Heather and Robert [Part 5 added 4/23]
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Re: Heather and Robert [Part 3 added 4/2]
I really like what you're doing with the story and looking forward to the arc continuing further. I often lamented the fact that stories that start off like this one almost never cross certain boundaries. But you incorporate a great variety of ideas and I for one, am really enjoying. Thank you for this and keep up the great work.
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Re: Heather and Robert [Part 5 added 4/23]
[Apparently I reached the character limit for a single post, so the next parts will be here. Hopefully this isn't too off the wall. ~h]
[Part 4]
--- Even More Personal ---
After the movie theater event, we looked for opportunities to play in public. Since we were 16 we also had a bit more freedom, especially when you got your driver's license. You had to check in often with your parents, and you had a radius from our neighborhood that you were supposed to stay in, so we weren't going the next state over or anything. Still, we found new ways to have fun.
There was a nature preserve with a walking trail only a ten minute drive from your house. It had only one parking lit and one main trail entering it. We figured out if there were no cars in the lot and we did a quick lap around the 3/4 loop by splitting up in opposite directions, that we could be pretty sure that we were alone in this big private nature area.
It started with me stripping and letting you get down the trail and around a bend with my clothes and then me running naked to catch up. You'd carry my clothes further and further before I started to follow. Then one day you said "ok Heather, today I want you to take a big chance. Take all your clothes off and leave them behind that tree. We'll walk around the whole trail before you can get them back". I said "what if a car pulls in the lot while we are far away from this tree?" You said "then you are going to be one embarrassed girl". I said "I'm in".
I stripped naked. Then I took your hand and we walked like any couple in love might, except you were fully dressed and I was utterly and completely naked. Nobody came, but it was really exciting. We started doing it every time. Only once did a dog walker almost sneak up on us and catch us, except they thought they were alone too and had their dog off the leash. That friendly pup ran around a curve ahead of us and I had just enough time to dive into a bush.
You petted the dog and made small talk with the owner and agonizingly long time as I stayed quiet. You kept redirecting the dog's attention when he heard me. Once they were gone and out of earshot we laughed like lunatics and power walked to the tree with my clothes. You had to rub cream on me in the shed later because I had scratches EVERYWHERE from diving naked into a bush.
In addition to trying to play more in public, we also kept experimenting with Recreational Misogyny and your curiosity with my bodily functions. It was a random Tuesday when my hip started to ache and my back hurt. These were tell tale signs for me that my time of the month was starting. I mentioned it in passing like I always did saying "out of commission this week". You asked "shark week?" I nodded and said "unfortunately". We didn't play when I was on my period. I never wore less than at least a pair of panties.
I said "sorry it will be a boring week with no playing, unfortunately. I know boys hate that stuff". I guess I assumed that ALL boys hated that stuff because it was so common for boys at school to get squeamish at the mention of it. Even my own dad didn't want to see Tampax in the bathroom, so it stayed under the sink. You said "I thought you didn't feel like playing on your period". I said "what? No, I'm super horny then. Boys don't like periods". We had a simultaneous light bulb moment. We'd each been avoiding this because we thought the other wanted to avoid it.
You said "things are going to be different starting tomorrow. Bring whatever supplies you need to the shed". I said "yes Mr. Robert". I did as you told me, but my first day cramps were actually too bad and we just cuddled. You were incredibly sweet like that. By day three I was raring to go though. When I got to the shed that afternoon after school you said "ok Heather I don't see why you silly time of the month should have anything to do with me disciplining you properly, do you?" I shook my head with nervous anticipation.
You said "get all your clothes off." I stripped down to nothing but my panties. You saw the bulky pad sticking out. You said "what? Do you think you deserve special treatment because you are on the rag? Panties off". I actually think peeing in front of you was less embarrassing. At least that there is control. I could hold it. This was different. It happened to me and there was nothing I could do about it. Few things are as humiliating to a 16 year old girl than things related to her period. It's why companies make a mint off of "discreet packaging","silent wrappers", etc.
Now I was about to share my closely guarded secret with you. I pulled my panties down to my ankles. I was almost on the verge of tears because I thought you'd be grossed out and regret this. Instead, you said "good girl". You knew my breast buds got extremely tender during my period. You kissed my while squeezing my boob. You said "for keeping this facet of yourself a secret for so long I think you deserve the wire hanger on this cute little bare ass. Don't you?" I nodded. My eyes were watery but my fear was subsiding.
You said "I can't have you dripping all over the shed. You may ask me for a new pad if you want one". I have never been turned on in the same way or felt quite as stupid as when I said "Mr. Robert, may I please have a new pad?". You handed it to me. I unwrapped it. Then my brain got stuck. I had no panties on to put the pad in. You realized my confusion. You said "bend over the end of the chair. You may hold your silly pad in place".
I did as you told me holding my pad against my crotch. It was humiliating, and you were the meanest boy I ever loved. You somehow understood how my sexuality worked better than I did. I got a pretty good spanking that day followed by standing in the corner facing you while holding my pad. You weren't disgusted at all.
--- Senior Year ---
I finally turned 17. The first thing I did was schedule an appointment at the clinic. It was a several week wait. You appropriately took it out on me by rubbing my pussy with sandpaper and then cumming down my throat several times during the wait. We were both so ready to lose our virginities to each other, that the appointment delay felt like Christmas being moved from December 25 to January 15th.
At the clinic they did a gyno exam. I went by myself, but I told you about it after. It actually played into my kinks so much. I had to get naked in a little room and put a thin paper gown on. Then I got on the table and in the stirrups and it made no sense why I even wasted time putting the stupid gown on. The doctor opened the top to feel my breasts and flipped up the bottom to exposed my business like it was nothing.
It was fun to have a random man older than my dad see me in my all together, even though he was very professional and didn't seem the least bit turned on. One thing I leaned was that on the coldest of cold winter days, I'll still take that walk to the bus stop over the sensation of a cold metal speculum. It gave my soul shivers. It would not have been a remarkable first gyno visit except that my doctor had a trainee doing a rotation. My doctor asked if his trainee could observe and made it clear it was fine to say no and that basically everyone says no. I said yes.
So in addition to this old doctor looking up my wide open girl parts, this handsome young rotating doctor was watching too. Then with my agreement, the young doctor redid the breast and pelvic exam. It had to be a full 35 minutes of my private parts being examined and manipulated. I was glad when I told you that you added to my embarrassment by saying "they probably talked about your pussy after you left. Maybe the young one even told his buddies about his naked little 16 year old patient over beers at the bar." It probably didn't happen, but it was exciting to think that it could have.
I do remember the doctor mentioned I shouldn't wear thongs because it looked like it was irritating me. If only he knew about you and that devilish sandpaper. He gave me the birth control but I had to take it for two weeks before it would be effective. Christmas had moved from January 15th to Groundhog's Day. That was two weeks of getting my butthole sanded in addition to my poor little bubble gum pink parts. You had become the perfect man in the eyes of the magazines in how you disciplined me, but to mine as well.
Finally it was safe for us to have unprotected sex. We were both giddy with excitement. We had no crazy notions of making it romantic, we knew just being with each other would be special enough. We thought the shed would be a fitting place for us even though out parents often leave us home alone with $20 on the counter to order pizza while they are out for the night. Somehow having sex in a bed just didn't feel like us. So we laid a sleeping bag, the same one from our first camp out, on the floor if the shed and got naked. I laid down on my back and spread my legs. Instead of the usual whaps with the hanger, you got on top of me and rested your erection on my tummy.
We each took a moment to let it all sink in. Then I gave you a wink and you knew it was time. You rubbed your tip along my very wet slit then instinct took over. You'd never done it, but somehow your body just knew how to line up with mine and you pushed your tip in. It was held at bay by my hymen. I bit my bottom lip and you slowly pushed, adding more and more pressure until.....pop. My hymen tore and you slid inside me. The tearing hurt like a papercut but I was not deterred by pain down there, in fact, I was accustomed to it. I was very focused on the sensation of your cock stretching my vaginal walls for the first time ever. You held your whole length inside me also acclimating to the new and wonderful sensation of my tight wet pussy holding your cock.
You seemed even bigger than when you were in my mouth and throat. Instinct again had you starting to move your hips. You slid in and out of me massaging my sex canal and making me moan. I said "mmmmmmm Robert". You picked up speed and intensity. With all our practice you were far from a two pump chump. You were really fucking me hard now and both our bodies seemed to know that they were fulfilling a destiny and purpose and that the biological reward for our efforts was an orgasm. It was building in each of us.
I was moaning with a little squeak at each of your hard thrusts. I saw something wild and determined in your eyes. I'd watched you cum lots of times but your eyes never looked like this. It was so intense, I loved it. I was close. You were close. I was able to mutter "tits.....hard". You knew exactly what I meant. You grabbed my right breast and squeezed it like you were juicing an orange. Then you grabbed the nipple and twisted. I scream-moaned and started to cum.
My abs constricted and my back arched. My legs quivered. You felt my pussy constrict in a rythmic milking motion around your cock. We talked later about it and we had a theory that it was an evolutionary holdover where the caveman that could make his cave woman climax got his dick milked dry.
The milking was as far as you could last. You grunted and unloaded your balls into me. It was a beautiful moment of two wholly sexually compatible people having a simultaneous climax. It was the best first time anyone could hope for.
The remainder of senior year involved us fooling around with other people but fucking each other several times a week. We tried every position we could think of or that we could find in porn. I liked variety but you had a clear favorite position. If I laid on you with all my body weight and your penis was inside me, I could have your cum in me in less than a minute if I moved my hips. If I kept still, we could stay like that for over an our just chatting, kissing, and being close.
Personally, I preferred doggy style. I liked how it felt more 'slutty' than romantic. When you really used my pussy hard in that position even my small breasts would swing back and forth. It sometimes made me sore and other times made me feel ridiculous, and I liked that. However, I think the thing I enjoyed most, was when I was getting fucked on my hands and knees, you would touch my butthole sometimes. It was nearly a guaranteed way to make me cum.
If my senior year were a pie chart, the time I spent with your penis in my vagina would have been a not-insignificant slice. Despite all of that, I was diligent with my new birth control and we didn't have a single pregnancy scare. That also meant an opportunity every month to use my period against me in a Recreational Misogyny kind of way. I considered that a win-win.
[Part 5]
--- The College Years, Denny ---
We were lucky to be accepted to the same college. It also was nice that it was a six hour drive from our parents. We finally got to explore our relationship without having to hide it from classmates and family. We became girlfriend and boyfriend, but not in the traditional sense. We went one step further labeling our relationship non-exclusive boyfriend/girlfriend. It also allowed us to experiment with Recreational Misogyny even more.
Freshman year we were in the same co-ed dorm. Boys were on the upper floors and girls on the lower floors. It made it easy to have sleepovers. My roommate was a wet blanket and didn't want you in our room. Your roommate, Denny, was very open to it. He was glad to have a girl in the room while you two played Call of Duty. At first I was just typical girlfriend, just hanging out or maybe making you two nachos in the microwave. We needed to make sure Denny was going to be receptive to being included in our experimenting.
It started with me wearing thin nightgowns when I'd stay in your room. At first he'd alway look away to give me privacy. He would put noise canceling headphones on when we turned the lights out so he wasn't actively listing to us have slow under-the-covers sex in the next bed. As he began to realize that neither you nor I cared about privacy he got comfortable acknowledging his tertiary role in our relationship.
I went from wearing nightgowns to just a tank top and panties to bed if I slept over. Denny started making comments like "those green panties are cute. I think I like them better than the grey ones from last week." When you and I weren't offended and instead turned it into a ten minute discussion on everyone's favorite panties that I own, he felt included and appreciated. Denny didn't have a girlfriend and had never had a girlfriend. He liked having a girlfriend by proxy, in me.
We didn't know it, but he started listening to us have sex in the dark next to him as well. One morning when Denny said with a fist bump "dang Robert, you got Heather off twice last night. Good man". I corrected him saying "three times actually" and got my own fist bump. I'm pretty sure that's the moment we knew Denny was our kind of people.
In addition to waltzing around in my undies you suggested I start peeing with the bathroom door open. You couldn't see anything but my feet from where you two played video games, but it helped expand our intimacy with Denny. Finally things came to a head when Denny was telling us about a cute girl in his math class that he was too afraid to approach because of his inexperience with girls. Just like you and I had discussed, you told Denny he should let me blow him or something to get some experience.
Then you went for a walk. Denny asked if you'd been serious. He and I talked and he finally accepted my offer of a handjob since he didn't feel ready for a blowjob. Danny's was my first uncircumcised penis. I had fun playing with it. He even lasted several minutes. I was pretty excited about the prospect of having two dicks to keep happy as a fun Recreational Misogyny project.
Denny still hadn't seen me without at least undies on. One day when you didn't have an early morning class and my professor sent an email canceling mine, you had a perfectly wonderful idea. As soon as Denny left for his early morning classes I came to your room. We had sex as we plotted together until you came inside me. Then you pulled me over your lap for a bottom-reddening spanking. Only then did you tie my arms behind my back and then tied my waist to the radiator leaving me naked and unable to go anywhere. You texted Denny that I had been naughty and you'd put me in time out in your room and that if he could stop by the room before his afternoon classes to check on me that you'd appreciate it.
Denny agreed, not exactly knowing what he was getting into. I had fun being tied there for 90 minutes hearing the hustle and bustle out in the hall. Finally Denny came back. He was shocked that I was completely naked. He said "are you ok Heather?" I said "of course. Robert and I were just playing. Sometimes he gives me punishments. Today it was a spanking and a time out". He looked me up and down then he said "but.....you're....naked". I blushed and said "I know. He's allowed to take my clothes away if he wants to. If you don't want involved you don't have to be. Robert will be back soon." Denny said "I.....I'd like to be.......involved".
He was in. I said "what did Robert tell you to do?" Denny said "just to check on you". I said "well then you shouldn't untie me. Or at least not my hands. I was a bad girl and I'm being punished after all". He nodded, still trying to get his brain to comprehend I was in his dorm room naked. I loved not being able to cover myself even though that was still my natural instinct. I said "but I do have to pee. Would you untie my waist?" He nodded and came over and untied me. He said "ok. You are free". I said "Denny, my hands are tied. I need your help to use the potty". He stumbled as he tried to say "ok".
We went into the small bathroom together. I said "help me sit?" He grabbed my shoulders and helped me get into the toilet. You and I already had worked out that this was the plan. I opened my legs and began to tinkle. A new boy was seeing me relieve myself. It was so embarrassing but exactly what turned me on. Denny was clearly turned on too. I finished and said "would you please....you know....wipe me...front to back please". I opened my legs more. Dennys was frozen. Then he nodded and got some toilet paper. He wiped my pussy. I could feel his hand shaking. Then he helped me up and flushed for me before re-securing me to the radiator.
[Part 4]
--- Even More Personal ---
After the movie theater event, we looked for opportunities to play in public. Since we were 16 we also had a bit more freedom, especially when you got your driver's license. You had to check in often with your parents, and you had a radius from our neighborhood that you were supposed to stay in, so we weren't going the next state over or anything. Still, we found new ways to have fun.
There was a nature preserve with a walking trail only a ten minute drive from your house. It had only one parking lit and one main trail entering it. We figured out if there were no cars in the lot and we did a quick lap around the 3/4 loop by splitting up in opposite directions, that we could be pretty sure that we were alone in this big private nature area.
It started with me stripping and letting you get down the trail and around a bend with my clothes and then me running naked to catch up. You'd carry my clothes further and further before I started to follow. Then one day you said "ok Heather, today I want you to take a big chance. Take all your clothes off and leave them behind that tree. We'll walk around the whole trail before you can get them back". I said "what if a car pulls in the lot while we are far away from this tree?" You said "then you are going to be one embarrassed girl". I said "I'm in".
I stripped naked. Then I took your hand and we walked like any couple in love might, except you were fully dressed and I was utterly and completely naked. Nobody came, but it was really exciting. We started doing it every time. Only once did a dog walker almost sneak up on us and catch us, except they thought they were alone too and had their dog off the leash. That friendly pup ran around a curve ahead of us and I had just enough time to dive into a bush.
You petted the dog and made small talk with the owner and agonizingly long time as I stayed quiet. You kept redirecting the dog's attention when he heard me. Once they were gone and out of earshot we laughed like lunatics and power walked to the tree with my clothes. You had to rub cream on me in the shed later because I had scratches EVERYWHERE from diving naked into a bush.
In addition to trying to play more in public, we also kept experimenting with Recreational Misogyny and your curiosity with my bodily functions. It was a random Tuesday when my hip started to ache and my back hurt. These were tell tale signs for me that my time of the month was starting. I mentioned it in passing like I always did saying "out of commission this week". You asked "shark week?" I nodded and said "unfortunately". We didn't play when I was on my period. I never wore less than at least a pair of panties.
I said "sorry it will be a boring week with no playing, unfortunately. I know boys hate that stuff". I guess I assumed that ALL boys hated that stuff because it was so common for boys at school to get squeamish at the mention of it. Even my own dad didn't want to see Tampax in the bathroom, so it stayed under the sink. You said "I thought you didn't feel like playing on your period". I said "what? No, I'm super horny then. Boys don't like periods". We had a simultaneous light bulb moment. We'd each been avoiding this because we thought the other wanted to avoid it.
You said "things are going to be different starting tomorrow. Bring whatever supplies you need to the shed". I said "yes Mr. Robert". I did as you told me, but my first day cramps were actually too bad and we just cuddled. You were incredibly sweet like that. By day three I was raring to go though. When I got to the shed that afternoon after school you said "ok Heather I don't see why you silly time of the month should have anything to do with me disciplining you properly, do you?" I shook my head with nervous anticipation.
You said "get all your clothes off." I stripped down to nothing but my panties. You saw the bulky pad sticking out. You said "what? Do you think you deserve special treatment because you are on the rag? Panties off". I actually think peeing in front of you was less embarrassing. At least that there is control. I could hold it. This was different. It happened to me and there was nothing I could do about it. Few things are as humiliating to a 16 year old girl than things related to her period. It's why companies make a mint off of "discreet packaging","silent wrappers", etc.
Now I was about to share my closely guarded secret with you. I pulled my panties down to my ankles. I was almost on the verge of tears because I thought you'd be grossed out and regret this. Instead, you said "good girl". You knew my breast buds got extremely tender during my period. You kissed my while squeezing my boob. You said "for keeping this facet of yourself a secret for so long I think you deserve the wire hanger on this cute little bare ass. Don't you?" I nodded. My eyes were watery but my fear was subsiding.
You said "I can't have you dripping all over the shed. You may ask me for a new pad if you want one". I have never been turned on in the same way or felt quite as stupid as when I said "Mr. Robert, may I please have a new pad?". You handed it to me. I unwrapped it. Then my brain got stuck. I had no panties on to put the pad in. You realized my confusion. You said "bend over the end of the chair. You may hold your silly pad in place".
I did as you told me holding my pad against my crotch. It was humiliating, and you were the meanest boy I ever loved. You somehow understood how my sexuality worked better than I did. I got a pretty good spanking that day followed by standing in the corner facing you while holding my pad. You weren't disgusted at all.
--- Senior Year ---
I finally turned 17. The first thing I did was schedule an appointment at the clinic. It was a several week wait. You appropriately took it out on me by rubbing my pussy with sandpaper and then cumming down my throat several times during the wait. We were both so ready to lose our virginities to each other, that the appointment delay felt like Christmas being moved from December 25 to January 15th.
At the clinic they did a gyno exam. I went by myself, but I told you about it after. It actually played into my kinks so much. I had to get naked in a little room and put a thin paper gown on. Then I got on the table and in the stirrups and it made no sense why I even wasted time putting the stupid gown on. The doctor opened the top to feel my breasts and flipped up the bottom to exposed my business like it was nothing.
It was fun to have a random man older than my dad see me in my all together, even though he was very professional and didn't seem the least bit turned on. One thing I leaned was that on the coldest of cold winter days, I'll still take that walk to the bus stop over the sensation of a cold metal speculum. It gave my soul shivers. It would not have been a remarkable first gyno visit except that my doctor had a trainee doing a rotation. My doctor asked if his trainee could observe and made it clear it was fine to say no and that basically everyone says no. I said yes.
So in addition to this old doctor looking up my wide open girl parts, this handsome young rotating doctor was watching too. Then with my agreement, the young doctor redid the breast and pelvic exam. It had to be a full 35 minutes of my private parts being examined and manipulated. I was glad when I told you that you added to my embarrassment by saying "they probably talked about your pussy after you left. Maybe the young one even told his buddies about his naked little 16 year old patient over beers at the bar." It probably didn't happen, but it was exciting to think that it could have.
I do remember the doctor mentioned I shouldn't wear thongs because it looked like it was irritating me. If only he knew about you and that devilish sandpaper. He gave me the birth control but I had to take it for two weeks before it would be effective. Christmas had moved from January 15th to Groundhog's Day. That was two weeks of getting my butthole sanded in addition to my poor little bubble gum pink parts. You had become the perfect man in the eyes of the magazines in how you disciplined me, but to mine as well.
Finally it was safe for us to have unprotected sex. We were both giddy with excitement. We had no crazy notions of making it romantic, we knew just being with each other would be special enough. We thought the shed would be a fitting place for us even though out parents often leave us home alone with $20 on the counter to order pizza while they are out for the night. Somehow having sex in a bed just didn't feel like us. So we laid a sleeping bag, the same one from our first camp out, on the floor if the shed and got naked. I laid down on my back and spread my legs. Instead of the usual whaps with the hanger, you got on top of me and rested your erection on my tummy.
We each took a moment to let it all sink in. Then I gave you a wink and you knew it was time. You rubbed your tip along my very wet slit then instinct took over. You'd never done it, but somehow your body just knew how to line up with mine and you pushed your tip in. It was held at bay by my hymen. I bit my bottom lip and you slowly pushed, adding more and more pressure until.....pop. My hymen tore and you slid inside me. The tearing hurt like a papercut but I was not deterred by pain down there, in fact, I was accustomed to it. I was very focused on the sensation of your cock stretching my vaginal walls for the first time ever. You held your whole length inside me also acclimating to the new and wonderful sensation of my tight wet pussy holding your cock.
You seemed even bigger than when you were in my mouth and throat. Instinct again had you starting to move your hips. You slid in and out of me massaging my sex canal and making me moan. I said "mmmmmmm Robert". You picked up speed and intensity. With all our practice you were far from a two pump chump. You were really fucking me hard now and both our bodies seemed to know that they were fulfilling a destiny and purpose and that the biological reward for our efforts was an orgasm. It was building in each of us.
I was moaning with a little squeak at each of your hard thrusts. I saw something wild and determined in your eyes. I'd watched you cum lots of times but your eyes never looked like this. It was so intense, I loved it. I was close. You were close. I was able to mutter "tits.....hard". You knew exactly what I meant. You grabbed my right breast and squeezed it like you were juicing an orange. Then you grabbed the nipple and twisted. I scream-moaned and started to cum.
My abs constricted and my back arched. My legs quivered. You felt my pussy constrict in a rythmic milking motion around your cock. We talked later about it and we had a theory that it was an evolutionary holdover where the caveman that could make his cave woman climax got his dick milked dry.
The milking was as far as you could last. You grunted and unloaded your balls into me. It was a beautiful moment of two wholly sexually compatible people having a simultaneous climax. It was the best first time anyone could hope for.
The remainder of senior year involved us fooling around with other people but fucking each other several times a week. We tried every position we could think of or that we could find in porn. I liked variety but you had a clear favorite position. If I laid on you with all my body weight and your penis was inside me, I could have your cum in me in less than a minute if I moved my hips. If I kept still, we could stay like that for over an our just chatting, kissing, and being close.
Personally, I preferred doggy style. I liked how it felt more 'slutty' than romantic. When you really used my pussy hard in that position even my small breasts would swing back and forth. It sometimes made me sore and other times made me feel ridiculous, and I liked that. However, I think the thing I enjoyed most, was when I was getting fucked on my hands and knees, you would touch my butthole sometimes. It was nearly a guaranteed way to make me cum.
If my senior year were a pie chart, the time I spent with your penis in my vagina would have been a not-insignificant slice. Despite all of that, I was diligent with my new birth control and we didn't have a single pregnancy scare. That also meant an opportunity every month to use my period against me in a Recreational Misogyny kind of way. I considered that a win-win.
[Part 5]
--- The College Years, Denny ---
We were lucky to be accepted to the same college. It also was nice that it was a six hour drive from our parents. We finally got to explore our relationship without having to hide it from classmates and family. We became girlfriend and boyfriend, but not in the traditional sense. We went one step further labeling our relationship non-exclusive boyfriend/girlfriend. It also allowed us to experiment with Recreational Misogyny even more.
Freshman year we were in the same co-ed dorm. Boys were on the upper floors and girls on the lower floors. It made it easy to have sleepovers. My roommate was a wet blanket and didn't want you in our room. Your roommate, Denny, was very open to it. He was glad to have a girl in the room while you two played Call of Duty. At first I was just typical girlfriend, just hanging out or maybe making you two nachos in the microwave. We needed to make sure Denny was going to be receptive to being included in our experimenting.
It started with me wearing thin nightgowns when I'd stay in your room. At first he'd alway look away to give me privacy. He would put noise canceling headphones on when we turned the lights out so he wasn't actively listing to us have slow under-the-covers sex in the next bed. As he began to realize that neither you nor I cared about privacy he got comfortable acknowledging his tertiary role in our relationship.
I went from wearing nightgowns to just a tank top and panties to bed if I slept over. Denny started making comments like "those green panties are cute. I think I like them better than the grey ones from last week." When you and I weren't offended and instead turned it into a ten minute discussion on everyone's favorite panties that I own, he felt included and appreciated. Denny didn't have a girlfriend and had never had a girlfriend. He liked having a girlfriend by proxy, in me.
We didn't know it, but he started listening to us have sex in the dark next to him as well. One morning when Denny said with a fist bump "dang Robert, you got Heather off twice last night. Good man". I corrected him saying "three times actually" and got my own fist bump. I'm pretty sure that's the moment we knew Denny was our kind of people.
In addition to waltzing around in my undies you suggested I start peeing with the bathroom door open. You couldn't see anything but my feet from where you two played video games, but it helped expand our intimacy with Denny. Finally things came to a head when Denny was telling us about a cute girl in his math class that he was too afraid to approach because of his inexperience with girls. Just like you and I had discussed, you told Denny he should let me blow him or something to get some experience.
Then you went for a walk. Denny asked if you'd been serious. He and I talked and he finally accepted my offer of a handjob since he didn't feel ready for a blowjob. Danny's was my first uncircumcised penis. I had fun playing with it. He even lasted several minutes. I was pretty excited about the prospect of having two dicks to keep happy as a fun Recreational Misogyny project.
Denny still hadn't seen me without at least undies on. One day when you didn't have an early morning class and my professor sent an email canceling mine, you had a perfectly wonderful idea. As soon as Denny left for his early morning classes I came to your room. We had sex as we plotted together until you came inside me. Then you pulled me over your lap for a bottom-reddening spanking. Only then did you tie my arms behind my back and then tied my waist to the radiator leaving me naked and unable to go anywhere. You texted Denny that I had been naughty and you'd put me in time out in your room and that if he could stop by the room before his afternoon classes to check on me that you'd appreciate it.
Denny agreed, not exactly knowing what he was getting into. I had fun being tied there for 90 minutes hearing the hustle and bustle out in the hall. Finally Denny came back. He was shocked that I was completely naked. He said "are you ok Heather?" I said "of course. Robert and I were just playing. Sometimes he gives me punishments. Today it was a spanking and a time out". He looked me up and down then he said "but.....you're....naked". I blushed and said "I know. He's allowed to take my clothes away if he wants to. If you don't want involved you don't have to be. Robert will be back soon." Denny said "I.....I'd like to be.......involved".
He was in. I said "what did Robert tell you to do?" Denny said "just to check on you". I said "well then you shouldn't untie me. Or at least not my hands. I was a bad girl and I'm being punished after all". He nodded, still trying to get his brain to comprehend I was in his dorm room naked. I loved not being able to cover myself even though that was still my natural instinct. I said "but I do have to pee. Would you untie my waist?" He nodded and came over and untied me. He said "ok. You are free". I said "Denny, my hands are tied. I need your help to use the potty". He stumbled as he tried to say "ok".
We went into the small bathroom together. I said "help me sit?" He grabbed my shoulders and helped me get into the toilet. You and I already had worked out that this was the plan. I opened my legs and began to tinkle. A new boy was seeing me relieve myself. It was so embarrassing but exactly what turned me on. Denny was clearly turned on too. I finished and said "would you please....you know....wipe me...front to back please". I opened my legs more. Dennys was frozen. Then he nodded and got some toilet paper. He wiped my pussy. I could feel his hand shaking. Then he helped me up and flushed for me before re-securing me to the radiator.
Last edited by TigerKitten28 on Sun Apr 23, 2023 8:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- superevil7
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Re: Heather and Robert [Part 4 added 4/12]
I love the way this story is developing. The hiking trail scene was really cute when she was almost caught. What I really loved though was their first time together. Very romantic for it to take place in the very same shed it all started in.
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Re: Heather and Robert [Part 5 added 4/23]
I will admit to having been a little unsure about reading this, seeing how young the characters were at the start, but actually everything that was happening as they grew up felt and seemed reasonable and age appropriate. Seeing the adult rules through their childhood eyes, and seeing that to them the rules were just strange and pointless actually works really well and feels perfectly reasonable and natural.
They found what they were happy and comfortable with, and much more importantly they trusted and were happy with each other. One was not taking advantage of or pressuring the other, instead they grew and developed together, finding what they wanted and what worked for them. They were aware that some things were not right, and generally acted appropriately and sensibly.
Watching as things developed naturally as they grew and developed was a real joy and delight. Also seeing some of the key moments that helped to shake their development, and how they were perceived by others was fun and put a big smile on my face.
One thing that really amused me was the rather large gulf between the way they were perceived at school, and the nature of their private activities. Paired with how well both of them simply kept their private times private and completely separate, they were free to explore and learn without worrying about how others might perceive things, or react to them.
Reaching part 5, introducing someone who is so innocent and new to all of this into their world is a wonderful way forward, but also a nice contrast. Most people will be inexperienced and new to things at that age, but by showing Denny their world, in their own way, they can bring someone else into this who is already "part" of their world by being a roommate, and around what they are doing so much. Really looking forward to seeing this develop
They found what they were happy and comfortable with, and much more importantly they trusted and were happy with each other. One was not taking advantage of or pressuring the other, instead they grew and developed together, finding what they wanted and what worked for them. They were aware that some things were not right, and generally acted appropriately and sensibly.
Watching as things developed naturally as they grew and developed was a real joy and delight. Also seeing some of the key moments that helped to shake their development, and how they were perceived by others was fun and put a big smile on my face.
One thing that really amused me was the rather large gulf between the way they were perceived at school, and the nature of their private activities. Paired with how well both of them simply kept their private times private and completely separate, they were free to explore and learn without worrying about how others might perceive things, or react to them.
Reaching part 5, introducing someone who is so innocent and new to all of this into their world is a wonderful way forward, but also a nice contrast. Most people will be inexperienced and new to things at that age, but by showing Denny their world, in their own way, they can bring someone else into this who is already "part" of their world by being a roommate, and around what they are doing so much. Really looking forward to seeing this develop

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Re: Heather and Robert [Part 5 added 4/23]
Thank you so much for the thoughtful comment. I am so glad you enjoy the story. I am working on the next part. I always love hearing what people like or want more of, or where I lost people if they lose interest.
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Re: Heather and Robert [Part 5 added 4/23]
You did say you were interested in peoples thoughts, it turns out I had quite a few 
I am actually in the process of re-reading this and editing it a little bit, mainly just splitting up the conversations. In normal written English when the person speaking changes you start a new paragraph. It cuts out all the "she said", "he said", and makes it a bit easier to follow. If you are interested I will send you my results when I am finished.
While doing this a few key moments in the story really stand out for me. The first is their differing reactions to the French film when they were 10. Robert basically noticed the very harsh humiliation and punishment in passing, as a plot point, but gave it no further thought. In contrast, for Heather, it was a very important scene and moment of "oh, that could be done". You are clear in the story that this didn't mark the start of her interests, and that is quite clear, since she has been showing early signs for quite some time now. But instead of just going "that was powerful" and moving on, she feels safe and secure enough in her friendship to actually ask for help in recreating the scene and finding out how it felt! That level of trust and closeness is quite amazing, it feels really loving, "adult" in a sense.
More than that though is Robert both promising that he would keep everything secret, but also going along, supporting her, but not pressuring her. She has placed herself naked, for the first time, in front of him, exposed, in public, on show, stretched out, and even with his clear natural curiosity and desire to look he doesn't. This "small" detail is one of those moments that really matters to me, since it speaks to the depth of trust and safety that they have between themselves.
Heather has basically offered herself up, recreating the scene of being offered up specifically to be on show, but he doesn't just take advantage, he takes his lead and guidance from her, from his friend, the friend he wants to be comfortable and happy!
The next moment that really stands out is when the training bra appears, and Robert's simple acceptance that Heather being topless or showing off has come to and end. Again, so happy to simply accept his friend exactly as she is and wants to be, and that this can and will change with time! The level of acceptance and trust is simply heart melting
The next magical moment was them sleeping out in the back garden in the tent, when Robert suggested she goes for a naked walk around the neighbourhood. This marks the first time he has taken a more active role in all of this, moving beyond passively supporting her desires and interests and being fully behind her. As such it is a stand out moment, even if what actually happened is small and minor, it marks a major step in their relationship. It is also interesting to read how they just have no sexual desire towards each other, even as they find each other visually pleasing and appealing. I suspect this is down to their long history, they are so used to being friends that to step beyond that feels like a strange and alien step. On the first read through I did wonder how this would work out, since they are starting to be so in sync.
Next up is when the adult magazines enter the story. At first this is just an "event", and what makes me smile is the different reactions. Robert is much more interested in the pictures while Heather is much more interested in the articles, such a "classic" division, but still it makes me smile
Beyond that though, instead of running off into fantasy land with this they actually end up reading and paying close attention to some rather sensible articles, and approaching power exchange in a remarkably sensible and adult manor! A signal she wants to play, and a safe word! Plus being aware and concerned about the effect all of this could have on their friendship! This is really nice to see, it gives me warm happy feelings to see it being approached so sensibly and carefully, plus tingles for all of the fun that this idea holds in store!
My mouth fell open in amazed happiness when just after they start playing Robert explains why she is going to be punished! We have just had the entire story where they are so clearly equals, he has never taken advantage or suggested that he is better than she is, yet suddenly it is like a switch has been flipped. So calmly punishing her to remind her of her place in relation to him... it is such a massive change in their relationship, but at the very same time it isn't, since all of it is built on Robert accepting this side of Heather, accepting that there are things she wants and enjoys, and supporting her in this. This is just another way of accepting and supporting her, a level of acceptance and support that is just amazing, and makes me feel warm happy romantic feelings inside
These are wonderful moments, plus seeing such a strong and self aware character being punished because that is what they want and needs is hot, to 
Seriously, how good were these articles? For the first punishment Robert is playing computer games, almost ignoring her, while being very aware of what is going on... bloody brilliant!
Having the first time she watches Robert masturbate being because he is about to feed her his cum on the cookies was quite eye opening, it is an interesting reminder that he quite likes being more shy around her, but also a very clear sign of the growing sexual tension at work here between these two. It also brilliantly achieves the emotions and feelings that she wants and desires from this game, and I feel proves rather well that it isn't just her that is so interested in all of these games
I will admit that I am unsure about the thumb up her bottom being sucked punishment, it just seems unsanitary and unsettling. It certainly does a job of being a punishment though, but all in all a mental image I am not to keen to dwell on all in all.
Then we run out of cookies... its another one of those "oh wow" moments. By default I would be tempted to assume the drive here came from Robert wanting sexual release, but the story is quite clear, the bigger issue is not disappointing Heather, not denying her her daily dose of cum! Then learning that we are moving on to blow jobs, but the two of you have never kissed, even though you are already planning for the day you will give each other your virginity... wow! It all just makes sense and is wonderful, but also quite surprising, which just increases the impact and makes this more fun!
Then everyone at school being sure they are just friends, while they are getting more "sex" than probably any number of their fellows put together, it just really makes me giggle. At the same time, the orgasm ration of 5 to 1 for him and her also reinforces their dynamic, the roles that they feel natural and comfortable in.
Making Heather keep her pussy hair, its almost "subtle", but for all of that it is really powerful, a comment on power, control, and who is in charge of her body! It just says so much in such a "small" way, really good!
Their different reputations at school really make me smile, her being the "slut" and him being the "secret sex god", all the while the really important stuff is just totally secret from everyone! Really puts a smile on my face.
It's a small detail, but the fact that Heather is the instigator of her own punishments does a lot to make this seem more "reasonable". There is no suggestion, no hint of him abusing her or taking control, since she is the one who pushes and indicates what sorts of things she wants, while making sure not to actually be in charge. A very good and healthy state as far as I am concerned.
Taking control of her bathroom breaks and watching her pee is an interesting development, and I like that you mostly focus on the emotional and control aspects here. The additional control over her, the exposure and humiliation potential make what could be a bit gross actually sexy and wicked fun
As for half dressed in the movie theatre, yes, positive reinforcement works well, and Heather certainly knows how to reward her "master" for a job well done
Walking naked in the nature reserve, what happens if someone appears? Well, you will be embarrassed won't you! LOL, brilliant!
Discovering that both of them have been avoiding play when she is on her period, that makes me giggle, just since it is one of those completely natural "well everyone knows that" moments where people get things wrong
Playing with her on her period, this shows why I like this story so much, you wonderfully balance being supportive, caring, ruthless and terrible all at once! Heather is exposed, punished, yet not punished for having a period, only for keeping it a secret. Inventive evil!
Of course Heather was the only one who said yes to having the trainee doctor come in on the exam
Extra humiliation and exposure for free, who could say no to that?
That is an interesting definition of the perfect man, but everyone has different standards, which is the whole point here after all!
Again the differences in their natures shine through, with her preferring the slutty sexual position and him preferring something rather more romantic
For all of his amazing wickedness, they clearly care for each other and understand and respect each other so very much!
On to college, and the planning to make sure Denny is going to be receptive to being included... given you have labelled yourselves as non exclusive boyfriend and girlfriend this all screams wicked fun is coming down the line!
And there we go, you get as far as giving Danny a handjob, and are already planning the fun of having two dicks to keep you happy! This is definitely going to be fun! Just have to make sure that Denny will respect you properly, but all the signs are good so far.
What is so amusing about you being put on time out for Denny to find is the way that the naked and bound woman is clearly in full and complete control of events, while Danny feels like a poor innocent being thrown right into the deep end, which he really is. Still, the fact that his natural instincts are so polite and cautious is what we want to see here, this marks him as a good candidate to be involved in these games with them

I am actually in the process of re-reading this and editing it a little bit, mainly just splitting up the conversations. In normal written English when the person speaking changes you start a new paragraph. It cuts out all the "she said", "he said", and makes it a bit easier to follow. If you are interested I will send you my results when I am finished.
While doing this a few key moments in the story really stand out for me. The first is their differing reactions to the French film when they were 10. Robert basically noticed the very harsh humiliation and punishment in passing, as a plot point, but gave it no further thought. In contrast, for Heather, it was a very important scene and moment of "oh, that could be done". You are clear in the story that this didn't mark the start of her interests, and that is quite clear, since she has been showing early signs for quite some time now. But instead of just going "that was powerful" and moving on, she feels safe and secure enough in her friendship to actually ask for help in recreating the scene and finding out how it felt! That level of trust and closeness is quite amazing, it feels really loving, "adult" in a sense.
More than that though is Robert both promising that he would keep everything secret, but also going along, supporting her, but not pressuring her. She has placed herself naked, for the first time, in front of him, exposed, in public, on show, stretched out, and even with his clear natural curiosity and desire to look he doesn't. This "small" detail is one of those moments that really matters to me, since it speaks to the depth of trust and safety that they have between themselves.
Heather has basically offered herself up, recreating the scene of being offered up specifically to be on show, but he doesn't just take advantage, he takes his lead and guidance from her, from his friend, the friend he wants to be comfortable and happy!
The next moment that really stands out is when the training bra appears, and Robert's simple acceptance that Heather being topless or showing off has come to and end. Again, so happy to simply accept his friend exactly as she is and wants to be, and that this can and will change with time! The level of acceptance and trust is simply heart melting

The next magical moment was them sleeping out in the back garden in the tent, when Robert suggested she goes for a naked walk around the neighbourhood. This marks the first time he has taken a more active role in all of this, moving beyond passively supporting her desires and interests and being fully behind her. As such it is a stand out moment, even if what actually happened is small and minor, it marks a major step in their relationship. It is also interesting to read how they just have no sexual desire towards each other, even as they find each other visually pleasing and appealing. I suspect this is down to their long history, they are so used to being friends that to step beyond that feels like a strange and alien step. On the first read through I did wonder how this would work out, since they are starting to be so in sync.
Next up is when the adult magazines enter the story. At first this is just an "event", and what makes me smile is the different reactions. Robert is much more interested in the pictures while Heather is much more interested in the articles, such a "classic" division, but still it makes me smile

My mouth fell open in amazed happiness when just after they start playing Robert explains why she is going to be punished! We have just had the entire story where they are so clearly equals, he has never taken advantage or suggested that he is better than she is, yet suddenly it is like a switch has been flipped. So calmly punishing her to remind her of her place in relation to him... it is such a massive change in their relationship, but at the very same time it isn't, since all of it is built on Robert accepting this side of Heather, accepting that there are things she wants and enjoys, and supporting her in this. This is just another way of accepting and supporting her, a level of acceptance and support that is just amazing, and makes me feel warm happy romantic feelings inside

Seriously, how good were these articles? For the first punishment Robert is playing computer games, almost ignoring her, while being very aware of what is going on... bloody brilliant!
Having the first time she watches Robert masturbate being because he is about to feed her his cum on the cookies was quite eye opening, it is an interesting reminder that he quite likes being more shy around her, but also a very clear sign of the growing sexual tension at work here between these two. It also brilliantly achieves the emotions and feelings that she wants and desires from this game, and I feel proves rather well that it isn't just her that is so interested in all of these games

I will admit that I am unsure about the thumb up her bottom being sucked punishment, it just seems unsanitary and unsettling. It certainly does a job of being a punishment though, but all in all a mental image I am not to keen to dwell on all in all.
Then we run out of cookies... its another one of those "oh wow" moments. By default I would be tempted to assume the drive here came from Robert wanting sexual release, but the story is quite clear, the bigger issue is not disappointing Heather, not denying her her daily dose of cum! Then learning that we are moving on to blow jobs, but the two of you have never kissed, even though you are already planning for the day you will give each other your virginity... wow! It all just makes sense and is wonderful, but also quite surprising, which just increases the impact and makes this more fun!
Then everyone at school being sure they are just friends, while they are getting more "sex" than probably any number of their fellows put together, it just really makes me giggle. At the same time, the orgasm ration of 5 to 1 for him and her also reinforces their dynamic, the roles that they feel natural and comfortable in.
Making Heather keep her pussy hair, its almost "subtle", but for all of that it is really powerful, a comment on power, control, and who is in charge of her body! It just says so much in such a "small" way, really good!
Their different reputations at school really make me smile, her being the "slut" and him being the "secret sex god", all the while the really important stuff is just totally secret from everyone! Really puts a smile on my face.
It's a small detail, but the fact that Heather is the instigator of her own punishments does a lot to make this seem more "reasonable". There is no suggestion, no hint of him abusing her or taking control, since she is the one who pushes and indicates what sorts of things she wants, while making sure not to actually be in charge. A very good and healthy state as far as I am concerned.
Taking control of her bathroom breaks and watching her pee is an interesting development, and I like that you mostly focus on the emotional and control aspects here. The additional control over her, the exposure and humiliation potential make what could be a bit gross actually sexy and wicked fun

As for half dressed in the movie theatre, yes, positive reinforcement works well, and Heather certainly knows how to reward her "master" for a job well done

Walking naked in the nature reserve, what happens if someone appears? Well, you will be embarrassed won't you! LOL, brilliant!
Discovering that both of them have been avoiding play when she is on her period, that makes me giggle, just since it is one of those completely natural "well everyone knows that" moments where people get things wrong

Playing with her on her period, this shows why I like this story so much, you wonderfully balance being supportive, caring, ruthless and terrible all at once! Heather is exposed, punished, yet not punished for having a period, only for keeping it a secret. Inventive evil!
Of course Heather was the only one who said yes to having the trainee doctor come in on the exam

That is an interesting definition of the perfect man, but everyone has different standards, which is the whole point here after all!
Again the differences in their natures shine through, with her preferring the slutty sexual position and him preferring something rather more romantic

On to college, and the planning to make sure Denny is going to be receptive to being included... given you have labelled yourselves as non exclusive boyfriend and girlfriend this all screams wicked fun is coming down the line!
And there we go, you get as far as giving Danny a handjob, and are already planning the fun of having two dicks to keep you happy! This is definitely going to be fun! Just have to make sure that Denny will respect you properly, but all the signs are good so far.
What is so amusing about you being put on time out for Denny to find is the way that the naked and bound woman is clearly in full and complete control of events, while Danny feels like a poor innocent being thrown right into the deep end, which he really is. Still, the fact that his natural instincts are so polite and cautious is what we want to see here, this marks him as a good candidate to be involved in these games with them

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