Dare Me - Halloween Sleepover Spectacular - Goosey's Gorgeous Gaggle

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Dare Me - Halloween Sleepover Spectacular - Goosey's Gorgeous Gaggle - Part 5

Post by neverdoubted »

Dare Me - Halloween Sleepover Spectacular - Goosey's Gorgeous Gaggle - Part 5

I awoke with a start to the sound of a knock. I was disoriented at first and didn't respond. It was mid-morning and sunlight was streaming through the window. My first impression was shock at how cold it was in my room. I shouldn't have left the window open. It didn't help that my covers were all tangled up around me. I must have tossed and turned all night. So much for making my bed...

My second thought was of my morning wood. I was harder than I had ever been before and throbbing with need inside my boxers. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and was about to reach down there to give it a little pet. Just then there was another knock. Suddenly it all came rushing back. Katherine was at the door! How had I forgotten?

I quickly spread the blanket over my me as best I could then called out "come in". At least I tried to call out. For some reason my voice was not cooperating. I swallowed hard then tried a second time, this time just managing to wheeze it out.

The doorknob turned and slowly swung open. Katherine stepped into my room carrying a tray full of food. And while she wasn't technically naked, she might as well have been. Her hair had been put back up into a sophisticated style with her little serpent friends. And the red horns were back on her head. She also wore her bright red lipstick and the black choker with a deep red plastic ruby heart hanging upside-down from it. The strap of black cloth around her neck was the only piece of fabric on her entire body. She was completely naked from the neck down.

Her little sugar plums, that she had been teasing me with all the previous evening, that I had blindly touched ever so briefly, now jutted out proudly on her chest; no longer confined by black gauze. Her nipples were perky and as bright red as her lips. They jiggled slightly as she nervously stepped into the room.

She stood before me uncertain how to proceed. She had a nervous look on her face; perhaps worried that I would not approve of what I saw. I looked down her slender frame and noted the flawless skin of her torso was paler than her arms and legs. She was exposing the most intimate parts of her body to me, the parts that the sun never got to see. Her bald pussy mound was so cute. Her pussy lips were perhaps a bit less pronounced than Lucy's; the only other person I had to compare it to. Her two slender lips filled the gap between her thighs perfectly. They didn't come all the way together, either; parting slightly to reveal even more intimate and darker red body parts that I hadn't yet learned about.

With a deep breath, she finally sat the tray down on my nightstand then clasped her hands behind her back and said, "good morning". When she flashed me that bright smile of hers with adorable little dimples, her entire naked body perked up. My eyes moved constantly, roaming all over her body and devouring her naked beauty from head to toe.

I don't know what I expected to happen next. By delivering me breakfast without any clothes on, she had already completed her punishment for losing at Blind Squirrel. If this naked little devil wanted to stand there and let me stare at her, I was happy to oblige. I reached over and grabbed a piece of toast off the breakfast tray and asked "So, did you sleep well?"

"Yeah...I guess so" she answered. Her voice was shaky, like she was barely holding it together in front of me. Her head dropped and a strand of hair fell across her face. She reached up to tuck it behind her ear then moved her hand back behind her. Everything she did was so alluring; I couldn't help but stare. Then she shivered. It was the most adorable thing ever! She rubbed her bare arms and said "Whew, it's so cold in here."

Then I felt so bad. What kind of host was I being? Even huddled under my blanket, I was cold. How much colder must she feel standing there without a scrap of clothing to warm her while the crisp autumn air continued to flow in through the open window? It was enough to make a girl's nipples stiff. Katherine's nipples were certainly stiff, but I suspected they had been stiff before she entered. Without even thinking about the implications, I lifted the corner of my blanket and started to say "would you like to-"

She didn't even let me finish my sentence. Like a cat, she pounced into my bed in a flash and burrowed under the covers. She crawled up my body and under the blanket, then her face popped out and looked up at me with a Cheshire grin. I really hadn't thought this through. I was only wearing boxers and I could feel her bare skin touching me all over. She was laying not directly on top of me, but partly on my left side. Every nerve ending in my body was acutely attuned to the sensation of a naked girl’s body cuddling me. She uttered only two words.

"Warm me"

Automatically, I let the corner of the blanket fall over us and slid my hand down her body. And it stopped smack dab on her perfect little ass.

But don't think for a minute I was taking advantage of her! I assure you, I had absolutely no game at that age when it came to girls. It's not like I forced myself on her. You heard her! She asked me to warm her. You really think I could convince a 12-year-old girl to strip naked and crawl into my bed? No! It was all Lucy's doing. Ok, yes, I had given Lucy that dare. And maybe I had manipulated the game a little bit to make sure Katherine lost. But how could I have possibly expected it to play out this well?

I was super horny, but I didn't know what to do about it. The unit on sex-ed in my health class wasn't even scheduled until later in the semester. Believe me, if I had any idea what I was doing, I would have put the moves on her. But I was just as innocent and new at this as she was.

Her bottom fit into my hand perfectly. It was every bit as firm as it had looked, but it writhed like a trapped snake; flexing continually beneath my grip as Katherine couldn't seem to stop moving. She must have been really cold, because she kept trying to snuggle closer to me. Her pointy nipples moved up and down my side as she wrapped her arms around my bare chest. Her legs separated and entangled in mine until she was straddling my left leg completely.

She nestled her head in the crook of my neck with a contented sigh and closed her eyes for a bit, but never stopped moving. Her hair tickled my chest. I was just sort of lying there with a piece of naked devil ass in one and hand a piece of toast in the other. Other than my hand on her ass, I wasn't doing much to help her get warm. At least that's what I thought. She seemed to be doing all the work. Eventually, I noticed she had settled into a sort of a rhythm, grinding on my leg. It must have been pleasurable for her, because pretty soon she was cooing cutely.

I guess the hormones were really flowing through her body. Overwhelmed, her beautiful eyes fluttered open, and she looked up at me adoringly. She was clearly enjoying herself and desperate to show me affection, but uncertain quite how. To my utter surprise, she then started gently but urgently kissing my chest and neck all over. I could have laid there for the rest of eternity and been completely happy. If this was Hell, sign me up!

Her pace quickened and the cooing turned to whimpering. Unsure what was really happening, I just held on for dear life. But then suddenly, from far away, came the tinkling sound of a bell. Katherine froze and her face contorted into a frown. Lucy must have set a time limit (or a time requirement?) and that bell was some sort of signal.

Whatever it was, with that bell, the spell was broken. But before she untangled herself from me, she asked two questions.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

I shook my head.

"Do you want me to be your girlfriend?"

I nodded.

With a happy smile, she straightened up and kissed me once more, this time on the cheek. Then she extracted herself from my bed and left my room. On the way out, she flashed her spectacular ass at me one last time then pulled the door closed. HOLY.....SHIT! I was in shock. What just happened? Did I just get my first girlfriend? Were we making out? Did I just have my first... There was so much to process, but the blood my brain needed in order to work was occupied elsewhere.

I reached into my boxers to adjust my raging hard-on. It only took a single touch. I erupted; cumming harder than I had ever done in my life. When I was done, I threw off my covers and looked around for something to clean it up. Fortunately, I had still been wearing my boxers; otherwise, it would have gone everywhere. I carefully peeled my boxers off and somehow managed to make it to the hamper without spilling anything. Then I shivered. Poor Katherine! Without any clothes on, it sure was cold in here.

I went to close the window, but then caught my reflection in the dresser mirror. Katherine's little kisses had left bright red lipstick all over my chest and neck, and one on my cheek. I tried to wipe it off with my hand, but it didn't budge. Then I tried using the napkin from breakfast. That wasn't much help either. What I really needed was some...water!

There was a glass of water on my breakfast tray that I could dip the napkin into. I started that way, then shivered again. I really needed to close that window first. So, I changed directions again, my stiffy swaying back and forth ahead of me as I walked. I was shocked to find my erection had not subsided at all but was still as turgid as before I came. It was so hard it was almost painful. I briefly wondered, had Katherine broken something inside me? Was this was having a girlfriend was like? A constant erection that never went down?

Just then I heard another, fervent knock at the door. My angel had arrived, and it sounded like she couldn't wait to come in!
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Dare Me - Halloween Sleepover Spectacular - Goosey's Gorgeous Gaggle

Post by TeenFan »

What did the little vampire girl in "Interview With The Vampire" say... "I want more."
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Re: Dare Me - Halloween Sleepover Spectacular - Goosey's Gorgeous Gaggle

Post by perseus »

Loving this story! Can't wait for the next installment!
Feedback or suggestions are always welcome

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Dare Me - Halloween Sleepover Spectacular - Goosey's Gorgeous Gaggle - Part 6

Post by neverdoubted »

Dare Me - Halloween Sleepover Spectacular - Goosey's Gorgeous Gaggle - Part 6

I was all the way across the room from my closet. I took a step in that direction to grab something else to put on. But then Grace impatiently turned the doorknob and started to enter without being invited. Panicked, I dove back into bed and pulled the blanket over me just in time. My pounding heart stopped completely when she came into view. These girls were going to give me a heart attack at 13!

Grace was wearing her angel costume from last night. Well, actually she was barely wearing anything at all. But what she was wearing had come from that costume. Katherine had decided to let her wear the white stockings which came up past her knees, but no shoes. She had also given her the halo and gone through the trouble of gluing her angel wings back onto her back. Other than that, Grace was completely naked.

Speaking of naked, my own body was intensely warning me that I, too, was completely naked under my covers. My every sense was tingling and I hugged my blanket up to my neck. Poor little Grace had no such luxury; no way to prevent her entire young body from being exposed to my gaze.

She tiptoed forward with her eyes downcast, obviously embarrassed at her lack of clothing. But she had nothing to be embarrassed about. Her beautiful breasts stood out on her chest capped by the cutest little pink nipples. She had a narrow waist which curved out into perfect little hips. And her plump little pussy lips puckered at me every bit as much as the ones on her face.

A testament to her name, she gracefully walked forward, almost floating across the floor. Maybe those wings did provide a little lift after all. She wore no make-up that I could see but did have a beautiful natural blush on her cheeks.

Her original punishment for losing the game last night involved being forced to appear in front of me in whatever clothes Lucy picked out and retrieve the dishes from breakfast. But since Grace didn't move to grab the tray, I deduced that Lucy must have altered the challenge. She must be required to stay up here with me a little while like Katherine had done until the bell went off.

Now stripped bare, the gorgeous little angel seemed even more unsure of herself than that little devil, Katherine. She shyly hugged her arms around her middle. It must have been another of Lucy's rules; no covering up. Then she shivered and her breasts unintentionally jiggled back and forth for a second. That embarrassed her more and she looked like she desperately wanted to cover them up.

I should have been a gentleman and invited her under the covers like I had done with Katherine. But I no longer had my boxers on and was too shy about my own potential exposure to offer. I stared at her naked body for a few silent seconds and was rewarded when she shivered again and her breasts did their jiggling dance once more. Then, to probably prevent another embarrassing jiggly performance like that, she climbed onto the foot of my bed and knelt there on her knees. That was at least a little warmer for her naked body than standing on the cold wood floor.

She was too shy to say anything at first and just sat there letting me take in every detail of her beautiful, naked body. It was truly an angelic sight. The light streamed through the window all around her, highlighting her gossamer wings and newly growing body. She kept her eyes downcast and refused to look at me. I sensed the encounter wasn't going as well as she had hoped and that she was really struggling with her nudity. To try and help her get past that, I decided to give her a compliment.

"I like your wings."

She looked up at me wild-eyed in fright, like an apparition had appeared out of nowhere and uttered unspeakable horrors to her. But then, after a few tense seconds, the moment of terror seemed to pass, and she started to relax. With the ice broken, she finally managed to speak.

"Thank you. Um, they actually flap." she said with a soft voice.

At first, I thought she was playing a joke on me. I knew they weren't real. How could fake wings flap? Then I realized her meaning. They had been designed so that the wearer could make them flap. This I had to see.

"Really?" I asked in what I hoped was an encouraging voice, "can you show me?"

She bit her lip as if making up her mind about something. Then she sat up straighter and shifted to sit at an angle so I could see them better. She took a deep breath then rolled her shoulders back and forth, arching her back and raising her arms at the same time. It really worked! The wings started moving - flapping back and forth behind her like they were really alive! She beamed at me, proud that she had done it correctly on her first try. Her nose wrinkled up adorably with her big smile. It was an impressive feat, but I was soon distracted by a side effect of the motion.

Since the wings were glued to the small of her back, it took every muscle group of her upper body to move them. All that motion made the front of her move just as much. Her wings were quickly forgotten as I was hypnotized watching her naked boobies move up and down and all around at the same time. She had to keep moving her breasts in time to keep the wings flapping. After about 30 seconds of flapping, which felt like forever, she stopped and returned to her relaxed pose. I guess her performance was making her more comfortable, because now she was feeling chatty.

"So, did you enjoy your...breakfast?" she asked inching a little closer to me on the bed. I was terrified of her discovering my own nudity, so I continued to hug my blanket close. In my twisted reasoning, it was one thing for her to be naked, but God forbid she see me in that state!

I was so dense, I thought her question was actually about the food. What an idiot I was! I told her I hadn't had a chance to try it yet; leaving out the part where the devil herself cuddled me the whole time and kept me from my meal by humping my leg. But somehow Grace seemed to suspect Katherine had played a part in it. Her next statement wasn't a question, but almost carried with it an accusation of betrayal.

"Katherine told me that you told her she could be your girlfriend."

I blushed. Talk about a kiss and teller! Katherine hadn't been gone 5 minutes before she blabbed to her friends about us. I couldn't help but wonder what else she had told Grace about the encounter. I didn't answer her. But then again, she hadn't asked me anything.

She sat there studying me with a troubled expression that I couldn’t interpret at first. But then I saw where her eyes were trained. She was looking jealously at the lipstick marks Katherine had left behind on my neck and chest and asking herself why devils always got to have all the fun. That's when I realized the flaw in my thinking. I had assumed the contest between her and Katherine had ended last night after the Seed of Spring was found. Boy, how wrong I was! These girls were still competing, only now I was the playing field! Katherine had scored the first points, but Grace wasn't about to concede that easily.

I literally saw her whole demeanor change as something clicked in her mind. Then she rose up on her hands and knees and started crawling up the bed towards me.

"You know," she said with a sultry voice, "I would be a better girlfriend than Katherine."

I gulped. Where had that innocent little angel gone? Grace kept crawling seductively until she was positioned directly above my prone body on her hands and knees, her head above me and her breasts hanging down from her chest like oranges. Then she leaned back on her haunches and sat with her legs straddling me. She probably didn't intend it, but she had come down to sit directly over my throbbing prick. Only the blanket still separated our genitals. As cold as it was in that room, somehow that part of her was quite warm. I could feel her heat through the blanket.

She whipped her hair over to one side as if no longer content to be seen as an innocent little angel. Then she said, "And I'm definitely a better kisser than her." and to prove her point, she licked and puckered those plump little lips, and leaned over. The kiss happened so quick; it was over before I realized it. It had been nothing more than a simple peck. It had come as such a shock that I hadn't even managed to pucker my own lips in response. My first real kiss with a girl had not gone that great. Luckily, Grace wasn't about to let it be my last.

She rose back up to a vertical position, maybe to judge my reaction. I was probably supposed to be gazing lovingly into her eyes or something. But I couldn't help it! I was staring at her naked chest again. When she noticed where I was staring, she made another monumental decision. She reached down and took my hands in hers. Then she slowly pulled them up to her chest.

She held my hands in place over her little breasts and leaned in for our second kiss. I was in such shock, I almost forgot to pucker again, and she almost kissed my gaping mouth. But I barely managed to form my lips in a shape to match hers and closed my eyes. She lingered longer this time, keeping her mouth pressed to mine for a few seconds. My hands, holding her naked breasts, felt the thumping of her heart. It was beating just as fast as my own, if not faster. I was really starting to like kissing girls! She leaned back up, coming to rest once again on my flattened member, taking a sense of pride in the expression of pure exhilaration she had managed to plaster on my face.

By the third kiss, she no longer needed to hold my hands in place. They knew exactly what to do with their new toy. Her breasts weren't huge, or anything, but they were the perfect size for a 13-year-old boy's hands. Other than her nipples poking into my palms, everything was incredibly pliable and molded against my fingers like putty.

After our third kiss, she sat up and let me fondle her for a minute. I marveled at how compliant her breasts could be. They followed wherever I wanted to move them on her chest but snapped right back to position with a sexy little jiggle when I let go. She particularly seemed to enjoy when my fingers brushed over her excited little nipples. I felt like I had died and gone to heaven, but I could also feel our time slipping away. When that bell rang, the spell would be broken, and my little angelic plaything would leave me; maybe forever. An idea struck me that I wanted to try before we ran out of time.

"Grace, um, can you flap your wings again for me?"

She did so happily, and the effect was spectacular. Just like last time, she proceeded to gyrate her upper body all over. Only this time, instead of watching her boobies dance from afar, my hands were firmly latched on to them. I got to feel every bulge and flex of her chest as my little naked angel put all her efforts into flapping her wings. I repositioned my hands so that my fingers were loosely gripping her nipples. Now every motion caused them to stretch gently in my grasp. Every tug was followed by a cute little gasp.

I looked down to see she had started to engage her lower half in the effort. She gyrated her little hips, thrusting her pelvis back and forth in an urgent but rudderless manner. Then she, accidentally I think, did something that surprised us both. Her pelvis had moved further forward than usual on one thrust, giving me a really good look at her spread pussy lips peeking out at me from beneath her. But when she rotated back, she pressed her hips down on me and her pussy grinded down the length of my cock through the blanket.

when it happened, she stopped flapping for just a second and her eyes went wide. We stared at each other in a moment of shock. It was a similar motion to what Katherine had done. Only Katherine had been grinding on my leg. Grace was positioned directly over me. If not for that layer of blanket between us, our naked genitals would have been in direct contact with each other.

Then she resumed her flight with even more urgency. She ground against me a few more times, panting along with each one. Then overcome with passion, she leaned over to attack my face, eager for another kiss. Our lips latched more firmly this time. We both seemed to be getting better at kissing. Or maybe, in our shared intimacy, we were feeling more at ease with the act. She came up for breath but did not rise up like the other times. She just stayed down, her baby blue eyes gazing happily at me from only a few inches away. But her gyrations never stopped. She was determined to keep those little wings flapping for me, no matter what. After a few quick breaths, she was about to move back in for another kiss when the sound of an accursed bell came tinkling from downstairs.

She stopped moving, and slowly went back up to a sitting position. Her cheeks were red, and she was breathing heavy. At least she didn't look cold anymore. I reluctantly let go of her breasts which were heaving from the exertion, and she rose off me. As she lifted away, I saw that her pussy was completely coated in moisture. Lucy's pussy glistened like that when she got sexually excited. I was kind of proud of the fact that I had done that to Grace.

She took another deep breath then pushed her hair off her shoulder and back into position. My naughty angel was fading, turning back into the innocent little cherub. She did have one last question, though.

"So, do you still want to be Katherine's girlfriend...or mine?" she asked.

If they had both been standing there, I'm not sure what I would have said. But in the moment, I knew the right answer. "Yours, definitely!"

Grace smiled contentedly. In the ongoing war of good vs evil, her side had won this battle. She blew me one last kiss and picked up the breakfast tray. Then she was gone. For the second time that morning, I reached down to check on my little friend. It only took a couple strokes before I exploded again. I cleaned myself up for the second time and rolled over, finally spent and able to relax. Within minutes, I was once again fast asleep.
~ NeverDoubted

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Dare Me - Halloween Sleepover Spectacular - Goosey's Gorgeous Gaggle - Part 7

Post by neverdoubted »

Dare Me - Halloween Sleepover Spectacular - Goosey's Gorgeous Gaggle - Part 7

I wish I could say there was no fallout from Lucy's Halloween sleepover spectacular and we all lived happily ever after. Unfortunately, this is the real world. So, I must tell you what happened next.

When I woke up, my stomach was grumbling, and I remembered that playing with the girls had caused me to skip breakfast. It was almost noon. So, I got dressed and cautiously ventured downstairs to find food but encountered Lucy instead. Part of me was relieved to hear the girls had already gone home. I wasn't sure how I would be able to face them after what we had done earlier in my room; especially since I had agreed to be both of their boyfriend. Love triangles never work out, after all. But part of me was also disappointed that they were gone. Mikey Jr. certainly missed them.

Lucy was all smiles and seemed grateful for the fun night with her friends. She said the girls had had a fun time, too. She had a twinkle in her eye when she said it but didn't elaborate. She was exhausted and said she was going to go take a nap. She handed me an envelope then, in a flash, reached up an gave my nipple painful pinch.

"This is for last night!" she yelled then fled up to her room and locked the door before I could retaliate. I resolved to make her pay for that, but when I saw the envelope, I decided to forgive her. On the outside she had handwritten "Here's the two I owe you." On the inside were two Polaroids: one of my Katherine standing naked in her devilish pose, and one of my naked angel Grace looking as innocent and chaste as ever.

I thought I was the luckiest boy in history and treasured those pictures as mementos right along with the other one they had given me last night. Everything seemed to have worked out perfectly. But then mom got home, and it all started to fall apart. She looked horrible and went straight to bed, having clearly had a rough night. Apparently, her boss had subjected her to all kinds of humiliations on their "business trip". Later that evening I overheard her recount every embarrassing detail over the phone to Aunt Julie.

Mom's boss had been planning a night of poker with his buddies, or "clients" and decided at the last minute to make it into a Halloween party. There was a big convention center in Westfield about an hour away which was already hosting several bigger Halloween parties that evening. But he was going for something a little more intimate. So, he found a cheaper hotel nearby that wasn't affiliated with the convention center and rented out their conference room for the night. He didn't even really rent it. He just paid off the night manager, who was also working the front desk, in cash to make sure they weren't disturbed.

He got some cheap decorations and started calling around for a last-minute DJ. He found one who already had another gig but agreed to rent out his dance party lighting kit which he wasn't using that evening, for a small fee. The room was already wired for sound, so the DJ helped set that up, too while he was there setting up the lighting. Of course, mom's boss didn't tell mom about any of this. When she arrived, she was completely caught off guard.

She asked to go up to her room to at least freshen up, but instead of giving her a room key, her boss went with her. He berated her the entire ride up the elevator about how unprepared she always was and that she was making them so late by not being ready. When they got to the room, he went in with her. She was shocked to see it was one of those Jacuzzi suites with the bathtub right there in the open. He said, unless she started pulling her weight, he wasn't going to pay for a separate room for her anymore on business trips. Then he told her to hurry up and get her costume on.

Mom said she didn't have a costume because he hadn't told her it was going to be a Halloween party. That made her boss even angrier. He accused her of not putting forth any effort and said he really expected her to make a good impression tonight with the clients, hinting that her job might be on the line. He ordered her to take a bath and make herself presentable while he would try to find a Halloween store that was still open.

Mom did what she was told and took a bath in the jacuzzi. Only after she got out, did she notice her boss had taken her suitcase with him. Since she didn't want to put her dirty travel clothes back on, she was sitting on the bed wrapped in a towel when he returned in a huff.

He had found a kinky shop nearby and had picked out a slutty nurse costume for her. He hadn't brought her suitcase back up with him. When she asked for privacy to try it on, he roared at her in anger. He insisted that she had wasted too much of his time to be making demands like that. They would both have to get ready in the room together and there was no longer any room for modesty between them.

Mom was a pushover. She was a quite attractive woman in her early 30's and probably got the same reaction every time a man saw her naked. But her boss just scowled when she let her towel fall to the ground. This time he was pissed that she hadn't shaved her bush. He insisted she fill the jacuzzi again and shave herself bald while he finished getting himself ready.

He didn't even hand her a towel afterward, but just made her stand there dripping while he inspected her work. Then he threw the costume at her and told her to be in the conference room in 10 minutes, or else. There were several problems with the costume. Most importantly, it came with a strapless bustier which was supposed to be worn beneath a scandalously small jacket. She could get it zipped around her stomach, no problem. But the average sized bra cups were no match for her much larger breasts. She simply had too much up top and had to leave the bustier behind.

The panties were white silk and very skimpy with a huge cross cutout in the back, like a medical cross. And the skirt was little more than a notion. A pair of spike heels and garter belt with stockings came next. The heels made her butt stick out even more. The rest of her costume consisted of a hat with a red cross in the middle, a stethoscope, and white gloves that came up to her elbows.

She wore the jacket, which had no buttons. But without the bustier, it was her only option. Her nipples were barely covered, but the entire middle of her massive cleavage was exposed right down the middle to her slim stomach.

Her time was almost up, so she rushed to the elevator and headed to the basement where the client party had already begun. Only by holding the jacket steady with both her hands could she possibly hope to keep from flashing everything. A chorus of cheers met her when she entered. There were at least 20 people there, all men. Her boss led her around forcing her to vigorously shake hands with, and briefly flash at least one nipple to, every client in the room. Then it was decided that, since she didn't know how to play poker, she would be the bartender and serve them drinks while they played.

She spent an hour mixing and serving various drinks and hors d'oeuvres. When dirty dishes started to pile up, she had to carry them up to the kitchen, with her jacket spread wide open, and wash them herself under the watchful gaze of the hotel manager.

Later in the evening, her boss was doing poorly. His chip stack had dwindled, but he insisted he was letting the clients win. It was just good for business, you see. He got eliminated but asked if he could buy back in. The table said "no" because he didn't have anything of value left to bet. That's when he suggested mom's jacket. The poker buddies heartily agreed that would be worth another buy in. Mom balked, but he insisted. After all, it wasn't her jacket. He had paid for it (with the company credit card).

He promised that, after he won a few hands, he would have enough to buy it back for her. So, she reluctantly stripped it off and handed it over. Of course, that was the end of her jacket for the rest of the evening. She ended up serving drinks topless all night. But it didn't end there. Her boss soon found himself out of chips again and offered some more of her costume as collateral.

By the end of the night, she was serving drinks in nothing but her hat, gloves, and shoes. And every time she went up to wash more dishes, the night manager got to see what else she had managed to lose at the poker game. Mom didn't say specifically what happened after that. Only that the after-party involved the jacuzzi in her room.

Aunt Julie was furious and called him a "slimeball pig" and said mom should sue. I knew she had mom's best interest at heart, but Aunt Julie was a twice-divorced feminist who called every man a "slimeball pig". So, it didn't exactly spur mom to action. Aunt Julie said she should start keeping evidence of his wrongdoing. Get some dirt on him. Mom didn't like confrontation, though. And the idea of suing was too much for her. But she did promise to keep an eye out for damning evidence. And several months later she did manage to nail that scumbag.

It wasn't until the next day that things really started to fall apart. Apparently, Grace had let it slip that our mom hadn't been there to watch the girls at the sleepover and had instead left Lucy’s 13-year-old brother in charge. When I got home from school, I learned that both the other moms were coming over to "talk" with our mom and they wanted me there, too. Uh oh!

I went to my room to put on my best clothes and figure out what I was going to say to convince them. While I was putting on my dress shirt, I was momentarily distracted by the image of Grace wearing my shirt and flouncing around in her tiny blue panties. I got a boner but pushed the thought out of my mind. If I got aroused in front of Grace or Kathrine's mom, they might cut if off! If Grace or Katherine had already cracked and told them everything that happened, their moms might cut it off, anyway.

That evening, we sat around the table, just me and the three moms. I couldn't help but notice where Grace and Katherine got their beauty from. They were like scaled up versions of their daughters and shared so many of the same mannerisms. Katherine's mom had just come from work and had entered wearing a skirt suit. She smiled at me in a cordial greeting, and I saw she had the exact same dimples as her daughter. Too bad that was the last time she smiled at me the entire meeting. I took one look at her lips and blushed when I realized that I somehow knew the exactly what color her nipples were.

When she walked around the table, her spectacular butt flexed beneath her long pencil skirt. She took off her suit jacket before she sat down. Her blouse had the top couple buttons undone and I was treated to a peek of an unexpectedly large cleavage. I tried not to look, or at least not get caught looking, and pay attention to her speech, but I just couldn't stop imagining what it would be like to pour a ton of acorns into her blouse and go for a stir.

Grace's mom had the exact same pale blue eyes, strawberry blonde hair and upturned nose as her daughter. She must have been on her way to or from the gym because she was wearing a velour lounge suit. She didn't take her jacket off, but it was unzipped showing off the biggest chest of the three women. I couldn't help but imagine her straddling me naked while I held onto those massive melons and she flapped her wings for me. So much for not getting a boner in front of them, eh? The only thing that saved me was being able to hide it beneath the table.

They wanted to know what happened that night - in my words. I took that request as a good sign, because it meant the girls had probably not totally cracked. I tried to use my most mature voice as I spoke. I said mom got called away at the last second for an important, mandatory business trip and Lucy would have been devastated to cancel. So, I reluctantly agreed to step in even though I had other plans. The girls went trick-or-treating and came back to eat a hearty and healthy dinner that mom had prepared. Then we had played a game called "Blind Squirrel", a silly game that a babysitter once taught Lucy and me. After that, they all went to bed. I stayed up and handed out treats until about 11:00 then went to bed myself.

The two moms listened intently to my story, seeking to detect any irregularity or deception. I had had to fabricate some of it but stuck enough to the basics that it hopefully matched whatever their own daughters had told them. I made it intentionally generic, like a million other Halloween stories all over the country. But then the question of costumes came up. Apparently, a rumor was floating around the neighborhood gossip chain that some girls had been going around in extremely skimpy costumes; like, practically naked. Grace's mom particularly wanted to make sure they weren't talking about "my little Gracie".

My mom was at a loss because she hadn't actually seen the costumes at all. The girls had both sworn it wasn't them and, luckily, Lucy had already thrown the costumes away. That the trash truck happened to be running that day was the only thing that saved us. I played dumb and pretended I wasn't really involved in that area. I explained that, while they were getting ready and leaving, I had been distracted making sure the pot pie, which is a healthy, wholesome dinner for hungry tweens, would be ready when they got back. I think I looked convincing when I tried, and failed, to remember what they had even gone as.

I did mention that Mr. Beski, a trusted adult, had made their costumes. He was a professional tailor and was just across the street if they wanted to talk to him. There were always stories like that floating around at school at Halloween, I told them, but everyone knew they were made up. I assured them there was no way that rumor could have anything to do with their girls and that I felt everyone had had a wholesome, good time. I think I said "wholesome" at least 9 times in total. I also, smartly, avoided any mention of a camera.

I think my story pretty much tracked with what the moms had already heard, but they were still very upset at our mom for leaving us kids alone. So, I went on, explaining how hard it was for a single mother to provide for us, her poor, wholesome children. She was doing the best she could. Katherine's mom seemed to soften at that. It tugged at her heartstrings.

But Grace's mom was still on the warpath. She said she simply couldn't risk something bad happening to her little angel (if only she knew, hehe) and was going to forbid Grace from being friends with Lucy. Katherine's mom didn't go that far but said Katherine would no longer be allowed to come over to our house to play.

Lucy would be crushed by the news. But she was resilient and would recover eventually. To be honest, I was a little bummed too. With no apparent way to spend time with Katherine or Grace, I had effectively, in the span of 48 hours, gained and lost my first two girlfriends. Sadly, it would be several years before I managed to even get a third. But I will never forget that one spectacular Halloween.

The End
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Dare Me - Halloween Sleepover Spectacular - Goosey's Gorgeous Gaggle

Post by Wwe45 »

Brilliant story, and I did not expect that ending! Although it’s just my opinion, I’m a slightly disappointed that the 2 girls mom won’t let them hang out anymore. I was hoping they’d make some future appearances in the dare me story. I still hope they do!! The dynamic between the 4 girls were great. Overall it was a great story, can’t wait for more!
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Re: Dare Me - Halloween Sleepover Spectacular - Goosey's Gorgeous Gaggle

Post by Executionus »

I'm over here remembering the fact that I was frequently put in charge of younger kids when I was as young as 10 without adult supervision, which included girls. That's what life is like with a single mom. I'd be rolling my eyes hard at any Karens trying to whine about a 13-year-old chaperone.

That said, this side story was excellent! Loved the two bedroom scenes and how the girls each had their unique plans to get their hands on the boy of the hour (and get his hands on them).
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Re: Dare Me - Halloween Sleepover Spectacular - Goosey's Gorgeous Gaggle

Post by perseus »

Great story! I'm very glad you decided to write this. I'm very much looking forward to chapter 8 of Dare me!
Feedback or suggestions are always welcome

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Re: Dare Me - Halloween Sleepover Spectacular - Goosey's Gorgeous Gaggle

Post by Frank89 »

Loved this stoy. Poor Mike. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. :D

After reading this series I have a question to ask: Ya'll got any more of them stories somewhere?
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Re: Dare Me - Halloween Sleepover Spectacular - Goosey's Gorgeous Gaggle

Post by jimmythehand »

Wwe45 wrote: Thu Nov 17, 2022 12:51 am Although it’s just my opinion, I’m a slightly disappointed that the 2 girls mom won’t let them hang out anymore. I was hoping they’d make some future appearances in the dare me story. I still hope they do!! The dynamic between the 4 girls were great.
neverdoubted may say I'm wrong, but I think that was put into this story specifically so there would be a reason for them not showing up all the time in the main story.

It would change the dynamic and feel of the main story significantly to have them there but without any reason for them not to be, you'd expect them to be around all the time, what with them being Lucy's best friends, Mikey's girlfriends (or at least both competing for the position) and having both really enjoyed the experiences they had at Halloween.
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