My Sisters and Me - Visual Novel Episode 1 Out Now!
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Re: My Sisters and Me
Oh my goooood!!!
It finally happened!!! I've been waiting for this for so long, and you did not disappoint!
But oh man did that last paragraph make me feel tense, I'm not sure whether I should be excited or scared!
Great job man, keep it up!
It finally happened!!! I've been waiting for this for so long, and you did not disappoint!
But oh man did that last paragraph make me feel tense, I'm not sure whether I should be excited or scared!
Great job man, keep it up!
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Re: My Sisters and Me
“It’s wedding season!” I exclaimed, channeling Vince Vaughn, as I loaded our bags into Mom’s van.
“Womp, womp,” Katie groaned, in a cheerful manner, if that makes sense. But nothing Katie did ever made much sense to me.
“Jeeze! This is so exciting!” Maddy said.
Mom was driving separate (probably for her own sanity) and the van would be filled the same crowd as when we drove up to our ski chalet in the winter. Only this time, I had seen ALL these girls completely naked. I had to fight off becoming too distracted by those images.
Things were actually less awkward between Maddy and I, now that we had done the deed. I guess it kind of made sense, relieving all that tension. And she no longer had some tool youth pastor preaching purity in her ear. So that helped, too.
“Man, this is the last trip we’re gonna take before we’re all college chicks,” Kenzie chewed her gum loudly in the back seat.
“Yeahhh, Drew said something similar back in the day,” Katie started. I already knew what her punchline was going to be. “And he’s now on his FIFTEENTH ‘last trip’ before he’s a college boy!” She burst out laughing. “And counting!”
Pretty much everyone else joined in her laughter. “Katie! So mean! Drew could easily go to college if he wanted!” Maddy stood up for me but honestly, I’d rather she hadn’t. I wasn’t offended by anything Katie joked about.
I found out none of my little sister’s crew would be going to college together. Kenzie was heading to the state college of New York. Ara, out west, to Boulder. And Maddy, to Stanford. This really would be somewhat of a “last hurrah” for them. Only time would tell if their friendship was strong enough to withstand separate universities spread out over the country. Usually, at least from the outside looking in, they aren’t. But that wasn’t my issue to worry about.
This was a much longer drive compared to the ski chalet. We stopped a couple of times to grab food and a break. Mom had no interest in driving along behind us which surprised me, but I guess she just wanted to go at her own pace. All in all, the drive took nearly the entire day.
We were all spent as I rolled into the parking lot of the venue Jim and Emily had chosen. The place was gorgeous - which I’m sure shocks all of you. It was surrounded by crystal clear lakes, sprawling green hills and vineyards, and sandy beaches. The sun was setting over the forest in the distance. It made for a pretty scene as we drove in.
The seven of us got checked into our rooms. Despite Kelly being my date and Jordan, Katie’s; we would not be sharing suites together. Jordan and I had our own room, Katie and Kelly had theirs, and the three recent graduates had theirs. We all got tucked into our rooms and chilled a bit, before walking downstairs to a big welcoming beach-side fire.
The flames roared through the air and the pleasant aroma of burning wood entered my nose. I loved real summertime fires. And you didn’t come across them often, living in the city.
We approached the orange flames, and the first silhouette I saw stood on the outskirts of the crowd. She had her hair tied back into a tight ponytail and was wearing a pair of dark, horn-rimmed glasses. Alex. Oh boy, that meant Big, Bad, Nancy was nearby. I was wondering if her family would show.
“Alex!” Maddy called out to her cousin. “Hey! So glad you guys made it!”
Alex gave her an awkward smile. She looked over at me, and quickly looked away. She then spotted the rest of our crew - which I’m sure was intimidating for her.
Not wanting to make her too uncomfortable, I said hi quickly and moved past Alex. And there she was, staring a hole through me as if no time had passed since she caught me staring at my sister, and then her daughter, in the buff. It was my turn to give an awkward smile. Nancy didn’t return it, but her husband did.
I made my way around the crowd greeting all the usual suspects. Brian and the gang, my grandparents and aunts and uncles. My cousin Kevin and his hot Indian wife Amira, along with their daughter. There were plenty more people here tonight than at Thanksgiving. Some of them I knew, others I vaguely remembered, and a lot I had not the slightest idea who they were. Probably people from Emily’s side.
Jim and his bride-to-be were at the center of all the chaos and it took me a minute to work my way over and say hi. Mom was already there, chatting away.
“Don’t think Nancy’s too pleased to see me,” I muttered.
“Oh, don’t worry about her, she’s being dramatic. Took two hours over the phone plus driving all the way over to her place just to convince her to come,” Mom said.
“Yeahhh, I’m just gonna try and avoid her,” I said.
“Probably for the best,” Mom laughed.
“Whatsup, Jim?” I greeted my uncle.
“’Lo Drew,” he said.
“Hi Drew!” Emily said.
“You guys find the place alright?” Jim asked.
“Yeah, not too bad. It’s beautiful up here,” I answered.
“Sure is, Frank found the place, of all people,” Jim said. "Em had to giver her approval, of course."
Emily smiled. “There should be tons to do in the next few days before the wedding, so let me know if you if you guys are looking for anything in particular,” she said.
“No huntin, though!” Jim said.
“Haha, that’s alright. We’ll go in the fall, for sure,” I said.
“I’ll hold you to that,” Jim said.
A couple of good-looking women popped up at Emily’s side. One of them looked similar to Emily, though, a bit younger. She was already way too intoxicated. The other was a black girl who was much calmer.
“Ooooh Em who’s this?!?!” The younger version of Emily slurred.
“Michaela, this is Drew. Jim’s nephew I told you about? The one I went to Spring Break with?” Emily cautiously began.
“Drewwwww, I remember!” Michaela said. She eyed me up and down with zero shame.
“Drew, this is my younger sister, Michaela. She’s my maid of honor,” Emily said.
“Whoop, whoop!” Michaela cheered, and then gave me a hug.
“And this is my best friend, Allison,” Emily nodded at the calm, pretty girl on her other side.
Allison gave me a warm smile. “Nice to meet you, Drew,” she said.
“Likewise,” I said.
“Are you in the wedding party?” She asked.
“No, you?”
“Yeah,” she said.
The group of us chatted for a bit before I split off and walked along the shore. The water was still. Black, with the exception of the stars that it reflected from the night sky above it. There was an eeriness about it, once you got away from the big crowd. The calm before the storm.
The next day, Maddy and her friends would be joining Jordan and I out on the lake. We were going wakeboarding. The five of us shared a breakfast with Katie and Kelly before heading out. Brian and his friends interrupted us.
“What’re you doing today, bra?” Brian asked me. The kid had way too much bravado for his own good. That is, when he wasn’t around girls his own age. He had no issues approaching me in an aggressive manner in front of the five older smoke-shows. But that didn’t mean he ignored them. He seemed to take a particular interest in Kelly, after I had introduced her as my date the prior night. I knew the little shit would be impressed by her.
“Headed out on the lake, it’s supposed to be beautiful today,” I said.
“It’s supposed to be beautiful today,” Brian mocked in a high pitch manner. I just rolled me eyes at him. A couple of the girls laughed – much to Brian’s satisfaction.
“What are y’all doing? You can join us if ya want?”
Brian’s head began to spin, I could tell it was difficult for him to turn down hanging out with the girls on the boat in their bikinis.
“We’re going out into the woods, Bri? Remember? Alex is coming too?!” Phillip spoke up for him.
“Shut up, dude!” Brian nudged his brother in the rib cage with his elbow.
“Ow!” Phillip said.
“I know that!” Brian continued. He looked back at me. “Yeah, sorry dude, maybe next time.”
I laughed. “No need to apologize.”
The boys scurried off to wherever they came from.
“YOU guys sure you don’t wanna come either?” I directed at my big sister and my date. “You know there’s not going to be a ‘next time’,” I said.
“Yeahhh we’re good. Gonna do this yoga class I said I’d do with Emily,” Katie said. “The gym is supposedly kick-ass. And then we’ll prolly chill on the beach for a bit,”
“Word,” Jordan said. He wasn’t too disappointed Katie and his sister weren’t coming.
We finished our breakfasts and went back to our rooms to put on our swimwear and sunscreen. We met back down at the dock and gathered onto the boat. It’s a good thing the others didn’t decide to join us, five people was the perfect amount for the smaller sized vessel. Any more, would’ve been tight.
I drove the boat out to where we could barely see the shore. From this vantage, I could make out some of the mountains and misty forest in the background. The water was a dark navy, and you couldn’t see anything underneath it. This place was like Stephen King’s wet dream. Complete with an ominous presence leering over it. But maybe that was just my imagination – I had gotten myself into quite the pickle with all these girls.
Speaking of which, Ara had stripped down to the same orange bikini she was wearing the night when I spied on her. As she stood up, I tried not to stare, tried not to think about how good she looked under those bottoms….
I had parked the boat, and Ara was going to be the first one to try out the wakeboard. We all had high expectations for her, given her snowboarding prowess.
“You want a lifejacket, Ara?” I asked.
“Nah,” she winked at me, confidently.
“Alright, give me a thumbs up when you’re ready,” I said.
Ara jumped into the lake and swam over to the board. She got her feet hooked in and gave a thumbs up, as she sat calmly in the water.
I revved up the boat, and hit the throttle, quickly picking up speed. I turned behind me to watch as Ara easily stood up on the board. Unsurprisingly, she was impressive. She gracefully swerved back and forth, carving through the rapids, as if they were a powder-packed slope. She event hit the boat-made waves and got some good air.
“Jeeze, Ara!” Maddy exclaimed.
“She’s insane,” Jordan said, in awe.
“Right?” Kenzie said.
After Ara put on a good show, I slowed the boat down and she unhooked herself from the board. She swam back aboard to applause. She gave us her trademarked dimpled smile, and did a little curtsy.
“Alright, who’s following that act?” I asked.
Everybody looked at each other in silence, before letting out nervous giggles.
“Okay, I’ll do it,” I said. “Who’s driving the boat?”
“I got it,” Ara said. Somehow, I felt like that was the best choice.
I didn’t wear a lifejacket either, and swam out to the board. Once I was geared up, I gave Ara the thumbs up. As the boat picked up speed, I pulled myself up with ease. Living on the west coast, I had done this before. Still, I was not as good as Ara. I was able to stay upright and do some borderline carving. When I climbed back on board, the group was taking some shots of vodka, and Kenzie began playing (trash) music from her phone.
Maddy tried out the board next, and took a couple of tries to stand up. She ate shit one time once she did stand up, but then did pretty well. Kenzie volunteered to give it a go after Maddy. She decided to wear a lifejacket.
Kenzie took forever to stand up, and after about the 7th attempt, I didn’t think she was going to get it. But, lo and behold, the next time was the charm. She pulled herself up and we all cheered with buzzed enthusiasm.
“Yeah!” Kenzie yelled out with pride.
But pride comes before the fall, and Kenzie would be the next victim of that phrase. Literally. She lasted longer than Maddy’s first time up, but then took a nasty spill, crashing into the water. Luckily, she had her life jacket on, and was easy to spot once she resurfaced.
“You alright, Kenz?!” Ara cried out.
Kenzie held up a thumbs up, but looked a little rattled. She was treading water, looking around, regaining her bearings.
“You don’t wanna try again?” Jordan asked. “That was really good!” He added.
“No, I’m good,” she said, doggy-paddling her way to the ladder. She climbed up and stepped onto the boat.
“Ohmigod, Kenz!” Ara began giggling and put her hand over her mouth in shock. I turned around to see the reason for her reaction.
Kenzie stood up on the edge of the boat with her lifejacket on…but had lost her bottoms! The sun beamed down on her slim, freckled vagina. Jordan and I got about 5 seconds to enjoy the view, as Kenzie remained oblivious. She was still shaken up from her fall, and was wiping water from her eyes.
“Whaaaa?” She said. All of us were laughing at this point, at the absurdity of the situation. But despite the humor, it was sexy as hell seeing Kenzie’s smooth hips and mound in the natural light. Finally, she was tipped off by us, and shot a hand to cover. “Oh, shit!” She laughed; a bit embarrassed.
She cupped her pussy and backed her way into a seat, and then quickly crossed her legs over each other. Maddy tossed her a towel. Kenzie and the rest of us began looking around for her bikini bottoms, but they were dark in color, and we were unsuccessful.
“It’s fine guys, I gotta towel,” Kenzie said after about five minutes of me retracing the boat’s path.
“But they’re expensive! And you probably didn’t pack another suit, right?” Maddy asked.
“They weren’t that bad,” Kenzie answered. “No, I didn’t, but I’m sure there’s somewhere around here that sells them, right?”
“Probably,” Maddy said.
“Whatever….Jordan, you gonna go?!” Kenzie asked my friend. He looked a bit surprised.
“Err….you sure? We can head back to shore if ya want?” He said.
“Nah, c’mon I’m fine. I wanna see you go!”
“Alright, let’s do it,” Jordan said.
Jordan took two attempts to stand up, but once he did, he did pretty good. After he went, we drove around and hung out on the lake a bit longer. I saw Kenzie sneaking looks out into the water in-between vodka shots. But her bikini bottoms were gone for good. We headed back to the beach around lunch time.
As we were walking through the lobby in the resort, Jordan lifted up Kenzie’s towel from behind, putting her little bare butt on show.
“Ahhhh!” She squealed, garnering attention from some of the wedding guests – my grandpa Frank and cousin Kevin included. They chuckled, and admired the soon-to-be college beauty.
“Careful, boys,” Frank grumbled before going back to sipping on his bourbon and watching the world go by.
Kenzie fought away from Jordan and secured her towel. “You’re bad!” She said. He winked back at her.
The girls split off and we wouldn’t see them again until later that night.
“Womp, womp,” Katie groaned, in a cheerful manner, if that makes sense. But nothing Katie did ever made much sense to me.
“Jeeze! This is so exciting!” Maddy said.
Mom was driving separate (probably for her own sanity) and the van would be filled the same crowd as when we drove up to our ski chalet in the winter. Only this time, I had seen ALL these girls completely naked. I had to fight off becoming too distracted by those images.
Things were actually less awkward between Maddy and I, now that we had done the deed. I guess it kind of made sense, relieving all that tension. And she no longer had some tool youth pastor preaching purity in her ear. So that helped, too.
“Man, this is the last trip we’re gonna take before we’re all college chicks,” Kenzie chewed her gum loudly in the back seat.
“Yeahhh, Drew said something similar back in the day,” Katie started. I already knew what her punchline was going to be. “And he’s now on his FIFTEENTH ‘last trip’ before he’s a college boy!” She burst out laughing. “And counting!”
Pretty much everyone else joined in her laughter. “Katie! So mean! Drew could easily go to college if he wanted!” Maddy stood up for me but honestly, I’d rather she hadn’t. I wasn’t offended by anything Katie joked about.
I found out none of my little sister’s crew would be going to college together. Kenzie was heading to the state college of New York. Ara, out west, to Boulder. And Maddy, to Stanford. This really would be somewhat of a “last hurrah” for them. Only time would tell if their friendship was strong enough to withstand separate universities spread out over the country. Usually, at least from the outside looking in, they aren’t. But that wasn’t my issue to worry about.
This was a much longer drive compared to the ski chalet. We stopped a couple of times to grab food and a break. Mom had no interest in driving along behind us which surprised me, but I guess she just wanted to go at her own pace. All in all, the drive took nearly the entire day.
We were all spent as I rolled into the parking lot of the venue Jim and Emily had chosen. The place was gorgeous - which I’m sure shocks all of you. It was surrounded by crystal clear lakes, sprawling green hills and vineyards, and sandy beaches. The sun was setting over the forest in the distance. It made for a pretty scene as we drove in.
The seven of us got checked into our rooms. Despite Kelly being my date and Jordan, Katie’s; we would not be sharing suites together. Jordan and I had our own room, Katie and Kelly had theirs, and the three recent graduates had theirs. We all got tucked into our rooms and chilled a bit, before walking downstairs to a big welcoming beach-side fire.
The flames roared through the air and the pleasant aroma of burning wood entered my nose. I loved real summertime fires. And you didn’t come across them often, living in the city.
We approached the orange flames, and the first silhouette I saw stood on the outskirts of the crowd. She had her hair tied back into a tight ponytail and was wearing a pair of dark, horn-rimmed glasses. Alex. Oh boy, that meant Big, Bad, Nancy was nearby. I was wondering if her family would show.
“Alex!” Maddy called out to her cousin. “Hey! So glad you guys made it!”
Alex gave her an awkward smile. She looked over at me, and quickly looked away. She then spotted the rest of our crew - which I’m sure was intimidating for her.
Not wanting to make her too uncomfortable, I said hi quickly and moved past Alex. And there she was, staring a hole through me as if no time had passed since she caught me staring at my sister, and then her daughter, in the buff. It was my turn to give an awkward smile. Nancy didn’t return it, but her husband did.
I made my way around the crowd greeting all the usual suspects. Brian and the gang, my grandparents and aunts and uncles. My cousin Kevin and his hot Indian wife Amira, along with their daughter. There were plenty more people here tonight than at Thanksgiving. Some of them I knew, others I vaguely remembered, and a lot I had not the slightest idea who they were. Probably people from Emily’s side.
Jim and his bride-to-be were at the center of all the chaos and it took me a minute to work my way over and say hi. Mom was already there, chatting away.
“Don’t think Nancy’s too pleased to see me,” I muttered.
“Oh, don’t worry about her, she’s being dramatic. Took two hours over the phone plus driving all the way over to her place just to convince her to come,” Mom said.
“Yeahhh, I’m just gonna try and avoid her,” I said.
“Probably for the best,” Mom laughed.
“Whatsup, Jim?” I greeted my uncle.
“’Lo Drew,” he said.
“Hi Drew!” Emily said.
“You guys find the place alright?” Jim asked.
“Yeah, not too bad. It’s beautiful up here,” I answered.
“Sure is, Frank found the place, of all people,” Jim said. "Em had to giver her approval, of course."
Emily smiled. “There should be tons to do in the next few days before the wedding, so let me know if you if you guys are looking for anything in particular,” she said.
“No huntin, though!” Jim said.
“Haha, that’s alright. We’ll go in the fall, for sure,” I said.
“I’ll hold you to that,” Jim said.
A couple of good-looking women popped up at Emily’s side. One of them looked similar to Emily, though, a bit younger. She was already way too intoxicated. The other was a black girl who was much calmer.
“Ooooh Em who’s this?!?!” The younger version of Emily slurred.
“Michaela, this is Drew. Jim’s nephew I told you about? The one I went to Spring Break with?” Emily cautiously began.
“Drewwwww, I remember!” Michaela said. She eyed me up and down with zero shame.
“Drew, this is my younger sister, Michaela. She’s my maid of honor,” Emily said.
“Whoop, whoop!” Michaela cheered, and then gave me a hug.
“And this is my best friend, Allison,” Emily nodded at the calm, pretty girl on her other side.
Allison gave me a warm smile. “Nice to meet you, Drew,” she said.
“Likewise,” I said.
“Are you in the wedding party?” She asked.
“No, you?”
“Yeah,” she said.
The group of us chatted for a bit before I split off and walked along the shore. The water was still. Black, with the exception of the stars that it reflected from the night sky above it. There was an eeriness about it, once you got away from the big crowd. The calm before the storm.
The next day, Maddy and her friends would be joining Jordan and I out on the lake. We were going wakeboarding. The five of us shared a breakfast with Katie and Kelly before heading out. Brian and his friends interrupted us.
“What’re you doing today, bra?” Brian asked me. The kid had way too much bravado for his own good. That is, when he wasn’t around girls his own age. He had no issues approaching me in an aggressive manner in front of the five older smoke-shows. But that didn’t mean he ignored them. He seemed to take a particular interest in Kelly, after I had introduced her as my date the prior night. I knew the little shit would be impressed by her.
“Headed out on the lake, it’s supposed to be beautiful today,” I said.
“It’s supposed to be beautiful today,” Brian mocked in a high pitch manner. I just rolled me eyes at him. A couple of the girls laughed – much to Brian’s satisfaction.
“What are y’all doing? You can join us if ya want?”
Brian’s head began to spin, I could tell it was difficult for him to turn down hanging out with the girls on the boat in their bikinis.
“We’re going out into the woods, Bri? Remember? Alex is coming too?!” Phillip spoke up for him.
“Shut up, dude!” Brian nudged his brother in the rib cage with his elbow.
“Ow!” Phillip said.
“I know that!” Brian continued. He looked back at me. “Yeah, sorry dude, maybe next time.”
I laughed. “No need to apologize.”
The boys scurried off to wherever they came from.
“YOU guys sure you don’t wanna come either?” I directed at my big sister and my date. “You know there’s not going to be a ‘next time’,” I said.
“Yeahhh we’re good. Gonna do this yoga class I said I’d do with Emily,” Katie said. “The gym is supposedly kick-ass. And then we’ll prolly chill on the beach for a bit,”
“Word,” Jordan said. He wasn’t too disappointed Katie and his sister weren’t coming.
We finished our breakfasts and went back to our rooms to put on our swimwear and sunscreen. We met back down at the dock and gathered onto the boat. It’s a good thing the others didn’t decide to join us, five people was the perfect amount for the smaller sized vessel. Any more, would’ve been tight.
I drove the boat out to where we could barely see the shore. From this vantage, I could make out some of the mountains and misty forest in the background. The water was a dark navy, and you couldn’t see anything underneath it. This place was like Stephen King’s wet dream. Complete with an ominous presence leering over it. But maybe that was just my imagination – I had gotten myself into quite the pickle with all these girls.
Speaking of which, Ara had stripped down to the same orange bikini she was wearing the night when I spied on her. As she stood up, I tried not to stare, tried not to think about how good she looked under those bottoms….
I had parked the boat, and Ara was going to be the first one to try out the wakeboard. We all had high expectations for her, given her snowboarding prowess.
“You want a lifejacket, Ara?” I asked.
“Nah,” she winked at me, confidently.
“Alright, give me a thumbs up when you’re ready,” I said.
Ara jumped into the lake and swam over to the board. She got her feet hooked in and gave a thumbs up, as she sat calmly in the water.
I revved up the boat, and hit the throttle, quickly picking up speed. I turned behind me to watch as Ara easily stood up on the board. Unsurprisingly, she was impressive. She gracefully swerved back and forth, carving through the rapids, as if they were a powder-packed slope. She event hit the boat-made waves and got some good air.
“Jeeze, Ara!” Maddy exclaimed.
“She’s insane,” Jordan said, in awe.
“Right?” Kenzie said.
After Ara put on a good show, I slowed the boat down and she unhooked herself from the board. She swam back aboard to applause. She gave us her trademarked dimpled smile, and did a little curtsy.
“Alright, who’s following that act?” I asked.
Everybody looked at each other in silence, before letting out nervous giggles.
“Okay, I’ll do it,” I said. “Who’s driving the boat?”
“I got it,” Ara said. Somehow, I felt like that was the best choice.
I didn’t wear a lifejacket either, and swam out to the board. Once I was geared up, I gave Ara the thumbs up. As the boat picked up speed, I pulled myself up with ease. Living on the west coast, I had done this before. Still, I was not as good as Ara. I was able to stay upright and do some borderline carving. When I climbed back on board, the group was taking some shots of vodka, and Kenzie began playing (trash) music from her phone.
Maddy tried out the board next, and took a couple of tries to stand up. She ate shit one time once she did stand up, but then did pretty well. Kenzie volunteered to give it a go after Maddy. She decided to wear a lifejacket.
Kenzie took forever to stand up, and after about the 7th attempt, I didn’t think she was going to get it. But, lo and behold, the next time was the charm. She pulled herself up and we all cheered with buzzed enthusiasm.
“Yeah!” Kenzie yelled out with pride.
But pride comes before the fall, and Kenzie would be the next victim of that phrase. Literally. She lasted longer than Maddy’s first time up, but then took a nasty spill, crashing into the water. Luckily, she had her life jacket on, and was easy to spot once she resurfaced.
“You alright, Kenz?!” Ara cried out.
Kenzie held up a thumbs up, but looked a little rattled. She was treading water, looking around, regaining her bearings.
“You don’t wanna try again?” Jordan asked. “That was really good!” He added.
“No, I’m good,” she said, doggy-paddling her way to the ladder. She climbed up and stepped onto the boat.
“Ohmigod, Kenz!” Ara began giggling and put her hand over her mouth in shock. I turned around to see the reason for her reaction.
Kenzie stood up on the edge of the boat with her lifejacket on…but had lost her bottoms! The sun beamed down on her slim, freckled vagina. Jordan and I got about 5 seconds to enjoy the view, as Kenzie remained oblivious. She was still shaken up from her fall, and was wiping water from her eyes.
“Whaaaa?” She said. All of us were laughing at this point, at the absurdity of the situation. But despite the humor, it was sexy as hell seeing Kenzie’s smooth hips and mound in the natural light. Finally, she was tipped off by us, and shot a hand to cover. “Oh, shit!” She laughed; a bit embarrassed.
She cupped her pussy and backed her way into a seat, and then quickly crossed her legs over each other. Maddy tossed her a towel. Kenzie and the rest of us began looking around for her bikini bottoms, but they were dark in color, and we were unsuccessful.
“It’s fine guys, I gotta towel,” Kenzie said after about five minutes of me retracing the boat’s path.
“But they’re expensive! And you probably didn’t pack another suit, right?” Maddy asked.
“They weren’t that bad,” Kenzie answered. “No, I didn’t, but I’m sure there’s somewhere around here that sells them, right?”
“Probably,” Maddy said.
“Whatever….Jordan, you gonna go?!” Kenzie asked my friend. He looked a bit surprised.
“Err….you sure? We can head back to shore if ya want?” He said.
“Nah, c’mon I’m fine. I wanna see you go!”
“Alright, let’s do it,” Jordan said.
Jordan took two attempts to stand up, but once he did, he did pretty good. After he went, we drove around and hung out on the lake a bit longer. I saw Kenzie sneaking looks out into the water in-between vodka shots. But her bikini bottoms were gone for good. We headed back to the beach around lunch time.
As we were walking through the lobby in the resort, Jordan lifted up Kenzie’s towel from behind, putting her little bare butt on show.
“Ahhhh!” She squealed, garnering attention from some of the wedding guests – my grandpa Frank and cousin Kevin included. They chuckled, and admired the soon-to-be college beauty.
“Careful, boys,” Frank grumbled before going back to sipping on his bourbon and watching the world go by.
Kenzie fought away from Jordan and secured her towel. “You’re bad!” She said. He winked back at her.
The girls split off and we wouldn’t see them again until later that night.
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Re: My Sisters and Me
Jordan had decided to take a nap after our wakeboarding morning. But I didn’t feel too tired. I wanted to explore the area some more and went back downstairs to see who and what I could find.
Frank and Kevin had moved out onto the deck that sat against the opening of the woods. Uncles Jim and Greg – Nancy’s husband – had now joined them. I gathered a plate of food and went out there myself.
“Anything interesting going on out here?” I said.
“Lotta deer. Not much else,” Kevin answered. “So, who were those two other chicks you guys were playing grab ass with earlier?”
“Ara and Kenzie – Maddy’s friends,” I said. I had ordered a bourbon. Mainly because I wanted to fit in with the older men.
“Ahhh. Your date already realize she’s out of your league?” He smirked.
“Ha. She went to that yoga thing with all the other women,” I said. Kevin and Jim nodded and rolled their eyes.
“So, you’re going for younger and dumber,” Jim began. “Not a bad decision!” He and the other men started howling.
“Yeah, they had stolen her bikini and everything!” Kevin said. “Lifting up her towel – but she didn’t seem to mind!”
“Haha,” Jim chortled. “Little pissed I missed that.”
“Yeah man, you got forty-eight more hours to enjoy summin’ like that,” I said.
“What are you talking about,” Kevin said showing off his own wedding ring. “I still enjoyed it!” The others roared again. “But seriously, Drew, ya gotta be careful fooling around and playing games with girls that age,” he sipped his whiskey. “Amira could tell you stories for days about some crazy shit she and her friends did in high school. Constantly trying to strip each other. If it’s all true, I can’t believe people didn’t get arrested…” his voice trailed off and he puffed on a cigar.
“Yeah, Emily was in a Girls Gone Wild video back in the day,” Jim said. I’m positive she wouldn’t appreciate him telling us this but I kept quiet. Kevin nodded at him, but didn’t look too impressed.
“No shit?” Greg was more interested.
“Don’t get too excited boys, I haven’t been able to track it down – not for lack of trying,” Jim laughed. “But don’t listen to Kev, Drew. Have your fun! Just make sure they’re 18 and ain’t crazy!” He guffawed again.
"Well, they're all a little crazy," Frank said to collective agreement.
I finished my lunch with the men and then headed off. I walked back down to the beach, but didn’t see Katie or Kelly anywhere. I did spot Allison and some other cute, mousy girl who had brown curly hair, short legs, and a bubble butt. They were walking back up to the resort. I didn’t know Allison too well and just gave her a shy smile.
“Hey Drew,” she smiled back. Her friend gave me a smile as well.
I turned along the beach and headed into the trails through the woods. It was quiet in here. No people around, and the only noises I heard were those of small animals rustling in the leaves. The trail split into a couple different directions and I ended up climbing some elevation and then descending back down along the river. The water was fast here, with some whitewater – much in contrast to the motionless lake.
I crossed a bridge and the trail split again. Not wanting to get lost, I kept along the river, and then I finally heard some other humans.
“That’s all I’m doing,” a girl’s voice said. It sounded vaguely familiar, but I couldn't hear her that well.
I walked toward the voices with caution.
“C’mon! You gotta do the lower half!” A whiny boy pleaded. I recognized his voice immediately.
“No, Brian!” The girl said.
“We’ve already seen it! Do you still shave it?” Brian said.
“Gross!” She said.
“I’m putting the picture on the wedding slideshow, then,” Brian continued.
“NO, you’re not!” The girl said, and I had a decent idea who she was by now. I crept closer.
“Then show us the lower part!”
“How bout a longer boobs flash, then?” A second boy, who I recognized as Phillip, pitched in.
“Uggghhh!” The girl said. “FIVE seconds.”
“Fine.” The boys said excitedly.
“And then I’m done!”
I ducked behind a tree trying to see exactly what was going on. But it was nearly impossible to be quiet with all the leaves and sticks around. I stayed as immobile as I could and peaked my head out.
I heard some clothes being ruffled and then…..
“NICE!” Brian exclaimed.
“WHOAAAAH!!!” Phillip cried out.
Other voices perked up as well. “DUDE!” “HOLY SHIT!” “QUIET”
“ONE…..TWO….THREE….” The girl counted down.
I couldn’t see anything, and figured no adults were around, so I walked out into the little open area to get a better idea of what was happening. Then I spotted them.
Alex was standing in front of a group of my younger cousins, with her t shirt lifted up, her big, pale rack exposed.
“FOUR….AHHHHH!!!!” Alex spotted me and immediately pulled her shirt down. Her face turned beet red.
“What the hell, that’s only four!” Brian protested. He turned around to see what had startled Alex. “Drew!” He said. “It’s just Drew, Alex, c’mon!”
Alex shook her head no, looking at me. She didn’t say anything, and then looked at the ground.
“He was there too! Alex who cares?!” Brian said. He waved his phone around and I pieced together what was going on.
Brian had sneaked a picture of Alex during her Thanksgiving exposure. I don’t know how the little twerp managed it, but it seemed he captured her face…and everything one shot. I couldn’t tell how blurry the pic was from my distance.
“Drew, c’mon! Alex is showing us her tits!” He beamed with pride.
“Am not!” Alex snapped.
I gave it about 2 seconds thought. I’ve crossed A LOT of lines over the past year. Invading people’s privacy, voyeur….incest. But helping my younger cousins blackmail my other cousin – who was still in high school – was NOT going to be one of them.
“Nope!” I announced and turned to walk away. “Nope, nope nope!”
“Drew!” Brian cried out. I ignored him, and didn’t turn around. “You better not tell on us!” He shouted. “PUSSY!”
I just kept on walking. Over the bridge, through the woods, onto the beach, and back to the resort. Before I knew it, I looked up, and saw Aunt Nancy standing in the lobby.
“Oh!” I said, startled. “Errr…Hey Nancy,” I blurted out, nervously.
“Andrew,” was all she said.
I scurried past her before she could ask me where I was, or if I’d seen Alex.
Frank and Kevin had moved out onto the deck that sat against the opening of the woods. Uncles Jim and Greg – Nancy’s husband – had now joined them. I gathered a plate of food and went out there myself.
“Anything interesting going on out here?” I said.
“Lotta deer. Not much else,” Kevin answered. “So, who were those two other chicks you guys were playing grab ass with earlier?”
“Ara and Kenzie – Maddy’s friends,” I said. I had ordered a bourbon. Mainly because I wanted to fit in with the older men.
“Ahhh. Your date already realize she’s out of your league?” He smirked.
“Ha. She went to that yoga thing with all the other women,” I said. Kevin and Jim nodded and rolled their eyes.
“So, you’re going for younger and dumber,” Jim began. “Not a bad decision!” He and the other men started howling.
“Yeah, they had stolen her bikini and everything!” Kevin said. “Lifting up her towel – but she didn’t seem to mind!”
“Haha,” Jim chortled. “Little pissed I missed that.”
“Yeah man, you got forty-eight more hours to enjoy summin’ like that,” I said.
“What are you talking about,” Kevin said showing off his own wedding ring. “I still enjoyed it!” The others roared again. “But seriously, Drew, ya gotta be careful fooling around and playing games with girls that age,” he sipped his whiskey. “Amira could tell you stories for days about some crazy shit she and her friends did in high school. Constantly trying to strip each other. If it’s all true, I can’t believe people didn’t get arrested…” his voice trailed off and he puffed on a cigar.
“Yeah, Emily was in a Girls Gone Wild video back in the day,” Jim said. I’m positive she wouldn’t appreciate him telling us this but I kept quiet. Kevin nodded at him, but didn’t look too impressed.
“No shit?” Greg was more interested.
“Don’t get too excited boys, I haven’t been able to track it down – not for lack of trying,” Jim laughed. “But don’t listen to Kev, Drew. Have your fun! Just make sure they’re 18 and ain’t crazy!” He guffawed again.
"Well, they're all a little crazy," Frank said to collective agreement.
I finished my lunch with the men and then headed off. I walked back down to the beach, but didn’t see Katie or Kelly anywhere. I did spot Allison and some other cute, mousy girl who had brown curly hair, short legs, and a bubble butt. They were walking back up to the resort. I didn’t know Allison too well and just gave her a shy smile.
“Hey Drew,” she smiled back. Her friend gave me a smile as well.
I turned along the beach and headed into the trails through the woods. It was quiet in here. No people around, and the only noises I heard were those of small animals rustling in the leaves. The trail split into a couple different directions and I ended up climbing some elevation and then descending back down along the river. The water was fast here, with some whitewater – much in contrast to the motionless lake.
I crossed a bridge and the trail split again. Not wanting to get lost, I kept along the river, and then I finally heard some other humans.
“That’s all I’m doing,” a girl’s voice said. It sounded vaguely familiar, but I couldn't hear her that well.
I walked toward the voices with caution.
“C’mon! You gotta do the lower half!” A whiny boy pleaded. I recognized his voice immediately.
“No, Brian!” The girl said.
“We’ve already seen it! Do you still shave it?” Brian said.
“Gross!” She said.
“I’m putting the picture on the wedding slideshow, then,” Brian continued.
“NO, you’re not!” The girl said, and I had a decent idea who she was by now. I crept closer.
“Then show us the lower part!”
“How bout a longer boobs flash, then?” A second boy, who I recognized as Phillip, pitched in.
“Uggghhh!” The girl said. “FIVE seconds.”
“Fine.” The boys said excitedly.
“And then I’m done!”
I ducked behind a tree trying to see exactly what was going on. But it was nearly impossible to be quiet with all the leaves and sticks around. I stayed as immobile as I could and peaked my head out.
I heard some clothes being ruffled and then…..
“NICE!” Brian exclaimed.
“WHOAAAAH!!!” Phillip cried out.
Other voices perked up as well. “DUDE!” “HOLY SHIT!” “QUIET”
“ONE…..TWO….THREE….” The girl counted down.
I couldn’t see anything, and figured no adults were around, so I walked out into the little open area to get a better idea of what was happening. Then I spotted them.
Alex was standing in front of a group of my younger cousins, with her t shirt lifted up, her big, pale rack exposed.
“FOUR….AHHHHH!!!!” Alex spotted me and immediately pulled her shirt down. Her face turned beet red.
“What the hell, that’s only four!” Brian protested. He turned around to see what had startled Alex. “Drew!” He said. “It’s just Drew, Alex, c’mon!”
Alex shook her head no, looking at me. She didn’t say anything, and then looked at the ground.
“He was there too! Alex who cares?!” Brian said. He waved his phone around and I pieced together what was going on.
Brian had sneaked a picture of Alex during her Thanksgiving exposure. I don’t know how the little twerp managed it, but it seemed he captured her face…and everything one shot. I couldn’t tell how blurry the pic was from my distance.
“Drew, c’mon! Alex is showing us her tits!” He beamed with pride.
“Am not!” Alex snapped.
I gave it about 2 seconds thought. I’ve crossed A LOT of lines over the past year. Invading people’s privacy, voyeur….incest. But helping my younger cousins blackmail my other cousin – who was still in high school – was NOT going to be one of them.
“Nope!” I announced and turned to walk away. “Nope, nope nope!”
“Drew!” Brian cried out. I ignored him, and didn’t turn around. “You better not tell on us!” He shouted. “PUSSY!”
I just kept on walking. Over the bridge, through the woods, onto the beach, and back to the resort. Before I knew it, I looked up, and saw Aunt Nancy standing in the lobby.
“Oh!” I said, startled. “Errr…Hey Nancy,” I blurted out, nervously.
“Andrew,” was all she said.
I scurried past her before she could ask me where I was, or if I’d seen Alex.
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Re: My Sisters and Me
When I got back to my room, music was playing, and Katie and Kelly were there. They were dressed to a T and had already applied their makeup.
“Drew!” Kelly said. She gave me a hug.
“Where have you been?” Katie asked with curiosity.
“Was looking for y’all…then went for a hike.” I left out where I went hiking. “Where were you guys all day?”
“Exactly where I told you we’d be?” Katie said. “Yoga….beach….chilling.”
“Ahh well, I didn’t see you at the beach when I was there.”
“Whatevvss. You turning up tonight, or what?” Katie asked.
“For sure, you guys eat already?” I looked around the room.
“Yeah, we brought some stuff up from the buffet, it’s still warm,” Katie said.
“Better hurry up though,” Kelly said. “You’re already two shots behind!”
“Ohhh shit,” I said sarcastically. “I’m gonna grab some food, shower, and get dressed. Give me thirty minutes.”
I walked over and began scarfing down a chicken breast and vegetables. I needed something relatively healthy in me before I punished my liver. Jordan had awoken from his nap and was hanging out in a pair of shorts, without a shirt on. He was on his phone, likely texting Kenzie, and was ignoring Katie and Kelly.
I finished my dinner and hopped into the shower. As I washed myself, I heard our door open and shut and many more female voices filled the room.
“Where’s Drew?” I heard Maddy ask.
“Shower,” Katie said.
The next thing I knew I heard a bunch of giggling and tugging on out bathroom door as the girls tried to break in.
“Drewwwww!” Kelly called out. “We all wanna see your peeeeeeeen!”
Unfortunately for them, the bathroom lock was secure. Unfortunately for me, I forgot to bring clothes into the bathroom. After I dried myself off, I put my ear to the door, and most the voices seemed distant. I burst out of the bathroom in only a towel and hurried into my room.
“What’re you doing, dude, no one wants to see you,” Katie said in a dismissive manner. I shook it off – because I knew it was lies.
I got dressed and rejoined the party. I took a few shots to catch up. Maddy and her friends were dressed up and looking sexy as well. The seven of us played some drinking games and got decently drunk before we decided to explore the town.
Heads turned as we walked through the lobby. Emily was down at the bar with some of her friends, dressed more casually, sipping on a glass of wine. Amira was also with them.
“Well, look at you guys!” Amira called out.
“Ow Ow!” Michaela, Emily’s younger sister cat-called. She was drunk again.
“Don’t have too much fun,” Amira said.
“Yeah, be careful, guys!” Emily said. She turned to me. “Drew and….Drew’s friend,” she laughed.
“Jordan,” Jordan smiled.
“Jordan. Look after the girls, please!” Emily asked of us.
“Will do,” Jordan said, with a charming smile. The group of young women smile back at us. The cute mousy girl from earlier whispered something, and they all laughed.
Once we got through the lobby, we saw a bonfire had been lit again, but tonight it was located on the edge of the forest. And there was only a small group surrounding it.
“You guys come here!” Brian waved us over with excitement.
“Should we head into town, or you wanna hang by the fire a bit?” I asked.
“We’ll get all smoky,” Maddy said.
“But it is only 9PM. Prolly no one at the bars yet anyway,” Katie said. “And who are you trying to impress in this backwoods town anyway?”
“True,” Maddy agreed. We walked over to the fire.
“Grandpa Frank’s about to tell us a story about this town!” Brian could barely catch his breath.
“What kind of story,” Katie asked, as she strutted casually past Brian and found a seat.
Frank, Jim, and Kevin were around the fire with Brian and Phillip. I don’t know where the other boys were. Alex was there was well. She was staring at me, but quickly looked away when I noticed her. Her straw-blonde hair was worn down. I wasn’t used to seeing her without her ponytail.
“A true story.” Frank’s deep, husky voice made it more dramatic.
“Let me grab us some beers, first,” I said.
“Aye,” Frank said.
I strolled up to the bar with Jordan and we brought back a bucket of bottles for those of us out of high school. Frank nodded at us, snapped his beer top off using the edge of his chair, and began.
“I was a young man, around yer age, Drew, when I worked here in the mines.”
“Here? In this town?” Katie cut him off.
“Yes, young lady. How do ya think Jim found the place?” Frank and Jim raised their eyebrows at Katie.
“Kinda figured it was Emily who found it,” Katie laughed. “The venue is gorgeous,” she peered out into the lake.
“Well, it wasn’t always like this,” Frank said. “I moved here after the war. Eloise grew up nearby. When we were living here, it was a working town,” he spat. “Not this yuppy, tourist trap it’s become,” he looked at Katie. “No offense.”
“None taken,” she said. “I didn’t pick it,” she smirked at Jim.
“There were some good people here. Salt of the earth. They didn’t deserve what happened,” Frank took a long pause, and I noticed a few audience members lean forward in their chairs. “Folks were friendlier back then. More trusting. Kids would be out horsin’ around from sun-up till midnight. You’d just walk on in yer neighbor’s front door without warning and have dinner or a beer with ‘em. And if ya got into a spat with anyone, you’d settle it. Right then and there. And it’d be done. There was none of this pulling out yer phone, filming people and running to post it on the Twitter.”
Maddy and her friends laughed. Frank looked at them curiously.
“How old are ya now, Maddy?” He croaked.
“18, bout to be 19!” Maddy smiled. I caught Brian – and Jordan – staring at her.
“Right. First one was yer age,” Frank said.
“First….what?” Maddy asked.
“Girl who went missing,” Frank said.
“Dad! C’mon,” Jim protested.
“What? Ya’ll wanted a ghost story!” Frank said.
“Yeah, dad, a GHOST story. Not some true crime podcast,” Jim argued.
“Ain’t nothin scarier than real life,” Frank said.
“Yeah, that’s the point, you’re gonna give em nightmares and then I’ll be up all night before my wedding trying to convince them that Ted Bundy’s long gone.”
“No, dad! Let him tell it! We wanna hear it!” Brian whined.
“Yeah! C’mom!” Phillip said.
“I’d like to hear it to, Uncle Jim,” Katie gave him a big, pretty smile. He laughed and rolled his eyes at her.
“Alright, fine. But don’t go telling Emily I was out here when you boys can’t sleep tonight!”
“Yeah!” Phillip called out, triumphantly.
Frank looked at his son, who shook is head and nodded with reluctant approval. The rest of the group quieted down.
“Alright, anyway, back to the first one. Maji Blackrock. 18 years old, beautiful girl – much like the lot of you,” Frank looked around nonchalantly, but didn’t single out anyone in particular. “She was a native. Ancestors were part of the Mohican tribe. And at that time, racism was alive and well.”
“So much for being ‘friendly folk’,” Katie laughed. Frank ignored her.
“Parents reported it the day she went missing. She was walking home from school, just like she did every other day. She’d just started her last year of high school. By 5pm her momma knew. Mothers always know. All of Maji’s friends were home, safe and sound. None of the other girls knew of any boyfriend or anywhere else Maji might’ve ran off to. One of em had even walked the first half of the trail with Maji, before they split off. Anyway…took the police 4 days to take the Blackrocks seriously.”
“FOUR DAYS!?” Maddy exasperated.
“You betcha. And when they did, it was only ‘cause they couldn’t ignore it any longer. Another kid from school found a girl’s pair of underwear hanging from a branch on the same path Maji would’ve taken. There was a big smiley face drawn on the fabric in black permanent marker. Cops tried to keep that a secret, at the time.”
The girls looked disgusted.
“Couple a weeks later, another girl went missing. This one was white – and a local restaurant owner’s daughter. You bet your ass the cops didn’t waste anytime looking for her. She’d last been seen at a Friday night football game. Was a cheerleader. The next weekend’s game, which was the homecoming game, there was a pair of panties found hanging from the goalpost. Same creepy smiley drawn on them.”
“What the fuck,” Kenzie blurted out. She was a cheerleader herself.
“There had been rumors around the town regarding the smiley face, but now everyone knew it was true. And everyone knew this wasn’t some accident that happened to Maji. This was something sinister.”
Frank paused and took a long swig of his beer and looked around. Everyone remained captivated, their faces illuminated by the fire.
“The town began to change over the next couple of weeks. Kids were no longer outside late, and they were hanging out in larger groups. The men began to boast about catching the bastard – and what they would do to him if they did. I got caught up in that myself. I was young and full of aggression. We’d drive around in our pickups, and anyone that looked even slightly off would be harassed. No one had the slightest clue what we were looking for. There wasn’t a single witness for either girl’s disappearance. But when the third girl vanished, a target had formed.”
“Did someone see him?” Brian asked.
“Nope, but the latest victim was Maji’s younger sister, Aiyana.”
Some of the girls gasped.
“And she was taken right from her home – well, presumably. She was last seen as she went into her room at night, and was gone in the morning. Naturally, the first person everyone looked at was Mr. Blackrock. But he had rock-solid alibies. He worked at the fire station, and had been on duty for 2 of the 3 disappearances.”
“What about other family members?” Katie asked. “Uncles, cousins, whatever? This shit’s always family members.”
“You’ve always been quick, Katie!” Frank chuckled. “The Blackrocks’ son – Maji and Aiyana’s brother – Paco became public enemy number 1 overnight. He lived and worked in Evansville. 10 miles down route 7. He was a few years out of school, bit of a loner, wasn’t married or nothin’. Cops brought him in for questioning, but I guess there wasn’t enough to arrest him.”
“Did they search his car? His house?” Kelly asked.
“Oh my God!”
“And, as you can imagine, the disappearances continued. Two more girls within the next week. Both of ‘em white, but with features similar to the Blackrock girls. In fact, all five girls looked pretty similar.”
“What about the underwear?!” Phillip asked.
“The smileys continued as well, Phillip. The cops also had another clue, now. The fifth girl was taken on Halloween. She was heading home from a party when she vanished. But a neighbor had reported seeing a larger person – definitely not a kid – wearing one of those creepy plague doctor bird masks.”
“Waiiiiiit a second. Five girls?! How come I’ve never heard about this, Frank?” Katie questioned. “Feel like one or two, okay it was a crazy time and serial killers were everywhere, but FIVE?!”
“Well, that’s just the strangest thing innit? Folks started moving their families out. Businesses were folding, people had lost trust in the police, and everyone became suspicious of one another. Then the Puldridge family,”
Frank stopped and noticed his audience looking up at the resort sign.
“Yep, same name you see on all these buildings around here. They swooped in and bought up all the mines, mills, and land. They didn’t need any local patronage. Even brought in their own labor. Decades passed, and people just kind of…forgot.”
“Did they ever catch him!” Maddy asked.
“Why do you assume it was a him?” Frank asked.
“Well….c’mon, I mean,” Maddy and the other girls giggled.
Frank laughed as well. “I’m just kidding, No…technically they never caught him. He stopped after the fifth girl. Probably didn’t wanna push his luck. But he did lay out pictures of all five girls in the front lawn of the school.”
“Whaaaa?” Katie asked.
“The girls were bound and stripped nude in the pictures, but alive and healthy looking. He laid out five giant pictures in the form of a smiley face.”
“What a freak,” Maddy said.
“And that was the last of it – and the last of Paco as well.”
“Let me guess, he killed himself? They always take the easy way out.” Katie said, with disgust.
“He didn’t, as a matter of fact,” Frank said. “But he disappeared. Cops finally got a warrant for his apartment but when they arrived to search, he was gone.”
“Probably went out in the woods and offed himself there.” Katie said.
“Maybe. But the cops did find enough evidence to pin it on ol’ Paco.”
“The girls’ underwear?” Maddy asked.
“More pictures of the girls?” Kelly added.
“Close,” Frank said. “They found a couple old tape recordings hidden in his closet. Since Paco and the girls were long gone, they wanted to close the case so they released what was on the tapes.”
“What was on them?!” Brian asked.
“They were hidden videos of his sisters naked. Peeping Tom stuff. Paco had filmed them coming out of the shower, changing clothes, and what not.”
“Ew!” Ara let out. “His sisters?!”
I went pale and looked at Ara, before quickly looking away. Suddenly, I felt a bit nauseous and light headed. This Paco creep sounded an awful lot like….myself.
“Drew!” Kelly said. She gave me a hug.
“Where have you been?” Katie asked with curiosity.
“Was looking for y’all…then went for a hike.” I left out where I went hiking. “Where were you guys all day?”
“Exactly where I told you we’d be?” Katie said. “Yoga….beach….chilling.”
“Ahh well, I didn’t see you at the beach when I was there.”
“Whatevvss. You turning up tonight, or what?” Katie asked.
“For sure, you guys eat already?” I looked around the room.
“Yeah, we brought some stuff up from the buffet, it’s still warm,” Katie said.
“Better hurry up though,” Kelly said. “You’re already two shots behind!”
“Ohhh shit,” I said sarcastically. “I’m gonna grab some food, shower, and get dressed. Give me thirty minutes.”
I walked over and began scarfing down a chicken breast and vegetables. I needed something relatively healthy in me before I punished my liver. Jordan had awoken from his nap and was hanging out in a pair of shorts, without a shirt on. He was on his phone, likely texting Kenzie, and was ignoring Katie and Kelly.
I finished my dinner and hopped into the shower. As I washed myself, I heard our door open and shut and many more female voices filled the room.
“Where’s Drew?” I heard Maddy ask.
“Shower,” Katie said.
The next thing I knew I heard a bunch of giggling and tugging on out bathroom door as the girls tried to break in.
“Drewwwww!” Kelly called out. “We all wanna see your peeeeeeeen!”
Unfortunately for them, the bathroom lock was secure. Unfortunately for me, I forgot to bring clothes into the bathroom. After I dried myself off, I put my ear to the door, and most the voices seemed distant. I burst out of the bathroom in only a towel and hurried into my room.
“What’re you doing, dude, no one wants to see you,” Katie said in a dismissive manner. I shook it off – because I knew it was lies.
I got dressed and rejoined the party. I took a few shots to catch up. Maddy and her friends were dressed up and looking sexy as well. The seven of us played some drinking games and got decently drunk before we decided to explore the town.
Heads turned as we walked through the lobby. Emily was down at the bar with some of her friends, dressed more casually, sipping on a glass of wine. Amira was also with them.
“Well, look at you guys!” Amira called out.
“Ow Ow!” Michaela, Emily’s younger sister cat-called. She was drunk again.
“Don’t have too much fun,” Amira said.
“Yeah, be careful, guys!” Emily said. She turned to me. “Drew and….Drew’s friend,” she laughed.
“Jordan,” Jordan smiled.
“Jordan. Look after the girls, please!” Emily asked of us.
“Will do,” Jordan said, with a charming smile. The group of young women smile back at us. The cute mousy girl from earlier whispered something, and they all laughed.
Once we got through the lobby, we saw a bonfire had been lit again, but tonight it was located on the edge of the forest. And there was only a small group surrounding it.
“You guys come here!” Brian waved us over with excitement.
“Should we head into town, or you wanna hang by the fire a bit?” I asked.
“We’ll get all smoky,” Maddy said.
“But it is only 9PM. Prolly no one at the bars yet anyway,” Katie said. “And who are you trying to impress in this backwoods town anyway?”
“True,” Maddy agreed. We walked over to the fire.
“Grandpa Frank’s about to tell us a story about this town!” Brian could barely catch his breath.
“What kind of story,” Katie asked, as she strutted casually past Brian and found a seat.
Frank, Jim, and Kevin were around the fire with Brian and Phillip. I don’t know where the other boys were. Alex was there was well. She was staring at me, but quickly looked away when I noticed her. Her straw-blonde hair was worn down. I wasn’t used to seeing her without her ponytail.
“A true story.” Frank’s deep, husky voice made it more dramatic.
“Let me grab us some beers, first,” I said.
“Aye,” Frank said.
I strolled up to the bar with Jordan and we brought back a bucket of bottles for those of us out of high school. Frank nodded at us, snapped his beer top off using the edge of his chair, and began.
“I was a young man, around yer age, Drew, when I worked here in the mines.”
“Here? In this town?” Katie cut him off.
“Yes, young lady. How do ya think Jim found the place?” Frank and Jim raised their eyebrows at Katie.
“Kinda figured it was Emily who found it,” Katie laughed. “The venue is gorgeous,” she peered out into the lake.
“Well, it wasn’t always like this,” Frank said. “I moved here after the war. Eloise grew up nearby. When we were living here, it was a working town,” he spat. “Not this yuppy, tourist trap it’s become,” he looked at Katie. “No offense.”
“None taken,” she said. “I didn’t pick it,” she smirked at Jim.
“There were some good people here. Salt of the earth. They didn’t deserve what happened,” Frank took a long pause, and I noticed a few audience members lean forward in their chairs. “Folks were friendlier back then. More trusting. Kids would be out horsin’ around from sun-up till midnight. You’d just walk on in yer neighbor’s front door without warning and have dinner or a beer with ‘em. And if ya got into a spat with anyone, you’d settle it. Right then and there. And it’d be done. There was none of this pulling out yer phone, filming people and running to post it on the Twitter.”
Maddy and her friends laughed. Frank looked at them curiously.
“How old are ya now, Maddy?” He croaked.
“18, bout to be 19!” Maddy smiled. I caught Brian – and Jordan – staring at her.
“Right. First one was yer age,” Frank said.
“First….what?” Maddy asked.
“Girl who went missing,” Frank said.
“Dad! C’mon,” Jim protested.
“What? Ya’ll wanted a ghost story!” Frank said.
“Yeah, dad, a GHOST story. Not some true crime podcast,” Jim argued.
“Ain’t nothin scarier than real life,” Frank said.
“Yeah, that’s the point, you’re gonna give em nightmares and then I’ll be up all night before my wedding trying to convince them that Ted Bundy’s long gone.”
“No, dad! Let him tell it! We wanna hear it!” Brian whined.
“Yeah! C’mom!” Phillip said.
“I’d like to hear it to, Uncle Jim,” Katie gave him a big, pretty smile. He laughed and rolled his eyes at her.
“Alright, fine. But don’t go telling Emily I was out here when you boys can’t sleep tonight!”
“Yeah!” Phillip called out, triumphantly.
Frank looked at his son, who shook is head and nodded with reluctant approval. The rest of the group quieted down.
“Alright, anyway, back to the first one. Maji Blackrock. 18 years old, beautiful girl – much like the lot of you,” Frank looked around nonchalantly, but didn’t single out anyone in particular. “She was a native. Ancestors were part of the Mohican tribe. And at that time, racism was alive and well.”
“So much for being ‘friendly folk’,” Katie laughed. Frank ignored her.
“Parents reported it the day she went missing. She was walking home from school, just like she did every other day. She’d just started her last year of high school. By 5pm her momma knew. Mothers always know. All of Maji’s friends were home, safe and sound. None of the other girls knew of any boyfriend or anywhere else Maji might’ve ran off to. One of em had even walked the first half of the trail with Maji, before they split off. Anyway…took the police 4 days to take the Blackrocks seriously.”
“FOUR DAYS!?” Maddy exasperated.
“You betcha. And when they did, it was only ‘cause they couldn’t ignore it any longer. Another kid from school found a girl’s pair of underwear hanging from a branch on the same path Maji would’ve taken. There was a big smiley face drawn on the fabric in black permanent marker. Cops tried to keep that a secret, at the time.”
The girls looked disgusted.
“Couple a weeks later, another girl went missing. This one was white – and a local restaurant owner’s daughter. You bet your ass the cops didn’t waste anytime looking for her. She’d last been seen at a Friday night football game. Was a cheerleader. The next weekend’s game, which was the homecoming game, there was a pair of panties found hanging from the goalpost. Same creepy smiley drawn on them.”
“What the fuck,” Kenzie blurted out. She was a cheerleader herself.
“There had been rumors around the town regarding the smiley face, but now everyone knew it was true. And everyone knew this wasn’t some accident that happened to Maji. This was something sinister.”
Frank paused and took a long swig of his beer and looked around. Everyone remained captivated, their faces illuminated by the fire.
“The town began to change over the next couple of weeks. Kids were no longer outside late, and they were hanging out in larger groups. The men began to boast about catching the bastard – and what they would do to him if they did. I got caught up in that myself. I was young and full of aggression. We’d drive around in our pickups, and anyone that looked even slightly off would be harassed. No one had the slightest clue what we were looking for. There wasn’t a single witness for either girl’s disappearance. But when the third girl vanished, a target had formed.”
“Did someone see him?” Brian asked.
“Nope, but the latest victim was Maji’s younger sister, Aiyana.”
Some of the girls gasped.
“And she was taken right from her home – well, presumably. She was last seen as she went into her room at night, and was gone in the morning. Naturally, the first person everyone looked at was Mr. Blackrock. But he had rock-solid alibies. He worked at the fire station, and had been on duty for 2 of the 3 disappearances.”
“What about other family members?” Katie asked. “Uncles, cousins, whatever? This shit’s always family members.”
“You’ve always been quick, Katie!” Frank chuckled. “The Blackrocks’ son – Maji and Aiyana’s brother – Paco became public enemy number 1 overnight. He lived and worked in Evansville. 10 miles down route 7. He was a few years out of school, bit of a loner, wasn’t married or nothin’. Cops brought him in for questioning, but I guess there wasn’t enough to arrest him.”
“Did they search his car? His house?” Kelly asked.
“Oh my God!”
“And, as you can imagine, the disappearances continued. Two more girls within the next week. Both of ‘em white, but with features similar to the Blackrock girls. In fact, all five girls looked pretty similar.”
“What about the underwear?!” Phillip asked.
“The smileys continued as well, Phillip. The cops also had another clue, now. The fifth girl was taken on Halloween. She was heading home from a party when she vanished. But a neighbor had reported seeing a larger person – definitely not a kid – wearing one of those creepy plague doctor bird masks.”
“Waiiiiiit a second. Five girls?! How come I’ve never heard about this, Frank?” Katie questioned. “Feel like one or two, okay it was a crazy time and serial killers were everywhere, but FIVE?!”
“Well, that’s just the strangest thing innit? Folks started moving their families out. Businesses were folding, people had lost trust in the police, and everyone became suspicious of one another. Then the Puldridge family,”
Frank stopped and noticed his audience looking up at the resort sign.
“Yep, same name you see on all these buildings around here. They swooped in and bought up all the mines, mills, and land. They didn’t need any local patronage. Even brought in their own labor. Decades passed, and people just kind of…forgot.”
“Did they ever catch him!” Maddy asked.
“Why do you assume it was a him?” Frank asked.
“Well….c’mon, I mean,” Maddy and the other girls giggled.
Frank laughed as well. “I’m just kidding, No…technically they never caught him. He stopped after the fifth girl. Probably didn’t wanna push his luck. But he did lay out pictures of all five girls in the front lawn of the school.”
“Whaaaa?” Katie asked.
“The girls were bound and stripped nude in the pictures, but alive and healthy looking. He laid out five giant pictures in the form of a smiley face.”
“What a freak,” Maddy said.
“And that was the last of it – and the last of Paco as well.”
“Let me guess, he killed himself? They always take the easy way out.” Katie said, with disgust.
“He didn’t, as a matter of fact,” Frank said. “But he disappeared. Cops finally got a warrant for his apartment but when they arrived to search, he was gone.”
“Probably went out in the woods and offed himself there.” Katie said.
“Maybe. But the cops did find enough evidence to pin it on ol’ Paco.”
“The girls’ underwear?” Maddy asked.
“More pictures of the girls?” Kelly added.
“Close,” Frank said. “They found a couple old tape recordings hidden in his closet. Since Paco and the girls were long gone, they wanted to close the case so they released what was on the tapes.”
“What was on them?!” Brian asked.
“They were hidden videos of his sisters naked. Peeping Tom stuff. Paco had filmed them coming out of the shower, changing clothes, and what not.”
“Ew!” Ara let out. “His sisters?!”
I went pale and looked at Ara, before quickly looking away. Suddenly, I felt a bit nauseous and light headed. This Paco creep sounded an awful lot like….myself.
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Re: My Sisters and Me
There wasn’t much more to Frank’s tale. The police never found any other hard evidence that Paco had abducted those girls, and the story later became an urban legend around the town. Frank moved away shortly after the disappearances and never looked back. As far as he knew, Paco, nor any of the girls, were ever found. Nonetheless, the story was going to stick with me, for obvious reasons.
The group of us piled into a taxi van and headed into town. There were a couple of bars that seemed to be bumping, with long lines outside. We got out at one of them and got in the back of the line.
“This bloooows,” Kenzie groaned, after about 20 minutes of not moving. “They’re not letting anyone in!”
“I know. Maybe we SHOULD have left at 9PM!” Maddy said, giving her big sister an accusatory look.
“Oh, shut it. Frank’s story was prolly the most fun we’ll have tonight.” Katie said.
“It was creepy!” Ara said.
“Yeah, seems like it actually DID happen too! There’s some old articles when you Google search it,” Kelly said.
“What do you guys say we lean into the creepiness?” Katie asked.
“Let’s ditch this tourist club, we’re not getting in, anyway! I’m sure we can find a dive bar down the road.”
“But we got all dressed up,” Kenzie protested.
“Who cares? We either show off our outfits to some old local drunks or we stand out here all night getting more and more sober,” Katie said.
“I’m down for a dive bar,” Jordan said. And the others agreed. The swaying factor was Katie’s line about becoming more sober.
We began walking down the main drag of town, which was just one street, about 2 miles long. We branched off one the side-roads and found our way into a poorly lit neighborhood. Wasn’t long before we found what Katie was looking for.
The building was an old piece of shit. It was built of weathered bricks and had a sign out front that read “Mike’s.” The sign wasn’t even lit. We bashed through the front door and it felt like we were a group of summer interns, their first day on the job. All eyes were instantly on us, judging us, checking out the girls, and ultimately deciding that we weren’t worth the hassle.
There were more people in the bar than I would’ve initially thought. Maybe 15 to 20. Mostly older men, but there were a few women that looked rough around the edges and never grew out of their high school looks. We were clearly out of place, even without being overly dressed. Luckily, I still had a decent buzz going.
“Clubs are over on Main,” The bartender grumbled. He was a tall, fat man, with a scraggly, grey beard.
“Couldn’t get in, I’ll take a Miller draft please,” Katie said with her alluring confidence.
“Ditto.” Kelly said.
The bartender looked curiously at the girls before pouring their beers. The rest of us ordered, and he didn’t bother to check any of our IDs (shocking, I know.) We found a table and began drinking up, not saying much, but observing the crowd. They weren’t very interesting. They played some pool, played some darts, argued amongst each other, and told some stories of their youth that they had probably told fifty times before.
“OH MY GOD, wait till you guys see what’s over there!” Maddy said excitedly when she came back from using the restroom.
“You gotta go see it, I’m not spoiling it!”
“Alright, I gotta see this,” Katie said. She strolled over to the back hallway where the bathrooms were located. She took her time and wasn’t overly obvious before she came back to her seat with her eyes wide. She, too, didn’t ruin the surprise.
One by one we walked over there, and by now, some of the patrons had noticed what we were doing. But I had had a couple more beers in me and really didn’t give a shit. I walked over and saw it. A black leather plague doctor mask hanging on the wall.
“That thing’s scary A-F!” Ara said once all of us had seen it.
“Why would they have that on the wall?!” Kelly asked. “You think that’s….the actual one Paco wore?”
“Okay, one, there’s no actual evidence it was Paco,” Jordan began. The girls looked at him as if he were a dumbass. “What?! There’s not! Yeah, he was perving on his sisters and prolly knew how bad that looked, so he skipped town. I’m sure they searched the fuck out of his stuff, they would’ve found something on the missing girls.”
“Not if he hid all that evidence somewhere else…or you know…buried it with the girls.” Kelly said.
“Then why did he leave the tape recordings of his sisters?” Jordan asked. I really wanted this topic to be dropped.
“I don’t know, why DID he? Whether he kidnapped those girls or not, it was a stupid thing to leave behind. Not sure why leaving them makes him more innocent?” Katie asked.
“That’s my point, it WAS stupid. Why was he so careful with everything else, but so careless with the videos? I think when he found out the real plague doctor planted those pictures at the school, he panicked and ran away cause he knew the cops would come back after him. And he knew what they would find. It wasn’t worth going back to his place to grab the tapes and risk getting caught.”
“You’ve thought a lot about this, huh, Jordan?” Kenzie laughed.
“Yeah, weirdo,” Kelly laughed as well. “What do you think, Drew?” I almost spilled my beer.
“I errr…I don’t know. He prolly did it. I guess? Like Katie said it’s usually fam –"
I was interrupted by the bar door opening, and an older man with long black hair, tan skin, and chiseled features came slowly walking in.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Maddy whispered excitedly. “That’s him!”
“Shut up, Mads, no it’s not,” Katie laughed.
“Yeah it is, that’s him!”
“You’re being racist, Maddy,” Katie continued to giggle.
The man looked around the bar before his dark eyes lingered on the girls at our table – particularly the ones with black hair. He then moved past them, and took a seat at the bar. The others didn’t pay him much attention.
“We gotta get the fuck out of here!” Maddy said, hysterically. It actually was pretty funny now.
“Mads, relax!” Katie said. “You really think all these other people would just be chilling here if that was him?”
“They all forgot about it! You heard Frank!”
“They clearly didn’t, with that plague mask over there,” Kelly said.
“Yeah Mads, look around,” Katie said. “these people have all been coming to this bar since ‘Nam. These are the leftovers from that era.”
“Whattever, this place gives me the heeby jeebies. Can we go back to the resort?” Maddy pleaded.
“Agreed, yeah…I don’t know if this is all some elaborate prank your grandpa’s pulling or what, but as a girl who prolly fits pretty damn close to how those kidnapped girls looked, I’d feel safer at the resort,” Ara said. She seemed genuinely nervous, for the first time since I’d met her. And I felt extra guilty, given the fact that I had already creeped on her changing. Thank GOD I deleted that video.
“Alright, we should all start heading back. Definitely don’t think you guys should be going alone,” I said, standing up from my chair.
“Boooo, you guys are lame,” Katie said. But she stood up as well.
We all gathered our things and made our way to the door. I held it open for the girls and Jordan. I don’t know why I did it, but I looked back into the bar at the tanned, black-haired man. His coal eyes stared back at me.
Once we got back to the hotel, and in the comfort of familiar faces, it was time to let loose. The hotel bar remained open, though most of the wedding crowd had dispersed. Jim and Kevin were still out, enjoying a nightcap. Emily’s bridesmaids were still out and about as well, though Emily herself, along with Amira, seemed to have called it a night.
Nonetheless, our group was the rowdiest. The spookiness of the night had gotten all of us in an excited, playful mood. Jordan and Kenzie had turned their flirting dial up full notch, and I had zero doubt they were going to hook up tonight. They were handsy, making out in public, and even tugging on one another’s clothes. Two cats in heat.
“Will you two just go and get it over with already?!” Katie asked, loudly.
The couple ignored her.
“Uggghhhh they’re insufferable,” Kelly groaned.
“Tell me about it,” I said.
“Let’s just let them be,” Katie started. “They’ll eventually find themselves up in one of our rooms and bang it out. Then it’ll be over with.”
“Yeah, good plan.” Kelly said. A few months ago, she absolutely did not want her brother hooking up with Kenzie. But now, she had given up trying to fight off the inevitable. Katie, Kelly, and I got up and walked out to the pool area with our drinks.
Maddy and Ara were all over the place. They were toasted. Dancing, singing karaoke (poorly), and causing a scene. Jim and Kevin were laughing at them. Emily’s bridesmaids looked more annoyed. Even Michaela, who had been drunk this entire trip.
I turned on the gas fireplace out by the pool and hooked my phone up to the Bluetooth speakers. Kelly snuggled up right next to me, and began subtly caressing my arm. I caught Katie’s grin and raised eyebrows out of the corner of my eye. My arm hooked around Kelly’s waist, and my hand rested on her thigh.
Katie sat down opposite us. I’m not sure if she was trying to get attention, or maybe just teasing me and entertaining herself while Kelly was turned away, but she sat with her legs spread open showing off a TON of thigh. To the point I saw her light panties pop into a view a few times. She also “dropped” her phone and bent over slowly, exposing her cleavage. I was starting to get horny. But Kelly didn’t want to start making out in front of her friend. I actually think she was beginning to get annoyed by the fact that Katie was still here. She let out a tiny sigh, and got up to use the restroom.
“You just gonna third-wheel us all night?” I said to my sister once Kelly was gone.
“Is that what I’m doing?” She said, unbothered. I just rolled my eyes at her. “That why you can’t take your eyes off me?”
I didn’t respond, and the silence was broken by the younger girls.
“You guys!” Maddy said excitedly. “Let’s go spy on Kenzie and Jordan!”
“Oh, leave them alone. Like I said, once they hook up they’ll stop acting like this. But if you interrupt it…” Katie said.
“Drew?!” Ara asked, ignoring Katie.
I didn’t have any interest in seeing what Jordan and Kenzie were up to. I wanted to get laid tonight. Kelly came back out.
“Kelly! We’re gonna go creep on your brother!” Maddy said.
“Eww!” Kelly said. “I don’t wanna see that,” she giggled.
“C’mon! It’ll be funny!” Maddy said.
Kelly looked at me and smiled. “Drew? You gonna go up there?” Her facial expression filled in the unsaid words. Perhaps we can sneak off on our own after?
“Sure,” I said. “Let’s go.
“Nice!” Ara and Maddy said. Katie gave me a curious smirk, but got up herself to follow us over to the elevator. We rode up to Jordan and I's room. But as it turned out, we didn’t have to do any creeping.
“HAHAHAHAHA!” There was cackling as soon as the elevator door opened.
“Jordan!!!” Kenzie’s screams could be heard. “Come back!”
Jordan came sprinting down the hallway wearing only boxer briefs and swinging around material in his hand.
“What the - !” Katie blurted out.
“Jordan! Gross!!” Kelly said as she covered her eyes. “Put some clothes on!”
“THE PLAGUE DOCTOR IS BAAAACK!!!!!” Jordan cried out. And I realized what was in his hand. He held Kenzie’s underwear up with pride and burst out laughing. He had drawn a large smiley face on them.
“OHHHH MY GOD!!!” Maddy was laughing, but put her hand over her mouth in shock.
“Jordan! Those are expensive!” Kelly scolded him.
“She don’t care!” he replied.
“KENZ!!!!” Ara shrieked.
Kenzie had sprinted out of the hotel room into the hallway after Jordan. And she was buck ass naked!
“AHHH!” She yelped when she saw the crowd, but she didn’t bother to cover anything. She ran right toward us, her tiny tits barely moved at all. She ran up to Jordan as he held her panties above his head. Kenzie had zero shame, as she jumped up and down, tits and cooch on show, trying to steal them back. Eventually, she gave up, and bent over laughing, and to catch her breath. She finally draped her arms over her privates.
All the commotion had caused some neighboring doors to open. Emily was the first one. She peaked her head out and saw the ridiculous scene. “Oh my God!” She said. She was somewhat annoyed, somewhat amused. “Can you guys take this elsewhere?”
“Emily, what is it!?” I heard Brian’s excited voice from behind her.
“Nothing Brian!” Emily screamed out. “Go back to bed!”
“I wanna see what’s – whoah!!!” Brian snuck his head out and got a full view of Jordan holding the smiley faced underwear and Kenzie cowering beside him. Brian looked her up and down before Emily forced him back into the room.
“Goodnight, guys!” She said, slamming the door.
On the other side, Alex had opened her door and was staring at us. Once we noticed her, she said “Oh! Errr sorry!” and shut the door quickly. THANK GOD Nancy hadn’t come out. Jordan gave Kenzie her underwear back and she quickly slipped them back on in front of us – showing us her cute little ass in the process.
“Guys, we gotta get out of this hallway,” I said.
“Night swim!?” Jordan proposed.
“Yeah!” Ara and Maddy said. The rest of us agreed to partake. In celebration, Ara whisked Kenzie’s panties back down to her ankles. For the third time in 24 hours, I got a good look her Kenzie’s freckled box. She groaned and rolled her eyes at her friend, before nonchalantly pulling her underwear back up.
The girls went their separate ways to get their swimsuits. I guess Kenzie must have stopped at the store at some point to buy another pair of bikini bottoms. Jordan and I went back to our room. The place was a mess. There were drinks and food all over the place from earlier. Sheets on the floor.
“Well?” I asked him as I tied up my swim trunks.
“Oh yeah,” a proud grin emerged on his face. “She’s a wild one.”
“I bet,” I chuckled.
We finished getting ready and made our way down to the pool. Katie and Kelly followed, showing off their curves in their bikinis. The four of us swam and continued to drink before the rest of the girls showed up. They had towels wrapped around themselves.
“Thought we’d liven this party up!” Maddy exclaimed.
“With a little bit of....SKINNY dipping!!” Kenzie announced, and the trio of girls laughed.
Jordan and I got excited. “Seriously?!” I asked.
“They're definitely wearing their bikinis under that,” Kelly said.
“Yeah calm down, doofus. They’re not actually gonna do it,” Katie scoffed.
“Oh yeah?!” Maddy asked her older sister. She reached her hands under her robe and finagled her bikini bottoms down to her ankles. Her eyes went wide and her mouth agape wearing a “I can’t believe we’re doing this!” expression as she looked at her friends – who followed suit.
Maddy, Kenzie, and Ara then all reached up under the upper portion of the robes and untied their tops. They tossed them to the ground.
“We seriously doing this!?” Ara asked with excitement.
“Yup!” Kenzie said.
God I could kiss Frank for telling us his tale earlier and getting these three hotties in such unusual (well, not unusual for Kenzie) frisky moods.
With their bikinis on the cement, the girls began counting down.
“THREEEE……..TWO……” They began untying their robes. “…..ONE!!!!!!!!!!!”
All three of them opened the robes and tossed them aside, but….ARA was the only one naked! She screamed in shock as she saw her friends had tricked her. Her dark nips and smooth pubic region were briefly exposed, before she shot her hands to cover up.
“NICE!!!” Jordan and I shouted triumphantly.
“AHAHAHA!!” Maddy and Kenzie cackled and jumped into the pool in their "backup" bikinis.
Ara followed suit, jumping nude into the water. She probably should have grabbed her bikini first, but I guess she figured this was the quickest way to cover up.
“You guys! Oh my God!!” Ara yelled at her friends when she resurfaced.
“Shouldn’t have pulled my underwear down!” Kenzie laughed.
“That didn’t even bother you!” Ara argued.
“ARA’S NAKEY, ARA’S NAKEY!!!!!” Maddy started to drunkenly chant.
“Stop!” Ara treaded water with fear on her face as she shot some looks over at Jordan and I. We couldn’t really see anything while she was in the pool. A lot of dark, murky, flesh. But that didn’t stop us from wearing big, shit-eating grins on our faces.
“God, y’all are loud!” Jim and Kevin strolled out on the pool deck. I had no idea they were still awake. Michaela, Allison, and the other bridesmaids were behind them.
“Seriously!” Ara muttered under her breath. She began splashing her friends.
Jim spotted the three bikinis on the ground. “Damn, ain’t it a bit cold out for swimming buck nekkid?” He and Kevin sat down on some of the pool chairs and lit up cigars. The other women sat down near them.
“Ask Ara,” Maddy said, and burst out giggling. Ara splashed her again.
“It IS getting cold out here, now that I think of it,” I said, mischievously. Jordan grinned at me, with understanding. I swam over to the ladder and climbed out. He, and then Katie and Kelly, climbed out after me.
“Awww c’mon girls, didn’t have the cajones to take your suits off?!” Kevin asked with disappointment as he checked out Kelly.
“No cajones here, Kev,” Katie said, pointing to her groin. She and her friend wrapped themselves up in towels and relaxed by the pool fire.
“Ya know, that DOES look tempting!” Kenzie said.
“Ohmygod, you guys don’t! Thought it was just Drew and Jordan!” Ara pleaded.
But Kenzie didn’t listen. She climbed out of the pool to the boos of the men and waltzed over to the fire.
“Well, there’s three bikinis out here and only two of ya left in there. Not sure how that works out,” Jim said.
“They’re just a bunch of teases!” Michaela said.
Maddy hung out in the water with Ara for a bit, but you could tell both of them were getting cold. They started to shiver.
“Sorry, Ara!” Maddy said.
“Maddy don’t! Please?!” Ara continued to beg.
“Just do it quick, it’s dark out, they won’t see much,” Maddy said, and she pulled herself up out of the water, put her robe back on, and joined Kenzie by the fire.
Jim and Kevin didn’t say much when Maddy got out. Not really kosher to voice your displeasure that your niece (or cousin) isn’t nude in front of you. But I could tell by their faces they were let down.
“C’mon out and join us, Ara!” Kenzie shouted.
“Shut up!” Ara said. She was treading water more ferociously now, trying to stir up some heat. But it wasn’t helping. I could hear her teeth chattering.
Jim, Kevin, and the bridesmaids gave no signs of leaving. Once, when Jim got up to pour himself another drink, Ara neared the edge of the pool. I thought she was going to go for it, but right as she grabbed onto the ladder Jim turned back around to face her.
“Noooo!” she murmured.
“Just get it over with sweetie!” Michaela cried out. “We won’t bite!”
Another 5 minutes or so passed and it was clear that no one was coming to Ara’s rescue. She continued to shiver, and we all knew she wasn’t going to last much longer in the water. She swam back over to the ladder and took a deep breath. She pulled herself partially out of the pool.
“Whoah!” Jordan said, as we saw the top portion of Ara’s chest – but nothing else.
“Ugggghhhh!” She groaned and dipped back underneath the surface.
“BOOOOOOO!!!!!” The crowd yelled.
Ara collected herself and again, made her way to exit. She paused at the ladder before taking a big exhale. She closed her eyes and turned her head, with a dimpled, nervous smile on her face. She pulled herself entirely out of the water and stepped onto the concrete to an eruption of cheers. She was dripping wet, hands on the ladder, and her cute rack and bald little kitty were bared for our viewing pleasure!
“YEAHHHHH!!!” Jordan and I exclaimed.
“YIPPI KI-YAY!!” Jim joined in our cheers. Ara had gotten out of the water and cupped her pussy, but left her fun, mango shaped tits on show. “Ya got me that bachelor party after all, Kev!” Jim continued.
Ara rolled her eyes and grabbed her robe. She threw it on quickly, but not before giving us all one last look at her front side. “Hate you guys!” She shouted at Maddy and Kenzie. They were in a fit of laughter. She sat down with them around the fire, finally getting warmed up.
“That it?!” Michaela let out a loud, obnoxious yawn. Ara side eyed her. Michaela and the rest of the bridesmaids got up and walked back inside.
“Yeah, think it’s time I hit the hay too. Em’s prolly wondering where I am,” Jim said.
“Thanks for the show girls!” Kevin said and he walked away with Jim.
“Man, you guys are a good time!” Jordan said once the crowd had dispersed. He looked extremely satisfied as he reclined his chair and gazed up at the stars. I voiced my agreement with him. Briefly, just briefly, that old jealous flicker emerged in Katie’s eyes as she glanced over at me.
The group of us piled into a taxi van and headed into town. There were a couple of bars that seemed to be bumping, with long lines outside. We got out at one of them and got in the back of the line.
“This bloooows,” Kenzie groaned, after about 20 minutes of not moving. “They’re not letting anyone in!”
“I know. Maybe we SHOULD have left at 9PM!” Maddy said, giving her big sister an accusatory look.
“Oh, shut it. Frank’s story was prolly the most fun we’ll have tonight.” Katie said.
“It was creepy!” Ara said.
“Yeah, seems like it actually DID happen too! There’s some old articles when you Google search it,” Kelly said.
“What do you guys say we lean into the creepiness?” Katie asked.
“Let’s ditch this tourist club, we’re not getting in, anyway! I’m sure we can find a dive bar down the road.”
“But we got all dressed up,” Kenzie protested.
“Who cares? We either show off our outfits to some old local drunks or we stand out here all night getting more and more sober,” Katie said.
“I’m down for a dive bar,” Jordan said. And the others agreed. The swaying factor was Katie’s line about becoming more sober.
We began walking down the main drag of town, which was just one street, about 2 miles long. We branched off one the side-roads and found our way into a poorly lit neighborhood. Wasn’t long before we found what Katie was looking for.
The building was an old piece of shit. It was built of weathered bricks and had a sign out front that read “Mike’s.” The sign wasn’t even lit. We bashed through the front door and it felt like we were a group of summer interns, their first day on the job. All eyes were instantly on us, judging us, checking out the girls, and ultimately deciding that we weren’t worth the hassle.
There were more people in the bar than I would’ve initially thought. Maybe 15 to 20. Mostly older men, but there were a few women that looked rough around the edges and never grew out of their high school looks. We were clearly out of place, even without being overly dressed. Luckily, I still had a decent buzz going.
“Clubs are over on Main,” The bartender grumbled. He was a tall, fat man, with a scraggly, grey beard.
“Couldn’t get in, I’ll take a Miller draft please,” Katie said with her alluring confidence.
“Ditto.” Kelly said.
The bartender looked curiously at the girls before pouring their beers. The rest of us ordered, and he didn’t bother to check any of our IDs (shocking, I know.) We found a table and began drinking up, not saying much, but observing the crowd. They weren’t very interesting. They played some pool, played some darts, argued amongst each other, and told some stories of their youth that they had probably told fifty times before.
“OH MY GOD, wait till you guys see what’s over there!” Maddy said excitedly when she came back from using the restroom.
“You gotta go see it, I’m not spoiling it!”
“Alright, I gotta see this,” Katie said. She strolled over to the back hallway where the bathrooms were located. She took her time and wasn’t overly obvious before she came back to her seat with her eyes wide. She, too, didn’t ruin the surprise.
One by one we walked over there, and by now, some of the patrons had noticed what we were doing. But I had had a couple more beers in me and really didn’t give a shit. I walked over and saw it. A black leather plague doctor mask hanging on the wall.
“That thing’s scary A-F!” Ara said once all of us had seen it.
“Why would they have that on the wall?!” Kelly asked. “You think that’s….the actual one Paco wore?”
“Okay, one, there’s no actual evidence it was Paco,” Jordan began. The girls looked at him as if he were a dumbass. “What?! There’s not! Yeah, he was perving on his sisters and prolly knew how bad that looked, so he skipped town. I’m sure they searched the fuck out of his stuff, they would’ve found something on the missing girls.”
“Not if he hid all that evidence somewhere else…or you know…buried it with the girls.” Kelly said.
“Then why did he leave the tape recordings of his sisters?” Jordan asked. I really wanted this topic to be dropped.
“I don’t know, why DID he? Whether he kidnapped those girls or not, it was a stupid thing to leave behind. Not sure why leaving them makes him more innocent?” Katie asked.
“That’s my point, it WAS stupid. Why was he so careful with everything else, but so careless with the videos? I think when he found out the real plague doctor planted those pictures at the school, he panicked and ran away cause he knew the cops would come back after him. And he knew what they would find. It wasn’t worth going back to his place to grab the tapes and risk getting caught.”
“You’ve thought a lot about this, huh, Jordan?” Kenzie laughed.
“Yeah, weirdo,” Kelly laughed as well. “What do you think, Drew?” I almost spilled my beer.
“I errr…I don’t know. He prolly did it. I guess? Like Katie said it’s usually fam –"
I was interrupted by the bar door opening, and an older man with long black hair, tan skin, and chiseled features came slowly walking in.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Maddy whispered excitedly. “That’s him!”
“Shut up, Mads, no it’s not,” Katie laughed.
“Yeah it is, that’s him!”
“You’re being racist, Maddy,” Katie continued to giggle.
The man looked around the bar before his dark eyes lingered on the girls at our table – particularly the ones with black hair. He then moved past them, and took a seat at the bar. The others didn’t pay him much attention.
“We gotta get the fuck out of here!” Maddy said, hysterically. It actually was pretty funny now.
“Mads, relax!” Katie said. “You really think all these other people would just be chilling here if that was him?”
“They all forgot about it! You heard Frank!”
“They clearly didn’t, with that plague mask over there,” Kelly said.
“Yeah Mads, look around,” Katie said. “these people have all been coming to this bar since ‘Nam. These are the leftovers from that era.”
“Whattever, this place gives me the heeby jeebies. Can we go back to the resort?” Maddy pleaded.
“Agreed, yeah…I don’t know if this is all some elaborate prank your grandpa’s pulling or what, but as a girl who prolly fits pretty damn close to how those kidnapped girls looked, I’d feel safer at the resort,” Ara said. She seemed genuinely nervous, for the first time since I’d met her. And I felt extra guilty, given the fact that I had already creeped on her changing. Thank GOD I deleted that video.
“Alright, we should all start heading back. Definitely don’t think you guys should be going alone,” I said, standing up from my chair.
“Boooo, you guys are lame,” Katie said. But she stood up as well.
We all gathered our things and made our way to the door. I held it open for the girls and Jordan. I don’t know why I did it, but I looked back into the bar at the tanned, black-haired man. His coal eyes stared back at me.
Once we got back to the hotel, and in the comfort of familiar faces, it was time to let loose. The hotel bar remained open, though most of the wedding crowd had dispersed. Jim and Kevin were still out, enjoying a nightcap. Emily’s bridesmaids were still out and about as well, though Emily herself, along with Amira, seemed to have called it a night.
Nonetheless, our group was the rowdiest. The spookiness of the night had gotten all of us in an excited, playful mood. Jordan and Kenzie had turned their flirting dial up full notch, and I had zero doubt they were going to hook up tonight. They were handsy, making out in public, and even tugging on one another’s clothes. Two cats in heat.
“Will you two just go and get it over with already?!” Katie asked, loudly.
The couple ignored her.
“Uggghhhh they’re insufferable,” Kelly groaned.
“Tell me about it,” I said.
“Let’s just let them be,” Katie started. “They’ll eventually find themselves up in one of our rooms and bang it out. Then it’ll be over with.”
“Yeah, good plan.” Kelly said. A few months ago, she absolutely did not want her brother hooking up with Kenzie. But now, she had given up trying to fight off the inevitable. Katie, Kelly, and I got up and walked out to the pool area with our drinks.
Maddy and Ara were all over the place. They were toasted. Dancing, singing karaoke (poorly), and causing a scene. Jim and Kevin were laughing at them. Emily’s bridesmaids looked more annoyed. Even Michaela, who had been drunk this entire trip.
I turned on the gas fireplace out by the pool and hooked my phone up to the Bluetooth speakers. Kelly snuggled up right next to me, and began subtly caressing my arm. I caught Katie’s grin and raised eyebrows out of the corner of my eye. My arm hooked around Kelly’s waist, and my hand rested on her thigh.
Katie sat down opposite us. I’m not sure if she was trying to get attention, or maybe just teasing me and entertaining herself while Kelly was turned away, but she sat with her legs spread open showing off a TON of thigh. To the point I saw her light panties pop into a view a few times. She also “dropped” her phone and bent over slowly, exposing her cleavage. I was starting to get horny. But Kelly didn’t want to start making out in front of her friend. I actually think she was beginning to get annoyed by the fact that Katie was still here. She let out a tiny sigh, and got up to use the restroom.
“You just gonna third-wheel us all night?” I said to my sister once Kelly was gone.
“Is that what I’m doing?” She said, unbothered. I just rolled my eyes at her. “That why you can’t take your eyes off me?”
I didn’t respond, and the silence was broken by the younger girls.
“You guys!” Maddy said excitedly. “Let’s go spy on Kenzie and Jordan!”
“Oh, leave them alone. Like I said, once they hook up they’ll stop acting like this. But if you interrupt it…” Katie said.
“Drew?!” Ara asked, ignoring Katie.
I didn’t have any interest in seeing what Jordan and Kenzie were up to. I wanted to get laid tonight. Kelly came back out.
“Kelly! We’re gonna go creep on your brother!” Maddy said.
“Eww!” Kelly said. “I don’t wanna see that,” she giggled.
“C’mon! It’ll be funny!” Maddy said.
Kelly looked at me and smiled. “Drew? You gonna go up there?” Her facial expression filled in the unsaid words. Perhaps we can sneak off on our own after?
“Sure,” I said. “Let’s go.
“Nice!” Ara and Maddy said. Katie gave me a curious smirk, but got up herself to follow us over to the elevator. We rode up to Jordan and I's room. But as it turned out, we didn’t have to do any creeping.
“HAHAHAHAHA!” There was cackling as soon as the elevator door opened.
“Jordan!!!” Kenzie’s screams could be heard. “Come back!”
Jordan came sprinting down the hallway wearing only boxer briefs and swinging around material in his hand.
“What the - !” Katie blurted out.
“Jordan! Gross!!” Kelly said as she covered her eyes. “Put some clothes on!”
“THE PLAGUE DOCTOR IS BAAAACK!!!!!” Jordan cried out. And I realized what was in his hand. He held Kenzie’s underwear up with pride and burst out laughing. He had drawn a large smiley face on them.
“OHHHH MY GOD!!!” Maddy was laughing, but put her hand over her mouth in shock.
“Jordan! Those are expensive!” Kelly scolded him.
“She don’t care!” he replied.
“KENZ!!!!” Ara shrieked.
Kenzie had sprinted out of the hotel room into the hallway after Jordan. And she was buck ass naked!
“AHHH!” She yelped when she saw the crowd, but she didn’t bother to cover anything. She ran right toward us, her tiny tits barely moved at all. She ran up to Jordan as he held her panties above his head. Kenzie had zero shame, as she jumped up and down, tits and cooch on show, trying to steal them back. Eventually, she gave up, and bent over laughing, and to catch her breath. She finally draped her arms over her privates.
All the commotion had caused some neighboring doors to open. Emily was the first one. She peaked her head out and saw the ridiculous scene. “Oh my God!” She said. She was somewhat annoyed, somewhat amused. “Can you guys take this elsewhere?”
“Emily, what is it!?” I heard Brian’s excited voice from behind her.
“Nothing Brian!” Emily screamed out. “Go back to bed!”
“I wanna see what’s – whoah!!!” Brian snuck his head out and got a full view of Jordan holding the smiley faced underwear and Kenzie cowering beside him. Brian looked her up and down before Emily forced him back into the room.
“Goodnight, guys!” She said, slamming the door.
On the other side, Alex had opened her door and was staring at us. Once we noticed her, she said “Oh! Errr sorry!” and shut the door quickly. THANK GOD Nancy hadn’t come out. Jordan gave Kenzie her underwear back and she quickly slipped them back on in front of us – showing us her cute little ass in the process.
“Guys, we gotta get out of this hallway,” I said.
“Night swim!?” Jordan proposed.
“Yeah!” Ara and Maddy said. The rest of us agreed to partake. In celebration, Ara whisked Kenzie’s panties back down to her ankles. For the third time in 24 hours, I got a good look her Kenzie’s freckled box. She groaned and rolled her eyes at her friend, before nonchalantly pulling her underwear back up.
The girls went their separate ways to get their swimsuits. I guess Kenzie must have stopped at the store at some point to buy another pair of bikini bottoms. Jordan and I went back to our room. The place was a mess. There were drinks and food all over the place from earlier. Sheets on the floor.
“Well?” I asked him as I tied up my swim trunks.
“Oh yeah,” a proud grin emerged on his face. “She’s a wild one.”
“I bet,” I chuckled.
We finished getting ready and made our way down to the pool. Katie and Kelly followed, showing off their curves in their bikinis. The four of us swam and continued to drink before the rest of the girls showed up. They had towels wrapped around themselves.
“Thought we’d liven this party up!” Maddy exclaimed.
“With a little bit of....SKINNY dipping!!” Kenzie announced, and the trio of girls laughed.
Jordan and I got excited. “Seriously?!” I asked.
“They're definitely wearing their bikinis under that,” Kelly said.
“Yeah calm down, doofus. They’re not actually gonna do it,” Katie scoffed.
“Oh yeah?!” Maddy asked her older sister. She reached her hands under her robe and finagled her bikini bottoms down to her ankles. Her eyes went wide and her mouth agape wearing a “I can’t believe we’re doing this!” expression as she looked at her friends – who followed suit.
Maddy, Kenzie, and Ara then all reached up under the upper portion of the robes and untied their tops. They tossed them to the ground.
“We seriously doing this!?” Ara asked with excitement.
“Yup!” Kenzie said.
God I could kiss Frank for telling us his tale earlier and getting these three hotties in such unusual (well, not unusual for Kenzie) frisky moods.
With their bikinis on the cement, the girls began counting down.
“THREEEE……..TWO……” They began untying their robes. “…..ONE!!!!!!!!!!!”
All three of them opened the robes and tossed them aside, but….ARA was the only one naked! She screamed in shock as she saw her friends had tricked her. Her dark nips and smooth pubic region were briefly exposed, before she shot her hands to cover up.
“NICE!!!” Jordan and I shouted triumphantly.
“AHAHAHA!!” Maddy and Kenzie cackled and jumped into the pool in their "backup" bikinis.
Ara followed suit, jumping nude into the water. She probably should have grabbed her bikini first, but I guess she figured this was the quickest way to cover up.
“You guys! Oh my God!!” Ara yelled at her friends when she resurfaced.
“Shouldn’t have pulled my underwear down!” Kenzie laughed.
“That didn’t even bother you!” Ara argued.
“ARA’S NAKEY, ARA’S NAKEY!!!!!” Maddy started to drunkenly chant.
“Stop!” Ara treaded water with fear on her face as she shot some looks over at Jordan and I. We couldn’t really see anything while she was in the pool. A lot of dark, murky, flesh. But that didn’t stop us from wearing big, shit-eating grins on our faces.
“God, y’all are loud!” Jim and Kevin strolled out on the pool deck. I had no idea they were still awake. Michaela, Allison, and the other bridesmaids were behind them.
“Seriously!” Ara muttered under her breath. She began splashing her friends.
Jim spotted the three bikinis on the ground. “Damn, ain’t it a bit cold out for swimming buck nekkid?” He and Kevin sat down on some of the pool chairs and lit up cigars. The other women sat down near them.
“Ask Ara,” Maddy said, and burst out giggling. Ara splashed her again.
“It IS getting cold out here, now that I think of it,” I said, mischievously. Jordan grinned at me, with understanding. I swam over to the ladder and climbed out. He, and then Katie and Kelly, climbed out after me.
“Awww c’mon girls, didn’t have the cajones to take your suits off?!” Kevin asked with disappointment as he checked out Kelly.
“No cajones here, Kev,” Katie said, pointing to her groin. She and her friend wrapped themselves up in towels and relaxed by the pool fire.
“Ya know, that DOES look tempting!” Kenzie said.
“Ohmygod, you guys don’t! Thought it was just Drew and Jordan!” Ara pleaded.
But Kenzie didn’t listen. She climbed out of the pool to the boos of the men and waltzed over to the fire.
“Well, there’s three bikinis out here and only two of ya left in there. Not sure how that works out,” Jim said.
“They’re just a bunch of teases!” Michaela said.
Maddy hung out in the water with Ara for a bit, but you could tell both of them were getting cold. They started to shiver.
“Sorry, Ara!” Maddy said.
“Maddy don’t! Please?!” Ara continued to beg.
“Just do it quick, it’s dark out, they won’t see much,” Maddy said, and she pulled herself up out of the water, put her robe back on, and joined Kenzie by the fire.
Jim and Kevin didn’t say much when Maddy got out. Not really kosher to voice your displeasure that your niece (or cousin) isn’t nude in front of you. But I could tell by their faces they were let down.
“C’mon out and join us, Ara!” Kenzie shouted.
“Shut up!” Ara said. She was treading water more ferociously now, trying to stir up some heat. But it wasn’t helping. I could hear her teeth chattering.
Jim, Kevin, and the bridesmaids gave no signs of leaving. Once, when Jim got up to pour himself another drink, Ara neared the edge of the pool. I thought she was going to go for it, but right as she grabbed onto the ladder Jim turned back around to face her.
“Noooo!” she murmured.
“Just get it over with sweetie!” Michaela cried out. “We won’t bite!”
Another 5 minutes or so passed and it was clear that no one was coming to Ara’s rescue. She continued to shiver, and we all knew she wasn’t going to last much longer in the water. She swam back over to the ladder and took a deep breath. She pulled herself partially out of the pool.
“Whoah!” Jordan said, as we saw the top portion of Ara’s chest – but nothing else.
“Ugggghhhh!” She groaned and dipped back underneath the surface.
“BOOOOOOO!!!!!” The crowd yelled.
Ara collected herself and again, made her way to exit. She paused at the ladder before taking a big exhale. She closed her eyes and turned her head, with a dimpled, nervous smile on her face. She pulled herself entirely out of the water and stepped onto the concrete to an eruption of cheers. She was dripping wet, hands on the ladder, and her cute rack and bald little kitty were bared for our viewing pleasure!
“YEAHHHHH!!!” Jordan and I exclaimed.
“YIPPI KI-YAY!!” Jim joined in our cheers. Ara had gotten out of the water and cupped her pussy, but left her fun, mango shaped tits on show. “Ya got me that bachelor party after all, Kev!” Jim continued.
Ara rolled her eyes and grabbed her robe. She threw it on quickly, but not before giving us all one last look at her front side. “Hate you guys!” She shouted at Maddy and Kenzie. They were in a fit of laughter. She sat down with them around the fire, finally getting warmed up.
“That it?!” Michaela let out a loud, obnoxious yawn. Ara side eyed her. Michaela and the rest of the bridesmaids got up and walked back inside.
“Yeah, think it’s time I hit the hay too. Em’s prolly wondering where I am,” Jim said.
“Thanks for the show girls!” Kevin said and he walked away with Jim.
“Man, you guys are a good time!” Jordan said once the crowd had dispersed. He looked extremely satisfied as he reclined his chair and gazed up at the stars. I voiced my agreement with him. Briefly, just briefly, that old jealous flicker emerged in Katie’s eyes as she glanced over at me.
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Re: My Sisters and Me
Very nice man! Loving how things are progressing!
Honestly interested to see if Drew will do the deed with Kelly and forsake Katie in the process. Seems like it might be building up to that choice. Can't wait!
Honestly interested to see if Drew will do the deed with Kelly and forsake Katie in the process. Seems like it might be building up to that choice. Can't wait!
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Re: My Sisters and Me
“Why is Bryan and his gang all of a sudden so obsessed with Alex?” Katie asked the next day. We were laying out at the beach, joined by Kelly and Jordan – who were currently swimming in the ocean. Maddy and her friends had spent the morning hanging with Alex, but our younger cousin eventually got pulled away by the young boys and Maddy and her friends went to do some hiking. I knew why the boys were spending so much time around Alex, but I wasn’t going to tell Katie about the scene I had witnessed.
“Upset they’re no longer tormenting you?” I asked.
“Ha, shut up!” Katie was in a better mood today. “I still need to get that shower video from Brian, by the way.”
I nodded.
“You gonna help me with that?” She asked.
“I mean, just like the issue with Kyle having those recordings, I’m sure it’s been backed up by now,” I said. Katie brushed it off.
“Bet you’d like to get your hands on that video,” she commented.
“Sure would,” I said.
Katie brushed my arm. “Maybe one day I’ll send you one,” she winked.
“Uh huh,” I laughed.
“I’m serious!” she said. Then she got up and sauntered into the ocean.
The four of us swam and soaked up the sun throughout most of the afternoon. Afterward, Kelly was beat and went for a nap. Katie disappeared, I’m not sure where to. Maddy and her friends were finished with their hike and were now laying out on the beach themselves. Jordan's back was bothering him and he went to try and get sorted out by the yoga instructor at Katie's recommendation.
I decided to catch up on some sleep myself, while everyone else was busy. I got up to our hotel room but then realized my key was missing. I figured I probably left it at the beach and went down to grab another from the front desk. Luckily, I had my wallet and ID handy. I went back up to the room and swiped myself in. I was not expecting to find what I found.
Katie was handcuffed to my bed. Her arms spread wide with a cuff on each post.
“What the - !” I uttered.
“SHHHHHH!!!” Katie whispered, smiling. She was wearing a loose T shirt and a pair of short cotton shorts.
“Who did this to you?! Brian and them?!” Here, let me get you out,” I said, thinking I was going to be some hero.
“Seriously, dude?” Katie’s smile faded but she wasn’t upset. More dumbfounded by how thick I was.
“No one did this to me. Least of all, Brian haha,” she said.
“I’m horny A. F.….” She said matter-of-factly. Then, her voice transitioned to a more sexy and breathy tone. “and helplessly,” she yanked on the handcuffs, “tied up.”
“oooooohhhh,” it finally clicked with me. I’m pretty sure I saw Katie quickly roll her eyes.
“So, what are you going to do to me?” She asked.
I was already getting hard. And only wearing a swimsuit, so it was obvious to see.
“Mmmmm,” Katie’s sultry smile was back as she eyed my erection.
I slowly advanced on my older sister and began caressing her smooth, exposed legs. She bucked a bit and moaned with pleasure as my hands found their way up her thighs. They found their way to her backside and I squeezed and pinched her ass.
“Please, don’t hurt me!” She begged.
“Am I hurting you?”
Her eyes rolled again. This time in a much more exaggerated manner. “Drew? Seriously, what the fuck?”
“Ohh errrr, right. Sorry,”
“Just....shut up. Keep going. Just stop talking,” Katie laughed to herself and laid her head back on the pillow.
I continued. I began kissing in between her thighs and she began subtly moaning again. I made my way up to her shirt and lifted it up, exposing her white bra.
“Ahhh no!” Katie feigned embarrassment. “Please don’t undress me!” She said.
By now, I had (finally) caught on to her game. My dick was at full salute. I pulled out it out for her.
“Ohhh my God!” Her eyes went wide. “What are you gonna do with THAT!” she kept her eyes fixated on my cock. Katie was a good actress. But I could tell by her pupils going big and black that she was actually enjoying how hard I was.
I kissed her flat, tanned stomach and inched closer to the waistband of her shorts. Then I stopped and went back up to her bra. I slipped my hand behind her and unhooked her strap. I pulled the straps off and revealed my sister’s round, big boobs.
“Ahhh!” She squealed.
I went right to playing with them. I slapped her tits around and watched them jiggle side to side, before admiring them as they reclaimed their resting position. With both her arms stretched out they sat even higher on her chest than normal. Goddamn her jugs were incredible. I began kissing and licking her nipples and she caressed my stiff cock with her foot.
I kissed her chest and made my way back down to her belly button and beyond. I grabbed her cotton shorts and pulled them off her waist and down to her thighs – but I was startled by what I revealed. Katie was wearing a set of bikini-cut, white underwear. But she had drawn that stupid smiley face on the front of them.
“Hahahaha!” She began snickering as she saw my reaction.
“Seriously?” I asked.
“What?! It’s funny,” she said.
“It’s not that funny,” I said.
“Yeah, apparently he doesn’t think so either,” Katie motioned her eyes back and forth from my dick, which was rapidly shrinking in size.
“See, ya ruined the mood,” I said.
“Aww no I didn’t, c’mon, this was hot!”
“Did you really ruin a pair of panties just to pull this prank?”
“Meh, they weren’t that expensive. And it was worth it to see your face!” She laughed. “C’mon, keep going, before Jordan finishes his workout.”
“Alright, whatever.” I said, a bit dejected. I was completely soft now. I went back to her tits to try and work it back up. I kissed and fondled Katie’s boobs for a couple minutes but it was a no go for my little guy.
“Fuck these things,” I said with frustration, and I ripped Katie’s underwear down and off her hips. I put my face right up against my sister's pussy. My tongue found her clit, and massaged to the sounds of her moans. I took a step back to fully take in the site in front of me.
You’d think seeing my sis tied up, butt naked would do the trick, but my penis remained lifeless. She even spread her legs and flashed her sexy little slit for a few seconds, smiling as she did so. Nothing.
“What’s going on down there?” Katie seemed disappointed now.
“Your stupid panties is what’s going on, I told you. Moment’s ruined!” I was embarrassed about my shortcomings, and blaming them on Katie felt right, even though it was my own shame and guilt causing the issues.
“You’re really that bothered by them? Why?” Katie asked, in a more serious manner.
“I don’t know,” I said simply. I crossed my arms, but realized pouting wasn’t a good look. “Look, Frank’s story…I don’t know. There’s some similarities…you know…to me. That’s all.”
Katie was smiling again but this wasn’t a sexual, flirtatious smile. More of an amused, surprised smile. “What, just cause you’re my brother? Dude, you’re nothing like that creep. I want to do this,” she motioned down at her buck-naked body. “Those girls didn’t.”
Well, Ara certainly didn’t want me filming her, I thought.
“He was creeping on his sisters in the shower and shit, Drew. As far as I know, you’re not planting cameras in my bathroom. And trust me I’d find that shit, and kill you if you did,”
“Only time you creeped on me in the showers was at soccer - and on spring break with everybody else. And that was innocent pranking! Also, I kinnnnda liked it,” Katie laughed timidly. “So, we gonna finish this shit or what?”
Katie made me feel slightly better about everything. But I still wasn’t hard.
“Come here,” it’s like she could read my mind. “Here, put it in my mouth.”
Oh my god.
Katie opened her mouth and I plopped my cock in there. She slurped and sloshed my soft dick around, and it felt warm and wet and incredible, but it still wasn’t working. After a few minutes, I gave up and pulled out. Katie really looked disappointed now.
“It’s alright,” she said. “Shit happens, we prolly gotta get cleaned up anyway.”
I backed off and began quickly getting dressed.
“Drew, uncuff me. Keys are in the nightstand,” Katie commanded.
A nasty smirk appeared on my face.
I didn’t move.
“I will FUCKING kill you, Drew. Let me out, I’m serious!”
I started laughing, but made no motion to free her.
“Drew, I will literally scream and say you tied me up if you don’t let me go in the next 30 seconds.”
I stood still.
“And they’ll see the smiley face! Think of ALL the weird questions you’ll have to answer!”
That’s what did it. I believed Katie would absolutely carry out these threats. I opened the nightstand and found the keys. I un-cuffed Katie’s wrists and she quickly dressed herself.
I watched, longer than I should, and she noticed.
“Alright, I take it back, maybe you are as pervy as ol Paco.”
“Upset they’re no longer tormenting you?” I asked.
“Ha, shut up!” Katie was in a better mood today. “I still need to get that shower video from Brian, by the way.”
I nodded.
“You gonna help me with that?” She asked.
“I mean, just like the issue with Kyle having those recordings, I’m sure it’s been backed up by now,” I said. Katie brushed it off.
“Bet you’d like to get your hands on that video,” she commented.
“Sure would,” I said.
Katie brushed my arm. “Maybe one day I’ll send you one,” she winked.
“Uh huh,” I laughed.
“I’m serious!” she said. Then she got up and sauntered into the ocean.
The four of us swam and soaked up the sun throughout most of the afternoon. Afterward, Kelly was beat and went for a nap. Katie disappeared, I’m not sure where to. Maddy and her friends were finished with their hike and were now laying out on the beach themselves. Jordan's back was bothering him and he went to try and get sorted out by the yoga instructor at Katie's recommendation.
I decided to catch up on some sleep myself, while everyone else was busy. I got up to our hotel room but then realized my key was missing. I figured I probably left it at the beach and went down to grab another from the front desk. Luckily, I had my wallet and ID handy. I went back up to the room and swiped myself in. I was not expecting to find what I found.
Katie was handcuffed to my bed. Her arms spread wide with a cuff on each post.
“What the - !” I uttered.
“SHHHHHH!!!” Katie whispered, smiling. She was wearing a loose T shirt and a pair of short cotton shorts.
“Who did this to you?! Brian and them?!” Here, let me get you out,” I said, thinking I was going to be some hero.
“Seriously, dude?” Katie’s smile faded but she wasn’t upset. More dumbfounded by how thick I was.
“No one did this to me. Least of all, Brian haha,” she said.
“I’m horny A. F.….” She said matter-of-factly. Then, her voice transitioned to a more sexy and breathy tone. “and helplessly,” she yanked on the handcuffs, “tied up.”
“oooooohhhh,” it finally clicked with me. I’m pretty sure I saw Katie quickly roll her eyes.
“So, what are you going to do to me?” She asked.
I was already getting hard. And only wearing a swimsuit, so it was obvious to see.
“Mmmmm,” Katie’s sultry smile was back as she eyed my erection.
I slowly advanced on my older sister and began caressing her smooth, exposed legs. She bucked a bit and moaned with pleasure as my hands found their way up her thighs. They found their way to her backside and I squeezed and pinched her ass.
“Please, don’t hurt me!” She begged.
“Am I hurting you?”
Her eyes rolled again. This time in a much more exaggerated manner. “Drew? Seriously, what the fuck?”
“Ohh errrr, right. Sorry,”
“Just....shut up. Keep going. Just stop talking,” Katie laughed to herself and laid her head back on the pillow.
I continued. I began kissing in between her thighs and she began subtly moaning again. I made my way up to her shirt and lifted it up, exposing her white bra.
“Ahhh no!” Katie feigned embarrassment. “Please don’t undress me!” She said.
By now, I had (finally) caught on to her game. My dick was at full salute. I pulled out it out for her.
“Ohhh my God!” Her eyes went wide. “What are you gonna do with THAT!” she kept her eyes fixated on my cock. Katie was a good actress. But I could tell by her pupils going big and black that she was actually enjoying how hard I was.
I kissed her flat, tanned stomach and inched closer to the waistband of her shorts. Then I stopped and went back up to her bra. I slipped my hand behind her and unhooked her strap. I pulled the straps off and revealed my sister’s round, big boobs.
“Ahhh!” She squealed.
I went right to playing with them. I slapped her tits around and watched them jiggle side to side, before admiring them as they reclaimed their resting position. With both her arms stretched out they sat even higher on her chest than normal. Goddamn her jugs were incredible. I began kissing and licking her nipples and she caressed my stiff cock with her foot.
I kissed her chest and made my way back down to her belly button and beyond. I grabbed her cotton shorts and pulled them off her waist and down to her thighs – but I was startled by what I revealed. Katie was wearing a set of bikini-cut, white underwear. But she had drawn that stupid smiley face on the front of them.
“Hahahaha!” She began snickering as she saw my reaction.
“Seriously?” I asked.
“What?! It’s funny,” she said.
“It’s not that funny,” I said.
“Yeah, apparently he doesn’t think so either,” Katie motioned her eyes back and forth from my dick, which was rapidly shrinking in size.
“See, ya ruined the mood,” I said.
“Aww no I didn’t, c’mon, this was hot!”
“Did you really ruin a pair of panties just to pull this prank?”
“Meh, they weren’t that expensive. And it was worth it to see your face!” She laughed. “C’mon, keep going, before Jordan finishes his workout.”
“Alright, whatever.” I said, a bit dejected. I was completely soft now. I went back to her tits to try and work it back up. I kissed and fondled Katie’s boobs for a couple minutes but it was a no go for my little guy.
“Fuck these things,” I said with frustration, and I ripped Katie’s underwear down and off her hips. I put my face right up against my sister's pussy. My tongue found her clit, and massaged to the sounds of her moans. I took a step back to fully take in the site in front of me.
You’d think seeing my sis tied up, butt naked would do the trick, but my penis remained lifeless. She even spread her legs and flashed her sexy little slit for a few seconds, smiling as she did so. Nothing.
“What’s going on down there?” Katie seemed disappointed now.
“Your stupid panties is what’s going on, I told you. Moment’s ruined!” I was embarrassed about my shortcomings, and blaming them on Katie felt right, even though it was my own shame and guilt causing the issues.
“You’re really that bothered by them? Why?” Katie asked, in a more serious manner.
“I don’t know,” I said simply. I crossed my arms, but realized pouting wasn’t a good look. “Look, Frank’s story…I don’t know. There’s some similarities…you know…to me. That’s all.”
Katie was smiling again but this wasn’t a sexual, flirtatious smile. More of an amused, surprised smile. “What, just cause you’re my brother? Dude, you’re nothing like that creep. I want to do this,” she motioned down at her buck-naked body. “Those girls didn’t.”
Well, Ara certainly didn’t want me filming her, I thought.
“He was creeping on his sisters in the shower and shit, Drew. As far as I know, you’re not planting cameras in my bathroom. And trust me I’d find that shit, and kill you if you did,”
“Only time you creeped on me in the showers was at soccer - and on spring break with everybody else. And that was innocent pranking! Also, I kinnnnda liked it,” Katie laughed timidly. “So, we gonna finish this shit or what?”
Katie made me feel slightly better about everything. But I still wasn’t hard.
“Come here,” it’s like she could read my mind. “Here, put it in my mouth.”
Oh my god.
Katie opened her mouth and I plopped my cock in there. She slurped and sloshed my soft dick around, and it felt warm and wet and incredible, but it still wasn’t working. After a few minutes, I gave up and pulled out. Katie really looked disappointed now.
“It’s alright,” she said. “Shit happens, we prolly gotta get cleaned up anyway.”
I backed off and began quickly getting dressed.
“Drew, uncuff me. Keys are in the nightstand,” Katie commanded.
A nasty smirk appeared on my face.
I didn’t move.
“I will FUCKING kill you, Drew. Let me out, I’m serious!”
I started laughing, but made no motion to free her.
“Drew, I will literally scream and say you tied me up if you don’t let me go in the next 30 seconds.”
I stood still.
“And they’ll see the smiley face! Think of ALL the weird questions you’ll have to answer!”
That’s what did it. I believed Katie would absolutely carry out these threats. I opened the nightstand and found the keys. I un-cuffed Katie’s wrists and she quickly dressed herself.
I watched, longer than I should, and she noticed.
“Alright, I take it back, maybe you are as pervy as ol Paco.”
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Re: My Sisters and Me
The big day of the wedding had come. Most the women spent the morning getting pampered. The spa, hair and makeup, getting dressed, and whatever else they were up to, took hours. This meant Jordan and I and the other men were free to hang out amongst each other.
We shared a drink and cigar with Jim, chilling on the deck on the edge of the forest, and shooting the shit. The men brought up their thrill of seeing Ara a few nights prior. All their warnings about fooling around with the younger girls had seemed to go out the window now that they had seen the cute Asian girl in all her glory. I was surprised Jim was talking so freely with Brian around. I guess he figured his eldest boy was old enough to hear this stuff. For once in his life, Brian remained quiet, listening intently to our conversation. The men asked us to set up an encore performance after the reception tonight.
“Haha, think that ship has sailed,” I chuckled.
“Maybe we’ll get Kenzie again,” Jordan said.
“That the little one with freckles?” Kevin asked.
“Yup,” Jordan answered.
“Wouldn’t mind seeing that again,” Kevin laughed.
“That was so funny when you drew the smiley face on her underwear!” Brian said excitedly.
“Haha, yeah,” Jordan said, somewhat sheepishly as the older guys looked at him curiously.
“Hey, what about y’all?” I asked, trying to change the subject.
“What about us?” Jim said.
“I mean, how come you guys can’t get Emily or Amira to partake?” I asked. Jim instantly guffawed.
“Ha! Kid, these chicks ain’t your wives! Once you’re married, you’ll understand.” Kevin scoffed as well.
“Weak.” I mumbled. I wasn’t happy about being referred to as “kid,” either.
“And like I said, Amira’s got PTSD from her high school stripping pranks. Ya already seen her, anyway, Drew.”
“What now?!” Jordan asked, excitedly. Brian also perked up.
“Yeah, Drew here 'walked in' on her changing at Thanksgiving,” Kevin explained. “Always just happens to be in the right place when these things go down.” He winked at me.
“Hey, I didn’t walk in on anyone,” I said. “Your daughter ripped the door open when she was changing.”
“Maybe we ought to talk to Kiara!” Brian said, referring to the toddler and laughing his head off. Jim gave him a stern look and the boy’s grin faded.
“Well, whatever happens, tonight’s gonna be a great night. I can feel it,” Kevin said. The others nodded. “I’m happy for ya Jim.” Kevin smiled and lifted his glass. “To Jim and Emily,” he toasted.
“To Jim and Emily,” the rest of us followed suit.
We split up and Jordan and I went to get a lift in. The gym itself was sparse. We did run into Maddy and her friends as well as Alex. They were wearing robes and were exiting the spa. Some other wedding guests were hanging around as well, getting a relaxing morning in before the ceremony. The yoga instructor was apparently about to start a session.
“Your family’s cool as shit bro,” Jordan said, as he was finishing up. “Can’t believe how chill they were with all our rowdiness. My uncles would’ve killed me if they caught me messing around like that,” he laughed.
“Yeah….I don’t know. Think the wedding atmosphere and all these smokes hanging around got them a bit riled up,” I laughed.
“True. They’re right about one thing though, tonight’s gonna be a blast,” Jordan said. “Head back up?”
“You go ahead,” I said. “I’m gonna hop on the treadmill and hit up the sauna,” I said. I was hoping he wouldn’t volunteer to join me. I really wanted to be alone and just clear my mind of everything. Get in the right headspace for the wedding.
“Word. Yeah, I’m gonna head up, shower, and chill. I’ll catch ya later.” Jordan grabbed a towel and walked out.
Nice. I said goodbye to Jordan and started my jog. I ran for about a half hour. Once I was finished, I exited the gym and walked over to the sauna. The open area between the spa, gym, yoga and locker rooms was deserted. I guess that meant the yoga class must have started. I entered the sauna and sweat out.
And now, it was time to get ready for the show. I cleaned up, and dried off the sweat. I threw a robe on and figured I’d shower in the privacy of our hotel suite, as opposed to the public shower. When I walked back out into the open area, I came to find that the show had already begun.
I heard muffled screams, and turned my head to see who they were coming from. It was Alex. She was tied up in a crude manner with the use of jump ropes. Both her arms were spread up and away from her body, in a crucifix fashion. She had a small cloth shoved in her mouth. She appeared to only be wearing a towel, and guess what was drawn on it. That stupid fucking smiley face
“Oh shit!” I let out, when I saw her. Alex made eye contact with me, and continue to let out stifled noises. She looked terrified, as well as angry, but it also seemed as if she was asking for my help.
My thoughts raced. Every intelligent sense I had was telling me to just get the fuck out of there. This wasn’t my problem. I didn’t do it. I wasn’t responsible....But I couldn’t just abandon her like that.
Alex was trying desperately not to move. The towel was wrapped around her torso, underneath her arms. It didn’t look that secure, and any little motion would mean giant problems for her. My eyes couldn’t help but linger on her smooth, creamy legs. Alex rarely showed them off.
“UMMMPHHHHH!!! UMPPPHHHHH!!!!!” She pleaded.
I walked over to her, with caution.
“BOOO!” Brian and his buddies jumped out from around the corner. I flinched, and they laughed.
“Drew, check it out!” Brian exclaimed. The kid looked like Joffrey Baratheon, beaming with pride as he relished in the torture of his hot older cousin.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” I whispered. I wanted to slap the little brat.
“What? Kev is gonna LOVE this! Didn’t you hear him talking earlier?”
“Yeah! About girls that are out of high school! That AREN’T his own niece!”
“UMPPPPHHHHH!!!” Alex cried. She stared at Brian with absolute ferocity in her eyes.
“Whatever! He’ll be looking! And once you see what’s underneath that towel, you will too!” Brian high-fived Phillip. “Kev’s finishing up that yoga class ANY minute now!”
“You DO realize there’s women in that class, too?” I said. "Probably MOSTLY women!"
“God, you’re a fucking idiot! You’ll be banned from the family once they see what you’ve done. Aunt Nancy may ACTUALLY murder you!”
“They’ll get over it. They didn’t say anything about all the stuff you’ve done! Nothing happened after Spring Break with your sister either!” Brian argued. He still was wearing an ear-to-ear grin, as he admired he and his gang's jump rope knots.
Goddamn this kid was dumb. Nothing was getting through his adolescent, hormone-drunk brain.
“UMMPPPPPHHHHH!!!!” Alex’s yells were getting more desperate.
I went over to start untying her. I started with her right wrist, but the little hellions had tied a ton of little knots.
“What are you doing!?” Brian said.
“What’s it look like I’m doing!?” I whispered back. “Getting her out of this before we’re ALL fucked.”
“She deserves it though! She broke my phone!” Brian continued to oppose.
“Cause you had pictures of her naked on it! And were blackmailing her!” I said. I was really struggling with these knots. If we had time, I would have just ran and grabbed some scissors. But it was getting close to 11:00 AM sharp – when the class let out. On top of this, time wasn’t our only issue. Alex’s towel was loosening. It was slipping, ever so slightly, down her chest. Her cleavage was popping into sight and I tried as hard as could not to look because my dick was stiffening. Of course, I thought, annoyed. I wouldn’t have any issues in a moment like this.
“Alright everyone, enjoy the wedding!” I heard the yoga instructor announce.
Brian and his buddies dipped into a nearby maintenance closet. I was panicking. There’s no way I could get caught in this predicament. My eyes met Alex’s.
“I’m sorry!” I whispered.
Her eyes went wide underneath her glasses and she shook her head no. But I had to go.
“Drew!” Brian waved me over to their closet and I dipped in just in time.
My heart was beating out of control. Thank God we could lock the door from the inside. There was a grate above the door that Brian, Phillip, and I could see out of. The smaller boys weren’t tall enough, and voiced their displeasure.
“Shut up!” Brian elbowed one of them.
“I’ll film it, be quiet!” Phillip whispered. The boys shut up.
The three of us stared intently out of the grate, waiting for mayhem. We heard some chatter closing in on us. The adults were about to turn the corner…
“What the ?!” Some dude from Emily’s side was the first one to see Alex. He looked shocked, and confused. A couple of his buddies popped up behind him.
“What is that?!” One of them started laughing, pointing at the smiley face.
“Is she part of the wedding?” Another said.
Alex was no longer “ummmmphhhhhing.” She was dead silent, and terrified. It looked like her towel had slid down even further from when I was next to her. She continued to try and remain as calm as possible, but I could see her respirations increasing, her chest rising with each breath.
“Alex!?” Kevin appeared. As I predicted, he didn’t seem amused. I gave Brian a look, but he ignored me. Kevin was joined by Amira at his side. “Who did this?!” Kevin said.
“Oh, you poor thing! Here, let me help.” Amira said.
“Ummmmppppphhhhh!” Alex finally let out a muted scream, shaking her head no. Her towel was really slipping now.
“What’s going on?” Jim said, as he turned into the open area. “Whoah!” He cried out.
“Someone help her! For crying out loud!” A woman I vaguely recognized said.
More and more people piled into the area. How many people were in this class?!
And then, the voice I feared most echoed through the hall.
“What’s all this fuss about?” Nancy said. She and my mom waltzed out of the yoga room.
I honestly could see the steam coming out of Nancy’s ears when she spotted her daughter. Her face turned plum purple, and she stepped forward, silently. Alex saw her mom and dread arose in her eyes. The towel slipped a bit, and she tried to adjust herself. But it was futile.
“UUMPPPNNNNOOOOO UMMMMMNNNNNNOOOOOOO UMMNNNNNOOOOOOOO!!” I could make out Alex’s cries as she continued shaking her head. Time stood still for a moment, and then it happened.
The towel dropped to the floor and Alex was BUTT ASS naked in front of the yoga class!
“OH SHIT!” One of the guys cried out with joy.
“UMMMMHPHHHHH!!!! UMMPPPPPPHHHHHH!!!!! UMMMPHHHHHHHH!!!” Alex screamed in horror as it was Thanksgiving all over again. But this time, she had no free hands to cover. Her big tits with those pink ghost nipples looked amazing. I was beginning to notice how good a girl’s boobs looked when her arms were tied up and away from her chest. They were propped up, saluting the crowd.
Despite everything that had happened at our last gathering, including her mother's disapproval, I was thrilled to see Alex continued to shave her pussy bald. There’s just something about a sheltered, nerdy girl with a bare shaven vagina. And I wasn’t the only one enjoying it. I could see most of the men, including Jim and Kevin, were looking below the poor girl’s waist. Alex noticed this as well, and crossed her right thigh upper and over her left leg, desperately trying to hide her kitty. Her titties jiggled delightfully as she did so.
I felt Brian give me a nudge as he nodded down at the little tent in his shorts. He was so proud of it. I discretely covered my own.
“I wanna see!! Let me see!” Adam, the smallest brother, began whining.
“Shut up!” Phillip said.
“You’re gonna get us caught,” I whispered, sternly at him.
Nancy was a bull that had seen red. She aggressively tried to make her way to her daughter but her path was congested. Amira was also trying to help.
Meanwhile, Alex was struggling to balance on one leg while the other leg tried to preserve her modesty. I noticed her left leg was beginning to shake, and sure enough, it gave out on her. She uncrossed her right leg, planted it back on the floor, and put that buck-naked vagina back on FULL display.
Alex stood there, tied up, and helpless in full frontal humiliation for about 15 seconds as all the men soaked in priceless looks at her tits and pussy. Phillip had his phone held up to the grate and zoomed in to capture head-to-toe nudity. I saw that he also had a little rager going in his shorts. Alex’s pale, ivory skin was glowing, accentuated by the flushes of pink around her cheeks, nipples, and coochie. She looked angelic.
Finally, the women got to Alex. But the show wasn’t over. Nancy and Amira struggled, just as I had, to untie the knots.
“Oh, come ON Amira!” Nancy voiced her frustrations. “I thought you were supposed to be a doctor?!”
Amira side-eyed the bitch, but said nothing, continued to focus on the left wrist knot. The two women were blocking most of Alex, but every once in awhile a shot of her private parts came back into sight.
“HERE! YOU UNTIE. I’LL COVER HER!” Nancy shouted. She picked the towel up off the floor, and held it in front of her daughter. She turned back to see that the entire yoga class was still in the hall. Not a single person had left. And a few of the men from Emily’s side had their phones out.
That was enough to scare the crowd. They began to disperse, chatting excitedly amongst each other.
Once the hallway had emptied, Nancy relaxed the towel. She tossed it back on the floor to re-focus on the right wrist. In doing so, she unknowingly put Alex’s bare naked body back on show for those of us in the closet.
“NICE!” Phillip whispered with enthusiasm.
“Holy FUCK her bare pussy’s so hot!” Brian exclaimed.
It was, but I said nothing. We weren’t out of this yet.
“UMMMMPHHHHHH!!!” UMMMMMMPPPPPHHHHHH!!” Alex muffled, looking directly at us when Nancy re-exposed her.
“Oh, sweetie I’m sorry but it’s just Amira and me. We need to get you out of these ropes.”
“What is it!?” Nancy grabbed the cloth gag and pulled it out of Alex’s mouth. Alex was still staring right at us. Oh no.
“It’s……..” Alex paused. My heart was about to explode out of my chest. This was it. We were done. “…..Nothing. I’d just rather be covered, okay?” She finished. Whew. I REALLY owed her one. I’m sure if Brian and the boys were alone, she would’ve ratted them out.
“WHO DID THIS?!” Nancy boomed.
“Brian and his friends,” Alex said with anger, and without hesitation.
“….I don’t know, they ran off. Please put the towel back up!” Alex begged. Her legs were squirming around, back and forth. She knew we were getting an extended, unobstructed look at her little pussy. As well as her big titties. I commended her for suffering through it.
“Oh, just stop it with the towel!” Nancy commanded. “Amira’s a doctor, and I’m your mother!.... And I’ve already noticed you’ve kept shaving it, BY THE WAY!!” She pointed at her daughter’s privates.
“UGGGGHHHHHH!” Alex groaned as she continued to look over at us with dismay.
“Hahaha duuuuude!” Brian giggled.
Amira even cringed. At first, I thought she was going to say something, but I guess she figured it wasn’t her place. She just played dumb and focused on the knot. She was making some headway.
“I mean why do it, unless you’re letting boys see you like that?” Nancy continued. “There’s LITERALLY, NO other reason! Hell, even slutty little Maddy keeps her pubic hairs! You look like a little girl!”
“Whaaaaa?” Brian gaped. He looked at me. “No way that’s true?” He asked.
I shrugged. “Don’t look at me!” I played dumb.
“No, no, mom STOP!” Alex squealed.
“Yes, that’s ENOUGH Nancy!” Amira said.
“This doesn’t concern you, Amira. You raise your daughter however you want, and I’ll do the same.”
Amira rolled her eyes. She nearly had Alex’s left wrist free. But my poor cousin’s exposure wasn’t over. The yoga instructor had apparently cleaned up the room and strolled out into the hallway. It didn’t take him long to spot the naked teenage girl strapped to the wall. His gaze lingered on her goodies.
“Eh! Eh! Excuse me,” he apologized, and looked away when Nancy turned to face him.
“Well, ya get a good look?!” Nancy shouted, and shooed him away.
Finally, Amira completed untying the knots. Alex instantly shot her hand down to cup her cooch.
“Heh!” Nancy let out a loud, obnoxious sigh.
Alex was now able to completely turn her body around to face the wall while Amira went to work on the right wrist. I guess she no longer wanted her front side exposed, but now she showed us her pale bare butt for the first time.
“Niiiiiiiiiccccccceeeeee,” Brian said, welcoming his first views.
Alex’s ass wasn’t quite as stunning as her tits and puss. A bit squarish, but cute nonetheless. She kept her freed left arm draped down the center of it.
The boys and I remained hidden in the closet for the next 5 minutes while Amira finished freeing Alex. We kept as quiet as we could, enjoying our cousin’s bare backside to pass the time. Once she was free, Alex quickly picked the towel back up and wrapped it around her. We got another full ass shot in the process, but she was careful to not flash her front side for us. She ran off, presumably back to her hotel room.
Nancy looked at Amira with disdain. I’m not sure why. Amira, after all, did all the work in freeing her daughter. I guess Nance needed someone to blame and Amira was the closest person in sight. Amira didn’t seem too bothered.
“I’m going to finish getting ready for the ceremony,” she said calmly.
“You go right ahead. I need to find those little brats!” Nancy said.
I turned to look at the boys.
“Gulp,” was all they could say.
We shared a drink and cigar with Jim, chilling on the deck on the edge of the forest, and shooting the shit. The men brought up their thrill of seeing Ara a few nights prior. All their warnings about fooling around with the younger girls had seemed to go out the window now that they had seen the cute Asian girl in all her glory. I was surprised Jim was talking so freely with Brian around. I guess he figured his eldest boy was old enough to hear this stuff. For once in his life, Brian remained quiet, listening intently to our conversation. The men asked us to set up an encore performance after the reception tonight.
“Haha, think that ship has sailed,” I chuckled.
“Maybe we’ll get Kenzie again,” Jordan said.
“That the little one with freckles?” Kevin asked.
“Yup,” Jordan answered.
“Wouldn’t mind seeing that again,” Kevin laughed.
“That was so funny when you drew the smiley face on her underwear!” Brian said excitedly.
“Haha, yeah,” Jordan said, somewhat sheepishly as the older guys looked at him curiously.
“Hey, what about y’all?” I asked, trying to change the subject.
“What about us?” Jim said.
“I mean, how come you guys can’t get Emily or Amira to partake?” I asked. Jim instantly guffawed.
“Ha! Kid, these chicks ain’t your wives! Once you’re married, you’ll understand.” Kevin scoffed as well.
“Weak.” I mumbled. I wasn’t happy about being referred to as “kid,” either.
“And like I said, Amira’s got PTSD from her high school stripping pranks. Ya already seen her, anyway, Drew.”
“What now?!” Jordan asked, excitedly. Brian also perked up.
“Yeah, Drew here 'walked in' on her changing at Thanksgiving,” Kevin explained. “Always just happens to be in the right place when these things go down.” He winked at me.
“Hey, I didn’t walk in on anyone,” I said. “Your daughter ripped the door open when she was changing.”
“Maybe we ought to talk to Kiara!” Brian said, referring to the toddler and laughing his head off. Jim gave him a stern look and the boy’s grin faded.
“Well, whatever happens, tonight’s gonna be a great night. I can feel it,” Kevin said. The others nodded. “I’m happy for ya Jim.” Kevin smiled and lifted his glass. “To Jim and Emily,” he toasted.
“To Jim and Emily,” the rest of us followed suit.
We split up and Jordan and I went to get a lift in. The gym itself was sparse. We did run into Maddy and her friends as well as Alex. They were wearing robes and were exiting the spa. Some other wedding guests were hanging around as well, getting a relaxing morning in before the ceremony. The yoga instructor was apparently about to start a session.
“Your family’s cool as shit bro,” Jordan said, as he was finishing up. “Can’t believe how chill they were with all our rowdiness. My uncles would’ve killed me if they caught me messing around like that,” he laughed.
“Yeah….I don’t know. Think the wedding atmosphere and all these smokes hanging around got them a bit riled up,” I laughed.
“True. They’re right about one thing though, tonight’s gonna be a blast,” Jordan said. “Head back up?”
“You go ahead,” I said. “I’m gonna hop on the treadmill and hit up the sauna,” I said. I was hoping he wouldn’t volunteer to join me. I really wanted to be alone and just clear my mind of everything. Get in the right headspace for the wedding.
“Word. Yeah, I’m gonna head up, shower, and chill. I’ll catch ya later.” Jordan grabbed a towel and walked out.
Nice. I said goodbye to Jordan and started my jog. I ran for about a half hour. Once I was finished, I exited the gym and walked over to the sauna. The open area between the spa, gym, yoga and locker rooms was deserted. I guess that meant the yoga class must have started. I entered the sauna and sweat out.
And now, it was time to get ready for the show. I cleaned up, and dried off the sweat. I threw a robe on and figured I’d shower in the privacy of our hotel suite, as opposed to the public shower. When I walked back out into the open area, I came to find that the show had already begun.
I heard muffled screams, and turned my head to see who they were coming from. It was Alex. She was tied up in a crude manner with the use of jump ropes. Both her arms were spread up and away from her body, in a crucifix fashion. She had a small cloth shoved in her mouth. She appeared to only be wearing a towel, and guess what was drawn on it. That stupid fucking smiley face
“Oh shit!” I let out, when I saw her. Alex made eye contact with me, and continue to let out stifled noises. She looked terrified, as well as angry, but it also seemed as if she was asking for my help.
My thoughts raced. Every intelligent sense I had was telling me to just get the fuck out of there. This wasn’t my problem. I didn’t do it. I wasn’t responsible....But I couldn’t just abandon her like that.
Alex was trying desperately not to move. The towel was wrapped around her torso, underneath her arms. It didn’t look that secure, and any little motion would mean giant problems for her. My eyes couldn’t help but linger on her smooth, creamy legs. Alex rarely showed them off.
“UMMMPHHHHH!!! UMPPPHHHHH!!!!!” She pleaded.
I walked over to her, with caution.
“BOOO!” Brian and his buddies jumped out from around the corner. I flinched, and they laughed.
“Drew, check it out!” Brian exclaimed. The kid looked like Joffrey Baratheon, beaming with pride as he relished in the torture of his hot older cousin.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” I whispered. I wanted to slap the little brat.
“What? Kev is gonna LOVE this! Didn’t you hear him talking earlier?”
“Yeah! About girls that are out of high school! That AREN’T his own niece!”
“UMPPPPHHHHH!!!” Alex cried. She stared at Brian with absolute ferocity in her eyes.
“Whatever! He’ll be looking! And once you see what’s underneath that towel, you will too!” Brian high-fived Phillip. “Kev’s finishing up that yoga class ANY minute now!”
“You DO realize there’s women in that class, too?” I said. "Probably MOSTLY women!"
“God, you’re a fucking idiot! You’ll be banned from the family once they see what you’ve done. Aunt Nancy may ACTUALLY murder you!”
“They’ll get over it. They didn’t say anything about all the stuff you’ve done! Nothing happened after Spring Break with your sister either!” Brian argued. He still was wearing an ear-to-ear grin, as he admired he and his gang's jump rope knots.
Goddamn this kid was dumb. Nothing was getting through his adolescent, hormone-drunk brain.
“UMMPPPPPHHHHH!!!!” Alex’s yells were getting more desperate.
I went over to start untying her. I started with her right wrist, but the little hellions had tied a ton of little knots.
“What are you doing!?” Brian said.
“What’s it look like I’m doing!?” I whispered back. “Getting her out of this before we’re ALL fucked.”
“She deserves it though! She broke my phone!” Brian continued to oppose.
“Cause you had pictures of her naked on it! And were blackmailing her!” I said. I was really struggling with these knots. If we had time, I would have just ran and grabbed some scissors. But it was getting close to 11:00 AM sharp – when the class let out. On top of this, time wasn’t our only issue. Alex’s towel was loosening. It was slipping, ever so slightly, down her chest. Her cleavage was popping into sight and I tried as hard as could not to look because my dick was stiffening. Of course, I thought, annoyed. I wouldn’t have any issues in a moment like this.
“Alright everyone, enjoy the wedding!” I heard the yoga instructor announce.
Brian and his buddies dipped into a nearby maintenance closet. I was panicking. There’s no way I could get caught in this predicament. My eyes met Alex’s.
“I’m sorry!” I whispered.
Her eyes went wide underneath her glasses and she shook her head no. But I had to go.
“Drew!” Brian waved me over to their closet and I dipped in just in time.
My heart was beating out of control. Thank God we could lock the door from the inside. There was a grate above the door that Brian, Phillip, and I could see out of. The smaller boys weren’t tall enough, and voiced their displeasure.
“Shut up!” Brian elbowed one of them.
“I’ll film it, be quiet!” Phillip whispered. The boys shut up.
The three of us stared intently out of the grate, waiting for mayhem. We heard some chatter closing in on us. The adults were about to turn the corner…
“What the ?!” Some dude from Emily’s side was the first one to see Alex. He looked shocked, and confused. A couple of his buddies popped up behind him.
“What is that?!” One of them started laughing, pointing at the smiley face.
“Is she part of the wedding?” Another said.
Alex was no longer “ummmmphhhhhing.” She was dead silent, and terrified. It looked like her towel had slid down even further from when I was next to her. She continued to try and remain as calm as possible, but I could see her respirations increasing, her chest rising with each breath.
“Alex!?” Kevin appeared. As I predicted, he didn’t seem amused. I gave Brian a look, but he ignored me. Kevin was joined by Amira at his side. “Who did this?!” Kevin said.
“Oh, you poor thing! Here, let me help.” Amira said.
“Ummmmppppphhhhh!” Alex finally let out a muted scream, shaking her head no. Her towel was really slipping now.
“What’s going on?” Jim said, as he turned into the open area. “Whoah!” He cried out.
“Someone help her! For crying out loud!” A woman I vaguely recognized said.
More and more people piled into the area. How many people were in this class?!
And then, the voice I feared most echoed through the hall.
“What’s all this fuss about?” Nancy said. She and my mom waltzed out of the yoga room.
I honestly could see the steam coming out of Nancy’s ears when she spotted her daughter. Her face turned plum purple, and she stepped forward, silently. Alex saw her mom and dread arose in her eyes. The towel slipped a bit, and she tried to adjust herself. But it was futile.
“UUMPPPNNNNOOOOO UMMMMMNNNNNNOOOOOOO UMMNNNNNOOOOOOOO!!” I could make out Alex’s cries as she continued shaking her head. Time stood still for a moment, and then it happened.
The towel dropped to the floor and Alex was BUTT ASS naked in front of the yoga class!
“OH SHIT!” One of the guys cried out with joy.
“UMMMMHPHHHHH!!!! UMMPPPPPPHHHHHH!!!!! UMMMPHHHHHHHH!!!” Alex screamed in horror as it was Thanksgiving all over again. But this time, she had no free hands to cover. Her big tits with those pink ghost nipples looked amazing. I was beginning to notice how good a girl’s boobs looked when her arms were tied up and away from her chest. They were propped up, saluting the crowd.
Despite everything that had happened at our last gathering, including her mother's disapproval, I was thrilled to see Alex continued to shave her pussy bald. There’s just something about a sheltered, nerdy girl with a bare shaven vagina. And I wasn’t the only one enjoying it. I could see most of the men, including Jim and Kevin, were looking below the poor girl’s waist. Alex noticed this as well, and crossed her right thigh upper and over her left leg, desperately trying to hide her kitty. Her titties jiggled delightfully as she did so.
I felt Brian give me a nudge as he nodded down at the little tent in his shorts. He was so proud of it. I discretely covered my own.
“I wanna see!! Let me see!” Adam, the smallest brother, began whining.
“Shut up!” Phillip said.
“You’re gonna get us caught,” I whispered, sternly at him.
Nancy was a bull that had seen red. She aggressively tried to make her way to her daughter but her path was congested. Amira was also trying to help.
Meanwhile, Alex was struggling to balance on one leg while the other leg tried to preserve her modesty. I noticed her left leg was beginning to shake, and sure enough, it gave out on her. She uncrossed her right leg, planted it back on the floor, and put that buck-naked vagina back on FULL display.
Alex stood there, tied up, and helpless in full frontal humiliation for about 15 seconds as all the men soaked in priceless looks at her tits and pussy. Phillip had his phone held up to the grate and zoomed in to capture head-to-toe nudity. I saw that he also had a little rager going in his shorts. Alex’s pale, ivory skin was glowing, accentuated by the flushes of pink around her cheeks, nipples, and coochie. She looked angelic.
Finally, the women got to Alex. But the show wasn’t over. Nancy and Amira struggled, just as I had, to untie the knots.
“Oh, come ON Amira!” Nancy voiced her frustrations. “I thought you were supposed to be a doctor?!”
Amira side-eyed the bitch, but said nothing, continued to focus on the left wrist knot. The two women were blocking most of Alex, but every once in awhile a shot of her private parts came back into sight.
“HERE! YOU UNTIE. I’LL COVER HER!” Nancy shouted. She picked the towel up off the floor, and held it in front of her daughter. She turned back to see that the entire yoga class was still in the hall. Not a single person had left. And a few of the men from Emily’s side had their phones out.
That was enough to scare the crowd. They began to disperse, chatting excitedly amongst each other.
Once the hallway had emptied, Nancy relaxed the towel. She tossed it back on the floor to re-focus on the right wrist. In doing so, she unknowingly put Alex’s bare naked body back on show for those of us in the closet.
“NICE!” Phillip whispered with enthusiasm.
“Holy FUCK her bare pussy’s so hot!” Brian exclaimed.
It was, but I said nothing. We weren’t out of this yet.
“UMMMMPHHHHHH!!!” UMMMMMMPPPPPHHHHHH!!” Alex muffled, looking directly at us when Nancy re-exposed her.
“Oh, sweetie I’m sorry but it’s just Amira and me. We need to get you out of these ropes.”
“What is it!?” Nancy grabbed the cloth gag and pulled it out of Alex’s mouth. Alex was still staring right at us. Oh no.
“It’s……..” Alex paused. My heart was about to explode out of my chest. This was it. We were done. “…..Nothing. I’d just rather be covered, okay?” She finished. Whew. I REALLY owed her one. I’m sure if Brian and the boys were alone, she would’ve ratted them out.
“WHO DID THIS?!” Nancy boomed.
“Brian and his friends,” Alex said with anger, and without hesitation.
“….I don’t know, they ran off. Please put the towel back up!” Alex begged. Her legs were squirming around, back and forth. She knew we were getting an extended, unobstructed look at her little pussy. As well as her big titties. I commended her for suffering through it.
“Oh, just stop it with the towel!” Nancy commanded. “Amira’s a doctor, and I’m your mother!.... And I’ve already noticed you’ve kept shaving it, BY THE WAY!!” She pointed at her daughter’s privates.
“UGGGGHHHHHH!” Alex groaned as she continued to look over at us with dismay.
“Hahaha duuuuude!” Brian giggled.
Amira even cringed. At first, I thought she was going to say something, but I guess she figured it wasn’t her place. She just played dumb and focused on the knot. She was making some headway.
“I mean why do it, unless you’re letting boys see you like that?” Nancy continued. “There’s LITERALLY, NO other reason! Hell, even slutty little Maddy keeps her pubic hairs! You look like a little girl!”
“Whaaaaa?” Brian gaped. He looked at me. “No way that’s true?” He asked.
I shrugged. “Don’t look at me!” I played dumb.
“No, no, mom STOP!” Alex squealed.
“Yes, that’s ENOUGH Nancy!” Amira said.
“This doesn’t concern you, Amira. You raise your daughter however you want, and I’ll do the same.”
Amira rolled her eyes. She nearly had Alex’s left wrist free. But my poor cousin’s exposure wasn’t over. The yoga instructor had apparently cleaned up the room and strolled out into the hallway. It didn’t take him long to spot the naked teenage girl strapped to the wall. His gaze lingered on her goodies.
“Eh! Eh! Excuse me,” he apologized, and looked away when Nancy turned to face him.
“Well, ya get a good look?!” Nancy shouted, and shooed him away.
Finally, Amira completed untying the knots. Alex instantly shot her hand down to cup her cooch.
“Heh!” Nancy let out a loud, obnoxious sigh.
Alex was now able to completely turn her body around to face the wall while Amira went to work on the right wrist. I guess she no longer wanted her front side exposed, but now she showed us her pale bare butt for the first time.
“Niiiiiiiiiccccccceeeeee,” Brian said, welcoming his first views.
Alex’s ass wasn’t quite as stunning as her tits and puss. A bit squarish, but cute nonetheless. She kept her freed left arm draped down the center of it.
The boys and I remained hidden in the closet for the next 5 minutes while Amira finished freeing Alex. We kept as quiet as we could, enjoying our cousin’s bare backside to pass the time. Once she was free, Alex quickly picked the towel back up and wrapped it around her. We got another full ass shot in the process, but she was careful to not flash her front side for us. She ran off, presumably back to her hotel room.
Nancy looked at Amira with disdain. I’m not sure why. Amira, after all, did all the work in freeing her daughter. I guess Nance needed someone to blame and Amira was the closest person in sight. Amira didn’t seem too bothered.
“I’m going to finish getting ready for the ceremony,” she said calmly.
“You go right ahead. I need to find those little brats!” Nancy said.
I turned to look at the boys.
“Gulp,” was all they could say.
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