The Clothes Sale

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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The Clothes Sale

Post by DrWhoFanJ »

Just a little story loosely inspired by a scene from a TV show (, that I thought I’d expand to cover an alternative route.


Shane Shelley was never one for making a scene, much preferring to let his words and polite “yes-man” attitude do the work for him instead. This is the story of the one terrible afternoon that forced him to rethink that strategy.


Shane’s day began identically to any other school morning — shower, breakfast, pills, get dressed, take the bus to school, lessons, break, more lessons, lunch — but it was at that point that everything started to go wrong, and it was all thanks to his fellow gym student Jack Jenkins and his team of bullies.


“Everything ready?” Jack asked his eternal co-conspirators Tim and Terry Thompson, as they returned to the gym classroom after putting the very final touches to their plan.
“All exactly as it should be. Now we’re just waiting for the little brat to finish showering and we can begin,” Tim confirmed.
“Great, bro. But remember to be quiet. He must not be allowed to know what’s coming until it’s too late or he might just run away and ruin it,” Jack warned them both.
“He’s coming! Places, everyone!” whispered Terry as loudly as he could so Shane still wouldn’t hear.

Wearing only a towel, and nervous about who had taken all his things from the locker room (and having received special permission to use the showers after everyone else had gone), Shane carefully peered into the darkened gym class.
“Hello? Anyone there?”
As soon as he had passed the threshold of the doorframe, it was quietly snuck closed behind him using a concealed string attached to Terry’s finger.
Once the door was firmly closed and locked, Tim hit the light switches to reveal…
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Re: The Clothes Sale

Post by TeenFan »

...the light switches are turned on to reveal...

Shane is actually a girl. It's the start of a very bad day for Shane (Sheila) Shelley.

Tell me. Did I guess right?
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Re: The Clothes Sale

Post by DrWhoFanJ »

TeenFan wrote: Sun Dec 25, 2022 4:28 am ...the light switches are turned on to reveal...

Shane is actually a girl. It's the start of a very bad day for Shane (Sheila) Shelley.

Tell me. Did I guess right?
You’ll just have to wait to see. The plan is to release a chapter a week, but it might fluctuate depending on how busy I am and whether I even have the free time to write. Weekly is definitely the intended release schedule, though!
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Re: The Clothes Sale

Post by NudeBaG »

Great start
Loving this
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Re: The Clothes Sale

Post by DrWhoFanJ »

Earlier than planned, but I was on a writing roll and finished Chapter 3 already, so I may as well give all you freaks Chapter 2!

Once the door was firmly closed and locked, Tim hit the light switches to reveal…

…the whole room filled with the majority of the student population of the entire school (bar a select few sent to keep the staff out of the area who would get to watch the events later through the bootleg-tape system)!

But that wasn’t even the worst of it. Also in the room was a table and chair facing the stands, and, placed alongside it, a sign reading:

100+ LOTS


So gobsmacked was Shane at this sight that he briefly forgot to keep holding the towel around his waist. It was only the anticipatory “ooohhhh”ing of the crowd that alerted him before it fell completely, but still late enough that many of the assembled students got to see some of his pubic hair peek above it momentarily.

Taking a moment to retie the towel and ensure the knot was tight as he could possibly get it, Shane then turned his attention back to the table, at which Jack had now taken a seat in the chair.

“Oh, hello, Shane. Joined us at last, I see. Don’t you want to know what’s going to happen here?” he asked, in that taunting tone only a professional bully can manage.

“Not really. Just give me back my things, you jerk!”

Jack turned to the crowd, “What do you guys think? Should we just let Shaneyboy have his stuff again and miss out on getting our campus the upgrades it so desperately needs‽”

“NO!” came the resounding cry from the onlookers.

“Hard luck. Seems they want to stick to our plan instead.

“Tell you what, though, I’ll make you a one-time, take-it-or-leave-it offer: I’ll give you a chance to earn some money to buy back some of these things you so kindly donated to our cause in exchange for some simple dares to do here for us all. Whaddya say? Does that seem fair to you?”
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Re: The Clothes Sale

Post by NudeBaG »

Still going strong
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Re: The Clothes Sale

Post by DrWhoFanJ »


“Do I really have a choice?” replied Shane dejectedly.

“Of course you do! You could always just go home like this. Surely you have more things at home to wear?” Jack responded, chortling like a madman. “Oh, no, wait, we’ve beaten you there as well. Tough luck! Guess you’re stuck in this decision. So which’ll it be?”

Realising he’d been well and truly shafted, Shane reluctantly agreed to Jack’s terms.

“Well, then, first up we have”—he paused to check his list (for effect as the order had already been meticulously planned for maximum effect)—“one pair of boys’ briefs, green, small.” Turning to Shane, he added, “Oh, small, Weenie? Got a small weenie, Weenie? Bless.” Turning back to the audience, he continued, “Best offer for these briefs, ladies and gentlemen? Wear ‘em yourselves to show off your size, boys, or the girls here can buy ‘em for their own boy pleasures!”

Every single person in the auditorium immediately raised their hands as high as they could possibly go.

“Hey, those are mine!” protested Shane.

“They are for now, but they’re looking awfully popular, Weeny. I know, I’ll trade you $200 for that towel you’re wearing. Give you a head-start. How does that sound?”

Seeing the indecisiveness on Shane’s face, he continued, “Better decide quickly or the bidding might pass that point first!”

With that, he turned back to the audience, ready to start the auction.

“One pair of briefs going for $10 to the boy in the striped shirt. $20 to the tall girl in the back row. $40 to the young man in the corner. $50 back to the striped-shirt boy. $100 to tall backrow girl. $150 to the young lady behind me. Anyone for $200 to lock Shane out of these briefs?”

Precisely as instructed, no more offers were made at this point for maximum tension.
What next? Will Shane swap his towel for his undies, or will he just have to go commando (if even that) until he can earn the money for some new ones?
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Re: The Clothes Sale

Post by TeenFan »

I'd like to buy a vowel...I mean a towel.
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Re: The Clothes Sale

Post by DrWhoFanJ »


“Anyone for $200 to lock Shane out of these briefs?”

Precisely as instructed, no more offers were made at this point for maximum tension.

“What’ll it be, Weeny? Give us your towel, or lose your undies to a girl? Better decide fast!”

Heart pounding, Shane could only watch in horror as his briefs got nearer and nearer to being lost to him.

“Going, going…”

“ALL RIGHT! I’ll do it!” he screamed, having finally decided that a small risk of briefly flashing everyone was worse than having to beg a girl for his undies.

“Seen sense at last, Weeny? Well, time to pay, then. Just give us that towel and I’ll swap it for your little briefs.”

“No! Gimme my clothes first!”

“Uh-uh! Payment first, sunshine.”

Reluctantly, and with great care to ensure his hands were covering as much of his nether regions as possible, Shane slowly unknotted the towel from around his waist and passed it to Jack, who carefully folded it neatly before placing it on the table. He then proceeded to meticulously note the transaction in the logbook before eventually “remembering” to give Shane the briefs he’d just bought.

Having now been butt naked for a good few minutes, Shane’s butt and balls (but not his dick; it being too small to emerge from behind the balls) had (unbeknownst to him) now been seen by everyone in the seats behind him, followed promptly by everyone in the room via the HD photos everyone there had snapped of them.

“Oh, look, Weeny, at this nice photo I’ve just been sent. Do you recognise it?” Jack asked, knowing full well what the answer and reaction would be.

Horrified, Shane recognised immediately what was on Jack’s screen, and promptly screamed at him to delete it.

“I’ll do you a deal. You get these briefs on you without showing your little dick, and I’ll get this photo deleted, OK? Come on, it’s simple. As long as it doesn’t get hard enough to grow beyond your balls, then it’ll all be fine!”

Desperate to keep his last few secrets still secret, Shane very slowly and carefully took his undies and gently shuffled them up his legs, taking care to not move his covering hand until the last possible moment.

“Well done! You did it. I genuinely didn’t think you could manage it.

“Oh, wait, what’s that? You leaned forwards too far when getting them over your ankles? And someone here managed to snap a dick pic of your weeny wiener, Weeny? Shame. And you were so careful to keep your hand covering it. Unlucky.”

Only now realising just how much of this there was still to come, Shane was utterly terrified of what they could possibly do next.
Last edited by DrWhoFanJ on Thu Jan 05, 2023 7:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Clothes Sale

Post by DrWhoFanJ »


I do have the overall idea (and even the very end) of this story in my head already, but, if you have any ideas for what tasks Shane could have to suffer for a given item (clothing or other possessions), please do feel free to DM me and I can easily make it work (if I haven’t already written that chapter).
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