in the light of that singular thought.

"So, somebody's at the door," my brain reasoned to itself, "big deal! It's probably just a bill collector."

She had intentionally placed me in the perfect spot where my naked body would be totally exposed if she chose to swing the door open wide. Somehow, I convinced myself she wouldn't go through with something like that, though. She would not be interested in wasting a lot of time, right? She had said herself how eager she was to get on with her massage. Whoever it was, surely, she would dispose of him in short order. Then we could get right back to our bath. Why did my skin all of the sudden feel cold?

I couldn't see outside, but as she cracked the door open, I saw her eyes widen and a big smile formed on her face. Suddenly, my mental reassurances that everything would be ok didn't seem so solid. I found myself involuntarily holding my breath as my lungs decided to stop working.

Despite feeling a little lightheaded, I forced my feet to stay rooted in the exact spot she had placed me. I didn't want to give her any excuse to change her plans. I was so close to my orgasm I could practically feel it bubbling up! Taking great care to suppress the urgency in my loins, I did keep myself upright and even managed to get my lungs working long enough to suck in a single, tense breath.

Lucy widened the crack a bit then leaned against the door. I saw her lips moving but was perplexed when nothing came out of them. Her casual posture and welcoming smile did not resemble someone in a hurry to wrap up the encounter with the stranger on the other side. Every second that passed dealt another blow to my hastily constructed delusion of safety.

A worry crept in that she might actually go through with exposing me to whomever was on the other side. I gulped at that thought even though my mouth was dry. That's when I realized the pounding of my heartbeat had filled my ears and was muffling my hearing. When I swallowed, the sensation eased somewhat, and I could hear Lucy's voice again. Then the stranger spoke. It was a girl's voice!

Suddenly feeling extremely vulnerable and exposed, I strained my ears to catch the gist of their conversation.

"...elder folks to be exceedingly friendly and welcoming. So, if most folks in your community are, as you say, elder. Why does no one answer the door for us?" asked the girl.



Wait, did she just say "us"?
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Dare Me (new 5/6)

Post by Themarble »

There's going to be a lot of eyes on that 'meatrod' in a minute. Let's hope our hapless hero doesn't bubble over unexpectedly!
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Re: Dare Me (new 5/6)

Post by mars357 »

Girl scouts selling cookies??? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I think Mikey is going to have to fetch his wallet, come to the door and pay up! Like at the very least :lol:

Another great chapter. Bravo!!! You're really good with cliff hangers as well, always leaving us wanting more :!:
A kinky, pervy dreamer who occasionally feels creative. I love and appreciate comments and encouragement and I'm also open to suggestions!
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Re: Dare Me (new 5/6)

Post by neverdoubted »

mars357 wrote: Sat May 06, 2023 10:45 pm Girl scouts selling cookies??? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I think Mikey is going to have to fetch his wallet, come to the door and pay up! Like at the very least :lol:

Another great chapter. Bravo!!! You're really good with cliff hangers as well, always leaving us wanting more :!:
No, it's not girl scouts. But I always enjoy a good prediction. As a consolation, I will post another part today.
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Dare Me (new 5/6)

Post by perseus »

Awesome! Looking forward to it!
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