Accidental Nudity/Wardrobe Malfunction Contest

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Re: Accidental Nudity/Wardrobe Malfunction Contest

Post by FinchAgent »

Miamoira wrote: Thu Nov 17, 2022 1:08 pm Has anyone had success posting photos directly into the body of a story? I've tried to use the "BBcode" to insert a pic which I uploaded to Imgur. No luck. I'm having a devil of a time working this out. Anyone have any magic method to share? I'm not looking to substitute pics for good writing, just to enhance it a bit. Thanks in advance. Cheers.
Yes, the trick is to use the direct image URL.

1. Upload image to Imgur
2. Right-click image and choose "View image in new tab" (or something along those lines).
3. Go to the new tab, copy the URL from the address bar (should be something like
4. Click BBCode insert image button and paste the URL you just copied between the img tags that appear.


The image may not appear in the post preview, but should appear once you submit. You may have to refresh the page though.
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Re: Accidental Nudity/Wardrobe Malfunction Contest

Post by Executionus »

Miamoira wrote: Thu Nov 17, 2022 1:08 pm Has anyone had success posting photos directly into the body of a story? I've tried to use the "BBcode" to insert a pic which I uploaded to Imgur. No luck. I'm having a devil of a time working this out. Anyone have any magic method to share? I'm not looking to substitute pics for good writing, just to enhance it a bit. Thanks in advance. Cheers.
Generally speaking you need an image location which ends in jpg, jpeg, png, or gif in order for the IMG code to work right. If it ends or some gibberish the code won't recognize it.
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Re: Accidental Nudity/Wardrobe Malfunction Contest

Post by Miamoira »

Thanks for the quick response and all of your help! Ta Da!
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Re: Accidental Nudity/Wardrobe Malfunction Contest

Post by jw_wjw »

Come on Miamoira, don't keep us waiting! :P :mrgreen:
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Re: Accidental Nudity/Wardrobe Malfunction Contest

Post by Miamoira »

LOL! I'm working on it. Almost ready. I assume that I just post it right here on this subforum. 8-)
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Re: Accidental Nudity/Wardrobe Malfunction Contest

Post by mastergepetto »

Just seeing this now as I have been busy for the past several months. I appreciate the acknowledgment of The Ripple Effect, even in its unfinished state. Gives me incentive to finish it!

Since you seemed to enjoy The Ripple Effect, I will certainly try to make an entry for this contest— something short and sweet that can be completed in a month. I love the idea for this contest as I think there are too few stories with true, unintended and unforced ENF that aren’t painfully predictable. Best of luck to everyone!
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Re: Accidental Nudity/Wardrobe Malfunction Contest

Post by Miamoira »

I loved this story! You put a LOT of hard work into making it wonderfully erotic with exquisite detail and story line. You certainly can string more than just a few sentences together. I really hope that you can finish it for this contest or at the very least, a "quicky" to tide us over until you can finish it. You're right about one thing. The "accidental ENF" just can't seem to get enough traction amongst all the very talented writers out there. Perhaps a little more exposure is in order. Thanks again!
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Re: Accidental Nudity/Wardrobe Malfunction Contest

Post by Executionus »

Miamoira wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 6:40 pm The "accidental ENF" just can't seem to get enough traction amongst all the very talented writers out there.
Truthfully this is a side effect of a ton of the active members (Myself included) having extremely strong dominance kinks where one person is in control of another. There's not really any of that element in accidental works so that's a reason why that kink is underutilized. That said, I was hoping this contest would be more active than it has been.
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Re: Accidental Nudity/Wardrobe Malfunction Contest

Post by Miamoira »

Very interesting. This is an angle that I've never considered before. And I see your point. I do love the "dominance" aspect of EUF/ENF as well which is why I enjoy a good catfight/strip fight where one woman is dominated by another and is humiliated by being partially or totally stripped . Accidental ENF is tough to work that way. The best I could do would be to have the "dominant" woman put the other into an unintended situation and then let the ENF/EUF Gods take charge. In any event, I hope everyone out there keeps writing about whatever they enjoy. I certainly appreciate all of their efforts!
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Re: Accidental Nudity/Wardrobe Malfunction Contest

Post by mastergepetto »

Now that I completed my entry for the 2022 Holiday Contest, I am going to write my entry for this contest. I hope it will be short and sweet— but if you know my writing, nothing is short and sweet. I already have an idea from a story that I had been working on that was largely based on true events, so it’s actually believable and physically possible according to Newtonian physics.

I hope to see more entries in this contest but fear pure, unforced ENF is difficult to find and make believe. Most IRL ENF experiences I have witnessed usually involve the girl exposing her breasts or vagina, but almost never both. And it’s almost always a quick, unintentional flash. Not something to write a whole story about.

I did have a friend once who hooked up with his girlfriend during a party. They used my room to hook up (with my permission of course). Apparently, in the course of their activities, she misplaced her panties and was unable to find them when getting dressed. She had to rejoin the party in a pretty short dress sans underwear. We were in the living room of my apartment playing Kings Cup/ Circle of Death, and they asked to join in. As the two of them took a seat on the couch and I could tell she was nervous about something. That something was quickly revealed when she had to uncross her legs to draw a card from the center table. Throughout the rest of the night she kept flashing her boyfriend’s friends every time she uncrossed her legs. Her boyfriend, who was drunk and sitting next to her on the couch, was completely oblivious to the show his girlfriend was putting on for all his friends each time she had to reach over and draw a card. She’d uncross her legs, reach over to draw the card, play the card, then sit back and recross her legs. Normally 20-30 seconds of unobstructed flashing each time. She’d keep her knees close together, but with her short dress, her shaved vagina was on display each time. She had to do this close to a dozen times throughout the game. So far in my life, that is the longest, uninterrupted, unintentional vagina flash I have witnessed.

The next morning I found a white lace thong wedged behind my bed. I private messaged her if she wanted them back, but she just told me to keep them. It wasn’t sexual or anything— I think she just didn’t want them after knowing I had handled them.
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