Dare Me (new 7/29)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: Dare Me (new 3/13)

Post by neverdoubted »

student wrote: Fri Mar 17, 2023 2:51 am This has been an interesting story. Where is the story going from here? It appears that the characters earn whatever they get.
What do you mean by that?
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Dare Me (new 3/13)

Post by Themarble »

I've had the same thought as well, sent you a private message. They mean that the diamonds, the ones that Lucy makes, will be used to at some point for money? That's what they mean by earn whatever they get.
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Dare Me - Chapter 13 - Hardship Study Buddy (Part 6)

Post by neverdoubted »

Dare Me - Chapter 13 - Hardship Study Buddy (Part 6)

Rather than a football field, the video began in a gymnasium with a bunch of girls standing on mats and casually talking to each other. And instead of their uniforms, they were dressed in leotards. Having previously only seen a small part of the video, the change in venue and attire immediately captured my attention.

From off screen, a girl, whose voice I recognized from last night, introduced herself as Nikki. With the projecting, sing-song cadence of someone who had spent a lot of time calling out encouragements and spelling out uplifting words, Nikki welcomed us, the viewer, to the program. She invited us to follow the squad for a day to experience and learn what it takes to become a real cheerleader.

The overall production quality wasn't that great. For one, the camera appeared to be fixed in place on a tripod and zoomed out to keep everyone in frame. The girls were fit and looked fetching in form-fitting leotards, but from such a wide shot, on our medium tv, I initially couldn't make out a lot of details.

Still, I was intrigued to learn the video, being instructional in nature, intended to cover more than just the series of repetitive cheers and chants I had seen being performed last night. That was a relief. As much as I liked watching girls wiggle and bounce in cute cheer uniforms, last night's preview had gotten a little repetitive.

Nikki said there was one last piece of business before starting practice. She asked all the girls to line up, youngest to oldest, and introduce themselves. With a jarring cut, the camera switched to a second location, a closer shot of a well-lit, but bland, beige wall.

My eyes perked up when a small girl, younger than Lucy, stepped in from off screen. She was built like a gymnast with a slight physique, and obviously nervous despite the biggest smile she could summon. She came to the middle of the wall and adopted a pose which they must have practiced beforehand. She stood with her arms folded behind her back and her feet apart for stability. The position afforded me an unencumbered view of her entire front side.

Forgetting what to do next, she glanced off to her right. Nikki, from off screen, reminded her about what they had practiced. She was supposed to state her first name, her favorite color, and the thing she liked most about cheerleading. With halting words, she began talking, but I stopped listening as something much more interesting registered in my brain. It turns out, you see, that the white leotard stretched tightly over her compact body was proving to be much too thin for the bright production lighting.

The leotard hugged the girl's torso and clung tightly to her; particularly her pubic mound where her thin pussy lips stretched the fabric further into a camel toe. The thin line of her slit ran down the middle of her mound and disappeared between her legs. She had no breasts to speak of, only flat dots of a vaguely different color. Her nipples were little more than tiny bumps in the middle of each circle. I could even see her little belly button peeking through the fabric.

I blinked in surprise and disbelief; thinking I might be hallucinating. I must admit, as a horny teenage boy (and a virgin, to boot), I had constant girls on the brain. One of my favorite pastimes, when I wasn't helping my sister through a dare, was trying to imagine what a good-looking girl or woman looked like under her clothes. Having spent so much time around a naked young lady in my sister, I had grown adept at imagining what another female's hidden bits might look like. But my imagination typically had to work harder than this!

It just didn't make sense. Why would someone put a girl in front of a camera dressed in such a way that everyone could identify the exact location and shape of every intimate part of her body? I mean, it was clearly a low budget production run by someone of marginal competence. But did no one think to hire a wardrobe consultant? Didn’t anyone in charge have experience or basic knowledge of studio lights?

Her line delivered, the girl turned and walked off screen. After looking down at my own clothes to make sure I hadn’t spontaneously acquired the superpower of x-ray vision, I rubbed my eyes and tried to come up with some other justification. Maybe the leotards had been meant to be worn with something else? But being the youngest girl in the group, they didn't think it necessary for her to be given the complete kit? Or maybe, being so small and undeveloped, she didn’t fit the normal leotards and they had to improvise, just for her. Surely, the girls wouldn't all be dressed that way, right? At least not the older, more mature ones...right?

I didn't have to wait very long to disprove my theory. When the second girl stepped into frame wearing the exact same style of incredibly thin leotard, I grinned. She couldn't have been much older than the first girl, but she was clearly a little further along in her physical development. Her straight, brown hair was long enough to reach the middle of her back, even pulled up as it was into a ponytail.

Unlike the first girl, who, as a gymnast, was at least at home wearing leotards, this one was more self-conscious. Her posture communicated discomfort and a worry that the assigned outfit was too skimpy for comfort. On that point, I couldn't disagree.

She stood sideways with her arms hugging her chest to protect her modesty while her big brown eyes stared at the scary camera. Like a fawn trying not to be spotted by a predator, she remained perfectly still; not even daring to breathe. But self-appointed director Nikki snapped her out of her frozen daze by hissing "parade rest!" from somewhere off-screen. She blinked her eyes with a start. Then, fighting to control her obvious sense of embarrassment at having her growing body revealed to the audience, she turned to the camera and reluctantly moved her hands behind her back like she had been instructed.

A blush formed on her cheeks when she realized she could no longer prevent her prominent little breasts and stiff nipples from making an appearance. Her twin cones had just started to sprout on her chest, forming adorable matching peaks under her white leotard.

She was skinny, but tall for her age; her frame just starting to form curves. And the expression on her face, I recognized, as one Lucy had made many times under similar duress. Under the bright lights, she sensed she was being exposed, but also powerless and unsure what could be done about it. It wasn't just her breasts she had to be worried about. On her protruding mound, two tight lower lips hung prominently between her slightly spread legs; the white fabric offering only partial concealment.

Left no choice but to power through it, she rushed to deliver her line. Then she snapped her hands back over her chest and, to my annoyance, quickly exited the spotlight. Damn it! How was I supposed to process and appreciate her assets if another girl was already taking her place? It was enough to make me wish I had charge of the remote control. I would have been in heaven if I could just pause and rewind each introduction at my leisure. But, alas, I was just a bystander. Like a child at a parade, I stared agape as each of the fifteen gorgeous girls (I counted, carefully) in gradually increasing age, dressed in next to nothing, introduced herself.

Despite having just taken care of it a few minutes earlier, I felt my erection return in full force. To keep Lucy from noticing, I had to lay my study book down and cover my lap. If she wasn't there, I would have been doing more than just passively enjoying the parade, if you know what I mean.

While they were all attractive, I could tell right away the girls had been selected for their physical ability and cheering skills, not their acting chops. Their line delivery was often painfully wooden, and many would struggle to speak more than one sentence in front of the camera on command. They didn't have a lot going on upstairs - if you get my drift. But their cute, athletic bodies more than made up for it.

Even though she wasn't the oldest girl on the squad, as the closest thing to a main character, Nikki had the honor of speaking last. My heart skipped a beat as the quintessential example of a home-grown, all American teenage cheerleader appeared on screen and bounced to the middle of the frame. And when I say "bounced", I'm referring to a particularly alluring piece of her anatomy.

I had trouble following her opening remarks. My heart was still fluttering and struggling to beat normally as I was busy staring at her breasts which were taking their sweet time coming to a stop. There was something about them that gave me trouble estimating their size.

Her boobs stood high and proud on her chest, defying gravity. Her nipples pointed slightly upward. They were also larger than Lucy's which threw my perception off. I couldn't even figure out what color of pink they were due to the annoying white fabric blocking my view. But my fingers itched imaging what it would be like to give them a nice massage.

Her charisma and genuine excitement for cheering was contagious. I could see why they had picked her to be the main speaker. Her body, apparently eager to get started, never stopped moving despite allegedly being placed in a temporary position of parade "rest". Her expressive, baby blue eyes somehow gave off the impression of smiling and her head bobbed side to side as she emphasized certain words. It made her curly blonde hair swish back and forth like a real pony's tail might do.

She spoke effortlessly and with the confidence of someone who had perhaps received some formal acting training. Occasionally, she would mix in one of those vapid giggles that all cheerleaders seemed to know. I was so distracted that first watch through, that the only info I caught was her name, which I already knew, and the fact that she had just turned sixteen. Sweet Nikki, sweet sixteen!

The other girls had all stood flat-footed for their introductions, but Nikki's bare feet were too excited to sit passively by and let the rest of her have all the fun. She lifted her right heel off the ground and stood with that knee bent and most of her weight on her left side. Every few seconds, she would shift her weight to the other foot. It's like her legs and hips were also afflicted by excess pent-up energy and youthful exuberance and couldn't wait to get moving.

I stared in rapt attention as her perfectly rounded, sixteen-year-old hips tipped alternatively in a hypnotizing pattern. Had she been dressed in a cheer uniform; it would have come across as perky and cute. But in a scandalously thin, form-fitting leotard, it became something else entirely. Her protruding pussy mound followed along with her hips, teasing me through the threadbare white fabric. The small, tantalizing gap between her two plump pussy lips would only show when she shifted her weight. It winked in and out of existence, revealing nothing more than maddeningly short glimpses of her most intimate interior.

However, the small strip of hair she had carefully groomed into an adorable little strip just above her cleft was on permanent display and drove me wild with desire. It was so different from Lucy's total bald look or my own unruly growth. I wanted nothing more than to give it a little pet just to see if she was as soft down there as she looked.

The more I watched her, the more I fell for sweet Nikki. Sure, she was probably out of my league. Being more than a year older than me didn't help. Had she been a fellow student at my school, she probably wouldn't have given me the time of day. The cheerleaders at my school never did notice me back then. But the way Nikki smiled at me through the camera made my heart melt and my loins ache.

She was undoubtedly destined to become a big movie star! Ok, maybe that was going a bit too far. But she sure starred in countless of my dreams and fantasies for a good long while! As far as I was concerned, this silly instructional video was now the Nikki show, and I was totally invested. I couldn’t wait to see what she and her squad of beautiful teenage cheerleaders did next!
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Dare Me (new 3/18)

Post by Themarble »

Really nice addition Never Doubted. Perhaps this is where the concede will happen. Lucy doesn't have to be naked all the time... She can wear a leotard which is basically see through!
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Re: Dare Me (new 3/18)

Post by anthelester121 »

Themarble wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 6:16 pm Really nice addition Never Doubted. Perhaps this is where the concede will happen. Lucy doesn't have to be naked all the time... She can wear a leotard which is basically see through!
Is he though? Throughout the entire series, Mikey has been extremely determined to follow through with the dares. I think even if he does let go, that suit surely isn't going unmodified (well, wishful thinking, yes, but I really like when Mikey "adjusts" Lucy's outfits :mrgreen: :mrgreen: ).
Thanks again to neverdoubted for the epic. May it be neverending (I do still want the rest of the Thornwood saga though. As one of the first ENF stories I read, it will always have a special place in my heart. The fact that the saga seemed incomplete and abandoned has been one of my biggest pet peeves ever since :D ).
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Re: Dare Me (new 3/18)

Post by salen »

anthelester121 wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 7:24 pm (I do still want the rest of the Thornwood saga though. As one of the first ENF stories I read, it will always have a special place in my heart. The fact that the saga seemed incomplete and abandoned has been one of my biggest pet peeves ever since :D ).
It always sort of felt like that one died out from too much pressure from fans looking for updates, I find it ironic that now begging requests are required to get the updates to this one.
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Re: Dare Me (new 3/18)

Post by Themarble »

They said that after this story is completed they will get to it so rest assured.

I am absolutely loving this story at the moment. I'm excited to see how far things go. Will we see more time skips so we can see a more mature Lucy too? Round about 15-16?
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Re: Dare Me (new 3/18)

Post by jojo12026 »

I am looking forward to naked flower deliveries....
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Re: Dare Me (new 3/18)

Post by neverdoubted »

jojo12026 wrote: Sun Mar 19, 2023 12:18 am I am looking forward to naked flower deliveries....
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Dare Me (new 3/18)

Post by perseus »

Finally caught up on all my reading.

I'm loving this chapter! I love how Lucy is doomed to nudity for at least two more days and fingers crossed that it's longer. I love that both Mikey and Lucy are distracted from the goal, this can only mean more nudity time for Lucy. I too hope to see Lucy having to resume her normal duties while in the buff, but I shall be patient.

Really excited for the next chapter!
Feedback or suggestions are always welcome

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