Dare Me - The Lost Swimsuit Saga (Complete)
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Dare Me - The Lost Swimsuit Saga (Part 12)
Dare Me - The Lost Swimsuit Saga (Part 12)
I couldn't have planned it any better if I had tried. A fisherman, or rather a boy, around Lucy's age came waltzing around the corner completely unaware of the unbelievable scene that awaited him. He looked every bit the part. He was wearing one of those beige vests covered in pockets. He even had a matching hat with lures hooked all over it.
On cue, she raised her head to the sound of his approaching footfalls like she had already done so many times before. I think she was caught off-guard when it wasn't a false alarm this time. The boy was equally surprised to find a cute naked girl hanging spread-eagle before him.
His tall boots, which were made to grip slippery rocks, made a loud squeaking sound as he skidded to a halt. Lucy's eyes went as wide as saucers, and she sucked in a sharp breath and held it. They locked eyes and stared in shock at each other for a few silent seconds; neither one daring to even blink or breathe.
Her unmatched beauty was apparent despite her unusual position and lack of clothes; or maybe because of it. Her piercing blue eyes shined brightly and unblinking at him through her dangling strands blonde hair. Her mouth hung open as if she had been in the middle of speaking a word, but no words came out. If anything, her disheveled appearance may have contributed to the idea that she really was some wild sea creature who had been hauled ashore against her will.
But her breasts would never be mistaken for a fish. Her parted pussy lips and playfully winking asshole left no doubt that she was all human and all female.
Suddenly, the store bell gonged loudly overhead and broke the stalemate. The boy, who looked equally as scared at having encountered Lucy as she was of him, unexpectedly spun around and bolted from sight.
I could only guess at why he had run away. Maybe her impressive naked physiology was too much for him to take and scared him off. If so, he wouldn't be back. But it was more likely he was running to tell someone else what he had found. In that case, he very well could come back with any number of others in tow. I suspected the second scenario the most likely of the two.
Lucy must have been thinking the same thing and had come to the same conclusion. If her secret shame was out, she didn't have any time to waste. She began thrashing violently and with renewed urgency. Now she really did resemble a fish caught in a net desperate to somehow break free.
She grunted through gritted teeth, lifting her free foot off the ground once again and trying to kick the rope free from her other leg. But that accomplished nothing except to cause her to swing dizzyingly against the netting and make her lightheaded. She had to put her foot back down to steady herself and keep from passing out.
She continued trying everything else she could think of to avoid another humiliating encounter with that boy. If by some miracle she was able to free herself, whomever the boy brought back would conclude he was telling fantastical tales. Perhaps they would look at the mermaids on the signage selling barnacle guard and assume the boy's pubescent mind had produced a fantasy and the naked girl caught in a net was nothing more than a figment of his overactive imagination.
Their meeting, no matter how humiliating, had been brief. The only thing that would make it worse would be for him to return and for Lucy to be subjected to even more embarrassing exposure. Poor girl. Despite her best efforts, nothing in the way of a last second escape transpired. The boy did return not much later dragging his big brother behind him. And she was not a figment of his imagination. Despite all her thrashing, he arrived to find the girl just as secured, just as spread open, and just as naked as he had described it to his brother. The only thing she had managed to change in the interim was to make herself out of breath and even more disheveled looking.
When the two boys appeared, she stopped struggling and froze. Her wide eyes met the older boy who was enjoying his first sight of her humiliating naked display. The younger brother stood with a huge, satisfied smile on his face, like he had just hauled in the biggest fish of the trip.
The older brother looked to be at least my age or older - in his mid to late teens. He was dressed in exactly the same fisherman's outfit. They must have been here on some kind of family fishing trip. He was tall and strapping with a mop of slightly curly black hair. I'm sure Lucy would consider him cute. In another setting, she would have been flirting and fawning all over him. But she was in no position to flirt. No position to do much of anything but hang there and exhibit her naked body’s every secret for him.
Defeated, she dropped her eyes to stare at the floor, letting her hair fall to partially obscure her blushing face; the only form of privacy she could summon. But she could still feel their eyes roaming all over her naked body, taking in every exposed inch of her burgeoning femininity, especially her glistening pink flower. She couldn't even stop it from occasionally twitching from arousal.
"Ahoy!" a voice barked at the group from out of nowhere. Sailor Dave had a knack for catching you by surprise. I guess that was a valuable talent for a fisherman to possess. He was carrying a wide-mouthed metal pail along with another package that had to be the shaving kit.
"Sorry for the delay. Gotta cast while they’re bitin'. Had a customer, a slick city busy-ness man - wants to impress a client. Offered me a few hundred dollars to make him look the part of a real fisherman. Only, he don't know the first thing about fishing. Only way he's gonna end the day with a fish is if he starts out the day with two, he-he!"
Dave sat down his supplies before turning to greet the fan club Lucy’s naked charms had attracted.
"And who do we have here?" he asked, approaching the boys too quickly for someone with such a crooked gait. They were still a little overwhelmed by the whole situation and when they didn't respond immediately, he filled in the silence with his own narrative.
"Silent type, eh? Don't blame you. Round here, you open your mouth, you're libel to catch a hook, he-he! I suppose you'll wanna be watching the demonstration?"
Any demonstration involving a naked tied-up girl, they would gladly volunteer to watch. They both nodded their heads assuredly. Like lightning, he lashed out at the younger boy and gripped him firmly by the chin, scrutinizing his face for a moment. Then he turned to the older one and did the same thing.
"Young'n don't look ready yet," he said to the older boy, "but you got enough years on you. Might as well both of ye stick around. If you've never seen a shave with a straight razor, you're in for a real treat. It'll change yer life!"
Lucy had remained silent and still throughout this rather one-sided exchange. But then he flipped open the lid of the kit and pulled out the strop. When he snapped the sturdy piece of leather against itself with a loud crack, she couldn't suppress her fearful yip. It had fed her unfounded fear of getting spanked. The younger boy let out a snicker at her reaction. But the older boy was too busy enjoying the way it made her naked bits jiggle enticingly to react.
I left my hiding place and decided to join the presentation area. I didn't want to be too far away and miss a thing! So, tucking the sarong easily into my pocket, I retraced my steps intending to come up from behind them. By the time I made it around the department and got there, a couple more observers had joined the group. They were a couple of local fishermen; old-timers who knew Dave and had just wandered over to join the fray.
Lucy glanced over when I arrived, but there was so much going on by then that she didn't give me much beyond that. The greater, more imminent threat demanding her full attention had to be Mr. Dave.
He worked with the manual dexterity one would expect from a life-long sailor. He had threaded countless lures onto fishing line by moonlight. And he seemed to know his way around a simple straight razor shaving kit. He unpacked the kit with cool efficiency. After using the hook at the end of the strop to hang it onto the netting behind him, he pulled out a fancy white ceramic bowl with gold inlay. I later learned the bowl is called a scuttle. Next came a short, stocky brush full of soft-looking bristles. He extracted an exotic dark bottle of something from the kit box and set it on the counter nearby. Then he pulled out the most important object of all, the straight razor.
With a flick of the rich ivory handle, a long, rectangular, silver blade flipped out with a satisfying "shoosh". It sure looked plenty sharp already. But what did I know? Sailor Dave held it aloft for a moment, scrutinizing it in the bright light. He sure knew how to put on a show. He must have felt it needed a bit more polish and stepped up to the strop. With a practiced, back-and-forth motion, he drew the blade up and down the thick leather repeatedly until it had a gleaming, impossibly sharp edge.
I marveled at the specialized piece of equipment perfectly designed to do one thing and one thing well; separate a person's hair from their skin in the closest manner possible. Lucy had been watching the proceedings silently and with a look of sheer terror. She did not want that blade to come anywhere near her virginal body. A razor had never slid across her flawless skin, and she didn't know what to expect. But what could she do to stop him now? Her only option was to dig deep down and just somehow find some way to endure it.
I had been shaving my face for some time with those plastic disposable razors. So, I kind of knew what to expect. Despite the menacing image that razor presented, I'm sure, if she remained still like I had ordered, she was in no real danger of getting hurt. Mr. Dave seemed to know what he was doing.
The old-timers started razzing Dave; asking if he was qualified to handle such a sharp blade. He got distracted by their verbal teasing and started throwing his own insults back. All the while, Lucy could do nothing but hang there naked while they exchanged jabs.
At one point, one of them asked him to explain his naked little mermaid. To her great embarrassment, Dave explained how little Lucy had lost her swimsuit and had then asked for a shave so she wouldn't have to get a bikini wax. When he said she had volunteered to help him demonstrate his deluxe shaving kit (for sale on aisle 4, if you're interested), they were more than happy to stick around and watch. Why not? You can catch a fish any day, right? How often do you get to watch something like this?
Dave threw a small towel over his shoulder and moved over to retrieve the water pail, which I guessed was made for holding live bait or maybe crawdads or shrimp. It had a handle and I estimated would hold about two gallons. Grabbing the handle, he said he had to run and get some warm water and would be right back. By the time he returned, Lucy's audience had swelled by two more. Two fly fishermen with their long, fancy fly poles had joined the group.
Lucy had to hang there naked and exposed and listen to these new customers receive the story of how the naked careless girl, who couldn’t even keep up with a simple swimsuit, had volunteered for Riviera Dave's close shave demonstration in the process. He would have been finished setting up by now if he didn't stop to gab so much. It felt like he had a joke response ready or piece of sage advice for every statement that was spoken.
He had just finished getting everything in perfect position when yet another customer arrived. He was just some lucky shopper in plain clothes who had happened upon the proceedings. Of course, Dave had to tell the story again. Like any good fisherman, he tended to embellish it with each retelling. By now large parts of the story were incorrect or exaggerated, but Lucy was too shy in her naked suspended state to dare open her mouth now in front of seven strangers and try to correct the record. She just stood there poised on one foot with her whole body prepared and spread for the impending deed. I'm sure by now she silently wished Dave would shut up, stop talking about giving her a shave, and get on with actually doing it already!
When the story was finished, the man shrewdly decided to stick around and watch the show. So much time had passed, I wondered if the water in the pail hadn't gone cold by now. I wasn't even sure what Dave was planning to do with that water. Was he going to dump it on her? I knew how much she hated being cold. Oh well, it couldn't be helped now.
Dave picked up the ceramic bowl, the scuttle, which I could now see wasn't empty. It was actually full almost to the rim with a solid substance, a powder or soap of some sort. Dipping the brush into the water to get it nice and wet, he started whipping it around the surface of the bowl. He kept whipping until the solid material was worked up into a rich fluffy lather. All the while, he extolled the virtues of this wonderful kit (for sale on aisle four, if you weren't listening before. Don't delay, they won’t last long!)
When the hand-whipped shaving cream was ready, he pulled out the brush. The bristles were heavy-laden with white lather. Without even bothering to ask Lucy if she was ready, he lashed out his hand and painted a white stripe down the front of his demonstration partner’s leg. That struck me as odd. I guess I had assumed he was going to merely shave her pubic area, something that wouldn't take more than a minute or so. But Sailor Dave had other plans. He was going to demonstrate the effectiveness of his kit by shaving both her legs also! He kept painting, dipping back in for more lather as he went until her entire right leg from her pelvis down to her ankle was completely white. Then he kicked the bucket into position beneath her.
Lucy couldn't watch. She turned her head and squeezed her eyes closed adorably as the blade moved in. Her downy soft leg hairs were hardly worth the trouble. But that wasn't about to stop old Dave.
The blade made soft scraping sounds as he deftly swiped down her leg. Everywhere it slid, the cream was stripped away; presumably along with her body hair and perhaps the top layer of her skin. It looked to be that sharp! Every little bit, he would dunk the razor into the bucket to rinse it off. He only slowed down slightly over her kneecap to make sure he didn't knick her. The viewing gallery was reduced to a murmur of awe as he knelt down to expertly remove every last hair from her straight right leg.
Standing up and appraising his work, he grabbed the brush and began working up another batch of lather. Her left leg, being folded in half, looked like it would be a little trickier. But he attacked it without hesitation and was able to make quick work even with all the extra bends and crevasses.
Now for the moment of truth. He had been working around her bikini area the whole time, focusing on her extremities. It was one thing to have your legs shaved by someone else. But it was something entirely different to trust your most sensitive and private parts to someone you just met who was wielding a long sharp blade.
But Lucy, perhaps emboldened by her experience so far, adopted a look of fierce determination. She hadn't been cut so far and could see the finish line now. She just had to get through this next part. She did tense visibly and squeezed her eyes shut when he scooped up a heavy dallop then pointed the brush directly at her most tender parts.
She accidentally let out a sexy little gasp when the soft wet bristles made contact with her moist sex. Everyone noticed. It was the first sound she had made since the whole thing began. Her body betrayed her, and her resolve faltered. She began writhing erotically as he moved the brush in a slow circular motion.
I could tell the bristles were too stimulating and she couldn't help herself. Despite the audience, she thrust her pelvis lewdly forward in a desperate attempt to get the brush to push that magic button I knew was somewhere inside her, the one that made her diamonds.
But the brush didn't stay in one spot very long and despite her best efforts, she couldn't make enough contact before it was already moving away. He continued brushing outward in ever-larger circles until everything from her thighs almost to her belly button was coated in the thick white substance. Then he moved behind her and painted her ripe bottom; even the part where her butt crack came together to form her wrinkled little hole.
Before he could shave the cream away, a new voice interrupted the proceedings. "There you are," said the perturbed voice. I surmised it was the boys' father since he was dressed exactly like them in the same beige fishing outfit.
"Our boat's about to leave and I've been looking everywhere fo...what the hell?"
I couldn't have planned it any better if I had tried. A fisherman, or rather a boy, around Lucy's age came waltzing around the corner completely unaware of the unbelievable scene that awaited him. He looked every bit the part. He was wearing one of those beige vests covered in pockets. He even had a matching hat with lures hooked all over it.
On cue, she raised her head to the sound of his approaching footfalls like she had already done so many times before. I think she was caught off-guard when it wasn't a false alarm this time. The boy was equally surprised to find a cute naked girl hanging spread-eagle before him.
His tall boots, which were made to grip slippery rocks, made a loud squeaking sound as he skidded to a halt. Lucy's eyes went as wide as saucers, and she sucked in a sharp breath and held it. They locked eyes and stared in shock at each other for a few silent seconds; neither one daring to even blink or breathe.
Her unmatched beauty was apparent despite her unusual position and lack of clothes; or maybe because of it. Her piercing blue eyes shined brightly and unblinking at him through her dangling strands blonde hair. Her mouth hung open as if she had been in the middle of speaking a word, but no words came out. If anything, her disheveled appearance may have contributed to the idea that she really was some wild sea creature who had been hauled ashore against her will.
But her breasts would never be mistaken for a fish. Her parted pussy lips and playfully winking asshole left no doubt that she was all human and all female.
Suddenly, the store bell gonged loudly overhead and broke the stalemate. The boy, who looked equally as scared at having encountered Lucy as she was of him, unexpectedly spun around and bolted from sight.
I could only guess at why he had run away. Maybe her impressive naked physiology was too much for him to take and scared him off. If so, he wouldn't be back. But it was more likely he was running to tell someone else what he had found. In that case, he very well could come back with any number of others in tow. I suspected the second scenario the most likely of the two.
Lucy must have been thinking the same thing and had come to the same conclusion. If her secret shame was out, she didn't have any time to waste. She began thrashing violently and with renewed urgency. Now she really did resemble a fish caught in a net desperate to somehow break free.
She grunted through gritted teeth, lifting her free foot off the ground once again and trying to kick the rope free from her other leg. But that accomplished nothing except to cause her to swing dizzyingly against the netting and make her lightheaded. She had to put her foot back down to steady herself and keep from passing out.
She continued trying everything else she could think of to avoid another humiliating encounter with that boy. If by some miracle she was able to free herself, whomever the boy brought back would conclude he was telling fantastical tales. Perhaps they would look at the mermaids on the signage selling barnacle guard and assume the boy's pubescent mind had produced a fantasy and the naked girl caught in a net was nothing more than a figment of his overactive imagination.
Their meeting, no matter how humiliating, had been brief. The only thing that would make it worse would be for him to return and for Lucy to be subjected to even more embarrassing exposure. Poor girl. Despite her best efforts, nothing in the way of a last second escape transpired. The boy did return not much later dragging his big brother behind him. And she was not a figment of his imagination. Despite all her thrashing, he arrived to find the girl just as secured, just as spread open, and just as naked as he had described it to his brother. The only thing she had managed to change in the interim was to make herself out of breath and even more disheveled looking.
When the two boys appeared, she stopped struggling and froze. Her wide eyes met the older boy who was enjoying his first sight of her humiliating naked display. The younger brother stood with a huge, satisfied smile on his face, like he had just hauled in the biggest fish of the trip.
The older brother looked to be at least my age or older - in his mid to late teens. He was dressed in exactly the same fisherman's outfit. They must have been here on some kind of family fishing trip. He was tall and strapping with a mop of slightly curly black hair. I'm sure Lucy would consider him cute. In another setting, she would have been flirting and fawning all over him. But she was in no position to flirt. No position to do much of anything but hang there and exhibit her naked body’s every secret for him.
Defeated, she dropped her eyes to stare at the floor, letting her hair fall to partially obscure her blushing face; the only form of privacy she could summon. But she could still feel their eyes roaming all over her naked body, taking in every exposed inch of her burgeoning femininity, especially her glistening pink flower. She couldn't even stop it from occasionally twitching from arousal.
"Ahoy!" a voice barked at the group from out of nowhere. Sailor Dave had a knack for catching you by surprise. I guess that was a valuable talent for a fisherman to possess. He was carrying a wide-mouthed metal pail along with another package that had to be the shaving kit.
"Sorry for the delay. Gotta cast while they’re bitin'. Had a customer, a slick city busy-ness man - wants to impress a client. Offered me a few hundred dollars to make him look the part of a real fisherman. Only, he don't know the first thing about fishing. Only way he's gonna end the day with a fish is if he starts out the day with two, he-he!"
Dave sat down his supplies before turning to greet the fan club Lucy’s naked charms had attracted.
"And who do we have here?" he asked, approaching the boys too quickly for someone with such a crooked gait. They were still a little overwhelmed by the whole situation and when they didn't respond immediately, he filled in the silence with his own narrative.
"Silent type, eh? Don't blame you. Round here, you open your mouth, you're libel to catch a hook, he-he! I suppose you'll wanna be watching the demonstration?"
Any demonstration involving a naked tied-up girl, they would gladly volunteer to watch. They both nodded their heads assuredly. Like lightning, he lashed out at the younger boy and gripped him firmly by the chin, scrutinizing his face for a moment. Then he turned to the older one and did the same thing.
"Young'n don't look ready yet," he said to the older boy, "but you got enough years on you. Might as well both of ye stick around. If you've never seen a shave with a straight razor, you're in for a real treat. It'll change yer life!"
Lucy had remained silent and still throughout this rather one-sided exchange. But then he flipped open the lid of the kit and pulled out the strop. When he snapped the sturdy piece of leather against itself with a loud crack, she couldn't suppress her fearful yip. It had fed her unfounded fear of getting spanked. The younger boy let out a snicker at her reaction. But the older boy was too busy enjoying the way it made her naked bits jiggle enticingly to react.
I left my hiding place and decided to join the presentation area. I didn't want to be too far away and miss a thing! So, tucking the sarong easily into my pocket, I retraced my steps intending to come up from behind them. By the time I made it around the department and got there, a couple more observers had joined the group. They were a couple of local fishermen; old-timers who knew Dave and had just wandered over to join the fray.
Lucy glanced over when I arrived, but there was so much going on by then that she didn't give me much beyond that. The greater, more imminent threat demanding her full attention had to be Mr. Dave.
He worked with the manual dexterity one would expect from a life-long sailor. He had threaded countless lures onto fishing line by moonlight. And he seemed to know his way around a simple straight razor shaving kit. He unpacked the kit with cool efficiency. After using the hook at the end of the strop to hang it onto the netting behind him, he pulled out a fancy white ceramic bowl with gold inlay. I later learned the bowl is called a scuttle. Next came a short, stocky brush full of soft-looking bristles. He extracted an exotic dark bottle of something from the kit box and set it on the counter nearby. Then he pulled out the most important object of all, the straight razor.
With a flick of the rich ivory handle, a long, rectangular, silver blade flipped out with a satisfying "shoosh". It sure looked plenty sharp already. But what did I know? Sailor Dave held it aloft for a moment, scrutinizing it in the bright light. He sure knew how to put on a show. He must have felt it needed a bit more polish and stepped up to the strop. With a practiced, back-and-forth motion, he drew the blade up and down the thick leather repeatedly until it had a gleaming, impossibly sharp edge.
I marveled at the specialized piece of equipment perfectly designed to do one thing and one thing well; separate a person's hair from their skin in the closest manner possible. Lucy had been watching the proceedings silently and with a look of sheer terror. She did not want that blade to come anywhere near her virginal body. A razor had never slid across her flawless skin, and she didn't know what to expect. But what could she do to stop him now? Her only option was to dig deep down and just somehow find some way to endure it.
I had been shaving my face for some time with those plastic disposable razors. So, I kind of knew what to expect. Despite the menacing image that razor presented, I'm sure, if she remained still like I had ordered, she was in no real danger of getting hurt. Mr. Dave seemed to know what he was doing.
The old-timers started razzing Dave; asking if he was qualified to handle such a sharp blade. He got distracted by their verbal teasing and started throwing his own insults back. All the while, Lucy could do nothing but hang there naked while they exchanged jabs.
At one point, one of them asked him to explain his naked little mermaid. To her great embarrassment, Dave explained how little Lucy had lost her swimsuit and had then asked for a shave so she wouldn't have to get a bikini wax. When he said she had volunteered to help him demonstrate his deluxe shaving kit (for sale on aisle 4, if you're interested), they were more than happy to stick around and watch. Why not? You can catch a fish any day, right? How often do you get to watch something like this?
Dave threw a small towel over his shoulder and moved over to retrieve the water pail, which I guessed was made for holding live bait or maybe crawdads or shrimp. It had a handle and I estimated would hold about two gallons. Grabbing the handle, he said he had to run and get some warm water and would be right back. By the time he returned, Lucy's audience had swelled by two more. Two fly fishermen with their long, fancy fly poles had joined the group.
Lucy had to hang there naked and exposed and listen to these new customers receive the story of how the naked careless girl, who couldn’t even keep up with a simple swimsuit, had volunteered for Riviera Dave's close shave demonstration in the process. He would have been finished setting up by now if he didn't stop to gab so much. It felt like he had a joke response ready or piece of sage advice for every statement that was spoken.
He had just finished getting everything in perfect position when yet another customer arrived. He was just some lucky shopper in plain clothes who had happened upon the proceedings. Of course, Dave had to tell the story again. Like any good fisherman, he tended to embellish it with each retelling. By now large parts of the story were incorrect or exaggerated, but Lucy was too shy in her naked suspended state to dare open her mouth now in front of seven strangers and try to correct the record. She just stood there poised on one foot with her whole body prepared and spread for the impending deed. I'm sure by now she silently wished Dave would shut up, stop talking about giving her a shave, and get on with actually doing it already!
When the story was finished, the man shrewdly decided to stick around and watch the show. So much time had passed, I wondered if the water in the pail hadn't gone cold by now. I wasn't even sure what Dave was planning to do with that water. Was he going to dump it on her? I knew how much she hated being cold. Oh well, it couldn't be helped now.
Dave picked up the ceramic bowl, the scuttle, which I could now see wasn't empty. It was actually full almost to the rim with a solid substance, a powder or soap of some sort. Dipping the brush into the water to get it nice and wet, he started whipping it around the surface of the bowl. He kept whipping until the solid material was worked up into a rich fluffy lather. All the while, he extolled the virtues of this wonderful kit (for sale on aisle four, if you weren't listening before. Don't delay, they won’t last long!)
When the hand-whipped shaving cream was ready, he pulled out the brush. The bristles were heavy-laden with white lather. Without even bothering to ask Lucy if she was ready, he lashed out his hand and painted a white stripe down the front of his demonstration partner’s leg. That struck me as odd. I guess I had assumed he was going to merely shave her pubic area, something that wouldn't take more than a minute or so. But Sailor Dave had other plans. He was going to demonstrate the effectiveness of his kit by shaving both her legs also! He kept painting, dipping back in for more lather as he went until her entire right leg from her pelvis down to her ankle was completely white. Then he kicked the bucket into position beneath her.
Lucy couldn't watch. She turned her head and squeezed her eyes closed adorably as the blade moved in. Her downy soft leg hairs were hardly worth the trouble. But that wasn't about to stop old Dave.
The blade made soft scraping sounds as he deftly swiped down her leg. Everywhere it slid, the cream was stripped away; presumably along with her body hair and perhaps the top layer of her skin. It looked to be that sharp! Every little bit, he would dunk the razor into the bucket to rinse it off. He only slowed down slightly over her kneecap to make sure he didn't knick her. The viewing gallery was reduced to a murmur of awe as he knelt down to expertly remove every last hair from her straight right leg.
Standing up and appraising his work, he grabbed the brush and began working up another batch of lather. Her left leg, being folded in half, looked like it would be a little trickier. But he attacked it without hesitation and was able to make quick work even with all the extra bends and crevasses.
Now for the moment of truth. He had been working around her bikini area the whole time, focusing on her extremities. It was one thing to have your legs shaved by someone else. But it was something entirely different to trust your most sensitive and private parts to someone you just met who was wielding a long sharp blade.
But Lucy, perhaps emboldened by her experience so far, adopted a look of fierce determination. She hadn't been cut so far and could see the finish line now. She just had to get through this next part. She did tense visibly and squeezed her eyes shut when he scooped up a heavy dallop then pointed the brush directly at her most tender parts.
She accidentally let out a sexy little gasp when the soft wet bristles made contact with her moist sex. Everyone noticed. It was the first sound she had made since the whole thing began. Her body betrayed her, and her resolve faltered. She began writhing erotically as he moved the brush in a slow circular motion.
I could tell the bristles were too stimulating and she couldn't help herself. Despite the audience, she thrust her pelvis lewdly forward in a desperate attempt to get the brush to push that magic button I knew was somewhere inside her, the one that made her diamonds.
But the brush didn't stay in one spot very long and despite her best efforts, she couldn't make enough contact before it was already moving away. He continued brushing outward in ever-larger circles until everything from her thighs almost to her belly button was coated in the thick white substance. Then he moved behind her and painted her ripe bottom; even the part where her butt crack came together to form her wrinkled little hole.
Before he could shave the cream away, a new voice interrupted the proceedings. "There you are," said the perturbed voice. I surmised it was the boys' father since he was dressed exactly like them in the same beige fishing outfit.
"Our boat's about to leave and I've been looking everywhere fo...what the hell?"
- perseus
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Re: Dare Me - The Lost Swimsuit Saga (new 1/10)
WOW...just...wow! This story is incredible! This humiliation is definitely Mikey's best! I love that he is just letting Lucy be so exposed. It's great that literally every inch of her body is on display. Lucy now has no more secrets left from Mikey. Question is how many more people besides this group is Mikey going to make Lucy share these secrets with! Cannot wait to see what happens next!
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Dare Me - The Lost Swimsuit Saga (Part 13)
Dare Me - The Lost Swimsuit Saga (Part 13)
The man was understandably confused at what he had stumbled upon. His eyes bulged when he first noticed the topless young lady wearing what looked like the world's strangest pair of shorts and suspended by some ropes. He kept looking back and forth between her and his sons, but I noticed his gaze lingering longer on Lucy each cycle.
His quick-thinking older son spoke first. "Hey, dad, remember when you said I could spend my birthday money however I want? We'll they're giving a special demonstration of their shaving kit. It's for sale on aisle four. I think I might want to buy one when this is over."
The younger brother joined the fray, "I haven't spent my money from grandma yet. I want one too!"
That surprised the dad. He was pretty sure his younger son didn't even shave yet. It must be some demonstration to make both his kids want to spend their funds to get one! When he paused to think, Riviera Dave interjected.
"You're welcome to stick around, cap'n." he offered, "but you better hustle on over to aisle four. We'll be sold out in no time when this is over, I guarantee you that. Now, where were we?"
The father was still processing the scene and appeared to be conflicted. Dave didn't wait for a response but returned to shaving Lucy. With regular swipes, he removed the cream from her abdomen.
When he realized she was more than just topless, the father's mouth dropped open. Making up his mind, he leaned in and spoke softly to his boys. "Ok, we can stay. But don't tell your mother about this."
With the skill of a surgeon, Dave slowed his hand when he came to the top of her perfect cleft. Working deliberately and with great care, he scraped his way down her already smooth labia. Gradually, more and more of her freshly shaved mound came into view until her whole pink pussy was once again bared to the group.
He continued working around all the tiny curves and crevasses between her legs including her adorable anus. By the time he was finished, I think the father was considering buying a kit for himself. Too bad the demonstration model girl wasn't included!
The group had been standing somewhat in a semi-circle equidistant from the hanging girl on display. Up to this point, only Mr. Dave had come any closer to her than about 15 feet. That buffer was breached when he motioned the younger brother to come closer.
Picking up the dark green bottle he said, "I need an assistant for this next part."
The boy, having apparently recovered from his initial shyness of being around a naked girl, approached eagerly until he was close enough to touch her. Lucy eyed him nervously but couldn't move away or prevent whatever was about to happen next; neither could she in any way prevent his hungry eyes from learning up-close about every secret her body possessed.
Dave asked the boy if he had ever used aftershave. When he said "no", Dave pantomimed what to do. He pretended to sprinkle some liquid from the bottle onto his own hands then patted the boy's cheeks firmly as if he had just finished shaving.
To Lucy's great dismay, he then instructed the boy to go around and apply aftershave to everywhere the razor had already been on her. Lucy clearly did not like Dave giving this boy permission to be pawing all over her bare body.
While the boy scrambled to peel away the plastic wrapping around the cap of the bottle, Dave unexpectedly grabbed the scuttle and began working up yet another lather. This confounded both Lucy and me. He had already shorn away every hair from her body below the neck, right? What use could he possibly have for more lather? She looked up in fear as his shadow fell over her sideways face. Was he going to shave her head next?!
The boy got the bottle open and sprinkled some liquid out until it coated his hands. Kneeling beneath her, he reached out and applied the first dose starting at her ankle. Lucy, having had no previous experience with aftershave, was initially shocked by the brief burning sensation shooting up her leg. She flinched and jerked her leg away momentarily. She looked down in alarm that her leg might be on fire or something. But all she saw was a very happy boy eagerly patting his way up her calf muscle.
Meanwhile, Dave was still stirring the brush in the bowl and studying her upper body. I realized he was looking at her armpits for signs of hair. Even though he saw nothing but bare Lucy skin, I guess he decided to go ahead and shave her there too. He didn't seem the type to leave a job half-finished. With the batch of lather whipped into just the right consistency, he stuck the brush directly into her left armpit.
Lucy gasped when the brush contacted the sensitive underside of her arm. Then she giggled as Dave tickled the soft bristles up and down her armpit to spread the lather. Just then the boy, who had sprinkled out a fresh coat of aftershave, resumed his patting. He had finished her lower leg and moved above her knee.
A myriad of emotions flashed on the trapped girl's face as the continuous assault to her senses overstimulated her nerve endings. A wince of pain from the aftershave hitting her sensitive thigh, then a brief giggle which caused her hanging breasts to jiggle enticingly. Then fear as the gleaming razor blade flashed in front of her face and landed on the skin of her armpit. Then embarrassment as she glanced up at the audience watching her naked ordeal play out. Then arousal when she realized this cute boy was now close enough that she could feel his breath on her freshly shaved pussy mound. And the whole time, a blush stayed on her cheeks, advertising her true feelings of utter humiliation.
The boy didn't stop when he reached the top of her leg. He simply kept going moving his hands right up onto her rump. It didn't take him long to notice how her bottom jiggled adorably in response to his pats. Before long he was happily pattering a rhythm upon the bulging bottom of his naked plaything.
Lucy gasped at the boy's intimate incursion. Her glistening flower flexed involuntarily as he continued his gentle spanking. Dave was finished with her left armpit and began brushing the lather onto her right. She giggled again, but her arm was trapped in an extended state, and she could not stop his brush from moving wherever he wanted it to go.
Always the salesman, he called out a question to the boy loud enough for the audience to hear. "She's smoother than silk now, wouldn't you say?"
The boy nodded a hearty agreement. He was in heaven. In his opinion, Lucy's supple bare skin was the best thing that ever existed! He looked over at his brother with a huge grin on his face. The brother glared back at him jealously.
As an alcohol-based liquid, aftershave evaporates quickly and leaves behind only clean, dry skin. So, when the boy moved around to Lucy's front to deliver the next batch, he was surprised to find something wet.
"Um, excuse me, Mr. Riviera," he said, nodding to the drop of mysterious liquid slowly running down her thigh. Her little moisture engine had kicked back into high gear from all the manual stimulation and overflowed its bounds. The oblivious boy thought something was wrong with her.
Mr. Dave paused his shaving hand and appraised the situation. "Sprung a leak, have we?" he observed, peering intently between her legs. I could tell she was trying to keep control of herself down there. But to her great embarrassment, she couldn’t stop her pussy from making an involuntary spasm at that moment and another line of wetness escaped her rather juicy interior. It rolled down to join the first drops. With a wink, Dave whipped the small towel off his shoulder and handed it to the boy with instructions to "swab the deck and get back to work".
The boy dragged the towel up her thigh to wipe off her uncontrolled secretion. When he got to her pussy mound, I'm sure he could feel her heat even through the towel. He got to spend the rest of his time alternating between applying aftershave and staying on Lucy juice duty.
When Dave was finished with her pits, he started to pack up the kit while the boy moved into position to apply aftershave up top. She closed her eyes and shivered when his bare hands made contact with the newly shaved areas under her arms. But her eyes snapped back open in shock when she felt his hands sliding down to cup her bare breasts. It was unnecessary since Dave hadn't shaved there, but I guess her forbidden fruits hanging so enticingly within arm’s reach capped by those adorable pink nipples were just too much of a temptation for a young man to pass up.
He and Lucy were practically face to face. They locked eyes as he sampled a real live girl's breasts for the first time in his life. From the look of sheer euphoria on his face, I think she made him a boob man for life. I caught him giving them a little squeeze then he moved his fingertips to sample her nipples. Lucy was either too polite or too shy to stop him, but I felt he had crossed a line. He was no longer assisting Rivera Dave with his presentation. He was now fondling my sister's tits for his own amusement.
My sister was too good for this weasel. He may spend the rest of his life pursuing it, but I doubted he will ever experience a nicer pair than he got to feel that day. I started to step up to remove the boy's hands and protect my sister, but Dave beat me to it.
The boy let go of her little boobies when he heard Dave's voice addressing the crowd. "There you have it, folks. The best shave of your life, guaranteed. And it's available today right over on aisle four. Want to impress the lady in your life? Get one of these! With just a little practice, you'll be giving her better than any expensive wax could ever do. But it's first come, first served, so you better act fast. These kits will be gone with the tide!"
Initially, everyone was stunned into silence. But the lone wolf shopper was the first to recover. He turned and hurried off with a purpose. Perhaps fearing he might buy out the entire stock of kits, the older brother jumped and ran to catch up with him. That started a stampede. Everyone was impressed by Lucy's demonstration and wanted their own kit. Even the old-timers! Too bad Lucy wasn't included!
With everyone gone, I decided this would be a good time to make our exit without causing too much of a scene. I got Sailor Dave to help untie Lucy. It was almost comical how easily the knots slipped loose when pulled the right way. He even gave me the shave kit for free as a parting gift. It was the least he could do after we must have made him a fortune selling them.
The man was understandably confused at what he had stumbled upon. His eyes bulged when he first noticed the topless young lady wearing what looked like the world's strangest pair of shorts and suspended by some ropes. He kept looking back and forth between her and his sons, but I noticed his gaze lingering longer on Lucy each cycle.
His quick-thinking older son spoke first. "Hey, dad, remember when you said I could spend my birthday money however I want? We'll they're giving a special demonstration of their shaving kit. It's for sale on aisle four. I think I might want to buy one when this is over."
The younger brother joined the fray, "I haven't spent my money from grandma yet. I want one too!"
That surprised the dad. He was pretty sure his younger son didn't even shave yet. It must be some demonstration to make both his kids want to spend their funds to get one! When he paused to think, Riviera Dave interjected.
"You're welcome to stick around, cap'n." he offered, "but you better hustle on over to aisle four. We'll be sold out in no time when this is over, I guarantee you that. Now, where were we?"
The father was still processing the scene and appeared to be conflicted. Dave didn't wait for a response but returned to shaving Lucy. With regular swipes, he removed the cream from her abdomen.
When he realized she was more than just topless, the father's mouth dropped open. Making up his mind, he leaned in and spoke softly to his boys. "Ok, we can stay. But don't tell your mother about this."
With the skill of a surgeon, Dave slowed his hand when he came to the top of her perfect cleft. Working deliberately and with great care, he scraped his way down her already smooth labia. Gradually, more and more of her freshly shaved mound came into view until her whole pink pussy was once again bared to the group.
He continued working around all the tiny curves and crevasses between her legs including her adorable anus. By the time he was finished, I think the father was considering buying a kit for himself. Too bad the demonstration model girl wasn't included!
The group had been standing somewhat in a semi-circle equidistant from the hanging girl on display. Up to this point, only Mr. Dave had come any closer to her than about 15 feet. That buffer was breached when he motioned the younger brother to come closer.
Picking up the dark green bottle he said, "I need an assistant for this next part."
The boy, having apparently recovered from his initial shyness of being around a naked girl, approached eagerly until he was close enough to touch her. Lucy eyed him nervously but couldn't move away or prevent whatever was about to happen next; neither could she in any way prevent his hungry eyes from learning up-close about every secret her body possessed.
Dave asked the boy if he had ever used aftershave. When he said "no", Dave pantomimed what to do. He pretended to sprinkle some liquid from the bottle onto his own hands then patted the boy's cheeks firmly as if he had just finished shaving.
To Lucy's great dismay, he then instructed the boy to go around and apply aftershave to everywhere the razor had already been on her. Lucy clearly did not like Dave giving this boy permission to be pawing all over her bare body.
While the boy scrambled to peel away the plastic wrapping around the cap of the bottle, Dave unexpectedly grabbed the scuttle and began working up yet another lather. This confounded both Lucy and me. He had already shorn away every hair from her body below the neck, right? What use could he possibly have for more lather? She looked up in fear as his shadow fell over her sideways face. Was he going to shave her head next?!
The boy got the bottle open and sprinkled some liquid out until it coated his hands. Kneeling beneath her, he reached out and applied the first dose starting at her ankle. Lucy, having had no previous experience with aftershave, was initially shocked by the brief burning sensation shooting up her leg. She flinched and jerked her leg away momentarily. She looked down in alarm that her leg might be on fire or something. But all she saw was a very happy boy eagerly patting his way up her calf muscle.
Meanwhile, Dave was still stirring the brush in the bowl and studying her upper body. I realized he was looking at her armpits for signs of hair. Even though he saw nothing but bare Lucy skin, I guess he decided to go ahead and shave her there too. He didn't seem the type to leave a job half-finished. With the batch of lather whipped into just the right consistency, he stuck the brush directly into her left armpit.
Lucy gasped when the brush contacted the sensitive underside of her arm. Then she giggled as Dave tickled the soft bristles up and down her armpit to spread the lather. Just then the boy, who had sprinkled out a fresh coat of aftershave, resumed his patting. He had finished her lower leg and moved above her knee.
A myriad of emotions flashed on the trapped girl's face as the continuous assault to her senses overstimulated her nerve endings. A wince of pain from the aftershave hitting her sensitive thigh, then a brief giggle which caused her hanging breasts to jiggle enticingly. Then fear as the gleaming razor blade flashed in front of her face and landed on the skin of her armpit. Then embarrassment as she glanced up at the audience watching her naked ordeal play out. Then arousal when she realized this cute boy was now close enough that she could feel his breath on her freshly shaved pussy mound. And the whole time, a blush stayed on her cheeks, advertising her true feelings of utter humiliation.
The boy didn't stop when he reached the top of her leg. He simply kept going moving his hands right up onto her rump. It didn't take him long to notice how her bottom jiggled adorably in response to his pats. Before long he was happily pattering a rhythm upon the bulging bottom of his naked plaything.
Lucy gasped at the boy's intimate incursion. Her glistening flower flexed involuntarily as he continued his gentle spanking. Dave was finished with her left armpit and began brushing the lather onto her right. She giggled again, but her arm was trapped in an extended state, and she could not stop his brush from moving wherever he wanted it to go.
Always the salesman, he called out a question to the boy loud enough for the audience to hear. "She's smoother than silk now, wouldn't you say?"
The boy nodded a hearty agreement. He was in heaven. In his opinion, Lucy's supple bare skin was the best thing that ever existed! He looked over at his brother with a huge grin on his face. The brother glared back at him jealously.
As an alcohol-based liquid, aftershave evaporates quickly and leaves behind only clean, dry skin. So, when the boy moved around to Lucy's front to deliver the next batch, he was surprised to find something wet.
"Um, excuse me, Mr. Riviera," he said, nodding to the drop of mysterious liquid slowly running down her thigh. Her little moisture engine had kicked back into high gear from all the manual stimulation and overflowed its bounds. The oblivious boy thought something was wrong with her.
Mr. Dave paused his shaving hand and appraised the situation. "Sprung a leak, have we?" he observed, peering intently between her legs. I could tell she was trying to keep control of herself down there. But to her great embarrassment, she couldn’t stop her pussy from making an involuntary spasm at that moment and another line of wetness escaped her rather juicy interior. It rolled down to join the first drops. With a wink, Dave whipped the small towel off his shoulder and handed it to the boy with instructions to "swab the deck and get back to work".
The boy dragged the towel up her thigh to wipe off her uncontrolled secretion. When he got to her pussy mound, I'm sure he could feel her heat even through the towel. He got to spend the rest of his time alternating between applying aftershave and staying on Lucy juice duty.
When Dave was finished with her pits, he started to pack up the kit while the boy moved into position to apply aftershave up top. She closed her eyes and shivered when his bare hands made contact with the newly shaved areas under her arms. But her eyes snapped back open in shock when she felt his hands sliding down to cup her bare breasts. It was unnecessary since Dave hadn't shaved there, but I guess her forbidden fruits hanging so enticingly within arm’s reach capped by those adorable pink nipples were just too much of a temptation for a young man to pass up.
He and Lucy were practically face to face. They locked eyes as he sampled a real live girl's breasts for the first time in his life. From the look of sheer euphoria on his face, I think she made him a boob man for life. I caught him giving them a little squeeze then he moved his fingertips to sample her nipples. Lucy was either too polite or too shy to stop him, but I felt he had crossed a line. He was no longer assisting Rivera Dave with his presentation. He was now fondling my sister's tits for his own amusement.
My sister was too good for this weasel. He may spend the rest of his life pursuing it, but I doubted he will ever experience a nicer pair than he got to feel that day. I started to step up to remove the boy's hands and protect my sister, but Dave beat me to it.
The boy let go of her little boobies when he heard Dave's voice addressing the crowd. "There you have it, folks. The best shave of your life, guaranteed. And it's available today right over on aisle four. Want to impress the lady in your life? Get one of these! With just a little practice, you'll be giving her better than any expensive wax could ever do. But it's first come, first served, so you better act fast. These kits will be gone with the tide!"
Initially, everyone was stunned into silence. But the lone wolf shopper was the first to recover. He turned and hurried off with a purpose. Perhaps fearing he might buy out the entire stock of kits, the older brother jumped and ran to catch up with him. That started a stampede. Everyone was impressed by Lucy's demonstration and wanted their own kit. Even the old-timers! Too bad Lucy wasn't included!
With everyone gone, I decided this would be a good time to make our exit without causing too much of a scene. I got Sailor Dave to help untie Lucy. It was almost comical how easily the knots slipped loose when pulled the right way. He even gave me the shave kit for free as a parting gift. It was the least he could do after we must have made him a fortune selling them.
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Re: Dare Me - The Lost Swimsuit Saga (new 1/12)
neverdoubted, after that demonstration, if you start selling shaving kits on the side I might just buy one myself.
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Re: Dare Me - The Lost Swimsuit Saga (new 1/12)
DaYUM! I can't wait to see what Mikey gets Lucy up to next...!
- Executionus
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Re: Dare Me - The Lost Swimsuit Saga (new 1/12)
Honestly, a razor capable of making an actual significant difference in the pitiful body hair levels of a 13 year old girl would be better than every razor I've ever owned by a longshot so this demonstration has practical merit! It's like one of those infomercials that do something absurd with the product just to prove how overpowered it is for the customer's actual needs.
Also a totally hot series of parts featuring Lucy more exposed than ever before even by her high standards while being barely able to move and utterly incapable of defending herself. Well done!
Also a totally hot series of parts featuring Lucy more exposed than ever before even by her high standards while being barely able to move and utterly incapable of defending herself. Well done!
Executionus Complete Story Archive
Other Old Story Archives: Beach Club, Dreambook Board, HUGE Mega archive.
Other Old Story Archives: Beach Club, Dreambook Board, HUGE Mega archive.
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Re: Dare Me - The Lost Swimsuit Saga (new 1/12)
It does seem to be of especially high quality. It's a good thing Mikey is bringing one home!Executionus wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:55 pm Honestly, a razor capable of making an actual significant difference in the pitiful body hair levels of a 13 year old girl would be better than every razor I've ever owned by a longshot so this demonstration has practical merit! It's like one of those infomercials that do something absurd with the product just to prove how overpowered it is for the customer's actual needs.
Also a totally hot series of parts featuring Lucy more exposed than ever before even by her high standards while being barely able to move and utterly incapable of defending herself. Well done!

And thanks for the compliment!
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Re: Dare Me - The Lost Swimsuit Saga (new 1/12)
I totally should! Wouldn't be able to keep them in stock.jimmythehand wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 11:47 pm neverdoubted, after that demonstration, if you start selling shaving kits on the side I might just buy one myself.

- perseus
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Re: Dare Me - The Lost Swimsuit Saga (new 1/12)
Fantastic chapter! I certainly would buy a shaving kit after that demonstration! I wonder now if Mikey is going to come up with a reason to not give the shaw back to Lucy. Can't wait for the next one!
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Dare Me - The Lost Swimsuit Saga (Part 14)
Dare Me - The Lost Swimsuit Saga (Part 14)
Her left leg wasn't working very well after being confined for so long and her fingers were numb. She collapsed into a heap her first step after being untied. I had to help her up and get the sarong wrapped around her. Then I had to support her weight all the way out of the store. But she slowly recovered her balance as circulation was restored and was able to walk by herself once we got outside.
Even though it was midday, the sky had grown darker since before we entered the bait shop. Something was blowing in. I had read that pop-up storms were not unusual in the tropics but could pass quickly. Honestly, I didn't know anything about the weather patterns around here. All I knew, those clouds looked ominous. The wind came in variable gusts, but there was no actual rain so far.
Despite the threat of bad weather looming, I did not turn back. I really wanted to see us through to Riviera Pier. I figured we could at least find a place to eat lunch like yesterday's beach adventure before turning back.
Lucy looked spent. She was walking with a slight limp and her hair was in a terrible state. She used one hand to hold her wrap closed against the occasional gust and I caught her rubbing her legs with the other. She was marveling at the new sensation of being freshly shaved. I let her feel around her legs, but I kept a close watch to make sure she didn't reach any higher and start touching herself. That was strictly forbidden. I think she had come dangerously close to making a diamond back at the bait shop and I was having too much fun to let that happen yet. But I didn’t want to have to police her. Maybe, if she could cool down for a little while, she wouldn't be so tempted.
We reached the east end of Skipper's Bay which butted up against the entertainment district. A big sign over the main walkway welcomed us to Riviera Pier. The walkway was pavement but painted to look like a wooden boardwalk. I thought that was a little silly. I found a map and sized it up to basically be an outdoor mall. They had all the same stores we had at our Westfield mall back home and I wasn't interested in shopping. But in the middle of the map, there was an actual real pier extending out into the ocean. That looked more enticing to me. So, we started that way.
The crowds were sparser than I expected. Maybe the threat of bad weather was keeping them at bay. We weren't the only people in swimsuits. But everyone we passed stared at Lucy. Her thin wrap barely concealed her bare form underneath, and you could see her naked bottom clearly when looking from behind. But after being completely naked and spread in front of the audience at the bait shop, she welcomed her wrap.
With her wild hair and meager clothes, she looked like someone who had stumbled out of a natural disaster movie. Speaking of movies, that gave me an idea. We came upon a cinema, and I decided to give her a break to cool down while we watched a matinee. Being so near the ocean, it wasn't unusual for people to come and watch a movie in swimsuits; especially to beat the heat of the day. The boy who sold our tickets did a double take when he saw the girl accompanying me was wearing no swimsuit under her wrap. But he didn't say anything or stop us.
The movie was some action flick starring Tom Cruise. I got her settled then went to get some concessions. By the time I got back, she was fast asleep. I knew she was spent after her shaving ordeal. I ate her corndog and let her sleep through most of the movie. I might have drifted off for some of it, too. Vacationing sure takes a lot out of a person!
We emerged from the theater to find the weather had changed once again. The air had grown hot and sticky; a bad omen. It was like breathing through a thick, wet rag. No fun at all. As we continued our journey to the actual pier, we came upon an arcade. I knew from previous experience to keep my distance. It's a long story, but let's just say I can't be trusted to control myself in an arcade setting.
The crowds grew steadily larger as we approached the main attraction that gave the district its trademark name. There was a huge Ferris wheel at the base of the pier which I definitely wanted to try out. But first we walked the pier all the way to the end. The view from the very end provided an entirely different perspective on both the gulf and the coast. I easily located the scooped-out section of Skipper's Bay and could even make out in the distance to the west the pristine beaches further up the coast where all the private resorts stood.
Lucy, having physically recovered from her shaving demonstration and no longer limping, swiveled around at all the sights, sounds and smells. She even asked me to buy her a pretzel from a stand and raved about how good it tasted. She didn't seem to mind much about being dressed in only a skimpy sarong. That's how I knew she was getting too comfortable and that it was high time for another task. And although it was not my intention, this next task ended up costing her her wrap and leaving her completely naked.
We walked past carnival games and attractions on our way back to shore but didn't stop at any of them. No time for that. Our only goal was the Ferris wheel. I could try to toss a ring in a bucket any day. While we were waiting in line for the wheel, the operator made an announcement that this would be the last ride of the day due to the threat of bad weather rolling in.
I had really been looking forward to it and was relieved that we barely made it on to ride. Lucy and I were soon seated inside a cage opposite each other and rising through the air. Like the end of the pier, the top of the wheel provided more spectacular views and another interesting perspective. I could see the entire entertainment district fanned out from our spot high above the middle; from the various shops to parking and a spiderweb of roads beyond. Somewhere across the highway to the north was our neighborhood along with Mr. Unger and our backyard hideaway.
Looking south over the ocean, it felt like the horizon was impossibly far away. But nearer and to the west, I could see clouds gathering. They almost looked to be the same height as us! Judging by their dark color, it didn't look good. Suddenly a lightning bolt cracked in the distance, and I thought it a bad idea to be up so high. But what did I know? Surely, they had lightning rods on this thing, right? At least they wouldn't be allowed to operate it under unsafe conditions, right? Right?
Shaking the scary thought from my mind, I turned my attention to Lucy. She was also enjoying her first Ferris wheel ride. Finding the subject of weather uninteresting, she instead peered out through the bars of the cage at all the flashing lights and attractions below. I almost hated to ruin her fun, but it just had to be done.
"Hey Lucy, I got a dare for you." I said mischievously.
Her smile faded and she shrank into her seat rubbing her smooth legs together. Her break was over. It was time to perform the next task.
Her left leg wasn't working very well after being confined for so long and her fingers were numb. She collapsed into a heap her first step after being untied. I had to help her up and get the sarong wrapped around her. Then I had to support her weight all the way out of the store. But she slowly recovered her balance as circulation was restored and was able to walk by herself once we got outside.
Even though it was midday, the sky had grown darker since before we entered the bait shop. Something was blowing in. I had read that pop-up storms were not unusual in the tropics but could pass quickly. Honestly, I didn't know anything about the weather patterns around here. All I knew, those clouds looked ominous. The wind came in variable gusts, but there was no actual rain so far.
Despite the threat of bad weather looming, I did not turn back. I really wanted to see us through to Riviera Pier. I figured we could at least find a place to eat lunch like yesterday's beach adventure before turning back.
Lucy looked spent. She was walking with a slight limp and her hair was in a terrible state. She used one hand to hold her wrap closed against the occasional gust and I caught her rubbing her legs with the other. She was marveling at the new sensation of being freshly shaved. I let her feel around her legs, but I kept a close watch to make sure she didn't reach any higher and start touching herself. That was strictly forbidden. I think she had come dangerously close to making a diamond back at the bait shop and I was having too much fun to let that happen yet. But I didn’t want to have to police her. Maybe, if she could cool down for a little while, she wouldn't be so tempted.
We reached the east end of Skipper's Bay which butted up against the entertainment district. A big sign over the main walkway welcomed us to Riviera Pier. The walkway was pavement but painted to look like a wooden boardwalk. I thought that was a little silly. I found a map and sized it up to basically be an outdoor mall. They had all the same stores we had at our Westfield mall back home and I wasn't interested in shopping. But in the middle of the map, there was an actual real pier extending out into the ocean. That looked more enticing to me. So, we started that way.
The crowds were sparser than I expected. Maybe the threat of bad weather was keeping them at bay. We weren't the only people in swimsuits. But everyone we passed stared at Lucy. Her thin wrap barely concealed her bare form underneath, and you could see her naked bottom clearly when looking from behind. But after being completely naked and spread in front of the audience at the bait shop, she welcomed her wrap.
With her wild hair and meager clothes, she looked like someone who had stumbled out of a natural disaster movie. Speaking of movies, that gave me an idea. We came upon a cinema, and I decided to give her a break to cool down while we watched a matinee. Being so near the ocean, it wasn't unusual for people to come and watch a movie in swimsuits; especially to beat the heat of the day. The boy who sold our tickets did a double take when he saw the girl accompanying me was wearing no swimsuit under her wrap. But he didn't say anything or stop us.
The movie was some action flick starring Tom Cruise. I got her settled then went to get some concessions. By the time I got back, she was fast asleep. I knew she was spent after her shaving ordeal. I ate her corndog and let her sleep through most of the movie. I might have drifted off for some of it, too. Vacationing sure takes a lot out of a person!
We emerged from the theater to find the weather had changed once again. The air had grown hot and sticky; a bad omen. It was like breathing through a thick, wet rag. No fun at all. As we continued our journey to the actual pier, we came upon an arcade. I knew from previous experience to keep my distance. It's a long story, but let's just say I can't be trusted to control myself in an arcade setting.
The crowds grew steadily larger as we approached the main attraction that gave the district its trademark name. There was a huge Ferris wheel at the base of the pier which I definitely wanted to try out. But first we walked the pier all the way to the end. The view from the very end provided an entirely different perspective on both the gulf and the coast. I easily located the scooped-out section of Skipper's Bay and could even make out in the distance to the west the pristine beaches further up the coast where all the private resorts stood.
Lucy, having physically recovered from her shaving demonstration and no longer limping, swiveled around at all the sights, sounds and smells. She even asked me to buy her a pretzel from a stand and raved about how good it tasted. She didn't seem to mind much about being dressed in only a skimpy sarong. That's how I knew she was getting too comfortable and that it was high time for another task. And although it was not my intention, this next task ended up costing her her wrap and leaving her completely naked.
We walked past carnival games and attractions on our way back to shore but didn't stop at any of them. No time for that. Our only goal was the Ferris wheel. I could try to toss a ring in a bucket any day. While we were waiting in line for the wheel, the operator made an announcement that this would be the last ride of the day due to the threat of bad weather rolling in.
I had really been looking forward to it and was relieved that we barely made it on to ride. Lucy and I were soon seated inside a cage opposite each other and rising through the air. Like the end of the pier, the top of the wheel provided more spectacular views and another interesting perspective. I could see the entire entertainment district fanned out from our spot high above the middle; from the various shops to parking and a spiderweb of roads beyond. Somewhere across the highway to the north was our neighborhood along with Mr. Unger and our backyard hideaway.
Looking south over the ocean, it felt like the horizon was impossibly far away. But nearer and to the west, I could see clouds gathering. They almost looked to be the same height as us! Judging by their dark color, it didn't look good. Suddenly a lightning bolt cracked in the distance, and I thought it a bad idea to be up so high. But what did I know? Surely, they had lightning rods on this thing, right? At least they wouldn't be allowed to operate it under unsafe conditions, right? Right?
Shaking the scary thought from my mind, I turned my attention to Lucy. She was also enjoying her first Ferris wheel ride. Finding the subject of weather uninteresting, she instead peered out through the bars of the cage at all the flashing lights and attractions below. I almost hated to ruin her fun, but it just had to be done.
"Hey Lucy, I got a dare for you." I said mischievously.
Her smile faded and she shrank into her seat rubbing her smooth legs together. Her break was over. It was time to perform the next task.
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