Chess Bet

Stories about you or someone you know getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated.
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Chess Bet

Post by MissAriel »

Here with another true story from the archives. Going to just throw a disclaimer out here that, with any story that's actually true, you should expect a 'mostly' true story. Certain details are going to be omitted/changed for obvious reasons like anonymity and the simple fact that real life is often pretty awkward. No one wants to read about two people fighting over politics, for example. We just want to read the kinky stuff, right?

That being said, here's the story. I once met up with a guy I met up with on Tinder for a chess bet. Now, I don't just go out and say, "hey, want to make a naked bet with me?" because that's ridiculous. And I assume most people would just assume I'm not even a real person if I did that. But with this guy, I'd say we chatted off and on for about a week about random stuff and the first date went okay. Vanilla coffee date, I don't even remember anything we talked about. We had a mutual interest in chess, and I kind of baited him into making a bet with me over it (noticing a theme?).

Now, this was back way before the Queen's Gambit Netflix show revitalized chess as a popular sport. Online chess was very niche and you weren't too likely to run into someone actually good at chess on Tinder. I think times have changed now, so don't DM me with your chess challenges. :lol: Anyways, back then, I was a complete beginner at chess, and I won my games exclusively on natural talent. I was pretty good at finding basic tactics, but advanced stuff like pins, skewers, deflection, not on my radar. And he said he used to play a decent bit in high school, so it seemed like a fairly even match.

I met up at his place. He actually did have a really nice place, and he, like many other millennials, was kinda saving money living with his parents for a bit. Wasn't a huge dealbreaker to me, because he seemed like he had a pretty decent job, and with rent always on the rise, who can blame him? But I do remember his house just being really fucking nice and he had this ridiculously big TV. The Josh character is very similar to this guy (go figure).

Anyways, we ordered some Chinese food. He actually wasn't all that interested in the chess game. We watched some movies on Netflix, which I will not name, because no one would ever forget seeing that terrible movie, and I could just see him DMing me tomorrow, lmao. Anyways, the movie watching and food eating went on for a few hours, but I really wanted my damn chess game, and he eventually brought out the board.

Now you should know one thing about me. I always play to win. And I was doing pretty well. He blundered a minor piece and a few pawns and I had a pretty easy game ahead of me. Now, MissAriel from today would not have lost that game, because I actually know basic chess principles, like for example, "take equal trades when you're ahead." But past MissAriel had too big of a head for that. I wanted to completely dominate him on the board. It wasn't enough to win, but I had to win while crushing his dreams.

So, keep in mind, I am completely crushing in the game. He's down material for zero compensation. But then he makes an annoying move and offers a queen trade. Now, of course, big ego, I don't want to trade queens. I think I can outplay him with queens on the board, and while I realized at the time that not taking the trade was less than optimal, I opted to move my queen to safety and keep the game interesting.

The very next move, he moves his queen to take a pawn right in front of my king. And I'm like, really? A queen sacrifice? I rolled my eyes, because I still had a piece advantage, and I figured it would be easy to find a way to stop whatever plan he had from sacrificing his queen. I moved my king forward to take his queen and he stops me. "No, you can't do that." Huh?

Of course, his bishop all the way on the other side of the board was covering the long diagonal. That's a thing about beginner chess players -- they often miss or forget about long range threats. I couldn't take his queen back. This is the point that I realized I had no legal moves. It's checkmate.

My jaw was just hanging for a minute. Here I had completely dominated him from start to finish, and in one stupid moment where I didn't take his queen because I was being greedy, I managed to throw the entire fucking game. I could not fucking believe it.

It was at this point that he kind of told me that I didn't have to fulfill the bet terms right then (which was that the loser had to strip naked). This is the point of the story that was more awkward than sexy, because in the fantasy version, he tells me I HAVE TO because I lost. In reality, guys are usually more like, well, you only have to strip if you want to.

I have had several dates in my life where I tried to have a fantasy of losing a bet to a guy, but the vast majority of guys are not really into teasing. Which is okay. It means they're good guys, you know? I love a guy that cares about consent. But at the same time, MissAriel wouldn't mind if the guys were a bit more demanding of their prize after winning.

But anyways, I never welsh on a bet, so I said, well, I did lose, and I wouldn't have let you out of it. But you know, I'm happy to keep my clothes on.

I did end up stripping for him after convincing him that I was into it (I always seem to date the nice boys) and we had a bit of fun after that. I never did end up seeing him again after that. I might have moved a bit too fast for him. Well, to be fair to me, if he hadn't done that dirty checkmate on me, maybe we would have gone on more dates. It's his own fault, really. :lol:

For me, the sexiest part of that evening wasn't really the stripping, but the part where I tried to take his queen, and I realized that I'd gone from a completely winning position to being checkmated in a single move. Being tricked and dominated on the chessboard like that was incredibly hot. Hopefully I'll find another chess partner like that someday who can put me in my place. :oops:
See my collection of stories here: MissAriel's Story Archive
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Re: Chess Bet

Post by CinnabarSunset »

Chess gaining some mainstream popularity wasn't something I'd seen coming at all. The Queen's Gambit surely helped, but big name streamers taking up chess played a major role, too. Anyway...

If I understand you, then you were enthusiastic about the naked bet, and deep down you likely wanted to lose, but you did actually try your best to win. And gifting him an unearned win just wouldn't have gotten the same rise out of you; you needed him to legitimately dominate you over the board. Sound correct?

If so, then I can understand how the delayed realization of being checkmated - and him informing you that you'd lost - made for the sexiest moment of the evening for you. You got that over the board domination, and it came entirely out of left field. Where you'd been smug and condescending a few moments prior, you were suddenly humbly put in your place. Chess is a brutal game.

Maybe no further dates happened because he found your chess skills to be lacking. ;)
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Re: Chess Bet

Post by MissAriel »

CinnabarSunset wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 1:30 pm If I understand you, then you were enthusiastic about the naked bet, and deep down you likely wanted to lose, but you did actually try your best to win. And gifting him an unearned win just wouldn't have gotten the same rise out of you; you needed him to legitimately dominate you over the board. Sound correct?

If so, then I can understand how the delayed realization of being checkmated - and him informing you that you'd lost - made for the sexiest moment of the evening for you. You got that over the board domination, and it came entirely out of left field. Where you'd been smug and condescending a few moments prior, you were suddenly humbly put in your place. Chess is a brutal game.
Accurate. :)
See my collection of stories here: MissAriel's Story Archive
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