It Isn't Easy Being a Girl

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Sue DeNym
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10. Master Oscar

Post by Sue DeNym »

10. Master Oscar

"Allison, come on over here."

Oscar beckoned to his older sister from the kitchen table, where he was sitting down with his other sisters, Phoebe, Gillian, and Emma.

"But I have to finish washing the breakfast dishes," said Allison, sounding a bit nervous.

"Yeah, I'm sure that's why she doesn't want to join this." Gillian rolled her eyes.

"The dishes can wait, Allison," said Oscar, ignoring Gillian's remark.

Allison sighed and turned off the sink. She brushed her long blond hair self-consciously out of her eyes as she sat down at the table with her siblings.

"Now," said Oscar briskly, "as you girls all know, Mom and Dad left on their trip a few hours ago. They'll be in Paris all weekend, and won't be back until late Monday afternoon. While they're gone, there are going to be plenty of chores to be done around here. So I've worked out an agenda."

"I'm sure you have," murmured Phoebe.

"So," said Oscar, brandishing a sheet of paper, "Here's the list for this afternoon ... Phoebe, you will clean my room. Allison, you will bake me those little cookies I like. Gillian, you will wash all of my laundry."

"Who does he think he is?" Gillian scowled.

"I hate it when Mom and Dad leave Oscar in charge while they're gone," grumbled Emma.

"That's MASTER Oscar to you, Emma," said Oscar coolly. "And I will expect you to cook my lunch as soon as we're finished here. A nice beef soup with potatoes and vegetables, and fresh bread."

Emma buried her face in her arms.

"Oscar," said Phoebe lightly, twirling a strand of her dark hair in her fingers.

Oscar cleared his throat.

"Master Oscar," said Phoebe through gritted teeth, "When Mom and Dad said that you're in charge while they're gone, I don't think this is what they had in mind."

"Your opinion will be considered, Phoebe," said Oscar in a dismissive tone.

"I've got a few opinions for you to consider," growled Gillian before Allison hushed her.

"And, of course," said Oscar, quite matter-of-factly, "all of you girls will be naked for the entire weekend."

"AAAHHH!!!" Now, Phoebe, Allison, and Gillian all buried their faces in their arms, just like Emma.

Emma's face was still hidden, but she held up her right hand with a thumbs-up gesture.

"Do we really have to do this every time Mom and Dad go on a trip?" asked Allison, looking up.

"Ask Master Oscar," came a muffled response through Emma's light brown hair.

"I trust that you girls all know my rules by now," said Oscar, getting up from his chair.

Phoebe wrapped her hand around her forehead. Allison sighed and folded her arms, gazing at the ceiling. Gillian rapped her clenched fist against the kitchen table. Emma finally lifted her head from her arms and looked around the table blankly.

"I said," said Oscar pointedly, "I trust that you girls all know my rules by now."

There was a dangerous pause, and then all four of his sisters said in unison, "Yes, Master Oscar."

"I hate it when Mom and Dad leave Oscar in charge while they're gone," Emma grumbled again.

"All right, then," said Oscar. "Let's not waste any more time. Girls, off with the clothes."

"Here?" said Phoebe.

"Now?" said Allison.

"All of them?" said Gillian.

"Yes, yes, and yes, obviously," said Emma in a bored tone. She looked at her three older sisters with slight incredulity. "How many times do we have to ask the same questions?"

"You girls could learn something from your sister," Oscar told Phoebe, Allison, and Gillian. "Now, don't make me repeat myself."

The four girls exchanged looks, and then sighed heavily as they rose, more or less simultaneously, from the kitchen table, already beginning to unbutton and unzip.

Oscar smiled in satisfaction as dresses, blouses, and skirts started to come off. Allison asked if she had to take off her socks.

"Everything off," came the expected response.

The girls got down to their bras and panties, and then there was a general hesitation.

"If I don't see four very pretty and very naked girls in the next minute, you're all getting a spanking," said Oscar.

That ended the hesitation. Within seconds, four bras came off, followed by four pairs of panties. Phoebe scowled as she dropped her underwear onto her chair, trying to cover herself up with her hands. Allison's face was bright red as she practically clamped her arms over her private parts.

Gillian, on the other hand, dropped her bra and panties on the table and stood with her hands on her waist, not covering up. The spunky redhead was determined not to give her brother the satisfaction of getting to her.

Oscar was the only one who even seemed to notice that Emma had forlornly dropped her undergarments on the seat of her chair and simply stood there with her head lowered, neither covering up like Phoebe and Allison nor showing herself defiantly like Gillian.

"Well," said Oscar, after gazing silently at Emma for a moment. He looked around at his sisters, smiling as he drank in the sight of so much beautiful naked teenaged female skin. "My, my, I must say, we are looking particularly luscious today."

"Oscar, we're your sisters," protested Emma, shaking her head.

"A beautiful girl is a beautiful girl, Emma," said Oscar with a shrug. He locked eyes with his youngest sister and said in slow, deliberate tones, "And you are very, very beautiful, Emma."

Emma's eyes widened, and then she lowered her eyes again as she blushed intensely. Oscar was sure that he saw a hint of a smile on her lips.

Oscar looked at the other girls, who were gazing at him, and Emma, with a mixture of curiosity and confusion.

"You're all very beautiful," Oscar went on. "I think this weekend is going to be a lot of fun for all of us."

"I wouldn't count on that," muttered Gillian.

"Are you going to tie us to our beds every night again?" asked Allison despairingly.

Oscar simply smiled.

"Could you at least not tie my gag so tight this time?" griped Gillian.

"Well, maybe if you didn't mouth off quite so much, Gillian," said Emma lightly.

"Oscar ... Master Oscar," said Phoebe, "When Mom and Dad said that you're in charge while they're gone, I really don't think this is what they had in mind."

"But I am in charge," replied Oscar, picking up his papers. "Now, you girls all have your chores to do, so let's hop to it, shall we?"

"I bet he'd love to see us hop," growled Gillian, as Allison self-consciously wrapped her arms around her body.

Oscar gave each of his naked sisters another good look before walking out of the kitchen with a self-satisfied smile on his face. As he was leaving, he heard Allison wonder aloud, "How did all of this start, anyway?"

A few minutes later, Oscar was sitting down at his desk and booting up his computer. He turned on the cameras that he had hidden in the kitchen, dining room, and living room, and smiled as he took in the sight of his naked sisters. Not one of them was doing the chores he'd assigned them, but he had expected that.

"Give the girls a spanking for not finishing their chores," Oscar wrote on his "To Do" list.

As he gazed at the screen, the thought of Allison's question, "How did all of this start, anyway?" filled his head. For a long moment, Oscar smiled as he reflected on that fateful Monday morning, about a year and a half earlier, when his parents returned home after the first weekend that they had left Oscar in charge.


"Son, we need to talk." Oscar's father ushered him into the den.

"What's going on?" asked Oscar.

"Honey," said his mother seriously, "Your sisters had some ... complaints ... about your behavior during the weekend while you were left in charge of the house."

"Oh?" asked Oscar innocently. "What complaints?"

"Oscar," said his father, "The girls claim that you made them clean your room, do your laundry, cook your meals, wait on you hand and foot, and call you 'Master Oscar.'"

"Lies," declared Oscar.

"Sweetheart." His mother locked eyes with him. "The girls say that you had them spend the entire weekend in the nude."

"Blatant lies," declared Oscar.

"Son." His father grimaced. "The girls told us that you tied them to their beds at night so that they wouldn't be able to do anything to you while you were asleep, and you gagged them when they complained about it."

"Awful lies," declared Oscar.

"Oscar." His mother bit her lip. "The girls have said that you spanked them whenever they didn't do what you said."

"Shameless lies," declared Oscar.

"They also said that they've got video recordings on their phones, and that if we examine your computer, we will find a master recording of everything from some video cameras that you installed throughout the house."

" ... Crud," said Oscar.

"Why don't we take a look at your computer, son?" said his father stonily.

Minutes later, Oscar was silently making his peace with the universe as his parents watched the master recording of the entire weekend on his computer.

"Uh, dear, why don't you go check on the girls to make sure they're okay?" His father had suggested to his mother. She nodded and left the room, not looking at her son.

"Son, come over here," said his father. With a gulp, Oscar obeyed.

For a long moment, Oscar's father stared at the computer screen.

"Wow," said his father finally. "Your sisters have been working out, I see."

Oscar blinked.

"Well," he said uncertainly.

"Son," said his father, managing to pull his eyes away from the computer screen long enough to look at Oscar, "Can you give me a copy of this master recording?"

Oscar blinked again.

"Uh, no problem, Pop," he said, even more uncertainly. "But what - "

"I'll tell you what." His father leaned in toward him and spoke in a conspiratorial whisper. "You give me a copy of this recording, and I'll make sure that you don't get punished at all AND you'll be put in charge of the house every time your mother and I go on a trip from now on. The girls will be told, in no uncertain terms, that they are to obey you when you're in charge."

Oscar was stunned.

"Uh, that sounds great, Pop," he said. "But ... Why would Mom ever go along with that?"

"I'll take care of that, son."

When Oscar regarded his father dubiously, the older man smiled and said, "Trust me, son, I've got this. Do we have a deal?"

"Deal," said Oscar at once. "I'll make a copy of the recording for you right now."

"Perfect." His father smiled at him and clapped him on the back. "Us guys gotta stick together, after all, right, son?"

"You got it, Pop."

After his father walked out of the room, Oscar let out a long sigh of relief, gratitude, and disbelief.

"See? What did I tell you, Oscar?"


"Emma has finished preparing your lunch, my liege," came a bitingly sardonic voice.

Oscar looked up to see Gillian gazing down at him.

"Have you ever heard of knocking?" asked Oscar, a bit annoyed that his reverie had been interrupted. "You know, I could have been naked."

"Don't threaten me," retorted Gillian.

She shook her head and walked out of Oscar's room. He tilted his head, admiring the view, as he called after her, "You know, Gillian, you look even prettier from this angle."

Even though he could not see her face, he could perfectly picture her scowl at the remark.

Oscar had just turned back to his computer screen when his phone rang.

"Hello? ... Oh, hi, Pop ... Yeah, everything's fine here ... The girls are all okay, Pop. I'm looking after them ... Yes, I know, but you don't have to worry about the girls, Pop. I'll take good care of them. They're safe ... Okay ... Oh, yeah, they're naked, all right ... Sure, Pop, I'm recording it all. I'll have your copy ready by the time you come home ... What's that? ... Really? ... Are you serious? ... Wow, that's awesome ... Sure, I'll tell the girls ... "


"What do you mean, you're going to be in charge of the house next weekend?" said Phoebe in confusion.

Oscar had just come down to the living room to deliver his father's news to his sisters.

"Just what I said," replied Oscar. "You know that Pop's taking a trip to New York next weekend, and he's leaving me in charge while he's away."

"But only Daddy is going away next weekend," protested Allison. "Mom's going to be staying here."

"That's right," said Oscar. He suppressed a smirk, taking a sneaky pleasure in the bewildered expressions on his naked sisters' faces.

"Mom's going to be here," Oscar continued after a suitable pause, "and she'll be joining you girls."

"What are you - "

"Pop has decided that from now on, I'll be in charge of the house whenever he's not here, end of," said Oscar. "Because I'm the man of the house when he's away, after all. Next weekend, Mom is going to be joining you girls, like I said ... and she'll be naked, too."

All of the girls could only stare at Oscar, shocked and speechless.

"Why would Mom ever agree to this?" Gillian finally managed to find her voice.

Oscar shrugged.

"Beats the heck out of me," he said. "Pop didn't say, and I didn't ask. Maybe she finally came around to his way of thinking ... or maybe Pop just didn't give her a choice about it. Either way, that's how it's going to be."

The girls all looked devastated.

"Look on the bright side," said Oscar. "You girls will have more company next weekend ... and speaking of company, we're going to be having some. Rory and his parents are coming to dinner tonight."

"What?" broke from all four girls at once.

"Rory can't come here now," protested Allison. "We're ... "

Allison gestured helplessly toward her sisters and herself.

"We're ... " she repeated. "We're ... "

"I think the word you're looking for is 'naked,'" said Gillian. "And there is no way in hell that I'm letting Rory see me like this."

"Oscar," said Phoebe urgently, "What happened to not letting any other boys see us this way? You said that, remember?"


Phoebe walked into the den to find her brother on the phone. She didn't know who he was talking to, but it didn't take long for her to see what the conversation was about.

"Yes, my sisters are all naked," Oscar was saying. "And no, you can't come over here or bring your friends. If I see any of you creeps at any of our doors or windows, you'll be going home in a body cast. Understand?"

Oscar slammed the phone down on the hook.

"Well, thank you for that at least," said Phoebe quietly.

Oscar whirled around, seeming to notice Phoebe for the first time.

"You're welcome," he said after a moment. "Don't worry, Sis, I won't let ... I mean, I wouldn't ... I wouldn't ever ... "

He fell silent.

"Thank you," said Phoebe sincerely.

Oscar smiled weakly.

"Hey, look," he said, "Nobody torments my sisters except me!"


"That was just a month ago," said Phoebe. "Don't tell me you've forgotten ... "

"No, I would never forget that," said Oscar. "I meant what I said back then, and I still do."

"Well, then - "

"I promised that nobody would torment you except me," said Oscar. "Rory isn't going to torment you.

In case you've forgotten, the guy I was talking to on the phone that day was that jerky, stuck-up guy, Nigel, who wanted to bring all his friends over to the house once he found out you girls were naked here. None of us ever liked him or his friends.

Rory's been our friend for almost as long as Emma's been alive. He's always been nice to you girls, hasn't he?"

"Of course he has," said Allison. "We love Rory. But that doesn't mean we want him to - "

"Besides, his parents are coming to dinner with him," Oscar continued. "I'm sure he wouldn't do anything out of line with his mom and dad in the room."

"Yeah, that's terrific," grumbled Gillian. "It'll be three people coming over and seeing us naked instead of just one. That's much better."

"And Emma," Oscar looked at his youngest sister. "I thought you and Rory liked each other."

"We do," said Emma softly. "But ... We haven't even had an official first date yet. Don't you think it's kind of early for him to be seeing me naked?"

"Oh, fine, then," Oscar threw up his hands. "I'll go call Rory and tell him he's not welcome here. Of course, he'll be really hurt. I mean, all this time, he actually thought you girls liked him."

"Ah," said Phoebe. "Guilt."

"Good call," sighed Emma.

"All right, fine, let them come over," said Allison heavily.

Gillian just groaned.

"Excellent," Oscar said approvingly. "Now, let's get this house all cleaned up for our guests. And listen, girls, when Rory and his parents arrive, I want all of you on your very best behavior. I expect you girls to be polite, friendly, naked, courteous, and present for our guests at all times. Understood?"

"Yes, Master Oscar," said all four girls glumly.


"Very nicely done, girls." Oscar looked around the living room and dining room approvingly. Both were immaculate.

"Thanks, Oscar," said Emma. She suddenly reddened and lowered her head as she said, "I mean, Master Oscar."

"It's okay, Emma, don't worry about it." Oscar cleared his throat. "Now, girls, Rory and his parents will be here in a few hours. I want all of you to go to your rooms and get yourselves ready. When they arrive, I want four smiling, naked, and radiantly beautiful young women here to greet them."

Oscar paused, and then shrugged as he added, "Not that being radiantly beautiful could ever be all that difficult for any of you girls."

He looked around at his sisters, and felt pleased to see that Emma was beaming at the compliment, and even Phoebe and Allison seemed to be smiling a little, while blushing. Only Gillian was wearing her trademark scowl.

"And," said Oscar.

"Somehow, I knew there was going to be an 'and,'" murmured Phoebe, her smile fading.

"Just this. You girls are going to be the hostesses here tonight, so I want you to greet Rory when he gets here in the way that a hostess should, by giving him a warm hug."

Four pairs of eyes instantly went wide.

"A hug?" said Allison incredulously. "You want us to hug Rory naked?"

"I don't believe I stuttered," said Oscar coolly. "And to make sure it goes well, I think it would be a good idea for you girls to practice a naked hug a little. Why don't you all give me one?"

He smiled as he held out his arms, but not one of his sisters made a move. They all seemed frozen to their spots on the floor.

"Come, come," said Oscar. "Give your beloved Master Oscar a hug, girls. Or, if you don't wish to give me a hug, I could give you all a spanking instead. That might make dinner a bit uncomfortable, though."

Phoebe let out a heavy sigh, and then stepped up to her brother, reluctantly wrapping her arms around him. She gasped a little as Oscar pulled her in tightly, pressing their bodies together.

"Very nice," Oscar said softly into Phoebe's ear. He quietly pulled his right hand from Phoebe's back and slipped it between him and his sister. He smiled when Phoebe let out a small yelp at her brother's hand caressing her breasts.

"Okay," said Phoebe, pulling away from Oscar, her face crimson. She glanced at her sisters, and could tell from their expressions that they'd seen what Oscar had done to her.

"Allison, you're up next," said Oscar, making the blond girl gulp.

Allison hesitantly hugged Oscar, and bit her lip to keep herself from crying out when she felt Oscar's hand squeezing her thighs.

When Gillian grudgingly hugged Oscar, he kept a firm grip on her back to keep her from jumping away when he cupped the firm cheeks of her rear.

None of the girls were able to see what it was that Oscar did to make Emma exclaim, "Oscar!" and they weren't quite sure they wanted to know.

As Emma stepped back to join her sisters, Oscar smiled in satisfaction that all of his sisters had now been (in)appropriately groped.

"Well done, girls," he said. "I'm sure that Rory will be most pleased for you to greet him like that."

"I'm sure he will," muttered Gillian.

"Let's hope that he keeps his hands to himself," said Phoebe sourly.

"Um, should we greet Rory's parents like this, too?" asked Allison timidly.

"I doubt that Rory's mother would care for it," said Oscar.

"Yeah, and I really don't think she'd approve of her husband getting naked hugs from four teenaged girls," observed Phoebe.

"Very well." Oscar nodded. "So you don't have to hug Rory's parents this way, just Rory himself."

Suddenly a mischievous smile crossed Oscar's face, which set off alarm bells in all four girls' heads.

"But, look, just to make this evening really memorable for our friend Rory ... "

"I'm pretty sure it's already going to be memorable," muttered Gillian.

"I want each of you girls to kiss Rory when you hug him, and by that, I mean a proper kiss - not on the cheek, but on the lips."

Phoebe, Allison, and Gillian all groaned.

Emma was conspicuously silent, even for her.

"Oscar," she finally spoke up, in a very soft tone. "Please ... I don't want to kiss Rory."

"What? Why not?" Oscar looked at her in confusion. He could understand why the other three girls wouldn't want to, but ... "I thought ... I thought you liked Rory."

"I do," said Emma, still softly and sincerely. "Which is why I don't want to kiss him, not like this. I want our first kiss to be something special. I want it to be something that just Rory and I share, the two of us alone, something that we will always remember fondly. I don't want it to happen this way. Please, Oscar."

Oscar was silent for a long moment.

"Okay, fine," he said. "If that's really how you feel, Emma. All right, I still want all of you girls to hug Rory, but none of you have to kiss him."

"Thanks, Oscar," said Allison in relief. Phoebe nodded, and then smiled at Emma.

"That was really sweet, Emma," said Phoebe, as Allison nodded, beaming at her little sister.

"I don't want to hug Rory," said Gillian. "Does that mean we're off the hook for that, too?"

"Gillian!" said Phoebe and Allison simultaneously, both girls irritated by their sister's lack of empathy for Emma's heartfelt plea.

"Emma, are you okay with hugging Rory like this?" asked Oscar, ignoring Gillian completely.

Emma hesitated, and then nodded.

"I can do that, Oscar." She summoned a brave smile to her lips. "I think Rory would like it."

"Peachy," muttered Gillian.

"But, listen," continued Oscar, "even though it's not going to happen tonight, I think it might still be worthwhile to practice a naked kiss, you know, for the future."

"You've gotta be kidding me," said Gillian in disbelief. "There is no way - "

"Now, really, do I have to make that little threat about a spanking again?" asked Oscar ominously. All four girls fell silent.

"I'll tell you what," he continued. "I'll offer you girls a little incentive ... Each of you kiss me, and whichever girl proves to be the best kisser will get to wear a dress to the dinner tonight."

That got the girls' attention but good. Phoebe and Allison looked intrigued, Emma seemed more startled than anything else, and Gillian was gazing at Oscar warily.

"You know what?" said Gillian. "I don't really believe that you'd let any of us wear anything to this dinner, Oscar, but even if you did, I think I'd rather be naked in front of Rory than kiss you."

"Suit yourself, Gillian." Oscar shrugged. "Any takers?"

In the very next second, Phoebe and Allison were both rushing up to Oscar.

"Girls, girls, please, one at a time," said Oscar in a suave tone. "Phoebe, you're up first."

Phoebe wrapped her arms around her brother and pressed her lips into his. She couldn't quite believe she was doing this, but the prospect of not having to be naked in front of the dinner guests proved a powerful motivator. She made sure that the kiss was a long one, all the while teasing Oscar with her tongue.

When the kiss finally broke, Oscar was wide-eyed and slightly out of breath.

"Wow," he managed to say, staring at Phoebe as if he'd never seen her before. "That ... That was incredible, Phoebe. Your future boyfriend, whoever he is, is one lucky guy."

Phoebe blushed, feeling rather pleased with herself.

"Allison, your turn."

The blond beauty stepped forward without hesitation, pulling Oscar close to her and mashing her lips with his. Oscar let out a muffled yelp, which only made Allison deepen the kiss. She seemed determined not to be outdone by her sister.

"Um, this is going to be hard to choose," Oscar gasped when Allison finally let go.

"Amateurs," Gillian suddenly said, shaking her head. "Here, I'll show you how it's done."

Before anyone knew what was happening, Gillian was pressing Oscar's body against hers, their mouths seemingly glued together. Oscar was astonished at the passion with which Gillian was kissing him, especially since she'd said only the previous minute that she'd rather be naked in front of Rory than do this. It appeared that the only thing that could overcome Gillian's revulsion at kissing Oscar was her competitive streak toward her sisters.

When Gillian let go, Oscar practically collapsed into a chair.

"This may have been more than I bargained for," he murmured, trying to catch his breath, as the three older girls all folded their arms expectantly.

"Well?" said Phoebe, Allison, and Gillian, nearly simultaneously.

"I think there's one more," said Oscar, looking at Emma. "Um, you don't have to, Emma. I mean, I understand, since you and Rory ... "

"I'll do it," said Emma softly.

Oscar forced himself to get to his feet, gulping slightly at the prospect of another kiss like the three he'd already gotten. But when Emma's lips touched his, it proved to be very different from her sisters'. Instead of the fierce passion of Phoebe, Allison, and Gillian, Emma kissed him very gently and sweetly, her soft lips seemingly melting slowly into his.

"That was nice," said Oscar, gazing at Emma in wonder. He looked at the other girls. "Uh, sorry, but I think Emma wins."

Phoebe and Allison groaned. Gillian looked thoughtful.

"Was I at least better than Phoebe and Allison?" she asked, making her sisters stare at her in disbelief.

"Well, a deal's a deal," said Oscar, ignoring Gillian again. "Emma, you can pick out a dress to wear tonight. Try to make it something a little formal - "

"No." Emma shook her head. "I'll be naked."

For a moment, the room became dead quiet, all four of Emma's siblings staring at her, thunderstruck.

"You will?" Oscar finally asked. Phoebe, Allison, and Gillian were still speechless.

"Yes." Emma nodded. "I'll be naked. I don't want my sisters to go through this alone. I'll stand with them."

She smiled at her sisters, and within a few seconds, Phoebe and Allison smiled back at her gratefully. Gillian just shook her head.

"Besides," said Emma, suddenly blushing deeply, "I think ... I think Rory would appreciate it. I'm pretty sure he'd be disappointed if I was the only girl here who wasn't undressed."

"Well, that's it, then," said Oscar thoughtfully. "Now, all of you girls, go on upstairs and get yourselves ready for tonight. Remember what I said, I want Rory and his parents to be greeted by four smiling, naked, and radiantly beautiful young women, and I want Rory to get four naked hugs."

The girls let out a collective sigh, and made their way up the stairs. Emma was the last to cross the threshold, and as she did, she glanced back at Oscar. He gave her a smile and a coy wink, and she winked back at him.


Oscar straightened his tie as he checked himself in the mirror.

"I guess this is about as good as it's going to get," he murmured.

He had showered, shaved, combed his hair, dressed in his best suit, he didn't think there was much more he could do. Anyway, he rather doubted that the guests would be looking at him very much tonight.

Oscar glanced at the clock, and saw he still had half an hour or so before Rory's family was due to arrive. He sat down at his desk, and found that his head was once again filling up with the memory of Emma's cute little wink. Soon, he was reminiscing once again about that fateful day when his parents returned home after his first weekend in charge of the house, and in charge of his sisters. Only this time, he reflected on what he hadn't been able to before, the moments after his father had left the room.


"Perfect." His father smiled at him and clapped him on the back. "Us guys gotta stick together, after all, right, son?"

"You got it, Pop."

After his father walked out of the room, Oscar let out a long sigh of relief, gratitude, and disbelief.

"See? What did I tell you, Oscar?"

Oscar whirled around.

"How did you get in here?" he exclaimed as Emma stepped out from behind the curtains near the window.

"I figured Mom and Dad would bring you up here to check your computer, so I decided to slip in before they did."

"I hope you realize what you put me through," said Oscar in a slightly severe tone. "I was having a near-death experience in here when they were looking at that recording."

"Oh, come on," said Emma, folding her arms. "Didn't I tell you that Daddy would let you off the hook the second that he saw that video of all of us girls naked?"

Oscar stared at her.

"You were the one who told Mom and Dad about the master recording, weren't you?" he said, his voice rising. "Emma - "

"If I hadn't done it, you
would be dead," said Emma matter-of-factly. "The recordings that Phoebe, Allison, and Gillian sneaked with their phones weren't clear enough. We needed to give Daddy a chance to see everything perfectly, to make him want to go along with you on this."

Oscar was silent.

"Well, you were right," he admitted. "I really didn't think he would, but like you said, Pop let me off the hook."

He shook his head.

"I can't believe he'd actually want to see his daughters - "

"Oh, you're one to talk," said Emma in a scolding tone, but with eyes twinkling in amusement. "I can tell how much you enjoyed seeing your sisters naked."

"It was incredible," breathed Oscar after a moment. He looked at his youngest sister. "All of it was incredible."

Emma blushed.

"You were right about everything," said Oscar. "I can't quite believe it. I just ... "

Oscar lowered his eyes.

"What's the matter?" asked Emma, tilting her head curiously. "I'd have thought you'd be happy. You got to see your sisters naked for an entire weekend, made us do everything you wanted, Daddy let you off the hook, AND you're going to get to do it all again every time our parents go on a trip."

"Yeah." Oscar nodded. "But there's a downside. Phoebe, Allison, and Gillian ... They all kind of hate my guts now. I'm not thrilled about that."

"Don't worry, big brother, they'll get over it," said Emma. "Just give them a little time. Even Gillian doesn't really hate you, even if she acts like she does."

"Are you sure?"

"Haven't I been right about everything so far, Master Oscar?"

"Emma, we're alone, you don't have to call me that."

"I kind of like it," said Emma, her eyes twinkling again.

Oscar shook his head.

"I'm not sure I'll ever understand you, Emma. Why did you do all of this, anyway?"

"I have my reasons," said Emma softly.

"Do you like being naked in front of me?"

"No way." Emma shook her head emphatically. "It's humiliating."

"Then why did you - "

"Like I said, I have my reasons. And I'll tell you about them when I feel the time is right. For now, the only thing I want you to know is ... "

Emma gazed into her brother's eyes.

"You're the only person in this family who's never, ever made fun of me. Did you know that?"

Oscar stared at her.

"No, I didn't," he said. "I know that our sisters make fun of you, but aren't siblings supposed to - "

"That depends," said Emma cryptically. Oscar could tell from the finality of her tone that he wasn't going to get any more of an answer from her than that.

"And truth be told," continued Emma, "I didn't mind seeing my big sisters getting taken down a peg, even if I had to be embarrassed along with them."

She paused thoughtfully.

"And I knew that you'd enjoy seeing three beautiful girls - "

"Four," said Oscar firmly. "I remember that weekend vividly, and by my count, there were four."

Emma smiled.

"All right, if you insist, four," she said. "Four beautiful girls naked, so I figured I could do this for you, too. I love you, Oscar."

"I love you, too, Emma," said Oscar, hugging his sister gratefully. She rested her head against his chest.

"Um, Emma," he continued, "you've admitted that it's humiliating to be naked in front of me ... You realize you're going to have to go through that every time Mom and Dad go away from now on."

"Yes, I do," said Emma softly, looking up at him. She smiled, her eyes shining. "Oh, well ... It isn't easy being a girl."


"Master Oscar?"

The words were softly spoken, but it still startled Oscar into opening his eyes.

"Oh, uh, what is it, Emma?" Oscar sat up in his chair, self-consciously adjusting his tie.

"Rory's father's car just pulled up outside. Rory and his parents should be ringing the doorbell in just a few minutes."

"Okay," said Oscar, getting to his feet. "I want you to answer the door, Emma. I think Rory will appreciate it if you're the first girl he sees, especially ... "

Oscar slid his eyes down Emma's slender, naked body.

"Got it," said Emma. She gave her brother a coy smile and asked, "Looking forward to the weekend, Master?"

"Always," Oscar returned Emma's smile.

Emma turned and headed down the hallway. For a moment, Oscar watched her, once again admiring the view.

He plopped himself down in his chair and let out a heavy sigh. Looking up at the ceiling, he said, "Well ... I think, sometimes, it's good to be a guy."
Last edited by Sue DeNym on Fri Apr 28, 2023 2:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 10. Master Oscar

Post by SDS »

That is so freaky! I read your stories on another site recently and was going to email you to invite you here as I thought you'd fit in perfectly!

Welcome and they are some wonderful stories!

Can't wait to read more!
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Re: It Isn't Easy Being a Girl

Post by Darky »

Wow, some great stories. Some are not my kind of story but still great. Love to see some sequels to some stories. But, hey keep up the great work! I loved story 1 and 4 the most, to me they can have a follow up :oops:
Last edited by Darky on Tue Apr 18, 2023 2:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: It Isn't Easy Being a Girl

Post by dublinjohn »

Some lovely work there, story 8 could really use some follow up if you are taking requests
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Re: 10. Master Oscar

Post by dublinjohn »

SDS wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 9:19 am That is so freaky! I read your stories on another site recently and was going to email you to invite you here as I thought you'd fit in perfectly!

Welcome and they are some wonderful stories!

Can't wait to read more!
can you pm me that site please
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Re: It Isn't Easy Being a Girl

Post by mikewozere »

Nicely written and proof-read by the look of it. Typos always jump out at me and spoil my enjoyment. Some of the stories don't do it for me (I'm not into spanking), but there are several that do.
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Re: 10. Master Oscar

Post by mikewozere »

dublinjohn wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 2:19 pm
SDS wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 9:19 am That is so freaky! I read your stories on another site recently and was going to email you to invite you here as I thought you'd fit in perfectly!

Welcome and they are some wonderful stories!

Can't wait to read more!
can you pm me that site please
I too would like to know what that other site is pls.
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Re: It Isn't Easy Being a Girl

Post by bowser6664 »

Those are great! I particularly liked the second and last one and I'm looking forward to more. Also, and this should be obvious, I wanna know what that other site is too :D
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Re: It Isn't Easy Being a Girl

Post by Darky »

I guess we all want to know :lol:
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Re: It Isn't Easy Being a Girl

Post by Sue DeNym »

SDS must have been referring to the FNA (Forced Nudity Archive) website. It's the only other site that I have posted on.

So far, I only have "It Isn't Easy Being a Girl" on FNA. I will probably be submitting any story I write to both sites simultaneously from here on out.

By the way, when I posted that collection here, I took the opportunity to correct some typos that I unfortunately missed when I was proofreading it before submitting it to FNA. I'd correct those typos on FNA if I could, but there's no mechanism for me to do that.

The link to FNA, also called the Puericil website, is :

FNA is traditionally for stories about CFNM/ENM, so most of the stories on it are about naked boys. However, there are some stories about naked girls. Several of the best ones are from an author with the username "SuperEvil," who also posts his stories here, so you might have already read them.

There are a few other stories that I would recommend :

"A Good Day for Kaitlyn," "Something Seemed Off," and "A Failure to Communicate" by Whispering Lurker and Silent Girl.
"Something's Not Right" and "Jackson's Sleepover" by Little English Boy.
"A Friend Who Cares ..." and "Tit for Tat" by Rick1463.
"Let George Do It" by Rick1463 and Red Rover.
"Seeing My Neighbor Naked" by Steam Train.

On the "Reader Story Submissions" page, there is a story titled "The Apprentice" by Terence, which I also thought was very good.

There are other good stories on the FNA site as well.

Another author who I really like is Paul H., who has written many very good CFNM/ENM stories. He has also written a CMNF/ENF story titled "The Boys' Revenge." Be advised, it depicts non-consensual sexual activity, and overall, it's kind of intense.

Also, the story "Getting Boys Naked" by Aldric is mostly CFNM/ENM, but the final chapter has the boys turning the tables on the girls, and it is a lot of fun to read. :)
Last edited by Sue DeNym on Wed Jul 19, 2023 4:25 am, edited 4 times in total.
I post my stories on PNS, FNA, and Deviant Art.

My friend Josh also posts on PNS and Deviant Art.

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