In a Haze, by Little Robbie

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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In a Haze, by Little Robbie

Post by litrob2000 »

By LittleRobbie


If ever the phrase, “Cute AF” applied to anyone, it applied to Lily. Now 16 and a junior in high school, Lily was beginning to come out of her shell. She had quietly kept to herself through elementary and junior high, and she had worked hard to keep a very high GPA. She had developed good study habits but had not yet worked hard on her social skills. She had a few close friends but was not in the A group at school, a fact that she did not regret, since most of the A groupers seemed to be overly affected by their social status.

Lily was not as outgoing as most of her friends. She lacked confidence even though she was certainly pretty, at 5’-5” with bright eyes and auburn hair, always in a ponytail at school. Her figure was certainly above average but not overly sexy: B-cup breasts that stood up nicely and a delicately rounded butt. But she did not move with assurance around others and had only quiet conversations with her small group of friends. She had been on a few dates but found that most of the boys her age were a bit childish and shallow for her.

Like a lot of 16-year-olds, she was beginning to turn her thoughts to college and the admissions criteria for the schools she was really interested in. All of these universities emphasized the value of extracurricular activities. Lily’s only extracurricular activity has been playing flute in the school orchestra. She needed more activities outside the classroom to beef up her admissions applications. Her friends kidded her about becoming a cheerleader. After enduring their ribbing for a few days, she finally thought to herself, “They don’t think I’ll do it. Okay, I’ll show them! I will try out for cheerleader!”

As it happened, cheerleading tryouts began the following week. Lily watched a lot of cheering videos on YouTube and spent hours practicing some of the basic moves she saw. Like with her academic study habits, she was quite intent on leaving no doubt as to her gymnastic cheering skills. And she was determined to leave her introverted self behind and “sparkle” like a real cheerleader. On the day of the tryouts, she was one of the first in line and was soon called into the gym. She introduced herself to Margery, Heather, and Jess, three cheerleaders from the senior class who were holdovers from last year. She learned that these three were in charge of judging the tryouts, and that there were two other seniors who were also holdovers. That left five positions open for new girls.

Margery seemed to be running things and proceeded to teach Lily a short cheer routine for her audition. Lily presented the routine several times for the three judges; she had the moves down immediately but pressed herself to get bubblier and louder each time. This was all new territory for Lily, who rarely spoke above a normal conversation. They thanked her and told her that she would hear back from them very soon. She was excited – and surprised – to get a text message the next morning from Margery congratulating her for passing the audition and inviting her to appear in the girls locker room after classes at the end of the day. OMG, she thought, I’m actually going to do this!

Lily found herself approaching the girls locker room the following day. “Here goes,” she thought as she pushed the door open. She was first to arrive – of course – and was soon joined by seven other juniors who had apparently also passed the cheerleading audition and were invited to show up here. That made eight girls, but Lily had been told that there were only five open positions. Just as she was puzzling this out, Margery, Heather, and Jess walked in and told them to be seated. The benches were the only seats available, so they all took seats at the near ends of the benches. Margery addressed the new girls; she was very pretty and the very essence of self-assurance. Tall with long brunette hair – and very fit. Just what everyone expects a cheerleader – in this case the head cheerleader – to be.

“Congratulations on passing your audition, you all performed admirably. However, before we make the final decisions on who will win the final five positions, we need to test each of you beyond the act of cheering and gymnastics. Beginning on Monday, each of you will spend five days proving to us that you are truly cheerleader material and are capable of bonding with the rest of the squad. You will be performing tasks that we will require of you, and the five girls who are best able to negotiate these tasks will be finally asked to join the cheerleading squad.”

Lily gulped hard. This was more than she had bargained for, and it took her way out of her comfort zone. This did not sound like something she could “study up” for! Should she just forget the whole thing and go to orchestra rehearsal with her flute?

Margery continued, “Each morning next week, you eight girls will meet us here in the locker room and receive your instructions for that day. Some will be fun, and some will be a bit embarrassing, and by that I mean, fun for us and embarrassing for you.” Margery snickered loudly, and Heather and Jess followed suit. “Have a great weekend, everyone. See you right here on Monday morning.”

Margery, Heather, and Jess giggled their way from the room, leaving the eight junior girls gaping in astonishment. Could they really endure five days of hazing in competition with each other? Lily did not know any of these girls by name, but the time did not seem right for introductions as they each began to walk trance-like out of the locker room. Lily walked home in a daze and spent the weekend debating whether to actually go through with this. In the end, she decided that she really needed to show this kind of extracurricular activity on her college application, and she didn’t have any other options open. So she made a decision: she would not just endure the hazing, she would win it!


Monday morning was Day 1 of the cheerleader hazing, and Lily found herself once again in the girls locker room with the seven other junior girl candidates. She was a bit surprised to see that all seven of them had decided to stick it out, but it made her all the more determined to be the best of the group. She could not imagine going through a week of hazing only to be eliminated by the end. She definitely surprised herself with this newfound competitive streak.

Into the room bounced Margery, Heather, and Jess. Margery announced, “Good morning, gals, and welcome to Day 1. Each of you will be receiving a text message from me, Heather, or Jess at some point during the day. You are to follow the instructions in it, including subsequent instructions from any of us. And this is very important: you will follow all instructions without delay, questions, or push-back. Failure to immediately comply with the tasks you are assigned will result in penalties – and I mean nasty penalties! Do not share your tasks with any of your fellow competitors. In fact, do not converse with your fellow competitors at all, since the tasks are meant to be a secret until acted upon. If we learn that any of you have conversed with each other this week, you will be immediately eliminated from this competition. Got it? Enjoy the day!”

Lily gulped – again. These girls were serious about this hazing stuff. But how bad could it be? Carry their books for them? “Kick Me” signs on their backs? Maybe gum in their hair? Anyway, Lily was off to Homeroom. It didn’t take long for her to get her text message. It was from Heather: “IMMEDIATELY AFTER 1ST PERIOD, MEET ME BY LOCKER 388 – 3RD FLOOR, SOUTH WING. DON’T BE LATE!”

“Oh, man,” Lily thought, “that is about as far away as possible from both my first period and second period classes. I’m going to have to hustle there and hustle back in the 15 minutes between classes.”

On the signal ending first period, Lily was out the door and into the hall in a flash. She practically ran up the two flights of stairs and down three hallways to get to locker 388. Heather was already there, along with two other girls and three boys, none of whom she recognized. Heather was an All-American Girl through and through. Super pretty, blonde hair cut to her shoulders, blue eyes, slim figure, always a smile on her face. Which is why Lily was surprised to hear, “Here you are! It’s about time! My friends and I have been waiting for you!”

Lily was sweating and nearly out of breath, but she smiled apologetically. “Sorry, it was a long walk from – ”

“HUSH!” from Heather, “No excuses! Get over here where we can all see you.”

Lily walked forward until she was standing with her back to the lockers. Heather and her five friends formed a small semicircle around her. Heather continued, “We were just discussing what color underwear you might be wearing. So, James and Nico, now that you’ve seen her, what color do you want to bet on?”

Lily squirmed a little. Not what she was expecting at all.

James (guy in a red polo) said, “Hm. She looks a little shy. I’ll go with pink.”

Nico (guy in green Hawaiian shirt) offered, “I’m going with the old standby. White.”

Heather looked at Lily as if she was expecting Lily’s answer, to which Lily hesitated, “Um, well, I – ”

“I said hush” said Heather, “I’ll let you know if we want to hear from you. Speak up again before you’re asked, and it’s a penalty for you! So, James, your money is on pink, and Nico is white, right?” They both nod.

Heather turned to Lily, “Okay, well, let’s find out. Drop your jeans.”

Lily was incredulous. Did she hear correctly? “Um. . .what?”

Heather was impatient. “You heard me. Drop your jeans so we can check out your undies.”

Lily’s mouth was open. “You mean, right here in the hallway? People will see. . .”

“We’re shielding you, can’t you see? Although if you delay this any further, we’ll open ranks and pull your jeans down for everyone to see! Got it?!”

“Um, I don’t know, this isn’t what – ”

Heather interrupted her again, “No backtalk, no push-back, no delays. You have now earned one penalty. Are we going to see those undies or not?!”

Lily’s mind was reeling. No boy had ever seen her underwear before. Could she do this? Heather shocked her into submission. “Now!” Lily felt her hands moving to her waist. The next thing she knew, she was unbuckling her belt and unbuttoning her jeans. Eyes wide, she slowly pushed her jeans down a few inches – enough to reveal the top of her panties. It was then that she realized that she was wearing her most embarrassing underwear possible – white with Pooh bears! Why had she made such a horrible choice that morning?!

“Hello!” Heather was impatient. “We want to see them panties! Jeans down to your knees, please! Right now!”

Lily miserably reached down and pushed her jeans all the way down to her knees, which was not easy, as she was still sweating from her walk and from the confrontation with Heather and friends – all of whom were now getting a view of her that no one outside her parents had ever seen.

Heather was not done by a long shot, and amazingly, she kept that All-American smile in place throughout. “We need to see all of them. Turn around and face the lockers.” She did. “Now bend forward and brace your hands on the lockers.” She did that, too, fully aware that her panties were clinging to her sweaty butt cheeks. She had never felt this humiliated before.

“We have a winner! Nico put his money on white panties, and sure enough we have white panties – well, mostly white anyway. So cute, by the way, with those little Pooh bears! Very sexy! Nico, your prize for guessing correctly is to give our Pooh bear girl here a nice hand spanking before she returns to class. Five swats on each cute little cheek.”

Lily felt her knees begin to buckle. Here she was, bending forward, displaying her panty-covered butt to six total strangers in the middle of a high school hallway, and she was about to get spanked. She braced herself and closed her eyes, hoping that not seeing it will make it not happen. But it did.

SMACK! Nico’s hand landed sexily on her left cheek and stung, even though her panties covered most of her cheek. “One!” cried the group of six, loud enough for other nearby students to wonder what was happening over by locker 388. Lily was praying that her group wouldn’t break rank and expose her half-bare fanny.

SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Nine more times, a total of five on each cheek. With each spank, Nico’s hand seemed to linger there just a little longer, giving her cheeks a sexy little feel. The spanks themselves were not overly painful, even though her butt was getting redder with each smack. But all Lily could think about was the humiliation of receiving a public spanking from a boy in the middle of her high school. But at least it was finally over. Or so she thought.

Heather had other ideas. “So, what do you think, guys, this little cutie still has a penalty to pay, and we have a few more minutes before second period. Should we see if we have a matching set of undies? Does the bra match the panties?” All six of them were enthusiastic about this little exploration.

“OK, Pooh bear, straighten up and turn around so you’re facing us again.” Lily fought the urge to run crying down the hall. Was there to be no end to her humiliation? She began to pull her jeans back up, but Heather wouldn’t hear of it.

“No, no, keep those jeans right where they are. Just unbutton that blouse so we can have a good look at your full underwear ensemble, okay? And right now, unless you want to earn another penalty. I’m sure the boys here would just love to have a good look at your cute little tits up close.” Murmurs of agreement from the group.

Lily felt her face redden as she undid the buttons of her blouse. She started to close her eyes again, but Heather would have none of that. “Keep those pretty eyes open, we don’t want you to miss a second of the boys’ admiring stares.” Finally, she pulled her blouse open for inspection, exposing her equally embarrassing Pooh bear brassiere. Heather was not impressed. “Let’s not be too shy, now. Open that blouse wide enough for all of the boys to get a good look.” Lily grudgingly complied without complaint – she definitely did not want to earn another penalty.

The boys got in a few rather loud whistles, even though she didn’t have a lot to show off with her cute but underwhelming B-cups. “Shoulders back, Pooh bear. No, no, shoulders really back!” Eyes open, Lily was forced to watch them watch her, and her shoulders pulled back pushed her breasts obscenely forward.

“Alright!” from the boys, “That’s more like it!”

She was ordered to remain fully open for a full minute – the longest minute of her life – before Heather declared an end to this underwear funfest. Fun for the six, not fun at all for Lily.

Heather declared, “Okay, that’s all the show for today. Better hurry to second period class.” The six-student group turned to leave, and Lily suddenly found herself being unmasked and partially unclothed in the hallway. She hurriedly pulled her jeans back up and held them in place with one hand, while holding her blouse closed with the other hand, and she began running down the hall to her second period class, which was two stairs and two hallways away. Hustling down the final hallway, she lost her grip on her jeans, suddenly exposing her panty-clad bottom. There were three freshman boys behind her, and they were apparently afforded a nice view, given their cries of delight, “Wow!” “Nice ass!” “I’m in love, I think!” Lily let out a small screech before stopping to pull her jeans back up.

She made it to chemistry class with only seconds to spare, but she was still buttoning and buckling up on her way to her lab table, much to the amusement of her new lab partner, the super-cute Ryan, whom she didn’t know well yet but had been trying to impress with her academic aptitude and discipline. All through class, Ryan was constantly sneaking peeks at his disheveled lab partner, and Lily spent the whole hour trying to become invisible.

At the conclusion of chemistry class, she couldn’t help but notice the curiosity on Ryan’s face relative to her unbuttoned appearance, but she shuffled from the room to avoid any further embarrassment from him. Midway through her walk to her third period class, she noticed a small gathering of students by some lockers on the second floor. The students formed a semicircle into the hall, and Lily could just make out sobbing within and the students joyously counting, “. . .Five. Six. Seven. . .” Lily hurried away, not wishing to re-visit that scene ever again.


After the embarrassment of her Day 1 adventure, Lily was apprehensive about approaching Margery and her cheerleader colleagues at the beginning of Day 2. She could still feel the memory Nico’s hand on her butt cheeks, and she was both humiliated and, surprisingly, a little aroused at the same time. “Aroused! What’s that about?” she thought.

She noted that all eight of the junior candidates showed up on Day 2 in the hunt for the five positions. She wondered, how had she had been evaluated on Day 1? Did some of these girls actually do better than her? That competitive streak arose again, and she was emboldened to try the next challenge.

“Girls,” Margery began, “I hope yesterday was everything you hoped it would be. Just a brief little taste of what you’re in for the rest of this week.”

“OMG,” thought Lily.

“Once again, you will each be contacted soon by text message and given instructions. Oh, and just a reminder: no hesitating, no backtalk.” They each headed for homeroom, curious – and anxious – about what the day would hold.

For Lily, the first hint arrived on her phone during first period. It was a text message from Jess, “MEET ME IN THE WOMEN’S RESTROOM NEXT TO THE LIBRARY IMMEDIATELY AFTER 1ST PERIOD.” Followed by a rather evil-looking smiley.

Lily arrived quickly, for this restroom was just around the corner. Jess arrived a minute later, grabbed Lily’s arm, and pulled her into the largest toilet stall, the one for handicapped. Now seeing Jess up close, Lily observed that she was a bit shorter than the other cheerleaders, with short red hair and an athletic build. Her breasts were smallish, but her legs and buttocks looked tight and muscular.

Once in the large toilet stall, Jess wasted no time. “Lower you jeans and panties to your ankles!” Lily was shocked into forgetting the hazing rules. “What? Here?!” Jess silenced her with a stern look and said, “One penalty for you, Pooh bear. Now lower you jeans and panties to your ankles!”

Lily’s face reddened once again as she unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans and pushed them down to her ankles, followed by her plain pink panties (no more Pooh bears for her!). She shivered a little, feeling the cool air of the restroom on her naked buttocks and vulva. She was suddenly overly aware of the chatter of other girls in the restroom. She thought, “She can’t leave me like this, can she?!”

Jess continued, “OK, Pooh bear, now turn around and spread your legs as far apart as you can, then bend over and grab your ankles.” Lily felt numb, but she did as she was told. With her head down by her knees, she could hear Jess behind her, fishing for something in her purse. The next thing she felt was a cool, soft plastic object slowly tracing the folds of her vulva; it felt like it was well lubricated, the way it softly inserted itself between her vulva lips as it moved. She started. “Don’t move. I’m giving you a little gift for you to wear for the rest of the day.” With that, Lily felt Jess gently push the vibrator fully into her vulva, the larger half deep into her vagina and the smaller half up against her clitoris.

“This lovely pink object is a remote-control vibe capable of a wide variety of effects, from a comfortable buzz to a heavy pulsation. For the rest of the day, your tight little vagina and your very needy clitoris will be ours to play with. Just remember, things will go easier for you if you behave. Oh, and absolutely no restroom trips until we say so.” Jess smiled brightly, “Enjoy yourself, sexy.” With that, Jess turned and exited the toilet stall, leaving the door open. For the second day in a row, Lily found herself temporarily exposed, and she had to quickly pull up her panties and jeans in full view of the other girls in the restroom.

Second period for Lily was chemistry, so she once again found herself sitting next to her lab partner, the cute Ryan (newfound crush?). Ryan was already a bit curious from yesterday’s episode of Lily being unbuttoned in class, but he was intrigued by this seemingly-shy – but very cute – lab partner. What was the story, he wondered, was this her way of coming on to him in a shy-but-sexy way?

Ryan smiled at her and offered a brief, “Hi,” and Lily hesitantly offered her own “Hi,” staring straight ahead, already dreading the hour to come.

Class began, and about ten minutes later, Lily suddenly felt her vibe come to life, giving her vagina a slow pulsing sensation. “Ohhh,” escaped her lips, loud enough for Ryan and a few other nearby students to turn their heads in her direction. Lily had played with vibes once or twice before, and she definitely enjoyed the sensation – but privately, in the dark isolation of her bedroom. Feeling vibrations here, in public, in the middle of chemistry class, was something else entirely.

Ryan wondered, “Okay, now what?” She kept her eyes straight ahead, and wide open. Did she really enjoy this? Was she embarrassed? Could anyone besides her hear it? These were all thoughts swirling through her mind as she began to trade a slight sexual response to the pulsations for the initial shock of embarrassment. Then she began to wonder, “Exactly who is controlling this thing? Probably an app on Jess’ mobile phone, but where was she?”

Several minutes later, she received a text message from Jess: FEELING GOOD? FEELING SEXY? SLIDE YOUR STOOL A FEW INCHES TOWARD RYAN. THEN GIVE HIM A BIG SMILE. DO IT NOW.

Lily wasn’t sure whether she liked this or hated it, but she obeyed without hesitating. Scoot. Radiant smile. Ryan smiled back at her but was visibly confused about these new signals coming from his previously timid lab partner. Lily directed her eyes back to the front of the room.

Another text message from Jess: YOU’RE CRUSHING ON THIS GUY AREN’T YOU? LET ME GIVE YOU A HAND. HAHA. At that moment, the vibe escalated to heavier and faster vaginal pulses. “Uhmmm” escaped Lily’s lips, a bit louder than she intended. She squirmed on her stool. “Shit,” she thought, “Class is not even half over, and I’m already panting like a puppy. Wait a minute. Jess is not in this classroom. Is one of my fellow students watching me and reporting to her? Who is it?” Her eyes darted around the classroom, but she had no clue who was observing her.

The heavier pulsing continued in her vagina, and Lily was getting pretty aroused. She could not concentrate on the lesson being presented, and soon she would have to be running the experiment with Ryan at their bench. Her forehead and palms were getting sweaty. So were her breasts, and big time.

The lecture wound to the end, and the students were directed to start the experiment at their benches. Ryan turned and smiled. “Ready, Lily?” She didn’t remember Ryan addressing her by her name before. “Yeah, s-sure,” was her throaty reply. They started in on their experiment, but Lily had a very hard time concentrating, because her little “gift” turned on and off several times, and every time it came back on, it felt a little stronger and deeper. She could feel her vagina getting wet, and she started worrying that she could be showing a wet spot on her jeans.

As the lab session wore on, Lily’s vagina was getting a workout, and she desperately wanted to put her hand down there and rub it to orgasm – obviously something completely at odds with her normal classroom demeanor. Her heart was racing, and she felt like she was sweating everywhere at once. She started dropping instruments. Ryan could see that she was definitely distracted, and he was trying to be as helpful as he could. With five minutes remaining, she received one more text message from Jess: RYAN IS TRYING TO HELP YOU, POOH BEAR. GIVE HIM A HUG BEFORE CLASS IS OVER. A REAL HUG. Lily was now really wondering, just who in her chemistry class was giving Jess this information on her?!

Finally, the class was over, and just as everyone was packing up, she turned to Ryan – with her vibe still deeply massaging her vagina – and said, “Thanks for your help today. Ryan,” she added. Then she reached her arms up and gave him a big hug, which he returned awkwardly. At that point her vibe turned off, and Lily hurried out of the chemistry lab in search of the girls restroom. She really needed to masturbate.

But halfway to the restroom, Lily remembered Jess’ instructions, which included, “No restroom trips until we say so.” Lily texted Jess: RESTROOM PLEASE? The reply came back immediately: YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING. NO RESTROOM FOR YOU. GET YOUR ASS TO 3RD PERIOD. Lily heaved a big sigh. She had been so close to cumming, but it didn’t look like she was going to get any relief any time soon.

Her next class was uneventful. Lily was constantly aware of the vibe in her vagina and clitoris, but it remained silent for third period. She was relieved and hopeful that the vibe torture was over, but just before the end of the class, she received another text from Jess: YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO JOIN ME AND MY FRIENDS FOR LUNCH. NOT OPTIONAL.

At lunchtime, Lily usually sat with her group of similarly likable, enjoyable B-Group friends to gossip and watch Tik Toks together, but it looked like today she would have to endure the “friendship” of Jess and friends. She got her lunch and then surveyed the cafeteria for Jess; she found her near the center of the dining area, sitting with two other girls and two boys, all seniors by their appearance and – what? – confidence? “Here she is! Come sit with us, Pooh bear! I was just explaining to my friends how you came to be known as Pooh bear. That was fun, wasn’t it?!” Lily’s face flushed at the thought of her hallway haze being related to a group of older students.

“So, Pooh bear, how was your chemistry class today? Did you get to know your lab partner a bit better?” Then she felt her vibe come to life again, but this time she was getting vibrated in both her vagina and her clit. Lily inhaled sharply, “OH!”, and her eyes popped wide open. “Yes, he was very nice and h-helpful.” She blushed even deeper, if that was possible.

Jess felt the need to explain to her four friends – whom she had noticeably neglected to introduce to Lily – that Lily was a little shy and needed some prompting to talk to her new crush. “Just nice and helpful? He looked kinda hot to me. What do you all think?” With that, Jess passed around her mobile phone to show her four friends. Lily craned her neck a bit to see the images, but she couldn’t see it. One of the women said, “Oh, yeah, he’s hot. Did you give him your phone number?”

“I, uh, didn’t. . .” The words weren’t coming, with the vibe cranking up to the next level. The other woman chimed in, “Listen, you gotta get this guy on the phone and let him know that you wanna get in his pants. Don’t ya think?”

“Um, I’m not really. . . OH! OH!” Another notch up on the vibe.

Jess’ two guy friends chimed in next, “I think he would jump at the chance, you’re kinda cute, y’know.” “Oh, yeah, an okay body there, but a little lacking in the boob department. Those look like B-cups to me, whaddya think, Jess?” “Yeah, B-cups is my vote. What are they, Pooh bear?”

Lily’s clit and vagina were now being bombarded simultaneously with the vibe, and it wasn’t stopping. Lily’s mouth was agape, and her mind was swimming, “Do they all know that I’m being violated with this pink invader? Can they see the sweat starting on my forehead? OMG, this is gonna drive me over the edge!”

Jess repeated, “So, Pooh, c’mon, fill us in on the boobie-quest.”

“W-what? On the. . .”

“Whaddya got there, B-cups or what?

“Oh. Yeah, I guess. OH! OH!” Lily’s mind was a mess of confusion, and her clit and vagina were racing toward orgasm, but she was trying (unsuccessfully) to hide it from her lunch companions. “I mean I think they’ll. . .they’re still growing. Um. . .” This was getting horrendously sexy and humiliating at the same time.

Jess spoke up, “Hey, Pooh bear, what’s up with you? Everything okay? You’re totally flushed. You’re thinking about that cute Ryan from chemistry class, aren’t you? I bet you can even feel him inside you right now! Can’t you?! Huh?!”

Lily couldn’t hold back any longer. She felt herself vibrate from head to toes with a crashing orgasm, her eyes slammed shut, and she whimpered loudly, “AHHH. AHHH.”

Her lunch table group all exploded with laughter and high-fives.

“Jess, that was great!”

“Whoa, thanks for the show!”

“Think she’s done for the day.”

“Was it good for you?”

“I’ll have what she’s having!”

More laughter and high-fives as they all got up to go, leaving Lily exhausted, humiliated, and alone at the lunch table, although the vibe was now switched off. To top it all off, Lily figured out that she was expected to carry all their trays to the trash.

Lily’s next two classes were uneventful, but Lily was apprehensive about the cheerleaders being done with her for the day. Sure enough, she soon got another text from Jess: YOUR LAST PERIOD IS PHYS ED, AND YOU OWE ME ONE PUNISHMENT. MEET ME IN THE LOCKER ROOM RIGHT AFTER 5TH PERIOD IS OVER.

Lily found Jess in a back corner of the locker room, a smile on her face. “That was a pretty impressive show at lunch today. Did you enjoy yourself, little Pooh bear?” Lily was defeated. And silent. “Okay, so you owe me one penalty from this morning, ready to pay up?” Lily said, “Sure.”

“Okay! So, strip. Everything off! Right now, if you don’t want another penalty!” Lily reluctantly complied, leaving her school clothes in a pile at her feet. She was totally red-faced, altogether unused to being naked in front of other students, and the cold concrete floor was not helping her embarrassment any. “Now go get your gym clothes out of your locker and bring them over here.”

Lily crossed her arms in front of her to cover her breasts and between her legs, and she shuffled over to her locker to grab her gym clothes: sneakers, white socks, red gym shorts, and white tee shirt with the school logo on it. She brought these back to Jess, who inspected them. “Okay, your punishment is to do gym class today with only the clothes you just brought me. Shoes, socks, shorts, and tee shirt. The underwear stays with me. Got it?”

Lily started to protest, but she realized that she needed to boost her candidacy with the cheerleaders, so she resignedly pulled on the gym clothes. It felt very odd for her breasts to be rubbing against her tee shirt, and she could see already that the shape of her smallish nipples were visible in the thin fabric. It also felt really odd for her shorts to be rubbing directly on her buttocks and vulva, and particularly the pink vibe, which was still in place in her clit and vagina.

Lily did have one very strong need. “Jess, may I please use the restroom before phys ed starts? I really have to pee!” Jess chuckled. “Um, you’re in your penalty period, remember? I don’t think you’re going to be visiting any toilets. Cross your legs, Pooh bear!” Lily practically screamed. NOOO. I can’t make it another hour! Then she determined to suck it up and strode out of the locker room to try to do phys ed without peeing and without underwear.

Their regular phys ed instructor was Ms. Platt, but she was sick today, so the girls’ class was combined with the boys, which means that the instructor was Mr. Warren, who all the girls were sure was a complete perv because he spent an inordinate amount of time staring at their breasts and butts. Mr. Warren looked ready to get things rolling. “Okay, let’s form two lines for exercises. Girls in front, boys behind, all facing front. Touching our toes. One. Two. Three. . .”

This went on for 30 reps, and Lily soon began to realize that the boys behind her were getting a very revealing view up the back of her gym shorts every time she bent forward, given the snickering she was hearing. Next was jumping jacks, for which Mr. Warren called for the girls to turn around facing the boys. Lily was sure that Mr. Warren was deliberately humiliating her, since the jumping jacks made her breasts, without a bra, noticeably bounce, so she was once again putting on a very sexy show for the boys. In addition to the bouncing, her nipples were constantly rubbing against her tee shirt, which was causing them to get larger and harder, an effect that the boys were definitely appreciating – for all 30 reps.

At this point, Mr. Warren stopped the exercises and pointed to Lily. “Lily, I couldn’t help but notice that you not wearing a bra, which is required for phys ed class, is it not?” At the same time, Lily’s vibe came alive at full strength, which made her buckle forward and stammer, “Um, I-I-I don’t. . .I didn’t realize it was a requirement, Mr. Warren. Mmmmm.” The vibe was working her clit and vagina pretty strongly.

“You are exhibiting too much of your body, and you must be punished for this infraction. Step forward, please, Lily.” Lily, now red-faced and humiliated in front of the girls and boys, slowly shuffled forward until she was standing directly next to Mr. Warren. She was having a hard time walking, with the vibe pulsing insistently. “Am I hearing a humming noise? Does anyone else hear it?”

Lily was frozen in place her eyes wide open. “OMG, he’s going to search for the noise coming from my vibe.” But just at that point, the vibe turned off and was silent. Mr. Warren listened again and said, “Well, now it’s gone. Okay, we will proceed with Lily’s punishment: 5 swats with my paddle. Lily, turn around and bend forward with your hands grabbing your ankles.”

This was a whole new level of embarrassment. Lily had always been a model student and had never been disciplined at school. She turned around and bent way forward, which she was sure was exposing the uncovered bottom curves of her buttocks. Again more snickers and rude remarks from the boys. Then Mr. Warren’s attempt at rude humor, “It’s a good thing you at least have the protection of your lower underwear to help absorb the paddling, right? Heh, heh.”

“Uh, right, yes sir.” She was absolutely miserable.

SMACK. It stung horribly. “Please count the strokes, Lily.”


“Louder, please.” Mr. Warren was really enjoying this.




SMACK. Really stinging now! “FOUR!”


Lily straightened up and wiped her eyes. That was worse than she imagined. And her urge to pee was getting more urgent.

The rest of phys ed included the girls playing basketball on one court and the boys playing kickball on the other court. Lily was on one of the girls’ team, and every time she was passed the ball, she suddenly felt her vibe pulsing at full strength while she was trying to dribble and attempting to shoot. As a result, she was constantly losing her dribble and missing her shots. The other girls on her team were getting annoyed at her, while the girls on the opposing team were really enjoying her misery.

“Exactly who is controlling my vibe?!” Lily thought. She surveyed the gym but could not spot any likely suspects. Finally, phys ed was at an end, and Lily quickly retreated to the locker room, where she once again encountered Jess in a back corner. “Quite a good workout, huh, Pooh bear?” No reply from Lily. “Okay, go to your locker and bring me your school clothes.” Lily complied and returned with her pile of clothes. “Can I please use the toilet now? Or else I’ll have to pee right here in the locker room.”

“Yes. But first, strip. Right here.” Peeling off her gym shorts and tee shirt, Lily noticed how sweaty she was from class, and how her tee shirt was sticking to her breasts, exposing the shape of her nipples. “Great!” she thought, “More embarrassment. Just what I needed today.”

“Spread your legs, bend over, and put your hands on your ankles.” Lily couldn’t feel any more humiliated than she already was, so she complied. Standing barefoot and naked on the cold concrete floor with her classmates nearby. Jess left her like this for at least five minutes, which felt like an hour, then Lily felt Jess reach in and pull the vibe out of her clit and vagina. “Now, go pee. Have a shower. Report back here.”

After finally relieving herself and washing in the shower, Lily returned to Jess, who handed her clothes back to her. Lily started to get dressed and soon noticed that her bra and panties were missing. “Jess, where’s my – “ But Jess was gone. Lily sighed, then dressed in her jeans, blouse, socks, and shoes. Then she walked – very carefully – out the door and to her school bus.
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Re: In a Haze, by Little Robbie

Post by Guru »

Very good story of CFNF
Looking forward for the next part
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Re: In a Haze, by Little Robbie

Post by Darky »

Wow so f*cking hot. Can’t wait for more!
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Re: In a Haze, by Little Robbie

Post by litrob2000 »


Lily’s trip home Tuesday on the school bus was, thankfully, uneventful, and she managed to sneak into her house and up to her room without her mom or dad noticing that she was bra-less. She never did figure out who was controlling her vibe all day, but she was just happy to be done with it now. Her clit and vagina were a bit sore, not used to being vibrated so much in one day. Still, she couldn’t resist rubbing herself under her pajamas in bed, and she ended the day with the most explosive orgasm she had ever felt.

At the Wednesday morning group meeting, Lily noted that one of her fellow candidates was missing – she guessed that the hazing process had taken its first victim. But okay, now it was just seven junior girls vying for the five open positions; her chances were improving. Margery, Heather, and Jess arrived, and Margery made an announcement:

“Hello, girls, congratulations on surviving Day Two. Just think, only three more days remaining!” Lily groaned inwardly. “Your assignment for Day Three is to participate in an interview with several senior cheerleaders after school. I will now hand out your time slots and locations. Do not be late!” Lily received a slip of paper with the address of a nearby house and a time of 4:30. So she was off the hook during classes today, a big relief after yesterday.

At 4:15, Lily walked up to the house as assigned and rang the doorbell. She figured that she could probably just wear her school clothes here, so she didn’t change clothes after school. Margery answered the door and let her in. “Okay, Pooh bear, have a seat here on the sofa. We’ll come get you when we are ready for you.” Then she disappeared through a door, and Lily heard her footsteps that sounded like stairs going down to the basement.

About 10 minutes later, the basement door opened, and Lily saw one of her fellow candidates come out from the previous interview. She was red-faced and crying. She hustled her way to the front door and out. All pretty unsettling for Lily, but she tried to calm herself – just an interview, how hard can that be? And she had nothing to hide, right? A few minutes later, Margery re-appeared and smiled, “Follow me, please.” Through the door and down the stairs they went.

In the basement, Lily was led to a room that appeared to be a sort of home theatre. There was a large TV screen and six comfortable looking seats facing the screen. Lily was directed to stand in front of the TV screen facing the seats; this made her feel like she was on stage – and a bit intimidated, since her audience was less than ten feet away. Sitting in the seats were Margery, Jess, and one other cheerleader, who was introduced as Maeve – a very attractive dark skinned African American girl with amazing hair.

Jess started right in, “So, would you like to tell Maeve how you came to be known as Pooh bear?” Jess and Margery chuckled. Lily explained, “Well, on Monday I made the very bad decision to wear white underwear that had Poohs printed on them, and I had to expose my underwear to some students I didn’t know. Boys and girls.”

Margery chimed in, “Not a very sexy choice, was it? Don’t you care about how you look when you get dressed in the morning?” “I usually do, yes.”

Maeve asked, “Are you wearing sexier underwear today, Pooh bear?” “A little bit, yes.” “What does that mean? Should we have a look?”

Lily was silent, not knowing what to say. “Strip down to your underwear, Pooh.”

“Uh, okay,” was all that Lily could manage. She slipped off her sneakers and her socks, then slid her jeans down and off. Finally, she slid her arms out of the sleeves of her navy blue knit shirt and pulled it over her head. There was no place nearby to deposit her clothes, so she started to drop them to one side, but Margery interjected, “Toss them over here.” Lily handed the pile of shoes, socks, jeans, and shirt to Margery, who unceremoniously dumped the clothes behind them on the floor.

Lily was left with only her light blue plain bra and matching panties. Not exactly Frederick’s of Hollywood, but more respectable than the Pooh bears. She became aware that it was a bit cool in this basement room, and she crossed her arms in front of her, both for warmth and wariness.

Jess jumped right in, “Drop your arms, let’s have a look at this sexy ensemble.” Lily dropped her arms to her side self-consciously. “Turn around slowly.” Lily felt very much on-display as she turned around for inspection. She was feeling goosebumps on her arms and legs.

Jess continued, “Singularly unimpressive underwear. Is that the sexiest thing you own?” “Uh, yes, pretty much.”

“And your boyfriend finds that sexy, does he?” “I – I don’t have a boyfriend right now.”

“Well, who did you last hook up with?” Lily was nervously silent, at a loss for words. “You’re not a virgin, are you, Pooh?”

“Um. Y – Yes.”

“Yes what?” They wanted to make her say it.

Blushing, “Yes, I’m a virgin.”

“Well, no wonder, with this homely collection of lingerie! I’m bored just looking at it! Take off those undies! Get naked!” Lily knew it was useless to argue – and a penalty to boot. She slowly reached around and unhooked her bra, and she let it slide down her arms. Then she pushed her panties down to her ankles and stepped out of them. She surrendered both to Margery, who dumped them on the floor behind her along with the rest of her clothes. Lily’s arms instinctually wrapped around her breasts and covered her vulva.

“Uh, uh, uh, uncover, right now!” ordered Jess, “Hands behind your head!” Lily raised her arms until her hands were behind her head. “Now turn around again. Slowly.” Lily inwardly whimpered. How much humiliation could she take? Again, she turned a full one-eighty slowly, as her face reddened.

Maeve piped up, “Well, I can certainly see why you’re a virgin, with those tits. If you want to call them that. Shoulders back. Shoulders BACK! So, that’s all there is, I guess. And those nipples, do they ever get excited?” Lily, once again, was at a loss for words. This was not a conversation she was expecting to have today.

“Let’s get those nipples hard, whaddya say?” The three cheerleaders had a good chuckle over that. Lily slowly brought both hands down and began pinching and swirling her nipples. She wasn’t accomplishing much – her embarrassment was overcoming her sexual urges. She tried closing her eyes and imagining herself in bed with a hot guy. With Ryan. That it was his hands massaging her breasts and rubbing her nipples. Pinching her nipples. Sucking on her nipples. But it wasn’t helping much; she was just too humiliated.

“Uh. Uh. What’s that? There ARE nipples there, I guess.” More laughter from the cheerleaders. Lily was doing her best to maintain her last shred of dignity, but she didn’t know what to say during this ridicule of her femininity. She had been feeling pretty optimistic about her breasts developing, but it was hard to argue with Maeve’s assessment.

Maeve kept it up, “Pooh, we’ve seen just about enough of your paltry excuse for tits. Turn around, and let’s have a look at that ass.” At this point, Lily was actually relieved; she felt much better about her butt, which she thought had a very sexy curve to it. Not flat, but not bubbly either.

Maeve’s assessment, “Well, your backside is better than your tits, but nothing to write home about. You’re not filling out those panties. The boys want something they can get their hands around. What you’ve got there is barely worth a spank. But we’ll get around to that later. Hehe. Right now, we want to see you put that little fanny to work. I mean twerk. Get it? Twerk?! We want some sexy twerking, right now, and it had better be hot. Ready, little Pooh bear?”

OMG, thought Lily. She had seen dancers twerking in videos, and she had tried it in the privacy of her room, with headphones on. But she had never been brave enough to do it in public. Much less, while COMPLETELY NAKED! She started to ask for a reprieve, but then she thought better of it. She had earned penalties both of the first two days, she did not want another one.

Nicki Minaj’s “Super Freaky Girl” came blasting out of the sound system of the home theatre, and the cheerleaders were ready for a performance. “Yay! Let’s go!” Lily’s competitive steak came to the surface again – she suddenly wanted to be THE BEST twerker in the group! She gave it all she had, bumping her butt to the strong rhythm of the song. But it soon became obvious that she was not good at this, and the cheerleaders were literally rolling on the floor laughing and endlessly criticizing her dancing. But they made her dance to the whole song, and she was a sweaty mess by the end.

“Pooh, Pooh, you have to stop now or we’re going to die laughing,” said Margery. “For that disgusting display of supposedly sexy dancing, you have earned nine spanks. If you had been STANDING STILL, you would have got ten spanks! Now turn and face away from us.” Lily turned, so her back was now to the girls. “Bend forward, spread your legs, and grab your ankles.” She did.

“Legs wider!” She did. She heard the rattle of wood that sounded like ping pong paddles, and all three girls advanced on her. Then THWACK! “Oww!”

“I don’t hear you counting.”


“That’s better.”


THWACK! “Three’ It was a ping pong paddle! And it really stung!


And on like that for all nine spanks. Lily’s hands finally let go of her ankles and started upwards to rub her butt, but Margery stopped her. “No. Don’t you dare touch your butt. We want that sting to linger a bit longer. Now turn around and face us, hands behind your head.” She did, with her ass on fire.

Jess jumped in next, “Okay, we’ve now had a look at your boring boobs and your unsexy butt, time to see what’s up with that snatch. Spread your legs and pull your shoulders back.” Lily did so; she had never felt so completely exposed. “Hmm, I see that you have trimmed those pubes short and wispy; so far that’s the sexiest thing about you. It must be hard for you to resist the DIY. How often do you masturbate?”

Lily’s knees buckled a little bit. Did she hear correctly? “W – What?”

“Masturbate. Do you pet the cat?”

“Ummm, yes.”

“How often?”

“Um, about once a week, I guess.”

“Okay, so I think that means every night. Good for you. I’ll bet there are some other fingerprints in there, too. Any boys or girls been to third base with you?”

Lily could not meet their eyes. She looked up. “Y – Yes, once.”

“Oooo, do tell! We want to hear all about it!”

Lily gulped. “Um, last year I was on a date with a boy I had been seeing for about a month. We were kissing pretty heavily, and he put his hand down – “.

“Wait, wait, wait!” It was Maeve. “You just skipped right to the end. We want to hear about the whole romance, don’t skip any details.” Lily signed inwardly. Maeve continued, “And one more thing: I’m thinking that you’ll remember better if you give yourself a little finger ride while you tell the story.”

“What?! You mean – “

Maeve stepped forward with a tube in her hand. “Here’s some lube to get you started. We want to see your technique.” Lily couldn’t actually comprehend. Masturbate in front of three other girls? “Uhh. Uhh. I – I – I can’t. . .”

“What’s that, Pooh bear? Did I hear ‘can’t’? You looking for a penalty? ‘Cause we got a good one all lined up for you.”

“Okay. Okay. I don’t want a penalty.” Lily’s mind was reeling. She took a big breath. “I’ll – I’ll do it.”

“Okay, now get to rubbing and finish yourself off. And here’s your challenge: if you have not brought yourself to orgasm by the time you finish your date story, you will be sent home naked. And no faking it – we can always tell. Sound like fun?”

Lily, with her right middle finger lubed, took a deep breath and started lightly rubbing her clit, her face fully flushed. She began the full romance story. “This boy was pretty cute but a little pushy. He had tried to kiss me on our first date, but I wasn’t quite ready for that. He did give my butt a little pat after he said goodnight, which I was kind of excited about. Anyway, we dated a few more times; we did kiss on the next date, and quite a bit more after that.”

Lily’s right hand was starting to work a little faster and deeper on her clit. She felt herself giving in to memory of those dates. The cheerleaders were quietly snickering at the humiliation of this girl willingly masturbating in front of them, her bare skin moist with sweat.

“But as we got to our third and fourth dates, he began to get a little pushy about feeling my breasts and rubbing my. . .my. . .vagina. I had to push back a bit, and he was getting frustrated with me. I did like him, but I was trying to be careful not to go too far with him. Little by little I began to give in.” Lily’s head was starting to tilt back, and her eyes were closing. “By our fourth or fifth date, I guess my emotions were getting the better of me, and I began to enjoy feeling his warm hands on me, particularly feeling un – under my bra.”

“Oh, Pooh bear, you’re getting pretty warm yourself.” The cheerleaders were laughing in enjoyment. “You’re dripping! Want to dry off? Take a break?” Lily’s eyes popped open, and she wanted deeply to take them up on the offer, but she quickly realized that if she didn’t keep going, she wouldn’t stand a chance of having an orgasm before finishing her story. So she went right back to it, with her right hand now working furiously up into her vagina, and the fingers on her left hand reached up to squeeze her right nipple.

“I’ll just keep going, thanks. So, I let him take off my bra and massage my breasts, which felt very sexy to me, and I kept kissing him and grabbing his butt with both hands. Next thing I knew, I had reached down the front of his pants and began rubbing his penis, which was pretty hard by this time. About the same time, his hand had unzipped my pants and began rubbing my vagina, which felt so good and got me breathing pretty hard.”

Lily felt herself heating up as she re-lived her date. The three cheerleaders, even as they continued to smile and snicker at each other, disappeared for her as she felt her orgasm start to build.

“Pretty hard,” she repeated. “Our kissing got pretty intense, and I’m sure he could feel me breathing hard. He slipped his hand inside my panties and ran his fingers down into my clit and to the top of my vagina. I’d never felt this sexed up before, and my vagina started getting wet. Then his fingers fully entered my vagina and stroked me a few times. My body began to shake, and I had an orgasm that caused me to scream because it felt so wonderful.”

Just as Lily recounted her orgasm, she gasped and shuddered into a full-out orgasm herself – completely naked, sweating profusely, standing in this basement room, and humiliated by three giggling upperclassmen.

Margery smiled at her, “You done now? Want to have another go at it, Pooh bear?”

Lily was exhausted and on the verge of tears. “No. I’m done.”

“What do we think, girls? Was that a real orgasm, or was she faking it?” They all shrugged yes. “Okay, Pooh, you did your assignment. You can get dressed now and make an exit. You’re lucky, you can walk home fully clothed.” Margery tossed her clothes back to her, and as Lily quietly pulled them on, Margery said, “Listen up: we’re giving you a dress code for tomorrow. Wear a lightweight short dress – at least four inches above your knees – that buttons up the front, and NO UNDERWEAR. Got it? No bra, no panties.”

Lily shuddered and stammered, “Y – Yes, got it” before following Margery up the stairs. On her way to the front door, Lily noticed another of the junior class candidates seated on the sofa waiting for her “interview”, just as she had been about an hour earlier. Lily forced a smile, so as not to give too much away to the next girl. There were still two more days to go. And she didn’t feel too optimistic about tomorrow.
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Re: In a Haze, by Little Robbie

Post by litrob2000 »


On Thursday morning, Lily stared hopefully into her bedroom closet. There. There it is. The one dress she owned that met Margery’s requirements. A royal blue cotton shirt-dress that buttoned down the front. Pleated skirt, about 4 inches above the knee. But she couldn’t leave the house without her underwear – her parents would have noticed – so she slipped on a blue bra and panties and set out for the school bus. On the bus, she got a few looks because not many of her friends had ever seen her wear a dress to school before, but otherwise, it was an uneventful bus ride to school.

Once at school, Lily ducked into a girls restroom and removed her bra and panties, which she deposited in her purse. While she had imagined not wearing underwear, she had never done so, and she found the sensation of being bare under her short skirt incredibly unnerving and embarrassing.

She arrived for the morning meeting with the cheerleaders, and the first thing she noticed was that another junior candidate had failed to show up. So now they were down to six candidates for the five positions. The six candidates all had donned similar dresses to Lily – short and buttoned down the front, just as Margery ordered.

“Welcome to Thursday!” Margery chirped as she, Heather, and Jess burst into the locker room. “Everybody dressed sexy, as I requested?”

All of the candidates mumbled, “Yes. . .Uh huh. . .Yeah.”

“Let’s have an underwear check, shall we? Spread out facing me, and unbutton.”

Lily reached up and undid her seven buttons, and the other girls did likewise, all looking very sheepish. Once again, Lily felt the cool air of the locker room on her bare skin, and her goosebumps reappeared.

Margery continued, always smiling, “Looking bare and fair, girls!” Looking at one of the other girls: “Ooh, Short Stuff, I see you shaved your coochie, just like we discussed! Okay, you all can cover up again. Except, do not button your top button. Nice and casual, right? During the course of the day, you will – as per usual – be receiving text messages from me, Heather, or Jess with instructions on what to do with your cute little bodies. But one general rule: do not sit on your skirts. Your naked little derrieres should make direct contact with your chair seats, anywhere and anytime you sit. Got it? We’ve got a very exciting array of activities for you today, so let’s get going, time to get to homeroom.”

Walking the halls, Lily began experiencing a sort of virtual nudity, covered in only her short dress with no underwear. It made her feel like everyone she passed was looking at her fully naked body. She began to really dread the day ahead.

Near the end of first period, Lily received a text from Jess: UNBUTTON YOUR SECOND BUTTON FROM THE TOP. RIGHT NOW. Lily didn’t hesitate – she did not know who might be spying on her in class. With her top two buttons unbuttoned, she no longer looked like she was just being casual with her neckline. She could tell that her breasts were very visible to anyone looking from the side. OMG, sudden realization, she was about to be sitting right next to Ryan in chemistry!

She was just stepping out of her first period class when Lily felt a hand grab her elbow. It was Heather. “Come with me, Pooh bear. I have to get you ready for your next class.” Uh-oh, this did not sound good. Heather pulled her around the corner, into the girls restroom, and into the farthest toilet stall.

“Unbutton your third button, please.” As Lily was doing this, Heather reached into her purse and produced an unlabeled white tube of some sort of ointment. She squeezed a glob onto the middle finger of her right hand and reached out and spread the ointment into Lily’s right nipple and areola. Then she repeated the procedure the left side.

“There, that should make those nips stand up noticeably! I’ll bet Ryan’s going to love that.” Heather looked very pleased with herself. “Okay, you can re-button that third button now.” Lily hurried to do that, relieved that she was not going to be that exposed for chemistry class. But what, she wondered, was this ointment Heather had rubbed into her nipples?

Heather turned back to her as she was leaving the toilet stall. “Oh, yes, I almost forgot. Sometimes this little home concoction can be a little itchy. Just push through it, okay?” Lily did not like the sound of that. She exited the bathroom and made her way to chemistry class, where she was one of the first to arrive for class. As Margery had instructed, she brushed her skirt back and sat down with her naked skin directly on the cold wood seat.

Ryan walked in soon after and gave Lily a smile and a “Good morning, Lily.” But he was unpacking his books and had not really noticed her state of partial undress yet. Lily quietly responded, “Morning.” Once he sat down to Lily’s right, he almost couldn’t believe it when he spied Lily’s unbuttoned top. He could see the curve of her left breast and just about make out her left nipple. This was not characteristic of his rather shy lab partner.

The chemistry teacher was ten minutes into today’s lesson as Lily began to sense little tingles in both her nipples. She adjusted her upper body slightly so that her blouse fabric rubbed against her nipples. That’s better, she thought, although the fabric was very smooth and did not provide much friction. A few minutes later, the tingling came back, and Lily tried once again to wriggle the tingling away. Not much help, and she could sense Ryan stealing a sideways glance. She wasn’t sure whether he was noticing her movement or hoping to catch a better look at her left breast. She noticed that her nipples were now standing at attention and definitely noticeable in the fabric of her blouse, embarrassing and sexy at the same time.

What was in that ointment that Heather rubbed into her nipples? How long will this itching last? Will it get worse? That last question was answered almost immediately as Lily noticed that both of her nipples were getting too itchy to tolerate, which led to the next question: will anyone notice if I just reach down and scratch a little? Ryan was right there, so she dare not be too obvious about this, but she absolutely could not avoid scratching any longer. She went after her left breast first, giving the nipple a momentary rub with the back of her right hand and trying to look casual about it. Felt good, so she did the same for her right breast.

The relief did not last long, however; less than a minute later, her nipples were itching again. She had better take a bathroom break to do some serious scratching, and fast. But no sooner had she thought this than her phone chirped with a text message from Heather: UH-UH, DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT LEAVING THE CLASSROOM. SIT DOWN. PUSH THROUGH IT. MAYBE RYAN CAN GIVE YOU A HAND. HAHA.

OMG, now what? How long could she sit quietly and pretend her nipples didn’t itch? Lily tried to convince herself that she could ignore it. Just listen to the lecture and take notes. Don’t look at Ryan, look straight ahead. Grit your teeth.

But this stoneface show didn’t work for long. She absolutely had to scratch. She put down her pen and surreptitiously reached both hands up and gave her nipples a good long scratch through her blouse fabric. Big relief, and luckily, Ryan was looking straight ahead and not noticing.

The class lecture concluded, and now it was time to work on the experiment with her lab partner, Ryan. Lily was hoping that this diversion would focus her off her itchy nipples. As she and Ryan smiled at each other and started setting up their experiment, Ryan’s eyes were constantly flickering toward her unbuttoned breasts. Ordinarily Lily would have been a little flattered by the attention, but today the exposure was embarrassing, and it was also killing any chance for her to scratch her itchy nipples without Ryan noticing. So it was back to forcing herself to endure the torture, which was only getting worse. Her nipples flared up again with prickles, and Lily just knew that she would not be able to get through the remainder of class without scratching. But back to the experiment without letting on.

No use, she had to scratch. As casual as she tried to make it appear, her hands flew to her breasts like magnets, and this time she had her hands inside the fabric and rubbing her nipples and areolas directly. OMG, this was heaven, finally relieving herself from the itching. She couldn’t stop – until suddenly realizing that Ryan was frozen in a stare at her practically bare left breast getting a finger massage. Lily’s face flushed bright red, and she returned her hands to the experiment table without looking at Ryan.

But Ryan was having a hard time looking away from Lily. He was getting pretty heated up by his lab partner’s exposure and scratching. Although Lily’s breasts were not large, he had noticed before that they stood up sexily, and now he was getting a wonderful closeup view of them. He could feel his boner growing, and he had to force himself to look up from her breasts, lest he embarrass her.

However, at this point, Lily was beyond embarrassment. The incessant itching in her nipples was nearly driving her insane, and she was finding it impossible to ignore. After about ten more minutes of agony without relief, Lily had to start in again, rubbing and scratching. She tried turning away from Ryan, but this only made her more obvious to the rest of the class, so she slowly turned back to the front, and she found she could no longer be furtive about this. Without looking at Ryan, she just continued to rub and scratch inside her blouse, no longer caring how much Ryan could see.

By the time the class ended, Ryan had seen so much titty rubbing, he was ready to jump over and do it himself. He looked up and started to ask, “Is there anything. . .” but a totally humiliated Lily was already making a beeline for the door. She ran to the nearest girls restroom, furiously unbuttoning another button so that she could wash her nipples and hopefully stop the itching. It took a good ten minutes of scrubbing to calm the itching, much to her relief, but her nipples were now sensitive, stiff, and poking forward more than they ever had before.

Lily re-buttoned that third button and headed to her next class. Her phone came to life a few minutes later: JOIN ME & FRIENDS FOR LUNCH. WE’LL HAVE FUN! Then, another text: OH, YEAH, UNBUTTON YOUR BOTTOM BUTTON. RIGHT NOW. She did, and now she was starting to feel even more naked. Sitting with her bare skin on a hard, cold, wood seat. Showing a lot of leg and inviting peeks at her breasts through her open buttons. And really dreading what lunch would bring. But she was close to getting through this week, and was it possible for her to feel more humiliated than she already was?

In the lunch room, Lily found Heather and her four friends – girls and boys – once again at a table near the middle. She sat down with her lunch tray and felt five pairs of eyes gobbling her up, with her partially exposed breasts and legs. She could not find a sitting position on the bench that did not feel embarrassing.

“Well, look at you, Pooh bear! Showing a lot of skin, aren’t we? And how ‘bout those nipples! Those are award winning nips for sure! You just want to reach out and grab ‘em!” Heather started to reach for her breasts, but Lily pulled back in reaction.

Heather laughed at that. “Relax, Pooh. We’re all friends here, right? So how ‘bout you just relax. And let those knees come apart, okay?” Lily parted her knees a few inches. “More. No, more!” Lily’s legs were now wide open at the table, and anyone sitting directly across from her could get a nice view of her bare vulva.

”That bench is a little cold, isn’t it? Here’s something for you to sit on,” offering a dry brown paper towel from the restroom. “No, thanks, I don’t mind,” said Lily. “Oh, no, I insist,” countered Heather with her steely smile. Lily wondered what was up here; it couldn’t be just kindness, not from Heather. But she took the paper towel, raised her butt, and placed the towel on the bench before sitting down on it.

Heather started in on her. “So, I understand from your nice conversation with Jess yesterday, that you’re quite a masturbator. And every day, apparently! That true?”

This hit Lily like she had just had a bucket of cold water dumped over her. She was left open-mouthed. “Uh. . .uh. . .wh – what?”

“You bragged to Jess, Margery, and Maeve that you masturbate pretty frequently, isn’t that right?”

Lily felt the stares from the five of them – particularly the two boys – shooting right through her. She was being embarrassingly forced into this conversation, with nowhere to go. “Um, well, yeah, they asked me, and I guess I did say that. But – but not every day.” How to change the subject?!

Without giving her a chance to re-group, Heather forged right ahead. “Who would have guessed that you are such a sexy gal?! Tell us more – in the shower, lying in your bed, what?”

No way out. “Well, both, I guess, depending. . .”

“How about last night? Did you rub one off when you got home?”

Lily was not a practiced liar, so she answered truthfully, “Y – Yes.”

“How’d you do it? We all want to know more.”

At this point, Lily knew there was no way she was going to get out of this conversation, so she made the decision to figure out how to embrace her tormentors. “Well. I was just so excited about the possibility of being accepted by the cheerleaders, y’know? Just before going to sleep I masturbated in bed.”

One of the boys at the table piped in, “Wow, I would have liked to have seen that! You are one hot girl!”

Lily couldn’t quite accept the fact that she was feeling humiliated and turned on at the same time. She’d never had a boy call her hot before. She felt a little moisture between her legs and shifted in her seat. Heather noticed. “Legs open, Pooh! Don’t get all shy on us now.” Lily dutifully opened up again, praying that this lunch encounter would be over soon.

Heather wouldn’t let her off the hook. “So, tell us, what do you normally fantasize about when you’re naked under the covers? Special boy you’d like to hook up with? Some kinky playthings?”

“Things like that, yeah.”

“So, who’s the guy? Let’s have a name to complete the picture of you tangled up in bed.”

“No-one you would know, I think.”

“C’mon, there’s gotta be someone in one of your classes. Maybe that cute Ryan from chemistry class – this morning he looked like he was going to jump your bones after watching you rub your titties for the whole class. You guys want to see?” Heather pulled out her cell phone and called up a video to show the group. Lily gasped when she saw herself in the video from this morning, rubbing her mostly uncovered nipples, and Ryan staring at her chest, mouth open.

“Look at that, he can’t take his eyes off of your boobies. I’ll bet it’s Ryan, isn’t it, whose dick you’d like to get your hands on. Or your mouth around.” The table erupted in laughter at that point, and Lily did her best to fake a chuckle, but she now had that vision in her head, of her mouth on Ryan’s penis.

“Okay, we’re done with you on that one, Pooh bear. Before you leave, hand me that paper towel you’ve been sitting on, we must be neat about things.” Lily stood up and reached under her to retrieve the paper towel, which, to her horror, had a big dark wet spot in the middle. Heather held it up for all to see. “Whoa, look at that! Pooh bear is soaking wet!” The four friends all laughed and applauded, while Lily’s reaction was once again a mixture of embarrassment and sexual heat.

She headed to her next period – study hall – as fast as she could, but this was not easy, since her dress flapped open with every step. Many of her fellow students were getting peeks at her butt today. She had not even sat down in study hall before receiving her next text message: TIME TO UNBUTTON YOUR 2ND BUTTON FROM THE BOTTOM. Lily did it, and now she was wondering, how much further would they ask her to go with this? She was down to three buttons in the middle of her dress, and any movement at all risked exposing her breasts, her butt, or her vulva. For the rest of the day, every time she felt her skirt flap open, she was quick to brush it back down with her hands so as not to risk overexposure.

Throughout fourth period study hall and her fifth period class, she was constantly aware of other students – particularly boys – turning around or turning sideways to get a better view of her exposed skin. Lots of snickering and whispering and rude comments. Lily was quite relieved when classes were finally over for the day, and now all she had to do was re-button her dress and put her underwear back on before getting on the school bus home.

But the cheerleaders had other plans for Lily. Just as she was leaving her last class, Heather grabbed her by the elbow and steered her straight toward the buses. “Surprise! I’m going to accompany you home on your bus today, isn’t that nice of me?”

Lily was not thrilled. “Uh, yeah, sure, Heather. My bus is right over there, but I really need to duck into the girls restroom first – is that okay?”

“Pooh bear, I’m afraid I can’t let you do that. You might try to put yourself back together, and I really want you to wear this over-sexed look for a little longer. Let’s get on the bus.”

Heather followed Lily onto the bus and guided Lily to the back row, where she sat Lily in the middle of the last row, so that she was sitting directly at the end of the aisle facing forward. Everyone who got on the bus would get a good view of Lily in the last row center.

Once Lily had plopped down, she started to adjust her dress, but Heather reached over and stopped her. “Here’s a new rule for you, Pooh bear. For the remainder of your trip home, you are not to touch your dress in any way. No matter how it flaps open or blows about, keep your hands off your dress. Do you understand?”

Lily was mortified. Her dress was already riding up very high on her legs, and her top was hanging obscenely open. She was certain that the other students would get views of her breasts and vulva as they got on. In addition, she could feel the cold plastic seat on her bare skin where she sat. Once again, she was the subject of lots of ogling and lewd snickering during the ride home, from the girls as well as the boys.

“Anyone seen Lily’s tits lately?”

“Could you lift that leg just a little higher, please?”

“I’m getting a boner just looking at her.”

“Lily, come help Jake with his boner.”

This was a whole new level of humiliation for Lily, who usually studied quietly on the bus all the way home. The bus ride seemed to take forever today, as she sat still without moving any more than necessary. She finally saw her stop coming up and rose to get off. Heather was right behind her. As she stepped down to the sidewalk, she was newly aware of just how close to totally naked she was, with only three buttons fastened and no panties or bra. She also felt a cool breeze on her naked skin. In addition, she noticed that several more students than usual had gotten off the bus behind her – mostly boys.

Lily had not walked more than a block into her subdivision before a sharp gust of wind took hold of her dress and blew it up, exposing her butt and the tops of her legs in front. She quickly reacted by pushing her dress back down, and she immediately realized what she’d done. Heather, following about ten feet behind her, happily chirped, “Touched the dress! Penalty!!”

Lily scolded herself for momentarily forgetting the new rule. Her sense of propriety at the wind gust took her by surprise. In addition to the penalty, all the boys and girls from the bus got their first good look at her naked butt, and they were lewdly celebrating right behind her.

“Yeah! More wind!”

“No ifs, ands, or BUTTS!”

“I could spank that!”

Lily continued her walk home, which was three more blocks, with her small parade behind her. On two more occasions, her dress blew up, once exposing her naked butt for about three seconds, and once exposing her hairless vulva for about 15 seconds. Heather kept a close eye on her movements both times, but Lily endured the embarrassment without touching her dress. No more penalties, but lots more lewd cheering from her followers. As Lily approached her house, Heather took her aside and said, “Okay, you can button up now. We’ll talk about your penalty tomorrow morning.”

Great, thought Lily. She trudged home, buttoning as she went.


On Friday morning, all Lily could think about was that this was the LAST DAY! of cheerleader hazing. She approached the girls locker room with trepidation, but once inside she was surprised to see that the sixth candidate had apparently dropped out, and hopefully that meant she was in. Margery, Heather, and Jess appeared, to give the instructions for the day.

“Well, look at this, only the five of you left. So I think we can defer the last day of hazing.” All five candidates breathed a heavy sign of relief. “However. However. Two of you have penalties to answer for, from yesterday. We need to take care of that before we can declare the selection process complete.” Lily stiffened. “Kitty cat and Pooh bear, you two will each get a text message from me a little later. Bye for now.”

During lunch, Lily received her text from Margery: MEET ME IN THE WEIGHT ROOM RIGHT AFTER 6TH PERIOD. Lily hustled there after class and found Margery, Jess, and Maeve waiting for her. On a table was a paper bag.

Margery said, “And here’s Pooh bear! You ready to pay your penalty?”

“Yes,” said Lily.

“Okay. In this bag is your uniform for the rest of the afternoon. Remove everything you’re wearing, including shoes, socks, and undies, and put this on.”

“Where. . .where should I go to change?”

“Right here, just do it right here. No need to get shy on us now, right?”

“Uh, right! Okay.” Lily stripped naked and put her clothes and shoes on the table. She was tempted to cover her breasts and vulva with her hands, but she wanted to show the cheerleaders that she was ready to be “one of the gang.” She opened the paper bag and was shocked to see that it contained only three garments: a micro-bikini bra, a micro-bikini thong, and a small silk scarf, all black. One big breath, in and out, and she dressed herself in the micro-bikini. It was just about as minimal a swimsuit as she had ever seen, much less worn. (She’d never even worn a two-piece before.) The bra had two triangular fabric pieces that didn’t cover much more than her nipples and areolas, connected by thin strings tied with big bows. The thong contained one larger triangle of fabric for her vulva and absolutely nothing to cover her butt, again connected with black strings with big bows. Although Lily didn’t possess an overtly sexy body, she looked pretty hot in this black micro-bikini – and barefoot.

Lily wasn’t sure what to do with the black silk scarf, so she just held that in her hand. “Okay, so, are we going to the pool?”

Margery answered, “Nnnn. . .no, we’re going to stay right here for a little while. You, our little Pooh bear, your penalty is to be the prize in a treasure hunt. Here’s how it’s going to work: we released an email to the boys in this morning’s computer science class with a treasure hunt in it. The email gave a series of clues as to the location of a treasure and invited the boys to try to solve the puzzle using the clues. They are to play as individuals, not as a group or groups. The first boy to successfully solve the puzzle wins the treasure, which in this case is you! And in this case, winning means getting to play with you for a while. Sounds like fun so far, right?!”

“Uh, yeah, I guess so. Is this all I get to wear?”

“No, no, no, don’t forget, there’s the scarf!” The three cheerleaders had a good laugh on that. “But let’s get set up now. Hand me the scarf, then put your wrists together out in front of you.” Lily did it, and Maeve stepped forward with a pair of soft fabric wrist cuffs connected by a very short chain. She buckled the cuffs on Lily’s wrists and checked to make sure they were tight enough that Lily couldn’t slip out of them. Then Jess produced a long cotton rope and tossed one end over a structural beam above them. She then pulled that end down and tied it to the wrist cuffs. Now Lily started getting nervous about this whole thing. Jess pulled down on the other end, which pulled Lily’s wrists up over her head. She kept going until Lily was fully stretched, with her heels just barely resting on the concrete floor. Jess then tied off the rope on a heavy wall bracket.

Margery continued, “OMG, you look so luscious, Pooh bear! Won’t our computer nerd be excited to find you here?! So, here are the rest of the rules for this game. You will be a prisoner here until five o’clock. Depending on how long it takes our guy to find you, determines how much play time he gets with you until the game is over at five o’clock. He will find an envelope just inside the door when he enters, giving him the rules for this room. He can touch you wherever he wants, but not on any part of your swimsuit fabric. We’ll provide him with some implements to use on you, but you will not know what those are in advance. He can talk to you, and you can talk to him, but you will be blindfolded with the scarf.”

Lily wasn’t sure whether or not she liked the blindfold idea, but she definitely wanted to be in disguise, so maybe that was the best situation.

“It’s time to set the stage, he could be here pretty soon. Lights please, Jess!” Jess flipped a few switches; the fluorescent lighting switched off and were replaced with a couple of theatrical spots shining from overhead with pink gels. Jess had rigged this up a few hours ago and was very proud of her work. Lily was now beautifully isolated in the middle of the room, looking very hot.

Margery said, “Nice, huh? We thought about requiring a striptease, but we finally settled on the pirate theme.”

Maeve interjected, “Oh, one more little detail.” She approached Lily and reached down between her legs. Lily felt Jess insert a small egg-shaped device into her vagina. “This little vibrator will be remote controlled by us during your play time. It’ll help you enjoy it more.” Mischievous smiles from all three cheerleaders, with Maeve holding up a small remote controller.

“Wait,” said Jess, “let’s give her a good picture of her predicament.” Jess walked over and pulled in a portable full-length mirror, which she placed directly in front of Lily. Lily gulped hard upon seeing her nearly naked self, suspended in bondage and bathed in sexy pink light. She thought, “Who is this person, I wonder? It’s not the Lily I know…”

After a minute of this, Maeve folded the black scarf several times until it was about four inches wide, then she wrapped it around Lily’s head and tied it in the back. Suddenly Lily’s sight was gone, but her brain retained the image of her almost naked self. A captive, awaiting her tormentor. Lily had never felt so vulnerable.

Margery continued, “The three of us will be hidden in the unlit coach’s office, which has a window into this room. We will observe to make sure that our boy follows the rules and doesn’t do anything too gross or painful. So, one last thing, Pooh bear: at the end of the game, we will sit down with the winner and ask him to rate his experience. One: Did he enjoy himself? Two: How sexy were you? Three: Were you a willing and exciting playmate? And we had better get positive responses to all three of those questions! Got it?!”

Lily was feeling overwhelmed by this game, but she knew this was the last hurdle for her in order to make the cheerleading squad. She just had to get through this and be as friendly, sexy, and fun-loving as she possibly could be. “Yes, got it.”

The three cheerleaders retreated to the coach’s office, closed the door, and turned out the lights. Then the waiting started. Lily really didn’t have a good idea what time it was, but she was happy to wait a long time, because that would mean less “play time” with her nerd after he arrived. However, she wasn’t actually very long at all before she heard the door open and then close, and the sound of an envelope being ripped open. And she heard his voice, apparently reading the winner’s letter.

“(YES!!!) Congratulations on winning the captive cheerleader treasure hunt. (YES!!) In this room is your captive cheerleader. Her name is Pooh bear. Isn’t she a doll? She is all yours to play with until five o’clock.”

Lily’s mind was reeling. This is the first time in her life that a boy has seen her this naked. With just the tiny bikini on, there was almost nothing left to the imagination. Her total body was blushing furiously, and there was nothing she could do to hide. The computer nerd continued reading the winner’s letter.

“We want you to have a good time with Pooh bear, but there are a few rules you must follow:

One. She can’t see you, but she can hear you. Feel free to chat with her. We’re sure she is excited to play with you, even if she fakes being embarrassed, quiet, or in a little pain. She’s a good actor.

Two. You may touch her anywhere except where her bikini fabric is.

Three. Feel free to use any of the implements we have provided for you.

Four. Do not insert any part of your body – e.g., fingers, penis, tongue – into any of her orifices, however inviting they may be.

Five. Do not remove her blindfold.

Six. No photos or videos.

Seven. Just think of her as your sexy new girlfriend who’s really into bondage, and HAVE FUN!

P.S. She loves being tickled, even if she says she doesn’t. She has been known to orgasm just from being tickled in the right spots.

Lily silently groaned hearing these rules, especially that last one – she hated being tickled. She heard him put the paper down, and she sensed him approaching. Then she felt soft hands on her left derriere, then on the right, gently caressing.

“Hi, Pooh bear, I’m Spider Man.”

“Hi, Spider Man. Your hands feel soft and sexy.” Lily needed him to enjoy this, so she would get good ratings afterwards.

“You look very hot in that bikini.”

“Thank you, Spidey. Feel free to enjoy me.”

That was all the invitation Spider Man needed. His hands began roaming and caressing every square inch of her exposed skin, spending most of his time on her butt, on her thighs, and on the sides and bottoms of her breasts. This went on for probably 15 minutes, and then she also felt his lips begin to kiss her everywhere, including her chin, cheeks, and temples, all for another 15 minutes or so. Lily didn’t expect this to feel so sexy, but she was starting to heat up rapidly. Was she indeed “into bondage”?

Spidey backed off suddenly, and she heard him say, “Well, I guess we should try out some of these implements they left for us to play with.” Lily was surprised at how quickly she answered. “Yeah, sure.”

She heard Spidey’s sneakers squeak sideways, and then some rummaging through what sounded like a small pile of devices. Then he returned to her left side. “Ready for this? Brace yourself.” She braced and replied, “Okay.”

The next thing she felt was a stinging spank on her bare fanny. Her breath expelled, “Ahh!” It felt like a wood paddle, like the kind that sororities give their pledges. Spidey paused. “Did you like that?”

She replied, “Yes, I did.”

“Would you like more?”

“Yes, please.”

“You mean, yes, please, SIR!”

“Yes, sir. Please, sir.”

Another stinging spank, a little harder than the first.

“What do you say, Pooh bear?”

“Thank you.”

“Thank you, SIR!”

“Thank you, sir.”


“Thank you, sir.”


“Thank you, sir.”

This was getting painful as well as humiliating, but Lily felt herself getting very turned on by this spanking. Spidey delivered 20 spanks, by the end of which Lily’s fanny was bright red and constantly stinging. And the rest of her nearly naked body was actually feeling neglected.

Spidey seemed to be returning the paddle to the table, then his hands went back to work, now caressing her fanny cheeks, which helped soothe the sting. “Did you enjoy that spanking, Pooh bear?”

“Oh, yes, sir. Very much.”

“Shall I go back to touching and kissing?”

“Yes, sir, I would enjoy that tremendously.” This enthusiasm was not manufactured – Lily was, indeed, enjoying this game now. She was also feeling a little moisture in her vagina; she hoped it wouldn’t start dripping down her leg – that would be more humiliation than she thought she could stand.

After another 15 minutes or so of kissing and caressing – during which Lily’s nipples had become rock hard and incredibly sensitive – Spidey stopped and stepped away for a few minutes. She sensed him silently circling and observing her slightly sweaty body, hard nipples, and parted lips. The sudden lack of sensation was torture to her; if her hands weren’t tied above her, she would have rubbed her clit to orgasm right there and then.

Finally, she felt Spidey’s mouth near her ear. He whispered, “So, I understand you’re into tickling. Ready to enjoy that?”

OMG, she absolutely dreaded that. She was very, very sensitive to tickling. But she knew she was getting close to the end, and she needed to be a willing play mate. She gulped. “Y - yes, please.”

Spidey’s fingers started in lightly on her ears and the sides of her neck. Lily immediately burst with laughter. This went on for a few minutes, then he shifted his fingers down to her armpits. His touch was excruciatingly light, and Lily nearly passed out from laughter. “Ahh! No, stop! STOP! I can’t take much more!”

Spidey decided to give her a break and stop the tickling for a few minutes. Once again, Lily was momentarily tortured by the lack of stimulation. This might be worse than the tickling. But then her thoughts were interrupted by a new tickle, this time on the outsides of her breasts. This was a sensitive zone that she had not discovered on her own before, and she was amazed how ticklish she was there. She practically screamed from his touch. He wouldn’t let up, and she couldn’t catch her breath long enough to beg him to stop – stop before she passed out.

His tickling next passed down to her ribs, which she had been waiting for but not sufficiently prepared for. This was a deeper touch, a different tickle sensation. She howled with laughter. On and on, she was getting weak from laughing.

Spidey stopped again to give her a rest. But the rest was quickly interrupted by the vibrating egg in her vagina coming gradually to life. Lily had almost forgotten it was there, and she immediately melted a little feeling its deep vibrations now. She felt her eyelids close momentarily, but she quickly regained her composure so as not to neglect Spider Man.

“Everything okay with you?” he inquired.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m really enjoying th – this. Sort of hoping we’re kinda done with the tickling part. I don’t think I can take much more.”

“Hmm. Kinda done? Don’t know, maybe.” His fingers now started in on the insides of her knees, and Lily jumped a little, not realizing that her knees were so ticklish. She was laughing again – loudly – and trying hard to catch her breath, when she felt his fingers wandering up toward the insides of her thighs. Oh, man, this was worst. She was howling, practically screaming. But she was also getting incredibly turned on and breathing hard, and his probing fingers didn’t stop her from unconsciously spreading her legs outward a little bit, giving him access to the areas just on either side of her bikini patch. Here, he really turned on the tickling, and at the same time, the cheerleaders increased the intensity on her vibrating egg. The sudden combination of these sensations sent Lily over the edge, causing her to explode in the biggest – and loudest – orgasm she had ever felt.

The orgasm surprised Spidey, and he backed off, wondering what he had done that caused her to scream that loudly. “Hey, what. . .what happened? You okay?”

Lily was suddenly all smiles, and her face was fully flushed and glowing with sweat. “Uh, yeah. Yeah. That was wonderful tickling, Spidey. You’re really a diabolical little tickler, aren’t you?”

“I guess I am, yeah. Maybe you’re just an easy subject.”

At this point, Margery’s voice intervened, “Time’s up, Spider Man. Congratulations on winning this play time with our favorite Pooh bear. We’re going to let her get dressed and tidy up, and meanwhile I have a few questions to ask you, if you’ll follow me out into the hall. But part of your winnings today is to take home a souvenir with you. Would you like to choose something as your prize?”

“Oh, great! Yes, I think I’ll take the paddle as my prize.”

“Okay, I’ll go get that for you, but before we leave, do you want to give Pooh a nice good-bye hug?”

“I will, yes.” Lily felt Spidey get really close and wrap his arms around her for a hug. She also felt his boner, which was substantial at this point, against her hip. “Good-bye, Pooh bear.”

This was Lily’s last chance to win him over. “Good-bye, Spidey. Thanks for playing with me, and congratulations.” She heard Margery retrieving the paddle for him, his sneakers padding through the door, and the door closing. The next things she felt were her hands being lowered and Maeve untying her blindfold. The room lighting was switched back to normal, and her handcuffs were removed. She was allowed to change back into her school clothes, but not before gladly – and carefully – retrieving the egg vibrator from her vagina and returning it to Jess.

Just as Lily was finishing tying her shoes, Margery came back into the room and announced, “Well, I just quizzed our computer nerd on his satisfaction with his “captive cheerleader” puzzle prize. He said that he enjoyed himself, he found Pooh bear extremely sexy, and he thought she was quite a willing and exciting playmate. So, Pooh, this means that you have satisfied your final penalty and are therefore accepted onto the cheerleading squad. Congratulations, and welcome!”

Lily was ecstatic, not only to be accepted, but also to have survived the hazing at last. “Thank you, thank you, Margery. I’m super excited to be accepted on the squad!”

“Enjoy your weekend, and report to the first practice of the year on Monday afternoon.”

“Fantastic! See you then, Margery.”

Lily practically skipped out of the room. Then she remembered that she needed to get her laptop out of her locker before going home, so she walked down the hall to her locker. However, when she got there, she noticed a canvas tote bag leaning against her closed locker door. Strange. She opened the bag to find a wood paddle with a piece of note paper taped to it.

The handwriting said, “Really enjoyed that, Lily. BTW, my name is not really Spider Man. It’s Ryan.”

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