It Isn't Easy Being a Girl

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Sue DeNym
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It Isn't Easy Being a Girl

Post by Sue DeNym »

Summary :

A collection of short stories and vignettes depicting teenaged girls in a variety of uncomfortable situations. I got the idea for this while reading "Boys in Trouble" by Nevergrowup and "Anthology" by NAMB on the FNA website. Some of these will be short stories with actual plots and conclusions (more or less), while others will just be little vignettes that I wrote for fun.

The general themes are forced (or at least reluctant) nudity, with a fair amount of spanking and bondage. There is also some non-consensual sexual contact (groping, fondling, and forced kissing), so reader discretion is advised.

Contents :

Volume I (Completed.)

1. A Favor for Billy
2. Laundry Day Woes
3. Emily and Missy's New Family
4. Blackmail Blues
5. Vignette - What About Charlie?
6. Panties Down
7. Cousin Brandy
8. A String of Teenaged Aphrodites
9. Vignette - It Was Only Fair
10. Master Oscar

CaughtOfLore wrote an amazing continuation of the vignette "What About Charlie?".
What About Charlie? - Expanding a Vignette

Volume II (Coming hopefully within the next month.)
Last edited by Sue DeNym on Thu May 04, 2023 5:18 am, edited 11 times in total.
I post my stories on PNS, FNA, and Deviant Art.

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1. A Favor for Billy

Post by Sue DeNym »

(As a general rule, the girls in these stories will be about 15 to 17 years old. I can't promise anything, but if I get positive feedback about a particular story, I will see if I can continue it as a longer story, if I have the time and if I can come up with enough material. Now, I'd like to start with one of my favorites ... )

1. A Favor for Billy

"Just give me a few minutes, Cheryl. I'll be right down there."

Sara slid her phone into her pocket, while shaking her long red hair out of her eyes. The teenaged girl ran up the stairs, two or three at a time, toward her bedroom. With a little luck, she could change clothes and go join her friends at the bakery while that cute new boy was still there ...

"Sara? Could you come in here for a minute?"

"Uh, Billy, I'm in kind of a hurry." Sara tried to hide her annoyance at this interruption as she looked over at her younger brother, waving to her from the door of his room.

"Please, Sara? Just a minute?" Billy persisted.

Sara could feel her annoyance melting away at the sound of her little brother's plea. She had never been very good at refusing Billy when he asked her for something, and today was no exception. With a sigh, she followed him into his room.

"What is it, Billy?" she asked, closing the door behind her.

The young boy plopped himself down on his bed.

"Strip," he said in an eager voice, gazing at his sister with even more eager eyes.

Sara groaned.

"Why do you want me to do that?" she asked wearily.

"You're so pretty," said Billy, actually making his sister blush.

"Well, don't you think I look pretty with my clothes on?" Sara tried, knowing full well it would do no good.

"Sure." Billy nodded emphatically. "But you look really pretty with them off."

"Billy - "

"Please, Sara?"

There it was again.

Sara hesitated, once again contemplating what she knew would be the futility of trying to say no to her little brother.

"Okay, okay," sighed Sara, giving in yet again.

"Thanks, Sis," said Billy, smiling brightly.

"But we have to hurry," she said, unbuttoning her blouse. "I need to go soon."

Billy folded his hands in his lap, watching with widening eyes as Sara pulled her blouse off and then unzipped her skirt. She was wearing a plain white bra and panties, but the young boy seemed as entranced as if she was wearing Victoria's Secret lingerie.

Sara could feel herself blushing again as Billy ran his eyes up her long legs and tight stomach.

"Um, well, I guess that's it, then," she said, a little too anxiously.

"Please, Sara?" said Billy again.

With another sigh, she reached behind her to unhook her bra. Sara's breasts were not large, even though they seemed generous on her small frame. Most of the girls she knew were bustier, although she doubted that her young brother had seen much to compare her to.

As she slid her panties down her legs, Sara lowered her deeply reddening face, finding it more difficult to look Billy in the eyes.

"Wow," breathed Billy, his eyes seemingly everywhere at once. "You're so beautiful, Sara."

The sweetness in her brother's voice gave Sara the willpower to straighten up and face him.

"Thank you, Billy." She smiled, almost in spite of herself. "But you've seen me like this a lot of times before."

"And it's always amazing, every time," he said.

Sara actually found that nice to hear, although she didn't really need to be told that her brother felt that way. She could see how Billy was admiring her, as if she was the most wondrous sight in the world to him.

"You're always so pretty, Sara," said Billy softly, tilting his head.

"That's sweet of you, Billy," said Sara gratefully. She paused for a moment, then shook her head a bit.

"But, look, I really do have to get going." She held out her arms to display her fully nude body. "So, is this enough, Billy? Can I get dressed now? Please?"

Billy hesitated.

"Um, could you turn around?" he asked timidly.

"Billy - "

"Just once, Sara? Please, Sara?"

Sara bit her lip as she turned in place. When she had her back to Billy, she slowed her pace for a few seconds so he could have a good look.

"The things I do," she whispered to herself.

Now facing Billy again, Sara locked her eyes with his.

"Billy, I think that's enough. I have to go now."

"Aw, Sis - "

"Billy." Sara was using her big sister voice now, the one that meant business. "Enough. I really do have to leave."

"Oh." Billy lowered his eyes. After a moment, he looked up at his sister again. "Okay. Thanks, Sara."

"You're welcome, Billy." Sara's voice softened again. "Look, I'll tell you what. When I get back home, I'll spend the whole evening in just my underwear."

Billy visibly perked up at that, but Sara knew that he still wanted to see her naked again.

"And listen," Sara knelt down in front of her brother, giving him an even closer look. "If you're a good boy tonight, Billy, then about an hour before your bedtime, I'll come in here and take everything off for you again. And I'll spend that hour in here with you, just like this. We'll have some fun playing games or watching television or something."

"A whole hour? Really?" Billy's eyes were shining more than Sara could ever remember seeing them before. "Wow. Thank you so much, Sara."

"You're welcome, sweetie," said Sara, smiling kindly at him. "Look, to be honest, I don't really enjoy doing this. I don't like being naked in front of boys, even my brother. But I know how much you like it, so I'll do it, just for you, Billy, because I love you."

"Thanks," said Billy again. "You're the best sister ever."

"And don't you forget it," said Sara with mock severity. She ran her hand affectionately through her little brother's hair.

Sara picked her clothes up off the floor. She could have gotten dressed right there, but instead she purposely walked out of Billy's room still naked, and at a deliberately slow pace, letting him have one more good look.

"The things I do," she murmured again, folding her clothes into her arm. As she headed down the hall to her room, she sighed, "It isn't easy being a girl."
I post my stories on PNS, FNA, and Deviant Art.

My friend Josh also posts on PNS and Deviant Art.

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Sue DeNym
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2. Laundry Day Woes

Post by Sue DeNym »

2. Laundry Day Woes

"Madison, what did you do?!"

I practically yanked my best white dress shirt out of the bundle of clothing stuffed into the washing machine. At least, it was white. Now, it was a bright shade of pink.

"You don't like it?" My older sister, Madison, did not look up from the teen magazine she was reading.

"It's pink!" I exclaimed. "How did my best shirt get pink?!"

"Oh, that." Madison finally looked up at me, with a bored expression on her face. "I thought I pulled out all of those red socks from the load. I guess I missed one. Oh, well, what can you do?"

She shrugged and went back to reading her magazine.

"Madison, I was planning to wear this on my date with Jennifer Hall tonight! Do you know how long it's taken me to get a date with her?"

"So, wear a different shirt."

"Oh, I'd love to," I growled, glancing at the clothes in the washing machine. "But it looks to me like you pinked them all!"

"Well, what's the big deal?" Madison slowly turned a page of her magazine. "You weren't really expecting anything to happen tonight with Jennifer Hall, were you, little brother?"

I could feel my hands clenching, but I forced myself to ignore her remark.

"I don't know why Mom keeps having you do the laundry," I told my sister in exasperation. "You've never done a single load right in your life."

Madison rolled her eyes.

"So why don't you wash your own clothes, then?" she asked me pointedly.

"I do," I retorted. "I didn't have time this morning because of soccer practice. But whenever I can, I always do my own laundry. Think about that, Madison. I am a 15-year-old boy who would rather wash his own clothes than let his sister do it for him. What does that tell you?"

"Why do I have to do the laundry, anyway?" said Madison irritably. "Because I'm a girl, I suppose."

"No, it's because Mom says you're even worse at cooking, vaccuuming, dusting, washing dishes, and every other chore in the house than you are at laundry. I think she's just about given up trying to make you be useful around here."

That must have pushed my sister's buttons, because she threw her magazine on the floor and started toward the stairs.

"Madison, where are you going?" I demanded.

"Since I'm so useless around here, I guess I'll go take a nap," she snarled at me over her shoulder.

"What am I going to wear on my date?" I asked in frustration.

"Wear the pink shirt," she told me. "Maybe Jennifer will think it's cute. It's not like you've got much else to impress her with."

She snorted derisively as she headed up the stairs.

That did it. That really did it ... In that moment, I saw red ... Madison had screwed up my first date with a girl I had spent over a month working up the courage to ask out, and she didn't even care, she was laughing! ... I had had enough, and I saw red ...

"Hey!" shrieked Madison as I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back down into the basement. "What the hell are you doing?!"

"You're not going anywhere!" I snarled at her. I half-pulled, half-dragged my sister to a bench against the basement wall.

"Let go of me!" shouted Madison. She let out another loud shriek as I pulled her over my lap, her butt squarely over my knees.

"You need an attitude adjustment, Sis," I said furiously. "All you ever do around here is cause trouble. I've had enough, and I think I need to give you something Dad should've given you when you were five."

"You're crazy! You'd better let me up right now, or I'll - OW!"

I don't know who was more shocked, Madison or me, that I had just smacked her butt, hard. But I'll tell you, it felt so right ...

"Let me up!" Madison was struggling for all she was worth, but I managed to pin her small wrists in my left hand and held them against her back. She may have been older than me, but it felt like I had the edge on her in strength.

"You've needed a spanking from me for a long time," I told her. "And I am going to give it to you."

"You can't spank me!" she shouted. "I'm not a little kid! Let me go - OW! OW! OW! OW! OW!"

Madison was screaming as my hand came down on her behind again and again, making a loud smack each time it did. Before long, tears were flowing down her face. I knew she must have been in a lot of pain, but I could tell that what was even worse for her was the humiliation of being spanked like a child, and by her little brother to boot.

But, personally, I had never felt so much satisfaction in my entire life as I did at that moment. It was like years and years of anger and resentment were flowing out of me, through my hand, and into her rear end ... However, it also felt like something wasn't quite right here ... and I soon realized what it was.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing, you little creep?!" shouted Madison as I pulled her shorts down, exposing her tight pink panties. I have to say, pink was a lot more flattering in her underwear than it would have been in my shirt.

I felt her freeze up for an instant when I slipped my fingers into the waistband of her panties.

"Don't you even think about it!" she snarled, struggling futilely in my grip.

"Don't worry, I won't," I assured her as I yanked her panties down her thighs. I scarcely even noticed her screams and threats as I stared down at the tight, shapely flesh of her bare ass ... Even though she was my sister, I couldn't help admiring the sight of it ...

"Nice," I remarked, giving her butt a squeeze, feeling the smoothness of it. "You've been working out a lot, haven't you?"

"Cut it out, you little perv!" Madison was still struggling, and although I wasn't losing my grip on her just yet, I had a feeling I wouldn't be able to keep this up all day.

"Let's get this over with," I told her, and resumed smacking her hard on her rear. Now, with nothing at all to cushion the blows, Madison started screaming even louder ... Before long, though, the screams subsided and now she was just sobbing and begging me to stop ...

I wouldn't have believed it possible, but I found myself feeling a little sorry for my sister. Now wondering if I'd been a bit harsher on her than I should have, I decided to wrap things up. I gave Madison a few more hard smacks, and finally let her get up ... At least, that's what I had in mind, but she wound up falling off my lap onto the concrete basement floor.

For a long moment, she simply lay there, crying as she rubbed her bottom furiously, and then she began shouting at me, "Get out! Get out! GET OUT!"

Deciding not to push my luck, I hurried to the stairs and went up to my room. I spent the next hour or so getting ready for my date with Jennifer, but mostly I was dreading what would happen when my parents got home and Madison told them what I had done. I was going to be in so much trouble, I was sure ... But, much to my surprise, when Mom and Dad came in the front door and asked my sister how her day was, she just shrugged and said, "It was fine."

Madison didn't breathe a word of what had happened in the basement to our parents. At least, I was pretty sure she didn't, because they never said anything to me about it.

Oh, and by the way ... Jennifer actually did think that the pink shirt was cute. In a weird way, I felt like I should be grateful to Madison. It also made me feel kind of guilty about spanking her, even though I still felt sure that she had deserved it.

That night, when I was heading for bed, my sister caught me in the hallway.

"Listen," she said to me. "I'm gonna cut you a break here, and not tell Mom and Dad what you did to me today."

"Really?" I asked. "Um, thanks, Sis."

Madison let out a heavy sigh.

"Look, the last thing I want is for people to know that I was spanked by my little brother, okay?" She gave me a really hard look. "But, listen, if you ever ... ever ... ever do anything like that to me again, there will be hell to pay. Understand?"

"I understand." I nodded, and then bit my lip. "I'm really sorry, Madison. I was just ... I was mad, and I lost my head. I'm really sorry."

"Well," she mumbled, "I guess I did kind of bring it on myself. I'm sorry for screwing up your date, and for being a jerk about it."

She shook her head and then headed down the hallway to her room. As she went in, she shot me another glare and said, "Just remember what I said, all right? Hell to pay, understand?"

With that, she slammed the door shut behind her.

Well, that was pretty much the end of it ... But here's the interesting thing ... After that day, my sister never, ever made another mistake when she did my laundry ...
I post my stories on PNS, FNA, and Deviant Art.

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Sue DeNym
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3. Emily and Missy's New Family

Post by Sue DeNym »

3. Emily and Missy's New Family

"Emily! Missy! Rise and shine!"

Kathryn opened the door to her daughters' bedroom.

"Good morning, girls," she said cheerfully as she padded across the thick carpet and threw open the curtains on the windows. "Did you two have a good night's sleep?"

Emily and Missy, both still under their light silk blankets, gazed at their mother, but said nothing.

"Oh, of course, I'm so sorry," said Kathryn, walking over to their beds. "Here, girls, let me take your gags off."

Kathryn pulled Emily's blanket off of her and sat her up on her soft mattress. She gently pulled down the cloth that was tied tightly in and around the girl's mouth, and let it hang loosely around her neck. Emily fairly gasped for breath as her mother went to her sister's bed and repeated the process with Missy's gag.

"Mom, could you untie us, please?" asked Missy, holding out her wrists, which were bound behind her back with a thick cord.

"Very well, sweetheart," said Kathryn, undoing the knots on both of her daughters' bonds. "It's almost time for breakfast, anyway."

While their mother was untying them, Emily and Missy's attention was drawn to their bedroom door by an all-too-familiar sound for them nowadays - the sound of boys snickering. Kathryn had left the door mostly open, and the girls spotted their stepbrothers, Warren and Theo, in the hallway. Both boys were smirking, as they took in the sight of their beautiful stepsisters.

Emily and Missy immediately began blushing furiously, both girls vividly aware of how little of their bodies were hidden by the sheer, almost transparent nighties they were wearing, which just barely reached the tops of their thighs ... and nothing underneath ... Still being tied up didn't help alleviate their embarrassment, either.

Fortunately for the girls, Kathryn also heard the boys' sniggering.

"Warren, Theo, you two go downstairs to the dining room," she called out.

"Aw, Kathryn, we were just - "

"I said go downstairs, boys, right now," said their stepmother. "You need to get your breakfast."

"Yes, ma'am," sighed Warren as his brother nodded. "Let's go, Theo."

As the boys reluctantly left - not before stealing one last good look at their pretty stepsisters - Kathryn finished untying the girls. Emily and Missy sighed as they rubbed the red marks left on their wrists and ankles.

"Did you two get a good night's sleep, at least?" asked Kathryn.

"Mom, it's kind of hard to get into a comfortable position with your hands tied behind your back," said Emily sourly.

"And your legs tied together," Missy put in. "Not to mention these ridiculous nighties that show every - "

"Missy. Emily. Girls. Enough." Kathryn sighed wearily. "We have had this discussion more times than I care to think about, and I promise you that having it again won't change anything. Now, you two get dressed."

That instruction made both girls redden again.

"Mom, do we really have to go downstairs in just our underwear again?" whined Emily.

"It's so embarrassing to be walking around in front of Charles and the boys in just our bras and panties, we feel so naked!" complained Missy.

"Girls, as I told you just a second ago, I don't want to have this discussion again."

Kathryn shook her head as Emily and Missy opened their mouths, more or less simultaneously, to argue, despite her admonishment.

She had always been very proud of her daughters. Emily and Missy were both near the top of their class in school, excelled in athletics, both very popular, and were regarded by many as being among the smartest, not to mention the prettiest, girls in their year. But while they had always been good girls, they weren't perfect, and sometimes they could be quite a handful. Although Kathryn did have her reservations about Charles's unusual methods of discipline, she could not deny being grateful that the girls' new stepfather had stepped in to take a firm hand with them, nor could she deny that Emily and Missy seemed better behaved these days than they had in the past.

"Girls, your father - "

"Stepfather, Mom," said Emily quietly, as Missy nodded.

"Step-father," said Kathryn, trying to control her irritation, "has been very clear about the rules here. For the next month, while you two are grounded, your clothing privileges have been revoked. You will be allowed to wear only the basics - bras and panties during the day, these nighties in the evening. Now, let's get moving. I've prepared some plain oatmeal and milk for your breakfast."

"Again?" murmured Emily, reluctantly discarding her nightie and taking a plain white bra and panties out of her dresser drawer.

"Couldn't we have some pancakes or eggs or something?" asked Missy, as she, too, got dressed - such as it was.

"As long as you girls are grounded, it is basic nutrition only," their mother reminded them.

"Bread and water," muttered Missy. "We get it."

"All right, let's go down to breakfast," said Kathryn, nodding approvingly at her daughters, both dressed now, albeit just in underwear.

As Kathryn headed for the bedroom door, with her daughters reluctantly following, she reminded them, as she had done several times before, "When you girls are finished with breakfast, and washing the dishes, your brothers will - "

"Stepbrothers, Mom," said Missy quietly, as Emily nodded.

"Step-brothers, fine, will gag you girls, and then bring you back up here to your bedroom, to tie you up again."

Both girls let out a soft moan, even though they had already known this was to be their fate.

"Mom, this is crazy," said Emily.

"Why do we have to be bound and gagged all the time?" asked Missy.

"This is your punishment for breaking curfew last week, girls," their mother reminded them. "Apart from school, homework, meals, and bathroom breaks, you will both be spending the next month gagged and tied up in your bedroom. Your father - step-father - explained this to us. This is traditional discipline for girls in his family."

"It wasn't our fault we were late coming home," argued Emily.

"Yeah!" Missy nodded vigorously. "We were ready to go on time. It was Warren and Theo who delayed us from getting back here, because they were too busy chatting up some girls they'd just met."

"I understand that," said Kathryn. "But your father and I - Do we really have to do this every time, girls? - your father and I agreed that since you kids all broke curfew together, regardless of the reasons, you all had to be punished."

"So how come the boys aren't being punished?" demanded Emily.

"They are," Kathryn pointed out. "For the next month, Warren and Theo are grounded, too. They aren't allowed to leave the house except for school, and while they're at home they are confined to their rooms except to eat or go to the bathroom. They get no television, no stereo, no computers, no phone calls, just like you girls. And they're only getting basic nutrition for food, too."

"But they don't have to be tied up and gagged like we are," persisted Missy. "They just have to stay in their rooms, that's all."

"And Warren and Theo don't have to be 95% naked all the time like we are, either," added Emily resentfully. "They get to wear their regular clothes!"

"Yeah, how come Warren and Theo haven't lost their clothing privileges while they're grounded, like us?" asked Missy.

"Emily, Missy, we have been through this. In Charles's family, this is the traditional discipline for girls, not for boys. And there is no 'clothing privilege' for Warren and Theo. You know that by now. Males in this family are entitled to clothing. It is only a 'privilege' for females."

Although Kathryn had told her daughters this several times before, it still set both girls off in a flurry of angry protests.

"Mom, I can't believe you - "

"This is so sexist - "

"Just because we're girls - "

"How can you go along with - "

"So it's okay for us to have be practically naked - "

"And now that we're all a family," continued Kathryn in measured tones, as if the girls hadn't spoken at all, "We have to learn to make adjustments to each other."

Emily and Missy finally fell silent, unable to think of anything more to say. Both girls were visibly fuming.

"And besides," their mother went on, "Theo is two years older than you girls, and Warren almost three. That means that they have more privileges to take away. Whenever Charles needs to discipline the boys, one of the most effective methods he has is to take away their car keys. Which he has done, by the way, for the next three months. So their punishment actually lasts longer than yours."

"Somehow, I don't think they mind all that much," retorted Missy. A moment later, she winced as her sister nudged her hard in her side.

"Mom," said Emily lightly, "maybe it would help if you didn't let Warren and Theo come in to our bedroom while Missy and I are tied up."

"Girls, your father and I cannot be home all the time. Somebody has to look in on you two and make sure you're all right. What if one of you became sick or got hurt, and nobody did anything because they didn't know you needed help?"

"Aren't Warren and Theo supposed to be confined to their rooms?" pressed Missy. "Why are they allowed to come in to ours?"

"The boys are only allowed to leave their rooms when Charles and I aren't in the house, and only to check to make sure that you girls are okay."

"They've been checking a lot more than that," muttered Missy, only to wince again as Emily nudged her even harder this time.

"What was that?" asked Kathryn with a frown.

"Nothing," said Emily a little too quickly. "It's fine, Mom, we understand."

Kathryn looked at the girls askance for a moment.

"Emily, Missy," she said with a sigh, "Sweethearts, you both know that sometimes, it isn't easy being a girl."

She paused.

"That includes me, by the way," Kathryn continued. She regarded her daughters seriously. "Listen, I wasn't sure if I should tell you this, but ... Your father is holding me responsible for your behavior. So, please, try to get along with the boys, or else I might lose my clothing privileges, too."

Emily and Missy's eyes widened. For a moment, they could only stare at their mother, speechless. Missy was the first to pull herself together.

"I bet Warren and Theo would be thrilled with that," she said dryly, as Emily giggled.

"Honestly, girls, I - "

Kathryn's thought was interrupted by the sound of Warren and Theo coming down the hallway.

"I still say we should go all out," Theo was saying. "I mean, why stop short of the - "

"Dad and Kathryn said that we could do one or the other, but not both," Warren told him.

"Why does Kathryn even - "

Theo was stopped by his brother hushing him as they spotted Kathryn and the girls. The sight of their undergarment-clad stepsisters brought the familiar smirk to the boys' faces.

"Morning, girls," said Warren with a broad grin, Theo nodding beside him.

As usual, the boys hardly bothered to conceal their ogling of Emily and Missy's slim, athletic, ultra-fit bodies, minimally covered by the girls' bras and panties.

"Good morning," said Missy, after her mother nudged her. Emily nodded to the boys solemnly.

"What, no hugs for your dear brothers?" asked Warren mischievously, holding out his arms.

Emily and Missy scowled, which turned into a cringe when they heard their mother clearing her throat.

"Girls, let's not be rude. Why don't you give your brothers a nice hug?"

"Like this?" said Emily, her voice rising, as she gestured toward her and her sister's barely-clad bodies.

"We're family now," Kathryn said again. "Let's try to act like one."

She leaned in toward her daughters to add, in a lower voice, "Girls, may I remind you again, the boys are the ones who will be tying you up. It might be a good idea for you to at least try to get on their good side."

"Do they even have a good side?" muttered Missy.

"Well, one way to find out might be to stop making remarks like that," said Kathryn. "Now, come on, try to be friendly."

Emily and Missy exchanged looks, and then sighed in defeat.

The smug grin on Warren's face only grew as Emily reluctantly wrapped her arms around him. Theo's reaction mirrored his brother's as Missy hugged him, all the while grinding her teeth. Both girls let out a small gasp as their stepbrothers pulled them in tightly, pressing their bodies together.

For a moment, as Missy felt Theo's powerfully muscled body against hers, she reflected on how the boys were, if anything, even more athletic than Emily and Missy. She silently pondered if she could ever have appreciated a hug from the handsome boys under different circumstances. When she felt Theo's hands begin to wander over her body, and heard him breathe, "Nice, very nice," Missy decided it was unlikely.

"I'm looking forward to tying you up again later," Warren whispered into Emily's ear as he ran his hand down her smooth back.

Emily could feel everything in her clenching up as Warren's hand slid over her panty-clad bottom, giving it an appreciative squeeze. She barely managed to suppress a yelp when Warren's fingers expertly pinched the tight flesh of her rear.

Missy was faring no better. It felt like Theo was trying to crush her breasts up against his chest, and worse, the boy took the moment to press his lips against Missy's. Her muffled protests seemed to garner no reaction other than an amused chuckle from Theo.

To both girls' dismay, their mother said nothing, even though she could plainly see what the boys were up to. Emily cringed, knowing that Warren and Theo would only take this as encouragement to go even farther the next time.

"All right, I think that's enough," Kathryn finally spoke up, far too soon for the boys' liking and not nearly soon enough for the girls'. "Warren, Theo, your father is waiting for you in the kitchen."

"Aw, c'mon," said Warren, not relaxing his grip on Emily, "do we really - "

"Let's go, boys," said Kathryn, nudging first Theo and then Warren to let go of the girls. "Come on, shoo."

The boys gave Emily and Missy another good look before they reluctantly started toward the kitchen.

"Shoo, shoo, shoo," Kathryn kept saying, as she ushered the boys down the hall.

Emily and Missy watched them leave.

"Can you believe that?" said Emily with barely contained rage as soon as they were out of earshot.

"He kissed me," said Missy, wiping her mouth in disgust. "He kissed me!"

"Yes, I saw."

"On the mouth!" said Missy redundantly. "He kissed me on the mouth!"

"Missy - "

"He kissed me on the mouth!" Missy shuddered slightly as she added, "I think I even got a little bit of his tongue."

"I think we'd better get used to that." Emily shook her head in despair. "Since Mom didn't do a thing about it, you can bet that from now on, Warren and Theo will be looking for a lot more lip action from both of us, whether we like it or not."

"Oh, God," muttered Missy, nodding her head grimly.

Emily sighed and winced as she rubbed her bottom.

Missy wiped her mouth again, wrinkling her nose. "And you know ... Theo isn't even a good kisser."

Emily rolled her eyes.

"Well, Warren is definitely good at pinching," she said ruefully.

"I have a feeling we're going to find out a lot about what the boys are, and aren't, good at," muttered Missy.

"Why didn't Mom do anything?" wondered Emily, looking at the floor.

"I guess she doesn't like the idea of walking around in her underwear any more than we do," said Missy solemnly.

"Oh, come on," said Emily irritably. "Mom was obviously making that up. There's no way that Charles could have any right to make her go around the house in - "

"Listen, Sis," Missy broke in, glancing around to make sure nobody could hear them. "I still think that we should ... "

At that moment, Kathryn came back down the hallway. As she approached her daughters, she noticed them having a hurried, whispered conversation. Missy seemed to be pressing Emily on something, while Emily kept shaking her head and saying no. When Missy spotted her mother, she immediately fell silent, and Emily a moment later.

"Are you girls okay?" asked Kathryn. "Look, I understand how ... difficult ... that must have been, girls, please believe me. But I really think it's for the best that we all try to get along, and ... try to get used to each other."

Emily and Missy exchanged looks.

"We'll do our best, Mom," said Missy with a heavy sigh. Emily nodded.

"Come on," Kathryn smiled at her daughters. "Your breakfast, such as it is, is waiting."

As Emily, Missy, and their mother approached the kitchen, they could hear Warren and Theo talking to their father inside.

"What about my other idea, Dad?" Theo was asking.

"We'll see," said Charles. "I'd have to talk that over with Kathryn first before I give you an answer."

He paused thoughtfully.

"In the meantime, boys ... I really think that what we've talked about here will be good for the girls."

Emily and Missy exchanged quizzical looks. What was going on?

"I would note that in order for it to be practical," Charles continued, "you boys will need to be able to tell Emily and Missy apart from each other. You certainly don't want to make the mistake of getting the wrong girl. Now, I realize it might be difficult - "

"Not really, Dad," said Warren. "There are a few little differences in the way Emily and Missy dress, talk, and act. If you've known them for a while, you can, kind of, tell the girls apart."

"And besides, Missy usually makes it easy, anyway," added Theo. "Emily's hair is still brown, but more often than not, Missy dyes her hair reddish-brown so that people won't confuse her for her sister."

"Yes, I've noticed that," said Charles. "Very well, then ... Before you tie them up again ... Warren, I want you to give Missy a good, hard spanking."

Missy immediately froze. Emily swallowed hard, knowing what was coming next.

"Got it, Dad." The girls didn't need to see Warren to know he was grinning from ear to ear.

"Theo, I want you to do the same for Emily."

"With pleasure," said Theo.

"Careful, he means that," Missy murmured to Emily softly.

"I want you boys to spank the girls properly," continued Charles. "You know what that means, bright red bottoms with bright red faces. I want tears, and plenty of them. I don't want either Emily or Missy to be sitting down comfortably for a good long while."

"You can count on us, Dad."

"I hope I can. I shouldn't have to tell you boys that spanking rights are something that we take very seriously in this family."

"Sp-Spanking rights?" whispered Emily. "He can't give them the right to - "

"Hush," said Missy urgently, straining to hear what Charles was saying.

" ... Yes, indeed, I hope you boys do understand. If I am to even consider letting you boys take on the roles of being Emily and Missy's disciplinarians from now on, then you really - "

"F-From now on?" whispered Missy. "He can't let them be our - "

"Hush," said Emily urgently, straining to hear what Charles was saying.

A moment later, though, both girls wished that they hadn't heard what he was saying next.

"Now, listen, boys. If you feel it's best, you can let Emily and Missy keep their panties on for their spankings. However, I personally believe that it will be far more beneficial for the girls if you spank them on their bare behinds. I would urge you not to be overly concerned with Emily and Missy's modesty."

"Uh, no sweat, Dad, we will handle the girls," said Warren, as his brother nodded enthusiastically.

"As a matter of fact ... Dad, can I take Emily's bra off, too?" asked Theo eagerly.

"If you think that will help," said his father. "Hmmm, yes, I think it will ... I think it will do Emily and Missy good to receive their spankings completely in the nude ... Very well, boys, take both of the girls' bras off along with their panties ...

Now, this is up to you, fellas, but I recommend that you gag Emily and Missy beforehand. They're good girls, of course, but I strongly suspect that all of this is going to make them say some very unladylike things."

Charles chuckled.

"There's even a fair chance that Emily and Missy will try to say that since you're spanking them, they should be able to spank you, too. Of course, boys, it should go without saying that that's an absurd notion. Spanking rights in this family apply from male to female only, never in reverse. That is as it always should be. Under no circumstances are Emily and Missy allowed to spank you boys. I advise you to gag the girls tightly so you won't have to listen to such nonsense.

You might also consider tying Emily and Missy's hands behind their backs before the spankings. After all, you wouldn't want them to try covering up ... well, anything, really.

One more thing, boys. I'm sure that Emily and Missy are going to need some comforting after their spankings are over. Don't let the fact that the girls are naked stop you from hugging them."

" ... I don't think we'll have a problem with that, Dad," said Warren.

"Nope," said Theo.

"You'll find some lotion in the bathroom cabinets," added Charles. "It would be a good idea, I think, for you boys to rub it into Emily and Missy's bottoms. I'm sure the girls will appreciate that."

" ... We definitely won't have a problem with that, Dad," said Theo.

"Nope," said Warren.

"Very good," said Charles approvingly.

"Uh, Dad," said Theo lightly, "If we do a good job of this ... "

"You'll consider giving us spanking rights over Emily and Missy?" asked Warren. "You might make us their disciplinarians?"

"Let's take it one step at a time, boys," said their father. "We'll see how this goes. And before I can even think about considering that, I would have to talk it over with Kathryn thoroughly."

"But - "

"I already told you boys, when Kathryn and I got married, we agreed to share the responsibility for disciplining Emily and Missy.

Kathryn was willing to allow me to take charge of all other discipline in the family, although I will still very much want to hear her thoughts on such matters before I make my decisions. However, she insisted that she must be a part of any such decision for the girls. I promised her, and I intend to make good on that promise."

"Okay," said Warren quietly.

"Well," said Theo, "after we're done spanking Emily and Missy ... Do we really have to give them back their underwear?"

There was a long pause.

"I am somewhat uneasy about the idea of suspending the girls' clothing privileges entirely," said Charles slowly. "And that is certainly something I would have to ask for Kathryn's view on first. But I'll tell you what, we can try this, just for the time being ...

For the remainder of this week, if you boys feel it will benefit the girls for you to do this, you may remove Emily and Missy's bras and panties. If they protest, which they undoubtedly will, you should spank them."

Kathryn didn't need to hear Warren and Theo clapping hands in the air to know that both boys were ecstatic about everything that their father had said to them in the kitchen. She let out a small sigh and folded her arms as she turned to face her daughters - whose reactions to that conversation, she was not particularly surprised to find, were far less jubilant than those of their stepbrothers.

Emily and Missy were both wide-eyed and open-mouthed. The girls wouldn't have thought that anything in their new blended family could render them speechless anymore ... They were wrong.

"Emily," said Kathryn softly. "Missy. Sweethearts, you both know that sometimes, it just isn't easy being a girl."

"As for your mother," they then heard Charles continue, "I'm afraid that I'm going to have to ground Kathryn, too. Now, she won't be bound and gagged like Emily and Missy, but she will be confined to the house except for work or other necessities. After breakfast, while you boys are taking your sisters up to their bedroom, I will take Kathryn to ours and spank her myself. Also, starting tonight, your mother's clothing privileges will be revoked, too."

Emily and Missy stared at Kathryn in shock. To the girls' disbelief, the expression on their mother's face had not changed, not even a little bit.

"You see what I mean?" said Kathryn.
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Sue DeNym
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4. Blackmail Blues

Post by Sue DeNym »

4. Blackmail Blues

"This plan of yours had better work, Audrey."

"It will. Don't worry, Stacy. As soon as Brice sees the pictures we have, he'll do anything to keep his little girlfriend from getting a look at them."

Stacy began pacing around the small locker room, adjacent to their school's athletic field, where she and her friends, Audrey and Violet, had been waiting for the past forty minutes. Audrey was still poring over the pictures on her phone, while Violet was gazing blankly out the only window in the locker room.

"What could be taking him so long?" wondered Stacy.

"He's doing this on purpose," said Audrey disdainfully. "Brice is taking his time getting here. It's a power trip with him. He wants to make us sweat."

"I just want this to be over with," said Stacy heavily.

"I can wait," said Audrey, her lips curling into a smile. "I'm going to enjoy seeing the shock and horror on old Brice's face when he sees these pictures. We'll have him on his hands and knees, begging us for mercy ... "

"Um, yeah," said Stacy, trying to refrain from rolling her eyes. "Well, personally, I'll be happy to - "

"Uh, girls ... "

Violet turned away from the window and walked over to her friends. The cute, bespectacled girl wore an expression of fear and anxiety that Stacy thought presented a striking contrast with the smug confidence radiating from Audrey.

"I still think we should take off our clothes before Brice gets here," said Violet nervously. "You know how he gets when we don't do as he tells us."

All three girls were still wearing their school uniforms, which Violet had been stressing over the entire time they had been waiting.

"Will you relax, Vi?" said Audrey, giving her friend a pitying look. "Trust me, inside of a minute after he gets here, Brice will be swearing on his mother's grave to never bother us again."

"But - "

"Violet, if you really want to strip that badly, be my guest," said Stacy.

"No," said Audrey sharply. "It's important for us to present a united front here. We need to all be fully clothed when Brice arrives. If he sees any of us undressed, even a little, he'll smell weakness, like blood in the water to a shark."

"I'm just saying that I don't think it's a good idea to antagonize him," persisted Violet. "Maybe if we .... Maybe if we let him ... see us ... just one more time, it'll make him more willing to - "

"Let me tell you something, Violet," interrupted Stacy, her eyes blazing. "Hell will freeze over before I undress for that creep any more than I - "

Stacy was then herself interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps approaching the locker room door. Violet gulped, Stacy tensed up, and Audrey folded her arms, her lips curling in satisfaction.

The door opened, and in walked their nemesis, Brice. The senior always looked a fair bit older than his 18 years, and carried himself with a smooth grace that belied what some might view as a bulky, even clumsy, over-muscled build. As usual, he towered over the three girls, instilling a sense of terror in Violet, while Stacy glared at him defiantly. For her part, Audrey simply smiled.

"Well, now, what's this?" asked Brice, gazing casually at the girls. "Was I somehow unclear when I told you girls to be naked when I got here?"

Brice smiled, smacking his large hands together.

"It looks like I'll have to give you girls another 'lesson' ... I guess your cute little butts just aren't sore enough from the last spankings I gave you."

"Oh, I don't think you're going to be spanking us anymore, Brice," said Audrey, gazing levelly at the boy she had come to think of as her mortal enemy. "In fact, I don't think you'll be doing anything to us from now on."

"Is that so?" Brice gave Audrey an amused look. "Are you sure you mean 'think,' Audrey? I know that's hard for you, being a girl and all."

The remark set Audrey fuming, even though she knew Brice was only saying it to get under her skin.

"Look," said Brice. "Lucky for you girls, I'm in a generous mood today. I'll tell you what. You three get undressed right now, and I'll let you off with a light spanking. Well, light for me, anyway."

"We are not going to strip for you anymore," said Stacy fiercely.

"And why not?" inquired Brice. "Have you decided that you'd rather let me show the entire world all those lovely photos I have of you girls? I'll bet there are millions of guys on the Internet who'd just love to see them."

"Before you make any more threats, Brice, you might want to take a look at what we've got," said Audrey, holding up her phone. She smirked as she tapped the screen, bringing up one picture after another from this same locker room the previous week ...

Brice stared at the screen. The pictures were unquestionably of him, surrounded by the naked Audrey, Stacy, and Violet, as he groped and kissed each of the girls with reckless abandon.

"How did you get those?" Brice managed to say after at least a minute of dead silence.

"It wasn't that hard," said Audrey with a self-satisfied smile.

"You're a typical guy, Brice." Stacy rolled her eyes. "Making out with naked girls - the girls' lack of consent not being an issue for somebody like you, of course - you don't pay much attention to anything else. It was actually kind of easy to sneak our phones out of our discarded clothes and snap a few shots here and there while you were ... distracted ... "

"What are you up to?" demanded Brice, glaring at the three girls with as much venom in his eyes as in his voice. "What's your game here?"

"We're offering you a simple deal," said Audrey. "Better than you deserve. You don't show anybody the pics you have of us and we won't show anyone these."

Brice snorted.

"What do I care if you show those to anyone?" he sneered. "Those pictures don't prove anything. They just show me scoring with three hot naked girls. Hell, if those got out, the guys around here would probably be high-fiving me."

"Is that what you're expecting your girlfriend to do?" asked Audrey coolly.

Just as Audrey anticipated, her question instantly wiped the smirk off of Brice's face. For a moment, he simply stared at her, and then a strange, unreadable expression came over his features.

"What are you up to?" he asked again, this time in a very low tone. "Let's have it, Audrey."

"We know Jody Wilder," said Stacy. "She's been in our dance squad from our first day in this school."

"I have no idea what she sees in you, Brice," said Audrey, her face contorting in disgust. "But whatever it is, I doubt very much it's enough to stop her from dumping you as soon as she sees pictures of you having a good time with three naked girls."

"So that's it, then?" said Brice after a long moment. "You're blackmailing me with the threat of getting Jody to break up with me?"

"I prefer to think of it as a mutually beneficial arrangement," replied Audrey. "We're sick of you forcing us to strip naked and play your little games here. You let us go, and nobody has to know any better."

Brice was silent for another long moment ... and then he let out a laugh that sounded like a loud snort.

"Well played, Audrey," he said, clapping his hands sarcastically. "Very clever. But I'm afraid it's not going to work. Now why don't you three be good girls and start getting naked for me?"

For the first time in days, Audrey looked stunned.

"What the hell are you talking about?" she demanded. "You can't be saying that you don't care if we show Jody these pictures!"

"As a matter of fact, that's exactly what I'm saying."

"You don't care if your girlfriend breaks up with you?" said Stacy, her face contorting.

"I've got news for you girls," said Brice coolly. "Jody Wilder isn't so much my girlfriend ... as she is another girl who I've got pictures of that she doesn't want people to see."

For a long moment, there was only silence in the locker room. The girls stared at Brice in shock, while he smirked back at them.

"Wait," said Audrey slowly, her eyes wide. "Y-You mean ... You've been blackmailing Jody into being your girlfriend?"

"'I prefer to think of it as a mutually beneficial arrangement,'" Brice chuckled. "Jody is useful to me as arm candy whenever I go to a party, a fancy dinner, or any other place where there are people to impress. And, I also get to have a little fun with her when we're alone. In exchange, I keep quiet about certain things that she'd rather not be made public."

"My God," whispered Stacy, horrified. "I wondered why a nice girl like Jody would ever hook up with a sleazeball like you."

"Now, is that a nice thing to say?" asked Brice with a grin. He locked eyes with Stacy, and then Audrey. "Here's the bottom line, girls. This little scheme of yours, which I applaud you for, by the way, like I said it was very clever, just totally blew up in your faces.

Showing those pictures to Jody won't change a thing. She already knows what kind of a 'sleazeball' I am, because that's exactly what I've been showing her for the past couple of years, at least. And if she could, Jody would break up with me in a second ... She just can't break up with me, that's all."

Violet let out a whimper, the first sound she had made since Brice had come in. Audrey and Stacy could only stare at Brice with a mixture of shock, fury, and helplessness in their eyes. The girls had just lost big, and they all knew it.

Audrey was suddenly feeling extremely stupid. Brice had been blackmailing her and her friends for months. It had never even occurred to Audrey that he might have been doing the exact same thing to Jody. She gazed down at the pictures on her phone, which had seemed like the girls' salvation only minutes earlier, now utterly useless.

"Now, then," said Brice, his lips curling, "Since we've gotten all of that unpleasantness out of the way ... If you girls don't mind terribly, I'd like to see all of you a little more naked, if you take my meaning."

Audrey, Stacy, and Violet all exchanged looks of despair, and then, more or less in unison, all three girls began to unbutton their blouses.

"I'm sorry, girls," whispered Audrey, unable to look either Stacy or Violet in the eyes. "I really thought ... "

"We all thought," said Violet softly. "Stacy and I wouldn't have gone along with this if we didn't think ..."

"Yeah," murmured Stacy.

"Yes, yes, very touching," said Brice dismissively. "Come on, girls, chop chop. Much as I wish I did, I ain't got all day."

Violet was staring at her shoes while Audrey and Stacy glared hatefully at Brice as all three pulled off their blouses and dropped them on the floor, followed by their skirts.

Brice smiled, admiring the three pretty teenagers' fit, well-toned, nubile bodies, now clad in just their bras and panties. Audrey visibly reddened as Brice ogled the skimpy black lace she was wearing, another sign of how confident she had been that she would never have to endure letting Brice see her undressed again.

Surprisingly, though, it was Violet who drew Brice's gaze the most. Although she was something of a bookworm, Violet's slender, shapely figure was often thought by boys to be even more enticing than those of her two dancer friends. Brice had long since decided that he adored the curious contrast of Violet's very cute, perpetually shy, glasses-bearing face attached to such a hot body.

Stacy bit her lip as she and her friends now performed the all-too-familiar routine of slowly unhooking their bras and pulling them off, exposing their firm breasts to Brice's leering eyes. Violet let out a small sob.

"Always saving the best bit for last," chuckled Brice. "All right, let's have the panties, girls."

If looks could kill, Brice would have been incinerated by Audrey and Stacy's hate-filled eyes as they slid their panties down their long legs. Violet seemed more interested in her shoes than anything else as she pulled off her own panties.

Unlike the rest of their clothing, the panties did not get dropped to the floor. Instead, the girls resentfully handed the garments to Brice.

"Mercy," whispered Brice, holding up Audrey's tiny black lace panties. "My, my, Audrey, but don't you have a fancy little ass."

Audrey reddened. Whether it was more out of rage or humiliation, she wasn't sure.

"More trophies for the collection," smirked Brice as he slid Audrey's skimpy undergarment, along with the white cotton panties Stacy and Violet had handed him, into his pocket.

"You know, we spend more on underwear nowadays than we do on books," muttered Stacy.

"It's supposed to be windy later," said Violet, looking inconsolably at the girls' small uniform skirts lying on the floor, which they'd now have to wear home with nothing on underneath.

"You mean you girls didn't bring extra pairs of panties?" Brice raised an eyebrow. "I would've thought you'd learned by now. Amateurs."

"Now," Brice continued, "hands behind your heads, girls."

Audrey and Stacy loudly sighed as they and Violet obeyed the expected command. Brice took his time as he walked around the three very beautiful - and now very naked - girls, admiring the stunning display of deliciously bare girlflesh before him.

"Wrists," the girls heard Brice say as he stood close behind them.

Violet froze as Audrey and Stacy exchanged looks.

"We, um, didn't bring the 'supplies,'" said Stacy.

"Another instruction you failed to follow," said Brice in a menacing tone.

"We kind of thought we wouldn't need to," said Audrey bitterly.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to find alternatives, then," said Brice.

"No!" Violet suddenly burst out, taking everyone by surprise.

"Y-You don't have to do that," said Violet, trying to control her trembling voice and body. "I brought enough for all of us."

Violet hurriedly picked up her backpack and opened it, showing the contents to Brice.

"So you did," said Brice, sounding slightly astonished. He reached into the bag and pulled out a wad of white cords and cloth. "It looks like there's enough here to tie and gag a dozen girls."

"I just didn't want to take any chances," murmured Violet, unable to meet Audrey and Stacy's surprised looks. She looked at Brice with pleading eyes. "Please don't hurt us, Brice. We ... We just wanted out, that's all. We were desperate. Surely, you can understand that."

Brice gazed back at Violet for a long moment.

"Yes, I can," he said calmly. "I'm sure I'd have done the same thing in your place. But that doesn't change anything. I'm still going to have to punish you girls for what you did today."

Violet lowered her eyes. Brice had more or less said just what she expected him to say, so she was neither surprised nor disappointed.

"Wrists, Violet," said Brice, holding up a length of cord.

The girl reluctantly turned around and crossed her wrists behind her back, wincing as Brice tied them tightly with the cord. He repeated the process with Stacy's hands, and then Audrey's.

"Now, Audrey," said Brice in a sing-song voice, "be a good girl and open wide ... "

Audrey glared at Brice, but still opened her mouth, cringing as he gagged her tightly with a white cloth. Stacy accepted her gag somewhat stoically, but when Brice came to Violet, she sobbed a little, knowing what was coming.

When Violet obeyed the command to open her mouth, Brice pulled her close to him and pressed his lips deeply into hers in a dizzying kiss. Violet whimpered, but could do nothing but endure Brice's lewd attentions. It was only the beginning, all of the girls knew.

"That was nice," breathed Brice, as he looked into Violet's pained eyes. "You know, Violet, you're an awesome kisser, even better than Jody, and believe me, that's saying something."

"Th-Thank you," Violet managed to say through her anguish, just before Brice picked up another of the white cloths and shoved it into her mouth.

After tying off Violet's gag, Brice had the girls sit down on a locker room bench. He took more of the cords and tied them around Violet's upper body, above and below her breasts, making them stand out even more, and pinning her arms to her sides. Brice then did the same to Stacy and Audrey.

As Brice tied yet more of the cords around the girls' legs, both at the knees and ankles, Stacy tiredly wondered why he always seemed to feel the need to wrap the girls up like parcels. It wasn't as if the girls were trying to physically resist him. That was the whole point of the blackmail, after all.

Violet knew, however. It had nothing to do with keeping the girls from trying to resist, although the bonds were effective for that purpose, too. She knew that it was all about making the girls feel helpless and vulnerable, being tied up, gagged, and naked. Brice took great pleasure in making three beautiful girls feel that helplessness and vulnerability before him, and the sense of power it gave him over them.

Brice smiled at Violet as he tied her legs. Sure, he lusted after the gorgeous Audrey and Stacy as much as any other guy in the school, but the one thing he could never quite resist was the lure of the super-cute and defenseless Violet watching him tie her up with those big, innocent brown eyes over a tight white gag ... the gag itself being over her sexy body, laid wonderfully bare to his sight.

Audrey, Stacy, and Violet could only watch helplessly as Brice snapped a few pictures of the three naked, gagged, and bound girls with his phone.

"For my personal album," said Brice with a mischievous grin. "I've got quite a collection now, you know."

Violet whimpered again as Brice sat down on the bench and pulled her onto his lap.

"Very nice," Brice whispered into Violet's ear as his hands explored her body, taking liberties that the shy girl could scarcely have imagined ever allowing any boy to. After what seemed like (and probably was) the hundredth time that he slid his hands over her breasts and down her back to her bottom, Brice finally seemed satisfied. He then turned Violet's helpless body over his knee, and within seconds, the girl was sobbing through her gag as Brice spanked her soundly.

"Next time, hopefully, you'll think twice before going along with one of Audrey's hair-brained schemes," Brice told Violet pointedly as he smacked her fast-reddening bottom over and over.

When the spanking was finally done, Brice sat Violet up on his lap, smiling as she gasped a little at having to sit on her sore, crimson rump.

"Now for my favorite part," said Brice, pulling the gag from Violet's mouth, and letting it hang around her neck.

"No, Brice, please," said Violet, shaking her head desperately, "Please don't kiss me again ... "

"Oh, how I could not?" Brice breathed heavily. He was gazing at Violet's lips as if they were a chef's specialty dish.

"Please," Violet managed to say, her eyes welling up as she struggled weakly against both the cords binding her and Brice's powerful arms. "I don't want to be kissed by ... I'm sorry, Brice, but I just don't want to be kissed by you ... "

"Hush," Brice put a finger to her lips.

"Why do you even want to kiss me, anyway?" asked Violet, tilting her head and shrugging her shoulders slightly in confusion.

"You're serious," said Brice in a tone of mild disbelief. Violet's question even made Audrey and Stacy roll their eyes incredulously.

"Why?" repeated Violet, her face scrunching up.

"You really don't understand, do you, Violet?" asked Brice in wonder. "You really don't know that you could have any guy in school that you wanted, with just a nod of your pretty head."

Violet looked at Brice quizzically. Audrey, Stacy, and even Brice could tell that she was wondering if he was just making fun of her.

"Well, I hope that one day, you do come to understand," said Brice softly. "But for now ..."

Brice smiled as he started to lean in toward Violet.

"No!" Violet shook her head again, trying futilely to pull her mouth away from Brice's approaching lips. "I told you, I don't want - "

Violet's plea was cut off by Brice's hand clamping itself over her mouth. She sobbed through his fingers as he whispered to her, "And I told you I do ... And Violet, you should know by now ... Here, it is only what I want that matters."

Another muffled sob escaped from Violet's lips as she closed her eyes, tears forming in them. Brice simply shrugged.

"Well, look at this way, Violet," said Brice. "Maybe you should just count your blessings. There are more unpleasant ways ... much more unpleasant ... that I could have you pleasure me with your mouth, you know ... Well, unpleasant for you, that is, they'd be great for me, though ... But, lucky for you, I'm willing to settle for this."

Violet let out a familiar whimper as Brice fairly crushed his mouth into hers.

As Brice kissed Violet, he revelled in the feel of her shapely body wiggling and writhing up against him. Her efforts were obviously completely futile - not only was he more than twice her size, but she was also still tied up. Despite that, she didn't seem able to resist the instinct to struggle to escape from his lascivious attentions.

As a tear ran down Violet's cheek, she let out a powerless moan at the intrusion of Brice's seemingly insatiable lips and tongue into her mouth. Brice thoroughly enjoyed the sweet taste of Violet's soft lips, taking a not-at-all-subtle pleasure in Violet's obvious discomfort.

"All good things must come to an end," Brice said with a regretful sigh as he tied the gag back into the now thoroughly humiliated Violet's mouth. He looked over at Audrey and Stacy, who had been watching in helpless anguish as Brice was tormenting their friend.

"Now," he said in a businesslike tone, "Who wants to be next?"

About an hour or so later, Violet, now back in her school uniform (minus her panties, of course), was quietly gathering up the few remaining cloths and cords and putting them into her schoolbag. Audrey was fastening the last of the buttons on her blouse while Stacy zipped up her skirt, neither girl saying a word.

At that moment, nothing was so much on the minds of the three girls as the color red ... red marks left on their bodies by the cords they had been tightly bound with, eyes and cheeks that were red from crying, and the red, sore bottoms that all three were still nursing.

"For the rest of the week, none of you girls will wear any underwear," Brice was telling them. "No bras, no panties, not even under those cute little school uniform skirts. I'll be checking each of you on this every morning ... right before I give you a nice little spanking to start the day. Audrey, you will be getting a double spanking, of course, since you were the, ahem, mastermind behind that silly scheme with the pictures.

Oh, and listen, Stacy, I am going to be attending a very fancy ball on Saturday night, and I'm afraid that Jody is a bit under the weather. I'm sure you wouldn't mind filling in for her? I'll pick you up at your house around 6 o'clock. Wear something ... barely legal would be nice."

True to form, Violet continued to stare at her shoes while Audrey and Stacy glared at Brice as he put his jacket on.

"I'll be coming back here tomorrow afternoon, and I'll be expecting you girls to be waiting here for me when I do," said Brice as he headed toward the door. Putting his hand on the door handle, he glanced back at Audrey, Stacy, and Violet, smiling as he said, "Now, don't make me have to punish you girls again. After all, it hurts you so much more than it hurts me. So, please, girls, be good. Be here tomorrow, and this time, be naked like I asked, okay?"

Brice gave each of the three girls a coy wink and then blew Violet a kiss before heading out the door.
Last edited by Sue DeNym on Tue Oct 17, 2023 4:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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5. Vignette - What About Charlie?

Post by Sue DeNym »

5. Vignette - What About Charlie?

I will never, ever forget that afternoon. School had just let out, and I walked down the street to the gymnasium where my aunt was coaching a local high school gymnastics team. When I walked in, I found my aunt in front of a stage, where there were a dozen teenage girls - all very slim and fit, and very, very pretty - in figure-hugging pink and white leotards.

"Come on in, Charlie," my aunt beckoned me.

I waved shyly at the girls, who all smiled and greeted me warmly.

"Have a seat over there," my aunt told me, pointing to some folding chairs nearby. "I'm afraid this will take a while, Charlie."

As I sat down, I gazed admiringly at the beautiful gymnasts in their sexy leotards. I had never told anyone this, but this was always my biggest reason for wanting to visit my aunt when she was coaching. But as enticing a sight as it was already, what was about to happen next was something I could never have imagined.

"We have a gymnastics meet, coming up," my aunt was explaining to me, "and I need to select a costume for the girls to wear. We still have several more for the girls to try on."

She looked up at the stage.

"Not bad," she murmured. "The pink and white is flattering enough to most of you girls, but I think we need more options. All right, girls, try on the next costume set."

The girls exchanged looks.

"Um, Mrs. Abernathy," said one of the girls nervously, "What about Charlie?"

"What about Charlie?" asked my aunt, a bit impatiently. "Oh, for goodness sake, girls, if you can't even handle one 12-year-old boy seeing you change, how are you going to cope with a crowd of several hundred people watching you vault while you're practically naked, anyway? Now, come on, time is wasting, try on the blue and gold leotards next."

As the girls slowly, reluctantly, began to remove their leotards, I decided that I really should come visit my aunt more often ...

Author's Note :
CaughtOfLore has written an absolutely incredible continuation of this vignette, which I urge everyone to take a look at. :)

What About Charlie? - Expanding a Vignette (STORY COMPLETED)
Last edited by Sue DeNym on Sun May 14, 2023 2:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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6. Panties Down

Post by Sue DeNym »

6. Panties Down

"Okay, I think that's everything," said Kylie, closing her history textbook.

"Finally," said her friend Amy with a sigh.

"Is it just me, or our teachers really pouring on the homework lately?" wondered Michelle.

"I just want to get home and change," said Amy, getting up.

"I know the feeling," said Kylie, as Michelle nodded.

The three 15-year-old girls were in the living room of Kylie's house, still in their school uniforms. Amy and Michelle packed up their books, and Kylie walked her friends to the front door.

"I'll see you in school tomorrow!" Kylie waved as Amy and Michelle disappeared around the corner.

Kylie headed up the stairs to her bedroom, eager to change. When she went into her room, she saw that she had some messages on her computer. After spending a few minutes idly sorting through the usual junk e-mails, Kylie closed her door and began to unbutton her blouse.

She had just undone the last of the buttons when her door suddenly flew open and her 18-year-old brother, Hunter, stormed in.

"Hey!" exclaimed Kylie, turning her back to him and hurriedly buttoning her blouse back up. She blushed as she realized that he must have caught at least a glimpse of her bra.

"Whatever happened to knocking?" Kylie glared at her brother over her shoulder.

"Whatever happened to staying out of my room while I'm not here?" demanded Hunter.

"What are you talking about?" Kylie finished buttoning her blouse and turned to face him. "I haven't been in your room!"

"Oh, really?" said Hunter. "I just got home a minute ago, and when I checked my computer, I found out that somebody had logged in to it about an hour ago."

"Well, I don't know anything about that," said Kylie irritably. "Now get out of my room!"

"You don't know anything about it," snorted Hunter. "Okay, so who else was here in the past few hours?"

Kylie hesitated.

"Nobody," she said slowly. "Just me and my friends, Michelle and Amy."

She had a bad feeling this answer would not go over well with her brother.

"Uh-huh," said Hunter, folding his arms. "So which one of you three went into my room and logged into my private computer?"

"None of us," protested Kylie. "We were down in the living room doing our homework all afternoon. We never went anywhere near your room."

"I see, so I guess it was a ghost that broke into my computer," said Hunter derisively.

"Look, Hunter," said Kylie in frustration, "I swear, I don't know anything about this. Now, if you don't mind, I really want to change my clothes, so could you please leave my bedroom?"

"No way." Hunter shook his head. "I intend to get to the bottom of this, little sis, one way or another. Now, if you didn't go into my room, then I want to know which of your two friends did."

"Michelle and Amy didn't go into your room," insisted Kylie. "They were with me in the living room the whole time, and besides, they'd never do anything like that."

"Well, if they didn't, that only leaves one suspect," said Hunter dangerously.

"I didn't do it, either!" said Kylie, becoming quite angry.

"I figure it's one of two things," said Hunter. "There's no reason why your friends would know my computer's password, but I'd bet you do. So either your friends broke into my computer with your help, or you broke into it yourself. Either way, I think I've got the guilty party right in front of me."

"Hunter, I didn't do anything!" insisted Kylie.

"I've had enough of this," said Hunter, stalking toward his sister.

"Hey!" said Kylie, as Hunter grabbed her wrist and started pulling her toward the bed. "Wha-What are you doing, Hunter?"

"I'm going to teach you to show some respect for my privacy," said Hunter, sitting down on his sister's bed. "Maybe by violating your privacy a little in the process."

"What are you talking about? Let go of me, Hunter!"

"Not until we've settled this, Kylie. You've been a naughty little girl, today, haven't you, and I figure that the only thing to do with a naughty little girl is to give her a good spanking."

"What?" Kylie was shocked. She tried to pull her wrist away from Hunter's grip as she said, "You can't spank me, Hunter!"

"Over my knee, right now, little girl!" Hunter gave Kylie's wrist a strong pull, and within seconds, she was over his lap, struggling futilely in his grip.

"You can't spank me!" said Kylie again. "I'm not a little kid, Hunter, I'm 15! I am way too old for spankings!"

"Girls are never too old for spankings," retorted Hunter.

"But I didn't even do anything!" protested Kylie.

"I've heard enough," said Hunter.

"Hunter, please - " Kylie suddenly sucked in her breath at the feel of her brother's powerful hand coming down hard on her bottom with a loud SMACK!

"Ow! That hurt!" she exclaimed.

"Spankings are supposed to hurt, that's kind of the point."

"But, Hunter - OW! ... OW! ... OW!"

Kylie continued struggling, but her brother was three years older and more than twice her size. She could not hope to break free of his iron grip. Soon, tears were streaming down her face as her brother's hand rained down blow after blow on her defenseless rear.

"Maybe this will teach you to respect other people's belongings," said Hunter, never letting up his assault on Kylie's bottom.

"But I didn't - OW! ... Hunter, please, I swear, I didn't - OW! ... Hunter, please, you're hurting me ..."

Almost as bad as the pain, however, was the humiliation. Kylie couldn't believe that she was over somebody's knee, getting her bottom smacked like a misbehaving child. Finally, Kylie felt Hunter stop, and rest his hand on her red, sore bottom.

"Hunter," Kylie managed to say, "please - "

"Hush," said her brother. "You know, I think has been a very good lesson for you, little sis. But I don't think it's quite sunk in just yet."

"Well, what more do you want?" asked Kylie in frustration. She struggled weakly against his grip. "I didn't do anything, and you've already spanked me anyway - "

"I think I was right before," said Hunter. "What would be a good lesson for you, Kylie, is to have your privacy violated."

"Wha-What do you mean?"

In response, Hunter took hold of Kylie's school uniform skirt and pulled it up, revealing her tight pink panties.


"Feel violated yet, Kylie?" asked Hunter coldly. "No, I don't think so, not just yet."

After a moment, Kylie's blood turned cold as she felt Hunter's fingers slip into the waistband of her panties.

"Nice panties," said Hunter teasingly. "Interesting thing about panties ... They don't cover much of a girl ... and yet, they cover so much, don't they?"

"No!" Kylie tried to pull her hand free, to no avail. She began kicking her legs, trying anything she could to stop what she realized with a sinking heart was coming.

"Like I said, Kylie, this is a lesson for you. You need to have your privacy violated some, just like you did to me."

"But I didn't - No, Hunter, don't pull down my ... "

Kylie suddenly froze.

" ... panties," she finished in a tiny voice, as she felt her brother's hand now resting on the bare skin of her backside.

"I think that will do," said Hunter. "You're lucky I don't go any farther, Kylie. If I wanted to, I could strip you totally naked."

Kylie's mouth dropped. It was bad enough to have her bottom exposed to her brother's sight. The thought of being completely nude in front of him was more than she could bear.

"But I won't, because I think that's a bridge too far," said Hunter. "We're just going to wrap up your spanking - on the bare, as it should be - and then we'll be done. But first ... "

"Wh-What are you doing now?" asked Kylie, as she spotted her brother picking up a scarf draped on her bedpost.

"I'm tired of your struggling," said Hunter.

Kylie bit her lip as she felt him tying her hands together behind her back. When he let go of her hands, she tried to pull them free, but could find no slack in the binding. She felt even more helpless now than she had before.

"Hunter, please - "

"Kylie, don't make me gag you, too."

Kylie fell silent, tensing herself up to endure the spanking she knew was coming.

For what seemed like several minutes, though, Hunter simply sat there ... He sat there, unmoving, with Kylie's bare rear in his lap and her hands bound behind her back, not saying a word, making no effort to begin her spanking ...

Kylie tilted her head in confusion. What was he waiting for? It was almost like he was simply looking at something ... But what could her brother be looking at, she wondered ...

"Let's get this over with," said Hunter. Within seconds, Kylie was sobbing again as Hunter's hand smacked her rapidly reddening bottom over and over. It was even worse now with nothing to cushion the blows, and the humiliation was ten times more intense now that her behind was bared to his sight.

Finally, Hunter seemed to decide that his sister had had enough. He pulled her panties back up into place and her skirt down, and untied her hands, letting her up at last.

Kylie sniffled as she rubbed her bottom, which felt like it was smoldering.

"I ... I can't believe you took my panties down," she said, pouting weakly. Kylie's face was almost as red as her backside.

"Yeah, well, I'm gonna take your panties down again if you ever go into my room without my permission again," said Hunter harshly.

"But I didn't!" protested Kylie.

"Kylie, do you want me to take your panties down again right now?" said Hunter, glaring at her.


"Then promise me that you'll never do it again."

"But Hunter - "

Kylie shrank away as her brother started toward her menacingly.

"All right, all right." Kylie held up her hands. "I - I promise I won't ever go into your room again if you're not there. Just, please, don't take my panties down again."

"Good. And listen, Kylie, just as a reminder to you to behave yourself, I am going to take your panties down again, tomorrow morning, before you go to school."

"What?" Kylie choked. "You're going to take my panties down again? But I didn't even - "

"Maybe I should take your panties down again right now," said Hunter.

"No, please - O-Okay, Hunter, fine, y-you can take my panties down tomorrow morning before school, all right."

"When you're ready for school tomorrow morning, come to my room. I'll just take your panties down once, and then you can go."

" ... What are the kids at school going to think when they see that I can't sit down?"

"They'll think the same thing that they always think when somebody can't sit down - that she got a spanking. So what? You don't have to confirm it to them, or give them any details. If anybody asks, just say it's none of their business."

"Michelle and Amy will notice. And they're my best friends, I can't tell them it's none of their business."

"Of course you can. Even best friends have to have some boundaries of privacy. If Michelle and Amy really are your friends, they'll respect that."

Kylie lowered her head. Not knowing what else to say, she simply stood there quietly, sniffling as she rubbed her bottom.

"Kylie," said Hunter, his voice now suddenly very tender. He placed his hands on his sister's shoulders, and gently pulled her into a hug.

Almost in spite of herself, Kylie hugged him back, needing his comfort, needing anyone's comfort. She cried into his chest.

"Kylie, I love you," whispered Hunter. "I ... I'm not sure that you really understand just how much I ... I love you so much ... That's the reason for this, Kylie. I took your panties down because I love you."

"I - I know," she said softly.

Hunter spent the next several minutes holding Kylie, letting her cry on his shoulder, and wiping her tears. Finally, he brought her to her bed, and helped her lie down.

"Get some rest," he told her softly, pulling the blanket over her. Kylie buried her face in her pillow as Hunter walked out the door.

As she lay there, still crying a little, Kylie whispered softly, "I guess ... it isn't easy being a girl ... "

Meanwhile, Hunter returned to his room, and closed the door. He sat down at his desk and tapped his computer idly, pondering everything that had just happened. Just then, his phone rang.


"Hi, love," came a cheerful voice. It was his girlfriend, Lisa.

"Hi, sweetheart." Hunter smiled for the first time that afternoon.

"Is everything ... taken care of?" asked Lisa.

"Oh, yes," breathed Hunter.

"Well, I can tell from that reaction ... Was it everything you hoped for?"

"And more," said Hunter, feeling almost dizzy. "I can't believe I ... I really did it ... Lisa, I spanked my sister."

"That was the idea," Lisa reminded him.

"It was incredible," said Hunter heavily. "You know, Kylie has the cutest little ass - "

He suddenly froze.

"I mean - I mean next to yours, of course," he said hastily. "Well, that is - "

Lisa laughed.

"It's okay, love," she giggled. "I understand what you mean. I know your sister, and she does have the cutest little ass."

"I actually spanked Kylie ... It was like one of my deepest fantasies had just come true. I've imagined it so many times, but I never thought I'd ... "

Hunter shook his head.

"I took your advice, Lisa," he said. "It worked like a charm."

"Of course it did," said Lisa. "I told you it was foolproof. Just storm into her room, acting all mad, accuse her of some trumped-up charge, throw her over your knee, and spank her. Never fails."

"It was just like you said. Kylie was so desperate to convince me that she didn't do what I was accusing her of, that she never even considered the possibility that I was just making it up. It never even occurred to her that it was literally impossible for anybody to have entered my room while I was gone, since she and her friends were the only ones here."

"Told you so," said Lisa. "When I was growing up, my brothers did that to me and my sisters all the time, and we fell for it every single time ... Every. Single. Time."

She let out a heavy sigh.

"It wasn't until years later that I figured out what those boys were doing to us girls, and by then it was too late for us to do anything about it."

Lisa paused.

"By the time I realized that what my brothers were doing was almost certainly sexually motivated, it was something years in the past."

Lisa noted that her boyfriend was suddenly dead quiet. She smiled, knowing he was blushing intensely at her implicit analysis of his actions.

"I expect it will be the same with Kylie," she said.

"I hope so," said Hunter. "If Kylie realizes what I did - "

"She won't," said Lisa. "I can tell you from personal experience that girls usually don't, and besides, I know your sister. She's ... Well, Kylie is a really sweet girl, but she is just a little too innocent, especially for a 15-year-old. She amazes me sometimes. I'll bet she never even understood that you were, ahem, admiring the sight of her bare backside."

"I suppose not, Lisa."

"So the question now is, are you going to spank her again?"

"I've already got the next one set up. I told Kylie that I'm going to spank her again tomorrow morning, and she was so afraid of being spanked again right now that she gave in without an argument."

"Well done, honey."

"Honestly, Lisa, I can't wait to make up another excuse to spank Kylie ... Well, actually, it seems like we're not calling it 'spanking.' Kylie said something about how she couldn't believe that I took her panties down, and I used that phrase to describe it, and it seems to have stuck now. It looks like we're calling it that. It's not 'spanking,' it's 'taking her panties down.' I kept saying that over and over, and so did she - I've actually gotten her calling it that now."

"Oh, that is so adorable," Lisa giggled.

Lisa paused, and then her voice became more serious.

"You took the rest of my advice, too, though, right?" she said. "You comforted Kylie afterward, didn't you?"

"Yes, absolutely. I did everything you told me to. I hugged Kylie, I let her cry into my shoulder, and I told her that I loved her."

"Good, very good. Never forget, this is super-important, love. If you're going to spank Kylie, then you have to comfort her afterward. My brothers usually did that for me and my sisters, but a few times, they didn't, and it was just the most awful thing."

"I'm sorry, Lisa. I promise, I will never forget to do that with Kylie, ever."

"That's good, honey."

"You know ... I told Kylie that I took her panties down because I love her. Well, I do love her, and I guess I really did do it because I love her ... Just not quite in the way that she would have assumed I meant, I guess."

Hunter was silent, gazing at the floor.

"Lisa, it was just ... You know, I do enjoy spanking you, honey, but it just isn't ... "

"I know," said Lisa softly. "There's nothing quite like spanking a girl who doesn't want to be spanked, is there? Believe me, I understand. I mean, I'm a girl, so naturally I'm a spankee, not a spanker. But I remember when my brothers spanked me and my sisters, while we were struggling and pleading with them to stop. I didn't comprehend it then, but as I picture those times in my head now, I can see how much joy it brought to the boys, to have us girls in such a vulnerable ... Well, anyway, love, just remember ... Kylie is still your baby sister, whatever else she may be to you. It's still your responsibility to look after her, to love and protect her, and to take good care of her."

"I will, Lisa. Always. Thanks."

"Talk to you tomorrow, love."


For a long time, Hunter sat there, with his eyes closed, picturing Kylie's incredibly cute little backside, totally bare, in his lap, turning bright red as he smacked it over and over ... Almost involuntarily, he smiled ...

After a while, he picked up his phone, and pulled up a picture of Kylie with her friends, Amy and Michelle. For a moment, he gazed admiringly at how pretty all three girls looked, especially in their short uniform skirts with bare legs.

Hunter contemplated what had just happened with Kylie, and then a thought occurred to him. He was friends with Amy and Michelle's older brothers, Robert and Connor. It had never occurred to him until just now, but maybe there was a way for Hunter to spare Kylie the embarrassment of her best friends asking if she was spanked, and also do his friends Robert and Connor a favor at the same time.

After several minutes of thought, Hunter decided to make a couple of phone calls ...

The next morning, the door to Hunter's room opened, and Kylie emerged, in her school uniform, red-faced and rubbing her bottom.

"All right, now, you get to school, Kylie," said Hunter, prodding his little sister along. "If you still feel like crying when you get there, go into the restroom on the basement level and take a moment. There's usually nobody down there this early in the morning."

"Okay," sniffled Kylie, her hands still massaging her rear. "Thank you, Hunter."

"Now just remember what I said, Kylie. Tonight, just before you go to bed."

"Y-You're really going to take my panties down again?" asked Kylie, looking at her brother in despair. "I thought - I thought we were finished."

"This isn't a punishment, Kylie. I explained this. I'm just going to take your panties down for a little bit, just as a reminder. It won't last long, it'll just sting a little bit, I promise. It'll be good for you, I think."

Kylie looked at her shoes.

"Okay," she said softly.

"Just one moment," said Hunter. He gently turned his sister around so she had her back to him. Kylie felt him lift up her skirt and pull the waistband of her panties so he could see her backside. For a long moment, he simply gazed at it.

Kylie began to wonder why he was taking so long. She understood, of course, that he wanted to check her bottom to make sure it wasn't too badly hurt. After all, why else would he be looking at it? But why was he looking for such a long time?

"I think I should get to school, Hunter," Kylie finally said.

"Uh, right." Hunter seemed abashed. He let go of her panties and pulled her skirt back down into place.

"Thank you, Hunter."

"Um, anyway ... Don't forget, Kylie. When it's time for you to go to bed tonight, go to your room, take off your skirt, and your blouse, and wait for me. When it's time, I'll come to your room and take your panties down ... If you're a good girl, I'll let you keep your bra on this time."

Kylie's face instantly turned crimson, but she managed to simply say, "Th-Thank you, Hunter."

Kylie made her way to school, still feeling soreness in her backside. For the first time that she could remember, she was dreading seeing her best friends, knowing that Amy and Michelle would both notice right away that she was having a hard time sitting down, and they were certain to ask her about it.

But when she saw the girls at school ... Much to her surprise, neither Amy nor Michelle seemed to want to ask her anything about it. It was almost like they wanted to avoid the subject at all costs. During their first class, Kylie was puzzling over her friends' apparent lack of interest in discussing the matter ...

... but, then, Kylie noticed that Amy and Michelle seemed to be having a hard time sitting down, too.

Kylie sighed and murmured, "It just isn't easy being a girl."
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Sue DeNym
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7. Cousin Brandy

Post by Sue DeNym »

7. Cousin Brandy

Dave walked into his bedroom and simultaneously shut the door behind him, threw his bookbag on the bed, and let out a heavy sigh.

The 16-year-old boy sat down at his desk, idly wondering if he might have time to get a little basketball practice in before he had to do his homework, when his thoughts were interrupted by his bedroom door suddenly flying open.

"Hey," said Dave, getting to his feet as his 15-year-old sister, Carly, walked in. "Have you ever heard of knocking?"

Carly folded her arms and locked eyes with her brother.

"STRIP," she said.

"What?" said Dave, almost involuntarily.

"You heard me," said Carly. "Strip. Get naked for me."

"Oh, come on," whined Dave. "Haven't you seen me naked enough times already, Carly?"

"That's MISS Carly to you," said his sister coldly. "And I'm in charge of you, remember, so do as I say and strip."

"But - "

"Is there a problem in here?"

Dave and Carly's 19-year-old cousin, Brandy, appeared in the doorway. She had been left to look after Dave and Carly while their parents were away on a trip.

"Uh, no," said Dave nervously. "No problem, it's just - "

"Yes, there's a problem." Carly turned to Brandy. "He won't do as I tell him."

"What did you tell him to do?" asked Brandy.

"She wants me to take off my clothes," said Dave.

"Then why are you not naked?" demanded Brandy.

"Brandy, I shouldn't have to strip for my sister - "

"That's MISS Brandy to you," she retorted.

"And he called me Carly," Carly said.

"All right," said Brandy. "So far, we have refusing to obey an order from your sister, failing to call her and me by the properly respectful terms, and daring to suggest that a boy has the right to refuse to strip for a girl. Carly, you will give your brother four spankings, as soon as he is naked."

"That's not fair," protested Dave.

"Five spankings," said Brandy. "Care for another, little boy?"

"Carly shouldn't be allowed to spank me," said Dave. "I'm older than her, I should be - "

"You are a boy," said Brandy icily. "And boys are meant to obey girls. It doesn't matter who is older or younger, what matters is that Carly is a girl and therefore she's in charge of you. Now, you're already getting six spankings, I suggest you undress before you rack up any more punishments."

Dave lowered his head and reluctantly began to unbutton his shirt.

"I trust you'll take care of things," Brandy said to Carly.

"Sure thing. Thanks, Cousin Brandy."

Brandy turned and headed for the door. Just before she walked out of the room, she glanced back and smiled with satisfaction as Dave took his pants down for his smirking sister.

As she headed down the stairs, Brandy thought about how she had looked after Dave and Carly when they were eight and seven years old. She smiled as she remembered how she would always have Carly help her bathe Dave, while sending Dave to his room when it was Carly's turn to take a bath. Brandy loved letting Carly see Dave in the altogether, while refusing to let Dave see Carly when she wasn't fully dressed.

Whenever Dave wondered why it was okay for Carly to see him naked, but he couldn't even see Carly in her underwear, Brandy always pointedly told him that girls had every right to see boys naked but boys had no right to see girls undressed. She always loved the look of confusion and sadness in Dave's eyes, feeling like he was inferior to Carly simply because he was a boy.

That was eight years ago. Now, Dave and Carly were teenagers, and Brandy was finding a joy that she had never imagined possible in making Dave strip for Carly, obey her every command, and even get spanked by her.

Brandy walked into Dave and Carly's parents' bedroom, where she was staying while they were gone. She paused to look at herself in the mirror, as she always did, and smirked as she remarked, "Gorgeous as always," brushing her long red hair.

Life is good, she thought as she plopped down into her uncle's armchair. She was looking forward to seeing how difficult it would be for Dave to sit comfortably at the dinner table.

"Sometimes, it isn't easy being a boy, I guess," she said in amusement.


"Carly ... I mean, Miss Carly ... Please don't spank me again," said Dave in a pitiful, begging tone.

"Over my knee, little boy," said Carly pointedly.

Dave whimpered as he slowly approached his younger sister. He tried to ignore the all-too-familiar feeling of embarrassment at being naked in front of Carly, of having to take orders from his little sister, and of being spanked, like a child, by a girl, a younger girl to boot.

Within seconds, Dave was sobbing as Carly brought her paddle down on his bare bottom again and again, as she had done so many times before.

"Why are you doing this to me, Miss Carly?" he managed to say. "I'm your brother. Don't you care about me?"

"Sure I do," said Carly softly. "But the chance to humiliate a cute naked boy doesn't come along every day, you know."

She paused, and then giggled.

"Oh, wait, maybe it does," she laughed.


Dave grimaced as he tried, with little success, to find a comfortable position as he sat at his desk.

Brandy had sent him to his room without dinner as punishment for forgetting to call her "Miss Brandy" again. He didn't really mind so much. Although he was hungry, he had long since decided that going without food was preferable to spending any more time in his cousin and sister's presence than he needed to.

Now, he was engaged in his usual evening activity of feeling extremely sorry for himself.

After a while, his phone beeped. Dave checked it, and saw a text message, from his friend Valerie, the pretty girl who lived next door. He read it, and then sighed.


"Hi, Dave."

"Hi, Valerie."

"I saw what your sister did to you," said Valerie softly.

"How did you - "

"You really should close the curtains on your windows once in a while."

"Argh," groaned Dave. "Y-You saw ... everything, Valerie?"

"I'm sorry," said Valerie. "I'm not trying to embarrass you, Dave."

After a moment, Dave sighed and asked, "Well, did you at least like what you saw?"

"Oh, Dave," Valerie giggled. "Well, yeah, I did rather enjoy the show."

Valerie's tone became serious.

"But I certainly didn't enjoy the way your sister was treating you."

"Well, neither did I, really."

"You have got to do something about this, Dave."

"Like what? Brandy's in charge while my mom and dad are gone."

"You need to do what I told you to."

"I could get into a lot of trouble for that, Valerie."

"And what exactly do you call the spot you're in right now? You're already in trouble, I think. At least you'll have a chance - "

"I don't know, Valerie."

For a moment, there was silence.

"I want to help, Dave," said Valerie softly. "Listen ... "

She hesitated.

"I'm a girl," she said.

Dave blinked.

"Really?" he exclaimed. "No kidding? When did THAT happen?"

"I'm serious, Dave."

"Okay, you're a girl. What's your point?"

"Well," Valerie took a deep breath. "Your cousin and sister are girls, and they are treating you horribly, because you're a boy. It's obviously a gender battle, ultimately, so ... Dave, if you can't do anything to Brandy or Carly, then maybe you could punish me in their place."

"What?" broke from Dave, almost involuntarily.

"Dave," said Valerie softly. "Maybe it would help you to get some revenge for the way those two girls are treating you. Now, if you can't get revenge on them directly, then maybe you should come over here and punish me instead, as a kind of 'proxy.' Since I'm a girl, too, you could spank me for a while, in place of the girls who have hurt you."

"V-Valerie - "

"I promise, I won't take it personally," she said sincerely. "And hopefully you'll feel a little better to have vented some of that anger I know you're bottling up inside."

For a long moment, Dave could only sit in astonished silence, and then he laughed softly.

"Valerie, that may be the nicest thing anyone's offered to do for me in a long time." Dave shook his head. "Val, you are so sweet, I could never do that to you."

"But - "

"Valerie." Dave tried to sound firm. "Thank you very much for the offer. I really, really appreciate it, more than I think you know. But I can handle things myself."

"Okay," said Valerie after a few moments. "But just remember, I'm here for you, Dave."

"Thanks, Valerie. G'night."

"Good night ... "


"Carly, please, don't do this to me," Dave begged.

His sister turned and glared at him.

"Miss Carly," Dave corrected himself, unable to hide his terror. "Please, I'll get naked for you any time you want, just please don't let your friends see me like this."

"You'll get naked for me any time I want anyway," said Carly coldly. "And you will obey my commands, including this one."

"But - "

"Do I have to repeat myself? This is the last time, little boy. From now on, whenever you are at home, you will be naked at ALL times. You will strip off at the front door, and Cousin Brandy and I can both touch you anywhere we want, anytime we want. And I will be inviting the girls over on Saturday, and you will wait on us. Naked."

"Miss Carly, please - "

"Don't worry, it won't be too many girls." Carly's lips curled into a cruel smirk. "Maybe just ten or fifteen of my closest friends."

Carly walked out of Dave's room, laughing, leaving her devastated brother behind.

For several minutes, Dave simply stood in the middle of his room, nude, contemplating the pit of despair that his life had become. His dismal thoughts were interrupted by a familiar beep.

"Well?" read the text message. "Have you had all you can stand, and you can't stand no more?"


"I still don't see how this is going to help," said Dave, as Valerie placed a chair in the center of her bedroom.

"I told you," said Valerie. "You need to take revenge for what Carly and Brandy are doing to you."

"How will spanking you be revenge on Carly and Brandy?" asked Dave, slightly frustrated.

"It's cathartic. Dave, girls have hurt you. You need to voice that hurt, express that anger instead of keeping it stifled inside of you. And since I'm a girl, you can vent those emotions by spanking me."

Valerie took a deep breath as she faced her friend.

"Okay," she said. "Begin."

Dave stared at her dumbly.

Valerie rolled her eyes.

"Tell me to take my clothes off," she said, as if explaining something to a small child.

Dave's face contorted.

"Do you want to take your clothes off?" he asked.

"No, I don't," said Valerie. "That's kind of the idea here, isn't it?"

"Valerie, I don't want you to - "

"Dave." Valerie gazed at her friend levelly. "You need to do this, now do it."

"Um, okay," said Dave hesitantly. "Uh, get undressed."

"Dave," Valerie sighed in exasperation. "In order for this to work, you have to take charge. You have to take control. It's the first step to taking back control of your life. Now, order me to strip!"

"Okay," said Dave. He swallowed hard and then took a deep breath.

"Strip! Now!" Dave tried to raise his voice, but one look at the face of his sweet, pretty friend made him crumble almost instantly, and the words came out more like a strangled cough.

" ... I guess that will have to do," said Valerie heavily. "We're going to need to work on that, Dave."

Valerie began to unbutton her dress.

Dave's eyes widened as Valerie removed her dress and placed it on her bed, followed by her bra, and then her panties. The boy's mouth slowly fell open as ever more of Valerie's smooth, flawless skin was exposed to his sight.

He had always thought of his friend as pretty, and had even had a few daydreams and fantasies about her, but he had also mostly thought of her as a friend, the literal girl next door. It wasn't until now that he finally realized just how beautiful she really was ...

"Are you okay?" Valerie asked, snapping Dave out of his reverie.

He immediately looked down, embarrassed to realize Valerie had caught him gaping at her naked body.

"You should try breathing a little more," Valerie advised him.

"Th-Thanks," mumbled Dave.

He managed to force himself to look up, and felt surprised - though he didn't know why - to see that Valerie was blushing intensely. Dave had felt so embarrassed himself that he didn't even consider how Valerie must feel, not only at being naked in front of a boy, even if he was her closest friend, but also at the realization that he had seemed to find her attractive.

"Okay," said Valerie after a moment. "It's time for the next part."

"Uh ... "

"Tell me that you're going to spank me," said Valerie, trying not to roll her eyes again. "Tell me that I'm a girl, so I deserve to be spanked."

"But I don't think that girls - "

"That's not the point." Valerie was becoming increasingly frustrated. "It's what you need to say to me, Dave. It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. You need to vent your feelings."

"Okay," said Dave. "I'm going to spank you. You're a girl, you deserve to be spanked."

Dave tried to sound harsh, but now he was hampered, not only by his affection for his closest friend but also his entrancement at her naked beauty, and the words came out barely above a whisper.

"Dave," Valerie shook her head. She sounded angry now. "Dave, do you care about me?"

"What?" Dave was confused. "Of course I care about you, Valerie, why would - "

"Then do this right!" Valerie said, her own voice rising. "Dave, I love you, you're the most wonderful boy I've ever known, the best friend I've ever had. I care about you, and when you're hurting, like you are right now, I want to help you."

Valerie shook her head, tears forming in her eyes.

"But I can't help you if you won't let me!" she fairly shouted at Dave, making him shrink back. "Dave, when I see you hurting, that hurts ME. And if you really care about me, then you'll want to do something to make me stop hurting, like I'm trying to do for you. You will do this if you care about me!"

She bit her lip as she looked into her friend's uncertain, anxious face.

"Think about Carly," she told him. "Think about Brandy. Think about how they've hurt you. Think about the cruelty, the humiliation. Think about how angry that makes you feel. Now let that anger come through. Don't hide it, don't suppress it, don't pretend it doesn't exist. And then, act on it, Dave - Look at me, not as your friend, but as a girl, like the girls who have hurt you, and act on your anger!"

Dave stared at her for a long moment, emotions now growing inside of him, fighting for control, now becoming a firestorm in his heart.

Before he knew what was happening, he had stalked over to Valerie, nearly knocking the chair over in the process, and grabbed her by the arm, ignoring the wince in her face at his viselike grip.

"You're getting a spanking!" he told her in a menacing voice that she had never heard from him before. "I'm putting you over my knee, and I'm going to paddle your ass! I'm going to beat your bare butt until it's red and raw!"

Dave's voice was becoming louder and ever more shrill, until he was roaring at Valerie.

"You're a girl, so you should be spanked! ... You're a girl, so you deserve to be spanked! ... YOU'RE A GIRL! YOU NEED TO BE SPANKED!"

Within seconds, Dave was in the chair and Valerie was over his knees, her bare rear squarely on his lap. He scarcely even seemed to register the cries of pain, the sobbing that was coming from his friend as he brought his hand down on her rump again and again, watching it rapidly turn pink and then a deeper and deeper crimson ...


"Wow." Valerie sniffled, but summoned a brave smile to her lips as she rubbed her bottom. "Um, y-you are r-really g-good at this, Dave."

"Did I do it too hard?" asked Dave worriedly. "I'm sorry, Valerie - "

"No," said Valerie firmly. "Don't be sorry. Don't apologize."

Valerie self-consciously adjusted her dress, now back on her body, but without any panties on underneath.

"I think that for the time being, the less I have in contact with my bottom, the better off I'll be," she had said ruefully.

She gazed at Dave.

"You don't say you're sorry to a girl you've punished," she told him firmly. "You did what you needed to do, and you don't have to apologize for it."

"Thanks," murmured Dave.

"How did it make you feel?" asked Valerie in a soft voice. "How did you feel when you were spanking me?"

"I ... I'm not sure," said Dave slowly. "It felt like ... Like all of the anger I was feeling about Brandy and Carly was coming right out of me and through my hand ... I ... I guess it did make me feel better, like I was getting my own back for what the girls have been doing to me."

"That's good," said Valerie approvingly. "What else did it make you feel?"

"It ... It made me feel ... "

"Stronger?" suggested Valerie.

Dave paused, and then shook his head. "No. I don't think I felt stronger."

"Focused?" tried Valerie.

Dave's eyes widened. "Yeah, I think that's it, Valerie ... I felt ... like I knew what I wanted to do. Like I knew what I needed to do. I haven't felt that in a while. Up until now, I've been feeling like I had no idea what to do, I didn't know what I even wanted to do."

"Well, I think you do now," said Valerie.

"Valerie, I'm not sure that - "

"No!" said Valerie, taking hold of Dave's shoulders in a grip that was firm for her. "Don't go back, Dave. Don't slide back into that ... You know what you have to do now. So go over there and do it. Do you understand me, Dave? Go over there and do what you have to do, do what you need to do!"

Dave stared at her, and then nodded - slowly at first, and then more and more emphatically.

"I will," he vowed. "Thanks, Valerie. I know what to do now."

Valerie smiled and nodded at him.

Dave turned and headed out of Valerie's bedroom. As he reached the door, he heard Valerie clear her throat.

"Dave?" she said. She lowered her head, gazing at her feet, while crossing her wrists in front of her waist. After a moment, she looked up, and smiled. "You, um ... You can spank me any time you want."

Now, it was Dave's turn to blush.

As he walked down the path to his own house, Dave fervently hoped that the blush would fade before he went in to his house.


Brandy was sitting in bed, lazily thumbing through a teen magazine. She was contemplating what she would have Dave cook for dinner tonight, smiling at the thought of giving his bare butt cheeks a smack every now and then to remind him that she and Carly were waiting.

Her pleasant daydreams were suddenly and rudely interrupted when the bedroom door flew open, making a loud smack as it hit the wall.

"HEY!" Brandy exclaimed, more out of shock than anger, as Dave came in.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, little boy?" she demanded, jumping to her feet. "How dare you come storming into my room without even asking! And why aren't you naked? Didn't Carly tell you that you're to be naked at all times in the house? How dare you wear clothing without our permission!"

Brandy fully expected Dave to shrink in fear at the sound of her raging voice, the way he had always, always done before. To her surprise, he didn't even flinch, but simply gazed levelly at her.

"We need to talk, Brandy," said Dave ominously.

"That's MISS Brandy to you," said Brandy, recovering from her surprise and putting her usual sneer back on. "You're going to get a spanking for that, and for wearing unauthorized clothes, AND for coming into my room without knocking! Now, unless you want even more, strip right now and go to your room!"

Dave didn't move a muscle.

"We need to talk, Brandy," he repeated, as he turned and quietly closed the door.


Dave was sitting at his desk, silently thinking, pondering this and that ... Mostly, he was thinking about girls. The girls in his life. Brandy. Carly. And Valerie - above all, Valerie.

He was not at all surprised when his thoughts were interrupted by his door flying open and Carly walking in, the usual smug smirk on her face.

"Hey," said Carly, glaring at Dave. "What's the matter with you? Didn't I tell you to be naked in the house? Now strip!"

Dave gazed at her.

"I've got a better idea," said Dave, getting to his feet. "Why don't you strip instead, Carly?"

For a moment, Carly stared at him, stunned, speechless.

"I beg your pardon?" Carly asked in a dangerous tone.

"I said," said Dave, "Why don't you strip instead, Carly? I'd kind of like to see you naked, and it would be a nice change of pace around here."

"H-How dare you - You're going to pay for that, little boy! Now, take your clothes off and get over my knee!"

Dave folded his arms in front of him and stood resolutely.

"Oh, so that's how it's going to be, huh?" said Carly in amusement. "Well, we'll see about that. Brandy!"

Carly waited ... and waited ... Soon, the smirk on her face faded and was replaced with confusion. She glanced at the door expectantly, wondering why there was nobody there.

"Cousin Brandy!" she called out. "Cousin Brandy, I need you! ... Cousin Brandy?"

"I don't think she'll be answering you," said Dave.

"What's going on?" demanded Carly. "Where is she?"

"Maybe she's in her room," shrugged Dave. "Why don't you go take a look?"

Carly stared at him with a mixture of bewilderment, anger, frustration, and still some of her usual smugness as she turned and headed down the hall to their parents' bedroom.

Dave waited a moment, and then smiled when he heard the inevitable shriek from Carly as soon as she opened the bedroom door.

With a smug smirk on his face that rather resembled the one Carly had had just a moment earlier, Dave walked out of his room. As expected, Carly was staring, aghast, at the sight that greeted her in Brandy's room.

Brandy was sitting on the bed.

When Carly opened the door, Brandy had looked up at her with red, tear-filled eyes, but said nothing. She could say nothing with the gag tied tightly in her mouth.

Carly took a step back, recoiling in shock and horror. Brandy was tied up with several coils of rope, and she was completely naked, bearing some light bruises on her body and disheveled hair. Not only that, but Brandy was shifting awkwardly on the bed in the manner that Carly recognized at once, because she'd seen it from Dave many times - the manner of somebody unable to sit comfortably on a red, thoroughly spanked bottom.

"Trouble?" asked Dave in an innocent voice, smiling at Carly.

"Wh-What did you do to her?" asked Carly in a small voice.

"Does it matter?"

"Um, it might," said Carly, wide-eyed.

"Here's what matters," said Dave, with a calmness that sent waves of terror through Carly. "It's over, Carly."

Dave smiled, a dark smile that Carly had never seen from him before.

"And at the same time, it's just beginning."

"Wh-What are you going to do to me?" asked Carly, shrinking away from her brother, her voice shrinking even faster.

"I won't do anything to you that you haven't done to me," promised Dave.

Carly's eyes bugged out.

"Oh, My God," she whispered in horror.

"Well, I'll cut you a break on one thing, Carly," said Dave. "You don't have to be naked all the time in the house, like you were doing to me."

"A-All the time?" said Carly in anguish. "But I will have to be naked for you?"

"Of course." Dave rolled his eyes. "Did you really think that would even be a question. Anyway, count your blessings, Carly."

Dave turned to Brandy.

"You," he told her, "will be naked at all times in the house from now on. And I can touch you anywhere I want, any time I want. Understand?"

"Mmm-hmmm, mmm-hmmm, mmm-hmmm," Brandy mumbled through her gag, nodding her head emphatically.

"And don't forget," continued Dave. "After our parents return and you go home, you will keep the camera in your computer on at all times, so that I can do spot checks to make sure you're staying naked in your bedroom."

"Mmm-hmmm," said Brandy again, nodding her head.

"Not a stitch of clothing for you," Dave told her. "Assuming you don't want me to show anybody those pictures I have of you."

The words brought a look of anguish to Brandy, who sobbed through her gag as she looked at her feet.

"Dave," said Carly, biting her lip.

"That's MISTER Dave to you," said Dave pointedly.

"M-Mister Dave," said Carly at once. "Y-You can't do this to Brandy. She's older than you - "

"It doesn't matter who is older or younger," said Dave, taking on the same tone that Brandy had used before. "What matters is that I'm a boy, and therefore I'm in charge of her, AND YOU."

"P-Please - "

"You are a girl, Carly. And girls are meant to obey boys, isn't that right?"

Carly stared at him.

"Y-Yes," she managed to say, the words obviously paining her deeply. "Girls are meant to obey boys, always."

"We're going to be playing a lot more games, Carly," said Dave, quite matter-of-factly. "And I'm looking forward to them. The difference is that from now on, you're going to be the naked one, not me."

He smiled.

"I'm particularly looking forward to bathing you tonight, Carly."

"B-Bathing me?" shrieked Carly. "I never did that to you!"

"Sure you did. Or rather, you helped her do it." Dave jerked his head toward Brandy.

"That was when we were like eight!" exclaimed Carly.

"I know." Dave's lips curled as he casually looked Carly up and down. "I have a feeling it's going to be a LOT more fun when I do it, Carly."

Carly whimpered.

"But first," said Dave, taking a firm grip on his sister's arm. "It's time for YOUR spanking, Carly."

"No," she whispered.

Dave pulled Carly toward his bedroom door, smirking as he said, "I feel like I've been waiting for this my whole life."


Carly walked into her bedroom and simultaneously shut the door behind her, threw her bookbag on the bed, and let out a heavy sigh.

She had barely managed to sit down at her desk when the door suddenly flew open.

"Can't you ever knock?" asked Carly in exasperation as Dave walked in.

Dave folded his arms and locked eyes with his sister.

"STRIP," he said.

"What?" asked Carly in dismay.

"You heard me. Strip. Get naked for me."

"Aw, come on," whined Carly. "Haven't you seen me naked enough times by now, Dave?"

"That's MISTER Dave to you," said her brother coldly. "And I'm in charge of you, remember, so do as I say and strip."

Carly slowly got to her feet and suppressed a sob as she began to unbutton her blouse.

"Is Cousin Brandy still naked?" she asked in a low voice.

"Of course," said Dave. "She's cooking dinner right now. I gave her a nice little slap on her butt cheeks to remind her to get it done on time."

Carly whimpered again as she pulled her blouse off her shoulders and unzipped her skirt.

Dave smiled as he watched Carly undress.

"It isn't always easy being a boy," he mused. "But I guess it's a lot easier than being a girl."

Out of the corner of his eye, Dave spotted some movement in the window, and looked up to see Valerie smiling at him from her bedroom window.

Valerie watched the scene unfolding in Carly's room for a moment, and then got up and walked away, but not before giving Dave a coy wink.

Dave's smile deepened as he realized that after he was finished with Carly and Brandy, there was still one more girl he was looking forward to undressing tonight ...
Last edited by Sue DeNym on Tue Apr 18, 2023 12:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sue DeNym
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8. A String of Teenaged Aphrodites

Post by Sue DeNym »

8. A String of Teenaged Aphrodites

"We are not coming out until you boys leave!" shouted Kira.

"I'm betting that you girls will get cold before we do," replied Zack smugly.

Kira scowled and crouched down, letting no more than her head above the water.

"He's right, Kira," said Ashleigh.

"Yeah," Shannon agreed anxiously. "We have been in this lake, naked, up to our necks in this water, for the past hour now. It is getting really cold."

Kira glanced around. Seven girls gazed back at her, faces marked with increasing agitation, pleading for some kind of relief. All of the girls were naked, huddling in lake water growing colder with every passing minute. Kira sighed. How did this happen?

A few hours earlier, Kira and her friends had left their dormitory at the Penfield Boarding School for Girls, eagerly anticipating an afternoon of fun at the lake, unwinding after the stress of the semester's midterm exams.

After laying out their blankets and picnic baskets on the lake shore, all of the girls had changed into their swimsuits. A couple of the girls wore bikinis, but most were modestly wearing formal one-piece bathing suits.

"Let's go!" Kira had shouted, and all eight of the girls dived into the lake together ... Within seconds, peals of laughter and excitement turned into screams of shock and horror as each girl's swimsuit virtually disintegrated in the water, leaving them all inadvertently skinnydipping.

Before any of the girls could recover from their bewilderment, Penelope had shouted, "BOYS!"

All of the girls instinctively dove under the water, trying to conceal their sudden and unexpected nakedness from the five boys who had just walked onto the lake shore. Kira poked her head up and immediately spotted her nemesis, Zack, from their rival Stone Academy for Boys.

Nobody quite knew for sure how the enmity between Penfield and Stone first began, although the students at each school traditionally insisted that it was the other that started the trouble. Whatever the reasons, they had been competitors for as long as their schools had existed, and this had led to a particular antagonism between Kira and Zack. Both were top students and athletes in their schools, heads of their student governments, and often regarded as the leaders of their respective student bodies.

Kira and Zack had competed with each other in virtually every one of the many competitions set up between the two schools, academic and athletic, everything from basketball to debating club to charity fundraisers. Their rivalry even spilled over to their lives beyond their schools, the two forever trying to one-up each other with pranks that were sometimes funny, sometimes childish, and sometimes cruel, and constant verbal sniping. Sometimes, their friends would marvel, it seemed like Kira and Zack each lived to get the better of the other.

Little wonder, then, that Zack was just about the last person in the world Kira had wanted to show up at the lake at that moment. She scowled as she crouched low in the water, even trying to cover up her naked body with her arms below the water.

How was it that Zack, of all people, just had to pick that particular moment to visit the lake, she wondered.

"Having a spot of trouble, Kira?" Zack called out to her. His smug smirk and the laughter in his voice told Kira everything she needed to know.

"What the hell did you do to our swimsuits?!" Kira could barely contain her rage.

Zack's smile only broadened as he motioned toward his best friend Oliver, who handed him a blue cloth. When Zack held it up, Kira saw it was a pair of boys' swimming trunks.

"It's sort of an old trick at Stone," Zack explained. "This material is designed to fall apart within seconds after it gets wet. For the longest time, boys at Stone would make swimming trunks out of them and switch them for some poor, unsuspecting new guy's real trunks, so he'd wind up naked."

Zack laughed.

"I can't believe that it took us such a long time to realize that making girls' swimsuits out of this stuff would be a much better use for it. Kind of an embarrassing oversight, really."

Kira ground her teeth so hard that it was a wonder they didn't turn to dust.

"All right, fine," she snarled. "You jerks have had your little laugh, now get out of here!"

Zack raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, sure," he said, shrugging his shoulders. "We'll be happy to leave."

The five boys exchanged looks and burst out laughing.

"What do you want?" demanded Shannon.

"Oh, gee, let me think," said Oliver. "Let's see, we're five teenaged boys, standing on the shore of a lake with eight sexy girls in the water, all without a stitch of clothing to cover up their fine, fine curves. Gee, I wonder what we could possibly want."

Kira felt her stomach twisting into knots, even though she had known perfectly well that this was where things had been leading. She looked around, and saw the same expressions on the other girls' faces.

"Listen, girls, your clothes are right here," called out a weedy boy named Cole, kicking a few of the girls' backpacks on the shore. "If you don't like being naked, why don't you come over here and get dressed?"

"We are not going to let you see us like this!" shouted the youngest girl, Melissa, near tears from anger and frustration.

"Suit yourself." Zack shrugged. "Hey, guys, I'm feeling a bit hungry. What do you say we help ourselves to this nice little picnic?"

The girls seethed as they watched the boys settle down on the blankets and eat the picnic lunches that the girls had brought.

After eating their fill, the boys began relaxing on the blankets. Zack thumbed through a magazine he had brought with him, Oliver was tossing pebbles into the lake, Cole and Jacob were playing games on their phones, and Cooper simply relaxed on the blanket. All the while, the girls remained huddled, naked, in the increasingly cold lake.

"Come on, guys, enough is enough, just give us our clothes!" Ashleigh called out for perhaps the hundredth time.

And just like every other time she said it, some of the boys laughed while others said, "Hey, if you want your clothes, just come over here and get them!" which made the other boys laugh even harder.

After about an hour in the water, Kira had defiantly told Zack that the girls would not come out until the boys had left, to which Zack smugly replied that the girls would get cold much faster than the boys would. When Ashleigh and Shannon pointed out that he was right, Kira could not disagree.

"Kira, I think we're running out of time," said Ashleigh quietly.

"I think we've already run out of options," said Penelope grimly.

"We can't let those boys see us naked!" protested Gemma, aghast.

"Well, we can't just sit here and freeze to death, either," said Claire, shivering.

"Jordyn, Melissa, did you two find anything?" asked Kira, trying to keep her desperation out of her voice.

"Zip," reported Jordyn, as Melissa bit her lip and nodded. "We swam around the entire lake. There's no way out of here, unless you want to try climbing the face of a mountain."

"There has to be something," said Kira in frustration, "maybe - "

Kira didn't get to complete her thought, because at that moment, Zack walked to the edge of the water and called out to the girls. When Kira looked up, her eyes widened as she saw that he had her bags in his hand.

"Listen, girls, it's getting a bit late, and maybe us guys should go, after all. But, listen, if you girls don't mind terribly, we'd like a little souvenir of this outing, so we'll just take all of your clothes with us."

"You wouldn't dare!" shouted Gemma, making the boys laugh and the girls roll their eyes.

"Look, girls," said Oliver, chuckling. "We'll give you ten minutes. If you come out of the water, we'll give you back your clothes. Otherwise, we leave, and you girls can walk all the way back to Penfield in just your birthday suits."

Kira swallowed hard. She mentally pictured the pathways back to the girls' school, wondering what the chances were that they could walk all that way without being seen. The odds weren't good to begin with, and were instantly dashed by the next words she heard.

"Of course," said Cooper with a mischievous grin, "We might just be so disappointed that we didn't get to see you girls that we could tweet out a message to the boys at Stone that there are eight naked girls trying to get from the lake to Penfield."

"I'm sure a lot of the boys would dismiss it as a joke," Jacob said thoughtfully. "But I'm willing to bet at least some of them would decide to check it out. The paths from here to Penfield might just be filled with eager boys before you girls get anywhere even close."

Shannon moaned.

"We could wait until dark," said Melissa anxiously. "Even if the boys are looking for us, they wouldn't be able to see anything if we run quickly enough."

"The sun won't set for another couple of hours," said Ashleigh, looking at her watch. "Maybe a little more."

"There's no way we can stay in this lake that long," said Claire. "We're halfway to frozen already."

"Kira, we have no choice," said Shannon. "It's either endure a few minutes of humiliation or spend the next week or two in bed with hypothermia."

Kira was silent. She looked around at the girls' faces, seeing expressions that ranged from desperation to despair to resignation.

"Okay," said Kira finally. "You're right, Shannon, we have no choice."

There were a few weak moans from the shyer girls, but most simply sighed in reluctant acceptance.

"So, um, who goes first?" asked Gemma nervously.

For a long moment, there was only silence.

"I'll go first," said Shannon.

"No," said Kira, straightening up. "I will."

"It was my idea," said Shannon. "I really should - "

"No, Shannon," said Kira. "I am the leader of this group. It's my place to do this."

"Time's almost up, girls," said Zack.

The other boys shrugged and began picking up the rest of the girls' packs.

"Wait!" called out Kira, making all five boys look up instantly. She sighed as she said, "Don't go, guys. We're coming out."

Elated grins spread across all five boys' faces.

Kira steeled herself and made her way toward the shore, eventually rising out of the water. She grimaced at the way all five boys openly gawked at her naked body, like starving men staring at a plate of filet mignon.

Shannon followed Kira, and bit her lip as she endured the same leering attention from the boys.

One by one, all of the eight beautiful girls emerged from the water, naked, like nothing so much as a string of teenaged Aphrodites.

All of the girls made their way up the shore to the blankets where the boys were waiting, some of the girls moving quickly in the hopes of ending the ordeal quickly, other girls slowly in a futile attempt to delay the inevitable.

Kira scowled at the way the five boys were staring, enraptured by the delectable display of beautiful, naked, teenaged femininity only a few feet away from them.

Ashleigh and Shannon stood up straight, determined not to give the boys any satisfaction of seeing how much anguish was flowing through them. Penelope, Claire, and Jordyn were alternately sulking and fuming with anger. Gemma and Melissa were barely holding back their tears.

"Very nice," said Zack, in a remarkably matter-of-fact voice. "They certainly keep you girls in shape at Penfield."

"Wow," breathed Cooper and Jacob in unison.

Oliver folded his arms and curled his lips as he ran his eyes across each one of the naked girls. Cole's eyes seemed to be everywhere at once, and he was actually licking his lips.

"All right, enough." Kira attempted to take control, no easy feat considering her state of dress. "You boys have had your cheap thrill, now give us back our clothes."

"Not quite yet," said Zack. He looked at the other boys and said, "I think we all agreed that we wouldn't give the girls their clothes back until we see everything."

The other boys nodded.

"What are you talking about?" demanded Shannon in irritation. "You are seeing everything. We're goddamned naked!"

"We haven't quite seen everything," Oliver corrected her. "You girls all turn around. Do a little spin for us."

"Oh, God," muttered Ashleigh, but she did turn in place, as did the other girls with varying degrees of haste. Several girls reddened when they heard the boys whistling as soon as the girls had their backs turned to them.

As the girls turned back toward the boys, Cole held up his phone ... and that's all he did, because seemingly a fraction of a second later, the phone was flying out over the lake, landing in the water with a plop.

"Hey!" exclaimed Cole. "That was a brand new phone!"

"Try another stunt like that and it'll be your teeth plopping into the lake," snarled Jordyn, her eyes flashing with fury.

"No pictures," said Claire, baring her teeth. "It's bad enough being naked in front of you assholes, we are not going to let you have a photo record of this to hold over our heads, too."

"Easy!" said Zack, holding up his hands. He stepped between Cole and the girls. "Jordyn, Claire, take it easy, that wasn't supposed to ... "

Zack turned and fixed a glare on Cole. "Cole, apologize to the girls."

"But - "

"Do it!" said Zack harshly. "I warned you before, now don't test me."

Cole grumbled and then muttered something that vaguely sounded like the word "sorry."

"Look," Zack shot another glare at Cole and then motioned toward the other three boys. "We all promised not to let this get out of hand. That's why we agreed, no pictures. Let's not push our luck here, boys."

Oliver nodded at once, followed by Cooper and Jacob. Cole simply grumbled again.

Zack turned back to the girls. "Jordyn, Claire - Girls - Kira - I'm really sorry. That wasn't in the plan, I swear."

Jordyn growled, while Claire hesitated and then slowly nodded. Kira gazed at Zack askance.

"Now you've seen everything," said Kira, trying again to take some semblance of control. "So give us back our clothes so we can get out of here."

"Hey, what's the rush?" asked Zack coolly. "I was actually thinking we should make a day of this."

"We'll pass, thanks," growled Penelope.

"Personally, I think all girls should always be naked for the pleasure of boys, don't you?" Zack went on.

"Gee, what a surprise," said Kira sardonically. "You're a misogynistic pig."

Zack tilted his head.

"You say that like it's a bad thing," he said.

"You got what you wanted," said Ashleigh impatiently, hugging herself. "Now give us back our clothes!"

"We'll give them back," said Oliver.

The girls looked at him warily.

"But first," he continued, making the girls groan, "we want one more thing."

"You girls have to hug us," said Cooper.

"What?!" shrieked all of the girls in perfect unison.

"You girls form a line," said Jacob. "Us guys will do the same. Each of you girls will hug each of us guys once. Do that, and you get your clothes back."

"This isn't fair," moaned Gemma. "You keep changing the deal."

"Too bad," said Zack. "You girls gotta hug us to get your clothes back."

"You expect us to hug you like this?" said Shannon, motioning toward the girls' collective nudity.

"We're naked!" said Melissa redundantly.

"Uh, that's pretty much the idea here," said Oliver.

"You guys know that if we all hug you now, your clothes will get wet," said Ashleigh.

"Small price to pay," replied Zack with a sly smile, running his eyes up and down Ashleigh's body, making the girl flush.

"Think of it as towelling off, girls," suggested Jacob.

"No. Way." Kira was snarling now. "We are not letting you guys touch us. Just give us back our clothes."

"Kira, be reasonable," said Zack. "You girls aren't exactly in a great bargaining position."

Zack casually gazed around the lake shore as he said, "What I see here ... Five boys, all in our clothes, and eight girls, totally naked. Now, which gender would you all say is superior here?"

"And if we do hug you," said Kira after a moment, "what are you going to demand from us next?"

"Nothing," said Zack, holding up his hands. "You have my word, Kira. This is the last of it. You'll get your clothes back once we're done with this."

Kira glanced at her friends.

"Sidebar?" she said to Zack.

"Make it quick." Zack sighed.

Kira grabbed Ashleigh by the arm and pulled all of the girls together toward the lake in a huddle.

"We could make the boys give us back our clothes," said Claire. "We've got them outnumbered."

"You really want to get into a naked wrestling match with the boys?" asked Penelope with a raised eyebrow.

"It'd be like mud wrestling with a pig," said Shannon. "You'll both get dirty, but the pig will like it."

"I don't even want to hug the boys," said Jordyn. "The last thing I want to do is wind up rolling around in the sand, all tangled up, writhing naked with one."

"Thank you, Jordyn," sighed Ashleigh. "That was ... graphic."

"Zack promised that if we do this, it'll all be over," said Kira.

"Do you think we can trust him, Kira?" asked Gemma.

"Yes," said Kira after a moment. "I don't know why, but I believe him."

"Let's get it over with," said Ashleigh, as the other girls reluctantly nodded.

The girls returned to the boys, who had already formed a line.

"Glad you've decided to be reasonable," Zack said after the girls told him their decision. "Let's not waste any more time."

"I'll go first this time," said Shannon, stepping toward Jacob.

Within seconds, Jacob's eyes were closed in bliss while Shannon was scowling as the two pressed their bodies together. The boy revelled in the feel of the shapely, naked curves up against him, while Shannon tried with little success to pretend she was rubbing a towel against her body.

Shannon went down the line, followed by Ashleigh, and then the rest of the girls. As the boys received their hugs, they soon began to let their hands wander.

When Penelope felt Cooper's hands cupping her rump, she resisted the urge to drive her fist into his head, knowing it would drag this out even longer.

Claire forced herself to stay still when Oliver slipped his hand between them and fondled her breasts.

Unfortunately, the boys seemed to take this as encouragement to let their hands explore the girls' bodies even more. Several times, a boy managed to brush his lips against a girl's.

"Don't touch me!" Melissa shoved Jacob away, her eyes brimming.

"Isn't the idea here for me to touch you?" asked Jacob.

"You know what I mean!" said Melissa furiously.

"Just c'mere," said Jacob impatiently, grabbing Melissa by the shoulders and pressing her up against him as the girl moaned.

But the breaking point came when Kira finally hugged Zack ... and he did something very naughty to her bottom. She let out a shriek and, almost by reflex, threw out her palm toward his face, only to have Zack catch her wrist in his hand just before the slap connected.

"I advise you not to do that," said Zack, now with a menacing edge to his voice that Kira had never heard from him before. "Or I might just get pissed off enough to go back on our deal and let you girls go home naked anyway."

Before Kira even knew what was happening, Zack had yanked her back into his arms and was kissing her deeply on the mouth. For an instant, she was too shocked to even react, but even when she began to struggle and protest, Zack pinned her flailing arms and seemed to take delight in her muffled outrage.

Suddenly, Kira found herself falling to the sand and landing with a thud on her rear. She scowled up at Zack.

"All right, a deal's a deal, I guess," said Zack. "You girls get your clothes and get out of here."

"You'll pay for this," vowed Kira, glaring at Zack as she grabbed her bag. "I swear, Zack, every one of you boys will pay for this nightmare."

Zack folded his arms, smirking as he got in one last good ogling of Kira's naked body.

"It'll be real tough for you to ever one-up me again after this, Kira," he told her.

"Just wait," snarled Kira.

"I'll be counting the minutes, hot stuff," he chuckled, giving Kira a hard smack on her derriere.

The girls all hurriedly left the shore, some of the girls wiping their mouths, others wrapping their arms around their breasts, still others rubbing their bottoms ... Kira was, more or less, doing all three.

The boys watched as the girls departed, enjoying what remained of the view as it disappeared into the trees.

"Man, I'm going to miss seeing that," sighed Cooper.

"Oh, I don't think you will," said Zack smugly. He called out, "Okay, we're all clear, guys!"

With that, two boys emerged from the far trees, one on each side of the lake shore.

"Grant, Harrison, come on over here," Zack beckoned to both of the boys. "Did you get it?"

"Oh, I got it all right," said Grant with satisfaction, putting his hand on his digital camera. "Every second of it."

"And whatever he didn't get, I can promise you I did," said Harrison, holding up his own camera.

"Holy crow," said Cooper, looking wide-eyed at Zack. "You had the guys filming that? All of it?"

"Wait, what was that whole thing about no pictures, then?" asked Jacob.

"A diversion," said Cole. He glared at Zack resentfully. "You owe me a phone, man."

"All right, fine," Zack shrugged his shoulders. "Jeez, how was I supposed to know Jordyn would be so touchy?"

"You mean we can watch it all again," said Jacob, his eyes gleaming. "We can see those girls naked again, any time we want."

"To heck with that," said Cooper. "Who has time for watching videos when we can have the real thing? Those recordings are gold, we can use them to blackmail the girls into going naked for us any time we snap our fingers."

"We can make them do anything we want," breathed Cole. "Eight gorgeous girls as our naked slaves ... "

"Take it easy," said Oliver. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Zack?"

"Right," said Zack. "This is a ... delicate ... situation we got here, guys. We need to proceed carefully. We don't want to blow it. I had Grant and Harrison make those recordings as insurance. They're our ace in the hole in case something goes wrong, but I don't think we'll need them."

"What do you mean?" asked Cooper.

"Well, I've got something else in our corner that - "

Zack was interrupted by a beep from his phone.

"Speak of the devil," said Zack with a satisfied grin as he gazed down at the text message he had just received. "There she is now."

"There who is?" asked Jacob.

"My special little friend," said Zack.

"What does she have to say?" asked Oliver eagerly.

"She says that all eight of the girls are getting together tomorrow morning ... to work out a plan to get back at us for what we did today ... Kira's in charge of it, naturally ... Okay ... "

Zack looked up.

"My friend says that she'll go to the meeting and then let me know as soon as she has details of what the girls are planning."

"Wait, you have a mole in Penfield?" said Cole incredulously.

"In Kira's squad?" asked Jacob in disbelief.

"Who do you think it was who sabotaged the girls' swimsuits?" replied Zack, his eyes twinkling.

"You mean - "

"This morning, I gave my friend the prank swimsuits," explained Zack. "She switched them for the girls' real bathing suits before they all came out here to the lake."

"So one of those eight girls is really ... "

Cole, Cooper, and Jacob were thunderstruck.

"Who is it?" asked Cole.

"Yeah, which one?" asked Cooper.

"I can't tell you that." Zack held up his hand. "I promised her that I would keep her identity a secret. If the other girls found out, she'd be in big trouble."

"But - "

"Guys, don't bother," said Oliver. "I'm Zack's best friend, and he won't even tell me who his little friend is."

"Wait," said Cooper. "That means this girl had to get naked in front of us herself. Why would she ever agree to that?"

"Hold on," said Jacob. "Are you blackmailing this girl? What could you have on - "

"No, it's not like that." Zack shook his head. "I'm not forcing her to do anything. She's doing it voluntarily. In fact, a lot of this was her idea to begin with."

"But - Why - "

"I can't tell you that," said Zack firmly. "It's got to be kept secret."

"Oh, jeez," said Cole suddenly. "I ... I was groping every one of those girls. Man, if I'd known one of them was really on our side - "

"It's cool, man, don't worry about it," said Zack. "She knew that would happen, and she was prepared for it. It's okay."

"At least you guys got to hug those naked girls," Grant said sourly. "Harrison and I didn't get to do anything but hide in the trees."

"Just hang on," Zack told them. "You guys will get what's coming to you, you can trust me. Tomorrow, we'll find out more about what the girls are planning, and then we'll figure out our next step, with some help from my little friend. And we'll have those recordings to fall back on in case things get messy."

Zack smiled at his friends.

"Guys," he said, "You can count on this ... We've got a very interesting few weeks ahead of us."
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Sue DeNym
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9. Vignette - It Was Only Fair

Post by Sue DeNym »

9. Vignette - It Was Only Fair

"Uh, Mr. Parker, may I have a word?"

"Certainly, Miss Mahoney. What can I do for you?"

The principal slowed his pace so that his assistant could catch up to him, but he continued looking through the sheaf of papers in his hand.

"Mr. Parker," said the young vice-principal hesitantly, "there have been some ... concerns ... raised about the second-year student physicals that were conducted the other day."

"Oh? What sort of concerns?"

"Well, the fact that you had all of the second-year students given their physical examinations in the gym simultaneously."

"Ah, that." Mr. Parker looked up at his worried assistant. "Well, we were pressed for time, I regret, so I decided that it would be prudent for all of the second-year students to be given their physicals at the same time."

"Sir," said Miss Mahoney lightly, "did you not feel that it might be considered, by some, to be somewhat inappropriate to have over a hundred 15-year-old and 16-year old boys and girls undressing down to their underwear in front of each other?"

"Oh, pish," the principal waved his hand dismissively. "Must we always be so puritannical about this sort of thing? Besides, have you never heard of the Internet, Miss Mahoney? By the time any child reaches the age of 15 or 16, they are certain to have already seen plenty of images of attractive people in undergarments in one form or another."

"Well, that may be so," said Miss Mahoney hesitantly. "Still, there have been some ... Well, anyway, there is another matter that seems to be drawing some attention."

"And that would be?"

Miss Mahoney cleared her throat.

"I have been told that when the boys entered the gym, you did not, in fact, require them to undress in front of the girls."

"Well, the boys seemed uncomfortable removing their clothing in front of their female classmates, so I decided that I could allow them to maintain their modesty. Is that an issue, Miss Mahoney? Just a moment ago, you were concerned that it would be inappropriate to require such a thing."

"Yes, well, I suppose that I am compelled to agree with your wish to maintain propriety with regard to the boys in this matter, Mr. Parker ... although, as a practical matter, having the boys remain clothed did make the physical examinations a trifle difficult, I am told. But the larger issue seems to be the state of dress that you apparently required of the female students."

"Oh, now, really - "

"Sir." Miss Mahoney adjusted her glasses as she shook her head. "In the time since the physicals were finished, I have been approached by a very large number of the female students who had ... questions ... regarding ... this matter."

Mr. Parker sighed. He looked at Miss Mahoney in the eyes, and when he spoke, it was with the tone of an adult explaining something to a small child.

"Miss Mahoney, it is really very simple. If the boys are to remain fully clothed, then it seems only fair for the girls to be completely naked."

With that, the principal turned and headed into his office, leaving his assistant standing in the hallway, blinking rapidly.

"Of course," she said after a long moment. "What was I thinking?"

Miss Mahoney followed her superior into his office.

"Uh, Mr. Parker, may I have a word?"
I post my stories on PNS, FNA, and Deviant Art.

My friend Josh also posts on PNS and Deviant Art.

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