Clothing Optional Camping

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Clothing Optional Camping

Post by DCTreshPender »

Clothing Optional Camping

Part 1

When I was 15 years old my stepmom and dad had a divorce. After everything was said and done my stepmom got into alternative medicine, witchcraft, crystals and that kind of stuff. So after I turned 16, during the summer, we went to a hippie campground for a vacation. It was ‘clothing optional’ and welcomed ‘alternative lifestyles’. I got used to referring to her as my mom, as I spent the largest part of my life with her, so I will refer to her like that.
She said it would heal her from her horrible marriage and it would change my view on life. Maybe it would improve my grades and make me a more well behaved son. I knew nothing like that was going to happen, but the campground was the furthest I had ever travelled and I heard there were a lot of girls my age there too! It was supposedly the heart of a community of tens of thousand of people.
I had mixed feelings, this was either going to be the best time of my life or the worst.
When we arrived there we got to look at a map. It had tons of ponds and a lake and everything was a forest, except for the parking lot and entrance area. We had a chance to buy various camping equipment but everything was either too industrial like the tents or too chemical like the mosquito repellent. So we had to make do with what we had packed.
We found an isolated spot near the big lake, right between some trees. After we set up our tents, that looked just as ‘industrial’ as the ones in the shop, we were approached by our tent neighbors. They were within shouting distance but difficult to see through the trees. It was a mom with a daughter about my age. They wore skimpy bikinis and the mom was topless.
‘First timers? I’ve never seen you here before!’ the mom said. Her daughter seemed shy but excited to see us.
‘Oh yeah. First time camping in general, I hope people here are willing to help us out if we mess up, haha!’ my mom responded.
‘I’m Sarah, and my daughter here is Emily.’
‘We’re Alexandra and Jonathan, nice to meet you.’ God, I hate that I’m so shy. It’s like I have stage fright every time I meet someone new. I would have loved to shake her hand and introduce myself and be charming and impress that cute girl…
‘Eh, how are the amenities around here? I don’t even know what we should expect, haha!’ my mom asked.
‘The entrance area has everything. Showers, toilets, medical aid, food, camping supplies, you can charge your phone, really everything you could want. For small things or advice, you can easily approach anyone around here. The people are super friendly!’
‘That’s so nice! I was hoping everything would turn out like this!’
And with that the conversation ended. I didn’t manage to talk to the first cute girl I met. But we were going to be here for a week, and now I had a good way to approach her tomorrow.
My mom and I slept in separate tents and I don’t know what the difference was but when I woke up the next morning I was dying from mosquito bites. It felt like I had at least a hundred, and my mom had none!
‘Oh my, we have to do something about that,’ my mom said while we were eating breakfast.
‘My whole body is itching, how do people even camp here when there are so many damn mosquitos?’
‘Well, I’m sure they have their solutions, but with that many bites we should go to the doctor first!’
With urgency, but after finishing breakfast, we walked to the doctor and guess what.
It wasn’t a doctor. It was herbal medicine, no chemistry allowed.
‘Take your shirt off, so the lady can see what we’re talking about,’ my mom commanded. The doctor was a petite older lady and she seemed like she knew what she was talking about. Bad for her that I knew that all of this was bullshit.
I took my shirt off and showed her just how many mosquitos had bitten me.
‘Not the first time I’ve seen that, although that’s really a lot! Luckily for us, the solution stays the same. I have an herbal oil that you can apply to your whole body and that will keep the mosquitos away. The more area you cover the safer you will be at night!’ She smiled reassuringly. Maybe it could cover up my smell and the insects couldn’t find me anymore?
‘We’ll take it! Uhm, do you have anything to help with healing the already existing bites?’ my mom asked.
‘Of course, we have that. Insect bites are small wounds with chemicals that don’t belong in them. I have this cream that you can apply to any and all insect bites and small scratches that makes sure nothing gets infected and everything heals fast!’
‘Fascinating!’ My mom believed every word. There weren’t even ingredients listed on those bottles. No brand names, no companies, nothing with a reputation to lose.
‘The problem with the cream is that it can exacerbate heart problems! Does he have anything like that, even remotely related?’ the old lady pointed at me.
‘Oh no, he’s healthy as far as I know. How would it exacerbate them?’
‘It can raise the blood pressure and constrict certain kinds of blood vessels. But that happens rarely and if he’s otherwise healthy you don’t have to worry even if you get side effects,’ she said, smiled reassuringly and my mom bought the oil and cream without the slightest hint of doubt.
Back at the camp site my mom became impatient.
‘Lose your clothes, we have to apply the cream so I can lie down at the lake and sunbathe!’ I stripped down to my boxer shorts and she gave me a handful of cream to apply to my front while she did my back. I saw our neighbors approach again along a barely visible trail.
As taught by my mom I applied this horrible, chemical medicine sparingly and only on the insect bites. My mom on the other hand worked quickly and smeared my entire back. Within seconds she kneeled down, ripped my last piece of clothing of my body, and started applying the cream to the back of my legs.
‘Mom!’ I shouted and tried to pick my underwear back up. Wordlessly she pushed me forward, grabbed my boxers and threw them onto the pile of clothes inside my open tent.
‘Hurry up now, I want to get to the lake!’ She said. I was stunned. The neighbors came nearer and obviously saw that I was naked. The daughter said something to her mom and grinned widely.
‘Keep working, you have so many mosquito bites this is going to take forever!’ my mom said and moved to my front. I couldn’t move or make a sound.
She was kneeling right in front of my dick. Smearing this cream into my shins, knees and then my thighs. I could feel her breath on my skin.
‘That looks bad! Did the mosquitos get you?’ the neighbor started. It took me a moment to squeeze out an answer.
‘Uh, yeah, I mean it’s dozens of mosquito bites…’ I looked at her daughter, who was staring right at my soft dick. This stranger now knew that I shaved, and what color, shape and size my dick had. I bet she wasn’t impressed though, it was soft, and I was nervous and a bit cold.
Just in that moment my mom moved up from my thighs and started applying the cream to my dick and balls. A shiver went through my body.
‘The medicine they sell here works wonders! They can’t sell it at many other campgrounds because of the way it works though. Because everything is oil-based it takes forever to soak into the skin and you can’t wear clothes for a while.’
‘He can put his clothes back on over the cream though, right? It’s not an oil,’ my mom turned towards her while absent-mindedly massaging more cream into my dick.
‘No, it would ruin his clothes. Let it soak in for at least 12 hours. People here have had bad experiences.’ I felt the blood rushing to my dick.
‘Ah well, the place is clothing optional after all, right?’ Her hand didn’t want to stop moving, and the neighbor’s eyes and her daughters were now staring right at my rock-hard dick.
‘Yeah, we see naked people around here all the time,’ she said, now with a sly smile. Her daughter looked like she was going to explode from excitement.
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Re: Clothing Optional Camping

Post by NudeBaG »

Fantastic start!
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Re: Clothing Optional Camping

Post by Themarble »

Nice new story DCTreshPender. I can't wait to see what you have planned here. That blood rush phenomenon? I'm guessing that will keep Jonathan nice and hard (;. Here's hoping the boy is quite well endowed. With a mother like that who is oblivious to her sons embarrassment. I can imagine he is thrust into many embarrassing situations.
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Re: Clothing Optional Camping

Post by DCTreshPender »

Part 2

‘Well, I’m heading to the lake, finally! You know where the snacks are, and we’re going to cook for dinner around eight,‘ my mom said, after only doing my legs and genitals.
‘Oh, let me show you around then. I know all the secret spots. The glaciers carried some large boulders into this area, and you can climb onto some of them pretty easily. It’s secluded and gives you a great view of the valley!’ the neighbor lady said. With that the two women left, and now it was only me and the cute neighbor daughter.
‘Your mother missed a few spots,’ she said and grabbed the bottle of cream. Her whole attitude had changed in a moment. The shyness was gone and she boldly stood in front of me applying some pseudo-medicinal cream to my bare chest.
‘So, uh, do you come here often?’ I managed to stutter.
‘My mom worked here when she was younger, now we come here like every two years or so. It’s clothing optional but there aren’t actually that many nudists around. The ones I got to see so far weren’t my type at all either,’ she said. Her gaze switched between confident eye contact and straight up staring at my erection. Her hands now moved down, massaging my abs, that I totally didn’t flex only to impress her.
‘I’m actually not a nudist. My mom isn’t either. I think we’re here because she has a midlife crisis or something. I’m happy I found someone my age… huh!’ I stopped mid sentence as her hands moved from my lower abdomen to my dick and balls.
‘Why did you stop talking?’ she smirked at me knowingly, while softly running her hands up and down my dick. Her other hand seemed to be exploring my balls, feeling their shape and weight.
‘I mean, uhm, I was worried that this trip would be boring…’ I couldn’t concentrate at all.
‘Six inches?’ She made eye contact.
‘What?’ I was mesmerized by her brown eyes.
‘Your penis, it’s about six inches, I guess.’ She kept the eye contact but her grip became tight.
‘That’s above average.’
‘I guess.’
‘Do you want me to show you around?’ she asked, smiled and let go. I felt my dick twitch in disappointment. I wanted to put on clothes first, but my mom would kill me. I definitely didn’t want to wander around the campsite naked and rock-hard. But there was no way I would miss this opportunity. This girl looked more beautiful with every second that I looked at her.
She wore a tight, thin low-cut tank-top, knee-length brown pants, a pink baseball cap, and she had shoulder-length hair with bangs and a ponytail.
‘Does your mom allow you to drink?’
‘What? No! Alcohol is industrial poison, if she believed in the devil, she would think it was made by him.’
‘Yeah, my mom doesn’t like it either. But the campers here do. And the owners of the place don’t want to spend money on security,’ she said and looked at me like I understood. I stared back unknowingly.
‘We’re going to go behind the entrance area, into the storage area, and get us some beers!’ She smiled, and lightly slapped my ass as she walked away. I ran a few steps to catch up with her, which made my hard dick bob wildly.
‘Is that thing going to calm down?’
‘Uh, it should have gone down already, I don’t know what’s happening.’
‘Is it me? Do you think I’m hot?’ she asked and grabbed my dick for a second. I didn’t know what to answer.
‘It’s like hot steel. It kind of looks angry too, so veiny.’
‘I hope you don’t mind…’ I was so nervous. I was really hoping to not mess up with her.
‘Oh no! They look so much better when they’re hard. I could look at your cock all day. It’s like a red bull can. Maybe longer, and a bit thinner. I bet the volume is the same though.’ Again, she wrapped her hand around it while walking next to me. It looked like she was mentally comparing it with holding a can.
‘I never measured it, and I definitely never calculated its volume, sorry.’ I smiled. She giggled.
‘I’ll measure it for you. They have all kinds of cans here.’ She gave it another squeeze and let go. At this point we were entering one of the main walkways on the campground. Of course, we ran into more people including two middle-aged women that started whistling at us.
‘See, nobody has a problem with your cock!’ she said, and casually slapped my dick, which resulted in their cheers. Further down we ran into a family, mom and dad who acted like there was nothing to see, two young daughters who were cracking up at seeing me, whispering at each other, and a son who seemed more embarrassed at my state than I was.
My neighbor kept it cool, I think she didn’t want to make a scene in front of adults.
When we passed that family, I overheard the mother say something to her son.
‘If you don’t behave, you’re going to end up like that boy, you hear me?’
Afterwards my neighbor looked behind us, and she made eye contact with the girls, still brazenly staring at me. Since there were no other eyes on us she seized the moment by grabbing my ass and giving it a good squeeze. The girls exploded into laughter, and she removed her hand before the parents could learn what had transpired.
Soon after we arrived at the storage facility. It was just a tall roof, with a mesh fence to keep animals and people out, and then pallets and pallets of food and drink. We went to a park bench behind some blackberry bushes, well out of sight of anyone.
As I sat down I noticed that this bench was never meant to be here. Someone had unscrewed it, and then moved it into the woods over here.
‘I like your endurance,’ she said and lightly slapped my dick. I was stunned.
‘Wait here, I’ll get us some drinks!’ And so, I watched her walk away. She had a small round butt that stuck out in her pants. With the bushes I only had to stand up to keep staring at her, and sitting down I was hidden.
She bent away an apparently previously cut part of the fence and crawled inside. After her butt disappeared in the maze of pallets I sat down and contemplated my situation.
I was horny. Now that all of my nervousness had a chance to go away, I was really horny. There was no way I could masturbate before she came back, right? Why was my dick even still hard? I could measure my pulse just by looking at it.
I ended up sitting on the loose bench, thinking, my hand absent-mindedly playing with my hard dick. Then she came back. She was using her tank top to carry five cans, which exposed her tight stomach and made me think about her boobs. If she lifted it a bit higher…
‘I got us some beer!’ she celebrated and looked right at my dick again. I wasn’t thinking. My hand was still there caressing and stroking.
‘You’re still hard, huh?’ I recoiled.
‘Oh shit, sorry. I didn’t mean to… uhm.’
‘Don’t worry. If I had a dick like that I would play with it too. But look what I got!’ She placed four cans of 500ml beer and one can of 355ml red bull on the bench, right of me.
Then she got the can of red bull, sat down to the left of me and grabbed my dick.
‘Since we were talking about this earlier,’ she said and pressed the slightly cold can against my dick.
‘Huh, your dick bulges out a bit here,’ she used three fingers to massage the spot underneath the head.
‘Otherwise, it’s a bit thinner than the can. It’s also just a small bit longer,’ she wrapped her hand around it and stroked the whole length up and down twice.
‘Sorry, couldn’t resist.’
‘Uh, no worries. I mean… if you want to… you can play with it.’
‘Really?!’ she said surprised and stared at me.
‘Yes…’ Was this really happening? On my first day at this camp?
‘Maybe after the beer. I’ll think about it, but thanks for the offer!’ she said, and quickly gave me a kiss on the cheek.
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Re: Clothing Optional Camping

Post by Themarble »

Perfect follow up chapter. Seems that cream is having an impact for sure. I can't wait to see what else happens. My hoping is that this poor boy doesn't get the chance to relieve himself or be relieved before it's time for another cream application. That would be an explosive time!!!
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Re: Clothing Optional Camping

Post by NudeBaG »

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Re: Clothing Optional Camping

Post by telebrace »

Themarble wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 4:24 pmMy hoping is that this poor boy doesn't get the chance to relieve himself
Gonna have to agree with your there: things are ever so much more interesting and frustrating when there is no direct sex happening. The kinds of stories with sexual tension are my favorites: everybody knows, but nobody says anything.
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Re: Clothing Optional Camping

Post by DCTreshPender »

Part 3

‘What cream was that earlier?’ she asked and cracked open a beer.
‘Something against mosquitoe bites. It works surprisingly well, I’m not itchy at all.’
‘How often does it have to be applied?’ she looked at me slyly, and put one hand on my lower abdomen. If my dick got soft it would land right on it.
‘I have no idea…’ I cracked open my own beer. I saw her eyes dart away from my erection and towards the trail we came from. Someone was coming.
‘You see that girl over there? That’s my only friend here. Until you got here at least,’ she said.
‘I should cover up then. I don’t want to weird her out.’
‘No way! We never get to see good-looking dicks around here. The naked people here are always the ugliest on the campground! You have to show off!’ her hand was moving around my stomach, getting close to the root of my dick but without touching it.
The girl got closer and started running. My neighbor jumped off the bench and they hugged, I had no idea what to do. So I sat there frozen in place, one hand on the bench, the other one on my beer. My erection in plain view to yet another stranger.
She had straight hair, about ass-length and dyed purple. She wore black jeans, a black, tight, thin tank top and she was maybe a head shorter than my neighbor. They looked the same age.
‘I’m Avery!’ she said, grinning widely, and reached out for a handshake. I shook her hand.
‘I’m Jonathan,’ I managed to squeeze out.
‘He has to stay naked for his medicine to work, and he wanted to know if you would mind that,’ Emily said and grabbed the base of my dick, shaking it around.
‘There’s no way I would mind that!’ Avery sat down on the other side of me. I had to scoot over and ended up thigh to thigh with these two.
‘Why is he hard? Were you jerking him off? Am I interrupting something?’ Avery grinned.
‘Oh my god! Nooo… if you had come an hour later though…’ Emily laughed and moved her hand back to my lower stomach.
‘It looks hard.’ Avery’s voice got softer.
‘It is hard but the skin is super soft, pretty unique,’ Emily responded and gave it a quick squeeze. I was enjoying this way too much to say anything about their casual groping.
‘Can I?’ Avery asked and held her hand really close. I just nodded.
Her grip was much lighter as she pulsed her hand up and down my dick. Then she ran just the finger tips from the root to the tip.
‘Damn…’ Avery whispered.
‘It’s a great cock, isn’t it? And he lets us play with it as much as we want!’ Emily slapped it lightly.
I wanted either one of them to wrap their hand around and really jerk it but I was too afraid to ask. I had already invited Emily to play with it, and then she even seemed excited, but every contact only lasted seconds. There was no way I could tell them to masturbate me.
For the entire afternoon we sat there. I had one beer, they shared three. Their hands were all over my thighs and stomach. The occasional grab and squeeze, or light caress of my dick happened. And while I stayed hard I never even got close to coming.
When the sun started setting we started going back. I was way more relaxed now.
As we entered the main trail we saw that mother and son from earlier. She talked to him angrily, and he was deep-red in the face. He was naked now and his soft small dick was swinging around.
Her expression quickly changed to amused when she saw me with a rock-hard erection and two cute girls at my side.
‘I told you what would happen, now you’re naked like him, next time you’re going to listen to me,’ she said to her son as we passed.
‘Your dick is easily the best one around here!’ Avery said.
‘Oh yeah, it’s big, has a nice shape and it’s super hard,’ Emily responded and went for another quick feel. Avery copied her.
‘I have to warn you before we get back to camp. The lake has a snack bar. That snack bar has since become a cocktail bar, as that’s the best way to make money here. My mom gets drunk everytime and with what I know from your mom she’s going to be super drunk too,’ Emily said.
‘I think it’ll be fine. I can even put my clothes back on, the cream is all gone by now,’ I said. Who was she even to predict my mom’s behavior?
We arrived at my tent and the two moms were already lying there on a pile of air mattresses, drinks in hand, food on a camping grill.
They stared at my erection like they were surprised, everyone said hello and we sat down too. The neighbor mom continued staring straight at my dick with a sly smile.
‘Time to apply the oil, Jonathan,’ my mom said.
‘Oil? Not cream?’
‘Yes, the cream was to heal the insect bites but for the night you want to be protected from them not healed. The oil makes sure that you don’t get bitten again,’ my mom said and threw me a glass bottle of some oil.
‘And apply it thoroughly. The cream is almost empty so we can’t heal that many extra bites!’
‘Six eyes are better than two! We’ll help with the oil,’ Emily said. I saw Avery’s eyes light up, as they coated their hands in oil. The moms nodded and stared approvingly.
After the first touch, I realized just how much the oil made me stand out in the evening sun and the bright campfire light. I felt their soft hands run all over my upper body. Every stroke ended up near my dick. I felt my arousal build up. The mom’s greedy eyes on my oiled-up body and the teasing hands made my dick twitch. This was going to be it. I didn’t even care if my stepmom was watching.
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Re: Clothing Optional Camping

Post by Themarble »

Two good options. Have him cum and embarrass himself or have him barely make it knowing that tomorrow it might happen. How tasty. Loving this chapter.
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Re: Clothing Optional Camping

Post by telebrace »

Themarble wrote: Sat Mar 25, 2023 7:26 pm Two good options. Have him cum and embarrass himself or have him barely make it knowing that tomorrow it might happen.
If it happens now it will be difficult to top the embarrassment tomorrow, I think.
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