First Week pt 1 and 2(ROA entry I never got around to)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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First Week pt 1 and 2(ROA entry I never got around to)

Post by Nikolai »

This was supposed to be the prologue of my ROA submission I never got to

I've never really fit in anywhere I've lived, my dad travels for work so I bounce from place to place never getting more than a year or two in one school, sometimes changing by the semester, it was annoying, but it meant I had plenty of chances to try again, you'd think I'd make friends some place right? Nope, I was robbed and pushed around in the city schools, not being able to defend myself in an even fight but often outnumbered anyhow, I was only 5 foot, skinny with red hair and freckles, bullies always centered me out, especially being the purpetual "new girl" at every school, then we would move to the suburban areas, and the same thing would happen but it was insults flying for being "poor" in the suburban areas,(we were middle class and well off, my dad just worked construction and with his hands where there's sat behind a desk)

I bounced for years before I ended up at the hell hole that was Canyon Falls High first seriously "rural" area..I wasn't eager to this fact..and we would be residing here a year and a half MINIMUM..which meant I could potentially be graduating here..yuck.

It was my first week, another new school, the new girl once again, I knew the feeling, eyes were going to be on me and I just hoped to make a good first impression, the school was a few blocks from the place we were renting so I decided to walk. I wore a knee length black skirt, conservative but attractive, a nice white t shirt, I tried to walk without my head down..a sheer sign of lack of confidence, but I also didn't want attention..I met in the middle with my chin high, but my eyes low.

I approached the sidewalk heading around the building 30 minutes prior to the bell, knowing I'd likely have to find my way around, there was a small courtyard on the back or side of the building I was coming around, I wasn't quiet certain where the front was, but this didn't seem to be it. It was still darkish outside, the sun just beginning to creep up.

There was a small group of girls there, they looked like trouble..skaters or punks or whatever you want to call them, not the goths, not the preps, the stereotypical troublemaker group, the ones you saw in detention or in school suspension constantly. I could of taken a longer way around the courtyard..but that might them think I was avoiding them..they were just sitting around one of the benchs surrounding the flag pole, 3 lounging on the bench, and 2 standing. I resigned to cutting through but not going to near them, seeming in a hurry like I had somewhere important to be, maybe they wouldn't even notice and I'd be on my way.

No such luck..

As I hurried by a voiced call from behind,

"Hey girl!"

if I'd been far enough I'd of pretended not to hear them..but ignoring them now would surely piss them off and I still had a chance they weren't going to bully me so I called back to them.

"Hey..uh..what's up?"

I turned around, one of the ones that was standing was close to me. She spoke confirming she was the original voice.

"Never seen your face new around here?"

"I mean kinda I've been here since around the end of last year.."

Idk why I lied, I was tired of being the new girl and nervous and it just came out in hopes that the day one torment wasn't beginning before I could find the entrance..

She laughs aloud.

"This is a small school sis, I'd of seen you're lying to me.."

Her friends were standing..surrounding me.

"The new girl must not want any attention..let's welcome her to Canyon Falls appropriately.. whadyasay girls?"

I was nervous..this was did this always happen to me?

This time was different though..I'd never experienced anything like this from the bullies in the cities or the burbs..

I was surrounded..being pushed lightly between them..when one girl playfully grabbed at the helm of my skirt..then they were on me like flies, I pressed the skirt down in horror having never been exposed or otherwise bullied in this way..but my two hands were no match for 5..pulling from different ways and pressing me back and forth between them in their circle around me..

The girls stopped playing around and kicked into higher gear, I grew a little frantic with my black panties becoming exposed here and there. I should have screamed but I was entirely focused on keeping my skirt down at the time and probably only managed tiny shy squeaks of terror. The next thing I know two girls have my arms and are pulling them away from the skirt and wrestling them behind my back, holding my arms in awkward positions, nearly chicken winging me and making them useless for any amount of resistance..

With my hands out of the way the rest of the girls had pulled my skirt and were holding it breast height, they crouched to admire my panties, the girls on my arms spun me around with ease and they poked fun at my little butt and skinny figure, I was perky in all the right places but size was limited..

I'd been bullied but this was another level..what kind of fucking school is this?

I can't see my tormentors, I'm facing the brick school, hoping nobody else comes around this side of the school to see me here, trapped with my black undies on display..when I feel a set of hands curl between the waistband and the skin of my cheeks..

I began to struggle like crazy..but they were stronger. They were going to pull my panties down! Nooo, this couldn't be happening to me..

The panties never went down my cheeks..instead I was yanked backwards by the cotton buried itself into my buttcheeks painfully and I yelped taking steps backwards to ease the pressure..if I set my feet and fought the pull I worried they might rip..I stumbled backwards, being marched by my panties mostly, the girls holding my arms mainly there for balance..

My march ended with my ass being pressed and parted against cold round steel..they'd managed to pull me to the flagpole, two girls maintaining my arms and not allowing me to struggle..two girls holding my skirt up the entire time, and one pulling me aggressively by the cotton buried into my asscrack..

One of the girls holding my skirt whipped a pocket knife out of her jeans and I grew fearful..a single swipe of the blade and my panties would be useless, dangling from one hip and likely falling down with my pussy being presented to anyone who happened to walk by..

The girl crouched down, and began cutting pieces off the excess from the flag pole rope..

Within seconds the girls on my arms flipped me around, pressed my chest into the pole, and my arms around each side, they then held my hands together, and the pocket knife girl emerged from her crouch to bind my wrists together, the entire time this was happening, the wedgie girl didn't miss a beat, maintaining a steady amount of pull and pressure between my cheeks, tugging on occasion, I really wanted to yell at this point..but I couldn't risk calling anyone to see me in this state..even if it meant freedom, this was more reputation ruining then any amount of the bullying from the other schools..

One of the girls holding my skirt helm, to my chest to maintain my full exposure, pulls it higher, making the waistband roll from my waist up my chest with the force she gives, and bringing the edge of the skirt to my mouth.

"Hold this.." she says coldly.

I don't open my mouth.

"Or we can cut it off.." she says..the pocket knife girl waving the still open knife behind she had it on school grounds I didn't know..I open my mouth in obedience and the helm is placed into it, holding the skirt high so my tormentors no longer have to bother with it..

My ass is arching from the girl's constant wedgie..all the girls are all giggling at me and the ones who have their hands free begin to pull out their phones..I feel something being snaked through the leg holes of the panties and I gulp..knowing where this was going..I'd only seen it in the movies or shows..

I thought I'd experienced a wedgie already..but nothing could prepare me for the sheer amount of pressure I experienced, when one of the laughing punk girls yanked on the pulley and the rope pulled tight, yanking my panties vertically into me..I yelp in pain and start to tear up from the humilation of it all when the slack is let loose..and then the pulley is yanked again..and again..the cruel girl at the pulley driving my panties into me, over and over, deeper and deeper..

My face burns and I know it's as red as my hair..their filming this! My asscheeks have goosebumps from the morning air but my crack is beginning to burn from the friction..the girl then decides to pull the pulley tight..then when it reaches it's max and my weight is fighting it..she keeps pulling..the rope laced into my panties pulling my behind higher and higher until I'm forced onto my toes..all I hear is the laughs of the girls and the clicks from the pictures being taken of my exposed and helpless predicament..the girl keeps pulling..I'm brought to my tip toes..she doesn't stop..another comes to help with the weight of it..and with two of them the rope hauls me off of my feet..and leaves me dangling 6 inches off the ground by my panties..they're now deep inside me and when I look down I'm horrified to see the cotton parting my pussy lips..they keep pulling..I'm a foot off the arms raising around the pole as I'm pulled a foot in a half my panties snap..sliding through my crevices and off of my body as my feet comeback to concrete..I'm still holding the helm of my skirt in my mouth...I'd bitten down on it in pain during the hanging wedgie..I released my clenched jaws and the skirt drops but then is pulled back to my chin cell phones are pressed closer to my ass and naked pussy..I'd shaved the day before..they tell me to put it back in my mouth..and I oblige them..submissive and used to being bullied..I didn't have much bargaining power..I held my skirt up so they could film my bottomless lower half trapped to this damn pole..the remnants of my panties still attached to the flag pole rope..

I'm spoke to for the first time in awhile..

"Welcome to hell new girl..should we leave you here..let you introduce yourself to your new town..."

"Nooo! Pleaselemmego!" I stammer past the fabric of my skirt, holding it with my teeth and talking through them.

They giggle amongst themselves a minute, gathering their belongings like they're gonna leave me behind..

Then the pocket knife girl cuts the rope from my wrists..freeing me..I keep holding the skirt obediently..

"Go on, get out of here, but better keep your mouth shut about our little prank..or the whole school sees these pictures and videos.."

I feel a smack on my ass and I'm pushed forward, away from the group, towards the school..I drop my skirt finally covering my lower half..pressing it down to my waist to be sure..and begin to walk left down the sidewalk a few feet..

"Hey loser, the front entrance is the other way!" One of the girls calls behind me.

I begrudgingly turn and head the correct way..past the snickering group once more..

I hadn't even made it through the front door of my new school before being bullied worse than I ever had before..
Last edited by Nikolai on Sat Dec 03, 2022 12:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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First Week pt2(ROA entry I never got around to)

Post by Nikolai »

I had no choice but to head inside, my house was close but my mother would want to know why I was back home..I was a terrible liar and if I told her the truth she'd raise hell..which would just lead to very humiliating videos of me being put online and shared around..I was stuck heading into my first day at a new school..going commando in a skirt because my panties had been literally ripped off by punk girls outside..I tried to play it cool and go about my day..

It went mostly smooth..the same old same except the rural area made me much more the center of attention..something I didn't want after my ordeal earlier..especially with nothing on underneath my skirt..I atleast had a bit of length on the skirt so I managed not to expose myself all day..but I kept hearing whispers..snickers..never quiet making out the words.

I hoped the punk girls didn't tell anyone..

My fifth period ended with a preppy looking girl approaching me out of the blue..I'd gotten a few hellos especially from the boys, but most people weren't acknowledging me, just staring alot. This girl straight up looks me in the face and says:

"What kind of slut brags about not wearing panties on her first day at a new school?"

My head temporarily spins in confusion.

"What.." I stutter.

"It's all anyone is talking about, the slutty new girl who told the guys she was going commando today!" The preppy girl says.

"I did not! I'm..I'm not!" I deny, only one of those statements being true.

"Whatever you say hoe..small town..word gets around."

I head to my sixth hour..gym..I change in a stall, I had debating sliding my small gym shorts on under my skirt all day..but think they'd show through the skirt and draw unwanted attention and wearing them alone was out of the question, I was incognito right now, but wearing gym booty shorts without any panties would definitely draw eyes..

I slid the shorts on, they were black and tight, but covered me..the fabric was a little tighter to my skin without any panties shirt was a white Nike crop top, but essentially just a sports bra..I went about gym most of the hour was a mostly free day..girls were shooting hoops and playing handball..

I was shooting random free throws, trying to appear focused, hoping no one would bother me..I hear murmurs as girls walk by me..

"..That's her.."

"..No panties.."

I grow far had that stupid rumor spread..I feel eyes on me and occasionally catch girls checking out my ass in my shorts, trying to see if there's a panty line.

Class ends and we go back to the lockeroom..I'm eager to finish the day and get home, only 1 more hour..I once again think of leaving the gym short on underneath but don't want to draw attention..especially now with this "rumor" being doubt by the punk bitches who'd ripped my panties with that vicious wedgie earlier. If I put them on now or earlier I'd draw attention and confirm the rumor may of been true..

My thoughts are on my awful morning and the stress of the rumor when I step into the lockerroom and make my first steps to my belongings and the stall I'd chosen to dress..while others were just beginning to undress in the open..I'd made it three steps in the door when I was grabbed from behind suddenly and pressed against the block wall nearest me. It was 6 hands, 3 people and they had the element of surprise. I was pressed hard against the wall, unable to move or resist, my small frame not doing me any favors, my hip bones, smallish breasts and even my cheek is pressed against the cold block by a hand on my head, immobilizing me. I feel the cold block against my belly, I'm wearing my grey crop top I picked out for gym class..for the second time today I'm being held against my will, unable to put up a good struggle.

A girl that I hadn't yet learned the name of, began to speak, past my smushed cheek and out of the corner of my eye I saw the tall blonde talking and her two accomplices, two tall brunettes, all athletic, cheerleader or sportsy types..preppy..

All eyes in the room were on me, some girls half dressed watching or undressing still.

"This is the new slut in town you've all heard about! What's your name again girly..?"


I say..ever the obedient when being bullied..I'd learned from previous encounters, at previous schools, what getting worked up and mouthy when outnumbered would do.

"Morgan here is out for your men..!" The athletic blonde says.

The room starts to groan a bit, in disgust, in my direction..

"..your crushes..and boytoys..guys you've grown up with and known for years, finally thinking about giving them that shot this year..and she just wants to show up and act like a slutty attention whore day 1!"

The blonde was really getting worked up..the rumors were partially false..I was commando but it wasn't by choice..I got the impression this rural town was fairly conservative compared to other places I'd lived..

More groans and disgust from the partially clothed girls in the lockerroom..all rallying against me..I grew really uneasy..I tried to stammer out something, anything in my defense..

"I'm not a slut..I don't want your men.."

it was the truth..I mean honestly I was bi, heavily leaning into girls, but kinda in the closet and just into guys enough to deal with that. I really really didn't show up to any school and milk that new girl attention from the guys..if anything I hated it.

"Oh yeah?" The blonde says snidely behind me..

For the second time that day I feel fingers curl into my waistband and against skin..this time pull downwards with force..peeling the tight shorts down my slim legs as I whine and squirm in a useless struggle. The blonde keeps peeling until my little gym shorts lay at my ankles once more.

The girls pull me to the middle of the open changing area, I walk with tight steps, trying to not lose my shorts from my ankles..I'm surrounded by glaring eyes of hatred and twisted amusal as I'm womanhandled around the lockerroom bottomless.

I'm released from their holds for the moment, I stay where they put me..nowhere to run..out of instinct I bend down to pull my shorts up to cover myself..I've been naked in front of girls before, and truthfully I was the pervert if it came to a changing room..but I'd never been forced to be exposed nearly naked, well besides this morning that is..

When I grabbed my shorts at my feet and pulled up..there was a foot there to hold them down..the blonde was right in front of me and pressing the shorts to the floor..I gave up not bothering to begin a humiliating tug of war..and resided to just covering my bare pussy with both hands..shivering in the florescent lighting bottomless with my socks and tennis shoes still on my feet..

"Where's your panties Morgan?" The blonde athlete asked me, towering nearly a foot taller than me and standing directly in front of me in an intimidating fashion, her foot placed firmly on my gym shorts, trapping them at my ankles.

I wanted to spill the beans, tell this lockerroom full of girls everything, that this was a big misunderstanding..I'd been bullied earlier and they'd ripped my panties and started this rumor and that I may be a loser but that I was no slut..but as I gazed around the room..I met eyes with the pocket knife girl from earlier..she was looking at me very seriously, and wiggled her phone in my direction, it was subtle, but I knew what she meant immediately, talk and the videos go one was videoing in here..a minor relief..probably because many of them were partly undressed as well, and this had all been very sudden..

"Ahem..I SAID..where are your panties Morgan?" The blonde asked again.


my response is abruptly interrupted, I'm pulled backwards with force, the girls on my arms let loose, but the blonde remains with a foot pressed on my shorts, which are tangled to my ankles.. I lose my balance, fall straight backward and land on my bare butt on the linoleum, the blonde takes advantage of the surprise trip to the ground and whisks my shorts off of my feet..leaving me nothing but my socks and shoes from my bare belly Nike sports bra being my only real article of clothing at the day bra being removed earlier for my athletic attire..

No sooner than my ass had plopped, my shorts had been taken and were being twirled around the air by the blonde athlete as she interrogated me further:

"Why are you telling all the boys you ain't got no panties on?!"

She discards the shorts, throwing them after twirling them, they hit the wall, slide down it; and rest within a few feet, my every instinct tells me to scammer over to them, but I dare not.

"I didn't! I swear!" I denied the accusations once more..lying on the lockeroom floor nearly naked..

"Then HOW would I know that you wouldn't have any mean most girls were panties daily..especially to their first day of school..and don't brag about going commando like a whore!" The blonde belittled me, standing over the top of me as she did..

"You know girls.."

She looks around the room.

"..maybe we should give her what she wants..maybe we should drag her to the boys lockeroom kicking and screaming..that'd teach her..but then again..she might like it.."

I gulped in fear. The blonde paused for effect..all the girls in the lockeroom were snickering or murmuring to themselves about the blonde's idea..those snickers turned to full blown laughter as the blonde and her two goons descended on me..I began to squeal and struggle, but was quickly brought back to my feet..the chorus of laughter grew louder, as did my protests as my bullies began to drag me towards the locker room heels squealed and burned against the tile as I tried to lock myself in place..but was girl handled forward anyhow..just as we reached the door they released me, others had followed them and I was cornered by the door, surrounded by girls who hated me for false accusations..

"Are you sure you don't want to go see the boys..? Show them all your not wearing any panties?"

I shook my head rapidly, falling to my knees, fully submitting, desperate not to be pulled out that door..

" that case..take off your top. Now. Hand it to me." She placed her hand out to me, reaching down from her tall height and me being sunk to my knees in desperation.

"Wait..but..then I'll be naked.." I say..partially in protest and partially trying to process the information by saying it aloud..

She answers my protest my gripping my elbow with one hand, pulling me upwards, which causes other girls to do the same..the blonde takes her other hand and grabs the door handle..

"Nooo!" I squeal

I use my remaining strength to collapse to the ground once more, and quickly put two hands under my top, my arms crossed, ready to pull the crop top over head..I take a breath..the girls have all stopped pulling temporarily, they all look down at me expectingly..I pull the Nike sports bra over my head..leaving me naked besides my socks and shoes..I sadly hand the shirt over to the bully, taking the enf pose as I do, one arm across my breast, the other reached between my kneeled legs to cover my slit..I shiver from the adrenaline and fear of being naked in school, and the chilly lockeroom air.

"Sluts don't cover up..arms at your sides.." the blonde's friend chimes in.

The other girls in the room giggle as I'm forced to submit to their demands..another deep breath..I bite my lip in frustration but begrudgingly drop my arms to my sides, I keep my legs close together, hoping to preserve even a hint of modesty..they allow it, already ready to give me more humiliating demands..

"Twist one of your titties" the blonde said, giggling, unable to maintain seriousness at such a demand.

I did as I was told, gripping my right nipple with a couple of my fingers, and twisting..

"Now gently massage the other.."

I did it..I'd do anything to stay in the safety of that lockerroom in my current state of dress..


My hands alternated activities, my nipples growing extremely erect from the alternating sensations of tender touch and rough twists..

"Put two fingers in your mouth..suck them.."

I oblige the athletic blonde..pinching one nipple and sucking fingers from my free hand..

"Now touch yourself..keep sucking.."

I hesitate..but the alternative continues to be worse than even the most humiliating demands..I slide my hand between my legs..I gently touch the general area, being deliberate to NOT actually start pleasuring myself..

"Perfect..somebody got that on film right?" The blonde asks the room.

I cringe in horror, I'd been caught up playing a very dangerous game of Simon Says and not paid much attention to my surroundings..a few girls were filming this! I got coldchills at the realization..the room noticed the moment I realized I was being filmed..they all giggled louder as my shoulders slumped and I began to tear up, my hands still doing what they were told..

The blonde suddenly pulls me to my feet without word..others help her, the entire room against me at this point, they have me surrounded..

"You've been a pretty good girl..I think you may of learned your lesson..surely you won't flirt with anymore of our guys right? No more trying to woe them with your trampy comments..better yet, don't talk to any male at all..and if you do..we post a video of you touching yourself at school, muted to cover our asses of course, all the proof we need to show the whole school you're a you understand, slut?"

I nod my head slowly, silent, obedient.

"You wanna get dressed? Want me to let you go and keep this between all of us girls?"

I nod again.

"Answer." She says coldly.

"Yes.." I say, my voice shaky.

"I can make that happen..but first..answer me one question.." she begins..

A momentarily pause. She gets right in my face.

"What's a slut's favorite dance move?"

My brow curls, confused by her question, she asks it like some sort of joke, I wait for the punchline but she just stares back at me, as if she expects an answer..

I think hard, my mind goes to through every dance move I've ever heard of, the crab walk seems somewhat perverse..I decide it's my best guess as a few seconds have gone by and the blonde is glaring looking down at me..knowing what happens next..I'm glad I didn't mention my guess aloud..

The blonde grabs me before I can answer her and I'm pulled rapidly towards the door..I squeal and dig my heels in protest but the mob of girls push me forward with ease, many hands touching my bare skin to assist..I'm pushed to the front of the group of girls, there's hands restraining me, some pushing me, and eventually the mob has me pressed against the door, twenty or so girls standing right behind piled into the exit area..

"!!" I plea, but my protests go ignored, I feel a hand reach by my naked waist, and grip the door handle, I find out the hand belongs to the blonde when she loudly announces:

"A slut's favorite dance move is to twerk!"

She's directly behind me, her hand on the door when she answers her own question..

The door is swung open..I'm temporarily held there..staring at a small corridor that leads to a large hallway, where countless students would be any moment..they shove me naked from the safety of the lockeroom..

My body is covered in goosebumps, I've collapsed on the floor, I'm naked in the halls of the school..and the bell could ring any minute! I have no time to wallow in self pity or sit their in shock that they'd *actually* done something like this. I stand up, turn to the sea of giggling girls crowded at the door..and run at them..attempting to press my way back through the threshold of the door..the wall of girls doesn't budge, instead..they actively press me back out into the small corridor and the blonde begins a chant,

"twerk, Twerk, TWERK" She repeats her punchline

I slam into the wall of girls once more, they shove me further back this time..making me nearly stumble out of the small corridor to the lockeroom..and into the large hallway..

"TWERK, TWERK, TWERK" the rest of the girls join the blonde's chant, several of them are pointing there phones at me from the doorway.

After pressing into them once more, this time with less effort, less hope..I'm pushed back once more and the chants continue..

I realize what I have to do. But the blonde makes it very clear with her next words:

"If the slut wants back in here, she's going to have to twerk!"

She spoke about me, not at me, in the third person, like I was an object, and not a person.


I'd never attempted to do so before..I had a little butt, perky and cute, but not round or fat by any means, I didn't know how to twerk..but I had no choice but to try..

I grabbed both knees with each hand, crouched slightly, and attempted to jiggle, or wiggle, or whatever it is you have to do to your cheeks to get them bouncing..

I awkwardly continue my butt naked attempts at twerking for the first time in my school..while being filmed..with no choice but to continue trying and failing, the laughter changes from snide and giddy to humiliate me, to genuine laughter at my pathetic attempts.

"Damn girl, you call that twerking!?" A random girl calls out, the group responds with humor to her outburst.

"Let's see them feet on the wall!" The blonde demands seriously.

I know the move from many videos I'd watched on tiktok..I uh..honestly like watching them..I'm a closet bisexual and I've paused on them on my feed enough that the algorithm just keeps pushing them to me. Knowing the move and doing it naked in school desperately hoping nobody walks by was a different thing all together..but I had to do whatever they asked..their mercy or boredom was my only hope of not being out here when the bell rang..

I pushed my way into a slight handstand, walking my legs up the wall..I once again make a pathetic and uncoordinated attempt at twerking my perky little booty..but comically fail..the cellphones catch it all, girls have pushed out of the doorway and are now surrounding me once more in the corridor..but bunched up and blocking the path to the doorway.

I'm upside down, naked, failing to twerk..when the bell rings..I nearly collapse but temporarily hold position as the bell continues to concludes and the Blonde is quick with her next commands.

"Get down, stand up."

I quickly drop my legs to the floor, and stand up straight, I had seconds to listen and act and hopefully please this cruel girl into mercy before countless students would be passing our little corridor..and seeing a helplessly naked girl..

"Face the doorway"

I turn, looking at the lockeroom door..eager to dive inside, but waiting for the approval of my tormentors..

"Bend down..touch your toes.."

I do it, every second that goes by is another second that I could be found by a larger audience..potentially members of the opposite sex..I shudder at the thought as I submit to her demands..

I'm bent low, touching my toes, I'm horrified at the shots their cameras are getting..but I can do nothing but as I was was my only hope of mercy..if I resisted now..I'd likely be pushed naked into the crowded'd been merely seconds since the bell had rang, I'd followed her instructions quickly, but I was beginning to hear the distant sounds of voices, laughter..the hallway was beginning to be filled..

"Reach back, and spread your cheeks nice and wide.." the blonde says cooly, as if that wasn't the most humiliating demand possible..

I hear voices growing louder, closer..

"Open those slutty cheeks and we are done here..better hurry.."

Ashamed, my face burning from the humilation of doing such a thing to myself, but with no other choice, I remain bent in half, but carefully reach back, gripping both of my little cheeks in my little hands, and peel them apart, the girls squeal, and from my upside down pov through my legs..I see their cameras capture my demise..I hold my cheeks open, a full 3 to 5 long seconds, it'd been 20 or so since the bell..the voices and laughter was very close now, I'd be found by the students any second..

I feel a tennis shoe press hard into my open crack, Sparta kicking me forward and through the doorway of the lockeroom..I slam against the wall, then quickly roll out of sight of the open door, naked on the cold floor..the blonde steps back in, most of the girls start to dismiss themselves behind her but a couple of her friends remain, standing behind her as she delivers her final words to me that day:

"If you tell ANYONE about this, I'll make damn sure everyone at this school, and EVERY school sees your slutty antics..we will post the videos of you twerking and touching yourself in school..then EVERYONE will know how big of a slut you are! And if I see you flirting or even talking to ANY guy at this school..well not only are the videos getting posted, but we will be making some new get out of my sight and go cover yourself..SLUT!"

With that said she turns away, her girls do as well, I hear dozens of people passing by the corridor and doorway, but I'm safe around the corner, out of sight. The door slams and I'm left alone in an empty lockeroom, naked as the day I was born. I hurry to my belongings and am relieved to find them undisturbed. I quickly dress myself, and leave the lockeroom.

I head to my last hour and finish the day in a bit of a dilarious blur..two of the girls from gym are in the classroom as I enter, they giggle amongst themselves and point to their phones from the corner of the room as I'm forced to introduce myself for the seventh time today, to the teacher, and the class..after my humilation I'm drained and my head is spinning, I mumble my way through my introduction, find my chair and look out the window, my thoughts rush from the wedgie this morning, to the rumor, the lockeroom ordeal, the out-of-the-lockeroom ordeal, the countless pictures and videos and blackmail they all had over me now..the thought that one of them could leak the videos anyway..I couldn't focus on class and I stared into space until the final bell rang

This is where I ended off a couple months back, might continue, might leave this as a standalone but here's what was gonna be the start of my ROA contest entry
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Re: First Week pt 1 and 2(ROA entry I never got around to)

Post by SDS »

Very fun! Even if no follow up or Supernatural revenge ot was a good read!
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Re: First Week pt 1 and 2(ROA entry I never got around to)

Post by Executionus »

Definitely the type of story where the new girl needs some epic revenge after everything she went through. And since this is a small town, most of her classmates have known each other for literal life so the humiliation they will feel when seen will far eclipse what the new Ringbearer felt.

So yeah, you might as well keep going with this one. I'm interested to see which ring chooses her and how she uses it against the majority of the girls in her school. There's probably about to be a ton of happy boys!
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