It's Just a Job

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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It's Just a Job

Post by TeenFan »

It's Just a Job
Chapter 1.

Swim Instructor, children and adult lessons.

The sign was posted on the door to the Fit-N-Slim fitness center. Zander saw the sign from the street corner. He was riding his bike home from a local swimming pool. As an assistant swim instructor at the city public pool, he spent the mornings every day, Monday to Thursday, in the water.
He taught junior level swimmers as a volunteer, so how much harder could giving adult lessons be?

There is some smaller print on the sign. Zander parked his bike and he steps up to the door.

1. Lifeguarding, CPR, and First Aid certifications
2. Experience with swim lessons
3. Minimum age Fifteen.

Zander is only fifteen, but he's a big boy. Five-foot-ten and still growing. He can bench press 150 pounds, so he should easily be able to pass
lifeguard training. This is Fresno California, not Australia. He won't have to swim out half a mile into the pounding surf and come back in with a
live shark and give it mouth to mouth just to prove he's worthy to be a lifeguard. The training to be a lifeguard in Australia is insane. Watching
over plump ladies and twelve year old kids in a regular pool is a piece of cake.

Zander takes his bike inside the fitness center and he asks for the manager. The first question the manager, Mr. Wilks, asks is "How old are you?"

The manager looks dubious when he hears Zander is only fifteen years old, but he is impressed with the boy's experience at the city public pool as
a volunteer instructor. Mr. Wilks invites Zander to sit down in his office for a full interview.

"What do I have to do here?" Zander asks.

"After you get all your certifications and you get started, this is your job description:
1. Teach Level 3 swimming skills. Most of these students are kids from age 10 to 13.
2. Assist with the Adult Beginners.
3. Lifeguard duty.
4. Hose and clean the pool area and assist with pool maintenance.
5. Hose and clean the two locker rooms.
And of course whatever else needs to be done."

"I can do that," Zander says. "Is that everything?"

"You look strong. Do you think you can get some hours in as a personal trainer? Now this isn't a GOLDS GYM. There won't be any free weights,
not in the room where you can be in. The Free Weights Room, that room is for the umm, the grown men to do that job. You can only monitor the workout machines. Most of the members who use that room are the ladies and teenagers. The men weightlifters would just laugh at you. No
offense. But you won't have to worry about that. We have the hours of 8 to 10pm reserved for male only workouts. Many of our female clientele
find hulking male bodies grunting while pumping iron a little intimidating. You will work from 10am to 4pm, a six hour shift five days a week. If
you go beyond 30 hours a week I have to offer you company paid health benefits. Sorry but I can't offer that."

A sticking point came up when Zander found out he would have to pay his own fees for the classes in lifeguarding and CPR.

"It will cost 300 Dollars for both courses," Mr. Wilks said.

"There is no way I can get that much money from my parents. I guess I'll have to pass," Zander has to admit, and he stands up from the chair and
he heads for the door.

"Hold up. I'll make a deal with you. You come over to my place one day a week for the rest of the summer. You can be my pool boy. Clean the pool, mow the yard. You know, little jobs around the house. If you can do that I'll pay the fees for your training courses."

It's a little extra work each week, but it saves him 300 Dollars, so Zander agrees to the deal.

After two weeks of all day training at the main city pool, Zander is officially lifeguard and CPR certified, with a passing grade in First Aid.
Zander shows up at the Fit-N-Slim on Monday at 10am. He's so eager to start his first day that he shows up 15 minutes early, and he sits in the
lobby and he watches people come in.

The first two hours of the day is swim classes and exercise classes for children Ten to Thirteen years old. The ratio of girls to boys is three girls to
one boy. Zander can't believe how cute and attractive some of the twelve and thirteen year old girls are. Some of them came in wearing shorts
and already just a bikini top up top. Some of the girl's tops are super small and barely cover their fist sized or apple sized breasts. Zander is going
to be giving swim lessons to girls like this? The excited teenage boy feels a stirring down in his shorts.

Just before 10am Mr. Wilks steps out of his office. "Here's your uniform, Zander," and he tosses something small, something red toward Zander.

Zander catches it, spreads it out with his hands. His hands hold a small, a very small speedo type suit. Zander knows what a speedo looks like,
but this is smaller than any speedo he'd ever seen before. It looks like a girl's bikini bottom, a twelve year old girl's bottom. Zander, thinking there must be some mistake, checks the front of the small suit. It does have a front liner that a typical speedo has, so it is a boy's suit. It's just so...

"What is this, Mr. Wilks? It doesn't look like a swim team swimsuit."

"Oh, that's not a speedo. It's an Italian design. Our employees only wear Euro style. It makes this place trendy, not ordinary. We have a rich
clientele, many of whom vacation in Europe. So we do our best to look our best. I'll see you at the pool in five minutes."

Zander steps into the boy's locker room. The front section has the lockers, benches, swimsuit drying machine on the wall. Several late arriving
boys are getting into their swimsuits, typical knee length suits that most boys wear these days. After taking off his clothes, Zander can barely squeeze the Italian Euro suit over his hips. Any smaller and his dick would have no place to go. From the front it almost looks like a thong, only
this suit does mostly cover the butt. The last boys getting dressed give Zander a funny look as they depart the locker room. Stepping to the next
section of the locker room there are sinks and mirrors. Zander laughs when he sees himself. He can actually see the round mound of each testicle
pressing against the material of the suit, and it will be clear to everyone which direction his penis is pointing. Zander can actually see the ridge of
his glans. Being circumcised there's no extra liner around his dick head. There's not enough room if he pops a boner during lessons. If he did
get hard it would be better to push forward and make a bigger bulge than to have it slide upward. Zander repositions his dick to the down tuck

Zander leaves the locker room, carries his clothes to the office. He needs to find out where his stuff is supposed to go. For the time being, he
leaves his clothing on a chair in the office. There's nobody else around to ask what to do with his things.

Zander walks over to the indoor swimming pool. He feels weirdly naked and exposed wearing something so small, and walking through a building, not on a beach which would feel more normal. At the swimming pool he pushes through the door. All the kids are sitting on bleachers near the shallow end of the pool. There must be twelve kids in all, so approximately nine girls and three boys.
Walking over to the bleachers to take charge of his first class, Zander can't help but notice how many of the girls are smiling, how many look like
they are trying not to giggle. Zander feels so out of place in this new suit. He's never been one to wear a speedo. Not even when teaching lessons
at the city pool did he wear a speedo. Only boys on swim teams wear those, and now most of them wear mid-thigh length suits called Jammers.

"Ahh, there he is. Your new swim instructor," Mr. Wilks says. "His name is Zander, and take it easy on him. It's his first day on the job."
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Re: It's Just a Job

Post by Jeepman89 »

Great start. I'm loving this scenario.
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Re: It's Just a Job

Post by TeenFan »

From age 24 to 29 I worked as a lifeguard and assistant pool manager. At one point I was working at three different pools, since each one
had limited hours available. Nothing super crazy or weird happened, and only one time did I ever jump into the water to help with a rescue.
But there is enough almost crazy stuff to inspire some ENM type stories. And of course there were the things I wished did happen but didn't.
Example: Wardrobe malfunctions are something that rarely happen. I think I saw a woman lose her top only one time. The woman was carrying
her small child. The child must have accidentally untied the top string of the woman bikini top, and when she stood up in the kiddie pool she
was exposed and didn't know it for several seconds.
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Re: It's Just a Job

Post by TeenFan »

It's Just a Job
Chapter 2.

Mr. Wilks gave Zander a clipboard and barely any instruction or advice before walking off.
"Just check their strokes, spend most of your time working with the ones that need the most help, and keep them from causing trouble".
That was it. The boss is walking off and Zander realizes he is on his own to instruct and supervise twelve kids.

Zander has never been in a pool by himself to instruct before. It was always a group instruction setting at the city pool. Zander was just one
of many volunteers and a couple employees of the City Parks and Recreation Department. It's a new and strange feeling, knowing that he is
responsible for the success and safety of a dozen individuals. Even if he wasn't standing in front of the kids in a state of near nakedness, Zander
would be feeling a bit overwhelmed and unsure of himself. A bunch of girls gazing upon him as he wears the mini-suit, the micro-speedo, aware
of how much his boy parts are bulging out down there, isn't helping things.

On the clipboard is a list of names and ages. One by one Zander calls out the names.
Among the girls the age breakdown is:
Two of age 13.
Three of age 12.
Three of age 11
One of age 10.

Interestingly the three boys are each the same age of Twelve years.

Zander tells the group what will happen first. One by one each kid will get in Lane One of the four lane, 25 meter pool.
"Do a length doing sidestroke, breast, and then crawl."

On this first day he needs to watch each student with his full attention to make notes on what each swimmer lacks in technique. It doesn't take
long for Zander to find out it will be difficult to put his full attention on anything. As Zander watches the first girl on the list do her three
swim stokes for three lengths of the pool, the chatter starts up among the others sitting along or standing along the edge of the pool.

"You think this guy is going to stay long?"
"Nobody stays long here. He'll be gone in a week."
"I think he's kinda cute."
"How old do you think he is?"
"He's got a nice ass."

A loud burst of laughter erupts. Zander looks over at the cluster of kids. "Hey, knock it off. I'm trying to watch her strokes."

So far all the chatter had been comments from the girls. Next a boy's voice speaks up.

"Why are you wearing a thong?"

Zander looks over again. "This is not a thong. This is what Mr. Wilks gave me to wear. It's my uniform. What did your last instructor wear?"

Zander is informed the previous instructor was a woman, a fat woman who had no patience and no understanding of how kids think and do
things. The previous instructor never got into the water to help demonstrate techniques, just sat in a chair by the pool and kept telling the
students to "Keep going. You have fifteen more minutes till the class is over" or "Don't bother me when I'm on my phone".

From the sound of things, it won't be difficult to be a better swim instructor than the previous one. Once Zander can demonstrate dramatic
improvement in each student's performance, then perhaps he can float the idea of a raise. After all, this job doesn't pay much to start.

Through the first hour a dozen students do their evaluation swim. A dozen times Zander has to tell the other kids to keep it quiet. The dirty
mouths on these kids. Such language. Zander's momma would slap him across the face if he said the things he was hearing.

It turns out the ten year old girl can swim like a dolphin. The two oldest girls, both thirteen years old, can barely swim. They shouldn't be in
the Level 3 class. Probably because they are so much older it would be embarrassing for thirteen year old girls to be placed in a class with
children aged 9 to 11.

The good news is Zander was instructed to give the majority of his time and effort to the weakest swimmers, and the two weakest ones are the
oldest and hottest girls in the class and their names are Clara and Bonnie. Zander makes a note on the name list.
"Needs extra instruction" Zander writes next to Clara and Bonnie.

With twelve kids it's going to take a while for him to remember all their names. How do teachers do it? The High School teachers, how do they recall the names of five different groups of twenty-five kids per class?

Zander tells the kids he wants to see each of them do a standing dive from the side. This is a good indicator of swimming capability. A poor swimmer will often hold the nose with the fingers when jumping in. And who can dive without belly flopping, that's another indicator of skill level. So everybody into the pool. All the students are in the water in Lane One except for one. One of the boys, George, is hesitating in doing a forward dive with his arms outstretched. There are some giggles from the girls, a few snickers. The front of George's swimsuit is poking out and everyone has a front row seat in seeing it. Poor George, bad timing to pop a boner.

"Arms up by the side of your head, by the ears. Lean over and dive in, George," Zander calls out.

George is in position, feet together and his arms are pointing outward. His arms are more up toward the ceiling. He needs to bend over more.
Then one of the girls in the water next to George's legs reaches up and she grabs the bottom of the boy's swimsuit. The girl grabs and yanks down
just as George leans over. In a split second the suit is down to George's ankles. For a moment the boy freezes. He's half bent over, half standing
upright and he doesn't know what to do. George just looks down at his exposed crotch in wide eyed surprise, his boner sticking out a good four or
five inches. When the suit was pulled down the boner was pulled down only to pop up like it was spring loaded. The boy's penis is still bobbing
up and down.

Raucous laughter erupts from all the students, and the sound finally jumpstarts George's brain lock. He dives into the water, still holding his
arms in the proper position. Still holding onto George's swimsuit is the girl who yanked them down. What is that girl's name? It''s Rhonda,
one of the twelve year old girls who did the dirty deed of pantsing poor George. George comes up several feet away.

"Rhonda. Give the suit back," Zander shouts out, but to no avail. As soon as George makes a move toward the wall, reaching out with a hand to
grab his swimsuit, Rhonda tosses the suit over his head to another girl.

For the next several minutes it's a game of Keep Away. Poor George has no chance of swimming fast enough to catch up with whoever has his
swimsuit. Even the other two boys aren't helping.

Zander's shouts toward the group of teasers, the swimsuit tossers, go unheeded. Zander wishes he had a whistle with him. He is a lifeguard in
this facility but he hasn't been provided a whistle yet. The student swimmers surround George like a pod of killer whales. The group pushes him
to the side of the pool wall. Together they grab hold of George, and they lift upward. The eleven swimmers with a swimsuit on lift and push and
they shove the naked swimmer out of the water and onto the pool deck.

Two girls hold the arms as the two other boys grab the legs. Naked George can only wiggle his body and try thrashing to dislodge the others who
hold his body down. His still partially erect penis flops around like a fish out of water.

Zander stands just a few feet away, aghast at the whole scene. He's in charge here. He's the instructor, but nobody is listening to him. It's his first
day on the job and he's lost control over his class. Then Zander realizes...he never had control.
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Re: It's Just a Job

Post by Jeepman89 »

Love it! Great story keeps getting better.
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Re: It's Just a Job

Post by TeenFan »

Thanks, Jeepman.
Zander could be in for a rough ride with this job.
Don't you wish they could all be California girls?
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Re: It's Just a Job

Post by Themarble »

Can't wait to see where this one goes Teenfan. Knowing your other work, this is only a preview to what can happen (;.
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Re: It's Just a Job

Post by TeenFan »

IT"S Just a Job
Chapter 3.

Zander, looking on as eleven kids gang up on and strip another classmate, makes another attempt to assert his authority.

"Uh hey guys. You shouldn't be doing that.....hey, stop that. Stop it now. Don't make me come over there."

The two boys and larger group of girls continue to hold George down on the pool deck. His thrashing didn't get him loose and now a couple other
girls get out of the pool. These other girls, Rhonda being one of them, Rhonda who started the whole thing when she yanked down George's
swimsuit, start tickling George's stomach.

"Noooo. Please stop. Don't tickle, help," George screams out, but the girls continue their tickling, and they don't stop at the tummy.

"Hey. You can't grab a guy there. That's not fair," Zander says, shocked to see one of the younger girls grab George by the dick. It's all so surreal,
Zander could never imagine such a thing in his wildest dreams. He hasn't been trained in what the proper procedure is when the swim students
gang molest one of their classmates. In all this excitement, Zander can't even remember the name of the girl who is groping poor George. Zander
remembers she was one of the eleven year olds but can't recall the name.

A loud whistle fills the indoor pool area with a piercing sound.

The attack on George ceases as everyone freezes and turns their heads.
Stepping over from the front door is a very large woman wearing tight shorts and a sports bra. The boobs tucked into the tight-fitting sports bra
are the first thing Zander's eyes focus on. The next noticeable thing is the arms and shoulders. There are muscles on top of muscles, and it looks like the woman could outwrestle a bear. The woman's hair is short in a man's style, and she would look like a man if it wasn't for those two large
sized mounds poking out from the chest.

"Oh shit. It's Miss Melissa," Bonnie, one to the two oldest girls says as she stands up.

Immediately everyone who was holding or tickling George lets go, and everyone stands up. The kids still in the pool continue to stay alongside
the wall of Lane One.

"What in tarnation is going on here?" Miss Melissa says, as she steps up closer.

George is still lying on his back on the pool deck. With the others having let go, George has his hands cupped over his crotch.

Miss Melissa turns toward Zander. "I see you're holding a clipboard. Are you the one Mr. Wilks just hired?"

Not only do the twelve swim students look terrified of the muscle bound Miss Melissa, Zander is frozen in place with fear and dread. Zander
can barely get out an answer that he is the new guy.

"I'm sorry. I don't know how things got so out of control. I'm Zander. This is my first job."

Miss Melissa looks Zander up and down, then the woman smirks and shakes her head. Miss Melissa then turns toward the gathered group of
kids. Most of the kids lower their heads, avert looking directly into the big woman's eyes.

"You there, George. Get your ass off the deck and stop playing with your genitals. Now somebody tell me what the blazes is going on? Who
started this nonsense?....never mind. I can figure it out, just by looking. Stripping a boy and tickling him when you're supposed to be doing your

George gets up, but he continues holding his hands over his crotch. George looks around, looking for his swimsuit, but his suit is nowhere to be seen.

"If I had a whistle I could have stopped this. But I haven't been given a whistle yet." Zander tries to explain is inability to stop what he agreed was
a lot of nonsense.

"You buy your own whistle, and you better have one when you start your next shift...if you still have a job that is. Now the rest of you out of the
water. Line up along the side and face me."

The remaining students climb out of Lane One. The twelve line up along the edge of the pool. With the surface motions of the water less
disturbed and wavey and the kids not obscuring the view, Zander can see George's swimsuit at the bottom of the pool.

"Umm...ah...shouldn't George get his suit back on?" Zander suggests.

"George will get his swimsuit in just a minute. But first George will be the one to punish the one who pulled his suit off."

Zander is amazed at what happens next. Eleven young swimmers turn to look at Rhonda. Miss Melissa didn't even have to ask "Who did it", as
everyone turned to look at the perpetrator.

"Rhonda, shame on you. Accidents happen when people don't follow the rules, when they don't follow instruction, when they don't do what their
instructor tells them to. Somebody could have fallen and gotten hurt during this horseplay. You will be spanked ten times.....stop smiling kids, the
rest of you are also guilty and you will all be punished. However, Miss Rhonda started it and will receive the biggest punishment. Now all of you
get over next to me as George spanks Rhonda on her bare ass.....Yep, that's right. Rhonda you will take off your swimsuit. You will toss it into the
pool. You get your bikini back at the end of the session."

The ten students not involved in this punishment step away from the side of the pool. They line up several feet away, standing near Miss Melissa
and Zander. Twelve year old Rhonda stands by the edge of Lane One, next to the naked twelve year old George. Laughter ensues from the group
of kids as Rhonda turns to face the pool. Keeping her backside toward the group, Rhonda takes off her swimsuit. She tosses her bikini bottom and
top out into the pool. The two halves of the bikini float for a moment then slip down under the surface.

Rhonda has a beautiful backside on her. Her legs are shapely, and her bottom has just started to get curvy on the side of the hips.
Normally the other girls would be making fun of the naked girl, and the two boys would most likely be whistling, but nobody says anything.
Nobody risks the ire of Miss Melissa, and there is a group punishment phase coming.

"Now Miss Rhonda, you will take the position of diving off the blocks. Hands at the edge of the pool. Left foot at the edge and your right foot
a little behind you. Get in position and bend over. And George, when you spank her, you have to hold her shoulder to keep her from falling
forward into the pool."

Rhonda gets in Block Diving position. With her body bent over like that Zander can see her butt crack, and a little more below that exposed.
Zander has never seen a girl naked from this particular angle before, never had this view. Sure, he's seen the front slit on girls, girls too young to
be of interest. Rhonda is just twelve, but for a fifteen year old boy that is getting into the "highly interesting" age for girls to be. Zander feels
his body respond to the unexpected view of a girl's pussy from the back end. Zander's dick is getting hard and pushing against the front of his

"Can I get my swimsuit first, Miss Melissa?" George asks.

"If you get your suit now you don't get to give her the ten spanks."

George has a decision to make. He can dive into the pool and retrieve his swimsuit, or he can spank the naked Rhonda, ten smackeroos on the
butt, but he will be fully uncovered and showing himself to everyone as he administers the punishment. Poor George will be mistreated twice.
Zander wonders how this can be fair. He's learning quickly that when it comes to the dispensation of justice...fair is rare.

"I'll spank her first," George says. The pleasure of punishing the cute and naked Rhonda wins out over the desire to cover up.

George places his left hand on Rhonda's left shoulder. He swings his right hand back to deliver the first blow. George's now uncovered dick is
getting hard again. His dick rises and sways back and forth as he begins his ten swats on the girl's ass. The rest of the class counts the blows.
The group shifts positions to stand where the best possible views are, some interested in seeing the hand slaps on the girl's ass just above the
little twat, some preferring to watch the swinging hard dick on the boy dishing out the spanks.

Zander is mesmerized by the sight. Only five swats in, only halfway there and Rhonda's ass is turning pink. Zander can feel more pressure and pushing going on in the tiny swimsuit he's been forced to wear. It will be obvious he's gotten turned on by what he saw. His big bulge sticking
out can't be hidden. Zander glances over at the two other boys in the class. Not surprisingly, both boys are trying to be discreet as they make
adjustments to the front on their swimsuits. Zander isn't the only one getting a hardon while watching this.

After the count of ten, after the final blow of George's hand on the tight and curved behind of Rhonda, George's dick is sticking straight up toward
the ceiling. Rhonda stands up, but she continues facing away, keeps her front side toward the pool.

"I can get my swimsuit now?" George asks.

"You can retrieve your suit by grabbing the pool net on that pole over there. Fetch your swimsuit and Rhonda's suit using the net. And for the rest
of the classmates, since fitness is part of this training, they will all do fifty pushups and fifty knee bends. Rhonda, come over here and join your class."

For the next several minutes, Zander watches as one lone naked boy fishes out three articles of swimwear from the pool using a long pole, and
sees eleven other kids do exercises. He gets a good closeup view of Rhonda's red bottom as she does her best to do proper pushups on the pool
deck. He can see the side view well enough to see Rhonda's smallish breasts become more visible from the pull of gravity. The two boys doing
pushups are looking right at them hanging down. Some punishment for those two boys. They are both grinning stupidly and probably not keeping count on the fifty pushups. Gravity is also helping the boy's boners stick out, pointing toward the ground. Many of the girls keep close watch on
the up and down motions of the boys doing their pushup.

'What have I gotten myself into?' Zander thinks to himself when Miss Melissa calls him over.

Zander looks the woman over. He's in awe of her huge thigh muscles. She could squeeze the shit out of him if she wrapped those python legs
around Zander's waist and why is Zander even thinking of those legs being wrapped around his body?

"I see you do some working out. How much can you bench? How much do you weigh? How old are you, Zander?"

These questions and more Miss Melissa asks, as she grabs hold of Zander's arm and she feels his bicep. Then she feels the firmness of his stomach.

"Very nice. You will do for a fitness instructor for the younger members of the club. And I like how well your uniform fits."

Zander feels his face blushing. "I haven't gotten the rest of it yet. Shorts, t-shirt, I guess I'll get issued those later today."

"That is all Mr. Wilks is going to give you. You don't need anything else," Miss Melissa says, and she laughs.

The students finish their pushups, and they stand up to do knee bends. Now Zander gets a full frontal view of the cute little Rhonda. She has the
smallest sprouting of hair a girl can have and say she's got pubic hair. It' just a few wisps on either side of the girl's slit.

"I thought this umm, speedo like suit was just for the swimming pool area," Zander says, looking down as his own bulge continues to push far out.
Speaking of hair, Zander is happy he's not too hairy down there or anywhere on his body. Hair sticking out alongside the seams of his micro-suit
would be not only embarrassing but gross. Zander will probably pluck any hairs he finds poking out.

"That is the official and complete uniform for the boys here at the Fit-N-Slim. You wear that everywhere, the weight room, the yoga room, the
massage therapy room. Why do you think you need anything else?"

Nothing else to wear? Not anywhere in the building? Yoga Room?

Zander looks over at George as the naked boy finishes fishing out Rhonda' s bikini top and bottom from the bottom of the pool. This micro-speedo may be embarrassingly small, but at least he's not naked.
Last edited by TeenFan on Sun Feb 19, 2023 4:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: It's Just a Job

Post by NudeBaG »

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Re: It's Just a Job

Post by Trundle »

Ooh Miss Melissa sounds an imposing figure! I think she may provide some difficulties for poor Zander in the future. Especially when she's checking out his new uniform.

Looking forward to more.
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