Registration Spiel (Continue with MC point of view)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Registration Spiel (Continue with MC point of view)

Post by barelin »

This story is a work of fiction. Based on a meme from the website Nude World Order from October 2022. All characters portrayed in this story are over 18 years old. There are no minor characters in this story. Written by Barelin and edited by Megansdad.

Figure 1 The Inspiration for this story
Last edited by barelin on Sun Apr 16, 2023 3:13 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Registration Spiel

Post by barelin »

Registration Spiel

Karla Rankle, 27, stood before Judge Lavern Jorgensen in the district courtroom filled with people. The judge looked at Karla and asked if she had completed form 833-1 and taken the required sobriety test with a certified psychologist. Karla replied that she had understood the requirements of the State of Franklin Code 16.2-232:11, which included mandatory nudity.

The judge then asked Karla if she was taking this oath freely and without coercion and if she was familiar with the stipulations of the state code. She also warned her that once registered. She would be under a legally binding obligation to abide by the terms of this statute. Must maintain the state of strict nudity at all times, excepting only such accessories as stipulated on her completed form 833-1. He also warned violation of one’s oath is a criminal offense, punishable by fine, imprisonment, or an extended term of legally enforced nudity. Karla eagerly replied that she understood and was willing to proceed.

The judge then asked if anyone in the courtroom objected to Karla Rankle proceeding with the registration for mandatory nudity under the terms stated in the State of Franklin’s code. No one raised any objections; Judge Jorgensen asked Karla if she was ready to proceed, and she replied, “I Do.”

The judge then declared that, by the authority vested in her by the State of Franklin and recognized by all fifty-three States/Commonwealths, Karla’s registration for legally mandated nudity for no less than five years was certified. Judge Jorgensen swore Karla in on October 11, 2022, and instructed her to remove all articles of clothing in the courtroom. Instructed Karla to pass her clothes to the bailiff for disposal and appointed the county sheriff to verify the destruction of the remaining garments under Franklin’s state law.

Judge Jorgensen wished Karla the best of luck in her new lifestyle and told her to proceed to Room 320 at the end of the hall for her first official permanent nude identification card and photo, to be saved digitally on a mobile device.

Karla, who considered herself an average-looking woman with a height of 5’ 5” (165 cm) and average weight, had never considered registering to be permanently nude until about six months ago. The idea of a nude lifestyle was new to her, and she wondered if it was something she could commit to before today. Looking down at herself under the light of the small office, she waited her turn to get her ID card.

Karla’s breasts sagged, with dark brown nipples facing outward and no hair below. Uncertain how her employer will respond to her decision to live and work in a new lifestyle. Karla and her husband are happy with this decision.
Last edited by barelin on Sun Apr 16, 2023 2:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Registration Spiel – The Rest of the Story

Post by barelin »

Most have read the above article posted on the local media website with the uncensored frontal photograph of me. My small town of Eastpark Springs is at the foot of the blue ridge mountain range. I wasn’t the first to go before a judge for a mandatory nudity term of six months to live. There were at least four others that are all older who agreed to wear clothing again.

My situation is different since they were near or at retirement age. We were recently married and getting established in our career and working as bank tellers. I should have told my employer about my plans for a mandatory nudity term. I didn’t tell anyone in my family or my friends about my plans until after they found out about the social media postings of the above article. Over six months ago, since that day in October.

Although my life has improved since then, there are still some rifts between me and my friends and family. Believe in time, and come to accept my new lifestyle. I can find new friends, but I’m stuck with the family I already have. I will start with something along those lines my supervisor or management wasn’t pleased I was before the judge that day.

They terminated me even before I was to head to work in the afternoon that day. I filed a wrongful termination lawsuit with the state and won the case. The courts granted me one year of severance pay whether I found employment or not.

I had trouble finding employment during the first month since my name was out there, and some of the older residents weren’t pleased with me. My husband, Keith, supports my decision to be permanude. After coming to terms with my nudity, I told myself that five years without being able to get dressed wasn’t long enough. I know how that sounds to remain undressed longer than five years.

My husband decided he wanted mandatory nudity for life, so the courts refunded all court costs since nude for life has no court costs. Any children we may have will never see either of us wearing clothes. Unlike my former employer, Keith’s employer fully embraced his working and living fully nude.

Less than a month later, I found an employer had no issues with me always being nude. I was expecting any employer that hired me would stuff me in some back office away from the public view. The local insurance broker hired me to work in the front office to process claims. They had no issues with my term of nudity extended and fully embraced my confidence in myself.

The doctor confirmed we are now pregnant! We didn’t want to tell anyone in our first trimester. It would be easy if I still wore clothing to hide the small bump. My Mother is still angry with the decision to wear clothes again. I have not told my mother yet about being a grandma. Hopefully, my mom and dad will accept that we are the same people, without any clothing.

As for most of my childhood friends, only one has accepted our decision – both of us dressed in our birthday suits. Our college friends have supported our decision to ditch our clothes. My oldest sister, who no longer lives with our parents, called last night, and I told her the news. She supports us and would be open to going before a judge to do the same thing I did late last year.

The End

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