The New Rules (Chapter 54 - March 3rd, 2025)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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The New Rules - Chapter 30 (Part 1)

Post by superevil7 »

With Heather’s revelation, Abbie felt a desperate need to speak with Blake. She realized she had been mistaken about what had happened between the two siblings, and wanted the chance to put things right. But she was unable to find him no matter how hard she looked. The restaurant was just too packed with people at that point.

“Abbie, what’s going on?” Abbie had happened upon her best friend, Gwen, who was looking at her with concern now. “What’s wrong?”

“Have you seen Blake?” Abbie continued swinging her neck around, looking everywhere. “I can’t seem to find him anywhere.”

“I saw him earlier,” She said, “But something’s up. What’s going on, Abbie? Sit down and tell me.”

Abbie let out a little sigh, still not seeing the boy anywhere, and took a seat with her friend. “Blake told me something terrible this afternoon.” Abbie’s eyes got a little watery.

“Just tell me.” Gwen pleaded. “I want to help.”

“Ok… He told me he had sex with another girl…”

Gwen gasped really loudly. Then she got really mad. “How the hell could he do that to you!!?”

“Gwen, calm down. This is why I’m looking for him. I guess that wasn’t the truth of the whole matter. It didn’t go down exactly like he told me.” Abbie explained.

“What do you mean? Did he have sex with another girl or not?”

“The other girl just told me she pushed him down and got on top of him, and forced him to do it. That it wasn’t Blake’s fault.”

“Wait, who is this girl?” Gwen asked.

“I… I don’t think I should tell you…” Gwen gave her a confused look. “Not that I’m trying to protect her, but I don’t think Blake would be happy if I started telling everyone…”

“It’d be embarrassing for him?” Abbie just nodded her head. “Well, I guess you don’t have to tell me. But, Abbie, if she did what it sounds like you’re saying she did, then she should have to face the consequences of that. You can’t let her get away with…”

Abbie cut her off. “I think that should be up to Blake. I need to know the full truth from him before I do anything, and how he feels about what happened.”

“Alright, Abbie. If I see him, I’ll let him know you’re looking for him.” Gwen got up, and then gave Abbie a tight hug. “I’m so sorry this happened. You know you can always talk with me if you need to.” Abbie gave her a smile for that, and the two friends separated.

Meanwhile, in the middle of the restaurant, many young men and boys were gathered around an older gentleman, who was holding court. “Now back in my day, it was always the boys that seemed to end up naked!” He made a deep belly laugh. “Swim class, punishments, or just ‘cause your mama said so.” He explained. “Not that I’m going to complain, but it seems like the girls of today are far less modest than in my generation!”

“Granddad, here’s your food.” A girl of twelve years of age came up to him, blushing a little to suddenly be the center of attention of all the males.

“Thank you, Jules.” He said, and then took her by the hand. “Let your old granddad look at you. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you naked.” He chuckled, and the young girl blushed even harder, now that her nakedness had been brought up. “Give me a little twirl.” He held her hand above her head, and the girl spun around on the spot for him and the other males. “Jules, you look lovely. Thank you.” He grinned big.

“Dad, don’t embarrass her!” Now his daughter, the girl's mother, came over to chastise him. “She’s still getting used to being naked.”

"I'm not embarrassing her. I was just telling her how lovely she looks. Right, Jules?"

"Yeah, grandpa." She squeaked a little, as all the male eyes seemed to be on her still.

Now the grandfather stood up, taking his daughter's hand instead. "You young lady, I have not seen naked for years and years!" He chuckled, looking down at his daughter's bare body. The woman started blushing just as bad as her daughter, with everyone’s attention suddenly shifting to her. "I think you better give me a quick twirl as well."

"Dad…!" The woman turned her eyes down coyly, not believing her father. “I’m not a young lady! I’m practically 40, dad!”

"Come now! Me and the other boys are waiting!" He got a large grin. The woman's face turned really red now. Her dad didn't seem to be letting her free without doing it, so with all eyes on her, the woman made a slow twirl in front of her father and the rest of his gathered audience. "You look just as lovely as Jules, Marisa. Age is just a number. Although if I were you I'd think about trimming that bush a bit. We can hardly see anything down there. I feel like all that hair goes against the Feminudist philosophy." He gave another belly laugh at that.

One of the younger boys in the group, Timmy, spoke up about that, “My mom told me this morning that girls should always be bare all over their bodies. Even from hair!”

“And who’s your mommy?” One of the other men asked. Timmy just pointed out his mom, who was busy speaking with her own group of young mothers. “Your mom is one of our gracious hosts tonight!?” The man asked in astonishment. Timmy just nodded and beamed a smile at him.

“I have to agree with the young lad.” Mrs. Powers had been watching the group from afar until now. She came over and gave the group of men and boys a large smile, accentuating the sway of her hips as she walked towards them. “At the very least I think the lips need to be visible.” She stood with her legs open, pulled up on her pubic mound a little with her fingers, and thrust out her privates, giving the group a view of her cleanly waxed pussy, with just a bit of blondish-red hair above her lips. “What do you boys think?” Many of the men enthusiastically nodded in agreement, and some even clapped and whistled for her, laughing in delight.

Adam’s mom had given him some spending money for dinner, which he had used to buy himself and his new girlfriend Sam their food. With the restaurant being so packed, they were having trouble finding anywhere to sit. Finally the two spotted a half open table, where Lauren, her older sister, and her mom were seated.

“Well, hello Lauren!” Adam wore a very smug grin, as he saw his sister’s tormentor naked in front of him for the first time. As far as he knew his sister and Lauren were still feuding, and now he had the perfect opportunity to get back at the little blonde girl in the name of his sister. “Can we sit with you?”

Lauren just sat there, looking up at him with her eyes wide. Adam was the first classmate to speak with her since her arrival, and now being naked in front of him was causing all kinds of worry for the girl, especially as she noticed the smug look on his lips, and the way his eyes were shining mischievously at her.

“Of course you can.” Lauren’s mom smiled warmly at the duo. “Lauren, introduce us to your friends.” Her mom demanded from her youngest daughter. She and Lauren’s sister, Susana, were both seated on either side of her, all three completely naked save for their footwear.

“Ummm… This is Adam and Sam.” Lauren explained with a quick gulp as they sat down across from her. “The three of us have science class together, and Adam and I also have geography together.”

“Oh lovely. How long have the three of you been friends?” Her mom asked.

“For a very long time, ma’am.” Adam answered, watching with delight as Lauren seemed to squirm in her seat. “Lauren is also very good friends with my sister, Abbie. The older girl that was part of my mom’s presentation. They are both on the track team together.”

“Yes, I know your sister.” The woman beamed. “Why have you never invited your friends over to our house, Lauren?” Lauren just shrugged her shoulders.

“We’re mostly just school friends, ma’am.” Sam explained. Just like Adam, she did not really like the little blonde girl. She thought she was stuck up and annoying, and they would never travel in the same circles, with Lauren being so girly, while Sam was much more of a tomboy. She was enjoying seeing the younger looking blonde so uncomfortable to be naked. She also felt quite superior to be so much more developed than her, even if they were practically the same age as each other. In fact, she remembered that Lauren’s birthday was way before hers in the year.

“Nonsense! The two of you need to come over as soon as possible!” Lauren's mom declared. “You really need to make more friends, Lauren.” Her mom turned to her and said, “What’s the matter, honey?” seeing the uncomfortable look on her daughter’s face.

“I bet you it’s just that Lauren is still getting used to being naked.” Adam answered for her. “Each girl is going to take their own amount of time to adjust to being nude. I’m sure Lauren is a little shy about her body, since she hasn’t matured as much as some of the other girls here.” Adam gave a big grin to Lauren, and then a wink to Sam who just giggled a little at him. Lauren just scowled and turned beet red at his comment. “But that is why Feminudism is perfect for a girl like Lauren! Being nude will help Lauren to learn to appreciate her body, flaws and all.”

“I see you are very knowledgeable on your mother’s philosophy, young man.” Lauren’s mom said, impressed with the boy.

“Oh yes! I’ve been learning all about Feminudism for the last week. I even helped my mom come up with some of her ideas. Like for instance, did you know girls can be naked anywhere in the county!? I was able to find a news article about that. I shared it with my mom, and so now Abbie goes naked practically everywhere. And the more time she spends naked, the more Feminudism can help her.”

“I see.” Lauren’s mom said, completely fascinated by the boy’s words. “So your mom would recommend that Lauren stay naked full time?”

“Yes, absolutely!” Adam said, really giving a smug smirk to the little blonde. “Not only that, but she should go to public places in the nude as often as she can. Just like today, here at Burger Mountain.”

Lauren had heard enough, and finally started to complain, her face a crimson red thinking about everything her classmate had just said to her mom, “But mom…!?!”

Her mom cut her off. “Lauren, please, I’m trying to listen to your friend.” She turned back to Adam. “Would the Grandview mall be a good place for Lauren to be naked? She and her sister were naked there just a couple days ago.”

“She was?” Adam asked, in surprise, and then his smile got gigantic. “Of course it would be! The mall is a perfect place for Lauren to get used to being naked! I’d recommend she spend at least two full hours nude there as soon as possible, but the longer the better.”

“Mom…!!” Lauren tried to interrupt once more, only to be cut off again.

“Lauren, quiet! Your friend Adam is trying to explain how this Feminudist ideology works. Did you forget you are grounded, and meant to be naked for the next two weeks?” Her mom gave her a forceful scowl.

“No…” Lauren looked down at her food, dejected.

“Then hush, please!” The woman said, while Adam and Sam both had to suppress a chuckle. Lauren’s mom went back to addressing the boy. “And what about my other daughter, Susana? Do you feel Feminudism would have any benefit for her?”

“Huh!?” Susana dropped her french fry at the mention of her name. She had just been amused the entire time, giggling to herself too, as this young man and her mom discussed her younger sister being naked in public and at the mall. Lauren was getting exactly what she deserved as far as Susana was concerned, after everything she had put her through. Now, suddenly, she was concerned about her own well being instead.

“Of course Susana would get a great benefit from Feminudism!” Adam gave a great big smile to the older redhead. He had no beef with her, but the older girl was really pretty, so making her stay naked as much as possible was a no-brainer. “Feminudism is for girls of all ages, nationalities, and body types. Susana would be able to set a great example for her younger sister by staying nude all the time, and accompanying her at the Grandview mall would allow her to support Lauren in her nudity too!” Sam couldn’t help smiling at her boyfriend, seeing exactly what he was doing. Adam dared to give a self-righteous smug smirk to Susana and Lauren before he continued, “The more time the girls spend naked in public, the better!!” Unbeknownst to even Adam, many of the other parents present had been listening in on their conversation, taking great interest at the boy’s recommendations. Even Sam’s mom, who was only sitting a few tables away.

When Abbie finally found Blake she was relieved. That was until she saw who he was talking to. There in front of Blake stood the prettiest of pretty girls Abbie had ever seen, and of course she was completely naked, just like most of the girls in the restaurant. The girl was giggling quite animatedly, like he had just told her the greatest joke in the world. With her large breasts, and a svelte waist, Abbie couldn’t help feeling immense jealousy towards this girl, this hussy as far as she was concerned. Who does she think she is, horning in on my boyfriend!! Thought Abbie.

Abbie marched right up to Blake, tapping him forcefully on the shoulder three times to get his attention. "Abbie?"

"Who is this, Blake!?" She demanded. Probably another girl he'll let take advantage of him, she thought.

"Um, this is Melissa from my history class."

"Hi!" Melissa smiled at Abbie cheerfully, and gave her a small wave.

"Back off!" Abbie said forcefully. Melissa's eyes went wide in surprise at the girl's outburst.

"Abbie!? What is your problem?" Blake asked.

"Are you going to have sex with her too!?!" Abbie demanded.

"What!??" Blake said in shock.

"Why would I….? I like girls…!" explained Melissa, suddenly very standoffish and perturbed.

Abbie got a really sheepish look on her face, feeling totally ashamed of herself. "You do…?"

"Yes!" Melissa said with indignation, getting put off by the girl. "I don't know what your problem is, but I think you need some serious help! Blake, I'll see you tomorrow." And with that the girl stormed off.

Abbie didn't have time to worry about hurting the girl's feelings. "Blake, we need to talk."

"Ok? About what?" He asked cautiously.

"About what you said earlier. About what happened between you and Heather."

Blake scanned the crowded room nervously. "Ok, but can we talk about this somewhere more private?"

"Alright. I think I know someplace we can go where we can talk privately." Abbie was tempted to take his hand, but instead she just said, "Follow me."

Blake was worried as he followed her, thinking their relationship would be coming to an end soon. Despite himself, he couldn’t stop himself from watching Abbie’s cute bare tight bottom as it swayed in front of him. He remembered all the good times they had together, all the great times he had had with her naked, and he got a bit sad to think that could be coming to a close.

Abbie had led him outside and into the parking lot. "Mrs. Powers brought us here in this van." She explained, as pulled at the door handle. She was thankful that it was still unlocked.

Abbie and Blake both got in, sitting next to each other in the middle seat, and he slid the door shut so they could talk privately. "Ok, what did you want to talk about?" asked Blake. He already knew in the general sense, but couldn't keep his curiosity to himself. He was a bundle of worries and despair, absolutely sure now that Abbie was about to break up with him for good.

"Your sister told me everything from her perspective." Abbie started, looking really upset. "She said she forced you to stay, and then pushed you down to the ground, and got on top of you. She said you didn't want to have sex with her, but that she forced you to do it." Suddenly there were tears in her eyes, as she took his hand. "Is that true, Blake?"

"That's what she said?" Blake could see he had an easy way out. He could just blame everything on his older sister, and let Abbie believe he had been taken advantage of. But he didn't feel right lying to her like that. "That's not completely true." He started explaining exactly what had happened. "She did ask me to stay, when I was going to go take care of myself in private. And she did ask me to get undressed. That is true."

Abbie tears were starting to steam down her cheeks as she listened.

"But I suggested that Heather and Lilly give me a blowjob after that."

Abbie's heart rate went up at the mention of a blowjob, and she took a quick peek down at his shorts, but she pushed any thoughts about that out of her mind when she saw he was not hard. It wasn’t appropriate of her to be having such thoughts at this moment anyway. "You did?" She wiped away a few of the tears, not sure what she should think about everything now. "But she still pushed you down and got on top of you, right?"

"Yes, but I didn't try to stop her." Blake confessed. "And while it was happening, I didn't want her to stop."

"Oh…" Was all Abbie could say, feeling a bit of shock.

"I felt terrible about it afterwards, and that's why I told you everything. I felt like you deserved to hear the truth from me." Now Blake was the one with tears welling in his eyes. "I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore because of that. I know I really hurt you. I'm so sorry, Abbie. And I'm so sorry because I hurt the girl I love…" he made a few sniffles.

"Blake…" Abbie grabbed him in a hug. "I love you too! And I still want to be together!"

"You do?" He asked, with intense relief, and he held her as tightly as he could.

"Yes. But I think we need to lay down some rules for the two of us, that way nothing like this ever happens again." She explained, remembering the advice Jenny's mom had given her earlier in the afternoon. "I enjoy when my brothers… and Maddie too, touch and even lick me…" Now Abbie got a big blush on her cheeks to admit that out loud to someone, especially the boy she cared most about in the world.

Blake had to chuckle. "Really?"

Abbie slapped his shoulder, annoyed. "Yes really. But I'd never want to have sex with my brothers. I think we should put a hard stop at that."

"I see what you mean. So I can still touch and play with Heather and Lilly, but I shouldn't have full on sex with them."

"Exactly. And they can both touch you too, if you want them to." She gave him a coy look. "And even give you" She had to whisper the words, as her throat felt tight just thinking the word, "a blowjob…"

"You'd really be ok with that!?" He asked in astonishment, and Abbie just nodded her head at him with a big grin. "Wow!!"

"I have to confess I have my own desires." Abbie bit the corner of her lip, anticipating what Blake might think about this. "I kinda want to see what will happen with the girl from my math class, Vanessa. The girl that kissed me at lunch today. Would you be ok with that?"

"If anything happens between the two of you, will you let me watch?"

Abbie gave him a little giggle and started nodding her head. "Yeah, sure…"

"Holy…!! Wow!!!" Now Blake was all smiles and wonder, looking at the naked girl before him that was the true love of his life, he realized. He couldn't stop himself from leaning forward to give her a great big kiss right on the spot.

"Blake…" Abbie giggled coyly at him, and she fluttered her eyelashes.

"Hey, since we just made up, doesn't that mean we get to have makeup sex?" Blake asked excitedly, like he had just had the brightest idea.

"I don't know? You got a condom?" Abbie just smirked at him.

"Damn!" Blake complained under his breath.

"Well I know something else we can do…" and Abbie got down on her knees in front of him, slowly lowering his shorts to the floor. Blake was already halfway erect, having a good notion of what Abbie's idea was, and his cock sprang up almost right in her face as she released it from the confinement of his shorts and boxers. "Ooh!" Abbie giggled in delight, loving having such a close look at her boyfriend's privates. After that she had no resistance, and quickly took him almost all the way into her mouth without warning.

"Oh Abbie!!! Fuck!!" Blake moaned, as Abbie was using such force he had never felt from the girl before. Already she was furiously bobbing up and down on him, and was circling his cock head with her tongue all at the same time! Blake could practically not hold still, twitching his hips this way and that as his privates felt totally and completely sensitive to what the girl was doing to him. "Oh my god!!! Abbie, slow down!!!"

Abbie just giggled with her mouth full, taking great joy at what she was doing to the boy. She didn’t slow one bit, instead she sped up her movements on his cock that much more in response to his moaning. She felt quite horny herself now, and she brought her left hand down to start playing with her increasingly aroused pussy and needy clit.

"No Abbie." Blake said when he saw she was playing with herself. He quickly grabbed her arms, pulling them up and out of the reach of her privates, keeping her hands clutched in each of his. "I want to do you after you finish me!" He exclaimed with another loud moan.

At first Abbie was frustrated, no longer feeling the pleasure of her fingers on her clit, but as she continued licking and sucking on his cock, she felt like she could almost feel the same sensation on her own clit! It was wild to Abbie, and she thought she might be losing her mind, but it felt too good for her to stop now, so she just continued! The closer Blake came to his release, the closer Abbe could feel the same! Abbie started moaning in response to all the phantom pleasure she was feeling, and she swore she could feel a nice humming right around her pulsating clit too!

Blake meanwhile was in pleasure overdrive! His hands were squeezing tightly around his girlfriend's with such a grip he was worried he might be hurting her. But the pleasure was too intense for him to let go. He had kept his eyes closed for most of the time, but he finally opened them again to look at the beautiful girl before him. When he saw Abbie, and the total arousal evident in her eyes, he could do nothing to hold himself back. He released his explosion with such force into her mouth, that he could no longer see straight. Everything became a blur, as Abbie just kept going to town on his hypersensitive appendage, and there was nothing he could do to make her stop!

Abbie was in total overload of orgasmic bliss as Blake released into her mouth. Uncontrollably, her hips started thrusting forward again and again, and she still felt like everything she was doing to his cock was happening to her own throbbing clit! She didn't want the pleasurable feeling to stop, so just doubled her efforts with her mouth, needing another climax before she would let him go. That is exactly what Abbie got, as she suddenly felt wave after wave of orgasmic thunder rip throughout her entire body from head to toe!!

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" Abbie panted, resting her head on one of his thighs, still down on her knees on the floor of the van. She was totally spent, and could hardly move.

"Ohhhhh…!" Blake was trying just as hard to catch his breath, having never experienced anything like it. Abbie had gone for at least another whole minute after he had cum, if not longer, and the entire time he had been ultra sensitive to every little thing she did to his cock with her mouth! He had never tried to keep going after an ejaculation like that before, and the feeling was so intense he could hardly think or move now that it was over. "Fuck… Wow… Ohhhh…" The two of them still held their hands together, never releasing each other from their grasp despite everything that they had just been through.

"Wow, is right…" Abbie commented, closing her eyes so she could rest some more.

As it was starting to get late, most of the patrons and attendees of the meeting had started filing out of the restaurant. Now the noise had quieted down, and everyone left inside broke off into smaller groups to chat and enjoy each other's company. Since her mom still seemed to be busy, and her other friends had all gone, Heather had decided to keep her classmate and employee of the establishment, Tanya, company.

“So you had sex?” Tanya asked. With so few people left she could now see the mess the large crowd had left behind. She let out a deep sigh thinking it was going to take all night to clean this up, and that she didn’t get paid nearly enough for the amount of work she did.

“Shhh!” Heather scolded her with worry. “Not so loud!” She took a quick look over at her mom across the restaurant, seated with Susan Larson, Karen Stevens, Elizabeth Powers, and Maggie Briggs. Thankfully none of them had seemed to hear the black girl.

“So who's the lucky guy?” Tanya asked, speaking to the girl a little quieter.


“Was it Tony?”

“No it wasn’t Tony!!” Heather said in outrage.

“Who then?”

“I don’t want to say…” Heather blushed hard, feeling some shame that she had lost her virginity to her own brother. “It was a one time thing…”

“Ooh! A secret fling! How scandalous!” Tanya just smirked at her. “Alright, you don’t have to tell me, but at least tell me you were smart enough to use protection.”

“Protection!?” Heather’s eyes went wide as the consequences of what she had done really started to hit her.

“Yeah. A condom. The pill. Something?”

“No…” Heather said, feeling small and stupid. Then it really hit her just how stupid she had been, as it was own brother's seed inside of her! She couldn't have an incest baby with her own brother!!! She gave a desperate, and very panicked look to her classmate.

“That’s alright. I got you covered.” Tanya gave her a reassuring smile. “I’ll take you to the drug store after my shift is over. I’ll be off in 20 minutes.”

“Really? Thanks Tanya.” Heather still felt a deep nervous pain in her stomach as she watched the girl go to start sweeping the floor on the other side of the seating area. She clutched her tummy tightly with worry, hoping nothing had started to grow inside of her.

“Hey Heather!” Heather was a bit startled as Adam came up behind her, along with Sam.

“Oh, it’s you. Hey Adam… What can I do for you?” The older teen girl asked, remembering the last time they were together, and the painful, yet pleasurable spanking the younger boy had given her.

“I just wanted to tell you I got a girlfriend now.” Adam grinned at the blonde girl, holding Sam’s and his hands up, with their fingers laced together. Sam just giggled a little. “And you’re off the hook.”

“Huh?” Heather asked.

“You don’t need to do what I tell you anymore. Well I might still get another chance to punish you one day if you ever come over again.” He teased her. “But I need to focus on my relationship with Sam now.”

“Oh…” She was both relieved and confused. “Ok. Thanks…” She added, not sure what else to say.

“Yeah, see you around.” Adam grinned and waved, walking off.

“Hey guys!!” Hope said with joy, suddenly spotting Adam and Sam walking in her direction. “I’ve been looking for you two all night! Where have you been?”

“We’ve been here the whole time.” Sam told her.

“It was so packed in here earlier, I’m surprised how dead it is now.” Adam commented, taking a look around at the mostly empty restaurant.

Hope noticed for the first time that the two were holding hands. “Hold on! Wait a minute! You guys!!” She said excitedly. “Are you two together now!?!”

“Oh, yeah.” Sam blushed, nodding her head with a big smile.

“You guys!!” Hope rushed forward, grabbing them both in a tight hug. She looked at each of them with her own large grin. “I had a feeling about you two.”

Sam gave the blonde a pensive look. “You know. I had so much fun with both of you the other day. I don’t see why that fun has to stop just because Adam and I are officially together now.” She turned to Adam, to get his opinion. “What do you think?”

Adam couldn’t hold back his wide grin. “You mean you want the three of us to keep having fun like the other day?” Sam nodded her head with a coy smirk, and he looked over at Hope, who was also grinning just as big. “OK!!!” He said excitedly. Now this is a no-brainer!! He thought!

“Awesome!!” Hope exclaimed, putting a hand on each of their shoulders. “Maybe the three of us could be a couple together?” She asked, hopefully, biting the corner of her lip nervously.

“Can we do that?” Sam asked, furrowing her brow. “And isn’t a couple just two people?”

“Well we can be a thrupple.” Adam joked, making the two girls laugh and nod their heads.

“I like it!” Sam agreed. “Then the three of us can be a thrupple!” She tilted her head forward, until her lips came into contact with the blonde girl’s, catching her off guard. Hope soon melted into the kiss though. Adam just watched on with wide eyed wonder.

As soon as Sam broke their kiss, she kissed Adam with just as much passion. “Now you two kiss…” She said, giving Adam and Hope a coy smirk.

“Really?” Adam asked, a bit astonished. With a nod from Sam, Adam leaned over to give the blonde girl a big kiss on her lips too. They both enjoyed it just as much as their kisses from Sam. “Wow…!”

“Wow, is right!” Hope said with a loud giggle.

“I guess this means I need to buy another ticket for the dance tomorrow.” Adam said with a chuckle. “I want both of you to come with me.”

“Ok!” Hope and Sam said at the same time, then they both had to giggle.
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The New Rules - Chapter 30 (Part 2)

Post by superevil7 »

“Oh Sam!! Samantha!! We’re heading out now!” Her mom called from across the way with a little wave, almost sounding like she was singing. Sam could see her mom had once again gotten dressed.

“Sorry guys. Guess I gotta go.” Sam said, giving each of them another quick kiss. Then she started to head her way over to where her mom and brother stood, but suddenly stopped. “Oh, my clothes!” She turned back to Adam, with a concerned look.

“I’ll keep ‘em safe for you.” Adam said with a smile.

“There you go, Sam.” Her mom said, taking her hand. “We really must be going.” With a firm grip on her hand, Sam’s mom led her from the restaurant, through the parking lot, and to their car. Sam was thankful to at least have the cover of darkness this time, but it didn’t stop her from getting a little jumpy all the same. Her brother, Hank, chuckled to himself as he walked behind his mom and sister, enjoying the way Sam kept turning her head this way and that, thinking she looked a bit like a nervous squirrel.

Taking the back seat, Sam felt her nerves calm down. Normally it was a big fight between her and her brother about who would get the front every time, but she realized the front would leave her more exposed. Her brother gave her an arrogant smirk as he took the available front seat, with a feeling of accomplishment.

The naked girl did her best to ignore him, and soon she had zoned out. She had a little smile on her lips, as she thought about Hope and Adam, and what their new relationship was going to be like. She was still only half paying attention when her mom's car suddenly came to an abrupt stop.

"Mom, uh, where are we?" She asked, feeling a knot in the pit of her stomach. Suddenly her nakedness was on the forefront of her mind.

"We're at Red-Mart. I need to pick up a few groceries for the weekend."

"Oh…" was all Sam could say, seeing the giant logo of the store out her window.

"Come on, kids. This should take us 30 minutes tops." Her mom said, unbuckling her seat belt.

"Mom, maybe I should just wait in the car?" She said, wary of being the only one naked in such a public place. It was one thing for her to be naked in a restaurant full of other naked girls, but to do it on her own, in the middle of a big box store, was another matter entirely.

"Nonsense." Her mom explained with a wide smirk. "Staying in the car goes completely against the spirit of Feminudism."

Quick as a bunny, her brother was out of the car, and had opened her door as well. "Come on, Sam!" He said, taking her by the hand to literally drag her from the vehicle. "Don't worry about being naked. As Adam said, it's good for a girl to be naked in public." He slammed the door shut once she was out, and then there was a clunk, as her mom used the key fob to lock the doors.

Hank wore a practically evil grin, as he dragged Sam along at his side. He was going to take great joy at showing off his naked sister to the customers inside the store. Sam meanwhile was a bundle of nerves, thinking she must look ridiculously out of place wearing nothing but her hiking boots and her small silver pendant necklace around her neck.

Her mom had parked around the middle of the parking lot, so it wasn't until they got closer to the entrance of the store that the naked girl was spotted. Sam could hear a few gasps and see all the surprised looks she was getting, which prompted her to finally try to cover herself between her legs to preserve just a bit of her modesty. She would have tried to cover her bare breasts as well, but her brother didn’t seem to want to let go of her hand.

"Haha! She’s naked!!" She heard a little girl call to no one in particular, and suddenly every eye in the parking lot was upon her. Sam had never felt so small and humiliated in all of her life.

"It's ok for girls to be naked." Hank told the young girl as they walked past, giving his sister an especially evil smirk if she ever saw one.

"Huh, I didn't know that!" The little girl turned to her mom. "Is that true, mama?"

"I don't know…?" the woman said, feeling very perplexed.

Finally they made it inside of the store, and Sam felt a great blast of cold air hit her bare body. Being inside was no reprieve for the naked girl, as even more people were around. She perceived everyone staring at her, as the sudden chill made her nipples stand on end, and felt even more humiliation as she just felt her nakedness was that much more perceivable in the bright fluorescent lights.

"Uh, excuse me miss, but is this your daughter?" A pimply faced teen with a scratchy voice and wearing a disheveled vest representing the store asked, as Sam's mom had just grabbed a shopping cart.

"Yes. Is there a problem?" Sam's mom asked, having a good idea why they were being stopped. She wasn't going to be intimidated though, wanting her daughter to experience the full benefits of Feminudism as she understood them. “My daughter is a Feminudist.” She simply stated.

"I don't know what that is, but I don't think she can be in here like this." The older teen said, trying his best not to ogle the pretty naked girl. He was having a hard time keeping his eyes off of her, and her hard little pointy nipples in particular. Sam could see exactly what he was staring at, thinking the guy looked like he wanted to eat her alive. Despite how hard she was trying to get her other hand free so she could cover up, her brother's grip was just that much stronger, and so she was forced to keep her bare breasts exposed.

"My daughter has every right to be here, no matter how she is dressed!" Sam's mom said in defiance. "I want to speak with your manager!" She demanded.

"Ok ma'am…" The teen said, thankfully. He was glad not to have to make such a decision on his own. His only reluctance as he walked away was no longer getting the chance to look at the pretty naked girl. He kept stealing quick glances back at her as he went.

As they waited, her mom turned to the naked girl with a large smile, until she spotted what her daughter was doing. “Samantha, move your hand from there!” Her mom whispered in exasperation. “You look like you're playing with yourself!” Sam dropped her hand to her side, allowing her smooth, bare slit to come into view, feeling totally mortified now that her mom had accused her of doing something so unseemly in public. “That’s better. Remember, you’re not doing anything wrong. It’s good for you to be nude. Let people look.”

“Yeah, ok mom…” Sam said, blushing deeply as the customers all around her seemed to take a moment to stop and stare at her now fully exposed naked body before moving on to their shopping.

Finally, after feeling like she had been on display for everyone around her for longer than she thought she could take, the manager came to talk with her mother. “Hello miss. My name’s Dedra, and I am the floor manager. I understand your daughter is a nudist?”

“Yes. Feminudist to be exact. As far as I’m aware, she is allowed to be nude anywhere in the county.” Her mom explained, although she was starting to feel a little foolish, as she didn’t have any type of proof for such a law.

Sam for sure thought she was about to be kicked out of the store, thankful for that. The sooner she could leave the better. She just wanted to get out of there and go wait in the car instead like she had offered. She hated being the center of attention like this, even doubly so since she was so naked and vulnerable.

The manager seemed to know exactly what the woman was talking about, however. “Really!? She's a Feminudist!? My sister was telling me all about that. You must have just come from the meeting!” Dedra gave a warm smile to the woman and the naked girl.

“Yes we did. It was really fantastic. You should have been there!” Sam’s mom said laughing.

“I wish I could have gone, but I had to work. My sister and her three daughters were all there though. Cutest little girls you’ve ever seen! Maybe you met them there?”

“It’s possible, but there were so many people in attendance, it’s hard to say.” Sam’s mom explained.

“Well, I won’t keep you from your shopping. I do need to inform you that your lovely daughter unfortunately can’t enter any of the food aisles dressed as she is. You understand. It could become a health violation.”

“Oh, that’s alright.” She turned to her children. “Hank, why don’t you take your sister to look at the electronics while I get the groceries? Ok?”

“Sure mom!” Hank said happily. “Come on, Sam. Let’s go look at the video games!” He said excitedly, practically dragging his naked sister along by the arm, as he rushed through the store. The real reason he chose to go to the video games was because he knew it was the most likely place to find many other boys around, and he was very excited about showing off Sam and her nudity to other kids around their age, especially the boys.

As they walked along, Sam became incredibly self-conscious of herself and her nudity. She noticed every little glance someone would make towards her, and not just that. People seemed to almost stop and stare at her as she went by, not comprehending that they were really seeing a fully naked teenage girl so bare in such a public place. Her brother was just all smiles as he held her hand, feeling great pride and joy to show off his naked sister like this. As far as he was concerned, this is exactly what Sam wanted, having become a Feminudist. It didn’t hurt that Sam seemed to be so bashful about her nakedness either, as he still found that quite amusing.

“LOOK, SHE’S NAKED!!” It only took one boy noticing Sam was naked, as they approached the video game section, for all the attention of the other kids to fall onto her. She was suddenly surrounded on all sides by about a half dozen boys, along with a few girls as well, being bombarded by every question and comment they could think of.

"Are you ok?"

“Why are you naked?”

"Did someone hurt you?"

“Whoa, I've never seen a naked girl before.”

“What’s your name?”

“Who took your clothes?"

“Do your parents know you are here with no clothes?”

“Wow, she's not covering at all!”

“How old are you?”

“Do you like being naked?”

“I think I've seen this girl at school!”

“Wow, you look so pretty!”

“Are you allowed to be naked? Aren’t you worried about getting arrested?”

“How come you have no hair?”

“If you're naked why do you still have boots on?”

“How many boys have seen you naked?”

“How long have you been naked for?”

"Do you go naked all the time?"

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Or a girlfriend?"

“Why are your nipples so hard?”

"Did you come all the way here naked, or did you strip naked in the parking lot?"

“Are you a nudist? I heard about another girl that’s a nudist.”

“Are you the only one naked? Is anyone else doing this with you?”

"Why are you breathing so hard?"

“Why do your boobs point up at the ceiling like that?”

Sam felt totally overwhelmed as they were all speaking to her all at once. Her blush had never felt this hot in her life, and she felt like she was about to go into a panic attack. Her breathing had become labored as she stood there, letting all these kids and teens see every bit of her naked and exposed body.

But then the oldest boy there came to her rescue. “Guys! Guys! Hold on! You’re going to give her a heart attack like this. Give her some space!” He chuckled, but his words got everyone to quiet down and stop their uninterrupted questions for the naked girl. They all took a couple steps back as well. He came over and placed his hand on the small of her back as a calming gesture. “You ok now, sweetie?”

Sam nodded her head as she got her breathing under control. She let out a deep breath, “Yes. Thank you.” She tried to give him a smile. She noticed how much older the boy seemed to be, guessing he might be 17 or maybe even 18. She got another coy blush on her cheeks as she looked up at him, feeling her nerves coming back with his close proximity.

The older boy had to laugh a little, noticing the look she was giving him. “Oh don’t worry, honey. I’ve been totally gay since I learned how to walk.” He gave her an amused grin. “I’m Nathan, but everyone always calls me Nate.” The two shook hands.

“I’m, uh, Sam…”

“Now tell us, Sam. What are you doing here naked, when clearly you are totally skittish about it?” He asked.

“Well… I, uh…”

“My sister is a Feminudist.” Hank spoke up, with a broad grin on his lips. He was having the time of his life, embarrassing his big sister like this, hoping it would never end.

“Feminudist? What on Earth is that?” Nate cocked his head to one side, giving Sam and her brother a very puzzled look.

“It’s meant to promote equality and confidence in a girl.” Sam tried to explain. “With a girl nak– naked, she can learn not to fear any of her flaws… And uh, boys can learn to be more respectful towards girls this way…” She choked on her words a few times, but eventually got her explanation out.

“Interesting…” The older boy raised one of eyebrows at her in thought. “How’s that working out for you? You seem so nervous.”

“Yeah…” Sam gave a nervous laugh. “I’m still not used to it.”

“Well honey, you look great!” Nate gave her a great big smile. “Don’t you all agree?”

“Yeah, totally!” Another of the boys said.

“You must have so much courage!” One of the girls added.

The girl next to her nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I could never imagine doing that myself.”

“I bet you’d do great!” The first boy smiled and winked at her, eliciting a small giggle from the girl.

“Sam, you’re totally cool!!” A larger boy in the back of the crowd proclaimed, and then everyone let go with their cheers and praise for the girl.

Sam could only give the group a blushing smile, but their comments and praise were making her feel better now. Even her brother gave her a little smile, coming closer to pat her on the bare shoulder and say, “Good job, Sam.” She felt honored, letting go of her fears and her nervousness. Maybe this Feminudist stuff really does work, she thought to herself.

Now that her self-consciousness about her nudity had been mostly squashed, she joined in with Nathan and a couple of the other’s video game they had paused upon her arrival. She noticed that the fact that she was naked was no longer the prevailing topic, and everyone started to treat her as basically normal, like she wasn’t even naked at all. The only thing she noticed was that most of the boys would take quick glances at her bare body when they thought she wouldn’t notice, but she could hardly blame them for that.

At one point she noticed her brother had wandered off somewhere with some of the other younger kids, but she wasn’t too worried. Nate had stuck around her since her arrival, almost acting as a protector for the nude girl, and making it known to the other kids not to mess with her.

Eventually she was feeling good about herself, and had become totally relaxed about her nakedness. She even made a couple jokes about it to the boys hanging around her. “You know they keep these stores so cold! My nipples are so hard, don’t you think? I could probably use them to push the buttons on the controller!” She and the others all giggled and laughed.

Sam was intently staring at the screen, completely immersed in the game, so was not paying attention to who was approaching behind her. Her attention became diverted as she recognized a name she knew from school. “Oh, Amanda, there you are.” She heard Nate talking. “I want you to meet my new friend. Sam?”

Sam turned around and her eyes went wide, and all the color drained from her face. “Sam, this is my sister, Amanda.” Sam knew exactly who Amanda Wentworth was. The most popular girl in all of 7th grade!! And here she was buck naked right in front of her!! This would be the biggest gossip of the whole 7th grade class before the night was over!!

The popular brunette girl eyed the naked girl up and down, giving her the most wickedest of wicked smirks Sam had ever seen. “Nice to meet you!!” Amanda stepped forward with a little giggle, extending her hand. “Sam, right?”

“We’ve, uh, met before... We have science together…” Sam explained, but then thought she had made a grave mistake, as Amanda’s smile seemed to get even brighter.

“Oh, I’m so sorry! I’m friends with so many people, it’s hard to keep track of everyone. Of course, Sam! How could I forget?” Amanda had known exactly who the girl was, and that they had science class together, but always found it more useful to pretend to not know who someone was. “You must be the same age as me, if we are in the same class at school. 13?”

“Uh, yeah…” Sam nodded. She felt particularly awkward as the girl had not released her hand yet. With a tight grip on her hand, Amanda started leading the naked girl further down the aisle, away from the other teens, and who she had started to think of as her protector, the girl’s brother.

“It’s much quieter over here. We can talk more easily now.” The girl explained as they rounded the corner, and basically became isolated from the others.

“Ha… Yeah…” Sam said nervously. The popular girl was just standing there, examining her up and down with her eyes over and over, looking like she had just won the biggest lottery in the state.

“So my brother says you’re involved in something called Feminudism?”

“Oh, uh, yes. That’s why I’m nak– Why I’m like this.” Sam waved her arm in front of her naked body. She was cautiously optimistic that the girl just wanted to talk with her, and find out why she was naked, instead of trying to take advantage of her.

“That is so interesting!” Amanda almost gushed. “Tell me about it. I want to hear everything!”

“Well, uh… I guess it’s like this…” Sam did her best to describe everything from memory to the girl. She was having a great deal of trouble talking, as she had become quite jittery. Amanda’s smug smirk wasn’t helping the girl feel any better either. Eventually though, she told everything to the girl about the Feminudist philosophy, and of what Mrs. Larson and Mrs. Stevens had explained.

“That is so cool!” This time Amanda made it appear like she was really gushing at what the girl had told her. “You’re like a pioneer! You know what!? We have got to get a selfie together!!” Amanda exclaimed, and before Sam could comprehend what she said, the girl had her arm wrapped around her shoulder, and was holding her phone up in her other hand. “Say cheese!” and a few quick pictures were taken. Sam could see that her entire naked body was showing in the shots, as she stood there next to this smiling, giggling clothed girl. “Ahh! We look so cute together!!” Amanda let out a tiny squeal. “One day you’re gonna be famous! I’m going to be able to tell everyone I’ve met the famous Samantha Rollins!”

“Uh… Thanks…” Sam said warily. “You’re not going to…?”

“Oh I gotta post this on Insta!!” Amanda said excitedly. “No one’s going to believe me without proof!”

“WHAT!?!” Sam’s jaw fell open in outrage. “You can’t!!”

Amanda was already swiping through her phone, and had the photo posted before Sam could do anything. “Relax. I cropped out all your naught bits.” She giggled, showing the post to the naked girl. Sam could see the phone screen, verifying that the girl was not lying to her. Still, she had cut the picture very closely, barely leaving off her nipples from the image. Sam was sure everyone would know that she was naked in the photo. “They’d ban me if I left it as it was.” She explained, like it should be obvious to the girl.

Still staring at the naked girl with an amused smirk, Amanda took her hand once again after putting her phone away. Then she started leading her further away from the video games, and the other teens who she had become comfortable with. “Where are we going?” Sam asked with trepidation.

“Let’s go try on some shoes!” Amanda beamed at her.

“Shoes?” Sam said, confused.

Amanda turned to her, giving a little curtsy, flaring her skirt out just a smidge. “I didn’t want to offend you by taking you to look at clothes.” She giggled at the naked girl. Sam couldn’t help feeling envious of the girl, as she brought attention to her stylish clothes, even if they were nothing like the clothes she would normally wear. Usually she wouldn’t be caught dead wearing an outfit like that, but they’d certainly be a whole lot better than the nothing she was wearing right now, she thought. “Come on!” Amanda said, cheerfully, dragging the naked girl along with her.

When they reached the shoe section, Sam felt like she could relax a little. The shelves were giving her a lot of coverage, compared to the open walkway they had just been in. “Ooh, these shoes are really cute!” Amanda said, pointing to some pink high-tops on the shelf in front of her. “You should try them!”

“Me? I don’t know. They’re not really my style.” Sam tried to explain.

Amanda just let out a scoff, not taking no for an answer. “They’d look so hot on you! Trust me! What’s your size?”

“Alright… I guess… 6 and a half.”

At Sam’s halfhearted approval, the dressed girl grabbed one of the boxes with the closet size, and went to sit on one of the provided benches. She had to wave Sam over, calling to her, “Come on. I won’t bite!” She giggled.

Once Sam was close enough, she started pulling the shoes from the box. “You’ve got to get those things off your feet.” She gave a small snide look at Sam’s hiking boots.

“Ok…” Sam said, getting down on one knee to undo the laces. She couldn’t help noticing the way Amanda seemed to be staring at her so closely as she looked back up at her.

Amanda handed over the sneakers for the naked girl to slip on, tilting her head a bit to appreciate how they looked on the naked girl. “You best let me tie them for you. Here, foot up!” Amanda opened her legs, leaving a space in between for Sam to place her foot up on the seat.

Suddenly Sam became very self-conscious, as she realized the explicit view she was giving the girl of her privates. With one of her legs up Amanda had a view of her entire exposed pussy right at eye level, and her outer lips had even parted ever so slightly, and that meant the popular girl could even see her rosy red clitty as well. Amanda looked her in the eyes and gave her a half smirk, before bringing her eyes back down to ogle the girl in between her legs again.

Finally she had the shoe tied, and Sam thought it was over, but then Amanda made her put her other leg up, saying she needed to tie the other shoe as well. Sam didn’t realize it, but her exposure was starting to have its effect on her, and Amanda could now see that the girl was becoming a bit moist. For Amanda, this was all just an amusing game she was playing with the naked girl. “Ok, now walk up and down the aisle and I’ll tell you how they look on you.”

Sam started walking back and forth for her, at least thankful that her privates were no longer on explicit display for the girl. “Hmmm… I think I need to see them in better light. Go walk over there.” Amanda pointed towards the boy’s section. Sam made a quiet gasp, seeing two teen males in the area. Both boys had been stealing small glances at the girl the whole time, while pretending to pick out their own footwear. Sam hadn’t noticed them until now, but Amanda had been fully aware of their presence the entire time. “Go on!” Amanda said a little more forcefully.

Feeling like she didn’t have a choice, Sam cautiously walked over towards the boys, feeling a deep tingle in her privates like she had never felt before. Now the boys could no longer pretend they were not watching her, almost openly ogling her as she came closer. Sam could only give them a sheepish blushing smile as she neared, not believing how their gaze was making her feel. She felt good but light headed all at once. When she felt like she had gotten close enough, she turned back around, and quickly scampered her way back to Amanda.

Amanda had been giggling the entire time, enjoying every bit of watching the naked girl’s reaction to being bare in front of the boys. She could also feel her own tingling and wetness, but was thankful to be wearing clothes, as she knew her arousal was not detectable, unlike the naked girl. As Sam approached, she could see a bit of a shiny liquid in between her legs, on her thighs, and all over the girl’s smooth pussy lips too! She had all the confirmation she needed that Sam was just as excited about her exposure to the boys as she was.

“You SO need to get those shoes!” Amanda commented once the girl was near. She offered to help her switch back to her hiking boots, offering to tie her laces again. The real reason she wanted to do it, however, was that she really wanted to make a closeup inspection of her privates once again, wanting to see how they appeared now that she knew Sam was totally turned on.

“You enjoyed that.” Amanda commented with a whisper, raising one of her eyebrows questioningly at the naked girl.

“Enjoyed what?” Sam asked coyly. Part of her was still weary of the girl.

“Showing off to the boys…” She said with a smug grin.

“Oh… Well…”

“Your shoes. Showing off your shoes to the boys.” She giggled. “What did you think I was talking about?” Now she was the one using a coy sounding tone.

Sam’s face went red in embarrassment. “Yeah… My shoes…”

Now Amanda was staring right between her legs at her exposed and wide open privates, with her leg still up on the bench. “Although, maybe you were enjoying showing off something else that much more…” She reached her hand out, collecting just a bit of her juices on her index finger. Sam gasped at the sudden invasion of her most sensitive private part by the popular girl. “You got really turned on showing off for them.” She said, holding up her wet finger for Sam to see.

Sam felt her face burning. There was no way to hide the truth from the girl now. She was feeling much too humiliated to say anything though.

“It’s ok. You don’t have to tell me. I already know.” Amanda now gave her an evil smile as she continued, “Maybe I should call the boys over so they can see the effect they had on you?"

"What? Please, no!" Sam said, in sudden desperation.

Amanda giggled at the girl. "I'm kidding! You should see the look on your face right now!"

Sam let out a sigh of relief. "Good, ‘cause for a moment there…"

"But you need it bad, dontcha girl?" Amanda's grin went wicked as she started right at her wet pussy.

"Need what…?"

"Need this!" All of a sudden Amanda stuck her hand right between Sam's legs, furiously rubbing her slick pussy up and down! Sam gasped at the sudden invasion, and tried to back away, but Amanda was holding her ankle between her legs firmly. Now Amanda was rubbing her palm all over her aroused clit too, making Sam gasp and moan.

Sam took a nervous look around herself, particularly where the boys had been, but it seemed they had left. It was just Amanda and her in the immediate area. With no one else around, she let herself give in to the pleasure, wanting to get off more than she had ever felt before in her short life.

The naked girl was on the verge of having a blissful release at any second, when suddenly she could hear her mother's voice calling to her. "Sam! Oh Samantha!" Amanda quickly stopped what she was doing before the two were caught, leaving Sam a frustrated mess. "There you are. Your brother and I have been looking all over for you." Her mother half scolded.

"Sorry Miss Rollins. Sam and I came to look at the shoes." Amanda explained, seeing Sam was still in a daze from all the pleasure she had been feeling only a moment ago. "Look, we found just the cutest pair of shoes for Sam!" She said, opening the box for her mom to look at them.

“Sam, who’s your friend?” Her mom asked.

“This is Amanda Wentworth. The most popular girl in school.” Sam said, slurring her words, in her foggy aroused state.

“Oh Sam! I didn’t know you thought of me that way!” Amanda grabbed her in a hug with one arm, pressing her front to the girl. Secretly, she brought her other hand down to rub the naked girl’s clit just a bit more, making Sam elicit a small whimper for her. Amanda didn’t really like girls in that way, but she couldn’t resist messing with the naked girl a little more before she left. Doing something like that right in front of the girl’s mom and brother was just icing on the cake. “That’s so nice of you to say though! Truly!” She gave Sam a naughty grin as she backed away, enjoying the look of pure disappointment evident in her eyes.

It was taking all of Sam’s internal willpower not to just start rubbing her own clit right there. The only thing stopping her was just how humiliated she would feel about doing such a thing in front of her mom and brother. She also remembered her mom scolding her earlier, realizing she could get in huge trouble for doing something like that right in public.

“Mom, what’s that?” Hank asked, pointing at his sister’s pubic area. “That pink thing poking out from Sam’s lips?”

Both her mom and Amanda took a good look, seeing that Sam’s clit was making itself known to the world, as it was erected quite a bit, and her lips had parted from all the arousal she was experiencing. “Ohhh!” Her mom blushed, looking a bit astonished. “That’s your sister’s clit.” She tried to explain to the boy. “Your sister seems to have gotten a bit excited while she was away from us.” Sam couldn’t have blushed harder if she had tried, not believing her mom and brother were seeing her in such a horny state. Amanda just gave a little giggle, suppressing most of it with her hand over her mouth.

“What’s a clit?” Hank asked, looking quite puzzled.

“Um… Well, a clit, or clitoris is the equivalent part of a girl, as a penis is to a boy.” His mother tried explaining, feeling kind of flustered herself. “Many girls are different, but apparently your sister’s clit shows itself when she is aroused.”

“What’s aroused?” He asked next.

“Well… That is when a person feels like they are ready to have sex, Hank.” She said, having to clear her throat. “But a girl, or a boy, can feel such feelings at any time. Don’t worry, Sam. It’s perfectly normal.” She put a hand on her daughter’s shoulder, trying to support her. “Part of Feminudism is meant to help boys learn about girls’ bodies.'' She gave her a reassuring smile.

“How come it looks like she peed herself?” Her brother commented, pointing once again to his sister’s groin.

“Hank!?” His mom’s eyes went wide, but then she noticed what he was pointing out. “Oh, well when a girl becomes excited, or aroused, like I explained, they produce lubricant so that the penis can easily enter inside of her. It’s to facilitate the action of sexual intercourse.”

“Huh…” Amanda said, giving her classmate an amused smile. “I didn’t know that Miss Rollins.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry! This is something your parents should be discussing with you. I shouldn’t be telling you this.”

“It’s ok, Miss! I do not mind at all. This is very educational. I’m so glad Sam could be of such assistance to me. This Feminudist stuff is really a great idea!” Amanda beamed at the woman.

“Thank you, young lady. I really appreciate hearing that. I wouldn’t want to offend you or say anything that might upset you.” Sam’s mom said in relief. “But we really must be going now.”

“Oh, that’s ok. I best go find my brother anyway.” Amanda explained. “But maybe we can hang out again sometime, Sammy!”

“You’re always welcome at our house, Amanda.” Her mom said, and suddenly Sam perked up, realizing what that would mean.

“Yeah, Amanda. Maybe you can come over this weekend sometime.” The naked girl offered.

“Oh, I’d just love to!!” Amanda said, cheerfully, imagining all the fun she could have with the naked girl. She went in for another hug, again secretly rubbing her aroused clit for just a bit. Sam’s eyes fluttered shut, and she began to elicit soft little moans for the girl. “I’ll see you in science class tomorrow!” Amanda added with a wink, before walking off, leaving Sam in horny shambles.
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Re: The New Rules (Chapter 30 - 09-06)

Post by WingDing »

Awesome chapter! I thought we'd have to wait another month for this. Thanks.
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Re: The New Rules (Chapter 30 - 09-06)

Post by superevil7 »

WingDing wrote: Wed Sep 07, 2022 5:45 am Awesome chapter! I thought we'd have to wait another month for this. Thanks.
Thank you! I'm still not entirely sure on the best method, in regards to timing, to go about posting my stories both here and on the FNA (The other site linked in my signature). Both chapters 29 and 30 were up over there on the 4th both at once.

What was it about this chapter that you found so awesome if you don't mind me asking?
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Re: The New Rules (Chapter 30 - 09-06)

Post by Executionus »

superevil7 wrote: Wed Sep 07, 2022 6:11 am What was it about this chapter that you found so awesome if you don't mind me asking?
Sam in general is great because she's one of the shyest girls in the entire story but when naked she can't defend/cover herself and mostly freezes up constantly. She timidly allows others to control her, including getting her pictures taken (By both Adam and Amanda) specifically to be shown to all her classmates despite that being her greatest fear of all. Her entire grasp on sanity is currently residing on the hope that her whole school never gets to see pictures of her face and body in the same picture at the same time, but her luck may be running out on that wish.
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Re: The New Rules (Chapter 30 - 09-06)

Post by superevil7 »

Executionus wrote: Wed Sep 07, 2022 11:14 am Sam in general is great because she's one of the shyest girls in the entire story but when naked she can't defend/cover herself and mostly freezes up constantly. She timidly allows others to control her, including getting her pictures taken (By both Adam and Amanda) specifically to be shown to all her classmates despite that being her greatest fear of all. Her entire grasp on sanity is currently residing on the hope that her whole school never gets to see pictures of her face and body in the same picture at the same time, but her luck may be running out on that wish.
I think the best thing about Sam is that, that isn't really her true personality. She's usually confident and in control of herself, and super laid back and easy going. She only got to be so timid and submissive because of her nakedness. I'm sure she will eventually grow out of her shyness and her real personality will show through the longer she spends in the nude, but we can all enjoy her embarrassing experiences until then.
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Re: The New Rules (Chapter 30 - 09-06)

Post by WingDing »

superevil7 wrote: Wed Sep 07, 2022 6:11 am
WingDing wrote: Wed Sep 07, 2022 5:45 am Awesome chapter! I thought we'd have to wait another month for this. Thanks.
Thank you! I'm still not entirely sure on the best method, in regards to timing, to go about posting my stories both here and on the FNA (The other site linked in my signature). Both chapters 29 and 30 were up over there on the 4th both at once.

What was it about this chapter that you found so awesome if you don't mind me asking?
I loved the Sam's inner reactions to all the things happening to her. Also you do well at setting up future events, such as Amanda visiting. I'm also imagining that when Sam and Adam are giving their report Amanda may well recognize Sam's bits in the photos and blurt it out to the whole class. The upcoming dance seems to be setting up nicely too. I suspect Lauren and Sam may be surprised at their required attire.
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The New Rules - Chapter 31

Post by superevil7 »

The night was not over for Sam. She was still in the middle of the department store, bare naked as she could be, and totally horny and frustrated beyond belief. Her classmate, the popular girl Amanda Wentworth, had just been pleasuring her bare pussy in the shoe department when Sam’s mom and brother had showed up. Thankfully the girl had stopped touching her when they did, and what she was doing had gone undiscovered, but now Sam could hardly stand it, and she felt the need to get off like it had never bothered her before in her young life. Amanda had walked off, leaving her in horny shambles.

“Here Sam.” Her mother said, pulling a handkerchief from her purse. She took her daughter’s left hand in her gasp, and then started wiping her outer labia and thighs in order to try and dry up some of her wetness.

“Mmmmm…” Sam let out a soft moan. Even her own mother’s hand felt good down there right now. She knew she needed to cum so badly, and just wanted to get home as soon as possible so she could take care of herself in private.

“There. That doesn’t look so bad.” Her mom commented, taking a small step back to appraise her daughter’s aroused pussy. Even she didn’t believe her words, seeing how puffy and red Sam’s entire genitalia had gotten. “Well, it’ll have to do. Let's get going.”

Hank came over and took his sister’s hand once again, following along behind his mom pushing the cart. Sam was thankful for his support as she still felt a little wobbly, and for her mom taking the lead and walking in front of her, as it prevented most people from seeing just how aroused she had become. She could see just how noticeable her arousal was every time she took a look down at her inflamed pussy.

Even with her mom walking strategically in front of her, every once in a while another shopper was able to notice Sam's aroused genitalia. First they would see that the girl was not wearing any clothes with all of her pale white skin on display, then they would notice just how hard and puckered her nipples were, then they would discover her flowered pussy with her little clit poking out. Most were just shocked when they discovered the girl's little secret, but some gave her big smiles at the discovery, and a few even wiggled their eyebrows at her in a teasing manner.

There was a short line at the checkout, so Sam and her family had a bit of time to wait before they could leave. While they waited, Hank struck up a quiet conversation with his naked sister. “How you liking being a Feminudist, Sam?” He couldn’t hold back his amused smirk, still loving every moment of what he perceived as his sister’s naked humiliation.

“It’s ok, I guess…” Sam said, cautiously, noticing the look on his face.

“It seems you are enjoying being naked.” He whispered, taking a look down at her privates.

Sam blushed at him hard. “What do you know? You’re not old enough to understand those kinds of things.”

“I know enough.” He chuckled under his breath. “I know that's your clit, and that you are feeling horny, and that’s why you got so wet. My friend told me that’s what happens to girls when they get horny. That they get wet.”

Sam was a little surprised by that admission from her brother. “Why did you ask mom to explain it to you then?”

“How else was I going to point it out?” He laughed. “You should have seen how red your face got when mom was explaining what your clit was to me, and talking about how you were so wet and horny too.”

“That’s not nice, Hank…” Sam pouted, folding her arms under her bare breasts in annoyance. Normally she and her brother shared a sibling rivalry that included lots of taunting and teasing, and she would have retaliated without thought against him, but she had none of her moxie at the moment, feeling completely out of sorts to be naked and horny in front of him. Not just him, but to be naked and aroused in front of all of these other people in public as well!

They took a couple steps forward, as one of the customers ahead of them finished. Now they were in between the end cap shelves, and much less visible to most of the others around them. “You’re totally excited, Sam. You’re just as wet as before.” Her brother smirked, taking a look between her legs again. Sam gave him a shocked look, clamping her hands over her bare pussy to block his view, able to feel her own wetness as it seeped between her fingers. She let out a soft moan at the contact, tempted to just jill herself right there. “I’m going to tell mom you’re touching yourself again, if you don’t move your hands.” Now he was really enjoying the way his sister was squirming; part from the pleasurable touch of her hand, and part from embarrassment.

Feeling like she had no choice, Sam brought her hands to her sides, exposing her aroused pussy to her little brother’s gaze once again. “There…” She was trying to sound defiant, but to her ears all she sounded like to herself was pathetic.

“Don’t worry, Sam. You’ve got nothing to hide. You’re a Feminudist. Be proud to show off your horny pussy to the world!” He taunted, giving her a shit eating grin. Sam could only look away from him, feeling totally exposed and pitiful as she held her hands behind her back. It was either that or she knew she would be tempted to try and touch herself again.

Hank took a few steps forward, getting right into her personal space. They were only a couple inches apart. “I saw what that girl did to you before she left.” He gave her a cocky grin as her eyes went wide. “I bet that’s why you are so excited. I bet you asked her to play with your little kitty, didn’t you?”

“What!? No!!” Sam said in outrage, quite loudly, and suddenly everyone’s attention was on her for a moment. Sam tried to laugh it off, “No, I, uh, don’t want any candy, Hank. Thank you…”

Hank just chuckled for a bit at his big sister. “Well, if you don’t want any candy…” He whispered to her, “Maybe you want more of this.” All of a sudden Hanks fingers were rubbing up and down her inflamed slit.

“Mmmmmm…” Sam did her best to hold in the moan, as there were so many people around them. Thankfully none of them could see what her brother was doing to her. She couldn’t deny the pleasure she was feeling, however, as now someone else was touching her exactly as she had desired for the last little while. Her eyes fluttered closed once again, and she spread her legs just a bit more, to give her brother better access, hoping he knew just how much she wanted him to rub her aching clit.

Without warning though, he abruptly stopped, and Sam could do nothing but let out the most annoyed moan from deep within her throat. “Argh!”

Hank once again wore an evil smirk, as he turned to their mom. “Do you need help unloading the cart, mom?” For a moment, she was worried her brother was going to snitch on her for her horniness, but thankfully he said nothing. Sam just stood there watching them put the groceries on the belt, trying to get her labored breathing back to normal after such taunting and pleasure delivered by her younger brother.

"Sam, please help your brother put the groceries in the bags." Her mom told her, as Sam was just standing there with a far off expression on her face.

"Huh? Oh, sure mom." She answered after thinking about her mom's words for a moment. Now she was completely exposed again as she took up the position at the end of the conveyor belt. She focused on the task at hand however, and got to work bagging the groceries. With the bags lower to the ground, it forced her to bend over every time she put something into a bag, and she wasn't even aware she was absentmindedly displaying her bare butt and everything in between her legs to the people behind her as she naturally stood with her legs spread about an inch apart.

It would take her brother explaining what she was showing before she would realize. "Wow, Sam! Nice!" He couldn't stop giggling at her, watching with delight as she bent at the waist over and over.

"Huh?" She looked over her shoulder at him, confused.

He got closer to her so he could whisper, "Everyone can see your butt-hole and pussy every time you bend over." He chuckled. Sam let out a great gasp, and then looked over her shoulder, sheepishly blushing at the people behind her. That's when she noticed it was a family of five, a mom and a dad, two older boys, and a younger sister. Both mother and daughter were shocked watching her, but the three males had appreciative grins on their faces. "Keep going Sam. I think they were really enjoying the view, especially the guys."

Sam clamped her legs shut in response, feeling totally mortified with herself for showing everything like that. Her face felt totally on fire again, but she couldn't help feeling a great tingling down below. "You're supposed to be helping me bag…" she complained to her brother. Hank just took up the position next to her, and started filling a bag.

It took Sam a bit more effort now, since she couldn't bend over naturally or she would risk exposing her privates again to the other shoppers. She was trying to bend at her knees in order to hold on to just a bit of her modesty. A few times she lost her balance and she was forced to spread her knees open as she was crouched down to regain it. Thankfully the only one to see her exposed pussy on those occasions was her brother, as she was facing the conveyor, though it still made her feel quite embarrassed.

There were only a few groceries left to put in bags, and Hank decided he wanted to have a bit more fun with his naked sister before they left. He left the few remaining items up to her, just waiting for her to bend over the belt to retrieve them. With Sam now vulnerable, he reached out and tickled her bare sides expertly. "Hahahahaha!! Cut that out, Hank!" Sam giggled and laughed, then complained to her brother.

Hank just stuck his tongue out at her, waiting for her to bend over again. As soon as she did he was right back at it. "Hahahahaha!!! Knock it off!!" She laughed even louder, drawing lots of attention to herself. This time he didn't stop. "Hahahahaha!!!! No!! No!!" She had turned around to put the bags in the cart, but with her hand full, it left her bare tummy completely vulnerable to her brother's fingers. Most of the other patrons watched on in amusement now, enjoying the cute naked girl's laughter. "Hahahahaha!!! No!! Hahahahaha!!! Stop!!"

Hank had positioned himself between her and the cart, and so she had no place to put the heavy bags in her hands. "Mom, hahahahaha, make him stop!!!" She tried backing away, but just ended up with her bare butt pressed against the side of the conveyor belt. "Hahahahaha!!!!!" With Sam shaking and wiggling from her brother's tickling fingers, it caused her bare breasts to shake and jiggle delightfully too. Many people were really enthralled watching that, including her brother. "Hahahahaha, mom!?!?! Please!?!?!" She was half hunched over now, and twisting and turning, trying anything to get free from her brother's reach, but she could not find any reprieve.

Her mom came over after paying, amusement evident on her face as she watched her son tickling her nude daughter. "Oh Samantha… You've always been so ticklish!" She laughed, and reached her hand over to give her daughter's side a quick tickle too, letting out her own giggle as Sam squirmed for her too.

"Mom…!!! Hahahahaha!!!" Sam's face was really red, as the tickling was taking her breath away. She had also noticed everyone seemed to be watching her with an amused eye, feeling totally exposed and vulnerable in front of a large audience. "Hahahahaha!!!!!" Knowing everyone was watching her so closely now was making the naked girl's pussy tingle quite a lot too.

"Ok, that's enough, Hank." Her mother finally proclaimed, and the tickling stopped. Sam was finally allowed to put the bags in the cart and catch her breath.

Finally they were leaving the store, and Sam felt like she could breathe a deep sigh of relief. It seemed like the tickling of the nude girl had won everyone over to their side, as there was not one frown or shocked face towards Sam as she walked by. Instead everyone was all smiles and grins, letting the naked girl and her family know they all appreciated her nudity and her cheerful laughter.

It was pretty much the same in the parking lot too, and the naked girl couldn't help feeling a lot better about her whole outlook on what it would be like being a Feminudist. Still, she just slid into the back seat of her mom’s car, letting her mom and brother take care of putting the groceries in the trunk. She let out a deep sigh and slouched over, grateful that the night and her exposure was seemingly finally over.

She didn’t know it, but her brother had other plans for her that night. Once he was through helping his mom load the bags into the trunk, he snuck around to the other side of the car. Then he quickly hopped into the back seat, right beside her.

“Hank, you don’t want to sit in the front?” His mom asked as she got in and buckled up.

“Nah. I want to sit and talk with Sam about Feminudism some more.” He explained.

“Oh, alright.” His mom gave him a bright smile when she heard that. Things were going even better than she had expected with this new philosophical ideology, thinking everything was on the up and up with her children.

Hank leaned over to whisper to Sam again. “Open your legs.”

“What?” She whispered back, not believing he was back on her case. She had hoped everything was over.

“I want to see your pussy again.” He said, giving her a big annoying grin as far as Sam was concerned. "If you don't I'll tell mom about you touching yourself in the checkout lane."

“God, fine…” Sam huffed, but complied, opening her legs to once again display her privates to him. Her brother’s annoying grin got even bigger at that. He stuck his hand back between her legs without a word, and Sam’s shocked gasp soon melted into little moans, as she knew she couldn’t resist what he was doing to her anymore.

“Hey, mom, Sam’s touching herself again!” He called, really wearing an evil grin now. Sam just yelped at the accusation, not believing her brother! She was so flustered and aroused she couldn’t even make a denial to her mom, as her brother’s fingertips deliciously danced all over her slick labia and needy clit.

“Sam!!” Her mom exclaimed, very shocked to hear such a thing. She tried to look back at her kids in the rear view mirror, but couldn’t get a good angle to verify what her son had claimed. She could see the look of bliss on her daughter’s face however, and the way she was wiggling around in her seat, taking that as verification enough. She thought back to what Susan Larson had explained, remembering that it was a good thing for a girl to become familiar with her own sexuality. They were someplace relatively private, so with a little bashfulness, she explained, “I suppose that’s alright, Sam. I understand that these feelings are new to you, but you should try and ask me if it’s ok to do that in front of your brother next time. Ok, sweetie?”

“Ohhhh…! Ok, mom…” Sam said, not believing her mother wasn’t going to put a stop to this. At this point she couldn’t argue though. She was too far gone to feel much shame, just wanting to get off more than anything in her life. She started rocking her hips back and forth in time with her brother’s hand. She closed her eyes, letting the pleasure wash over her completely.

Hank spoke up once again after another minute, unannounced. “Mom, Sam asked me if I could rub her clit for her. Is that ok too?”

Sam’s eyes flew open in surprise, not believing the gall of her brother. “Ahhhh…” She just moaned, the pleasure too much to allow her to speak clearly. With her eyes back open, she did notice they had just entered their neighborhood and would soon be home.

“Hank, I…” Their mom had to think for a moment about what to do, but Susan Larson had said part of Feminudism was allowing boys to learn about girls, and their bodies and how to pleasure them. She knew Hank would probably have a girlfriend one day, and getting a little practice now would put him ahead of the other boys. “Ok, Hank. You can touch her, but just be very gentle and soft when you do.”

“Thanks mom!” Hank beamed her a smile, all the while not letting up on Sam’s engorged clit. Even he found it hard to believe their mom had given him such permission so quickly.

They had arrived home now, and as soon as Sam’s mom put the car in park, she quickly hopped out. Deep down, she was desiring to watch just exactly what her son was doing to her daughter. So forgetting about the groceries, and other things for now, she opened the rear door of the vehicle, and just stood there, peering in at Hank playing with Sam’s aroused pussy.

Sam was so engrossed in the pleasure, her eyes had stayed closed for the majority of the trip, and this was no exception. She hadn’t even noticed they were home, let alone that her own mother was watching as her brother pleasured her. Hank had given his mom a little smirk when she had opened the door, with his sister in between them, but otherwise his eyes were glued to his sister’s crotch the entire time.

“Ohhhh! Oh yeah!!!” Sam was getting so close now. Every part of her naked body felt on fire as she was getting her desires met. “Oh yes, Hank!! Right there!! Touch me right there!!” She pleaded, needing to cum so bad, like never before in her life. She grabbed her own breasts, pinching her rock hard nipples between her fingers. “OH PLEASE!! YES!!!” Her hips were bucking, and her legs were shaking, and now her release was imminent. “YES!! YES!!
YES!! OHHHHHHHH, YEEEEESSSSS!!!” Her whole body shuddered as her entire being felt the most intense release she had ever had!!

The three just stayed there in silence for a bit, trying to collect their thoughts after what had just happened. Sam was breathing hard, trying to come down from her intense experience at the hands of her brother. Hank looked up at his mom finally, noticing the look on her face. She wore the same expression of arousal he had seen from his sister since they had found her in the shoe section.

She blushed, noticing her son looking at her. “We should get your sister inside, and then you can help me bring in the groceries.” She declared, trying to hold on to her authority. She was losing it though, feeling her own great arousal in her loins.

“Sure mom.” Hank said. They helped Sam out of the car, and then by putting one of her arms on each of their shoulders, brought her over to the living room couch.

Hank gave another little smirk to his mom, seeing the way she was staring down at his naked sister. “Mom, remember the new rules.” Her eyes went a little wide at the reminder. “You have to be naked in the house, remember. That’s how Feminudism works.” He explained.

She gave him a bashful blush, but then nodded her head at him. “I know…” Her shaky hands went to her jeans, popping open the top button, and soon she was sliding them down her legs. Her heart raced, as she could feel her own son’s eyes watching her every little movement. Watching as she removed her blouse, and then her bra and panties too. Now she was naked once again, just like her daughter, but this time she felt totally different about it.

“Mom, your clit is showing just like Sam’s! And you’re just as wet too!!” Her 11 year old son commented, giving her a big grin as he stared down at her privates. Then he looked up at her, staring her right in the eye. “Mom, are you feeling aroused just like Sam was?” He was unable to contain his evil smirk as he asked, “Do you want me to touch you the same way I just touched Sam?” His mom gulped. Any resistance she once had seemed to have left her behind a while ago.


"Oh yes!! Oh yes!! Oh yes!! Mmm!!! Yes!! So good!!”

Abbie was lying on her back, in the back seat of the van, with her boyfriend’s head down in between her legs. Blake was eating her out, returning the pleasure as he had promised his girlfriend earlier when she had given him a blowjob. "Oh god, Blake!!!! Ohhhhhhhhh!!! Yeeeessss!!!! Ohh, Blakeeeeeeee!!!!!" She squealed!! After only a few minutes, he had her cumming for him, rapidly flicking his tongue up and down on her sensitive little clit. Everything he had been taught by her younger sister had worked beautifully on Abbie. He would have to remember to give young Madeline a thank you for her excellent advice next time he saw her.

Abbie finally had to push him away when the pleasure got to be too much for her. "Oh, Blake, thank you…!" She panted, pulling him closer to give him a large kiss. She smacked her lips a couple times. "I can taste myself on you!" She said with a blushing giggle.

"I think you taste pretty good. Don't you?" Blake asked with a chuckle. Abbie just shook her head incredulously, but smiled all the same.

Suddenly the door slid open. "Oh! Hi!" Jenny said, a little startled to find someone else inside.

Abbie's eyes went wide, feeling like they were caught in the act, even if they had finished a few moments before. She was glad Blake was no longer exposed. She was still lying on the back seat, with her legs wide open, and Blake was down on the floor of the van in front of her. For the first time in a while she felt a need to cover her nakedness, but was able to resist herself. "Hey." She gave Jenny a sheepish grin back, along with Matt who stood behind her trying to peer in over the blonde’s shoulder.

"Uhhhh… your mom said you're supposed to ride with her." Jenny explained, wondering if they were waiting for a ride home. Then she got a whiff of the air, and knew what the two had really been up to in there.

“Oh, thanks.” Abbie gave her a squinting grin, sitting up. Soon both she and Blake were getting out of the van. “Did you guys have a good night?” She asked Jenny and Matt.

“Oh yeah, totally. Your mom and Matt’s mom’s ideas are really innovative. I’m still a little shy about being in public naked though, to tell you the truth.” she said, with a cute little blush on her cheeks.

“Sweetie, I told you, you have nothing to be shy about.” Matt said, taking her hand, and giving her a kiss on the cheek. “You look wonderful.”

“So you’ve never been naked in public before?” Abbie asked the girl. “I’ve been running around naked practically everywhere.”

“Literally sometimes.” Blake laughed. Abbie rolled her eyes and shook her head at him. “What? It’s true. You come jogging naked with me every morning. Not to mention track practice.”

“Track practice too? Naked in math class? How did you ever pull all of that off?” Matt asked, very impressed with the girl.

“Oh, well, my mom explained I was a nudist to Principal Bruster, and she seemed to be fine with it.” Abbie explained as her cheeks went rosy. It was still somewhat of a mystery to her why everyone always praised her about her nudity. “She had my mom sign a permission form, and now I can attend any school activity nude. Any outside of normal school hours that is.” She corrected herself.

“But still, Matt says you’re naked in math class. That’s during school hours,” said Jenny.

“Yeah, that’s right. Mr. Rusconi and Principal Bruster gave me permission to try it out, as sort of a trial run. Principal Bruster wants to get me permission from the school board to go naked at school full time.”

“Naked at school!!” Jenny’s eyes went wide at the thought. “I’d rather be caught dead than end up naked at school!” She said, with a bit of worry.

Matt grinning at his girlfriend. “One day, Jenny. One day, maybe it’ll be you walking the halls of our school naked, instead of only Abbie.” He couldn’t resist teasing her.

Jenny just pouted for a while, as both Abbie and Blake let out a little giggle at her. “That’s not even the most interesting place I’ve been naked.” Abbie explained. “One time I was naked at the mall. For three whole hours!” She added, really trying to impress them now.

“At the mall!!!” Jenny gave a sly, wide eyed smirk to Matt. “For three hours!?!” She couldn’t believe what she was hearing from the girl. Matt was just totally impressed with Abbie, and amused at his girlfriend’s reaction.

“Yup. Three full hours at the mall, totally naked.” Abbie blew on her fingernails a couple times, and then rubbed them on her chest like she was cleaning them. Blake let out a laugh at that. “Why, where’s the most impressive place you’ve been naked?” She asked Jenny with a bit of a smirk.

“Besides tonight, the only place I’ve been naked outside of our houses is in the backyard!”

“What about that time in the study room at school?” Matt asked, really loving the way Jenny started to squirm at his words.

“MATT!!” She complained.

Matt turned to the others. “Sorry, that was meant to be a secret.” He winked and chuckled. Abbie and Blake just laughed along. “Aww, don’t pout.” He said, seeing the look his girlfriend was giving him. “You know I’m just teasing you.” He put his arm around her.

Jenny leaned into him, and whispered through gritted teeth, “I know, and you’re doing such a good job of it too.” She looked over at Abbie and Blake. “Would you two mind giving us some alone time in the van?”

“Oh. Sure.” Abbie said with a knowing smirk, not even having to guess why the couple was asking for some alone time. At that she and Blake headed for the restaurant.

“Blake?” Abbie grabbed his arm, stopping him before he could head inside.

“Yeah, honey?”

“Honey…” Abbie gushed with a big smile. “You’ve never called me that before.”

“Well I should do it more often.” He said with his own smile. “You really seem to like it.”

“There’s a reason I stopped you. I wanted to ask you something.” She said, pursing her lips in thought.

“Ok, shoot.” He said, with a little shrug.

“This is going to sound completely crazy,” She got a little closer so she could speak quietly, not wanting anyone to overhear what she was saying. “But did you notice that I came at the same time you did?”

He furrowed his brow at her. “No. What do you mean?”

Abbie didn’t want to come across as nuts, but she felt like she couldn’t let it go. “When I was, well, blowing you, it felt like… I don’t know…? Like I could feel everything I was doing to you.”

“Huh? What do you mean? Feel it how?”

“It was like I could feel everything I was doing to you down there. Down here.” She pointed to his crotch and then her bare pussy. “I know that sounds crazy, but it’s the god's honest truth. Blake, I swear.”

“Actually, I think I might have read something about that before.” He stepped forward, placing his hand on her shoulder. She looked a little frazzled after her admission, so he wanted to calm her down. “Sometimes when two people have such a close connection, such as you and me, they can perceive what the other person is feeling. Usually it’s pain, but apparently for you it's pleasure.”

“Wow, really?” Abbie said, almost excited. That certainly didn’t sound like a bad thing to her.

“Yeah. It’s all psychological though. It’s in your head. But the mind is a powerful thing, and it can make you think you are feeling something even when you are not.”

“Well, it was like nothing I had ever felt before! But you’ve made me feel a whole lot better, and no longer like I’m crazy. Thanks, Blake! Honey!!” She quickly added, grabbing him in a big hug, and laying a few quick kisses on him.

“Happy to help.” He grinned, taking her hand to lead her into the restaurant.

Abbie was in a really good mood now, until she came face to face with Heather once again as they came through the door. "Heather…" She was still feeling angry at the girl, but then she thought, it was no good to hold onto such anger like this. She didn't have to like the girl, but she would be around her plenty, being in love with her brother. It would be no good to hold onto a grudge and better to try and get along with her.

"Abbie… Blake…" Heather said cautiously. She saw the look of hurt in the girl's eyes, and the hesitation in her brother as well. "I need to apologize to both of you again. I really hope you were able to work this out between you. I never meant to hurt either of you." She explained, getting tears in her eyes.

"We did work it out, Heather." Blake started to explain.

Abbie nodded to the blonde girl, confirming what Blake had just said. "I don't think I can forgive you yet, but I won't hold it against you."

"Thank you Abbie." Heather said, a few tears falling from her eyes. "I need to tell you both something else. You might both get really mad at me again for this."

"What is it?" Now Blake was feeling concerned. He had never seen a look of worry from his big sister like this before as far as he could remember.

"Just tell us." Abbie said, still feeling impatient with the girl.

"Ok…" She got closer so no one would hear what she was about to say but them. "Don't panic. Tanya and I have already come up with a solution for this. But Blake…" She found it difficult to continue, and choked on her words a little.

"Yeah?" He asked, really feeling worried now.

"We, uh… We didn't use protection… When we…" She hung her head shamefully, unable to look at them.

Abbie's jaw fell open. "You didn't use…!!!" She shouted, but stopped herself, knowing how much trouble would come down upon Heather and more importantly her boyfriend if she were to reveal the matter to the parents across the way. "How are you going to fix this?" She demanded to know.

"Tanya is going to take me to the drug store, once she is done with work." She bit her lip, looking at the two very nervously for what she was about to ask. "I was hoping, well wondering… Well, hoping, maybe you could come with me Blake?" A few more tears escaped her eyes.

Despite anything he might have felt against his sister in the past, Blake couldn't stand seeing her this way. So upset and distressed. "Yeah. I'll come with you." He offered.

"I will too." Abbie added, finally seeing the worry evident in Heather. "What affects Blake affects me too."

"Thanks… Both of you." Heather tried to give them a smile, but she could still hardly hold back her tears.

It took Tanya another few minutes to arrive. In the meantime Abbie, Blake and Heather explained their plans to get a ride home with the girl to their moms.

"Alright. You kids have a good time." Abbie's mom said, kissing her daughter. "Remember, be home by 9:30. Tomorrow is Friday, but it is also a school day, so you need your rest."

"Everything she said." Blake and Heather's mom laughed, giving them both a hug and a kiss. Heather was able to keep her emotions in check enough to not let her mom get suspicious.

After that the four teens were headed out the door, and to Tanya's car. With the parking lot almost empty, the girls weren't even worried about their nakedness as they went. It was totally dark now too, the only lights being the ones overhead to illuminate the way.

Abbie and Blake took the back, while Heather sat in front, along with Tanya who was driving as it was her car. The teens hadn't said much to each other, and there was a bit of a somber mood in the air for what they were about to do. As they entered the main road, Abbie finally thought to comment, "You didn't want to get dressed before we left, Tanya?"

"Huh? Oh no. Not really. I didn't think I should. You guys didn't get dressed." She said, keeping her eyes on the road.

"I didn't bring any clothes with me." Abbie explained, pursing her lips.

"My mom didn't let me bring any either." Heather added.

"So what's the big deal then? I thought this whole Feminudist thing was about supporting each other." Tanya asked.

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks Tanya." Abbie said, putting her hand on the older girl's shoulder for a moment.

They pulled into the lot of the small drug store, and Tanya found a parking spot a little further from the doors than she normally would, along the side of the building and out of the bright lights. The three girls were naked after all, and the 16 year old felt a little nervous about that, even if she was trying to hide it from the others. She felt a bit of regret about leaving her clothes behind in her work locker now.

She looked to the back seat, realizing a way to stay unseen. "Blake, you can go get the pill for your sister, right?"

"Oh, yeah. Sure. Just, uh, what exactly am I getting?" He asked.

"It's called Plan B. Just go up to the pharmacy and ask for it. It costs about $50."

"Oh, umm. I don't have that kind of money." He said, giving an apologetic shrug to her.

Tanya glanced over at Heather. "Don't look at me. Do I look like I have any money? Where would I even keep it?"

Tanya sighed, pulling some cash from her purse. "Here." She handed him the money. Then with a sharp look to Heather she said, "You owe me girl. Big time."

“Yeah. I know…” Heather told her, with a very apologetic look.

Blake headed in, and only a short time later, he was headed back to the car. The girls were all relieved that things had seemed to go without a hitch, but as Blake came closer, they could see the look of frustration on his face. He knocked on Tanya’s window, and she rolled it down so they could hear him. “The guy said I need to be 16 to buy it. And I need a photo ID too.”

Tanya gave a troubled look towards Heather. “Does it look like I brought my ID?” She just complained, distraught. “Please, you have to do this…” She begged, folding her hands together and holding them up to the girl.

“You think I'm going inside like this!?!” Tanya’s eyes went wide. “I ain’t doing that!!”

“Why didn’t you bring your clothes?” Heather whined.


“Can we get your clothes from Burger Mountain?” Blake suggested.

“No, they’ve closed by now. I don’t have a key, or the alarm code.” Tanya explained to him. “How long ago was it that you…?” She asked the blonde girl in the passenger seat.

“Since we…” Heather blushed, automatically giving her brother a look, before she realized what that might reveal. She quickly looked away, saying, “It was this morning before school. 15 or 16 hours I guess?”

“This pill is only effective for up to 24 hours. We should get it now. We don’t really have time to wait, and we might not get another chance.” said Tanya.

“Fine. Then we’ll all go!” Abbie said, getting frustrated with the other girls now. “Come on!” With her declaration, she and the other girls started getting out of the car.

“Well, well, well. Heather! What a nice surprise!”

“Tony!?!” Heather exclaimed with great annoyance, as suddenly Tony and his two cohorts appeared from out of the darkness.

Tony gave the girl a wide smirk as he grabbed her by the shoulders. “How 'bout a little kiss!”

“Let me go!” Heather complained. “Have you been drinking!?” She added, getting a whiff of his bad breath as he got close to her.

“Not ‘til I get a kiss!” He said, trying to force himself on her.

“Hey! Let my sister go!” Blake said, grabbing him by the forearm.

Tony turned to him with a cocky, incredulous smirk, and then shoved the younger boy down to the ground, hard. Blake made a loud thud as he hit the pavement. “Blake!!” Abbie yelled with worry, rushing over to check if he was alright, crouching at his side. Blake moaned a little in pain, feeling like he couldn’t move.

“Alright, enough Tony!!” Tanya stepped in between him and Heather.

Tony’s friend, Jeremy grabbed her, pulling her out of the way. “Come here, sweet cheeks! Let Tony and Heather have their fun. Then it can be our turn.”

“Let me go!” Tanya tried struggling, but the boy was holding her in a bear hug, and she couldn’t get free.

With Blake and Tanya out of the way, Tony set his sights on Heather once again. “Now you’re either going to give me that kiss, or you’re going to give me something else I want. What’s it gonna be?” He was slurring his words as he spoke.

“Don’t touch me!” Heather exclaimed in panic, slowly backing away from him. She only made a few steps before she was backed up against Tanya’s car and left with nowhere to go. “No! Let me go!” She complained as Tony grabbed both her wrists, pulling them up above her head. He stepped forward, pressing his body forcefully up against hers, trapping her between him and the car.

“Tony…” Frank whispered. "Maybe this…"

“Not now, numb nuts! Can’t you see I’m busy?” He gave Heather a devilish grin as he said, “I think It’s time we finally had sex like you promised me. Don’t you think?”

“Tony, this is too far…” Frank said a little louder, trying to grab his shoulder.

Tony pushed his hand away, turning back to him with an annoyed look. “Just go wait in the car if you’re gonna be a cock blocker!!” He turned back to Heather, burying his face in her neck and chest.

Heather tried her best to break free, but his grip was just too strong. “Please…! Please help me, Frankie…!” Heather looked at him in desperation, with tears streaming down her face.


Tony turned back to Frank, very annoyed. “I said get out of here!” He started pushing him in the chest over and over. “Oh, what are you gonna do?!” His shoves were hardly moving the larger boy, but he continued to push him. “Get out of here asshole, before I kick your ass!!”

At that the larger boy turned with his tail tucked between his legs. “No, Frankie!! Please!!” Heather begged, as Tony turned his attention back to her.

Tony started undoing his fly, but was interrupted by a loud shout, and a hand spinning him around, “TONY!!”

“What!?” He turned back, only to receive Frank’s fist right in his face!! Right across his jaw to be exact! He collapsed down to the ground, out like a light!

“I believe the lady told you to leave her alone!!” He took many heavy breaths, still high from the adrenaline pumping through his veins. He turned to Heather, holding his hand out for her. “Are you ok?”

“Yes!” Heather said, rushing forward to grab the larger boy in a hug, and weeping into his chest, and just trembling as she held him.

Jeremy suddenly felt Tanya’s foot stomping down on his. “OW!!”

“You better get out of here, jackass! And take the other jackass with you!” Tanya scolded him. “He’s probably got a concussion, so you best get him some help for that! Now get the hell out of here!!!”

Jeremy just grabbed Tony, who was starting to come to, and then the two boys scurried their way out of there and back into the darkness.

“How is he?” Tanya asked Abbie, who was still down on the ground next to Blake.

“I’m alright.” Blake answered, holding his lower back and the back of his head. “I’ll probably get a big bruise on my butt but otherwise I think I’ll be ok.” He chuckled a little.

“Thank you Frankie.” Heather looked up at him, and then planted a long kiss on his cheek.

The boy could only blush in response to that. “Oh, uh, yeah. You’re welcome…”

After that, Frankie offered to escort the girls and Blake into the store. Tanya headed for the pharmacy, while Abbie and Blake went to get an ice pack for any injuries he might have suffered. That left Heather and the larger boy a chance to better get to know each other.

“Thanks again, Frankie.” Heather told him, as the two stood in the snack aisle, perusing what was available.

“Why do you always call me that?” He asked with a chuckle.

Heather shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. You just seem more like a Frankie than a Frank to me.” She smiled at him, before turning back to the shelf. Then without warning she bent over to grab a bag of chips closer to the floor, giving the boy a clear view of everything in between her legs as she bent over. It wasn’t until she spotted his shocked face between her slightly parted legs that she realized what she had done. She straightened up with a snap, and looked back over her shoulder with wide eyes at him. “Were you looking at my…!?!”

“I… Um… Uh…” Frank’s face turned really red now, but he hadn’t been trying to look at her privates so intently. They had just ended up in his line of sight so suddenly. “You just… You bent over and I…”

Heather’s outrage softened as she noticed the look on his face, and she couldn’t help letting out a small giggle. “Don’t worry… It’s ok…” She said, smiling at him with her own blush. "I suppose it was kinda my own fault."

"Haha, yeah! I mean you just bent over and it was just right there in front of me! Right in my face!" He laughed nervously. "How could I not look? I mean, not that I wouldn't want to look if you were ok with that. It's very pretty… I just…" he stammered, thinking he had just made things worse.

"Ohhhhh, thank you." Heather said, almost under her breath, now really getting red. "I'm glad you enjoyed…"

"I'm sorry… that didn't come out right…" He tried to apologize to her.

"It's ok…" she interrupted him. "Just one of those things I'll have to get used to, being naked…"

“Can I ask why… Why are you naked so often? Not that I’m complaining. I think you look really good like this. It's just most girls…” He added, before realizing he was putting his foot in his mouth once again.

"Thanks!" Heather said, unable to stop herself from laughing, and soon he had joined in; both teens were laughing uproariously, and the tension between them was finally broken. "The reason I'm naked is a long story to be honest.” She explained once she got her laughing under control.

“Well, I’d love to hear all about it if you have the time.” Frankie said, giving her a warm smile in return.

At the other end of the store, Abbie was attending to Blake. “How you feeling, really?” She asked, placing an ice pack on his back.

He winced a little at the cold. “I’m ok.”

“You’re not just trying to be brave and macho, right?”

He chuckled a little. “No, really. I’m fine.” He smiled at her. “Though it’s nice to have you taking care of me like this. Maybe I should lie and say it's worse.” He grinned at her. Abbie just giggled, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Abbie! Hi!” Abbie looked up to see her principal, along with Ms. Honey standing in front of them. “I see you're still sticking to your convictions of being a nudist.”

“Hi, Ms. Bruster. Hi, Ms. Honey. What are you doing here?” asked Abbie.

The women had to chuckle at that. “Just getting a few toiletries. We do have lives outside of school you know.”

Abbie blushed a little at that, and giggled. “Right. Sorry.”

“And what brings you here?” Ms. Honey asked.

“We came to get some snacks and stuff.” explained Abbie. “But Blake slipped and fell in the parking lot, and hurt his back a little.” She figured it was best to leave out the altercation with Tony. “So I guess we’re getting an ice pack too.”

“Ohh, Blake let me take a look at that.” Ms. Honey offered. Blake stood up, pulling his shirt up to let the woman look. “Doesn’t look too bad. Just some bruising. Try to take it easy for a while, Blake. How did you slip?”

“Oh, um, there was some gravel in the parking lot.” Blake lied. “I, uh, tried to run inside, and slipped and fell flat on my back.”

“Well, be more careful.” Principal Bruster implored. “We need all our students in good health.” She laughed.

“Speaking of health, are you ready for tomorrow?” Ms. Honey asked Abbie.

“Oh, yes miss. I’m a little nervous about it, but looking forward to it too.” Abbie explained.

Ms. Honey smiled. “No need to be nervous, Abbie. You won’t be the only girl on stage. There will be a total of eight girls and women involved in the class.”

“Wow, really?”

“Yes. For my class to be as educational as possible, I had to get a wide age range of girls and women to participate as models.”

“Hey, I got it!” Tanya said with a wide grin, coming up to Abbie and Blake, holding a small paper bag in her hand up towards them. “Oh, hey Ms. Honey!” She said, recognizing her old teacher from a few years before, quickly hiding the bag behind her back before the adults could see what she had.

“Wait, don’t tell me…” The teacher said, giving her a squirting grin. “Tanya?”

“Yup! Got it in one!” The girl said, giving her former teacher a quick hug.

“You must be with Abbie, since you’re naked too.” She deduced. “How long have you been a nudist?”

“Oh, I’m not even sure I’d be considered a nudist.” Tanya explained. “But Abbie’s mom just had this big meeting about a thing called Feminudism, and so I decided to join her in being nude tonight.”

“How interesting.” Ms. Bruster said with a sly smirk. “I must hear all about this. Tell me, what is Feminudism?” So Abbie and Tanya did their best to explain everything they had heard at the meeting to the woman, who just listened on closely. “That is very interesting!” She commented, when the girls had finished their explanation.

“Well we really got to get going.” Tanya said, noticing the time.

“Yes. It is a school night.” The principal agreed, seeing what time it was herself. She turned to Ms. Honey and said, “Shall we get going?”

“Wait, do you two live together?” Blake asked, with a bit of curiosity.

“Yes. Ms. Honey and I have been best friends since high school. We both decided to become teachers together, and even went to the same college.” Principal Bruster explained. “I just ended up in an administrative role. I used to be a science teacher, you know.”

“Wow, that’s so cool!” Abbie told them with a big smile.

“Alright. You girls have a good night.” Ms. Bruster said, bidding them farewell.

“Yes. See you at school tomorrow, Abbie.” Ms. Honey added, as the two women took their leave.

“Did you get it?” Heather asked, as Tanya, Abbie, and Blake met up with her and Frankie.

“Right here.” Tanya gave her a small smile, holding up the bag again.

After Frankie paid for their other things, a few snacks and some drinks, all 5 teens headed to Tanya’s car once again. With Tony gone and out of his life, Frankie needed a ride home. Blake ended up taking the passenger seat because of his sore back, while Abbie, Heather and Frankie squeezed into the rear, Heather in the middle. Frankie couldn’t help blushing, being pressed right up against the beautiful blonde naked girl, and unsure where he should put his closest arm. Heather also blushed at him, but then took his hand, holding it with both of her own in her lap the entire way. She was tempted to allow his hand to explore other regions of her body, but decided against it as she still wanted to get to know him better. Plus they weren't alone.

Frankie ended up being the first dropped off. “Thanks for the ride.” He said, nodding to both Tanya and Heather.

“Thank you, Frankie. If you wouldn’t have…” Heather said, getting teary eyed again.

“You’re welcome, Heather.” He said, turning like he was about to go, but he had another thought. “Heather?”

“Yeah, Frankie?”

“I was wondering… Would you like to accompany me to the movies or for dinner some time?”

“Oh, uh… Yes, Frankie!” Neither one could hide their grin at that. “See you at school tomorrow.” She blew him a little kiss as Tanya put the car in drive, and they headed off into the night.
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Re: The New Rules (Chapter 31 - 11-18-22)

Post by jdworks34 »

I love your stories Evil!

But I will admit I was so excited when I saw there was a new episode. But I had already read it in the other site and can't help but be disappointed.

Looking forward to more!
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Re: The New Rules (Chapter 31 - 11-18-22)

Post by perseus »

Glad to see my all time favorite story over here!
Feedback or suggestions are always welcome
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