Dare Me (new 7/29)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/11)

Post by anthelester121 »

neverdoubted, any hint on when the next part is coming?
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/11)

Post by neverdoubted »

How about today?
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Dare Me (new 4/11)

Post by jojo12026 »

Today would be great!
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/11)

Post by perseus »

Yes please!
Feedback or suggestions are always welcome

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Dare Me - Chapter 13 - Hardship Study Buddy (Part 17)

Post by neverdoubted »

Dare Me - Chapter 13 - Hardship Study Buddy (Part 17)

We watched cartoons while waiting for my sister to finish making lunch. Well, I watched cartoons. Joseph spent most of his time watching the doorway like a hawk.

I, having seen her incredible nude body so many times by that point, was not so easily distracted by the prospect of her return. Furthermore, I had mastered my libido and was able to keep control over myself at all times... most of the time... sometimes? Ok, give me a break! Yes, her new boob shimmy had caught me off guard and made me lose control. But I recovered...eventually.

But poor Joseph stood no chance. I'm not sure if Lucy noticed earlier because she had been coping with a lot of personal embarrassment, but the whole time she was taking our order, Joseph had an erection. In fact, he still had a situation brewing down there as we watched tv. I tried to ignore it, but I couldn't help but notice him pawing at the uncomfortable lump in his shorts.

It was kind of rude how he seemed to be practically playing with himself right in front of me. Not, like, whipping it out and jacking off. But whenever he squeezed the lump in his crotch, it was pretty obvious what he was reaching for.

About the sixth time I caught him doing it, I was about to call him out on his crude behavior, until the most unusual thing happened. He looked down at his own hand pressed into the middle of his legs. The look on his face was one of utter bewilderment mixed with a little bit of concern. Could it be?...oh my God.

I remember learning in health class how everyone develops at a different pace and that boys usually enter puberty later than girls. By the time I was his age, I had been masturbating for a good while. But it occurred to me that Joseph, being a little younger and perhaps more sheltered, might not have discovered that particular pubescent activity.

In fact, other than his previous session helping his grandfather with Lucy's dress fitting almost a year ago, it was possible he had never even encountered a naked girl before.

Joseph had plenty of experience interacting with kids his age, both boys and girls. When it came to women, he was just a baby; naive and innocent. A young buck. And this maturing young doe comes along with her incredible heat and is unknowingly coaxing his body to take its first, tentative steps toward manhood.

I couldn't help but take sympathy on the kid. But I also couldn't stop my brain from conjuring up interesting ways to incorporate this new knowledge into her dare.

Just then, Lucy, or should I say "Barb", returned carrying our drinks. I smiled as I caught Joseph pulling his tee shirt down over his lap before she recognized his body's awkward arousal situation brewing.

I saw she had made an adjustment to her apron while in the kitchen. Shortening the belt tie to make the loop around her neck bigger, she was able to lower the whole thing by several inches so that the front ruffle did a much better job covering her private place.

The adjustment emboldened her. She stood and walked with more confidence. But she still had to be extra careful to keep her naked backside hidden.

Navigating a successful backward exit, she soon returned with our food. She rattled off our order while deftly carrying the full serving tray. "Turkey sandwich on white, mustard and mayo, side salad, and one PB&J, side salad hold the tomatoes, and potato chips. Did I get all that right, darlin's?" she asked with all the confidence of a seasoned waitress.

But, drawing too much comfort from the apron adjustment and thinking her clothing situation more secure than it was, she let her guard down. Her face beaming with pride at her culinary skills, she leaned over and held out the tray so we could grab our plates. Starving, I quickly grabbed mine and picked up my sandwich. I was about to take a bite when I realized Joseph hadn't moved to take his plate yet and paused.

I was quick to realize the reason for his delay. It hadn't been an issue before because Lucy had been standing upright the whole time to that point. But with her apron's neckline lowered significantly, by leaning over, she was now flashing way too much of her cleavage. In fact, I could see the whole top half of her adorable mounds almost to her pink nipples! Joseph had naturally fixated on that newly showing part of her body.

Confused why Joseph wasn't picking up his food, she looked directly at him. Then, only after following his gaze, did she look down at herself and discover that he was staring at her nearly uncovered breasts. Immediately, she dropped the tray onto the couch with a clang and bolted upright. Clutching her hand to her chest to end her accidental exhibition, she made a hasty exit.

I found it cute how hard she fought against every inch of exposure inflicted on her poor under-clothed body. It was fun watching her come up with creative ways to delay her humiliation. That she would eventually end up completely naked in front of him was a foregone conclusion in my mind. Her desperate struggle to keep her intimate bits covered from his sight only fed my motivation to make it happen.

She did manage to avoid any more embarrassing exposure for the rest of lunch. But that was only because she kept her plate in the kitchen and avoided us altogether. Deciding she had kept herself hidden away long enough, I intentionally knocked over my water glass as a pretext and went to find her.

"We had a little spill, Barb." I said, derisively emphasizing her pseudonym, "You need to get a towel and wipe it up, and quickly. Otherwise, it's going to leave a water stain on the carpet."

I stood expectantly and waited for her to get moving. She found a couple of larger kitchen towels and walked over to the doorway before losing her nerve and pausing. I watched her hesitate, shifting her weight anxiously back and forth between her left and right leg. The cute little display her flexing butt muscles put on gave me an idea for a future activity. Watching her wrestle with herself, I couldn't fault her for dreading to enter his presence again. Every encounter with him so far had resulted in some greater humiliation. The odds were high that this encounter would end no differently.

From my spot in the kitchen, I did have a good view of her outfit and body from behind. Her wide apron strings had been tied into a big bow just above her waist. It adorned the top of her naked bottom as if to make her ripe ass into an unwrapped present. The backs of her legs were bare down to the crooks of her knees where her white stockings began. The right one had slipped down a little and sat slightly below her knee and a little askew. But I'm sure, with so much else going on with her outfit that required constant attention, fixing her crooked socks got a low priority.

Mentally psyching herself up to re-enter the embarrassing fray, I watched her take a nervous breath then straighten her back, transforming back into her waitress character. Since she didn't have enough clothing on to face Joseph as herself, it's like playing someone else added another layer to her attire - a psychological cushion without which the poor, underdressed girl would not have been able to function otherwise. Once again enveloped in the cloak of "Barb", she resumed walking.

I entered the living room to find my waitress sister sitting on her knees. With one hand over her chest to ensure the top panel of her apron stayed in place this time, she leaned over and spread one of the towels over the spill. She had to rise up off her haunches and get right over the spot before there was enough pressure to extract the water from the soaked carpet.

Joseph's jaw dropped open as his dream girl assumed a tantalizing new position. What brief glimpses of her plump little bottom he had caught thus far were nothing compared to the lewd display now in front of him. Her apron, which had done a mostly admirable job covering her front side was rendered completely useless now that she was kneeling on all fours with her butt shoved toward the sky. He didn't really react or make a sound, but just stared in awe at her spectacular curvaceous flesh as she worked feverishly to quickly complete her humiliating task. As soon as she felt the place was dry enough, she gathered up her towels and stood up.

"Y'all should really be more keerful, in tha future, y’here?" she admonished.

Then, turning her naked backside to him she sauntered out of the room while Joseph looked on in disbelief.

When she returned to bring us desert, I noticed she wasn't as careful about ensuring her bottom stayed out of his sight lines any longer. Whenever he got the chance, Joseph was not shy about checking out her assets, either. Maybe she figured it was a pointless exercise to hide something he had already seen so much of. But I thought it was funny how she still made sure to clutch her hand to her chest whenever she bent over to pick something up.

It was adorable to watch her continued fight to preserve her dwindling modesty. And after observing how self-conscious she was being about those growing glands on her chest and the lengths to which she was going to keep him from seeing them, I knew exactly what I was going to target next!
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Dare Me (new 4/16)

Post by Azrael »

I know this is a long shot because Mikey probably wants it for himself. But the only thing I can think of is Mikey daring Lucy to take care of Joseph's little problem.
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/16)

Post by neverdoubted »

Azrael wrote: Mon Apr 17, 2023 12:32 pm I know this is a long shot because Mikey probably wants it for himself. But the only thing I can think of is Mikey daring Lucy to take care of Joseph's little problem.
Not quite right on either account, but good guesses!
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Dare Me (new 4/16)

Post by perseus »

Lucy took a big gamble putting on that apron. Even though Mikey let her get away with it for now I'm hoping he eventually makes her pay for that decision ;)

I hope the next part come out soon!
Feedback or suggestions are always welcome

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Re: Dare Me (new 4/16)

Post by Rjun17 »

How about Joseph giving her a massage (treatment) 😉
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Dare Me - Chapter 13 - Hardship Study Buddy (Part 18)

Post by neverdoubted »

Dare Me - Chapter 13 - Hardship Study Buddy (Part 18)

While my sister went about her assigned task of cleaning up the kitchen and doing the dishes, I dragged out our crappy board games and attempted to keep Joseph occupied. Having lost so many pieces over the years, we had to improvise. He was a good sport, but I could tell he was getting bored. His heart just wasn't in it. From the way he kept looking wistfully at the doorway, I knew exactly what toy he really wanted to play with.

Finally, after making him wait an agonizing hour, I casually suggested we take a break go find out what my sister was up to. He heartily agreed and jumped to his feet a little too eagerly. When he said he needed to pee, I pointed him to the guest bathroom then went looking for Lucy. I found her hiding out in the kitchen washing a plate that looked like it had been clean for at least thirty minutes.

"Where's Joseph?" she asked, anxiously.

"In the bathroom. He'll be here in a second. You did a good job being a waitress, by the way. But I think you're ready for a new task. So, you can take off that ridiculous outfit," I announced, making it more of an order than a request.

When she didn't move right away to comply, I had to add, "do you really want to test me?"

She reached behind her and slowly pulled the strings of her apron loose. Her trembling hands lifted it over her head leaving her once again essentially naked. Shedding both her apron and the "Barb" persona made her feel acutely exposed. She literally let out a whimper of discomfort as she regretfully left the apron behind on the counter then turned and looked to me with pleading eyes.

"Please, Mikey, just tell me what I have to do next," she said.

She kept looking over at the doorway where, any second now, Joseph would make his entrance and catch her standing totally naked in the kitchen. I made her squirm for several long seconds before she couldn't take it anymore and began to whimper.

"All right, settle down," I replied, "for your next task, I want you to invite Joseph to walk around and look at your garden. I'm sure he would love to get a better look at what all you've been growing."

"Ok," she replied, "but do I get some time to get ready like last time? To turn myself into a farmer first?"

I saw right through her request. She was trying to figure out if there was a way to minimize her exposure like she had done with her waitress outfit. I didn't mind. Her sexy waitress costume had been a home run. Why not give her a chance to do it again, but this time as a sexy farm girl?

"Fine, you can have some time to get ready," I conceded, "but you better make it good!"

I saw the wheels turning in her mind as she began mentally assembling her outfit. How many accessories could she add without breaking the "no clothes" rule?

I was starting to doubt myself. Had I given her too much leeway with this task? At the last second, I decided to crank up the degree of difficulty.

"Once you have taken off the rest of your old costume, you may go get ready outside. I guess I can keep Joseph occupied for ten minutes," I said, looking at my watch. "I haven't given him a tour of the house yet. I'm sure he will be real interested in seeing all your pictures on the walls."

With the clock now ticking, she threw off her shiny shoes in a panic and, jumping in place, dragged the stockings down and off her legs. She yanked the band of cloth off her head scattering her hair wildly in every direction. Once she was completely naked again, she handed the remnants of her outfit over to me and started toward the door. But I blocked her path.

"Who said you could go this way?" I asked teasingly. Her face twisted into a look of confusion.

"I need to go to my room to get ready," she replied.

"No, I said you're going to get ready outside, remember? You can only use whatever you can find out there."

Her eyes went wide as my devastating new requirement threw her newly forming outfit plans into disarray. She couldn't possibly make a modest outfit out of gardening tools! I didn't blame her for standing her ground and holding out hope for another way. But I wasn't about to back down. When I checked my watch and added, "now you only have nine minutes. Did I just hear the toilet flush?" the naked girl's flight instinct kicked in. Spinning in place, she darted across the kitchen and fled out the sliding glass door into the backyard.

While she desperately scavenged the backyard for anything she could use to make into a farmer girl outfit, I gave Joseph a tour of our house. He was particularly interested in the family vacation photo on the mantle as well as the remote-control caddy; both of which featured a girl of particular interest to him in various stages of undress. Once the allotted time had passed, I led him out to the back patio to meet his personal garden tour guide.

Lucy came clomping around the corner in her big gardening boots when I called. She had done an admirable job coming up with a new character to transform into in such a short amount of time. Of course, she had put lots of thought into her hairstyle. Keeping with the theme, she had formed her golden strands into twin braids, practical and neat. She looked like an adorable farmer's daughter under her floppy yellow sun hat.

Luckily for her, she had found the planting apron she kept hanging on one of the side yard fence posts. All the tools she had hanging from it made a clatter as she walked. Unfortunately, it was not a full apron. It only encircled her waist like a belt with pockets hanging down to provide some front modesty. It did not extend to cover her back side at all, neither did it provide any coverage whatsoever above her waist. I guess she had run out of time to figure out what to do about her naked chest. Instead, she had to resort to holding her hands over her boobs for modesty. Didn't she know by now that acting embarrassed about showing her body parts to Joseph would only make it more humiliating when those parts did inevitably get exposed?

"Howdy, folks! I'm Nellie. Welcome to my little patch of Earth," she said with a bright smile. As with Barb earlier, she was using an over-the-top farm girl affectation she had probably heard in a movie or tv show. I understood her desire for conjuring that extra psychological layer of separation between herself and Joseph. Anything to distract herself from the constant reminder that she was now topless and one hand slip away from flashing him her naked boobies.

"Hello...Nellie," I said, making sure to emphasize her absurd new pseudonym, "my friend Joseph would like a tour of your garden. I'm sure he would love to learn all about how you make it look so good. Perhaps you can give us a little planting and harvesting demonstration?"

Her farmgirl act faltered briefly. It would be impossible to provide a demonstration without removing her hands and baring her breasts. Exposure was a foregone conclusion. Her only consolation was that I was letting her decide when to make it happen.

"Uh, sure thing," she said, recovering enough well enough to flash a toothy smile, "come right this way and I'll show you folks around."

Joseph was more than happy to follow her around the garden since it afforded him constant spectacular views of her naked bottom. I marveled at how quickly she had adjusted her standards after working so hard to keep her back side hidden earlier. But I guess she now had bigger exposure issues to wrestle with. She took us row by row through her vegetable garden, telling all about the nutritious plants growing. When we reached the end, she walked us around the side of the house and through her flower gardens. The whole time, she made sure to keep her hands firmly over her breasts.

She walked slower and slower, stalling as her flower garden tour was wrapping up. At the end of the last row, she knew she had run out of time. But even then, she dallied. The three of us stood awkwardly in the hot sun waiting for someone else to make a move. Every time Lucy looked to me, I shot back an expectant look. She already knew what she had to do.

"So....", she said, her midwestern voice quivering, "would…you good folks like to watch me harvest some vegetables?"

Joseph nodded eagerly and I just smiled. We followed her over to one corner of the yard where a small shed held some of the bigger gardening supplies and excess soil. A roof extended from one side of the shed to form a shaded area. With a deep, fateful breath, she stepped under the roof. Joseph peered intently after her, willing his eyes to adjust to the shaded darkness so he could figure out what the half-naked farmer girl was up to.
~ NeverDoubted

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